The Omaha Sunday Bee. PAGES 13 TO 24. t. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SLTXDAV MOItNIXG, OCTOBER 0, 1901. SINGLE COPY ElYE CENTS. HAYDENs BIG STORE'S SPOT CASH MASTERY OF THE MARKETS KAYDEN s Brings Astonishing Varieties, Tremendous Quantities and Unequaled Bargains to Its Thousands of Customers. ATTEND the great sale on men's and boys' clothing and see tho astonish lng bargains In ladles' suits, Jackets, furs, etc., on second floor. MAIL orders carefully filled write for samples, prices or catalogues of tiny KOoJa you need. Never in the history of merchandising have such complete assoiiments of all the very finest fabrics and the very best productions been put on sale by any store at such marvclously low prices aa are offered at Hoyden's for Monday and all week. SPECIAL SI'OT CASH rURCIIASES forwarded by our .eastern buyers (right on the spot and watching for bargains) will be thrown on the counters in the BARGAIN ROOM at about one-tenth their real value. ' Dress Goods Dtpt. THE LEADING DRESS GOODS HOUSE IN TUB WEST. More dress goods than the combined slocks of Omaha together, and tho new ones are arriving every day until the 1st day of December. Ask any well dressed lady where she bought her dress and she will tell you that sho bought It at Hay den's, whero tho selection Is larger, the quality Is llnor and the prices . cheaper than any other house- In tho west. Every dress Is guaranteed to glvo perfect satis faction or monoy refunded or a new dress. I'rlestlcy leads them all In black, Courtnuld In lightweight materials, Lupin In cheviots and Bruhtns Sochno Ocra (In Saxony), Ocr many, In colors. Thcso nro strictly con fined to Hayden Bros., and not ono yard can be found with small dealers In Omnba. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Priestley's $1.50 solid, Monday $1.00. Priestley's $1.50 satin finished prunnella, $1.00. PrlesUey's $1.50 cravcncttcd zlbellne, $1.00. Priestley's $1.08 cravcncttcd zlbellne, $1.25. Priestley's $2.50 black doeskin, $1.65. Priestley's $3.50 doeskin black, $2.50. Priestley's $4.50 west of Englaud cloth, $3.50. Lupin's $1.50 cheviots, $1.00. Lupin's $2.50 cheviots, $1.50. Lupin's $3.50 cheviots, $2.50. Lupln'o $4.60 cheviots, $3.50, Bruhm's sochne, drap do France, that we sell for $5.00 per yard, $3.65. Bruhm's sochno $6.98, drap de Venlc, $4.50. Bruhm's sochne $7.50, drap do Armour, $5.00. Black dress goods In this department at 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.00 and up 'to $10.00 per yard. COLORED DRESS OOODS. We make the Just claim and will prove the truth of the assertion that wo can show 35 colors In any style to every one any other Omaha store can show. Priestley's extra heavy cravenottes In tans, grays, oxfords and all the leading fall shades at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $1.98 up to $3.50 yard. Botany satin twills, the newest out, made to sell for $2.00 per yard, $1.60. Dora new pacqutllnes, made to sell for $1.50 yard, Monday only 98o. French all wool taffetas, made to sell at $1.98. Monday $1.50. English sollels In SI colors, made to sell at $1.60. OSc. EVENING SHADES. The grandest line of evening shades ever carried by any Omaha store. Lansdowns, 78 shades, $1.25. Sublime, 88-ln. In 60 shades, 76e. Sublime, 42-ln. In 65 shades, 98e. Sublime, 46-ln. In 24 shades, $1.10. Albatross, In 50 shades, 60c, 65c, 76c, OSo. Nuns' veilings, COc, 75c, 85c, up to $1.60. Voiles, In 63 shades, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $1.98. Eollneg, In 26 shades, $1.25, $2.50 and $3.00. Panne crepes, In 16 shades, $1.98 and $2.98. Broadcloths In all the evening shades at from $1.00 to $5.00 por yard. FRENCH FLANNELS. We aro strictly headquarters for all this kind of goods at less than any other house In the west. Beware of the old gag: "It Is not as good." All the staple dots;, stripes and small figures sold by others at 7Cc, COc. Flcur do Alccsa Persians, 75o and COc. Gros Roman's Royal Persian reinforced, tho finest made, sold by other houses (they will tell you thoy are not the same) at 85 o and 90c, our prlco only 75c. PRINTED CASHMERES AND HENRIET TAS. We carry the finest line of these goods ever shown In Omaha at prices that makes small dealers feel sick. Gros Roman and Shorrln Lauth's printed henriettas, finest styles ever seen, over 600 styles, 69o. WAISTINOS In crepe de chines, pleatlngs, cords de laines, satin prunellas, bordered prunellas, corduroys, embroidered albatross, chuddah cloths, etc., at 60c, 65c, 75o, 85c and $1.00 yard. BOX PATTERN WAISTINGS. From Ardlo Van Ardt & Co., Paris, put up In boxes and embroidered and appllqued; positively nothing like them In Omaha, at $2.25. $2.50. $3.00. $4.00, $6.00, $7.60, $10.00. $12.50, $16.00, $20.00 and $25.00 por pattern. COUPON. Any lady outside of Omaha sending her noma and address to us will receive a large package of fall samples, and It sho pIckB u dress wo will postpay It freo. In Wash Goods Dept. KIMONA DRESSING SACQUES, WRAP PER AND WAISTING FABRICS FOR FALL WEAR-IN WASH GODD3 DE TARTMENT. 600 select styles, In double fold flannel ette, In all the new French flannel styles, 124o yard. 250 of tho very best patterns and styles In vicuna cloth, etc., for house dresses, etc., heavy fleece-napped fabrics, 10c yard. Beautiful Mercerized foulard sateens, rich lustro, good Imitation of tine silk, our 35c grade, on sale at 19c yard. Art Galatea for cushion tops, the 25c grade, for 10c vard. . Hack Mercerized sateen for petticoats, the regular 35c grade '(long fold), on sale Mornl.y at 15a yard. PUln colored sateen (yard wide, satin finished), In over 60 shades, for fancy work, linings, etc., ISo yard. Choice styles lu William Simpson's new fall dress sateens, 10c yard. Haydcns havo tho exclusive rale for Omaha of the latest lining novelty. YAMA MAI (Yama-my) AN ALL SILK LINING, of superior quality, In over 60 shades and black, highly endorsed by all who have seen It, and a fabric to be had at 4 the cost of ordinary lining silks, 19 Inches wide, 45o yard. Every yard stamped Yama Mai on the selvedge of the genuine. At our lining department we are now showing all the new tints of fancy quilted sateen (the best quality and fancy stitch). Special prlco on colored Moreens, the genuine Imported English goods, sold up to 75c yard; on sale Monday, 19o yard. (Only one pattern to each customer). Groat Linon Salo 2,000 yards, full widths, full bleached table damask, worth 29c, sale price 19c. 2,600 yards, full width, full bleached table dataask, worth 40c, sale price 29c. 2,000 yards, full width, extra heavy, all linen damask, worth 60c per yard, sale price 29c. 66-lnch satin damask, pure white, all linen, would be cheap at 75c, our price COc. Extra heavy snow white bleached, seven styles, all the latest In open border effects, good value at 85c, our sale price 69c. Satin damask, 72-lnchcs wide, extra good value, twelve styles, tho latest styles In open border, would be cheap at $1.00, our salo price 79c. SILVER BLEACHED AND HALF BLEACHED DAMASK, In German, Irish and Scotch makes, special .for Monday only: 3,000 yards, full width, worth 26c, salo prlco 18Ho. 2,600 yards, full width, worth 374c, salo prlco 274o. 1,600 yards 68-ln. wide, all linen, extra heavy, good value at 50c, salo prlco 37 V4c. 1,000 yards, eight styles, floral patterns, regular COc goods, salo prlco 474c. 12 pieces only, 72-ln. wide,, extra heavy, all now styles, open borders, worth 75c. sale price 69c. 1,000 doz. napkins, good size, heavy qual ity, worth 65c, Monday 43c dozen. 730 doz. extra heavy and largo size, good value at 85o, sale prlco 63c. 600 doz. pure linen, snow white, bleached and all linen extra large, good value at $1.39, sale prlco 98c. TOWELS. 8,000 dozen In huck, momle, honey comb and Turkish pure white, with fancy bor ders and fringed ends, good value at 7c, sale price 44c 1,000 yards crash toweling, 18-ln. wldo, extra heavy, bleached and uablcachsd, salo price 4Vio per yard. SHEETING. 8- 4 unbleached, worth 19c, salo price 15c. 9- 4 unbleached, worth 22c, sale price 16c. 10- 4 unbleached, worth 25c, sale price 19c. 7- 4 bleached, good quality, 15c. 8- 4 bleached, good quality, 16c. 9- 4 extra good, 19c. 10- 4, worth 26c. 20c. 42-ln. pillow casing, lOe. 45-ln. pillow casing, 11c. Extra heavy yard-wldo unbleached muslin, worth 6c, sale prlco 4 He A good bleached muslin, full 88-ln. wide, cheap at 615c, sale price 4o per yard. Variety, Valuo and Satisfac tion in Under wear. Tho big store puts on sale a stock of over $100,000 of finest wool and silk under wear from tho six best manu. facturcrs In America. Tho Harvard mills, Van Dyke, H. E. Bradford, Sterling & Luzerne and the celebrated American Hosiery company. Thcro la not a want In this lino that can not be supplied. Every garment guaran teed perfect. You save one-third to one half tho usual cost. Men's heavy wool fleeced lined shirts and drawers, mado to sell at 76c, on sale at 39c. Men's extra heavy wool fleeced lined shirts and drawers, In brown and blue, regular $1.00 quality, at 49c. Men's lamb's wool heavy fleeced lined shirts and drawers, made to sell at $1.60, on sale at 75c. Men's $1.50 all wool sweaters, In blue, black and maroon, on salo at OSc. Boys' $1.25 all wool sweaters, with silk stripes, on sale at 75c. Children's fine cashmore sweaters at 49c, worth $1.00. Men's fine flannel shirts, In blue and colored, at 98c, $1.60 and $2.00. Men's $1.00 colored laundered shirts, with scparato cuffs, In all the newest patterns, at 49c. Ladles' fine natural wool vest and pants, worth $1.60, at $1.00. Ladles' fine wool combination suits, In whlto aud gray, worth $2.00, at $1.50. Ladles' flno cotton Harvard mills com bination suits, worth $1.60, at $1.00. Ladles' fine wool Harvard mlllB com bination suits, worth $2.50, at $1.98. Ladles' flno vega silk vests, long sleeves, lu black and colors, worth $1.50, at $1.00. Ladles' line silk combination suits, In whlto and colorh, at $2.98. Ladles' ?xtra heavy outing flannel gowns, worth $198, at $1.25. Children's bla;k tights, In all sizes, worth 75c, at 60c. Ladles' opera shawls, In white and colors, worth $2.00, at $1.50. Ladles' tine wool knit skirts, worth $2.00, at $1.25." Ladles' Jersey fleece lined vest and pants, worth COc, at 25c. Ladles' Jersey ribbed halt wool vest and pants, worlh 75c, nt 60c, Ladles' heavy fleeced lined combination suits, worth $1.00, at COc. Flannel Department 6 cases extra heavy, twilled baby flannel, pink, blue, red, whlto and cream, per yard, 10c. 3 cases California embroidered skirt pat terns, each 25c. 6 cases wool Eiderdown, plain and fancy stripes, per yard 25c. 2 cases extra heavy twilled cotton flan nel, per yard 6c. 2 cases extra heavy and wldo domet flannel, per yard 64c; regular price 10c. Ded Spreads 1 case extra heavy fringed bedspreads, each $1.10. 1 cauo crochet, extra heavy, each $1,50; regular prlco $2.25. 1 case Marseilles bedspreads, all new patterns, extra large, each $1.89; regular price $2.98. Wo have a beautiful line of home-made bed comforters, extra large and filled with beBt pure whjto cotton, each $1.50, $1.65, $1.75 and $1.98. Furniture Dept. New goods nrrlvlng dally. Our bales dur ing tho last month or two have been so enormous that we havo had to flit up our stock with car after cur of now goods. Wo are thereforo In n position to offer you u large selection of bright new goods and havo marked everything low enough to lu suro ready sales. NEW PARLOR GOODS. NEW BOOKCASES, NEW FANCY CHAIRS New Desks, New China cabinets, Now Side boards, New Extension Tables. MORRIS CHAIRS, ACME 6F COMFORT. Tho long ovcnlngs are near at hand. In sure your comfort by getting a Morris chair. . Fine select oak Morris chair, golden fin ish, polished, cushions nre double-faced and the scat Is 20x22, tho back Is 30 Inches high, brass rod behind to adjust back; price, $5.S5. Draperies Tapestry Portieres In endless variety on calo Monday; 3 different lots from tha leading upholstery mills. Each of thcso lots have been bought nt a price that wo can sell them at less than ordinary mill cost. Tapestry curtains, heavy top and bottom fringe, at $1.60, $1.75 and $2.00 pair. Tapestry curtains, heavy armuro and Ot toman weaves, at $3.75, $4.50 and $1.85. Finer grades In silk and wool tapestries, $10.00 curtains, $6.50; $15.00 curtains, $9.50; $22.00 Oriental wool tapestry curtains, $14.00. Rug and portiere to suit any taste, $1.35 ur. Oriental stripe goods for pillows and draperies, COc yard. Special prices on all ruffled curtains; closing out all small lots and odd curtains at a mere fraction of their real value. Carpets Price, quality and stylo nro tho three Important things to carpot buyers. W have the combination. Special inducements this week In all the lines of carpets, rugs, mattings and oilcloth. Cotton chain Ingrains, 29c yard. Cotton chain Ingrains, extra quality, 45c yard. Extra all wool Ingrains, 4Sc yard. Reversible Brussels carpets, all one yard wide, would be a bargain at $1.00, at 75c. Cholco Brussels carpets, worth 85c, at 59c' All the finest Brussels carpets, worth $1,00, 69c. Oilcloth rug and binding for stoves, In all sizes. China matting, 10c, 124e, 15c and 20c. Jap matting, cotton warp, 19c. Window shades, completo, 15c. Challenge Sale - of Watches Men's high grade P. S. Bartlett Waltham watches, 17 Jewels, adjusted, patent hair spring fitted, In 18-slzo gold filled hunting cases, guaranteed for ten years' perfect time keepers, worth $20.00, sale prlco $11.95. Men's 18-slze sllverlno cases, screw back and bezzel, all dust proof, fitted with Wal tham or Elgin movements, at $4.95. Men's 18-slzo gold plated watches, Amer ican movements, $2.98. Ladles' O slzo gold filled watches, fitted with good American movements, guaran teed for ten years, for $4.95. Men's 18 slzo gold-filled watches, 10-ycar guaranty, fitted with 7-Jowol movement, worth $9.00, Monday $5.75. Men's 16 slzo gold-fllled watches, flttc with 7-Jewcl American movement, guai anteedfor ten years, worth $12, at $6.93. Ladles' solid silver chatelalno watches $2.98. Quadruple plated berry dishes with fane, tinted bowls, worth $2.00, Monday 98c. Quadruplo plated comb tray, with scraper, fancy satin, engraved, at 98c. Snsh pins and brooch pins In turquoise settings, good mountings, worth 25c, at 10c, Handsome photo pins, 10c. Man's Soft Hats Railroad Hats In black, brown and Nutria, worth up to $3.00, on salo at $1.50, $1.25, $1.00 and 75c. Pasha Hats at $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00. Our line $2.00 Hat is a clear rabbit's fur. See our splendid assortment of Men's and Boys' Fedoras. Any color desired In all the very latest shades, at $2.00, $1.50, $1.25, 98c and 75c. The new Golf styles In all colors and shades at $2.00, $1.75, $1.50 and $1.25. Derby Hats, In black and brown, and all the neweBt blocks, on Bale at $2.00, $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00. HAYDEN BROS Monday in the Bargain Room. The grandest display of fine fall merchan dise that ever was placed under one root, and will be rioted out at tho most as tonishing prices that ever were even dreamed of. Think of $1,50 drews goods taken from our high grade dress goods stock nnd placed in the bargain room at 49c; of French flannels, genuine stuff In all colors and dots, stripes, etc., worth 76c, at 24c; COc silks at 19c; 60c velvets at 19e, etc. READ THE FOLLOWING AD CARE FULLY AND THEN SEE FOR YOUR SELF IF WD ARE RIGHT. PRINTS, 24e nnd 34c 1 csbo full standard prints, worth 74c nt 24c. 25 cases of short lengths of Indigo blues, Pacific fancies, Merrlmac robes for quilts, etc., worth up to 74o per yard, at 3o. APRON GINGHAMS 34c. 0 cast's of extra heavy fine apron checks, worth 64c, at 34c. 36-Inch lino Imported Scotch ginghams," the 25c grade, at 64c ' 36-lNCH PERCALES. 6c 25 3C-lnch percales, In dark and light colors, tho 25c grade, all you want by the yard, at 5c. 36-Inch tine percales, the finest grade made, 74c. Imported percales, 94c. OUTING FLANNELS, 6c, DOMETS, ETC 10c extra heavy outing flannels, lu dark and light colors, flno styles, at 6c. Sljc shaker flannel, 34c. 13c grado outing flannel. 74c FLANNELETTES, 5e, 74c and 10c 10 cases of short lengths, In 10c flannel ettes, flue printing, etc., Be. 5 cases of mill lengths, In all the fine colorings, extra weight, worth 16c, at 74c 5 cases of 36-Inch extra line French flan nelettes, sold this season at 19c, at 10c 36-Inch extra heavy fine flannelettes, with border for waists or klmonas, nt 5c. DOMESTICS, SHEETINGS, ETC 10 bales of extra fine unbleached muslin, worth 5c yard, at 2 7-8c. 6 bales of royal LL, the finest LL In the market, worth 6c yard, at 3 7-8c. 15 bales of Lonsdale muslin, In lengths from 4 to 12 yards, worth 124c, at Cc. 74c muslins, extra fine, at 6c. S4c drillings, extra heavy, at 5c. 10c walst-llnlngs, at 5c. 124c covert cloth, at 6c. 100 dozen towels, worth 124o each, 74c. CO dozen towels, worth 5c, at 24c. SILKS, VELVETS AND CORDUROYS 2c, Eo, 7c, 9c and up. ' 1-4, 1-2, 3-8, 3-4 yards of remnants of silks and velvets at 2c, 5c, 7c, 9c and up. Taconcss, worlh 25c," at 10c. Plain silks, all colorB, at 19c. 50-Inch checked Japanese silk, at 19c. 75c waist silk at 39c $1.00 waist silk, at 49c. $1.50 silk flannels, at 49c. 50c velveteens, all colors, 19c. $1.00 corduroy, all colors, at 39c. $1.50 grenadine, In black silk, very fine, only 49c DRESS GOODS 50,000 yards of all wool and part wool remnants, on two large squares, at 1-5 of real values. 5 cases of nice, bright plaids, worth 10c, at 5c. 6 cases of double fold debelges, worth 15c at 5c 5 cases of double fold fancies, worth 16c, nt 74c. 6 cases of strictly all wool granite cloth, worth 76c yard, at 49c. 3 cases of all wool German henrletta, 39c. 3 cases of 36-lncb English cashmeres, worth 35c, at 19c. C cases of black satin berber, the 75c grade, at 29c. 1 case of crcpons, the 49c grade, at 25c C cases of $1.00 plaids, at 39c. 6 cases of 25c plaids, at 124c. C cases of 25c fancies, worth 19c, at 10c. WAISTINGS, FRENCH FLANNELS, AND CHALLIS $1.00 nice fancy walstlngs In all colors, at 49c. Strictly all wool fancy stripes, tho 75c grado, at 39c. Strictly all wool dots, figures, etc., the 75c grade, at 25c Plaid French flannels, tho 76c grade, 25c. All tho plain colors In walstlng flannels, at 24c. 1 case of strictly all wool challls, worth 50c, at 29c 1 case halt wool challls, at 19c COMFORTS. BLANKETS. ETC $1.00 comforts at 59c. $1.25 comforts at 78c. $1.60 comforts at 98c. $1.00 blankets at 59c $1.25 blankets at 76c. $1,60 blankets at 98c. URNISHINO GOODS Children's camel hair underwear, 10c, 24c, 16c, 19c and 25c. Children's flno fleeco lined, 10c, 15c, 19c, nd 25c. Men's 75c fleece lined underwear, extra dno nt 39c Men's heavy winter, ribbed, 19c. Men's COc fleece lined, 25c. Ladles' 15c hose, 74c. Children's 15c hose 74c Men's 25o tics, 5c. Men's COc suspenders, at 25c. Boys' 25c suspenders, at 10c. Men's extra heavy Jersey shirts, regular price $1, at 69c CLOTH I MJ. Boys' $3.00 all Wool Suits $1.45 Boys' $2.50 Woolen Suits 95c Boys' $3.00 Reefers 1.50 Boys' $2.50 Reefers 1,2!) Boys' $5.00 all Wool Cape Coat 95o Hoys' $1.00 Corduroy Pauls.. 60c Boys' 85c all Wool Pants 40o Boys' 75c all Wool Pants 35a Men's $4.00 Odd Pants 1,50 Men's $3.00 all Wool Pant 1.50 Men's $2.50 Worsted Pants 1.25 Men's $2.50 Woolen Pant 1.25 Great Millinery Display The Benson's most elaborate showing hero Monday. Tho extrcmo new effects In shapes and trimmings In tho sucllcst styles. Creations that combtno exqulsltu arrangement, dash, refinement nnd harmony In colorings. Millinery rich In exclusive stylo elegance. Hundreds of Imported hats to bco and at astonishingly low prices. Wo call attention to our special line of $4.98 hats. Theso are made of best silk velvet, elegant Hcckcl breast nnd very fin est taffeta silk, really worth $7.50, all go on salo at $4.98. Hundreds of fancy breasts at 49c. 69c and 98c. These aro nil tho very newest things, Elegant French tips at 69c. Theso are 3-4 lengths. An elegant variety of children's velvet bonnets nnd Angora hoods. Ladies' Gloves LADIES' $1.50 GLOVES, 49c. A big purchaso of ladles' $1 und $1.60 fine kid gloves, In all colors and Blzes, will be on salo Monday. Theso splendid, now, stylish gloves were closed out to us for spot cash at about one-third their valuo nnd will bo sold 'Monday nt 49c. Special Sale of Ladies' and Men's Fine Shoes for Monday All the now, up-to-date goads, mado by the best factories In this country. They aro good lookers, perfect fitters and at a prlco within tho reach of everyone. Brooks IiroM.' shoes aro used by the best dressers becuuso they fit perfectly and look well un til the nro entirely worn out. Tho prices aro $3.00, $3.50 and $1.00, a saving to you of 60 centB a pair. , Tho Ultra Shoe for women needs no In troduction, as tho thousands of our cus tomers will testify that they aro both good and cheap a $5.00 valuo for $3.60. We carry the largest line of Stetson Bhocs for men In tho west 28 different styles to so led from. The rcgulnr prices on these goods aro $6.00 and $7."00. Wo sell the en tire lino In all tho different leathers at $5.00. Money cannot produce a better shoe at any price. Wc also carry a largo lino of tho Lcwts A. Crossctt Shoo, tho very best shoe for $3.60 on tho market. We have them In vlcl kid, vclour calf and patent calf In all the lato toes. . An Immense number of shoes from our 10,000-palr purchaHo all piled high on tables In our two big shoo departments, In both ladles' and men's shoes two prices, $1.50 and $1.96 shoes worth up to $3.50 a pair. Wo carry tho H. W. Merrlam and tho Williams & Hoyt shoes for children nnd misses Theso pcoplo rank first In quality of their goods. Every pair warranted. Try a pair und reduco your shoo bills. Agents for J. J, Grover & Son shoes for people who havo tender feet. Optical Dept. A special salo of spectacles aud eye glasses. Your eyes examined freo and cor rectly fitted with glasses at very moderate prices. Gold-fllled frames, guaranteed for ten years, $3.00 value, at $1.45. Alumlnlco spectnclcs-or eyeglass, com plete, with lenses, $2.00 value, at 98c. Colored spectacles or eycglusscs, usual price COc, at 23c. Ladies' and Men's Hose MEN'S AND LADIES' COc HOSE, AT 25c A -special purchaso of lisle and fancy hoso, very flno goods, now nnd stylish, worth up to 75c, on sale Monday at 25c. Children's Shaw-Knit stockings at 25c. Ribbon Sale Monday. COc FANCY RIBBON ONLY 10c PER YD. Wo have purchased the ctitlro stock of fancy ribbons from tho Patterson Rlbbou Co. at 20c an the dollar. All tho COc FANCY RIBBON go at 10c. All tho 20c PLAIN TAFFETA RIBBONS go at Cc. Alt tho 10c FANCY and PLAIN RIBBONS go nt 24c Grand Belt Sale. All 25c to COc LEATHER BELTS go at Cc. All 60c to 75c LEATHER BELTS go at 10c. Grand Thread Sale. Bcldlug Bros.' best quality sewing silk, 20-ynrd spools, fi spools for Cc Think what this menus, the regular prlco Is 10c per 100 yards, or $1.00 per 1,200 yards. This prlco of C 20-ynrd spools for 5c menus 2,400 yards for $1.00 Just double the amount. Remember 6 spools for 5c. New Dress Trimmings. Spcclnl huIo on Monday of tho nppllquc nnd fancy gulinp dress trimmings. New vcnlco nnd crochet laces, Pillow Shams and Center nieces. On snlo Monday, 25c nnd 47o; worth 75c to $1.00 each. China Dept. FANCY CHINA, FINE DECORATION, GOLD ILLUMINATED. New shapes nt n price that other stores chargo for common Iron etono wnrc. Cups, Saucers and Bowls, 25c to 35c Fruits, 20c to 30c Oatmeal Nappies, 25c to 35c ., Pie, Dinner nnd Tea Plates, 25o to COc Coup Soup Plates, 25c to 50c Bono Dlhcs, 20u to 30o Vases, 25c to 75c Cinderella Slippers, 20c to 40c 100-Lcague Boots, 20c to 40c Fruit Baskets, 23c to 65c... Chatelaine, etc., 26c to 75c. Japau Kobokuobo Tea Pots, genuine, 10c, juveniio Decorated Mugs, Cc. Remember Gas Mantles aro only Cc California Dried Fruit Department. Fancy evaporated California peaches, now crop, 1901, nt 9c. Strictly cholco California peaches, now crop, 1001, at 124c. Very good old crop peaches nt 64c Now crop evaporated blackberries 9e. Now crop evaporated apricots, 1901, nt 124c. Now cleaned patrons currants 124c. Now California loose muscatel raisins 10c t Now California prunes, 34c, 4c, Cc, S4c nnd 124c, Heat Specials Chipped drieJ beef. 124c. No. 1 sugar-cured picnic hams, 9c Solid-packed Baltimore oysters, per quart, 35c. Thrco caus puro lard, 38c Pickled tripe, per pound 34c Fruit, Fish & Cheese Fancy lemons, per dozen 10c. Large, fancy dates, per pound 6e. Family whlto fish, por pound 64c. No. 1 herring, cholco and fat, per pound, 10c. Brick codfish, per pound 74c Rod Cloud cheese, per pound 14c and 10c Iowa cream checeo, por pound 10c nnd 124c Tobacco Star tobacco, 374c Horseshoe tobacco, 374c. Nerve tobacco, 29o. Battle Ax tobacco, 35c. Newsboy tobacco, 35c. Fruit Juice, per plug, 10c Bull Durham smoking, 50o. Duko's Mixture, 35c. Merschnuin, 35c Unclo Tom, 33c. Groceries Cornmeal, por sack, 15o. 24-lb, sack puro ryo flour, 33c. 10-lb. sack puro graham Hour, 15c. 24-lb. ryo-graham flour, 30c. Coffee and Tea Dep't Siberian diamond coffee, 124c Slbcrlnn H. B. coffoo, 134c. Very fine Santos coffco, 16c Maracnlbo coffco, 174c Guatomala coffco, 20c. Interior Java coffeo, 25c. Prlvato growth Java coffeo, 314c Ansola Java, 32c Mandellng Java, 33c. Arabian Mocha and Old Government, 35c. With ovory pound of good tea, 45o to COc per pound, you got a fancy teapot. Candy Department Very fino gum drops, Co. Roasted, salted peanuts, 6c Mixed candy, per pound, 6c. Caramels, per pound, 5c. Peanut enridy, per pound, Cc, Chocolate, por pound, 6c, Wo mnko all our candy In tho store and would like very much to have all ladles como and seo how It is made. Headquarters for Fine Perfumes. The only placo In Omaha where you can buy A. P. Babcoek's fine trlplo rxtra'ts. Special tale Mond y In lUso, IV ney iuckle und Viclct. This Great Silk Dep't is Constantly Growing Every effort put forth that will bo of benefit to you, Thoso who havo scon tho enormous stock of magnificent silks and velvets that wo have brought hero for fall trnde will tell you Hint this stock Is one that any store lu New York or Chtcngo might well be proud of. Wo have n great outlet manufacture know this mid realize our ability to handlo great stocks of silk that tho ordinary small dealers could not dispose of In a whole year this gives us an opportunity to offer tho greatest bargains In silks. MONDAY WILL BE A BIG BARGAIN' SILK DAY. VELVETEEN. All shades, on sale Monday nt 19c. REAL PERSIAN SATIN, for Klmouu, for wnlst, for dress or hat trimmings, real fluo grado, nil colors, on sulu nt 49c FINE SURAH SILK. White, cream and colors, on salo nt 29c. VELVETS. Black nnd colors, 500 ploccs, silk face, on Halo Monday nt 69c FANCY BLACK SILKS. Shirred, corded, pllssn nnd hemstitched, tho hnndsomcst silk out for waists, worth $2.00, on Rale at 69c. SKINNER'S LINING SATINS Yard wldo, In black nnd 20 different colors, worth $2.00, on salo nt $1.25. THE LAUREL SILKS ARE ALREADY Known to thousands of pcoplo In our city that had never before heard of them. Tho mills that mako thcso handsome silks nro located In Lyons, Franco and confine, tho salo of their products to us for Omahn. When it Is the LAUREL SILK thou you aro suro that tho stylo Is correct nnd the quality Is absolutely tho best remember you can find tho LAUREL SILKS lu no other store In Omnhn, nnd you can alwny.i tell tho gcnuluo Laurel Bilk by tho label on each pleuo und tho namo on ovory yard. Wo want you to sco thcso elegant silks, from $1.50 up to $5.00 per yard. BLACK GRENADINE. 10 different styles, all dottblo width, flno stock und worth $2.00, go on salo Mondny at OSc BOULEVARD VELVET. All tho stylo for waist nnd dress, 24-ln. wide, In colors, namo on every yard, worth $1.25, on salt) nt 69c. YARD WIDE TAFFETAS. Black nnd colors, real' good, $1.50 grndo, fur OSc. -CIi'JJ DE CHINE. Black nnd nil popular shudes, fine, $1.24" grade, on salo nt 69c. WINSLOW TAFFETA, THE WIDE, THE BEST, $1.00. MAIL ORDERS filled on nny of tho ad vertised silks. Wo send you samples of tho now fall silk upon request. Wall Paper and Paints JUHt received two carloads of wall paper consisting of tho very best whlto blanks. Tho salo begins Monday. Thu very best whlto blanks at 3c per roll. Tho best ready mixed paints on thu inur kct nt, per gallon, OSc. Other dealers usk you $1.60 to $2.00 for Bamo grade. Varnishes, stnlns, ennmels. brushes nnd room molding at uulicnrd of low prices, Hardware, Stoves and Housefurnishings eaEltfBBB5 TBsmlf j3&75tgifc,NT.rrni ii Kuxffwf DO YOU NEED A HEATING STOVE. Wo carry a full lino of tho colobratod Universal Stoves In bascburnors, oak, hot blasts and cook stoves. If you buy a Regal Universal, double heating, baao burnor you got tho finest made, tho greatest rfoatcr, tho most economical and tho hand somest stovo In America. Wo sell a stovo that Ib usually sold for $15.00, for $38.50. $26.60 0 holo rnngo with reservoir, 20-In. ovon, for $16.60, $5.00 No. 8, 2-hole laundry stovo, fo $2.93. Wood, nlr-tlght, 18-Inch, for $1.49. A regular $33.00 utccl range, nono bcttoi In Omaha, high closot, largo 19-ln. oven, asbestos lined throughout, wclgliH COO lbs., gruy iron top, -warranted, for $29,93. HOUSEFURNISHINGS. C-ft. stop ladders, 45c. Galvanized boiler, COc. 4-scctlon clonics rack, 39c 6-ln. atovo plpo, llo. 10-ln. turkey duster, 9o. Wood well buckets, 25o. Fumlly meat saw, 15c Folding Ironing boards, COc. 10-qt. granlta dish pans, 390, Brass lanterns, 19c Stovo boards, board tinned, 69c. Carpenters' claw hammer, 9c. Itlm door lock 10e. !l Ii"1' r' i (i. 'and, 25c. bEND U VJIR MAIL ORDERS.