Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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Edward RoMWAUr Diccaitts tb FUm liftrt
Iml Eitati Excbaigs. 1
SnKlCtli Hint nn Ktfrti r.loii of (lie
l.rKlvlnttiM- Hi? fulled In Mulinill
CoiikIIIiKIiiiimI A in mil -men
Ik Xeeileil,
K. ItwewAtcr addressed the noon meeting
of the Ileal KutHto exchange yesterday on the
proposal consolidation of city anil county
government. Ho called tho attention of
tho real cstntc men to the fact that ho was
u pioneer In tho movement to consolidate
municipal government and read u consti
tutional amendment which he hud Introduced
in tho Nebraska legislature Jn 1895. Tho
amendment provided for the merging of tho
government of titles of metropolitan class
mid tho government of tho counties In
which euch titles are locnted. Thin amend
ment wan submitted In 18G, but was over
nhadowcd Wy tho great war between the
Kold mill silver forces and met defeat.
"This amendment provided that the
government of any metropolitan city and
tho fipvernmcut of tho county In which It
Is located might he nietgcd, wholly or In
piirt, when n proposition so to do hoB been
submitted by authority of law to the vot
ers of Hiieh city and county and ban re
ceived tho assent of a majority of tho votes 111 Hiich city and also 11 majority of the
votes cast In tho county, exclusive of tboso
east In such city," said Mr. .Hosowater.
"Thin was one of twcltfc amendments
vhlch I succeeded In having submitted. It
was dofeatcd because people had no tlmo
10 consider nnylhlug but tho great money
'Lritinliitlt M'l l l .ff-ilril.
"To ncciiro tho adoption of amendments
to tho constitution they must ho submitted
when great national Issues aro not at
flake. Governor Hiivbko should be urged
to rail a special session of the legislature
this winter for the purpose of allowing
institutional amendments to bo Intro
duced.'1 This would make It po.slblo for
tho amendments lo be submitted to tho ot
em a your before tho next presidential
Mr. Uosewater said that he had given
many years of study to tho subject of taxa
tion and the most economical means of
ndmlrilBtcrlnK public affairs. Ho expressed
approval of tho general plans of consollda
Ing tho city and county governments and
aid that this change Is one of many which
tdioutd lo brought about.
At tho time lie secured the submission
tit tho consolidation project to tho voters
Mr. Itosewatrr also advorated another
amendment which ho believes would bo of
great benoflt to cities which strive to bo
romo manufacturing centers. The amend
ment nuthorlies cities and counties to voto
touds nml glvo money to mills and fac
tories. It authorizes counties to voto not
more than 10 por cent of their assessed
valuation In all ns subsidies for manufac
tures nnd grants cities the authority to
increaso their debt f per cent In addition
to tho 10 per cent nuthorlzed for tho coun
try. A throe-fourths rolo Is required to
levy this tax.
Mnt I'ncoiirnue Manufacturer.
"Somn amendment of this sort Is neces
sary," said Mr. Itosowutcr. "Other states
grant factories exemption from taxation for
n certain number of years nnd mako every
effort U foster Industries which will build
up tho state. Nebraska must take some
ptep to cucourHgo manufacturers to locate
At tho conclusion of his address the Ileal
Estate exchange extended a hearty voto of
thanks to Mr. Itnsowuter. President W.
II. nreen then announced that 0. M. Hitch
cock will address tho exchange next week
m tho proposed consolidation of city and
county governments. Mr. Hitchcock will
contrast American nnd ICuropcau municipal
Fifty members of the Ileal Kstato ex
chango attended yesterday's meeting. After
tho dinner and speaking the annual election
(it offlccru was held. Tho following officers
vcro re-elected by nculamatton: W. H.
CJrcen, president; J. S. Knox, vice presi
dent; W. 0. Shrlvor, secretary; J. II. Par
tote, treasurer; John W. Frcnzer, Thomas
A. Crelgh, A. 0.
Charlton, executive com-
;i:oiu;i: WAsiuxriTo.vs m iiir..
Illil n l.tiiiirlHiit Suit of Straight
nml Vvry Dnrk Ilulr.
The father of his country concealed a lux
uriant suit of hair beneath his queue wig.
Many now wish the old fashion were In
vogue, to conceal thinned hair or baldness.
Vet no ono need have thin hair nor bo bald,
It he euro tho dandruff that causes both.
Dandruff cannot bo cured by scouring tho
aonlp, becauso It Is a germ dlscaso, and the
Kcrm has to be killed. Nowbro's Horplelde
Kills tho dandruff germ no other hair prep
aration will. "Destroy the caime, you re
jnovo tho effect." There's no euro for dan
druff but to kill tho germ.
If you are going to buy a, now
trend Iluydcn llrus.' ad on puge 7
'pre them.
suit first
and then
HAvnnx nnos.
Nllrl Mnili' to Order I'ree,
Any skirt bought at our store for ono
week commencing Monday, November 11,
will bo made to order free of charge, pro
viding the goods will tost not less than 75c.
A perfect fit guaranteed In every Instance
or money refunded. Sklrta made by Mr. A.
Oolstlne, the expert ladles' tailor from Chi
cago. Call and Investigate.
Tidaj Qriatar Bargains from Nan York
ITkoliial Olathiif Steele.
Tnklntr f TrMlmmij- .Miitp .NIimtI)
In l lie Trlnl on Perjury
Clin rue.
Testimony In rebuttal was continued at
the Callahan trial yesterday morning. Harry
Strong was tho first witnes. Ills evidence
was to tho effect that Callahan was not one
of the two men to whom Ilurrls sold the
pony. In contradiction to the latter' tcstl
monr. fleorge Medlock was the only additional
witness called, his evidence being solely In
relation to tho truth of tho testimony given
by II. Phelps.
At the afternoon session of thf court
Deputy County Attorney Dunu made the
opening argument for the state.
I Morn' VrMee Suit, .Vie Iloj' and
lountc .'l'H liiniK rnitt, ai..i
tfli Men' I'iiiiM, IISc 5
.Men' Tan I, Ifl.BO.
(irrnt l,m'k ol au IMItiir.
"For two years all efforts to cure Kczcma
In I he palms of my hands failed," writes
IMItor II. N. I.catern of Syracuse, Knn
"then I was wholly cured by Ilucklon'a
Arnica Salve." It's tho world's best for
Eruptions, Sores nnd alt skin diseases. Only
25c at Ktihn & Co. 's.
Hoyden Tiros, have n half page ad In this
Issue, fiend It.
.ViiiioiiiicciiiriitN of tin ThPHler.
At the Orphcum this week there Is ono
act that Is attracting considerable atten
tion for Its exquisite beauty nnd general
perfection. Mile. Lotty, a Parisian model,
Is appearing In a sorles of pose3 by far
tho most Interesting over shown In a vaude
vlllo theater. A woman of remarkable per
fection of figure and attractive beauty, theso
poses are artistic nnd pleasing. To en
hance this beauty of the act colored slides
aro thrown agnlust tho body of tho poseur,
showing a series of brilliantly colored de
signs that aro tho best examples of work
manship It Is posslblo to procure. They
nrn nil of Jnpancse mako and Ulustratu
tho surprising gift theso Orientals have of
obtaining delicate color effects.
"Dangers of Paris," the highly success
ful Kngllsh melodrama which comes to the
Uoyd Sunday matlnco and night, Is attract
ing the attention of managers nnd theater
goers In nil parts of the country where It
Is to bo presented. The scenes, twelve In
number, nro laid in Pnrls, and nro the most
olnborato over seen In a melodramatic pro
duction. Chief among them aro Cafo Chan
tnnt, Hcrl Martin's studio, tho rootl tops,
showing Paris In the distance; tho apart
menta of tho chief minister of police, the
barracks, n street In Paris, the bottle fur
nace, the Hall of Death, tho Paris exposi
tion by moonlight.
Tho acting company Is a strong one nnd
contains many old favorites.
At the Trocadero the Knight Owls are
playing to crowdod houses, pleasing with a
good bill, consisting of two lively bur
lesques and an olio of several numbers. The
engagement cloaes Saturday evening.
Commencing with the Sunday matinee, the
"Moulin Itouge" burlcsquers will bo the
Don't miss the organ recital, opening of
tho new Ilurllngton plpo organ, by Prof.
Hall of Minneapolis; now Calvary Baptist
church tonight. Mrs. Kelly wltl sing. Ad
mission 25 cents.
Send articles of Incorporation, notices of
stockholders' meetings, etc., to The no.
We will glvo them proper legal Insertion.
Tolephone 238.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In
connection with The Dathcry, 216-220 Bae
building. Tel. 1716.
Silver baby sets. Kdholm, Jeweler.
If you WANT something nnd you WANT
It bad
Then you WANT to uso a BKE "WANT
If you WANT money for something you
WANT to fell.
If you WANT it quick, The Deo WANT
Ads tell.
If you WANT to. exchange or If you WANT
to buy.
If you WANT result a Deo WANT try.
If you "WANT n room nnd WANT board,
A Dec WANT Ad will supply all uueh
WANTS for you.
The Nnrthwratcrn I.lnc.
Nov. 2.
Daylight Chicago spoclnl leaves 7:20 a. m.
Instead of 7 n. in. Samo tlmo of arrival at
Daylight St. Paul-Minneapolis Express
leaves 7:10 a. m., instead of (!:55 a. m.
Sumo tlmo of arrival at St. Paul-Mpls.
No. 2, tho Overland Limited to Chicago,
at 7:45 p. m., carries SLEEPXNO OA IIS
ONIV. Much quicker time westbound.
Chicago to Omaha.
Tho Northwestern can do this.
1401-1403 Farnam St.
Oood position in a first-class Institution
for a young man, willing to start nt the
bottom nnu work up. Must havo nt least
a High' school education, college training
preferred. Mako application to h 4, Dee
French gray candelabra. Kdholm, Jeweler,
If you bnvo over taken Coil. I.Ivor nil.
ith It ninrld llshy tlavor, or anything
Mnlls4 til) nA nllwiB nA ...l.l.l. " K
IIIU'U J J nwii 111 lit-) lltlUlU n 1 1 1 U 1 1 -
i.MNisu i'ud-IjIVKH uiu you will cer
tnlnly nppreclatn VINOU Tills medicine,
whllo containing .nil the active medicinal
constituents of COD-LIVEH OIL. In Itself
ulven no (Ulceration in taste. Hmill nr nn.
f earnncn of this repugnant nrtlcle. VINOL
n tasto nnd other physical properties re
nembles the light Itnllnn claret called
t'hlanfl. It Is n reconstructive tonic, agree
able to tho tnsto nnd prompt In Its re
milts. Thousands nf Omaha cltltens havo
used It nnd praise lt. If you haven't heard
of It ask for book telling all ubout It,
$1.00 Stearns' Cod-Liver Oil, wo sell 75c
II. 00 Scott's Emulsion, wo sell 75o.
floo Seott'H Emulsion, wo tjell tn
III. 00 Wumpolo'H Cod-Liver Oil, we sell.. ,75a
AVrlle fur Catalogue.
Sherman .& McConnell Drug Co.
Corner Btxttcntb. nd Dodge Streeti.
"While the Cat's
Away, etc,"
with variations. Our man
ager, Fred Paffenrath, has
gone away for a little
while for a much needed
rest. While he is away we
want to work.
We have always had
an up to date cutter, per
haps that's the reason Mr.
Paffenrath did not consider
it necessary to advertise,
that the present head of the
cutting force, (Mr. An
derson) was just a little more
up-to-date and more inter
ested in keeping up to the
top notch than any cutter
he had ever had here.
We make suits and over
coats to order from $20 to
$50, and know how to do
it so as to give the most
value for the money.
Come and ses the rest of
the fellows at
This purchase of the entire wholesale
stock of Levy Iloscnfleld &. Co. was so large
j that the selection Is almost unbroken even
! now, but to close It out still faster we havo
jtisi noout cut prices in uair (or touay.
t'M men's yoke overcoats, $10.
$10 men's overcoats and ulsters, $.,
J7.50 men's covert overcoats, $3.7.1.
$5 men's overcoats and usters, J2.5U.
$10 MEN'S SUITS KOIt 3.!)8.
All the small lots nnd broken sizes of
men's suits In this purchase will bo cloaud
out tomorrow nt J3.t'S.
J If, MEN'S SUITS AT $5.03.
Your unrestricted cholco of tho men's
highest cost and finest made suits hi this
purchase for $.!iK,
All tho boys' knee pants, 2?c.
Ilesldes nil tho nbovo nnincd bargains
wo wish you to bear In mind that wo enrry
i tho most complete Una of high-grade men'
j suits and overcoats of every description,
I which wo always sell at Uostou Store
J..L. Ilrnndols & Sons,- Proprietors.
Selling Rogers, Pcct & Co.'s Men's Clothing.
Another big clothing sale nt Hnydcn Ilros.
Rend about It on pugo 7.
Ocnis, silver, glass, gold, Edholm, Jeweler.
ft.OO for Unit a llnr'n Work.
If you live In the country or In a small
town and have a good acquaintance among
the farmers ,md HtonkraUers In the neigh
borhood, you can mako $5.00 easily by four
or five hours' work. Write us and we will
send you cur proposition. Tho lice Publish
ing company, Solicitor's Dept., Omaha, Neb.
Shampooing and hair urcsslng, 25c. In
connection with Tho Hathery. 216-220 Be
building. Tel. 1716.
Publish your legal notices In Th Wtakl?
B. Telephone 238.
Oold pocket knives. Edholm, Jeweler.
During the winter Hennoii muny people
require good llquorx for tnedlctno nnd wnnt
i iii'irftci itiiuniN inr huh pur
pose. o make n specialty of lino whis
keys nml wines, nnd would be pleased to
receive orders from nny of our putions
either In town or out of town,
A bottle line Mnlt Whisky ,7)o
ller'a Malt Wblskv ... ,, ' ', ' 7,-,..
Duffy's Mnlt Wblskv siv-
Jl.OO l'erunn ." ,c
25o Victor Pills "
25c Uiilnni-Ptiil ln( for colli . .".'.'isoe
$2.00 Cramer's Cotton Root, Tnnsy nnd
Pennyroynl , II (W
SI t.'rniiicr ICIilnv i'lim h..ih..vV
t - " ...iiik-j,,,,;
BOc Cramer1 Kidney CiirrKfiiulne).t)
........ : ;-Kiiiuin .rins tgcnuinoj 20e
1 IMnt 1'iirr- (llyrrrlnr,
never did sell nrtlclo for more than.. 2Ec
lll-or. .i,. I l)luklnon' Wli.-l.
"" Mn
A full line- of llnlilirr tiooil m uii
Cut Pric
Urns Store
Tel. 74T. . w. r'..- ion. n.i....
Goods delivered FREE to any part of city.
Kirblch Block. 209-11 So, 15th St.
g No Shoes Fit Like
Vat $3.S0 Always
Trom tho rough wenther lioot to
the dainty patent lentlier turn for
dress occasions, S O 11 0 S I S lit
women's feet In that comfortable
way that has given than n world
wide reputation. Some lalcM pell
a $J.50 boot that Is "probably"
vtrth $.'.).
S O It O S I S are $j.W values nnd
cost you $3.60 In any new Hhapo or
Our . S U It P A S S AV V, L T 8
for women for $2.50 always, nnd the
best In tho world In nny leather.
Women's, Hoys' mid Girls' Rubbers
bcBt quality.
FftANK miCOXfif6L3
Send for catalogue.
'Twill Please You
To know the exceptional excellence of
Metz nottled Hi er. One tasto will do the
trick and appeal to your oppotlto, pleasure
and pockctbook. Delivered In cases of
two dozen quartB or pints.
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.,
Tel. III). Oanalm.
Or Jacob Neumaycr, Agt., care Neumayer
Hotel, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
KEELEY "r ' ,I,r IMUiieil of Hie KcpIft .loiu of n.
CURE u,e"' un," Kwlty luatltul In Kcliraaka. Core.
Drunkeime, Care Omv Ifier, Tobaroo User. Tim
KUELI2Y INSTITUIK, 10 auU Leavenworth, Omaha.
A Gigantic purchase and Sale of
$40,000 Worth of Millinery for $9,000.
Wc purchased the stock of Lowcnfels and Heilbroner,
who retired from business, at less than 25c on the dollar,
and we will place it
On Sale Thursday Morning at 8 o'clock.
Here Is the letter that tells the tale:
Purls; 10 Hue St., Ceclle.
Ilerlln: 93 Prederlch Strnaie.
Importers nnd Makers of
67(5 Ilroadwny. NEW YOHIC, October 15. WOl
MES9HS. J. L. I1UA.VDEIS .t SONS. Omaha. Neb.:
Gentlemen After due consideration wo decided to accept your spot cash
offer of $8,000 for our entire stock and will Fhlp goods positively on Monday
next. Wo feel we nro making a tremendous sacrifice, but wish to retire and
It Is Imperatlvo that we do so quickly, as our Mr. Heilbroner must be In
Derlln, Oormnny, by November 15, to stnrt his new venture, the banking
business. Wishing you every success, we remain, Very cordially yours,
A Cnrloml of I'lini')
IVntlii'r. On second lloor nnd In
B.Ont dozen pcllcnn, rooso,
turkey nnd eagle uullls, also
plain black mid white quills,
L. & H.'h wholesale prloo
2:e to $1.13 dozen; kc
Thursduy, dozen W
Imiiii, III r.l I'.tr.
dozen wlngx, brnst",
ponipoms, colored bird", "eii
gulls, parrotH. o'e. i L. &. II. 's
prlci'. Wo to $12 iloz.i ACif
Thursdny, 10c, lfc. Voc. VW
& dozen assorted snmplo
wlngH nnd leatberH of ivi'ry
description; L. .fc H.'h whole
salo uverago price, $:! dnz.;
Thursduy, each..
Oatrleii I'lniur.
U-lnoh black ostrloli plumes; L. &
II. 's wholesale price, 25c; Qp
ThurHday "w
III lie k .Viimiion I'liiino, 8lle.
IF-lnrli black Amazon plumes, splen
did duiillly; L.1 & II. 's whole- Q()r
sale price $1,50; Thursday SJ"
lllni'k :i- Oslrlfli I'liinies, .'.He.
plumes, excellent
I V. II 'I n I lin ed
v , nai.
V J) im pretty shnjies In the pop
';) y V "lar "IiHKKV felt tnllnred of
V-rrf A.j1 f,,,.'l', '" ' wholcnli
'" Vil l"lc.v. $21.00 dozen:
5C :
I5-lneli black ?i
grndu of cooiIh; L
price, $!'. dozen;
Thursday ..v..
H.'a wholesalo
Clillilrrir I'elt I'lntn.
Jfi dozen cnrdlnHl nnd nnvy tine Amer
ican felt lints; -In &. H.'h wholesnlo
price, $iiti0 dozen; OAr
Clilldrrii' 'I'l'liiiniril lint.
f'blldren'H cardlnul and navy fine felt
lints, trimmed with wide Kntlii buck
velvet ribbon band nml Mtreniners; L.
- H.'h wholesale price. $1C50; nn
Thursduy VOW
lllnck I'rrncli Fell Tiirliiui.
Sixty dozen blnck Frrncli felt turbans,
six .itylcM; L. & 11. ' wholesnlo ICr,
price, p.0 dozen; Thursduy .... OOW
lillllll'M, JtUni'ii1 II lid
IiIIiIicii'n T r I in nt e il
Street Unix. In IM.r
iii l, -.".e.
l'lfty-llve dozen nssortel
colors English felt lints,
some trimmed with Itnndrt
nnd others prettily drupel,
I , & Il.'s wholi-alo iu L-o,
$7.50 to $15.00 dozen, Ofr
Thtirsdny JmJ
.Mini. 'I'urliaii.
Ten dozen pretty mink turban, full
crown mid lirlm; L. & H.'a wboicxiilo
price, $is.00 dozen; tO nfl
Thursd.iy qw5,OV
lllnck I'liriiila.
12rt I-'reneli dye mitiiral South
American pariots; L, & 11. 's whole
sale price, f..M; tl r
Thursduy I v.
Itlilnestoue, gold, steel, gun metnl nnd
let ciriiiimonis; L. it II. 's wlitilo.'nln
price, $lri) diizen; iCkr
Thurcdiiy lyt
lllnck Volvo! llul.
J2 rnses black velvet lint, mnde on
.(ply lluckrmn frames, six siinpe: L.
H.'h wholesale price, $3.00 A tr
dozen; Tliursdny iVt
I.iiiIIcn' mid .llnHe' Trliiiineil
lint. i?;i.rni.
310 hats, made of the llnest 1'reneh
felt nnd velvets, trimmed with beauti
ful goods, such an ostrich leathers,
largo birds, handsome brensts, Join,
Hue silk, wide ribbons. InceN, orna
ments pompoms, aigrettes, etc.; L. .fc
Il.'s wholesale price, $ii."5; Oil jsr
Thur.Mday .. ....IJO.Ol
I.iiiIIch' nnd AIIhmi-i.' Trim mod
llnl. .'ir, In IIiikpiiipiiI.
510 pretty Idea In turbaiiH and large
hats, trimmed with prettv silk,
breasts mid ornaments nnd some with
olilcli featherx; L. II ' :o A e
wholesale price $5, Thursday. ipA.HrO
HIK mm MM V mm JK-.-ioC
LUl vf ions
McyV?isALt!V &' Colioii. tlio host known iiuiu'uindnfoi's in
tho United, Sink's, known from tlio Atlantic to tho Pimm flu ami
from Maim.' to Mexico, SELL OUT. Tlioy won; to the cloak
business what Hart, Scha liner & Marx aro to the men's clothing
business. Tlieir jilace of business on Fifth avenue, was visited
by every prominent buyer and merchant, in the United States,
for the reason that their ootls commanded the respect, and at
tention of all wearers of women's ready-made garments, on ac
count of their neatness, lit and style.
Hero U tin- Scercl Trleicrnui.
"NEW YOItK, Nov. 1st. lMl.-llnyden
llros,, Omnhii.: Heluetnntly accept your
cash offer of $25,(HiO for entlro slock of
women's Itagluns, SuIIk, Automobiles,
Jackets, WidstH, Halny-Uay Hklrt", chil
dren's Jackets, Hox Coats and llxturos.
our resident buyer ships all goods except
ing fixtures, which lie can dlsposo of to
party renting building.
Never in Omaha for the next ten years
will such low prices be possible on
women's ready-made garments as those
we will make for the next ten days. Watch
the daily papers for new announcements.
The goods are here and all are high class
and up-to-date in every respect. Your
money returned cheerfully in every in
stance if not lower than anything you ever
saw before. The women of this vicinity
are fortunate to be able to secure for onr
half price their winter garments, made by
such au expert tailor as the above firm
200 women's Suits mark what wo say Haginns
oil wool Jnckota lined with the Olvornaud . at
taffeta skirts aro percallne lined nnd vcl-,
vet bound M. L. & C.'s prlco
$8.60 Haydcu's price only.
150 women's Suits tho best valuo In Amer
ica watch It closely thoy aro made In
every new style blouse, Norfolk, doublo-
brcasted, ctonB, etc. In all wool materials
M. L. & C.'s prlco $12.50
Hayden's price only
SO Prince Albert Coat-4lroct copies of the
London styles lined with Sklnnor's satin
throughout M. L. & C's CI II nil
price $20-IIayden'R price giViVU
Worth Double,
Women Automobiles made from Amorl
enn Woolen mills kersey Skinner's satin
lined throughout--keep your eye on It
they nro worth nnd were wholesaled by M,,
L. & C. nt $15.00 CT Oft
Hayden's price f f O
Women's Oolf Skirts with pleated back-
extra heavy made by L, L. & ( to sell
at $0.00 Hayden's
Children's Jackets 500 of them- at
$1,45, $2.00. $2.98 and $3.98
k- j run
Women's extrn heavy Klannellettn Wrap- 1 200 women's Jackcts-ln all wool materials
pors ruffles over shoulder trimmed with, the greatest valuo ever M AO
two rows of brald-tho regular CO 1 m"- on BaI at IJPfc.wU
$1.50 wrapper, for each
Women's Woolen Waists trimmed
1 1 150 women's Sill: Waists mailo by M L
with 1 & C worth $0.00
braid on front, cuffs and collar M.. L. &
C. price $2.00 Hnydcn's OwC
100 women's Collarettes made of excellent
quality fur satin lined Qflf
worth $2.t-ior WWW
200 children's Jackets
are worth $3.00 for..
Not a garment from this sale can be foun d outside of Hayden's
on page S.
Women's Klectric Seal Coats with river
mink collars and cuffs Just
think of It, only
Women's Ilouclo Cape .10
Inches long for
Women's Kur Collarettes 33
inches long for
Head great sale
with river
Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to Imported cigars. F-.UpicoercftoUio CiztK. Qo!t St, LauU, L'uluu Alii
Take the Held of merchandising
in all its various branches, and
in no one can you lind the same,
marked improvements as in ready-to-wear
;arinents for women,
and today's advertisement con
tains nothing but strictly up-to-date
styles, nothing old. nothing
neglected, all made by llrst class
Tailor-made Suits
To women's new up-to-date suil.s,
just, arrived, made of line cliexi
ots and imported Venetians, in
black, blue and brown they are
all the new blouse ell'ects, sal in
.lined and trimmed with stitched
velvets or cloth bands, new bias
flounce skirts these suits an
made and llnished as well as any
high priced suit in t he market t A
Dim- 'I'liiit-tiiliir niii KT 9 J. J
wwi t j . i v. v
Jlli K
c i 1 ir y
Women's Box Coats
Positively I he real est value in I he city. C'oals thai,
can not be equalled in style, quality or workmanship,
are '21 inches long, made of the very best kersey in I he
market, lined with guaranteed Skinner's satin, high storm
collar, lapel pockets, 3(1 rows of stitching all around bot
tom of coat compare it, with any $15.00? Q CL
garment in the. market. Our Thursday price .
Women's Automobiles
12 inches long,xmade of the best Washington Mills kersey,
in black, castor, tan and red. large beaver fur collar and
revere, heavy satin lined, finished with tailor. it clijng i
we doubt; if tho coat can be duplicated for 1 A C
less than $i!0Oiir Thursday juice 1:T,- kJ
Women's Walking Skirts
Specials for Thursday.
150 of them, made of excellent, material, in black, gray and
oxford, new flaring effect, finished with 10 rows of iailor
stitching, cut with the proper hang, CbC
worth !?5.00 Our Thursday price
Men's Underwear
Men's extra heavy quality molt led fleece lined
shirts and drawers, regular 75c quality, each . .
Men's light weight, three-quarter wool, natura
early fall wear, an exceptionally good garment
all sizes, JM to 10, shirts or drawers, eaeii ....
Men's best quality strictly all wool French mei
wear, in a choice line of colors, perfectly shaped
trimmed, extra good value, shirts or
drawers, oafjh
Igray, for
'i no under
and nicelv
All new merchandise; a large new line of Wool Dress Goods, Underwear, Comfort
er, niankets and Cotton Dress Goods. Thu prices will be about half lu moat instance
of what theso Roods can bo purchased at other Btoreo,
No Peddlers, Merchants or Manufacturers
Sold in This Room. '
lMIK.SS coons.
Wc have an fextra fine weight cnmol's
hair Cheviot, l4 inches wide, titrlctly all
.wool; colors are black and Is sold every
where at I1..Q0 per yard. We have SO
'pieces, an long as thoy lait. 40c.
Cl-lnch torm serRo, I black and blue;
40-Inch all wool granite; 42-lnch all wool
black fancies, and 10,000 other weaves that
will he put on sale n the bargain room
nt 40c.
40-Inch Herman all wool hcnrlctta; $1.00
novelties, 46 inches wide; U 27-Inch heavy
sklrtlnK, as heavy as n board, and 40-Inch
patln berber all will bo In thin salo nt 30c.
14-Inch storm en?e, all colors; 37-Inch
henrlettas; 27-Inch Trench flannels, all
colors all will bo at 25c
S.'ic serges 19c.
2f,c plaids 12lic.
2.1c novelties 10c.
mi.ic vi-Ji.virrs ami (.onni ittn .
2,',o silks 1c
30o silks
4Po sIIKh
$l.n3 Silk Klannels....-
1.00 velvet corduroys
10o Shalcer I'iunnel
l.'o Shaker I'iunnel
l&o tliitlni? Klannels, llRht strlpos Be
19o OntliiB I'iannuls, yard wlda. 70
lflc Imitation Krench i'iunnel joo
15o Imitation Krrnch Flannel t0
10c Sampson's Sateen 70
trie plain bind; Sateen f,0
15a I'ercules, 36 luches wido f,0
U.50 Uedspreads jifle
Jl.OO lllankota B9e
$1.2.r) llliinkcts 7sc
$t.r0 Illanliets j)sc
12-4 Illnnket, In tan and Bray, sold some
places nt J2.00 , U.J."
AT COO, 0C 73C. 'JSC.
Great Sale in Underwear and Furnishings
"nn tntn Children's Vests, l'ants and
Drawers, In all sires, from 16 to Si, raado
to sell at 35c. on salo at 10c.
300 dozen samples In ladles' Undcrwcnr,
Vests and Pants, all sizes, worth up to
$1.00, on salo at 30c, 25o and 10c.
Ono lot of Ladles' nnd Men's Wool and
Fleece Mncd Stockings, rcRtilar 25c quality,
at 12'4c
Men's Cloves and Mittens, worth up to
Jl.OO, nt 40c, 25c and 10c.
Men's 50c and "So NiRht Shirts and White
Unlaundered Shirts, all sizes, nt 25c,
200 dozen samples in Men' Finn ivA,.i
and Fleeco Lined Shirts and Drawers, worth
up to $1 fiO, on sale In thrco lots, at 4r,
SOc and 29c. ,
Men's J1.25 All Wool Sweaters. In all
colors, at 69c,
Men's Jl.OO Joraoy Ovcrshlrts at CO'c.
Men's lOe Sox at 3c.
Men's 10o Ilnndkerchlcfs at 3c.
Men's f)0c Kuspendors nt lfic.
Ono lot of Men's Colored Laundered
Shirts, Orlffon brand nnd other well
known bianils, worth J1.25, nt 20c.
TO 1 1 A 0 CI 1 1) I J lA IIT.1I I IX T.
Star plug chewing tobacco 37Wo
Horseshoe plug chewing tobacco ...,37Vio
Nerve plug chewing tobacco 37'4c
Hull Durham smoking tobacco rn.
nnk. mi...... vu
Meerschaum smoking tobacco tr.
Hattle Axe 35o Undo Tom smoking tobacco 35,.
Nowtboy tobacco 3uo ' Old stylo smoking tobacco " 25c