Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1901, PART I, Page 10, Image 10

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Unkniwn Kgro Armtacl for If unlet af Dr.
Fall or at Newton.
Detectives Snlel to llnvr Hern Wnnt
Inif Thin .Mnn All tilt Tlmr
lutvn Tn Krrrct I.n
(From, n Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Oct. 12. (Special Tele
iram.) Detective from this city today ar
retted a negro at Hocking for tho murder
of Dr. Tailor at Newton six weeks ago. The
namo of tho negro Is not known, but his
Identification is Bald to bo perfect. Do was
teen at Newton tho night of tho murder
and tho report that tho murder was com
mitted by threo trnmps was sent out, It la
inld, In order to throw tho BUpposed culprit
off tho track. De was found working nt the
eoal mines In Docking. A reward of (500
had been offered for his arrest.
Tn Krrrrl l.nw Uphold.
Tho Iowa supremo court today upheld the
tax ferret law, which has been a source of
great annoyance and the causo of much lit
igation In the state. The case whs that of
Harry Oatusha, troasfircr of Jasper county,
against the estate of August Wendt. The
cane was selected as a test case because It
Involved practically all the questions which
could be raised. Other cases, notably those
from Palo Alto county, wero practically
submitted at tho same time, but tho decis
ion was on tho Jasper county case. The
amount of taxes claimed against the rotate
amounted to $1,077.68, and It was on prop
erty omitted from tho tax books In 1895-86-97.
The law went Into effect October 1,
1807, when tho new code was put In force.
The principal ground for claiming that
tho tax ferret law Is unconstitutional was
that It was retroactive and authorized the
county treasurer to place on the tax books
lor collection taxeH which hnd accrued prior
to tho taking effect of tho law. Tho su
preme court holds that the law Is not ret
roactive, but Is remedial In nature, und the
net of placing on tho tax books for ctllec
lion Is In tho nature of correcting tho as
sessments previously inndo.
Tho objection to tho law that It does not
provldo notice to the taxpayer Is swept
away by tho statement that tho taxpayer
who haH committed a fraud against tho stnto
In hiding his property bus no right to com
plain. If his property has been .rightly re
turned In tho first placo ho would 'have had
n right to appear beforo a board and make
protest. Tho law Is held not to violate any
prlnclplo of! taxation, nnd tho prior
net of tho assessor Is not In tho naturo of
nn adjudication. Tho court, however, holds
that Interest should not have been com
puted prior to tho going Into effect of the
Tho caso Is reversed on tho ground that
there should havo been a Jury trial, which
was denied, In order to determine tho facts
In regard to tho hidden property. Ilut tho
effect of tho decision will bo to strengthen
, tho tax ferrots nnd tho county ofllclalH In
uncovering property which hns not hereto
fore been tHxed, nnd It will enrich tho state
by many thousands of dollars.
Following aro the decisions of tho court:
Ora. Shook against Jacob Shook et nl,
appellants. Davis county, Judge Klohclber
ger; action for divorce: ninrmed.
J. II. Trumble against Henry O. Huppy
nnd Magnus Drawing Company, appellants,
Linn county, Judge Thompson: notion for
personal Injury; reversed,
J. II. Sheldon, nppellant. against T. II.
Steel, Chcrokeo county. Judge Onyner: ac
tion to recover money paid for another;
nfllrmcd. V
Packers' National Dank. nppellnnt.
Bgalnst Chicago. Minneapolis & St. Paul
Itallroad Company et nl. Woodbury county,
l Judge Qnynor: action to recover cattle on
chnttel mortgage; nfllrmed.
Hurry Gnlusha against Mathlldo Wendt.
executor, nppellant, Jasper county, Judge
Dewey: tax ferret case; reversed.
Itcptibllcnn Jlppiliign Thin Week.
Tho following nro the appointments for
political meetings announced bv tho re
publican commltteo for next week:
A. D. Cummins Oenlson, Monday after
noon; Qlenwood, Tuesday afternoon: Shea
nndoah, Wednesday afternoon: Fontancllo.
Thursday evening; Ottumwa. Friday even
ing; Newton. Saturday afternoon.
Thomas A. Cheshire Montezuma. Satur
day evening.
J. P. Dolllvor Vinton, Monday afternoon:
Bryant, Tuesday afternoon: Clinton. Tues
day ovenlng; Eldrldge, Wednesday after
noon; Durant, Thursday afternoon: Wilton.
Thursday ovenlng; Ottumwa, Friday even
ing; Osceola, Saturday afternoon.
Walter I. Smith Viola Center. Thursday
evening; Klmbnlltnn, Friday evening; Orls
wold, Saturday evening.
L. M. Shaw New London. Friday even
ing; Dloomfleld, Wednesday afternoon:
Monroe, Thursday afternoon: Germanla.
Friday afternoon; Burt, Friday evening;
Spirit Lnko, Saturday afternoon; Llvermoro.
Saturday evening.
John Hcrrlott Logan, Tuesday evening;
Woodbine, Wednesday evening; Lowls, Fri
day ovenlne.
W. B. Allison Tama, Tuesday evening;
Now Sharon, Wednesday afternoon: Knox
vllle, Thursday afternoon.
J. F. Laccy Pulaski, Friday evening:
Dunch, Saturday nftornoon.
J. N. W. Ilumple lova City. Friday evon-
I), n. Henderson Council Bluffs. Thurs
day evening; Iowa City, Friday ovenlng.
W. P. Hepburn Charlton. Friday evening;
Oeceola, Saturday evonlng.
Lot Thomas Qulmby, Tuesday ovenlng:
Westflcld, Wednesday ovenlng; Pulllna.
Thursday ovenlng.
Sam L. Darrah Clio. Thursday evening;
Cambria, Friday ovenlng.
E. Homlnger Moulton. Thursday even
ing; Nowton, Saturday aftornoon.
Sidney A. Foster Now Virginia, Saturday
Governor Shuw In Other Slntea.
Governor Shaw returned homo this oven
lng from nn extended trip In tho state,
engaged In making republican addresses.
Ho has consented to make two speeches In
Nebraska at tho close of tho campaign and
these will bo mado November 1 nnd 2, but
tho places havo not yet been named. Ho
today received assignment for two of his
dates In Ohio. Ho will speak at Clydo
October 22 nnd at Norwalk October 23. Ho
will upend nil of that weok In Ohio and
Chairman Dick has asked him to bo on
hand so that ho can mako at least two
speeches on Monday, October 21. Tho gov
ernor Is to go to St. Louis tomorrow and on
Monday evening will deliver an address
beforo tho republican club of St. Louis.
Stnte Property .Iropnrd licit.
A valuable pleco of property owned by
tho state of Iown Is about to bo lost to tho
atate on a tax deed, which will bo Issued
by the treasurer of Polls county December
I next unless redemption from tax salo is
made beforo that time. The property Is
Just across tho street from tho state capl
tol and was purchased about threo years
ago out of the proceeds of tho sale of tho
land on which tho city library now stands.
Tho property was taken subject to the tax
assessments against It on account of paving
the streets. This tax has accumulated and
become duo und the county treasurer ad
vertised the property for salo and sold It
to a man In Cedar Rapids. Tho stato oxecu
tlvo council has no authority to redeem
from tax salo or pay .out any money for
that purpose, but an effort Is being madu
to And some old tax warrants belonging to
tho atate and turn them into tho county
"SrSS fV-K ftim? TtatiaMJirtr
treasury to redeem the state's property. It
this Is not done tho atate will lose tho
property, largely because nobody has been
charged with the duty of looking after It.
Close of t'nrnlrnl Week.
The carnival week In Dcs Moines closed
this evening and It has been regarded hs
generally the most unsatisfactory attempt
nt having a fall festival ever known to tho
city of Des Moines. There wero few free
attractions or shows that wero out of tho
ordinary nnd there was much complaining
among tho crowds. The horse show was a
great success, a largo number of fine horses
being shown, and tho prizes given attracted
many from other states. This was Inter
fered with by rain on Thursday and tho
rest of tho week was not pleasant.
Victim of Aaaiutlt Die.
Barney O'Rourke, a well-known con
tractor connected with tho Edison Electric
Light company, died this forenoon at tho
hospital from the effects of a blow on the
head by Charles Tllllvcr, colored, In a sa
loon row on Thursdny. This wns tho first
nnd most serious of the affrays Incident to
carnival week In Des Moines, Tllllvur Is
under arrest and tho charge of murder
will be placed against him.
MherHTn Wnnl n Cliiiiir.
Sheriff Onrncr of Boono county Is In tho
city In tho Interest of tho Stato Associa
tion of Sheriffs, which holds Its annual
meeting December 12. Garner Is president.
Ho Is hero with a view to working up legis
lation to bo asked of the next assembly.
The sheriffs will demand a change In tho
fee system, whleh Is found to work to tho
disadvantage of tho sheriffs in Iowa. It
Is desired to revolutionize this system and
put the sheriffs and deputies on salary.
I), (. Mnntlell Arrested nt Webster
City, Hnnpertrrl of Complicity
In I'oatofflcc Itnhtierr.
WEBSTER CITY. la., Oct. 12. (Spcctat
Telegram.) D. O. Mundell was arrested at
Williams last night by government post
ofllco detectives and Chief of Police Ash
of this city. A man who was arrested In
Chicago Bcveral days ago with $1,500 worth
of stamps on his person had letters from
Mundell saying that ho would bo nt Wil
liams today. Two detectives huvo been
watching tho Williams postofllce for several
days. Mundell gives his address as Omaha.
Ho Is suspected of complicity In the Chi
cago robbery. Federal officers left with him
todtiy for Chicago.
Sue for llrrnrli of Promise.
WATERLOO. Ia., Oct. 12. (Special.)
Miss Bertha Dickens of Tnma county has
sued John U. Stoehr for $5,000 damages for
breach of promise. Threo times was the
wedding postponed nnd no preacher or
groom appeared. Sho was formerly a stu
dent of tho business collcgo hero and later
n school teacher In Tama county. Tho de
fendant Is a young business man of Tama.
An attachment for $2,400 hns been placed
on his goods.
.Minol Two llrntlirm.
BLOOMFIELD, Ia Oct. 12. (Special.)
Lowls McAvoy, a stockman south of town,
nnd two McVey brothers, all said to havo
been drunk, were riding In another man's
wagon near McAvoy's house, carrying a
shotgun. Tho team ran away nnd all fell
out. whereupon McAvoy took up tho gun
and shot both brothers. James McVey
was wounded dangerously in tho faco and
breast. McAvoy is under nrrest.
Wanderer from nn Asylum.
CEDAR FALLS, Ia Oct. 12. (Special
Telegram.) Tho remains of tho man who
was killed by tho Illinois Contrnl train
yesterday were identified nn those of Wil
liam Carter of Algona. He wns a trusty
at the asylum and had wandored away.
(Continued from Eighth Page.)
Rev. J. W. Wilson, at tho First Congrega
tional church at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
His morning subject will be, "Almost Per
suaded" nnd his evening, "Christ's Vlow
of tho Nobility of Manhood."
Elder James Caffal! will occupy the pul
pit this morning at tho Latter Day Saints
church and Elder F. M. Cooper In tho even
ing. Services will bo at 10:30 a. m. nnd
7:30 p. m. Sunday school will bo at noon.
There will bo n social mooting Wednesday
evening nt 7:30 o'clock.
There will bo morning prayer nt 11 o'clock
In Graco Episcopal church and Sunday
school at 0:45 a. in.
Mayor mill Aldermen Cnntlnne Work
of PrcpnrliiK for l'nvlns
Mayor Jennings nnd the aldermen are not
worrying over tho protests against tho
Fourth ward paving which Interested prop
erty' ownors continue to serve on Con
tractor Wlckham and tho cltv council, Tho
work on preparing tho streets for tho brick
Is going on right ahead and tho cltv ofllclals
fcol secure that the protesting property
owners will In tho long run be compelled
to pay tho assessment against their prop
erty for tho Improvement.
City Solicitor Wndsworth and tho mem
bers of tho city council nro contldent that
tho paving was legally ordered and that
tho assessment for tho Improvement whon
completed will bo found to be perfectly
When It was first determined to ropave
tho streets In the Fourth ward manv of
tho property owners wero in favor of
nsphaltum, while others preferred brick.
Tho city council was opposed to the use of
asphaltum on any of tho streets In this
city as being expensive to maintain In
proper repair. The owners who aro now
protesting against the brick paving aro
those who in tho first Instance favored
asphaltum. It is understood that thev In
tend to make their fight against the as
sessment on tho grounds that the bids tor
the work wero not properly advertised and
that the contract was not let to tho lowest
bidder. They oIbo claim that thero are
soveral other flawB In tho action of tho nltv
council ordering tho paving, which will let
them out of paying for It.
No matter what the result of the pro
tests will be, Contractor Wlckham will he
perfectly safe and can loso nothing, al
though ho may meet with somo delay In se
curing payment for tho work. His contract
with tho city binds tho cltv to make a lecal
and valid assessment nnd If this Is not
done. In tho opinion of City Solicitor Wads,
worth, tho city will bo liable for the
amount duo the contractor.
Somo of tho aldermen look upon tho pro
tests as n mere bluff on tho part of tho
persons serving them nnd believe that when
the work is completed and tho time comes
for them to pay tho assessment, thev will
rather than go Into court nnd invito ex
pensive legislation, step up to tho cltv
clork's desk and Hfttlo.
None of the property owners who havo
tiled protests. It Is said, intend to cnloln tho
city from proceeding with tho paving, but
will allow tho work to go ahead nnd then
try to avoid paying for It,
Protests were tiled yesterday bv A. P.
Folk. First acntie and St. John's English
Lutheran church. South Soventh street.
One firm of attorneys appears for all thoso
who have served protests so far.
Cnnncll muff Rnrletr,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J K Cnntv r r
pleasantly surprised Frldoy evening at their
uuiuo uu univiunu avenue vy a numuer or
their friends In honor of their eighth wed
ding nnnlversary.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. French nro homo
from n visit in western Nebraska.
The Tuesday Whist club will meet this
week with Miss Key of Seventh street.
Tlio Whist rltili was entertnlned Tuesday
afternoon lit tho home of Mrs. V. E. Ben
der of Dltirr street,
Miss Nellie Moore entertained the mem
bers of the S. S. 3. at her home on Seventh
street Friday evening.
The Woman's club will meet Wednesday
nfternoon nt tho home of Mrs. Charles T.
Oitlccr of Seventh street.
The Atlns club wns entertained Tuesday
nfternoon nt the home of Mrs. F. W.
Houghton on Pierce street,
Tho Ideal club will hold Its'regutnr meet
ing Tuesday nfternoon nt the homo of Mrs.
Thomas Metculf of Bluff street.
The Dramatic club will bo entertained
Wednesday evening nt the homo of Mm.
Robert Wallace on Eighth street.
Mrs. J, W. Smith of Seventh street enter
tained n number of friends informally nt
slx-bnnded cucher Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. W. II. Dudley of Sixth street hns
issued Invitations for cards Thursdny after
noon, inursuay evening ami r nuny even
Mrs. J. L. Stewart of Fourth stropt on.
tertalned Informally of n dinner Friday
evening in nonor oi airs, w. w. uunpmnu
of Denver.
Miss Nellie Rlthnrz. who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. John Mornu, left last even
ing for her homu In Chicago, accompanied
by Mrs. Mornn,
Mr. nnd Mra. H, W. Hnrt have as their
guest Mr. Hurt's father. T. M. Hurt of
New Bedford, Mass., und brother, Francis
11. Hart of Boston.
The first meeting of tho Derthlck club
for this season will bo Mondny evening nt
mo i toy a i ,rcanum nan. An interesting
program will be rendered.
Mrs. Wallace Hhcpnrcl will entertain tho
members of tho Kucher club Tuesday after
noon at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wll
Hani Pyper of Frank streot.
The literature department of the Council
Bluffs Woman's club met nt tho clubrnoms
Thursday afternoon with Mrs, I'. J. Mont
gomery ns chairman for the afternoon.
Miss Dorothy Sparc of Eighth streot en
tertained a niiiiilier nf frfemlM nt Imp Vtnn.
Monday evrnlng in honor of Miss Maudo
iimpoeu ot milium, wno nns been her
guest during tho lust week.
Misses Dodge entertained nt a daintily
appointed dinner Saturday evening In linpor
of Miss Elbert of Des Moines und Leonard
Lverett of this city, whoso engagement
has recently been announced.
. The household economic department of
ii e (iimrii uiims womun s cum will meet
Thursday afternoon ut tho cliibrooms. Tho
current event department will meet the
same nfternoon nfler the adjournment of
the household economic department.
The University Hub met Wednesday
afternoon with Mrs. Mark Williams, tho
subject for discussion being "American
Literature During the Colonial Period,"
w th Mrs. Askwhli iih leader. The club
will meet this week with Mrs. O.iren.
Mrs. Victor H. tiemler nf lll iff atrn
tertnlnrd nl cards" Thursday and Friday
afternoon at her home In honor of her
guest. Mrs. M. C. Lcscher of aalesburtr,
111. Prizes i ut enrds wero won Thursday bv
v. . .Mrs. vnniiriint una
Mrs. Brlndsmiild; Friday by Mrs. Guy
Hheimrd. Mm. W. L. Douglass und Mrs. S.
l. McAtee.
A pretty home wedding occurred Wed
nesday evening, when .Miss Jcsslo Dennis
wns married to Oeorge U. Bosley of Chi
cago nt tho home of her parents, Mr. nnd
Mrs. U. 1 4. Clark. The bride was attended
by her sister, Miss Cluru, and Dr. W. A.
Dennis or .St. Paul wns best man. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hosley left Thursdny for St. Paul and
tlilcago, wbcre they will nuiko their home.
Klp'K 1?;..Y:m,Mn ""' MIhh Ocrtrudo Ben
nett of Willow uvenue were united In mnr
rlngo Monday evening, October 7, at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Bennett of Willow uremic. In the
piexoncp of about ino friends of tlio brldo
el!'. ,"V !ry- J- J- Muckny ot All
bial.nt? Episcopal church In Omaha olll
rlateil. T ho house wns beuutlfullv deco
rated In cut (lowers and palms. In (ho rear
parlor, where the wedding ceremony wns
performed, wns erected a bower or palms
and American Beauty roses. Pink nnd
green were used In the decoration of tho
trout parlor mid pink nnd white In the din
ing room. Assisting In the dining room
were Miss fjc'hoentgon nnd Ml3s Sado
Farnsworth. The crnlemleen .if tii ini,i
wns a tall creation of LuFrnnco roses nnd
asparagus fern. The bride was nttrncllvo
111 a White moussellne nver tnffnfn o.,.l ..
rled u lurgo bouquet of Bride's roues. At
tho l onclus on of tho ceremony Mr. nnd
:;:ii!'i "".'!: 1 Ior A'oveianu. o.. nnd
Will also visit other nn nln In rhn ...... ,
oro. roturiiliiB home. They will be at homo
to their friends after November 1 nt tho
home of the hrliln's nnrentu nn win...
avenue. Mr, and Mrs. Empklo wore the ie-
ViVi numerous miluisomo wedding
Contribute to Shipment of I'nncy
Hereford for the IC. U.
Armour Herd.
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 12. The Johnston
lino steamer Rowanmoro, which renched
Baltimore today, brought over what will
go on record na the largest shipment of
Hereford cnttlo ever mode from England,
tho home of that breed, to America. Tho
Importation consists of 100 breeding Hero
ford cows, forty young Hereford calves
and three Hereford bulls. They nro for
tho lato K. B. Armour's herd here. W.
E. Brlttan, secretary of tho English Hero
ford society, acted as Mr. Armour's agent.
Among tho great English herds from
which tho cattle were drawn aro those ot
King Edward VII, from which two royal
heifers, one of them a winner nt tho Royal
Cattle show this season, wero chosen. Tho
earl of Coventry contributed tho prize
winning 3-year-old bull, Mercury; Admiral
Brlttan, n number of cows. Tho most no
table nmong them, howover, Is tho prlzo
wlnnlng herd bull, Majestic, obtained from
James Smith, Thinghlll castle. Othors are
tho yearling heifers, Prudentla, Lady
Brand, Maysio and Silverstream, which
wero Bhown nt every Importnnt show In
England this season and wore, as a lot, con
sistent winners.
Neither Will Tnlk Polities After Their
Ilcturn from Mummer Uut
' Iiikh Alirond.
NEW YORK. Oct. 12. Senator Henrv
Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts returned on
the steamer St, Louis of tho American line
from a summer vacation abroad.
Because of the senator's intimacy with
President Roosevelt he was besieged by
thoso who sought to learn his views con
cerning the policy of tho new administra
tion. To all Inquiries tho senator returned
a posltlvo declination to be interviewed.
"With Theodore Roosevelt in tho Whtto
houso tho country Is In safo hands," was
all that he could bo Induced to say re
garding national affairs. "I havn decided
not to talk politics for tho present."
Former Senator Wolcott of Colorado, who
also returned on St, Louis after four months
abroad, said ho was not lntorestcd In nubile
affairs and oxpectB to take up the practlco
of law at Denver,
Wnr .lurrhnm Heiiirniliereil hjr the
fienernl (ioveriiiueiit.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 12.-(Spcclnl.) Tho
following pensions havo been granted:
Ibsuo of September 21: '
Nebraska: Increase, restoration, relssuo,
otc. Charles W. Roberts, Crab Orchard,
$10; Paul Fox, Waco, $S. Original widows,
etc. Special accrued September 27, Alvlza
L. Pike, Kearney, $8: Phebo J. Cooper,
Table Rock. JS.
Iowa; Increase, restoration, relssuo. otc.
DemoH M. Prlddy. Greenfield. J12; Jacob
!. Wnltz, Belmont. $10: Samuel AV. Young.
Promise City. $17; Joseph L. Luklns, Rock
well, $12; Owen Cnry, Cedar Rapids. $17.
Orlglnnl widows, etc. Mury Ouiise, West
.Liberty, $S: special accrued September 27,
.ilobocen W. Hcrrlott. Creston. $s: Anna
ertz. Burlington, $S; Mary C. Uurd. Cedar
Rnplds. $S.
South Dakota: Increase, restoration, ro
lssue, etc.-(5eorgo W. fllover, Hot Springs,
North Dakota; Original widows, etc.
npccnu acrnicu ocpieniocr zi, minors of
Qeorgo W. Eshom, Knox. $10.
Colorado! Increase, restoration. rUan.
etc Hablnn Lopez, WnlBenburg, $S: John
uryum, .uomo viaia. uriginni widows,
etc. Carrie M. Slctn, Danver, $8. Supple,
mental widows, etc. Annlo A. ("aughniun,
W estcllffe, $2.
Montana: Increase, restoration, reissue.
etc.-Duniel W. Slattery, Cinnabar, $7.59.
Have Been Wrecked on the
Rock of Sexual Vice.
Thousands Have Been Rescued by
The State Elecro-Medical Institute.
Which Combines A11 ot the Curative Pwer of Both
Medicine and Electricity iti Our Electro
Medical Treatment
Specialists for
I make mm htumm mmmmvMmm wfcaa I mmw that aaUllaite ef mem
that tfcer t fttiease, fcnt atke
aMtriil tkB mr immr will eaatral
anoxlfl-. 1'rtrm Inmnlr,.
or anr aaannlntr riUeaee or nrnknrm, yon orrr It tn yourself to fully and freely Inreatlarute my treatment. My maatrry of thaae malad4ee la complete.
I heajnn n apeclal study of them soon after atrnduatlna- from college, now nearly a quarter of a century ago, and during all of the years alnoe thea
they hove been my study and nrralalrnt practice. I treat nothing- elae.
Hops It not orenr to yon, then, that I am better prepared to combat and uonijnrr dlirnae and nraknrn peoallar to men than the general practi
tioner, ttIio, Inatend of concentrating hla fncultlra on a alngle plaaa of dlaeaae, scatter tlirni over the entire Held of medicine and anrseryf
Iot no one be deceived
liv leiiornnt lmltatois
flC or false pretenders who
, . . , Y sock to imitate my
IMITATflHX methods by copying my
iiiiiniwiiu mrrilcnl announcements:
Nnno of them possess
my new and orlelnal treatment for men
which can only bo obtained at our omces.
It Is my knowledge nnd skill born of vist
experience, together with sclentlilc equip
ment that cures diseases of men, and not
my medical announcements and writing
which Imitators copy.
On account of Its
frlehtful hldceiinnCfis.
Rl Contagious Itlood poison
DLUUU u commonly cnlled the
king of venereal dis
eases. It may be either
nenaitary or contracted.
Ono th system Is tainted with It, th may mnulfcst Itself In the form of
icrofuln, eczema, rheumatic pains, stllT or
iwollen Joints, eruptions or conper-colori d
ipots on face or body, little ulcers In tho
nouth or on the tongue, soro throat, swol
len tonsils, falllnc out of the hair or eye
brows, and finally n Icprous-Ilkc decay of
Iho flesh and bone. If you have any of tnese
r similar symptoms, you are cordially In
vited to consult me Immediately. If I find
four fears are unfounded, I will quickly
juburden your mind. But If your constitu
tion Is Infected with syphilitic virus I
rrlll tell you so frankly and show you how
to Ret rid of It. My special treatment lor
SontuRlous Blood Poison Is practically tho
result of my life work, and is Indorsed by
the best physicians of America nnd Europe.
U contains no Injurious drugs or dangerous
State Electro-Medical Institute,
1308 Farnam Street, Bet. 13th and 14th Streets, Omaha. Neb.
REFERENCES: Hest Bunk an J Leading Business Moninthis City.
CONSULTATION in person or by letter FREE. Office Hours 8 n. in. to 8 p. in. Sunday la a. m. to 1 p. m.
Zinzibar Biata Field f Thirteen at Morris
Park Coarse.
His Mornlimsldo and King Ilnnuver
Win Iloth the Hunter and Nursery
lInuillriipN Itennlt at
Other Tfttoka.
NEW YORK, Oct. 12. Zlnrlbcr, running
tho cherry and white hoops of Mr. Chamb
let, won tho champion steeplechase ut
Morrla park today. Coupled with his stablo
companion, Mars Chan, ho was favortto In
tho bottlnr, nt 3 to 1, having been backed
down from 4 to 1. Tho raco was over the
trying course of about three and a half
miles nnd fourteen good timber toppors
faced tho starter. At flag fall Mr. Hayes,
who rodo his own horse, Cock Kobln, wont
out to mako the running and showed tho
way for tho greater part of the Journey.
Diver ran with him for a mllo and a half
nnd then Fulminate moved up and helped
to make tho pace. Going up the back
stretch the last tlmo Mystic Shrlner moved
up and took company, but Vcatch, on Zin
zibar, who had been rating his mount along
In fifth aud sixth placo, then mado his
move and, passing one nfter another of
thoso In front of him, took the lead at tho
last Jump nnd coming on won easily by
clgnt lengths In tho track record tlmo of
7:02. Mystic Shrlner, ridden out, beat Ful
minate a length for tho placo. King T
refused and Marylander fell, Flnnegan, bis
Jockey, escaping with a bad shaking up.
Tho raco had an added money value of
Of tho favorites, Chilton, In tho Nursery
handicap, was tho only ono to disappoint
his followers. William C. Whitney won both
tho Hunter and Nursery handicaps. In
tho Hunter, Mornlngslde was hot favorite
at 3 to 5. Turner trailed with her to the
head ot tho stretch and then carao on and
won easily. In tho Nursery handicap King
Hanover, at 9 to 1, won. Ho made tho run
ning for live furlongs and then drew away
and won cleverly by a length and a half.
Whisky King took tho placo a' neck beforo
Chilton. Results:
First race, seven furlongs: McMeekln
won. Uollo of Troy second, I.ady Sterling
third. Time: 1:26H.
Second race. Hunter handicap, one mile:
Mornlngsldu won, I.ndy of the Valley sec
ond. Templuton third. Time: 1:10.
Third nice, tho Nursery handicap, six
furlongs: Klntr Hanover won, Whisky
King second, Chilton third. Tlmo: 1:11,
Fourth race, tho third champion steHplo
chaso, about threo miles and a half: Zlnzl
ber won, Mystic Shrlner second, Fulminate
third. Time: 7:02.
Fifth ruco, six furlongs, selling; Keynote
won, Tact second, Gibson Light third.
Time: 1:12.
Sixth nice, on mllo: Iloxuno won, fit.
Finnan second, Kthlcs third. Time: 1:30.
At Worth.
CHICAGO. Oct. 12,-Tlolllng rioer nnd Tho
Lucly, coupled as tho S. C. Hlldreth entry,
Mulshed llrst anil second In the Illnnlx
huudlcup at Wortli this nfternoon, heating
llarrack. tho 2 to 1 favorite, who was un
iiblo to find n footing In the muddy trnck
ami ran mr oeiow nis mum. i no condi
tions were exnetly suited to Rolling Hoer,
who could have gone to tho front at any
time In tho race had Coburn wished. Ho,
however, allowed The I,nclv to set the nn.-n.
closely followed hy Charlie O'lirlen. At tho
mile both tho Hlldreth horses wero In the
lead. Tho track was u sea, In somo pluces
covered to the depth of an inch or moro
wiui wntor aim witn n urizzung rain fall
ltlK durlnir thn pnttrn fiftprnnnn. Tlnultti.
rlrst race, six ftirlonirn! KrellnchnvKon
w'on. C. II, Campbell second, Heguraiica
iiurii. lime; i;i -.-.
Second rare, six furlonsrs: H'.lrnU rtun
ton won. Gonfalon iiecond, Mm press of
lienuty third. Tlmo: 1:17
Third race, flvo half furlongs: llcrrl-
Diseases of Men
that tfcer alterr it te crow waree tkrni
yea ana reaaer yea attetlr aat far
Trial TreatmrnU ana the like Jon't oare
medicines or any kind. It aoen to tho very
bottom of the disease and forces out every
particle of Impurity. Soon every sign and
symptom of Blood Poison dlsappenr com
plotely and forever. Tho blood, the tlisiu,
tho flesh, the bones and tho whole system
aro cleansed, purified nnd restored to per
fect health, and the patient prepared for
the duties and pleasures of life.
UADIPftPCIE Whatever may be tho
VAnluUULLu cause of varicocele, Its
ANn ll Injurious effect Is we I
ftllU llu known, It depresses tho
UCUf PI I DC mind, weakens the body,
nLII uunu rocks the nervous sys
tem and ultimately leads
to a complnto loss of sexual power. If you
are a victim of this dire disease oome to
our ofllco nnd let me explain to you my
process of treating It. You will then not
wonder why we have positively cured hun
dreds of cases of Varlcooelo during the
post 12 months. Under our treatment the
patient Improves from then very beginning.
All pain instantly erases. Soreness n id
swelling quickly subside. The pools of
stagnant blood are forced from the dllatnd
veins, which rapidly assumo their normal
sire, strength nnd soundness. Alt Indica
tions of dlseuso and weaknees vnnlsh com
pletely, nnd In their stead corns the pr'ide,
the power nnd the pleasure of perfoct
health nnd restored manhood.
It matters not how
long you have suffTfd
DAIMI CCCI V from Stricture, nor how
1 CJIrKyrh1 mttn' different dcctois
RFMRVFII n3Ve dlsnppolntcd you I
HLNIUVLU wilt cure you Just r
certainly ns you come to
us for treatment. I will not do It by
mont won, Autumn Leaves second, Inspec
tor third. Time: 1:11 4-5.
Fourth race, ono mllo nnd nn eighth, Illi
nois handicap: Rolling Iloer won, The Lady
second. Strangest third. Time: 1:D9.
Fifth race, one mllo and a slxtconth: val-
dei won, Fantasy second, Linden Ella
third. Time: 1:M 1-6.
Sixth race. bIx furlongs: Stella Perkins
won. Stcn Onward second. Hcrodcs third.
Time: 1:18 2-5.
At Fair Rrouuils, St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 12. The fair crounds
truck was a. sea of mud toclav and horsjs
having a proclivity for heavy going wero
much In evidence. The contest for tho
Ozark stake, a selling nffalr nt six furlongs
ror --year-oiiiH, rurnisiied tho only excite
ment of tho day. Jordan, tho favorite, wns
tho naermaker to thn Htrntrh honrt. wlinrn
lluutresiia and Sambo hooked up with him.
The three raced as a team to tho finish
line. Huntressa getting the decision by a
head nnd Sambo beating Jordan a mS for
tho placo. Two favorites, three stcond
choices and ono long shot won. Results:
i'lrsi race, six ruriongo, puma: Tno
Ilronzo Demon won. Lndv Bramblo second.
Teueer third. Time: 1:18.
Second raco, flvo half furlongs, selling:
Bister Sarah won. Concertina second, Sting
third. Tlmo: 1:12V4.
Third race, one mile, soiling: Uterp won,
Marlon Lynch second, Nnnnlc Nolan third.
Tlmo: l:9.
Fourth race, the Ozark stakes. J1.000
added, six furlongs, selling: Huntressa
won, Sambo second, Jordan third. Tims:
Fifth race, ono mllo and three-slxteenths.
selling: W'nllnbout won, Swordsmnn sec
ond, Jfoo Doughty third. Time: 2:12H.
Sixth race, one mllo und a sixteenth, soil
ing: Rochester won. Petit Mnltro second,
duo jonnson mini, i ime:
Jnckrya Suspended,
NEW YORK. Oct. 12. Tho stewards of
the Westchester Raclnir association hnvn
suspended Jockey II. Mlchnels for tho rest
or tne season ror aiiegeu rrnuiiu)ent prac
tices nnd have referred tho pnm tn thn
stewards of the Jockoy club for farther
consiueratinu. ai a meeting or the execu
tive committee of tho National Strnuin-
chaso and Hunt association held today tho
Biitii'iiniuii oi jiiuhcj jui'Hion wns con
tinued indellnltelv and tho susnnnHlnn nf
Jockey Dayton was continued for the re-
mainoer 01 tne westcnester llnclng asso
ciation meeting.
Activity of the Winter Senaon
Una Taken Hold of
the Member.
On Invitation of the Omaha Whist club
quite n goodly number of tho whist players
ot the city appeared at tho rooms ot the
club and took part In the game at tho reg
ular Wednesday night meeting. Tho club
Is desirous of Increasing Its membership
and hopes with the Infusion ot new players
that It will bo able to do so. The play re
sulted as follows:
North an South
Comstnck nnd McDowell 177 6
Uurrell and Hurness 174 '3
Redlck and Cne 172 1
Calm and McNutt 171 0
Rocktellow und Jordan 170 1
Crummer and Alice itfi 2
Rogers nnd Ross 1C7 4
j;nst ana west
Bushman nnd Hurtlett m 4
Cahn and Wheeler 183 3
Sweet and Martin..... 1H2 2
Miller and White 179 -1
Ilnucher and Daley 179 1
Richards und Llttleflcld 170 -4
Hoyt and Klttcrlng 171 0
Plus. Minus.
Strikes and Spnrea,
Wood Hartloy has established himself as
a high roller. Last month ho took tho ten
pin prize at the Gate City alleys with 258.
Ho Intends to capture tho October trophy
with tho samo score, having made It this
C. II, Mullln takes a weekly prize at
Clark's for 130 made at rubberneck.
Victor Hayes has mado twenty-threo
points In three successive games ot ninepins
at tho Gato City alleys, and his friends say
this will get him n prize at the end of tho
M. R. Huntington U Just now high man
for two different honor at Clark's alleys
with a score ot 244.
L. O Shrader won a prize last week at
Clark's by rolling twenty-tlvo In three suc
cessive games of ninepins.
0 WwMwmz
Master Specialist.
I do not treat all diseases, but cure all I treat,
treat men only and cure them to stay cured.
fcT keen wrtcW en the reek ml WAjo 22f? frf? 2S
acglect mr tatrrpr tvetaiem . Tfcla Ml4 ia nejiMtM tawy
the evtfnair tattee and plea we a ( life.
noaaelalnU et thla kin, aa aavf
dilating or cutting. My treatment Is new,
entirely orlglnnl with me, and perfectly
painless. It completely dissolves the Stric
ture and permanently removes vory ob
struction from tho urinary passage. It stops
every unnatural discharge, alluys all In
flammation, reduces the prostate gland when
enlarged, cleanses and heals the bladdtr
and kidneys when Irritated and congested,
Invigorates the sexual organs and restores
health nnd soundness to every part of the
body affected by tho dheasc.
Men, many of you are
Your manhood Is falling,
nnd will roon be lost un
lets you do tomcthttig
ror youreir, Tiuro js
no time to lose. Impotency, like nil soxual
diseases, Is never on tho standstill. With it
you enn make no compromise. Either you
must mastor It or It will master you, nnd
till your whole future with misery and
Indescribable woe. Wo havo troated so
many cases of this kind that we are as
familiar with them ns you nro with tho
very daylight. Onco cured by us, you will
never again be bothered with emissions,
drains, premnturencss. small or weak or
gans. norvnunesB, falling memory, lo.s of
nmbltlon or other symptoms which rob you
of your manhood and absolutely unfit you
for study, business, pleasure or marriage.
Our trentmcnt for weak men will correct
all these evils, nnd restore you to what
naturo Intended a hale, henlthy, happy
man, with physical, mental and sexual
powers complete.
British Generals Are Onttlip Queer Capers
Eefere the .Public
Veteran Coiumnnder Tnkes Wife
Whom He Una Not Seen for Twenty
Yenra Huller la lliielclr
In Hlarenttte.
LONDON, Oct. 12. Tho South African
campaign has a curious effect on British
genernls. Public attention Is centered on
General Duller's extraordinary exhibition,
while society Is gossiping about tho ro
markablo action of another general. This
ono is a knight commander of tho Bath,
holding a high command tn South Africa.
Ho is over GO years of ago, has boen a
widower for two years and has engagod
himself by letter to marry n woman of CO
whom he has not seen for twenty years.
Tho brldo-aiect, who Is an Irish woman, Is
preparing to go out to South Africa. '
As for General Huller, ho seems to havo
forover shattered every vcstlgo of his repu
tation. A reporter ot tho Associated Press
learns that previous to General Duller's
speech of Thursday ho had received sov
oral plain hints from tho oKlcors expressing
the hope that he would not accept Invita
tions to make speeches. Ills appointment
to tho command of nn army corps was
mado in a spirit of generosity. It was
thought that General Duller could not do
much harm In tho two years botaro ho ro
tired. Fnlluro to appoint him would havo
suggested n public disgrace which tho War
ofllco was not willing to Inflict on him, be
lieving that General Duller had dono bis
duty to tho best of his ability.
One ot tho highest ofllclals conncctod
with tho administration of the army said
OurVaouLm Orfrin DavatoDeriliouldbeuind
by every ninn. It cure wliora erorythlog elks
fulW ami Impo N dead. It restores imnll, weak
organs, lout power, falling mnnliorxl, dralna,
errors of youth. etc. Stricture and Varicocele
permanently cured In 1 to 4 Keeks.
No Drugs to ruin tlio 110010011. No Eleotrlo
Bolts to blister and burn. Our Vacuum l)vel
opcr la a local treatment applied directly tn tho
weak and disordered paiti, It trhos strength
rind ilovolopmeiit ulierover applied,
Old men with Inst or falling mnnhcKxl, or tho
roung and middle aged who are reaping tlio re
sult nf youthful errors. uiresi or over wort nro
quickly rotorrd to health and strength.
Our marvelous nppllnncn hns astonished the
rntirn world. Hundreds of loading plirslciaot
la tlio Unltrd Statu nro now recommending our
appliance In tlm severest cases where every other
known dovlre tins failed.
You will co nnd frol Its Iieneflt from tho first
i!y. for It i applied directly nt the soot of the
diiurder, ItmaLcsaoditferiinco liowsovoro the
nKFACEQ fJt to remove all reflex
Uluknvku complications or so
HIIRFIl clat0 diseases. If tho
UUnCU cnao Is Varicocele, thu
weakness caused by It
dlsapears. If It Is Strloture. nnd hai
developed Into Frostntlo, Bladder or Kll
ney affoctlons, the Injured organs are all
restored to a perfectly healthy condition.
If It Is contagious Blood Poison, any and
all Skin, Blood and Bone diseases arlslns
from tho taint are entirely and perma
nently eliminated from tho system. If It
Is Impotency, tho many distressing symp
toms following tn Its train and indlcatlni
a premature deollne of physical, mental an.1
soxual power are totally removed and rap
idly replaced by the youthful energy of
robust manhood. Hence all rcsulttnr 1 !
nnd reflex complications which may te
nronerlv trrmud ,41. ....... -
which. In faot, are often more aerloui
fnnn vti aIIhI 1 1 - a & -
j.-.. ... uiicuiai tutmeni urn givea nae to
tnem-all, we say, disappear comp'etelj
and forover with the cure of the main
Home Treatment by Mail
One personal visit la preferred, but If II
la Impossible or Inconvenient for you to
call at our office, write a full and unre
served history of your caae, plainly stat
ing your symptoms. We make no chargi
for private counsel and glvo to each patient
A LEGAL COM RAC 1' to hold for oui
promtsea. If you cannot call today, writ.
to a representative of the Associated Press:
"Tho ulltarlan spirit of the ago has takon
away those sinecures, such as govornor ot
Tilbury and commandor-ln-chtof of Ber
wick, with which, a hundred years ago,
Duller might be shelved and at tho same
tlmo rewarded. We had no alternative but
to reward General Duller's long and con
scientious porlod of service by kicking him
out or giving him a command which hU
rank demands. Of tho two evils wo choso
what wo thought was tho least. Our Justi
fication is perhaps somewhat sentlmentat,
but no array can bo run without a certain
amount ot sentiment.
"As for tho public dissatisfaction with
our progress In South Africa, I fear that
Lord Roborts and other optimistic prophets
aro unintentionally more to blame than any
ono else. No one got up and said the war
In Burmah was ovor or, that It would bo
over In a foolishly short apace of time. It
lasted nearly four years and tho British
publtc took it as a matter of course. Thla
South African wnr has probably got an
othor two' years to run, developing Ilko tho
Burmnh affair Into a subalterns'' campaign,
Continual local disturbances are being put
down by tho small garrisons. To supervise
such work wo know of no ono better than
Lord Kitchener. His chief difficulty, which
seems to havo missed tho attention of tho
critics, Is that ho Is prohibited from de
stroying supplies to any degree of mili
tary thoroughness. If-we could concentrate
or deport the natives I think nn effective
devastation would quickly end the cam
paign." L'npture Slek Commander.
LONDON, Oct 12. Lord Kitchener re
ports to the War ofllco from Pretoria under
today's date that General French'! columns
havo captured Commandant Schooper. Lord
Kitchener does not state whether
Schoepor's commando, which has been
nctlvo In Capo Colony, was captured or not,
Tho Drttlsh havo boon in pursuit for a
couplo of weeks. Scheeper himself was to
III that ho was obllgod to travel lu a buggy.
Vacuum Organ
No Gure
No Pay.
75,000 I IN USB
Ono Failure. Not One Returned,
raso or how long standing, It la as sura to yield
to our treatment aa the sun is to rise.
un iiiuiju 11 iun me, wie loruuser or tna hu.
man body. Our Instrument forces the blood
Into circulation where moat needed, eivln
atrength and development to weak and lifeless
Tlio Vacuum Organ Dovoloper was first Intro
duced in the standing armies of Europoalew
years ago by the French specialist, De Bonsaet.
and Us remarkable auccejs in these countries
lod tho Local Appliance Co. to secure Hie eiclu
alve control of Us sale on the Weatern Continent 1
andtlncr lu Introduction Into thla country Its
romarkiiblo curoa have oatounded the entire
medical profession.
It has restored thousands of cases pronounced
inoiirnblo byiiliyslclnm. Itcureaqulckly.narm.
lassly, and without detention from business.
Itemembor there Is no eiposure, no O.O.D. or
any other chema In our dealing with tho public.
Vt rite for '"".partlculara sent ten led in plain
1)7 Thorpe Block, Indlai aptlU, Indiana.