1 HAYDEN 1 AGENT roR SBUTTEItICK PATTERNS. Mill's Furnishings and Undsrwtar jl Special spot cnsh purchases 1lrct from the best mill enable Haydens to rpinte wonderful values In the finest qualities and bent styles of men's furnishings and tin aerwenr Saturday, Men's $1.00 llcece lined Shirts and Drawers, In plain wan inui-y vuiuif, im imie ni iyc. Men's silk fleece lined and all wool Shirts and Drawers, worth up to 2.00-on sale at 9Sc. Boys' $1,60 all wool Sweaters, with silk stripes, at ;5c I Men's $1.00 Colored Laundered 8h!rts, In all the new patterns out for fall wear, with separate cuffs, at 49c. Men's heavy Jersey fleece lined Shirts, In blue and black, regular price $1.25, on sale at 76c. Men's Wool Sweaters, In plain and fancv colors, at lc, $1.50 and $1.9?, worth doub!e. SOc Huspenders at 23c. High Gradt Drtss Gtods Dtpartmtnt It Is a well established fact now that when you want anything In fine dregs goods Hayden's Is the only place to get them. We have every grndo up to $10.00 per ynrd snd we have every shade for the season that Is made, "but on account of the quantities we use we aro able to buy direct from the man ufacturers at such prices ae bring high trade goods at reasonable prices. We are selling a brondcloth for $1.00 a yard that you can't buy from any other house for less than $1,25 to $1.50. Wo are selling at $150 Venetian broadcloths, Pru nellas, Taffetas, Lupin's goods and other goods that, try where you will, you can't duplicate for $2.00 per yard. WAISTINOS are cutting an Important figure this year In dress goods and every lady In Omaha knows that there Is only one complete waist department In Omaha, Hayden's. Tucking, 83c and 08c yard, plain colored, Imported Trench flannels, broadcloth finish, SOc; royal Persians, 5e; side band French flannels, 75c; royal Persian printed hen rlettas, 69c. 500 box waist patterns to select from, Far Popular Priced Goods See Rnrgaln Room. Linen and. Muslin Salt 5,000 yards Fruit of the Loom, Lonsdale and Hill bleached muslin, mill ends from two to ten yards each, at Be per yard. 2,500 ready made sheets, 2 yards wide, long, worth 55c, for 39c. 3,000 ready made pillow cases, worth 10c, ale price two for 15c. 2,000 yards extra heavy twill crash, 5 yads for 19c. '3 good heavy towes for 10c. 1 case extra heavy all-linen towels, would h6 cheap at 20c, sain price 1 2 4 c . 65 pieces snow whlto bleached table damask, would be cheap at 33c, our price 19c per yard. Silver bleached, all-llnen damask, full width, worth 40c, sale prlco 23c. 'Odd lots of napkins, In dozen and half dozen lots, at half price to close. 4-4 table cover, worth 69c, sale prlco 39c. 0-4 derby and allk dsmasay table covers, regular price 98c, sale prlco 49c. 8-4 tablo cover at COc. Fish and Ghatst FISH AND CHEESE. ' New Holland .herring, per keg, 98c. New Norway mackerel, per lb., 15c. Nebraska .cream cheese, per lb., Oc. ,Iowa, cream brick cheese, 2ic ' "fiflp' sago uherto, Hc. BEGINS SECOND SPEED WAR Other Betds Will Frobafaly Hctt Nortk wtiUra'i Git ia Tim frchtdale. TWELVE HOURS AND A HALF TO CHICAGO Kerr Transcontinental Mclirilnlr Show ' thnt Fnntor Time In to lie Marin Also by Train nunnln Through to the Coast. -Another speed war between the Chicago Omaha lines Is In prospect as a result of the'Northwentern's cut to twelve and one half hours between these points, which becomes effectlvo Sunday, November $. In connection with the Union Pacific's winter schedule. An official circular Just lisued by the . Northwestern'a passenger department nn- nnunces that No. 1, the Overland limited, will leaVo Chicago at 8 p. m. And arrive at Omaha at 8:30 a. m. At present the Northwestern' two fastest trains make It lii thirteen hours and twenty-flvo minutes and thirteen hours and a half, tbe latter btlng the time of No. 1 now. The Burling ton runs a day train which makes ' the fastest time of any road, thirteen hours and fifteen minutes, but Its through train makes the same time as the Northwest ern, thirteen and a halt hours. The Rock Island schedule Is thirteen hours and fortv minutes, the Milwaukee thirteen hour, and fifty minutes and the Illinois Central fourteen hours nnd twenty minutes. There Is no doubt that the Burlington nnd perhaps the Rock Island will meet the Northwestern's cut, which will doubtless precipitate another war of speed similar to tbe one (ought out In Fobruary of 18W. At that time the contest was mainly for the mall contracts and the Rock Island tarted the cut. Then, as now, the Lake .Shore was carrying the transcontinental malls Into Chicago and there transferring them to theinurlnglon, The Rock Island connects with the Lake Shore nt Knglo wood, fifteen minutes out of Chicago, and arranged a schedule which gave It an ad vantage of halt nn hour nt Knglewoort, as well as tho hour required to transfer the malls from the Lake Shore depot to the Burlington depot In Chicago. Former Sprril War. The Rock Island's tra'.n left Chicago at I p, m., connecting with the Lake Shore at Rngleuood nt 8:15 p. ra and arriving In Omaha at 8 a, m., making a twelve-hour run. For two weeks the other Chicago- Omaha lines paid no nttcntlon to tbe Rock Island's new schedule, believing that It would "wear Itself out," but It was found that the latter road wai cupturlng the lion's share of the passenger traffic. Then Northwestern met the cut and put on a twelve-hour train. A week later the Bur llngton annuunced n twelve-hour schedule This BLUE SIGNATURE GUARANTEES LIEBIG COMPANY'S "STfcWr BEWARE Of 'JUST AS GOODS' W' I . Ji !., I jm 9 mm m A L) K 1MB Gut Pricas on Shift Music Saturday We have Just received a nice lot of real new sheet music we will place on sale at only 10c per copy, regular prlco 25c. Wc have lots of pretty marches and two steps. Coon songs of every description and a choice lot of pretty ballads. You will be surprised to see what nice sheet music this Is nt only 10c each, This music Is not our McKlnley edition of 10c music, but something real new wo have just re ceived, We havo no catalogues of this music we are going to place on sale, It telug a miscellaneous lot we will only have on sale Saturday. When In need of anything In tho way of sheet music or books or methods give us a call. Wo are leaders In this lino. Jawalry and Watchts Men's Elgin nnd Wattham watches $4.50. Ladles' O or six-size watches, ten-year cases, fitted with American movements, $6.75. BARGAINS IN SILVEIt PLATED WARE. All goods In Saturday's special sale aro of standard make and the best values ever offered. GREAT 9Sc SALE. Your cholco of sliver plated butter dishes, nickel castors, cake bankets, at 98c. Largo glass claret Jugs, silver mounted, 98c. nest Imitation cut-glass celery glasses, In sllvor plated holder, 98c. Silver plated cracker Jar !Sc. Sllvor plated fruit dishes, with fancy glass bowl, assorted colors, pink, blue and opal, at 98c. Rogers' berry spoons, gravy ladles, pie knives, salad forks, cold meat forks, stigar rhell and butter knlfo. In silk lined boxes, suitable for wedding or holiday gifts, at 79c Fallow's "McKinley" The rclebrated life of McKlnley by Bishop Fallows on sale at Hayden Bros. The best life of tho martyred president published. Sold all over the country' at $1.50. Hay den Bros, price 98c. Optical Goods If ,your eyes grow dim don't delay havlni glasses properly fitted. Good glasses rc move All strain and pain. We have' tho right kind at the right price and guarantee perfect satisfaction. Solid cnM cni.i nii,i or aluminum frames at less, than half the UBUOI CUBl. between Chicago and Omaha and between Omaba and Chicago, as well ns a twenty-slx-and-a-quarter-bour train between Chi cago and Denver. . Representatives of the roads Interested held a hurried conference and at its closa announced that all tho cut-time schedules would bo withdrawn. Tho old tlmo of thirteen and n half hours was restored and has remained In force ever since. Now comes a cut of one hour, and there aro more to follow. Trntmcontlnrtitnl Schedule. The Northwestern's circular also an nounces the schedule of the transconti nental trains. Train No. 1, tho Overland Limited, will leave Chicago at 8 p. m. In stead of 6:30, as at present, arrive nt Omaba at 8:30 p. m.. leave at 8:50 p. m arrive at Ogden at 1:40 p. m., Salt Lako City at 3 p. m San Francisco nt 6:15 p. ra., instead of 5:u5 p. m., as nt present, nnd ar rive at Portland nt 4:30 p. m. This short ens tho trip between Chlcngo and San Francisco threo hours and ten minutes; between Omaba and San Francisco, two hours and ten minutes. The time of tho corresponding eastbound train, No. 2, will remain practically the same as at present. Train No. 5 will bo known as the Pacific Express Instead of the Colorodo Special. It will continue to leave Chicago at 10 a. m. and arrive at Denver at 1:40 p. m. Salt Lake City will bo reached at 0:10 a. m. and San Francisco at 4:15 p, m. No. 6, which has heretofore stopped at Ogden, will run solid to San Francisco. It will bo one of the most Important trains, as It Is td be the western connection of the Lake Shore's new twenty-four hour train between New York and Chicago the coast-to-coast limited. No. 3, the present Pacific Express, Is to be known ns tno California Express. It will leave Chicago at 11:30 p. m. and Omaha t 4:25 p. m., as at present, arriving at Ogden nt 12:30 n. m., a cut of three and n half hours, San Francisco will be reached at 8:25 a. m., making a total cut of four hours betweon Chicago and Omaha and San Francisco. No. 6, the Mall and Express, has been nmed the Eastern Express. It will leave San Francisco, Portland and Omaha on Its present time, but will arrive In Chicago at 7:15 a, m Instead of 7:12. It will havo tbe same equipment ns No. fi. No. 4, the Atlantic Express, retains Its nnnii., present schedule and equipment. It leaves San Francisco at 8 a. m Omaha at 7 a. m. and arrives In Chicago nt 8:30 a. m. At Union Pacific headquarters no informa tion could be obtained concerning the new schedule, but It was said that the North- western's figures were approximately cor root. A number of details are yet to be arranged before tne complete scbedulo can bo announced. Viuidrrlillt 1'imaes TlirnuKli, A special Rock Island train carrying President W. O. Purdy, Chairman It. R Cable and other members of the board of directors, with Cornelius Vanderbllt as their guest, passed through Omaha Friday noon. The directors are enroute to Den ver, after holding a special meeting In Chi csgo Thursday, Tho party was met at Council Bluffs by C. H, Hubble of Toneka superintendent of lines west of the Mis. scurl,; C W. Jones of Ilorton, superin tendent of the eastern division, and W H. Davltson of Fntrbury, assistant super intendent, The train stopped In Omaha for only a few minutes, during which tbe Union station was inspected. n llrailiuartra Yr-t. Headquarters In Chicago for the Trans continental Passenger association have not yet been secured. The committee which will decide on a location does not propoie to make a lease for any length of time. It Is generally believed that a consolidation of the Western and Transcontlntntal as THE OMAHA DAILY BEE 8 SATURDAY, OCTOIJETt 20. 1001. HAYDEN S PIANOS SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS Important Offerings in Trimmed Hats How can we better demonstrate the grefet advantage we offer In trimmed millinery than to Invite you to sec for yourselves? Tho trimmed hats wo now offer for $3.98 will equal In style and quality any you may see priced at $7.00. These hats aro made up of mohair felt, fancy breasts, elegant silk velvet and ostrich tips, all the very latest, your choice Saturday for $3.98, Wo also show a fall line of bonnets, draped and trimmed In same way, at $2.98. Ready-to-wear hats, trimmed with pom poms, wings, breasts, fancy silk, worth $2.50 and $1.00; on sale at $1.25 and $1.98. Fruit Oapartmsnt New large dates, per lb., fie. New California figs, per lb., 6c. Fancy lemons, per doz., 10c. Bananas, per doz., 15c. Cracksr Dipt Soda crackers 5c Oyster crackers 5o Milk crackers 5c Pearl crackers '. 5c Farina crackers 5c Ginger snaps 5c Fresh oysters, per quart 35c Dates, per pound 5c Tobacco Dipt Star plug chewing tobacco 3Ho Horseshoe plug chewing tobacco . ...37Vic Neno plug chewing tobacco 374o Battle Axe 35c Newsboy tobacco 35c Bull Durham smoking tobacco GOc Duko's Mixture 35o Meerschaum smoking tobacco 35c Uncle Tom smoking tobacco 35c Old stylo smoking tobacco 25c Fish and Chun Fancy new Holland herring, per keg.. 98c Codfish, per lb., 6V4c and 74c Hand cheese, each lc Ohio brick cheese, per lb 12',4c MP HLjjv -,t3a WBHBH)feaV) 9aMSStViw HAYDEN BROS sociations Is Inevitable. It would cause iimIp sumrlsn If the southwestern passen ger committee, with headquarters at St. Louis, should become a bureau ot tho Western Passenger association. Such ft consolidation is said to be favore'd by tho highest traffic officials of the leading west ern railroads. Unllvrny NntM nnrt rersnnals. II. R. Wood, general freight agent for the Union Pacific, went to Chicago last night. O. L. McDonatigli of Los Angeles, freight nnd passenger agent for tqe Merchants Independent line steamers, is in tno city. Tho American Hallway association nas completed its semi-annual session nt St. Louis after transacting much business quickly and harmoniously. The Union Pacific mado h record run turn week with a tlfty-cnr stock train from Cheyenne to South Omaha In nineteen hours and tblrty-fivr minutes. This Is ilm hext run of the kind for the 51S miles. as good as the average passenger time, and only three hours over No. 2's time. Th Northwestern lins commenced to re- innvn tho superstructure of Its old wooden brldpo nt Sioux City, preparatory to re placing the bridge with a steel structure capable of bearing the weight of the mon ster mogul engines which the company proposes to run netween mioux city and Omaha. During tho hiilWing of the new bridge traffic will not be Interrupted. SLAUGHTER GOES TO MANILA Will l'roliably Sail n Transport V'ranclsco Which I, rave San November Hi. Major Brad D. Slaughter, paymaster of the Department of the Missouri, Intends to start for Manila on the transport which leaves San Francisco November 16, though the date ot his departure will depend upon tbe length of the leave of absence granted Major C. E. Stanton, who is to relieve him at the Omaha station. Major Stanton arrived In San Francisco from the Philip pines October t2 and Is expected In Omaha at any time. It is understood, howevir. that he has applied for an extension of his leave of absence and if this Is granted It may change tbe program. At Manila Major Slaughter will relieve Major James Canby as paymaster for the department of Southern Luzon. FOR M'KINLEY MONUMENT Senator Fnlrltnnkft Will Ornnnlie Local llraneh of McKlnley Monument Annoi'ln t Ion. Senator Charles W. Fairbanks of In diana, who is one of the members ot the executive committee of the McKlnlev Memorial Monument association, will re turn to Omaha for the purpose of organiz ing a branch of tbe association for this state. He hns invited a number of promi nent citizens to meet him at the Millard hotel at 11:30 Saturday morning to out line a plan of action. It Is tbe purpose of the association to make the McKlnlev memorial monument a popular tribute to the late memorial Hons tn humblest tribute. president and to build the fund out of popular sutxertp small nmounts, to which the admirer of McKlnley may con- Tn the Pulillc. Allow me to say a few words In praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 1 can recom mend it with the utmost confidence. It has dono good work for mo nnd will do the same for others. I had a very severe co'lgh and cold and feared I would get pneu monia, but after taking the second dose of this medicine I felt better, three bottles of It cured my cold and tho pains In my chest dlfappeared entirely. I m, most respect fully yours for health, Ralph S, Meyers, 64 Thlrtysuventh St.. Wheeling, W. Va. For sale by all druggists, SPECIAL SALE OF FINE SHOES FOR SATURDAY Hrooki Bros, best quality shoes In all tho leathers nt from fifty cents to one dollnr saving to you, Thousand! of our customers will do well to avail themselves of this rare opportunity to buy this line of tine shoes. These goods are the finest lltllng goods that are on the market today at any price. Their lino of welts for street wear urc stylish and worn by tho best dressers, both east and west. We are sole agents in Omaha for the celebrated t'ltra Shoe. The best advertised three fifty shoe on the market. A "mannish shoe" which wlll'please tho most fastidious. We have them In 28 stvlrs and from A A to K. Oet a booklet and see that you miur In nnd nsk for the Ultra Shoe. A five dollar shoe for three fifty. Exclusive agents In Omaha for the Stetson shoes for tnn 32 different styles to select from, nnd each pair a model of the mot skillful shoe making. The entire line In all leathers nt Ave dollars. We also carry a large line of the Crossett shoe, the very best man's shoo mado to sell at three fifty. omen'n line via kim ince, worth $J.oo Jl.SD Women's line rade t kid lace, worth $.1.00 ji.ri Women's fine tan calf lnce, worth $3.50 and $5.00 1.9 Men's fine black vlcl lnce, worth $2.75 $i.sn Men's fine English colt lace, worth U.00 $l.S9 SHOES IN THE BARGAIN ROOM. Men's fine satin rnlf bats, worth $1.75 , Jl in Boys' flno satin rnlf bnli. worth $1.50 ;9S( Men's fine vlcl bals. worth $2.50 $i 59 Child's button and lnce. $c, 75,- jic nml v,c CHICKENS, CHICKENS Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens at 7!c. Candy Sail Stick Double refined, per lb 6Mc Stick Hoarhound, per lb 7c Stick Fancy twist, per lb 714c Mixed Choice, 6ic: fancy Se Mixed Broken, 7-cj French 13c Mixed Kindergarten 7;c Caramels 6 Vic Lemon Drops ji(c ChocolRto Drops, 11c; fancy 13C Jelly Beans , , sue Conversation Hearts gic Cinnamon Imperials g.);c Lozenges, mint SVic Wlntcrgrcen gc Peanut Squares 714c Rock Candy, all string pc Rock Candy, part, string s4c Eclipse Mixed Candy 8 14c Crown Mixed 7V$c Moonlight Kisses ' lS'ic Hobson Kisses 13c Swedish Kisses i2Vc Sunbeam Kisses 1214c Trilby Kisses 10c Bon Hons 7V4c Vanilla Creams 250 Rose Creams 22c Mint Opora Creams 24V4c Butter Creams ....22Hc Opera Wafers 23c Mapla Wafers 25c Fine hand-made Chocolates 20c Fine Mnrshmaltow Chocolates 25c Cream Almonds 25c Coffn and Tea Prices Siberian Diamond coffee, 12Hc; Siberian H. B, Coffee, 13V4c; very flno Santos coffee 15c; Guatemala coffee, 20c; Interior Java coffee, 25c; prlvato growth, Java, 3HJc; Ansola Java, 32c; Mandellng Java, 33c; Arabian Mocha and Old Government, 35c. With every pound of good tea from 45c to 60c you get a fancy teapot. WOULD LIKE TO BE ICEMEN Gracfn, Bitchan, Ietel aid Reitatrant Keepera Talk of Making Ice. HAVE THREE PROPOSITIONS TO CONSIDER Onn Project Is for the Orgnnlsatlnn of an Ice Mniinfnc.tnrliiK Cnnipniiy Mlth the Committer an Stock holders David Tnltiot Talks. At the meeting of the executive committee, of the Retail Grocers' association Thursday evening there were present committees from the Moat Dealers' and the Hotel and Restaurant Men's associations. Before the Joint commlttoes threo propositions were submitted for consideration. The first was from a resident of Philadelphia, who Is In terested In Ice plants In several cities. He offered to erect an Ice plant in Omaha nnd to supply tho local trade at a cost not to ex ceed 20 cents per hundred pounds provided he could securo from a sufficient number ot consumers a contract to supply their needs for Ave years. The second proposition was from a local man, who would secure contracts for a suffi cient amount of Ice, store natural ice this winter and deliver It to tbe consumers at a rate ranging from 18 cents to 25 cents per hundred pounds, depending upon tho season. The third proposition, and the ono which ' received the most attention, was from a resident of Omaha who has erected Ice plants In several cities. His plan contem plates the formation ot a company, the members to come from the ranks of tbe principal consumers ot Ice In tho city, the company to bo capitalized at $50,000, all stockholders to be supplied wl(h tee at tho cost ot production, which the promoter says will not exceed-20 cents per hundred pounds, and may be as low as 18 cents. All propositions were passed over until next Thursday, when there will be another meeting of tbe parties Interested. Talbot Not Worried. David Talbot of the Reservoir Ice com pany does not seem to be troubled over the prospective competition. He said: "Really I have paid little attention to the matter, but If, as I understand It, thoy offer to de liver ico at an average price ot 20 cents per hundred pounds to all butchers, hotels, res taurants and grocers, I must say that some of the people will be paying more tor their ice than they have In the pnst, Last year we sold Ice to tbe butchers as low as $3 per ton, with the exception of one month, when we advanced the price G cents per hundred over that price. The hotels have no reason to be attracted to an Independent company on the basis mentioned, for we have deliv ered Ice to some ot them as low as $2.50 per ton, which would be 12H cents per hundred pounds. "The grocery stores are a different propo sltlon. Thoy use comparatively little Ice, some or tne estaoiisnmcno doing a large business using no moro than soine private. families. It the men who are talking of the plnn understand their business they must know that the cost of delivery makes it necessary to havo a sliding scale ot prices and that a maximum price of 20 cents per hundred pounds, with a corro spondlng decrease for large amounts, will hardly pay expenses under tbe most favor able circumstances, The public generally may think there Is a lot of money In the Ice business, but those who have tried It can tell a different story. None of the persons Interested in the new concerns, as a con sumer, has called upon me and therefore I know nothing about the question except what I have seen in print." Ladies' and Children's Underwear and Furnishings Ladles' Egyptian fleece lined vests and pants, special at 25c, , M Ladles' heavy fleece lined vests and pants, extra heavy ribbed, nt SOc. Ladles' tlno wool ribbed vests and pants, worth $1.00, at S(V. Ladies' heavy ribbed vests twl pants, In pink, blue and Itlnnli rt'nrtl, ?fi,v nt 40r I. (idles part wool combination suits, worth $1.50. nt $1.W). ( Ladies' heavy llcccc lined union suits, worth $1.00. nt 49c. Ladles" heavy wool combination suits, worth $3.00, m $2.00. i.niuex nno vegn silk comhlniitlon suits, In nnnnrfnrl rnlnrn atifMnl nt ? lOo dozen lodbs' Wc enshmcro stockings at i'&c, Olio lot of Indies' Ktni'klntrs. In nlnln and fnnoy colors, worth 25c, on sale at 12',4c ' Children's 25c (leeco lined stockings, In U sizes, at 12'ic Ono lot of fancy lisle thread stockings. In plain nnd fancy colors, worth up to 75c, nt 25c. Hoys' waists, In all colors, regular $1.00 quality, nt 49c. The Mother's Friend linys' shirt waist at 29c. Children's fine ribbed underwear, in odds and ends, all sizes, nt 10o. 15c nnd 19c. Children's extra heavy lleeco lined vests, pants nnd drawcrn, nt 25c. Children's part wool combination suits, in all sizes, from 50c. to Wc. Children's black tights, worth 75c, at IiOc. Ladles' outing 'flannel gowns, in nil slzss, a: 19c. Lndles' extra heavy outing .lannel gown, wrrth $2.00, nt $1.25. Ladles' outing flannel skirts, 'worth i5c, at 50c. Fini Fall Hals ft turday very special values. Men's stiff hats, In the best stocks and newest blocks, on snlo at $1.00, $1.25, ;i.50 nr.rt $1.75. Mtn's fedoras, pashns and It. U, hats, on fi.!e at 75c. Jl.Oo. $1.50 nnd $.'.. , Men's golf hntS( In nil colors, at $1.00, $! 2i. $1.50 nnd $2.00. Bovs' hats on smIp nt 40c. .Vte and 7.V. Boys' caps, all good patterns, n special pii'cliaso of about 150 dozen, on sabj at 2Jc nnd 35c. Children's camel's bnlr Tain O 'Shunters, regular 75c and $1.00 values, on sale at 50c. 1 MRS. J. M. GILLAN VERY ILL Stricken with AnprnitldtU at Man DIprii nnil llrr Ilnnhnnd .Votined. James M. nillan, former secretary of the Board of Education, received word from Sfjn Diego Friday morning that Mrs. Glllan Is vory low there from an attack of ap pendicitis. His notification camn In the form of a telegram from a surgeon asking his consent to nn operation. Ho answered telling Uio doctors to opernto If absolutely necessary. Mr. Olllan left yesterday after noon for San Diego. Mrs. Olllan has spent tho summer on tho Pacific coast. It was her Intention to have returned to Omaha next week. Seasonable Fashions 3U69 Long Coat, 32 to 40 buat. Woman's Long Coat. No. 3959. Long coats aro always elegant and are the height of present styles. Velvot peau de solo and cloth are all used for their making and tho same design becomes simple or elaborate according to the material chosen and the finish used. The handsomo coat shown Is of tan colored cloth with stitched edges and an applied yoke, but tho samo model can be used for silk and velvet, the latter being exceedingly handsome with nn edge of fur. The original Is designed for service and is lined with satin in self color, but bro cades nud whlto are greatly In vogue. The fronts of tbe coat are loosely fitted and turn back to make regulation lapels. They can be made plain or with tho yoko as preferred. The back Is cut with a curved center seam nnd side-backs, that fit becom Ingly without being tight, and the scams are left open nt the lower edge to provide tho necessary flare. The sleeves are slightly flaring, loose at tho hands but snug at the shoulders, and aro rolled over to form cuffs. To cut this coat for a woman of medium size 8 yards ot material 20 Inches wide or 4 yards 60 Inches wide will lie required. The pattern 3959 Is cut In sizes for a 32, 34, 3G, 38 and 40-Inch bust measure. For 'he accommodation of Tne Bee read era these patterns, which usually retail at from 2'a o 50 Tents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, wblcb covers all txpenee. in order to get any pattern en close 10 rents, give number and name ot pattern wanted tnd bust measure. Allow about ten days from date ot your letter before beginning to look for the patter. Adlreti, Patters Department. Omatia Bee. HAYDEN $ AGENTS FOR REYNIER KID CLOVES 5UC LEATHER AND VELVET BELTS 15c We arc clearing up our belt stock only 15c for 50c belts. CHATELAINE BAGS Oxidized, plain sliver and French Gray Bags, only 50c each. Cut steel bat.s 7&c up. GRAND DOLL SALE 2,500 dolls, worth 5c to 25c each on sale Saturday at 24c, 5c and 10c each. IN THE BARGAIN ROOM SATURDAY No Dialers. Manufacturers or Piddlirs sold in (his room. Examini Eviry Itim Hin and Compan Prices. Muslins Extraordinary L. L. nnullu, yard wide, 10 yards to customer, only zSc "i4 yard wldo bleached muslin, 10 yard iu customer, oniy , zoe Very heavy unbleached muslin, 1 yard wide, worth Sc yard f,c Remnants of I-onsdalef' worth So 5c Remnants of Hope, worth lOo 6c 12-lnch unbleached pillow casing, worth 14a yard 7 7-Sc Remnants of Full Standard Prints, 2 l-2c 3 cases of full standard prints, dark and light colors, worth 7ic 24c Lininfs Remnants of skirt linings, worth 10c, mercerized 5c Remnants of waist linings, worth 12(4c.5e Skirt lining by the yard, In black and gray, only 6 yards o customer 2ic Pircalis 5c Remnants of Sea Island, from t to 10 yards, White Star and all the standard grades of percale, worth 15c, 10c and 25c, all go at 5c Flannelettes 5c Yard Short lengths, from 2i to 10 yards, of 27-Inch and 32-Inch flannelettes. In all the fine colorings of fall goods, worth up to 15c per yard 5c REMNANTS OF APRON CHECK, worth 6c. at 3Ue OUTING FLANNELS, worth 10c nt.... 5c Outing flannels, light and dark colors.. 5c Shaker flannels, very heavy 5c Cotton flannels, oxtra weight, worth 10c to 12VSo Ec Hayden Bros' Great Sale of Canned Goods 2-lb. can Strawberries 10c 2-lb. can Gooseberries 3c 2-lb. can Blackberries 9c 2- lb. can Raspberries 10s 3- lb. can Apricots 12c 3-lb. can Peaches 12V4o 3-lb. can very flne sifted Teas..' 12',tc 3-lb. can all kinds of Plums 12c 3-lb. can Tomatoes 10c 2-lb, can Corn "Wo 2-lb can String neans 7V4o 2-lb. can Succotash 7Ho 2-lb. can Red Kidney Bean 7Wc 2- lb. can Wax neans "He 3- lb. can Garden Tlcots 10o REGISTRAR QUITS HIS JOB cts Baok to Work After Major Threatesi te Arrest Him. DELAYS WORK OF BOARD SEVERAL HOURS IteslKnliiK Democrat Dirt Xot Know that Ills KefuMHl to Serve Might Gout Mini from Fifty to Two Hundred It In Itnnncl Dollars. Had it not been for a sudden change of heart experienced by Julius T. Allstrom of i204 Military avenue yesterday morning, that Sixth wordcr would now have banging over IjIb head a complaint charging misde meanor, with the prospect of a good-sized flne looming piomlnontly before him. Mr. Allstrom is a registrar for the Third district ot his ward. He Is also a sales man In a grocery store. On the flrst dav of registration he worked faithfully and well. Yesterday at 8 o'clock he stalked Into tho booth and threw down his tally book with a bang. "I'm through with this Job and I won't work any more," said Allstrom, and with that be whirled on his hool and strode away, It seems that another employe In the store whero Allstrom works had taken sick and tho proprietor raised strenuous objections to losing Allstrom as well for the day. He made life such a burden for the registrar clerk that the latter grew desperate and tho big 6 be know ho would get for signing up prospective voters to day diminished in bis mind's eye till It looked no larger than a 10-cent piece. Only Democrat on Bonrd, But tho other registrars at the Third of the Sixth did not know all about AU- strom's troubles and tbey were angered by his unceremonious method of resignation. He was the only democrat ot the three, so there could bo no registering done at that booth till another bourbon was secured. A crowd of men who wished to register gathered, but there could he nothing doing. As a result of It all someone telephoned Fels - Iffl You can't believe until 1111 yu 111! soap ing y what Fels-Naptha will do clothes-wash-a n d house-cleaning. This remarkable soap, Pe . of s-Naptha, takes dirt out clothes in half usual time with half usual work, and the clothes last longer, without boiling or scalding a single piece. Fact, or the money re turned by the grocer you buy it from. ru ft Ce. Philadelphia $2.00 PILLOW TOPS ONLY 98 CENTS We place on sale Saturday, S a. tn , CSS elegant new Silk I'lllow Tops of the very latett patterns at 9Sc each. Dress Goods Remnants 5c 10,000 yards of wool and half wool dross goods, In black and colors, from 214 to 7 yards, at, yard i5o 50c crepons, 50c henrlettas, S5c heurlet- iss, lnc silk nnd wool plaids, 25c serges, 39c berbers and 1,000 different weaves, up to $2 per yard, for Saturday onty,.15c Silks, Velvets, Etc 15 pieces of fancy tllks, worth 25c a yard , ioo 50c Jap chocks 19c 39c plain silks 19a $1.00 Roman strlres 39o $1.60 silk flannel 39a 1,000 yards of silk remnants, from 2t to 6 yards, at less than one-third Its rcEular value. 100 Pieces flew Corduroy All the new shades of fall corduroy. In a fine grade, bought at about 25c on the dollar, will be un salo at 39a Furnishing Goods Children's fleece lined underwear, worth up to 39c at 25c, 19c, 15c, 12c and .... 10a $1,00 men's fleece lined shirts and- draw ers 39a Ladles' $1.00 union suits i'Jz 75 dozen samples from the mills, of un derwear, worth up to $1.50 49c 39c gloves 19c 49c gloves and mittens 25. i Comforts and Blankets $1.00 flno fleeced cotton blankets 69a $1.60 tine fleeced cotton blankets 75c $1.75 fine fleeced cotton blankets PSo $1.00 comforters SDc $1.25 comforters 73s $1,60 comforters 9So Grocery Soecials Corn meal, 15c sack: Sl-lb, sack pure rye flour, 45c; 10-lb. tack pure' Graham, lfc, 24-lb. stack pure, ryo-Graham, 45c; fancy evaporated California peaches, new 1901 crop, 9c: strictly choice California peachas, new crop, 1901, at 12Wc: very good old crop peaches, 6Hc: new crop evaporated blackberries, 9c: new crop evaporated apricots, 1901, at l2c: new cleaned pa tros currents, 12ie: new California mus catel raisins, 10c; new California prunes, 3c, 4c, 5c, 8tfc and 12ic. Miats and Lard No. 1 sugar-cured hams ; UUc German summer sausage 12J4o New bologna sausage 5c Solid packed oysters, per qt 35c 5-lb. palls pure lard 59c Homemado pork, sausage 6Hc Fancy dried beef lOo Mayor Moores ot Allstrom'a action and that official Immediately made preparations to secure satisfaction tor such flagrant disre gard ot tho law. Ho ordered a warrant sworn out for tho absent registrar's arrest, and Just then the telephone rang. It was Allstrom. Someone had Informed him of tho serious consequences that might ensue from his summary method of taking affairs into his own bands. Ho was anxious to explain, and so was tho mayor. As a re suit of the latter's argument Allstrom made pnst haste back to the booth nnd sat him self at his desk, where ho has slnco re mained busily signing up natno, age, place of birth, how long a resident of this city and county and divers other matters per taining to the right of franchise. So tho warrant was quashed, the law pacified and order restored at tho Third dis trict, but It was not till nearly 11 yester day morning that any registering could be done there, The mayor Is contemplating docking Allstrom the tlmo he lost for all three registrars, Tho lnw provides a flno of from $50 to (1200 for any registrar who shall fall to act un less excused for good cause by the mayor. DOCTORS FINISH MEETING i n e n it I n k of Home Papers Deferred I'ntil Ticxt .Session at Kanena Clt-. The Missouri Valley Homeopathic Mtdl cnl association held Its closing session at thn Paxton hotel Thursday night, at which papers wero prosented by several members. On account of tho tlmo consumed by other matters the presentation ot many papers was deferred until the next meeting, which will bo held In Kansas City, A resolution thanking the Omaha dallies for tho reports mado ot tbe meeting was adopted. Flftr-KlKht llonra to I'ortlaml from Missouri river via the Union Pacific. Compare this time with other lines and see how much quicker It Is. Through rullman Palacn sleeper are run dally. Pullman or dinary sleepers leave Omaha dally at 8:20 a. ni. and 4:25 p. m,, and are personally con ducted every Friday. For full Information call at city ticket office, 1324 Farnam street. Telephono 318. Naptha