THE OMAHA DAI LV BEE: SUNDAY, OCTOBEK , ISKII. BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE I BOSTON STORE I BOSTON STORE (BOSTON STORE ! BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE French Flannel Waist Patterns 98c 200 French Flannel Waist pat terns, each containing 12 i yds. of all wool French Flannel, plain colors, with satin V Htrlpn nr novelty deigns, 11 New Embroidered French Flannels 49c Yd. A now arrival of 200 pieces nf Imported Trench I'lanncls, handaom embroidered fleur do lis, polka ilot and trl- $1.25 Crepe de Chine 69c Yard 45 pieces all silk imported Crepe do Chine, in every shade of the rainbow includ ing black & white, worth 1. '25, yard VJbL $1.50 Silk Velvets 874c Yard Special black and colored Silk Velvets, Silk Croiso Velvets in GO different shades, includ ing black, worth Q 71 $1.50, Monday Oi 2C ions anslo effects, beautiful Moral designs and plain color. These flannels 49c rcull regularly nt $1.00 yd., en salo on main lloor at Monday on bargain square, 12 Correct Weaves and Colors in New Fall Silks and Dress Goods at a Saving of y3 Although under Monday we place on snle ,.ill of our best do mestic dress poods, consisting of all wool tweeds, diagonals, whipcords, mercerized novelties, KqkIIsIi coverts, brllllanllncs, mohair Jncquards, nil wool cheviot, Hlortn scrfies mid Oerma,n henrlettus. These goods tiro worth up to 4 1 .00 - 4 yard, nn on special Fale In two JP. jVJrj lots, nt price, these fabrics are strictly up-to-date in e cry respect and of very desirable sorts. 98c Rainy-Day Skirt Patterns at SI.98 3 HO Uainy-Day Skirt Patterns, each Con taining enough material for a raluy-d.v or walking ftktrt. heavy novelties, mixed suit Itiqa In hlno shades, gray f,hade:t nnd wlnu shades, every yard really worth 75c, on sale on main floor nl .. hmirs in ruuo aunncs, $1.98 New Fall Dress Goods at 98c This collection includes such high class woolens ns the new Russian crashes, homespuns In the new basket weaves, pebble cheviots, kerseys, Venetians, camel's hair, rlbollncs, broadcloths nnd other lino Im ported fabrics, In black and nil colors. Thcso Roods nre nil Hi yards wide and worth tip to yard ko on salo Monday, In dress Roods department at, yard At 19c we include all of the new fall weaves in strictly all wool French poplins, extra heavy cheviots and storm serges, "granite cloths, melrose suitings, mohair brilliantines and the new corduroy nnd tailor suitings, all latest shades, worth ?l.ol), go Monthly on bargain square at. yd $150 Dress Patterns of 7 Yards at 51.50 For Monday we will offer !!00 Dress Patterns of 40-ineh fancy suitings, a silk mixture, in all the nutumn shades, worth COo yard, or $3.50 for full dress pattern of 7 yards, po at $1.50 The,saing is substantial and worthy of an early visit Monthly. A surprisingly .beautiful assemblage of silks in all that is the richest and best for even ing as well as street wear. We are receiving new silks every day, which ,include the most fashionable stvles and latest eolorinns in the new soft, clinninir brocades, rich fancy .and plain Louscnes nnd satin Ijununex, , extreme Persian effects, tfl-d new velvet velours for costumes and blouse waists, .w-ineli dress black nnd colored costume velvets, erepo meteor nnd crepo brocades. Over 00 pieces- -nil on spcclnl salo Monday. latest In Also 30 pieces new black and white, effects, broendes, satin stripes ami laco effects, silks worth $1.00 ro nt, yard. ; $1' salo I tho 49 c HO pieces iiiew waist silks in Woman stripes, self-corded taffetas, iM-inch pcau tie levant, new terry poplins, new L'l-inch washable taffetas, new jaccptards, satin foulards, new printed warp bouseno and taffetas, worth $l..r0. on sale Monday at I 'II 111 filial $1.00 Extra special guaranteed black taffeta, all 117 inches wide and every yard stamped ''The Celebrated Sterling, Cheney Pros."' Thos" goods are guaranteed by the manufacturer -regular price $l.-i", on sale Q ft f Monday (at, yard "Ot Silks on Bargain Squares Over fi.OOO yards of all kinds of plain and fancy silks In black ami colors, dress silks, waist silks, llnltiR silks, Cheney llros.' foulards, yard wldo wnshnblo silks, worth up to $2.00 yard, nil ro nt, yard, 39c, 49c and 69c Bargains" for Monday in High Art Millinery millinery splendor planned to evoke the admiration of every woman in Omaha and vicinity., Millinery that excels in beauty and exclusiveness all other creations. Lavish productions, 'displav ing a daring daintiness distinctively Mrandeis'. Inimitable creations con jured by deft and nimble lingers to tit the fashions of tthe day, surpassing in magnificence the splendor of the French wrought creations, as well as the great Jsew York designers' ideas. Special in Trimmed Hats for Monday Ninety-live of our best trimmed hats', including tifl, French and New York patterns, in black, castor, gray and brown, comprising a most elaborate and magnificent array of all that is new and stylish in Paris, New York and Chicago. These hats actually cost; on an average of upwards twenty dollars each and are being offered solely on account of the mild weather, which has left us with too many high cost hats, and flT A the only way to move, them is jjj Tri by applying heroic commercial treatment, namely, the price cutter your choice tomorrow 8 Ladies' Trimmed Hats at $3.90 Wo hnvo prepared four hundred ladles' trimmed hnts at $3.?0 which are tho most excellent millinery values it is possible to produce nt that (Iruit. Thcso Roods nro rljjht up to tho moment In stylo nnd colorliiRS and possess that urtlstlc llnlsh so notublo In tho French and Now York hnts. Other stores ask $0.00 and $7.00 for Roods of a similar kind our prlcn $3 90 The Host Trimmed Huts In America at $5.00 A tremendous variety of beautiful trimmed hats fresh from our own work rooms. AmoiiR them nre tho popular Gainsborough hats, In velvet, handsomely anil profusely trimmed with pood quality ostrich plumes. Also somo Rrnnd Idens In castor, Rray, brown nnd black medium slzo hats. In combinations of mohair cloth and velvet, trimmed with line ribbons, sllkn, breasts, pompoms, ornaments, etc. Wo malto a specialty of $5.00 trimmed hats and say without any reservation whatever that our hats at this prlco arc tho best In America choice 5 Swell Autumn Long Coats, Suits, Skirts, Jackets extraordinary opportunities, more and more of the latest styles to choose from every day. Our buyer, who has been east, has selected some of the choicest novelties in the long automobile coats ami handsome tailor-made suits.ever shown in our de partment. Everything shown Monday Wc guarantee absolutely correct in style and exclusive. Swell Novelty Long Coats, niado of rich kersey cloth, '0$, present, go at $12.50, $15, $17.50 and $25 New Three-quarter Length Coats, in rich kersey cloth, black, blue and castor, lined throughout with choice satin, at $9.98, $12.50, $15 and $25 New Box Jackets, made of all wool kersey, trimmed with inlaid fancy stitched panne velvet, go at $5.00, $7.50 and $12.50 Ladies' all silk lined Tailor-made Snits, in all tho new stylo skirts and waists, go at $18.50 and $25.00. Pi Ladies' Walking and Rainy Day Suits - QQ r in the new Norfolk, also blouse styles, made I of pebblo cheviots, meltons, nil nicely trimmed, at Ladies' Tailor-made Suits in Silk Skirts in a bewildering Cloth Dress Skirts Hare and etons, reefer and Norfolk styles, array of ideas, milled, llounced, llounce, taffeta trimmed, cheviots, made of Venetians, RfQS tc, good quality of firQR homespuns, etc., col- )OQ well lined and0 ors and black, good nt 12 stylos all at ono price lining vwuuumu 1 'MMW.M 3,500 pair of lace curtains entire stock of an importing house oti sale Monday at less than half price. ur lace curtain sales have always caused a wonderful stir in Omaha for the reason that we never announce a. lace curtain sale unless, we have some thing very extraordinary. Last season we bought from this same manufacturer his entire stock and had the most phenomenal sale that, Omaha has ever known. This sea son he had a much liner lino, ;ind we are again able to make the biggest sale of lace curtains that the west, has ever witnessed. Some of these curtains have been used as samples and are slightly soiled the bulk of them are absolutely sound ami perfect, and clean, fresh goods of this season's manufacture. They are in Brussels, Jrish point, cable net, Nottingham, etc. The entire lot goes on sale Monday morning at. much, less than half what they are really worth. $6.00 Lace Curtains $2.98 Pair All tho very finest NottliiRhnm cablo not curtntns, tfT r-v hnndsomo point do callo, Imitation Ilrussols In nil 7 f A 4 tho new deslRns. Thero Is no better wcnrlnp curtalnM ' than tho cablo net somo wholesaled as high as J6.00 J pair tomorrow wo retail them at, pair $10.00 Lace Curtains $3.98 Pair 98 We advise you to investigate our prices and qualities before you buy carpets and rugs you'll save money MiS!W' Roods, and a ImrRaln at, OtlL: 0 i i . i ur carpet department is replete witn a. m, everything that is new and desirable in carpets and we are always glad to show you the, goods and figure with you. Our prices are right and we can save you money. We hao all the very best Wilton All the swellest patterns produced thU fcenson In Smith's nxmlnster carpotB. 41 f -f f Our eclection of styles -f g 1. IvJ ,r an,lmlte,,-frcsn' new 1. lvl carpets, In the very latest deslRns, In cludlnR some of tho now est oriental nnd Persian effects for i'urs, at, yd.. All tho best quality full 10-wlre Hril5 eels carpet, lino nfsortment, with bonlers to match, dopant i Roods, and n ImrRalu nt, per yard All the eight nnd nine-wire Hrusscls carpet, new patterns, blR assortment, with niyl without bor ders, at yard, M'c and 69c All tho best quality extra super all InRroln carpets from tho best mills, such as Lowell, Ilnrt wool ford, etc., yard nil at, 65c $2,50 Lace Curtains at 98c Pair In tho tlrst lot wo put nil tho curtains that thcso Importers wholesale, as high hs $2.D() pair, They nro mostly heavy, wldo nottltiKhams, nil yards lorn;, all now designs, nnd thoy nil ro nt. pair $4.00 Lace Curtains $1.98 Pair This lot comprises all tho very fine, extra wldo flT linttlngham Inco curtains, exact reproductions of thoso 7f)B vlr4 rat rmr 98c expensive Unuouls and UuttonbcrK designs, not n pair In this lot wholesaled for less than $1,00 and tomorrow you cnu buy thorn rotall tit, pair $1 These consist of all the best curtains in this purchnso All the fine lacey IlriiHsels curtuins, all the nntten berft, nil tho rococoa cablo not, tho new point d'arnbe, In fnct nil tho novelty curtains all In ono big lot. They must bo seen to bo appreciated per pair 3 From n largo Now York drapery firm rotlriiiR from business wo bought 750 pair of full she tapestry portieres, every combination of -v olor, all now und elegunt designs, with heavy fringed top nnd bottom somo have wholesaled a high as $4.C0 pair all on salo Monday nt, pnlr All the best quality oxtra super C. C. Ingrains, 50 All tbe very heavy union ingrain carpets that patterns to select from, strictly QnmAEn usually sell i'or 40c, OniOQr all wool Ailing, it yard OVC-OC at OC Never in all the years we have been selling rugs .have we been in a position to show the immense assortment, we now have, and besides .the prices are very low. All tho finest quality of wool Smyrna nigs. In all tho newest Persian nnd oriental designs, In room sizes, nt $10.00, $17.50 and $25.00 All tho now Rranlto O. C. Ingrain, nil wool ingrain nnd pro IlrufiEels art squares, unlimited variety of patterns nnd colors, prices from $2.98 to $10.00 All tho fine 0x12 Saxony rugs, H all tho latest designs and rich oriental colors, that usually sell for $35.00, wo nru offorlnR at All tho very finest 9x12 Snnford nnd Smith nx- mlnster niRS, beautiful tt llltll Ul Jilll.LI IID, at 25.00 iford ami Smith ax- 22.50 All the 8-3x10.6 Smith and Snnfnrd nxmltmtcr niRs, in tho new rcrsian designs nnd medallion centers, on pnlo nt All the 0-wlro DruHSCls rugs, slzo 9x12, In every ininglnahla color anil design, nt $18.50 , slzo 9x12, In every 15.00 A Great $10 Suit & Overcoat Offer jSVe're quite enthusiastic .over this $10.00 sale and to enthuse you we nre giving you values you will instantly recognize as being exceptionally great. THE SUITS are made of splen did wool fabrics, worsteds, cheviots, ,etc. the patterns are new and styles the latest. You don't want better looking or better titling garments for business we'll alter them il necessary, free or charge. OVKUCOATS come. in a wide range of styles and fabrics all new and desirable choice, at Boys' Suits & Reefers For .Monday's selling we have made an ap preciable reduction on a great quantity of boys' suits and reefers. They are made of splendid fabrics ,and come in a varied line of patterns and styles. The suits are made of cheviots, cassimeres, wor- mruM, u. ut'i'ii'iN 01 emu- ..1.111.... ..,..(,. ..!. , mii.irs unrim, i'i r. I'lliill l" .... A Watch Free tilth every boys' suit that wo sell for $2.0S or more, ilesldcs saving ennMder nhlo on our better grade children's cloth ing wo glvo you n tlmepleco that's worth a dollar. I'limn nnu sco nntiliv KIlltH. reofclH .,.! nvnri'niilM fur VDlltll-t' und children that wo sell iiecn inai worm $28 to $j Boys' Suits, Reefers & Top Coats If your boy needs n BUlt, reefer or over coat, don't fall to see tho ones wo In clude In this lot. They nro mail's of most excellent fabrics In good sub stantial manner nil very E-t QQ notiliv ntut attractive itnr. P I menu worth almost 1 iioiiDio our special price ,, 0 20c Linings 3nC yd. One largo bargain square of all kinds of dress linings in all widths and all colors, many worth up lL j to 20c, go at, yard , 25c Veiling at 3c yd All tho plain and clotted veiling, all as high 2 fancy colors and all stylos, odd and end lots, worth :is 25c yard, all go at, yard Muslin Underwear Two he ott r mu8liu "v1"1" wear, inciuuiug guwns, atvirif, 49c-98c -ikirt chemise, drawers and outing (lannol gowns, worth up to $2.00, 'o at 7Sn l.arlfos' Cnrsfttc .IQn 1.0)0 perfect (itting VERY SWELL. and button -black and tan $3 Shoes for $1.98 2,800 pairs of Ladies' Fine Shoes on sale tomorrow on main floor and in basement. These aro all line shoes made by Thomas Plant Ss Hninnnnv. nmkors of tho Queen Quality shoes. These were made for Clark Hutchin son of Jioslon, for line retail trade. Thero aro all sizes, all styles, all widths, in laco -take vour choice for .?1.flS. including tho well known makes, all sizes and all stylos, worth up to 75c, go at Ladies $1.50 Kid Gloves 69c ladies' line imported kid gloved in all the now fall shades, all sizes, two clasp and Foster lace hook, every pair perfect, rogular price up to $1, 50, go at LADIES' IMPORTED HANDKERCHIEFS 25c Ono of tho grandest lots of ladies' lino handkerchiefs, including swiss em broidered, edged with fine lace and insertion, all pure sheer linen em broidered In neat nnd dainty pat terns, worth up to $1.00, In this snle nt 39C Boys' and Youths' Warranted Shoes Immense lots of 69c 25c k nlf vnlnnra rnlf nml vp1 kl1, t bIIIRIo, lifllf doilblo 1 Mill ui 111"" til y Mvni t-m. - .... i and triple soles, either plain or with perfection steel l.orsoshoo clrclcttes. Kvrry pair warranted In every way. Tho best boyH' shoes that cun bo made, not only booiI to wear, but perfect fitting and In tho best styleH und newest shapes. The llttlo gents' sizes S',4 to 13 cost ORc. i 23. Tin, youths' sizes 12 to 2, with heels, rout $125, Jl.f-0, $1.75 and $2 00. Tho boys' sizes i to cost $1 50. $1.75, $2.00 and $2.50. Misses' and Children's Fine Shoes Wo wish to call your attention to tho strongest, best and most stylish assort ment of mlBSc', children s nnd Infants' shoes ever brought to Onmha. Wo wnr rant every pair, not only to glvo nbsoluto hatlsfactlon In wear, but to cost you Iphs than you cm Id get tho namu qu-litlon for elsewhere. I'rlcen for Infants' Blioes nru &"o, 75c and 9Sc. I'tllld'H shoes, & to 8, cost you 5c. Me ItSn, nnd $1 in. Child'H shoes, S'v to 11. cost you 8Se, jl.M and $1.50. MIkhch' shoes 114 to 2. will cost you too. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. $.'fi0, $2..'A BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE BOSTON STORE