10 CILLAHAN'S TRIAL BEGINS Indg Etjior Accipts Iavitatitn from Judgs Eiktr to Preiidi. MOTION FOR CHANGE OF FORUM DENIED Jmlae with Criminal Ducket. Ilntv- err, Willingly MxcliniiRrn IMnt-es r 1 ( ti One of III CollcnKiic SccurliiB the Jury. Thr .fury. WILLIAM PLUMMIill, KOO Hurt street, retired. HUUH IllNTKH, WC Hnmlllon street, Duicncr, C. I. IIKKHK. 3MB Knrimni street, t crk. WII.MAM KMSK, .Millard precinct, farmer. K C. WII1TU, 024 North Sixteenth street, CIIIBE1M. U. C. MADHKN, 1S3I North Twenty-fourth WILLIAM CAPI'Ni:, Mil Smith Tlllr- tci'titli street, mri'hiinlc. 11. CllltlHl M.NHKN, ullU North Klght tfntli strpct. Iiiburur, O. V. HALL, W10 Nortli Fifteenth street, cierK. JAMKS COLLUN, Valley precinct, farmer. F. Ji. UATH8, 117 North Nineteenth street, elevator oondiictor. II. T. Hi'ilNlvr T, Fort) -fourth and Charlca streets, cabinet maker. Judgo V. W. Kcysor will preside over the criminal court during tin; trlnl of Jaracs Callahan for perjury, which began yesterday morning. Judno liakcr ovcrruleil Callahan's motion for a change of forum, but Invited Judge Kcysor to try the case. I'crjury Is now the only chargo which stands against Callahan, The alleged kid naper of Kdward Cudahy, Jr., cleared him self of the chargo of rohhery In a former trial anil Judge Maker has Htrlckcn thu chargo of faUo Imprisonment from the court record!. Last week the attorneys for Callahan filed a motion with tho district court ask ing that Callahan's vuso ho removed from ' Judgo Maker's court on tho ground that the Judte Is prejudiced against Callahan and huMt expressed tho opinion that tho defendant was one of tho conspirators who kidnaped Edward Cudahy, Jr. Tho motion was argued heforo Judgo Baker yesterday morning. After reading af fidavits setting forth tho fact that Judgo Baker bad received a telegram from God frey L. Cabot of Pittsburg, Pa., deploring the acquittal of Callahan on tho chargo of robbery, and after reading a telegram which Judgo Baker sent In reply, In which ho stated that Callahan would bo tried on another charge, tho nttorneys for tho de fendant asked tho Judgo If ho cared to say nnytning concerning tho allegations of projudlre. It was nlso alleged that tho Judgo advised tho prosecuting attorneys how to proceed In bringing Callahan to trial on other charges after ho was ac quitted of robbery. Judge linker Kiiiliilnn. Judgo Hakor admitted that ho sent and received telegrams which wcro. in mib- lance, as bci lortn in tho nlUdsvlts. He also said that he discussed tho further prosccutionDf Callahan with the county at. lorney ana no clilcf of police, but tho ldoa or bringing 'Callahan to trial on a charso or perjury originated with tho county nt-tornoy. cauanan attorneys stnted that Judge Baker should not hear the caso, because he has been subpoenaed as a witness. County Attorney Shields said that he was willing; to withdraw Judgo Ilakor's namo from tho list of witnesses and stated that an tno testimony desired from Judge Boker is a mere statement that ho wus on tho oench when Callahan was tried for robbcrv. After tho nrguments by tho Callahan at torneys wcro completed Judgo Dakcr stated tnat In his opinion no reasons had been ad' vancca wnicn were sumcicnt to prevent him from presiding over 'tho trial and overruled tho motion. Ho stated that ho would be called upon to decide questions of law nnd not questions of fact. Tho Judgo stated that' his knowlcdgn of tho caso would prevent, tho re-rcadlng of much testi mony, with which another Judgo could not be familiar. "There Is no reason nt law why I should noi presiuo in tnis case, but If I ca get ono' or tne other Judges to oxchango dockets Kith rao I will turn It over to him," Judco Baker announced as tho attorneys made ready to try tho case, Ho .left the room and In a few minutes Judco Kcysor en tered tho criminal court and announced that ho would try tho Callahan case. After n delay of a few minutes Cnllahnu was brought Into tho court room nnd the court began to Impanel a Jury. All yesterday aftornoon was devoted to securing a Jury In tho Callahan caso. The stato and tho defonse both exhausted all peremptory challenges and tho twelve men selected wcro tho cholco of more than thirty men. A largo percentage) of tho Jurors drawn had formed opinions concerning tho case, which made It Imperative that they be excused. Sovoral men woro challenged because or personal acqualntnnco with James Callahan. Tho men solccted for tho Jury are mostly young men, nearly all of thorn being less than 35 years of ago. With (two or thrco exceptions tboy aro married men who havo children. GREAT CLOAK BARGAINS Very Special Offerings in Box Coats, Automo biles, Suits, Raglans and Furs for Tuesday AT BOSTON STORE, OMAHA. The best Raglan values ever offered They aro made of heavy kcrsoy nnd frlozo, with heavy velvet collars, stitched lap yokes, satin body llnlnrj, turn baeic cufTj mado to soil qo -g SCZfm at $16 nnd $17.50- VjO I uU THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. OCTOUTm ?fl. mm. J TIICQnhV IN TUC IVkUHfll 111 I Ills tomorrow at... Golf and Walking Skirts $4.08 for heavy weight frieze golf or walking skirts in oxford ff ray, blue and brown with floparato stitched flounce, Just received a $7 value, at '498 $10 Automobiles $6.98 6m $6.yS for heavy Kersey automobiles, body lined, 42-lncho3 long, high storm collars, tailor stitched, castor, red and black, a $10.00 value, at $9.98 for line quality of Kngllsh kersey nutomobllc, full silk and satin lined, storm or velvet cont collars, In all colors, full q 42-lnches long, worth J $16.00, go at ' 8E2 Furs $2.98 for imitation Btone marten and marten cluster scarfs, $1.98 for genuine marten cluster scarfs, $12.50 for 30-Inch astrakhan capes. $16.50 for 21-inch electric seal Jackets. Tailored Golf & Dress Suits $8. 50 for a speoial lot of odd suits bought at 60c on tho dollar, Including heavy golf nnd walking suits, and beautifully trim med dress suits, all styles, all colors, all kinds of material, some worth up to $18, tomorrow $5 Box Coats 250 i $2.50 tor heavy oxford box coats, with storm collar, good heavy lining, 27-lnches long,, nctually worth $5.00, tomorrow, at 1250 Box Coats 750 7.50 for heavy English kersey box coat, full silk lined, strap yoke with velvet piping, fancy stltch ;d collars and revers, In red, cas tors, navy and black, 0WBZ( worth $12.50 tomorrow ' OvF 250 at mwm E1S suns HAYDEN S BARGAIN ROOM Ni Dialiri, Piddlirs or Manufacturers Sold in This Room Tuesday will be n great day In the bnrgnln room. Wo have purchased three largo stocks of goods to bo closed out In this room and tho prices will he so wonder fully low that they must be seen to be appreciated. Mnlnua, it l-2c nrn. lllo .Mcri'ertxeit MnltiRK, Be. SlinUrr I'lniiuel, 3 l-2c. 7 l-2c Prints. U l-2r. 1fic rinimrlr t ten, ,-,c. And thousands of other bargains. livery tnblc loaded nnd 23 extra salespeople to wait on yi u. ihihss noons. Ono large srtuaro of remnants of Wool Ureas) Goods nnd Worsted Ureas Oooils. In lengths from 2 to 6 yards; of Berge.-s worth we and 75c; Soc Henriettas, JU0 Silk nnd Wool I'lalds, 39c niack Satin llerbers, 23c Serges, nil colors, nnd goods worth up to $2.CW per yard, all will go nt 15c ynrd. $1.00 Indies' Cloth, S5c Venetians, 75c Oranlto Cloth, 75c Hlack Dress Goods, !Sc Fancies, $1.60 I'lalds and thousands of other weaves, 40c yard. Wool Do Ik-lge, worth 15c, 6c. Worsted Fancies, worth 16c, 6c. 28-Inch Henriettas, worth 19c, 6e. MILKS, VKI.VKTS AMI COItllUItOYS. 23c Silks, fancies, only 10c. 39c Plain Silks nnd Checked Japanese, 19c. 83c Silk Foulards, 21 Inches wide, 39c 76c Ilomun Stripes, 39c. $1.00 Satins, 39c, $1.60 lllnck Grenadines, 49c. ji. s 60 Silk KlnnnplB. 49c. $1.(10 Corduroy, nice line of colors. 39c. Kxtru heavy vnrd-wldo Muslin, tin- bleached, only 10 yards to rustomor for 26c, Kxtru fine lilpnrlini Muslin, yard wide. mado to sell at 7hc, only 10 yards to cus tomer ior ac, 42-lnrh I'nblcnched, worth 12',tc. 7Tc. 42-lnch Pleached, worth 22'c, W,ic. , 60 dozen Towels, worth lOo each, 3i,4c. 60 dozen Towels, worth 16o ench, 6c. 60 dozen Towels worth 19c each, V4c. Full Standard Prints, all colors, worth lie, svic 15c Percnles, 6c. 19c Percales, 7!4c. 25c Percales, 10c. 15c Flannelettes, fine colors, 6c. M-lneh Flannelettes, with bonier, 6c, Itemimnts of Fruit of tho Loom, 6c. ltcinnnntH of lmsdnle, 6c, Hcmnnnts of Hopo & I 111 I. 6c. 23c Imitation French Flannel, 10c. 16c Fancy Sntlnes (Simpson's), 5c n.vnt.t .spr.ciAi.s. $1.00 Fleeced Ulnnkets, 69c. $1.00 Comforters, 69c. Grand spcciat on all kinds of Comforters ami Ulankets. IHIKXI 1WTKH2VS. $10.00 Dress Patterns, $3.0. $10.(M Skirt Patterns, $2.93. lie suro nnd examine these patterns, 60e all wool French Flannel, I5c. 75c nil wool fancy striped Wnlstlngs, 39o $l,no striped Crrpo dc Chine, 49c. $l.oo plnld French Flannels, 25c. $1.0) Satin Prunclln, 45c. Thi Ltading Drtss Goods Houst of tho Wist Tuesday wo will sell In our high nrt dress goods department Hroadcloths, Victo rias nnd Tailor Suitings nt exactly half price on account of tho flno season theso goods havo not moved rapidly enough nnd in order to rcduco them wo will sell them as follows for one day only: 64-Inch Dtoadcloth, In all colors, but black, that wo sell for $1.00 per yard, will go at 60 cents. 64-Inch nrondcloths nnd Victorias that wo sell for $1.50, will go at 75c. 64-Inch Uroadcloths and Victorias that wo sell for $1.98, will go at $1 all colors, no blacks. French Doeskins, In bII colors and evening shades, no blacks, that wo sell for $3.00 per yard, will go at $2.50. All our Tailor Suitings In colors, no blacks, that we sell for $2.60, will go at $1.25. All Tailor Suitings that wo sell at $5.00, will go at $2.60. Ilcmember that when wo glvo a salo In our dress department It Is genulno we want to rcduco our stock our loss on this salo Is your gain. Furnishings and Undirwaar Tuesday-Man's $1 Shirts, 29c 100 dozen men's colored Laundered Shirts (slightly soiled), Griffon nnd other woll known brands, lu stiff bosom or negligee, separate cuffs, worth up to $1.60, at 29c. 200 dozen men's wool fleeced lined Shirts nnd Drawers, In plain and fancy colors, worth up to $1.25, on snlo at 39c. One lot of men's heavy Jersey ribbed Shirts and Drawers, worth up to $1, at 29c. Men's 60c Night Shirts at 2c. Men'a 50c Whlto Unlaundered Shirts, all sizes, 25c. Ladles' 35c heavy Jcrsoy ribbed Vests and Pants, nt 19c. One lot of ladles' heavy Jersey ribbed Vests nnd Pants, worth up to $1.00, on sale at 39c. Ladles' $1.00 Union Suits, nt 49c. Men's 50c Working Gloves, at 23c. Men's 39c Gloves, at 19c. Ono lot of mon's flno Suspenders, worth up to 50c, at 15c. HONOR . IN MAKING RETURNS Till Commissioner Points Out C fines of Mrrcltnut Prince nnd a ClerU. the 'Ono man's honor Is another's crime," said Tax Commissioner Fleming yesterday. "Tho different ideas of hobesty and squaro dealing which we have illustrated In' this department every day aro Interesting as re markable. "Now hero Is an assessment of personal property handed ub by a merchant prince of this city. It reads: Household property i $ 1(0 Two horses' ; 40 One vehicle , v. 10 Watches nnd clocks .- Sewing machine , -. , NEARLY DIES OF ASPHYXIATION V 1 uiauur wuson or lint Cloud Ovrr- i'mt by (ins nt Metropolitan Hotel. Claude Wilson of Ttrd Cloud, Neb., is at tne warason nospitnl in a critical condition, caused from being overcome by gas in a room nt tho Metropolitan hotel, Twelfth nnd Douglas atreots. Wilson came to tho noiei anoui i o'clock Monday morning and was assigned a room. At 1 o'clock yes terday afternoon Mrs. U. A. Klteniirinit wife of tho proprietor of tho hotel, who iooks niicr mo rooms, went to Wilson's room, finding It locked and receiving no response to her knocks on tho door In- A I 1 t ... milieu uti uiiBimnii, i nc latter went to ino room nun climbed over tho trnnsom. Wilson was on tho bed and was uncon scious. Tho room was full of gas nnd the RasJot was turned on full blast. Tho inndlord called Dr. Illlcy and Wilson Total $1C0 Ono of my assessors visited that man's home tho other day and ho says thnt tho single vehicle possessed by him may bo assessed at tho total submitted for all his personal possessions. Tho assessor est! mates $600 as a fair figure on tho entirety "This $600 means 40 per cent of the real value. The merchant's estimate of $160 meant tho same., Tho assessor's figuro of $1C0 on tho single vehicle Is In a similar proportion. We will have no compunction about bringing that man strictly up to tho mark. "In contrast, let me clto this case. A short time ago an assessor ivisltcd tho homo of a humble clerk and set down $62.60 as tho 40 per cent assessed. The clerk heard of this when ho camo home and I havo Just received this letter from him. Tho gist of It Is In this sentence: 'If I list theso things on the basis of what they aro worth to mo, or 10 per cent of that. I will bn taxed out of proportion to what others pay. Yot I do not euro to tell tho tax commissioner any loss than the truth. I trust this in formation will answer your purposo and I am willing to pay whatever you think Is Justly duo from me.' I consider that a handsome thing for that man to do. Tho assessor made what ho considered a fair valuation, but this man felt that It was too little and said so, al though he knew It would lay him open to a tax heavier In proportion than what most people pay." NKW SCIKXTIFIC. PTIOCF.SS. A Prriinrnllon IjInooy ererl Hint Will Ucstroy the Drt nil ruff Germ For somo time It has been known that dandruff Is caused by Rigerm that digs up the scalp Into little white Hakes, and by sapping the vitality of tho hair at tho root rauscs falling hair, and, of course, finally baldness. For years , there havo been nil kinds of hair stimulants and Bcalp tonics was toon removed to Clnrkson hosnltal and on tnn mnrlet m'f ttlrc has boon no pcr- i. i- .i l . . ... I I"" mm I ... n ,. n n nll.A fn ,tnn.lliir ....! ,1... .11. ii in inuiiKui mai no win recover Doth " m. ,111111 uu ma- tho window nnd the transom in th ,. covory of a preparation called Nowbrn's wero partially onon. in i,i,.h .,. ncrpiciue, wnicn destroys tao dandruff less Wilson owes his life. Wilson Is nbout 28 yearB of nge. medium height, weight about 160, hns red hair, slender faco and Is smooth shaven. In his pocket were found 75 centB and a baggago check issued ny uio wssouri Pacific railroad. Nothing is known of him hore. Thus far ho has failed to say whether his condition Is tho germ. Destroy the cause, tho effect will coaso to exist. Kill the dandruff srm and you'll havo no dandruff, no itching scalp, no fallinc hair. result of blowing tempted suicide. out tho gas or at- THE PAN-AMKIUCAN U.M'OMTIO.'V nt lliitTnlo, With Us magnificent spectacle, the nightly illuminations, will be over In a few days. The Pan-American Special, tho swell train of tho Michigan Central, leaves Chicago 6 p. m. dally, serving dinner, nnd arrives Buffalo 7:45 next morning, via Niagara Kails. Viry low rates during October. O. Wt nugglcs, 0. P. nnd T, A., Chicago. Shampooing and hair dressing. 23c. In connection with Tho Pathcry, 216-220 rieo building. Tel. 1716. Exquisite pearl brooebe. Eduolm, Jeweler Firty-lilKht .Hours to Portland from. Missouri river via the Union Pacific. Compare this 1 1 mo with other lines nnd sea how much quicker It Is. Through Pullman Palaco sleepers are run dally, Pullmnn or dinary sleepers leave Omnha dally at 8:20 a. m. and 4:25 p. m., and are personally con ducted every Friday, For full Information call at city ticket ofrico, 1321 Farnam street. Telephone 316. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of Itockholdera', meetings, etc., to The Dee, We will glvo them proper legal Insertion, Telephone 23. Shampooing and hair uresslng, 23c. In connection with Tha Pathery, 216-220 nee building. Tel. 1716. Cramer's Kldnoy nnd I.Ivor Cure Is thu name 50c and $1.00. All druggists. Pearl handi tableware. Edholm, Jeweler. The Price of 0IKIS1S Remains $3.50 Always. For women folks. Whether In enamel, patent leather, box calf or kid. All the new- shapes and the fitting qualities, style and service of a $5.00 boot. Sorosls cost you less, but fit you better. 203-S. I5Z? ST. Send for catalogue. OMAHA NATIONAL CHANGES Wllllnm Wiillner Ilernmes Vice Presi dent nml Chnrlfs n. Ander son llecnmcs Cnsliler. A rumber of changes will be mado nt tho Omaha National bank on November 1. among them tho promotion of Cashier Wil liam wnllaco to be vlco presidont. Charles II. Anderson, a well known banker of Creto. will bo tho new cashier. Theso changes nro made necessary by tho absence of Sen ator Millnrd, the bank's presidont, who will bo In Washington during the winter. Constlpntlon Is tho rock that wrecks manv lives; It poisons tho very llfo blood. Reg ularity ran bo established through tho use of Prickly Ash Hitters. It Is mildly ca thartic and strengthens tho atomacb. liver and kidneys. Candy Salt Stick Double refined, per lb 6c Stick Hoarhoupd, per lb 7c Stick Fancy twist, per lb 7Vc Mixed Choice, 6Hc; fancy 80 Mixed Broken, 7c; French 13o Mixed Kindergarten 7ic Caramels G'.&c Lemon Drops 8 Vic Chocolate Drops, 11c; fancy 13c Jelly Beans s'c Conversation Hearts 8Hc Cinnamon Imperials 8c Lozenges, mint 8V3C Wintergreen 8c Peanut Square's 7ijc Uock Candy, string 9c Rock Candy, part string 8 ',4c Eclipse Mixed Candy 8&c Crown Mixed 7Vic Moonlight Kisses lSVJc Hobson Kisses 15c Swedish Kisses .120 Sunbeam Kisses 12c Trilby Kisses 10c Bon Bons 7 lie Vanilla Creams,. 25c Rose Creams 22c Mint Opera Creams 24 Butter Creams 22 ',4c Opera Wafers 25c Maple Wafers 2oc Fine hand-mado Chocolates 20c Fine Marshmallow Chocolates 23c Cream Almonds 25c Crackir Dapt Soda crackers 5c Oyster crackers 6c Milk crackers 6c Pearl crackers 5c Farina crackers 5c Ginger snaps 5c Fresh oysters, per quart 35c Dates, per pound 6c Tobacco Dapt Star plug chewing tobacco 3"Vio Horscshoo plug chewing tobacco ....37Vic Nervo plug chowlng tobacco '. 37tc Battle Axo 35c Newsboy tobacco 35c Bull Durham smoking tobacco 60o Duke's Mixture t. 35c Meerschaum smoking tobacco 35c Uncle Tom smoking tobacco 35c Old stylo smoking tobacco 25c Haydan Bros' Graat Sala off Cannad Goods 2-lb. can Strawberries 10c 2-lb. can Gooseberries Sc 2-lb. can Blackberries 9c 2- lb. can Raspberries 10c 3- lb. can Apricots : 12c 3-lb. can Peaches 12 Vic 3-lb. can very fine sifted Peas 12c 3-lb. can all kinds of Plums 12 Vic 3-lb. can Tomatoes 10c -lb. can Corn "Vic lb can String Beans 7 Vic 2-lb. can Succotash '. 7Vic -lb. can Red Kidney Beans 7 Vic 2-lb. can Wnx Beans 7 Vic 3-lb. can Garden Beets 10c Grocery Specials Corn meal, 15c aack; 24-lb. sack pure rye flour, 45c; 10-lb. sack pure Graham, lEc; 24-lb. ssack puro rye-Graham, 45c; fancy evaporated California peaches, new 1901 crop, 9c; strictly choice California peaches, new crop, 1901, at 12Vic; very good old crop peaches, 6V4c; now crop evaporated blackberries, Sc; new crop evaporated apricots, 1901, nt 12 Vic; new cleaned pa tros currents, 12 Vac; new California mus catel raisins, 10c; new California prunes, 3Vic, 4c, 6c, SVic and 12',4c Cofffaa and Taa Prices Siberian Diamond coffee, 12Vic; Siberian II. B. Coffee, 13',4c; very flno Santos coffee, 16c; Guatemala coffee, 20c; Interior Java coffee, 25c; private Krowth, Java, 31VSc; Ansola Java, 32c; Mandolins Java, 33c; Arabian Mocha and Old Government, 36c. With every pound of good tea from 45c ta 50c you get a fancy teapot. Fruit Daparlmant New largo dates, per pound 6c Now California flgs, per pound 6c Fancy lemons, per dozen 10s Bananas, per dozen 15C Mon's blrthdny rings. Kdholm, Jeweler. Chlcnsn to llnftnio nml Return 0.7.',. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday in OotoUor' the- Michigan Central, "The1 Niagara Falls Route," will bcII tickets at $6.75 for tho round trip from Chicago to Buffalo and return. Ab tickets nt thesi extremely low rates are good In day coaches only, tho daylight train nf tho Michigan Central, leaving Chicago In the rooming, will offer most satisfactory service. Four flno through trains each way. All trains passing Niagara Falls by daylight stop five minutes at Fall View. Very low rates are also mado every day for tlckots good In sleeping enrs. For particulars address O. W. Ruggles, general passenger and tlckot agent, Chicago. It's tho best Cramer's Kidney nnd Liver Cure 50c and $1.00. All druggists. Publish your legal notices in The Weokl? Bee. Telephone 23S. Cut e1bs wine sets. Edholm, Jeweler. "Vary Unsatisfactory" Tho above was tho sum nnd substanco of tho report nt the meeting of the Na tional Association of Retail Druggists at lluffalo a short time nun by a committee appointed to investlgatu the progress made ny tnat association in ninerent puns or thn country. Guess they must he running tin nfeiiliiBt sunns In other places beside Omnha. Oh, It's a good thing, this trust combine. 6oc Dlmmltt's Cough Balsam 33c too Howard's Cough Syrup 35c 25c Schaefcr's Cough Syrup 20c 23c Qulnncctol (best for colds) 20u $1.00 Pcrunn . , 6Su $1,00 Pierce's Remedies 60 $1.00 S. B. B 'o $1.00 West Uraln and Nervo Treatment 9c 50 Fountain Hyringe r.0c 5c lint Water Bottle 60a $1.60 Combination Hot Water Bottlo and i-ountnin Hvrinco si.no Theso rubber uooiIh nro nil guaranteed. ana wo nave a run nno. 2.00 Karl Cramer h Tansy, Cottonroot, ana rennyroyni rnis ji.to Cut Price Drug Store Tel. 74T, S. W. Cor. Kith anil Chios. Goods delivered FREE to any part of city. SOHAEFER'S ROGER & GULLET'S FINE SOAPS AND PERFUMES. Direct from thr Importer. We have just received 11 largo IMPORT ORDER OF ROGER & GALLIOT'S lino PERFUMES, SOAPS AND TOILET POWDERS, and shnll bo pleased to re ceive orders from dealers or tho public. Kail Toilette Violet (in Parmo ,Vic Kau Toilette Violet do Parme $1.3:1 Eau Tollotto Pcau do Espague $1.0) Hail Toilette Vera Vlolettu U.M Extract (triple) Violet do Parme, $l.on.M,33 Extract (triple) Vera Vloletta ,,$l,'J3-$l.60 Enil do Toilette Wood Vlolot COo Remember these nro tho genulno Roger & Gallet goods. It, &. G. Violet Soap 25c "R. & O, Randal Soap, 35o cake. box.. 9o R, fi O. Now Mown Hay, 3Jc cake, box !V ll. . G. Toilet Powder ,15e, 2.1c, "lo We sell l.ono kinds of perfumes. An In spection of tho above linn Is solicited. .Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. "Tho Drug Store on thn Corner." SIXTEENTH AXD DODGE ST., Oil A HA. Typewriters ! New Century, New Densittore, New Yosl. We sell, rcat, exchange, repair type writers. Everything considered speed, gTade of work, cost of keeping In repair, durlabiltlty, etc. ours aro by all oddo the cheapest typewriters on the market. For information regarding writers, address or call on type- United Typewriter & Supplies Co., 114 Farmm St., Gnuhi, Fillings 75c up. Gold Crowns $5. Good Set Teeth $5. Good Dentistry at reasonable prices is our motto. ; Tail's Philadelphia Dental Rooms The Highland Horse oeaier .nu uuucuiil it emiu ami olTorod a bribe to confess the animal's failing, said the horse had but two faults: When loo.se in the Held he was bad to eiileh, and of no use when cuuyht. H is verv much the same way with some certain modern advertising; it's hard to find, and not worth much when you lind it. But the trick used cannot work more than once it you are bright witted. Do yon believe the average ad vertisement where you lay down JM.D!) 01' mill wonv nvvnv n i N f elothes'thnt cost SlL'.fiO to make, do you? Do von holiovn Hiich rot? l.)o you believe that J he Isebraskn wmihl i HHP noes tOUR' tition, tiiat town and hamlet in ihe irreat northwosl. If wo ulinnLI far forget ourselves as to wander away from the truth in advertising. Throw on the searchlight and show up to public gaze the diflerence between the truthful and untruthful advertising Our methods of doing business have gained for us a repu tation unbounded. Jerk us up quick if vou lind us lackiii" at any point. " Men's Fall 0'Coats $10.00 to $20.00 COHKECT IX KVJ3KY DETAIL- QUALITY STYLE PIUCE. , j in- m-uiiismt would siiinii wiieru she does today, head and shoulders above all retail compe tition, if such tactics were practiced here? Do you believe that The Nebraska's customers could be found in every lniii nit1 Its. I 1 1. i , ,t s HOTEL VICTORIA Broadway, 5th Avenue and 27th Street NEW YORK, 4 A In tho Cantor of the shopping1 dlstrlat. THE ONLY HOTEL IN MANHATTAN FRONTING ON BROADWAY AND FIFTH AVENUE. EUROPEAN PLAN, A Modern First-Class Hotel. Complete in all Its annolntmnntit rim,i,i,i flscoratlons entirely new throughout. AeeomMons mnnJ baths. Hot and cold water and telephone In every room. Cuisine unexcelled. GUOUCrO W. SWEHNUl. Proprietor. , WOULD YOU RATHER PAY TWICE AS MUCH AND GET CREDIT? If you would, don't look for Nicoll, for his prices are cash and about half the credit tailor price and satisfaction guaran teed every time. Suits, $20 to 110 Trou sers, $3 to $12 Ovor coats, $20 to $40 For garments cut to your order and mado liy Omaha's best tailors. TAILOR 209-211 South 15th St KAIIIIACII III.OCK. 9999: 5 U RESULTS TELL (8 U ft, sites) g2(39ia'&(i? THE BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS. To Every Point of the Compass wlicro bhlppeil our beer has mado friends, and It Is oorywlicro appreciated as thl best beer browed by thoao who really ap. preclato good boor. Vou will find It whole some nnd healthful, an well as tho most palatable. VU nKLIVKIl HOTTLED AT $2.E0 A CASK. Metz Bros. Brewing" Co., Tel. 111). Omaha. Hello 349! "Yob." "Sond n man up to my house." "Wlui t for'" "To sot a llglit of glass." "All rlKht." "SityV" "Yi'S." "How's your prices?" "They nro nil rlslit." "Havo you a good ninn to kpikI?" "Vps." "Can you do It right nwnyV" "Yes." "Very well, hcikI Iilm up." "All right." FULLER DRUG A SI) PAINT 14th mill Ilfiutrla St. GO. K EE LEY 0l"' "r ,'C"t c1",l,lel t ' KiTley )sl-ni of luatl. CIIDP c"i ttv only ICcelpy Institute In .V'Jii-iLn. Cores WUIC Drunkenness, Cure Droit line, Toliiu-co l,'rr. THU lvi:i:i,i:Y INSTITUTI?. I!) i I.riivt-iMvnrlli, Oinnlia. ASK FOR A I . m D ..VV H m tn. m ..ssssssssssUsssssssssssssHTOI Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to Imported cigars. Ifcnufaotured by P. It. illoo Mercantile Clar Qo., St Louts, L'ulou MuJu.