'I jr. MOMSY TO LOAN-HEAL ESTATE. KM, $100, ISW PIUVATC money to loan; 1, J rail e MMir it , OiJ HENRY H. lvYNI3,0i.2"N."Yri.tf"e" i3M..?lJr V? J" ??li!!!pi;vcS rem W-517 kV' II. MElKLE, 401 8. 15th Bt.. loans mnTy" i' nt) ri,lMrA lirniiArlu r ' ' iiiviic .. ......... ,.. m u per cent, W-518 r. tltt VAT 15 money. Sherwood, 137 N. y. t W 519 HIVATE money, F. D. Wtnd, 1521 DouglasT MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. ONE II L NoSed" Tl IOUSA ND "BoLLA KB .irt ... IN. sums or $10, $15, KD, $;5, $30. $35, Hu, $50, J7S. $100, $200, $250, 1300. i,r,.FV.nN',TunEi I'lANOS. HOUSES, M-AQONB, ETC. Also to SALARIED PEoI I'LL, on their plain note nt ratus which tf, uunim icuM! cim iiuoni in pay, Tne nron u'.vrty to remain undisturbed in your nos- I? nifllrifi Vrtii a tl.. ............ . -fn,v"; iuu h ic iuuiil u (! name my In strlcuvt conHdoncc. Otnco hours 8 a t tn. tn (1 n. tn. U'mlnAii.1.ii .' , " $venins 'until 8 o'clock, " "y F msi.iAiw.K CREDIT COMPANY, fltoom 3U, Third Floor. Pnxton lttnv X- bMONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture. Jw E elry, hor.icB, cows, i:tc, C. F. Heed, .lb s.ls. Jt o-JS ; MONEY TO LOAN ON i- urnuurc ma pianos. Horses, wagons nnd carriages, Also on SALARIES. You Kot tho money on short notice. Jou receive the full amount In cash. Aou mny keep It one month or more, .ou pay Ir only what time you keen It pur rated are as low nil the lowe.it. Our business l conlldentlal. Our motto In. "Try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., it."? ."i?a,r,1.0.LJru, UUi- Tcl- (LstabllMied 1802.) DOG S. ICth St. LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, llvo stock, rtc. Quick service nnd lowest rates Kimratitoed. J. V. TAYLOE. Gt! (top tloori i I'nxton block, northenot corner lf.lh and til mum, entrance on ICth street. X-322 LAIIOE8T HUfilNES.S Tii LOANS" TO HALAHIED I'EOI'LE. merchants, team uters, honrdtnit houses, etc., without se curity: easiest terms; 40 odlces In prlncl- nnl i' 1 1 a 'P . 1 . I I A i, ... ... 'T .. - llldg. X-521 MONEY lonnrd on furniture, llvs stock. Jiw elry: uIbo to s.ilnrlcd p o.ilo without s cur. lty; chu.ii) rates; vnay payments; business ron llilon I t.i I. Foley Ionn Co., successors to Duff Oreen, It. S, llarker Ulk. Est. 1SS9. X-MS63 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried tinoplej business cnnfldentlnl: lowest rates, CM I'nxton block. Thn J. A. Ilutton Co. LVION'EY loaned on plnnos, furniture, horses, cqws, jewelry, uurr urccn, It. S, HRikertiik X-325 lll'SIXESS CHANCES. 3 EN. mIjSE., J5.0O) to 120,000 stocks, dolns Rood business, ii to VI cash, bnl.ince koimi Improved (clear) land; HOOT AND HIluK, Jo.mjO stock, pood trade, Vi cash, 'a hoou lund; IIAIIDWAnH, I2.WW to J6.50), satis factory business, cash utid good Improvd Innd. OHOCEHY, J:00 to 2.:,00 stoci s, Kood piece clear laud mlRht Uku thu larjjcst; DUUCJS, 1I.0W to W.C0O stocks; tell mo details about that piece of land for one of these. Hl'GOIES AND IMPLE MENTS, kuoiI business, can be hud at right llBiiro. JEWELRY business, J3i) to ah, Kood tenms. nleo traile. What havo yJ l to otter? HAKEHY AND CONFEC lIONAIli, sood Iowa town, cnjoy.ng Rood business, maybe this la what oti want. COAL AND FEED business, no better locution In city, fine proposition. hne you good, clear land worth $1.60) cash.' Wrlto me. FLOUHINO MILLS, BO and 100-bbl, capacity, In good wheat dl'trlct. tloltip nlcfl buslneas, valued IG.501) to $12,0; Kood offer mlfiht bo entertained. Let mo hear from you. WHOLESALE CI OA It AND TOHACCO business, team and wagons, tine city trade, pays $100 net monthly; nBk about It. LIVEItY busl nes. fine location, $XO to tot) revenuj monthly, exclusive of thirty repular board, ers. If you want DiIh business It It a money muker; entire outfit valued at JS.'W to $,(i00. Have you some good property tor offer? Then boo me. MILLINEKY Jtocks, country nnd city, good trade, from J.V0 to $1,500, fall business Just opening, tako hold of ono of theso and bo Indepenu unt In a few months. HOTELS In and out of city, dolnjj paying business; some entlro property for snle. or exclmmro; others (furnlturo only) for sale. Ask mo, i.1! Jfi1, yo" a" nt"lllt thorn. RESTAI' HAN TB, ono very desirable nnd finest In town of s.oOO souls, elegmitly eiiulppc , doing gilt-edge business. If you want to bo leader In this line this is your golden opportunity, many others of V rnm.ii. erntlon. HOOMINO AND UOAItDINO houses, ono II rooms, fine location, fill d with roomers nnd boarders of first cH?s; gross monthly Income $2(0; furnace-heated lint, rent $60, Indy advanced In years, going east to reside, no reasonable offer rejected for the entire furnishings, ready to step Into and do profitable buslncs without Interruption; her loss, your gain: other well puylng flats nnd houses on my list. EXPEltlENCED young buslners man hns $1,W0 cash, wants an Interest In pay ing dry goods business In live country town. Is nut your capltnl limited? t'.ui you not use him? WANT $t.0u0 stock Htnple hardware In llvo Iow:i town pre ferred. HE explicit In writing for or about business anil you will get results quicker. J. II. JuluiBon, N. Y. Llfo. Y-S25 0 1 ELL me what you have to sell. tell me what you wnnt to buy, 111 do not ttiul you u ileal , ou may say 1 nover try. J,M',1.' V,,f,J"1,"5,,i 1,11 N- V- I-'f". 'Phono Ii -ii. the real estutn and business chance iran. Y-523 FUUNITL'ItE of 7-room flat, completely equipped; has roomers; llnnjocation; good reason for Bulling; a bargain. J, II. John ton, N. Y. Life. "Phone L-2270. Y-M432 H UMTI'ItE of 15-room modern flat, com Idotely equipped, lino location, full flrsi cl.iss roomers and boardert, p. inks leav ing city, a bargain, 'l'liune L-2270. J II. Johnson. N. Life. 'Y-JU32 I'OIl BAIiE, Kcneral mcrchandlso stock of J. C. '1 raber. deceiiscd; fourteen yeius es. tabllshed. Mrs. M. H. Traber. Admx., aterluo, Neb. Y MOW 6 VOU RALE oi exchange, $8,000 general mer chandise; will eonrlder good land; also $5,000 stock; 20 per cent off for cash. T. M. Clint), 1J3S O at , Lincoln, Neb. Y-MC5I 0 FOIt SALE, stock of ladles' and rents' furnishing goodv, will invoice about $15.(00; present owner desires to engage in ti e w-holesnlo business; has two years' lease Jf pt-etcnt store, which Is In -?:cel!ent location: spot ensh rciutred; no trad.s considered. Addrees II 02, llee, Y MOTS G STEAM IaAI'NDHY. conipietTrTvUhllp.tc date, new machinery nnd running at pros, ent, for sain on very reasonable terms nnd at a very low price. Illness of own 'r Central City, Nob, Y M'is2 7 'C9KOU7A,IiU3 ,llcomo "red fromliw Profits ialil weekly by money order. Highest commercial references and (by permission .only) trom customers. Uo k- liif.r.l0, Xt' 9'"ara. Union Tr itt Uulldlng, Cincinnati. Ohio. Y 76 6 MONEY can ho mndr. send for our book"of new ideaB on stock and grain trndlrg. See Flower & Coa advertlscment-ilnnn- clul paee, , Y-731 C "X,yi.OF-IT.,ln 30 .'InyR'7" brinado with $100 by Judicious Investment In stocks nnd grain; send for our book, "Mo lent Methods for Safe Investments,1' and our special letters of advice, mulled free. M. ,' ' t-o., Dopt. n. Pankf r i n 1 llrokers, Chicago 8tock Exchange Uu Id Ing, Clilcugo. Y 755 (, II8TIUIUTINtl agent wanted In earh city; $100 to $jon required; $1,000 to $5,0oo Xrar!X P.1)- American Wlno nnd Tonic Co., 63 Mechanic St., Newark, N. J. , , Y-715 HIO returns on a small Investment. Our representatives nro mnklng from $-V) to lifjfl i per week handling the wonderful H) J1 ' i i wlilcli Is equal to an alec trie llu at Licth the cost; send for test!, tnonlals. Dept. U, Acorn liruss Works, Ohlcajo. yT31 6. lApP'T'ONAt, capital required In an'rV. tabllshed manufacturing business; money making enterprise; your Investment gots . 't?," tli? rc.u,'l,.WvJ0 Increase bualniss. ' I-rem $2,000 to N.C00 only required. Em ploymmt given to party who Invests, if i'Ultmm Co., 501-5 N. Y. L. Uldg. uiu iiui-irviru fan on or w rite The 7)2 ih'si.m:ss ciia.ci:s. IF OV have $25 or $.V to Invest send for particulars how you can receive a nice weekly Income In the best nnd most sue ccssfjl Investment, Metropolitan Ex change, 1932 Park How Dldg., New York. Y-7t9-6 HONEST speculation. Make y6ur money earn a steady Income. $25 upwards In vested with us will earn 20 to 30 per cent monthly, payable every 15 days, send for pur new book, "Successful Systematic Speculation," mailed free. Tells how to operato on the grain market without loss. Highest commercial, financial and suc cessful customer references. Frederick E. Parker, Uroker, 155 La 8allc St.. Chicago, III. Y-7t-iP i .. pa'(' toT "'"ck" of merchandise con sisting of clothing, dry goods, shoes, gro .Lr.7)." d.'.ul liuruwurc. Address H. 8. phjlds, Fort Collins, Colo. Y 717 6' J10 DHESS cuTung" chart "forC0c: anybody can cut and lit dresres for any sited per son any style: free circular. Home Dress Cutter, Des Moines, la., box tVJl. y-sos 6 PATENTS, book "of Information FIIEe! La to of examining corps U. S. patent ofllce. Prompt rellnblu service. J. K. Mock, Washington. D. C. Y-793 G FOL'It stocks of groceries, ono to exchnnce for small homo. 11. It. Hull. N. Y. Lire. Y-Sil G W lu AHE setting exclusive torrltorlnl rights In every city and county In .United States on one or the most profitable propositions ever placed before thn business Interest), of this country. One district manager cleared $4fi the second month: another writes. "It Is a poor day when my profits fall below $25." This Is i. clean, straight forward and honorable proposition, backed by an established corporation, Ir vlttng most rigid Investigation. The amount paid tor territory to be repaid from first moneys received. $250 to $2.M ensh required, according to Importance of territory. Address Auditor, 315 Dear born Street, Chicago. Y FOIt SALE, blacksmith and machine shop; running 3 men year round; located In best county sent town, In state. For particulars address L. Taylor, Fullerton, Neb, Y-3G3 6 55,(X.O STOCK clenn stnple general mer chandise; will sell at 70c, cash. If taken at once: good business opening. D. Ml ler & Co.. Leigh, Neb. Y-MSC0 7 FOH SALE, nn old established grocery business. Address It, lice ofllce. Council HluffX Y-MK23 FOIt SALE, chenp. 3-room house nnd a number of residence lots In South Omaha, In walking dlstnncc of the new packing house which will employ 2,000 people. Owner will be nn pr mlset. 27th nnd Hnrrl son sts.. Oct. S and !). Thefc lots will lu nold ns low as $25. 70xl2,"i feet, nil on grade, smooth nnd level. Theso lots have old from $100 to $400. Come nnd see them or address W. M. Post, 27th and Harrison. Y-M776 ! AHE you looking for a sound, rnnservat'va nnd profltnblo Investment? If you nro send for pnrtlculnrs nnd proofs showing how $100 averages $10 monthly profit In a carefully tested nnd thoroughly proven progressive plan of operntlnn. No sensible Investor can nfford to overlook thlt op portunity, ns It Is the most succesful and Icitttlmnte money mnklng proposition evtr offered. Ilnymond & Co., 93 Nntsnu tt Now York. Y-773 6 VOH SALE nHAL ESTATE. CHEAT BARGAIN'S. No. 4155 acres In Florence, 16-room house, all modern except gas, cemented cellar under entire house, large barn, a lino lot of npple, cnerry, pench nnd plum trees nnd nil kinds of small fruit. Price. $.i,'i0. Part cash, balance on time. Owner expects to buy u rnnch. Now Is thu time to buy you n farm, If you want to get possession In the spring. No. 4 OS SO acres, six miles from Sojth Omaha, half mile from station, 25 ucros cultivated, balance blue grass and clovor; good 9-room house nnd barn, well fenced. Price. $3,800. A $2,000 house In Omaha will be considered ns part puy. Tlmo will be given on $1.5(0. No. 107010 ueres, well Improved, within 2 miles of station In Pierce county, al most level, $15 per acre; this Is a bar gain; will soon be worth $25 per ucrc. HANCHES. Buy you n ranch, you can stock It reason ably now. No. 40G-l,l20-acrc ranch In Holt county, running water, price $1,000; sumclcnt freo range to make 2,4' acres. No. 412 l.MO-ncre ranch In Valley county, Nebraska, on the North Loup river. Im proved nnd contains hay and pasture lauds and lino farming lands, $10 per acre. ..o. 413-2,0S0.acre ranch In Keyn Paha Co. No. 114-1, 120-acre ranch lu PIcrco Co., Im proved. Wo have land In nearly every county In the state. If you want lnnd wo cun find . something to suit yoj. Kiro Insurance. Houses for rent. SIIIMBH & CHASE. C'JI Pee Hldg. Telephone. 1H2. . HE-849 6 WYMAN. simivEn CO.. - or,, , NeW Yorl LlfO llldg. i.; f?-r ?;"i"ry nnd bnsemont brick build Ing, 0,x5S feet, on lot (Kx63: centrnlly lo rated; all pec al assessments puld; can bo made suitable for light manufacturing t"3U8.t.?.?l,Lc' t,,c: J,ll''llng nlone cost $7.50-" Ji.oco will buy nn 8-room houso nmi ino.rnnt lot. outbuildings, etc.. nil In good shape, ). mrnct. mm, ntu at ' i"M Is nil we ask for' two vacant lots on the corner of Ames Ave., nenr 27th St.; $3,500 for 3-story double frnmo dwelling, iiiAn ' ,,,",B lr w: r 6 per rent on tS.WO. 23d, near Capitol Ave. HE-692 0 ?-R,SAJ.'P b' Thf Putnnm Co., 604-5 N. 1 . I... Illilir. J1S?.,'' 1!uyn ,a K001 B-r"om cottage. S,,.iah ''i'.'n" cnlt"I!'. 2th and Erskln. ,Vr rpAVni - VVr n'0nU,: iriyS VPr 10 $2,M0 buys four flats; n 10 per cent net !n- $Ww.ra5!tU,Un?. "'r.0,.:..2.11" n"'i Ohio: There arc but a few. We have others, all .lo nt in), nun puv irom 6 to 12 per rent on Investment. Where enn you find anything better or safer? Owners Instruct us to sell nnd have made nrleet I w enough to Insure purchase. HE 710 6 DAHOAIN UAUUA1N. Hero Is your opportunity For a good, well built nnd wnrm 7-ronm house. Just the place for a South Omaha man, south of Vinton, near 16th St., clore to carllne nnd good neighborhood. Hm good collar, lino cistern, coal house, otc. Price. ?8w. EASY TEHMS. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main Floor New York Life Hldg. HE-707 ti It. C. PETEI13 & CO., 1702 Furnam St., lieu ltaildlug. DWELLUsil HOUSES. No. llfil 2410 North 21st st., 7-room house, all modern except furnace; good barn, nlco lawn and shade trees; price, $2,250, No. 1193709 South linn st., 5 rooms, bath, closet, gas, etc. nnt an offer. No, 1923020 Emmet st.. ii rooms, bath, gas, hard oil finish, nicely papered, lots of irult and shade; lot 1U0X12S, all fenced, H block from cur; price, $1,700. A bargain. VACANT. Fine building lot on 15th St., south of Hickory st,, east front; price, on'.y $700. A bargain, 2Gth and Elm st.. only $W. Farms for salo lu eastern Nebraska and southeast Dakota. Fire insurnnce ami rentals. It. C. PETERS & CO.. Tel. m. 1702 Farnam St. RE-791 6 ANY offer will be considered for 4702 Wukely St. (between Davenport and Chi cago), 6-room cottage, lot 50x130 feet, well, three short blocks from car line. 1701 Wakely street. 3-room cottage, full lot. THE 1IYRON REED CO.. 212 8. llth St. RE-703-6 I-OH A SNAP look at two dwellings. 1030 nnd 1032 8. ISth, lot 50x144, $1,200 for both. 4 rooms south of park, $750; $too cash, $15.00 per month. 6 .r.??"'.?h."nd Jclon. newly repaired, , $1,200; $100 down. $16.00 per month. n rooms, all modern. 12,000. 3 or 4-room. small lot, cheap. $500. isos Farnam. Geo. E. Olason. RE-MS39 6 fAV) buy n good building lot In Ilemls Park. It will pay you to look it up, E. T, HEYDEN, 323 No. 16th street. RE-703 t THE OMAHA DAlLYy BEE: SLiJSJJAl, UCTOllEli , 1U.01. FOH SALE-HEAL ESTATE. Philip Potter. George Forgan. John N. Haskell. POTTER. FORGAN & HASKELL. . 420-421 New York Life Uulldlng. OUR UARGAINS: $3,200.00 Buys a seven-room house, all mod ern, with tlno full lot, on West Dodge street. Owner must sell and now is your time to get a home at a low price; $1,500.00 cash, balance on time ut low rale of Interest. $2,100.00 A fine now cottage, all modern ex cept furnace, 1819 Iocust street. Rents for $20.00 per month. It will pay you 10 per cent net on your money. J1.G00.0O Takes a five-room cottnge, all new this year, all modern save furnace. It Is 1S0S Maple street. It rents for $2')4.00 per annum. Can you do bet ter with that idle money you have In bank? $2,450.00 Uuys a six-room hojse. nil mod cm save fumnce. Now built: Iron fence: nice lawn. Rents for $300.00 per year; 1S03 Locust street. Just the plnco for a cozy home tnd makes a big Interest for your money. $1,600.00 A Six-room house with acre lot, 621 North 30th street. 8treet car line will shortly be built to this prop, crly, A good place to raise chickens miaa'1?. nave a 80tl garden patch. j.,crio.oo Uuys a six-room cottage, all mod ern and with a good barn. No. 1433 North 19th street. The Income from this place I $3J0.00 per annum and ii .yo." cn"'t do better in the city. $1,100.00 Uuys an eight-room house, 2222 South 16th street; rents for $132.00 per annum nnd the lot alone Is tt cm rJy. worUl ,,ie l,rlce wc nk. , II,8W.0O-Takes a flno new cottage, 1954 North 13th street. A new bjllt ?rtu!,HP"'rn except fumnce. rents for $240.00 per annum: this pays you over 13 per cent gross on your money. ' $S.500.00-JJuys a ten-room house, modern 1 e,very rMP?ct: clegnnt lot, nice shade trees; most desirable sur- n J?Jli1K.H .'" evcry wny: Wct l''ir- nnm district. $.,.TO.00-A Choice corner lot. facing south, nn elegant site for a home; West loarcnanrmlnen'Ct dl,,lrlcti ,wo blocka $3,0.00-One of the very finest lots In West ;,xrpnnm,!' 3,rict' 05 tctit frontage, al taxes paid, Surrounded by the best PnV" "V city. A little over a l is iutr.0,.nhoN i8t t-inrnnm cur Cinnfni. ARM LANDS, $C,400.0(-iiuy8 one hundred and sixty acre two m .""'''"Ston cojnty; only i i cs from Mllrond station, Oood house, v ng water- owner ennnot reside on It himself. ow?ng ?o h"V''.nn,.1 "refcrs sell rathe? n,V ir.Cn,i U ,,s " rgnln. Farm $9 000 0oii?; J..1" ",lvnncliiK rapidly. $9,000.00 Ruys one hundred nnd twenty. &cl? Cun, Ab.olJt , tw, from you If yo, win wrtL " ,,'nscrt. 10 "how onice. " url,a u" or call nt our TnTTl.Ti i,-v. . 'Phonos 470 and 1920 RE-G9S-6 TWO CHOICE FARMSCni:,u Omaha: no better farm in the county. This farm has 33, crM, two , lng. good water system, nice orchard nnd grovo and best of fencing Mi';TBB?vSLvT,Ncis t sKTTr-E ni Worth $W per acre. Wlmt will you gtve? if you ,lo not want It all make us an offer on ono quarter. In LANCASTER CoFnty. 13 miles north of Lincoln. Flrst-clnss In every respect. This farm has 320 ncrcs of good land, with good buildings, In n good locality, with nlco level roads. Three dollars per aero cash rent Is offered for It. but it must bo sold, nnd $40 per acre will buy It. Make us un offer. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor New York Life Hldg. H 15-700 G GEORGE AND COMPANY, 1G01 Farnam St. I3.500-1WO 8. 2Sth St.. S-room modern house, team heat; lot 60x150 ft., east front. ,2,ioJ2nSh.-?i,''a st- '-room inodem houso; tlon CVt'ry way BOHl coni11- $1,376-2502 St. Mary's Ave., 6-room cottage. $1,060-314 N. 25th St., 4-room house. $1,300-310 N. 25th St.. C-room house. FOR INVESTMENT. $2,500 for business nnd residence property n north part of city, paying 12 per cent interest above taxes and expense carry Ins property. UUILDINO LOTS. $1,800 for full enst front lot on 40th St.. near Howard; grade Just right; no special taxes. $1,750 for 63 ft., west front, on 22d St., 3 blocks north of High school. $1.2W for lino lot on Farnam St., near 40 tn oi $M0 for 50x130 ft. on Chicago St., between 30th and 31st. $350 for corner, 41st nnd Dodgo Sts., on grade and on car line. $350 for a very desirable lot on Franklin St., one-hnlf block west Military road on south side street. FARMS. 16? acres near Millard, Improved, running water, 5 miles of Center street pavement; l! per acre, 200 acres near Springfield, very well Im proved, good orchard, especially well adapted for stock farm; $47 per acre. 120 acres, two miles Fouth of South Omaha; $6.) per aero, 12) acres, five, miles from South Omaha, well improved, nil kinds of fruit trees nnd 20 ncres ulfulfa. GEORGE AND COMPANY, RE-777 6 CHEAP NE11RASKA FARM. R00 acres, Central Nebraska, over 6o0 ncres line valley land, especially suitable for alfalfa; abundant water, good farm build Inws; for quick sale at $11.50 an aero, lllcks Land Agency, 32G Board of Trade, Omaha. RE &59 6 W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 FARNAM ST. We havo for sale In the West Fnrnam district some of the most deslrnblo homes In thu very best locations. Wo know that soma of thtso properties are offered nt very reasonable prices and wo know that ou will know It. too, If you look at them, f'u 1 and let us give you full particulars. R342, on 2tith avc., near Dewey, good 9 room house. Price, $1,000. H191, on 42d, near Cuming, excellent 8 room house, lino lot. paved street, cost owner $8,100. Price, $3,700. 1)411. modern S-room residence, one block from Sherman avo. Price, If sold nt once, $2,600, Hfl, on isth ave., near Maple, good S-room house. Price, $1.C50. Ueautlful building lot, southwest cor. 38;h and Dewey, 70x166 feet. Price, $1,300. Another fine corner lu West Farnum dli trlct, beautiful location. Price only $2,1. 600 ncres In Hurt county, fine buildings, 265 acres in cultivation. Price, $10 per acre. If you wish to buy or sell call on W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. RE-S51 6 6-R. HOUSE, well, cistern, nice trees, 1810 Ontario St.; $10) cash, balance $15 per month. 10-r. house, city water. 709 N. 32d; $100 cash, balance $15 per month. J, 11. PARROTTE, 16th and Dodge. RE-G93 G NORTHEA8T corner 28th and Pratt Sts., two full lots, south front, new sldowalk, water and sewer In street, $600 for both, or will sell separate. THE BYRON REED CO., 212 H. 14th St. RE-704-G FOR SALE, nt a bargain, doublo brick house, ftne location, Is a good Invest ment, paying good Interest. M. J. Ken nard & Son, 310 Drown blk. RE $50 0 STANFORD CIRCLE HOU8E-Pretty and attractive. Oas, furnace and bath. Rig trees, nlcn yard; six rooms each; on car line, $2,000. Easy terms. THE HYHON REED CO., 212 8. 14th St. RE-702-6 FOR SALE, monthly payments, 8-room modern house, a. 11, Nittlnger, Hee UUUUIUM. JU .Mit5 12 ron sale nn.ii estate. HAVE 8OMB OF THE REST RAROAIN8 EVER OFFERED IN OMAHA FOR THIS WEEK. NEAR HANBCOM PARK-Wc have ft 9 room residence, In Una condition, hni porcelain bath, closet, marble washstand, gat, porcelain sink In kitchen, nice llttl bam, lawn, lot 50x116. THIS PROPERTY OUGHT TO URINO $3,600. but owner wl i consider any amount offered, It sold at once. SOME ONE WILL GET A GREAT SNAP. Call us up Monday morning. Orchard Hill 7 rooms, modern, except heat, barn, shade, lot 60x130, for $1,700. SNAP. ON NORTH 19TH ST.. In walking dlsttn e unrt convenient to Lnke school, we have a nice property of 7 rooms, in line rcpal'. water, sewer, porcelain sink, gas, fi'li basement. This property can be dellvflred for $1,650 If taken soon. A ORE.vT IIARGA1N. NEAR 30TH AND IJURT-Ueautiful lot. 60x150, with 6-room cottage. Eastern lo.n company recently foreclosed nnd Instruct us to sell for 31,640. We want nn offer. IN HANBCOM PLACE. Just t.nt of the park, 6-room cottage on lot 60x150, east front, shade, etc. WE CAN SELL THIS PROPERTY FOR $1,300. Think of It. $!C0 less than the adjoining vacant lots bring. IP VOU CONTEMPLATE RI'lLDING HE SURE TO SEE US UEFORE CLOSING A DEAL FOR YOUR LOT. SWEET k HEADLEY, 613 N. Y. Life Rldg. Tel. 1472. RB-778 6 D. V. BHOLES COMPANY! 310 N. Y. Life. Telephone 829. J7G On 39th St. Just north of Farnam. wo offer the REST built. HANDSOMELY ar ranged, MODERN residence, in the VERY BEST location of any WEST FARNAM homo offered. Fine oak finish, best nickel, porcelain plumbing, mantels, fixtures, etc., that money can buy. A de lightful homo and owner willing to show It any day. We Invite Inspection, 732 On 21st nnd California Sts., we offer the Darton place, FINE, well built, mod ern residence: HOT water heat, $350 bath tub, two $500 mantels. $7,000 interior black walnut finish and a barn that cost $6,500, with ftne grounds. A $30,000 property for $13,000. 713124 So. 31st Ave,, facing Turner park, n line, well built, HANDSOME. MOD ERN home, oak finish, HOT WATER heat, fine plumbing, combination gas and electric light fixtures, liwntory, fine re ception hall, paving nnd atone walks alt paid for. A delightful home for MUCH less than its cost, JS.jrA 718-IIANSCOM PARK district, corner lot 60x100 feet, flno 10-room. nil modern, WELL built home. HOT WATER bent, best nickel porcelain plumbing, comblna gas and electric light fixtures, flno hard woods, mantels, barn, etc. it Is the best plnce In HANSCOM PARK district for price $9,000. 454-1127 So. 31st St.. HANSCOM PLACE. M block south Pacific, 8 rooms, two-story, modern but fumnce, well built, FINE lo cation, owner going to leave nnd means RUSINESS. If you will see the house nnd make us n good offer wc will ALL do BUSINESS. Price. $3,500. ACRE LOTS. Nothing In tho way of broad ACRES, BEAUTIFUL acres, close In, high, sightly and CHEAP, equals those 5-ACRE tracts we offer In OMAHA HEIGHTS. JUst north of CENTRAL PARK school, ttt $150 per acre. This Is less than they ask you for the cheapest lots In the addition adjoining of only l-5th tho size. Seo us about these quick. FARMS. 160 acres 5 miles northwest of Bennington. In Douglas county, all very nnc tanu, goou 5-room house, nearly 'new frame barn for ten horses, good granary, cribs, two wells, feed lots, etc. Land good clean soil, freo from fold; same tenant ten yeurs. Bu Id lngs well painted, neat und tasty. Price, $50 per ucru. 320 ncrcB. 220 finest bottom land, balance ... - I . I I. . . r. . 4A Innfti pilHluru UMII Milium, ll) 1 ' w.,.., line corn this year, never fails, good or chard, fair house, barn, cribs, etc. This is n typical stock and corn farm; 65 ncres of finest bottom hay Innd. One of the best purchases In Douglas county. f!HRP NHHRABKA FARM. GI0 ACRES good farming land near Kear ney, Buffalo county; tw ncres unner piu, good soli, fair Improvements, fine plice for corn, wheat, cattle and hogs; price only $12 nn acre. Hicks Lnnd Agency, 326 Board of Trade bldg., Omaha. RE-859 diip in XT l.T, Tl A a V A TTATIXf 220 ncres Buffalo county. 2c acres under board of Trade, Omaha. RE S59 6 ti n mi 1 nit tivw? vnmf i.ipr. 8-room houses, full lots, modem, except 3, G and 7-room houses, modern, except fur nace: will pay it) per ceni nei 011 iiivtm- AH t 2 acres', good 6-room house, bnrn nnd well; good home, ou North 30th st. 5 acres, small house, some fruit, at a great nargain, ciose in. . . lots In Clifton Hill, $120. 3 lots in Amber rlB.CR.,BALL, 62G NEW YORK LTFE. HE 844 G CIIRAP LOT. A choice lot on 35th st., notween Fnrnam and Dodge, for i,aoo. micks. nonru of Trade bldg. RE-S59 b BEMIS PARK. WE TOLD YOU In our advertisement last week that It wns only necessary to tee BEMIS PARK to bo convinced that it wn tho finest nnd chenpest residence property in tho city for the money. THE RESULT PROVES that we nro rleht. Several new parties nro planning to build homes In Bemls Park next year. Another new houfe Just started. THINK OF THESE PRICES! Lots on Lafayette avenue, 61x110, near fine new homes, only $000. Lots on Hawthorne nvrnue, ono of the finest rcbldenco localities In tho city, only $90) to $950. REMEMBER TEN PER CENT OFF ALL OF THESE PRICES ON ALL LOTS SOLD WITHIN THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. COME IN and let us drive you out to see the most beautiful of nil Omaha addi tions. Do tut believe what we tell you about BEMIS PARK until you have seen It. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Sole Agents. Main Floor New York Llfo Bldar. RE-M4S0 6 HOUSES, lots, furms, ranches; loans; also lire Insuruncn. Bmls, Paxton Blk. RE 443 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, C01-2 N. Y. Life. RE-629 HOUSES and lots In all, parts of city; also -- ...... ..nit I - .V. InnHn Th. n TH tit:ir JtU'CltJ nil.. ... .. t lie w. . Davis Co., Room 652, Bee Building. HE-530 CHAB. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Fnrnam 8t. RE-JJl FARMS. C. F. HARRISON, 913 N, Y. Life. RE-5G3 0 TKI. THIlEE-QNE-FOUR. HAItltlflnv LOTS. 28th and 23th Fairmont Place, on favorable tcrmv Adirass F. H. Kuppen, 133 West Wateissl., Milwaukee. Wis. RE 7-ROOM, all modern house. 3520 Dodgo St. CLARKE POWELL, Phone 021. 420 New York Life. RE-873 FOR SALE, fruit and garden place ar.d grocery store, cvn acres, part In choice grapes, plums and other fruit; a splendid buslnees location; barn, Ice house, sheds, well, clste-n, etc.; one mile out of town on main road. Inquire at 335 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. RE-MIIJ OWNER old, must sell mortgaged' York farm; no fade Box 2S3, York, Neb. RE- FOIl SAI.n-ItEAL ESTATE. HAVE YOU INSPECTED OUR FALL STOCK? We are still adding to our FALL STOCK of Choice Homes. We are determined that every homesecker shall be nblc to find through our office the home that bct suits his taste and his pockctbook, "If you do not see what you want ask for It." Look this list over carefully. It contains NEW BARGAINS ONLY. Thero is nothing on this list that we havo offered you before; $1,GC0 Six. room house on a large lot, hnlf a block from Walnut Hill car, 4 blocks north of Hamilton. City water In yard, also, well and cistern. Nice yatd. with grape vines; also .1 barn. Property In good condition and makes a very des.ra Is little home, it you want to get settled for the winter come and let us show ju this place. Owner will sell furniture a. so, as HK WANTS TO LEAVE TOWN. ,5&8,':niom N1:w AND MODERN COTTAOE In BEAUTIFUL BEMIS PARK. Two car lines. Cemented cnlar. l'urnnce. Oat, Electric Light. Bower. Hot and Cold Water, Porcelain Rnth. Closit, Nhnt more do you want? If this does r.ot , liiirest you COMB AND TELL US WHY. $4,W0-On West Dodge street. This Is nn other NEW AND MODERN COTTAGE, within WALKING DISTANCE, nnd only TWO RI.OCK8 FROM FARNAM CAR. Everything up-to-date. Cementod ccllnr, furnace, gas, electric light, mantel and grnte, sewer, hot and cold witter, porce V.".nJll!lh' cl.sc'i quarter-sawed oak nnlh. IfARN. ,3)?2?rtP.5L.I'OW0 avenue. EAST FRONT, UJSJ1.!?7' 10-room NEW AND MOD ERN HOUSE. Two blocks from Cuml g street car, cemented cellar, furnncs, R.ls, sower, city water, bath, closet, etc If you arc looking for a well located and thoroughly good residence up on the hill let us show you this property, then make us your BEST OFFER. REMEMBER THAT WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR BEMIS PARK AND KOUNTZE PLACE. We have nlso a lirge assortment of desirable building lots In other parts of the city. READ ALL OUR OTHER ADVERTISE MENTS TODAY, AND IF YOU DON'T FIND WHAT YOU WANT ASK FOR IT. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main Floor New York Llfo Bldg. RE-703 G GREAT BARGAIN, live acres, beautiful tract, smooth, level land, west of city, only $725. Hicks. 326 Board of Trade bldg. HE-S-IO fl 8-It. house on 18th, near Center St.. specials ,f.u,',lyJ,uM.' a Bnnl' ut '1'800- t. Wend, lo24 Douglas. RE-M7S9 12 TWO 6-room houses, city wnter. unc u-riiom iiouso, cuy wnter, Rents $42 per month. Price, $3,200. Mort gage $2,000 due, 3 years, 5 per cent. Pays 16 per cent on Investment. Located cen tral. J. II. PARROTTE, 16th and Dodge. RE-G9 6 HERE 18 A SNAP! TWO full 60-foot lots on BON TON HILL Only $700 each. Lowo avenue and California, Just enst of Mr. Wyntt's new house. TEN per cent off for All Cash, if Taken Quick. THESE ARE BARGAINS IN EARNEST. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main Floor New York Life Bldg. RE-M650 6 HOUSE and lot, 81 feet front; price, $3,500: parties leaving city. 2015 California st. RE-M6CI IP RANCH and farm lands for salo by the Union Pacific Railroad company. H, a. McAllaster, land commissioner, Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-532 LOST. LOST, n blue silk belt, with silver huckle; reward If returned to Miss Wakeley. GO? N. 19th St. Lost-M663 6 LOST On Wednesday evening, October 2, between Webster street depot und 16th iind Douglas, lady's light brown pocket book containing bills nnd sliver between $45 nnd o0; owner's cards. Liberal re ward if returned to Boo oftlce. Lost-6S5-S LOST Watch, between postofllco and Leav- "wini ov. un 1Din 01. iteiurn to 1713 Leavenworth for rewnrd. Lost 6S7 10 LO?T n black mare, weight about 1,000, big ...... o "... in tuivm-Hu, wnue on tip Of nose: last seen nt Washington station; to reward by returning sumo to Graven, Benson, Neb, Lost-MS76 7 I9iST' palr .Kold "I'cctacles. bifocle lent .:iiiiii iu ut:u uim.-e, wouncii iiiurrs, and get reward. Lost-S2l 6 SHORTHAND AM) TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 511 BOYLE8' College, court reporter principal. NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's I lll.lt tvt. 535 GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col. 16th & Doug Oit MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, tho acknowledjed leading nfcvjftliai III MIBCUDCB Ul WUIUUI1 111 UmillliK, would call the attention of suffering ladles 'o his unsurpassed accommoda tions before nnd during confinement, nnd his treatment for Irregularities, no mat ter what cnuac, Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodgo 8t., Omaha, Neb. M-M66J LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills ara the best. Safe, reliable. Tuk no other. Send 4c damps for particulars, "Relief foi Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your drugi"t. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. CANCER cured at home by Infernal treat ment; no knife, plaster or pain: book nnd testimonials mailed free. Cancer Institute, 121 W. 42d St., N. Y. LADIES, $600 rownrd deposited in bank for n case, any cause, my monthly Rgulatur falls to relievo at once. Dr. Jnckson, It. Co.. 803 Chicago. ill 6 llOU,i:il MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam bollors, tanks, stacks, etc. Tel. 1359, 12th and Izard Sts. 545 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1664. Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept.: Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. 537 DDNOHUeT Osteopath, PaxtonBlk. Tel 1367 -53$ Dn. A. T. HUNT, suite 512, McCaguo Bldg. Tel. 2352. -5(0 DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Block. 311 MUSIC. MISS MINNIE LOVI, piano teacher. Studio, 615 N. 17th st. Call Mon. or Thur. -7R6 PATENTS. WILL BUY any good invention or pntent. Address Lock Box 760, Des Moines, la, . -547 HAVE ensh for good patent or Invention, Address 1. O. Box 5, Omaha, Neb, 1st N7 FRENCH AND GERMAN LESSON'S, FRENCH and German lossonu, native teachers, ten years' oxperlence, success guaranteed. Mr. and Mrs. Beauchoux, 192J California street. mo k LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c, 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 617, -642 SPANISH LESSONS, SPANISH lessons. I3S 8. 24tU St. -850 06 .Ml' SIC. PROFESSOR Charles Peterson, piano In struction and voice training, Rattan method. Roundness and carrying power of tone guaranteed. 613 W. of W. Bldg. -293 Oii PAWMIHOKEHS. EAGLE Loan Ofllce, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 41 IIOOKKEEPING. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc , dny or even ing. It. IS, Com. Nat. Bank. G. H. Rathbun. - -51 sto vi:s. WE carry the biggest line of stoves In city. Buy of us. Prices right. Enter itis Furnlturo Co.. lic-4 S, Hth. Tel. iiSO. -Mj7I Q31 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th und uihe Sts. 310 1 - ' MIRROR FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses resllvered, 70 N 16. 5J1 Fl'HNITUHIl REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Wulkltn, 2111 Cuming St. -5.6 Tilt' NIC FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Vactoty, 120.' Farium. -Ill OU TAILORING. LADIES' gnrments cleaned, nltered, re paired reasonable. Max Fogel, U07 1-aiiKim -M221 025 NICKEL PLATING. STOVES, lamps, etc., reputing. Omuha Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. -518 FARMS FOR RENT. 400 ACRES near Gretna, Sarpy county. Duff Qrcen, room S, Barker block. 46S DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 2576 Hnrney. 660 N-3 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 513 Business, Shorthand. Typewriting and English. Be Building. Day nnd Evening Sessions. Send for Cntalojuc. DON'T DON'T have aching extracted. teeth delay for a day that tooth you think needs nttentfon. ItftUfT go to a dentist you UUH I nave no confidence tn. Bailey the Dentist ,113 Pnxton Illock, 16th and Fnrnam Sts. Tel. 10S5. Est. since 1883. I I I H HANK STATEMENT. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE OMAHA NATIONAL HANK. At Omaha. In the state of Nebraska, nt thc'doTo of rT 30, 1 : , , , "HUUt'L3, $4,290,597.56 IvjutLiio nun " Overdrafts, secured ami unsecuroa U. 8. bonds to se- snnmooo cure circulation .... WJO.OOO.OO U. 8. bonds to se- inoivinnft euro U. S. deposits 40?Cm U. S. bonds on hand l.soo.oo ''ffondrr...0.?...":..: .. a8' r"!!!'": aw iJanklng house furnl- wanfm h.r. nmi fixtures... ZUU.OW.UU Other real cutato n, owned hd,m..w Duo from national banks (not reservo nrnnlnl 11.338.311.63 Duo from state banks and bankers .-.vio.uj Duo from approved reservo necnts 812.251.20 2,472,578.80 Internal revenue stamps fu-.irj Checks and other cash Item ; 12,810.81 T.-vnhfinfT.ii fnr clonr- lng houso 133,857.41 Notes of other na tional bunks ho.6W.DJ Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents 1,125,34 lawful money re servo In bank, viz; fiii.Tli. S701 .IM.SO Legal ten der IlOtCS.. 225.677. W 927,080. 80 1,161,307.42 Redemption fund with U. S. trensurer (5 per cent of circula tion) 30,000.00 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in Surplus fund "Undivided profits, less expenses and taxen- paid National bank notes oJtstnndlnR Due to other national $9,699,68.1.02 $1,000,000.00 100,000.00 101,635,39 000,000,00 bonks $3,371,634.19 Duo to stato banks nnd bankers 1,969,819.84 Individual deposits subject to check ... 1,853,684.22 Demand certificates of deposit 74,94 Tlmo certlficotes of deposit 373,643.22 Certilled checks 3,206.33 Cashier's checks out standing 220,890,65 United States de posits 2C8.119.70 Deposits of U. 8. dis bursing officers 191,070.65- 7,891,919,63 Tolal $7,699,583,02 .oS.tUrt0t.of fl'raska, County of Douglas, ns,: I, m. Wallace, cashier of tho nhove named bunk, do solemnly swear that tho aboyo statement Is truo to tho best of my knowledge and belief. en- ., . W.M' WALLACE, Cashlnr. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 6th day of October, 1901. FRANK BOYD, Notary Public. Correct Attest; J. It. MILLARD. N. W. WELLS, C. H, BROWN, ' Directors. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE. Bids will be received at the office of tho commissioner of public lands and building t In Lincoln for the construction and putting in place of four Iron doors for four vaults In basement of tho capltol building In Lin coln, according to specifications on file In thn ofllce of commissioner of public lands nnd buildings. All bids to be submitted nn or before Monday, October II, ut 12 o'clock noon. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. GEORGE I). FOLLMER, Commissioner Public Lands and UuUdlnut. i!3 RANK STATEMENTS. No. 2773. ..H-p.Port. of ,lle Condition of THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL HANK. At Om.lha. In the State of Nebraska, at the Close of Business, September 30. 1901. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts.. $2,305,020 2D Overdrafts, secured nnd unsecured 16,S9l (6 V, S. bonds to secure circulation 150,000 W i . S. bonds to scclire U. P. deposits 10).(0) oi V. S. bonds on hand.. 3.2V") ) Premiums on U. 8. bonds , 7,770 fO Slocks, securities, etc. 231,771 77 Hanking house, fur. J. ture and fixtures.. . W(V W Due from nation 1 banks (not rcser.- . agents) ; 137,30 97 Due from state imnka nnd bankers 45,708 S3 Duu from upproscu re.crve agents SM.CS4 S3 Checks and other cash Items 22,150 $1 Exchanges for clear- ing house 70.S21 65 Notes of other na tional bnnks ,., S1.J53 9) I'rnctlonal paper cur rency, nickels und cents $03 41 I lawful Money He. sorve lu Hank, viz.: Specie 121,790 u) I-gnl tender notes., IfO.iXX CO Redemption fund with U. 8, trensurer (5 per cent of ctrcula "on) 7,5'a) 00- 1,150,899 62 Tolal $1,1(5,053 :i ,.,., LIABILITIES. Capital Mock paid In. $ 500,000 (0 Surplus fund loo.OOJ 00 Undivided profits, lest expenses nnd taxes paid 2,5,714 31 National bank notes outstanding 150,000 CO Due to other national bunks $ 7S9.4H5 26 Duo to stnto banks and bankers C9S.7S4 24 Due to trust compa nies and savings banks GS.913 79 Individual deposits subject to check.... 1,19),338 31 Demand certificate of deposit 12,211 75 Tlmo ccrtlllcatos of depotlt .. 457.723 81 Certified checks S.S10 95 Cashier's checks out standing KO.OW 61 United States de posits 100.0M 00- 3,41,3b 9) Total $4,19(r;3 State of Nebraska, County of Dougius, us: I, Luther Drake, cashier of tho nbove named bank, do solemnly swear that tho above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge nnd better. LUTHER DRAKE, Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before mo this 5th day of October, 1901. , , E. P. HAMILTON. ?pal- , . . Notary Public. Correct-Attest : FRANK MURPHY, HEN B. WOOD. F. T. HAMILTON. Directors, No. 297S. " Report of tho Condition of tho t'NITEIl STATES NATIONAL HANK, At Oninhu, In tho State of Nebraska, at tho Close of Ruslness, September 30, 1901. . , RESOURCES. Loans nnd discounts. $2,584,5(3 ?6 Overdrafts, secured und unsecured 17,651 34 U. 8, bonds to secure circulation $ 10),000 00 U. S. bonds to secure U. 8. deposits 100,0(0 00 200,00)00 Premiums on U 8. bonds 4.(i00i0 Stocks, securities, etc. 16,257 00 Banking house, furni ture nnd fixtures.... 9,000 CO Other real estate owned 28,734 47 Due from national bunks (not rcsorvo agents) 180,361 CO Due. from stato banks nnd bnnkers 67,731 SO Due from approved reservo agents 416,698 .15 Internal rcvenuo "mps 137 13 Checks and other cash Items 1.S1G 41 Exchanges for clear ing houso 43,068 23 Notes of other nu- . tlonal banks 20,000 00 I ractlonul puper cur rency, ulckelc und cents ii J4 Luwful Money He servo lu Bunk, viz.: Specie 248.711 00 I-'gnl tender notes.. ,) 00- 1,074,742 62 Redemption fund with U. 8. trensurer (5 per cent of ctrcula- tlon 5.0)0(0 Total LABILITIES. Capltnl stock puld In. Knrnliiu ftina $3,310,191 19 $ 400,001(0 co.oro 00 Undivided profits, less expenses and tnxes paid Nntlonal bank notes outstanding Duo to other national 26,777 29 10),000 CO I'tnks 8C8.G51 68 Due. to stato banks , n'"l banker 708,435 18 Individual deposits subject to check.... 1,097,612 74 Demand certificates of deposit f 6,158 05 Time certificates of Certified check 9,85s 95 Cashier's checks out- etandlng 91,030 91 United States do- "oslts 100,000 00- 3,353,414 60 Total ................ $340191 83 Stntn of Nebraska. County of Douglas,' ss: nnmn.i &JJaT ow president of the nbovo named bank, do solemnly swear that tho i Subscribed aft LoW 6th day of October, 1901, (Hral U TAIiMAOK, CoTrect-Atlest: N,nry Pllbl!u C. y. HAMILTON, H. R. GOULD. EUCLID MARTIN, Director. Piny anil Player. Marian0""" hn" ,,,,,he,, tn acnT0 nf "Maid company" ' hnvo a pern,a,,ct minstrel .i,Ti,is81ea,.on, M,ny Jrwl" wl rovlvr, hsr "u?princ"" t,1,livs' Widow Jones," 'Sister Mary" and "Madge Smith." Jerome K. Jerome's "Mlsa Hobbs" has teen translated Into German und will soon be produced at Dresden. Sir Thomaa Llpton. tho owner of Shum rock, says that he has not sat out a fl I 1 1 tPA t ltlt IT 4 ,1.. . il. I I . ...v..v iii.iu mrivB umcH in nis lire, William II Cruno has almost fully rc Z?nelc'1 tr?.m v ,lad.ly "Pmlned leg, and ho will open Monday night In "David Jlarum." Stephen Pllilps' new play for Wlllard dials with David, while hi piny for Julia Murlowo Is now said to treat of Alary Mag dalen rather than Joan of Arc, Mrs, James A. Heme Is directing the re hearsals of "Sag Harbor." She was once an uctress and thoroughly understands her husband's Ideas us to how the piece should be presented. Helen Redmond bus replaced nertha Wal jlngcr ub thn leading sonruno In tho Now X?r.k. production of "Florodora." Miss Walzlnger Joins a road company playing the same pleco. "Don Caesar's Return" will not bo Hack ett's only play thin season. In tho spring ho und his wife, Mary Mannerlng, will unito In a special production of "Tho Tam ing of tho Shrew." ..A,ar,rt.e'son''w.?.0,n,:?y for Maude Adams. "Quality Street." tells of the llvo of two maiden Indies who dwell In a small country town. Tho period Is the early part of ths r.lueteontti century. Hronson Howard, the dean of Amerlcun playwrights, lifter a lengthy sojourn 011 thu continent, visiting Egypt and tho HoU Lnnd, has arrived In London. Hln health has Improved during his travels. Florence Rockwell has been ro-cngaged as leading lady for Henry Miller, and will appear In the no-v romantic play, "D'Arcy of the Guards," which Mr, Miller produced with great sticcosH In the west last spring awl which he will use us his principal of fering this season In tho eastern cities. Mr. Kyrlo Bcllew has consented to per sonally direct tho staging of "A Gentle, man of France." This means much to tho new play, for Kyrlo Bellew Is a murvol In this sort of work, and no mnro competent man ever superintended n production thnn this talented English actor, who has won fumo in nil portions of tho civilized world, This- Hueins to be tho year for comt'dlnnti to become femulo Impersonators. At Wc ber & Fields' De Wolf Hopper is Btruttlnrf about ns tho Countess Zlcka In "Dlplo macy. "In "Are You 11 Mason?" Leo Dltrlchstelu Impersonates a coquettish or ihnn with Infinite tact and verisimilitude. The latest muscullno victim of petticoat embellishment is Charles Ross, who will l luy the queen In "The Bleeping Ueuuty und the BeaHt,"