I 8 CANALS AND .CONSOLIDATION The Interest of the Gcnor.il Public in the Oinalm and Fremont Canal Proposition and in the COALITION OF ELECTRIC INTERESTS la N linnKrr nt a White llcnt and the l'eo.ite ( Enaiern NcbrimkM Cnn Think of Sume IhlnK Kin. Tho nbovo headlines statu practically all that Is known to tho public at present con cerning tho grand schema for a power canal, coupled with a gigantic electric con solidation nt Omnha. Tho two Ideas nro not dead. Thoy will probably materialize In duo season. Mcantltno tho pcoplo arc busy with their own affairs and oycrybody Is conveniently engaged In tho more' or loss profitable duties of his ordinary voca tion. TIMK IS MO. MOV NOW. Thcsa days of general prosperity mako a man's tlmo inoro than usually valuable Ho spares as llttlo as posslblo for the public good. It should not be forgotten, however, that In theso times, when profits aro sure and accumulations aro posslblo, men should bo making provision for old ago and for financial disaster. It tho people of No braska will keep their surplus In tho state for ton years a panic cannot paralyzo hor Industries and sho will not bo driven to bankruptcy becauso eastern money loanors nro refusing to renow mortgages or to ad vanca funds for Icgltlrnato business pur poses. yi.tt'MMMMt, A Fltlf.UTKUI. I.KAK. It takes no great business head to see that a leak representing $1,500,000 per an num must sap tho lifo blood of the cora merco of any community. This Is tho enor mous prlco annually paid alien Ufa Insur ance compnnlcs by tho policy holders z'. Nebraska whoso bcnoflclaricsKcclvo back only about f300,000r;.-n'rinum. y0T tho purposo of st.,p,rtR this disastrous drain upon thircflourecs of our stnto nud with TmNirtfentlon of building up In Nebraska n great financial, fiduciary cntorprlso, II. II. HOIHNON, IMUCSIIIKNT of tho flankers Ilcscrvo Llfo Association, and his associate organized tho Bankers Ileservo Llfo upon modern ptans and In ac cord with tho best Ideas on tho subject of llfo Insurance Thoy havo steadfastly held to tholr orlglnnl purposo. Tho 'association has enjoyed a phcnomonal growth nnd to day thero Is no llfo Insurance company In tho stnto doing as much business or so favornbly well known as NKIIIIAHKA'S IMIPUIjAH COMPANY, tho riankors Rosorvo Life. Omaha Is Its headquarters. Tho McCagtto block Is the home office Tho pcoplo of tho state are Its friends. Its Advisory Board contains tho names of about all tho leading men who nro Insurablo In tho tato of Nebraska. The association pnya tnxes In Nebraska, Invests Its surplus In Nebraska nnd deposits Its securities with tho etato of Nebraska. It Is n homo company In every sense, It has good positions on liberal torms for a num ber of nctlvo professional, business or In surance) men on Its field staff. Wrlto for particulars. Address TIIK IIANKI3HM 1IHMNUVH I.IFK. Perfection in Brewing. llluo Itlbbon Bottled Iieor, tho perfect lirew. rerrcction or Doer cnn oniy no at tained by the most perfect surroundings, modern nrlnrlnlcs In brcwlna. un-to-dntc utonslls, perfectly pure water und the choicest barley, malt and hops. Tho home of llluo Itlbbon Is one of the mnat nnrfectlv nnnolntcd breweries In the world. Tho brewing', bottling and ster ilizing of llluo Itlbbon Is the pride of the brewery. In n word, llluo Itlbbon Is all that Is posslblo In a high grada beer. Boo that tho best, and only tho best, enters your homes. Ordering n case wins n new customer. Storz Brewing Company Telephone 12(tO. TB1AJLTMKATMKNT VfttKE. Wo will JorfUM(ur an? cw ut I alrrMl. ! or tthlB I I II I glnn. MUdiM falls local lusUM and pftroan.nl ralltf Wrllralmic. a OW UU.tj,lM lilll, rtaM Bnal m .f tW Imff ! IIM4.M M.M Ctrl. tlk M K4w. CntnUfn. !. S UM CIMt CO., SukTH BAVIN, VOSN. Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Sixth Page.) jacket Is open at the front and I see the blue breast band, which she In common with all her sex here wears bound tightly about tho body Just under the arms. At 1 look her mouth opens, her tongue rlsea and she pushes to tho front of her lips a great brown qufd of betolnut and tobacco and holds It there a moment, whllo down from tho corners of her yellow mouth a stream of red betel saliva slowly trickles. Hiiii-IU I.Ike Llmbiirxer Cheese, Moving on I como to a section which makes mo think of some of the markets of dcrmnny or Holland, and I look about In vain for I.lmburgcr cheese. I see Instead enormous round prickly balls, somo of which aro cut open nnd In which a custard llko pulp shows out. This Is tho durlan fruit, a slnglo fruit often weighing as much as a 2-year-old baby. It has a smell like stale eggs or very old cheese, but Its tasto mi mm SULTAN OP SOLO. Is delicious. Tho pulp which covers tho seeds Is tho cdlblo portion. It Icc'kb much llko custard, ami greatly prized by the j natives nnd nlso by foreigners when they can ovorcomo their dlsllko to tho Btncll. Another fruit which Is sold Is tho papaya, much llko n muskmelon, which you eat with a spoon. It Is a great dlgestant and will help you with any other stuff you havo eaten. Then thero Is tho Jack fruit, n slnglo pear of which would fill a pock measure and weigh from thirty to forty pounds. Thoro aro mangostcens, which look like rich red apples, but which aro as white as Bnow on the Inside and tasto llko strawberries and Ice cream. Thero are great pomelos, oranges of alt varieties, watermelons and muskmclons, as woll as overy fruit of tho tropics. There Is no land In tho world which has better fruit than Java, nnd tho best of all kinds comes to Solo. FRANK O. CATtPENTER. Pen and Picture Pointers (Continued trom Second Pago.) church was at Kdgowatcr, a suburb of Chi cago, Ho then wont to Freoport and threo years ago was transferred to Dubuque, He Is an nninto friend of Dlshops Morrison, Wlllmins and ICdsall. Tho missionary dlo ccsa of Olympla, over which ho will pre side, Includes tho western part of tho state of Washington, thoro being sixty parishes with a church membership of 228,000. Tho parishes of Seattle, Tacoma and Vancouver aro Included. Accompanying Is n picture of n postilion turnout such ns Is to be exhibited at the Now York Horse show this year. It will cortnlnly provo nn Interesting class. The trap Bhown hero Is a four-wheeled shoot ing cart, has high seats without backs, tike a gig, making It nltogcthor the smartost kind of n shooting trap. Tho postilion rides tho near horse, although mounted on the off horso In tho picture, using a light saddlo nnd sitting woll forward. Thero are, of course, no driving reins only bridle reins. The rider Is booted nnd spurred and carries n Insh whip. His livery Is that of a hundred years ago beaver hat of light shado, short tlght-flttlng Jacket, white breeches and soft boots with brown tops. Ho Is the moBt unlquo and attractive figure In tho horso circle. The original postilion rode and guided the leaders in a coach or post chaise. He nlso rodo ono of the horses when only a pair was used. When Improved roads, and Anally the railroad, woro Introduced, the postilion, llko tho car driver of today, faded from sight. In Introducing this daring In novation, In breaking the road conventions of today, or rather in returning to a most laudnblo road custom of yesterday, it has been proven that a postilion in 1901 Is use ful as woll ns ornamental, a convenience and a boon In country driving. Couldn't Find It Chicago Trlbuno: "Loungosl" echoed tho salesman. "Yes, ma'am. This way, please What kind of loungo would you IlkoT" "I'd llko ono," said tho sharp-featured woman, "that can get right up and kick n man out of doors when ho comes homo and throws himself down on It with his muddy feet and growls and scolds becauso ho has to wait about two minutes for his supper. That's the kind I'd like, but I'll have to take what I can get, I reckon. What's tho prlje of this ono with the green cover?" V THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. FREE 144 PIECE Dinner Set and 48 PIECES of Silverware for ecru, falaadain sr? 0ewtrViee D'Arnlo. Atmlemfhu Setfe. The tily International Dentifrice. TIM Sf iTd tor je years. Ih sMws?Ttff' Mrcttnf sjc at AH DragfttU. C.H.5TR0NQ ACO..irp.,ClilcafO.U.5.A. m RED CROSS WHISKEY A FULL 2E QUARTS n ior. Express oharge propold Recommended by the leading physl slnr.B and used in all prominent hos-: pltals. The Red Cross Whiskey enoya to day the best of rep utations and stands above all in quality and purity. Roferencca: FIRST NATIONAL DANK OF OMAHA OR ANY EXPRESS COMPANY. J Western Distilling Co., 7li So. litk Street OMAHA, Bole Owmerm. Orders from state west of Nebraska; will be shipped by freight. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Bee BUg. v7 Oaata, Nek I QV.isK.V.iinil iPtfn.nr.lllM a h .1 English. Students who desire It are as sisted to positions to earn board while at tending. Bona ior cuiuiukuc. uee uuua Ing, Omaha, Neb. We still havo 999 of those Boston Ftrns At IB Cents. Also 999 of larger slzas to elect from. Have you seen our Chrysanthe mums? Thoy are beauties. HESS & SW0B0DA. PrXJRISTS. Phone 1601. 1411 Furnnm St., Omnha.. AdENTS WANTED MEN and WOMEN for tn ipltDdldl; IllaatrftUd and woodtrrully ropuUr otw book THIRTY TMHS IN WASHINGTON tit MUM. UKM. JllliN A. LUUAN. II portrs th. "n lit., wonderful wtlTltln, marttl. and mj.tcnr.ot Hit t'tpii inntp a. a fkmout and hlfhl; IT DhTl rffnl womrltl .r.a th.m. IUn..,l fullr IlluttraUd (0 Ilstni br Ikxrrnmrnt romrol and aid. vl'nnld fc)V nHlla Hlv. Sl.l thmii.nrl. ft't k r. m... itlublt aitnt. wan ml. both mm and wointn, but onlr on. strrn t In a nlac. 03Sm of our utalt sr. maklnir im a monlh. By Ihtfcmci ne tovtrumct (or wt frtiuht. O'u tWii. hjtm TrrmM. and auarantra A'ttIiuh. Trritioru. Aildreii A. U WOUT.IIMUTUN CO.. U.rtftr4. S.11 i : x 1 FREE constipation, Indigestion and torpid liver, will r.elrooiirKenerousofTerof a 144 plrrn nrrnrntrd net and AH Iilrrra of all vrr plated tablo waro with a'heautlrul Salt and I'epp he 8 botes of I'llla. Don't send a cent, order to-day, and wo send r aajrnntrr If you comply with our offer wo shall send jrou 1 anio fpKns, lea spoons, anil 111 piece ilccorateii Hot auu niiarsin.ee too uisucs ana silverware iuii sizo ror L. 0ETNER, SUPT., DEPT. Moderate Priced Illfh-Cliss Ladles' and Gentle, men's Tailoring-. 'Phone 805. 'A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUo--FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO THE fall and Winter Styles art now In the new shapes neat and dressy In patent leathers, patent Ylcl kid, enamels, calf, etc. the best men's shoes on the street look the best and wear the best that's the famous Regent and the price your choice only $3.60. Regent Shoe Co. 205 S. 15th St. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. YOU CAN BUY OUR HALFTONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from time to time In The Illustrated Bee. On small portrait cuts we make a nominal price of f 1.00. On larger cuts 1 cents per square Inch. They are all In first-class con dition. Our photographic department will also print additional copies of our original photographs at a reasonable rata. The Bee Publishing Co,, Omaha, Neb. II R sm tfte DAW Mm. MAKER &IT WEAREP November 3, 1001. FREE A raro chnncp. Ko drr option, wo speak nothing but tho troth. You cn (ret a full stao ili-rnratcd breakfast, dinner ur ton set (111 pieces) anil 111 illver plated knlrca, 1 il fork, 1 1t tea spoons anil 1 'i WJe spoons for selling our Remedies. Wo havo a reputation for square and honest ileallwraml to prints It, every honest person who sella H botes of our VeRetalite. Wis attl.l rid. a box, a pot Hire euro l ana I'epper sri wmni witkitu nnnnniinr irre ir .i-iiiiik I wo send tills by mailt when sold send us tho 81 .SO and wo with tho fait and Pepper set, tnej it Knives. will Ixi given absolutely irco. no o aro an old rellablo coo- lamuy use Aaorcss 211 A 30 W. I3TH ST., NEW YORK CITY. Advanced Styles Cletcr Ideas Newest Effects J. A. Kervan Tailoring Co., 424 South 15th Street. Omaha, Neb. Typewriters I New Century, New Densmore, New Yost. We sell, rest, exchange, repair type writer. ET.rythlng considered speed, grade of work, cost of keeping in repair, uriablltlty, etc ours are by all odds the cheapest typewriters on the mar ket For laformatlon regarding type writers, address or call on United Typewriter & Supplies Co., UU Farnata St 9018118, A BUSINESS DISPUTE is easily settled when account, are properly kept. Don't practice false economy by trying to save on LANK BOOKS. We will make you a set ruled and printed to order at auch a smi coat that you can buy the best. A. I. ROOT, Printer, 414-416 8. tath 8t . . OMAHA, NEB. Mr. WlimlinvN HnothliiK Syrup has been used for ovor FIFTY VEAItS by UihPli?.. MOTIIKRS for their CHIi; UHBN WHILE TKBTUINO. with rElt FECT SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the QUMS. ALLAYS nl I PAIN CUItES WIND COLIC and Is the best rem cdy for DIAIUIHOEA. Sold by druggists In every part of tho world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.