10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Light Offirlnji on Orinold Mtiktt Bring trengtk U Grains CORN RULES STRONG FROM THE OUTSET Wheat Experience Doll, Jfarrotv Market Onta Trnifc Moderately Aotlve Provision l)rnar, bnt Clone Mttle Higher. CHICAGO; Oo. S3. Ught offerings on bii oversold market brought strength to grains today,. December corn clotted 14c lilgher, December wheat 40 advanced and Decem ber oats o up. Provision!) clos!d 24'uw 4o higher. Corn ruled strong from tho outset, though tho pit wan not especially active. At tho opening1 cables wero Indifferent und prices for December wero a shudn lower to n shado .higher at 664rs'"4o. It was appar ent, however, that tho liquidation that char acterized this pit yesterday had ceased, The shorts began to feel uneasy und though the early trudo was Hat and dull, when them came news of a fow sales to the southwest prices began to advance rap idly. December sold to 66VM(S60 and close utrong 14o abovo yesterdays closo at fjGMJCC'ic. Receipts -were 157 cars. Wheat experienced a dull, narrow market, but had a firm undertone, throughout the Hesslon. All nown was bullish, save tho Indifferent cables of tho European markets, Argentina drouth damage still was of prime interest, though In tho markets where this crop Is tho greatest fuctor there was no appreciable advance. Northwestern re ceipts Htlll were small, yet tho small move ment wa explained away by the state ment that farmers wero too busy to sell. Despite theso Influences and small primary receipts December opened unchanged to a Bhade higher at 704'cl"0'4c to 704c There was an early report of contlnned drouth In Argentina, which brought a small advance, but the tone of tho pit was largely duo to tin absenco of trade and some covering In the faco of light (jfTcrlngs. December, sold to- 714e tlrid closed llrm Mc advanced at Tiff) 71 He. Local receipts wero 97 cars, none of contract grade. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 611 cars, making a total for the three points of 638 cars, against 631 last week and 670 a year ago. Prlmnry receipts were fl.W.WW bit., compared with J, 101,000 bu. u year ago. Seaboard clearances In wheat and Hour equaled .240.000 bu. Oats needed only tho advance In corn to develop the strength that has been latent In this market for the last week. Trade was only moderately active, with most of the dealing for the May account. December, however, felt tho bullish Influence even though it was not quoted till lato In tho tlrst hour, opening 'to higher and closing firm Ho higher at 354c. Receipts wero Uu CnTh'n provision market wob a dull and dragging nffalr. opening lower on llboral hog receipts and gaining slightly on a llrm hog market and In sympathy with grains. Jnnuary pork closed 74c higher nt 115.10. January lard ZWUic up at 8.92V4fjS.9D and January ribs 6c higher at LK. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 8n ears; corn, 105 cars; oats, i: cars; hogs, K (Vio head. The leading futures ranged as follows: ArtlclosTi Open. Hlgh.l Low. Cloe,Yci'y. Wheat Oct. T)cc. May Corn Oct. Dec. May On is Oct. Dec. May I'ork- Jan. May Lard Oct. Nov. Jan. May RltjB- Oct. Jan. May 3741 H 074 15 W 7141 U'MI 74 1 Mil fi&U 364 3W IS 124 lb la !)C5 9 05 8 95 8 9741 8 SO 7 S5 7 95 704 734 614 1 3IH 35Vi 374 U 974' 15 01) 8 974! 8 97ft 8 86 8 874 8 20 7 80 7 8741 71 70 ff4 71i ,684'M 36 354 37H 15 10 15 15 9 024 9 0241 8 90 8 97 4 8 30 7 83 7 95 61 65404 344 35, 374 15 024 15 05 8 95 9 10 9 024 8 90 8 25 7 SO 7 90 No. .2. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patents, $3,408 1.60; stralghtB, 12.9033.30: clears, J2.605f3.10; spring specials, U; patents, 3.264f3.55; tralglits.J2.70Hf3.io. ' 1 WHBAT No. 3, 67(ff69Vic; No. 2 red, 714 OATS No. 2. 364c: No. 2 white, 38439o; 'TJo. -I white, 37-i3S4c nVR-No. 2. 664flfA4;. , BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 615? M1'KKD0-No.,l flaxseed. MB:Np. 1 north. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 313.85 CfUSH). Lard, per ICO lbs.. J9.0249.06. Short TlDS Slues (luuswj, tn.iwi o.ov. wi ow...... shoulders (boxed). $7.6097.75. Bhort clear sides (boxed). W.7C.85. WHISKY Basis of high wines, 11.30. The following are the receipts and ship ments for tho last iwen'v-rour nours: Articles, Flour, bhls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu.,.. Oats, bu live, bu Barley,' bu Recelnts. Shipments .... 25.000 36.000 .... 24.O0O 224.000 .... 240,000 1 50,000 .... 319.000 144,000 .... 8.000 10.0O1) 118,000 30.000 On the Produce exchange today the butter market was. steady; creameries, 149214c; aalr.'et, ViVVJ. uneese. steaay, 9ftfl0c. Eggs, llrm, fresh, 180184c. kew Yonic general market. Quotations ot the Day Commodities. on Various 19,236 bbls.; exportB, 3,196 bbls.; llrm and more active but not nuotublv hlchnr: win ter patents, 3.60uj..(5; winter straights, H.3OU-3.10; Minnesota patents, $3.663.85; winter extras, J'.ToOijiC.SO; Minnesota bakers, t2.90fc3.20; winter low' grades, I2.30&2.40. ltyo Hour, llrm; fair to good, $2. 90513.13; Lliuiic ill tilili., j.uu4t,.,v. CORNMEAL Firm; yellow weatorn, $1.19; ciijv ii.ih; urnnuywine, HYE Firm; No. , 3 western, 61a to ar rive, f. o. b. afloat, BARLEY Flrrtt: malting, 57061c, c. 1. f, Buffalo: feeding, COfflKc, c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Hecelpts, 118,350 bu. ; exports, 48.230 bu. Snot, firm: No. 2 red.-. 79Sc f. o. b. afloat; No. ;l red, 76ftc elevator; No. 1 Imid. Duluth. 82!tc'f. o. b. alloat: No. northern, Duluth, 724c afloat.' Options opened easy on cable newB, but recovered Immediately and wan very llrm nil day on light speculative offerings, good outBlde buvlnir west, drouth In Argentina, the corn strength, active, covering and small north west receipts. Closed firm und net 4u nigner; uctoucr cioscu at low, December, 7GVtf76 15-lGc: closed at 76Tic. COHN HocelptH, 31.400 bu.; exports, 19,065 nu. poi, Hirong; no. .-, elevator nnu 67ic f. o. b. afloat. The option market was aotlvo and strong on a broadening trade. heavy commission house buying, prospects for smaller arrivals, bullish Roumanian crop cstlniates,' good western shipments and vigorous covering. Closed strong at 4 14(i net advance; May, 611(62 9-lGc; closed nt 624o; October closed at 614c; December, siuwc; cinsca at Wic. , OATS UecelptH. 60.WW bu.; exportB, 83 bu Spot, firm: No. 2. 41c; No. 3, 404c; No. : while. 42ic: No. 3 white. 424c: track mixed western, 40$N04o; track, whlto, 415j 46c. -Options active and higher with other mnrKPts. HAY Steady: shipping, 604jC5c; good to choice, KMiCSc. HOI'S CJulot: state, common to choice; 1901 drop. 12Q1640: 1900 crot). uyilc; im crop, CJJUc; ru cilia coast, 1901 cron, 12Jf 16Mci crop, votfiio; i&vj crop, byiic HIDES-Stcady: Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs, 18c; Callforntu. 21 to 26 lbs., 194c: Texas lrv. 24 to 30 lbs.. 14 ic L.13ATIIBK Steady: hemlock sole. Hub nos Ayros, light to heavy weights, 2345i iH'0VI8(0NH-Ue.if, Arm; family, $11.50 (lilJAiu; mesa, a.iwiiiu.ui; oeei namB, 2i,.vyi M.OO: packer. $10.00ftll.OO; city, extra lnita mess. $17.0Wf 19.00. Cut meats, tucady; pickled Denies. w.Dutfiu.ita; picHieu snouioerB. lilcklod hiima. $10,261(10.60. Lard. Btendv western steamed, $9.60; retlned, easier; con tlnent. '$9.70: South American. $3,70: com pound, H.OOJiS.ai. Pork, quiet; family. Il7.0047,75; short clear, $17.6on.i9.00; mess, 16.aviri(1.76. TALLOW Steady: city ($3 per pkg.), 4c nominal; country (pkgs. free), 645f5;c. lit'TTHH Hecelpts; 6.079 pkgs.: state dairy, IW-Mc: creamery. lMi22n: June creamery, 174ff214o: factory, 1244(15c. CIU:i8l3 HecvlptB, 3)56 pkgs.: quiet and ;flrm; fancy, large, colored, 9!Uo( fancy, large, whltf, 94WKc: fancy, small, colored, ,104c: fancy, tuimll, white, I0fl1oi4o. KGOS Hecelpts. 8,843 pkgs.; steady; st'Uo and Pennsylvania, 21U4?22o; western can dled. 214e: western uncandled, 1GJ(2U MOLASSKS-Steady. 'POULTHY-AIIve, steady: dressed, llrm: prices unchanged, MBTALS-Ttn In London declined JCl 25s 6d for future delivery, whllo spot position was only 5a lower Thus tho cloHe was at 113 15s for spot and 105 )5s for futures. Trading was slow Locally tin was dull for .spot, whllo the futuro positions were weak In sympathy with London, The close was 'dull al $24.75. nomlnalr- Copper ruled unclmnged her at $16.85iyi7.00 for I.ak Huperfor and S1.33Q16.624 for casting and lntil vlln. Tinilnli murkiit milnei! 7 IV! lloulna at 63 17s 6d (or spot and 62 7a. 6d for futures. Lead was dull and unchanged at homo and abroad, with New York quoted at $1,374 and London 11 los. Spelter at Now York closed at $l.20ff4.25 and at Lon don 16 17s 6d. Domestic Iron markets were dull. Pig Iron warrants, $3.10810.00: No. 1 northern foundry, $15.00 16. 00: No. 2 southern foundry, $14.50rTZ16.50; No, 1 south ern foundry, $14.f15.&0; No. 1 soft south ern foundry, $ll.6()16.oo. Glasgow war rants closed at 63s 6d and Mlddlesboro at 36s. OMAHA WnOl.nSALC MARKET. Condition of Trade and aottlon on Staple nnd Fancy produce. KOOS-necclpts fair: loss off. 1617c. I-IVH I'OULTllY-Hcns, 6tj64o: young and old roosters, 4c; turkeys, 7gso; ducks and geese, 6Q64cj spring chickens, per lb., 7G"4c. XI UTTEH Common to fair. 124c: choice dairy, In tubs, 16lCc; separator, 23 24c. FHliSil FISIl-lllack bass, ISc; wht bass, 100: blucllsh, 11c; bullheads, 10c: blue litis, 7c; uuftalocs. 7c; cattish, 12c; cod, He; irapplcs, 10c: tmubut, Ho; herring, 7c; had uock, loc; pike, 10c; red snapper, loo; sal mon, lie; suntlsh, 6c; trout, ivc; whltetlsh, Wc. OYSTKHS-Mcdlums, por can. 22c; Stand ards, per can, 26c; extra selects, per can, 33c, New York counts, per can, 4oc; bulk Htundards, pet gal., 1.2u41.25; bulk extra selects, l.rtOffll.C5. PIOEONS-Llve, per dot., COc. V'BAL Choice, C5r8c. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Deaiera' association: Choice upland, $10,110: No. 2 upland, JD.OO; medium, U-w, coarse, $s.00. Hye straw, $6.00. These prices aro for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair. Hecelpts, 3 cars. WHEAT -60c. COHN-53C lilt AN $16.50. OAT8-35C VEGETABLES. POTATOES Home grown, 80390c; Sail Luke, $l.0Tl.lo; Colorado. $1.0081.10. HUOPLANT-Pcr doz., 75e. , UAHHOTti Per market basket, 3lo. HEETS Per half-bu. basket, 3oc. TUHNIPH rer baskut, 30c. CUCUMUEHS-Home grown, per dog., 10 015c. PAH8LEY Per dor.. 20c. SWEET POTATOEd-tjome crown, per lb., 2cj genuine Jersey, per bbl., $4.00. CAI1UAGE Hohand seed, crated, lKc. TOMATOES Home grown, per la-lb. bas ket, 60c. UEAN8 Wax, per 4-bu. basket, 60c; string, per 4-bu. basket. 60c. ONIONS Home grown, per lb., 2&2Hcj punish. ;cr crate, $1.60. H'A'l KltM JN'M Missouri. Inni nnJ Nebraska, 105120c, as to size. CELEHY Kalamazoo, ner bunch. 26fi35c; Nebraska, ner bunch. J0u35c: Colorado. 40 C60c. NISVi 131SANH Per bu., $2.25. KKUITS. APPIwE8-Bcn Davis, per bbl., $3.60; wlno- saps, $3.60; Jonathan, $4.00; snows, $3.60; bellcllowcrs, per box, $1,6551.75. I'llUNKS Utah, per crate, 80c. PEACHES California freestone, nor ho. 90a$1.00; clings, S5c: Utah freestone, 76c; El- uliius, D-uusKei craien. i.JUai.'io. PEAnS-Kelfcrs. $1.75: Vlkers. $1.75: Lawrence, $2.25. ORAPES Callfnrn a Toltav. 4.1h. rrat. $2; Muscats, $1.60; Concords, eastern, 18c. UHAWiiKKitiKH-i'cr bbl.. $6.50: per crate. $2.60. QUINCES Per box, $1.65. THOPICAL FKUIT8. OKANOES-Moxlcans. $1.505j6.0O. IiEMONS Fancy, $3.755j4.00; choice, $3.26. 11 AN AN AS Per bunch, according to size. $2.0052.60. huh California, new cartons, S5c; Im ported, per lb., 12Q14ct. 1JAT ES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, per lb., 64e: Salrs, 5c. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case. $3.6003.75. ClDElt Newhawka, per bbl., H.2b. SAUEKICHAUT Per 4-bbl.. $4.00. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New cron filberts, nor lb.. 12Ue: Boft-shelled English walhuts, 114c; soft shelled almonds. No. 1. lftc: hard-shelled almonds, 14c; brazils, 14c: hard-shelled wal nuts, 114c: chcBtnutH. 155?17c. HIDES No. 1 crenn. Mt,c: No 2 renn. 54c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted. 7c; No. I veal calf. 8 to 124 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 42 to la lbs., 6c; dry hides, 85?13c; sheep pens, n''j'.ic; norseniues, i.uou..:x. St. Louis nrnln nnd Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 23. WHEAT Hlnher: No. 2 red, cash, elevator. 724c: track, 72V1 73c; Decemher, 724c; May, 75475Hc; No. nam, UKUiUViC COnN Hlcher: No. 2 cash. 67e: track. 6745i68c: December. 67c: May. 6934c OATS-Hlgher: No. 2 cash, 37c: track. 37Hp379ic: December, 30T4c; May, 39',ic; No, wnue, iHOiKjuac. 11YE Higher at 554c. FLOUR Firm nnd slow: red winter nat- ents, $3.4083.55; extra fancy and stralitht, $3.00'33.15: clear, $2,6552.90. S15KU8-nmotny. nrm. I5.60H5.65: flax. no marKct. CORNMEAI-Stendy. $2.90. f. o. b. BRAN Higher and strong; sacked lots, on east trnck. 84c. HAY Dull; timothy, $J1.00SH W; prairie, jw.uwnia.w. WHISKY Steady, $1.30. IRON COTTONTIEB-Qulot, $1.10. ' BAGGING Quiet. 64517c. TWINE Hemp, 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady. lobhin $16.00. Lard, lower nt $8.92. Dry salted meats, tlrm, boxed lots, extra snort and clenr ribs. $i.&o: clear sides. $.S7W. Bacon. tlrm; boxed lots, extra short and clear ribs, $9.50: clear sides. $9.76. MKTAL.H-L.oaq. (lull at 4.Z7V45M.30. Spel ler, nrm ni .ui wtjt.iu. POUIiTHY Du 1: chickens. Bc: sDrlngs. 7c: turkeys, 64c: ducks, 646c; geese, 456c. BUTTER Stendy: creamery. 18fiK23c: oairy. 1111 ioc. KQ08 steady at isc. RECEIPTS-Flour. 10.000 bbls.: wheat. 63.- 000 bu.: corn, 54,000 bu.; oats, 48.COJ bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 16.000 bb s.: wheat. 3i,ouu du.; corn, uu.; outs, du. 'Liverpool Grain and Provlsloaa. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 23. WHEAT Spot. steady; No. 2 red western, winter, 5s 8d; no. 1 norinern. snrinc. tisau; io. 1 uau- fornln. bs iou. futures, quiet: Liecemner, 5s 8Hd: March, 6s lOd. CORN spot, quiet: American mixea, now, 4s 94d. Futures, quiet; Octpber, nominal; INOvemner, isvmq; uecemoer. s juyto. FLOUH-Ht. L,ouis xancy winter, steaay. 7s 6.1. PltovjHiuws tieei, nrm; extra jnaia mess. firm. 74s 6d. Pork, firm: prime mess western, 73s 6d. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., steady at 60s. Bacon, firm: Cumber land cut. 26 to 30 lbs., firm. 61s 6d: short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., steady at 49s; long clear middles, ugnt, nrm, at ous; long cicar miu dles. heavy, firm, at 49s 6d; short clear backs, light, firm nt 47s; clear bellies, light, firm at 5Ss. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs.. tlrm nt 38s. Lard, llrm; prime western. In tierces, steady at 4Ss; American refined, in palls, steady nt 47s. uu I rian nicnuy: nne-unueo, mates, iib TALLOW Prime city, quiet at 28s 6d: Australian, in i.onaon. quiei at us. picas canaa an. ouiet. cs 2'i.a. Recelnts of wheat during tho past three days, itio.ooo centals, including l&i.ow Amer ican. Receipts of American corn during the past three days, 85,900 centals. Weather fine. Knneaa City Grain and Provision. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 23.-WHEAT-De- cember. 66ic: Mav. 70T4Sr71c: cash. No, 2 hard, 6751674c; No. 3, 6645l7c; No. 2 red, 70VW71i!! Nil. 3. 68(Tf70c. CORN December, 694c; May, 694c: cash, No. 2 mixed. 690594c; No. 2 white. l9594o; iNO. 8. MilMftC. OAT8-N0. 2 white, 374G3SC. RYE No. 2. WSBfie. HAY-Cholce timothy, $13.50014.00; choice prairie. $13.605):14.00. BUTTER Creamery,. 194o; dairy, fancy, 141t15c. ' EGOS Weak; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock quoted on exchange at 17c dozen, los orr, cases returned, RECBIPTS-Wheat, 28,800 bu.; corn, 64.400 bu.; oats, 21,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 41.600 bu,; corn, 42, 400 bu.; oats, 8,000 bu. fancy, small, 104c: New York full creams, fair to choice, 95jlO',4C. Ilnlnth (J ml it Market. DULUTH, Oct. 23. WHEAT Cash, No. hard. 72Mc: No. 2 northern, 674c; No. 1 northern. tic: October, 69c: December, 68ic: Mny. c. OAT8-35Ti5735Hc. Peorln Mnrket. 3, Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO, Oct. 23,-WHEAT-Dull PEORIA. Oct. 23.-CORN-Easlcr: No, Mic. ua to inactive ; ro. a wnue, auc, Dineu through. WHISKY On the basis of $1.30 for fin ished goodb. JiBW YORK STOCKS A.D BONDS. Siievnlative Activity Confined darnel y to NsrroiT Field. NEW YORK. Oct. 23. Sneetllntlvo activ ity today was largely confined again to 11 rew biocks, nut trie Held ot actum snitieu from the Vundcrbllts and Chicago As Northwestern Into St. Paul. I'nlnn Pacific and Southern Pacific. An overwhelming iroportlon ot the day's total business was n these three stocks. The utrurecate deal ings rose considerably over those of recent time anu as mo nay progresseu tne mnr ket showed a broadening tendency of tho sustained strength of the three lcadeis. Chicago Grent Western camo consplcuouily Into the movement later In the day and secured an extreme udvance of 2S on very henvy dealings, closing at the highest. Other stocks reacted somewhat from the top. Influenced partly by a break of 4i In Chicago & Northwestern preferred, fit. Paul's extreme rise was 3 points, Union Pacific 2 and Southern Pnclflc 1 point. Among tho stocks to coma forward lata In the day wero members of the soft' coal froup and the southweaterns with gains of to 14. Sugar was also quite notably strong, rising IJi mid International Power advanced 24- later the weakness of tho market was quite generally overeomo by the advance. Amalgamated Copper, which fell 2 points In the morning, closed with a net loss of only 14. There were some very large selling In the stock and It was af fected by the weakness of raw copper In London. The local Tractions and People's Gas were nlso prominent In the early de pression. Glucose fell S4 and the preferred under raids bv the bears, and Hncklnir Coal was forced down 14 with a subse quent recovery. There was some contin uance in the early dealings of yester day's strength In the Vanderbllts, New York Central rising 14. Chicago & North western 3 and the preferred 34, but the movement win not continued after tho reaction In the market. mere was no specific news to account for the action of tho market, hut it was undoubtedly based on tho basis that tho negotiations now on will result In tho set tlement of the Northern Pacific question favorably. The neglect and lagging tendency of Great Northern nref,.rro 1 and Northern PaclHc preferred did not seem 10 aisiuro tnis conviction. Neither did tho apparent contradiction found In tho re sistance on retirement of Northern Pacific preferred nnd tho broad Intimntlon frcm President Hill that Great Northern Is to bo consulted In tho matter of control of tho Burllnctnn as well as Niirthprn Pnnli'n. These Insistencies aro regarded as tho van tage ground to be shrewdly held while tne process of bargaining Is still going on. as It undoubtedly Is. Ilurllnirtnn n-nn quoted in tho closing at IDOiftlOS. Alio coniinnea movement nr rilrrenrv In the south and tho prospect of a $10,000,0 0 payment to bo made this week on account of tho Pocahontas Coal consider consoli dation did not seem to disturb speculntho sentiment. As between il.oooono nmi Slam. 000 of tills payment la to bo mndo to for eign owners, an auuitlonal factor Is disclosed In tho recent firmness of the exchange market. That market was some- wnat easier today, notwithstanding tim advance In London discount on account of me loss 01 moro man $2,000,000 additional In gold to tho continent. Tho bond market wnn niillo nntlvn nnA broad and nrices an a ruin nHvrm,! Total sales, par value, $4,670,000; United States refunding 2s declined 4 and the old is 1 per cent on the last call. Tho Commercial Advertlser'a T.nnrlnn financial cablegram says: Business on tho Stock exchange continued to dwindle to day and consols were heavy on tho with drawal of 399,000 In gold coin from Ger many and tho shipment of 25,000 to Franco.. Paris exchange Is steady, but dis count is 2. London Is beginning to whis per about a rise In the bank discount rute, although such a move ts .unlikely tomor row. Neither French nor German cold ex-! ports quite pay yet and there aro sueclal reasous why America Is tho best market. London did little In ntocks. but who York camo higher in Union Pnclflc and St. Paul we did considerable In )pttons In Atchison, although It was suspected to bo a caso of stage army effect to cover sales elsewhere. The general contango Is 34 on a small account. Copper stocks automat ically follow Amalgamated, tho formula boing a movement of 1 In Amalgamated to 4 In Rio Tlntos. The following are thb cios nc nrin nn the New "York Stock exchange: balances, $2,421,064: posted exchange, $!.Mi; Now York exchange, 10c premium. BALTIMORE, Oct. 23.-Clearlngs. $3,392, 147; balanced, $601,095. BOSTON, Oct. 23.-Clcarlngs, $23,018,816; balances, $1,915,005. NEW YORK. Oct. 23,-Clearlngs, $211,622, 612: balances, $12,596,978. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 23.-Clearlngs, $7,477,890: balances, $1,102,130; money, steady nt 55fti per cent; New York exchange, 25o discount. Jietv York Money Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 23. MONEY-On call, steady, 3fi4 per cent! last loan, 3 per cent; ruling rate, 34 per cent: prime mercantile paper, 44fi5 per cent. . . . STERLING EXCHANGE Easier, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.S6V for demand and at $4.S145i1.S4H for sixty days; posted rates, $4.S554.s74! commercial bills, $1.834514.84. . . ,81iA'ER-Bar, 67Jc; Mexican dollars,. lJONDS Government, weak; state, steady: railroad, llrm. Tho closing quotations on bonds are as follows: U. S. ref. 2s, reg,10S4 L. & N. unl. 4S.10J4 do coupon 1084 Mox. Central 4s, 834 do 3s, rcg IOiVj do Is Inc. .304 do counon losti M. & St. L. 4s..l03 do now 4s, reg,13S do coupon 133 do old 4s, reg..llli do coupon llHi do 6s, reg... do coupon ... Atch. gen. 4s, do ndj. 4s... Hal. & O. 4s. ' do 34s do conv. 4s., M K. & T. 4s. 994 do 2s 80 N. Y. Central laJOSJi do gen. 34s.... 1094 N. J. C. gen. 6s.. 13044 No. Pnclflc 4 1044 do 3s 73 N. & W. c 4s... 1024 ...1024 Reading gen. 4s. 96t 964 O U 1 m on.uu4 ..10511 St L & S F 4S.. 9j .1061 .1074 ,.103 97'V Canada So. 2s..l08W St. L. 8. W. Is.. 98' C nf fin. K ins 1 do 2s. Mo Is Inc 72 '8. A. & A. P. 4s. 874 Plies. & O. 44s,.107H8o. Paclllo 4s.... 934 Chi. & A. 34s.... 854 80. Railway 5S...120 C, B. & Q. n. 4s. 984 'Tex. & Pac. ls.119 CM & StP g. 4S.1104T, St L & W 4s. 814 C & N W c. 7s,1394 Union Pac. 4S....105 C. R. I. & p. 4s,1064 do conv. 4s 10S4 CCO & S L g.4s.l034,Wabaah Is 120 Chicago Ter. 4s.. 94 do 3s 1104 Colorado 80. 4s.. SS41 do deb. B 684 D. & R. G. 4s... ,102i Erlo prior 1. 4s... as-; do generat 4s,. S' V W & D C 1s...l074 Hock. Vul. 44s. .107 West Shore 4s.. .1124 W. & L. E. 4S.... ai Wis. Central 4s. SSH Con. Tob. 4s 46H Bid. "Offered. London Stock (laotatlon. LONDON, Oct. 23.-4 p. m. Closing: Cons., money do account Anaconda 74 Atchison 804 do pfd. 994 Hal. & Ohio 1054 Canadian Pac... 113 Ches. k Ohio.,.. 464 Chicago G. W... 244 C, M. & St. P.. 1724 Denver & R. G... 45 do ofd 91 Erlo 424 UO 1st piu 71H do 2d Pfd 56 Illinois Central. .1504 L. & N 106V4 M., K. & T 264 do pfd 5714 N. Y. Centra!.. ..1624 92 D-16,Norfolk & .. 924 W.... 674 do pfd 91 No. Pacltlo pfd.. 1074 Ontario & W. Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd... do Zd pfd.... So. Railway .. do pfd So. Pacific .... Union Pacific. do pfd U. S. Steel ... do pfd Wabash do pfd Spanish 4s Rand Mines .. DeBccrs 314 75W . 204 . 394 . 264 .. 334 . 884 ,. 61 .1034 . 90 . 444 . 93 . 20 . 374 . 694 .. 104 .. 3 SILVER Bar, steady. 264c . MONEY 15? 14 ner cent: the rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is 24 per cent; for threo months' bills, 2H per cent. Atchison .i do pfd Baltimore & O.. do nfd Canadian Pac, Canada So , Ches. & Ohio..., Chicago & A..., do pfd , Chi., Ind. & L., do pfd , Chi. & E. III..., Chicago G. W.., do 1st pfd, do 2d pfd., . 18 St. Paul . 974 St. Paul pfd .103 .So. Pacific . 93 So. Hallway .1104' do pfd . 834 Tex. & Pacific .. . 45 Tol St. L. & W, 3tvs ao pfd. . 77 . 404' . 72 .128 . 25 86 Union Pacific. do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheel. & u (10 2U pfd 454 Wis. Central Chicago & N. W.210 do pfd.. C. R. I. & P. Chi. Ter. & Tr.. do pfd C. C. C. & St. L. Colorado So do 1st pfd do 2d nfd Del. & Hudson. .169 Del. L. & W 228 Denver & R. G.. 44' ao pra. Erie ...I do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd Ot. Nor. pfd... Hocking Val... do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .. do pfd Lake Erie & do pfd L. & N Manhattan L.. Met. St. Ry.... Mex. Central .. Mex. National, Minn. & St. L. Mo. Paclllo .... M.. K. & T do pfd N. J. Central .. N. Y. Central . Norfolk & W.. do pfd No. Pacific pfd Ontario & W... Pennsylvania . Reading do 1st, pfd do 2d pfd St. L. & S. F.. do 1st pfd..,.. do 2d pfd St. L. Southw.. do pfd 1434'Adams Ex.. aJt4Amencan Ex 38 994 134 6341 24V4 92 41 634 654 194 64U 75 147 .... 41 .... 774 W. 69 ....125 .12074 .15794 . 22 .144 .110 . 964 . 26 . 604 .163 .1594 . 56 . 894 .1044 U. S. Ex.. 170 1914 604 32 6 394 204 354 102 .... 89 .... 204 .... 36 E..1074 .... 284 .... 20 .... 41 .185 ,18S 90 Forelitn Financial. LONDON. Oct. 23. Money was in im proved demnnd today, especially for over- ne-BCiuemeni anu monm enu. Discounts wero firm, in .view of the adverse ex changes und foreign demand for gold. Op erntnrs nn tlin Hinrk exchange wero en gaged in tho carry-over. Consols declined on gold export rumors. Home rails were lrreirular! snmo of them hardened. Amer icans opened wnn a uisunci recovery 101- owing rew vorit. Aicnisons were uio feature. The buying was professional. Tho firmness was maintained during the after noon, but business closed quieter, urana Trunks recovered, especially seconds and thirds. Katllrs were harder on tho talk of amalgamation. Bullion amounting to 13. 000 was withdrawn from the Bank of Ens- Innd today, 399.ooo for snipment to ucr mnny nnd the remainder for France. Gold premiums aro quoted as follows; Buenos Avrns. 131.40: Madrid. 41. PARIS. Oct. 23. Business on the bourse today oponed with improvement, but later prices reacted nnd closod weak. Rentes wero favorably Influenced at the outset In pxnectatlnn that tho situation nt St Et tlcnne would become less serious. They nfterward reacted. Spanish 4s were ad erselv affected by the rumor that mo Spanish minister "of finance. Senor Urzalz, will retain his 'portfolio. Brazilians were tlrm. Thomson-Houston. Sosnovlce and tramways receded. Metropolitans ad vanced. Banks declined considerably. Rio Tlntos opened strong, but rased later. De- Beers were in 1 strong aemanu. tiamrs opened firm, but weakened toward tho close. Tho private rate of discount Is un changed at 2 13-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, lOOf 35c for the account; Spanish 4s, 69. UU. BERLIN, Oct. 23. internationals were off on the bourso today.- Americans and Canadian J'nclfics wero In good demand on Now York advances, uanas ana inaua- trials wero firm on bear covering. The closo was rather Irregular. Exchange on London, zom 38 prgs. tor cnecKs. Discount rates: Short bills, 24 per cent; three months' bills, 3 per cent. Wells-Fargo Ex.160 Amal. Copper Amor. Car & F do pfd Amer. Lin. Oil. do pfd Amer. S. & R.. do pfd Anac. Mln. Co. Brooklyn R. T. Colo. Fuel & I, Con. Gas do pfd Gen. Electric . Glucose Sugar Hocking Coal... Inter. Paper ... do pfd Inter. Power ... Laclede Gas ... Na. Biscuit National Lead.. National Salt .. do pfd .-, No. American .. Pacific Mall .... People's Gas .., Pressed S. Car, do pfd , Pullman P. Car.220 Jtopubllc Steel ., 154 uu uiu M Sugar 120 89 . 254 MM, . 16 . 46 . 434 . 97! . 36 . 61 . 93 .217 H54 . 33 . 13 . 21 . 76 914 . 91 42 31 61 93 62 .1114 40 81 33V4 Teun. Coal & r 1474lUnlon Bag & p w',' ao prd 76 624 42 77 67 26 U. S. Leather. do pfd U. S. Rubber . do pfd U. S. Steel .... do pfd. 604 14 70 124 81 15 50 43 91 564 Western Union.. 91 Boston Stock Quotations. iiuoiun, uoi. zj. can loans, 3574 por ""'1 '" luaim, .jyaui por ccm. uiuctai closing: A., T. & 8. F.... 7SiWest End 934 do pfd 97IWestlngh. Elec. 71U. N. U, U, 6C U, Oil. US and strong; cash, 744c; December, 754c; May, Kite. CORN Dull, higher; cash, 67c; Decem ber, 674c: May, 69c. OATH Dull; cash, 37c; December, 37c; May.3S4c. RYE 65c, SEEDS Clover, quiet, firm: cash and prime October, $5.40; December, $3,424; March, $5.50. Minneapolis Wheat, Floar and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 23,-WHEAT-Cash. C9c: December, 6S4c; May, 70c; on tracK, No. 1 hnrd, 71c: No. 1 northern, 69c; Np. 2 northern, 67c. FLOUR First natcnts, $3.705?3.8O: second patents, $3.655j3.6a; first cleors, $J.7.',45j second clears, $2.20. BRAN Bulk, $13.25fT13.60. Milwaukee Grain Mnrket. MILWAUKEE, Oct. 23. WHEAT Firmer; Nu. 1 northern, 70c: No. 2 north ern, 69569cj December, 714c RYE-Steady; No. 1, 55S554c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2, 58463c; samplei 455j57c. CORN-Dccember, 664c, Philadelphia Produce Market, PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 23. BUTTER nrm and good demand; fancy western cieumery, HVjc. EGOS Firm: western, 4c- higher; frcah nearby, 23o; fresh western. 23o: freah south wentern. 22o: fresh southern. 21c CHEESE Quiet; Now York full creams, Amer. Sugar ....121 American Tol....,' Boston Elevated.167 Boston & Me 1934 Dominion Coal... 46 do pfd 1174 U. S. Steel 43 do pfd 92 Fltchburg Pfd. ...144 Gen. Electric ...2584 Kd. IJICC Ill 240 Alex, uciurai ... -t N. tS. U. & (J.... 5 Old Colony 2064 tiiu Dominion ... Rubber 15 Union Pacific ...102T4 Union Land 24 Adventuro 21 Blng. Mln. Co... 10 Amal. Copper ... 884 Aiianiic 37 iai. re iii'cia ,.,,(j.u Centennial 194 rranKiin 17 Humboldt 55 Osceola 101 Parrot ssu wuincy onuiu r o Lull . . . . 4. Tamarack 293 Utah Mining .... 23 Winona 24 w uivunncs w Ken York Mining; Quotation. NEW YORK. UCt. 23. Tile lolowlnir nro tne closing prices on mining stocks; Adams Con IS Alice 0 ltrfr liv Brunswick Con.. 104 Comstouk Tun Con. Cal. va.iio Deadwood Terra, 50 Horn Silver 190 Iron Sliver 60 Lcudvlllo Con..,. 6 I.lttlo Chief Ontario Onh r Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Novnda, Hniall Hopes 124 ...,io:o 82 Standard 390 Itnnk Clearing. OMAHA, Oct. 23. Bank clearings today, $1,072,081.47; corresponding day last year, $1,014,400.30. increase. CINCINNATI. Oct. 23.-Clearlngs. $2,919, 700: money. 4fi6 per cent; New York ex rhnnue. discount. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 23,-Clearlngs 119.765.182: balances. $2,845,988. CHICAGO, Oct. S3.-Clearlnss, 27,OSS,032 OUHHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Qtod to Oho'o Bif Sttri and Otwi Aboit Itotdj and Fttden Btieig. HOGS A LITHE LOWER AGAIN TODAY Feel In ir Weak on Fat Sheep and Lambs and Tendency ot I'rieea Downward, bnt Feeders Were , Active and Strong. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. S3. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Official Monday Official Tuesday, Ottlclal Wednesday 6,078 ... 6,113 7,305 b,360 Three davs this week. .19.553 17.646 Same days last week 21,631 12,463 Same week before ll.ttU 17,901 Same three weeks ago... 21, 339 18,419 Same tour weeks ago. ..20,911 16,549 Same days last year 13,383 12,156 Average nrlcca tiald for hoes at Omaha tho bast several days with partsons: 12,U(3 14 312 12,030 38,417 31,1)03 36,226 42,21'J 30.U61 27,31 South corn- Date. 1901. 1300.1893.1S9S.1S7.1S9S.1S95. Oct 1.... Oct. 2.... Oct. 3.... Ucti 4.,,. Oct. 6.... Oct. .... Oct. 7.... Oct, 8,... Oct. 9.... Oct. 10... Oct. 11... Oct. 12... I Oct. 13... Oct. 14... Oct. la... Oct. 18... Oct. If... Oct. II... Oct. 19... Oct. 20.., Oct. 21... Oct. 22... Oct. 23... 6 75 54 6 69 6 13 6 18 6 19 4 39 4 42 3 71 3 85 6 67 t 20 4 37 tt uirii 5 lb. 5 11 8 494 6 33?4 5 081 6 14 4 92 o ii i aui 6 2041 4 93f - I S3 6 28 6 184 4 82i 6 22 14 721 . 4 64 I 2 t l ii 1 4 til 4 68 6 24 6 03 4 62 6 994 4 61 4 31 4 34 4 35 4 36 4 33 4 31 4 23 4 24 3 66: i 64 3 oi 3 63 3 tS 4 D9i 3 til 3 61) 3 56 3 691 3 63 3 79 I 3 73 3 71 3 74 3 64 2 91 3 02 2 97 2 93 3 04 3 04 3 S 3 93 3 86 3 83 3 8j 3 86 3 021 3 131 3 M 4 Do 4 201 4 161 3 70 4 10 3 67 3 69 3 26 S 66 3 64 3 691 3 61 4 15 4 61 4 13 4 16 3 73 3 71 3 65 3 65 3 64 3 (') 3 64 3 52, 3 63 3 63 3 131 3 85 3 14 3 84 3 79 3 18 3 77 3 30 3 32 I 7$ 3 191 J 16 3 201 3 70 3 23 3 70 3 m 3 261 3 ot 3 271 3 13 3 62 3 25 3 50 3 26 3 49 InritrnfH Aunrlnv. The official number of cars ' of stock brought In today by each road was: Road. Cattle. Hogs.Shecp.II'ses. .! DC OI. I-,..... ,, O A ,. Missouri Pacific 6 .. Union Pacific 68 13 2 C. & N. W 13 .. 1 F., E. & M. V 66 17 4 C, St. P.. M. & O.. .. 4 .. 1 B. & M.i it. R. R.... 6$ 16 40 C B. & Q 4 5 K. C. Sc. St. J 1 U., R. I & P., east... 2 15 C. It. I. & P., west.. 1 Illinois Central 2 Total receipts 200 93 45 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head indicated: uuycrs. cattle. Hogs. Bhcep. 90 Omaha Packing Co 487 1,178 u. it. tinmmona co t2 .... Swift and Company 649 1,046 Cudahy Packing Co S3J 2,957 Armour & Co 627 898 R. Becker & Degan 155 .... Vansaut & Co 42,1 .... 3. L. Carey 245 Lobman & Co 152 .... W. I. Stephen lis Benton & Underwood.... 257 .... Livingstone & Schallcr.. 219 .... Dennis & Co 61 .... B. F. Hobblck 48 Hamilton & R 86 L. F. Husz 33 Other buyers,, 825 .... 108 1,085 97 Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. Oct. 23.-Today's state input of the treasury balances In the gen erul fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 cold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available casn balances, itj,uy a-i; eold. S101.9ri.4S5. National uana notes received tooay tor redemption, jhz.hw government receipts from Internal revenue. $629,3S7; customs. $1,156,747; miscellaneous, ws.twf; cxpenai tures, Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 23. COTTON Stiot. closed quiet; middling uplands, 8c; mid dling gulf, 8c; sales, 1,206 bales. Futures closed barely steady; October, 7.77c; No vember. 7,77c; December, 7.82c; January, 7.81c; February, 7.75c; April, 7.74c J May, 7.74c; June, 7.71c; July, 7.70c. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 23.-COTTON-Stendy sales, 475 bales; ordinary, 615-16c; good ordinary, uc; low miaaung, i i-ino; middling. 7!ic: good middling. 84c: mid dling fair, 8c; receipts, 18.530 bales; stock, 160.342 bales. Futures steady; October, 7.68 (i7.C9(r; November, 7.6Kg7.62c; December, T.GCKfj 7.61c; January, 7.60c; February,' 7.57jj 7.68c; March, 7.66ff7.57c; April, 7.657,57c; May, 7.&t)'tti.tHC. St. LOUIS, Oct. 23,-COTTON-Qulet: sales, 100 bales; middling, 8c: receipts, 7,000 bales; shipments, 7,710 bales; stock, 36,482 bales. GALVESTON, Oct. 23. COTTON-Steady at 8tc. . DIVEHPOOLi, Oct. 23. L'OnUW-Spot, small business; prices firm; American mid dling, 4d; the sales of the day were 6,000 bales, of wntcn &uu were ror speculation and export and Included 6,600 American; receipts. 4.000 bales, including 3,ooo Amer ican. Futures opened quiet and closed quiet; American middling, g. o. c, Octobor, 4 S0-6IG4 31-6ld, sellers: October, and No vember, 4 20-6404 21-6ld, sellers; November nnd December, 4 17-64d, sellers; December and January, 4 16-64d. sellers: January and February, 4 l5-6ld, buyers; February and March. 4 15-C1d, sellers; March and April, 4 15-ftl4t4 lO-ftld. sellers; , April and May, i 14.R4d. buvers: Alav and June. 4 H.rtlil. buyers; Juno and July, 4 13-614 14-64(1, buy ers; juiy nnu aubusi, ij-Ditat n-wu, sellers. Nnunr Mnrket. NEW YORK, Oct. 23.-SUGAR-Raw, firm: fair refining, 3c: centrifugal, 96 test. strong 3c. Molnsses sugar, 34c; refined, steaay; No. u. i.wjc; no. 7, 4.40c; No. 8. 4.S0c: No. 9, 4.25c; No. 10. 4.20c; No. il, 4.15c; No. 12, 4.15c; No. 13, 4.06c; No. 14, 4.05c; standard A, 4.90c; confectioners' A, 4.90c; mould A, 5.45c: cut loaf, 5.60c; crushed, 5. COc; powdered, 6.20c; granulated, b.lOc: cubes, t5,35c. i.onuon. oct. 23. auuAit iieet. active. 6s 64d. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 23.-BUOAR Steady; open kettle, 3i4c: centrifugal yellow, 3c: seconds. 243c. Molasses, nominal; centrifugal, 7ftl2c. Syrup, 2Si?31c. .. 12,400 Total 6,300 6,079 13,780 CATTLE The supply of cattle In sight this morning was again ot liberal propor tions, as the table of receipts abovo will show. The market was a little late in getting started, owing to the late arrival of some of the trains, and also to the fact that considerable sorting had to be done. When the cattle did begin to move toward the scales It was found that Just about steady prices were being paid for desirable grades. There were not very many cornfed steers included in tho receipts this morning and anything good sold without dlillculty at good, steady prices. The common kinds and warmed-up stuff were of courso neglected and hard to sell, the same as haa been the case for some time past. The liberal run of cows and heifers made buyers a little slow about starting In and In a good many cases they tried to pet .them a little lower. Desirable grades, however, sold Just about steady, but the market was none too active. The feeling was undoubtedly .weak on the commoner kinds and In some cases sellers thought they did not get quite steady prices. There was not enough change In tho prices paid for bulls, calves and stags to be worthy of mention. Although there were a good many stock ers and feeders on snls this morning, the demand was sufficient to take the better grades at steady to strong prices. Tho choice heavy cattle In particular sold at good, strong prices. As high as $4.75 was paid this morning, which looked higher than the same kind have been selling for. Choice lightweight cattle sold fully steady, but common stuff of all weights was neglected. Western beef steers were In good request this morning at steady prices, but common kinds were rather slow sale. Strictly choice westerns seem to be rather scarce on this market. Grass cows sold at prac tically steady prices where they were of good quality and other kinds were slow and perhaps a little weak. Choice stockers and feeders sold readily at steady to strong prices and common stuff was slow, but about steady. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 17 1 , 1 Av. .1062 .1000 .1250 Pr. No. 4 85 19..., 6 00 M... 6 60 19... COWS. Av. .1150 .1209 .1665 Pr. 6 85 6 85 6 25 2 910 2 00 17 936 2 60 12 793 2 10 3 1060 2 70 2 940 2 15 1 900 2 75 8 747 2 40 3 920 3 40 1 840 2 60 3 ,...1033 3 6) 1 1140 2 66 1 1270 3 75 1 910 2 65 HEIFERS. 10 682 3 40 2 470 3 60 BULLS. 1 1300 2 35 1 1320 2 CO STOCK CALVES. 1 v 420 3 00 17 296 3 35 1 440 3 20 13 222 3 80 2 :.. 400 3 25 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, 1.... 750 . 860 .1310 .1018 . 780 . 800 . 160 2 00 2 25 2 60 2 75 2 75 2 70 8.. 14 1 24 1 9. New York Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK'. Oct. 21.-DRY GOODS The general demand has been moderate today for cotton goods. Sellers have no difficulty In securing fully previous prices for brown, bleached und coarse colored cotton or for prints and ginghams. Print cloths firm; fair sales of narrow odds. Men's wenr woolens nnd worsteds Inactive, prices un changed. Woolen nnd worsted dress goods quiet. Evaporated and Dried Frattn. NEW YORK. Oct. 23.-The volume of business In the murket for evnporated np ples reached moderate proportion. Common to good, 6fl84o: choice. 9a; fancy, 9Vil24c CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-lnoo-tlve. Prunes. 3!b.Jo. Apricots. 84yi3c; Moor Park, Mj12o. Peaches, peeled, 11 ISc; unpeeled, 8894c Wool Market. ST. IX)U1S, Oct. 23.-WOOL Easy hut unchanged: little demand; medium grades, 144il7c; light fine, 12ftl44c; heavy fine, 94 114c; tub washed, 20324c 2 heifers... 625 1 heifer.... 620 7 feeders., 945 14 feeders.. 997 15 feeders.. 689 2 feeders.. MX) 9 feeders.. 850 2 feeders,. 895 3 35 3 feeders.. 790 3 33 6 feederb.,1030 3 60 11 feeders,, 1030 3 65 2 feeders., 1190 2 10 3 steers.,.. 840 3 20 1 steer 1150 3 25 8 cows 1006 2 (6 1 COW 1260 2 (5 2 cows 1180 2 83 1 cow 900 2 25 19 feeders,, 671 2 70 9 feeders.. 660 3 00 21 feeders., 840 3 40 14 feeders.. 926 3 40 3 COWS 1026 3 00 24 feeders.. 847 3 60 16 feeders.. 906 3 00 1 bull. 970 2 75 6 feeders.. 1020 3 60 2 feeders.. 8S5 3 46 3 feeders.. S00 2 65 6 feeders.. 1030 3 65 6 COWS..,.. 1025 2 85 17 feeders.. 686 3 25 6 feeders, .1130 2 00 4 cows 1165 2 65 3 COWS 1060 3 25 60 cows,. ...1102 3 75 19 cows 785 3 15 CALVES. 4 00 1.... NEBRASKA, 2 75 2 75 3 40 3 25 3 60 2 60 3 60 .1050 635 , 790 , 797 , 470 , 940 2 SO 2 95 3 25 3 63 3 60 3 70 80 4 00 . 660 . 710 .1040 87i 425 3 steers., 1 steer,., 1 feeder. 1 heifer.. 2 heifers. 3 heifers... 193 2 calves, ,. 110 2 calves... 165 3 calves... 220 1 bull 990 1 bull 1280 1 bull 1110 1 bull 1070 15 cows 993 1 cow 11C0 1 COW 950 6 CQWS 44 feeders., 2 feeders,, ft feeders., 3 feeders,. 840 a cows 93 30 cows 9F0 63 feeders,. 826 1 bull 6.0 25 feeders.. 812 8 feeders.. 945 2 cows 860 9 cows 972 4 cows 915 29 cows 650 6 heifers... 626 5 cows 113? 878 591 665 600 2 60 2 60 3 00 2 90 3 40 2 75 4 25 4 00 4 25 2 20 2 20 2 15 2 60 2 5 2 85 2 5 2 25 2 75 3 00 3 00 3 40 3 00 2 ?5 3 00 2 75 3 65 3 60 3 10 3 40 2 JO 2 30 2 60 3 10 1 95 2 80 2 M 2 85 20 steer 1065 23 feeders.. 964 69 steers..,, 843 84 feeders., 1076 127 feeders. 1060 P, 1 cow Sto 19 cows 907 14 cows 950 25 cows 1000 16 COWS 922 43 cows 1025 COLORADO. 4 15 60 COWS, 3 40 WYOMING. 2 85 22 COWS 1060 3 60 19 cows 1020 3 60 11 cows 1060 3 10 H. King-Neb. 1 75 6 cows 1000 2 50 1 75 1 steer 650 2 60 3 20 972 2 85 2 90 : 65 C. C. Mulloy-Neb 7 feeders,, 1074 4 cows 925 1 75 8 cowa 1012 1 75 Jones t Jones 9. D. 14 steers.. ..1237 4 00 1 bull 710 2 75 1 ateer 670 2 75 1 bull 1370 2 10 4 cows 1110 2 85 1 bull 1210 2 10 M J, Gray Idaho. 143 feeders. 990 S 80 10 feeders., 1003 3 25 J. Klmmons Wyo. 2S steers.. ,,1169 4 65 2 bulls 1425-2 20 2 steers. ...12M S 90 19 cows 1035 3 25 W. C. Jones-8. D. steers, ...1160 4 00 2 cows 945, 2 60 1 ateer 1160 3 25 11 cows 1096 3 35 Casper Fox Wyo. 19 feeders.. 963 4 15 2 hlfri...l080 3 65 2 feeders. .1165 3 69 S. Dwinetle Wyo. 2$ steer 1226 4 20 V) COW 10o9 Dan Egan Neb. 13 feeders.. 934 3 65 7 cows 1006 3 cows 846 i w m cows sua James Allen Wyo. 5 cows 1026 3 30 10 steers.. .,1193 3 COWS. ... 926 3 00 6 cows 1010 Stewart & P. Colo. 93 feeders.. 1023 3 65 5 steers,. ..1144 6 feeders.. 1021 aw cows.,,., s Georce Rover 8. D. II steers,. ..1031 3 i& 6 feeders.. 975 4 steers., ,.i s 70 iceucrs..juia 8 steers.. ..1235 3 75 It. L. Stevens Wyo. 26 feeders.. 976 3 60 14'cows 109S 9 steers,, .. lists -i cows iu,j J. A. Shaffer Wyo. 15 steers.. ,.1136 4 00 22 steers. ...1079 M. Hlcox Neb, 3 40 2 61) 2 85 4 40 2 70 3 25 2 25 3 25 3 65 2 85 3 20 3S5 6 cows.. 12 cows 1066 2 75 Sterling Wyo. 3 steers.. ,.1080 6 steers.. ,.1213 Douglas Wyo. 6 steers.. ,.1302 4 63 I 65 4 75 lte: W. 12) steers.. ..1253 4 2 COWB 1110 3 60 Sallshury & 1 steer.. ...1260 4 65 30 steers.. ..1297 4 65 24 steers.. ..1223 4 i 1) feeders. .1060 I 20 A. & O. C. S Btecrs. ..1312 1 75 3 steers.. ..1350 4 ,0 A. W. Thodc Neb. 47 steers... .1257 4 30 J. 11. White Neb. 62 steers.. ..1224 4 25 , O. Uiwrence Neb. 13 feeders.. 10S5 3 40 4 feeders.. 1025 3 40 R. P. Allcn-Wyo. 46 feeders.. 1072 4 25 William Hook-Neb. 13 feeders.. 1033 3 60 1 feeder... 1230 3 6) 1 feeder... 950 3 00 1 feeder.. .1000 3 00 lbull 1100 2 25 1 feeder... 870 3 CO 1 bull.,. ...KW 2 35 2 COWS m 2 95 1 bull 1100 2 25 1 bull 1010 2 33 W. L. Clay Wyo. 24 feeders. .1022 4 ( 2 feeders.. 1110 4 65 T McKlnzle Wyo. 1 steer.... .1200 4 25 17 steers.. ..1241 4 25 Neffy Bros. Wyo. 37 steers.. ..1249 4 60 1 steer 1530 4 CO 1 steer 1140 4 60 W. W. Fecvell-Wyo. 8 feeders.. 1166 4 20 C. Hill-Wyo. 12 steers.. ..1200 4 00 HOGS Tho fresh receipts of hogs this morning were fairly liberal, though not quite as many arrived as wero on sale yesterday. The market opened about .Heady with yesterday's close, with thu bulk selling nt right nround $6. Packers, however, did not bid those prices trcely owing to the fuct that they received un favorable reports from Chicago, where tho bulk was quoted from $3.S5 to $6.05. with 30,000 or. sale. . Before half of tho hogs had changed hands hero tho mnrket weakened and buyers were only offering about 16.95. Sellers were holding for the morning b.d, and as 11 result vefy llttlo was dune lor a time. Packers finally raised their bids a llttlo and paid right arnuld $5,974 for what was left. The better loads sold as high ns $6 nnd the commoner ones went nt $3.95. Tho close, then, was a good 24c lower thnn tho opening, nnd the general market 24ft6c lower than yesterday's average Repre sentative sal-is: Sh. Pr. No. Av, 64 286 No. Av. 37 142 25 314 27 312 32 285 23 256 39.. 1... 207 68 221 43 236 6S 254 70 253 73 214 37 277 as 229 15 380 64 224 89 172 89 172 82 235 61 251 69 246 61 219 79 248 .263 .272 .258 .273 .288 ....249 ....279 ....262 ....290 ....235 ....266 46 63... 69... 61... 68... 71... 67... 63.. 77.. 63.. 56... 61... 66... 67... 62... 67... 71... 67... 64... 63... 62... 68... 67.. 64... 42. . ,..289 ,..295 ,..252 ,..311 ...268 ..190 ..256 ..311 ..243 ..248 ...258 ...201 ..279 SO 40 SO 280 1C0 2S0 240 40 'so ii 200 W) so 120 so so so so so so 40 400 120 220 80 40 40 80 120 'so 80 80 2U0 200 80 80 120 120 Pr. 5 60 6 90 6 90 5 90 5 90 6 924 6 95 5 95 6 95 6 95 6 95 5 95 6 95 6 95 5 95 5 93 5 93 5 974 6 974 6 974 6 974 6 974 5 974 6 97 6 974 5 97 6 974 5 97(4 6 974 8 97 5 974 5 97 6 974 6 974 5 97 4 6 974 6 974 6 974 5 974 6 974 5 974 5 97 6 974 6 00 COO 6 00 6 00 67 S6. CO. 45. 73. 61. 68. 48. 63. 48. 70. 68. 71. 61. 62. 61. 75. 51. 73. 79. ,238 ,228 ....300 ....316 ....251 ....297 ....293 ....230 ....321 ....322 .....300 .....262 .....256 ....2S0 ....263 ....283 ....253 ....320 ....232 !13 Sh. 80 160 120 160 91 216 61... 63... 65... 78... 78... 63... 81... 61... 73. .259 .2da .263 .205 .225 .250 .232 .283 .230 56 266 45 341 48 233 S2 232 43 283 77 253 79 182 66 29t. ..238 ..231 ..344 ..276 ..800 ..313 .'.314 ;o. 66.. 30.. 63.. 37.. 33.. 43.. 160 160 240 200 80 40 40 80 200 280 40 120 160 80 220 200 160 160 2S0 80 160 SO 80 120 '40 so 160 200 40 160 280 Pr. 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 W 6 00 6 00 C 0U 6 00 6 (O 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 00 6 00 6 W 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 ft) 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 c 00 6 00 6 024 6 024 6 024 6 024 6JD24 6 024 6 02 6 05 6 05 6 10 6 10 6 15 6 10 6 20 SHEEP RecelDts of sheen and lambs to day wero libel al, but the bulk of tho offer ings was composed of feeders. Packers did not take hold any too well this morning, as they claimed prices wero too high at this point In comparison with other markets. They, howevet, failed to break prices vory much, and the situation on both fat sheep and lambs could probably best bo described by calling It slow and weak. Feeder buyers, however, wero nil anxious for supplies, and lambs In particular, sold nt good prices. An high as $4 and $1.05 was Eald this morning, which looked considerab ly higher than the same kind have been bringing of late. Feeder wethers also sold at steady to strong prices. Quotations: Choice yearlings, $3.60?3.C5; fair to good, $3.3533.50; choice wethers, $3.SOtT3.50; ff.lr to good wethers, I3.1OS3.S0; choice ewes, $2.853.10; fair to good ewes, $2.252.76; choice spring lambs, $4.3004.60; fair to good spring lambs, $4,0004.60; teodcr wethers, $2,9013.23; feeder lambs, $3.604.0C. Representative sales: No. 6 cull wethers,. 12 western ewes 1 buck 2 ewes 1 owe 72 western wethers.. .... 622 western wethers 62 western wethers 280 feeder wethers 265 western wethers 222 feeder wethers 1671 feeder lambs 31 native lambs 03 native lambs 60 native lambs 107 western lambs 261 Mexican ewes 229 Mexican wethers 241 feeder ewes 3. feeder lambs feeder wethers feeder wethers feeder wethers feeder wethers feeder wethers 280 feeder wethers 1,927 feeder wethers 54 feeder lambs 27 205 2S0 250 38 Av. 78 91 16J 103 70 93 63 93 84 96 108 62 75 6S 76 81 70 75 80 40 76 94 83 91 82 , 82 , 82 47 Pr. 2 50 2 75 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 15 3 15 3 26 3 35 3 35 3 50 4 00 4 15 4 15 4 40 4 60 3 00 3 15 2 25 2 75 3 25 3 30 .1 30 3 30. 3 30 3 30 3 30 3 75 era, $3.2573.75; western wethera. $.1.2ja3.t!0; ewes, $2,7o(f'A35; feeders, $2.5lW.25i Blockers, $1. 60ft 2.50. Ncrr York Live Stock Market, NEW YORK, Oct. 23.-CATTLE-Uc-celpts, 2,113 head: steers steady; good steers, firm: bulls nnd enwx. lower: stoer.i. $3.804.05; cows, $l,50tfjr3.10. Cables quote iivo enme at n?4STiiliC, (irest-eu wcigiu; re frigerator beef, 8i$jSCj shipments, 2,316 quarters of beef. CALVES-Recclpts. 2,310 heads steady: venls. $4.60J18.5o; little calves. $3.00tf4.00; grassers. $2.7S3.25; westerns, $3.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rocelpts, 13,390 head: sheen, dull and easier: lambs. 15o lower: sheep. $2.00413.30; culls, $1.50; lambs, $1.00510, mainly $4.25fj5.oo; culls, $3.00jJ3.to; Canadian lambs, $I.S0(ii5.10. HOOS-Hccollits, 6,686 bead; firm nt $6.50 u.60 for stato hogs; western, $6.l5ft$.2i. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAItKET. Cattle Slow, Hob Close Weak and Slice 11 Loirer. futrnn nni 11 r a TTrr-n.tni. 18,000 head. Including" 3,000 Tcxans; slow and" steady to lower: good to jirime steers, $6.20 6,80; poor to medium. $5.75j3.90; stockers and feeders. $2.254.25; cows, $1.254.60; heifers, $2.60j?5.00: dinners, $1.252.25; bulls, $1.754.60; calves, $3.00J6,25: Texas steers, i.ewwi.wj; western steers, jj.wiu.i. HOGS Rcrelpts tomorrow, 27,000 head, estimated; left over, 3,000 head: mar ket opened steady to strong; closed weak: mixed and butchers, $5,90ffi.CO; good to choice heavy, $5,5U6.65; rough heavy, $5,60 415.90; light, $5,85$)ti,10; hulk of sales, $5.90 tf6.20. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000 head; sheep lOfilDc lower: lambs lOfil&a lower: good to choice, wethers. $3.40fr3.60: fair to choice mixed, $2.9USi3.40; western sheep, $3.0033.40: nntlvo lambs, $2,5034.75; western InmbB, $3.25if?4,40. Otllclnl yesterday: Receipts Cattle, 9,887; hogs, 28,892; sheep. 21,972. Shipments Cat tle, 2,877; hogs, 2,751; sheep, 4,204. St. Louie Live Hloek Market. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 23.-CATTLB Receipts, 6.700 head. Including 2,600 Texans: market steady; natlvo shipping and export steers, $0, 25 6.70. nutsldo for fancy; dressed beef grades, $4.86.10; steers under l.om lbs., $3.004tfi.25: Blockers and feeders, $2,25i-20; cows und heifers. $2.20fll.40; canners, $1.60 02.25; hulls. $2.15(03.25; Texas and Indian Ktoors, $2,40f(4.25; cows and heifers, $2.00 3.15. . HOOS-Rccclpts, 9,000 head! market 0.00: packers, $5.906.10; butcher", $0,lO SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.900 head; murket steady: native muttons $2.i5 473.40: lambs, $3.75fc(.S5; cu Is and bucks, $l.n0fr2.25; stockers und feeders, $l,7oJ2.25; Texas sheep, $3 K nn una City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 23.-CATTI.E-Re-celpts, 13,000 head nut ves, 1.000 Texans, l.OOo head calves. Choice cornfed cattle, r..Mii,. iiiMmr- nthnrs steady to 10a lower: choice export and dressed beef steers, $5.80 5(6.60; fair to good, $1. 80-96.70; stockers and feeders, $2.60'S4.00; western fed steers, $1.(6 5(6.20; western range oieer, i..ati,iu, or alis and Indians, $2.60i3.76: Texus rows, $2,1512.95; natlvo cows. $2.764.00: heifers. $2,7546.35; cunners. $l,60fr3.70; bulls, $2.25 HOGS Receipts, 15,000 head; market 15W 20c lower; ton, $6.20; bulk of sales, $5.76W 6.75; heavy, $6.1518.20; mixed packers, $3.15 6.20: light, $5.Mil.05: plgs.$4.S05.40. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts, 0 000 head: market steady; native lambs, $.C0 t.75; western lamos, j.if''t-w; nuuvu wuiu- St. Joaeph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Oct. 2.1.-CATTI,E-Re-celpts, 2.700 head; market active and strong to 10c lilgher on good corn beeves; Texans slow but stendy: natives, $2.90jt.uO; Texans, and westerns, $2,7516.00: cows and heifers, $1.35tfr6.W: bulls and stags, $2. 00 1.65: stock ers nnd feeders, $1.4iff l.'JO; yearlings and calves. $3.00713.99: Venls, $3.2.Vrf6.25. HOGS Receipts, 7,0u head: market lfiif 25a lower; pigs steady; light nnd light mixed. $3.SW!'6.074; medium nnd henvy, $5.P24'if.20; plcM, $.50?l6.tO; bulk, $5.93jji.l0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,800 head; market strong to a shade higher; lambs, $3.8.Vff4.7S: yearlings, $3.203.7.i; wethers, $3.Wf3.75; cwch, $2.75i?3.25. 1 Slock In SIshL The following table shows tho receipts of cnttic, nogs nnu sheep at tne nvo principal ra stock markets for October 23! Cnltle. lines. Sheen. ... 6,113 6,36) 12,030 .. .18,000 27,000 2.'0) ...14.000 16.000 6.000 ... 6,700 9,000 1.9 0 ... 2,700 7.0W 3.S00 South Omaha . Chicago Kansas City St. Ixiuls St, Joseph Totals .46,513 61,360 25,730 Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 23.-COFFEE-Spot Rio. weak: No. 7, Invoice, 7c. Mild, quiet: Cordova. 74rilc. Values lower today and the market lively. The mnrket opened at a decline of 20Jj30 points under nn avalnnoho nf selling orders from everywhere, follow ing rumors to the effect thatraln was re ported In tho Argentines nnd would soon reach Brazil. On very aggressive hear hammering prices sngged further and the final phases of the market wero Irregular, with tho closo weak In tono at a net lors of 331745 points. Brazilian receipts, which wero heavy, helped weaken the local mar ket. Sales wero 31,000 bags. I'p to noon they wero 68,000 nnd total transactions renched the enormous totnl of 1S0.230 bags, Including Novcmbor nt 11.300; ueccmncr, 6.26156.50c; January. 6.45j65c: tebruary, 6.60c; Mnrch, 6.63!7i.75c: April, 6.75(1 6.8.c; May, fi.70flfi.95c: June. 6.95c; July. 6.954j7.10c; AllgUSl, I, V3U; DClUCIIluur, l.iwihcvi; Oil nnd lloaln, OIL CITY, Oct. 23. OIL Credit balances. $1.30; certificates, no bid; shipments, 117,'i;9 bbls.; average, 99.093 bbls.; runs, 99,533 bbls.; average, 80.917 bbls. NEW YORK. Oct. 23.-OIL-Cottonscrd, dull; prlmo yellow, 40c. Petroleum, dull: refined, New York. $7.63: Philadelphia and Baltimore. $7.60; Philadelphia and Balti more, In bulk, $5. Rosin, steady: strained, common to good. $1.424L46. Turpentine, stendy. 3S43'Jc. . LIVERPOOL. Oct. 23.-OII-Cotton-ctd. Hull refined, spot, quiet, 22s 6d. Turpentlno spirits, firm, 27s Gd. Rosin, common, steadv, 4s 14d. Linseed, tlrm. 33s. SAVANNAH, Oct. 23.-Turpcntlne, firm. 361j364c. Rosin, firm and unchanged. HILL'S CAR SAVES MANY LIVES Steel Bnllt I'alnce Takes llrnnt ot Collision Engine Crev Are Killed. LARIMORE, N. D., Oct. 23. At 5 o'clock this morning a light engine coming east ran into tho rear end of the Orent North ern eastbound flyer, killing Fireman W. B. Josselyn and Drakeman Claude Whtttaker and breaking one nf Engineer Tuoiuas Doan'e legs. The wounded were taken to Grand Forks. Prosldcnt J. J. Hill's private car was on tho rear of the train, occupied by tho por ter, who was slightly injured. This car ts built of steel, made to withstand wrecks and was but slightly damaged. Had this car not been on the rear of, tho train many lives might have been' lost. Con ductor Drtscoll enys tho crew on tho light engine did not heed a signal to atop. Low Prlcee for Horsed at Pleree, PIERRE, S. D., Oct. 23. (Special Tele gram.) Tho October horso salo, whllo It brought a number of buyers, did not show any fancy sales. Prices wero low nnd thoeo who bad good, broken horses for salo kept them off the market. Two hundred light horses wero disposed of at low prices. Marring Lleenaea. Tim following marrlaeo licenses granted yesterday: Namo and Residence. Henry Swnnson, Omaha .-. , Lsmma uurnaa, umanu Esburn Wheeler, Stella Minnie M. Blocum, Hteiin Edward E. Hartsook, Greenwood Edna B. Devoi, ureenwooa John E. Wlcdeman, Greenwood Mary Schterbaum, Greenwood Daniel W. Klngery, Omnha Ogatha is. Stun, omnna , Ago. 36 .... T5 21 21 23 30 19 CALIFORNIA The n.alnt old mission towns and the lovoly seaside resorts of Southern California are VISITED IS VIS II Y VKAIl by thousands of tourists who travel OVER TIIIO U.MO.N PACIFIC because it Is the best and quickest route.- In addition to the Pullman Palace Sleepers the UNION PACIFIC runs Pullman ordinary sleepers every day, LKAV1NG OMAHA AT 4123 P. M. Theso ordinary cars are personally conducted every Wednesday and Fri day. A Pullman ordinary sleeper also leaves Omaha every Tuesday at 11:36 p. m. for Los Angeles. For full Information call at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1:124 KARNAM STREET. Telephone 310. Last Chance $18.75 Buffalo and Return Home-Seekers' Excursions On aale 1st and 3d Tuesday ot each Month. Tourist Rates on tale DAILY to all sum mer resorts, allowing stop-overs at Detroit, Niagara Fuiis, Buffalo and other polnu. For rates, lake trips, Pan-American do ecrlptive matter and nil Information call St CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1415 FAHNA&f STREET (Paxton Hotel Block) or write HARltY E. MOORES. U. A. P. D.. Omaha, Nob. irmpkaat 108V. Boyd Commission Go 8ucceiaort to James K. BeyiJ A Co., OMAHA, NBff. COMMISSION CHAIN, PnOVIHIO.KI AND STOCKS, art mt Trade 1141a. Direct wires to Chicago and New Totfc