20 THE OMAHA DAILY UEE: SU3JDAY, OCTOBER G, 1001. WOMEN OF THE NORTH LAND Lcadiif OtaaracUfiitici f Thou f the cndtiatian Peninsula. PHYSICAL BEAUTY, PHYSICAL STRENGTH Home of Them Vote, In n .Miiii'n Work anil Want .1iiiipnthr Skilled In IIoiikoIiiiIiI Artn Tfldtc In Drcin. As la most countries where tho struggle for existence Is keen, whero b rigorous cllrnato and an unfruitful soil have min imized luxury, the women of Scandinavia Inherit with their brothers vigor of mind and body. Of the Inhabitants of the throe countries, Norway, Sweden and Denmark, tho Norwegians possess the greatest physi cal comeliness, nnd they aro far moro vi vacious, though a degrco less poll to than tho Swedes. Tall, finely proportioned, with regular features and n much less Slavonic cast of countenance, nno sees everywhere, In city and village splendid types of beauty which are by no means confined to tho higher classes, The women nro tho fairest type of blondes, with yellow, silken hair, blue eyes and good figures, enhanced among thp peasantry by tho plcturesquo national dress of blue and scarlet, with white bodice, peasant waist and coquettish white cap. With this costunio antique sliver or naments aro worn, pins, chains nnd brooches, not unllkn thoso of tho Swiss, nd which represent no small part of tho family wealth. Notwithstanding tho fact that tho Salic law In Norway has burred the succession of a woman to the throne, women, never theless, havo enjoyed a romnrkablo degree of freedom and authority, duo In part at least to thc.lr physical and Intellectual force. There Is a three-fold system of govern ment schools, to which girls uro admitted on equal footing with boys, nlthough they aro Instructed scparatoly In tho lower grades hy women and In the upper, gram mar and high schools, by instructors of both sexes. In the higher schools tuition Is paid, and religious teaching is com pulsory, regular examinations being con ducted by Lutheran clergymen the expo nents ,of the national faith. Women are also admlttod to tho technical schools, whero they largely devote themselves to tho dccoratlvo arts, although a few, of lato years, havo given ovldonco of decided abil ity In the study of architecture As In other countries, they havo shown signal ability as trained nurses nnd In medicine practicing, nmong women and children. Soi-lnl IMvUliin, Society Is divided Into distinct grada tions, as elsewhere throughout tho world, In which the old nobility take prnccdenco, the clergy nnd tho wealthier manufacturers nnd tradesmen ranking second and third. Kxtromc deference Is paid to rank and po sition, tho great lady of the communltj monopolizing nn undue shnra of honors nnd attention, to which, fr.-quontly, hor natural acquirements would not entitle her. The vast amount of "atlng and drinking hlch goes on ever.vwhero makes abundant work for the housekeeper nnd servants So far as this refreshment can bo classified by the foreigner, thoro aro, flrat. tho rolU and coffeo served In oho'b room at 7; break fast at 0, which Is a generous and substan tial roral; n light lunc'uon at 12; dinner nt 2; coffee again at i; supper nt 7, and, If the pangs of hunger must again be allayed, a moderate luncheon Is sent to one's room be fore retiring. Of courso, tho cold climate pcrmltB this frequent eating, but It Is dlfu cult to bcllevo that It Is absolutely neccs eary. There is, In and around Chrlstlanla, an American aspect that Is n continual Bur prise; the marked difference being tho beautiful cleanliness of the parks and streets. Women are occupied in business everywhere, and everywhere In shops and hotols tho women In chargo speak English with wonderful fluency and correctness, for It Is a language that they are taught from early childhood In their schools. l,lko the women of Sweden, thoy dress with great taste, and tho clothing of tho very poorest Is clean and whole. Tho fishwives In tho market are the very antithesis of those of Billingsgate, London. With their neat blaok stuff gowns, black straw hats the broad brims tied down with white kerchief their fair skins, bright eyes nnd cheeks like roses, they are as attractive In man ners as In appearance, Work on the I'lirma. On tho farms, strong, rugged girls do moro than their share of tlw work, slnco they must not only help In the planting nnd harvesting, but prepare tho food for the family, tako chargo of the dairy and make and mend tho clothing, which, It seems, Is never permitted to becomo shabby or ragged. Sympathy Is wasted upon them, however, for they themselves would bo tho first to repudiate it, since their free, nat ural llfo has endowed them with the strength to perform easily whatever share of tho labor may havo been allotted to them. Tho stout peasant, with sturdy muscles that a man might envy, climbing' th incline not a ladder up tho wall of n growing building, handles hor bunion nt ' mortar easily, orect as a ship's mast. It Is , probablo that, If consulted, she would not change places with her feeble sister shut I up In a bwelterlng kitchen, with her bark bent over a steaming washtub or a red-hot kitchen stove. The flshcrwomen, too, as- The genuine all bear and are sold with Iwftvilftil Eivttl DrivA old by Plrat'Olass Stove P All Styles Prices From I aodSLzM. B $5 to $50. Htdapabbr i uc Micaigan Atovc company. Largest Makers of Stoves and Ranges in the World. MILTON HOO-EHS & SON, Htu AND Men and Or Who Sto!e Scene: Kdltorlal rooms Dally Nuls-ance. Staff meeting In progress. Time: Too lato to remedy. Dramatis I'crsonae Howler, wise editor; Ashbarrel, ona of the owners; Duffer, edi torial clipper and grape vino specialist; Constant Itccdcr, at tho other end of tho telephone. Curtain rises with nil members of the staff grouped about the editor's desk. Ash barrel In the chair. Ashlarrcl (with one eye on, the pay roll nnd tho other on the assignment book) I see I nnr paying $13 per week to Duffer to review books, wrlto editorials, make tho grapevine telegraph, edit tho also-thought funny department, cover tho hay market and do a few other odds nnd ends. Now I want to ask if the staff believes tho edito rial page Is ns bright and strong as It ought to be-. I understand that one of tho editorials printed under tho caption of "Darwin Reversed" hns created a rcguhr furore In Omaha, and It seems that In try ing to solvo the man and monkey problem we havo set half tho town to talking abcut us. Howler Mr. Ashbarrel, I don't quite un derstand you. Aro you Insinuating or Just alluding. I want you to know that I had nothing to do with that man and monkey editorial Duffer I didn't wrlto tho editorial on men and monkeys. I rnn provu nn alibi. I simply clipped It from u UulTulo paper and Howler didn't rub any rust on tho shears while I was doing it, cither. You know how It naves time nnd trouble, too, nnd I couldn't hnvo written It nny better. Ashbarrel Whatl Clip an editorial and not give credit? That's stealing. slst with the nets, landing them, sorting and curing the catch; and they also live to a ripe ami vigorous old age. Within the past year Norway hns con ferred municipal suffrage upon women. Those who have reached the ago of 23, and have hem householders ratepayers and taxpayers for live years, with an annual Income of not less than (Si, or who have husbands who pay taxes upon this amount, are now qualified to vote In municipal elec tions. An unmarried woman living with her parents is disfranchised unless sho, too, has an Incomu equaling tho sum fixed by tho law tho newly amended law being based upon a property qualification, with no distinction as regards sex. The exerclso of the franchise, as a matter of course, qualifies Norwegian women for holding any I clssssssssssHlil83Kl!9Rr9i.li.i.llHk 'I A NOUWKUIAN UEAUTY. office lu tho gift of the municipal authori ties, whose Jurisdiction extends to tho va rious departments of public works, tho pub lic schools and oven the harbor commission. Tho agitation, which has beon carried on atneo 1884, has been planned by Miss Glna Krog who Iin3 been called "the Susan U, Anthony of Norway." Tho reform Is tho natural putcomo of en lightened public opinion and of public senti ment, which liberal thlnkera, lllco Ibsen, havo been Instrumental In shaping. Miss Krog Is a woman about 50 years of age, of much culture and social Influence, with tho natural gift of leadership. Thoroughly fitted for tho work sho has undertaken, she' regards her' present triumph only ns en couragement for future agltntlon, nnd is pledged to continuo what tho has begun, until men and women nro equal beforo tho law in every particular. With a cllhinto rather colder thsn that the above Trade-Mark a written guarantee. Davie EvnueilSiiM IQAfl Merchants Everywhere. FA UN AM BTUBKTU. i Monkeys the Cocoanut. Duffer Why not? Is It any worse to steal editorials than to steal telegraph? Ashbarrel and Howler (In excited cxola matlon) Of course it Is. Editorial theft prostitutes our profession. Then, too, you'ro more apt to be caught. Duffer Hut tho telegraph costs more money. Ashbarrel Howler, as my personal rep resentative whllo I am away from the ofllce sleuthing cvldcnco In kidnaping cases. It seems to mo you ought to exer cise a more watchful eye nnd sco that we do not put our foot In It so tar. HAck at Youngstown wo used to borrow nn editorial occasionally, but wc wcro always careful. We made sure to chango n comma or two and thump up tho grammar a little. Wc never Btopped with merely writing a now headline. Howler I tell you again, Mr. Ashbarrel, I am not to blame. 1 can provo a better nllbl than Duffer. Duffer That's right; lay It on me. But I never yet waa so bold as to steal an edi torial entitled, "Editorial Piracy." Ashbarrel Did somebody on this paper do that? Very reprehensible! Most reprehen sible conduct! Howler It wasn't me. 1 can provo an alibi. Duffer Oh, no. It Just worked Its wny Into the Dally Nuls-anco nil by Itself. l.oud ringing of tho telcphouo bell so loud that tho sound reverberates through out the adjoining Junk shops and rattles the llda on nil the second-hand stoves. Howler rushes to answer. Howler Yes, this Is slxtecn-clghty, nnd this Is Mr. Howler tnlklng to you. What can tho Dally Nuls-anco do for you? I of Norwny the llfo of Sweden differs boiuo what from that of Its progressive neighbors. Ilelng tho real residence ( of the court which visits Chris- ttanla only at stated seasons, tho so ' clal llfo Is more conventional, although tho 1 rulera. slnco the first llcrnadottc, hnvo be I come moro and more democratic. Not only I ! tho palace thrown open on certain dnys to the general public, but processions of In quisitive foreigners and loyal subjects are conducted through tho private rooms whero tho king hns been rending nn hour before, nnd the queen's work basket and her sewing Implements are standing Just ns sho left them upon her table. Tho schools, like thoso of Norwny, aro graded, and the sexes are taught separately, tho courso being practically tho same for both. In this homo of SloJd, girls as well as boys aro carefully trained In tho uso of tools, tho piano nnd cfilsel, tho saw nnd lathe, and they acquire much skill In all eorts of Joiners' nnd carpenters' work. On tho farms, also, they help In nil tho out-of-door work, ns woll ns looklug after tho dairy and tho housekeeping. Thcro aro fewer women employed In the shops, ap parently, than in Norwny, but they manage restaurants nnd hotels, whero they are often placed In authority ovor corps of waiters, Tho great festival seasons aro Easter. Whitsuntide and Christmns, which nro cel brated with church-golng, feasting, visiting and gift-making, Skating and slolghlng are tho chief recreations during the long win ters, in which people of nil classes partlcl rato and in this sport womon of all ngos and conditions, as In Holland, becomo vory proficient. Tho lovo of music In almost universal and, whllo tho country has given somo gieat urtists to tho world, thero aro to bo found In every town and hamlet manv who, although they will never achlevo either fame or fortune, have voices which would bo considered phenomenal. ChoniB slngjni?, tho wonderful folk songs, are a part of all gala making, without which fair or festival would bo Incomplete. A few women have left their lasting Im press upon tho literature of Sweden. Tho most noted of tho older school wero Char lottu Nordenfiy and Anna Maria Lenugren, tho poet, who Is usually compared to Mrs. Hcmans. Krcderlka Urcmer, who Is ro mombercd by tho lovers of delightful books through Mary Howitt'a translations of her noveli and her letters, "Homes of the Now World," has been accredited to Sweden, but was lu reality a native of Finland. Tho moro liberal educational advantages aro developing artists and writers of talent, who no longer havo to overcome tho opposi tion that once mot thera on every hand. Among the new school of writers Sclma Logcrlof takes high rank. Her "Story of a Country House," which has beon rccontlv translated Into Kngllsh by Jessie Drochncr. gives ono a clear Insight Into the dally llfo and genius of her fellow countrymen. Anioitir lir l)ant. Tho Danes, as u nation, have llttlo love for their northorn nolghbors a sectional prejudice that has been embodied In the proverb: "Don't bo a Swedish goose, or a Danish fox will cat you." Inheritors of a innd of level Melds and pastures, with a fortllo soli, the Danos find llfo somewhat less difficult than It Is for all who dwell beyond tho stormy Skngor rack and Cnttcgat. Their closer proximity to tho other countries of Europe soems to havo checked the development of the freer spirit of the nprthern countries. Women In Denmark havo comparatively few rights; they nro subservient to their fathers and husbands, who nro their lawful guardians. A Story of an Up-tO'Date Yellow Journal. Howler talks through tho telephone with Intermittent Interruptions What's that you say? You want to compliment us on our strong editorial utterances You've been a reader of the Dally Nuls-anco slnco before It was started? Well, I'm glad to hear that Just n llttlo louder, please What's that? You never knew before whether men were descended from monkeys or monkeys from men? Well, I'm glad to bo ablo to give you food for thought through our paper lou say you read tho same article In the Duffalo Times rent you by a friend a fow days before, only under n different heading? Well, that can't be you say It's truo be causo you compared them yoursolf, word for word? Well, you must glvo the Dally Nuls-ance credit anyway for writing a now headline. Whnt's that other quostlou want to know whether wo wrote that nrtlclo on newspaper piracy oursclvca? Now, that'll do, if you don't want to tako our paper, you tan slop your subscription. You'ro only pnylng 8 cents n week, nnyway, and what do you expect for S cents? Well, you call up tho business oflice ring off there, central. Ashbarrel I guess I'll havo to look Into this further. This staff meeting stands ad journed. Howler It's almost tlmo for our next edi tion. Hero, Duffer, hurry out and buy a couplo of evening papers or wo won't have nny news at all. Exit Duffer on tho run. Howler benda over his desk, ABhbarrel stnrtH out, but calls back: "I think I'll have that olllco cat taken out and exchanged for u monkey," Curtain. Thoro Is amongst thera, however, a marked artistic spirit, which, given any scopo, manifests Itself often surprisingly, and Is to be found amongst tho peasantry us often as elsewhere. Danish .women almost equal tho French as cooks, nnd It Is Imperativo that every girl ahall bo thoroughly trained, not only In this branch of domestic art, but In sew ing, knitting, darning nnd mending, all their schooling nnd training tending to lit them, not for nn Independent career, which It must be confessed comparatively few of them regard with favor, but for good houso wlvcs. Even tho queen, who is tho mother of tho present queeu of England, did not depart from this rule. Tho family was poor, and although the royal mother married her handsome daughters Into half tho reigning families of Europe, she had them taught how to trim their own bonnets nnd cut and make their own gowns. And it Is an ac complishment which, it is said, Queen Alex andra has pnsscd on to her own daughters. MAHY 11. KROUT. S. A. lngnlls, Crown Point, N. Y., writes: "My wlfo sufTrrod from klducy trouble for years. Sho wa Induced to try Foley's Kid ney Cure and in less than u week after sho began using it she was greatly Improved and three bottles cured her." OUT OF TIIH OltUINAIlV. Tho ten splendid horsea which the sultan of Morocco sent to Emperor Wllllnm of Clermuiiy this summer have proved unablo to stand the cllrnato of north Germany and havo nearly all sickened .ind died. Thero hns been qulto n spread recently of mngnzlno stories telling what animal train ers and menagerie men do or would do In emergencies. The shortest nnd best an ecdote lmH for Its chief Ilguro George San ger, the well known English clrcUH man. On being nsked what stops hu would tako should h certain wild beast brenk out of his cngo. Mr. Sanger replied: "Blamed long ones." Loomls Holt Holmes of Springfield, Mo., sees a wholo lot in n name more than JC.OCO in fuct. He has refused to transform him self Into Louis David FrlHbie in order to obtain an Inheritance of the amount men tioned, ills young wife backs him up. "I married a Holmes," she says, "and I don't proposo to havo :i husband named Frisblo." In the recent British nnvnl maneuvers Ad miral I.ord Charles Ileresford Introduced a complete Innovation. In tho event of a war nt sea thero Is the contingency of tho com-mnmler-ln-ohlnf and his second In command being killed. Without spare admirals no one would bo left with experlenco In maneuver ing n whole Heet. Iord Charles, durin? a whole week, caused tho fleet undor his commnnd to be maneuvered by the various cuptaina, with the result that vnlunble ex perience wna gained nil around. Among tho Interesting things on view with tho collection of book by negro au thors at DulTalo Is an autograph of Web ster, dated March ID, 1817: "I have paid J120 for tho freedom of Pnul Jennings. He agrees to work out tho snmo tit JS a month, to bo found with board, clothes nnd wash ing, to begin when wo return south. 111.4 freedom papers I glvo him. They nro re corded In this district." This Jennings was tho son of ono of President Madison's slaves, his fnther being an Englishman of tamlly. Ho became u body servant or Madison, and nfterward wrote "A Colored Man's Reminiscences of President Madl son." An optlclnn is thus quoted In tho Phila delphia Record: Nine-tenths of the rnll rood men. pilots nnd men in whoso busi ness kecness and correctness of vision nro a necessnry adjunct possess blue eyes. Haven't you ever noticed the penetrating quality a glanco from nn nzuro tinted eye seems to havo? Tho cold, steady look from such an eyo uppeurH to read you through nnd through. In a grpnt many year. of practice I've discovered that very few blue eyed people are compelled to wear glasses. Illuo eyes nie very nttraotlve, but brown eyes am tho most beautiful. Intellectuality In usually denoted by gray eyes, nnd hnznl eyes Indicate n talent for music. Tho com monest eye Is tho gray eye, nnd the rarest Is violet, LA1I0H AM) INDUSTHV. Farm laborers of Indiana went out on a strike after forming n union for higher wnges and shorter houry, and won, In the last twenty years the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Jolnors has Increased by 6.WS. They had a membership of only 2,012 In 1SS1 In twenty-two years the gold product of tho United States hns Increased from I7, 000,000 to more than J71.000.000 n year; Bllver declined from J37,000,COO to W3.000.000. The largest cheese In tho world Is In the Pan-Amerlcnn exposition. It weighs 1.10) pounds. Is twenty-six Inches high, thirty six Inches in diameter and was made nut of 6,600 quarts of milk. It is oald that automobller havo so cheap ened tho cost of harvesting grain In tho Immense California fields that wheat can bo rnlsed thra at less actual cost than In the Argentlno Republic. According to reports wages continue to docrease steadily in arcat Britain. Whom n year ago wages were going up there Is now n steady decline nnd the number of unemployed Is Increasing. Much the same condition exists on tho continent. Thero nro 122 cotton mills In operation or under construction In South Carolina and on tho basis of assessors' returns thBIr actual valuo is estimated at $.11,000,000. Th's makes cotton manufacturing an extremely Important Industry In a state of the size and wealth of South Carolina. Tho statistics of the strikes In Franco for June havo Just been published. In nil, the nionth saw flfty-seven strikes, while tho total for tho llrst six months of the year wis 308. The same period In 1900 yielded 4jS, which shows an ngreeable falling off In tho discontent of the working classes. Raoul Plctet, tho Swiss Inventor nnd chemist, has effected a remarkable dis covery concerning tho manufacture of oxygen upon an extensive scale for com mercial purposes. Tho inventor bus been engaged foi threo years upon this inven tion at his laboratory In G-enevn, whero he Is professor of chemistry and physics. The striking seamen and nllillated trades nt Han Francisco aro confronted by a new problem. Tho masters nro swinging an other powerful club. Tho Sailors' union has been dragged into court by tho Pncltlc Const Steamship company, which, nfter re citing tho serious inlury done, by the de fendants. Individually nnd collectively, prays for damages against them for alleged violation of contract, boycotting, etc, PALACINE OIL, high grade safety light. Dewey & Stone Furniture Co. Sample Another Week of Extraordinary Bargains Every piece of furniture used as a sample during our great September sale will be offered Monday morning at a fraction of its real value, These goods must be sold to make room for our immense line of new goods constantly arriving, Here are a few examples; Former Price. ' Now $;W.0l) Oak Dresser $28.ti0 $;1LU0 Mahogany Dresser 21.50 28.00 Mahogany Dresser JU.70 $;$5.00 Mahogany Dresser 24.50 ."jlS.OO Oak Chiffonier, with mirror. . . J2.75 .ftJS.OO H. E. Maple, Chiffonier, cedar lined 21.00 157.00 Gold Leaf Parlor Suit, a-pes. . 38.00 $14.00 Gold Leaf Corner Chair. . , 9.00 ?80.00 Oak Frame Davenport 55.00 927.00 Tapestry Couch 10.00 57.00 ,Leather Couch 42.50 940.00 Mahogany China Case 29.00 $29.50 Mahogany Dining Table 19.50 $110 Mahogauy Sideboard S7.50 .$29.00 Oak Extension Table 19.50 Don't make a mistake, Our store is located on Farnam St,, between Uth and 12th streets, We carry ONLY FURNITURE One Price. Plain Figures. DEWEY & STONE FURNITURE COMPANY. Table and Kitchen Practlctl Suogcitlons About Food and the Preparation of It. Dully .Menu. MONDAY. HKBAKFAST. Fruit. Coronl. Cream. Urolled Suit Flsli. Creamed Potatoes. Drop Hlscult. Coffee. I.UNCII. Cold United Duck. Tomutu nnd Onion Fiircl. nnked Apple. Cream. Cereal Coffee, DINNER. Cream of Tomato Soup, naked Macaroni and Choe.se. Fried Eggplant. Sweet Potatoes. Ebrt Salad. Peach Cups Coffee. TUESDAY. URKAKFAST. Fruit. Cereal. Cream. Creamed Tomntoes. Bacon. German Fried Potatoes. Mutnns. Coffee. LUNCH. Clam Chowder. Vegetable Croquettes. Urown Sauce, Compote of Peard with Rice. Cereal Coffee. DINNER. Cream of Celery Soup. Little Oycter Plea. Mashed Potatoes. Tomato Mayonnaise. Peach Cobbler. Cream. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. BREAKFAST. Fruit. Ceieal. Cream. Creamed Dried Heef. Unshed Iirown Potatoes. Corn Mulllns. Coffee. LUNCH. HnmburK Steaks. Hot Potato Salad. Fruit, Soft Gingerbread. Tel. DINNER. Okra Soup. Ttrown Frlcasseo of Chicken. Dolled Rice. Escalloped Sweot Potatoes, uueumuer Damn. Melons. Coffee. 11 KG IN WI3LL IS TO IHXIO WELL I'rrpnrliiK nnd ScrvlnK MenU In Oni or 3lurt Coiimoii, The cook who can successfully lead tho diner from one triumph to another so that satiety doeth not wait upon appetite Is not sho who provides the greatest number of rich dishes and surprising novelties, but sho who hns the judgment and skill to prepare from the simplest and plainest everyday viands a neat repast that Bball feast us, light and choice, of Attic taste. Many housewives would llko to follow the custom of serving their family dinners In courses, butaro deterred from so dolnc through tho belief that this practice en tails a great deal of extra labor and time. If not expense, and they still continue to "dish everything up at onco." This custom an a rulo precludes soups nnd salads, two rcsentlnls to every dinner. In households where mistress Is both cook and maid It does not seem practical to serve tho dishes in courses, as tho chang ing would necessitate someone constantly leaving tho table nnd this someone would In all probability bo "mother," whose place at the table should not for a moment bo vacant. A very llttlo planning will mako P. posslblo for thoso who so desire to ob serve all the little niceties of refined cus. toms that cost nothing, but aro beyond price to the possessor thereof. Tench the DnuRhtrr How. In households whore "help"' is not pos slblo nnd there are growing or even grown up daughters (and it wero wlso to Include tho sons as well) no more useful trnlnlnc could be glvon than that which will teach them not only how to prepare a course din ner, but how to servo it properly. This knowledge they will bless yon for In nfter years, or if they do not others who come In contact with them at the table will. It will not only serve them In ordering their own households, but will put them at ease when, perchance, they nro brought into society whero tho strict observances 1115-1117 Fnrnam Street. Furniture Sale $05.00 Turkish of table etiquette are practiced as a re ligion and decide your eligibility to "polite society." And one can dlstngush nt a glance those "to tho manor born" In this respect. There U an entlro absence of self-consclousneas in ItH place, an ease and grace audconfl denco In every movement that Is a pleas ing comparison to tho gaucho manner of seme and stiff self-conscious watchfulness of others. It is as possible for tho boy and girl iu tho humble home to acquire this perfection of manner as It Is for young people who are served by tho butler and his Bntollltes nnd the accomplishment once gained sits moro enslly upon them ns n rule, nn these children nre more natural and unaffected. Simple McniiK. To make dainty serving possible under ordinary or restricted household conditions the menus must bo slmplldcd as much as porelble. This done, It requires no more time to propare the selected dishes than to cook the oidlnary dinner where everything Is served at onu tlmo except tho dessert. Let tho dinner consist of soup, fish, meat or game, with not more than two vegetables; a salad, the naturo of which is governed by the meat course, a llttlo heavier, richer talnd with cold or made-over meat dishes, or this courso rande a little moro substan tia by serving cheese and wafers with tho green vegetables. Tho desfert is a mntter that taste nnd clrcumstnnces must decide. It Is considered necessary as a tit ending to the least, but In most cases is superflu ous. If your means allow only an occa sional indulgence In this lino, the salad and small oup of coffee will conclude tho dinner very nicely. There are many Inexpensive materials that mako light and dainty des serts, such as please tho children at least, then again tbcio nro dayn when a good wholesome dessert, like old-faBhlonod rice pudding, may be the piece de resistance of an otherwise rathor too frugal meal. Soup must be tho pleasant Intorlude to tho harmonious dishes that follow, nnd like the deseort Its quality In decided by the nature of thceo dishes. It may bq a deli cate and light Introduction to prepare the "lnnor man" for what fnllnwR. nr it ,.,.., i, a good, substantial foundation upon which 10 ouuo a more ueiicate structuro when tho larder iB bare of nil but "soun mntm-inU" and the purse must bo coneidered. Two Kmiinle Menus, Tho lover and advocate of substantial faro has probably decided upon a boiled dinner nnd nerves it according to rule from tlmo memorial, Tho moat Is "boiled" in n The Master Grain Staff Food Granola Made by the Expert Father of Cereal Producti, The BATTLE CREEK SANITARIUM FOOD CO. It Builds Hardy Nerve and Muscle Strength For biff, strong men, little children and luvallds. The starch In this food has been turned to dextrine and true sugar, thereby saving the stomach this work, which is necessary before nutrition can result. Eat Granola and Live Live well and be well while you live. Every package of genuine Oranola bears n picture of the Ilattle Creelc Sanitarium. Sold by nil groccra. Beware of Imitations. Drink CARAMEL CEREAL nnd sleep well it leaves the uervea STRONG. Send 3c for Granola sample to Battle Creek Sanitarium Food Co. BATTK.REEK- Former Price. Now $02.00 Brass ,l?ed, full size $ 44.00 US.OO Oak Sideboard 40.00 $57.00 Oak China Case 43.50 Tea Kocker 49.00 $25.00 Oak Frame Morris Chair.... 15.0Q $32.00 Mahogany Parlor Desk 24.50 $10.00 Mahogany Parlor Desk 12.00 $19.00 Vernis Martin Parlor Table . . 9.75 $00.00 Mahogany Parlor Table, (French Marquetry . . 39.00 $ 7.00 Child's Oak Bed 4.50 $37.00 Vernis Martin Mimic Case .... 25.00 $30.00 Mahogany Hook Case 19.00 $15.00 Oak Hall Tree 9.75 A big line of odd dining chairs worth from $1.50 to $5.00. Cut from 75c to $2.50. qunntlty of water for Bcvcral hours; then the potntocs, turnips nnd cabbago nro added and cooked until tender, meat and vege tables are taken out and tho water throwu away. Thu meat le placed on a" diab with out the least attempt nt garnishing and the vegetables served Just as thoy are taken from tho boiler. These viands are possibly followed by apple pie; nnd all these dishes placed on the table at once. Now take tho name materials nnd proceed ns follows; Tho day before this dinner Is to bo served wbbU and trim tne meat or have tho butcher tie it Into shapo like a rolled roast; cover It well with water nnd nfter allowing It to coma gradunlly to boiling point place It whore It will cook very gently until It enn bo pierced with a fork easily, but will not break apart. Uncover nnd set where It will cool and then cover and let etand until the next day. Skim off all fat and remove the meat to an other boiler, udd Just enough of the liquor to steam tho meat to heat thoroughly and set over the firo. to get hot. Doll your po tatoes In freah water and mash thorn; cut the turnips and a few carrots into llttlo balls (If you havo a vexetable scoon. whioii costs but 10 cents), or Into neat cubes and boil in a part of tho salted water or, to havo n belter color, In fresh snlt water until icpuor. u you prefer your cabbago boiled In tho liquor from the meat, cut tim mi. bage in quartors or eighths, soak In cold waier ror an Hour, then cook until Just ton der but not broken or dark colored. Dish up the meat on a hot platter; removing the strings, arrange around It the sections of cabbago with points outward, each section several Inches apart, and placo In the inter sections uio carrot and turnip bolls, alter natoly. Then add a touch of green, a few prlgs of parsley or cress. The former from your box of growing parsley that no house wlfo need be without In town or country, Tho soup to nccompany this dlnnor may be made from the liquor after tho cabbage Is boiled; cutting up a llttlo of tho cabbago and adding a few noodles or a llttlo plain boiled vermicelli anil seasoning It nicely. Servo less than hnlf a pint to each person. Instead of tho applo pie servo npple com pote, apple whip or bake'd apple without cream. Stepped Into Live Coala. "When a child I burned my foot fright fully," writes V. H. Eadn of Jonesville, Vn., "which caused horrlblo log sores for 30 years, but Bucklen'B Arnloa Salvo wholly cured mo after everything elso failed." Infalllblo for burns, scalds, cuts, sores, brulfos and piles. Sold by Kuhn & Co.