Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1901, Page 22, Image 30

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AOertUrmanta for Iheaa column
-111 ba taken until 12 W. for the
renins cdltUu anil until H:30 p. SQ.
(or uorilK and Hnnda? edition.
flatce, 1 l-2o a word Brat Insertion,
la a ward tharaaftcr. Nothing Ink's
far teaa than 2fo (or the drat Inaer
tlon. Theaa aavartlaeaaaats aanat ae
wum coaiecntlvaly.
Advertisers, by reajaaaflaa; a
faere. check, caa have nnewera ad
atreaaad to a numbered letter la ear
f Tha Dec. Anawara aa addreaeed will
ha aellveraa araaeataUaa ( t
akaak amir
EXPERIENCED saleslady wishes position
with whoicsalu or retail house. J 17t lice.
A J to 13
"WANTED, ft position ns collector; 10 years
experience. Hpcnk and write Ocrman.
Best city references. J 27, Bee.
-VU lt
nimtt imlixtt ..4 ,..! 1... .. unllnrf IflllV lift
bookkeeper, assistant bookkeeper or order
clerk; enn furnish best of reference. Ad
dress J 19, Omahu. Hee. A-180
COMPETENT Indy desires position os
housekeeper In small family. Address
J 43, Hee. A-260 13
STENOGRAPHER, many years' experi
ence; Rood olllco man; Rood references;
must liavo work; would accept position
out -of town. Address J 2G, Hee.
ho following letter has been received from
Itin Knmmlttnn cnnHlut InlT flf Prof. AllCU.
I'ounty Superintendent llodwcll and
Architect Lutonzer. The committee met
on last Monday nlRht and carefully went
over all pnpers submitted:
i OMAHA, Neb., Oct. 10, 1901.
Mr. M. Q. Bohrbough,
Omahu, Neb.:
Dear Sir Your committee, selected to re
Ward prizes offered by tho Omahu Com-
Rcrclal CollcRe, begs to submit tho folio a--g:
Wo uro Rrcatly surprised that ho
mull a number of correct solutions and
answers were obtnlned to the problems
given. Elmer Madscn of lloclus, Neb., wins
prizes Nos. 3 and 4. which uro a Ufa
scholarship In tho shorthand and typewrit
ing' department nnd a six months' scholar
ship In the telegraph department. Ho
solved correctly tho "goat nnd grindstone"
problems. Mr. E. W. Slnnett nf 2818 Spald
ing street won prize No. 0, which Is ft six
months' scholarship In tho telegraph de
partment. Hrovlcr Brown of Malvern, la.,
Wins prize No. 7, which Is a three months'
scholarship In tha shorthand and typewrit
ing department. He formed 1,114 words out
of tho letters found In the namo "Omaha
Commercial College." This completes tho
list of prizes won. Of nil the problems
given but threo wcro correctly solved by
anyone. Yours very respectfully,
ffhe prizes won will bo mailed at onco to
tho winners. Hundreds of solutions and
answers wcro received and on tho wholo
It has been a most Interesting and proilt
ublo contest. B-221 13
GOOD messengers wanted. A- D. T., 212 S.
13th. B-M561
JSVANTED, a good man In. every county to
take subscriptions for Tho Twentieth Cen
tury Karmur. Our agents mako good
wages everywhere. References required.
Address Twentieth Century Furmur,
Omaha, Neb. 13613
wants representative to handle lino cf
pants, shirts and overalls on commis
sion; state experience and full particu
lars. Address J 10, Bee. B-M897 14
plEN and women to do copying at homo;
must Wrlto a fair hand; $5 to $12 weekly
working evenings; positively no canvas
sing; Incloso stamp. Northwest Copying
Co., Box 629, Minneapolis, Minn.
B-M942 1G
sVANTED at once, teacher of mandolin,
guitar nnd banjo; must bo a good mando
lin soloist. Colorado Conservatory, Fort
Collins, Colo. B-M9II 16
OOD, strong, steady boy. Omaha Box Co.,
East Omaha. B 951
WANTED, as valet nnd to euro for horso
and trup, man about 0; must bo Unmar
ried and well recommended. Apply In
person from 9 to 10 u. m. at room 3, 2d
lloor, old I'. O. bldg. B-M973 13
WANTED, thoroughly experienced hard
ware man for city retail store; must thor
oiiKhly understand tinware and household
hardware; good salary to right man; stato
UK'', uxpunuuco mm luriusii roicrences.
Address J 18, Bee. B-977 13
sVANTED, mnn, upright ' character, to
manage business of old established house,
solid financial standing; salary J1S per
week by check direct from headquarters;
expense money advanced each week.
Btundard House, 371 Caxton bldg., Chi
cago. B-M9S6 13
NTED Qood business man In each
Srlnclpal city to conduct cash .business,
uaranteta by local banks, nig returns.
Honorable and legitimate. Must furnish
Iood referencea and SG00 cash. Addreia,
. It II., I". O. Box 716, Cincinnati, O.
are, how obtained, snlurles paid. Exam
inations In overy stato. Particulars frco,
Wrlto for circular 151. Nat'l Cor. Insti
tute, Washington, D. C. B
ANTED, salesman; $60 monthly nnd ex
penses; permanent, l'erry Nursery Co.,
Boohostcr. N. Y. B-
PANTED, ruptured men who will work u
few hours during sparo tlmo for a. freo
cure. Spolrs Co., Box 642, Westbrook,
Mo. B-
MBITIOUS roprescntnttves; wages 3 day;
largo house, new lines, bona lido opening
men nnd women good character willing to
work; permnueut position; chanco ad
vancement, 200 Stato at., New Haven,
Conn. B
PERMANENT position requiting no can
vassing for tho right mnn, to represent an
old-established company having $200,o0
capital; $75 salary tho first month, not
conditional nn results; ?U00 and expenses
tho llrst year, payablo weekly dlroci from
our olllce; absolutely straight salary; no
deception; opportunity for promotion nnd
increase of salarv: state nue. rernrpnrna
nnd business experience. Address Unl- '
vorsnl Mfg. Co., Box 733, Philadelphia, Pa. (
PLANTED, ninn of Round business qualifica
tions In overy town on fixed permanent
salary to estnbllsh branch nnd handle
high-class goods for largo commerrlnl
houso. Mercantllo Company, Box 178, New
York City. B-
IIVIL service government positions: 9.SS9
appointments made last year; probably
10,000 this year: common school education
required for tho examination. Cataloguo
of Information free. Columbian Corre
spondonco College, AVashlngton, D. C.
ti Aiiia 1
f f Ti' .i.npl. IIia mn. i 1 1 1 1 . 1 .... .. mi ....
ing: $5 to $6 weeklv. worklnir evnnlnus:
oxperlenco unnectuwary: cncloso stamp;
work mailed on uppllcutlon. 20th Century
Mfg. Co., Toledo, O. B-159 13
I.NY perzon who will distribute clrculnrs
for $3 per day should address Stitndurd
Co,, 4 Wells, Chicago. No canvassing.
B-154 13
WaNTED, a teacher of French language;
must bo nntlvo; good pronunciation: ono
with Omaha references. Address J 16,
Bee. B-1S9 13
(PANTED, reliable, middle-aged woman for
general work In small family, coutnlnlng
nn Invalid. Prefer ono of some experi
ence with sick persons. J. S. Knox. N Y.
U Bldg. B-M1S6 15
IEVERAL cigar salesmen wnnted; experi
ence unnecessary; j;j weewy. is. aianuci
Co., 217 West 123, New York.
CRU8TWORTHY mnn for route In No.
tiraska; $15 weekly nnd expenses to stnrt.
References necessary. Steady work.
Addross, Travelers' Dept., 551 Dearborn,
Chicago. B-U9-13
PLANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack
signs, distribute circulars, samples, eta.;
no canvassing, gumi pay. duii nun-nn
Inir Bureau, Ciilcago. B-130 13
7ANTED. good white shortordor man for
restaurant; must uu smgio ana siricuy
Sellablo; referencrg. Ladd & llulre, Albion,
iak. B-2S9U
wantkd-malb help.
Go where tho teachers nro able nnd ex
perienced, zealously devoted to the Inter
ests of the students, where the rourso
of study Is thorough and practical, tho
discipline strict nnd the rooms light and
pleasant; where the instruction Is Indi
vidual; the school that places competent
stenographers ami bookkeepers In posi
tions; the school that Is regarded by
business men us being the most thor
ourIi, most prnctlcnl and most popular.
Such Is that Celebrated School,
Beo Building.
Students ore being rapidly enrolled In both
uji nnu tivtiNictu sessions, ir you nro
undecided where to go, select this rellablo
school and you will not be disappointed.
Call nnd see the prtnclpnl, Mr. Boylcs.
A largo number of students will enter to
morrow. Join them.
Catalogues furnished on application.
WANTED, u bright young man to learn
advertisement writing whllo employed;
send for freo Infotmatlon. Page-Davis
Co., Chicago. B-110 13
AN INCOME of 115 week can bo earned In
sparo tlmo or evening by any person ablo
to write; proof sent freo nnywhero to
thoso sending addressed envelope with
references to Orannan Co., Box 227,
Brooklyn. Now York. B-137 13
WANTED, a good tinner for furnnco work.
U l. tlnll C. dnM IllnllumAiiHi Vntl
' " ' B-M1000
WANTED, men to lenrn tho barber trndp;
only two months required ; thoroughly
prnctlcal training by our method; posi
tions furnished when competent at $12 to
115 weekly; completo outnt of tools given
onch student; recommendations from hun
dreds of students. Cntaloguo and par
tlcularn mailed free. Moler Barber Col
lege, 1C23 Farmm St. B-M131 18
SALESMAN wnnted to call on doctors only
on behalf or tho leaning nrm in xnn uum
ness; nlso ono for outsldo city; established
trade; position permanent; np pllcant must
bo Intelligent nnd Indefatigable: state ex
perience. Address, P. O. Box R58, Phila
delphia. B-181 13
ESTABLISHED houso desires a specialty
salesman of ublllty to begin work Imrne
dlatoly; good territory und terms. Box
1732, Iowa City, la, -ltl
WANTED, two salesmen, regular and spe
cial line, direct from factory to merchant;
reliable house; good pay. Address J 14,
Bee. 161 13
TRAVELING salesman wanted for hlgh
grado staple lino to dry, goods and general
trade; must bo n hustler nnd como well
recommended. Amerlcun Standard Jew
elry Co., Detroit, Mich. 157 13
TRAVELING salesman wanted at onco for
Nebraska territory. a no jiiyomii
Co., Detroit, Mich. ' "
HONEST, rcllnblo salesmen, willing to
work hard for 130 per week selling staplo
line to retail trade. Must bo ablo to sell
at least $20 per day. Waters, Manager.
Howland Block, Chicago. 11113
WANTED Sldo line men: $10 to $12 a day
can easily bo mado by handling our nuw
nnd up-to-date China proposition. The
snmo can bo sold to dry goods, groceries,
hardwaro and department stores. No
bulky samples required. Write at onco,
giving references und territory covered,
to Kawln Mfg. & Importing Co., SS-90
Wnbash Ave., Chicago, 111. 110-13
BY AN established house, two first-class
salesmen In overy state to sell staplo lino
to retail trade on credit. Small sumpla;
entirely new proposition that sells to
eight out of ten merchants. Can bo car
ried tin sldo line. Commissions, $5 on each
Introductory order. Lenox Co., 18 Dear
born St., Chicago. 109-13
SALESMAN, good medical book salesman
to canvass surgeons of Omaha on a new
nnd Importnnt surgical publication Juat
Issued. Caseell & Co., 7 and 9 West 18th
street, New York. -133 UN
WANTED Salesmen by rellablo Jobbing
houso; live traveling snlesmen to placo
high grndo specialty lino with merchan
dise trade. High commissions nnd per
manent positions to good men. Full tlmo
required. R. 78, 153 Fifth Ave., Chicago,
150-13 '
THREE Al specialty salesmen to soil
country retnll trade; permanent position
to proper pnrtics; extra inducements for
holiday trnde. Address, 1615 Manhnttnn
Building, Chicago. 151-13
WANTED, working salesmen, experienced,
energetic1, local nnd trnvollng; new, prac
tical ofllcc specialties; monopoly. Uni
versal Specialty Co., 52 Dearborn St.. Chi
cago. 139 13
SALESMEN wanted to sell special line to
dry goods trade in umnna and Neumann;
stato oxperlenco nnd roferences. Purls
Mfg. & Importing Co., St. Louis, Mo.
135 13
WANTED, traveling salesman. Nebraska
territory; gasollno nnd steam engines, boil
ers, stenm pumps, etc.; good man, per
manent position. Glvo age, former em
ployment und references. J 29, Bee.
214 IS
WANTED, traveling salesman, Nebraska
territory, windmills, pumps nnd iilllea
lines; good man, permanent poslt'on.
Give ago, former employment nnd refer
ences. J 28, Bee. -213 13
WANTED, by responsible house, rellablo,
salesman capahlo nf earning $5,000 yearly.
No "John-n-Dreams" need apply. Box
608, St. Louis, Tklo. 203-13
tiv ml In lil n wpll.rnted firm, exnerlonced
traveling salesmen to placo our lino
with gonernl merchantsino side line; en-
liro umo ano i"im rwquiri-ii. i uihiiuivui.
position to right man. Address box 514,
Chicago. 201 13
SALESMEN to sell wholesale trnde on time.
Good sldo line, small sample, big commis
sions. Jobbing department, 34, 182 Dear
born St.. Chicago. -997 13
SALESMEN wanted to sell our completo
iinn nf Htnrk food. etc.. to tho trade: murt
bo experienced nnd rnpablo of handling
Tho Cupltol Food Co., THIln, Ohio.
999 13
WANTED, 200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876.
U 187
50 GIRLS, all kinds work. Canadian Olllce.
i; nil
A GOOD paying position to nn energotlo
inuy in eucu iowii; msu muy iravcicrs to
represent us. Thyroid-Lymph Co.. 501
Beo Bldg. C 6S6
GOOD girl for gencrnl housowork. Mrs
W. a. Wright, 1302 a. 30th AVO. C-979 13
WANTED, girl for, general housework;
uiiitiii iuiiiiij, nn miniiuiKi rriurvucea ro
quired. Apply at 415 N. 20th St.
GIRL for general housowork, 2539 Cali
fornia, u 993 15
LADIES wanted to do ombroldery and Bat.
tenberg at their homes; stendy work.
Chicago Crochet Co,, Chicago, III. (J
GIRL for general housework In smnll fam
liy; wages i per weeK. Apply U'lS 1'nrk
wuuo Ave. to. viii). u 1:4 uw
LADIES! I mnko big wages at homo unci
want nil to have the same nnnortunliv
Tho work Is very pleasant and will easily
pay $18 weekly. This Is no deception, i
want no money ami win giiuuy semi tun
purncuiarti 10 an sending stamp. Mrs. H.
A. Wiggins, Benton Harbor, Mich.
u lta 13
$9 TO $15 WEEKLY working piecework for
us at homo; no canvassing, if now em
ployed, on hour or two evenings will acid
j 10 u 10 your weemy income, write to
day. Incloso stamn. Work mallei! nn nn
plication. Address 20th Century Mfg. Co.,
luieuu, unto, lai 13"
LADIES, something new. muklnir snfn nl'
lows at home, $7 to $12 weekly; material
furnished: no canvassing: experience nn.
necessary: steady employment; send
stamped envelope uouscitom .Mfg. Co
Erie St., Chicago. C-199 13
WANTED. 100 girls In our shirt factory
corner llth and Do.iglua sts, M. E. Smith
W ANTED Young Indies to learn hatr-
circssing, manicuring or massage, com
pleto courso given In tour weeks, posi
tions at $10 to $15 weekly guaranteed
grnduatcs, tools prevented, diplomas
awarded. Call or wrlto for catalogue.
Moler College, 1623 Farnam St.
LADY to travel and collect In Nebraska
for manufacturer; salary $50 monthly to
begin; send references and addressed
onvclopo nt once. Treasurer, 702 Stnr
Bldg., Chicago. C-142 13
LADIES wanted to do plnln needlework
ior us m iiome. wo iuriiina inmermia uuu
pay $7 to $10 per week. Send addressed
stamped envelope to Standard Co., Indl
una Ave., Chicago. C 113 13
LADIES wanted to work on sofa pillows;
mnterlals furnished; steady work guaran
teed; oxperlenco unnecessary. Send
stamped envelope to Miss McGeo, Needle
work Dept., Ideal Co., Chicago.
WANTED Immediately, ilrst-class makers;
t a ... ff-M T A tilnrann tnllll.
ner, 119 N. 12th, Lincoln. Neb. C-279 13
WANTED, makers for millinery depart
ment, Jiosion atorc. J. ij. uranueis
Sons. Apply manager millinery depart
ment. C-2S1 13
WE WANT n. good, live, hustling mnn or
woman to represent us in overy town oi
ono thousand or moro Inhabitants for tho
exclusive sale of Yankee Cleaner. Cleans
enrpcts, painted woodwork, windows,
glnssware, silverware, enameled ware,
metal surfaces of all kinds; everything.
Money doubled on every Bale. Agents
nverago from $3 to $4 a day. Ak for
sample and proposition. Chicago Wood
Finishing Co. ($150,000.00 paid up capital),
120-130 Elston Ave., Chicago.
IF TOU want your homes well rented
placo them witn uenawa st uo. o 469
u 11 u
TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Btornge
(jo., oinco lbiift rarnam, or toi. ju.i-sw.
HOUSES, stores. Bemis, Faxton block.
u 473
HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1521 Douglas.
JJ 173
HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk.
D 474
FOR RENT, 11-room atono house, 416 N.
in at. ii. -i. uiaxKe, u Jtamge jjik.
13 17T
3835 PARKER ST., 10 rooms, city water,
lurnaco ana Darn: mi, iiz.w.
16th and Douglas Sis.
HOUSES for rsnt In U parts of the city.
urennan-ixvo wo., vsj ooutn nui street.
D (80
FOR RENT, house and barn, all modern,
2137 South 33d St. Apply 463 Merchants'
rsaiionai ianK uiag. jj tsi
HOUSES-WHEATON, 418 Paxton Blk.
U 4 S3
5-ROOM cottage, $12. Inquire 2710 Parker.
NO hnrd coal needeft, central, seven room
House; also nvo room nat. Tlzard, 7l
N. 24th. D-606 N 1
6-ROOM detached house, nil modern, lawn,
etc., i.i a. Jan. win urowno, jr.
844 S. 23D ST., 4-room flat. In fine repair,
cur water in Kiicnen; ram, iv.
16th and Douglas Sts.
FOR RENT, slx-room cottage 2211 Cali
fornia street: convenient; city and cistern
water. Apply at C07 N. 19th street.
DESIRABLE dwelling, 10 rooms, modern,
gas, uuin, lurnace, launury, excellent ro
pair, good location. 2002 No. 18th St. Ap
ply to Garvin Bros., 1601 Farnam St.
G-ROOM cottago. 25th and Franklin.
u M'JTZ 12
2747 S. 13TH ST., 6 rooms, In fine condition,
city water in Kitcncn; rent, ii.
16th and Douglas Sts.
7-ROOM modern. 2705 Howard st. Tel.
Aii3.'. is. u. Hamilton, 211 a. ntn.
324 S. 29TH AVE.', new brick dwelling of
8-rooms, tnorougniy monern, urst-ciass in
every particular, $10. Gnn'ln Bros., 1004
Farnam St, D 9u9
2201 MAPLE St, 8 rooms, $20..
112 No. 2tlth St., 9 rooms, modern, $30.
JU11N N. FKlSfiSISll, orr. OL,u p. o.
ELEGANT apartment of 7 rooms, "Tho
janitor, telephone, ball room, etc. Pnyno
Knox Co., main fl. N. Y. Life Bldg.
D-M944 14
FOR RENT, 3-room house, 2409 Chicago
street; win sen tno turnituro or rent it.
D-978 13
FOR RENT, B-room cottage, 3028 Charles.
newly papered, nice yard, largo snade
trees, city water, etc. Jas. E. Van Glider,
3024 Charles. D-935 13
FOR RENT, elegant S-room house, all mod
ern improvements. 404 n. aa st.
D-M9S5 13
!19 S. 29TII AVE., 8 rooms, all modern, good
16th nnd Douglas Sts.
1305 S. 32D ST., 10 rooms, steam heat, mod
ern, u ntu is-
MODERN cottuge, sovon rooms, nearly
new. n. zttn st., cor. mnney. uneap
rpnt to choico tenant, furnished or unfur
nished. Room 30S N, Y, Life.
D-M9S9 13
FOR tho winter, 4 cottages, with bath,
Inside clnsot, sink, gns, nil in good re
pair, near car, good neighborhood, only
$12 each. Wullaco, 311, J. J. Brown block.
3-ROOM ground floor flat, modern except
furnace. tu ooutn 1 wenijr-ciKmii wireui.
D 126 13
1329 8. 31st, 9 rooms, modorn, $37.50.
2707 Farnnm. 9 rooms, modern. $35.
112 N. 31st Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $55.
2115 Emmot. 9 rooms, modern, $30.
j305 S. 28th, 7 rooms, modern. $32.50.
i7il Wnnlwnrth. bath. ens. city water. $20.
B12I Lldsay Ave., 4 rooms, $3.50.
iull juupie, 0 rooms, cuy wuicr, ta.w.
ij2i 8. 17th, 5 rooms, city water, 110.50.
ZSZ4 corny, o rooms, o.
28th and B, South Omahar 7 rooms, city
water. $18.
39th, nenr Burt, new house, all modorn,
ready about November 1, $10.
Mil n.anl K rnrtmn. rltv wnter t 8.00
3801 N, 21th, 5 rooms, city water 10.00
isns Corny, u rooms, city wutor yj,w
2421 Cuming, 6 rooms (flat) 15.00
0021 Chlrogo. 6 rooms, modern 20. no
2642 Dodge, 9 rooms, modern 22.00
it)H Dodge. 10 rooms, modern 25,00
20O! N. 18th St, 11 rooms, modern 32,00
324 Park Ave., new, brick, 11 rooms,
modern ' 40.00
TEN rooms. 2601 Dodge, all modorn, $23.
8 rooms, 2901 Farnam, nil modern, $25.
8 rooms, 1712 California, all modern. $25.
7 rooms, 630 South 21st Ave, nil modern, $21.
7 rooms, 211 N. 23d St., nil modern, $18.
1 rooms. 2313 O St., South Omnha, nil mod
ern, $20. F. D. WEAD, 1624 Douglns.
FOB KENT A few nice housos. B. It.
Ball, 526 New York Life. D 210 13
FOR RENT, elegant 8-room house, beauti
fully tlntshed, nil modern conveniences.
3015 Pacific st. Hicks. 320 Board of Trnde
bldg. D-2T0 13
FOR RENT Residence of Mrs. Milton
Rogers. S3I S. 37th (furnished), November
1 to May 1. D-116--13
10-room and bnrn, modern except furnnco,
974 No. SJtn Ave., $26.
9 rooms, city water, 1120 Ro. inth St.. $20.
6 rooms and barn. 1912 Plerco St., $U'.50.
5 rooms, city wnter, 1122 Ro. 19th St.. $12.
D M2J6 13
TEN-ROOM, modern, largo yard, 2019 St.
Mury'a Ave.. $50. Others. Rlngwalt Bros,,
Uarktr Block. C-M105-18
FOR RENT by the Putnam Co., G04-B N. Y.
L. Bldg., 7-room modern Hat, steam heat;
6-room llat, 26th and Erskine. Small storo
building. 2IUi and Bownrd, D 187 13
1511 SO. 28TII ST., 6-r.. VERY CHOICE,
3107 Decatur St., 6-r good well, $10.
5(2 So. 2h Av 6-r., closo, city water and
4235 Harney St., 7-r MODERN EXCEPT
2758 Webster St.. 7-r., MODERN EXCEPT
3407 Jackson St., 7-r., ALL MODERN, $20.
uristoi nt., 7-r., city water insinc,
paved street. $13.
First floor N. Y. Llfo Bldg.
D-101 13
FOR RENT, elegant 8-room. brick, modern
residence, 549 South 26th avenue, $40.
Brcnnan-Lovo Co., 309 South 13th St.
D-1S2 1J
I B.OO-Small cottage, 3321 Francis st.
10.002412 Grant avenue, small cottage
and barn.
25.00 Modern house of 10 rooms, hot water
boating, newly painted and papered,
1023 Center.
80.00 Attractive modern house of 8 rooms,
furnaco, good yard, 2S23 Poppleton avc-
45.00 Very attractive modern houso of 9
rooms, with large barn, 3624 N. 24th st.
OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 Douglas St.
D-193 13
TEN-ROOM, modorn, 816 fl. 22d St. Ring
wait Bros., Barker Block. D MIOi
FIVE-ROOM furnished house In South
Omaha, splevovil location. Address Box
G, Beo oftlcd, Scrath Omaha.
D M207 15
4-R. HOUSE, S. 20th. near Vinton. $8.
9-r. houso and barn. 815 S. 46th, $15.
J-r. house, 4820 California st., to be vacant
November 1, $20.
- 'Phone 1510. Board of Trade Bldg.
D-22 13
FOR RENT, good 7-room modern house.
2921 Paclllc, 125.. D. V. Sholes Co.. 310
N. Y. Life. D M2I2 17
FOR RENT, modern 7-room house; por
celain bath nnd furnace. Inqtilro nt 212
8. 30th St. . D-231 13
COMPLETELY furnished house, choice
location, for rent for tho winter, to small
family. Address J 30, Bee, D-M229 10
DANDY C-room cottago. 9S0 N. 27th st.
D-M268 N12
o-ROOM modern or G-room cottage, corner
33d nnd Spnuldlng sts., $10. Apply to
owner, on premises. D 239 13
3031 So. 18th, warm 3-r. brick,, only $8.
830 So. 17th, rear, G-r. close in, good condi
tion, $9. ...
110 No. 37th, R-r nicely papered, city water
and barn, $15.
1520 Canton, 4-r., city wnter, wilt paper for
good tenant, at only $7.
3009 Corby, choice 6-r. cottage, city water
Inside, nicely papered, on car, $10.
3702 No. 19th, new 6-r., porcelain bath ana
gas. only $16. A snap.
30n6 Dodgo. elegant 6-r strictly modern new
home, $32.50. Anothor snap.
2771 Webster, flno G-r.. strictly modern cot
tage. $25. Still another snap.
1S39 No. 24th. choico 6-r. flat, city water,
rniwcr. closet Inside, only $13.
511 California. 6-r., city water, sewer, gas,
cistern, cioso in town, ...
1505 No. 38th, 6-r.. modorn plumbing nnd
gas, choice at $18.
3SC8 Seward, 7-r., porcelain bath, sewer,
oto., Just sold and now ownor wants choico
permanent tenant, only $18.
701 80. 26th. 7-r.. nil modern except furnaw,
reduced to $27.50.
1208 No. 21th, 7 largo r.. city water, gas,
justbclng painted and reduced to only
3315 'Hamilton, 7-r.. new, strictly modern.
$22.50. A big snap. Permanent walks
isoon to bo completed on street.
613 No. 22d. good 8-r.. nil modern. laundry.
otc, worth $40. reduced to $32.60.
2215 Miami. 8-r., all modern except furnaco,
only $22.50.
2607 Wool worth, biggest and Jbest 10-r all
modern houso In Omaha for $20. Certainly
3305 BCafi'forntn, warm 10-r. house, to bo
neatly papered and repaired, for only $16.
Will rent to 2 small families.
523 80. 25th Ave., 10-r.. nil modorn, closo In,
lino repair, only $27.50. Of courso It s a
U".tK It)
DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam.
E 4S3
THE THURSTON. Cool, airy rooms.
E 134
2 NICELY furnished rooms, well heated.
1908Cnpltol ave. E C30
3 ROOMS, light housekeeping. 1112 S. llth
st. E M971
3 ROOMS with bath, nono but those with
tho best of reforenco need apply. COS So.
13th. E-M128 19
LARGE parlor, south front, furnished or
unfurnished. Call today or Monday.
2120 Douglas St. E 121 13
LARGE furnished front room in a private
family, suitable for ono or two gentlemen;
references required., 112 S. 25th nvo.
' E-227 13
I'OR RENT, a furnished room, with or . , , " ; -
without board, to two young Indies em- AGENTS for Davis' Mechanics' Snap, the
ployed during tho day; terms reasonable. great stain remover: toilet nnd laundry:
Apply Sunday afternoon, 1514 S. 26th st. outnt freo; 100 per cent profit. DavN Soap
K-240 13 Co., Chicago. J-M101 13
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms for CANVASSERS Immediately to go south for
light housekeeping, steam heat. 313& N. the winter; car faro advanred reliable
15th. Flat L. E M277 15 men; permanent, stable, exceedingly Hiitls-
, r factory: new, low-priced, novel necessity;
WE HAVE Just moved in nnd hnvo llvo mention ago and reference. Nelmnr Mfg.
nicely furnished, modern rooms for rent. Co., Canton, Pa. J 183 13
C. H. Ellis. 1915 Webster St. E-2S7 13 'v;n 7 TT "7 .". 1
WANTED, organizers, stnto and district
FURNISHED rooms, stenm heat. 2011 deputies; highest salary or commission
Hurney. E-M2S3 14 P'L " ;coml)04entl. m1nvnnnk?,,II.n,1Pn
, 1 . of tho World, Omaha, Nob. J 176 13
ONE nlco furnished room for rent cheap. .,.777 " T r-777"
930 N. 23d St. E-M273 A.KTB, ,wn.nif(,,,w,e hfVO tho best Life
. of President McKlnlev. by Marshntl Ever-
LARGE nicely furnished front room, down- largest bopk; 100 per cent to good
town, to womnn: can do light housekeep- solicitors. Western Publishing Co.. (ai.ffll
lng. 1819 Jackson. E-269 13 Paxton block. J-228 13
UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F 483 INTELLIGENT young man of good ehar-
. ncter (employed), wnnts small single room,
GLENCAIRN, transient $1.25 day. 1609 Doug. plain furnished, but cletn and light, with
F IS'i private family preferred. Please addons
and Htate price, J 25, Beo. K 155 13
FURNISHED rooms with board. 2576 Har- ;
ney St. F 958 022 YOUNG couple, no children, wish to rent
1 - threo or four unfurnished rooms In mod-
NICE home for young men. 108 S. 25th st. crri house not over 14 blocks from post-
F 575 office. Prlvnte family preferred. Refcr-
- ences exchanged. Address, J 23, Bee.
ROOM for 2 gentlemen. 509 S. 25th avo. K 118-13
F-MSG3 1 ,tl
ROOMS and board for two or threo young STOHAOB.
men; a home for right parties. 2i!19 N.
24th st. F-M961 13" PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co., 912-
. . 7T I ,17" I T", 911 Jones, general storage and forwarding,
A NICELY furnished room with board for . ca
gentleman; prlco $18. 718 So. 28th St. 7
l'-Mia) 15 OM, van Stor. Co., 15UV4 Fnrn. Tels. 1559-6J.
... 490
FOR RKXT-UNFUIINISIIHO ROOMS. 6TORAGE, low rates. Dcrlght, 1119 Farnam
at. -877
DESK room space, $6 per month, ground
floor room In Tho Bee building, racing WANTED TO UUY,
Farnam strcot; no expense for light, heat
or Janitor service. It. C, Peters & Co., 1
Rental Agents, Beo Building. a 416 WANTED, 10 carloads of furniture and
ftovea for St. Louis Expo. Tel. 771. Ad-
LIGHT housekeeping, 2026 St. Mury's avc. dross J. Lovlno, 306 N. 10. N-5S4 031
G 992
-. . WANTED A secondhnnd bank safe. Ad-
llOOMS for light housekeeping, steam hoat. dress, J 7, Bee. N SS2 20
313',j N. 15th. Flut L. G-278 13
WANTED, to buy, good second-hand top
buggy; must bo cheap, for cosh: state
FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES, price nnd where can bo seen. Address
3 1,ua" N-M98I
FOR RENT, storo In first-class location; ROYAL ACORN hard coal heater: state
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & prlco. J 32, Uee. N M232 15
Co., ground floor, Beo Bldg. 1266
, WANTED, to buy, second-hnnd light oak
FOR RENT, olllce with vault and part llrst Bldeboard. plenty room for linen. Address
lloor or all top floor. H14-16 Harney St. M, Beo oftlce, Council Bluffs. N 2S0 13
Midland Glass and Paint Co., 1110 Hurney -
St. 1-4SS
FOR RENT, the building formerly occu- ' FOB HA-B-KUIISITIJRK.
pled by Tho Bee nt 91G Furnam St. It bus
four stories und a basement which was CHICAGO Furniture Co., H10 Dodge. Tel.
formerly tired ns Tho Bee press room. 2020. Now und 2dhand, bought, sold, ex-
This will bo rented very reasonably. If changed. O 491
Interested apply nt once to C. C. Rose-
water, secretary, room 100, Bee Building. FOR SALE, fine furniture at prlvnto sulo
1 1-261 at 1306 80. 28th St. 0-917
JOINT occupancy of nicely furnished oftlce. FOR SALE Nlco onk bedroom suite, some
with uso of cullgraph nnd letter press, $S other furniture. 9S0 North 27th street,
per month, Inquire nt Room 10, over 218 0-991 14
B. 15th St. I
1 . NEW, hnndsomo sideboard und dining
712 SO, 1GTH St., flno brick store, 22xS0 ft., table, Smyrna rug und other nrtlcles at
with price reduced to only $30. If you less than hulf cost. Must soil within
want It rail ut once on Henry B. Payne, next three days. Parties leave city nn
Cni-2 N. Y. Llfo, I 200 13 account of sickness. W. M. Cnrlln, 3323
. - Manderson. O-120-13
FINE largo storeroom, barn .remented eel-
Inr on No. 24th; first-class grocery for 13 COMPLETE furnishings 6 rooms, very
years; a big snap, See, Henry B. Payne, reasonuble: part cash, or will rent same.
601 N. Y. I Addresa J 31, Bee. 0-23J 13
MEMORIAL Llfo of McKlnlcy, four Ian
guages, C50 pages. 100 halftones, $1.50; free
outnt. W. A. Hlxcnbaikjh & Co., :.oj
Ware block, Omahu. J SC6
COUNTRY canvassers can mako good
money taking subscriptions to Tho Twen
tieth Century Farmer as a sldo lino. Rof.
crenccs required. Address Beo Publishing
Co., Omaha, Ntb. J 612
AGENTS wanted for new publications;
prospectus, etc., free. George llarrle &
Son, 1313 Walnut St., Philadelphia.
J-M2S1 Janl2
$088 PROFIT first month by one agent;
article patented; bewaro Imitations; sep
clal proposition and cxcluslvo control to
llrst applicant. Dry Powder Fire Appli
ance, 154 East 23d St., N. Y. City. J
LIFE OF McKINLEY-$3.00 to $25.00 dolly
mado by new plun whereby our agents
glvo books away; everyono secures it
copy; over 600 pages, loo original half
tone Uustrntlons; bcnutlfully bound; out
lit froo and now ready; control of stntcs
on salnry given early applicants. Address
Fredericks Publishing Company, Fred
ericks Building, Philadelphia, Pa. J
WANTED, reliable women or men to sell
our goods to tho consumer In communi
ties from 1.000 to 10,000 population ; per
manent employment nt good pay. Ad
dress, Tho Great Eastern Coffee & Tea
Co., 301 S. 10th Bt., St. Louis, Mo. J-
$500 PROFIT In six weeks; agents wanted
for authorized nnd oillclnl "Llfo of Wil
liam McKlnley," by Hon. J. R. Young,
formerly clerk United States sennto;
beats all others as quick seller; tilled with
half-tone pictures; agents' terms most
liberal ever offered; send 10 cents for
sample volume outllt. Also McKlnley's
Memorlnl Picture, slzo 16x20; ngents maku
500 per cent: sample plcturo 25 cents. You
can meet all competition by selling book
nnd picture together. Tho Provldenco Co.,
324 Dearborn St., Chicago. J
AGENTS wnnted for "Llfo nnd Distin
guished Services of AVm. McKinloy." by
Murat Halstcad, etc.; GOO pages, only $1;
biggest book, lowest price, fastest seller;
agents' profits 100 to 30i) per cent; we sell
nil tho different McKIuley books and al
low snmo profits; wo save all our agents
money; outllts free. Standard Publishing
House, Dept. G, Chtcugo. J
AUTHENTIC life of President McKlnley
by 11 personal friend nnd an eminent au
thor, l'rospectus sent free on recslpt of
luc to help pay cost of mulling. Prospec
tuses of our llvo holiday books nnd "Llfo
of McKlnley" sent frco on receipt of 25c,
Order quick. Union Book und Blblo
House, Denver, Colo. J
AGENTS wnnted everywhere, sell watches,
Jewolry, cutlery, household nnd toilet arti
cles, society emblems, sewing machines,
bicycles; tlno goods; big commissions.
Sond for catalogue. Equitable Manfg.
Co., C2-6S West Broadway, New York.
J-1CS 13
PORTRAIT agonts, send address. Wo
want to Bend you sample, of coming por
trait: something fine; also crayons, sepias
and pastels. Fldollty Portrait Co.. 305 W.
Lake St., Chlcugo. J-197-13
NOW the tlmo to mako 100 per cent profit
for hustlors, cither box, evorywhere, sell
ing brand now artlclo merit; wrlto for cir
culars. Humphrey's Experimental Lab
oratory, 6S6 Massachusetts Ave., Cam
bridge, Mass. J-163 13
WANTED, salesman for Nebraska; furni
ture specialties; excellent seller; exclusive
or ns side line; liberal commission; give
references. Makers & Sellers Co., 47 West
Iiko St., Chicago, 111. . J 120 13
AGENTS wanted. With Hayes motalllc
ruoDcr ureB tor rocKing ennirs you can
mnko $100 per month. Address J. C.
Hayes, 416 E. Locust St, Des Moines. Ia.
J-131 13
AGENTS To sell Flno Kentucky Whisky
tu iinvuto cunsumers uy inu gnuun unu
to dealers by tho bnrrel. Permanent po
sition; good pay. Licking Valley Distill
ing Co., Covington, Ky. J
OUTFIT frco; credit given: cut prlco
Aiiiud uuukh; uvc uooKt i&c; 91 iiook, -oc;
$1.50 book, 60c; $2.50 book, 75c. Also best
llfo McKlnley. Ferguson, 3311 Fifth St.,
Cincinnati. J M171 11
AGENTS wanted: can mako $100 weekly:
semi ior proot nnu cataioguo; door plates,
numbors, signs, readablo tho darkest
nights; samples free. Right Supply Co.,
Englowood, 111. J 145 13
$100.00 PER weok made selling tho Won
derful Dornn System Light, l.ioo C. P.
Costs onc-hnlf cent per hour. Moro bril
liant than electric nrcs. Send for testi
monial list. Dcpt V, Acorn Brnsa
Works, Chicago. J 146 13
AGENTS wnnted to sell Rheumatic Tablets;
ruuriiiiieuu euro or money rerunded.
.lbcrul inducements. Samples freo.
Rheumatic Tablet Company, 45 N. 13th
St., Philadelphia, Pa. J 117 13
AOENfS wanted, "Our Martyr Presi
dents." Only complote biography of Win.
McKinloy; also lives of Lincoln and Gar
field; full history of anarchy; four books
In ono, by Senator Cullom and John
Coulter; best book, largest, most com
plete, most popular, most authentic, over
100 Illustrations; only $1.50; best commis
sions paid; freight pnld; credit given;
canvassing outfits free; send 10c for
postage Geo. M. Hill & Co., 166 S. C'ln
ton st, Chicago. J 203 13
AGENTS wanted to represent the Vnder
wrlter's Flr Extinguisher In this state:
exclusive territory. App'y to Knight &
Thomas, 31 Central St., Boston, Mass.
WE HOLD nn auction salo of horses every
Wednesday p. m. nt tho Union Stock
Yards, Wnlworth-llllllkcr Co.
P-M671 OH
GOOD repairs on wngons, etc., at Harry
Frost's, llth und Ix-avenworth. P 493
FOR SALE, Col J minis top buggy, Snyder
phaeton, new surrey, two poles, two sad
dles. 1C07 Lnthrop st. P M963 13
FOR SALE Flno span, matched, carriage
Fiorses: nlso carriage, phaeton, sleigh,
harness, etc. Address, J 21, Bee.
2DIIAND safo cheap. Dorlght, 1119 Fnrnatn.
SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented, 114 3 13
EDISON & COLUMBIA talking machines
and records. Omaha Blcyclo Co., 16th nnd
Chicago. Q SOI
FIR timbers for housemovors, etc., (0 to
71 ft, cribbing and hog fence. 901 Doug
las. Q 490
BUGGIES, phnetons, surroys, wagons, bi
cycles; big stock new, second-hand bar
gulns. Fredrlckson, 15th and Dodge.
P-M9U3 N7
CHOICE lot of milch cows for sale cheap.
8. T. Campbell,. 4213 Center St. Q 497
CADET cont, good as new; will fit boy 13
or II years old. Address H 53, Ben.
oO SQUARE pianos, $50 each; 60 rents per
week. Schmollor & Mueller, 1313 Farnam
street. Tclephono 1625. Q M7S1 19
500 OVERCOATS, bargains. Marowltz, 41S
N. 16tll. Q-239
PIANO boxes, good for coal bins, cheap,
1313 Fnrnum street, Tclephono 1625.
Q-M7S0 19
PHAETON, stcol nnd rubber tires.
Buggies, open and top.
0 family carriages.
1 6-pass. carrluge.
1 Victoria nnd 1 Rockaway.
1 hack und 2 broughams.
1 depot wagon.
Second-hand hnrness nlso.
18th and Harney.
l'OR SALE Sharpless separator, cnglno,
holler, vats and other creamery supplies
cheap. W. E. Dlshor, St. Edward, Neb.
G-991 15
FOR SALE, tho rights of an advertising
publication In ho form of an Illustrated
album. For particulars address U. S.
Biographical Society, 35 Broadwny. New
Y'ork. Q 106 13
FRESH cow for sale. Gives fifteen nunrts
rich milk a day. Inquire E. L. McShunc,
'phono 6S8. Q 115 13
FINE gold fish, two for 25c, nt 1G0GH Leav
enworth St. Q-M113-14
FOR SALE, bedroom set, carpets nnd
draperies. Call afternoons, 2717 Jnckon
St. Q-216 13
FOR SALE, hnrd coal burner. Royal Acorn,
nt 921 80. 31st. Q 217 13
FOR SALE, ono No. 6 Radiant Homo base
burner, ill good condition, $20.00. Bit So.
26th St. Q 102 13
UPRIGHT piano for sale or rent. Inquire
of Wm. Anderson, clerk, llor Grand.
Q-179 13
BASE BURNER, Radiant Home, nlmost
now. 124 N. 31st avo. Q M281 14
A proper Interpretation of tho lines In tho
palm reveals tho secrets and a good mnny
so-called mysteries of life.
Mmc. Gylmcr reads tho palm as though It
wero a printed code nnd can toll any
thing you deslro to know concerning the
affairs of life. She tolls you whnt you
nro best adapted to, what your successful
periods uro and what Impulses to be
guided by. If you nro contemplating a
speculative Investment don't fall to got
this remarkable woman's advlco.
Parlors of Palmistry. 315 8. 15th St., In
Oranlto block, 2d lloor. Take olevator.
Scud $1 and 6 questions answered.
8-223 13
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 N. 16th.
MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 S.
15th. S 199
DON'T fall to call and consult tho Ron
manlan gypsy, who reveals all secrets and
rends and explains to you your entlro life.
1923 Douglas st, corner 20th.
S-M230 19
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns nnd superflu
mis hair removed by electricity. It. 12,
Frenzer block. U 500
M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac
cordion ploatlng plant In the west; mail
orders solicited. Suite, 200, Douglas block.
RUPTURE CURED without the knlft. Em
pire Ruptuto Cure, 932 N. Y. Llfo Bldg.
RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to GO
days; send for circular. O. 8. Wood, M.
D 621 New Y'ork Llfo Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
U-6SI 015
ELITE PARLORS, 615 So. ISth St., 2d lloor.
IJ 43 028
MME. SMITH, baths, 113 N. 15, 2d floor. R 2.
U-911 N7
MME. AMES, 317tf N. 15, flat E, baths.
U-M573 031
VIAVA, woman's way to health; rational,
wholesome home treatment. 348 Beo Bldg.
OMAIIA Accordion Pltg Co., 1524 Douglas.
ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and
quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and Far
nam. U-C07
WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents
per week: we repair and sell needles nnd
parts for every machine manufactured.
'Phone 1663. Neb. Cycle Co., 15 & Harney,
Branch Offices: 612 N. 24th, South Omaha;
phono 2173. 331 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
U-874 Q21
GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale
and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug
Ins. U-MG03
ADV. calendars. Burkley Ptg. Co.
U-M597 Jnnl
PRIVATE hospltnl, before and during con
flnemcnt; babies adoptod. 306 Ornnt St.
Mrs. Gnrdcls. U 911
TRIVATE homo for ladles beforo and dur
ing confinement; babies adopted.' W20
Burdette St. Mrs. Uurget. U 956 N9
RELIABLE party wishes to borroVllOO.OO
for threo months. Will pay 10 per cent In
terest. Address J 16, Beo office.
U-937 11
MARRY or correspond for amusement;
send Btninp for sealed particulars. Box
D2GS, Council Bluffs, la. U
MARRY lovely women and honornblo men;
mnny rich. Sond 2a for big dcscrlntlvo
list. Mutunl Exchange, Denver, Colo.
JESSIE: Meet me tomorrow afternoon at
17th and Farnam. Want you to hear tho
now Talking Machines nt Wlttmunn'c
it costs nothing. Frank. U 209 13
MARRIAGE paper, exclusive, 21 pages, 10c,
sealed; nothing free; rellablo; established
1896: many wealthy; only paper giving
bank nnd commerclnl refcrenco; Investi
gate, It, L. Love, Denver, Colo.
U-160 13
G ET married. Why live single when protty
Indies und honornblo men (many rich)
ridvertlso In The Pilot? Many portraits
published In each Issue. Sarniilo copv
sent frco or threo months for Jo cents.
Ladles' personals published free, by No
Address, The Pilot, Dept. 11, Chicago, III
ATTRACTIVE young Indy of 20, worth
$12,000, desires correspondence. "Object,"
settling down In life. Box 6S9 Toronto
Junction, Ont. U Hi 13
DO YOU know your futuro7 If notn
dress Riley Al'en, St. Anthony Hill Sta
tion, St. Paul, Minn. Send 10a nnd birth
date, with quick reply he will give you
this Information In n wonderful life rend
ing. U-138 13
YOUNG lady with $30,000 property needs'
husband of ability to managn same;
would marry at once; bank references.
Address Miss L., Drawer 675, Chicago, III.
YOUR future revealed by astrology; send
-o cents, 3 cent stamp and tiato of txrtti
10 i-roi. unveil, 417 ust unio st imiinn-
St., Indian-U-202
13 ,
upous, IIHI.
really meritorious McKlnley song, In
troducing favorite hymns: beautiful
photo cover, 50c: for introduction only
10c; bargain lists free. Success Muslo
Co., Chicago. U 201 13
LADIES, $500 reward for n caso of sup
pression, any cause, my monthly regula
tor falls to rcllovo nt once. Dr. Jack
son R. Co,, It 80S, 167 Dearborn St., Chi- .
cago. U-200 13
HANDSOME American Indy. Independently
rich, wnnts good, honest husband. Ad
dress Erie, 193 Washington st. Chicago,
III. U-19S 13
Monday we will sell tho following second
hand machined so cheap that you can't
afford to sew by hand. They nro all in
good condition and will mnko iv perfect
stitch: . ,
Former price. This week.
1 Singer $ 4.00 ' $ 1.00
1 Household 20.W S0O
3 Singers, high nrm 20.00 S.C0
1 Hlnger, now improved.... 30.00 15. o
1 Household 10.00 6.W
1 Union 10.00 6.W
1 Whlto 16.00 8.JH1
1 Wilcox & Glbbs 25.00 12.
1 New Home 20.0) ,W
1 Singer, tailoring 20.00,, 10.00
Modern drop-head machines, slightly usod,
nt one-half regular prlco. Wo rent ma
chines nt 75c per week or $2 per month.
Theso nro modern, up-to-dato inncuinoa,
with complete attachments.
Wo sell needles nnd parts for and ropnlr
every sowing mnchlne manufactured.
Cor. 15th nnd Harney Sts.
Branch Ofllces-612 N. 24th, St., South
Omnha, Neb., and 331 Broadway. Council
Bluffs, In. U-U' 13
SWOBODA'8 complete $20 course sclnntlllo
physical culture sent postpaid for $.'. K
Ballugy, 119 Dearborn St., Chicago
THE gentleman who got hold of ft Indy s
capo, lrtth and Dodgo, In tho evening
whllo tho Salvation Army wero thcro,
September 25. and sent 11 letter to tho
lady to meet him October 2 ut 8 In tho
evening; won't ho plcnse send his uddresa.
J 8, Bee. U-122-13'
BEFORE exposure to wind, sun or cold
apply SATIN-SKIN Cream, then uso
SATIN-SKIN Powder. Prevents tan.
smarting, gives lovely complexion. Satin
Skin. 20c. U-1S1 13
WALL PAPER ch-uncr. C. Mcddlemlst,
'phono 1258. Lonvo orders at 1519 Farnnm.
Rooms cleaned, $1 up U-ML7 19 f
Is good advlco in most cases, but it wont
hold good nlwuys; when calling for ti
clgur Just say:
nnd you can't miss it, whether on first
or second thought.
Bought for $37 per 1,000 and sold at Bo
U-M233 19
AN upright grand piano. In absolutely por
fect condition, to bo had nt a very low
figure. Fred R. Walter, 3112 California
St. U-M238 14
HAIRDRESSING, manicuring nnd chiro
pody, for Indies only, tu connection with
Tho Bathery. 216 220 Beo bldg. U-2S5
SUPERFLUOUS hnlr, warts nnd mol's
permanently removed by electricity; con
sultntlnn free and cnnlldentlnl: all work
guaranteed. Miss Altcnder, 1613 Douglas.
U-2S2 13
BAGGAGE, express, moving, 1 toff's Ex
press Co., new management. 606 S. 16th.
Tel. 1717. U-M268 N12
A RANCHMAN of 10. frequently In Omaha
on business, would llko to meet a discrete,
young or middle-aged woman who Is fond
of nmusoments, llfo Is brief, no tlmo for
trlflers; send photo nnd tell nil, occupn
tlon, etc.. first letter; letters held strictly
confidential nnd returned If postage H
enclosed; grafters don't write. Address
Chas. Lewis, C. E., Grcon River. W.vo.
V M293 13
' 1 - 1
5 AND EU per cont loans. W. II. Thomas,
First National Bank building. Tel. 1G48.
W-MS -
LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western
Iowa furms at 5 per cent; borrowers can
pay $100 or any multlplo; any Interest
date: no delay. Brcnnun-Lovo Co.. 309 So.
13th St., Otr.uha, Nob. W-609
WANTED, city lonns, bonds and warrants.
Gcorgo & Company, 1001 Farnam street
WANTED, city louns nnd wnrrnnts. W.
Farnum Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street
W 311
WANTED, city and farm loans; nlso bonds
and warrants. It C. Peters & Co., 1703
Farnam St.. Boo Bldg. W 512
THREE PER CENT money on Nebraska
real estate: como and sco me. F. It
Becmnn, 627 Paxton block. W 236 13
4 TO 6 P. C. monoy. Bemls, Paxton Blk.
$50,000 SPECIAL fund; loans $500 up: lowest
rates. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnnm.
4W AND B PER CENT R. C. Patterson. 810
New York Life. W-M139 021
$300, $100, $500 PRIVATE money to lonn; 1,
2. 3 or 5 years. W. L. Sclby, Board of
Trnda Bldg. W 515
SEE HENRY B. TAYNE, 601-2 N. Y. Life.
MONEY to lonn on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Lovo Co., 309 South 13th.
W. B. MEIKLE, 401 S. 16th St., loans money
on property at 6 per cent.
PRIVATE monoy. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L.
PRIVATE monoy. F. D. Wead, 1821 Douglas.
$10, $15. $20, $25, $30, $33,
$40, $50, $75, $100,
$200. $250. $300.
l'LE on their plain nolo nt rates which
honest people can nfford to pay. Tho prop
erty to remain undisturbed in your pos
session. You got tho money the sumo duy
'you ask for It nnd t lit) trnnsactlon Is held
in strictest contldunce. Olllcu hours, 8 a.
m. to. 6 p. m. Wednesday and Saturday
evenings until 8 o'clock.
Boom 3u3, Third Floor, Paxton Block.
Furniture and pianos.
Horses, wngons and carriages.
You got tho monoy on short notice.
You receive the full amount In cash.
You may keep It ono month or more.
You pay for only what tlmo you keep It
Our rntes nro ns low us tho lowest.
Our business Is confidential.
our mono is, "Try to please."
119 Board of Trado Bldg. Tel. 2293.
(Established 1892.)
306 8. 16th St.
MONEY loaned on plnln noto to snlarlod
people; business confidential; lowest rates,
614 Paxton block. Tho J. A. Button Co.
llvo htock, etc. Quick service and lowest
rutes guaranteed, j, y, TAYLOE. 633 (top
floor) Paxton block, northeast corner 16th
und Farnam; eutranco on lGta street.
SALARIED PEOPLE, merchunts, team
sters, boarding houses, etc., without se
curity; easiest terms; 40 nfllcns In princi
pal cities. Tolmun, 440 Bourd of Trado
Bldg; X-521
MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, Jew
elry; also to aularled people without secur
ity; chenn rates; easy puymenU; business
confidential, Foley Ixian Co., successor
to Duff Green, It 8, Barker Blk. Est 1!'9
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew.
elry, horses, cows, otc. C. F. Reed, 319 S.13.
MONEY loaned on plnnns, furniture, horsos
cows, Jewelry. Duff Green. It 8, Uarkor bllt
LADIES' garments cleaned, nltered. ' re
paired reasonable. Max Fogel, 1207 Farnarn
-1 02S