Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1901, Page 17, Image 25

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RcmftrkftblQ for iitat. itjllih
ctit and flnoclotn.
A libel
This make Is kept by the best value
giving clothier In any city. They glvo a
fitting that surpasses common tailor work.
Write for tylo hook to the makers.
Knh,Nathan & Fischer Co. Chicago
AUegid Kidnaper Opms NeptlatUni witfc
Most effective, agreeable and
reliable Tonic Stimulant for
Body, Brain and Nor vee. Try
it when fatigued or over
worked from any cause.
Maintained Its Reputation
during past 38 years.
All Drusaist. Refuse Substitutes,
Marvelous Elixir of Life Discovered
by Famous Doctor-Scientist That
Cures Every Known Ailment.
Wonderful Cures Are Effected That
Seem Like Miracles Performed
The Secret of Long Life of
Olden Times Revived.
The Remedy is Free to All Who
Scud Name and AdJress.
After years of patient study, nnd delving
Into the dusty record of the past, as wMI
lit following modern experiments In thj
realms of medical science, Dr. Jump, V.
Kldd. 161 First National bunk building,
Port Wayne, Ind., makes th" startling nn
oouncement that he has surely discovered
If Thpy Sxk "I'll I led IJotvn" for Tno
Wce!, Snym the Mcenier, I'nt
Will Conic lo Onmlin nnd
filve Himself Up.
I'ttt Crowe Is getting uneasy and would
como forth from retirement and mlngto
with the maddening crowd.
This Is the purport of n message which
by a devious route has reached Chief Dona
hue, tho messenger being a friend of the
alleged kidnaper, whose narao he has
pledged himself not to reveal. "Pat says
If you will pull down tho reward for two
weeks," continued the courier, "ho will
come In and give himself up."
It has now been about ten months since
t'at began his sedentary life and In that
time he has been "seen" In all parts of tho
globo. Ambitious constables In tho back
woods counties of Tennessee have "had him
In custody" and mercenary sheriffs ns far
north as Oregon havo sent his picture nnd
locks of his hair to be Identified, all becauso
tho $50,000 reward looked good to thorn and
they needed tho money. Ho has been heard
of In Calcutta and ono report Mint seemed
to bo woll bolstered by circumstances lo
cated him In Johannesburg, South Africa.
Hut Chief Donahue says that nil this tlmo
he bus lain In hiding In n "country villa"
within 600 miles of Omaha.
Chief Myatrrlona Junket.
A week ago the chief was out of tbo city
for three days and, returning, gavo a very
vague account of himself to the newspa
pers. "1'vo been down In southern Iowa
nnd Missouri on a Uttlo matter" was the
way ho expressed It. Now, in tho light of
this mysterious message, It looks as though
ho had received a tip as to tho location of
tho kidnaper's lair and had gono to search
for It. He doesn't deny that his errand had
some such object.
A private dotectivo who worked on tho
Cudahy kidnaping caso when it was fresh
reasons an follows: "It must havo been a
bit of sleuthing of tho first tmportanco to
havo taken Chief Donahuo outstdo of the
city, and the only such caso with which tbo
Omaha pollco have to deal Is the Cudahy
kidnaping case. Had it been anytlng less
than that he would havo sent somo of his
Tho chief has this to say about the mes
sago: "I told this friend of Crowe's that If
Pat would como In and give himself up to
me I would inaka no attempt to collect tho
eward. I made this statement onco bofore.
several months ago, and now I repeat It
will sign a formal walvor of that re
ward and If Pat gives himself up to me
nobody clso will bp In a position to claim
I told tho messenger that and asked him
to glvo Pat assurance that It ho would
como In I would spare no pains to insuro
htm a fair and impartial trlnl: that every
witness he might want would be secured
for him and that ho would havo every pos-
Ible protection.
Why He Fcnm Iteward.
"It seems that Pat Is afraid to give him
self up whtlo tho reward Is In force lest
it be used to purchase evidence against htm
You see tho reward as It now stands calls
for tho conviction of all tho kidnapers as
well as their arrest. It Is J50.000, $25,000
being offered by Mr. Cudahy and $26,000 by
tho city. I haven't asked that these re
words be withdrawn, and I don't know that
shall. It seems to me that If I mako a
public statement that I would not accent
the reward It ought to be enough to sat
lsfy Crowo aB to my good faith.
"I said as soon ns Crowe was suspected
of this crime that he couldn't remain Ions;
In hiding. Ho hns a restless temperament,
Several times beforo when his namo was
connected with crimes ho has 'hid out.' but
never before has he remained In retirement
so long. I think there will bo something
doing In this caso before many weeks."
What Mr. Cntlnriy Snya.
Holatlvo to Pat Crowe's proposition Ed
ward A. Cudahy said: "Yes, wo will do
anything to Becuro Crowe. This Is tho first
I havo beard of Crowe's proposition, but
prcsumo It Is bona fide. I still believe
Crowo was ono of tho abductors of my son
but If ho surrenders ho shall havo a fair
trial, and If ho gives himself up under the
circumstances named tho reward wilt bo
withdrawn at once. I havo not heard from
Crowo directly or indirect!.-, but Chief
Donahue has had tho matter In hand and
will have him act In any manner that
will secure the presence of Crowe."
Secretnry t'tt Compllm n Circular
CnllliiK Attention to Wlint the
OrKnnlxntlnn in Doing.
Secretary Utt of the Commercial club
has Issued a circular to tho members of that
organization In response to the opinions of
tho work of the club made public during
tho last week, and does so as the circular
says "that a conclusion can be formed as
to whether tho organization Is worthy or
unworthy." Briefly summarized, ho makes
the following points under the head, "Club
Work for This Year."
The Splcsbergcr wholesale millinery
house commenced business in February.
The club paid for the transportation of
stock and people from Keokuk. The money
In tho Martin-Anderson Manufacturing
company wns supplied by a member of tho
club. The Hones-Andrews Can company
was promoted by members of the cxecutlvo
committee of the club. The committee se
cured tho capital for tho match factory soon
to open. It secured William Ulndoruo's
cigar factory from Hastings. Tho club pays
$1,000 n year rent on the Indian supply
lepot. It expended $300 last month to se
cure tho removal of the Continental Clear
company from Chicago, tn Chicago this
factory employed seventy-five men. Hero It
employs twenty-flve. The club has sent out
over C0.000 circulars advertising low rates
to Omaha and thu refund of fnro by tho
merchants under certain conditions, which
has brought 800 merchants to tho cltv this
year; 250 came during tho low rates given
in August. The Juno festival was con
ducted by members of tho cxecutlvo com
mittee Tho Auditorium committee was
formed out of tho executlvo committee.
Other matters nro now under considera
Tho circular then denies tbnt tho club Is
controlled by political aspirants. Tho Mu
nicipal leaguo hna held meetings In tho club
room, nays tho circular, "becauso many of
the members of tho leaguo aro also mem
bers of tho club, nnd It Is their privilege to
meet there."
Tbo circular continues: "Tho club has
spent $50 to assist In bringing tho Chrlstlnn
Missionary convention to Omaha next year:
hns dono much to promote tho Irrigation
of tho arid west, by mnlllng circulars to
tho business men and firms urging them to
exert their influonco In this matter: It com
pares the work dono by tho clubs of other
cities and claims that tho work of tho
Omaha club Is not exceeded by them. Kan
sas City expends $40,000 a year for Its club
and freight bureau. Omaha hns had during
eight years $6,500 per year."
the elixir of life. That he Is able with th;
aid of a mystorlous compound, known only
to himself, produced as a result of the years
he. has spent In fccarchlug for this precious
Mfe-glvlng boon, to euro any and every
disease that Is known to the human body.
mere is no doubt or the doctor a earnest'
nesa In maklnc his claim and thn remurlctv
tip, cures that ho Is dully effecting scnis
to bear him out very strongly. His theory
which he udvnnces In ono of reason and
based on sound experience In n medical
practice of many years. It costs nothing t.i
try his remarknble "Elixir of Life," as he
calls It, for he sends It free, to nnyone
who Ik a sufferer. In sufficient Quantities to
convince of Its ability to cure, so there Is
Kosotumy no riK to run. Home or tne
cures cited are very remarkable, and but
for relluble witnesses would hardly be
credited. Tho lame havo thrown nwny
crutches nnd walked about after two or
tnreo trials of tho remflv. Tho s ck. riven
up by homo doctors, have been restored
to their families and friends In perfert
health. Rheumatism, neuralgia, stomach,
heart. liver, kidney, blood and skin dtfeasea
ana bladder troubles disappear ns by magic.
Headaches, backaches, nervousness, fevers,
consumption, coughs, colds, asthma, ca
tarrh, bronchitis and nil affections of tin
throat, lungs or any vital organs aro easily
overcome In a space of time that Is simply
Partial paralysis, lomotor ataxia, dropsy,
gout, scrofula nnd piles are qulcklv utid
prrnmiienuy removeu. ii purines tre en.
tire system, blood and tlssura. restores nor.
mal nerve power, circulation and n stnte or
perfect health Is produced at once. To the
doctor uu systems aru iimko nnd oqu.iIIy
affected bv this crent "Elixir of Life
Bend for the remedy today. It Is froo to
very sufferer. Btato what you want tn b
tured of nnd the sure remedy for It will be
trni you ireo uy return man.
Every Woman
) Inttrf Hcil ami thouM hnow
nUuiUlw wonderful
MARVEL Whirling Spray
T)i. new !. 1 8,rl.t.. jnjff,
tiolt tlUil Suttlnn. Ittt . S.r.
u mou convenient.
luraaefa laalaau.
BVX - W . Or -ssssssafewfP(a
"V'-aT.,.. M
4k mi eraiiUI far II
lVltl.. aciellio
elhtr, bin Mnit tnmi. for II
uiiraioi uclt-...i.J.t civet
tall Mrtliulara ftitil 'ilreri'nna In.
Koom .' TlmeH ituiT , N v.
ffh Whirling Sprny Syrlngo For Sale By
Sherman & McConnellDrug Co.
XUIli and UuUuc, Ouinba, Nob.
ARCHITECT'S DATA IS LOST ii Unsblt U Find Ilia Flam
AndiUrinm Biilding.
Connultlnir. Architect Who Is Oat
the City Mny Ilnvc the Docu
ment; In Ills Mnfr, hut
that Is Only n Jnc.
M. II. Al.' jn, Allna Stnnton. Aliened
Forsrcr, Institutes Hnhcna Corpna
in Sun Francisco.
D. J. Sinclair, postofflco Inspector, lias
received word from San Francisco announc
ing the arrest at that place of M. H. Allen,
alias Stanton, who Is wanted tn Omaha on
tho chargo of passing worthless checks. At
tho timo of his arrest It war understood
ho was wuntcd In Nebraska for a violation
of the postal laws, which chargo may bo
preferred against him. While In Omaha
Allen represented himself as agent for tho
Consolidated Cigar company, of which ono
Stanton was supposed to bo tho manager
Tho officers havo discovered that Stanton
was but another namo for Allen and that
tho checks Issued by Allen or Stanton woro
worthless. Ono of theso checks Is now In
tho possession of tho postofflco Inspector,
who secured it from one of Allen's victims.
It had beon sent through tho mall, which
Is tho basis of the federal chargo against
Attornoys for Allen In San Francisco have
Instituted habeas corpus proceedings, but
tho Inspector has Instructed tho federal au
thorities there to resist them until the ofll
cers tn Nebraska decide upon a courso of
Judge Estelle Called Upon to Decide
av South Oninha Election
Improvement In PoNtotTlce Work Shop
Will lie IMmhed to Completion Now
Contract Una Been Awarded.
Tho fontract for the construction of a
permanent room for tho stamp department
at tho Omaha postoftlco has been lot to
Qlndele & Co., tho ' contractors who aro
building the annex, for tho sum of $1,487.
The contract calls for the construction of
a vault, counters, railings, an additional
stamp window In the stamp room and tho
opening of a window from tho stamp room
to tho corridor where a clerk may bo placed
for the sale of stamps outside 'of office
The permanent room will bo constructed
whero tho temporary room Is now located
Tho present floor will bo removed and
mosaic door laid. DecauBo of this change
It will be necessary to movo the stamp de
partment from Its present locntlon. It will
probably bo temporarily placed In tho post
office workroom, using somo of tho windows
now used by carriers. It Is tho Intention
of the contractors to begin work as soon as
tho postmaster can prepare for them.
Ilcnaon Ment Vender I'rosecutea n
Farmer for Teurlnsr Doivn
Pasture Fence.
William Augustine, a farmer living near
Benson, was tried In Justico Shoemaker's
court yostcrday on a chargo of malicious de
struction of property, the complaining wit
ness bolng Henry Ilockmaun. partner of
Henry Bonehoff tn tho butcher business nt
Benson. It was set out In tho complaint
that Augustlno "did lay down, throw down
and put down" a certain fenco surrounding
a pasture, In which several horses belong
ing to Bockmann wero fattening, with tho
result that the animals escaped,
After hearing the evldenco tho Justico
discharged Augustine. Two witnesses testi
fied that tho horses escaped through the
gate, which had beon accidentally left open.
Judg Estcllo yesterday heard arguments
on a motion mode on relation of Ed Halpln
for a writ of mandamus to compel County
Clerk Hnverly to call for the election of six
assessors Instead of one In tho city of South
General John C. Cowln, who appeared for
tho relator, argued that section 11 of tho
new South Omaha charter, which provides
that there shall bo but ono assessor for
county purposes, is unconstitutional and
void for tho reason that It Is amendatory
to section 7, chnpter 26, compiled statutes,
and docs not stato a repeal of tho amended
section, and for tho further reason that
Its subject matter is not within tho title
of tho act.
Tho county attorney argued that section
11 of the South Omaha charter was not
amendatory to the general law providing for
tho election of .assessors, but that it slm
ply defined the boundary of a new assessor
Judgo Estelle took the caso under advise
ment and will decide It early this week.
I'nrni) ai,
of tlila place was
Stricken vrlth
Henderson Orlmmctt
eiricKen wim partial paralysis and com
pletely lost tho usa of ono nrm nnd side.
After being treated by an eminent physlolan
for quite a while without relief, ray wife
recommended Chamberlain's Palu Balm,
and after using two bottles of It he Is al
most entirely cured. George U. McDonald.
Man, Logan county, West Virginia. Several
other very remarkable cures of partial
paralysis have been effected by tho use of
this liniment. It la most widely known,
however, bb a cure for rheumatism, sprains
and bruises. For sale by all druggists.
PALACINE OIL, best In tho world.
oiins Man Charged with Forgery
Weepa When Arraigned II r
fore Jndgc linker.
William C. Huder, charged with forgery
broke down and wept when arralgued be
fore Judgo Bakor In tho criminal court yes
torday morning. Ho was charged with having
forged endorsements to two bank checks
drawn by tho Omaha Elevator company
ono for $8 and tho other for $15,
Ruder told tho Judgo that ho hnd found
the checks on tho railroad track, nnd being
In bard luck, the tomptatlon to realize the
cash on them was too strong for him to
rcslBt. He wanted to plead guilty, but
after the court suggested that he should
nnvo tno advico of counsel he decided to
enter a plea of not guilt),
Tho following prisoners wero arraigned
and pleaded not guilty: John F. Olllam
breaking and entering; Nato Johnson
burglary; Solomon Donkort, criminal ns
nfutlt; Duck Mitchell and Qcorgo Leach
ronuery; tiranm i nomas and Qertrudo Car
tcr, larceny.
Aaphult raving Contract on Tnenty
Fourth Street mid Other Down
Town Thoroughfare.
The city council held a special meeting
ycsieraay morning. Tho contract for navln
Twonty-fourth street with asphalt between
Farnnm nnd Dodgo was approved. An or.
dtnanco was passed declaring the necessity
or paving Davenport Btrcet botween Elgh
teentti ana Twentieth streets.
'ine council's prompt action In passing
paving ordinances hus disappointed th
prophecy that no asphalt paving be laid
In OroBhn this season. For nearly a week
a paving gang has been laying asphalt
paving on Thirty-seventh street, betweou
Karnnm nnd Leavenworth streets. Paving
is also being laid on Twenty-second street
botween St. Mary's avenuo and Howard
streets, and next week pavers wilt begin
work on Twenty-fourth street, between
I'arnam ana uoage streets. '
Work Is suspended on tho construction
the auditorium building and cannot bo
resumed until n discovery Is made. Thj
fllcial architect cannot find tho plans
which were approved by the executlvo com
mittee, nnd until ho recovers them he can
not go to work on the working plans and
specifications. Every day now lost In this
work means a delay tn the beginning of tho
work ou tho ground.
Whero these plans arc Is not known for a
certainty. It Is believed, ho.vovcr, that
they are In the safe of Thomas H. Kimball,
tho consulting architect, whu at the tlmo
of the competition of nrchltccts recolvcd
nil of tbo plans for examination. Thy planu
ubmltted by Mr. Latcnser at that tlmo
were held by Mr. Kimball and tho commit
tee to bo out of tho contest, ns they did
not conform with tho specifications upon
which the contest wns based, and In the
opinion of tbo consulting architect they
ould not bo carried out within tho sum
specified by tho committee. This plan was
not thcrcforo considered In the awarding
of prizes, but when the building nnd
grounds committee cntno to consider tho
question of letting tho contract they found
that these discarded plans wero tho ones
thoy desired to bo used in tho erection
of tho building. They bad, with tho con
sulting architect, gono over tho plans care
fully and it Is bellovcd that after tho last
conferonco tho plans were left with Mr.
Kimball. Tho consulting nrchltcct Is out
of tbo city and tho tlmo of his return Is
not known. It Is understood that he Is In
tho east conferring with other nrchltectu
rclatlvo to tho construction of buildings at
tho St. Louis exposition.
Mr. I.atcnuer says that ho preserved no
drawings from tho plans submitted to the
Auditorium board and has nonp of the data
aside from that shown upon the plaus which
aro not now to do iouna.
Chungea May He Xecenry.
There Is a possibility that these plans
will havo to bo changed In at least one Im
portant phase, and that Is with reference
to the Ak-Sar-Ben rooms tn tho basement.
While tho Auditorium company has ac
cepted It as a matter of courso that tho
basement room would bo used by tho
knights for their initiations, this Idea
has not been conclusively adopted by tho
Board of Governors of the Knights of Ak-
Sar-Bon. In fact, members of that board
say tho Auditorium company has novor
given the festival organization an oppor
tunity of cither accepting or rejecting the
plan, tho proposition never having bwn
submitted to them in n way In which It
could bo formally considered.
"Tho Board of Governors renlly knows
nothing about any schema for tho installa
tion of their Initiatory work In rooms In
the Auditorium building," said ono of the
board, "and it is not certain should the
proposition bo submitted, that it would bo
accepted. Tho Board of Oovernors feels
that a great part of the success of tho
fall festivities depends upon tho surprises
wnicn can ue given tne initiates, if we
wero to confine our work to one building.
where thero would be little opportunity for
cnange in tno dimensions or form, wo
would loso much of the advantage of nov
elty. Wo feel that we need a room which
wo can cut to pices, remodel and alter
to suit the occasion. Thin we could do ad
nilrably at the old Coliseum, the largo spaco
making It possible to produce any scenic
effect. Wo really need Just such n building
as tho ono wo are now in. It Is not a bit
too large and we had Uttlo fear of damaging
It by alterations. In such a building ns
tho Auditorium wo would bo restricted
In this respect and would havo to koao
the eamo general form for our Initiatory
work, noccssarlly giving a uniformity of
appearance to the Initiations which would
soon becomo tiresome."
uiuniia tuiiiiciiinnn '1'aues lotca on
Public Work While
Vlalt to New York.
Councilman Fred Hoyo has returned from
New York and Buffalo, where he and his
wife have been visiting for tho last two
weeks. Mr. Hoyo was delighted with tho
clean streets of New York City. In dls
cussing tho methods of street cleaning In
the Greater Now York, Mr. ,Hoye said:
"All the cleaning is done by hand and
the work Is so well done that tho paving
seems to bo spotless as a parlor floor.
Upon Investigation I found that no raachtn
ery Is use'd and tbo hand work Ib certainly
much more satisfactory than that done bv
machinery. Bluo bnrrols aro to bo seen
ou all the streets and tho sweepers nro
provided with great pans, In which thev
collect tho rcfuso preparatory to depositing
it in tno Darrein."
Or Your Hair Will Fall Out Till You
Ileeome Ilnld.
Modern science hns discovered that dan
druff Is caused by a germ that digs up tho
scalp In scales ns it burrows down to the
roots of tho hair, whero It destroys the
hair's vitality, causing falling hair, nnd
ultimately, baldnoEs. After Prof. Unna o
Hamburg, Germany, discovered tho dandruff
germ nil efforts to find a remedy failed
until mo great laboratory discovery was
mado which resulted In Newbro's Herplcldo.
It alone of all othor hair preparations kills
tho dandruff germ. Without dandruff hair
grows luxuriantly. "Destroy tho cause, you
remove the effect."
Hxcuraion to N'ew York via Hull tin ore
A Ohio llallrond.
Round trip tickets will bo sold from July
1 to October 20, Chicago to New York, a
$31 for the round trip, with stopover going
nt either Wnshlngton, Baltimore or Phlla
delphla or nt the Pan-American exposition
returning. This will enable you to visit
Atlantic City or other seaside resorts. Send
12 cents for "Oulde to Washington" and
"Reasons Why." For further Information
call on or address J. C. Burch, Omaha, Neb.
or B. N. Austin, General Passenger Agent
lib Adams street, Chicago,
Illinois Central Railroad.
Official lino to missionary convention of
the Christian church, Minneapolis, Minn
October 10th to 17th.
Tho Illinois Central railroad has beon dc
clared tho official line from the stato of
Nebraska to tho Minneapolis convention
Spnclal service has been arranged tor th
delegates to leave Omaha union depot
wcanctaay, uctobcr tn, at 8 p. in. Tick
ets on salo October 0th, 10th, 11th, 12th nnd
Uth, good for return until the 10th, nt rat.
of $10.05 for the round trip. By deposltln
ticket with tbo Joint agont limit can b
oxtended for return until October 31st
Call at city ticket office, H02 Farnam street
for full particulars and reservations 1
special sleepers, or address,
W. H. BRILL. D. P, A., Omaha.
Every wouion will understand tho significance of
that calendar with its ten days erased. For many
a woman a month, at tho hest, has but twenty days when
sho can actively participate in household affairs. Those
other days are lost to her. They are days of suffering and misery
which mnko her sometimes "long for death to come and relieve her
sufferings." Yet, what can she do ? She has generally tried all means
of relief suggested to her. Often, liko Mrs. Dennis, sho has " sought relief among
the medical profession and found none;" or, like Mrs. Elkins, has
tried medicines aud doctors without avail. And yet thero was a
cure for theso women, and they fortunately found it Thoy tell
below tho story of their sufferings and their euro. Thoy aro just
two women out of thousands who in a similar condition
have found a perfect and permanent euro by tho uso of
the same means.
Mrs. Ada Elkins, of Cotulla, Lnsalle County, Texas,
writes: "I was taken ill In December, with prolonged
periods. This would last for ten or eleven tlnys, and I
would not be able to sit up but n few minutes, then I
would lie so weak I could not walk nbout the house.
I would fjnin a little strength, then I would linve
another attack, tor three months I took some patent
medicine, and also medicine from a doctor, but without avail.
men a neiguoor sent me one of Dr. Pierce's pamphlets, nud I
got n bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and one vial
of his 'Pleasant Pellets.' Took that bottls of 'I'nvorite Pre
scription, then used two bottles of ' Golden Medical Discovery'
in connection with 'l'avorite Prescription.' I wrote to Dr.
Pierce describing mv case, and received a verv tirom
int renlv.
advising me to have the druggist add one other kind of medi
cine to the 'l'avorite Prescription,' which I did. I took eight
bottles of 'l'avorite Prescription,' two of 'Golden Medical
Discovery,' and three vials of ' Pellets.' I wns so much better
that I discontinued the use of the medicine in the following
October. I am now able to sew nearly all day without resting,
and also help with the housework, nnd in the garden. I
still take the 'Pellets' occasionally. Dr. Pierce's medicines
are just splendid. I will write any lady nbout my case more
fully, if desired, if she will scud a sett -addressed stamped
Tho best advertisements of Dr. Picrco'a Favorito
Prescription aro tho women it lias cured. A woman
hears of a neighbor suffering and sends her ono of Dr.
Picrco's pamphlets, and that leads to the purchase of tho
first bottle of "Favorito Prescription" nnd tho begin
ning of tho cure. But there is ono important passago
in Mrs. Elkin's letter that no woman shonld overlook.
Sho says: "I wrote to Dr.,Piorc'o describing my caso,
and received a very prompt reply, advising mo t havo
tho druggist add ono other kind of mcdicino to tho
"Favorite Prescription," which I did.
Dr. Pierce invites sick women to consult him by letter,
free, and that this is no empty offer is proven by
tho quotation from Mrs. Elkin's letter. All cones
pondonco addressed to Dr. Pierce is held ns strictly
private and sacredly confidential, and the written con
fidences of women aro guarded by tho same strict pro
fessional privacy observed by Dr. Picrco and his staff
in personal consultations with women, at the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Address
Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
" I had female trouble for eight years," writes Mrs. L. J. Den
nis, of 818 East College St., Jacksonville, Ills. "Words cannot
express what I suffered. sought relief among the medical
profession and found none. Friends urged me to try Dr.
Pierce's l'avorite Prescription. When I commenced taking
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pounus more man 1 ever weighed before. I was so bad I
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Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription makes weak women
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dries tho drains which weaken women, heals inflamma
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Dr. Pierco's Pleasant Pellets should bo used with " Favorito Prescription "
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v Sometimes a dealor, tempted bv the littlo moro profit paid on tho salo of less
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IMNHAPRY WOM Fa w!" Utan, tM thmt thm wmy of hmppl-Mwmwmmw-T-M
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To feel young again. To reallzo tho youthful aparkl
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