SPECIAL NOTICES Aflrartlaeaaenls for thra rotnmna will hm lakra antll 12 m. for tha renin edition nil until 8:30 p. H. (or anoralBK and Kundar edition. HBtea, 1 l-2o a rrord Brat Intcrtton, le a rrord thereafter. Nothing taken far lea than fo for the Ural Inaer loa. Theae aartlaeaaaata aaaat ho ran eoaaecntlsrelr. Adrertlirra, by rccineiflaff a nan hrrrd cheek, eaa linve mifin ad drraaad tu a nnabrrtd letter In ear f The Uer. Aaavrora mm addreaaod will ha dallverad areaentatlaai ( tiaa ohaak oalr .1 IT I , AT I CI . s w A y T I : I . VOUNG man quick nt figures wlHhcs em ployment from 7 to 11 p. in.; excep tionally good reference 11 6", life, A-MS34 12 wanted MALE help. WANTED, flrst-cla?s Insurance solicitors! we will make very liberal contract with men of ability capable of handling general agency, ('till or address, Fidelity Savings ic Tiust Co.. 317 N. Y. Llfo UldK-. Omaha. U-176 07 GOOD messengers wanted. A. D. T., 212 S. 13th. Il-MjOl WANTED, a Rood man In every county to take, subscriptions for The Twentieth Cen tury Fanner. Our agents make good wages everywhere References required. Address Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. 11613 .WANTED, experienced bushelman. Apply clothing department, J. Drniidcls & Hons, Uoaton Store, 6092 MEN and women to do copying at home; must write a fair hand; $3 to 112 weekly working evenings; positively no canvass ing; enclose stump. Northwest Copying Co,, llox 629 Minneapolis, Minn. D-M617 0 WANTED A nlcrk for gencrnt store, Ger man preferred. Address Lock llox 20, Panumn, la. B-M6I1 0 WANTED Tinners; i;ood at furnace work. Milton, Rogora & Bon. D-M63i 6 WANTED, a good broom maker. 1317 Chi cago Hi. B M676 7 &IEN, to learn barber trade; now la tho time to take up tlui work; wu teach It In two montlm; present complete outfit of tooln, allow Haturduy wages, grant di plomas nud guarantee populous from )12 to J15 weekly In country or city shops; no trade offers better Inducement. Call or write, Moler Harbor College, 1K23 Far num Ht. B-M071 10 A.-WK pay $23 a week and expenses to men with rig to Introduco our Poultry ltumedle.s. Yearly contract. Send stamp. Eureka Mfg. Co., Marshall, Mo. D-729-C AX Income of JIG week enn be earned In spnro time or evening by any person ablo to write; proof sent free anywhere to those sending addressed envelope to Rob ert Orannun Mfg. Co., llox 227, Hrooklyn. U 7'-'2 C WANTED A young man, well recommend ed, who has had experience In the boot and shoo business. Write, (1. 11. licrn stcln, Kearney, Neb, D 712 5 ISARN $20 weekly distributing our circu lars. For particulars, samples and post ago send 12c. Folk Co., 3015 Wnbash, Chicago, U741G SEVERAL cigar salesmen wanted; experi ence unnecessary; 125 weekly. E. Manuel Co., 217 WeHt 123th, New York. ENGINEERS, electricians, machinists: Sc. euro subs, for tho "Power and Lighting Kconomlst," Troy, N. Y. Uso Idlo hours to doublo your wages. B 744 6 9-$18 WEEKLY", either sex; homo employ ment, whole or part time, day or even ing; no canvassing; easy, permanent; In close 2 lo stamps. Excelsior Mfg. Co., 310 312 E. 10th at. Now York. H-730 6 fMRITIOUS representatives; wages 13 day; large house, new lines, bona fide opening men and women good character willing to work; permanent position; chance nd vaneoment. 200 State Bt., New Haven, Conn. b PERMANENT position requiring no can vaeslng for the right man, to represent an old-established company having 1200,000 ourltul; 175 salary tho tlrst month, not conditional on results; IDO0 and expenses the tlrst year, payable- weekly direct from our olllce; absolutely straight salary; no deception; opportunity for promotion nnd lncrcnao of salary; stato age, references and business experience. Address Uni versal Mfg. Co., llox 723, Philadelphia. Pa. 11- .WANTED Good business man in each principal city to conduct cash business. Guaranteed by local batiks. Illg returns, Honorable and legitimate. Must furnish tood references and 1000 cash. Address, R. II.. P. O. Box 715, Cincinnati, O. It CIVIL servlco government positions; 9.RS9 appointments mndo last year; probably 30,000 thlH year; common school education required for tho examination; catalogue of Information free. Columbian Corre spondence College, Washington, D. C. II-.M716 7 WANTED, man upright character to manage business of old-established house, solid financial standing; salary lis per week by check direct. Standard House, 374 Caxton bldg., Chicago. D-S01 6 WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau, Chicago. U 796 6 11KN to learn the barber traile and'necept ono of our guaranteed positions; course short, but thorough. Write American Barber College, Omaha, Neb. D-812 6' WANTED, salesman; $60 monthly nnd ex penses; permanent. Ferry Nursery Co., Rochester. N. Y. 11- COVERNMENT POSlTIONS-'Whero they nre, how obtained, salaries paid. Exam inations In every state, Particulars free. Write for circular 151. Nat'l Cor. Insti tute, Washington, D. C. 11 WANTED, ruptured men who will work n few hours during simro time for a free cure. Spclrs Co., llox 012, Westbrook, Mo. 11- - (WANTED, high-priced delivery clerks. Wo want several tuorougniy experienced, en ergetic, conscientious delivery clerks for our retail city delivery system, and have decided to pny good prices to tho right ttltnl nf mpii. AnnllenntM must m nlit.. with their first letter, to furnish rcllablu ' references, full description of themselves, ntntlng age, length of residence In tho city, former experlenpe, habits, married oi single, etc. Also furnish, If necessary, adequate bonds. Steady employment guaranteed to tho right kind of people. Unless all tho foregoing conditions uro compiled with letters will not bo consid ered. Address 11 67, Heo. 11832 6 WANTED, a good, sober blacksmith; Ger man preferred; must bo good nt sharp ening plows nnd shoeing horses. Will give half profits In shop nud furnish the material, No capital required machin ery all run by engine, Address George Potschke, Rockport, Mo, U-S61 6 WANTED, responsible person to handlo oil stock; lands In proven fields In Texas nnd lnd, Ty. Guaranteed Oil Investment Co., 639 Peort St., llcaumont, Tex. I1-M855 S r WANTED, by n company publishing two leading mcuicni journuis, u man or goou character and nddresa to solicit subscrip tions from doctors; must have experience In soliciting for books or papers; ono ex perienced In soliciting for medical books firoferred; our combination offer for the wo Journal Is tho most tempting proposi tion In medical literature for the doctor; tho right man can make a good income. Address, clving full particulars and nam ing references and experience. Manager of Hunseripuon weparimcui, tiio i'ueinui at., Philadelphia, Pa. I1-S03 6 VANTED, traveling nun. over 22, for Ne braska: special line; lis weekly to start nnd nil expenses; established route: per manent position; stale line, suitress .Man ufucturcr, 303 Caxton bldg., Chicago. 11802 6 SALESMEN wuuted to call on doctors only m hMinlf nf the leading tlrm In tho busi ness; also ono for outside city: eetabllshed trade; position permanent: applicant must be Intelligent and Indefatigable; state ex- J)rlenco. Atiuresss i: u. nox s. niun lelphla. H-WJ 6 WANTED, drug clerk, at once, with two or three years1 experience. Apply or ad- aroi r . is. eencrs, iuuiiku """jji ft f.K l.i:s.M UN WANTKU. CiOAlt salesmen with established trad with largo dealers, who buy direct from factories. Address, with full particulars, II. C. Fisher, Fisher building, Chicago. -M34D OS 8AI,I:sMKn7 locaTand traveling, by largo manufacturing concern, to call on retail trade, 17.60 per day; new brand of goods; special Inducements to the trade; must bo able to sell 125 each day, Wholesale Dept., Suite 31, U2 Dearborn St., Chicago. 752 0 TRAVELING salesman wanted for high grade stample lino to dry goods nnd gen eral trade. Must be a hustler and coino well recommended. American Standard Jewelry Co., Detroit, Mich. 725-6 SALESMEN calling on general trade, to sell staple article; exclusively or side lino; big commissions, small sample, great In ducement to the trade; 13 to 116 per day easy. Lenox Co., 1S2-18I Dearborn St., Chicago. 756 6 THE largest wholesale cheap Jewelry nnd novelty house In Chicago has several choice openings for up-to-date and suc cessful salesmen for 1902. Only those able to show clean nnd sticcessfjl record need apply. Address, II 56, Uce. -721-6 SALESMAN wanted to sell unexcelled proposition to retail trade. We put In a complete department of perfumery and toilet articles and guaranteo profits. Good territory open. The ElysUn Mfg. Co., 21 Atwatcr St. W Detroit, Mich. 703 6 SALESMAN railing on Jobbing trado hand ling our line exclusively or as side line, make HO to 175 weekly selling, by snmplo or credit; now line, attractive proposition. Wo control. Jobbing Dept., 31, 1st Dear born St., Chicago. 753 G WANTED, 3 Al specialty salesmen to sell country retail trade; permanent posttlon to tiroocr ttartles! extra Inducements for holiday trade. Address 1615 Manhattan llldg., Chicago. 732 6' WANTED, salesmen by rollable Jobbing houso; 5 traveling salesmen to place high grade specialty line with merchandise trade; high commissions and permanent positions to good men; full tlmo required. 11. 72, 153 Fltth Ave., Chicago. 33 C SALESMEN wuntcd; salesman to carry side Hue to drug, stationary, millinery or general store trade; sample box tils coat pocket; earn easily 110O per month com mission. Tho Standard King Co.. 1SS Madison St., Chicago, Hoom 406. 819 fi WANTED, salesmen for holiday goods to the trade, Must come welt recommended and command good salary. Address F. O. Box 890, Chicago. SIS 0 WANTED, by reliable, well rated firm, ex perienced traveling salesmen to place our line with "general merchants." Entire time; position permanent; exclusive terri tory. Dond required. Dux COS, St. Louis, Mo. 815 6 WANTED, by reliable, well-rated firm, ex perienced traveling salesman to place our linn with general merchants: no sldo Hue; entire time and Ixind required; permanent position to right man. Address llox 514, Chicago. 814 6 SALESMAN by long established manufac turer of flavoring extracts, spices, etc. Give full your experience to Insure reply. Good salary. llox 617, Chicago, III. 715 7 SALESMEN Competent to sell n money mnkltiK specialty to tho grocery and general store trade. Address, Standard Mfg. Co., Decatur. Illinois. Nono but first class men who can gtvo bond need apply. 721-6 ONE over 25 and under 40 to handlo a high grade literary work; liberal contract to right party to travel In Iowa nnd Nc braska. Address J 5, Dee. 371 6 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, 200 girls. 1624 Dodge. Tel. S76. C 167 60 GIRLS, all kinds work. Canadian Office. C 468 A GIRL wanted, with good references, at the Creche. C 661 C WANTED, competent girl for general housework; small family; good wages; to go to Chicago. Mrs. Russell Hurt, 122 g. 39th St. C-MC62 6 WANTED, ladles to learn halrdrcsslng, manicuring or massage; ono month com pletes; come now nnd prcparo for busy seahon; positions not less than, 112 weekly guaranteed; tools donated, diplomas awarded; no trades offer better Induce ments; can or write, rioter College, 1623 Fnrnam st. C M072 10 WANTED A good girl for general house work. Mrs. .M. J. Mcculloch, 4643 Dodge. C-090 7 WANTED A first-class cook In n small family, where there is a second girl; no wnshlng. Extra large salary to a com petent cook. 212 S. 17th St., Cor. Douglan. C-CS9-7' A GOOD paying posttlon to an energetic lady In each town; also lady travelers to represent us. Thyroid-Lymph Co., 501 Deo Uldg. C-CSC LADIES wanted to make embroidery nnd Uattenberg at their homes; materials fur nished; steady work, good pay. Chicago Needlework Co., 42 Plum St., Chicago. C-751 6 HOME work tho year round; no canvass ing; ju to ?o weekly working evenings; ex perience unnecessary; enclose stamp; work mailed on application. 20th Century Mfg. Co,, Toledo, O. 07430 LADIES wanted to do nlnln needlework for us at home. We furnish materials and pay 17 to 110 per week. Send ad dressed stamped envelopo to Standard Co., Indiana Ave., Chicago. C 72S 6 LADIES wanted to work on sofa pillows; materials furnished; steady work guaran teed; experience unnecessary. Send stamped envelope to Miss McGee, Needle work Dept. i Idenl Co., Chicago. C 729 6' LADY' In each county for branch ofllce work; no canvassing; straight, bonafUlo i.nlary IIS paid each Tuesday, with all expenses, direct from headquarters; perm anent position! money advanced for ex penses; no capital required, except good references, encloso self-addressed en velope. Manager, 3S7 Caxton building, Chicago. C- LADIES to do piecework for us at home, wu furnish all materials and pay from 17 to 112 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 Monroe St., Chicago. C-816 0 LADIES, something new, making sofa pil lows nt homo; 17 to 112 weekly; materials furnished; no canvassing; experience un necessary, steady employment, Send stnmped addressed envelopo Household Mfg, Co., Erie St.. Chicago. C-812 C WANTED, twenty-live chorus girls tod burlesque company, also iiinuo pinyer. Ap ply ueiween ii u. m, ami i p. in., uci. (. Harry Johnson, .Mgr. 'irocnuero theater, C MSU WANTED, girls to make shirts, pants, overalls ami mien cioiuing. wppiy to ltyrno & Hammer D. G. Co., 12th nnd Howard sts. C M791 6 WANTED, sales ladles, only those who navo nan cxperienco selling ury goons need apply. Apply nt oftlco Mondny be tween D and 10 n. m. Boston Store, J. L. Rrnndels & Sons. C-874 S HELP WANTED. WILL pay ono person In each locality 150 mommy or more, uctuniing to auiuiy, during whole or leisure time; permanent salary or commission as manager at homo or canvasser: toilet and holiday special ties: no money needed. J. E. Shepurd, 296 Droadway, New York. 702 t YOUNG men nnd women to learn secret servlco by correspondence. Constant de mand for competent detectives. Stamp for particulars. Roland Secret Servlco College. m'i:vuny i"fi., ij u POIl llENTIIOUSES, IF YOU want your homes well rented place tnem wnn uciwnn u ij SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co,, olllce 16UI4 Farnnm, or tel. 1559-S63. in HOUSES, stoves. Remls, Paxtou block. HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wend, 1524 Douglas. D 473 1205 WILLIAM ST., a good three-room flat, Willi cuy wuisr, o. OMAHA I DAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sts. D-471 I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: StTJsDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1901. KOIl HEST-HorsKS. HOUSES and flnts. Rlngwalt, Barker Hlk. D-474 FOR RENT, eight-room houso; convenient: all modern: 513 N. 221 street. Inquire No. 607 N. Y. Life building. rogo. FOR RENT, 11-room stono house, 415 N. 25th St. H. T. Clarke, 427 Ramge lk. D-477 219 S. 29TH AVE., 8-room house, nil mod ern: will paper nnd varnish throughout; rent 12.) to Al tenant with references, OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., 16th and Douglas Sts. D-478 HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city. Hrennan-Lovo Co,, 309 South 13th street. D-480 FOR RENT, houn nnd barn, nil modern, 2137 South 33d St. Apply 402 Merchants' National Rank Rldg. D-4S1 HOUslis-WHEATON, 428 Paxton Rlk. ' D-4S3 MODERN residence. 10 rooms, easy walking distance from business portion, 1,13. Ring wait Pros,, Rnrker Hlk. D-M210 NEWLY" painted house of 5 splendid rooms; also newly-papered house of 9 rooms nt 19th nnd Plerco Sts.,: reasonable rent; houses opened for Inspection. J. W. Rob bins. 1802 Farnnm. D-M253 8-ROOM cottage 112. Inquire 2710 Parker. D 463 NO hard coal needed, ctntral, seven room house: nlso five room flat. Tlzard, 221 K. 24th. D-606 N P NEW 6-room cottage, nice lawn, water and gas, near car line, 113 per month. In quire Wm. 1. Kierstead, Room 305 City Hall. D-6U IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT, A brand new 7-room. strictly modern house, only 135. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor, N. Y. Life Building. D-M640 FOR RENT, slx-room cottage, 2211 Cali fornia street; convenient; city and cistern water. Apply at 607 N. 19th street. D-M647 ELEGANT 8-room house, all modern Im provements. 404 N. 23d St. D-M6I3 6-ROOM detached house, all modern, lawn, etc., 721 S. 37th. Will Browne, Jr. D-631 6 TO LET, largo 14-room dwelling, furnished, for six months. In West Famam district; lino lawn and barn. W. Famam Smith & Co., 1320 Famam St. D M437 DESIRABLE dwelling, 10 rooms, modern, gas, bath, furnnco, laundry, excellent re pair, good location. 2002 No. ISth Ht. Ap ply to Garvin Bros., 1604 Famam St. D-M601 TEN-ROOM furnUlMd house, modern. 809 South 20th. DS-? 3511 SEWARD ST. Five-room cottage; two largo lots, ahado trees, barn, city water; a nice homo. Rent, 112.60 per month. OMAHA LOAN & TRU8T CO., 16th and Douglas Sts. D-C84 FOR RENT. 1435 North 19th street, 6 rooms, all modern, good barn, 125 without barn. 127.50 with it. POTTER, FORGAN & HABICELL, 'Phones 1920 and 470. 420-421 N. Y. Life. D-M697 8 FOR RENT, clegnnt 7-room house, mod ern except furnnco; finished In oak. 3230 Webster st., 118. Inquire 3110 Webstor. D-M78J 7 FOR RENT, 7-room house. 2582 Burt st. D-M781 2115 EMMET. 9 rooms, modern, new fur nace, good location, nlco lawn, etc., 30. 1329 So. 31st, 9 rooms, modem, near Hans com park, 139. 112 No. 31st Ave., 8 rooms, modern, new, tine location, 55. ..... 1305-7 So. 2Sth, 7 rooms Rnd reception hall, new and all modern, 132.60 and 135. 2707 Fnrnam, 9 rooms, modern, cloao In, 13. 39th. near Burt, good location, now, bulld- FUHN?S1IED houso, good location, all modern. 1811 Farnnm, 2d floor, 5 rooms, city water, bath, 115. 2902 Decatur. 5 rooms, city, water, 112. 3211 Maple, 5 rooms, city water, 18.60. 2921 So. 17th. 6 rooms, city water. 110.50. 3)24 Lindsay Ave., 4 rooms, 13.50. IN SOUTH OMAHA. 28th and B Sts., 7 rooms, city wa er 118. R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 FAIINAM. FOR RENT, by The Putnam Co., 604-6 V. V, l. Bldg., 7-room flat, steam heat, mod ern. D-7U 6 2758 WEBSTER ST., 6 rooms, A I3VELY HOME. MODEItN. 122.60. xtrtriv 3107 Jackson St., 7 rooms, ALL MODERN, 120 00 2128 BRISTOL ST., 7 rooms, MODERN ex- 3CPDODGECRTf 7 rooms. BRAND NEW. 28nI5ris,tT,llt!.N76oms. CITY WATER 2oil8ARB02R8T., 6 rooms. CITY WATER. SEWEIt. GAS, FINE REPAIR. 112. 3W7 Decatur St., 6 rooms, nlco repair, well, 17lS0"jackson St., 4 rms fine repair, city writer JS 2322 So. 29th St., 2d fl., city water Inside, 4 '""'pay'nE KNOX COMPANY. Maih Floor New York Life IJldff. D i0s 6 FOR RENT, 10-room house, modern except furnace, largo shady lawn, 125. 9-room house. 1120 So. 19th St.. 120. 5-room house, li nu. i.;... .".. . J. W. lUJUUIWB. JOVi oJig a FOR RENT. 2 good seven-room houses, 1 "" ii u unit KOfi New York Life. ...uur.n. , DS13 g Tiira'P T.TflT HI? MOUSES. 8034 S. 18th, 3-r.. city water. 13. 1520 canton, w., eny . &uui -..i... r.. itv wntpr. choice. 110. . 3305 California. 5-r.. on l lift "771 veusir, ci.uii.-w u-itl 3S0S Seward, porcelain bath, harn. only 118. 1208 N. 24th. f-r.. a bargain, nt 117.50. 2310 3. 32d ave., tine new 7-r.. porcelain bath, furnace, electric light. 130. 3315 Hamilton. 7:r.. new, porcelain bath. rurnnce, uniy .v. . , . 513 N. 22d, 8-r., all modern, very close In, 30Os"Fa'rnam. a splendid 8-r.. ALL MODERN house, vacant lumunuw. v.w.vl 000 S. 27th. 8-r porcelain bath and gas, easy N?W.' cor. 40th and Lafayette ave.. brand new 8-r., ALlJ .1lUUIi numu, iiKin l' lO sntltl. li ... ,mnr.nv n 2607 Woolworth. 10-r., ALL MODERN, Oct. 523 S 25th uve".'ld-r.. ALL MODERN, close . i ,innt f lr- nn t' tS Better nee mo fiulck, before your choice of HENRY ! PAYNE. 001,2 N. Y. LIFE. FOlt RENT 10-room modern houue, 618 8.TOormhmmleni''house, 2248 North 19th St., D-foom modern house, 1142 South 32d St., 130. 9-room nouse, cuy miici, ,, u.iuiii BRENNAN-LOVE CO,, 309 S, 13th Street. U ,1IWV Im 9-ROOM modern house, well located, reasonable to rigni puny. ai. j. iun nnrd & Son, 310 Brown hlk. D-Sol 6 HOUSES FOR RENT. 253 Marcy, 5 rooms, city water, 16.00. itill Grant. 5 rooms, city water. 19.00. 3S01 Ii, 24th, 6 rooms, city water, 110.00. "in Cuming, t room's (tlaf), 115.00. 3021 Chicago, 6 rooms, bath, 120.00. 13U 8. 25th ave, 8 rooms, modern, 120.00. 2(112 Dodge, 9 rooms, modern, 122.00. 2fiffi Dodge. 10 rooms, modern, 125.00. 2002 N. IStll. Ji rooms, iiiiuiern, ""05 Fnrnam. 10 rooms, modern, 137.50. GARVIN BROS., 1004 FARNAM ST. ' D S30 6 FINE family mare, gentle, afraid of noth ing, new surrey, phaeton, ton buggy, harnesses nnd saddles, cheap. 1607 Loth rop Bt. D-MS37 7 1706 S. 27th. 7-room cottage, city water, large bam. 2 blks. from street car. Cor. 29th and Popploton, 9-room house, all modern, larse yard. 835 S. 35th st., part of modern house, 4 large rooms. 1st floor, 112.00. 1613 N, 33d. 6-room cottage; will paint house, S0O. Houses for snlo on puyments. A snap In north part city, 7-room house, full lot. 15(0. Private money to loan. Write tiro Insurance. J. II, SHERWOOD, 937 N. Y. Life. 'Phone, SSS. D-836 7 9-ROOM cottage. Georgia ave. gas, bath, furnace, also large barn anil yard, ITS. See agent Sunday, 1609 Douglas. Key at U13 S. 2th at. D-ST3 6 FOH RENT HOUSES. 20 acres near Elmwood Park. $2,500. 5 acres on paved road, southwest, $760. 8 ucrcs on Belt Line, S00. 4 acres near 45th and I,oavcnworth, $1,(0). 1 acre near 44th and Leavenworth, 1350. DAVID C. PATTERSON, 1623 FARNAM. D-M771 6 MODERN S-room house, 3015 Pacific; key at 3d houso west. Hicks, Board Trado. D-S58 6 FOR RENT. 1433 South 16th st.. 6-room flat and store building, detached, all In good repair, 25. 1816 North ISth st., s-room house, steam heat and barn, 125. 1516 Howard st 6 rooms, good condition, $30. 2015 or 17 North SUh st., 5 rooms each, $10. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1001 Famam 8U D-M775 8 COTTAGE, furnished, bath, near cars. . 2S13 Hickory st. D-M774 7 FOlt RENT FUIlNISHF.il ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel. 13th nnd Farnam. E 153 THE THURSTON. Cool, airy rooms. E 494 STEAM heated furnished rooms. 1101 ,N. 18th, 3d floor. E-M561 7 3 NICELY furnished rooms, welt heated. 1908 Capitol ave. E-630 ROOM-1906 Capitol avenue. E-578-6' 2603 DODGE St.. pleasant rooms, furnished or unfurnished; light housekeeping. E M651 6 NICELY famished rooms. 318 South 26th. E 6SS-7 PLEASANT rooms, nicely furnished, heat and gas; second floor; references required. 622 N. 19th St. E-M.6S i FURNISHED rooms suitable for light housekeeping. 110 So. 26th Ave. , FURNISHED rooms, also rooms for light housekeeping; steam heat. 3I3'4 N. 15th St., Hat U E-MS75S' TWO front, modern, cheap. 832 8. ISth at. E MS66 S FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F 185 GLENCAIRN. transient $1.25 day. 1609 Doug. F-4S6 ROOMS and board. Tho Rose. 2020 Harney Btrcet. F-M463 012 FURN1BHED rooms with board. 2576 Har ney 8U F-95S 022 NICE home for young men. 108 S. j"1' FURNISHED room, with board, for two gentlemen or man and wife; modern. 2919 Mason st. F M6I9 6 FURNISHED rooms, slnglo or ensulto, steam heated, all modern conveniences, with board; reasonable rates. Bachelors' Hotel, 2014 Farnam St. F-M64S 6 ROOMS sultablo for three, with hoard; also tablo boarders; modern. 25S0 Harney. F-M790 12 BOARD and room In private fnmlly for two young men: modern house; references ex changed. Address It 65, Bee. F-709 6 PRETTY room for lady: private family! pleasant home. 2571 St. Mary's ave. F-868 6 ROOM for 2 gentlemen. 609 S. 25th ave. F M869 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished; every thing modern, new house. 1026 S. 22d st. E M770 & FOU HE NT UN FURNISHED ROOMS. PARTY' owning homo wishes to rent upper .1 . n 1. ... .1 ., till) JIUUT Ul O lUUIIin. UUIUU IflUUtl,,, u.rnv Cass St.; references. G MS3S 6" DESK room space, $5 per month, ground floor room In Tho Beo building, facing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service R. C. Peters & Co., Rental Agents, Beo Building. G 416 THREE rooms, with bath. 606 S. 13th; only thoso with tho best of references need apply. Q-M642 10 FOR KENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, store In first-class location: rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters & Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1266 FOR RENT, ofllce with vault and pnrt first floor or all top floor. 1414-16 Harney St. Midland Glass and Paint Co., 1410 Harney St. I-4S8 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at 916 Farnnm St. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly ured ns The Beo press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Beo Building. 1-261 AGENTS WANTED. COMPLETE book of the ofllclnl life of McKlnley. Now ready. Agents wanted. Also gencrnl traveling agents and resident district managers to handle tho only au thorized, ofllclnl, authentic life of Presi dent McKlnley; also giving lives of our other Martyr presidents, Lincoln nnd Gar field; complete Inside history of the vll Hnnous workings of tho anarchistic so cieties; profusely Illustrated; COO pages. Tho only life of McKlnley printed In English, German and Swedish. Liberal commission to agents and a straight guar anteed salary to thoso In tho advanced positions. Y'ou never hnd a better oppor tunity to make big money quickly nnd enslly than you have today. Y'ou enn mnko $500 per month for tho next three months pushing this marvelous history of a great and good and useful life. Strike now, whllo the Iron Is hot. Do not delav, for every day Is worth from $20 to 10 to you. And benr In mind that If vou can demonstrate to us that you can sell books that later In tho fall we will be willing to employ you under n straight out guarnrtteed salary to appoint and in struct other ngents. This is the chamo of a lifetime. We make our own books nnd can euslly duplicate the- offer of any other house, nnd will do .so. Wo ulso glvo a valuable premium to every purchnsnr worth more than the retail price of the book. Many of theso concerns that nre advertising McKlnley books are merely gencrnl ngents und buy their books from ns, We advise you to order from us nnd luun urui uireviiy wim mo mnnufnetuers AGENTS wanted, ladles and gentlemen. goon living in your own town; get par ticulars. Ozone Co.. Ozark building St. Louis. J-8I0 r, AGENTS WANTED-"Our Martyr Prel- iii-mn. yniy riirnpieto niograpiiy or our late President Wm. McKlnley; also lives and speeches of Garfield and Lincoln; full history of nnarehy; four books In one; by IT. S Senator Shelby M. t'ullom and John Coulter; best book, largest, most com plete, most popular, most authentic; over 1() Illustrations; sold only by subscrip tion; only 11.50; best commissions paid: freight paid; credit given; canvassing outfit free; send lOo for postage. Geo. M. Hill Co.. 166 S. Clinton St., Chicago. J-S09 AGENTS, both sexes, for latest novelties; sell nt sight: big profits for you. Addrres Agents Supply Co., 69 Dearborn st.. Chi cngo, J S07 6 6,000 AGENTS wnnted to sell McKlnley souvenirs In Stnr and Good Luck glass frames; send for sample, 25c. Address Glen Rock Novelty Works, Glon Rock. Pa, J-80T, 6 MEMORIAL Life of McKlnley, four Un guages, 650 pnges. 100 halftones, 11.50: free outfit. W. A. Hlxenbaugh & Co., roj Ware block, Omaha. J 805 AGENTS wanted, Catholic ngents wanted In every county for "The Faith That Never Dies, or the Priest nf God In the Catholic Home." price. 12.75 cash: phe nomenal sale, beautiful book; outfit free upon receipt of 20 cents In stnmps to pay cost of mailing. C. P. & L. Co.. 331 Dearborn St.. Chicago, III. J 75S 0 AGENTS wanted, to sell McKlnley photo, graphs; funeral scenes, tomb nnd flowers; send 20c. for samples. Photo Supply Co., cor. 10th and Market, Canton, Ohio, J-M007 6 COIN money selling Ropp's Calculator: short cuts in commercial arithmetic; great time saver: accurate, sample, 16c; par ticulars free. C. Ropp & Sons. 214 Clark Bt, Chlcsf o, J-T51 . run kucii, iri-igiu paid, outfit free. Write todny and send l(k for postnge on outfit CO-OPERATIVE PlMlLISllINO CO., Dept. 62, 356 Dearborn St., Chicago. J-7,-)0-i' AGENTS WANTED. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR AGENTS. First In the field with tho marvelous pic ture, OUR MARTYRS. This iilcturo shows Lincoln, Garfield nud McKlnley In an Imposing group, the like ness of each president being pronounced a wonderful work of art. A complete biographical sketch of each, with their last spoken words, Is engrossed on each picture. The size of the plcturo Is 16x20 Inches, re produced on heavy volvet enamel paper, nnd when framed mnkes a memorial which overy homo In tho country should possess. Remember this Is tho grnndest and great est plcturo of our martyred presidents yet produced, In fact It Is the first true me morial to bo placed on the mnrket. There Is a fortuno for every agent who will act todny. 25 cents In stnmps or money will secure ono sample and you can sell a hundred tho first day you work. In lots the price to ngents Is ns follows: 3 for 60c; 9 for Hi to for $5: 100 for $9.60. Bend at onco for samplo and bo tho tlrst to reap tho har vest In your town. Address CHA8. OUSTR1NE & CO., 131 Van Burcn Street Chicago. J 747 6 Gel the Genuine LIFE OF WILLIAM M'KINLEY, by Hon, Murat Halstead. A cheap life of William McKlnley written 6 yenrs ago by Mr. Halstead Is being put on tho market. SEE THAT YOUR BOOK HAH THE STAMP OF THE HALSTEAD PUBLISHING COMPANY, MURAT HALSTEAD. PRESIDENT, AND Y'OU WILL KNOW THAT YOU HAVE Till'. REAL THING, Agents will get their books sooner nnd will get a larger com mission by ordering direct from head quarters. THE HALSTEAD PUBLISHING CO., .Mil rut Halstead, President, Perln Building, Cincinnati. J-800 6 MEMORIAL LIFE OF WILLIAM M'KIN LEY Monoy talks; ofllclnl, nuthontlc. 600 pages; ENGLISH. SWEDISH. GERMAN nnd DANO-NORWEGIAN LANGUAGES; free with each book, a 50c FINE ART plc turo of McKlnley, size 17x20; do not be. deceived by tho words "profit,'' "discount," "premiums," "exclusive territory," etc.; wrtle for TERMS nnd send 8 cents to help pay postage on FREE OUTFIT. Wo pay biggest CASH MONEY. Kuhlmnn Com pany, Publishers, Chicago. J M666 G AGENTS-$10 dally to live men; we wnnt ngents everyhero; leather suspenders enn not break, wear out or pull off buttons. Sell nt sight. Samples furnished free. Cincinnati Leather Suspender & Belt Co., B 550, Cincinnati, O. J 726 0 AGENTS wnnted; only nuthcntlo "Llfo of William McKlnley." by Murnt Hnlstead; free outfit, big commission. John Wil liams & Co., 46 West Broadway. New Y'ork. J 706 6 ANTED, ngonts and organizers to repre sent largest sick, accident, death benefit association In America: big contract; policy easy seller. American Benevolent association. St. Louis, Mo. J 767 6 COUNTRY canvassers can mako good money taking subscriptions to Tho Twen tieth Century Farmer as a side line. Ref erences required. Address Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Nob. J 612 AGENTS wanted for new publications; prospectus, etc., free. Georgo Barrio & Son, 1313 Walnut St., Philadelphia. J-M231 Jnnl2 WE WANT you to plnco our gns-heatcd flat Iron In fnmtlles on trial. Oood pay guaranteed. Cost 2 cents an Ironing. "f,tous for fu" Particulars. Standard Mfg. Co., 1321 G. St., Washington, D. C. J 746 6 AGENTS, "MoKInley'B Memoirs." special dedicatory edition In different lnngunges, beautiful life-size photograph with book, now ready; highest commissions; outfits freo. Address National Publishing Com pany (established 1K37), Lakeside Building, Chicago. J-73S 6 MEN nnd women to sell "Lend. Kindly Light" picture, artistic combination of late President McKlnley nnd Cardinal Nowman pictures; $25 a week easily made; send 10 cents for postage. J, S. Hyland & Co., 328 Dearborn, Chicago, J-739 6 AGENTS wanted; can make $100 weekly; send for proof and catnlogue; doorplntcs, numbers, signs, rendable darkest nights; samples freo. Right Supply Co., Engle wood, 111. J 733 0 AGENTS We pny $20 weekly straight sal nry nnd oxnenses to men with rigs to nd vertlse and Introduco poultry compound; send stamp. Roynl Co-Operntlvo Mfg. Co., Dept. 13, Indlannpolls, lnd. J-730 ! LADIES and gentlemen can earn good vnges handling our Christmas specialties; experience nnd capitnl unnecessary. Ad dress Illff & Co., 110 Wabash, Chicago. J-737 6 WANTED, agents to hnndlo high class dividend-paying Industrial stocks; liberal commission. E. R. Holden & Co., 20 Broad St., New Y'ork. J 75G $CsF PROFIT first month by one "ngenT: nrtlcle patented; beware Imitations; sep clal proposition and exclusive control to first applicant. Dry Powder Fire Appli ance, 154 East 23d St., N. Y. City. J LIFE OF McKINLEY'-$5.00 to $23.00 dolly mndo by now plnn whereby our agents glvo books away; everyone secures a cony; over 6'JO Daces. 100 orlulnul linlr. tone llustrnttons; benutlfully bound; out fit free nnd now ready; control of states on snlary given early nppllcantri, Address Fredericks Publishing Company, Fred ericks Building, Philadelphia, Pn. J AGENTS, a splendid chance to mnko money, our new pockoi ntins contains maps of every state In the union nnd every country In the world: also the 1900 census compete; over 400 pnges of maps and descriptive matter; sells at sight; send 25c for snmplo and terms to agents. Rnitd, MoNally & Co., Chicago, III. J AUTHENTIC life of President McKlnley uy a pvrminai irirnu nun nn eminent au thor. Prospectus sent free on receipt of pin to help pny cost of innlllug. Prospec tuses of our five holiday books nnd "Llfo of McKlnley" sent freo on receipt of 23c. Order quick. Union Book nnd Hlblo House, Denver, Colo. J M'KINLEY'S life, by Murnt Halstead; wo lend them nil; most noted nuthorshlp, largest, best, most complete history. In cluding funeral obsequies, tully Illus trated: see that you have our $1.50 book nnd sell no other; everybody wants It; 100 per cent profit; freight paid, credit given; deal only with manufacturer; order free outfit today and secure cholco of terri tory Chicago Bible Houso, 66 5th Ave., Chfcnso, J 719 6 AGENTS more than double their money soiling our wnshable foundation collar for women: wear one, wnsh tho other: cool and can't wilt; the pair sent postpaid for 15c; circular and forms for tho nsklng. V. N. Smith, 605 Broadway, New York. J 718 6 HALSTEAD'S Llfo of McKlnley. Best seller. Send 20o stamps for Illustrated snmplo prospectus, Oet to work quick, Wo pay higher net commission than nny other publishers. Chicago Mercantile it Publishing Co., 88 La Salle St., Chicago, J-SOI 6 WANTED ngents to sell Belt nnd Long Wnlst Adjuster. Only belt ntljustor Hint makes pinning unnecessary and gives V shaped long waist, Soils on sight. Write for circulars. Samples 23c. Rosalind Co., Buffalo, N. Y. J-820 6 $500 A MONTH selling best $1.50 llfo Me Klnley, nssasslnntlon, otc. All who buy our book get freo $2 box of 17 kinds finest toilet sonps and perfumer ; on' this plan agents quadruplo sales; 90 per cent com mission paid; send 10 cents for complete book nnd soap outfit. Can supply any $1.60 edition. Advance Pub, Co.. Clneln natl, O. J -799 C- $100 MONTHLY, new patent Metnllc Bread Boards, Sample free. A. W Forshee Co., Cincinnati, O. J-7J6 6 AGl'VI'S WANTED. AGENTS. Corsets, Skirts. Girdles, Shirt Waist materials, otc. Splendid protlts; valuable prizes. J. E, Wood & Co.. Syra cuse, N. Y. J-S17 6 OUTFIT freo, credit given; cut-prlco Xnm books; Wo book, 15c; $1 book, 2oO! $1.60 book. 60o; $2.60 book, 75c. Atao best llfo McKlnley. Ferguson, 3202 Fifth. Cincin nati. J-7PS6- t AG ENTSvanted ; building and loan men: lnsurunco solicitors; new nnd original plan for homo seekers nnd Investors; great seller. Tho National Homo to., Union Trust Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. J- AOENTSwnnteil for""Llfo nnd Distin guished Services of Wm. McKln'ty." by Murat Halstead. etc.; 600 pages, only $t; biggest iMok, lowest price, fastfst seller: ngents' protlts 1(0 to 300 P'ir cent; we sell nil tho different McKlnley books nnd al low samo protlts; we save a. I our agents money; outfits free. Standard Publishing House, Dept. O, Chicago. J PROFIT In six weeks; agents wanted for authorized nnd ofllclnl 'M.lfo of W II HAm McKlnley," by Hon. J. R. Young, formerly clerk United Stntes senate: beats till others as quick seller; tilled with half-tono pictures; ngents' terms most liberal ever offered; send 10 cents for sample volume outfit. Also McKlnley s Memorial Plcturo. size 16x20; agents make 600 per cent; sample picture 2o cents. You can meet nil competition by selling book nnd plcturo together. Tho Provldcnco Co., 324 Dearborn St., Chicago J AGENTS, with Hnyes' metallic- rubber tires for rocking chairs mnko $100 per month. Address .1. C. Iiuycs. 4is i. i.o oust St., Des Moines, In. J -862 6' WANTED TO HE. NT. COMFORTABLE room nnd board In prlvnto family, nenr car line, by young womnn employed. Address H 61, Bee. K-761 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Wurehnuso Co.. 912 011 Jones, general storngo and forwurdtng.' -t9 OM. Vnn Stor. Co,, ISlHi Farn. Tcls. 1659-'63. 49") STORAGE, low rates. Derlght, 1119 Farnnm st. -S77 WANTED TO IIUY. WANTED. 10 carloads of furniture nnd stoves for St. Louis Expo. Tel. 771. Ad dress J. Levltic, 300 N. 16. N 554 031 ELK teeth. Omaha, Albert Edholm, Jewelor, N-M61S LATE model Remington or Smith' typo wrlter, good us new. 11 69, Bee. N-M653 WANTED, to purchase, n second-hand stool bank safe. Address. Box B, Mndtsou. Neb. N-M679 11 T. OH fl-rnnm rntl ngo or flat neatly fur 's. Address W. M., 2119 N-MWO nlshcd; rcfoienccs uaiirornin Ht WANT to buy nn Al-Vlsta camera, In good condition. Address H 60, Bee. N-810 6 WANTED, to purchase, Smith Premier or Remington typewriter. Address J 4, Bee. N-MS0I FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furnlturo Co., 1410 Dodgo. Tel. 202a Now and 2dhand, bought, sold, ox changed. O I9J FOR SALE, Mondny afternoon, October 7, at 2509 Cnss street, 4 bedroom sets wal nut, maple, whlto oak; 1 line hand carved walnut hattreo and hall chair; 300 yards of carpet tilling and mnttlng, rugs, etc.; largo French plato glass mirror; team carriage and 3 cutters. 0-S21 COMPLETE furnishings, lino rooms, rea sonable, part cash. Address J 3, Beo. O-MS07 6 FOlt SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. WE HOLD nn auction salo of horses every Wednesday p. in. at tho Union Stock Yards. Wnlworth-HIlllkcr Co. P-M6J1 OH GOOD repairs on wagons, etc., at Harry Frost's, 14th and Leavenworth. P 493 .'OR SALE, Concord buggy, full leather top, In good order. Address J 1, Bee olllco. P-M854 3 FOR SALE, phaeton, Columbus mako, good condition; bargain. Address J 2. Beo ofllce, P-M853 8 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Famam. Q-m GASOLINE engine for sale; seven nnd a hnlf horse power. Almost new nnd now doing excellent work. Cnsh or good notes. Country Publishers' Co. Q6S3-7 SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented. 114 S 13 Q 195 EDISON & COLUMBIA talking mnchlnes und records. Omaha Blcyclu Co., 16th und Chicago. Q-SOt FIR timbers for housemovers, etc., 40 to 71 ft., cribbing and hog fence. 901 Doug. Ins. Q 196 CHOICE lot of milch cows for sale chenp. S, T. Campbell, 4213 Center St. Q 197 25 SETS of secondhand doublo nnd single harness, 15 saddles; genuine bargains. A Singer, 410 N. 16th; removed from 1209 Douglas. Q-M.V.7 06 23 HORSE POWER boiler and engine for salo cheap. 610 S. 11th St. Q-.M393 O10 500 OVERCOATS, bargains. Mnrowltz, 418 N. 16th. q-239 ROLL top desk, table, chairs and filing cases for sale very cheap, nnd desk loom to rent. Inquire 307 Brown Block. Q-M599 FOR SALE, ment mnrket fixtures, Ico box, counter Bcales, etc. Address HK'li Leaven worth St. QTJ" - -L. 3GINCH French burr mill, new and very cheap. P. J. Schnon. Broadway and Pearl sts,, Council Bluffs. Q MS70 S CADET coat, good as new: will fit boy 13 or 14 years old. Address H 63, Be. OMAHA Board of Trade memberhlr. Ap ply to Payne-Knox Company, main floor New York Llfo bldg. Q-JI6S1 0 FOR SALE, cigar and candy store, good stand, with living rooms, cheap rent. In quire 1116 S. 13th st. Q-709 fi BICYCLES. Now Is tho best time to buy a bicycle. We have many good bargnlns. Tires as low ns $1.60. Coaster brakes put on for $0. OMAHA BICYCLE CO,, 10th nnd Chicago. Q (01 0 FOR SALE-Speclal built National bicycle: cost $55, new this spring. In excellent condition, has not been ridden rt miles. $23.50 cnsh buys It; n real snap for some one looking for a bargain In a wheel. Address or Inquire W. A. P x't". brnskn Telephono bldg, Q-MKOuj 25 "VOLUMES" of Brltnnnlcn Kncyelopedla. elegant blrd's-eyo mnplo bureau. ,'lrcMlmr tilue, white hair mattress for sale cheap. Call not later than Tuesday. M2 So 30th FOR SALE, Chlckerlm; ptnn. splendid condition; owner leaving city; must bo sold; best bargain In the city. A. W. Williams, 205 W. O. W. bldg. Q-18S 6 TO SELL. I'Tge-Hlzed base burner In good ..nmlltlnn. 2608 Dodge St. Q 783 & $.10 each; 50 cents per MAsVn,nKJduei,er: H,r&.Sm street. Telephono iw, w TmXno boxes, good for coal bins, cheap, 1 m Farnam street. Telephono1C25.o FOR SALE, ladles' three-quarters length tan coat, nearly as gooii as new, at low price, i. nu jimv ii'" Q-MS31 8 PHAETON, steel anil rubber tires, Buggies, open and top. 6 family cnrrlnges. 1 6-pnss, carriage, 1 Victoria and 1 Rockaway. 1 hack anil 2 broughams. I depot wagon. Second-hand harness also DRUMMOND CARRIAGE CO., ISth and lUrney. - - Q-M 823 T Fln SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TV FOR SALE, cheap, all tho muslo oratorios, cuntntns, glees, orchcstrnl scores, etc., und conductors' stund, used by tho Apollo club. Inquire 1607 Lothrop st. Q-MS35 7 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. GYLMER, OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST, can bo consulted dally on nil affairs of life. If you nro lu trotiblo her udvlco Is In valuable. If you nro contemplating an, Investment a consultation with this won derful womnn will prove decidedly bene ficing And for a sclentltle rending shu tins no equal In tho country. She ranks nt tho head of her profession. Many Omaha, people can testify ns to hor nbll It y. If tho, render has never had a rend ing by MME. GY'LMER don't hesitate, to call upon hor. It will be- tlmo ami monoy well spent. Her manner Is ttlenslug ami her surroundings nro attractive. Send $1 nnd six questions answered, Par lors, 315 S. 15th, In Grunlto block. 2d floor. Tnko" elevator. S 690 6 MRsTfRItV., clnlrvoyant, 819 N. M't- ? MME. GYLMER, gcnulno palmist, 315 S. loth. B-493 DON'T fall to call nnd consult tho Rou manian gypsy, who reveals all secrets and reads and explains to you your entire lite. 1923 Douglas st., corner 20th. B M846 12 PERSONAL. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12. Frouzer block. U-5CO M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac cordion pleating plntit In tho west; mnll orders solicited. Sutto 2iO, Douglas block. U-501 VIAVA, wnmnn's wny to health: rational, wholesome homo treatment. SIS Beo Bldg. U-502 OMAHA Accordion Pltg Co., 1321 "J""' MMErSMITIlT"baths7llS N. 15, 2.1 floor, R 2. U-332 07 ACCORDION pleating, chenpest. best nnd quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and Fnr hiim. U-607 WE RENT sewing machines for 75 ccnt- per week; wo repair and sell needles nnd parts for overy machine manufactured. 'Phono 1663, Neb. Cycle Co., 15 Harney. Branch Otllces: 612 N. 21th, South Omnhu; 'phono "2173. 331 Broadway, Council Bluffs. U-S74 021 RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 60 dnys: send for clrculnr. O. S, Wood. M. D., 621 New Y'ork Life Bldg., Omnhn. Neb. U-6S1 OIC ELITE PARLORS. 613 So. 16th St., 2d floor. UMI3 02S RUPTURE CURED without the knlf. Em pire Rupture Cure, 932 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. U-551 MME. AMES, 31714 N. 15, Hat E, baths. U-M573 031' GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesnlo nnd retail. Collins Plnno Co., 1622 Doug las. U-M603 ADV. calendars. Burklcy Ptg. Co. U-M597 Janl PRIVATE homo for Indies beforo nnd dur ing conllnenient; babies atlopted. 2620 Burdetto St. Mrs. Burget. IT 571 Q9 PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement; bnblcs adopted. 23W Grant St, .Mrs. Gardcls, U-9H A LADY, stranger In city, wishes to meet a wealthy and retlned gentleman, between the ngo of 20 nnd 50; correspondence strictly confidential. H 63, Bee. U-M674 7 ENLARGE YOUR BUSTS, LADIES! No matter how young or old you are, wo en large It 4 to 10 Inches; no appliances; no poison; absolutely naf; $1000 If wo can't; homo treatment, Sealed particulars 4o stamps. CONWAY SPECIFIC CO.. 13 Templo Place, Boston, Mass, U 723 6 GET MARRIED. Why live slnglo whon pretty Indies und honorable men (many rich) ndvertlso In tho Pilot? Many por traits In each Issue. Samplo copy sent freo or three months for 10 cents. Lndles' personals, published fren bv number. Ad. dress tho Pilot, Dept. 11, Chicago. U-731 6 MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocnln habit: myself cured, will Inform you of hnrmlcss, permanent homo cure Mrs. Baldwin, Box 1212, Chicngo. U- MARRY' or correspond for nmusement: send stamp for senled particulars. Box D 268, Council Bluffs, la. U THE SKEPTICAL MAN enn positively bo convinced that THE PRINCE OF OMAHA Is tho best 6c cigar on tho market, TRY ONE. Union made, flavor unexcelled, cool nnd free Wholesales ut $37 tier 1,000. W. F. STOECKER CIGAR CO. U-MC93 12 SECONDHAND SEWINO MACHINES. Monday wo will sell tho following second hand machines so cheap that you can't afford to sow by hand: Former Price. This weok. 1 Singer $4.00 $ 1.00 1 Household 20.00 8.) 3 Singers, high nrm 20.00 S.no 1 Singer, new Improved... 30.no Uoo 1 Household lO.oo 6.00 1 Union 10.00 5.(0 1 White 10.00 R-'O 1 Wilcox & Glbbs 25.00 12.50 1 New Home 20.00 8.00 1 Singer, tailoring ....20.00 10.00 Modern droji-hend .machines, slightly used, nt one-half regular price. o ront ma chines at 73c tier weok or $2 per month. These nre modern, up-tn-dato machines, with complete attachments. We sell needles nnd parts for nnd repnlr uvery sewing machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. oi Corner 15th and Harney Sts. Branch Offices: CIS N. 21th St.. South, Omnhn. Neb., nnd 331 Broadway. Council Bluffs, In. U 631 0 dnte. with quick reply ho will give you this Information In a wonderful life read, lug. U-772 6 t TAKE NOTICE, tho great Pullinnn Polish nt 312 N. 23th st. A. G. Vromnn. g WANTED, to rent upright piano. 2003 Dodge St. HANDSOMU Amerlcnn lady. Independently rich, wants good, honest ''""''""''inA'L" .'oss Erie, 193 Washington St.. Chicago, jjj U 813 0 BEFORE exposure to wind, sun or cold ill ply SATIN-SKIN Cream, then us 1 TlN-SKIN Powder. Prevents tan, sVnnrtlng. gives lovely complexion. Sntln uiMn "',(. U 711 0' MARRY lovely women nnd hpnorabln men many ricii. nt;nu -..f...- 1st. Mutual Excnnngo, uenver, uoio. Sl'PERFLl'OI'S hnlr. wnrtH nnd mold ' permanently removed by electricity: con. Imitation free and confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allonder. 1013 Douglas. U 872 5 riVei'.MATIHM, the Canndlan ourei Wright's Rheumatic Remedy Is sure; write for booklet. Tho Wright Medlclns Co., Peru, lnd. U 800 6 UO YOU know your future? If not, ad dress Riley Allen, St. Anthony Hill Sta tion, St. Paul, Minn. Send 10c nnd birth WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Mcddloinlst. 'Phone. is.vf, i.envo orncrs at isiu rnr nnm. Rooms cleaned, $1 up. U M833 12 MONEY TO LOAN RE A L ESTATE. b AND 6',4 per cent loans, W. H. Thomas, First isntlunni uauK uuiiuiiik. lei. 1049. W-508 IX1AN8 on eastern Nebrnska nnd western Tnu-fi nrm nt K tpr cent: horrnwprii nnn pay $100 or nny multiple; nny Interest date: no dclny. Brennan-Iovo Co., 3fi9 80, 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W-D09 ANTED, city loans, bonds nnd warrants. George & Company, 1001 Fnrnam street. W-610 WANTED, city loans and warrnnts. W. Farnnm Smith & Co., 1320 Fnrnnm street, W-611 WANTED, city nnd farm lonns; also bondn nnd warrants. R. C. Peters & Co., 17(,3 Farnam St.. Bee Bldg, W.-512 4ttTO 6 P. C. money. Bomls, Paxtonlilk! W-513 $50,000 SPECIAL fund: lonns $.'00 up; lowost rates. Garvin Bros., 1001 Fnrnam. W-5H 4V4 AND 6 PER CENT R. C. Patterson. 810 New lork Life. W-M139 021