Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1901, PART I, Page 11, Image 11

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1 1
'Accident i to Nebraika Foot Ball PUjen
Erinc Oat Dltcoreriei.
Condi Hon Hi rinds Himself ullli Lot"
of Uooil IMnycr When He
AVns .Minim It mil to
A stratus marvel has been wrought this
tall at tho University of Nebraska. He.
verses and adversity which tho foot ball
team havo Hurfercd, Instead of working to
Its harm, havo In tho end accomplished
much good that might have remained hid
den and unknown throughout tho season
but for this very ngency. That events
which wero at tho tlmo of their occur
renco real misfortunes should thus work
to tho wcnl of tho team In tho end scoma
hard to believe, but It Is none tho less true
and this Is how It happened:
In tho first place, Coach Ilooth found
himself at tho beginning of tho sonson with
a hardy hordo of mon, mostly thoso of
last year's team, on which to stnrt work
lor tho representatives of thin season, nnd
ho was Justly elated. It seemed certain
that from such n beginning ho could cvolvo
a team that would oxcel tho champions
of last season as much as they had sur
passed thwtnen of "M.
Secondly. It happened that "Stubby"
Crandall, tho sttir llttlo halfback, developed
very co-rly In tho prnctlco season an un
sual and fatal tendency to get hurt. Al
most every down found him laid out ami
he was taking tlmo nil the time. Crandall
had worked on n railroad In Kansas all
summer nnd was ns hard as a man could
very-Veil got. Moreover, his health was
excollent, an wna attested by tho marvel
ous crop of bushy, black whiskers tho
boy woro when ho camo back from tho
graders' camp. . So It was duo to no lack
nt fitness on Crnndnli's part thnt ho was
knocked out so often. Ito waa In perfect
shapo, but Just seemed to get In tho way
of cvtry stray foot and sharp elbow and
horivy, kneo that was around,. Either his
head was cut opon or his noso brokon or
ono of tho Joints necessary to his running
scat' strnlncd about twlco each afternoon
ami II bognn to look as It a fatality was
pursuing "Stub."
TinvU Field Mnterlnl to Iliirn.
. That was what drat led Coach Ilooth to
worrying, nbout bucks and to looking for
others In addition to tho substitutes ho
already bad. If Crandall wan to tnko his
bum luck on Into tho big games with him
it was. plain that somo more flrst-daBs
backs would bo necessary. So Ilooth watiic 1
soma high-grade plungers and called for
them. '
l'rcstol What n. rally there was around
thnt signal of distress. Out camo Williams,
captain and halfback In '98; next was
Bhddd, captain and fullback In '1)7: hero also
was' rillsbury, fullback last year; last was
lloll, a moat promising substitute half, who
Is growing heavier and stronger each year.
With thnt sudden Influx of back field
material, Coach Ilooth found himself stand
ing suddenly In a now light, with all limita
tions swept away. He could now havo two
or oven threo sets of first clovon backs.
What an outlook It was! Halfbacks and
fullbacks galore and ntcady llttlo Quarter
back Drain to manipulate them all, ono
Ret aftor the other. For Drain never gets
hurt and when ho begins n gamo It. la
nlways a cinch that ho will colt the signals
for tho last piny as well 'as tho first.
So. with Drain, Crandall, Ilcnder, noli,
Kingsbury, Shodd, rillsbury nnd Williams
for his bark field the. mind of Coach Bnl
llngton Ilooth was set utterly at rest con
cerning that department, of his team, as
far. personnel was concerned. All
was needed was coaching, nnd most of the
bunch already know tho gamo almost as
well as Ilooth himself, nnyway.
Trnnblc In the I.I nr.
Howevor, Damo Adversity was not con
(cnt: to leave things long In this beatific
etato'. Ilooth waa considerably worried
bout his lino, anyway, especially toward
tho central part. In Johnson nnd Hynn ho
had' two good substltuto ends for Shedd
nnd Cortelyou and two years of, hard work
on the socand eloven had put Voss In goad
shapo to takd Koohjer's place at center nt
nny time on short notice Ilut thoro It
stopped. For nolthcr guard nor tacklo was
any new mun showing up with nny promise
nt all, nor tho old substitutes, cither.
This was. Indeed n predicament. It seemed
certain that no big gutne, such as the ono
pending with Minnesota, coulu bo played
with the same set of guards nnd tackle
throughout, at least no well ordered coach
would dnro to go Into tho contest on the
supposition thnt such would bo the case.
And right then, to crown It all, Illnger,
the, guard ot two years' expcrlonco on tho
first team, was laid out with a kneo
twisted c)car out of Joint. It was a tough
Jolt In a vital spot, apparently, and Booth
was downcast, nut that accident did tho
samo thing for bis lino that Crnndoll's
divers escapades did for the back field.
There was only ono thing to do, nnd thnt
was to put In somo of tho most promising
substitutes from the second eleven. Ma-
l loncy, a 200-pound man, with some experl
I ecco, was given tho guard.
Hero camo another surprise. Maloney
had not been working very hard or satis
factorily on the second team. As soon as
ho took tho place on tho 'varsity ho opened
up llko n whirlwind. It was marvelous tho
way thnt man developed as a star lines
man. Ho seemed to bo letting out a lot
of- latent power, strength, trlcklncss and
all-around cleverness that he had kept
back till then.
DNnstrr Follows Discovery,
Well, tho result was that Coach Booth
breathed easy onco more, for although
Klnger was out for tho season, apparently,
he had found a man to fill tho gap satisfac
torily. Hut he had no sooner heaved that
sigh of relief than Maloney wont under
from exactly tho samo causo ns his prede
cessor, a kneo wrenched out of Its socket
"Ualllngton" Uooth, coach, was by this
tlmo frantic. Two good men ruined for
tho season and when they wero so terribly
scarce, too. Ilut there was no u In
flunking at thnt lato stage of tho gamo, so
Ilooth plunged Into tho big grist of extra
men at random and pulled out ono who
OcUber Will End tb Bemn of Aetirt PUj
on tk Lliki.
Competition far the Dona-la Comity
Cap, the Women's Cnp nnd the
Foye Cop Are Attracting
Mticli Attention,
October marks tho last of the golf season.
With tho coming of Hallowe'on the sticks
with the bent ends are gathered together
and ctrapped away for the winter In caddy
bags, old balls nro collected by tho score
and sent back either for remodeling or ex
changed and keys to lockers will bo laid
away till April comes around again.
That Is what Is supposed to occur, and
throughout tho country tho golf season ends
i-M uui, uuu ruv i . " ... ... . ,
looked tho part. Ho waa big and tall and ' ("' with uctoucr. nut wncrovor ino
heavy nnd looked strong. It was all true, lluc ol ,no mimr P"n' " kiuuo .
too, for It was "Olant" Tobln from the ' p,ne" r,K"1 n,onB up lo """f uu . ." i .
Lincoln High school, tho man who camo up
as a High school senior and threw tho
hammer yards farther than any unlvorslty
man could cast It.
Tobln Is built llko a Hercules, though
still a llttlo lean nnd rangy because of
his youth. When ho was given the prized
slble. It Is probable that Omaha will afford
quch opportunities In the way of climate
nnd thoso In tho city who aro devoted to
tho gamo will not abandon It till com
pelled to.
Such a thing as winter golf exists, but It
has never becomo popular. This gamo Is
promotion ho Jumped Into the worlt Just ' PlWl tho same as . the other, except that
as had Maloney and fno niults wero as
good. So Uooth finally had a guard, though
no lino substitutes were available.
Tho next catastrophe of this woeful list
was when Center Koehler, In n llttlo prac
tice gnmo with tho scrubs, received a
brulso that put him away off tho field. It
was shortly announced thnt ho could play
no more thin season, another btack eye to
the team's hopes, but In tho substitute de
partment, for thnt brought la Voss as a
regular, when hn had been looked upon ns n
certain remedy In case of need.
Miinslilnc nt I, nut.
And now comes tho last chapter of thin
recital of troubles. That Is that tho latest
from tho Cornhusker gridiron Is that not
only Itlngor, but Maloney and Koehler as
well, can go bnck In tho game. The moan
ing of this cannot bo overestimated. It
Is not only that she now has on tho rcservo
list three flno substltuto linesmen, Mnloney,
Tobln nnd Voss. It Is chiefly thnt these
three havo now had tho grand experience
of nt least a week and a half apicco on tho
first team ns regulars. Ily that they have
attained nn efficiency and a knowledge ot
tenm work and system with the first eleven
that they could got In no other way. They
nre now real substitutes, and that means
they nre as good as the men whose places
they will take In tlmo of need. Also, when
their turn comes, theso positions will bo
theirs for good.
.Shooting Is Coot In Nrlirnskn,
the IHrilia Are Hard to
Urine Ilorrn,
Slnco the welcome clarion call of "open
season" was first sounded on October 1
Omaha sportsmen have been hieing In
Intermittent but numerous squads and pairs
and trios to tho shooting places most fa
vored In thin state. Chickens and ducks
havo been tho game chiefly pursued this
fall, quail being out of the question for
two yearn yet.
Nebraska shooting grounds In tho west
and north aro still nn prolific In their
supply of gamo as In years gono'by, though
tho number ot hunters seems to Increase
each season. Neither Is It true that It Is
now necessary to go a little farther from
the cities than It was two years ago. Tbo
birds nro there In tho old places.
However, hunters this year have In
variably found tho game wilder than usual
at tho opening of tho season. Thin loads
to a belief that thcro was n lot of shooting
dono before the law was out and It must
havo been an unusual amount to have
this effect on the birds, for thero Is always
tnoro or less of It going on.
Again, shots who havo been hunting the
past week say that all the gamo wings
unusually strong and early this year. Birds
aro now, they sny, so .active on tho wing
that It Is hard to get good chances. They
break up and got away with surprising
rapidity for young ones.
However, it Is possible to get them yet,
and Just as many of them as tho law will
let you carry. This Is proven by tho re
cent trip taken by J. O. Hart and Ooorgo
Nicholson, two Omnhu sportsmen, and Its
results. Theso men took a woek off and
went away up In nrown county, leaving
tho railroad at Alnsworth. From thero
thoy drovo thirty miles across country to
Sprlngvlew and found themselves In tho
very thick of the shooting. They camo
back lost Wednesday with fifty ducks and
fifty prolrlo chicken, all the law will allow
of either.
When suffering from racking rough, take
a doao of Folcy'B Honey and Tar. Tho
soreness will bn relieved and a warm, grnto
ful feeling and healing of the parts affected
will bo experienced.
red balls are used, these being plainly
vlslblo on thn suow. Tho trouble Is that
they do not always Btny on top of the snow
so that they may be seen, and this one
feature absolutely kills any chanco of win
ter golf becoming a gchcrnl favorite ns a
sport. A low rolling ball Is all right, for It
will generally remain on tho surface. So Is
a real high one, for It will plump straight
down and stay burled In tho snow where It
falls. Ilut It Is the liners that causo tho
annoyance. Such n ball will enter tne snow
when It strikes the ground nnd glldo along
out of sight from twenty to 100 feet. look
ing for It nt the place It went In or trying
to find It at all Is llko hunting down n
gopher, excopt thnt tho latter leaves n
much plainer trail along which to dig.
Country Club Links II any.
At tho Country club golfers aro making
tho best ot tho last month. Crowds of
them nro out each day and October Is
thickly strewn with cup contests. Chief
nmong these Is tho semi-annual tourna
ment for tho Douglas county cup. a trophy
Instnllcd by the Omaha Oolf club two years
Tills cup Is ployed for each Juno .tnd
October. I.eroy Austin was tho first win
ner, In June, 1900. Tho first day of that
same month W. J. Foyc began to piny. By
tho next competition In October ho had
progressed so rapidly that ho was ablo to
win tho content. Last June he took It
again. Ho needs but this victory to make
'the trophy his for good nnd all.
The first round of this tournament was
played yesterday, with a good showing of
entries. Fojc passed through the contest
successfully, ns usual, and his friends have
him booked for a third and last wlnnlnc
ot the Douglas county championship and
the cup appended thereto. The pairs left
In the raco will play off their various
matches down to tho flnaU at any tlmo
agreed between the couples during the next
two weeks. Then on Saturday, October 20.
the final round will be played, tho victor
being champion till noxt June.
All rounds till tho last nre eighteen holes
but tho finals are for thirty-six. Match
play rules the contest. Tbo name ot the
winner of each tournament an it comes
Is Inscribed on the cup, this being continued
till some mnn finds his name thero three
times In a row, whon ho lifts the prize.
What the Women Are After.
Tho Omaha women's cup, a femlnlno
honor corresponding to tho Donelas county
cup for men, was nlso played for this
month. Handicap medal play rules this
contest and Mrs. Charles E. Kountzc won
with a net score of 101, her handicap being
fourteen strokes. Had Miss Qertrudo
Kountze, who was scratch, played In tho
form she showed two weeks ago when she
won the Foyo cup monthly contest, with
an actual scoro of ninety-eight, she would
have been an easy winner over Mrs,
Ono other contest remains to be played.
and that Is tho regular monthly Foyo cup
competition for women. This will bo hold
next Wednesday aftornoon eighteen holes
medal handicap play. Mies Kountzo Is tho
favorite for first place, but the heavy handi
caps which nre registered against her make
her chances vory uncertain. She must bo
on her best game to win.
Most of tho talk and Interest nt tbo club,
howovor, among both men and womon coun
ters In tbo Douglas county competition. Tho
clcso and exciting match by which Foye
wrested the victory from It. It. Kimball In
tho finals last June over thirty-six holes Is
still remembered by the big crowd that
composed the gallory on that occasion, and,
though tho same man Is popularly placed to
win, everyone realizes that It will be no
walkaway and most people think that the
finish will bo as strenuous as tho last one.
People nre hoping that tho warm weather
will hold until after the end ot this play.
Cold days would put all the contestants
DR. A. 1). hEAHLl'!, Most Reliable SprclnlUt lu Dis
eases of Men,
ITItlCTURE Cured with a new Ilou
treatment. No pain, n&
detention from business,
UltlNAftYCldney and Dltddar Troubles,
Wea'k Back, Uurnlng Urine,
frequency ot Urinating, Urine High Col
bred or with milky sedlmeut on standing.,
ISVDUII in cured for life and
O I r rHlald poison thoroughly
bleanaed from the system. Soon every
llgn and symptom disappears completely
Ind forever. No "BREAKING OUT" ot iho
lioate on tbo skin of face, Treatment
tontalut no dangerous drugs or Injurious
WEAK MEN rrotn Kxceases or vic
tims of Nervous Dot
Ullty of' Exhaustion, Wasting Weakness,
Kith early decay In young and middle
iod, lack ot vim, vigor ard strength,
With organs' impaired and weak. Cure
The Secret of Our Unparalleled Success is
' Told in Two Words:
Varicocele, Acquired Blood Poison, Nerv
ous Debility and all Reflex Complications
and Associate Diseases and Weaknesses
of Men.
Ar. you afflicted with Varicocele or Its results Nervous Debility and art you
nervous, Irritable and despondent? Do you lack your old-time energy and ambition!
Aro you suffering from Vital Weakness, etc.? There Is a derangement ot the sensi
tive organs ot your Pelvic System, and even though it gives you no trouble at pres
ent, It will ultimately unman you, depress your mind, rack your nervous system, un
fit you tor married life and shorten your existence. Why not be cured before it If
too late? WE CAN CURE YOU TO STAT CURED. We have yet to see the case el
Varicocele we cannot cure. Medicines, Electric Belts, etc., will never cure. You
need expert treatment. We treat thousands ot cases where the ordinary physician
treats one. Method new, without cutting, pain or loss of time.
Consultation Free. Treatment by Mall.
Call ar address lift fl, 14th St.
moro or less off their game, and by causing
high scores would mar considerably the
golf In the chief event of the season. A
man with cold hands who Is compelled to
bundle himself up In a coat to keep warm
cannot show the golf ho Is capable of whon
he Is loosely dressed and the wenthcr It
Urrrns In 1'oor Condition.
Desldes, there Is already one very serious
handicap at the Country club links, and
that Is tho miserable condition ot tho
greens. Grub worms getting to work late
In tho season after the heaviest ot tho grass
had died out havo literally honeycombed the
entire surface of these onco smooth patches.
Tho worms throw Up the dirt In looso piles,
like n sower ditch Just filled, and theso llt
tlo humps aro fatal to putting. The only
way to do reasonable sure work Is to brush
down smooth tho entlro surface of thej
ground all along tho lino of your put. Even
that precaution does not entirely eliminate
tho danger.
Then the holes themselves have been In
bad condition for weeks past, although It Is
thought that they will bo moved again and
properly set beforo tho remaining rounds of
tho tournament arc played. A hole should
be absolutely clear cut, with the ground on
all sides approaching It perfectly level, nnd
an nbrupt drop at right angles from off this
piano Into tho hole. There should be no
protruding edges and the holo should be
Just four Inches across, no more.
At the Country club, however, tho holes
havo been loft so long In the snmo places
that all arcund each ono n little space Is
hollowed out In the ground like a circle,
making a big pit with a real holo In tho
mlddlo of It. Any bal) coming within n
foot of the hole will then be turned in
toward It by this depression. Ilut that
docs not mako It coaler to holo out. In
stead It Is far more difficult, for the tin
rim ot tho cup stands up to tho former
height of tho surface of tho ground. This
now being worn down leaves tho tin edge
protruding as much as halt an Inch in
plnccs, and to roll n ball In from such a
side Is almost impossible. If the bail comes
slow It hits tho rim nnd goes off at n tan
gent or bounds back. If It comes fast It
bounces over and rims off tho opposite side.
Even whero tho tin Is well sunk, n holo
wl'h such slnntlug approaches Is difficult to
ninito, for If the ball Is putted with Just the
right force to hole out on a level It gets .o
the edge of this big outsldo holo and Is
given a run down It, thus gathering Impetus
that carries it across tho hole. That makes
It n matter of most difficult Judgment nnd
largely, too, of luck, to hole out with any
degree of accuracy nud steadiness.
Fnlr One" Anxlniii to Krrp In Form
fur the SnUv if riilcnl
Omaha women are now casting about for
somo suitable form of athletic pnstlmo
which will keep them healthy nnd enter
tained ns well during the winter. "Those
who have been plnylng golf iill the summer
nnd fall aro loth to glvo up their regular
dally exercise, for they know how per
sistently good and full of spirits they feel
as long as it lusts, "and thoy also know what
lassitude. wcarlneoR nnd general Inefficiency
will retult from n falling back onco more
Into habits of muscular stnguntlon.
There nro many forms of recreation to
which tho feminine sex might turn for win
ter pastime, but most of them havo thetr
drawbacks ns a regular diet. The women
might take to walking, but this Is often In
convenient and disagreeable, and on many
of tho colder and Btormy das It Is prac
tically Impossible. Again, they might bowl,
but that fascinating sport, too, prcsonts dif
ficulties in the way ot fulfillment ot a dally
round with tho arbor vltae halls, for
bowling alleys nro not hundy to every home.
What tho women havo wanted Is some
thing at homo, something which will not
necessitate either the donning ot strccU
gowns nor tho braving of tho gutty terrors
of a cold wlntor day., Thoy havo longed for
a "homo exerciser" nnd in this extremity
they havo adopted tho regular gymnasium
As a conscquonco thero Is a gymnasium
opldemlo In Omaha Just now. In different
homes It is making Itself felt with different
degrees of Intensity. Somo women find
their complcto gymnasium In somo kind of
nn exorclser. Others go Into It further nnd
havo tho clubs, bells, rings and other para
phernalia of a well-ordered Institution of
tho kind. This takes room, and In many
homes at this tlmo rooms In basemsnts or
top floors or secluded portions of tho house
nro being cleared and prepared for the gymnasium.
Ono Omaha woman has even Rono so far
as to put In a shower bath, nnd this porsan's
favorlto modo ot oxcrclsa happens to bo
punching tho bag. Sho has a fine bag
working on a steel disk and has developed
considerable skill, so that she daxzles hsr
tow Intimate friends whom she admits to
the performance with divers fancy elbow,
wrist and head blows nnd a back-hand tat
too that cannot be surpassed,
This woman says thnt by the exeluslvo
use of this bag nnd her cold shower every
morning she will keep down her weight and
maintain her complexion nt Its vory best
all winter. Moreovor, It will keep her
flesh hard and firm nnd will lend to her skin
tho clearest transparency.
Thoso are the motives which actuate most
womon who Intend to take regular winter
exercise, and those, also, aro tholr Ambi
tions. The strongest of all Is, probably,
the one Involving corporoalty, for thnt Is
most to be feared. Perfect proportions nro
what they want, and though these cannot
be attained by all, an approximation Is vory
Women who aro correctly proportioned,
whose features of face and flguro aro sym
metrical, who aro the correct weight and
breadth for their height, are rare, but It la
Interesting Just tho same to know what
these relative proportions should be. Tho
length of the. head down the face should
mcasuro one-seventh that of the entire
body. The face ehould be divided Into threo
portions of equal length, one reaching from
the root of tho hair to the eyes, the next
down to the tip of the noso and the last to
the end of the chin. Then the distance be
twoen the eyes should bo the length of ono
eye. The distance from the Inner angle of
tho eye to the dividing line ot tho lips
should measure from two and one-quarter
to two nnd one-bait Inches.
A woman ot 5 feet should weigh 110
A woman of C feet 1 Inch should weigh
115 pounds,
A woman ot 5 feet 2 Inches should weigh
120 pounds.
A woman of S feet 3 Inches should wolgh
127 pounds.
A woman of 6 feet 4 Inches should weigh
134 pounds.
A woman of 5 feet 5 Inches should weigh
142 sounds,
A woman of C feet C Inches should wolgh
146 pounds.
A woman of S feet 7 Inches should weigh
1S2 pounds.
A woman of 6 feet 8 Inches should weigh
160 pounds.
A report from Bupt. J. C. Qluck, Reform
school, Pruntytown, W. Vs., Oct. 18, 1800:
"After trying all other advertised cough
medicines we have decided to use Foley's
Honey and Tar exclusively In the West
Virginia Reform acbool, I find It the most
effective and absolutely harmless."
Dr. McCrew, Specialist, (Axe 52)
Consultation Free.
Examination Free.
Positively Cured jn
Less than Ten Days.
DR. MoUKEW'S treatment
for Varicocele given without the
loss of a Mingle hour's time
absolutely no pain and is tjie
quickest form of curing this dis
ease that has ever been discov
ered. The doctor has devoted
i! YEA KS to the treatment of
Varicocele, and it is but justice
to him to say, without fear of
contradiction, that his treat
ment of Varicocele HAS jS'O
more vitality nnd greater ambition.
In all its various forms. Dr. McGrew's system
for treating this disease gives renewed energy,,
TI?ICXITI?P treatment that cures in less than 5 days without pain or cut
ij . b vi uiL tjng .vcry cure is guaranteed and no loss of time from work.
For Blood Poison and All Blood Diseases.
DK. McUREW can give yon HOT SPKLVCJS treatment for Hlood Disease (except the
water) nnd he nTAKANTEES better KEfcU'LTS and better satisfaction, besides you can
take his treatment right at home, and no one will find out that you have this terrible
disease. It is quite different when you go 10 the Springs, for that trip alone is quite suffi
cient to advertise just what your ailment is. Have you ever thought of this? All ex
ternal signs of this disease disappear at once under Dr. McGrew's treatment, nnd not a
spot or pimple will ever appear to expose the nature of your disease. This fact alone is
a priceless comfort and consolation to one afflicted with this ailment. Dr. McGrcw
Have been cured of Loss of Vitality, Loss of Drain Power, Poor Memory, Despondency,
Gleet, and all unnatural weaknesses of men.
OFFICE HOURS S a. m. tot ! p. in. Sundays, 8 a. m. to R p. m. P. 0. ROX 760.
War en Fini IM TUrcely Among the
Omaha Prattmltj.
Mi'it Wrnk ii f din Npnmiu Hren tin'
Trnina lliird nt Wovlc 111 1 n u
Up Homn Very !oml
Cured Whflt
You Sleep,
With a rush nnd ft ronr the bowling sen
botx has swept upon Omalin, In ono lirlef I
week piny nt tho dlfroront nlleyH hns sprung 'j"JTOH30
to mnniraoth prepflrtlnna, From curly
mornlnu till into nt night now tho halls nro
Stridor. 1. In.t.ntlr R.U.veA and Ok.trtlm U Wire Snow Beneetk tke 8u-
in rirrgEN pays.
Verioeeele t. Oared, and Weak M. At
Ma.Io St. Jame. Treatment, Applied Locally an
Directly te the AaVeted Farti.
TifveT?? ,ll..oIvr. Slrliur Ilk beneath b.
o ariiKN ruin the .lomnoh, bt n dlrmit local P"S 5S?IloV
- Hon I.. Il.n -nllr. Ur.lhrnl Tract. nM All OUII VltBIS OFKKII. H1BB COUPON.
an sircoicsnruM.Y as by otmBBivias.
Inst soason by the nthlutla ruroro whloh It
caused, but tho present winter will eollpso
Tenpins Is ones morn tho fnvorlto, None
ot tho fascinations of tho many other
br.wllnc pastimes finds tha favor that thu
standard gamo Is shown, Tho neat nnd
pretty points ot cocked hat, the great dif
ficulties In ninepins, tho lessor exertion of
dlcfcplnn nono sufflco to lure tho bowler
from tho royal game ltnnlf.
This sentiment Is greatly enhanced by the
oxlstoneo ot tho Omnha Howling longito, an
organization In which thero Is tho keenest
rivalry botwoon tho dlffoient clubs, thus
promoting tho roost strenuous endeavor,
Tho schedulo of twenty-eight gnmes for
each of tho eight clubs Is now well undor
way, nnd tho progress being made In tho
loaguo standing will bo tho absorbing toplo
around the alleys now till It nil ends In
April and tho championship has been lost
and won.
Four games wero played this week, on
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
nights. For tho opening gamo the Oerman
defeated tho Onto Cltys on tho Oato City
nlloyo by only forty-flvo pins. It was a
close match, nnd tho Germans did not win
till the Inst round, tho opponents leading
In tho first two. Stnpcnhorst of tho der
mnns jnndo a 204 nnd tho best total of
eithor side, 679. For tho Onto Cltys Hartley
made 202 nnd tho best scoro of his tenm,
C36, whllo P. Conrad rolled 20S In tho first
framo and Charles Seaman 200 In tho sec
ond. Illwh Tenm flcortnsr.
Tuesday night the Clarksons nnd Krug
I'urkB met at tho samo allovs,
tho former winning with n big
margin of 328 pins. Inches was easily tho
star of tho gamo nnd of the whole week's
play In tho league, with a total of 847 pins.
Ho made 213 In the first round, 217 In tho
second and 187 lu tho third. That Is un
nverago ot 215 2-3 for ten frames, nnd this
fine work lifted the scoro ot his Clnrkaon
mates veryditgb. Ambruster of tho samo
team made a 210. For tho Krug Parks Hen
gelo was high roan, with a 21S and a total of
Wednesday's game was between tho
Omahus and tho Westerns, tho'ilrst named
team being an.casy victor by 291 pins. This
contest wns on Clark's alleys. For tho
victors only ono man got In tho double
centuries, and that waa Emery, with a 201.
Tha best total was Zarp's, 654. He wns
also an Omaha. Of the Westerns Reynolds
ICvery sufforer from Htrloture. nnd Its offspring, Varicocele,
VroHfatltli. nnd ficmlnnl Weakness, should wrllfl ; tri i tliij Bt.
ti,oi iBunMntlmi. Id Ht Jatnni lildK.. Clrrt'llinatl. O..
illUWinj, III" llHI in II, mo imiiinu hjm-
Bono, 10 man
a. nnd Almost IBrery oonasry
on ISnrth,
a 1,1 . 1 ..!. Ar, ,i n ,1 . . 1 1 1 1 .1 fni'nr
aiwnya roiiiiic, nun cui... uu, , .nolr musiramu worn n
rrow moro ltitenso, As prophoslod. this em Involved In Urethral Aliment, wnion iney
'.?.. " . L n.i,n nnnllcants. securely wrapped in plain pnckug,
wm no urn mcB ,......., "... - - 0armX Mnn in iivrry Hlntn In the V
hna known. The game astonished tho town i " ' .,.
dress plainly wrltton, whon tjiuy will send you a
scpurntoly Illuiitrated In liulf-tono, showing the
Out out thl coupon and mull It to the Ht.
Amoointion witu your name ana a
a oouy ot tlislr extinusttrs treatise
pans 01 in mam system htoitu
In lliethri.1 Allmonts.
Please send to me a copy of your complete Illustrated Work upon the
Ct Ht, James Bnlldlag ,
rolled a 200 nnd scored tho best totnl ot
his tenm with 520. ,
On Thursday night tho St. Chnrlos tenm
met tho Nationals nt Clnrk's nllcys. The
St. Chnrlen quintet won by 319 pins.
Schneider ot tho vtctorB took thn total high
score with BC4, nnd wns tho only man to
bronk Into the 200 list, ho rolling 206.
Ahmnnson was high for the losers with 4G4.
Tho St. Charles team took the threo rounds
(lumtlim of I'ui'ccntiiKcn,
Although each night's play ot throo
rounds counts as ono gnme on nn nlley tho
percontngo standing of tho teams Is reck
oned from a different basis. In that calcula
tion each ot tho three rounds ot nn evening's
play counts a gamo, so that for percentage
purposes tho teams will each play eighty
toyr games Instead of twenty-four. In that
way a team might bo beaten In a tho total
from tho three roumlB, but still score the
better perccntago of tho two, for It might
win two rounds and then loso ono so badly
ns to bo bcutcn In tho totals. Calculated
from this basis of each round a gamo tho
team standings nt the ond of the first week
W. 1.. 1 C.
Clarksons a o
crr.uhn a o l.ouo
Ht. Charles 3 0 l.Ooo
Onto Cltyu 1 .MU
Oi-rmaiiH 1 2 .333
Krug I'arks o :i ,ooo
Nntlonals 0 3 .000
This week tho schedule continues with
four mora games, from Monday to Thurs
day nights. Theso four nights aro tho plny
lng times throughout tho season, Noxt
Monday's gamo Is at the Onto City alleys
botween tho Omahas nnd tho Nationals,
On Tuesday the Hermans and Clarksons
meet at Lentz & Williams. On Wednesday
the St. Charles and Westerns play at tho
Gate City alloys and on Thursday the Krugi
play the Oato Cltys at Lentr & Williams.
Nrorrn of the Week,
Tenpln scores of 200 and bettor at Clark's
nllcys: W. II. Carson, 201, 217, 219, 209,
213; P. J. Hcngele, 202; W. II. Statcnhorst.
229, 201; II. nesolln, 212; Ouy Furay, 209;
II. Southy, 246, 200; O, J. Francisco. 220,
233, 210, 202; H. W. I.ohman, 200; J, O.
Kaufmuun, 203; M. 11. Huntington, 201, 244,
228, 203, 230, 207, 200; W. W. Cameron, 209,
231, 217; J. H. Hodges, 213; W. C. Urunkn,
223; S. Klormnnn, 208, 218; F, A. Fogorberg,
201; W. Slovers, 205; II. Frltscher, 221, 215;
"l'lumbcr" Head, 212, 209; W. H. Emery,
202, 200, 201, 245; W. P. Clarkson, 238; Tom
Ileynolds, 200; W. 8. Sheldon, 222; O. Miller,
222; T. J. O'nrlen, 206; II. W. Christie, 21
W. H. Ahmanson, 202; Prank Fogg, 231; O.
Matthal, 201; Chnrles Seaman, 226 W. P.
Schneider, 206.
Tenpln sooros of 200 nnd bettor at tho
Onto City nlleys : W. A. Chandler, 203; A,
P. Swnnsnn, 207; J. Oardlnor, 210; J, J.
Davcy, 202; Oeorgo Nolson, 212; W. W.
Hartley, 258, 202; P. J, Ilengele, 200, 202,
201, 218; W. 8. Sheldon, 221, 210; W. II.
Btapenhorst, 211, 234, 204; J. J. Foley, 200,
211; Captain Huntington, 201) D, H, Skin
ner, 213; P. Conrad, 210, 206; II. I), need,
204, 218, 212; lllll Ambruster, 224, 310; Kit
Carson, 208, 236; W. II. Ahmanson, 201, 206 ,
O. S. Seaman, 200; O. A. Bchoedsark, 21fi
C, 13. Selleck, 212; Harvey Swartz, 202 Hill
Inches, 243, 217.
Charles It. Wcssmar, Bvasston, III.,
write: "My boy, 2i years old, had a
severe cold which refused to yield to any
treatment until we tried Foley's Honsy and
Tar, He was completely cured before using
one bottle." Take nono but Foley',