THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL V . . . ri . n XxDeOUtlel QOTtriment Report OaUMI . j of ji m -t.-4 a Blow aid Waiting llarkit. foO MATERIAL ' CHANGES IN GRAINS 'rovlslon Are Depressed lr Selllntr for the Outside Account In Spite of Enrly Reports of Firm ness In Hogs. CHICAGO, Oct. 10. Grains ruled dull and xnrrnw nn thrt Hoard 01 irttuc luuny, i dontly waiting for the forthcoming govern- mcnt report, and December wheat closed a jihude lower. December corn unchanged and December oats Ai higher. Provisions closod 854950 depressed. , . neat snowea n sngni uiviui"" - M.,bAt wm tinnrlv Ftinnorted. however. and Influenced by tho early easy feeling In co-n December sagged to GOHc from tills iiolnt pending tho government report tlisre wero only narrow fluctuations, save a slight renctlon In sympathy with a flurry In corn, nnd December closed steady, a shade lower at Vic Local receipts were J65 cars, nono of contract grade. Minneapolis and Dtlluih (reported 70J cars, making a total for the three points of 667 cars, against 1,000 last week and 08 a year ago. Primary receipts wero 1,140,000 bushels, compared with l.OM.- '600 a year ago. Seaboard clearances In ' wheat and flour equaled 329,000 bushels. Apptehcnslon of nn Increase In the gov ernment crop report, together with lower t.r.ihlnn and liberal recelots. had a depress ing Ititlurnco on corn and Decemucr oponca a Bhado to HOVio lower. There were buy 'rs onough at the opening, however, to keep ;thu market fairly steady and on an In tercast, of 6 points In tho .Missouri state croii reDort December cased off only to ILC.Sic. Tho light trade, seemed to bo mainly 'duo to waiting for a definite turn In, af- I fairs Toward tho end of the session thcr;o va an uneasiness among bears who had Fold and In splto of tho prediction of ;reatcr boar Intluences tomorrow thoy bcuan covering until December closed 'Htcady, unchanged at 66Kc. Iteceipts wero 240 cars. Oats fluctuated only lie nnd were pro foundly dull. A few receivers reported more liberal country acceptances and there ivas a small outsldo demand for May. De cember closed steady. '4c higher at SS'sC. 1 Iteceipts wero 148 cars. A siignt cony steadiness was imparted to iirovlRlons early by the report of a firmer liog market, but tho samo liquidation for f thd outsldo account continued to dctiress Ifproducts generally. January pork closed tlfcc down at J14.92V4. January lard 24c lower liut J1W nnd January ribs Ec depressed at Pt7.R0 IXCstlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, '12 enrs; corn, 245 curs; oats, ISO cars; hogs, 1 j.). 'kw nenu. Tho leading futures ranged as follows: .Articles.' Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Ycs'y. Whcaf Oct. 7i 72 Dec. May ' "Corn Oct. Dec. May I "Oats Oct. Den. May irork- Oct. Jan. May ILard- Oct. Nov. Jan. May Sllhs- Oct. Jan. May tho opening In rcsponso to me biuuuj muo iiiii,yp-i f " uum u.,.. , .I,,; rnhirH I.lvornool and l'arls wuro dc- selects, fl.ftoZl,i&. VWhSlMMinlVplng with the WOKONMJve. per doz.. 60c. S?CUft?r?nV- ft TotBSd TtoeBwSrClK , HAV-p7.cSs'nu'ott i by Omaha Wholesale f JXrJt. n ultt ,.r inni nnd I it onciied a shade Hay Dealers nssoc atlon: Choice upland, f;.m.b,cbV, ill"""!'. J9.00: medium. f,rA nm 72ti, 7254SH 72H4 h'oM 6SU 65 65 5W, 66(4 Efllt 60-V, 5STi 6S t 67T(,'S6S 34i 3li .1454 34U 37-;554 WAV1!, M 31 13 75 14 0754 15 0254 14 la 14 924 15 10 15 10 It P3 15 024 9 6254 0 6254 9 424 9 4254 9 30 9 3754 9 26 9 15 8 9755 8 9754 s f5 8 h) 8 9754 8 9754 8 45 8 90 I 30 8 30 S 25 8 2754 7 R5 7 85 7 75 7 80 7 425-2 7 9254 7 SO 7 8754 65 61i G7!4ffoS 3iV4 35 3754 13 ft) 14 9754 15 0JV4 9 4154 9 30 8 9254 8 9254 8 30 7 M 7 95 No. S Cash quotations wore as follows: KLOUK Steady: winter patents u.5otr 'Q3.10: '8. GO: straights, K1.00ft3.75: clears, I2'.753.10; irpring specials, j.uu; patents. t3.30&3.G0; latralKhts. J2.S04iJ.20. WHEAT No. 3 spring, 6754ifC8c; No. red. 09iS70o. CORN No. 2 yellow. 6N.(Ef5654o. OATS No. 2, C5c: No. 2 white, 3754 l6Sic: No. 3 white, 3754039c. HAIILEY Fair to choice maltlnr. E585ic. diskub-ino. i uax, ji.u; no. 1 norm western, 11.47; prlmo timothy, J5.56y5.C0; clover, contract grade. JS.35. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $13.75 33.S0. Lard, per 100 lbs., S9.425409.45. Short Tibs sides (loose), J8.20178.40. Dry salted nhoulders (boxed). J7.C254W7.75. Short clear eiiies (noxnaj, js.wxjjs.'.iu. wiiihky lias s or n an wines, Tho following are tho receipts and ship ments lor ma lust iwci"-iour nours Articles. Klnur, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Receipts. ShlnmeutH. 205.000 129,rOO 243.000 SZ! Oats, bu tye, bu inrloy, bu t. 9.000 1.O0O m wi w . yv,.w ..wu On tho Produce exchango today the butter market was steady; creameries, 14S21V-C: dalr.'es. 13019. Cheese, steady, 954aiO?Ic. J-KRs. nrm; iresu, nc. SKW VOniC tJEXEIlAL MAI1KUT. (jQnotutlons of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Oct. 10.-FLOUR Receipts, $4,106 bbls.; exports, 5,168 bbls.; dull and about stoady; winter patents. $3.50 3.80; winter, straights, J3.2u3.40; Mlnno- PUIU flUlUlli, fd.lKMJfO.OU, VVII11C1 CAIIHS, A.UU 2.80; Minnesota bakers, $2.853.15; winter low grades, $2.3002.40. Ryo flour, dull; fair to good, $2.8af3.15; cholco tq fancy, .i3.;nns.&&i CORNMEAIi Steady; yellow westorn, 11.18: city. $1.16: Brandywlne. 13.35at3.E0. RYE Quiet; No. 2 western. 60c. f. o. b afloat; state, 065156c, o. 1. f now xorK car lots. BARLEY Qulot: feeding. 520C5c, c. I. f., llunnlo: malting, iiyywc, e. l. r. iiutralo WHEAT Receipts. 166.760 bu.: exports. It .bb.'M dm. pot, steady; ino. -i red, iic. r. o. it., anoat; ino. i reu, nvc, cicvator; rso. 1 northern uuiutn, 7bc, r. o. u anoat; iso 1 nara uuuun. mc, r. o. n., anoat. up tlons opened steady on rains In tho north vest and prospective smaller receipts r.nd wero generally malntnlned all day by light offerings. Closed unchanged; May. 77 15-l6Jj 78 3.16c. closed nt 7854c: October, 73;c; D3 cembr. 76Si75Uc. closed at 7554c. CORN Receipts, 81,700 bu.; exports, 25,793 "bu. Spot, steady; No. 2, 6Wtc, elevator, and .tSUc. f. o. b.. afloat. Ontlons ononed steadv and were extremely dull all day. advancing latn on a demand from snorts, closed atoady nnd unchanged; Mny. 61 U-lfrftu'c, closed ftt C2c; October, 60T4C rloscd nt 60Tu; December. 61 3.l61f6l54c. closed nt 61 'ic. OATS Receipts, 63,000 bu.; exports, 6.550 lju, Spot, steady; No. Z. 8c; No. 1 whlto. 4154042c; No. 3 white. 4lo: track, mixed western, wtttrwc: traca wnite, iuhhic. up lions nulet but steady. YTIMa Ulaarfi" alntA pnmmnn In lmln.. 5901 cron, 1201554c: 19u0 crop, 9014c; isod crop, 6Uc. Pacific coast, 1901 crop, 124J l&Ue: ISM cron. &!IUc: 1500 cron. 9nilc. HAY Steady; shipping, CCtfifco; good to cnoiro 5Jauc. IlinES Steadv: Galveston. 20 to S lbs.. JSc; California. 21 to 23 lbs., 1954c; Texas cry, -i to au ios nc. LEATHER Steady: hemlock sole. Hue os Ayres, Uaht to heavy, 2354i72 454oi acid, 23Uf2W PROVlSlONS-neof, steady; fumlly, 111.50 1,60; packet. $10,00510.60: city, extra India; mess, a.ou'inu.vuj occi nanis. roesB, 5i6.UKiig.w. cut meals, steady; Tilt IV It'll , iiunivn, 3 it"Li I'- iiini niium- , ciers. $7.60: pickled hama. $10.i511.00. Lard. ,c.5,aS.c"ra:i.VV'V 8."?"r 1 Btrndy; westorn strained, w.vv; reiinen I easy; continent, $10.20: compound, $S.l25i I s.25: South America. 111. 15. Pork. easy family. Jl.5Ulfi8.00; short clear. J17.5O3i9.00; mess, $15.76j 16.25. TALLOW-Dull: city (J2 per pks.). Oo; country (ukgs. free). Clc. RICE Steady; domestic, fnlr to extra, 4tf 65tc. BUTTER Recr lots. 3.911 nkes.: bnrslv inteady; stato dairy, 11 J21c; creamery, 155f 22o: June, erenmory, 20fl2154o; fnctorrt 1254tf 16i 1 CHEESE Receipts, 3.071 pkgs.: steady; ! fancy, large, colored, 954c; fancy, largi, I white, 954c: fancy, small, colored, 1054c; , fancy, small, white. 10c. EGOS Receipts, 6,850 pkgs.: firm: state . nnd Pennsylvania. siv42-c; western can idled. 21W2154C western uncandled. 111121c. POULTRY Alive, steady; springers, 9o: . turkevs. SiilOo: fowls. 9'Ac. dressed, lrrocil- lar: sprlngrrs, I0'ifl054c; fowls, 10c; sprlrg xurKeys, luvuc MKTALB much to hip surprise of tne I copper trade prices advanced about 1 .. . - ........ 1 ,.i.i.d.. ...... vers of sunnlies for Immediate use. At IHlllllo iiiuny mi,! j'i.mitti r, nvir ivnuj he close spot was firm at $16.755117.00 for Lake Superior and $16.6254 for castings. At j.ondon copper prices opened a shade ll-rhfcr. but later eased off and closed un- changed from tho previous night's close at C63 6s for futures. Tin was easier locally I at $31.a21.60, Spot tin at London was, 10s higher, while futures were Us 6d lower. ieaa was uncnangea at nome ana oma. Hnolter advanced 6 nolntn asaln today on local buying, which closed tho market firm at Jl.aV81.2S. London was dull at 17 10s Cd, Trio domestic iron maract ruica nnoui steady at unchanged prices. Glasgow war- rauti closed at 63s 9dj Mlddlcaboroush at fd. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trad! nntl (Ittntatlonri on Staple nnil Fancy I'rmlucf. KOOS-rtecelpts fair! Ions off, 15fil6c. JjIVJ-j 1'UL'iyi ill Menu, wine, and old roosters, 4c; turkeys. 7QSc: ducks nnd geese, 6QSV4c: spring chlcki'ns, per lb.. ijrsc Hl'TTBH Common to fair. 12'.4c: choice dairy, In tubs, l&Hlfio; separator. 2Cft2lc. FItESH 11811 Ulack bass, lc, white l.n ... in... 1.1...H.I. 11. U..t1l.nn IAa. I.llln nns, c: buffaloes, 7c; citnsh, 12c: cod, 10c: crnnmcs. ivu: nniinui. 11c: ncrrinc. ic: nan- cock, 10c: pike, 10c: red snapper, 10c: tal- mon, lie: sunflsh, 6c: trout, 10c: whltetlsh, loc. OYSTERS Mediums, per can. 22c: Stand- V"V:" v'X ..V1'';- 2 c... 1 " , ",: -,", .7,,, ' ..v.. live straw. IB.50. These nrlci arc for hay of good color and Quality. Do manu tair. iteceipts, a cars. WlllSAT-WC. CORN-Mc. OAT8-34C. DHAN-IIO.EO. VEGETA13LES. POTATOES Home grown. SOiWOo: I lall Lake, I1.OOH1.10: Colorado. tt.0O1.10. KUIll'I-ANT-I'er doz., T6C. CAimoTS Per market basket, 35a UKET8 Per half-bu. baskot. 35c Tt.'HNIP8-Per basket, 20c. CUCUMDEI.S Homo grown, per do 10 Wi&c. l'AitHijfcjy per doz., sue. SWEET POTATOKS-llome. nown. tier bu., 75i86c: genuine Jersey, per bbl., II. i-AiiuAUE-Hoimna seed, crated. lc. TOMATOES Homo crown, ner la.lh. hns. ket. 60c. I1EANS Wax. ner 14-bu. basket. Goc: string, tier U-bu. basket, 60c. unions Home grown, per lb., 28254c: Spanish, per crate. I1.&0. WATKHMELONS Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska, 10Q20C, as to size. CELERY Kalamazoo, oer bunch. IZtiKSc Nebraska, per bunch, 30(U35c: Colorado, 40 aavi iitJA.-sa i'er nu vi.i.oi. FIIUITS. APPLES-Cookln. ner hbL. 13.6032.78: bhow apples, tier bbl.j $3; Jonathans, J3. 60; i'uuiN. uian, per crate, 91,20. PEACHES California freestone, ner box. K5c: clings, 76c; Utah freestone, Toe; El- Dcrios, u-uasKct crates, t1.3ura1.4u. 1'iflAitu utan r iemisn ueauiy, uai- Morula fall pears, 2.00(u2.2j. OIIAPES California Tokay, 4-lb. crate, YH Aiuscais, uoncorna, eastern, isc. I'inhai'1'IjKW i'er crate or 12 to 10, ii.zs. CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. $6.60: per crate. yuilsuutJ 1'er-nox, i.j. TROPICAL FRUITS. ntlANGEK Vnlnnelns. S4.0IV!T.on! MmII. terranean nweots, $4.50. HANANA8 Per bunch, according to slzo. $2.0OQ2.60. FIUS California, new cartons, sac: im ported, per lb., 12314c. UAi&n I'ersian, in wio. doxcs, per id., D'Ac; nnirs, dc. iionky i'er zt-seciion case, x3.3093.73. MISCELLANEOUS. VltTCt..llal. .nlnl.t. Ik 1C A1. A. J 4Dii.l.oll3ll TVUIIIllO, LIVl IU., Vi , 111 l.A.c nn. IV. 19n, nlmntliU via. IK lGl.. taw peanuts, per lb., &ifCV4c; toasted, 654 i'.io; urnzus, 13c; pecans, iws c; new cbestnuts. ner lb.. 15017c. uiuuit i'er ddi., i.w; per h-ddi., ss.qu. HIDES No. 1 green. 6U0: No. 2 green. 654c; No. 1 salted, 8c: No. 2 salted. 7c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 1254 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., Co; dry hides, 813c; sheep Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Oct. 10. WHEAT Dc cember, Gflc; May, tiSfttSOTOc; cash, No. 2 hard, G56554c; No. 2 red, 70c, nominal. CORN-Dccember, 57T4o; May, B85854c; cash. No. 2 mixed. fcSWUOTic: No. 2 white. UATB NO. 2 wnite, 38f33C 11YK NO. 2. &65157C. IIAY-Cholce timothy. 13.50ai4.60: choice prairie, J12.OO012.DO. BUTTER Creamery, 1654019c; dairy, fancy. 14Q16c. EGGS Firm; fresh Missouri and Kansas stock, quoted on 'change at 16c dozen, loss nrr n iu.u M.imiM RECEIPTS Wheat, 62,000 ol.l com, 36,000 bu.; oats, nu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 38,400 bu.; corn, 6S,- 400 bu.; oats, 16,000 bu. Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. OeL 10. WHEAT Snot, steady; No. 2 red western, winter, 5s654d; iso. 1 norinern. snnng. on ta: so. 1 fornla. 6s Sd. Futures, quiet: December, 5s UHd; March, 6s 774d. IUHN-Mpot, quiet; American mixcu, new. 1s lOio. s utures, quiet; uciouer, is iuu; November. 4s lOHd: December. 4s 10V4d. I'ROviaiUNS L.aro, American rennea, in alls, dull at 48s; prlmo western, In tierces nil n 1 AQm .1 Ttunnn PlImlMtrtn nil llt. dill Ut s; long clear middles, light, dull at 48s coarse, n.w. iiye straw, Tiiese prices 7.nm RRfinoi.i. 1.1. it .1..11 jt. m .Vl.n. .lull at ii IV- rlinr hoi. "f'"i. nog. dun at MS au: Biiouiucrs. square, uui at 3Gs fid. TALLOW Prlmo city, Orm at 29s 9d. St. Louis Grain and Provisions. rt. i.ntllR. Oct. 10. This being a holiday tho Merchants' exchango wns closed, but other markets being open there was con .1iurnliln irndlnir on tbn curb. Wheat and corn wore lower. December wheat opened on tho curb at 70ft707tc, w doiow yesioraaj and sold down to 7&c; May was offerer at 74c. 54c off; Dceembor corn sold nt 57c, tin nn.lai. vnBlnrHnvi Mnv nnoned l.n down At 59c and was offered down to 6Sj4c; oats woro noi traded in on the curb, Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 10. BUTTER Firm: fancy western creamery, 2254c; fancy creamery, iicurny in una, .ou. EUUB f irm; iresn nearoy nnn wcsiern lc: fresh southwestern, l'Jc; iresn soutn orn. 18e. CHEESE Firm: New York tun creams, fancy small, 10wl054o: New York full cream, fair to choice, 9Q10c. Minneapolis Wheat, Flour and Tlrnii iiivMiiAiinr ia 1A wiipat r..h 67c: December. 675io: May. 71c: on traok No. 1 hard, 694c; No. 1 northern, 67Hc; No. 2 northern. 64T4C r I.UUU-1' irst patents, sa.MKtrt.iu; second patents, $3.45jr3.55; llrst clears, $2.7083.80; second clears, k.iu. BRAN In bulk. $12. Wa 12.75. i Toledo Grain and Heed. TOLEDO. Oct. 10. WHEAT Dull, steady: December, 73'4c: May, 7654c. CORN Dun: December, ttfl4c; may, bshc OATS Nominal; December, 364c; May, 3S54c. ItYK 6IMiC. fLOVERSEED Quiet : cash, orlmo Oc- tobcr nnd December, $5.1754. Milwaukee Grain Market. MII.WAI'KEE. Oct. 10. WHEAT Quiet : No, 1 northern, 69576954c; No. 2 northern. 6So; Dcrcmber. C954c. RYE-Steadv; No. l. 6l4c. BARLEY Dull: No. 2, 69fl60c: sample. 4544 66c. CORN December, Djatbrtc. I.iindoii .Stock .MnrLrt. LONDON, Oct. 10.-4 p. m.-ClosIng: Consols, money iipount 93 (Norfolk & W 5754 93H do pfd . 9i i Anaconda Atchison 784 1 791 .no. i-nciua ,, vm Ontario & w 334 Pennsylvania "3 Reading 20 ,i0 f,j ps"; Baltlmoro & O... 1024 Canadian Piic....llli! do 1st pfd CS54 Ches. & Oho 46 do 2d pfd 29Va Ch cago ti. w.... o. uauway pru. m4 C. M& St. P.lCSTi'Sn. Pacific 577i Denver & It. 4union i'acnic .... 99 do pfd do nfd. 90 43!; 96 V'rl. 40 V. S. Steel do pfd..., Wabash ... do nfd.... do 1st pru ,1,1 "il nfd 55 1934 tl'lnola neutral. ..148 3i L." & N I Wj'i Spanish 4s, 49 10 t lv. A T.. 25V! Hand Mines tin pid ji iJcucciB 0071 N. Y. central iwrj 8ILVER-Har. steady, 26 ll-16d. money 1HJ1V4 ner cent. The rate of dls rnmit In the onen market for short bills Is 21-1C1J254 per cent; lor tnrce montns' uui 2 13-Ui per cent. Xetv York AliulnR Quotations. Kfiiv YOlllv. Oct. 10. Tho followlmr nre the closing prices on mining stocks; Adams Con 15 Llttle Chief 11 I .,, il. 'n..n.ln , 1 rn i ni:n ,.,,,.,.,,,, w. ,fiiiat(u ......... I rtroeco 140 Onhlr Brunswick Con... 7 Phoenix Comstock Tun.,. 654 Potos .., I Con. Cal. & Vn ,160 Deadwood Terra. 5j Sierra Nevada Horn Silver 190 Iron 8l!ver oS Leudvllo Con 2 Small Hopes Standard 335 NEW YORK STOCKS AND IIONDS. Humor of Npw Developments Among Northrrcr.terns Indnce Snecnlntlon. tsv.w vnitK. net. 10. There was a nota ble revival of speculation In the stock mar ket tniinv. follow. nc mo wavcnnK esltuting movement 01 m , v' u.n rs. r. n r 1 1. o vr r v iinnHrinif lit u 1 liiu .- ket became affected, and In tho later deal- 1.. . t . a..,.!., k.iinunnt utlrl ugs wie marnri ui'ciiniu iuiu) ".""T1".",, Inpft Mtrnnif nt about tho ton level. Tills sudden outburst of speculation, with n re versal of tno recently current scnumem. pnuseit a circulation of many rumors and gave rls to .1 supposition of somo lm- poftant development In the llnanclal world not yet disclosed to tho public. The rumors centered about supposed further develop- m"nts In tho nor hweHtcrn railroad world and early took the form of o plan for an adjustment w tn tne fanauian 1 -ucun; ... An. other report formulated wair that a pro- 1 .t ,.. 1... rnrm, in VYIIIL'II I'llllllIltllU ... , consolldato the ownership of Orcat North- ern and Northern I'aclllc on the basis of 2C0 lor iMorinern I'acnic common, iornn.-rn x u- clllc preferred to bu retired at par. . . . T10 transeont nqnta stocks, whlcn bad been somewhat . 'neglected In the early tri'iiirth. leaned Into activity and strength Great Northern preferred jumped S polnta o luwi and isortnern pacific 3. rnere was a renewed heavy demand for tho Erie stocks also, which lifted them from 1 to points. This culmination of the day's bullish ten dency caused a rush tn cover by the bears. rue demand from this source snowed a state bordering on demoralization on the part 01 tno large snort interest in tno mar Uot. rTrin rrinlnrUv (if nftti'it utnnUa nrn n point or more higher. The coalers showed point or more nigner. ine coalers snowed Ihn flrat rr,ni-U.wl nol.lnnon nt ilr.mlh Vntv I .Iffl-.iv fntitrnl Innitilntr 7 nnlnfv nn,1 nthnru I of the group 1 to 4. Amalgamated Copper . an.i attirnt. w.m ,..., n.ii,u .i,n... . i nn 11,1 i .m..., nt ni.nni i ,Vi.i anon lmcrcsi piaying an important part in tneir movement, ine opening of tuts mar- v.,) aava nn nnninniiinn nt .i.. nm,.n. I muni. T.nri?,, atlnnlllnf It... nt,.l,, I seemed to have the market In hand. They seemed to believe tho resources of tho uanKs wero now bu lie cut to nrovido for i tho season's demand from the Interior for money. Taklnir tho belief that tho fall dn mand for money has been the only Impres sive features these movements caused a buying movement. Some of tho Influences wero Ignored, tho strength of sterling ex chnngo, renewed softness In the London market for copper, threatened extension of til., Imiln U'nr Iwilti-nnn llin Ain.rlnun U , . ,, I iieuning company and tne ncet sjgnr In- j "iiimiircu wmn. ui-nrcrn were tcrcst, decidedly less sanguine views of tho Ln.in1cUy, dcmnnl at first, owing to tho year's outlook for the iron Industry, a do- Plication of the splitting. Later they re clining ratio of Increnso of railroad earn- '"P"0'1 realizations. Kaffirs closed Ings and other minor factors which havo cnser- Spanish 4s wero dull. Tho weekly been Influential of late. statement of the Bank of France shows There wns a decided Increnso In earnings of railroad bonds nnd prices 'advanced. Total sales, par value. iiniimi States new 4s advanced 54 per cent on tha lusi can. The following are the closing prices on the New York Stock txchacas: Atchison 77HSt. Paul .... ..158 ..185 .. 57?; do Dfd 965: do Dfd Baltimore & O.. .10051 So, Pacific .. So. Railway do nfd 93 .. 3214 Canndlan Paclflc.109 ao pid. . 8654 Cnnada So 82?4 Chcs. & Ohio 45 Chicago & A 364 do pfd 77 Chi., lnd. & L.... 4154 ao piti z Chi. & E. Ill 120 Chicago G. W.... 22' Wabash do nfd. Wheel. do 1st prd 84 do 2d nfd 41 do 2d pfd wi ?Yi! Chlcngo & N. W.195J4 C. R. I. & P....140U do Dfd 41KI Ailamn Ex iw cm. xer. ic xr... 2U-4 American Ex 18S do pfd 3S-i U. S. Ex 90 Wells-Farco Ex.160 C. C. C. & St. L. 96?4 Colorndo So 135V Amal. Copper..... 8954 Amor. Car & F.. 255 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd ,. 63V ,. 2354 ,.16554 ..22254 -do pid 81 Amer. Lin. Oil... 16 Del. & Hudson, Del. L. & W..., Amer. 8. & R.... 42 Denver & 11. G .. 4354 .. 92V do pfd 96T4 do pfd Anac. Aim. uo. 36. Erio .. 42 n.i,i,, n m Cnr I do 1st pfd...., do 2d pfd , .. 7054 K yy" i".": V Yl fcon? Gas1 . . .. 5754 lit. rsor. pru. nfd ,.ll'!-4 Con Tob rifd liiu nen lCi?L SaH Hocking Valley.. 5254 Gen. Electric .255 do nfd 74 Glucose Sugar Hocking Coal .. Inter. Papecr .. do pfd Inter. Power .. 46 17 Illinois Central.. .14554 Iowa Central .... 41 235s do nfd 7854 79U 89) Lake Erie & W.. 69 do nfd 128 ' Lnclede Gas 90 L. &. M 10354 National Biscuit. 41W Manhattan L 12054 National Lead ... 1954 niet. Ht. uy, ib'J iNationai salt ....30 Mex. Central 23?i! do nfd... 65 94 63 , Mex. National Minn. & St. L.. . 1154 No. American .105 Pacific Coast Mo. Pacific 96 Pacific Mall 434 M.. K. & T do pfd . 25i . 52 .163 ..156 . 65-V . 88 . 98V.1 . 33?i ,.1414 4li .. 765 .. 515.i ,. 41 ,. 78 ,. 66-J ,. 2Si ,. 63 People's Gas 10354 Pressed S. Car.. 3854 N. J. Central... N. Y. Central... Norfolk & W... do pfd Pullman P. Car. Republic Steel . do pfd 18 !17 1454 C6 do pfd No. Pac. pfd.... Ontario & W... Pennsylvania' .. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St L. & S. F... do 1st pfd do 2d' pfd St. L. Southw.. do pfd Sugar Tenn. Coal & I.. 118(4 C0ia 15 7254 Union Bag & V. do pfd U. S. Leather ... do pfd U. S. Rubber.... do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd 1. ll4 CO u 93, Western Union . 9154 Ex-dlvldcnd. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: Tho better feel lnir In the stock market continues, nl though trading Is nulet. Tho American do. partment nttractcd tho most attention to day, tho dealings In that group steadily In creasing In volume, develonlng Into a burst of activity on tho street after tho closo of business. In tho upward movement tho conl stocks, nartlculnrlv Norfolk & West ern, led, with Atchison nnd Union Puclllc also popular. Tho benr contingent hero Is rapidly taking to cover, nppnrontly looking upon tno campaign lor lower prices u o1 liniiateil. AtitluirltlcH nredlct a sham mi ward movement, as nil other markets havo been sold to a standstill and are moro Btendy, Tho Bank of England has ordered f'A'.mii cold from South America. Money 1 , " n nn.., n Inolnllmnn, nt UllCIllll tiv 173 iiri ..vii. "t. ... luniuiutivii, ... . tho last consols loan and closed at 1 per cent. New York Money Market. . , ,., ... NEW YORK. Oct. 10. MONEY On call. steady at JG34 P" cent! ; last loan. 3 per cent; ruling rate 354 : per cent; prlmo mer- cl,nt.te,Vait?n' ' vwrv STERL1NO . ,,.-CHANaE-dry strong Ji'vi- "LnS nn.i "nt ii iiv" "Lw? $4.8654 for demand and at $4.8454 for sixty r-XZTr-nXYuinV' SILVER Bar, 67?4c: Mexican dollars, BONDS uovcrnmeni, strong; Btate, jnac tlvn: railroad, strong. . . ... The closing quotations on bonds are at follows: U. H. ref. 2s, rcg.109 L. & N. unl. 4s... 10354 Mex. Central 4s,, 8454 do coupon iwi do 3s, reg 10754 do coupon ICS do new 4s, reg,.139 do coupon 139 do old 4s, rcg...)12 ,ln rnlinotl 112 ao is mc 31 Minn. & St. I,. 4s.l03 M.. K. & T. 4s.... 99 do 2s 80 N. Y. C. Is 105-Ji do gen. 354s 109 In r,s. retr 10754 J. C. gon. 5s.. 13051 do coupon 107VVNo. Pncltlc 4s iui',4 Atchison gen. 4s,10354 do 3s 72 do adj. 4s 9754 N. & W. c. 4s 105 Bal. & Ohio 4s. ..102 Reading gen. 4s.. 9554 do 3548. w'.n i lilt ni c, oa.iisu do conv. 4s....105H St L & 8 F 4s.... 9654 Can. Ho. 2s 107 St. L. Southw. Is. 9SU Ccn. of Ga. 6s. ...10654 do 2s A.... 88 do Is inc a s a sc a r 4s so Pbes. & O. 454b..106ts 80. Pacific 4s 112 Chi. & A. 354s.... 8454 80. Railway 5s. ..11714 C B. ft Q. 11. 4s. 97VjTex. & Pac. Is. ..119 ' M & S P g. 4B.U04T.. St. L. & W... Sit C. & N. W. c. 7s. 1?94 Union Pacific 4s. .10554 C, R. I. & V. 4S.U'b rfir. Sl 8 L g. ls.103 uu conv. IS lUlift Wabash Is 11954 fhl Tor. 4s 9354 uo -h lin Colorndo 80. 4s,.. 874 do deb. B D. & R. G. 4s 102'.iWest Shore 4s 5S54 .11354 . 90 . 8854 . 6554 Erie prior I. 4s... 975 W. & L. K, 4s., tlo general 4a... 8754 Wis. Centrnl 4s F. W. & D. C. ls.10254 Con. Tob. 4s...., Hoclt. Val. 454s. ..ICO4 Boston Stock Quulntlona. BOSTON. Oct. 10. Call loans, 3545JIU per cent: tlmo loans, 455 per cent. Official closing: A.. T. & S. F 77 do pfd 54 Amer. Sugar ....IJSJh American Tel 15S54 Boston Elevnted.169 Boston & Mo 192 Dominion Conl... 445s West End 93 Westlnch. Elec... 70 N. E. 'O. & C. 6s. 51?i Adventure 2454 Aliouez .Min. uo, 31 ma Conner hW. AUantic IT.?...;" 32 do pfd V. S. Steel .... do pfd Kltchburg pfd. Gen. Electric . Mex. Central . N. E. G, & C,. Old Colony .... Old Dominion Rubber Union Pacific . 1174 Cal. & Hecla 6V1 .. t.1 ".4 .. 9354 ..142 ..254 .. 23 .. 5Vj Centennial 21 Franklin Humboldt . 1754 . 6 Osceola .. .10154 Parrot Qulncy .163 .. 2854! .. 2S.4i .. 1454 .. 97H Hanta Fa Copper. 5' 1 inn mining .... .' Winona 2i Wolverines 695f Bunk Clrarluica. OMAHA, Oct. 10. Bank clearings todai 10. Bank clearings today, espondlna day tbn tgmui. aseT $3103M.09. $1,135,790.34; correspg tl UAICl 1.1' rioerena. BALTIMORE. Oct. 10. Clearings, 426; balances, jas-W-'. CUICAQO, Oct 10,-Cleartngs, $25,163,361; Texas & Pacific. 40V. Tol.. St. L. & W. 21U v!.,uu,"it Kooa minnnng, M7-lsc; m d- do pfd.. ......... d ln? '"J1"8.11;160! "celpts, 14,636 bales; Union Pari In wt stock. 106.262 bales. do "S :::: sli y verpool. . oct. . io.-coTTON-sPOt. "iffiffe, I'lllIiAUKLiI'IIIA, UCt. 10. V.1CT1I111BO, $I5,63H.SII; balances, $2,226,009. , NEW YORK. Oct. 10.-Clcarlngs, $22,326,- w.' 'nnres, h.dii.wi. .. ....... JIUM J UN, UCt. 10. Clearings, .o,-)4,i, 1 CINCINNATI. Get. 1ft. Clearings. $2,747.- 6Mi money, 45 per cent; New York ex- change, 20c discount. Fortlan Financial, T.nvnnv ri tn Viukiv wok In In creased demand tndnv'ln connection with tho consols Insttillmmt. Discounts were Blmnlv llrmer. Tim l..lliie on the Stock exrhnncp whs mnrn phperfill. wltho'lt any perceptible Important "jwlness. ware 1 partlcularl'y tlrm orv hej'0' ?,o of martial law In the districts of ( apo Colony, which was Interpreted as b mean ng that the authorities contemplate taking ,u 'V' ,.. ' ;n. clans securities wer ntoiulv. Home rails were tlrm. Tncro was renewed inmiirj jor M o 1 1" no 1 1 1 ti ii ntnl d Uirlris. Americans . .. . opened Irregular and were Inclined to dull- ntss, especla ly Chcsapeakes and , "J noli. " -........ i...w.j - i Aew York buying and closed firm. On tho !l ni;ricii were .rijr iit. heww eeyeral , considerable advancca somo stocks going up $1. The weekly state ment or tno unnK of England snows mo following changes: Total reserve, decrease, 29i,ono; circulation, decrease,; bul lion, decrease, 781,319: other securities, de crease, 816,000; other deposits, Increase 3.667.000: public dcnoslts. decrease. 2.601,- 000; notes reserve, decrease, 350,000; gov ernment securities, Increase, 1,495,000. Tho proportion or tna Bank of England s re servo to liability Is 49.13 per cent. Last weca u was 4.i per cent. Tne goia pro- nilum at Rome Is 3.75. Tho Bank of "" m a.w. xjm "i land TBtO Of dlSCOUnt remains Unchanged I Kng- at 3 per CCnt. I RKRLIN, Oct, 10. Prices on tho bourse iuuhv were Keiieraiiv nrmpr at inn ODn nr. 1 followed by weakness, nwlntr to a !u ' "u" " inicnuru w irumo i ' i-j"-" iun. iwim iumui nn- Proved: others wera nulet. The weekly statement of tho Imnerlal Bank of Qer. muJJ' shows the following changes: Cash "'"" "'"c"Be' 8,u,uuum; ireasury noiss, - eor. iw.wwin; omer securmcs, ae- crease, ,4.9b0.000m; notes In circulation, de- crease. 0o,2M),000m. PARIS, Oct. lO.-Buslncss wan Inanlmato and prices wero Irreuular on the hnurr.n today, Tho close wns heavy. Snanlsh rails WCro dull. Italian nn.l llrnrlllnno mr. I nrm on favorable exchange. Russian In- iTUStrlnln trn n nnlinr Tnnllnn. tm I' TO VCd . Itlo tlntOS nilfltlPll fllVfimlllo Kllntl 115.250.000f: silver in hand, decrease. 11.87S.. OOOf. Thrco per cents. 100f92o for tha nc- count; exchango on London, 25f 1654c for Uiii;i.-ii3, aiiuillBU iH, U.UU. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. nt irt -onrrnM- Dieaay; saics, 3.236 bales; ordinary, 65io! K0..1...or1,nnry 6 6-iCc: low middling, 74c; nary, 4 17-32d; ordinary. 4 9-32d. Sales. 20.000 ua,,eB' or which 2.000 wero for speculation .",,u,i!. mciuaeo lf.suo American, . . ...... u.i i,c.,,.i,i, ruiuiro i opened easy and closed feverish: AmerWn 1 middling, g. o. C. October. 4 44-ftld. hnvori October nnd November, 4 33-64J?4 34-64d. sel'- .K'..i0iemDer uecember, 4 2S-G4 . "uyors; uecemDer nnd January. 4 26.6ld, buyers: January and February, ii-oKi, ouyers; February nnd March. 4 25-64i?4 26-6ld. sellers: March nnd Anrll and Anrll nnrl Afn i .ri1 .AliA... r... .. 1 V.rV V.. .S "." "'L'ff. " SfV.JS.-il" " ugum, 1 -M7M ZB-MU. VnlUC. MSL?7-LOR,5fe- 31201. ? T.. iiii o ,i,viu,,n ,ui"nai m'ddllns B". 8 ll-16c; sales, 195 tutico Wool Auction Sales. LONDON. Oct. 10. WOOfThn fifth Series of tho wool auction sales rlnnort tn. thaig2,.l3,1H.nJSnc?v.of DU.J;cr" Prf- ont. Tho ,lnnrf rt, rl .1,. .ml i .Vri.. was animated. During" the series 305.000 bales were available, and of this number I 2S3.196 bales were i catalogued. The total sales numbered 126,14V bales to the home trade, 127,000 to the continent. 3.000 to Amer- lea and 34,000 held over. The first series next year has been scheduled to onen Janu. ry nnti ine second series Aiarcn ll. At 1 uum inenn buicb mc uiienngH win ue 1 limited to 250.000 bales. The third series will Pn April 29 and at this scries 400,000 bales will bo offered. Following are today's. a'CH m detail: New South AVnles, 2,500 bales; scoured, itfHls 54d: greasy, 4(S954d. Queensland, 600 bale; scoured. CVidfllH 6d; Krensy, 6f9d. Victoria, 900 bales; scoured, "7j", Hit'iiij, dy4miuu. snuui Ails- 3iiJJ9d. New Zealand, 400 bales; scoured. 4dis 6d; greasy. 3ilfJls 154d. Cnpo of Good impo ana .auii, ww Dales; greasy, 41 Falkland Islands, 100 bales; greasy, 3ijld ICunsna City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 10. CATTLE Re- celpts, 9,000 natives, 1,200 Texans and 600 calves: cholco fed steers and grass beeves 6010c higher, others steady; choice dressed beef steers, $3.S0ft6.55; fair to good, $5.0 & em fed steers, $4.75575.75; westorn range M Enf Mi ,H ...... T , I . 1 Bttun. iuaub nun iiiiuiiii Hirer?. $2.60fl3.CO: Texas eows. 12.0041 2.85; nntlvx cows. $2.CO'S4.50: heifers. J3.O0Ci5.50: eanners. i.m"(..uu, uuiin, t..oJit.w: caives. w.ovn b.uu. I iiuub Receipts, 8,000 head; Bteady; top, $6.65: bulk of sales, $6.10(fi6.45; heavy, lb. 45 (36.65; mixed packers, $6.1000.45; light, $5.C0 fj6.30; pigs, $4.251j5,40. HlU'JKt' AINU l,A.MHH-ltecelptf, 2 00,1 head; market strong. 5c higher; lambs, $3.75" fl4.bu; western weiners, t3.i5Q3.40; owes. $2.75tf3.15: feeders. J2.75!i3.40: stackers. ll.7 r,7i OTK Coffee Mnrkct. NEW YORK, Oct, lO.-COFFEE-Spot it o, steady; sso. i invoico, bike Ainu, quiet; 'iiinn,, c-.,i... n..,..i .....i.; , t01)t. prU.CH unchanged to B.polnta higher OI1 bullish cubles. llgTit primary receipts. heavy domestic deliveries. German buying , d f demand, nnd ruled steady during t'1" oeanhm. OfTcriigs wero scarce, covering wag nctlvo nd room uuI1h continued to support tno market after, the opening. prices further ndvunclng 55? 10 points by tho middle of the afternoon, with final sales 5-16 points net higher nnd the tone stcndlcr. Sales amounted to 633.570 bigs, Including October at 4.15'W5.20c: November, 5.205t5.25c: December. 6.25515.40c: January. b.HKiiii.ioc; renruary, o.tuc; aiarcn, a.bbTib.uac; Anril K7Kf! Mnv KUIRnn' Inlv R SKWS en. . August, a.vac; aepiemoer, e.uac. St. Lnnls Live Stock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 10. CATTLE Reeelnts. 4.S00 head, Including 3,000 Texans; market Irregular; native shipping nnd export steers. J5.0lMi6.60: dressed beef and butcher steers. $4,O05i5,75; steers under 1.000 lbs,. $3.00515.15: stncKcrs ana leeaera. s.tiuju,ii; cows ana neuern, .wai.w; ennnern, i.ioj;.i; nuns. J2.155?3.25: Texas nnd Indian steers. 12Mift! 4.00; cows nnd heifers. J2.005i3.25. HOGS Receipts, 6.001 hend; market weak; Dies and lights. J6.005i6.20: nnckers. J5.90ii 6.25: butchers. J6.305I6.60. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Receipts. l.SOO nenn; maritei steanj-; native millions, 53.00 7(3.3.1; lamns, i.iunti isi; cons ana bucks, J2.005J3.00; stackers, $2.00. ' Oil nnil Itosln. OIL CITY. Pa.. Oct. 10.-OII,-Credlt bal- nnceH. $1.20: shipments, 110,561 bbls,: aver age. 103,311 bbls.; runs, 97,890 bbls.; nverage, 82.180 bbls. NEW YORK, Oct. 10. niicottonseed, easy; prlmo yenow, 4'c. retro. cum. dull: reuiifd. inow iorK, i.tic rnuaacipnin ami Baltimore. $7.60: Philadelphia and Balti more, In bulk, $5. Rosin, steady: strained, common to good, $1.4254. Turpentine, stendy. 37V438C. Kvupornted nnd Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. Oct. 10.-EVAPORATED APPLES There was a fair Jobbing dPmnnJ for evaporated npples today, with choice and fnncv tirades holding the chief atten. tlon. State, common to good, 6518c: mime. S54c: cholco. 9c: fancy. 95iffI954oi urtijii'uiuviA uiur-i; r jwi 1 o ijuu nut steady. pruneB. 3iST7c. Apricots. Rova . 8Hfi'3ci Moor Park. 85J12C. I'e ua,Kci "P-g'e. 6Q0',4c 'eacnes, peeled, Nfir York Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Ont. 10.-DRY GOODS The market closed with a firm tone In all staple cottons, the day's advance In raw material rniinlnc further reserve on the nart of sell ers. Borden continues buying regular print .cloths at 3C tor delivery until reoruary 1. Knit underwear sieany, dui uemauu quiet. Market, mew von if. not. in SUGAR Raw. steady; fair refining. 3 6-lfic: centrifugal, :xi test, 3?4C. .MOiasses sugar, 3c. ueiineu, steady; crushed, 6.60c; powdered, 6.2)c; I steady; crushed, sjranulated. 5.10c. 1 NEW ORLEAN Oni.EAN'S. Oet. 10. SUGAR Mar ket oulet: centrlfuirnl. yellow. 3 H-lSHtUc: eeconas. j;c. moiusccs, sicuuyj ccnttii- ural, 7ffl0c ino rouowing changes: Notes In circulation, a- H"VJ decrease, 42,755,000f: treasury accounts cur- ?,1,?BOUU 1!ac,ni!" V" H rent. Increase. 6,223,OflOf ; gold In hand, do- Mnln Jt 'acltlc System 3i crease. lt.7.v(Wif- i.niu ,,n.,i ,i. C. & N. W 1 jitj ' ciivn ne ranna; inrgo business dono; prices 371 i - .'A . 11 .".T.I.ler; American middling ralr, L E 17 5 ,';3;.',,i rnlddtlnB good, 513-32d; middling. n. i i ii-d.ii. iuw miaonnir. 4 li.itin: cronn nmi. LIVE STOCK MARKET c..o 0.IJ.4 BJ-1.4 A.... J D..J- cmi emn ooj av 4(a uiiav nmuj PricM aid Oawi Won Btri j. BREAK IN PRICE OF HOGS CHECKED TODAY Only a Few Feeder Sheep aud I.atnhs Offered Which Sold at Fullr Steady Prices, but No Test of Demand for Mutton Grades Made. ROttTM OMAHA. Ilrt. 10. Receipts were: Cattle, Hogs. Sheep. Olllclal Monday 4..6J 4.iu lti.uu' uinciai 'tuesuay 3,i.u u,m UitlClal Weuueaday 4,1 b.wu Uinciai Thursday a.-vu b,:i2 Uinclal 'it A t,-i,r .hv. i, -,.ir 11 nit h our 1 das till. week.ll.Si7 24,116 21,la6 16, lib 1(.U39 j - - V(U Mfom w hT5 gn ek Hamo tour weeks,LU Mama days last year m.wj 20, l W Avcraku Drice liaia ror noas ai oouin Omaha tha past several days with com parisons: 11. 1&00.1S9!.1393.1S97.1896.18&. Sept. It.. I S 001 4 33 3 72 I S7 2 701 oepi, ib., Mept. 17.. 6 6.54 4 J4 i KtW 6 13 I 3 Ml 3 Ml 2 13, 4 11 Its J 4 vu I 3 941 i 71 4 12 4 04 Sent. 11. 7d I b 13 4 32 I 6 1V 4 331 Bept. i.. H.t ! 3 741 I 2 86 4 W 6 76T4I 6 221 4 31 a 71 4 03 4 W Rent! 21 86 1,5 23 4 21 t 711 4 01 33 1 73i 1 11 2 81 IN 400 Kept. 22.. I t 111 4 U u.nt i 2 77 13 71 2 t. 6 84 I 5 14 i 77 3 l 2 "I 2 Hi oepu 6 1! 4 41 3 2 U 2 891 U 4 84 acpu m. Sent. 57 75 V 79 6sl54 & 16 6 16 4 291 4 36 2 71 a n 3 7s 4M Bent. 2H.. 6 1 6 17 4 44 3'64 3 83 3 89 2 91 2 97 4 81 aept. 29.. 4 37 3 64 3 81 3 67 3 81 oepi. jv.. 6 87 75 4 361 3 9S yiu 4, 5 13 t 711 3 85l 2 941 3 8 I 3 791 3 021 3 W Uct 2. I 6 59U I 6MC1 6 lbi 4 39 Oct. 3 6 ID 4 43 3 66 2 97 3 86 Oct. 4....I 6 67541 6 20 4 3T 3 64 1 3 731 3 82 UCt. 6. a lbi 4 31 4 34 4 35 4 35 3 bl 3 63 3 68 i ill 2 93i Qct. 6.. 6 11 3 74 3 04 3 04 UCt. 7 6 49U 64 3 86 Oct, 8.... b 33 5 l, 3 691 3 VI) 3 13 3 M UCt. 9.... 6 13 6 02 3 131 3 85 UCt. 10 6 14 4 9: 4 33 3 64 3 14 3 81 'lnHlrntnii MtinilAV. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattlo. Hogs, sneep.irrs. C, M. & St. P 4 6 1 1 10 i 10 10 7 io l l 92 F.. E. & M. V. C, St. P., M. & O. II. tfc M.. 39 C, B. & Q 4 K. C & St. J 9 C. R. I. & P., east.. u., it. i. t f., west. Illinois Central.. Total receipts 124 The disposition of tho day's receipts was a a follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattlo. Hoes. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 06 791 1,639 G. H. Hammond Co.. 677 Swift and Company. S03 1,072 340 33 198 6 41 145 i5 10 238 159 414 1,004 1,890 1,677 Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour & Co. R. Rocker & Dcgan. vansant tsc uo.. u AM .mi:f Uhmnn & no. Iw t. fttenhen.. Livingstone & Bchaller. Dennis & Co... I Hamilton & R Wolf & M Other buyers 342 m .. l T , ,0 Total 6,099 1.SS1 xuiai....... CA'ITLJi: There was not a very heavy n nt ih. thl. rnlncr nnil ae"tho Temand waS. 'fairly good"the" markn was active and fully steady on mosi lines of desirable cattle. It was noUceable to- dav that there were more corn-fed steers In the yards than for several days and the quality waa good. RecelDts Included about 25 care of corn- f1 ntAra nnrl whlln the market was not what would be called brisk, still not far from steady prices wero paid. Owing to Lrel. ' .t "...Y""' . InvEJ tk their dm, d m some ln- linn.. ..11. r. ihn,ht thev hod to take a mtle less than tho same kind have been BoiilnaT for of late. The general situation !U nM,.n. i,..t he described by calling t Bteady to a shade easier. ti,.,. .... niv nnimt .to mm of cows and heifers on sale today and packers iook hold and bought up tne aesiraoio ainas av .iPnr nrieea. Males were made that looked fully a dime higher. Tho commoner kinds, iinuAVAr worn HP elected and frcauently .oilers thought they sold out for a littlo ieBH than they did yesterday. There nave been a gooti many of tho common kinds coming of lato, ho that buyers were not overly anxious tor mem iuu Th.r. nrn n fnlr trade today In Blockers and teeders and there was not much chungo noticeable In the prices paid. Anything at all desirable was picked up In good season and oven tne common huiuo uum mmuuw mi.rh iiutir.ultv for ao much as tho samo kind sold for yesterday. . i' ii rn warn nni vi i v 1 1 1 i 1 1 v ni-Diiii steers, In the yards today good enough for killers' and those that wero offered sold at gtcady prices. Cows sold strong where the ntialltv was good and barely steady whero ft wa not. Feeders of all kinds sold In !atlve snlco: BEEF STEERS No. Av. Pr. Av. IT. .... 8S0 3 50 .... 700 2 65 .... 970 3 75 ....1195 4 10 ....1044 4 25 .... 990 6 00 ....1255 6 00 ....1169 6 10 ....1436 6 95 STEEDS 21 23 ,1195 5 20 1160 6 40 1171 5 40 1410 6 05 1423 6 05 , 1183 5 75 1307 6 75 1212 6 90 1245 5 90 , 1110 6 30 1... 1... 66.... 1.... 102..., 41.... 34.... 40.... 40.... 20.... 28... 20... 1... 4... 41 I 'J I 34.. AND HEIFERS. 20 .... 912 & lb COWS. 14.... 9.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 9.... 1.... , 741 1 60 1.. 972 1 75 960 1 80 1.. 730 2 00 2.. ..1070 2 60 ..1200 2 60 ..1020 2 60 ..1025 3 Bl .. 990 2 60 .. 810 2 65 .. 892 2 65 ..1010 3 10 ..1043 30 ..1007 3 15 .. 940 3 20 ..1080 3 60 ..1250 3 75 , 670 2 00 740 2 00 816 2 00 801 2 10 1040 2 25 913 2 25 810 2 25 1200 2 60 1006 2 60 1100 2 60 6.... 12.... 62... 1... 1... 1... 1.... 1.... 15.... 1.... 1.... 4.... 1.... 6.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 3.... 9.... 9.... HEIFERS. 630 S 25 ' 2 1115 2 75 BULLS. 1150 1 75 1 ..1110 3 60 ..1130 2 25 11228 2 10 1450 2 28 780 2 25 1 1320 2 30 1 1090 2 60 CALVES. 160 5 25 1 130 5 60 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. ...,7. 426 2 35 1 1220 2 70 485 2 60 STOCK CALVES. 168 2 25 8TOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. .... 880 2 26 13 445 3 25 2 1 590 2 76 1 910 2 76 .... ..J.UOU .1 M 1 650 3 35 23 900 3 45 21 1209 3 60 19 771 2 90 ...... t'i a iu 1 , 820 3 15 30 1078 3 75 17 1028 . 3 25 23. 886 4 30 1 iuw - io NEBRASKA 18 cows 1000 3 00 2 COWS 810 3 00 1 cow IW 2 f5 2 cows 900 2 SO 7 COWS 947 2 60 1 row 920 1 80 1 steer 1120 2 85 1 steer 810 2 60 2holfers... 380 3 35 6 cows 1131 8 10 1 cow 1050 2 25 12 cows 1042 3 10 2 heifers. ..1016 2 85 1 bull 600 3 f5 2 calves... 120 6 25 1 feeder... 730 2 50 3 feeders.. 1000 2 b 6 heifers... C33 2 50 1 bull 1610 2 15 4 feeders.. 445 4 no 3 feeders. .1C93 3 (0 1 feeder.. .1K0 3 10 11 feeders. .ic) 3 57 2 cows. 1000 3 10 6 cows 1022 3 10 0 steers.... kh 4 00 3 cows 1106 3 75 36 calves... 462 4 15 11 heifers. ..1278 2 85 1-. nnlves... 320 3 75 18 COWS 964 2 90 2 cows aw 2 w K. T. Johnson Neb. 17 feeders.. 1247 3 60 1 steer 1180 4 40 " . .... . a.. . rn . ........ lion , m 7 feeders, ,iwto j tw i oicci aov 1 w 13 cows 1035 00 j. u. Atneriy ityu, 18 feeders.. 1137 4 10 1 feeder.. .1CS0 3 :6 i COWS 11WJ . l" 8 feeders. .1176 3 CO 1 cow luuu i uo 1 feeder... uzo 3 00 2 cows, 6 cows,, 1 cow.,, 2 cows. ... 850 2 00 1 feeder... 1100 3 00 ...1134 2 90 ...1070 2 90 ...1061 2 90 8 steers. ...1101 3 60 3 steers. ...1113 4 10 2 steers. ...1200 4 10 6 steers,,,, 930 3 60 1 cow.... ... 9.W 2 00 W 11 am Kerr Wyo. 15 steers.. 1190 4 45 1 steer 1120 4 00 W. James Neb. 660 2 75 1 steer... 1083 3 10 1 steer... lono 3 10 1 steer... 1060 3 1 0 1 bull.... 895 2 75 1 heifer.. A. B. McGaw Neb. 2 cows... 3 cows... 1 cow.... .100 2 60 .760 2 61 .980 2 60 . 850 2 00 ,. 660 .2 60 10 cows.,. 2 cows.,. I 40 feeders.. 946 3 60 2 feeders.. 850 3 60 Revere & C wyo. 20 steers... .1229 4 70 12 steers... .1070 3 76 E. Currle Nebraska. 10 cows 1039 2 70 6 cows 938 1 85 Elliott Adams Neb. 1 row 920 2 60 1 cow 780 3 fS I 1 cow 10OQ 2 60 3 cows 1080 3 5 27 9 3 a u. Mooberry loio. I MCOWS 1109 3 65 26 COWS.. ...1115 29 COWS 921 3 00 26 cow s 1129 3 C) 3 t& 1 Stag UUO 3 2o J. V. Latta Wyoming. 18 cows 1043 3 65 24 feeders.. 100 3 90 COWS 1061) 3 65 4 COWS 11HU 3 65 1 COW 1020 2 60 2 cows 900 3 00 3 75 3 75 3 26 3 ?S 4 10 T. Marsh s. d. 11 fecders.,1023 3 75 6 feeders.. 1006 2 feeders.. 950 3 oo i steer iuto 1 steer 970 3 25 1 steer 1130 2 cows...., 975 1 cow 11(0 3 l H. E. Cheney Colo. 19 cows 937 2 95 6 feeders. .1025 NEBRASKA 61 feeders.. 761 3 Co 3 cows 973 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 60 2 feeders.. 925 2 feeders.. 560 3 no : I ."5 4 35 .1 !M 1 cow 1060 6 heifers... 6 1 heifer.... W0 19 hellers... 394 16 feeders.. 415 feeders.. 625 9 feeders.. 403 A C. Stratton Colo, 15 cows 96S 2 75 4 feeders.. 745 3 00 3 40 4 cows 970 2 20 1 feeder.. .1140 A bert Sm th-Colo. 23 cows K3 2 76 7 cows $65 2 20 3 45 W. R. W lams wvo. 12 cow 1095 3 45 lcow 1020 Jolin Bennett Wvo. 10 feeders., f.55 .1 6o 3 cows 9M 3 00 1 feeder... 550 .1 00 4 cows 1030 2 40 W. A. Shcrrlll-Neb. 9 cows. 912 2 25 1 cow 1110 3 75 18 cows., 947 3 00 W. It. If ell v Neb. 3 cows 990 2 75 1 calf 110 6 00 16 cows t-9 2 65 4 heifers... 762 2 35 10 cows 1091 2 75 8 feeders.. S81 3 30 1 cow 1030 2 (0 1 feeder... J30 .1 00 HOGS There was not nn excessive supply of hogs In sight today, and as tho demand was iainy uoerai tne downward course in the prlco of hogs was checked. Packers at this point started out and tried to buy their hogs steady with yesterday, but sellers wero holding for better prices, so It wns a little late before the market opened. When trading did finally begin It was generally at an advance of noany 254c The bulk of ine nogs soia ai e.rij ana, and as high as $6.30 was paid. At those prices tha market was active and everything was dis posed of in good season. The close waa strong. Representative sales: 95 141 60 202 17 310 66.. ..,.257 72 211 67 234 5 76 6 10 Scows.,.,. 921 3 25 lcow,., 60 294 80 6 16 69 282 SO 6 15 60 266 40 6 15 75 247 ... 6 15 64 303 200 6 13 62 319 ... 6 15 71 224 8) 6 15 60.. M. .293 80 6 13 61 250 ... 6 15 64 281 ... 6 15 63 256 160 6 15 64 330 ... 6 15 64 221 300 6 15 73 214 200 6 15 61 277 ... 6 15 66 218 200 6 15 66 220 40 6 15 65 2S0 120 6 15 44 297 ... 6 15 65 277 120 6 1J 61 266 20 6 15 80 218 ... 6 15 61 283 80 , 6 15 47 330 ... 6 15 61 318 ... 6 15 65 281 ... 6 15 70 251 120 6 15 60. 259 120 C 15 63 269 120 6 15 71 222 40 6 15 83 254 120 6 15 66 250 160 6 15 63 234 80 6 15 67 228 120 6 15 69 250 160 6 15 62 226 40 6 15 65 298 ... 6 15 93 220 120 6 15 72 226 120 13 15 66 291 160 6 15 69 229 80 6 16 60 238 80 6 15 71 244 SO 6 174 49 301 40 6 1754 64 276 120 6 1754 63 2S0 ... 6 20 60 327 80 6 30 45 281 ... 6 30 240 120 200 60 40 120 120 200 6 10 6 1254 6 1254 125i 6 1254 6 1254 6 12 6 1254 ti 1254 6 12W 0 12U 69 235 65 285 65 292 7 223 60 262 69 2H 76 233 65 25 200 65 281 40 6 1254 32 200 69 245 200 6 125 40 6 15 0 15 , 6 1754 6 1754 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 1254 6 1254 C 1254 6 I254 6 1254 1254 6 124 6 1254 6 1254 6 1254 6 10 6 10 78 195 80 '40 120 80 80 320 70 241 77 222 89 184 60 209 83 176 67 311 72 256 29 252 52 256 80 120 40 160 40 120 69 245 62 250 67 233 0) 259 49 209 25 259 80 231 80 206 120 120 80 200 120 SO 40 160 160 '40 120 160 200 80 80 61 230 69 266 6 1254 6 i4 235 6 12U 6 1214 6 1254 6 1254 6 1254 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 60 255 iO 246 79 244 69, 251 C9... ..236 ..289 ..305 ..259 ..245 ..303 ..335 '2... 60..., 66..., 81..., C 15 6 16 6 15 61..., 43..., SHEEP There were onlv a few cars of feeders in tho vards todav and cractlcally nothing was offered to make a test of the market for mutton grades. As was notod yesterday, however, fat sheep and lambs aro Just about 20c higher than they wero at the close of last weak. Feeder buyers took hold In good snapo today nnd bought up what was offerod at fully steady prices. Everything was dis posed of at an early hour. Tho prices at which they changed hands will bo found below. Quotations: Choice yearlings, $3..WJ.o; fair tn rrm,l 1 WlffJ Ml rhnlrn wntlierS. $3,1553.25; fair to good wetners, K.'jui3.ib; cnoico ewes,'flj.w; iair to guou en, $2.X52.65; cholco spring lambs, $4.255j4.40; fair to good soring lambs. $4.005i4.25; feeder wethers, $2.76&3.16; feoder lambs, $3.2j (t(3.80. Representative sates: No. Av. 61 31 68 74 OS 72 77 88 96 Pr. $1 25 1 50 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 75 2 t6 9 feeder ewes 8 cull lambs 8 feeder ewes 30 feeder ewes 19 feeder owes 127 feeder ewes 37 feeder ewes 32 feeder ewes 221 cull wethers CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET, Good Fnt Steers Are Strong: nnd Hons and Sheep Also Hold Firm. cmriArio Ont. 1ft CATTLE Reeelnts. 9.000 head, Including 1,000 Texans nnd 750 westerns; nil good lat steers strong, every thing else dull and lower: good to prlmo steers, $6,2056.35: poor to medium, $3.505J5.W); stockers and feeders. $2,0054.25: cows and heifers. $I.255f5.(jO; eanners, $1,2552.25! bulls, $1,7654.75; calves. J.'.bU'UH.: lexns eteeru, $2.9uj3.75; western steers, $3,6356.50. unnanprelntH. ls.000 head: estimated to morrow. 15.000: left over, 1,000; market olii-hilv utrnncer for good, steady for pack nru. mlvpil nnd hutchcrs. $6.00516.40: good to choice heavy. $6.2otj0.60; rough heavy, $6.15 fffClO; light, $8.15536.30; bulk of sales, $6.00 li NV1 "SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 13.000 head; strong to loc nigner; goon io cnoico iv.,ihpr. J3.LOi3.90: fair to choice mixed. $3.O0.4.uo; westorn sheep, $2,7553.60: native lambs, $2,6055.10; western lambo, $3,2554.35. v St. Joseph Live Stock Market. st inSRPH. Oct. 10. CATTLE Receipts, 1.700 head, strong to 10c higher; Texans ni..wr. nntivpH. S2.80S6.40: Toxans nnd westerns, $2,7055.85; cows and heifers, $1.60 ft IK in? mum ami eiiikb. a.wuo.w. aiucnoio . . w l ,S I . if. . .,...11... nrA 1 1 a and leeaera, 4i.outit..U( viiiiio- v..,- a ivvrri m vitn 8 jli.ii tnn.iiu- f..",..., ' W7JJT- . j. 1,.. opened steady; light and light mixed, J6.10 6.25; medium and heavy, ..ub.bu; pigs, aiitfiniV a Nn LAMBS RecelDts. 153 head market active, stronger; top native wethers, $3.60. Nevr York Live Stock Market. .....i, vnoi.- n 10 TUCKVES Ro- I ii C .V 1 U w v. . . -- - t inn 1... mnlnlu pnnnlBmpfl direct: no I CUIIHB, -.. ill-.,.., ""-"" . j , I sales reportea. v-uuitu, jicju . " CALVES Receipts, i nenu, uui., SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 5,935 head; sheep, dull and weak: ; lambs '.steady; nOGS-Rcceipts, 1,750 head; dull. ai.. pTnnsurn'or when you feel a. cold coming on, tako a dose or r oiey s nonoy and Tar, It never falls to stop a com u taken la tlmo. THE REALTY MARKET, INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thura day, uciouer -ui Warranty Deeds. F. H. Gaines and wife to M. II. "awes, e ' L i,'" I 1 lJn,ll, U' mid $.l,uuu J. W. Shaw and wife - to j. v, . o 30 fent or wvi oi en 2,000 Btra.l company Yo-AVIlllain Byrne. lot 1U, DIOCK IU, ill 1,250 600 C. M. ChrlsVianse'net'al to J. Gosch, lots 7 to iu, ijiock o, '""'"V"n" i" M. D. M. Malchlcn et nl to II. G. J. Lehman, c i i't " " " Kountze tv it. n uu., n C Williams to J. A. Canning, lot 7. block 1, Reed's 1st ndd. Stephen 'Chomlc and J"" nnd Mary xuiu, "71 800 Jessb Lowo an'd'wlfo to Crano com- pany, w uo icei ioio u !' , 133, Omaha 30,000 Quit finim lieeim. t T. Marphy to J. c. Barnard, 101 m,. Nelson aaa nrerin. 1 G. G. Qulncy. executor, et al to F. B. 1,190 IMrlKRI1 Itlf-O ,iltllliiitiiimi"MI Frank Thompson executor, to J. C. Barnard, r "i n -va - " . Jtft r..t ln a llort nilrl.. C75 Sheriff to Union Investment company. vi met ui r, iki .vfc u. ..-,2 ,, block 2, Orchard Hill 1,878 Total amount of transfers. .$59,291 Tho unrivalled boquet that Cook's Im perlal Extra Dry has, has made It a favor Ue with all good judg es. S5.00 A MONTR SPECIALIST in All Diseases and Diserders of Men 10 years In Omaha VARICOCELE .nd HYDROCELE cured. Method new. without cattiur. ?sJt A lot of time. euBUII cured foriirtsntitnepoison SY rril LIS thoroughly cltaniM from the system. Soon every sign and symptom ilUappesra completely and forever. No "BKEAKINQ OUT" of the disease on the akin or face. Treatment contains no dangerous flrufi or Injurious medicine. WEAK MEN from Excesses or Victims tO NlRVOUS DXBILriT or EXHitJSTtOI, WASTING W1AKWSSS wivn x.nbi wawi id vntiwn nrt Mimit.e Ao. id. lack of Tim, vleots and strength, with organs Impaired and weak. BTRIOTURI cured with a new I!om Treatment, no pain, no detention from Mud neit. Kidney and Bladder Troubles. it una ill ifwsrree. or addresi Call en on or address 110 So. 14th St. Dr. Searles A Searlis. Omtha. Nib. DR. McCREW (Age 52) SPECIALIST Diseases and Dlnordern tif Men Only. 2U years' experience, 1ft year Omahn. UAUinnPCI C cured in less than 10 days. VAnluUuCLC without cutting. VVDUll IC and all Blood Diseases cured turn I Lid for life. All breaking out and signs of the disease disappear at once. flUCD Oil nnfl cbscb cured of nervous UVtn ZUiUUU debility, loss of vitality ind all unnatural weaknesses of men. Stricture. Gleet, Kidney and Bladder Dls cases. Hydrocele cured permanently. Cures Guaranteed. Consultnfion free. CHARGES LOW. Treatment liv mall. P. O. Box 766. OftlCS ovr 216 South 14th street, betweon Farnam and Douglas Sta.. OMAHA. NEB. QNO CURB. NO PAY.' MEN. stop Uklnt mfdlclne. If yon hats tmall, trtak orsanf, let power or wraktnlne itralni, our Vacuum Organ lTClopr will rotor y6u. No druir. stricture and Varicocele per manrntlir cured In 1 to 4 neekai 71.000 lii unci tint one failure i sot one returned i t ltrrt Immediate I no 0. 0. 1). fraud i write for free partlcu. lara, lent reeled In plnln enrelope. IQCU APPLIANCE CO. 139 Ttttrs Ilk., fnalanspclls. Ind. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA ALEXANDER JAGOBSEN GO. BROKERS AND MANUFACTURERS' AGENTS, SUITE-105 Bee Bldg., Omaha. OorresDondenca solicited with lam deal. srs and manufacturers Interested In om method of personally Introducing and fol lowing up the sal of flrst-class merchan- aise oz an Kinds to this trade l Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs-. Nebraska and Western Iowa. MACHINERY HND FOUNDRY. Davis & Cowglll Iron Works. MAJnJVACTURKllB AND JOBBBIU OF MACHINERY. OXNERAL RBPArRINO A PBOIAXrTl IRON AND BRASS FOUKDBR8, Hli 1BOS asl 150B Jukm trasst, Osaaka, Nek. Tel. UI. EakjUkia, Agent. CawglU. U(fa Olds Mobiles and Olds Gasoline Engines OFFICE AND SAMPLES 1 1 14-1116 Farnam Street, Omaha, RANE GO. Manufacturers and Jabbers af Steam and Water Supplies Of All Kinds. 1014 and 1016 DOUGLAS ST, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Utittrn EUotricil vv Gtmpany SUeMoal Supplier Elsesrte Wlrtag Bells aa Oas UfatlBft Q. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. 11110 Howard St. DRY C00DS. ME. Smith t Go. 0 importers aaS JsfeMrasf Dry Goods, Furnishing Ooodi AND NOTION WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Go, HOWARD STREET, OMAHA'S GREAT NEW HOUSE. TENTS AND AWNINGS. Omaha Tent & Awnino Co., OMAHA, NED. TENTS FOR RENT. TENT8 AND CANVAS GOODS. SEND FOR CATALOdUK NUMBER BS. Tree nil a Be lOHB, Boyd Commisaion Co Successors to James K. Bayd Ca,, OMAHA, NBB. COMMISSION GRAIN, PROVMIOXS AND STOCKS. BoarS of TraSa BalUlas. Direct wires to Chicago and Nt TerJt, CewMsendtnte, John A, WarreB Ca. is(l(i