Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 24, 1901, Page 12, Image 12

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SPIRITS HAY FIND BRIDE SAYS europejs very slow waiting for trolley wire
JEdwati Buy Expscti Vlmm t Eml
Eidioc FUm f Wlf.,
Strange Illsappearanoe of Ann Rnsla
Vnn Wapln, Within n Few
Week Aflff Hrr Marrlae
Snpposod to Be with Father.
I John A. Crclahton Reflect III I m-
presslonn of I, If In V.nru'
penn Countries.
Speaking of his recent trip to Europe J.
A. . Crelghton Bays: "What Impressed
mo moat nere tho surprising changes in the
character of tho people within small areas
and tho effect of the different governments,
Germany Is one vast military camp. You
seo soldiers evorywhoro. It looks as though
alt of the nblc-lodled men had been taken
for soldlem and the work of tho country
had been placed upon the shoulders of thn
women. Here you see women doing tho
work which the men should do In the fields,
whllo tho men are Idle In military uniforms.
"France did not seem so stable to me as
Germany. The peoplo seem superficial and
do not apparently possess that .depth of
character which characterizes tho Gorman.
Horlln Is a much more attractive city to me
than Paris seems to havo moro solidarity.
nut of all the cities there Is only one Lon
"Poverty In tho characteristic of Ireland.
UnjUBt laws still hold the Island In subjec
tion to England In nil lines of business.
Iroland could havo factories of many kinds
and could bo rich where It Is' now poor.
Tho laws are such that manufactures are
not encouraged and men cannot be found
to put their money Into undeslrablo ven
tures. Tho land rent Is only limited by tho
production, and the tenants havx mo oppor
tunity to get a start. If CTiey havo money
they can find no Investment for It on tho
Street Itnltrrnr OfflcInU Uncertain
Aliont Time for Opening .
a New Line.
.nna Ttosla Dav. neo Waola. bride of Ed
ward Day, 2806 Cuming streot, has been
fcilssing since Optober 17, and tho young
husband refuses to bo comforted. All ci-
forts to locate her have proved unavailing,
trti yoBtorday, as a last resort, tho dis
tracted bridegroom notified tho police.
Anna Posla Day Is tho daughter of Isaac
Wapla, 2015 Iiard street, and she has many
rrlonds In Omaha. Hundreds win remem
ber her as tho Ilttlo black-eyed girl who
served ns cashier In Mogy's shoe-shlntng
parlor on Farnam street, whoro sho chal
lenged the admiration of customers by her
Courtesy nnd quiet rescrvo of manner. One
horning about six weeks ngo the chair by
the nickel-plated cash register was vacant,
tnd In 'answer to questions as to what had
become of Anna patrons were told that sho
pad been married tho night before and had
7elgned her ppsttlon.
Am a tnaMnr'if triot Anna hnrt hnnn mar
rled'two weeks before, tho rlto being ecle- Island.
broted surreptitiously In Council Bluffs, and "Everything In Europe Is slow. Why. In
U was only when the secret leaked out and the city of London, where thov were exea-
aha km subjected to ft severe censure by vatlng fora building, they were digging the
Officers of tho Omaha Street Hallway
company aro In tho dark as to the time
when they can open the M street extension
In South Omaha for traffic. Forty days
ngo the trolley wire was ordered nnd It
should havo been In Omaha a week or more
ago. It has not arrived and there Is no
way of telling when It will bo delivered.
As soon ns It arrives It will be strung and
tho service will bo established.
It Is the Intention of the company to
open tho extension with a fifteen-minute
service, Increasing this ns the needs of the
neighborhood require.
The New Fire Net
Heccntly adopted by ono of tho metropoli
tan fire departments has proven n wonderful
success as n life-saver. Every one takes
special Interest In any Invention that will
save dr prolong life. This Is tho reason so
many .people have been praising Hostettcr's
Stomach Hitters during tho past fifty years.
It cures dyspepsia, Indigestion, biliousness,
nervousness and liver and kidney troubles.
Many physicians prescribe nnd recommend
It. Do not fall to try It.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c. In
connection with Tho Bathery, 216-220, Beo
building. Tel. 1716.
tier parents that sho gave up hor placo and
went to live at tho homo of hor husband's
mother, Mrs. S. F. Kclloy, 2805 Cuming
afreet. The chlef'objeutlon of tho houso of
IWspla to the alliance was tbo fact that
while the bride and her family aro adhe
rents of the Jewish church the groom and
bis 'mother are spiritualists.
Hplrlla Reveal Anna.
Mrd. Kelley accompanied her son to the
station yesterday and told what had been
done by her and her spiritualistic friends
toward finding thn missing bride. "We
beld a'scanre," said she, "and Anna wan re
vealed to 'mo, sitting ' alone in a room
dressed1 In a black robe, I tried to con
verso with her, but she shook her head and
ccmcd not to understand. Thore was
orae unfriendly agency working against
my control, while I -could see the In
side of tho room distinctly, I couldn't soo
the outsldo, so, of course, It would be im
possible for mo to Identify tho houso in
which sho is confined. A vision came to
my con yesterday, wherein he saw her in
her room at my home, and ho rushed tin
there, only to find the apartment vacant
The bridegroom 'said that October 10 bis
wife's fattier paid him a visit at tho Cum
ing street address. 'Ho seemed verv
courteous," said Mr. Day, "and asked to
have a talk with Anna, They wero alone
together for an hour or so and I don't
know what passed between them, but when
he went away aha Bcemed worried and
strange. One week later she disappeared,
leaving noword.
"I went nt once to hor father's house, at
2015 Izard streot, and found all members
of the family gone except tbo mother. She
aid Mr. Wapla bad gono to St. Louis, to
ho gone some ttrao; she didn't know any
thing about Anna, or, at least, wouldn't
Bay anything about her. I think that
wherever they are, they are together."
Mrs. Wtvpla was seen at her homo
Wednesday afternoon. "I havo no Idea
where my daughter Is," she said, "as I
haven't seen her slnco she left home. I'm
ure Bhe Is not with my husband, who is
now in St. Louis. He Is coming back In
a few days to help search for her. My
principal objection to the marriage is that
she Is only 14 years old, and too young
to choose v husband for heraolf."
Detective ftempscy has been placed in
(b tree of trjo case, but as yet has found no
clua w'to Una wbtreabouts of the nilsilnt
prld. i
w .
tm (he-Only Posnlhle War of Having a
Permanent Cute.
If you see a woman, or a man with lux
uriant, glossy heir, you rosy be sure neither
has dandruff to amount to anything. In
nearly vary case whore women and men
nave thin, brittle hair they own it to dan
druff; Thore are hundreds of preparations
that "claim" to cure dandruff, but not one
but NaWbro's Hcrplclde tells you that dan
druft is the result 'of a germ burrowing Into1
tho scalp and that permanent euro of dan
druff and its consequent falling and bald
riess can only be had by killing the germ
and there 1h no othor preparation that will
destroy that germ but Newbro's Herptclde,
"Destroy the cause, you remove the effect,"
dirt with shovels and carrying It out In
baskets. I could not understand why they
did this, as there was plenty of room to
work teams, but It Just Illustrates the Eu
ropean Idea .of labor."
Mr. Crelghton did not visit Ttome, only
touching Italy at Naples and Florence.
To the Public.
nt Iluffalo.
With Us magnificent spectacle, the nightly
Illuminations, will be over In a few days.
Tho Pan-American Special, tho swell train
of tho Michigan Central, leaves Chicago
0 p. m. dnlly, serving dinner, aud arrives
Duffnlo 7;45 next morning, via Niagara
Falls. Very low rates during October. O.
W. Ituggles, O. P. and T. A., Chicago.
Why suffer with rheumatism? The
Dathery, 216-220 Dee bldg. Telephone 1716.
For ladles only.
Allow me to say n few words In praise of
Cbambcrlaln's Cough Remedy. 1 can recom
mend it with tho utmost confidence. It
has dono good work for mo nnd will do
the some for others. I had a very sevcro
cough and cold and feared I would get pneu
monia, but after taking the second dose of
this medicine I felt bettor, three bottles of It
curod my cold nnd ihe pains In my chest
disappeared entirely. I am, most respect
fully yours for health, Ilalph S. Meyers.
64 Tblrty-sovcnth St., Wheeling, W. Va.
For sale by all druggists.
The finest halr-drcsstng parlors In the
city In connection with The Bathery, 216-
220 Dee building. Telephone 1716.
Fifth Ward Hcpnhtluans.
There will be a mcottng of the Fifth
Ward Republican club nt Young's hall, Six
tcenth nnd Corby streets, Friday evening,
October 26, 1001. Hon. E. Hoeownter will
addroBS the meeting. All candidates cor
dlnlly Invited to attend.
C. W. DELAMATRE. President.
PAUL . SEWAKD, Secretary,
Everybody praises Cramer's Kidney and
Liver Cure. Two bIzcs, 60c and $1.00. All
Chlenico to Ilnffnlo and Return an. 75.
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
in October the Michigan Central. "Tho
Niagara Falls Route," will sell tickets at
$6.75 for tho round trip from Chicago to s. E. cor. 14th nnd Douglas sts., or Union
uunaio ana return, as tickets at thes) .totim, .imnhn N.h
The Greut Horac Show.
From October 18 to 26 Inclusive the Mis
sourl Pacific railway will sell round trip
tickets at ono faro plus $2. For further in
formation call or address company's offices,
extremely low rates are good In day coaches
only, tho daylight train of tho Michigan
Central, leaving Chicago In the morning,
will offer most satisfactory service. Four
flno through trains each way. All trains
passing Niagara Falls by daylight stop five
minutes at Fall View. Very' low rates are
also made every day for tickets good In
sleeping cars. For particulars address O.
W. Rugglcs, general passenger and ticket
agent, Chicago.
T. F. GODFREY, P. & T. A.
A household remedy Cramer's Kidney
and Liver Cure. 50c and $1, all druggists
All kinds
Ladles only.
Tel. 1716.
of baths, scientific massag.
The Bathery. 216-220 Be bldg.
Reed & Barton spoons. Edholm, Jeweler.
Mann Meeting-.
A mass meeting will be held at National
hall, corner Thirteenth nnd William streets,
Thursday evening, October 24, 1901, nt 8
o'clock, under the auspices of the First and
Second Ward Republican clubs. By order
The ladies of the Woman's Alliance of
Unity church give th first of a series of
dancing parties Friday evening, October 25,
at Metropolitan halt. Dimmlck'a orchestra
will furnish music.
Garland, Wyo., needs a 2E-room hotel
and the man who builds such a hotel and
runs it right will make money. Write
for details. J. Francis. General Passenger
Agent, B. ft M. R. R. R., Omaha, Nob.
Shampooing and hair drosslng, 25c. In
connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Bee
building. Tel. 1716,
The -finest halr-dreeslng parlor In tht
city In connection with The Bathery, 216
20 Bee 'building. Telephone 1716.
, Flftr-Blffht Hoars to Portland
from Missouri river via the Union Faclflc,
Compare this tlma with other lines and see
hoW( much quicker it is. Through Pullman
I'ala'ci t le'onera are run dally. Pullman or
dinary sleepers leave Omaha dally at 1:20
a. in. and 4:25 p. m., and are personally con
ducted every Friday.
For full Information call at city ticket
office, 1334 Farnam street. Telephone 316,
Christmas goods arriving. Kdholm, Jeweler
PhystcUna recommend our treatment for
rheumatism at the most successful. Lailea
oly. The Bathery, 816-320 Bee bldg. Tele
Bnoae X71C.
Read articles of Incorporation, notices of
Itookholdera' meetings, etc., to The Bee.
We wt give them proper legal tniertlea.
I. reiepnoae
Silver military brushes. Edholm, Jeweler.
Saturday Bargain Day
On Egyptian Lotus Cream when we sell
tills best of nil urennratlona for r.hnnnnd
nuiius, iuco ana lips, ror
rims Jiui tijt; jialt wiuhky. ...... ftxi
11 v cxnrcss. nrennld 7Sn
60o Cramer's Kidney Curo ....... 40o
i.uu i'erunn , , oso
Talcum Powder Be. 10c, l2o, 16c nnd 19c
$1.00 Iler's Molt Whisky 75c
wc l'ozzoui t'owacr -c
J1.00 Pierce's Favorite Prescription.... 67o
$1.00 Flcri'o'B Golden Medical Discovery 67c
$1,00 West's Brain and Nerve Treatment 9c
$1.00 Uncle Sam's Tobacco Cure 50c
JSC Crrntnor's Vegetable Pills aon
25c Cramer's Liniment 20o
25c Cramers Salvo 20c
13,00 Karl urnmer Tansy, cotton Root
and rcnnyroynl Pills , ,.......$1.00
ii.uo jvownro i tierniciae s:o
jvewnro h jierpicmn in gallons, nair gal
ions aim quarts, w rue tor prices.
Cut Price
Drug Store
Tel. T4T. 8. W. Cor. lfith and C'hlcaae
Goods delivered FREE to any part of city.
Along with
V at $3.50 always.
We carry a special lino of women's
welts In nil leathers kid, box calf and
patent calf with wide edges with
black stitch or with yellow stitch.
O -at $2.
50 always
It Ib a genuine welt and sold nowhere
but hero for 12.50.
nnmnmhor. we carry no maclitnu
sewed BhooB Surpass misses' are $2.U)
Surpass children s aro ji.w.
Z03 3.l3'Jf3T.
Send for catalogue.
.Publish your legal notlcea In The Weekly
nee. Teiepnone zsi.
i The' Bathery is open Thursday and Sat
urday evenings. For appointments tele
phone 171$ or call 216-220 Dee Building.
Stiver shaving outfits. Edholm, Jeweler.
. Certainly wo sell It everything from
burnt- cork to lllnnn do Perle Stilrlt fluui.
for holding the villain's whiskers on tho
imooth face of the callow youth and lin
ing pencils to make the mulden look ma
tronly; also a few things to assist in turn
ing back the dlul of time Ask us for book
on tho "Art or MnKlng up" free.
Kc Poszonl a Towder, we Boll ISo
60c La Hlurho Powder, we Hell Sfc
25c 47U White Rose Soan, wo sell 12o
$1.00 Cramer's Kldnoy Cure, we nell..,. 49c
llomemner inese prices are nt
foo Caldwell's Bvtuii Pepsin, we sell....
76o Coko'a Dandruff Curo. we sell 34e
too 1 lays' llnir Health, wo sell .v.c.
too Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream.
we sell 31c
$1.00 Kirk's Hair Tonle, we sell 49c
2c Lyon's Tooth Powder, wo sell 14n
2So Mennen'a Talcum Powder, we sell Uo
too Malted Milk, we sell Mr.
11.00 Pnrunn. we sell 5 a
2fco Btuart'a Arnica Salve, we sell tic
tl.00 B.9.R, wo sell ,
! 1.1.1 CY.D.O.k Wll ...,,..(,,.,., 1
t.M Vln Marian!, wo sell v
1.00 Winn of Cardul. wo sell .. 5lo
15c Klrk'a Juvenile Soap, cuke, wn fi So
i Woodbury's Facial Soap, cuke, we fell He
Shirman -& McConnell Drug Co,
Cor. ItUi and Dodge, Omaha.
$20 to $40 byus you a
Suit, cut, fit and made
to your measure , that
the credit tailor is oblig
ed to charge twice as
much for. '
Pants, $5 to $12; Overcoats,
$20 to $10; Clothes make the
man when they aro the right
kind of clothes.
Karbach Block. 209-11 So. 15th St.
Jack and Jill
Went Up the Hill
as everyone knows, and slipped on coming
down. No ono over slips up when thoy
buy Metz beer. It Is always standard In
merit, of the highest quality, purity and
delicious flavor, and for tbo weak nnd do-
bllltated Is away ahead of any of the nos
trums that are sold for "general debility."
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.,
Tel. 110. Omaha.
will mln a BOOfl a sposuion. ;
ke" i your teeth in order so that they
will benefit, both your health nnd dis
position. ,
Gold Crown, 22k
,75c ip
Tatt's Philadelphia Dental Rooms
1B17 1IUUKIBS sircei.
Crisp and snappy bargains In the
Millinery section on Thursday.
Hats at $5.00
The best in
America at that
I'rkc. y
COO black and
colored, fine vel
Tct, mohair
cloth, silk nnd
chenille trimmed
hats. Tho best
$5.00 hats in
America. For to
day w o havo
added to our $5
line an especially flno assortment of
black velvet hats profusely trimmed
With ostrich plumes, every
hat Is easily worth $9.00,
French Beaver Flats.
Large, soft, shaggy, French Beaver
flat In black, brown, castor, cardinal,
navy, etc., sold generally Oft
at $5.00, goat 4'70
Ostrich Plumes
9-inch black ostrich plumes, regular
price In other stores f-t
EOc, today 1""C
12-Inch black ostrich plumes, regular
price In other stores OC-i
76c, today 50C
Sea Gulls znd Parrots.
95 dozen handsome natural gray sea
gulls and black parrots, sold every
where nt 60c and 75c,
go at
Trimmed Hats at S2.50
in Basement.
600 beautifully trimmed turbans and
large face hats, block and colors,
everyone should be $5.00, r E" f
o at AsdU
260 Dozen Street Hats
at 25c on the dollar,
Gray, black and castor, prettily
draped fine felt street hats, easily
worth up to $1.50.
in basement
values In
the base
ment and
second floor
for Thurs
day's selling.
We offer
some excel
lent values
In ladles'
suits In
new blouse
and eton
styles, made
of fine fab
rics In tho
new shades,
A big lot of skirts, slightly dam
aged, In wool and silk, worth up to
$6, In basement Thursday -f CEf
only, choice leOvF
An odd lot of silk skirts, worth up to
$12, different styles of trimming and
ebapes, all In ono lot
fiSc for choice of children's coats
worth up to $3.00, bought from the
manufacturer nt 30c on tho
dollar, choice Thursday ...
:i5c, 25c
$3.98 for heavy Kersey box coat, alt
lined with heavy guaranteed lining,
large storm collar and
well tailored ............
Special $16 value, flno English Ker
sey box coats, guaranteed sutln lin
ing, velvet stitched yoke and around
bottom, In all colors, Q AO
storm and coat collar, at...-' f O
$2.98 for golf capes,
Thursday, worth $5.00,
special ii...
special for
$3.98 tor corduroy golf skirt, wide
etttched flounce, worth $7,
$8.98 for golf suits worth up to $16.
A special lot of odd sizes, In fine,
heavy nil wool golf materials, blouse.
eton and other styles,
choice while they last.
Most f&triiordiimry
"Mors Goods
S Mort Particulars."
values and special offerings on sale
Thursday. Q)hejnost wonderful bargains in women's ready-to-wear
garments evl' known in America. Thousands upon thou
sands of Svdmen's up-to-date garments at one-third their actual
worth. Crowded to the doors every day. Tf possible, come in
tho forenoon and secure some of the greatest bargains ever
known on the American continent.
Women's high-class tailor-made Suits from
the stock of Conhahn Co., iu Norfolks,
Etons aiid 'Blouses, retailing in Omaha for
$18.50; Hayden's price $10.00.
Women's ltaglans from the stock of Con
haim & Co., made in winter weights, in dark
grays; a garment retailing in Omaha for
$18.50; Hayden's sale price, only $10.50.
Women's Suits from the stock of Rosen
thal Bros., nnd retailed iu Omaha for $15.00;
Ilayden's sale price, only $7.95.
Women's Raglans from the stock of Ros
enthal Bi 'os.; they are worth $25.00; lined
with guaranteed satin; Hayden's sale price,
only $18.50.
Women's Taffeta Silk Skirts from the
stock of Max Solomon & Co., with the new
bias flounce, trimmed with niching nnd velvet, best percalim
lining, worth $16.00; Hayden's sale price, $8.95.
Halny-Day Skirts from tho stock of Ma x Solomon A Co.. worth $8.00. for J3.00.
Women's Skirts, made of cheviots, serges and pebble cheviots, from the stock of
worm 110.00 ani ?12.00, for $4.98.
Brady & Co., worth $30.00, silk Heed through-
Max Solomon & Co,
Women's Suits from tho stock of
out, for $18.60.
Tnero Is no house on top of the earth that can sell you a winter Jacket as stylish
or as cheap as we can.
Wo have such confidence In our nbllltv
to do that If after buvlne one In
houso you can beat us In any city In the country, including Omaha, bring back
jacaei ana get your money. isn't tnat Talr7
Our Leader A woman's Coat, made of very best quality American Woolen Mills
kersey, lined with the famous Bklnner'a satin, guaranteed for two years' wear, trim
med with panne velvet nnd stitched, strapped seams of same material, como in three
different styles and all colors, Including black, worth $18.50; Hayden's sale price,
only $10.00.
Women's Jackot. made of all wool kersey and lined with satin, all colors and all
sizes, four different styles, worth $10.00, for $6.98.
Women's Automobile Coats, made of all wool kersey, half lined, high storm collar,
for onlv $7.95,
Children's Jackets, worth up to $4.00, for $1.45.
Ono table of Silk Waists from the Fashion Mfg. Co.. worth $4.00, on sale Thurs
day at $2.98; only one to a customer.
Women's heavy fleece lined Wrappers, worth $1.60, for 98c.
First Step
The man who first produced the navel
orange, which made California famous and
millions of dollars for the state, was sen
to the poor house a short time ago to spend
the remainder of his days.
The business man whose business Is built
on such a frail foundation that abuse and
falsehood are necessary to keep it afloat, is
not a stranger In a
No. 61 Floor Finish, per can $1.00
Butchers' Wax, per can 50c
Kloorette, per can T 85o
Floor Oil (quick drying) 25c
Floor Paint, per can.,..,,,.,- 35o
Floor Stains, per can 35c
No. 120 Furniture Polish 50a
Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to imported cigars.
pi nufaotured by F. K. Rlo MeroeoUlt Oigar Oo., Bb LouU, V uloa JUd
lta aaa Oeasias it.
Man's first step upward from barbar
ism is marked by the demand for shirts.
Man's highest civilization requires per
fection of tit in shirts. All our Bhusfctf
aro made most everybody's is many
of them very poor but ours were made for The Nebraska,
made just as wo ordered them, made right.
Men's plain white and fancy colored, stiff bosom shirts,
in stripes, spots and small figures kOr
regular 75c quality Cvw
Men's extra lino quality white and fancy colored shirts,
in madras, percale, etc., liberally fur, well shaped and
perfection litting, modest or bright showy 7r
patterns all new
Men's best grade fancy percales, cheviots and madras
cloth shirts comprise a line of dollar bargains, the best
shirt values in the city, regular price for
same quality around town $1.50, our price KmxJXJ
Big values in boys' fancy shirts, colored and plain white,
stiff or soft bosoms, with or without collars zfCk-"
and cuffs, sizes 12 to 11, 75c, 05c, 50e and T'wt
Main Floor, West Aisle.
Thn anle trill lie aenanllonnt all
wide lino hleachrd ntnalln, 2 7-Sc. 1
tncti line full atandnrit Tcrmles, dark
lOe per yard, ttIII k nt rip yard. itHo
wide, lOc. Thousand of oilier hnrtcn
Come enrl nnd have first iilcU, an ipi
Tho finest LL unbleached muslin made,
10 yards for 35c
',4s yard wide sheeting, flno bleached,
10 yards for 25c
Extra heavy unbleached muslin Gc
Inch fine pillow casing, regular
12ac goods "Tic
42-inch bleached pillow cosing, worth
14c yard 9V4c
:0c unbleached sheeting, two yards
wldo, worth 21c; our price for Thurs
day 14Tc
1-4 unbleached sheeting, worth 22Hc..l6V4c
Extra fine wide bleached table damask,
wr.rth 35c; on sale nt 22Vc
300 dozen towels, worth 10c, each Re
300 dozen towels, worth 15c, each 7c
through he day Thursday. Yara
Ro line printed Flannelette, Be. 3H-
and Uht cntoro, vrorth from IBo to
Imported Flanrieletlee. aa Inohe
Ine In Underwear, ntanketa, etc
nnlltlee In florae lines are limited.
BLANKETS, 69c. 75c, OSc, 1.80, $2.50
and 3.98
QUILTS, 59c, 98c, $1.35, up to $2.60
rtiiNTS, won'ni 7 i-ac, only 21-ac.
One case full standard prints, worth
7V4c; only 10 yards to customer 2Wc
Alt tho full standard prlntR, dark nnd
tight colors, Indigos and other prints,
worth up to 8c; only 10 ynrds to
customer 3V4c
Sea Island, White Star nnd other
makes of 36-inch fine percales,
worth 15c, 19c and 25c yard 5c
lOe Shaker flannel 2c
15c extra heavy Shaker and outing
flannels, dark and light colors, flno
goods 5o
All the new fall designs In 27-Inch and
32-inch fine flanncllettcs, worth 10c,
12Uc and 15c, will go on salo at 5c
All tho 25c imported 36-lnch French
flannellettes, with all the French
flannel designs, on sale at 10c
25c fancy silks, for one day Po
30c plain silks 19q
49c checks 190
75c fancies 390
$1.00 Itoman stripes 3Do
$1.50 black grenadines 49c
$1.50 black fancies, 29c and 49a
Another fine new lot of these fine dress
corduroys, worth $1.00 per yard, will
ell them at ,. S9o
nrtKss 3oods.
60c fine heavy homespuns In Oxford
gray and browns too
$1.00 all wool homespuns, '62 In. wide.. 49o
S5c lad Ice' sacking, 60 in. .wide, all
colors 49s
38-ln. strictly all wool sacking, regu
lar 50c grade, only 34a
76c granite 49c
85c all wool Venetians 49c
50c serges, all colors 25a
Chlldron's fleeco-llncd underwear, 25c, '
19c, 15c and 10c
Men's $1.00 shirts and drawers 89a
Ladles' $1.00 union suits 49a
Ladles' 50c vest and pants 25c
Men's, boys' and ladles' 15c and 19o
hose THa
Men's 39c working gloves 19o
Men's 49c working gloves 25a
Men's $1.00 dark working shirts 29a
Corn meal, 15c sack; 24-lb. sack pure rye
flour, 45c; 10-lb. tack puro Graham, 16c;
24-lb. ssack puro rye-Graham, 45c; fancy
evaporated Cnllfornia peaches, new 1901
crop, 9c; strictly choice California penches,
new crop, 1901, at 12Hc; very good old
crop poaches, 6V&c; new crop evaporated
blackberries, 9c; new crop evaporated
apricots, 1901, at 12V4c; new cleaned pn
tros currents, 12',4c; new California mus
catel raisins, 10c; new California prunes,
Jttc, 4c, 5c, 8c and 12V4o.
Star plug chewing tobneco 37o
Horscshoo plug chewing tobacco ....3ic
Nerve plug chowlng tobacco 31a
Battle Axe 35c
Newsboy tobacco 36c
Dull Durham smoking tobacco noo
Duke's Mixture 35o
Meerschaum smoking tobacco 30c
Uncle Tom smoking tobacco 35c
Old style smoking tobacco 25c
2-lb. can Strawberries lOo
2-lb. can Gooseberries 0c
'2-lb. can Blackberries 9c
'2-lb. can Raspberries 10c
3-lb. can Apricots 12c
3-lb. can reaches 121&C
3-Ih. can very fine sifted TeaB 12',4c
3-lb. can nil kinds of riums 12W
3-lb, can Tomatoes 10o
2-lb. can Corn
2-lb can String Deans "lie
2-lb. can Succotash
2-lb. can Itod Kldnoy Beans 7',ac
2- lb. can Wax Deans
3- lb. can Garden Beets 10
No. 1 sugar-cured hams
German summer sausage
Now bologna sausage ,
Solid packed oysters, per qt.,
ii-id. pans puro larn
Hqmemado pork sausage
Fancy dried beer '
Fancy new Holland herring, per keg.. 9$o
Codfish, per lb., 6VJc and 7Ho
Hand cheese, each lc
Ohio brick cheese, per lb 12Hc
Cinnamon Imperials SVc
Lozenges, mint , 8ia
Wlntcrgrcon 8 Vb:
Peanut Squares 7 Via
Hock Candy, all string 9c
Hock Candy, part string 8Ha
Eclipse Mixed Candy. SVio
Crown Mixed 7Hn
Moonlight Kisses '...ISHo
Hobson Kisses . 15o
Swedish Kisses 12Ao
Sunbeam Kisses 12ttn
Trilby Kisses Iflo
Bon Hons IMa
Vanllln Creams , 25 n
Itoso Creams 22o
Mint Opora Creams ...,24Ha
Butter Creams 22o
Opera Wafers 26c
Maplo Wafers 25 0
Flno hand-made Chocolates 20c
Finn Marshmallow Chocolates 25c
Cream Almonds 25o
Stick Double refined, per lb.
Stick Hoarhound, per lb
Stick Fancy twist, per lb,...
Mixed Choice. 5Hc; fancy...
Mixed Broken, 7c; French.
Mixed Kindergarten
Lemon Drops
Chocolate Drops, He; fancy..
Jelly Beans
Conversation Hearts
Soda crackers fc
Oyster crackers 5a
Milk crackers 5a
rear! crackers fo
Farina crackers 5a
Ginger snaps 6a
Fresh oysters, per quart 35o
Dates, per pound 6a
Siberian Diamond coffee, 12Wc; Siberian
II. B. Coffee, 13V4c; very fine Santos coffee,
16c; Guatemala coffee, 20c; Interior Java
coffeo, 25c; private growth, Java, Sl'.tc;
Ansola Java, 32?; Mandellng Java, 3So;
Arabian Mocha and Old Government, 36c.
With every pound of good tea from 45c1 to
50c you got a fancy teapot. '
ppi pv Our of Ihe heat equipped of (he Keeley ayaleas of latl
CURE iiriiiiLLFiinea. Cure Driiu Cuorn, Touaciio Users. TIIU
jUSELEV INSTITUTE, 10 aud Leaveawortl., Omaha,