234 THIS OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1901. Corft nf Thanks. Mr children join me In extending our heartfelt thanko to the Macabccs of Council Jlluffs, the Union Pacino transfer employes, Ilutli lodge No, 1, Daughters of Kebeecas of Omaha, and our numerous friends In their utmost efforts of affording us sympathy and help through the sickness and death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. LENA TOOZEU. I1S0 Ninth avenue, Council Bluffs, la. llnmcaeekers. The next homoscekers' excursion to cer tain points in Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Indian and Oklahoma Territories. will teavo Omaha via Missouri Pacific rail way on Tuesday, October 15, at very low rates for round trip. Stop-ovor allowed on going Journey. I "or further Information call or address company's office, southeast corner Fourteenth and Douglas streots, Omaha, Neb. T. F. G.ODFRAY, Passenger Tlckot Agent. Execntrlx Ante. The Itamge block, with lot adjoining, will bo offered at public sale October 22, 10 a. m., nt courthouse. For particulars see Lyslo I. Abbott, attorney for executrix, 400-401 Ware block. In another part of this Issue will be found the Advertisement of A. C. Ilaymer, agent for tho Majestic Steel range, In which ho extends an Invitation to you to witness tho workings of this rango all next week. An expert will show you how to bako bls mltn lirnwn tnn nml bottom In thrco mln- tites; how to cook with one-half tho fuel you aro now using, and show you nn article that, If properly used, will last a iircurao. Hot coffte and biscuits served every day. Attention, Iltmlness Men. Certain parties soliciting ads for a labor directory and using tho namo of tho Central Labor union, claiming its sanction, havo no right to uso such name. Pay money to them for ads at your own risk. UEN MAYLARD. Recording Secretary. The Dathery la open Thursday and Sat urday evenings. For appointments tele phone 1716 or call 216-220 Deo Building. All kinds of baths, scientific massage. Ladles only. Tho Dathery, 216-220 Bee bldg. Tel. 1716. mmlltnn Warren. M. D.. eclectic and magnetlo physician, office at the Central hotel, cor. loth ana uougo streets, tin a ..,iioM inontlnn ran bn found. Sncclal at tention to all lone standing or lingering rtlacnups and to 11ica803 oi women anu children. Attention, George Crook Post, No. 2(12. nnrviees will bo held in memory of Com rade William McKlnley on Sunday, October 13, at "i p. m. In hall at Twenty-rourtn anu flrant streets. All post members, w. it. u. tnd friends aro Invited to attend. Dy order F. W. SIMPSON, Commandor. W. S. ASKWITII, Adjutant. Birthday rings. Edholm, Jeweler. Publish your legal notices In The Weakly Dee. Telephone 233, Nichols & Ilroadfleld, printers, 313 North Fifteenth street, 'Phono 1912. Why not try Cramer's Kidney Curc?- slzcs, 60c and $1 all druggists. Qorham stiver. Edholm, Jeweler. Ask your grocor for PALACINE OIL. Hawkce' cut glass. Edholm, Jeweler. A. M. Lesser, proprlotor of tho Central market, has leased tho corner storo room of tho Schlltz building at Sixteenth and Har ney streets and on December 1 will open one of tho handsomest meat markets In the west. Mr. Lesser says when corapleto this will be the most up-to-date market in the western country. For Dollcles that nro sluht drafts at ma. turlty apply to H. D. Ncoly, managor Equltablo Life, Merchants' Nat. Bank bldg. Dr. Itosowatcr, Hco Bldg. Tel. 601, rcs.l!17. Havo Hoot print It. Tho finest halr-drcssing parlors In tho city In connection with Tho Bathory, 216' 120 Beo building. Tclophono 1716. Curil of Tlinnks. The Ladles of Lady Ilolllstor wish lo thank thoso who so kindly assisted them tn the loss of a denr sister, Loulo M. Bowk. NORA R. DODSON. R. K. ANNIE M. 110UAK, L. C. The finest hair-dressing parlors In the city In connection with Tho Dathery, 216- 120 Bee building. Tclophono 1716. Meeting of tho Second Ward Republican club at Kessler'a hall, 1213 South Thirteenth street. Monday evonlng, October 14. Alt candidates aro Invited to attend. Hon. .1. II. Van Dense t and Ed Mornrlty wilt speak. 91S.7S, llurTnto r:nl Hctnrn. BURLINGTON ROUTE. October 11, 14, 16 and 18. Tickets, 1502 Farnam street, or at Bur lington Btatloj. There will bo a meeting of the Jewish Hospital association In tho vestry rooms of the Harney street templo on Sunday at 3 p. m. All who are Interested aro cor dially Invited. They Balked When the trunt hnlil n. men lint- n trm nignis ago anu tno "sootnin syrup gang wanted tho rural follows to chip In nu-aln- and get a new detective somo druggist out of a Job to find out whom wu net our goods tho "rurals" kicked and said they wouldn't put up another "sou" for any trust gang, ho now tncro s irouwc urew ins nun they aro lighting among them solvrs llko docs over n bono. 23o Cramer's Vegetable Pills 20c Cramer's Kidnoy Curo 40a nnd 75a tl.UO Temptation Tonic 75c 25c Knglo Brand Condensed Milk 15c 12.00 Knrl Cramer's Cotton-Itoot. Tansy und Pennyroyal Pill;) $1.00 TA: Lleblg Extract Beef 17c j i. oo Austina nair ionic hoc 1.00 Peruna fSc noc Svrun of Flea 30c EOc CnldwelPs Syrup Pepsin 20o J2.00 JicDaue's huccus Aitcrnns ji.i.i 25c Quliincltal (best for colds) 20c 60c Dlmmltt'8 Cough Syrup 33c ?r,n Packer' Tnr Soan 13o Talcum Powder Be, 10c, 12c, 15c and l!o S5c- Laxative Bromo-Qulnlno 12c fAU A Pfirnf O Cut Price OU tintr CI1 O Drug Storo Tel. 747. 9. W. Cor. ltltb and Chloage Goods delivered FREE to any part or city. New cuts & patterns, Hclgren's. 309 S. 16. Physicians recommend our treatment for rheumatism as the most successful. Ladles only. The Bathory, 216-220 Beo bldg. Tele phone 1716. Douglas Trlntlng Co. 1C08 Howard. Tel. 644. 'rTli The Direct Route Send articles of Incorporation, notices of llockholdert' meetings, etc., to The Beo. We will give them proper legal Insertion. telephone 238. Why suffer with rheumatism? The Bathery, 216-220 Beo bldg. Tclophone 1716. For laaies only. ..TO.. Arkansas. Kansas. Missouri, Okalahoma To abovo states low rato Homcseekcrs Excursions leave Omnha October 15th, No vember 6th and 19th, December 3d and 17th. For Information, pamphlets, etc., call or address company's otllces, S. E. corner ltth 'and Douglas streets. 18-K Tiffany wodd'g rings. Edholm, Jowler TH0S F GODFREY? P & T A ALL WOOL SUITS made to order SI 5 up PANTS $3.50 -UP Made in Omaha. How is Your Dog? Wo carry a full und completo lino of Dog' Medicines und sell everything ut cut prices. Clayton's Vermifuge 45c Clayton's Diarrhoea Curo 45c Clayton's Eyo Lotion 45c Clayton's Clollno Dog Wash 20c Clayton's Canker Lotion 45o Clayton's Mange Curo 45c Glover's' Cunker Wash 45c Glover s Imperial Liniment 45c Glover's Imperial Diarrhoea Cure 45c OSTON CT0RE 1 DRUG 9 DEPT. Milton Rogers & Son Big Stove ..ScilC. Radiant Home Base Burners Garland Stoves and Ranges Monitor and Malleable Quick Meal Steel Ranges The Beckwith Genuine Round Oak Stoves Thousands of users of these well known goods will toll you that thoy have no equal. $9.75 $2.95 $3.45 $10.45 $8.95 WE SELL STOVES AND RANGES ON WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. Oak Stoves elegant "now style, full nickeled 4tR OR designs-up from, qHJifcW An elegant largo' heavy full nickeled Steel Cook a porfect beauty anil 'Warranted baker 4kO A tt up from sCVs W Steel Itnngos the best value to bo had fully sfeO4 OCZ warranted up from Hfc"T0 Hard Coal Dnso Humors well made, heavy nickeled trim med full base heaters st I g OR up from 9IOi09 Now Improved 1901 polished steel Hot Ilia st Heuters up from An nlrtlght Wood Heater up from A good 2-holo No. S Laundry Stove up from Smokeless Hot Dlast Heaters up from Good Cook Stoves up from Milton Rogers & Son Illustration nnd Price by Mall. COR 14TII ANU FAHNAM STS. Open Evening Till l. Warm Your Home With nn Acorn Bnso Burner and you won t havo to get, up In tlio night tn consult tno thermometer to know whether you arc freezing or not. Royal Acorn Base Burners glvo moro heat and uso less fuel than any other make. If you don't bellovo It call at our storo and wo will show you tho ovi denco. Every slzo of tho Koyal Acorn Is u powerful double-heater, nnd you can neat your houso upstairs and down. John Hussie Hardware Co. 2407-2409 Cuming St. "If you buy it of Hussie. It's rlgUt" That Green Soap Also tho yellow and brown "English Pro cess" SOAP tho kind mado by COLGATE CO-tho big ?i-lb. enkes-tho finest UATII SOAP on earth Sc per cake SOo per doz. CAUTION If you buy a bottlo of Patent Mcdlclno at any of our alleged competitors' and you tlnd our firm namo stamped all over It you'll know It enmo from our storo and was procured of us "on tho sly" by tho Boy Buying Brigade. $1.00 SIZE (dollar hIzp. mind you) CRAMEK'S KIDNEY CURE, wo sell. ,40c $1.00 Perunn, wo sell 5Sc Full quart lino Port or Sherry 33c Cnstorlu 1 25o Mennen's Tnlcum Powder 12a JJstcrino ($1.00 size) GOa Duffy's Mnlt Whisky 7Ec j-tirK'8 juvenile soap, per caKc he Mellln's Food, largo 65c Imported Hunyadl Wuter 16c Good 2-quart Fountain Syringe SOo Sherman& McGon neil Drug Go. "Tho Drug Store on tho Corner." SIXTEENTH AND DODGE STREETS. THE MOVER STATIONERY GO. 220 &222 So. 10, St. WAITl WAIT! Hill Pants Co. 320 So. 15th. Do You Want a Camera THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Wo nro cleaning un our tnv , Cameras prior to laying in stock for Christmas trade, and will offer for tho next ten days GENUINE BARGAINS IN CAMERAS Amongst others a few 4x5 Folding uameras, wuu uauhlo lens and carry- tag cue, complete, ror fO.SO WOHTII 1:UW Call and soo our beautiful new lino of Albums. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Fa r n a in StrJ.-t. EXCLUSIVE DEALKHB IN PHOTO SUPPLIES. Tho biggest slaughter salo of seasonable men's and boys clothtrg ever held west of tho Mississippi river positively opens Thursday, October 17th, at 9:45 a. m. If you buy anything In men's or boys' wear ing apparel boforo you aro certainly wast ing money. Almost ovory ouo hereabouts has heard of tho oxtrome low prices at which tho Guarantee Clothing Co., 1516-18 Capitol avenue, sacrificed Its summer stock. It's all on account of Bennett's romoval to a different part of tho town. Tho bargains glvon on summer goods wouldn't bo n marker from what you got tho winter goods for. As stated before. lots of morcliandlso was contracted for long before wo were owaro of tho fact that Bennett would leavo our neighborhood. Theso we were obliged to accept. Thoy aro now being unpacked. Tako thorn, together with what was on hand, makes this one of the largest retail stocks In Omaha. For particulars watch Wednesday evening's papers, for the Guar antee's selling out salo of wearing apparel for men and boys. A Good Razor Is of no account unless sharp. A good Strop nt a reaoonablo price Is what people nro looklug for. V sc)l tho YANKEE STROP. It only costs 25 cents and te equal to many 50-cent and 75-cent strops. One side leather, tho other side canvas, with a little Razorlno on it. With this Strop you are sure of getting a 6harp razor. FULLER DRUG AND PAINT lk amd DoiiIbi SI GO. Duplicate Whist Cards Bridge Whist Playing Cards Tally Cards Do you feel chilly? Perhaps you need a eprind and check on your door tho Blount or Ecllpso will closo tho door noise lessly. Or you may need WI3A TIIEIt STRIPS on your windows and doors. Anyway, we can lit you out and our prices ate right. Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1B11 Doils Street. Tool Headquarters. RIGHT SMART SHOES tESl 1 For Men and Women Tho smart styles and shapes of our now fall shoes win tho admiration of every man nnd woman who spcs them, and tho snug-flttlng, ensy-fecling qualities tualio them especially deslr ablo in nppcaranco as well as com fort. Tho quality of our shoes Is tho highest und will, satisfy tho most ex acting; tho styles are tho latest and will pleaso the- most fastidious; tho prices arc right and within tho roach of ull. All in New Effects and Designs COAL Are You Particular Don't want the lawn cut upT Don't want a swoarlng, swag gering driver about? We Can Please You on all these points and send you tho best coal rained, free from dust, dirt and slate, C. 6. Havens & Co., 1522 Farnam St. Tela. 317 and 825. COAL When in Doubt TAKE Shrader's Fig Powder for a good laxative. Sold by all druggists 25c a box, or send to W. J, Siirader Medicine Co,, New York Iloom 10, No. 30 East Uth 3t. or 1C02 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. IT'S A GOOD SIGN of tho high grade of the toal wo sell and of the excellence of our mothods that our customers slay with us year In and year out. An army of pleased and satisfied custom ers Is the best advertisement a business can have. Huy your next ton from us and you will bo sorry that you didn't begin to patronUe us long ago. West Omaha Goal & Ice Go. Park Ave. and Leavenworth' St. J Tel. 882 FRY SHOE CO rOBUERLT garnvrigbt HAYDEN N. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas Is your office cold in winter? If It Is, the best thine you can do Is to move and niovo now. It may save you somo doctors', bills, to say nothing of annoyance and discomfort. The Bee Building Is tho warmest best heated best ventilated bcsMu- s Closing Out tht $65,000 Henry Sonnttont & Co.'s Man's and Boys' Clothing. Every suit and overcoat loft from Snturdnv's great selling will be put ou sale Monday in main clothing dopartment at ridiculously low prices. Every dollars worth must be sold re gardless of value. The greatest bargains in men's nnd boys' fino clothing ever put on sale. Ask to see the highest grade clothing n America, made by Uart, Schnffner & Marx, the Stein, Bloch Co., and IJackott, Carhart & Co., and sold exclusively by ilayden Hros. linyden Hros. always sell the MOST clothing in Omaha. During these sales they are selling practically ALL the clothing in Omaha. See the values and learn whv. Special on Ladies' Fine Shoes for Monday HAYDEN S Brooks Bros.' finest shoes in all leathers, welts, McKays and turns at 3, 53.50, 4, 4.50, worth up to 0.00 n pair. These goods are better this season than ever and the hundreds of cus tomers who have worn them will be pleased to know that they are all better and are fifty cents a pair cheaper than wc have ever sold them. We are tho exclusive agents In Omaha for tho celebrated Ultrn Shoo, a Ave dol lar shoo for throo fifty. Wo carry 85 styles of theso shoos tn stock and can fit tho very narrow foot or tho sxtrem wtdo one. Ask to see both thoso makes, rther one can be worn without a rubber, as they havo cork Oiled solos, Insuring dry foot. Wo carry tho largest lino of Stetson and Crossott Shoes In tho west. Theso two shoes represent tho best shoes on tho mar ket today. Tho Stetson Is Flvo and tho Crossctt Thrco Fifty. Thero nro no shoos mado nt elthor prlco that can comparo with theso goods. Stop In and havo a look at them. Men's flno vlcl kid and colt skin shoos, worth up to threo fifty a pair, whllo they last, at $1.96. Ladles' lino vesting top lace shoes, In tan or black, worth up to $3.00 a pair, $1.96. Ladles' cadet kid or vlcl kid laco shoes, In all tho modern toes, good valuo for $3, HAYDEN Samnle Jackets. 3 Suits and Skirts 100 automobiles, made of all wool kersoys, lined with guaranteed satin; new three Inch turn back cuff, trimmed with 5 rows of silk stitching, an auto worth $15.00 Hayden's prlco, $10.00. 75 ladles' flno automobiles, made of best quality American woolen mills korsoys, lined with Skinner's satin, warranted for two years, collar, cuff and yoko trimmed with mirrored velvet n coat worth $2G,00 Hnyden's prlco only $10.50. 100 ladles' man-tailored suits, Jackets, taffeta lined; skirt trimmed with graduated floudcc, mado of nil wool Venetians and coverts suits other houses ask up to $15.00 for Hayden's prlco $8.93. 17G ladles' samplo suits In black, brown, blues, castors and grays some silk lined -no two nllko Haydin's READ GREAT SALES ON PAGE 13. HAYDEN IR0S evcry-rcspcct Omaha. bulldlu: in R. C. Peters & Co. Rental Agents Ground Floor liee Hldg. Drawing Teeth painlessly Is promised by many, prac ticed by not so muny. when VITAL IZED AUt Is used there Is nover uny pulu. Cooil Set Teeth 15,(0 Killings 75c up Tatt's Philadelphia Dental Rooms 1.117 DiuiKlna Street. OUR BOTTLED BEER ; TASTES j GOOD becuuso It Is pure nnd wholesomo. 'PhiiTO'fl tn mini. teratlon In Motz beer to glvo a tic tltlous taste and rlfmlnn in nprrcn. lion of other lm- purities und Imner a fectlonn. Tho Lot- tllng Is ilono MH B enrufully as tho brcwliiK, nnd that brings It tn you lu perfect condition, Wo deliver It liot B tied In cbsph of two uuznn iiuaris or METZ BROS. BREWING CO. Bottled Beer. Brewed and Bottled In Omaha Tel. 11 9. H IMFTT iknt Bar WING fa" f i fc: on An A i nt I salo prlco $1.90. C. II. Aldon & Co.'s flno lino of boys', youths' nnd little gents' shoes, In calf, kid and box calf, from $1.25 to $2.60. Buy Merrlani shoos for tho children they aro tho bost. Boiling boys' nnd youths' shoes, worth $1.50 and $1.75, at 75c. An advantageous investment can now be made with a certainty of style and quality. A great number of lad ies' fine sample box coats, autos and suits secured by our cloak buyer, now in the eastern markets. The Sale Begins Monday Morning 1 lot of ladies' box coats, made of Dobson's and Washington mills' ker seys some lined with the famous Skinner's satin, some velvet trimmed and strapped seams jackets worth up to 12.50 Ilayden's price .7.95. 200 ladies' jackets made of Ameri can woolen mills' kerseys, all lined with Skinner's satin, made with high storm or L'Aiglon collar, strapped seams, trimmed in panne velvet, in browns, blues, blacks, oxfords, castors and tan a jacket other houses ask JflG.50 for Hayden's price, .fiu.uu. prtco throughout only $15.75. 1 lot of man-tailored suits In all the new shades, lined with silk and satin, worth $18.00 Hayden's price $12.45. SPECIAL FOR MONDAY. 100 rainy-day skirts, mado of extra heavy materials, trimmed with 22 rows of stitch ing, worth $4, for $1.98. CO dozen ladles wrappors, mado of oxtra heavy llannelottc, trimmed with rulllo over shoulder, 15-lncli llounco, worth $1.76 Hayden's prlco, Monday, 98c. 100 river mink scarfs trimmed with I largo tails, worth $3.9S, for $1.49. Oenulno brown marten capes, 30-Inch long worth $125.00, for $75.00. Oenulno krlmmcr Jackets', Skinner satin lined, worth $00.00, for $39.00. Don't give up your money for poor coal that's as hard to burn as a llre-proof building. If you want a coal that's clean, will lgnlto readily, glvo a steady heat and reduoo complotoly to ashes, order our "Ohio." Lump and egg, $7.25. Nut. $7.00. Hald & Rice, Tel. 12U8. 50CSo. 10th St. ly -lijrjr; tutea, the only Kreloy Institute jrkv Vtil4 Drunkenness, Care Druir Kveler system of Instl. In Nebrnskn. Cures UNorn, Tobacco Users. TIIU INSTITUTE, 10 and I.euvituwurlli, Omulio, ASK FOR A fill 111'! IblrlHI in Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to imported cigars. fl a aufacturcd. by i R. Rice Mercantile Cigar Co., at. Louis, Union Made J 9 I X