t CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE VoIims if Buiinaii Fully as Ocod u Otuld Riajonsbljr Be Expected. NO CHANGE IN SUGAR AT THIS POINT Local J oli li cm Arc All Mnktim Exten sive 1'rrpnrntloim for IIIk He- order Ilnnliicnn mid Alto for Met Spring Trade, .Trade with local jobbers moved along at a very satisfactory rate Inst week. There was, of course, not the rjsh that waa ex perienced two or three weeks ago when fall trade wan at Its height, but neverthe less wholesale enjoyed u very nice pa tronage. A aood many merchants were In the city placlntf original orders and others were on the market sorting up their stocks. It Is a llttlo early as yet to expect much In the way of sorting up orders, as the de mand for fall goodo In the country Is now just getting nicely started and It will take some little tlmo to brenk stocks. Jobbers, however, confideilly expect that a llttlo later on there will be a big re-order bust nesa. as retailers did not buy extrava gantly to begin with. There seems to be no doubt In the mind of anyone but what retailers will have u nice trade In nil lines of fall and winter goods mt'i as a result they aro looking forward to a successful season. So far this full Jobbers In prac tically all lines havo fnr exceeded all pre vious records In the amount of goods sold and thero Bccms to bo no reason why they should not contlnuo to do ho the remainder of tho year. A good many representatives of local houses are now out with rumples of spring linen nnrt they aro finding It compnrtwivoly easy to Interest their customers. They my that tho outlook for advance orders for spring was never better this early In tho year than It Is at tho present time. The markets have not shown much change during tho wctk, with the exception of groceries. Hardware, dry goods, leather nntl rubber goods, furniture. Implements and practically lines handled liy Omaha Jobbora aro quoted at good firm prices, but without material changii. Values seem to be on a good firm foundation, with tho de mand fully equal and In many onset) In cx ctsr. of tho sjpply, so that tho chances of a lower lovel of prices nro rather remote. Huicar Iteinnlti Steady. Tho all absorbing topic with grocery Job bers last weok was the sugar situation. There wero many reports alloat of tho sensational cut In tho prlco of sugnr at various points, but local Jobbers fulled to find that prices on this market had weak ened in tho least. So far as this market Is concerned sugar Is selling nt tho amo prlco It was a week or ten days ago and It is claimed that very llttlo stock has been aold to the lower Missouri river points nt the reduced prices and what hns been sold has not effected tho general market. As re gard!! future movements no one, of course, is In a position to state. The market on canned goods has alo at tracted considerable attention. The entlro lino may bo said to bo In a very strong position, as stocks aro light and the pros pects of an enormous demand favorable. The markot on tomatoes, however, has been given tho most nttentlon and In fact It has been In a rather excited condition. It Is learned that the packing season ter minated with tho lightest pack In a num ber of years and as tho old stock was cleaned up before tho now goods camo on tho markot thero Is no old stock to fall back on. During tho week prices ad vanced &37Hc per dozen and still higher Crlcos nre expected. Those who ought to now predict that after the turn of tho year tho highest prices will rule on toma toes that havo been experienced In a long tlmo. There Is nothing new to report In fnrlnn ceous goods, as practically all lines nro selling about whero thoy wero a week ago. The same Is also truo of dried fruits. The. cheese market was rather uneven last week. Tho first fow days It took a drop which stimulated buying to such nn ex tent that tho loss was fully regained fce foro the end of tho week nnd the market may now bo said to bo In a stronger posi tion than It was a week ago. Other staplo lines hundled by local Job bers are Just about ntendy. The volume of business Is keeping up nt a very satisfactory rato nnd In fact lob bers say they have all they can do to keep up with their orders. Ito Chnnsre In' Ilnrdvrnre. The hardware market Is holding Its own In good shape. Stock Is coming on thn markot a llttlo more freoly than It waa during tho strike, but there Is demand for all the goods that local Jobbers can get their hands on. Tho samo seems to be truo all over tho country and It may safply b.i aid that the general market win never In a moro healthy condition thun It Is at tho present time. Oalvenlzed Iron Is quoted the same as It was a week ago and so a'so practically tho entlro line, so there Is no special featuro to the market. All season able goods aro now moving out nt a rapid rato nnd fall business promises to bo tho best on record, llnrb wire In particular Is In big demand and In fact Jobbers sny they never experienced such n heavy trndo be fore. The manufacturers aro coming to tho front In good shape and supplying tho stock Sromptly, o that Jobbers can till their or ers as rapidly as thoy come In. Thero are few' lines now which aro very short and thoso aro not causing any great amount of trouble. Nut Quite So Active. This Is what might bo called a between seasons period with dry goods men. Mer chants as n rule havo bought their full stocks and havo not had tlmo to sell out and as a result thero nro not very mnny of them coming on tho market. A few mer chants, however, were In tho city last week doing a llttlo sorting up. Traveling men a I claim that mcrchnnts arc doing a rushing business In tho country and that all that In needed Is a Utile touch of cold weather to make their stocks go to pieces. The way things look now there will bo a lil? re order business u llttlo later on nnd JobUcr.j are making big prepnrntlons for It. Traveling men aro meeting with good success with their spring lines nnd. In fact, are taking moro orders than they did a yoar ago at this time. Until JobberH nnd ic tallers seem to be very conlldent regarding futuro business and as a result no com plaints nre heard. Thero has been no particular ohange In the market situation, as prices aro llrm nil along the line. Tho demand continues heavy both at homo and abroad, eo manu facturers are finding u market for all tin goods they con turn out. Cotton goods In f articular aro good nnd firm nnd promlte o remain, that way for eomo tlmo to come. Good Trade lu I. outlier (iooiln. The demand for boots and shoes Is sur prisingly heavy for this tlmo of year. Mer chants are sorting up their' stocks and placing qulto liberal orders. They all sty that fall trade Is starting out lu n most promising manner nnd they see nn r-a 01 why thero should not be a good, bil.k trado throughout tho reason. ' Rubber goods aro also sclllnir freely, as the frequent rains aro bringing both foot wear and clothing into 'demnnd moro than usual during the fall of tho year. Clothing In particular has been selling freely and jobbers say tho only thing that worrl.s them Is to get tho goods fast enough to (111 their orders, tfrults nnd Produce. The most Important change Inst week In the quotations on vegetables wns tho drop In potatoes. A weok ago they wero selling at from II to $l.:s and now they nre quoted at from 80 cents to H.io. according to Quality and variety. Tho break In prices Is aid to have been brought about by tho fact that receipts havo Increased of late. Farmers who stored their crop In cellars and cavea In tho hope thut prices would g till higher are now cutting loose to avoid the danger from cold weather. Another bear featuro Is tho fact thnt In soma a c Hons of the country where short era. were reported It Is learned there Is a better yield than expected. Very llttlo can bo told about tho futuro of tho market Ut th. present time, as reports regarding (In quantity of marketablu potatoes are con flicting. Other lines of vegetables havo not changed 'materially since last report. The fruit trade has been of very fair p-o. portions during the last week, but pr c h have held very nearly steady. App es are 11 trifle cheaper than thoy wero a week ago, as the supply It Increasing and the qua Ity has alio Improved. Tho prices at which tho different lines of fruit aro selling will be found In another column, The supply of poultry was liberal hut week, but tho demand was nlso quite heavy, particularly toward tho close of the week. Jjutter eased off a llttlo toward tho cl.-ss of J.'?, wek. as prices wero evidently forced u llttlo higher than conditions would warrant. Kgg, 011 the contrary, are a llttlo higher than they wero a week ngo, Kvaporated Ilrlcd Krulta. K.I?.aYOJUi' 0c.l li EVAPORATED AWLKS-Tho usual half holiday dullness prevailed and values wero without change; receipts nro fair; state, common to good. 6Wa; prime, 814c) choke, 9c; fancy, Sttf CALIFORNIA DRIIJD FRUITS-Market dull and quotations unchanged. Prunes, 3 TT7c. Apricots, Royal, 8Wl2c; Moor Park, V12c. Peaches, peeled, llOISc; unpeolcd, OMAHA WliOIiUSAI.n MARKET. Condition of Trade and Quotations nn Staple and Fancy Produce, Eaas-Recelpts fair: loss off, ISfllCc. LIVE POULTRY Hons, G07c: young and old roosters, 4c; turkeys. 7(3Sci ducks and geese, 6Qtc; spring chickens, per lb., 7BSc. BUTTER Common to fair, 12ttc: choice dairy. In tubs, 15ftl6ci separator, 23921c. FRESH FISII-Illack bnss, ISc: white bass, 10c: blucflsh, 11c: bullheads. 10c: blue fins, ic: buffaloes, "c; catfish, 12c; cod, 10c: crapples, 10c: halibut, 11c; herring, 7c: had cock, 10c; pike, 10c; red snapper, 10c: al mon, He; sunflsh, 6c; trout, 10c: whltcflsh, O'YBTERS Mediums, per can. 22c: Stand ards, per can, 2Scj extra selects, per can, wo; .New York counts, per can. 4oc; bulk Standards, per gal., tl.Sboi.30i bulk extra selects, ll.C581.7i. PIOEONB-I.tvc, per doz., COc. VEALH-Cholcc, Sc. "Ai-Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Ueaisrs' association; Choice upland, tlU.uO: No. 2 unland. I9.D0: medium. Jfl.uu: coarse. 1160. Ryo straw, t6.00. Theso prices uro ior nay ni goon coior anu quality, ue mnnd fair. Receipts, 6 cars. WHEAT -60C. CORN-63c. HRAN-tl6.C0. OATS-33C. VEGETABLES. . POTATOES Home grow,n, SOflOOc: Salt Lrfike, tl.001il.lo; Colorado, tl.002fl.10. EGGPLANT Per doz., 75c. CARROTS Per market basket, 2Gc HKETS Per balf-bu. basket, 33c. TURNIPS-Per basket, 30c. UUCUMUERS Home grown, per doe.. 10 315c. PARSLEY Per do., 20c. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per bu., iogWc: genuine Jersey, per bbl., tl. CARUAGE-Holland seed, crated. lic. , TOMATOES Homo grown, per lS-lb. has- K6 1 60C MEANS Wax, per 4-bu. basket, COc; string, nor W-bu. basket. 50c. ONIONS Homo grown, per lb., 2Q2Hci Spanish, per crate, tl.50. WATERMELONS Missouri, Iowa and Nebraskn, lOflZOe, ns to slzo. CELERY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 23335c; Nebraska, per bunch, 30y33c; Colorado, 45 iCOc. NAVY MEANS Per bu.. t2.5032.73. KRU1TB. APPLES-Cooklng, per bbl., t2.50fl2.75; snow apples, per bbl., t3; Jonathuns, t3.5o; Mellcflowers, tl.G1.75. PRUNES-Utah. per crato. $1.23, PEACHES California freestone, per box, Sic; clings, 75c; Utah freestone, 76c; El btrtos, C-uusket crutes, $1.3001.40. PEARS-Utuh Flemish Heauty, $2.00; CaU lfornln fall pcurs, J2.Wfl2.25. aitAPES-Callfornla 'lokay, 4-lu. crate, J2: Muscats, $1.60: Concords, eastern, 18c. PINEAPPLES Per crato of 12 to 10, Jt.ZS. CRANUERRIES Per bbl., $C50: per crate, I2.&0. QUINCES-Per box, tl.CS. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Valencia, t4.00ffl0.00i Medi terranean sweets, tl.60. LEMONS Fancy. $3.75; choice, $3.23. MAN ANAS Per bunch, according to size, J2.O0i2.W. FIGS California, now cartons, 85c; Im ported, per lb., 12tfl4c. DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, per lb., tyc; Salrs, 5c. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case, $3.G0tf3.73. MISCELLANEOUS. , NUTS-Engllsh walnuts, per lb., 15c: fil berts, per lb., 13o; almonds, per lb., Nxu'SOc; inw peanuts, ptr lb., CBSVic; roasted, GWd iic: Mrnzlls, 13c: peenns, 10fi22c; now chestnuts, per lb., 154fl7c. CIDER-Pcr bbl., $1X0; per ',4-bbl., $3X0. HIDES No. 1 green, fifsc; No. 2 green, 514c: No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 venl calf. S to 12U. ltm.. Re! No. 2 vrnl calf, 12 to la lbs., Cc; dry hides, R'((13c; sheep leiin, iiurscniucs, Jl.WilJ.-j. St, I.nula Grain nnd Provisions. ..v.,.j. it... . . .rtt.j.i . 11111, 2 red, cash, elevator, 70V4c; track, 72V4fl(3V4c; December, UWiiWic, May, 74T4c; No. 2 hard, osvmiciwc. CORN Lower: No. 2 cosh. 67M,c: track. GSiioaVio; December, 6ic: May, 50V4c. OATS Firm; No. 2 cash, 37c; truck, 37 38c; December, 37c; May und No. 2 white, 29c. RYE Firm nt 66Hc FLOUR Firm; red winter patents, $3.40 3.53; extra fancy and straight, $3.003.13; clears. $2.05(32.90. SEEDS-Tlmothy, firm, $5.003.CO. Flax, no murket. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.90. f. o. b. M RAN Strong; sacked lots,, cast track, 80c. HAY Steady, firm: timothy, tlO.OOSlO.M; prairie, $13 for No. 1. WHISKY Steady, $1.30. IRON COTTON1IE8 Steady, $1.20. MAOG ING Steady, 6H754c. HEMP TWINE-Oc. PROVISION8-Dry salt meats (boxed), firm; extra shorts nnd clear ribs, $S.62V4; clear sides, $9. Bacon (boxed), firm; extra shorts and clear ribs, $3.C214; clear sides, $9.8714. Pork, steady; Jobbing, $10. Lard, higher. $9.32U. METALS Lead, dull at $4.274N.30. Spcl tcr. llrm nt tl.07',4 bid. POULTRY Steady; chickens, Cc: springs, 8c: turkeys, 6c; ducks, S'SCc; geese, 5. MUTTER Steudy; creamery, 17CT23c; dairy. liyiSc. EGGS Steady at 17c. RECEIPTS-Flour. 8.000 bbls.: wheat. 19.- 000 bu.: corn, 29,000 bu.; oats, 58,000 bu. itii iriti t 1 virnc t 1 t . . n iu.i . . niui .iiiv.h la-rumr, 10, uw uuis.; wncat, 91,000 bu.; corn, 40,000 bu.; oats, 04,000 bu. Liverpool Gruln nnd Provision. LIVERPOOL, Oct. 12. WHEAT Spot, No. 2 red western, winter, 6614d: No. 2 spring, quiet at Ca7d; No. 1 California, quiet at 5s 9d. Futures, quiet; December, 0s7d; March, 7s &-id. CORN Spot, quiet: American mixed, new, 4s 104(1. Futures, quiet; October, 4sl0?id; November, 4sl0d; December, 4s lid. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, steady, 7s Gd. PROVISIONS-Mccf, firm; extra India mess, 72s Cd. Pork, firm: prime mess west ern. "3s 6d. Horns, short cut. 14 to 16 lbs., quiet, Dls. nncon, dull; Cumberland cut, 20 to 30 lbs.. 48s Gd: short ribs. 10 to 24 lbs., 4Ss6d; long clear middles, light. 43s; long clear middles, heavy, 47s 6d: short clear backs, ijuht. 45s fid; clear bellies, light, r4sf.d. Shoulders, Bquaro, 11 to 13 lbs., dull, Cs fid. Lard, dull; prlmo western, In tierces, 48s 3d: American refined, In palls, 47s 6d. IUJTTER-Steady: finest United States, 93s: good United States, 77s. CHEESE Quiet; American finest white. 45: American finest colored, 4Ca. TALLOW-Stendy; Australian in London, strong, 31s. ' PEAS Canadian, steady, 6s 4V4d. HOPS At London, Pacltlo coast, steady. 3 3s. " ICnimaa City Grnln and Provisions, KANSAS CITY. Oct. 12.-WHEAT-De- cember, 0fi(,iifi6c: May, 70-X870iic; cash, No. 2 hard. 6.)V40Cci No. 2 red, 69Ht70Hc. CORN December, 6Vio: May. 6G4fty,c; caah, No, 2 mixed, 5$Mf39e; No. 2 white, 6'ic. OATS-No. 2 white. SSVi'u'SS&c. RYE No. 2, 57c, nominal. HAY-Cholco timothy, $12.00012.00; cholco prairie. $13.5014.60. MUTTER Creamery, 1619c; dairy, fancy, Hfi'lfic. EGGS Firm: fresh Missouri and Kansas stock quoted on 'change nt 16c doz., loss oft, enses returned; new whlto' wood cases Included, io more. . RECEIPTS Wheat, 76,000 bu.; corn, 69,600 bu.; nuts. 24,000 bu. SlllI'ME.NTS-Wheat, 8,000 bu.; corn, 45, C00 bu.J oats, 9.000 bu. Toledo Grain nnd Seed. TOLEDO, Oct. 12.- WHEAT Actlvo. strong; cash, 73Hc; December, H'o; May, 77c. CORN Dull, firm; cash, 6614c; December, :oc; May. 6fiV4c OATS-Qulet: cash, 37c; December, Z6ic; May. 3SV4c. ItVE-SlHc. SEEDS Clover, moderately actlvo: cash prime, $5.20; October and December, $3.2214; March. $5.30. Philadelphia Produce Mnrket. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 12. MUTTER Q'jlet, steady; fancy western creamery, 22c; fancy western prints, 19c. EGOS Steady: fresh nearby, 21o; fresh western, Sic; fresh southwestern, 19c; fresh southern, ISc. CHEESE Firm: New York full creams, fnncy small. lOHOlOlic; Now York full creams, fair to choice, MflOo, Milwaukee Grnln Mnrket, MILWAUKEE. Oct. 12. WHEAT Higher: No. 1 northern, K9W70c; No. 2 northern. CSfllCSc; December. 70!to. RYE Firm: No. 1. 64 Hl?"'. r MA RLE Y Dull; No. 2, 69BOOc; snmple, 43 CORN December, 5GHc Pcorlu Mnrket, .PK.on,,A' Oct- IS.-CORN-Hlghcr; -to, z, 57c. OATS Firm; No. 3 white, 36ic, billed through. WH18KY-$1.30 for flnlsbd goods. Wool. NEW YORK, Oct. 12.-WOOI-Stcady; domestir fleece, 2S02Cpj Texas. 16.yi7e. ST. LOIM8. OcL 12.-WOOIEasy w'th only light demand; medium grades, 124ftl"o; THE OMAHA DAILY HEEt SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Tendi Upward oa Acooait ef Ecaroitj ef Offering. OTHER GRAINS SLIGHTLY LOWER Dlsnppolntlnsr Cables Have n Depress Ins Effect nt the OpenlnK on tho Hoard of Trade, tint Mar ket Soon Recovers, CHICAGO, Oct. i:.-Scarclty of offering and a fair outsido trade for wheat gave an upward turn to tho market today and December closed a shade higher. December corn closed Ho down, December oats a shado lower und provisions from 10c to 1714c higher. At tho outset the wheat pit felt the de pressing Influence of disappointing cab'es. Tho advance here yesterday had met with no response and December opened from Uo to !40?c lower at from 69c to 69HG63J40. Offerings wero liberal at tho start, but tho actual selling was only on a small sen'.o and of 11 nature that Indicated a desire on tho part of buyers to depress the market with n view to buying lu again. Commis sion houses begnn to buy nnd a report of ft good demand for the southwest nnd New York brought nn upshoot In prices until December sold nt 704c. Iocnt trnders also helped by considerable buying, but toward tho end of tho short session profit-taking eased tho market and December clofed steady, a shade higher, at 70'u70V4c. Local receipts were 150 earn none of contnet grade. Minneapolis nnd Duluth reported 1 0-1 enrs, n total of S5I cars for tho tin 00 points, ngalnst 917 last week nnd 686 n year ngo. Primary receipts were 1.022.0C0 bu., compared with last year's 973.000 bu. Sea board clearances In wheat and flour equaled iiy.uuu uu. Australian shipments ior rno week wero only 80,000 bu., ngalnst 331,000 last week. Corn lost tho greater part of tho bullish Influence of tho ofllclal crop report which advanced prices yesterday nnd on Indiffer ent cables December opened '.40 lie lower. Trade was dull at tho start and offerings were rather liberal, which tended toward a further decline had It not been arrested by tho quick bulge In wheat. Corn began to Improve at once with tho better grain, especially May. and December soon sold nt 57'ic. On tho small reactions thero wns Buying ror tno outside account nnd on tho hard spots professionals sold. Thero seemed to bo considerable short Interest to sell, but tho feeling prevailed that tho rise In prices wns not natural and December sagged rapidly nt the end, closing weak, io lower ut 6614c. Receipts wero 250 cars. A range of 14c In December oats Indicates tho dull and narrow nature of tho market. Trading was nearly all of tho scalping nature, with a trilling response to tho action of other grains. December closcjd 11 shado down at 351ic Receipts wero 17S cars. Provisions were higher from tho stnr', not so much from any particular demnnd, ns from the cessation of tho outsido liquida tion that has' been depressing prices for over a week. Hogs were scarce nnd Janu ary pork opened 5c higher nt tl6.10'ijl5.I5, selling to $15.30 and closing 1714c higher nt $16.2214. January lard closed loc higher nt $9.0714 and January ribs 1031214c up ut $7,93 tl 7.9714. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 135 cars; corn, 275 cars: oats, 224 cars. Tho leading lututcs ranged as rouowa: Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat Oct. Dec. May Corn Oct. Dec. May Oats Oct. Dec. May Pork Oct. Jan. May Lard Oct. Jan. May Rlbs- Oct. Jan. May 6S4 GS',4 fi9Kfl4 W 09 70CTH 70 nMU 74 7314 73 7314 ' 63U ' 55 55K C3U 55 56g 67 6GU 6G14 66 585J14 09 I 68 68 58140 35140 33H 33iJ . 33!4 35rt- 37(40 370l 37 37 3714 1 1 13 95 13 83 15 10 15 30 15 30 15 20 15 C5 I 15 20 15 33 I 15 20 15 30 15 13 ' 9 43 ' 9 45 ' 9 42 ' 9 54 ' 9 37'4 9 00 9 1 0 9 00 9 0714 8 97 9 00 9 10 9 00 9 07 8 97 ' 8 37 8 37 8'30 R 32 8 32 7 90 8.00 7 87 7 97 7 ftt 7 97 8 10 7 97 8 05 7 93 No. 2 CaBh quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patents. $3.4tvre 3.60: straights. $2.90(fi3.3O: clears, $2.60ffz3.00; spring specials, $4; patents, $3.2303.55; straights. $2.703.10. wiiKAT-Mo. a, WttWtac; jso. a rea, 7Uj 71c. OATS-No. 2. 36c: No. 2 white, 3Sft3Sc; No. 3 white, 37144T38c. RYE-No. 2. r5ia06c. HARLEY Fair to choice malting, G3 57o. SEEDS-No. 1 flax, $1.4101.10: No. 1 north western. $1.52; clover, contract grade, $s.:n. PROVISIONS-Mcss nork. tier bbl.. tll.OO ?14.05. Lard, per 100 lbs.. t9.42(iT9.45. Short rlhs sides (loose), i.Z5WK.40. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). t7.62Q7.73. Short clear sides (boxed). $S.S0fl8.90. WHISKY-Hasls of high wines, $1.30. The following nro tho receipts and ship ments for tho last twen"-four hours'. Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bhls 2S.000 .11.000 Wheat, bu 165,000 33,000 Corn, bu .283,000 666.000 Oats, bu 247,001) 163,000 Ryo. bu 7,000 Marley, bu 4,800 7.000 On the Produce exchango today the butter market was steady: creameries, 14J?211Ao; dairies, 13JJ10. Cheese, steady, O'JlOic 'Eggs, firm; fresh, 17c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotation of the Day on Various Commodities, NEW YORK, Oct. 12.-FLOUR-Rccelpts, 28,584 bbls.; exports, 8,222 bbls.; unsettled and firm, but not quotably higher; winter patents, $3.603.80; winter straights, $3.23 3.40; Minnesota patents, $3.653.SO; winter extras, $2.50C.SO: Minnesota bakers, $2.85 3.15; winter low grades, $2.30f?2.40. Ryo flour, steauy; rair to goou, :.b3uj.id; cnoico 10 fancy, $3.303.55. CORNMEAL Steady: yellow western, $1.18; city, $1.10: Mrondywlne, $2.2503.60. RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, COc, f. o. b., afloat: No. 2 western, 60c, f. o. b afloat; state rye, 65iy56c, c, I. f.. Now York, carlots. HARLEY Quiet; feeding, 6255c, c. I. f DutTalo; malting. 69Q62c. c. I. f Muffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 7.630 bu.; exports, 71, 999 bu. Spot, Btrong; No. 2 red. 75c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 red, 75c, elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, 77c. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Duluth, 81c, f. o. b., afloat. Op tions opened easy with cables, but soon mi lled on a senre of shorts and were very firm most of tho forenoon on amnller north west receints, foreign buying und scant of ferings. Closed llrm nt fc net ndvnnse. May, 7SHfl79 7-16c, closed at 7914c: Octobsr closed, 74c; December, 75 9-16i70c, closed at 76p. CORN Receipts. 180,400 bu.: exports, 23, 716 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2, 62c. elevator, and 62c, f, o. b afloat. Option market quiet, but a shado higher, with the wheat strength nnd on covering. Closed firm at Wlio net advance. May. 62f62 15-lGc. closed nt 62c; October. 61fi61e, closed at 61o: December, 61(06c, closed at C2c. OATS Receipts, 99,000 hu.: exports, 210, 992 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, 39c: No. 3. 3S?ic: No. 2 white. 4114HT12C: No. 3 white. 4lc; track, mixed western, 3Sf?40o: track, white, 40047c. Options slow but firmly held. HAY Steady; shipping, G063c; good to Cholco. 855190c. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1901 crop. lOSUSc; 1900 crop. 9014c: 1699 crop, Cftllc. Pacific coaBt. 1901 crop, 12015c: 1900 crmi. 9ffl4c: U99 crop. GOllc. HIDES Steady: Galveston. 20 to 23 lbs.. 18c; California, 21 to 25 lbs., I9c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 14c. LEATHER-Stcady; homlork sole. Buenos ad?823i4024o 1,env,wclht8' -'3H024c; KPV'8,"ON.5-rBf.pHt'ni,v: 'nmlly. $11.50 O12.00: mess, $9.60010.00; beef hnms. $20.00 21.60: packet. $10.C10.50; city, oxtra Indhi mess. $16.00018.00. Cut meats, steady: Pick led bellies, 9-HOU14c: nlckled shoulders. iV4c; pickled hams, 10'itfllc. Lard, firmer: western stenmed, $19.87. Refined, firmer: continent. StO.OS; South America, $11: rom pound. 808Mc. Pork. Arm: fnmlly, $17.00 18.00; hnrt clenr, $t7.60fll9.n0: mixed. tlS.60. nUTTER-Btendy; creamery, 15Tf21c; fuq. tory, 124015c: Juno creamery, 18020c: Imi tation creamery, 14Q17c; state dairy, 11 20c. CHEESE-Stcady: fancy large colored. 914c; fancy large white, 9';c; fnncv small colored. ini4c: fnncy smnll whlto, lOOlOUc. nrt?Piiss,'n.'ll'! stnte J"n,, rennsylvnnln, 20141i21c; western uncandled, 7012c; candled, "TALLqy-Wenk: cltv (t2 per pkg.), !c; country (nkgs. free), 64c. RICE-Qulet; domestic, 405c; Japan, 4 POULTRY-Allve, weak; springers. 8tfa 9c: turkeys. 8O10c; fowls, !09c; drested, ?0,ji!2e8PrlnSer8' m' f0Wl8' 9'3,0oi turkeys, METAL8 Trading In the market for metals waa of the urual Saturday half- holiday order and values did not vary from yesterday's close. Tin was steady at $21.80 024.90; lead was dull at $1.37: copper, steady, Lako SJncrlor, $10.75017.00, and cast ing and electrolytic, $16.6.'0 16.62: spelter, firm, $1.2504. 30: domestic Iron markets were steady but dull; pig Iron warrants, $!U) 10.50; Iron northern foundry, $l5.uoai6.W; is"o. 1 foundry, southern, tlt.OoOlS.W: No, 3 foundry, southern. tt4.60OI5.00; No. 2 foun dry, southern soft, tl4.50O16.00. NKW YORK STOCKS AMI ROM)?. Prices Suffer Relapse with Market In ti'ncertnln Condition. NEW YORK, Oct. 12,-Tho causo of tho relapse of prices in today's stock market was not altogether clear, but tho same was true of tho sudden advance of yester day and tho day before. Distrust of the rumors which were set afloat to account for it, because of soma Intrinsic grounds of Improbability, seemed to bo tho renson for today's reaction. The same brokers, commonly supposed to act for tho' same largo standard, tho Morgan, Harrlman nnd Gould interests, wero active In buying and bidding up stocks today, as they wero yes terday. St. Paul, especially, wns forced again nnd again to the neighborhood of lb7, but tho last prlco wua iw, oniy 11 shade abovo tho lowest, tho course of that stock forming on epitome of the whole market. Thu Centrul and Southern Pacifies were nearest to this condition. Prices gen erally show losses on tho day running from 1 to 1 points In tho leaders nnd from that up to 3 points in St. Paul and tho local traction stocks, which wero notably weak throughout. The decreased loan Item of tho banks failed to show tho full effect of tho repayment during the week of eomo tl5,000,0u0 of Now York City revenue war rants and tho supposition wns, therefore, made that foreign bankers continue their borrowing In tho local market to repay foreign borrowings. The disturbance In the Pnrls money market points to the likeli hood of n continuance of tills process, Tho mnrket closed weak at tho lowest. Railroad bonds havo been In better de mand at home. United States registered 4a closed 4, per cent over tho closing call ot last week. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: Tho stock mar ket today was In tho main firm, but deal ings were limited lu volume. Tho American department hung close to purities. Al though llttlo was done, tho sentiment was hopeful. 'lilt following are the riomnc pries on the New York Stock exchar.gt: Atchison do pfd Maltlmoro & O.., do pfd Canadian Pac... Canada So Chcs. & Ohio...., Chicago & Alton, do pfd Chi., Ind. & L,. do pfd Chi. k E. Ill Chicago G. W..., do 1st pfd,....., do 2d pfd Chicago & N. W, C, R. I. & P Chicago T. & Tr. do pfd C. C. C. & St. L, Colorado So do 1st pfd do 2d nrd Del. & liudKon... , 7814 St. Pa il . 96 do pfd ,100 80. Parlno . 93 So. Railway ,110)4 do pfd , 82 Tux. .Si Puclflc. , 45 To!., St. L. & W .37 do prd . 77 Union Pacific ... , 41 do pfd , 71 Wabash 12U do pfd , 22 Wheel. & L. E. , 81 do 2d pfd 101 .187 59 32 . NJ . 40 . 21 33 . 99 . M . 19 . 36 . 17 . 2H . 21 41 .lbO .188 , n wis. central ... ,193 do pfd ,142 Adams Ex , 21 American Ex.... 39 U. S. Ex 97 Wclls-Fargo Ex , 13 Amal. Copper .. , 54 Amcr. Car & F. , 24 do pfd 164 Amer. Lin. Oil.. 90 160 88 23 80 15 45 43 97 30 Del. L. & W Denver & R. O.. do pfd Erlo do 1st pfd 123 do pfd , 43 Amor. S. & it,., 92 do pfd 41 Anac. Mill. Co.. Brooklyn R. T. 64 Colli. I.'llnl A- I. . 60 . 92 .216 115 .234 . 40 . 23 . 78 . f9 .91 . 20 . 33 . 63 . 97 . 01 . 43 ,m 33 . 78 .216 . 15 . G6 .118 . 60 . 15 . 70 . 12 . S0 . 60 . 43 . 91 . 91 do 2d pru Gt. Nor. pfd.... Hock. Valley.... do pfd , Illinois Central.. Iowa Central ... do ntd ,i'Ji Con. ana 5J ICon. Tob. nfd... 74 Gen. Eleotrlo ... 146 Glucose Sugar... 40' Inter. -Pupcr .... 78 I do nfd Luko Erie & W.. do pfd 69 Inter, l'nwor ... 126 Laclede Oas .... IIHU V,l IliaMill 1j. & M Manhattan L.... Mot. St. Ry Mex. Central ... Max. National.. ,119 National Load.. ,156 (National Salt .. , 23 do pfd , 15 iNo. Amerlrun Minn. & St. L... Mo. Paciflo M K. & T 100 Pacific Coast ... 95 Pacific Mall .... 26 People's Gas ... Trnfu1 H fnr uo pru , N. J. Central.... N. Y. Central..., Norfolk & W..., do pfd No. Pacific pfd., Ontario & W..., Pennsylvania ... Reading do 1st pfd...... do 2d pfd , St. L. & S. F..., do 1st pfd , do 2d pfd , St. L. Southw..., do pfd .160 I do pfd .156'Pullman P. Car. . 53jRcpubllu Steel.., . 88 do pfd . 9!) Sugar . 33 Tenn. Coal & 1... .145'Unloii Hag & p. . 40 do pfd . 76 U. S. Leuthcr .. . 01 do pfd . 41 U. S. Rubber ... . 77 do pfd .07 U. S. Steel . 2S do pfd 67 W'cstoru Union., New York Money Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 12.-MONEY-On call, steady at 3 per cent; prlmo mercantile paper, 406 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Nominal, with actual business In bankers' bills at fl.fCiii 4.fC for demand nnd ut t4.8304.SI '-r sixty days; posted rates, tl.lftl." nd tl.ST; commercial bills, $4.K3V4Ef 4.n3?4. SILVER-Mar, 67c; Mexican dollars, 45c. MOND8 Stato bondn, Inactive; rallroid bonds, Irregular; government bonds, easier. The closing quutatlons on bonds ur a fellows: U. H. ref. 2s, reg. do coupon do 3s, reg do coupon do new 4s, reg., do coupon do old 4s, reg.., do coupon do 6s, reg do coupon Atcli. gen. 4s...., do adj. 4s Dal. & Ohio 4s... do 3s , do conv. 4s Can. So. 2s , C. of Ga. 5s , do Is Inc C. & O. 4s C. & A. 3s , C M. & Q. n. 4s C, M & S P g. 4a C. & N. W. c. 7s, C. R. I. & P. 4s, CCC & 8 Ij g. 4s Chi. Ter. 4s , Colorado So. 4s., D. & R. O. 4s..., Erlo prior 1. 4s.. do gen. 4s F W & D C Is.., Hock. Val 4s.., 109 109 107 10S 129 139 )12 112 107 L. & N. llnl. 4a. .101 . XI . 31 .103 . 98 . 80 .103 .109 .130 .101 . 72 .102 . IHi .115 . 95 . 9S Mex. Central 4s. do Is lnc M. & St. L. 4s.. M.. IC. & T. 4s.. ao 28 N. Y. C. Is do gen. 3s.... N. J. C. g. 6s... No. Pacific 4s... do 3h N. & W. p. in... ,107' ,103 , 98 102 , 95 ,100 107 ,100 72 ,107 , 81 , m 110 ,139t ,106 ,101 , 93 , 87 ,102 , 9S14 , 88 ,103 ,106 Reading gen. 4s. St L & I M c. 5s fit L & S F 4s.. St. L. S. W. Is.. I do 2s 8?i S. A. & A. P. 4s . 80 Ho. Pnclflo 4s.. So. Ilnllwnv Rr 92 117 iTcx. & Pacific 1b .119 . 81 .105 .107 .119 .110 . 67 .112 T S L & W 4s.. .Union Pnclllc 4s. do conv. 4s.... Wabash Is do 2s do deb. M W. & L. E. 4s.., Wis, Central 4s. Con. Tob. 4s , sw SS 63 Ilnston Stonk (luotntloiia. BOSTON, Oct. 12.-Call loans, 3GI per cent; tlmo loans, 45jO per cent. Ofllclal closing: A.. T. & 8. F 78V West End 93 do pfd 90 Westing. Elec. 72 Amcr. Sugar ....118 Amorlcau Tel.... 159 Moston & Al 237 Moston Elevated. 168 Moston & Me 193 Dominion Coal.. 46 N. E. O. & C. 6s. 52 Adventure 1 Ming. Mln. Co. Amal. Copper . Atlantic Cal. it Hocla... Centennial Franklin Humboldt Osceola Parrot Qulncy . 31 . 88 . 35 .080 . 21 . 17 '.103 . 40 do pfd 116 Federal Steel .... 43 do pfd 93 Fltchburg pfd. ...142 Gen. Electric ...204 Mex. Central .... 23 N. E. G. & C 5 Old Colony 28 Old Dominion ... 28 Rubber 14 Union Pnctllo .... 99 163 Santa Fo Copper, 5 Utah Mining .... 24 Winona 2 Wolverines 61 Ncvr York Mlulnii ((notations, NEW YORK, Oct. 12.-The following aro tiro closing prices on mining stoclcs; Adams Con 20 A'.lce 45 Mreece 140 Mruns. Con 6 Com. Tunnel .... 0 Con. Cal. & Va.,160 Dcadwnod Terra. 50 Horn 8llver 180 Iron Silver 62 Leadvllle Con.... 5 Llttlo Chief .. .. 12 .1075 .. 03 .. 7 .. 3 n 10 .. 40 ..263 Ontario Ophir I'lioenix Potoal .'. Savage sierra Nevada Small Hopes , Standnrd Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.-Todny's state ment ot tho treasury balances In tho gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 koUI reserve lu tho division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, $103,871, 019; gold, tlOO.334,426. Ilnuk delirious. . ST. LOUIS, Oct. 12,-Clearlngs. $S.081,450; nalances, $729,405; money, steady, 606 per cent: New York exchange, 40c discount bid, 23o discount asked. . MOSTON. Oct. 12.-Clearlngs, $23,320,SS3; balances, t2.306.7l. , CHICAGO, Oct. 12.-Clearlngs, 123,430,633; balances, $1,852,142; posted exchange, $1,850 4.87; New York exchange, $1, PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 12,-Clearlng. $17,683,021; balances. 12.407,020. NEW YORK. Oct. 12.-Clearlngs, $231,411. 014! balances. $10,252,880. ' RALTIMORE, Oct. 12,-Clearlngs, $3,930, 387: balances. $168,155. ' ' CINCINNATI. Oct. 12.-Clearlngs. $2,164, 750: monsy. 4G$, per cent; New York ex change, 20025c discount. OMAHA LIVE STO'CK MARKET Iof 6ters FiftMa to Twinty-ritt Cents Ilgkir Than List Witk. HOGS SOLD FIVE CENTS HIGHER TODAY Sheep and Lambs for the Week Arc Fully Tventy-Flvc Cents Higher nnd Feeders Are Also Advanced, SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 12. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs, bhcep. Ofllclal Monday 4,263 4,400 16, WO Official Tuesday 3.138 6.774 13,2 Official Wednesday 4,221 B.GM 6.3J1 Official Thursday 3,255 0,212 1,d60 Ofllclal Friday 2,431 3,072 3,W9 Ofllclal Saturday 200 3,910 Total this week 17,511 31,128 41,783 Week ending Oct, 5 27,3x8 33,339 6S.5II Week ending Sept. 28.... 27,906 32,673 48,02) Week ending Sept. 21. ...20,712 29,092 36,538 Week ending Sept. 14. ...17,700 28,16.1 29,950 Same week last year.... 25,617 38,313 61,762 Omaha tho past several days with com parisons: Uato. I 1901. 1900.1899, 11898. 1897.1S96.1895. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept, Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 23. 21. 23. 26. 27. 28., 29., 30., 1... 2..., 3 ... 4 41 3 3 76 3 88 2 SSI 4 00 im :i V. 3 771 3 83 4 41 3V 3 8.' 2 JW 4 82 4 81 4 SI 4 81 4 39 4 36 2 89, 3 78 3 89, 2 1 2 97 4 441 3 61 3 64 3 67 3 83 3 81 3 81 4 37 4 30 4 3D 3 96 I 6 75 5 131 3 71 3 85 2 94 3 W U 18 6 19 3 66 a 79 3 02 2 97 3 93 4 42 3 86 I S3 3 5J 3 SO 3 8 3 83 3 81 3 79 3 77 4 6, 6. I 6 67 .6??l 4 371 3 64 3 73 0 id, 4 31 4 34 4 23 : 61 .1 11 3 74 3 04 2 93: 6 11 3 63 3 04 3 01 7..., 8... 9..., 10.., 11.. 12... 6 4914 3 68 0 33 5 08 3 59 3 62 3 63' 3 13 3 13! U 13 0 14 6 15 0 20 6 02 4 921 4 331 4 33 3 61 3 14 3 18 4 4 31 3 67 3 661 3 69, 3 20, 1 9.1: 4 23 'Indicates Sunday. Tho ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hors. C M. & St. P. Ry 4 Missouri I'aclllo Ry 1 Union I'aclllo system 1 9 Chicago & Northwestern Ry 5 F., E. ft M. V. R. R 17 C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry 4 M. & M. R. R. R 0 8 Chicago, Murltngton & Qulncy 5 C, R. 1. & P., east 4 C, R. 1. & P., west 1 Totnl receipts 7 5S Tho disposition of tho day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tno num ber of head Indicated: Htiyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. Omaha Packing Co 3 3 Swift nnd Company 740 Cudahy Packing Co 1,720 Armour & Co..., 1,479 Other buyers 1 75 Totals 1 3,912 75 CATTLE As usual on Saturday, thero wero not enough cattle on salo to mako a market. For tho week tho supply has been light, a decrease being noted, both as compared with last week and nlso with tho corresponding week of last year, as the tablo of receipts given above will show. Tho quality of the cattle offered was also rather common, but still tho mnrket has been In good shapo and prices havo Im proved. Thero wero comparatively few cornfed steers on tho market last week, und, us tho demand was liberal, prices advanced l.VJf 25o nil around. Toward tho last of the week tho market did not seem to bo quite ns brisk, but still there was not much chango In tho prices paid, Thero wero twelve cars on Thursday and Friday from one man that wero good enough to bring 0.05. The cow market also ndvnnced qulto sharply, as tho demand was of liberal proportions. Anything at nil desirable may bo quoted 25c higher for the week. The quality of tho offerings ns a wholo wus not very good, so that tho ndvoncc on tho common stuff was not as great as on tho better grades. Mulls, calves and stags aro all fully steady for tho week. Feeder bulla In par ticular weighing from 700 to 1,000 pounds nro In strong demnnd, Stockers and feeders sold well all tho woek. Heavy cattle wero of course In tho greatest demand, but prices on those did not advance ns much as on the lighter weights, that would scarcely sell at all a short time ago. Choice yearlings In par ticular advanced fully 25040c, but even tho medium weight cattle of good quality also Jmprovod considerably. The general mur Ket mny safely bo quoted 25c higher, with cholco grades 40c higher In extreme cases. Common trash of all weights was neglected. Stock heifers advanced the first of tho week, but lost a good Bhare of It later on. Western rango steers wero in good de mand all tho week from packers and prices Improved 16025c. Common Btult was rathor Mlow salo, but anything desirable was picked up In good season. Cows mny also uo quoted 25c higher for the week and feeders havo gone up all the way from S3e to 40c. HOGS Thero was a light supply of hogs hero today, and bh advices from other points were favorablo to tho selling Inter ests prices here advanced a big 6e. The bulk today sold at 16.20, an ngnlnut $fi.l5 yesterday. Tho choicer loads sold mostly from t6.22 to $6.25. There was very little below $6.20 today, so that the market aver ages moro than 5c higher. Trade was ac tive, as packers all had liberal orders and there wero hardly enough hogs to go around. Somo of the trnlns wero Into In arriving, which, of course, delayed the market to some extent. The receipts of hogs for tho week hnve not shown much change from those of tho last few weeks, but there is still a decreaso as compared with the samo day of last year. Tho tendency of prices was down ward tho first half of tho weok, but at III It Is to be noticed that Chicago prices havo been paid on this mnrket all the week. As compared with tho close of last week thero Is a declln of 80c to 35c. Wednesday -was tho low day of the week, the market having dropped up to that tlmo about 40c, or, as compared with the high day of the year, which was September 23, the decline amounted to fully 75c. Representative sales: iNo, av, on. r-r. sso. av. on. tr. 93 179 80 fl 15 74 257 40 6 20 216 6 17 67 301 40 6 20 ..241 ..263 40 6 17 70.. .265 200 6 20 n lift 68 256 120 6 20' 63 254 120 6 20 0 89 0 81 6 14 0 80 6 16 6 75 6 16 79 6 15 6 81 & 16 5 17 6 87 62 269 40 6 20 66 31S 400 6 20 69 276 160 6 20 63 262 100 6 20 66 250 280 0 20 72 219 SO 6 20 65 266 80 6 20 64 292 160 6 20 76 239 80 0 22 70 260 80 G 22 93 214 80 G 22 G3 267 80 6 22 75 230 80 0 22 77 247 120 0 22 52 289 80 6 22 GO 230 ... 0 22 77 219 40 0 22 67.. ....260 , 200 0 22 74 234 ... 6 22 69 270 ... 0 22 65 222 ... 6 25 76 274 80 6 23 70 284 ... 0 30 76 231 6 20 62 273 0 20 67. .253 120 6 20 01.... 63.... 54.... 04.... .233 80 0 20 242 80 6 20 268 ,220 6 20 40 6 20 G3. ,270 120 6 20 84 248 240 6 20 72 234 280 G 20 74 209 80 0 20 1G6 183 160 0 20 51 291 120 G 20 63 292 240 G 20 63 301 40 G20 Sl....;',215, 120 0 20 74 223 320 6 20 61 298 209 G20 67 286 ' 240 6 20 68 205 120 0 20 01,.., ..245 40 G 20 61 290 ... 6 20 CO 270 ... G 20 SHEEP There" were no sheep offered to day to mako a test of tho market. The supply for tho weok has not been as heavy ns It was for tho two preceding weeks, or na compared with the same week of last year. Tho demand was In good shape, nnd ns a reRtilt trado ruled active, with the tendency of prices upward. Moth owes nnd wethers hnve been In ac tive demand all the week, and prices, par ticularly on wethers and yearlings, havo Improved fully 25c. Lambs havo alo ad vanced Just about 25c. and anything nt all cholco ought to soil around $1.50. Toward the last of tho week Inmbs that wero not very good nnd of light weight brought $1.25. Tho demnnd for feeders was of libera! proportions nil tho week. Wethers seem to sell better than the lambs nnd may safely be quoted 10ai3c higher than they wero a week ago. Iambs are also strong. Quotations: Cholco yearlings, f3.3Ofr3.E0; fair to good. $3.1003.30; choice welhers, $3.2003.40; fair to good wethers, $2 0yi?3.M; choice owes, $2.760 3.00; fair to good ewes, $2.250 2.75; cholco spring Inmbs, $l.25(f? 1.50; fair to good spring lambs, t3.750l.75: feeder wethers, t2.90O3.25; feeder lambs, J3.25 03. to. Italian City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 12. CATTLE Re ceipts, 201) head; markot nominal; com pared with a week ago, beef steers and stockers nnd feeders nre from 16c to 2'c higher: cows nnd heifers steady; cholto dressed beef steers, t5.85O6.60; fair to gool, t4. 8505.75: stockers and fenders, 2,S5'a4 40: western fed steers. t4.76O6.00: western rango steers, $3.6004,75; Tcxans and Indians, $?.t0 O3.G0; Texan cows, $2.000 2.85; native cnw, $3.0004.25; heifers, $3.0005.53: cannr, $1.50 02.50! bulls. $2.2504.25; calves, $1.0)800. Receipts for tho week, 63,000 head; last week. 60,400 head, HOGS-Recelpts. 3,000 head: market fa higher; bulk, of sales, $8.oofl6.40: mixed packers. $6.0000.40: light, $5.2IOCfO: piss. $1.6006.25, Receipts for tho week, 41,00) henri- lnt wek. 62,000 head, SHEEP AND LAMDS-No receipts; cm- pared with a week ago, the market Is from 25c to 60c higher: lambs, $3.7504. : western wethers, $3.0003.50; owes, $2.753.40; feeders. $2.5o3.35; Blockers. $2.1V2.76. Re ceipts for tho week, 23,700 head; last week, 26,800 head. CHICAGO LIVE STUCK MARKET. IIiiki Mostly Rule Strong: to a Mckel lllghrr Sheep 8 loir nnd Steady. CHICAGO. Oct. l?.-CATTLi:-Rccflpts. 300 head, Including 1(0 Tcxans; good to Brlmo steers, $2.06O6.S5; poor to medium, 1.6005.90: stockers nnd feeders, J3.4013.B cows. $1.2584.00; heifers, $2.WH5.00; cnnnTs, $1.2502.25: bulls, choice to best, $1.7501.73! calves, $3.0000.25: Texas steers, 3.i5ij3.S6; western steers. $3.G55.50. HOGS-Recelpts, 8.0W hend; estimated Monday, 23,ooo head; heavy packers slow, others strong to 6c higher; mixed and butchers, $6.0006.40; good to cholco henvy, t0.3OO6.06; rough heavy, $51i6.l5' llgnt, tS.0006 30: bulk of sales, $3.8000.20. SHEEP AND LAMMS-Receipts, 2300) head; sheep slow and steady, lambs steady; good to choice wethers, $1.6003 9J; fair to choice mixed, $3,00113.16; native lambs, 43.00 O6.00: western lambs, $3.2504.25. Oftlclnl Receipts Yesterday Cattle, 3,092 head: hogs, 14,750 hend: sheep, 9,837 hend. Shlpments-Cnttle, 3,MU hend; hogs, 3,0)2 neou; snccp, .,-v. ncau. St. Louis Live Stock Mnrkr-t. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 12,-CATTLE-Rncelpts. 900 head; market steady: native shipping and export steers, $5.000 6.53; dressed beef nnd butcher steers. $l.50O3.S0; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.4003.25: stockers nnd feeders, $2.2303.76; cows and heifers. $2.000 1.63; enn ners, $1.750 2.25; bulls, $2.2503.25; Texns nnd Indlnn steers. $2.9004.00; cows and heifers, $2.2603.15. HOGS Receipts. 1.300 bond: market 6c higher; pigs and lights, $5.70SI6.CO; packers, SHiTt' AND LAMMS-Rocelpts, 600 head; market steady; natlvn muttons, $3.1003.50; jambs, $l.00Ou.00: culls and bucks, 1.50O :.25; stockers, $2.23. St, Joseph l,lvo Stock Mnrkel. ST. .JOSEPH, Oct. 12. CATTLE Re ceipts, 70 head; market nominal: natives, $2.80O030: Texas and westerns, $2.63Ou.S0: cows nnd heifers, $1.60O0-10! bulls nnd Htngs, $2.0005.00; stockers nnd feeders, $1.60 04.30; yearlings nnd cnlves, $2.C0O4.00: veals, $3.0000.00. HOGS Receipts. 4,301 hend: mnrket strong to 60 higher; quality much inferior to yes terday; pigs, ntendy; light nnd light mixed, $5.6000.27: medium nnd heavy, $6.150 6.40; pig". $1.7606.10' bulk, $3.47406.10. SHEEP AND LAMMS-Itecelpts, nono; lambs, $3.7501.00; shcop, $3.0003.60; ewes, $2.7603.15. New York Live Stock Mnrket. NEW YORK", Oct. 12.-MEEVES-Re-celpts, 442 head; murket sternly; exports, 2,614 hend beeves, 1,400 hend sheep nnd 13, 616 qunrters. CALVES Receipts, 25 hend; venls slow and weak, $4.0007.00. SHEEP AND LAM MS Receipts, 2.162 head; market dull; sheep, $2.5003.60; lanibn, $4.37405.23. HOGS Receipts, 2,092 head; no Hales re ported, Slonx City Live Stock Market. SIOITX CITY, Oct. 12.-(8peclnl Tclcgrnm.) CATTLE Receipts. 300; market steady; beeves, $3.6005.00: cows nnd bulls, mixed, $2.0003.25: stockers nnd feeders, $2.7501.00; cnlves nnd yearlings. $3.0003.75. HOGS-Recelpts. 2,500; market steady to shade lower at $6.0500.25; bulk of sales, t6.0706.10. Cotton Mnrket, NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 12.-COTTON-Spot. steady; sales, 6,330 bales; ordinary, C5-10o; good ordinary, 7c: low middling, 713-lCc; middling. 8c: good middling, 8c; middling fair, c; receipts, 11.033 bales; Biui'K, m.jii onies. i'uiures, Hienny; ucto- ST r .riTTia r,.i 10 pattok oift,i sales', 10 bales'; middling, 8c; receipts, 3,961 bales; stock, 34,483 bales. Snsnr Mnrket, NEW YORK, Oct. 12,-SUGAR-Raw'. steady: fair refining, 3B-16c; centrifugal, S6 test, 3c. Molasses sugar. 3o. Roflned, steady; No. 6. 4.50c; No. 7, 4.40c: No. 8, 4.S0e; No. 9. 4.35c: No. 10, 4.20o: No. 11. 4.15c; No. 12, 4.15c: No, 13, 4.05c; No. 14, 4.95c; stnnd ard A. 4.90c; confectioners.' A, 4.90c: mould A. 6.40c: cut loaf. 5.60c: crushed. 5.60c: granulated, 5.10c; powdered, 6.20c; cubes, 6.35c. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 12. S UO A R Ma r kct quiet: centrifugal, yellow, 3 15-!6f4r; seconds, 203c. Molasses, steady; centrif ugal, 6010c. Syrup, new, 26030c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 12.-COFFEE-Spot Rio. firm: No. 7 Invoice. 6T4ffiGc. Mild. steady; Cordova. 7011c. Futures opensd nrm in tone, lwrio points uigner, the latter principally on demand from tho short con tingent, who wero badly scared bv reports of nn unfavorable Santos crop, nnd covered actively. Cable news ns a wholo wns bull ish, prlmnry receipts moderate nnd local spot supplies firm nnd In better demnnd. There wns more or less profit-taking bv room longs during tho last hour, but prices remained at top level, closing net advance 25 ner, o.oijio.iwc; iovemucr, (.'.nc: uccem ber, 7.87(i7.8c: January, 7.960 7.97c; Feb. ruary. 7.9507.!tc; March, 7.93O7.90c; April, 7.955i'i.96c: May, 7.9507.9c. On the cost of stock at 15 CENTS per share is the amount in DIVIDENDS. -s THE MM (Capital 1300,000.00 fall paid, non-assessable, par value $1.00.) Has paid to stockholders since January 1. 859 Acres of leases in the heart of tho Lima fields and In sight of the city of Lima. It has H pro ducing wells, one drilling and 102 locations to drill, besides 1,500 acres additional leases in Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia, THE GREATEST OIL PRODUCING TERRITORY IN THE U.S. (Drilling must commence the Indians leases within 30 days.) The producing wells are on tho Faurot, the Boose and the Vorhoes farms (254 acres), one mile east of Lima. Thero are 22 Locations on these farms, which, when completed, will more than Double the Dividends to stockholders. To hold the Indiana Leases, and to Drill These 22 Lo cations at Once, the Directors are offering until October 19, a limited amount of Treasury Stock. AT 15 CENTS PAR VALUE $1. 00. An additional dividend of at least 15 per cent, will bo paid this year, A TOTAL OF 40 PER CENT. ,g.N pershare TXis dividend will bo doubled when tbo 22 lopatlona on tho Booao, tho Faurot and Vorhoom farms aro oomplotod... mam STOCK ADVANCES OCT. 19th TO 25 CTS. PER SHARE. No iulMcriptli.i.11 will be rewired after October 19th at 15 ct. per .hare, that do not bear the post-mark ot October 19th or a prevloua date. Send subscription direct to The Union Oil fQ. Gas Co., or write at once to J. W. Davis, Secretary, for prospectus, mnps, blanks, etc. Office, Rooms 1 and R, Purticher DlocK, Lima, Ohio. "BROKERAGE HOUSE OF" THOS. A. EDISON, JR., & CO., 47 BROADWAY, N. Y. STOCKS-BONDS-GRAIN-COTTON. tsvEwW 0N APPMCATIOK. Exhaustive WHEAT BIO PROFITH With abaolut safety. Your PltlNCIPAli GUARANTEED artlnit Ion. We are fiscal agents for the "" WHEAT INVESTORS AND LOAN CORMRtTinN We want every Investor In the United B fates to read the prospectua of thla eom. rtv, W13 pureonally ENDORSE It and cur Mil. EDIBON wfihea to o on record m 'j5.i!?'li.?JK,i" 7l?i.P4?.?7' i,'Jww!!5 '.'i9..',0 small mvToVmro" pan aavl fered the public INVESTIGATE IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. 21 of 10O13 points. Totnl salrs, GJ.2.V1 bg, Including October nt 6.20ff5.30c; Novemb r, 6.30O5.33c; December, C.t5c; March, 6.70O--Se: May, 5.90O6.95c; July nnd September, 6.&C Dry Goods .Mnrket. NEW YORK. Oct. 12.-PRY OOODS-Tho week closes with a (tilet demnnd for cotton goods In staple line. The tone of thn mar ket Is firm throughout. Print cloths aro firm, with demand still In evidence at 3c, Prints nre firm and In request. American cotton yanu nro In better demand nnd firmer, with occasional ndvnnces of from c to 4c per pound, Worsted yarns nro firm. Wool 'ii yarns quiet. Tho Imports of dry goods nnd merchnndlse nt tho Port of New York for this week uro valued nt tlO.337,203. Wool Auction Siiles, LONDON, Oct. 12.-WOOI.-Tho arrival! of wool for the sixth series of auction Mies amounted to 202,881 bales. Including 11.000 bnles forwnrded direct to spinners. Tha Imports of wool daring the weok follow: Now South Wnlrs, 1.383 bales; Victoria, 1.C25 bales: South Australia, 411 bales: Queensland, 770 bales; New Zealand, 2,800 bales; Slngnnore, 1,359 bales; Cape of Good tlopo nnd Natal, ISO bales; elsewhere, 35 ales. nit mid Roslu. NEW YORK. Oct. 12.-OH-Cottonseed, quiet: prime yellow, 42c. IVtrolotim, steady: refined. New York, $7.65: Philadelphia and Mnltlmore. $7.0): Philadelphia nnd Mnltl more, In bulk, $3. Rofln, steady: strnlncd, common to good, $1.42OLI5. Turpentlno, steady, at 37Q3Sc. W. Farnam Smith & Go. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnam St. Tal. 1064. BUY WHEAT ON 2c margin. Wo nre so confident of higher prices wc will buy wheat 1,000 to loo.ono bushels on margins of 2o per bushel. Send for particulars Immediately. Also our book "MODERN METHODS FOR SAFE INVESTMENTS," Just published, of new Ideas for trad ing lu Stocks and Grain with safety. Our Customers are Making; Money, Lnrgo or smnll orders executed for cash or cnrrled on tunrgln. Private wires to nil exchanges. Highest bank ing and financial references. m. it. i'i,(ivi:n ,v co Rankers and Rrokcrs, Chicago Stock Exchango It'dg., Chicago. Long Dlstniu-0 Telephone Main 3331. GARVIN BROS., INVESTMENT BANKERS COM'L NAT. RANK MLDO. Real Estate Department. We have clients with cash looking for bargains In Improved city and fnrm real estate. . , Teiepnane lOitn. Boyd Commission Co . Successors to James E. Boyd A Co., OMAHA. NEB. COMMISSION GRAIN, rnoVlSIOXil AND STOCKS, Dukrd of Trade Unlldlna;. Direct wires to Chicago and New Torfc Corteirondcnce. John A. Warren Co oldest! s.trrcsT: nrcsTi WALL STREET llouey Will Kuru ulm Jlouthly Uatarns The Investor's Fund Pays Semi-Monthly. The oldest established in America. No certificate-holder over lost a cent. Pay ments made to all subscribers every II. lays. No trouble. No delay. Money rtfunded on demand. Wrlto today foe particulars, free to any address. C. K. MACIvJiil Jb CO., Hudson llulldlnff, Nevr York. B. L. Baldwin & Co. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS 1221 FARNAM STREET, ll.onu' IllNtuuue Telephone 271. 25 Bond your order In at once. tlGO Invested now In groin or provisions will moro than double ltrolf by Jan, Int. Conditions war rant higher prices and they ure bound to cciine. Write for our book, "Successful Speculation." Bent free. Our customers have made tnonoy on our advice the past year. All profits payable on demand. J. K. C0MST0CK & CO., S3 Traders' Bid., Chicago, III.