The Omaha Sunday Bee, PAGES 1 TO 12. PART !. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER J3, 1 001 -TWENTY-EC) U R PAGES. SINGLE COPY 1TVE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNK 10, 1871. 4 BOERS WIS BIG RAID TJnrfir D.wst Ths7 Olem Oat the Okl.f British lemount Itatiaa. ENGLISH LOSE SIX THOUSAND HORSES Lord KUobiner'i Cmpin ii Oripphd for the Entire Eeuii. TRANSVAALERS DRAW NEAR TO CAPETOWN Iiflot Freih Diiuttr Oily Fenr Hour, frem that City. BLOW FALLS DRAMATICALLY UPON LONDON jKens or Benson's Defeat and Dpnlh Conic rrlth Crnshlim Force 1'pnn Multitude Gathered to Orrpt llplr to the Thronr. I PARISIAN AMERICAN COLONY orlnl i-non Interrupted It j- HulTnlo Crime In AkiiIh In Full M it I Mb. I (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing 'o.) BERLIN. Nov. I. -(Now York World en hlpcram-SncrtHl Telegram. )-Thc Boers under Deivct have raided nml cleaned oiu the nrinclnnl British remount Atatlon In Knnih Africa, rlixmitrhcfl from a trustworthy iinarter there report. The station Is within four hours of C.ipeluAii by th! railway, Klv ilionmn.l relief horses were. Hciit there Thr riocrh took away alt Ibo animals they needed, lifter killing tbe rest. Cripple Kllchncr's Cniiininnd. LONDON. Nov. 2. (New York Worltl Ca blrgram Spnchil Telegram.) War officials here ray they havo no news ut Dewct'r lmvlnc rnlflcil tbe principal iirman re mount station In South Africa ami enptur ine fi.noo relief hoiscs. an In reported In a dispatch to Berlin. In urmy quarters It I believed that tho rata occurred tureu weeks Ago :ind that tho British rcporta of It wero inc loss (Cop right. Ifi. b Press Publishing f ' PARIS, Nov. '.'.-(New York World Cable gram Special Telegram.) The American colony's toclal season, which a delayed by President MeKlnlcy 9 assassination, is now In lull swing. Mlsa May Palmer, Senator Drpcw s fiancee, thin week save tbreo ladles luncheon for Intimate friends who yearned most to talk with her about her coming wedding. Her mother gavo n more Informal luncheon to fourteen guests. Miss Palmer bravely raised he.r glass to propose tbo health of "Our absent friend, Senator Chauncey M. IJepnw," without further com ment. Mrs. .lean Maekay ban people to luncb with her dally In her npartmcnt and a large party to dinner at Hotel llltr.. Dr. Leyds, the Rncr envoy to Europe, wus Mrs. Mackay's guest of honor yesterday Captain and Mrs. (Amallo Kussncr) Tiupont foudert wrie entertained In Mrs I.oubet's lio at. the opera Wednesday night Mr. John Sherwood kept open bonne to celebrate her birthday. More than h thou sand dlBtlnirulnhed persons of many nation alltlcs passed through thn Brighton hotel parlors In order to testify their undying nllcglanco to their former leader, notwith standing her reverses. KebastUii Kchleidngrr, Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Uragglotl and Mrs. Scblcslnger havo resumed their bi-weekly receptions In their new home on Ayr-nun d'Antln. Ambassador Porter ramo back from Con stantinople, leaving his wife, at Zurich to meet his son, daiiKhter and duughtcr-ln-law, who came from tho United Slates. The whole, party left Immediately for Zurich. Invitations are out to Nellie Hargous' wedding, November 7. .1. Plerpont Morgan cabled yesterday that he had hoped uutll thn last minute that he would bo able to, sail In tlmi! In attend It. but that he could not poislbly disentangle himself from tho multifarious rlalms of business upon him. Lady Sarah Wilson entertained n number of American-English frlendti at tbo Orand opera. HaMng previously secured porniis Mititiftri lt to Arringe for Einem letnn frea Wild Oh&is. UTTERLY UNABLE TO LOCATE RUFFIANS EridtHt that Basditi-Iare Agaii Shifted Bate of Operationi. BRITONS FLOCK TO BULLER I'lrklc IoiMlitrl.v I'lllo from noli erln nml Knlltuxltiwllrnllr Celt ic r on Drpocd Cetiernl. OTHERS HUNT IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTION Priioaer'ii Now HeU Probably oi the Onltepe Helfhti. BLIZZARD AND SNOW SHUT OFF RESCUE rules Mi UK House l Provided It Is retired .MlsslixinrUs Cnnnot Sur-ihr-l,HM l.etler I'lciidn vtltli 1'rlrnds to llurr)' Iliiusom. fnr nillltarv reasons f conn i,nre will erlniilo Uord slon, she took n party throush thn wines vi.nh.nnr'.' ....mnnlen fnr the entire season, th" artors' dres)lnR rooms and the ballet ... .i, ,,.,.. iim nniv nnos hvhIIhIiIr which RlrK' foyer, i,..i nnniimnicii. n nrocess which takes MonslRneur Oalllard'a Invitation to an 1m ,fc mnniii.i promptu supper upon the stiiRe after tho NothlnK more dramatic could be conceived performance mk accepted. Consequently than thn news of the tremendous dlsaater there was a commingling of singers and to Colonel lienson's column near Tlraken- society folk. All highly enjoyed tho laaKt" eastern Transvaal, coming upon bohemlan fete. The theater orchestra bad i.,,r,.innv 111:1.01 an they wcro gathered to been retained and several stars sang welcome home tho duke and duchess of rollicking, foolish songs, but nothing from rrnu:,n ami York. ThankH to tho cgrc- opera. The evening's entertainment ended clnus rtunldlty of tbo War olllcc, the effect with Cleo do Merode, supported by twelve of I'vls blow was enormously InlenHllled, lesser lights, dancing a modern ballet. Aia.i i.urno3ely withheld the evil tidings .Mr. nnu .Mrs. newin nave arnveu troll ihe mnrnlnir newspapers. So It caino Mrs. belter and tho Misses belter havo tilth appalling freshness upon tho would-be gono to London rejoicing multitude. Depression and dismay wero observed on all hands and, though the royal travelers wero cheered. It whs cbterlnK of a per functory, half-hearted character, entirely devoid of enthusiasm. Tho effect was also helehtened by tho false hopes which had been raised by tho recent speeches ot Cbambcrlalu and uthcr-ministerialists. (.Copyright, 1W1, by Press Publishing Co,) SA.MAKOV. Hulgarlu. Nov. (New 'iork World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The inessengcra aeut from bore to get lu com munication with tho brigands who hold Wen M. Stonu In captivity, to arrango to rnnsom her, have returned bafllcd. Thoy wero unable to Hnd tho ruftlans, who ugalu had changed their base. Other agents bavo been Kiiit out on the same mission In an other direction. It Is supposed that Miss Stone has been taken back to tha neigh borhood of Ncvrokop and probably Is on (Sultepo heights. A blizzard and heavy snowfall havo made traveling lu tho mountains there Impos sible. UnlcsB Miss Stono and her com panion, Mrs. Tsllka, are sheltered lu a snug hoiifc, It Is feared they cannot sur vive the Inevitable hardships and exposure. Hope M11: Is Mill Ally c. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. Tbo letter received from Miss Ellen M. Stone, tho American missionary, referred to in these dispatches yesterday, which It was nald had been written two days previously, turns out to bo a few hurried lines on a scrap of paper received at Samakov a week ago, but written 11 month before that, In which Mlxs Stono wroto of the approaching expiration of the date, October 8, Hot tor tho payment of the ransom demanded by thn brigands, and asked her friends to hurry up the money. The missionaries who are working for Miss Stone's release believe flio is still alive. (Copyright, 1W1. by Tress Publishing Co.) I.OND0N, Nov. S. (Now York World Cablegram Special . Telegram.) Although rireat Ilrltatn If foundly stirred by Sir flcdvcrs Hullcr' latment, every minis terial paper ol Ucnco rigorously sup presses all m(' t of bis name, nobs' popularity has ' transferred entirely to Duller, and no- S3 places of public enter tainment merit . of Dobs' namo Is re ceived In sllei ' r with hostllo demon strations, whlli. , ler's excites fiautlu en thusiasm, Duller repudiate', ha a fabrication tbo message alleged to have hecu hellograpln'd by him to Sir Ocoye White ot tho Colenso defeat and published by the editor of tho National ncvlcw,'M"ho has been Duller' most vlrulonl encJny. Duller says ho did not direct White' to surrender, but coun selcd him If surrender wn Inevitable to adopt certain nienjiirct; to minimize Us effect. War Minister Droflerlek Is be4ng ap pealed to from ono'encf.ot the country to the other to publlK'rhVi odlclal text of the nellogram, nut inc. .ministerial poiiuj. docilely followed by .Mho. ministerial press, is 10 crusn uuiiprajy siciuuasuy ignormK him. Moreover, Drorterlrk has refused per mission to publish tec hellogram. fiesnlto denials It is belloed that tho luke of Norfolk, the earl marshal and hereditary marshal 'of England, premier duke, premier earl, knight of the first class of thn Noble Order -of Christ, 1b about to make 11 becond romantic marriage In his filth year. Lady Allen 1'ltzw llllam, who Is 2 years M .. .n nnl r.t. t-npo h ii liftnn 11 mirun tn I n . her father. Earl FHzwiiiiam (wuo lately .nnncr passed his 8th birthday), became 11 Catho lic nnd her family cut off all relations with her. She afterward met tho duke of Nor folk at. Cardinal Vaughnn's, and out of nympathy for her In her rollglous perfect! BRILLIANT CAREER VOTE WILL BE LIGHT fUgiitratien fihewi a Tremendoai Fall frem Last Year' Figtrte. THE BEE BULLETIN. Foreran for Nebraska -Fair. Colder. Sun day. rold Wave. Monday, Knlr, Probably 'llrlncr In Western Portion; Northerly Winds. TABULATED COMPILATION OF RETURNS Ripib1ica.ii Item to Have Better of it Orer Oppenentt. RAIN AND INDIFFERENCE THE CAUSE Eelf-Dlifraiohind Voters Nnmber Nearly Twenty-Eight Per Cent. ALL READY FOR THE BALLOT BOX The Hcc Presents Complete Mntlstlt's of HcKlstrntlon, Kspcclnlly Until crcd from Kcry District In Omnhn nnd ftoulh Omntm. (.rand Totnl HcKlstrntlon 1 110 1 II.IU'J n,ti:t 'j.iuti llppnbllcnns . , Demur rills . , , X11 Answers . , Tulnl 11101 Slinrtime III.' Page. I llrltlsli l.nsp llrmlb to Doers. Ml Monc's Cnptorn Awnlii I'.scnpo. Vote In Uinnliii Will He Miiht. Ilnducr M'orrlcd lir CornliusUcrs. '2 I'nn-Anirrlenn Clixrs n 1,orr. Drnlli of ,llm I'lsU's Mncr ItnrlliiKton's Plnttsniiiiitli llildue. rhlnn llruriuli's n Tlntcfnim. it l.ltieoln lllKh llcfpnts Omnlin. Mnlr Oltli'lnN tin lliinic to ule. llouslii(r II n 1 1 ' nt llciitrlcp. Eolith DnUotii Itcports Mltld1p. .I CoIiiiuIiIh MhiIm (lut (liiukcrs, Cnnfpsscs liner TrncK I'rninl. fi Cuolwiisr. DiM'liirril to Hp Xhiip. Woninn In ('lull nml clutrUj. l.nsl WreU In (limilin !oi'lpt). 7 ontli (iniiilin nnd lis Affairs. H limn Tpnclicrs nt tlic lllufTs. CoiiKrcsK of I'nii-AniPrlcnn. II Cn 111 111 1 lis SoiirIiI hy mv irU. Ilpllone l.osps to Tntior. 10 llhlo's lirrnl .pnl In nn Off Yrnr. limn MiiniiKPrs I'luure .Mnjorll. 11 Tnrulim the lliisc Hull 'Wheel. Mlssmirl 'l iners (lie .el 1'rej. 14 'Wo mil III llcr AV'iiys mid AVIiluis. Ifi Amnspiiipiils nnd Muslcnl Notes. 1H ".o (II her M'n," li- Wnltcr Hcsant IT Mrnrnmin Terinlniites Trentles, IVnr llpjeellnn of Cniuil Trcnt. 'I'linnksKlvliiK Diiy Is Proeliilnicd. ri ill 1 11 11 Aitrrrs (o Pay l'riincc. 18 r.illlnrlnl nnd Coiuiiicnt. Ill U0.7 lit 1" Onuiliu .School Hnnrd CiuniuilKn .iH" '-t'l Cnndlllnii nt lluslncss In Omnlin foiith ANYTHING BUT SCORE Cetnhiikeri Able to Do as Hey Please Fxctpt Count Peiiti. WALK ROUGHSHOD OVER THE BADGERS But Wiieoniii Oete Eijchtiin tJiiU to Nebrtska'e Ziro. MADISON FINDS STUBBORN DEFENSE tIMlO 1 i.:uis MIT :i.bii Iti Qriater Experioice Oeanta Againit the Liucoliitee. MAKES STEADY GAINS IN SECOND HALP Vlsltom Tliercltj- PriMcnted from Ols plnliiK Their IIITciislc Ability, .o C'onsplcnons In I'lml Period llndurrs ,nn IVnr fiophers, Wisconsin, ISi plirnsKn. 11. MILWAUKEE, Nov. C.-(Speclal Tele graui.) Minnesota, 13; Nebraska, 0. Wis consin, IS; Nebraska, u. Tboso two sroren tell the story of tb tight for the western font ball champion shin from tbu Ncbraskan point of vlow. Co mine roll. I nnd llimn.lnl p. Alter additional practli o slnrc the meeting Itppnhllenns Drmnrrntii . Totnl (linnlin. 11,(1 ir. a.Tsi ir.u Ain.t Omnlin 1,477 j, sa "ail Tcmpcriiturc nl O11111I111 Yesterday 1 l)c.. . . .Ill 1K.711 :i,r,i7 Hour. lli'X. ." n. ni .VI li 11. 111 ,Vt 7 n. in ,;t n. 111 1 i) h. iii no Hour, HI n. id ... . II 11. m. . . . II! III.. I p. in ... - p. in ... . :i p. in ... , This table gives tho complied figures of (ho reeltmllnn fnr Omaha nnd South Hon tho duke. It is alleged, proposes " 0ranha, closed Inst night, preliminary to marry her. . thn election next Tuesday. A light vote, It Is a singular fact that he married his .. fnr ,. nff VPHr. ,,,i i,y tho first wife, Lady Flora Hastings, under pre- (rpmcdo,,,, fBuB off In tho number of clscly similar circumstances. She, too, rppptorei voters as compared with last turned Catnollc ann wh oisownea uy uur ., . FOOT HAM, .SATIfHIIAV. father. Damn nonnlngton. Tho duke met her at the house of his brother. Lord Ed mund Talbot, and marrred her. It In believed that the Fltzw llllam fam ily, like Donniugton's, will bo only too pleased 1o forglvo Lady Alice's change of faith If It brings a dukedom In Its train. Joseph Vlrnff. Inteiitnr of flnplil TrlPKrnp'i?'. Dies Without nrnpliiK Ills Fruits. YERKES A MASTERFUL MAN CLOSES Hj- Ills Quiet Decision nnd Frank Thnrnuchiipss lie Has His War In London. .JOHN.. REDMOND'S MISSION Ireland Wnlchcs with Keenest Inter est Ills I'roRrrss in tho l ulled Mate. (CopyrlEht. 11 1, by Prcsn Publishing Co) DUnLlN, Nov. -. (New York World Ca- (Copyricht. inni. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. Nov. 2.-(New York World Ca- (Copyright, IM, by Press Publishing Co.) blegram Special Telegram.) C. T. Yerkes huija i'f,hi, iiungiiry, ,ov. u. irvew has mado a noticeable Impression upon Ar- York World Calilegram-Sperlal Telegram.) bltrator iJiiicion tind -ifi . coucerned In SMALLPOX SPREADS IN LONDON Court Circles lllslnrlicd by This Ncrr Obstacle, to Cnronntlnn I'estUitles. The grand total of the registration for lf0l Is 10,2.11 for the two cities, as against Jfi.Tia for moo, tho shortage being 7,152, or nearly "S iier cent. This decline Is atcrlbcd to the in clement weather that overtook belated voters who had neglected to register until the lust, day and also tbo pronounced In difference of voters to the Issues raised In tho pending rampalgn. Ilcpulillentis Fare lle.ttcr. Dy pirty affiliations the rerubllranc seem to have fared better In tho stay-at-home vote than their opponents. The repub licans of the two cities registered U.122, as ncalnst 11.33a a year ago. Combining the opposition, the total this year Is S,10!. as aca nst 12.375 n WOO. If the votes wero cast arcorning 10 me -A brilliant- career . wV suddenly nde'd this week with tho death, at the ago of 31 year?, of Joseph Vlrag, an Inventor of the marvelous rapid telegraphy which vn first described In these dispatches somo time bko. Vlrag and Pollak, two engineers, applied an optical telephone, which they had constructed, to telegraphy, and suc ceeded in telegraphing from 70,000 to 80,000 (Copyright, lfnt. by Press ruhllsblnir Co ) LONDON. Nov. 2. (Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) A new ob- I stacle to tbe coming coronation festivi ties Is profoundly disturbing court circles. rcrord of y miations the republicans Smallpox Is spreading In" London, The wouM carry county by a larger ma- cases are not numerous 111 urca-ini, i iur., . .han CVcr are distributed over every London district . . no ,ncMentf) nt 0f tho usuat and are virulent, win an apnprmaiiy nign iin ,n (he (h(rd day.B vork of rcs8tr. j mortBiiiy. ,.11 is rrcogni IWWW"? -,.- Prtles-bad ,n pd- that if the1 dlf-eass Is )iol stumpM out ne- orna nf n.-rinet men out bustling Wisconsin, ISj ,chriiskii, (I. Miicoln, S llmnhii, O. Ilentrlcc, Utt W)iuorc, (I. CrclKhton, .it .'rt Crook, O. Duvlil ( Hj. UN Mntni-d, (I, .rhrnskn Cll-. I-' Weeping; Witter, 5 llchrou, lilt nilgsr. (I. Tnhor, lilt llelletnc, O, lilim, -Jit Knn, II. Ties Mollies, III .S(, II. (Srlnuell. ."1 Dps Mollies, It, t'nliimlilii. Ill I. of l II. Illinois, ISi liidlniin. II. Mli'blunn, UV! Cnrllslc, O. I'hlciiKo, I7 llcloll, 17. Iliirtnnl, ISi llromi, II. Vale, fit Wesl Point, Princeton, St Cornell! (I. Dnrtnioiith. AVrsloun, II'. Ilnvcrfnrd, .In bun Hopkins, O. l,nfnette. lift t l.chlnh, 1). Ohio Med.. Ol Wash 11 ml .leff., (I. I'lirilim, Cnsc School, O. Illinois Weslenii, I'Jt llosr, II. Notre Dnmr. lilt l.nke l-'oresl, O, .nsli llle. at iiniipc, (I. JVnrth Carolina. -7i l.cnrnila, O. Hoi- Cross. .'17 I'lillllps-Anduvcr, II. Wlllliims, :KM llnmlllon, O. Hates, 17t Colli, II. Homestead, 101 Penn. Mate, I). Wnslilnulon. 12) .ashvllle, 11. yjtjtjBUhcr.s:.) OJtrrJ'H.o, JUJ.... . Atinniiiills, Dickinson, (I. the Doard of Trado Inquiry to dctcrmlno torn spring tho fcatlvltles. ns far as the yotern but their labors dragged heavily. whether the underground railway elee- attendance nf visitors is roncerne.r, are results, and when the rain began iAiTCD Dl AVQ AM nVCPTIIPC tricity shall bo by tho Canr. or tho center destined to be a failure In any event, and . , aftcrnoon ,0pe ot a full WIN I Cn tLH 13 HIM UVCniUnC rail Rystcm. Mr. Yerkes gave his views the London tradehmen and hotel keepers rPRgtrat0D vanished at Mlnuetota tbu Nibraska foot ball team has been nblc to show tho Dadgcr eleven M'&s uneiiual to the (lophers, whom they ura to meet a little later In the season. The score today was not a sample of ha Ncbraskans ically did to the Dadgcr warriors. The men from the west wero able to go through, around nnd over tho Wisconsin men and did about unythlni; they wished, except to score. That they were unable to do. Wisconsin wan com paratively unable to break through tho Nebraska Hun and from the Dadgcr stand point tbo Wisconsin detcuse was weak, but tho trcater experience of the meu from Madison was able to outdo tho Llncnlultes. Thn game started at 2 35. Tobln kicked off for Nebraska to Wisconsin's llve-ynrd line aud Marshall returned tho ball ten yards. Driver punted to the center of th! Held. Drain caught tho ball, but was downed In his tracks by Curtis. Plllsbury and Crandall were sent against tho Wis consin line, but In each Instance failed to gain, Plllsbury kicked out of bounds. Tho ball was now on Wisconsin's twenty-yard line. Cochtms and Larson wero trent In turn against tho Nebraska ends, but weio held without gain. Larson went through the center. Cochems went around left for five yards, but was forced over the foul line. Wisconsin tried a mass play nnd lost the ball 'on a fumble. Nebraska lost thu ball on a mistaken signal. Driver kicked out of bounds. Nebraska tried a tandem, but failed to gain. Oornhnskers Cantluned. Nebraska tried a fake pass in order to get Wisconsin off tide. The referee warned tho Cornhuskers not to try that again or they, would forfeit the ball.r -Klnsburr made a pretty plunge through Wisconsin's tackle for five yards Hnd m.ldo a gain through tbo center. , Westover went through left tackle for a small gain and Kingsbury hurdled the cen- blegram Special Telegram.) Tho progress words an hour of John nedmond'a mission In tho united Thn first trial was so successful that Mr States Is Matched hero with keen Interest, Dakor, manager of an American cable corn- while tho Kngllsh politicians are following pany, said It would make him hHppy for It with feverish anxiety. Tho aotl-Irlnh llfo If he could carry off the. llttlo ap Dress In Great Drltaln freely predicts that paratus that bad performed such wonders Itedmond and his associates will meet with Ho said It was hl.s duty to cxamlno all new llttlo encouragement because of tho Inventions In telegraphy and that never btrength of Anglo-American sympathies. had he seen an Invention approaching this T. W. Hussell. M. r.. a member of Lord In cleverness Salisbury's previous government and tho Tho Inventors wero not satisfied, however, most effective of all the Irish opponent of and continued Improving tho appa Ol Oil Tho fleurrs of the third day's registra tion by oting districts and party affilia tions, with the comparative figures for tho wards for last year, ary as follows: First Ward. with such nulet decision. w so thor- w-lll be pretty well ruined after tho previous oughlv armed at all points and was so losses due to tho war and Queen Victoria's frank In bis testimony that ho alono Is be- death. llnved in havo overthrown tho caho for the Tho stato ot King Kdward's health eon finn Rvsirm. which ho ulrenuoiifclv on- tlnucs to bring out conflicting opinions nosed. from tho nignesi auinoriiips among urn I ..... .... ..LI t ...II, Thn vln nn nf nnrier.-rnnnil run i Iran- meillCII lOUrnaiH, yei lliu puuiiu "ill tun dl In Lniwlnn Ii. havlne a tremendous boom, tlnue to DCIIOVO no nas cancer iiniesn hum The rapltallrcd value of the new schemes, unequivocal omcini ncniai is puniiMic.i. , for which parliamentary franchises will bo The absence of such a denial strengthens 1 asked nt the next session is $2.10.000,000. the suspicion that something is wrong. As fi Rxpert opinion Is steadily tending against a result or tms Binio 01 unccriain y. . ? ;; further den level tube construction, as business dependent upon the coronation Is s the Inevitable delay In working the ele- arrested. Order nre be c f Thlrd day.. "2 ...,., U. r.n!.,l .rlnn nefeel. ren. all kinds Of goods. thO letting Of IlOUSCS U Sintli Oerlng deep love, tubes Impracticable for t "Jstll, and t ere 1s ' - Tout, jgjl .Sppond Wnrd First Siioh of the Season Visits ter for live yards twice in succession. Westover again vlerccd Wisconsin a left tor a gain of four yards. Drain dropped back and tried for a placo kick, but failed. Mar shall got. th ball and mado a return, cleverly dodging tho entire opposition. Ho Omaha and Is Distributed with Vlttiir Throiittb the MkIiI. Having been duly heralded by the offl Dlctrlct. Jtep. Dcm. Pop. No Ans. T'FJ. ,.a voice winter crossed the threshold last dropped tho ball and Juneau recovered It t effective of all the Irish opponents of and continued Improving tho apparatus until 'rmg oee . .em iu.ic .. i , anything In antlcl- Total, iW.. adstone's home rule, has written a book they succeeded In obtaining beautifully clear fort HMnnccs, bhallow ' "rground nclina , m Mt uko . Ireland confesslnu- "I have changed writing on the receiver. This was so valua- train tracks like those In Doston arc al- u y re d Irish history Wo that for Its sake they reduced the speed ready projected by the l-ndon county coun- Pce. d , r c, 37 15 Ifi m II ir. 5 !i u ir. 7n 2.1 10 .VI ri :o s M : 72 10 3j lot 4V1 uiii 317 2.02TI xny over again, I see things In a wholly differ cnt light. I understand men like Red mond, Dillon and O'Drlen for tho flrt time. 1 do not agree with all their alms and aspl to iii.u'iu worns an nour. iney kiso nan n cn aiunu um iiruiciiHu hi.jiuuhiuii- Uriiinri OAIIPACIIC MnilMTAIMC successful trial between Chicago and New best method ot relieving congestion of JUNNtL UAUUAoUo lYlUUlM I MIIMo York In all weathers. The Invention Is now traffic, and provldlug rapid transit. complete and was about to bo adopted, It is Karl Carrlngton bas demanded of the .tuppiidnns Ttnllroad Projpct Includes rations, but I can fool .omethlng of what VI' the telegraph companies In the county council that the theater commute., thiy feel." world, but Just nt tho moment when full shall prohibit further performance lu the . 1 w o ii.ji,,m lln,,j .u. success was about to reward tho inventors Hippodrome by the woman linn tamer, 1r1r.11 ' .,, lVl.,,v, one of them was seized with a virulent Clare Helllot, on account of their perilous n More Twenty-Three Miles lu I.PIIKtll. crowth ot the United Irish leagua through Dut Ireland, is resorting to desporato mcas Ures to lerrorlro the peoplo to prevent them from supporting It. At a meeting In Kilo- mine this week, to which no objection was Intimated by tho authorities, a larjo force of constabulary suddenly rushed on the platform and a police officer arbitrarily proposed to prevent one member ot Parliament from speaking, while according permission to William Redmond This dlrtatlon being spurned, tne ponce, 1 10 .... 11 .... Rep. 30 23 to ' 25 23 31 1S 21 Thero was no tinge of white In streot or The. hurdling ot tho Nebra3kans and their gutter, hut the palpable substance In tho plunges through tackleH wero fierce and air clearly distinguished the occasion as the Daubers had great difficulty In holding the first snowstorm of tbe winter. them. Tho playing was In Wlsconsln'n Tho snow was accompanied by a brisk territory and the Dadgers had all they breeze from tho north, but was unable to cauri (o, to hold their own. Cortclyou, on rise to the proportions of a blizzard owing a beautiful double pass, got around WIs- lm. Pop. NoAtis. T't'l. to Ihe mild temperature. This essential Consln' jctt with a clear field before blm fever and died after an Illness of thrco character. Carrlngton nay.. days. "jf a man goes into a wild beast's cagr I, lu tint nun fault Villi II (a ii RUbbIA KhrUHIb A MIHAULt different thing when n woman goes in.' is Third day.. JM Total, IDOL. 1,132 John nf Cronskdt, Fnninns Priest, Tte- tnres Use nf Limbs to Wo 111 nil Thronith Stun nf Cms.. District. was seriously rnaln chain of the Caucasus mountains from 1 panted by her I,olnl for,' nl,le3 !,0,1,h of Vladlkavkis. 2 , ,h. rrinrnrt Tho tunnel will be twenty-three mllen long (Copyright. 1W, by Pres. Publishing Co.) ST. PKTERSDlJUn. Nov. 2. (New York vlthout warning and at a signal from an World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The officer, set upon the peaceful crowd, club- famous Russian priest, John of Cronskdt, Is ting them right and left, old men, women reported to have performed a miracle. A and children being pursued and beaten woman unable to move her limbs was mercilessly. carried to him. He fastened bis eyes on William Redmond says that In all his ex- her and bade her make tho sign of a cross. tierlence of police brutality In Ireland ho After much effort she did so. He then never saw anything 10 unprovoked and ordered her to rise. This she did, but cowardly. Mr. Wyndham refused to looK evidently in great pain. After a few mln- Into the matter, grant redress or explain. I utes tho pain departed, It Is averred, and at Father John's request she walked around AiTflR MAY BECOME MAYOR hlra. supported by her friends, and on being Drnmntiat Knrcrd to Sketch Atnnxlnu r" '" 1 told to go to pray nnd mako thn sign of a (Convrlght, inol. by Press Publishing Co.) ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 2. (New York World Cahleeram Special Telegram.) A hold, remarkable project Is receiving attcn- Totul, 1000.. 1,227 n-h.n Mrs. nenrirn Kennel Htenned nshore Hon among tho Russian engineers. It la pro at Liverpool nbo received a cablo dispatch posed to construct a tunnel under th announcing that her husband Ml In New York, so, arcompa Uiuiuri, lliu villi ui .,i.v....., -,.v -v.. . T,Dm. ... .1 , M,.i.irt 1 ft 1 lu enni 9 nv""V"'. . ri.uu on m, H.r II1C licxi niriiuinmii. .... m..Im!..h 1. I- lllv.l .i. - .11.. i ..... .i..i f ,h. nioerian rnunitj m ninrut., . ......... .... I nc null Ul lllllCMUli II nna luiviiri wi III.. I , ... V. I .V. 1 1, . ni,.. l,r,o-l,t ,.nl..ntor In Rnlllh Afrlp. lai iniS . HlirilBIUU lui.ll. I, mill u..n ... vnj .v.- . . .nt t.n lini-nn . l. . u. ... . r.. ... n . i a I J II niiiiiiiui. ,.i .nt. --" i " ' unorc m- ...... n... Krom H n,ntary and commercial point of one otJy VB :rtJ vlow the work will be of vast Importance. an the only direct communication with Trans-Caucasia from southern Russia Is by n ordinary road from Vladlkavkas to Llffls 20 I 15 2fi II : -.'fi 11 32 231 IKS 1,07'J II! 37 12 32' fi n ii is IR 17 19 "i:-3 i.v) ' quality to a respectable storm may not ba anj wnlt tnaklng his way for a touchdown. lacking today, however, as the weather rye hlt cochems sprinted and brought' bin) 17 1 at wasningmn lorcsci- u wuci nmo .u. M this section of tbo west. Tho heml-Miow which prevailed nt Omaha ii extended generally along the Missouri val- Kt ley. Northeast Nebrasku reports a depcslt ' of downy snowttakew nnd further south funt ball enthusiasts were driven Indoors by in- 710 auspicious weather. 2.261 2.SI0 Third Ward. Rep. Dem. Pop. No AliS. 1 l i 1 1 - I down near tho side line, and ten yards from Wisconsin's goal. Dut for Cochems great sprint Nebraska would havo bad an easy touchdown. Plllsbury and Kingsbury wero pushed through tho Wisconsin lino by main force, tbe Badgers seemingly unable to stand tho terrific onslaughts. I'ilthtlnit Is Fierce. The. ball wag on Wisconsin's seventy-yard line and both teams wero lighting fiercely. Oftlclnl F.ffort Helnn Made to Deter- Wisconsin's rooting braced tho Badgers aud CORONER WILL FIX BLAME Into bis promotion schemes by largo bonuses. When Hooley failed Albemarle, who had acted honestly, returned to Hoolcy's estate tho sura he had received from him. SPIRIT ROSES FOR SARD0U Honor nf nn KtiKllsh Town for Wll- 11 n in Waldorf During Cnro nntlnn Yrnr. (Copyright, 1WI, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Nov. a. (New York World Ca- blegram Special Telegram,) William Wal tlorf Astor Is to bo Invited to accept the inayoralty of Maidenhead for the coronation year. Tho retiring mayor Is W. H. Gren- (ell, M. P., whose placu at Teplow court adjoins Mr. Astor'n and bas been the tceno of mom fashionable honeymoons than any other house lu Englaud. Mr. Astor Ik not now on the burgess roll of tbe town of Maidenhead, but It Is proposed to got over this difficulty by making blm a freeman of tbe borough. Ho would receive no salary cn mayor und tbe dutlos are purely orna mental and nominal. Architectural Drslun of Mu rnrt's llonse In Jnpltrr. (Copyright, 1W1, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Nov. 2. (New York World Ca- blegram Special Telegram.) One night a ANARCHIST FIRES INTO CROWD Wounds Thu I'crsnns In a Ciathcr- Inir nt Munich and Then Kills Himself. cross she moved away without assistance, According to the Russian newspapers, which gave tbe name of tbe woman and tho placo where tho alleged miracle occurred, thousands of persons witnessed all this and all the woman's relatives and other friends have sworn that to their certain knowledge the woman had been a helpless cripple for years. POPE IN EXCELLENT HEALTH Ills Physician Nna III) lllds Fair In Outline Many of thr Uvll Prophet. (Copyright, 1WI. by Press Publishing Co.) ROME, Nov. 2. (New York World Cable- gram Special Telegram.) "Yon may tell your readers lo XIII Is In excellont healih," said Prof. Itmponl, the popn's physician, yesterday. "I am convinced that ho will outlho many of those who are now confidently prophesying that his end I si ap proaching." Thn pope has Just conferred an Donor upon Archbishop Chnpelle, the apcttollc delegate to the Philippines, whom ho has a .". "rune Z; r ; ..rawm. U was signed "Bernard Pallssy. LEOPOLD DEFERS HIS VISIT Klnic of the nclulnns hnys rnlte.l Mutes Trip Continues a De sire nf His Life. (Copyright. 1P01, by Press Publishing Co.) BRUSSELS, Nov. 2. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The World Is authorized to stnto that Mng Leopold 11 33 1 13 10 mine nespnnslhlllty for Im pure Anlltoxlne. s fl 10 Third day.. Total. I001..1.17R Totul, mi.. 1.H7 2-1 12 11 1.-. II s IS "Tfii. 4fiT IV4.1 3t 12 2t IT n 3 121 370 tfll JO ?3 ?s ST. LOUIS. Nov. 2. An Inquiry was be- 1? sun today by Dr. R. M. Funkbouser, coro- ID they fought desperately, holding Nebraska for downs. This was the salvation ot tho Badgers, as It gave Driver a chance In punt and he sent the ball to thn center of the field. Mass and end plays, with kicks alternating, brought tho ball to Nf. Fun rib Wnrd. nor. Into tbo deaths which are said to bare I hraaka's ten-yard line, wh?n tbo Huskers been caused by tetanus as tho result of 8lm i..ui nve minutes to play. Wisconsin ffi tho administration, it Is claimed, ot a tsun tried a mass play and pushed Larson diphtheritic nntl-tpxlne mado and ds-1 within thrno yards nf Nebraska's goal. "5 trlbuted by tbe Board of Health. Coroner prlvor whs pushed over for a touchdown, Kunkhouser has summoned nil or tne promt- tno ennro Wisconsin force, backing him ncnt physicians of tho city and win en- up jn om tremendous effort to make tbo District Rep. Dem. Pop. No Ans. T't'l. dcavor to find out what infection tnern playi with tho score b to 0 tho half ended. 1 2."i 10 .. 7 12 wny nttV0 been In the antl-toxlne admin- TnR st0ry was a llttlo different In th 2 t " ''J $ istcred to tbo children who have died, how euond half. When Wisconsin onco took 5 II 2 :.7 tho Infection occurred and to whoso fault, tD0 piln there was a steady working I. !!"".'."!"! R2 20 .. 2 37 jf 6ny injivHual. this was due. toward the Nebraska goal by short eud fi jl A rJ n is the. Intention of tho coroner to In- rR( plunges on center und tackles. Tho I 3, t ! ! 7 "S vnstieate thoroughly all thn circumstances viat0rs seldom bad an opportunity to dhow 0 61 week ago, when Vl.torlen Sardou. drama- haa abandoned for the present his projected tlst, was writing, secure against human Intrusion, with doors nnd windows closed, his light went nut, and was lighted again in rapid nuccesslon, us If meant for a sig nal. Immediately afterward a bunch ot magnificent white roses was plr.ced before M. Sardou upon a desk by Invisible hands. Tho roses were fresh with dew and so fra grant us to perfume tho wholo room. A card uttached to Ihe blossoms bore thu nnmo of a young woman who died twenty five years ago, with whom M. Sardou had had many spiritualistic communications bo- fore. When the light was out M. Sardou felt a pencil thrust 'into his band and heard a lurgc sheet of paper drawn from a shelf and placed In frout of him. M, Sardou's hand then began to draw furiously. At visit to tho United States. Thn objections of his minister., and, It Is believed, thu ndvlco of tho Belgian minister In Washing ton, who sounded tho Stato departmont on tho subject, havo prevailed for the tlmu bolng, but tho king saya be refuses to give up the expectation of making a trip which has been ono of tho great desires of his life. OFFENSIVE TO THE KAISER Conduct nf Ills Mihjrcts firniin Dis respectful Annln Diirlnu In dustrial Depression. Third day.. 312 Total. IfOt. .1.221 Total, Jflrt)..l.KB Fifth (Copyright, 19ol, by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN. Nov. 2.- (New York World Ca- the end of ftvo minutes tho lights (lashed bipgram-Speclal Telegram.) Tho cbj.c nf again, M. Sardou examined the work of iPjn maleaie. which wero greatly diminished I s. HZ .I. ' o tha nan,, his hand, of which it had beeu Imposslblo durlUg tho summer, again begin to a.sume MUNICH, November 2. There was ,'.. m the course of his stay In Rome ,0 forra lho lcjsl onceHloii during the- Ucrious proportions. It is remarked that . , -wi-.. . rtj i ii i ...... 1' I T . no u ffrtM "nprnarn Va Hum1 I . . iH. ........ ... Yw. ....... .. 1. .... prnsaimuui mum m uuron nun ii avail- extending over several months, Mgr. 41 " ,p unniac hki" vinin iuiic id m inf. Just before the commencement ot a r.hapelln has created a favorahlo 'impres- d famous ceramic artist of the sixteenth industrial depression, as now. Two of the concert there a man named Hoffman bognn .ion i the highest Vatican circles, where century, and the writing along tho side strangest recent case are those of a uews- firlne a revolver ut tho nconle In. the nn- h. u .. rri fvnritn uith Cnrdinui read: "Morart s nouse in mo planet Jii- paper which condemned the Kaisers reucp- auditorium, wounding two of them. II ferafluo, Vannutelll and Rarnpolla, all of I'lter." Never was archttecturo more ideally Hon of Princo Cbun. and of a man who then killed hlmhelf. Hoffman, who was whom are mentioned for the papacy nnd are dreamy man me pun nm uan.i nun sKeicniu. woum noi uso irom nis m-ui wih-u h - nccn . untninr'g jsouiuni r-unin fmm vmUa,h . I hi. .norini frinnris i,.:ivlit- nnmp Experts declare It Is 1 n vu I ua bl t! for arclil- was called for the kaiser at a meeting he Baden. Anarchist 1 tcrature was found In Mgr. Chapello wll have farewell Budl- RUggcsnon, nerug lu-coniiiiB 10 qc- airennco. i uc cuuur oi uiuuwm, mo his uockot. leice with the pope, lllrlous ana unucara-oi iesmeuc pnntipics. oiuer mau mret District. I W IIIMIHU'I 3 Third day. Rep. (T, 31 30 12 20 21 "o ntiendlne these deaths, "It Is too early their offensive ability during tho frrat part "7,7. nnw." said ho tonight, "for me to express f the half, for though tho Dadgers worn liny opinion us to whom I consider rc- ,e to moke but small gains, their gain H?.4 sponsible. In fact, I don't know yt. But ero steady. I am doing and will continue to do every- At the last. Just before Driver was pushel thine- in mv nowcr to find out. I am try- through for the r.ccond touchdown from Nc Dem. Pop. No Ans. T't'l. Ing to ascertain for certatn whether it braska's three-yard line, the galnB went 0 10 36S fill Ward. 10 w 201 333 17 fi 13 IS 12 21 17 07 12 1 13 fi fi 45 Itt 2CS Total. i!d.. AT. 3S2 Totul. !'.').. 1.159 5i2 Ninth Wnrd. District. nep. Dem. Pop. No Ans. T't'l IS thr xnrum taken from tho horse Au- marked by onn and two yurdo, but tho !- gust 21 or at any other time that caused Bndgern did not tumble, and mado tbo 75 the unfortunate developments." requisite five yards In every three downs. rfi Th'crn are two questions which tho In- After this touchdown thero was moro il qulry will try to settle: First, whethor open play. Punting was frequent and tbo tho deaths wero duo to lockjaw? nnd, sec- Ncbraskans had tho ovnl going from on-' sni on.i if bo was tbo lockjaw duo to In- end of tho field to tho other In un effort to 1,483 .fectert s(rum7 2.027 17 fifi 121 Ki 29 23 Id 32 41 Sfi Third day.. J Total. 1901. .1.457 Total, 1900. .2.099 19 II lu IS ffiO, n 10 u i 7 19 3 10 M 20 423 IS rs '2 'o 3fi H7 fr. 61 61 2,20 3.156 District. Tl fictenth Word. Ren. Dem. Pop. No Ans, T 1 1. 10 11 I 19 74 fii 1t .. 10 77 KS 3o 1 3 71 J I 9 1 fi M 43 9 ... 4 : (.CostUtucd on Second l'E'). nrovent the Wlbcoiinln men from approach ing tbe goal, At ono tlmo Drain caught the ball on the tlvo-yard lino, was downed on the ten-yard line umliihen a punt sent tbe ball far back lu Wisconsin territory. Movements of Ocean Vessels Nov. U. ai iinnir K0111: Arrived Knight Com- panion. iron 1 m r,., fr,lm I ' (llpttri! r.hBraeterlzd thn rest nf tho New York, for Liverpool. came. kA', v.irk : fnV Bremen J'Mnally. toward the end of the half. Drivir U oiaPKOW-Salled-Harmatlaii, for Mont- punted to Nebraska's thirty-yard Hun, Ne- real. ,, , hraska lost on dowus nnd Motfatt was At Corona Sailed -1' liimhlrc, from ban through the rentor of tho Lincoln 1 u" Antwrip--Arrlve.I-Kenslngton. from eleven for tbo last touchdown. This w New York. Sallcil-Vaderland, for Now , minutes before tbe end of the half a At 1 luvro-Sallrd-LnSavolc, f' 1. ... 1 1 .1 IF It A f al nt f.m Vrt. I . n At uremrn nrtucu 11. .'viti, 1 viht Uritiin 1 York.. ,. . . . at lnttl t Pamm. Abbott..!-. K. . -. ..twl lVii-iiirtT ITiiAiiri!! from I -V T . n Southampton und CherbourKi Umbrlu, from Kerum ,....L. O. Liverpool: Pretoria, from Hamburg. Sailed Kkuw ....C. -.pnteduni. for Rotterdam, via Boulogne: fiehrelber R. (.. Aller, for Genoa, etc.: Campania, for Liver. Curtis R. ,' :...,.i. MimipiinnllH. for London: Man ton. .limnim R. I.. i r.iirimi! ppiuisvlviinlii. for llambur via Plymouth und Cherbourg: Furncsslu. At Yokohama Arrived Braemar, from Moifatt and Driver. Seattle, for Hons Kongi 1 " " at. nd New Hangers uimwiu Lineup: 0 NKHIlAhlxA R. E Cortiilyou H, T wes rover n. O Brew C Koebler L. O Toblli L T Mngnimi-v 15 C, Hhedil g H , Dnil'i It. II, U li. OUi-un arid Beigor L. H. B Crandall F, 13.. rllUbury. Marsball Cochems Lurson O. B L. H. !! u. n. i,