The Omaha Sunday Bee. EDITORIAL SHEET, g PAGES 13 TO 24. ESTABLISHED JTJitfE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOUSING, NOVEMBER U, Ji)OL. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. !E!3Ia 2Gjj!i iSn! 9 www1 HAYDENs Kortiinnte purchases places in our possession thousands of yards of the llnest silks nt less than they can bo inailo for nt tlio mills; silks that others would nuk you to buy for $1.00 to ?l.r0 will be sold for ."Ou and i,.o; silks wouUi up to ?L00 win go at -o(. ami .we. aims Kreat November silk sale will bo the bluest Imrsaln event that you have seen for many n day. Our llnest blnuk dress silks that you know so well and admire for their reliability will go In this great sale. If you are thinking of presenting somo ono with a. silk Urcss pattora for ii Christmas gift it will pay you to buy It now at this sale. THIS SENSATIONAL SILK SALH COMMENCES PROMPTLY MONDAY MOKNINO AT 8 O'CLOCK. L Black Peau Di Soil, Fin Qualities, Madt in Lyons, Franca Illnck Icnn IJe Sole Hole lllnek l'rnrt "IB. 22 In. wide, f G worth $1.50, at 21 In. wide, worth $1.25, at.. 200 holts of silk in this lot, worth crcpo de chenc, Jn !20 shades line pure Silks worth 50c, 7Bc mid $1.00, nil In foulards, plain Chinas In all widths and STMPKS AND CHECK GRENADINES, worth up to ?'-00, at only Wo will 1111 mall orders on these The Leading Dress Goods House of the West IN OUR Hiait ART DRESS OOODS DPARTMKNT YOU WILL FIND NOTHING BUT THE FINEST 1901 GOODS, MADE 11 V THE 11EST MILLS IN THE WOULD D. ritlESTLEY, COURTAULD, COUTIERE, LUl'IN AND ALL THE OTHEIt HIGH, GRADE MANUFACTURERS OF EUROPE AND AMERICA. Wo nro now reducing our stock and will havo special sales-commencing Monday and continuing every day with au entirely now lino until wo get our stock down to &te normal condition. This Sala is for Monday Only . BLACK DIIESS GOODS. PRIESTLEY LEADS THEM ALL 64-Inch strictly all wool choviots, medium ivolght, our regular $1.00 value, for Mon day, only COc. Skirting that wo sell for $1.25, at 75c Our extra heavy black skirting that wo tell for 51.50, nt 98c. Our lino Victoria broadcloths at $1.25, $1.50 and 41.93 nothing llko them for twlco tho money In Omaha $1.25 and $1.93. Our lino black prunella, sold at $1.50, will go at 85c. Lupin's $1.50 chvlots will go at 85c Lupin's $2.50 cheviots will go at $1.25. Coutlero's $1,98 crcpons, 75c. COLORED DIIKSS GOODS. CO-lnch extra heavy rainy-day skirting, regular $1.7G goods, $1.00. Regular Imported Irish frieze, sells at 2.D0 yard, will go at $1.25. EC-Inch now basket cloth, tho $1.50 grade, will go at 98c. Our $1.50 Victoria cloth will go at $1.00. Our $2.60 Victoria cloth will go at $1.50. Our $2.50 Venetian cloth will go at $1.50. Our $1.50 pcrcallno, $1.00. Our $1.50 paguln cloth will go at $1.00. Our $1.50 prunella cloth wilt go at $1.00. Our $1.50 wool taffota will go at $1.00. Our $1.00 mlstals will go at COc. Our $1.75 Scotch cheviots will go at 1.00. . Our $1.93 Lupin's choviots, will go at -11.10. - r - Samples now ready and wo will send a completo lino to any address, and guaran tee portcct satisfaction or money refunded. . Special Shoe Values for Monday This summer weather has forced the manufacturers to sell their shoes at less than coat and tho Big Storo was (Ulck to take advantago of tbeso prices and closed ut Bcveral lines of ladles', mon's, misses nd children's shoes at n mcro fraction ot tbolr cost and all will bo put on salo Mon day moinlng at eight o'clock. Brooks Bros.' shoes $3.00, $3.50 and $1.00, Vtrth $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. Gray Bros.' flno vlcl kid, a $1 valuo for $2.50. Moore, 8 buffer & Co.'s vlcl kid, laco, worth $3.60, for $2.60. A flno vlcl kid, cork filled welt shoe, Just tho thing for a rainy or damp day, worth $3.60, whllo they last for only $2.48. Do your feet bother you? Buy a OROVER hoo and euro them. A full lino ot. theso shoos carried in stock In both sorgo and Vlcl button, laco and congress. Women's flno vlcl kid laco shoes, worth 3, for $1.89. Svomen's flno vlcl kid laco shoos, cloth tops, worth 13, tor $1.89. Women's flno patent leather, kid or cloth tops, worth $3, for $1.89. Men's fine vlcl kid laco shoes, worth $2.50, for $1.89. Optical Goods A full lino of opera and flold glasses, piagnlllero, reading glasses, thermometers, compasses and all kinds ot optical goods. Our spectacles and eye-glasses aro titled y an experienced optician nnd retracttonlst. Our pricos aro tho lowest. Wo save you money, , Groat Jewelry Salo Watches, guaranteed to he nccu ruto timepieces 98c Gold-plated watches, American movements $2.98 Ladles' gold-filled watch chains, oldered links, with solid gold l MO lido iplaHO aold-tlllcd rings, Tllfany style, mountings et with rubles, pearls, emeralds and tar quolso; also plain band and chased rings, In all sizes, equal to $5.00 to $50.00 iJ'fr.'.s?."1! 25c and 50c Theso rings are warranted to wear and aot to tarnish. Examine them. Wall Papar and Paints Tho largest stock In tho city -to select from at one-hult tho regular price; high grado white blanks at 3u per roll; flno gilt papers nt 6c per roll and all other grades In proportion. Theso bargains must bo oen to bo appreciated. Tho best ready tnlxed paints on tho market at 9Sc per; other dealers ask you $1.50 to $2.00 per gallon for this same quality. Also var nhihcs, stains, enamels, brushes and room moulding at greatly reduced prices. Don't $ tu theao bargains. tJ Great November Silk Sale Dc Sole Illnck l'ciin He Sole QCA 23 In. wide, QEft 096 worth $1.75, at 0VV $1.25, $1.50 and $2100, on snlo nt 9c. I'uncv silk In ercat vnrloty. brocades and 3 silk, 111 Inches wide, white taffeta 'M Inches wide, pure dye black talfcta inches ono lot at 25c. Corded wash silk, puro colors US, Stripes, piams llim Iinicj aim, mi THE BICCEST LOT OF FINE BLACK GRENADINES EVER PLACED ON SALE, ALL IMPORTED AND ALL DOUBLE WIDTH beautiful novelties and will mako a very hamlsomo dress, OQn IJt:s'r ULACK UltENADLNES, worth ?:i.00 and $1.00. In the latest Parisian idea, the prettiest novelty of tho (I CQ - - 0fC season, on sale at ....M......Mu...wMf I'WII special sale silks for it few days. You can save money by ordering. Our mall order business Is constantly Increasing because we give the values. If you are not sntlsiled with your purchase return to us. uud receive your money back KVI2XI.NO SHADES. 40-Inch ablatross, all shades, 60c 40-Inch nblatross, all shades, 75c. 40-lnch nuns veiling, worth $1.00, at 75c. 18-Inch French voiles, worth $1.98, at $1.60. 46-lnch collcncs, all shades, $2.50. 46-Inch collcnno crepe, $1.25. We havo evening shades In subllno lans down honrlottas and everything up to date. fc'RENCU FLANNELS. Alt tho plain colors, all tho dots and stripes and staples In tho gcnulno Im ported French flannel, at 49c. Royal Persians in the floral designs, at 60c. (Jros Roman, Royal Perslana best goods made, at 75c. 1MIIXTKU HENRIETTAS. COO styles ot printed Henriettas, made to soil for $1.00 a yard, at COc. CIIALM9. Strictly all wool challls In nil the new floral and Persian designs, will go at 60c. All the plain feathered edgo stripes, alt tho nice small patterns will go at 75c. Oros Romans, Royal Terslon challls with a guaranteed ,wldo stdpo for tea gowns and waists, at 85c. Gros Romans, side band, Royal Persians, finest designs for wrappers, klmonas and waists, at 85c. FOR POPULAR PRICED DRESS GOODS SEE THE "BARGAIN ROOM. - Men's (narrow) One vlcl kid tan lace shoes, worth $5, for $1.89. Men's flno calf laco shoes, worth $3, for $1.89. Men's flno patent calf lace shoes, worth $3, for $1.89. Misses' school shoc3 in vlcl kid, worth $2, at $1.50. Child's of same, sizes 8 to 11, worth $1.75, at $1.25. . Child's of same, sizes 6 to 8, worth $1.50, at $1. Boys' shoes, solid, the $2 kind, at $1.35. Youths' shoes, solid, tho $1.75 kind, at $1.20. Don't forgot tho babies soft-solo shoes to lit them, always 60 cents, Monday 19c. Shoes In tho Bargain room: Men's satin calf, lace, worth $1.75, at $1.10. Boys' satin calf, lace, worth $1.60, at 98c. Youths' satin calf, lace, worth $1.25, at 75c. Misses' dongola lace shoes, worth $1.C5, at 98c. Chllds' dongola laco shoes, worth $1.25, at COc. t Infants' dongola button shoes C5c, 60c, 85c, 25c and 16c. Grand Toilot Soap Salo 1,000 boxes of Arm our's finest art toilet soap, equal to any 60c soaps In tho mar ket 3 bars to each box, only 21c, During this salo wo will present each customer with a beau tiful art calondur and blottor FREE. $2.00 NEW NECK HUFFS 98o EACH. Special lino ot very fine Neck Ruffs, worth $1.75 to $2.50, on eulo Monday at 9Sc. 600 boxes Arm our's Carnation Pink nnd Armorlta Toilet soap, tho regular 50o goods, only 21c box. A flno art calendar FREE with each box. 25c PEARL BUTTONS ONLY 5c PER DOZ. No. 16, 18, 20, 22 and 24 pearl buttons, worth 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c per dozon, all on salo Monday at 6c per dozen. 600 boxes Armour's France Rose Toilet soap, regular price 60c, on salo Monday ut 21c. A lino art calendar FREE with each box. G spools Holding Bros.1 silk thread, only 6c. Big cut Price Sileon Meats No. 1 California hams, 7?4c. No. 1 sugar cured bacon, 12c, 10-11). palls puro leaf lard, $1.07. No, 1 bologna sausage, 6u. 3-lb. palls puro leaf lard, 35c. Dried beef, per pound, 10c. Specials Wisconsin full cream cheese, 12!4c Fancy enrton llgs, each 9c. Fancy largo dates, per pound, 6c. Ntco fat herring, each S'.ic, Norway mackcrol, each Scf SB ma of puro8t 8llk and wo rrttnt lllnek Vena lie Sole lllnek I'cnu He Sole 21 wlJc CI AK 22 '" wlJc' CI OR worth $2.00, nt....jpiUv worth $2.50, nt....kU silk printed Indias, nil colors 21 inches wide, OR m win ,iuui .uR'iimcr mug. . . . Great 875,000 Underwear and Hosiery Sale Monday As announced this tremendous spot cash purchase from tho best mills In the country will be ou sale Monday nt most astouishJugly low prices. TUB BIGGEST SALE EVEIt HELD IN OMAHA. Wo carry tho lurgest line of tho best underwear made. All tlio well known brands, American Hosiery Co., Norfolk, New Brunswick, Sterling, Stoncmnn, Har vard Mills. Luzerne, H. E. Bradford, Swlts Condo and Now England Knitting Mills. $1.50 Swltz Condc wool and silk under wear, In all sizes, shirts ami drawers, Jer sey ribbed, for men, on salo at 75c. Mcn'a line wool and silk fleece lined shirts and drawers, worth up to $2.uo, on salo at CSc. Men's $1.00 lambs' wool lleeco lined shirts nnd drawers. In plain and fancy colors, regulur price, $1.00; on salo at 49c. Men's 25c socks at 10c. 300 dozen men's lino Halo thread socks, In plain and fancy colors, nt 10c. Men's 50c lisle thread socks at 19c. 200 dozen rm.n'M Htm Hut., ,iitAi,1 anni, i. pluln and fancy colors, regular price 50c, on sulo at 19c. , Trimmed Millinery A beautiful display, specially prlcod. Monday wo Inaugurate for this soaaon our sale ot pattern hats. All theso beauti ful hats will bo sold as advertised at Hay- den Bros, at astonishingly low prices. Wo also put on salo fashtonablo black velvet bats, our own designs, beautifully trimmed with largo plumes, velvet ribbons and ornaments. Unusually good values at $8. Hayden's Monday price, $4.98. Turbans and draped hats, artistically trimmed with large birds, breasts and wings; good quality velvet and silk; stylish and becoming; equal In every way to tho usual $5 hats. Hayden's prlco Monday, $2.98. In Our Wash Goods Department FLANNELETTES. 168 new styles Just added to our big stock ot the doublo fold French flannel otto, Royal Persians, beautiful sldo bands, dots, Roman stripes, etc., tho most popu lar fabric over shown In wash material for tall wear, all tho finest go at 12 'c. GINGHAMS. Tho Araoskcag apron checks (best ging ham made), at 4c yard. Fancy largo checked zephyr gingham for fancy stitching, etc., In 7 dlfforcnt colors, lOo yard. PERCALES. Tho full yard-wide, best percales made, In dark dress and light shirting styles, our regular 12'4c and 15c grado, 10c yard. SATEENS. All shades, In fine, high lustro and satin finish, sateen full yard-wide, for fancy lin ings, and nrt purposes, 18o yard. Black Mercerized sateen, yard-wide, tho 25c quality, Monday Ho yard. Colored Moreen skirtings, worth 75c yard, on salo at our lining counter Monday at 15c yard. Drapery Specials In drapery department: Tapestry curtains In all styles aud color ings, $1.98 a pair up. Rope portieres, somo now Btylcs, $1.35 and up. Notttnghnm curtains as low as 39c pair, at 98c, $1.50 and $2.00, some excellent values. t It ullled bobblnet cilrtulns, lower than ovor, ut $1.60, $1.65, $2.00 and $2.50; this Is tho best line over shown at doublo the price Big line ot sush goods In scrims, muslins, Madras, etc. Drugs rods for laco curtains, 10c. Brass rods for sash curtains, 5c. Ded Spreads 1 caso 82-90 extra heavy bed spreads, each 85c, 1 case extra heavy, full sizo, regular price, $2.25; each, $1.45; extra good bar gain. 1 caso crochet, extra sizo, each, 69c. 1 caso Marseilles -spreads, cuch, $1.98; worth, $2.98. HAYDEN BROS 10,000 Yards of Fine Silks on Sale at Less Than Mill Prices vavy yrA to wcnr Illnck TulTcta IS In. wide, worth 70c, nt... print wart Louieonc, Chenoy Bros.' l!4.1nch wide, now Loulseuc Homan stripes, wldtc , , bW Men's union suits at JLG0, $2.00, $3.00 and up. Men's and boys 15c collars nt 6c. , 1,000 dozen men's and boys' 4-ply linen tollnrs, In all tho new styles, all sizes from 12 to IS, every collar warranted new and perfect, sold everywhere ut 16c, on salo at Gc. Tho largest line of men's lino colored laundered shirts In Omahn nothing but tho best brunds made ou salo at 49c, 75a uud $1.00. worth double. Men's all wool sweaters, In plain and fancy colors, ut 9Sc, $1.50 and $1.'J8. Men's cardigan jackets, In black, blue and brown, at $1.00, $1.50, $2,00 and up. Men's 25c wool socks, In camel's hair color and black, ut 124c. Man's 60c Suspenders ut 25c. Men's heavy work gloves and mittens ut 25c, 49c, 75c and lip. Men's 60c neckwear at 25c, In nil tho new colors and styles. Ladles' light llslo thread vest, long sleeves, ut 2oc. Linens FANCY PIECES OF LINEN ON DISPLAY ON CENTER COUNTER, main alslo, linen department. Hemstitched and open drawn work, tray cloths, 19x36 inches, worth 65c; salo prlco, 39c each. Same style, 19x51, worth 85c; salo prlco, C9c each.. Samo stylo, 19x72, worth $1.50; salo prlco, 98c each. 4- 4 'hemstitched lunch cloth, worth 75c, t 39c. 5- 4 hemstitched opon drawn work, would bo cheap at $1.00; our prlco, 59c. 500 dresser scarfs, 60 Inches long, 11c each. All linen fringed doylies, 15x15, 7c each. 12x12 fringed doylies, 3c each. Round doylies, full lino of sizes, 3c, 6c, 7c and 10c each. 5 dozen homstltchcd and .opon- drawn work, squares, worth 16c; salo'' prlco, 8c each. 10 dozen same styles, 12x12, worth 20c, at 10c. Our stock ot round thread art lines for embroidered or drawn work Is completo, all widths, from 22 Inches to 90 Inches. Completo lino of handkerchief linens, In cambric and sheer goods, all at reduced prices, 1,000 full bleached sheets, 72x90 inches, worth 60c; salo price, 39c. 5,000 pillow cases, full size, 2 for 15c. 8- 4 unbleached sheeting at 14c. 9- 4 unbleached sheeting at 16c. 8- 4 bleached sheeting at 16c. , 9- 4 bleached sheeting at 18c. 50 pieces turkey red damask, 19c. CO pieces snow white bleached damask, full width and worth 30c, 'salo prlco, 19c. 30 pieces all linen loom damask at 23c. 15 pieces silver bleached damask, 72 Inches wide, salo price, 39c. 500 dozen napkins, good sizo, good qual ity, salo price, 42c per dozen. Special salo on towels for Saturday. Flannel Department 1 caso all wool Bklrting flannel, checks nnd str'pes, por ydrd, 25c. 2 cases 40-Inch wide extra heavy shaker flannel, per yard, 10c; regular price, 15c 15 dozen all wool skirt patterns, fancy borders, each 83c; regular price, $1.25. 2 cases 36-lnch wido eiderdown, per yard, 45c; regular price, C5c. 3 cases extra wido and heavy canton flannel, per yard, 5c; worth, 10c. Bed Blankets 200 pairs 11-4 wool grey bod blankets, per pair, $1.50; regular price, $2.00. 2 casc3 ull wool grey bed blankets, $2.50 pair. 2 cases whlto wool blankets, pink and bluo border, extra flno wool, $1.98 per pair; worth, $2.98, 2 fuses all jvool grey California bed blankets, por pair, $2.98; regular, $3.98. 3 enses all wool whlto California bod blankets, por pair, $3.98. Homo mado bed comforters, full sizo and filled with pure whlto cotton, each $1.50 and $1.75. Carpets Never so low In prlco as now. The prices we mako aro lower than the samo goods were ever before. Good union Ingruln carpet, 25c. Extra cotton chain Ingrain carpet, 39c. All, wool Ingrain carpet, 49c. Very best all wool Ingrain carpet, 65c Ono lot of velvet carpet in good styles, sold everywhere at $1.25 yord, 85c 75c quality Brussels carpet, 69c. 85c and $1.00 quality Brussels carpet, 69c If you need rugs cither In small or room sizo It will pay to look over our lino; no better selection anywhere. The Worlds Beit Black Taff atat on Sala at Lata Than Mill Prica SftlS&nT"! SVirAMSK lllnek TnlTetit 35c 27 In. wide, worth $1.00, at.. 55c wash taffota in 125 dlfforcnt shades, lino French colored taffota In 50 shiules r.nd black 7 iuolies wuic, oeaumui RIA and black hemstitch, crope, puff, corded and lace work tjUTotu, all go In this great November sale ntm.,., WWW 100 pieces of cordurov In wide and narrow wale for hi nil kinds of designs, printed velvets for waist, Persian, Ladles' halt wool vest and pants nt 49c. Ladles' lino Harvard Mills vests and pants ut 60c. Ladles' extra heavy lleeco lined 4combL nation suit at 49c. Ludles' line half-wove combination suits at $1.00. LudleB' flno combination suits, Harvard Mills wool, at $1.9$. Indies' line Vega silk combination suits. In pink, bluo and white, $2.98. Children's extra heavy lleeco lined vests, pants and drawers, ut 25c each. Children's heavy cotton ribbed vests mul pants, In Harvard Mills make, all sizes, at 25c. Children's flno Harvard Mills combination suits. In ull sizes, ut $1.50 and $1.75. Children's black tights, in ull sizes, at Ladles' rutins flannel skirts, kneo length, nt S9c. Ladles' outing flannel gowns at 49c, in all Sizes. China Department A bargain In crockery. Our buyer has just returned from the cast, whero ho bought the cntlro stock ot ono ot the East Liverpool potters, who had all ot tho kiln destroyed by a bursting dam, leaving only their stock' house intact. 100-ploco decorated dinner sets; the wholesalo prlco of theso aro from $0.60 to $9.00; 600 of them on salo tomorrow nt $3.98, Dec. toilot sets, regular $3.50 kind, to morrow 98c. Decorated dinner plates, Co. .Decorated cups and saucers, 2ic each. Decorated china fruit saucers, 5c. Decorated oatmeal dishes, 5c. 3-arm black wrought iron candlcstlokB, hand-mado, regular $1.50 kind, nt 25c. Gcnulno ccrceo color parlor lamps, vaso and globe to match, $1.49, Furniture Department ARB YOU PAYING TOO MUCH FOR YOUR FURNITURE? HAVE YOU EVER CONSIDERED THIS QUESTION? It Is ono of vital importance to you, meaning us it docs a great saving, and money saved Is raoucy earned, and what easier way than to sco us, look ovor our lino and then conclude if we aro not right. Our stock Is complote in every wuy, All bright, new goods. Tho latest in every way, ROMAN SEAT, EXACTLY llko cut hero shown, Is made of solid oak, golden finish or birch mahogany finish, turned posts and spindles, polish finish, 24 inches long, 16 Inches wido and 30 high. Tho scat Is 3-ply veneer, and most durable This makes a very flno scut and la an ornament in every way. Regular prlco, $3.50; our price, $1.95. Wo mention this to show you that It will PAY you to sco us beforo you buy. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Books $1.00 COPRIOHT BOOKS ONLY 39C. 5,000 of tho very best bound books pub llshcd, with gilt tops, tho regular $1.00 books. Theso goods aro not 25c books, but on salo for 25c, but regular $1 books for 39c. Ernest Solon Thompson's now book, "The Lives of tho Hunted," on salo at a cut srlcc. 1,000 new 25c novels, 5c each, $10.00 dictionaries, $7.39, Monday. Blcyclo playing cards, 15o. t lllni-k TulTuIn Illnck Taffeta 27 in. wide, worth $1.50, nt... 75c 2(5 In. wide, worth $1.75,. nt... wulst or ilress. Plain bpulovard velvets Jli .Inches wido, motalllo volvot IKfk dots and llgures, worth $1.00. gl.-o and $1.00, for,................. 1 WW Monday in the Bo sure not to miss this sale. It will bo Bargain Room Is becoming tho most popular trading placo In tho west and it Is no wonder as tho bargains aro tho talk ot tho town now. No peddlers, dealers or manufactures Ml SI. IKS, LACKS, ETC. Extra heavy unbleached muslin, regular 6c goods, only 10 yards to a customer, (no mall orders), at 29c. Tho 7 LD, finest made, 4 90, I'cppcrvll R, at C?c. Lonsdale, at 7&c. Fruit ot tho Loom, nt 7Jc. lMIIVI'H. All tho standard prints for Monday only, (no mall orders tilled), at 2V&C UU-1XCII l'UHCALKS, no. All tho whlto star, eca Island and other brands, worth up to 25c, at 5c Simpson's D-C and other lOo and 12Hc plain black sateen, 6c. " Simpson's 25c fancy figured sateens, 7V$c Ll.MNtiS. 15c waist linings, black and gray, Bo, 19c skirt linings, 5c, OUT1XU FL.1NM3I.S, KLANXHMITTS. 6 cases of 10c shaker flannel, 2?c, 1 caso ot 15c shaker flannel, 5c 1 caso of 19o outing flannel, 3C-lnch wide, nlco light stripes, 7c 15c flannelettes, heavy fleeced lined, Sc. 25o Imitation French flannel, 10c. Ill.ANKIVI'S AND COMFOUTHUS. Wo will havo a grand special salo on blankets at 59c, 75c, 98o up to $4.25 that will bo as good as you can buy anywhere elso for doublo tho money. Comforts ut 68c, 73c, 95c, $1.23 up. GHI2AT SAM: ON UNDEHWUAU AND FUUMSIIINCiS. 200 dozen children's vests, pants and drawers, In all sizes from 10 to 34, mado to sell at 35c, on salo at 10c. 300 dozen samples In ladles' underwear, vests, and pants, all sizes, worth up to $1, on salo at 39c, 25c and 19c. 1 lot of ladles' and men's wool and flccco lined stockings, regular 25c quality, at 12ic Men's gloves and mittens, worth up to $1.00, at 49c, 25c and 19c. Men's 60c and 76c night shirts and whlto unlaundcrcd shirts, all sizes, at 25c Thi Life of William McKinliy Our martyred president. Tho only au- thcntlc biography. 50 suporb photographic portraits. With a Bhort biography ot Garfield and Lincoln, containing masterpieces ot McKln ley's cloquenco and tho history of anarchy, Its purposes and results. Written by Right Rev. Samuel Fallows, LL.D., a porsoanl friend and comrado ot tho lato president. In Our Grocery Department CAXDV I) E 1'AIITM EAT. Stick Doublo refined, per lb... 6c Stick Hoarhound, por lb 7o Stick Fancy twist, per lb 7Uc Mixed Choice, 5 lie; fancy So Mixed Broken, 7c; French 13a Mixed Kindergarten 7ic Caramels 6c Lemon Drops 84c Chocolate Drops, 11c; fancy 13c Jelly Beans s'Ao Conversation Hearts 8Vio Cinnamon Imperials 8c Lozenges, mint 8Hc Wintergrecn 8c Peanut Squares 7c Rock Candy, all string 9c Rock Candy, part string 8 He Ecltpso Mixed Candy 84c Crown Mixed 7',4c Moonlight Kisses I8c Hobson Kisses 15c Swedish Kisses ,J24c Sunbeam Kisses 12 Wc Trilby Klssc lOo Bon Bons 7ic Vanilla Creams 25o Roso Creams 22c Mint Opera Creams , 24 Via Butter Creams 22V4c Opera Wafers 25o Maplo Wafers 25o Flno hand-mado Chocolates 20c Fine Marshmallow Chccolates 25c Cream Almonds 25a COFFEE AMI TEA I'ltlUEH. Siberian Diamond coffee, 12V4c; Siberian H. B, Ccffeo, 13V4c; very flno Santos coffee, 15c; Guatemala coffco, 20c; interior Java coffee, 25c; private growth, Java, SIMic; Ansola Java, 32c; Mandellng Java, 33c; Arabian Mocha and Old Government, 35c. With every pound of good tea from 45c to COc you get a fancy teapot. CHACKEIl DEPARTMENT. Soda crackers Co Hardware, Stoves STOVES AT JOIiHERS' PRICES. Wo havo everything you can think ot In tho stovo lino mojrfo by tho LHADINO STOVE MAUFACTURERS, ALL STAND ARD GOODS, and warranted to bo as good as thcro aro mado. Wo handlo tho Mason & Davis Steel Ranges, tho Universal lino of Cooks and Heaters; the Stewart cooks and heaters, tho Comstock Castlo company cooks and beaters. Wo can sell you a nlco No. 8, four-holo cook for $7.93. An elegant HAYDEN S lllnek TiUfcl ........ 95c SC In. wido. CI IR worth $2.50, at... ...I Bargain Room tho greatest on record this scason-our sold In this room. 200 dozen samples In men's flno wool nndl flccco lined shirts ami drawers, worth up, to $1.50, on salo In 3 lots nt 49c, 39c and 23c, Men's $1.25 nil wool sweaters, In all col ors, at 69c. Men's $1.00 Jersey overshlrts nt 59c , Men's 10c box at 3c . Men's 10c handkerchiefs at 3c Men's 60c suspenders at 15a. 1 lot ot men's colored laundered shirts. Griffon brund and other well known brands. worth $1.25, at 29c lmuss ooous. 54-tnch strictly all wool camels hair cheviot, in black only, mado to sell for $1, at 49c, 60-Inch storm serge, mado to sell for $1, black only, 49c. Strictly all wool granite, 60-Inch all wool ladles' cloth, 54-lnch all wool plaids and silk, aud wool plaids; 40-lnch silk finished hcnrlutta, all will go on this .sala at', .yard, 49c 75o all wool black Jacquards, 39c 75c black satin berbor, 39c. 60c French serges, 25c. 39o Henriettas 19c 25c plaids 12c 10c honrlottas 5c lOo novelties 5c. 10c dobclgcs 5c 16c plaids 6c SILKS, VELVETS, COIIDUIIOYS, 25c novelty silks will go at 10c 39o plain silks, all colors, 19c 60c Jap checks, all colors, 19c 75c fancies 39c ' 75o satin 25c $1.50 silk flannel 39c $1.50 black grcnadluos, 49c 60c velveteen 19c. , $1.00 corduroy 39c. EXTRA SDECIAL. . $10 black crcpon skirt patterns, 4 yards loj pattern, $2.98. , $12.50 colored zlbcllao skirt patterns, $2.93. $15 full dress patterns, $3.98. $20.00 full dress patterns, $3.98. C yards of extra heavy Scotch tweeds for rainy-day skirting, worth 75q yard, $1.25. Introduction by U. S. Senator Hon. W. E. Mason. 450 pages of texts, with Uluatra tlons. 40 flno art engravings; on extra flno paper. Beautifully bound In silk fin ished cloth, with embossed portrait on cover. This You Git for Only 98c FULLY WORTH $3.00. Oyster crackers go Milk crackers Co Pearl crackers En Farina crackers '. Eo Ginger snaps , Eq Fresh oysters, per quart ;.. 35o Dates, per pound Eo TOI1ACCO DEPARTMENT. Star plug chewing tobacco 37V4o Horseshoo plug chewing tobacco ...,37Ua Nervo plug chowlng tobacco 37V&9 uaitio Axo 35o Newsboy tobacco 36 o uuu uurnam smoKing tocacco C0a Duke's Mlxturo 3Eo Meerschaum smoking tobacco '. 359 Undo Tom smoking tobacco 350 Old stylo smoking tobacco 25a GIIUCEIIV SPECIALS. Corn meal, 15o sack; 24-lb. sack pure rya flour, 45c; 10-lb. sack puro Graham, 15o; 24-lb. ssack puro ryo-Oraham, 45c; fancy evaporated California peaches, now 1901 crop, 3c; strictly choice California peaches, new crop, 1901, at 124c; very good old crop peaches, 6V&c; now crop evaporated blackberries, 9c; now crop evaporated, apricots, 1901, at 12c; now cleaned pa tros currents, 1214c; new California mus catel rulslns, 10c; new California prunes, 3Hc, 4c, Cc, 8Ho and 12 Vic HAYDEN IIHOS (ill EAT SALE OP CAN GOODS. 2-lb. can Strawberries joa 2-lb. can Goosoberrles g0 2-lb. can Blackberries i0 2- lb. can Raspberries ' ioQ 3- lb. can Apricots 12y&c 3-lb. can Peaches 12VJo 3-lb. can very fine sifted Teas 12Ho 3-lb, can all kinds of Plums 12&e 3-lb. can. Tomatoes X0d 2-lb. can Corn 7Q 2-lb can String Beans 70 2-lb. can Succotash 710 2-lb. can Rod Kidney BcanS 70 2- lb, can Wax Beans 710 3- lb. can Garden Bcots 100 and Housofurnishings cast range, with reservoirs, regular $23, Wo havo a now steel rango with a high warming closet, largo 18-lnch oven, all lined' throughout, with asbestos duplex grute, for coal or wood, hands6raely nickel plated; sells anywhero for $33, our prlco $26.95. A regular $45.00 Universal Baso Burner, a beauty for $32,50. Wood, alr-tlght, 24-lnch, for '$2.49. 200 WILLOW CLOTHES BASKETS FOR, EACH, 29C. 300 SETS OF NICKEL PLATED POTTS' IRONS, PER SET, 690. 6-foot step-ladders, 45c. No. 12 loaded shells, per box, 38c 2 boxes brassed shoo nails for 6c, 3-Tlo broom for 10c. Rim locks, for 11c 10-Inch Turkey dusters 9c. 10-gauge nltro powder shells, per box, 6O0. A good kindling hatchet, 9c. 28-lnch wood-lined stovo board, 69c, 25c padlocks, solid; stool, 10c, '