1 0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1001. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL !Gnrl Btariih Condition! and Reunion Anong Ball Daprtsm Matktti. Holders of wheat anxious to sell Corn nnlm TJnll nml Wenk and null Lenders Ilecntnr Hellers Light Trmlc In Out Pro vision Depressed. ', wero unchanged nnd quiet; thus spot stood at the cIojo at 112 6s nnd futures nt 108 17s 61. Locally tho market tor tin ruled quiet but firm for spot, but Into months wero easy in tone! ipot closed at Jim.I'jW 21.50. Spelter was 6 points higher at New York, with spot quoted at It.2)04.lo, wnuo the Minion market for that metal . was llrm but unchanged at 172s (id. Lead wns dull at home and abroad, closing at ii.vt1 nil 11 15s respectively, copper in Lon don was 6s 3d higher on spot, with futures unchnniied: tho close was unsettled, with spot quoted at 63 15s nnd futures at C3 6s. At New York the mnrket was nqm- Inn ly unchanged, iron was steady dui quiet. Pig Iron warrants were quoted nt VJ.fryuvi.m, ro, l norinern, lounury, jid.wii 16.00; No. 2 foundry, southern. $14.00J;15.0; Mi, i rounury, soutnern, fn.vmvi.sfi; .o. i foundry, southern, soft, $H.5otjlfi.OO. Olns- Sow iron warrants nosed in ws ta una tlddlesborough at 45i 7d. CHICAGO, Oct. 9,-Gencral bearish condi tions and n reversion of feeling among bull leaders depressed all markets today and JJccember wheat closed lc lower, Decombcr corn 'Ac down and December oats He under yesterduy. Provisions closed from 2e to i7o depressed. There was a complete changa of senti ment In the wheat pit from yesterday's closing bullish activity. A considerable quantity of long wheat had been carried ovor-nlght In expectation of a continued rise today, but when thoro wns no responso In cnbles to tho local bulge every one uuemod to want to let go of his holdings and a rapidly sagging market was tho re sult. Tho usual bearish statistics wero present again, with no Improvement In tho cablo list, and December opened S0 to ic lower nt 69c to 69Jic. A sharp break of c resulted from liquidation during tho first hour. Reports of a considerable In crease In shipments had a recuperative of foot, bat this wns short-lived and on a re vival of selling by bears December de clined to t9c. On covering near tho end of the session December renctcd slowly, hut closed weak, lc lower at Local receipts wero 147 cars, none of con tract grade,, Minneapolis nnd Dulttth re ported 900 cars, making n totul for tho throe points of 1,053 cars, against 918 last week nnd 759 a year ngo. Primary receipts were 1,170,000 bushols, compared with last year's 1,113,000 bushels. Seaboard clearances In wheat and flour equalled 959.000 bushels. Tho seaboard reported 10 loads taken for export. Corn ruled dull nnd weak. Hull leadors of yestcrdav turned sellers today and acted s though they would let tho market tnko Us own course. Offerings from tho country were freer nnd shipments fell off consider ably. The weakness In provisions had a bearish effect, ns did the dccllno In whoat. December openod a Bhade to c lower on lower cables, sold between C(W;5?;6o and n6c and on a small reaction, duo to shorts covering, closed weak, Ho lower at 6&c. Receipts were IB) ears. December oats had little trnde In a nar row market. Prices opened lower In sym pathy with other grains and declined on liberal country offerings and renewed sell ing by tho northwest. Tho demand was limited almost to profit-taking by a few local shorts. December rnnged between 35c and 35c nml closed weak at tho la. ler figure, c under yesterday. RecolotH wore 112 cars. itcnewed outside liquidation and a weak hog market depressed provisions. Thero u'nn n amnll Incnl nminort on tho onrly de cline, but thlM soon fell off, and with but liitio nnh ilnmnnd January riork closed l.c down nt $14.97. Janunry lard 2c lower at $8.92 nnd January ribs 7c lower n Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, jfio ears; corn, 180 cars; oats, 140 curs; hogs, SrtflnOhead. The leading futures rnnged ns follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close YcVy. Wheat Oct. Die, May Corn Oct. Dec. May Oats Oct. Dec. May Inrk Oct. ' .Ian. May Lard Oct. Nov. Jan. May Rlhs- Oct. Jan. May OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trnde nnd Quotations on Stnple nnd Fancy Produce. EOOS-Hecelpts fair: Iom off. 16i?16c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 87c: young nd old roosters, lc: turkeys. 7tf8c; ducks nnd eeese. EfiCUe: snrlnsr chickens, per lb,. 78c. IJUTTER Common to fair, 13c: cnoico dairy. In tubs. 15S16c: separator. 23fi24c. I'-REHH FISH HlocK bass, ISC: wnuo bass, 10o: blucllsh, 11c: bullheads. 10c: blue fins. 7c: buffaloes. 7c: catfish. 12c: rod. 10c: cranples, 10c: halibut, 11c: herring, 7c: had- cock, luc; pme, ivc; rcu snapper, iwj; mon, 14c; sunflsh, 5c; trout, 10c; whltefish, 10c. OYSTERS Mediums, tier can. 22c: Stand ards, per can. 25c: extra selects, per can. 33c; Now York counts, per can. 40c; bulk standards, per gal., J1.25?J1.39; bulk extra Standards, tier gal., selects. II.nnai.75. PlGEONH-Llvo, ne er doz.. 60c. VEA 1,8 Choice. Sc. HAY Prices nuoted bv Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, $9.50: No. 2 upland, $9.00; medium, JS.50. coarse, $S.oo. Rye straw, 15.60. These prices nro for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair. Receipts, 9 cars. WHEAT Wc. COHN B3c. OATH-34C. BHAN-$16.50. i VEGETABLES. POTATOES Homo ernwn. COfJSOe: Salt Luke, H.OOai.10; Colorado. lLooQl.10. EGGPLANT Per dor., 75c. CARROTS Per market basket, 35c. BEETS-Por half-bu. basket, 35c. TURNIPS Per basket, 30c. CUCUMBERS Home crown. Der dor.. 10 015c. j'akhi.isy per doz., zoc. SWEET POTATOES Homo ernwn. ner bu., 75 850! genulno Jersey, per bbl.. J I. uiuuauis-iiounnn seed, crnteu, i?ie. TOMATOES Homo crown. nr ls.lh. has. ket, 60c. HEANS Wax. nr U-hu. basket. f!0n- iriiiK, iier t-uu. unsKcc, wic, uinb II flit; G0 87 671 CS 69V4fl. 69 60 69 70 lim 73H 72 7273flI B4 63 M 55 65 sags si$usi 34 31 S5 3,-i 35 35 3o 3-2 371 37fl' 37V? 37'tfit. 13 60 13 60 13 60 13 60 13 95 15 00 15 02 14 S5 14 97 15 15 15 07 15 15 1192 15 07 15 25 9 62 9 62 9 47 9 47 9 6 9 40 fl 40 9 22 0 30 9 42 RP0 8 95 8 S2 8 92 8 95 8 90 8 93 8 85 8 92 8 97 835 8 35 830 830 8 45 7 87 7 87 7 75 7 83 7 92 7 96 7 95 7 82 7 95 8 00 87ff No. 2 rt.li nnntfiitnnfl tvere ns follows: KLOUh-Btcady: winter patents W60a 8.00: strnlghtB. 3.003.75: clears, I2.75a3.l0; Bprlng specluls. J1.00: patents, $3.303.C0; WllEAT-No. 3, 67Q67o; No. 2 red, 684 5IC9siC. CORN-No. 2 yellow, 5&fl56c. OATH No. 2. S5c: No. 2 white, Sfcie: No. 3 white, 3733Sc.i HAHLBY' Fair to cholco malting, &5 r.Qltn HEEDS No 1 flax, $1.49: No. 1 northwest- tl R1 Prlmn llmntliv. 15.50. IhoVI8IONS-MesH pork, per bbl., J13.70 (TJ13.75. Lard, ner 100 lbs., w.twiw.w. unori 11,. .1,1ns ilnnwl. JS.2M78.4o. Dry salted Bhnulilers (boxe. $7.62W7.75. Short clear Bides (boxed), $8.7508.85. WHISKY llasls of high wines, $1.30. Tho following nro the receipts nnd ship nr ibo last twentv-four hours: Ariiin Itccelnts. Shipments, Flour, bbls 61.000 25,000 Wheat, bu. . . 25.000 33,000 Corn, ill! 1 29I.O0O 135.000 Oats' bu........ 259.000 206,000 iS., ' hM ! 10.0110 1.000 liarlW. bu 89,000 10,000 On the Produce exchange todny tho butter market wnB sionoy; creameries, mhj.i.c; dalrJes. isaio. Cheese, steady, 9Ji10?ic. Eggs, Arm; fremi, lW7ic. NEW YOltIC GEN EH At, MAItKET, anotntliina of the Uny on A'arloim Conimotlltles. NEW YORK, Oct. 9. FLOUR Receipts, rn r.i hlitii.; exnorts. 7.000 bbls.: wenk lower to soil; winter patonts, $3.50 03.80; wlntor strulghts, $3.2bS3.40; Minnt .ntn imientH. t.l.55'i3.85: winter oxtras. $2.60 T2.S0; Minnesota bakers. $2.8503.15; winter low graues, ivju huui, Dimu? fair to good, $2,8513.16; choice to fancy, $3.K0513.65. COllNMEAI-Dull: yollow western, $1.18 city, $1.10; ui'itniiywine, ja.sows.u;, RYE Steudy: No. 2 western, 60e, f. o afloat: stnto, K0SGc, c. 1. f., Now York enr '"ifARLEY'-Steady: feeding, 52(u,55c, c. I. niin-nlo: mnltlnc. Ld'SSic. c. 1. f. Uuffalo. WHEAT-Rccelpts. 125.300 bu.: exports 74.3IS bu .: snot market weak: No. 2 red 75ftc f. o. b. afloat and 74o elevator: No, 1 northern, uuiuin, tbo i. o. o. nuani No. 1 hard. Duluth, 7a f. o. b. afloat Ontlons were weak and heavy nil dny un der disappointing cables, active liquidation noor siiniiort nnd ugfirosslvo short selling closed weak lit Tip ""t loss; May, 7SW 78 Tic. closed nt 7Mo: Uctobor c osed 73iio: December. 75fS75!i4c closed nt 75c. f'OIlN Recelnts. 2I5.10O bu.: oxnorts. 57.- 46S bu.: spot wenk; No. 2. 61Vip elevator nnd tlniO 1. o. i). niioui. upiion iiiarwei was weuk and declined easily through heavy unloading, lower cables and talk of n bear ish crop report tomorrow: closed weak and Mo net lower; May, 61jitU l-16c, cloned at 6lu; October. 60tt61c, closud at COHc; December. Bl?4'6iiio, closed ut t!lc. OATS Receipts, 112,800 bu.; exports, 8,825 bu.; spot steady: No. 2, 38c: No. 3. 3SUc; No. 3 white. 41c: No. 2 white. 414c; truck, mixed western, 3SI0:; track, white, 40i47c. Options dull and weak. HOPS Stonily: otute, common to choice, 1901 crop, 12W15c: 1900 crop. UgHo; 1S93 crop, iKifllc. l'actuo coast, iaui crop, Ktf : iirj crop, uiiiiio; iiw cm 1, -jainc. to ONIONS Homo itrown. ner lb.. Sfi'lAn! oiiuiiiaji, per cruie, ?i. v. wATKHAiiii.oNH Missouri, Iowa nnd Nebraska, 1020c, nil to size. Nebraska, por bunch, 305j"35c; Colorndo, 40 60c. NAVY IIKANd Per bit,, $2. dog?. 75, FRUITS. APPLES-Cooklng. ner bbl.. $2.60512.75: snow apples, per bbl.. $3; Jonathans, $3.50; Uolleflowers, $1.65)1.75. i'huiskh utan, per crate, n.zs. PEACHES California freestone, ner box. 85c; clings, 75c; Utah freestone, 5c; EI burtos. 6-basket crates. $1.30(31.40. PEARS-Utnh Flemish Heauty, $2.00; Cal ifornia fall pears, $2.0002.25. QRAPES-Callfornla Tokay. 4-Ib. crate, $2; Muscats, $1.60; Concords, eastern, 18c. PINEAPPLES Por crate of 12 to 16, $4.25. CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. $6.60: ner crate. $2.60. quinces Per box, ii.&a. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Valencia. $4.00415.00: Medi terranean sweets, $4.60. iiisMONS-rancy. 3.7&; cnoice, w.25. 1JANANAB Per bunch, according to sire. :2.O0tW.5O. FIOH California, new cartons. 85c: Im- ported.per lb., 12814c. DATES Persian, In 60-lb. boxes, perl lb., 6c; Salrs, 5c. llONEY-Per 24-section case, $3.50473.75. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Ennlish walnuts, ner lb.. 15c: fil berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., 18020c; taw peanuts, per lb,. WWc: roasted. 6Wcv 7c; Urazlls, 13c; pecans, 10022c; new cnestnuis, per id., iriwic. uiuKit per DDi., it.w; per k-ddi., w.w. HIDES No. 1 green. GM.c: No. 2 irruen. 5c; No. 1 natted,8c; No. 2 salted, 7c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs.. 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 60; dry hides, 8013c; sheep pelts, wuzic; norsenioes, )i,WAu.i. track. No. 1 linrd. fiSUr! Kn. 1 nnrlliorn b'He; No. 2 northern, 6llc. H,OUR-Flrst patents, $3.6004.70; second patents, $3. M3.5.i, flrst clears, $2.7002. SO: second clears, $2.10. URAN In bulk, $12.50912.75. I'hllnilelphln Produce Mnrket, PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 9.-I3UTTER-FlrmtH,?.otxl-f'cnlnnt'! fancy western crenm er,AS4ci.fllncy nrnrhy prints, 25c. EGOS Firm. IAT71(. tifcrlinr- trr.mU n.rl.i nnd western. 20V4ff21c: fresb southwestern. CIIKESL Orra, good demnnd; New York Illll rrftamH. fntlOV amnll 1i.tfX.lAtL.. v, Y'ork full creams, fair to' choice, 9flloc. Ilnlnth (irnln Mnrket. DULUTH. Oct. 9. WI I E AT Cn s h, No. 1 hard, 09c; No. 2 northern. 6l?ic; No. 1 northern, 66o; October, 66c; December, BiHc; May. 71 c. OATS-3oi35Sc. CORN-35C. balances, $963,493; money, 506 per cent; New York exchange, 40c discount bid, SOo dis count usKcd, CHICAGO. Ort. 9 Clearings. $2,3,635i bnlanees. 11.455.3.11; tinstcd exchange, $4.1 j4.S7: New York exchange, 10020c discount. I'liNLMN.NATI, Oct. 9. Clearing-, i,oo, 6.V' money, 406 per cent; New York ex- linnge, iioifHOc discount. ... NEW YORK, Oct. n.-Ciennngs, ..,.. 4; balances, $12,070,837. llostnn Stock (nulntlin. HOSTON. Oct. 9.-CalI loans. 304 per cent; time loans, 405 per cent. Official losing: I'enrln Mnrkel. 9.-CORN PEORIA, III., Oct J, ouc. OATS Easier; No. billed throunh. WHISIvY On Ihn l,noU Ished goods. Easier; No. while, a6y36iic, of $1.30 for Iln- T. & 8 do nfd... Amer. Sugar ....115 .Vmerlcan Tel lfti'V lloston & Alb'y.,257 Hoston Elevated. 169 Iloston & Me 192 Dominion Coal... 44 do pfd 11 S. Steel .... do nfd 'Itchburg Pfd en. Electric Mcx. Centrnl SKW YOltIC STOCKS AMI tlO.VITS. Amal. Copper Atlantic Cal. & Hecla 650 42U Franklin 17 t'IItumboldt 10 .14J Osceola W .249 Parrot 33 . 22 iiiulncy 160 E. G. & C 5'Santa Fe Copper. 5 Pnlnni- Jrtfil'. Tnnmrnck 2S7 Old Dominion.... 26iUtnh Mining .... 23 Rubber 14 IWInona 2 nion racinc .... 9oiivoivenncs osi Donlit l&Uc: IkiW cron. (Mfllo: 1900 crou. Dsrilc. HAY' Sternly; iflilpplng, 60065c; good choice symwe. lllDlCS-Hteady: Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 18c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 24 to SO lbs., 14c. LEATHER Steady: hemlock solo, Rue nos Ayres, light to heavy, 230l21c; acid, 2324c. PROVI8ION8-Reef, steady; family. $11.60 012.00; mess, $9.50010.00: beef hams, $20.00W 51.60: packet, $lO.OO01tt6O; city, extra India mess, $16.00018.00. Cut meats, stoudy; pickled bellies, $S.75011.25; pickled shoul ders. $7.50; pickled hums, $10.73011.00. Lnrd. weak; western steamed, $9.90; rellneil, ensy; continent, $10.20: compound, $S.12(R 8.25; South America, $11.15. Pork, easy; family. $18.50018.00; short clear, $17.60019,00; mess. $15.76010.25. TALLOV-8toady: city ($2 per packago), 6c; country (puckagrs free), BH06c. RICE Steady; domestic, fnlr to extra, iDtTER Receipts, 0,676 pkgs.; steady ; etnto dairy, 14021a; creamery, 15R22c; June creamery. 2O02lc: factory, 12S15o CHEESE Receipts. 3.557 pkgs.; Arm; fancy Inrge colored, SWc; fancy lnrse white, BUc: fnncy small colored, 1040; fancy mall white, 10c. EGGS Receipts, 8,100 pkgs.; Arm; state nnd Pennsylvania, 2t0v.,2c; western, candled, 21fi2lc; western, uncnndled, 170) 21c. 8UOAR Raw, steady; fair refining, 3 6-16c; centrifugal, 96 test, 3io: molasses sugar, 3c: refined Htendy: crushed, 5.60c; powdered, 6.20c; grnnulated. 6.10. COFFKE-Steady: No. 7 nio, 6li0olc. Mni.ARSES-Htendv. POULTRY" Alive, steady; dressed, easy; prices uncnanceo. .... metaij;-Tin In London further ad vanced 10s today on continued buying of cpot quality, while tho distant positions St. Louis Grain nnd Provisions. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 9. WHEAT Lower: No. red. cash, elevator. C9ic: track. 71U0i 72c: December, 7Oi07Oc; May, 7474c; No 2 hard, 6S08c. CORN Lower: No. 2 cash, 6Gc: track, 6805Sc; December, 67057c: May, 69c. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 37c; track, 3703Sc: December, 37c; May, 3Sc; No. 2 wnue. sue. RYE-DuII at 66c. FLOUR Quiet: retl winter natents. 13.40 03.65; extra fancy, $3.0003.25; clear, $2.65Jp 2.90. SEEDS Timothy, nominally firm. $5.0001 5,.C5. Flaxseed, no market.' uuKisftiKAiv ateauy at z.ao. HRAN Firm: sacked, east track, 77079c, HAY Firm: timothy. $11.75011.00: Dralrle. $12.60. wiiiHKY Hteady, i.ao. IRON COTTONTIE8-$1.20. BAOOING-6,07c. HEMP TWINE 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: Jobblnsr. 116. Lard, lower nt $9.15. Do' salt meats, boxed, lowor: extra snorts and clear ribs. 18. 0214: clear sides, $9. Uncon, boxed, lower; oxtra shorts and clear ribs, j. 6i; clear sides, :87. - . . . aie i alb-ucaa, nrm, i..ifeifi.w. spel ter, firm at $4. POULTRY Steady: chickens. 6c: SDrtnes. 8c: turkeys, 6c, ducks, 605a; geese, 405c. HUTTEll steady; creamery, 17023c; dairy. 11017c. Eiius t irm at nc. RECEIPTS-Flour. 18.000 bbls.: wheat. 27.- 000 bu.; corn, 26,000 bu.; oats. 63.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour, 10,000 bbls.; wheat, 13.000 bu.; corn. 32,000 bu.; oats, 23,000 bu. No markets tomorrow nouaay. Liverpool Grain nnd Provisions, LIVERPOOL, Oct. 9. WHEAT Spot, nun; iso. 3 rea western, winter, rama; no. 1 northern, spring, 6s7d; No. 1 California, 6s9d. Futures, dull; December, 6s6;d; March. 6s8d. CORN Spot, quiet: American mixed, new, 4s lid. futures, auu; ucioDer, miopia,; NO' vembor. 4sl0Siii: December. 4sl011d. PROVISIONS-neef, firm; extra India mess, 72s 6d. pork, nrm; prima mess. western, tbs an, i.aro, auu; American ro 7nod, In pallH. 48s 9d; prime western. In tierces, dull. 49s. Hnms. short cut. 14 to 16 lbs., dull at 61s. Rncon. dull: Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., 49s 6d. Short ribs, 16 to 24 ids., nun, ma. lung cicur miauies. ngnt, to 34 lbs.. 4ls6d: long clear middles, heavy, dull, 48s 6d; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., dull. 45s: clear bellies. 14 to 16 lbs., dull. His. Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 lbs., dull, 'liUTTER-Steady: finest United States, P3s: good United States, 77s. CHEESE Qulot; American finest, white, jf,k' American nnest colored, ttu. TAia.UYV niroiigj pnmo city, aus; au- trnllan. in London, sis. FLOUR at. Louis rancy winior, sieaay at 7s 6d. i'kas iTfinatiinn. us HOPS At London Paclflo coast), steady nt 3 Edl!73s lOd. Receipts ot wneai during tne past mree dnyH, (5,000 centals, all American. Receipts of American corn during tho past three days, 21,900 centals. Kiinxna CHy Grnlu nml Provisions. KANSAS CITY", No. 3 red, 70c, nominal; n In Fiilnre PrloM Nlionn In .Mnrket. NEW YORK, Oct. 9.-The snme doubt nnd hesitation regarding the future courso or prices was reflected in toduy's stock mnrket, ns In yesterdays. Speculation wit listless, lew active stocks show a net change of as much as a point, oven where the day's range was considerable. TI12 disposition was to close up contracts both on the long and short side until tho future courso of prices outlined Itself more definitely. This tendency was demonstrated In the response .of Brooklyn Transit nnd of Atchison to the specific developments af fecting them. The annual report of Ilrook lyn Trnpsit, which was published nfler tho cloning of the market last night, wns Inter preted unfavorably In nil the current com ment nnd especially In the disclosure that tho trensury bonds hnd been sold during the year. The stock advanced nnd resisted an effort on the part of the professlon.-il traders to depress tho price. The stock nd vnnced nt one time 2, showing tho most conspicuous utreiigth In the market. The Incrcnuo In the Atchison dividend rate, although confidently predicted In somo uunrlers, had been denied with equal con fidence III others. In fact the decision see mi to have been dlsrused and flnnlly decided In the meeting Itself of tho direc tors Tho nttempt to ndvnnce tho stock nn ti:u announcement proved nbortlve, The QiHnure over Inst night wuh less than u point nnd the net gnln only The doubt over the predicted advance wus duo to tho fact of the shortage In the corn crop. Homo of the other southwestern railroads wero offered down sharply, us though to empha size this statement. Tho estimate of tho yenr's wheat crop by un iigrlcult'jr.il periodical, placing It nt a record figure mid at I00.000.0no bushrlH for Knnwin nlono, was nu onportuno offset to thin contention. Tho election of nn additional Standard Oil rep resentative to the Union Purine board nt directors wns a verification of another bull prediction. Rut tho bull party hesi tated to tnko up' the speculation fur nn nd vnnce, owing to the danger that money flurries may still Intervene before the in terior movement of currency termlnntes. Sterling exchniigo was notably Mtrong today on nn nctlve demnnd, demand ster ling fairly touching $1.86. This Is moro than a cent In tho 1 nbove tho gold Im port point. Stignr nnd Amalgamated Cop per, which continued nctlve. drifted rnthor unccrminiy. dui wnn a miner nvni uuuir tone. Norfolk & Western was bid up nearly 2 points at ono time on tho assump tion that recent accumulation of tho stock as been for the Hccount or Pennsylvania railway Interests. The market closer Irreg- lnr. Thorn wns a slinrn DreiiK in wnnnsn ue- enturo bonds. The market was otherwise rather dull and Irregular. Total sales, par altie, $2,S4O,0W. t Milted stales Donus wero 11 unchanged on tho last call. The Commercial Aiiveruser a i.onuon n.nplnl mhlocrnm snvs: The tone of tho atnob mnrket wan much lmnroved today, he Atghan scaro wns over nnci 1110 jioer news: was Doner. 1110 mciu luuu inniu', wKifh wns nlnced nt 98. was a success. American stocks fluctuated on varying Aichipon estimates on mviiienu pronpuuis, This morning thero was n sanguine tcci in nml nt thn clofie nervousness. Tho nc- iMnl nrnnnnrement cumo out too Into to affect the market. Norfolk & Western was hncvnnt on dividend nntlclpntions nna Wabash bonds woro tint In a narrow mar ket. ... Th following are tne i-io.-fng prices on tn New York Stock exchange: Cons., money. .92 15-16 Norfolk &W... do nccount....93 1-16 do pru niK'onda 7 No. Pacific Pfd. lUchlson 78 do pfd 9S Ilaltlmoro & O...102 anadlan Pnc...,!!! hes. & Ohio 45 hlcngo G. W.... 22 M, & St. P. .,164 Denver & R. G... 41 do li Id Crle do 1st Pfd do 2d nfd Illlitols Central. & N M.. K. & T do Pfd N. Y". Central . Little Chief 12 Ontario UC0 N'EW YORK. Oct. 9. The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con 20 Alice 50 lireecc lu Hrunswlck Con... 7 omstock Tun... 6 on. Cal. & Va..lG0 Deadwood Terra. 50 lorn Silver IN) rou Silver 6) .cndvllle Con ... 6 Atchison do pro ':'t Baltimore & O... 99 do nfd CnnndliLn Pac....l07 Canada So 81 Ches. & unio ;s Chicago & A do nfd 11 Chi., tnd. & L.... 4UJ, uo pru..i -- f!hi. vi E. Ill 122 Chicago G. W.... 21 do 1st pid oi Mr, 2d nfd 41 Chicago & N. W.193 C, R. I. & P 10 Chi. Ter. & Tr... 20 do pra . C. C. & 8t. L. Colorado So do 1st pid do za pra Oct. 9. WHEAT De- combor. fo; May. 7O07Oo: cash. No. .2 tnv;0o; hard No. 3. 6305c o. mil whit pnsh. No. 2 mixed. 5SV4059c: 69c; No. 3, BS?iJB9C. iiATM ro. . wnuo. kc. nvK-Nn. !. 56lA157c. nominal. HAY Cholco timothy. $12.00012.50: cholco prairie. is.&own.iw. Ill1 1 I l',a vicuillt'lj, ivniuu, 11 a 1 1 fnnev. U't6c. Enns HlKher: fresh Missouri and Kan- sns stock quoted on 'chnngo at 16c doz., loss RECEIPTS Wheat, 40,800 bu.; corn, 40,800 bu.: oats, vi.uw nu. SHIPMENTS Wheat, 22,300 bu.; corn, 32, SOO bu.; outs, 7.0C0 bu. Toledo Ornln nnd Sretl, TOLEDO. Oct. 9. WHEAT Lower; cash 7?iio! December. 73Uc: Mny. 76c. CORN Lower, dull; ensh nnd December, TiHT7r,v.i!! Mnv. 5S'iC. OATS Nomlnul; cash, 36Vic; December, 36ic; Mny. kmc 11 VK MUf. SEEDS Clover, nctlve, firm; cash, prlmo October and Decemuer, w.-o; Ainrcn, jo.Sijj, MlUvnuken Grain .tlnrket. MILWAUKEE, Oct. 9. WHEAT Lower No, 1, 69Vic; No, 1 northern,' nvic; Decern ber. Bio. RYE-Hteailv: No. 1. 640S4ie. I1ARLEY Stcody ; No. 2, 59060c; sampl-J, CORN December, 56c, Minneapolis Wheat, Flonr and Ilraii MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. 9. WHEAT Cash 67?ii December, 66c; May, 69HtfC9c; on St. Paul .... St. Paul pfd so. I'aciuc ... So. Railway, ., do pfd Tex. & Pacific Tol.. St. L. & W. 21 do pfd 35 Union Pacific , do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheel. & L. E do 2d pfd 28 Wis. Centrnl .... 20 do pfd 40 Aiiiimn i.x i,vj Amoncnn ....150 ....185 .... 65 .... 31?i 85 39' 95?i t7 19 357i 17 Ex 18.X 38 U. 8. Ex 90 96 iWells-Fargo Ex. 160 13 Amal. Copper 86 w Amer. uar sc !.. So i.S UU 1)1(1 Del. Si Hudson.. lb2Vi Amer. Lin. Oil. Del. L. & W 219 do pfd Denver & R. G... 42 Amer. S. & R... 91 do pfd.... . 39a Anac. Mln. Co. . 68 Brooklyn R. T. . 53 1C0I0. Fuel & I. uon. UUH 62 Con. Tob. pfd. ...114 do pfd. Erie do 1st pid do 2d pfd at. Nor. Pfd.... Tlncklntr valley do pfd 1 "en. iiiieciric Illinois Central. .. 143i Glucoso Sugar .., Iowa Central .... 41 Inter. Papor do pfd no piu Leke Erlo & W.. 67 Inter. Power ..... .,121 Lacietio uas ..102 'National Itlscult ..118 Nntlonnl Lead .., ..157 National Suit ... .. 22 do pfd , ,, ISiNo, American .. ,.10U Puclflo Coast ... .. 9l'VPaclflc Mnll .. 24'Peoplo's Gas .... 0V!i t'ressea o. car.. 81 17 45 40 95 3.) 69 91 .214 8 do pfd L. & N Manhattan L.. Mot. St. Ity.... Mex. Central ., Mex. National. Minn. & St. L. Mo. Pacillo ... M.. K. & T.... do pfd N. J. Central.. N. Y. Central. Norfolk & W.. do Dfd No. Pacific pfd Ontario & W.. Pennsylvania . Reading do 1st pra.... do 2d nfd St. L. & S. P.. do 1st pra.... do 2d pfd St. L. Southw. do pfd ..101 ..153 ... 64' .. 88 .. 97 .. 32 ..143? 39 do Dfd.. Pullman P. Car Republic Steel., do nfd Sugar Tenn. Coal & I Union Hag : P uo pid.... 18 45 21', 75 89- yo 4Ui 19 31 65 93 6.1 43 S7 lb 215 ... 14 ... 61 . ,.llb',i 15 74 U. S. Leather 49 41 , 78 . 27 , 67 do pfd. U. S. Rubber .. do pfd U. S. Steel rin nfil 'Westorn Union 67 UTi 79 4S 45 92 New York Money Mnrket. NEW YORK. Oct. 9. MONEY On coU stoady at 303 per cent; last loan, 3 per cent: ruling rate, avfe per cent; prime mer eantlle DaDer. 4V105 per cent. STERL1NU liAUiiANUis strong, with actual business In bankers' hills at $1,86 for demand ana i.S3i ior sixty aays; posted rates, $1.8404.86; commercial bills, Jl.NJ'Ul.SJVl. nil, Viljll Ilur. OiAU. BONDS Gon-ernment, stendy; Mexican dollars, 45c; state, lnnctlvo; rullroad, ir regular. Tno Closing quoiiiioni on doiiqj mt follows: reg.109 iT,. & N. unl. 4s.. ,10194 109 Mox. Central 4s. R5 107l do Is Inc. 30 U. a. ret. 2s, reg.109 do coupon in 3s. reg do coupon 108 1MI1111. & St. L. 48.103 do new 4s, rcg..l3S M., K. & T. 4s... 98; do coupon .(....lib do :b 80 do old 4s, reB.,,112 IN. Y. C. 1h 103 do coupon 112 I do gen, 3s 10S do 6s, rcg 107 N. J. C. gen. 6s. .130 do coupon iuivi .no. i-uciiiu IS....JU1' Atctl. gen. -is iu;,'4 no .in do ndj. 48 MlVi s. .v w. c. 48. ...101 Bal. & Ohio 4S...10J jRondlng gen. 4s. 9.1U do sis w-s ai it iv 1 .11 c. bs.iiai do conv. is nan r n.... in Can. 80. 28 107 .St. L. Southw. 1h. 98V Ccn. of Ga. 61. ...106 do 2s ',7 do 1st nc 'J H. A. ,v A. l'. 4.1.. No Chea. & p. 4s..,107 80. Pacific 4s 91 Chi. & A. 3s.... 84 So. Railway 6s, ..117 C. B. & Q. n. 4s. 97 Tex. & Pnc. Is. ..118 C M a P g H..IIU,-J-, H L w. is. si C. & N. W. c. 78.139'iil'nlon Puc. 4 101 C R. I. & P. 48.106 CCC & 8 I, g. 48.103 Chi. Ter. 4s 93 Colorado So, 4s... 87 D. & R. G. 4s. ...101 Erlo prior 1. 4s... 97 do general 4s... 87 F. W. & D. C. ls.103 Hocking V. 48..106 do conv. 4s 1J5 Wnbnsh Is 119 do 2s UO do deb. B, 56 west anoro 4s,..ii2 W. & L. E. 4s... 90 Wis. Central 4s.. M Con. Tob. 4s 61 Offered. Ilnnk Clearing;. OMAHA. Oct. 9. Bunk clearings, for to dny, $1, 195,427.21; corresponding day las year. Il.13J.393.il : decreHBe. j:37.965.90. BALTIMORE. Oct. 9.-Clearlngs, $3,466,6S1 Dniances, loii.Jiif. BOSTON. Oct. 9,-Clesrlngs, $24,209,32 balances. K.3w,j7i. ST. LOUIS, Oct. D.-Cleurlngs, $7,393,i MAI1A LIVE STOCK MARKET Dtmtnd fr Betf Btun and Cowi loklri id Stroif Prici Ware Paid. 76 West End 93 Westlngh. Elec... 70 Atchison 4s 99 N. E. G. & C. 6s. 61 Adventure 23 Rlnch. Mln. Co.. 29 London Stock Mnrket. LONDON. Oct. 9.-4 p. rn.-Ciot.lng: WENTY-CENT DECLINE IN HOGS TODAY Sheep necelpta Were Only Fair and Under the Influence of a Good De mand Market Wan Active and Strong- to a Dime Higher. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 9. Recelnts were: Cattle. Hoes. Sheen. metal Monday 4.26J 4,465 ltMJ) lilctal 'luesaav 3.133 0.774 li.ill Orhclai Wednesday t.ul 6,6& ,3J4 Three davs this week. 11.622 17.904 3&2i6 Same days last week 21, &9 18,419 U.m Dame wecK unrore zu.yil 1,W9 Same three weeks aKo,..16,is3 lt,718 33,414 Sumo four weeks Hgo....ll,i'j l;,al 2j,zi Same days last year 21,973 19,488 35,746 Average price paia ror nogs at aoutn Omaha the past several days with comparisons: Ontario & W. Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd... do 2d pfd.... So. Railway . do pfd So. Pacific ... Union Paclflo V. 8. Steel ... do pfd Wnbash ...... do Pfd Stianlsh 4s.... , 25 Hnnd Mines .. . 57V4 Deueers .161 1 .. 40 .. 70 .. 55 ..157 ..105 Ki 91 9HU 32" 75 , 20 38 25 32 , 87 1 67 , 96 , 43 , 95 , 21 . 3-S , 69 . 10 , 39 I1AR SILVER-QllleU 2011;16d per ounce. Mf iVI'.Y- 11M1-. imp rent: tho rate of dU- !'.-iint In the open market for short bills Is 02 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 3-1U per cent, liana mines uuuimi ntn; In Sept. Sept. nepi. Sept. Sept. aepi, Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. SeDt. Sept. aept. Sept. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Uct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. fte shares. Nnrr York Mlnlnir tlnotntlons. Onhlr Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes . Standard 70 . 6 . 4 . 6 . 12 . 40 .360 Indicates Sunday. The official nnmhnr nt ran nf stock brought In today by each rond was: Cult . line, ft h'n. H'ses. V ., .11. AC HI. 1'. ity.... 4 u. at. 1 ity Missouri Pncltln Rv.. a Union Pacific system. 73 v n. iv. ity E. & M. V. Rv.... 29 C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry 5 11. M. R. R. R 41 C, H. & Q. Ry k. u. & St. J. Ry l C, R. I. & P., cast... 1 C R. I. & P., west Illinois Central Korelicn Flnnnclnl. LONDON, Oct. 9. Money nnd discounts wero easy today on New York novices. lUehlsons wero supported ror tne purpose, t is DCiieveu, or nuowing realizations in thcr directions. There was some inquiry for CheHtipcnko, tho 8t. Pauls and tha southerns. Gold premiums nro quoted as follows: Buenos Ayres, 130.10; Madrid, 43.02; Rome, 2.92. American eagles, 75s (Ait Ft. nn . n Pr ees on tno Dourso tmliiv niimmil lifnvv nnd IrreEUlnr. Later purchuscs of Rio tlntoa und Turks strencth- ened tno wnoio 11st. lownru 1110 ciuoo prices declined gcnernlly. Rio tlntos wero firm on tho rlno In copper.. Spnnlsh 4s wero weaker on lower exchange. Three per enl rentes, loot oo ror tno account; ex- hunire on London. 25f 16c for checks; tS.tfinluh ia i;f S5. BLRLIN, Oct. 9.-Prices on the bourse today were quiet nnu generally nieuuy. ix- nange on i.onaon, -um sen ig. i Discount ruteH! Short bills, 2 per cent; three months' bills, 2 per cent. Cotton Mnrket. v't.-tv -vrmir ne fl COTTON Snot ninami nulni! mlilrtllntr (inlands. 8c: mid tiling gulf. Sc; sales, 2.437 bales. Futures KXc: Deccmher. 7.9lc: January, i.j.c; run- ruary, 7.92c March, i.aic; April, i.uic; May, 'NIC "vtfiw nnr.rcANS. Oct. 9. COTTON Steudy: sales. 5,760 bales; ordinary, C3-I6c; good ordinary. 0c: low middling. 7 U-16c; ml.lHllncr IWLn- irnnri tntrlrtllnir. 6CI mid dling fair. 6c: receipts, 9,684 bales; stock. 87,621 bales. Futures stendy: October, 7.84i 7 ir.r.- vnvpmlmr. 7.8l!ff7.83o: December. 7.8H 7.Mc; January, 7.8tff?7.82c; February. 7.S1 a - m ntim us. A hall sf gk 1. -t l.bic; aiarcn, i.biu i.s-i:; ai'im, i,oiiui.cj,u, Mnv, 7.82CT7.83C ai 1 nil IB. Ont. 9. COTTON Steady sales, 1.650 bales: middling. 81-16c; receipts, 2.691 bales; nnipments, ;,di ouies; biuuh an Bu iiiiii-B LIVERPOOL. Oct. 9.-COTTON-Spot. good business done and 1 1-1601 3-32d higher; Mnericnn minti ine iuir. ud-j.ii: koou mm- dllng, 4d; low middling, 4 19-32d; good or illnnrv. 4 7-16d: ordinary. Hid. Tho sales of tho dny were n,wu tiaics. 01 wincn j,;w wero for speculation nnu export nnu in cluded 11,600 American: receipts, z.ww mues. Including 1.400 American. Futures opened tlrm nn 1 closed uteudv: American mid dling, g. o. c, October, 4 35-64d, buyers; Oc- tniinr nnd isovemner. ioim iit-uiu. nuy- ers; November nnd December, 4 25-6IQ) 4 26-6ld, vnluo; Decemoer ana January, 5-Hid, nuyers; January nnu reorunry, . I I l.nH, Vnlt.nn.i, .1 .1 tlnKnh t-Mll, UUJfVin. (lit.. .., 4 23.64il. buyers: March nnd Anrll and Anrll nnd JIny, 4 24-61d, sellers: May and Juno nnd June, and July nnu July nna August, 4 22-6IH4 si-fiia, sellers. GALVESTON, Oct. 9.-COTTON Firm. Oil nnd nosln. oil CITY. Oct. 9. OIL Credit balances $1.30; certificates, no bid; shipments, 90,129 bbls.; average, 104,117 bbls.; runs, 92,763 bbl nvernge. 80,218 bbls. mv york. Oct. 9. uii,b uoiionseeu. mnrket dull: prlmo yellow. 42ffc. ya. trolcum, dull: refined New Y'ork. $7.67: Phil adelphia and Baltimore, $7.60: Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk, $5. Rosin, steady; strained, common to gooa, i.is. Turpen linn otoflrtl-. STUMMc. LIVEKl'UUIi. uct. . un.B uotionseen. Hull refined, spot, dull nt 23s. Turpen tine, quiet at zs u. uoBin, common, Steady nt la,tl. x ciiuiuuiu, rciilivu. utnmiv nt 7,1 l.tnsecd. steady at 32s. .nnnnN-iic . v. uii,ci unicuim iinspcn. nnt. 33s 9d. Linseed. 30s 6d. Turpentine spirits, 26s 3d. SAVANNAH. Oct. 9. OIL Spirits tur nentlne, nrm, iic. uonin. nrm. uom. Tl C. D ti: E. 11.05: F. $1.10: G. $1.15: H. $1.25; I, $1.35: K. $1.85; M, $2.35; N, $2.90; WO. J3.3U; ww, Wool Auction Sales. i.nNnnv. Oct. n. WOOL Tho offerings nt the wool auction sales today amounted , n t, n hn nu nmnn 1 was imriv uuuu, Cross'-breds wero In good supply and sold nt unchanged prices A quantity of Queens land new Clip met Willi u B" uciuuhu mm nt uin,iv rntps. Un to the nresent tlm "M.lHM nniefl nave neen soiu, rinmn- Inc nro tho snles In detail: sew wouin 1 'iyi Imlpn- Ecnured. 4da!l8 4Vid greasy, 4fl9d. Queennland, 500 bales Cnmit-ml. 6i16i1h 5d : greasy. rvfl9d. Vic oi',in.V ' Bonll, Australia. 1.500 bales; scoured, 6?8d; greaBy, SUfflSd. New 7.n nm j Ni iiniPH: futiiiri'ii. tiiiiiin uu grensy, SdSjlB lil. unpo 01 uim iiuiie. aim Natal, 500 biiJes: scoured, greaaj, 45(8(1. l'UlKianil JBIIlllUB, iw uiut-n, Kicuoji 5l id. Siimir Market. kkw YORK. Oct. 9. SUGAR Raw, (pilot: fnlr refining., 3 5-16c; molasscH sugur, steady; No. 6, 4,50c; No. 7. 4.40c; No. 8, 4.30c: No. 9, 4.23c; No. 10, 4.20c; NO. 11, 4.15c No. 12, 4,16c; No. 4. toe; sinnuaru a, i.wc confectioners' A, 4.90c; mould A, 4.7Sc; cu Iouf, 6.CO0; crushed, 5.60c; powdered, 6.20c iM-aiuilatecl. 5.10c: cubes, 5.30c. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. O.-SUGAR-Qulet centrifugal yellow, 3 !5-lG5HUc: seconds. 2 3c. Jtoiasses. steady: cciiiriiugui, tuiuc. l,UISWUiM, UCI. V. rll OUUAIt ucio her, 26s 9d. Evniiorntpd nml Dried Fruits. NEW YORK. Oct. 9. EVAPORATED APPLES-Condltlons In tho mnrket for ovanorated nnnles were mucn tne samo n heretofore. Demand wns modcrato nnd values held steady. State, common to good, 6Sc: prime, 8sjbc; choice, 9c fnnev. 91ifi9V.c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Were In active and nominally unchanged. Prunes, 3fT7c. Apricots. Royal. HlMflsc: aiooi Park, Sftl2c. Peaches, peeled, UfflSc; un peeled, oyoc. Coffer Mnrket, NEW YORK. Oct. 9. COFFEE Snot Rio. steady; No. 7 Invoice, 5?5c. Mild Htendy: Cordovn. 745TUC. Futures were tlnnlly stcnilv. with nrlces net 6ifl0 nolnt iilirhpr; tntnl nnlps. 26.760 bags. Including December, 6.25o: January. 5.35c; March K .Wftfi.tiOc! Anrll. 5.65o: May. 5.70H8.75O June, 6,75fi5.80c; July, 5.?5o; September, 5.95C. Wool Mnrket. RT LOUIS, Oct. y. WOOI-Dull and nominally weak: medium grades, 12fil7c light fine, I2n4e: heavy fine, 95Jllc tut? washed, 1:3:4c 1 feeder. . .1090 3 50 6 cows... ,1046 3 00 7 COWS 948 2 25 6 cows 798 2 25 GrlflU & 1 steer 1450 5 00 13 steers. ...1002 2 steers.. ..1210 10 steers.. ..1290 1 bull 1400 8 rows, ,...1050 1 COW lOfO J. 1 heifer.. ..1140 ..1220 ,.132i) .121 I 1901. l00.l$99.lS3S.1897.1896.I89a. 16.. It.. 17.. II.. !.. tt).. 21.. 22. 23,. .4. 23 5 09 4 3J 6 67 4 34 ( tU 6 12 76 6 13 4 32 6 1 4 83 6 76 5 U 4 31 85 1 6 23 4 31 6 21 4 3 6 & 4 41 6 81 I 5 141 I 6 75 t 79 6 81 27.. 28.. I 29. . 30.. 1.... 2....I 3 ... 4.... 6 57 6 6 87 I 6 76 6 6 16 6 15 4 Z9 4 36 5 161 4 44 6 171 4 37 4 36 16 13 6 591:1 r, mi J M 6 59j 5 19j 4 42j 20 4 37 2 72) 3 KSI 3 08 3 74 3 71 I 71 3 73 3 77 S 77 3 71 3 73 3 M 2 64 3 67 3 871 3 M 3 so 3 94 4 03 4 01 3 it 3 3 88 3 2 701 i 73 2 05 1 71 2 8t 2 83 2 81 2 It 2 81 1 yu 2 89 4 i: 4 n 4 04 4 03 4 IN I M 4 00 3 fj 4 hi 4 84 4 SI 4 81 6 Kt,; 49 t l i A lb e 11 4 31 4 34 4 35 5 08 6 02 4 3o 3 78 3 831 3 89 3 ml i m 3 SI I 3 97 3 96 3 711 3 851 2 9l 3 91 ' 3 I9i i IU J !W 3 66 12 97 I' 3 64 3 3 3 611 3 3 631 8 74 3 68 3 64 3 691 3 b2 2 93 3 04 3 04 3 13i 3 M 3 63 3 13j 3 85 3 86 I 82 'o SJ 3 S6 Total receipts .166 4 3 1 1 14 C, 1 9 .. .. 23 14 11 13 2 1 7 ii V. 1 3 100 23 2 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buver nurchnslnc the number of head Indicated: Omaha Packing Co. G. H. Hammond Co. swift and Comnanv. Cudahy Packing Co. armour ac uo R. Becker & Degan. Vansant & Co Lobman & Co w. 1. Stephen.. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p, 253 616 695 621 160 40 315 160 l,0OS 651 1.818 2,329 775 2,158 L7 1,013 Hill & Bon 164 uenton & underwood.... 88 Livingstone & Schaller. 169 Dennis & Co 79 H. F. Hobb ek 19 Hamilton & R 217 Wolf &. M 75 Squires Other buyers 443 238 3,419 4,009 6,749 6,617 Total CATTLE Continued tlvht rnrtnt. nf nnt tie today, as compared with last week, and an active demand wero the factors which aavancea prices anotner notch. The re celpta were made up very largely of west. ems. und while tho quality was nothing extra there were more fat steers offered than yeeterday. Packers took hold In good shane nnd it wns nnt Innr lnfor nonrlv everyimng at an aesiraDio was out or nrst nanus. Thoro wero only a few corn-fed steers on sale, but some of them were what could be called good to choice and sold as high as $6.00. Strictly finished cattle, however. would brlilK considerably morn than that Tho market was strong and In soma cases sales wero made that looked strong to a dlmo higher. Tho cow market was also In good shape and prices looked a little higher than they wore yesiuraay. as compared witn tne closo of last week, when the unwurd tend ency Hinncci, prices aro now lby'-oo nigner. Tne improvement is gener-u on all classes ana is not conunea to uny oe grade. UUIID, WUIVCD U-HU BlUgB OUU Bll'UUy lO strong toduy where tha quality wus at ull desirable. Good heavy feeders sold a UttlA atrntiirnr touuy, 11 anyining, ns 1110 demand wns ruuy equal to tho sunnlv. There was not much change notlcenblo In tho prices paid for the ngni ana meaium weignts, nut sun they wero fully as high an they wero yesterduy. westorn Doer steers wero a little more Plentiful today than yesterday, but the dc mand wns active and tho market ruled strong to a dlmo higher. Cows also sold a little better ana were I54f26c higher than at the closo of last week. As Is noted above, for natlvo feeders the heavyweights were stronc and the other kinds ahnnt thn ramo as yesterday. Representative sales BEEF 8TEER8. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 733 Z 10 18 1177 5 63 4 687 2 40 61 1375 6 00 3 786 2 60 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 4 952 4 70 22 945 4 90 COWS. 1 l....v 1 6 4 2 7 3 8 1 1 1 2...L. 6 1 2 1 3 1... 1... 2... 1... 1... 1. ...1040 ,...1000 ... 910 ... 840 ... 907 ...1000 ... 825 ... 943 ... 975 ...1130 ... 870 ... 970 ...1015 ... 963 ... 640 ...1030 ...1030 ,...1080 ... 100 160 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 IB 2 15 2 30 2 3& 2 50 2 50 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 60 CALVES, 4 00 3... 6 00 7 1 1 20 6 16 1 1 25 12 9 6 7.... ..1020 ,.. 661 .. 972 .. 894 .. 890 .. 950 .. 847 ..1006 .. 873 ..1020 .. 960 .. 936 1000 948 , 873 .1070 .1022 2 65 2 65 2 75 2 80 2 80 2 80 2 80 2 $0 2 80 '2 83 2 9ll 2 90 2 90 3 00 8 00 3 10 3 15 140 6 00 8TOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 580 770 680 870 1 600 13. 606 1 85 1 85 2 00 2 00 2 10 2 40 3 1... 1... 1... 71... 635 . 920 .1040 . 650 . 635 . 645 1.... 1.... 6.... 5.... 1.... 1.... 8.... 2.... 3.... 8TOCK CALVES 290 3 25 3 406 STOCKER8 AND FEEDERS 2 30 38 773 2 60 U 882 2 60 33 613 2 60 6 793 2 60 41 954 2 75 8 768 3 00 5 746 3 00 6 700 3 20 2S 840 COWS AND HRItrp-MH 12 909 3 30 HEIFERS. 2 655 2 50 BULLS. 1 840 2 90 NEBRASKA .1140 . 610 . 800 . 956 . 860 . 610 ,. 762 . 455 800 60 2 60 2 75 2 75 3 05 3 15 4 25 3 20 3 25 3 25 3 35 3 40 3 60 3 60 3 60 3 60 30 cows 919 1 cow 1020 2 feeders.. 855 5 feeders.. 1062 60 feeders.. 987 1 steer 1090 1 cow 10GO 2 feeders,. K60 7 feeders.. 1064 B 69 cows 861 12 cows..... 827 84 feeders. .1061 9 feeders. .1144 4 feeders, .1162 J. 1 bull 1270 2 steer 840 1 feeder.. 1100 93 2 75 3 00 3 35 3 45 3 15 2 80 3 25 3 35 M. 2 75 1 cow 1220 2 feeders., 93o 10 feeders.. 1061 12 fecdorn,. 972 18 cows 90S 3 cows 863 14 cows 1013 18 steers... ,1200 Fox Neb. ,22 cows SS4 61 feeders. .1073 7 feeders. .1100 1 feeder... 650 P. 6 steers.. ..1005 1 bull 1400 26 feeders.. 1058 3 35 3 60 3 06 C. Ough-Nob. 2 00 13 cows 788 2 00 2 cows 685 2 25 1 feeder... 680 00 Allison-Neb. 4 cows. 2 cows, 27 cows, 33 cows, 870 ,,1030 ..1049 ..1028 P, 3 00 2 00 3 93 2 60 3 16 3 15 3 15 Decory Neb, 1 cow.., 1 cow.., 12 cows., 6 cows., 6 cows,, 1 cow.,, ...1040 ...1130 ... 966 ...10IS ...1064 ...1230 3 25 3 35 3 35 2 76 2 W 2 60 3 05 4 25 3 75 3 60 3 00 2 00 1 60 2 25 2 00 2 00 2 60 3 15 3 15 3 16 12 cows 1118 3 00 5 steers, ...1068 2 cows 955 3 00 2 steers.... 990 49 feeders.. 1107 4 06 J. E. McGlnley-Neb. 4 feeders.. 992 3 00 23 feeders., 9)2 8 feeders.. 969 3 25 1 feeder.. .1160 O. FlUpatrlck-Idaho. 8 cows 10.13 3 60 cows 1020 60 cows 1000 3 00 6 bulls 1252 9 feeders.. 90S 3 00 2 feeders.. 935 2 feeders.. 1210 3 75 25 feeders.. 971 UTAH, 4 feeders,. 395 2 feeders., 410 2 feeders,. 775 7 feeders.. 791 8 feeders.. 620 21 fedri,.10a 4 25 4 25 2 60 3 26 3 25 3 60 1 cow 1030 201 cows,,,,. 7 cows,,,, 1 cow 1 calf t belters,, 972 894 940 140 334 3 75 3 75 3 95 3 S6 2 23 2 26 2 75 3 75 2 25 3 00 3 00 2 28 4 76 1 60 1 steer 1210 5 25 1 cow.. 12 steers. ...1163 4 50 1 cow,. 10 steers. ...1144 4 40 1 cow.. 14 steers.. ..1155 4 40 2 cows 1285 6 steers. ...1162 4 40 1 mil hw 1 bull 2 35 L. A. Brown Wyo. 21 steers.. ..1207 4 40 W. Marr-Wyo. 174 feedcrs.WI7 4 60 Earnest Land and cattle to- yo. 91 str. Tex. 876 3 40 A. E. Hester Wyo. 14 feeders.. 929 4 25 1 cow 920 2 60 3 feeders.. 950 3 25 3 cows lra jh 7 feeders.. 1017 4 25 scows low 1 u 2 reeders..l035 3 25 Riverside Land & Cattle Co. Colo. 1 cow 1130 3 60 22 cows 1040 3 do 9 cows 1007 3 00 6 cows 9M 2 3.i 1 COW 1000 3 60 4 bulls 1142 2 23 66 cows 1063 3 60 Chas. Fill er Colo. U steers.. ,.1172 I 45 P. Jensen Colo. 1 feeder... 9t0 3 00 14 feeders.. 512 10 feeders.. 835 3 CO 8 feeders.. 691 1 feeder... 570 3 40 1 calf 350 w. Wcstcrholm Colo. 1750 2 50 6 cows 1120 , 890 4 00 1 COW 720 , 926 3 50 F. C. Bnth-Colo. , M0 2 25 3 cows 960 S45 3 00 6 feeders.. 845 ..1005 3 25 HOGS The downward course In tho prlco of hogs continued today. Chicago wns re ported USI2oc lower, with the bulk at $6.10 6.30. At this point the market opened just about 20c lower and tho bulk sold at $6.10 6.15. At thoso prices trade was qulto actUo and It was not long before tho bulk win out ot nrst nanus. it necamn evident mni packers had quite liberal orders, so sellers held their droves nt firmer prices and tho market Improved a little. Along toward the last nogs soiu ior to.is mat on mo unou Inir would not brlmr over 16.10 and $6.12V&. The extreme close, however, was wenk and dun. Today's decline carries tho mnrket to tho lowest point reached since September 3. The decline for this week nlono n mounts to about 40o. Since September 23. which was tho high day of the year, tho drop amounts to from 754nVj ptjr hundred. Representative sales 2 heifer... 340 3 heifers... 423 1 heifer.... 490 Grime 8, D. 2 cows 1116 4 cows 1145 2 cows 12S0 2 cows 1080 1 cow,, ,,,,1130 6 cows 1066 1 cow IPO" 4 10 4 25 6 00 3 00 3 tV 2 75 Herman Mont. 4 cows. 1 cow 1020 1 cow S50 13 cows 1012 3 COWS. ....115.1 5 COWS 1024 feeders.. 911 4 00 Yoeman 9.82 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 15 3 40 13 steer 1306 Bros. Wyo. 1 feeder... 760 1 feeder,.. 740 16 feeders.. 715 2 feeders,, 625 5 feeders,, S63 8 feeders.. 96.1 feeders.. 855 B. Bennlng Wyo. 3 M 3 00 3 00 3 SO 3 W 3 la 3 00 2 73 3 26 2 75 4 50 3 30 3 30 3 30 2 60 3 40 3 40 3 40 3 85 3 85 .1 8ft 3 85 2 SJ 1 bull 12 feeders., 31 cows.,,,, cows...., 77 feeders.. 10 cows.. 3 60 3 40 3 60 3 CO 3 10 3 75 2 75 No. Av. 68 245 63 276 25 209 37 207 S4 213 68 2 8h. Pr. 160 6 03 63.. 64... 47... 83... 61... 40... 68... 70... 62.. .250 ..240 311 ..216 ..243 ..310 ..231 ..251 ..52 68 304 ...277 ...211 ...352 ...258 ...272 ...290 .268 6S 69, 66, 29, 66, 61. 21, 61 218 71 239 13 226 73 255 64 271 66 259 74 226 64 254 67 264 57 236 4 22li E9 88 66.... 70.... 65.... 77.... 60.... 78.... ..269 ..189 ..230 ..253 ..254 .221 222 !203 .218 .263 .280 .266 .286 .282 .226 .208 240 120 400 100 240 80 40 80 200 RO 80 160 240 160 2U0 200 80 100 120 120 80 200 "m 120 40 280 161 40 40 280 80 ity 240 120 100 80 160 100 6 05 6 05 6 03 6 07 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 C 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 12 6 12 6 12 6 12U 6 12 6 12 6 12 12 6 12 8 12 6 12 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 C 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 C 12 6 13 No 00 273 M 281 63 25S 66 2T.il 47 236 61 2.84 1 259 68 225 64 276 67 266 66 213 (HI 250 67 230 68 237 75 2.10 ...262 68.. 74.. 89.. 68.. 70.. 29.. 34.. 28.. 12 AV. Bh. 80 40 160 240 80 80 160 120 40 80 130 40 40 240 200 200 160 80 120 80 .217 ...223 ...203 ...280 ...236 ...277 ...2C9 .290 68 268 81. 68.. 62.. 64,. 55.. CO.. 65.. 67.. 61.. .211 ...255 ,...256 ...279 ...273 ...233 ,...254 ...285 ,...269 ,...228 ,...212 ,...281 ,...220 ...215 ,..217 76.. 127. 60.. 95.. 71.. 63 258 200 80 120 80 120 80 1C) 200 120 40 80 'ro 240 40 80 Pr. 0 12 6 12 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 i 12 6 12 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 6 1A 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 16 6 15 6.15 6 15 6 13 6 15 6 15 6 13 6 13 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 IS 6 15 6 13 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 17 6 17 6 20 6 20 6 22 6 23 6 25 6 25 0 25 6 30 6 30 4 264 68 258 63 250 62 280 fit) 287 40 6 12 63 259 200 6 12 60 244 40 6 12 21 235 80 6 12U 32 361 61 238 ... 6 12 21 220 86 221 240 6 12 10 312 61 315 80 6 12 17 376 SHEEP Tho supply of sheep In sight to-flfiA- wnn not oxreaslvA. so thn market hud n, chance to Improve a little. Puckers Rtnrtml In nnrl hnilirht nlltte frcelv and tllo prices paid looked strong to u dime higher than those In force yesterday. It was not long before everything deslrablo was dls posed of. Tho advunco wn general on both sheep and lambs nnd ns compared with the closo of last week the market Is right close to 20c higher. Tho demand for feeders continued brisk tcday nnd ns tho offerings wero llmlUxl nrlres held ful V stendv. Quotations: Choice yearlings. $3.20(33.40; fnlr to good, $3.(K'i20; choice wetners, $3.153.25: fnlr to gtfod wethers, $2.90413.15; choice ewes, $2.76fc3.o0; fnlr to good owes, $2.25e.65; cholco spring lambs, $4.2551-1.40; Ililr lu kuuu aiuiiiH linn,,". .wii.w, feedor wethers, $2.75r3.15: feeder Inmbs, $3.25 03.80. Representative sines: No. Av. 41 cull ewetj 1 western cull owo... 26 western cull ewes.. 4 western cull ewes,, 6 western cull ewes,. 120 western cull owes.. 44 feeder owes 31 western owes S9 western owes 3 Wyoming ewes 13 cull wethers 7 bucks 24 western owes 18 western ewes 19 Wyoming ewes S6 western owes 33 westorn owes. 74 western ewe. 3 western ewes , 11 Wyoming ewes 130 wethers and ewes.. 251 western wethers.... 1 western wether $83 western wethers,... 197 western wethers.... 8 westorn wethers...., 364 Wyoming wctherji.. 126 Idaho wethers 257 Wyoming wethers. 70 western lambs 67 western lambs 244 Wyoming lumbs.... 80 90 102 103 r. OS 98 9S 80 82 75 87 97 101 111 112 102 110 , 118 64 , 91 100 99 , 86 111 88 , 81 , VI 68 68 , 66 Pr. 1 25 1 60 1 60 1 73 1 75 1 80 2 25 2 50 2 60 2 50 2 60 2 60 2 60 2 75 2 75 2 90 2 9) 3 W 3 00 3 00 3 10 3 20 3 20 3 20 2 23 3 25 3 23 3 25 3 25 3 60 3 85 4 00 S0o lower; top. $6.60; bulk of sales, $3.10 .4(1 nenvy, ls.4iioits.Ru; mixea pnoscrs, to.i'-,u .45; light. $5.50.30! pigs. $4.264f5.M. head; market 5tfl0o higher; Iambs, $3.26 H.60; western wothers, $J.103.83; owes. $2.73 M.15; feeders, $J.6Ofll.60; Blockers, $2.00S 10. 1 Xerr Y'ork I,lre Stock Mark NEW YORK, Oct. O.-BEEVEB-Recelpts, 773 head: unod steers stondv. common ,l,,-ll, oii-vir, (O.WJI?. ,Ui UXCIl HI1U BlUNB, $3.00JT4.35; bulls, $2.40173.75: cows, $1.60473.65; extra fat cows, $4. Cables quote live cattlo steady; rerrigorator beef, firm nt 9tf9e; exports today, 3,700 quarters of beef. CALVES-Recelpts. 2,729 head; slow and lower; vcnls, $4.60ff8.2?: tops, $8.3718.7 5 grassers, $2.60473.00; westerns, $.1.73. Hiu;i;r and lambs Receipts, ll.iM head; sheep slow: Inmbs stendy; sheen, I?.? (tM.wr; cnoice, . 1.1.1; cuiis. ?i..yMrz.pu; yi.O0ff-l.37tt: few at $5,601 Canada &.kuo..'.i. rBwei HOGS Receipts. 4.970 head: market tm 26c lower nt $(J.2Sj.o. (It. Joseph Lire Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. Oct. 9.-CATTLE-Rcelpts. 600 head: best" beeves stromter: common nnd medium kinds generally weaker, but no lower; Texas steady; natives, $2.80fp 6.2,"; Texas and westerns. $2.6003.80; cowb and heifers, $l.bO05.1O: bulls and stags. $2.00 (36.00; Blockers nnd feeders, $1.604.60: year- ings and calves, Z.oosr4.oo; veals, w.o.xn.(io. HOGS-Recelpls. 7,100 head: market 20P :5c lower: hIks unevenly lower, but mostly 15o off: light nnd light mixed. $3.(BOfl.f; medium. $6.2frn6.30! nlss. S4.60ffti.O0: bulk. U2W6.30. HIIEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 70Onfi; mnrket nctlve generally, 10ifl5c higher; lambs, $3.256.25; ewes, $2,401(3.10. Th dlsnoaltlnn nf thn dnv's recelnts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num- iock marKcis ior uctoner : Cattle. Hnas. Sheen. South Omaha 4.221 H.6C 6.3.11 Chlcngo 11,600 30,000 20.000 Kansas city lz.wn s.rm s.wo St. I.OUI , 6.200 6,900 l.HOO St. Joseph 2,500 7,100 700 west- $2.50S lead; CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAItKET. Beat Cattle Hlgrlier, IIokm Lower aud Sheep NlrniiK, CHICAGO, Oct. 9.-CATTLE-RecolptB. 11,500 head, Including 600 head Texans, 4,006 nead westerns: best heavy 10c higher, others no more than steady; good to prime steers, $6.10r6.60; poor to medium. $3.60fr) aa. ....... 1 ...... . . . .) ,.A,lnr. t9 rjVriA All. nn,u $1.25iK4.60: heifers. $2,004(5.00; cunnors. $1.25j 2.25: bul s. $1.6fl4.fto: calves, 13.5041fl.oi); roxus steers, is.uowuo: weniern steers, $3.&Vho.75. ,.. iititiH iteceinis. jiluhi iiuati: t'tuinimeu tomorrow. 27.000 head: left over. H.ux) neiin slow nnd 15f(20u lower; mixed and butchers, 6.101tB.U ! gooa 10 cnoico ueuvy, .'fiu.i. rougn nenvy, ;i. lovio.ivi hi,ih, u.iviov.ov, titllr nt an Inn 6 0006.25. SHEEP AINU LiAiUIJM ucceipiB, i,iiu l,,l. utrnnir; lnmhs. 15il25o hlchor tluin Monday: good to cholco wethers, $3.50 3.73: fnlr to cholco mixed, $3.00ff3.w; orn sheep, $2.763.bO: natlvo lambs, 5.00; western Inmbs. $3.26ni,50 IIKt-l'.ll' 1 M UinCllll! iuiiu-, o,-.J, sheen, 9.461 head; hogs. 21,530 lend. DtAVivtcvTH nnu- nit Cattle. 3.766 head: Bhcep, ti.iiM neaa; hobb, num. ' St. Louis Live Stork Market. dt t niiin. Oct. 9. CATTLE Receipts 5,200 head, Including 2,800 head Texans; market steady to strong; natlvo shipping .?,i ;.inr terH. 14.754i0.5O: dressed beof nnd butcher steers, $4 00(f5.8O; steer; tinder 1.000 lbs., $3.00fl5.2a; sincKcrs nrm reetiers, $2 2503.75: cows and heifers. $2.0Ofl4,cri: can ned $1.7502.25; bulls. $2.00U3.25: Texns nnd .ii.r, i?.953.!)0: cows nnd heifers. lil.tini. " . ' -n,rt is. HOGS Receipts, 6,000 bend: market 1541 20c lower: pigs and llgms, , o.itmii.s; pneg a tno6 "0! hutchers. $6.234i0.6.i. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.600 head; market 15yC0e higher: natlvo mutton $3.oofi3.25; lambs, $1.01104.50; culls and bucks, $2.254J'3.0O. Kunsaa City Live Stock Market. , KANSAS CITY, Oct. 9. CATTLE Re ceipt. 11,000 head natives, 1,600 heud Tox nnfc, 1,300 head calves; corn-fed steers, 5 10c higher; common cows, 10c. lower; other cattle steady; choice dressed beef steers, $5.75(&6.60: fair to good, $I,734J5.C0; Blockers and feeders, $2.80(34.45; western-fed steers, $4,7545.50; western range steers. $3.00474.75; Texas and Indians, $2.7603.60: Texas cows, $2.0oa2.85; native cows. K.604jr4.&0: heifers, J3.00Q5.50; canners, $1,50472,50; bulls, $2.25(7 3.78: calves. $3.00(96.50. HOGS-lUeelpts, 8,600 head; market 15$ Stock In Sight. Totals 36,021 68,165 37,134 Xerr Y'ork Dry Goods Market. NEW Y'ORK. Oct. 9. DRY GOODS-Ruy. ers have been In fair attendance, but have not operated to nny extent In stnnlo cot tons. Brown bleached and courso colored goods quiet but firm, some good orders for staple prints coming forward. Print cloths firm but quiet. Men's wear woolcnn and worsteds dull nnd unchanged. Woolen dross goods In fair demand for staple; mncicn ncgiecten. roninieinnrnte the Ilia; Fire. ,iuv ,,uu, wv,. ft , in: iviiiii v n iai y ui the creat Chlcairo fire thirty years hko to day will be commemorated at a banquet given by thn Marquette club at the Audi torium tonight. Departments of the city government, excepting the police, flro, lenitn ana electrical departments, were osed during the day. but the day. for tho first tlmo In years, was not generally ob served. Speakers on the program for to night's banquet nre: Frederick E. Hop kins of Chicago, Congressman Charles li, Lundls of Indiana, Major General Elwnll 8. Otis, commnnder of the Department of tho Lake; William Allen White of Kansas and Bookor T. Wnshlnnton of Alabama. Wil liam L. Busch, president of the Marquette club, will be tnastmnstcr. nrnthern Mnke a Itluh Kind. TUCSON. Aria.. Oct. 9. Chnrles It. nnd Porter W. Flemlntr of this nlncn have ar rived hero from the Gnlluro mountains, where they report n remarkable gold ills covery. Tho rich find Is located seventy miles north of Tucson nnd tho vein of ore, according to the 1' lemmings, is 200 feet wldo and 6.000 feet In length. A canvon cuts through the vein for H feet, exposing tho oro on either Bide the entire length of tho cut. It Is estimated the amount of gold In sight Is worth over I7.00O.0O0. Tho Tuc son Star of this pluco Is authority for tho Btatement that the story told by tho Flem- miug nroiners is authentic nna mat it nan verified the facts ns above given. Trill it Held tip In Arknimns. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 9.-News of a hold- up of n train on, the Kansas City, Pittsburg & uuir, near Asnaown, Ark., nus rcaenra tho Wells Fnrgo officials hero. Tho train wns northbound from Shreveport. The In formation comes In n dispatch to the ex press people, announcing the holdup, saying the ronberB did not get anything. The teie gram said tho valuables which thn robbers believed the express cur carried had been left In Shreveport to go out by tho daylight train. The gang that held up the train la believed to be tho snme ono that nneratcd against the Cotton Belt some tlmo ugo. Game Wardens Arrest Inrilnns. MEEKER. Colo.. Oat. 9. damn Wnnlmm Harris nnd Frnvert. with Sheriff Anilrk and eight deputies arrested four Uncom pahgre Utes, three squaws and one papooso. They had 200 greon hides In their camp nnu urn oinccrn uruuKiu inem ana incir thirty-four ponies to Meeker. Their cap ture was mutlo eight miles from Meeker. Only ono of tho Indiana showed u desire to tt-siHi nnd no wan quickly disarmed. Rio Rlnnco county ha been full of Indians for the last threo weeks. They aro suit! to bo lndlnns from Utah reservations on their annual hunt. Humors of Another Buttle. MIDDLESBORO. Kv.. Oct. 9. An unenn. firmed report Is current hero that another nnitio tooit piaco yesternuy near, iug Springs, Vn., between the Mnrgan-Chadwell leutiiBis, resulting in inn ocatn ot torn Chndwcil nnd ono of tho Morgans. Doo Chadwell of this city, a brother of Tom Chadwell, discredits tho report. He re turned from Big Springs Inst night, whore he hud been to Investigate thn buttle of lust Sunday, when six wero killed, and snys that nil wns quiet when he left thero itlnndny night, but furthor trouble wus feured. Dr. MoKlnley Honored. DAYTON. O.. Oct. 9. Dr. Russell Mo. in.. i ... , at...t.A..iii. n .. . IIIHCJ in aiimiicu.nir, w., u iiumin III 1119 dead president, wus todny elected moderator or tno siaio rresnyienan synod in session noro, wiin upwiirn 01 .niu ueieguies in attendance. Carrie Nation to Sue City. WHEELING. W. Va.. Oct. 9.-Carrt Nu. tlon haa given bond to keop the peace and will appeal tho case, so as to hub the city ror raise arrcsi. one inn 1110 cuy toony. TUB REALTY MAIIKCT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wednes day, uctouer a: Warranty Deeds. J. W. Munn nnd wife to R. L. Shaw, lot 9. block 33, Kountze piace ; i,wo L. A. Spalding nnd husband to I. F, Spalding, n w reel lot , oiock s, j. i, Redlck's BUbdlv 4.200 H. G. J. Lehman et al to M. D. M. Maicnien, mis a una i, niocn i, isnncs & R.'h add 1 Sumo to M. D. Kurbnch, undlv of o 190 feet lot 18, diock o, ivuunizo s n 'n ndrl 1 Otto Wlttorff to Evangelical German Lutnoran xriniiy cnurun, o acres in sw lie"! 22-15-12 Patrick Tralnor to John and Mary Iiugennerg. ers ii i". "men i, nuin s, H 'h add E. C. Hodder and wife to H. A. Whip ple. undlv lots 27 to 32, Luke A T.'s C. J. Camp nnd wife to E. fe.' Nichol son, o -u teei mi u, nnu w iu reel lot 18, In addition to blocks 18 and 1, In 2d ndd to Bedford Place M. L. Ware to E. J. Ware, lot SO, block 4, Muyuo'8 auu 1 Quit Claim Deeds. J. J. Russell and wlfo to II. B. Rus- Bell, lot l), block w, umana i.uou Deeds. O. C. Olscn to E. E. Christiansen, a right or way commencing at noint i on south Una of Bancroft street, 100 feet west of Tenth street Special master to Clinton Orcutt, lots m, id ana id, diock i.s, noum umuna. i.i-'i 600 600 Total amount of transfers .$12,154 OLDEST I SAFEST! BBSTl WALL STREET Money Will liuru lll Man lair fUtorna Tha Investor's Fund Pays Beml-Monthly. The oldest established in America. No certificate-holder ever lost a cent. Psy mtnts made tu all subscribers every It 4ys. No trouble. No delay. Monsy refundsd on demand. Writs today (or particulars, fres to any address, C. K. MACHKt A CO., Hudson Hnlldlnc, Mow York. i!iinoae Ulna. Boyd Commission Co successors to James E. Boyd 4 Co., OMAHA. NIB. COMMISSION OltAIN. PROVUItsMl AMB JITSCKt. ard of Trad SaUdla. Direct wires ts Calcsco ss4 Nsw Tatkt CsntSBondtnct. John A, Wsitss 4i C.