TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1901. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ml. NO It MKNTIOX. David sells drugs. BtOckcrt aclls carpets nnd rues. Met beer at Ncumayer's hotel. Gas fixtures and globes. Ulxby & Son. Wollman, scientific optician, 409 Broadway. Attorney A. T. Kllcklnger returned yes terdtty rrom Ccntervlllo, 8. D. Missouri oak body wood, J5.50 cord. Wm. Welch, 23 N. Main it. Tel. 128. A.'U, Mathleson of Goring, Neb., was the uest lust wet-k of C. I'. Ilohrer. Tor Hent Modern 7-room residence; 6C3 Eighth street, corner Sixth avenue. Mrs. W. N. Clifford and daughter have goiio to Chicago on a two weeks' visit. Wedding presents given special attention. C. E. Alexander & Co., 233 Broadway. Charles Hammcl of Fifth avenue is home from a prospecting tour In the Black Hills. Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Ward of Bryan, O., arc guests of Mrs. Ward of Bcott street. Ht. Albans lodge, Knights of Pythlns, will mt'ct Monday evening for work In the first in nk. Mr. ii nd Mrs. C. It. Scholtz of Vina street are visiting Mrs. Hcholtz's parents at Com ing, in. Mrs. S. P. Dodgo is home from spending ilir Hummer months nt various points In Wyoming. Miss niHo Henderson of Ninth avenue will leave today for a visit with friends In Denver. It pays for ltself-Cole's Hot Blast heater. Vor silo by Colo-Brolsford Hardware Co., 41 &. Main. Mrs. Joseph "Warln of Hastings, la., Is guest of Mrs. I, C. Bonham of Iorth Sec ond street. Mrs. J. H. Hanthorn and Mm. V. Street are homo from a visit to Now Tork and the Buffalo exposition. A rase of. diphtheria In'the Mowery family at liilS Fifth- avenuo wn reported to tho Board of Health yesterday. A marriage, license was Issued yesterday to Nonh It. Mattlngly, need 23, and Ktotla Otto, nged IS both of this city. Tho automobile run to Missouri Valley today hns lit.ru abandoned an account of thii unsatisfactory condition of tho roads. Ann Lincoln post, Ornnd Army of tho Hcpuhllc, tendered Colonel J. J. Stcadmnn a farewell reception last evening at tho hall on J't-iirl street. Chambers' dancing academy, Hoyal Ar canum hall. Tuesdays and Fridays, adults, 7:.T0 p. m.: children, 4 p. m. Assemblies for aduliK Fridays, :: p. m. Knights nnil ladles of Becurlty wishing to visit the council ut South Omuha Monday evening will meet at the corner of Fcail and Broadway at 7:30 o'clock. W. A. Maurer received through the cus toms house of this city yesterday a "car load of chlnawarn from Germany, upon which ho paid duties amounting to upward tlf oo. The Indian opera sung In tho second net of "Tim Two Merry Tramps" Is one of thu most meritorious and nt tho sumo tlnio tuneful and comical musical numbers over introduced In u farce comedy. Wlllliim WIUcll of Avoca died Friday nt the Woman's Christian association hospi tal from tuberculosis, aged 64 years. The remains have been removed to Hill Bros.' undertaking rooms awaiting funeral ar rangement. Mrs. Murdorh of Washington. Pa., nnd her niece, Miss Helen Baldwin of this city, liuvn returned from a trln to tho Colorado mountains. Mrs. Murdoch will visit hor sister, Mrs. Charles T. Olllccr, boforo re turning home. Scott F. Evans, who was supervising architect of the largo Pcavey elevator at the I'nlon Paclllc transfer and resided In tnls city for several months Is supervising U. e building of n mammoth malt house at Sui'ix Fulls, 8. V. Poll Tax Collector A. Fellcntretcr has turned In for collection to the Justice court (mother batch of delinquents. Thcso ac counts, hn says, must be sottlcd In the courts only, ns he will not accept any pay ments on same and tho street supervisor wlli not havo any of these clntms worked out except when tho total costs are added. Mrs. Hannah M. Ferguson, wife of J. 8. Ferguson. 114 Graco street, died about mid night Friday from a sudden stroke of Hpoplexy, inged 59 years. Her husband and five sons and three daughters survive her. The funeral will bo Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the First Christian church and burial will be In Walnut Hill ceme tery. M. Nlckrant of Harrison street was taken Into custody yesterday afternoon by tho police n being mentally deranged. Mrs. Nlrkrnnt reported to the police that her husband had left the house shortly before noon nnd that he was armed with a re volver. His actions, sho stated, made her fear that lu would do himself harm. When taken Into custody no revolver was found on him. For good, wholesome, delicious comedy ono should witness the performanco cf "Two Married Men," which appears nt the pohnny theater tonight. The play tells tho ludicrous story of a man who bus married a "forgiving" young wlfo and an "unfor giving" mother-in-law. In a Broadwiy cafe he meets a beautiful woman, an ac tress, who having forgotten to bring her purse, Is much embarrassed in paying her check. Tho situation Is relieved by the offer of thu young man to pay .the check of AO cents, thu two dining together later nt Uin Olympla. From this time complications arise which lead to many extremely humor ous situations. In each of thu three acta many bright specialties are Introduced. N. Y. rlUmblng C., telopbono 260. WABASH NOW FULL OWNER Eiji Oiatbk & St. Louii Bead Undtr Ham- mtr at Blifii R. H. KERN, SPECIAL MASTER, PRESIDES Authorities In Charse Male that Mi- inrrntis Improvements Wilt lie Matte on the Property as Soon as Possible. Duties amounting to upwards of $300 were paid Into the customs house of this city yesterday by W. A. Maurer upon a carload of chlnawaro received from Germany. nark from Oskaloom. Mayer Jennings and City Clerk Phillips nro homo from tho meeting of tho League of Iowa Municipalities at Oskaloosa. They succeeded In having tho matter of taxing railroad companies in cities roforred to the commlttco on legislation. Mr. Phillips received a number of high compliments for bis address on "Municipal Bookkeep ing" nnd his typewritten records of the council, which ho exhibited by special re quest, wero greatly admired and com mended. Mayor Jennings was elected on tho finance committee. The sacred cantata nnd concert, which nan postponed on account of tho storm last Friday will bo given at the Broadway Methodist Episcopal church Tuesday night at 8:15. Gravel roofing. A. !!. Read, 541 Broadway. Davis sells paint Davis sells glads. In the presence of officials of tho Wabash railroad, the Omaha & St. I,ouls railroad and the attorneys of the bondholders of tho latter road the Omaha & St. Louis railroad, including all rolling stock and property, was sold at tho cast end of tho freight depot of that road at Council Bluffs Satur day by Ilobcrt H. Kern of St. Louis, special master In chancery. Thcro was nut one bid. that of B. W. Sholdon 'of New York, on beiisir or William ftraien uuu.ovuii m Now York, chairman of the purchasing corumlttoo of tho bondholders. He bid 11,260,000 and tho property was Knocked down to him. This sale places the ownership of the Omaha & St. Louis railroad In the hands of the Wabash railroad, an agreement having been entered Into between the latter com pany and tho purchaso commltteo of the bondholders whereby the commlttoo is to transfer title aa soon as the sale to them Is confirmed. The basis of the settlement between tho Wabash company nnd tho stockholders is not aunounced, but Presl dent Ramsey of tho Wabash states that bonds to tho amount of 13.600,000 will be issued on tho new purchase nnd that $500, 000 will bo Immediately expended In Im provements on tho line. These Improve mcnts will Include the relaying of present rails with eighty-pound steel rails, purchnso of new rolling stock and minor Improve monts at stations along the line. Tho sale was mado as the result of a decree entered In tho United States court In the case of the Guarantee Trust com pany of New York against the Omaha & St. Louis Hallroad company April 2o, 1001. Officials of the Wnbnsh and the Omaha & St. Loula roads arrived In Council Bluffs yes terday morning In a special car nnd left the city shortly after tho sale was made. Tho Wabash party Included Joseph Hamsev. president; W. II. Ulodgctt, vice president; II. S. Magee, general superintendent; E. B. Prior, assistant to the president: P. S. Winston, assistant treasurer: A. J. Woods private secretary of the president. Tho Omaha & St. LouU officials present were W. D. Tuckur, assistant treasurer: W. J. Stonebronnor, superintendent: W. B, Bres son, acting recolver, while Theodore Shol don of Chicago and Edward W. Sheldon of Now York represented tho bondholders' committee. Sale la Confirmed. The sale of tho road to the purchasing commlttco of the bondholders was con firmed by Judge Smith McPhcrson In the United States circuit court yesterday after noon. The report of tho sale was sub mltted by Master in Chancery Kern. The decree issued by Judge McPhcrson provides for the payment of the receiver's eertlfi cates amounting to about $50,000, a num ber of preferred claims and the following: Charles H. Chappell, receiver, ?7.i00, James Hopkins, receiver, $5,000; Max Pam. including services of J. G. Trimble ren dered tho receivers, $10,000; Davles, Stone and Aucrbach, solicitors' fees, $13,000; Julius S. Walsh, Breckenrldge, Jones and Edward C. Wright, trustees and solicitors. $6,250; Frank Agermnnn, solicitor fees, $2,600; Guaranty Trust company, triistco fee, $2,000; Pusey & McGee, Council Bluffs., solicitors' foes, $182.30. It Is understood that the bondholders of tho Omaha & St. Louis, through the pur chase by the Wabash, will recolvo about 80 per cent of their holdings. Tho bonds out amount to $2,653,000, and these will bo taken up by tho Wabash issue of $3,500,000, which will also provido for tho payment of tho preferred claims and sums as or dered In the decreo confirming tho salu and the $500,000 to he expended on tho Im provement of tho road. Trimble Wants to Be Present. Judge McPhcrson had announced that he would hold court at 1:30 o'clock to eon firm tho sale, but at tho request of the Wabash officials, who were In a hurry to return homo, It was hold shortly after 1 o'clock. Judge Thayer of St. Louis had previously Issued an order for the con firmation of tho sale. A few minutes after Judge McPherson had Issued tho decreo confirming tho sale Chief Engineer Collins of tho Omaha & St Louis received a telegram from J. G. Trlmblo as follows: "Important that I should be present when report of sale is presented to Judge for confirmation. Please find out when and where roaster In chan cery will present report." Attorney N. M. Pusey submlttod tho dispatch to the court, but Judge McPherson declined to take any action. He told Mr. Pusey that he under stood the sale had boen postponed from Friday to enable Mr. Trimble to be pres ent and that he could not delay matters now, seeing that Judge Thayer had or dered that the sale be confirmed. The court Informed Mr. Fusey that he would be hero ngaln on November 6, when the matter could be brought up and a motion filed to vacate or modify the order con firming the sale, If thought necessary by Mr. Trimble. Mr. Pusey professed Ignor ance of the Import of Mr. Trimble's tele gram. Northwestern freight car, pleaded guilty to petit larceny and wero sentenced by Judge Macy to twenty days each In the county Jail. Green denied being guilty and will stand trial. Judge Macy, before leaving for his home In Harlan to spend Sunday with his family, announced that Wcdncsdny morning nn as signment would bo made of all unasslgncd cases noticed for trial, ai well as now cases. William, alias "Chappie" Jones, the negro charged with breaking Into a Wabash way car and stealing n quantity of wearing np psrel, waived examination in police court yestcrduy morning and was bound over to the grand Jury, in default of ball, placed at $300, ho was committed to tho county Jail. Ueorgo Edwards, the young fellow charged vlth complicity lb the theft of three largo Iron roller wheels, tho prop erty of tho water works company, waived examination In pollco court yesterday and was committed to tho county Jail In de fault of ball fixed at $300. John B. Ervay, charged with stealing n cornstalk cutter and a quantity or scrap Iron from thn premises, 022 Avenue A, ndraltted his guilt In pollen court yester day morning and on recommendation of tho nsslstant county attorney. sentence was sus pended. The case ngalnst Arthur and Karl Grady, two colored hoys, charged with the theft of two copper wash boilers from the Junk yard of Jarob Stein on Broadway, wtis dis missed In Justice Fcrrlor's court yesterday. Connell llltirTs t'luiroli Mitten. This program of music will be rendered at tho Broadway Methodist church to night: Prelude Gounod ninrlri 1'nlrl Hymn O Pnrnillsol O Paradise! Unrnby 'Magnificat In F Wood Nunc Dlmlttls on-.itiou Hymn Softly Now the Light of Day.. . Purler Anthem Pralso the Lord, O Jeru.tn'er . Protheroo Offertory Tynilleiie iioiiialia Mm. Sylvester, Solo In tho Grout Somewhere I, l'aui uresrer Mr. N. Mitchell. Anthem I.o. 'TIs Night Beethoven Hymn Hark! llurkl My Soul Dykes Poslludc In I) Bavthold Tours Nov. Harvey Hostetlor, pastor of tho Sec ond Prcsbytcrlnn church, will preach this morning on tho topic, "Is Prnycr Help ful?" The themo of his evening discourse will be, "Jesus nnd Common People." Services will bo nt 10:30 n. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school will be at noon, Ju nior Kndcavor meeting at 3 p. ui. and young pcoplo's meeting nt 7 p. m. There will ho preaching by tho pastor, (Continued on Tenth Pago.) Y our fountain pen Won't Work Good if You Don't Use the Right Ink If you are iielne common Ink In your fountain pen, try Carter's Special Fountain on Miuti ana note tne tiincrenco. wo avo the smnll bottles for 10c nnd tho largo l7.iv with tiller, nil enclosed In traveler s nnii-brcakablo ense, 25c. $2.50 Waterman's) Fountain Pen, $1.50. iilllot s Pens, 10 for Be. Many other nood Pens. 10 for 6e. Assorted Pens, all kinds mixed together. one gross In box, per gross. ISc. Miner s KorKs I'cnnoiucrs nnu otn;r lff Holders, Be. All Be Penholders, 3c. Fnber nnd Dixon Lend Pencils, per dozen, i cents. All other good Fciiclls, per dozen, 30c. Vtit (or thoit who knew what' 091 Woodward's Ganymede Chocolates aniopera Bon Bons Mad Br John 6. Woodward & Go. "The Candy Men.' Council Bluffs Iowa- IOWa Steam Dye Works 301 Broadway. Make youi old clothes look Ilk naw. Gleaning. Dyeing and Repairing LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director (tiuccessor to W. C. Kst?l 18 I'tJAHL ttTKKBT. '! 17 FARM LOANS 5oW Negotiated in Eastern rie,tirn and Iowa. James N. Caaady. H IH Main St.. Council Bluffs. FOR UPHOLSTERING te'M niiTi BOSTON STORK. Madam Wllklns of Chicago will give free lessons In art neodle work at our store for ono week commencing Monday, Octobor H Madam Wllklns Is an artist of consider able note, and wo hope all women Inter es'ted In this work will call and take ad vantage of this opportunity. We have a full line of stumped linens, pillow tops and materials. WHITELAW & OARDINEIt. Boston Store, Council Bluffs, la., CASES IN DISTRICT COURT Various Criminal Matters Occupying (he Attention of Judge Mac?. J, w. DeWltt. who stole thirty-five head of cattlo from tho pasture of Henry Orobe of Mlndcn township last June, entered plen of guilty before Judge Macy In the district court yesterday morning nnd wns sentenced to three years In tho penlten tlary at Fort Madison. Ho will be taken there today by 8herlff Cousins. James Fleming, James Blake and Oeorgs Williams, three white men. Indlctod with Fred Green, colored, on the charge of stealing three sacks of barley from Cut Prices on MUHtiery PENNELLMILLINERY, h.. til Broadway, Council Bluffs. Wash Rag Sponge For Ladies. Ts a new thing, but It Is a good thing. Did you over seo one? If not, como In nnd wo will show you what a valunblo thing It Is. Wo havo a largo supply of all kinds of sponges that we just got In pr.d we aro going tq sell them at thn lowest prices to be had anywhere, nig Buggy Spongo for 10c. A fine Oath Sponges for 5c and up. School Sroongcs from lc up. These sponges l;ro bought by ns direct from Florida nnd they nre tho real thing. We have a fine line of Chamois SIMns, from Be up. See our window filled with sponges. George W. Fletcher's Drug Store, 106 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Hero Is tho store where wo do business becauso wo make low prices and glvo you good goods. Hemomber wo have one of tho lnrgest and most complete stocks of groceries and meats to be found In any retail storo In tho state of Iowa. Compare a few of our evcry-day prlceB L'.'i pounds Drown Sugar for $1.00 XXXX Coffee 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10u 26c Arbucklo'H Coffeo tt'i'inau i:onei ioldcn Hto, In bulk :XTItA HPUCIAL FOR MONDAY. OCTOBER 14TH- Mcw Sorghum. Ilrst of tho season, per quart lelnz Mlneu .Moat, per pound lelnz's Apple Butter, three pounds for l,.Vi KA Mi-i',ui.ij fua i ui'.nuAi, uuiuiwn loin. Jersey Cream or Whlto Rose Flour, per sack flfto uur averugo saifs nt wu bhcks oi ui'.'no uranas oi nour every momn win convince on that It Is nil right. Kvory sack warranted or your money cheerfully refunded. W1SDNH8DAY. OCTOBER 16T11 Twelve boxes Parlor Mutches for , .' 10c THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17TH I Ten-pound sack Pure Buckwheat. Flour 33a inintv nr'Tmin'.if ttTiI Bulk Stnrrh, per pound NOTE THE EXTRA SPECIALS IN O Best Rib Boiling Beef 2Wo to So Shoulder Roast Beef.... So to Cc Shoulder Stenk, four pounds for 25c 'orK L.OU1 iioasis vG nrkR ChotM 100 Sirloin Stenk. 9c. 'orterhoiiHH KtrnK :'o itniml Strnk. thren luiumli Zoo Just received tm rnses new canned goods llml en nn sain Momlav. Our Specialties Sour Kraut, New Honey. Oysters, Celery, Buckwheat, Pancako Flours, Breakfast Foods and Full Cream choeao. For Sale Houses No. R25 3-rrom house, two clpsets.pantry, cellar, well, small mauie, io aown. balance mommy. No. 833 B-rooin house, two closets, cellar, barn, cistern, two lots, $700. No. 716 -l-room house, summer kitchen, eel- lar, city water, coai nouse, large lot 11.100: IPX) tiown, bnlance monthly. No. 1021 5-rooni house, pantry, storo room, closets, cellar, city waier, cistern, onrn, 11,350; 1100 down, balance monthly. No. 029 7-room house, cellar, city water, coal house, two blocks from P. O., $2,000. No. Gil 8-rootn house, bath nnd closet, launury. urcpiaces anu mumics, iiirnace, gan nnd lino gas fixtures, barn and lino lot. l,arge list of houses to select from. FOR SALE, FARMS. ,o. lOlS-120-ucre farm miles from town, no ucrcs in cultivation, iu acres lino meadow, house, Htubl, com crib, ynras, snatin trees, tuny ji.w per nero; 11.000 down, balunuo easy terms: a snap No. 1019 Flno 160-acro farm .1 miles from town, 140 acres in cultivation or liuno grass, IS ucres of meadow, good house, ravo, barn for 16 hort;es with loft, corn criu, goou granary iux-.-, cuicKen iiousv-, rnttln shed, orchard and small fruits wholo farm fenced hog tight; price J 17.50 np nrro. Call nnd get list of farms. JUtliNtJlUr.' i Kl'JIUt, Tel. 417: 511 Broadway. DOHANY THBATHH OCTOBUH .'I. Wood & Ward's big company, presenting "Tho Two Merry Tramps." ILLUSTRATE YCUR ADS I make origins! designs and mi7criiitlnnit for advertising cuts. Jjne, Council Bluffs, Iowa, ( furnls Wrlto "Hully Gee" Witch Hazel Cream That wo moke at our storo Is Just the thing for tho face makes the rkln soft and beautifies tho com plexion. And for rough, dry hnnds It cannot bo excelled. Many people who shave themselves buy It to put on tho faco after Bhavlng. Nothing nicer mado and Its purity cannot be doubted. Well, everything at our store Is on the same lino pure and wholceomo and up-to-date. Wc tnko , great pains to see that our patrons got full valtio for every dollar spent nt our store. Prescriptions given the strictest attention. Look for the Vtllow Kid. S. E. WHALEY, THE DRUGGIST, 'Phone 387. 416 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa. :io: Ilrtiitil tvtty. Council HltlfTs. Mnll Orders Filled. COLD FACTS about our Overcoats and Suits The finest array of stylish things ever shown in the town all the latest cuts f all the newest patternsi Overcoats from $7.50 to $25 Suits from $6.50 to $22.00 Ecnicinbpr our goods are t he twain of the bent clothinjr makers in America, nt prices that cannot be equalled for this kind of merchandise. "If you have them from us, they're right." Smith & Bradley 415 BROADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFFS Q0HANY THEATERA Sunday, October 13 The Laughing Success, TWO MARRIED MEN A grond comnnny of comedians Sne't clal scenery New novelties Spurkllng wit Pretty girls. Frlcos 'JSc, 35c, 50c. Extra Specials at the Big Store this Week pull Weight Milk 9c neu c toss Shewing Tooncco, pound. ilorseshoo Chewing Tobacco, pound.. Hiar unewing Mouncco, pounu Gallon Can Syrup :iic 40c 40c 25c no UR MEAT DEPARTMENT Mutton Stew So Mutton Roast tic Mutton Legs .- 9a Hmoked liucon lOVic to 12Uc Salt Pork 5c Corned Reef Ic to Tc 10-pound pall Best Leaf I-nrd f 1.10 Quality of meat the best. -corn, l'oas, Hiring Hcans, wax Reals Take Life Easy Spend Your Evenings in Comfort by investing in a MORRIS CHAIR The most popular and up-to-date chair ever made. Drop in and see our new line and get our prices. s. s. 311-313-315 Broadway, NO BRANCH STORES KELLER, Council Bluffs, la. BS When You Buy don't be content with less than th latest and best. It a lifetime Invest ment if you get a New Home NO. 118 DROP HEAD Sewing Machine Until now a sewing machlno has been only a sewing machine. Our now No. 1UI m not only a perfect sewing machine, but when not in use is attractive una serrio- tfJlo as a table nttcd throughout In tho m ost thorough manner ball bearing, doublt led and perfect In detail. The head com es to position with belt on. reafly for uiu. it Is mado by skilled workmen to do pert cct work, and to ba beautiful and cou venlcnt. Second-hand machines from 15.00 up. Parte and repairs for nil machines. All kinds of machines repaired and tor rent. G. A. Bullis, 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Telephone 378 MAJESTIC 00 EXHIBITION ALL THIS WEEK THE tint AT UlAJbsTtO We have arranged to have a man direct from tho factory to show our friends and patrons that THE GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE will last longer, bako better and quicker, heat more water and do all this In leas time nnd with less fuel than any other rango made. niSC'JITS DAKED IN THREE MINUTES and served with hot coffee to all who call. Ho suro and come. HANDSOME SET OP WARE, 17 PIECES, FREE to all who buy a Orcat Majestic Range ut this exhibit. A handsome souvenir to early callers. P. C. Devol & 504 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 'Phone 87 tjj ir oof-. Son, cofmsT It's a Question of Fact that what you send to our laundry you get back, at tbo right time. In tho right way, In the right style. Our ttmo Is mostly ta ken up with tho work. Wo'll guaranteo that's right. Tho prices wo'll lcavo to you. Do you think they'ro right? Oct tho work done and test. 9 Special rates to agents. Wrlto to ub. BLUFF CITY LAUNDRY, 22-24 North Mnln Street. Telephone 314. Council Bluffs. Steam, Hot Water or Hot Air systems of heating, to glvo proper result, should be Installed only by workmen who know their business thouroughly. Our workmen are that kind, but wo moko aasur anco doubly sure by personal supervision. If you wnnt new work or repairs you will havo the work drne right If you leave th ordor with J. C. BIXBY & SON., 202 Main St., & 203 Pearlt., Council Illuffa, Iowa. Telephone 193. Getting a Good Hold on public favor and patronage Is one of our, main objects In giving the linen-wearing folks Just a little bit better work, a little moro perfect service thun Is found else where. Family washing department best In city. EAGLE LAUNDRY CO., 724 Broadway. Telcphono 1S7. , W. U DOUGL.AS, Prop'r. FOR SALE VINEYARDS ORCHARDS ; GARDEN LANDS Small payment down, bolance on long time; low rate Interest. 16,000 apple trees In ono piece, half mile from Olenwood; trees 3 yeara old, full bearing. 15-acre vineyard, two miles from Council Bluffs poetofflce. 4U acres garden land. 10 acres garden land. I acres garden land. 20 acre, garden land. I 30 es In vineyard. H. W. BINDER & CO., 5 Pearl St., Council Bluffs, la.