Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1901, Image 9

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Firemen Fcfcetl to Fight Fcr Their
Aooii-tnmril to Dunncr, Tlir-- DUro
Btird Ordlnnr) I'ri'i'nutleiu The-Mfirj-
Tiltl lij n tirilvor.
KlRhtlns In the midst of flarao nnd suf
focating smoUo, hlrt life thro.itenrd by fall
ing wall nml timbers, the fireman follows
his duty without thought of hlm-elf. The
thrilling oncnpcs nml dramatic Incidents of
which tho public hcnrs are not the leant of
his darjRorx. To he routed by the nlarm,
to rtnsh through all kinds of weather to tho
scene of disaster nnd to And himself, after
the flern flRht with the fl.imr, drenched
nnd chilled--theno ure morn homely perils
but equally Rrnic. Arruelonvd to dnniri'
nnd hardship the flrunitn often do not tnke
ordinary phyMral precautions. This wr.
the race with .Icseph V. Watson of Astoria,
Ore., vho had a narrow cnpc. He tells
the story hlmielf ni follows:
' In lS!'fi. while In tho fire department,
frequent exposure brought on an attach of
rheumatism. It Rrew worse nnd finilly Rot
to bad that I tculdn't do any work. I psr
tlally Ion the use of my rlfht arm and nidi!
end suffered the hnrrlblo palni that only
those who have rheumatism enn feel I'nrt
of th" time I was confined to my bed. Tor
n while I was under the earo of a do"tcr
In Hcattlo, but ho did not do me any goad.
He only save me powder to soothe the
pain so that I could get soni" sleep. I nlic
tried raassBr.e. but without any rellof Then
1 went to our regular doctor here, but ho
could do nothing for mo. He said h
thought I was slightly touched with palsy.
"Since doctors seemed unable to help mn
I felt discouraged Hut my wife noticed
Dr. Wllllims' I'lnfc Pills for Palo People
ndvartlscd In some paper r.nd so wo gave
them a trial. This win In IS!)!, nnd two
months after I bcjnin their use I was n well
man. 1 do not need to tahe any medicine
now, and I feel like nnether bilnr;. I can
candidly say If any person will follow (he
dlrectlonw he will bo relieved."
Mr. Watson Is now engineer In charge of
tho Hattlc, one of the many ynchts Hint ply
upon tho Columbia river, as hale nnd henrly
fi man ns ono could wish to see, and he at
tributes It nil to Dr. Wlllfims' IMn! Pllli
for Palo People. Ills r.drtros.l Is No. 16?
Irving avenue. Astoria, Oregon.
Tho cure of the severest cnnes of rheu
matism by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fcr
1'C.Ip People has occurred all over tho land,
rid their power In ordinary cases Is pro
iWtlonately greater. These maivclcus
vty;etablc pills yo directly to tho ont of
til trouble and exert n powerful Influence
In purifying and enriching the blood by
eliminating poljonmm elements nnd renew
ing henlth-glvlng forces. They are. n spe
clfl? not only for rheumatism, but for all
ailments arising from a disordered condition
of the blood or shattered nerves, such as
locomotor ntaxlu, partial paralysis. St
Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, nervou
hendnche, the after-effects of tho grip, pal
pltntlon of tho heart, pale and callow com
plexions and all forms of weakness either
In male or female.
T)r. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People
rn sold only In boxes nt 60 cents n box
or six boxes for two dollnrs and fifty cents,
nnd may on had of all druggists, or direct
by mall from Dr. WllltnniH Medlclno com
pany, Schenectady, N. Y.
Cheap Rates
Many Places
Ohio and Indiana
Sept. 30 and Oct. 7
Home-Seekers Excursions,
On snlo 1st and 3d Tuobdny of each Month.
Tourist Kiittrn un dale DAILY to till Hum
mer resorts, allowing stop-overs nt Detroit,
Nliigaru Know, llnrfulo nnd other points,
For rutcs, lako trips, I'an-Ainerlcmi ie
crlptlve matiT ami all Information cjtl
BTHEKT, (l'nxton Hotel lllock) or writ
Ji AKKY H. MOOItKS. G. A. P. ',)., Omaha,
Ask those
who have used
i ii x. -v; u ij
Typewriters i
New Century,
New Dcnsmorc,
New Yost.
We sell, rent, exchange, repair type
writers. Everything considered speed, grado
of ork, ecu of beeping In repair,
durlabtlllty, etc. our ore by ll odds
1he cheapest typewriters on tho roar
kot. For Information ' regnrdlnf t)p
wrl'.ers, addrr.s or call on
United Typewriter
& Supplies Co.,
Itl4 Farnim St.. Orwha,
:encs TJipirtmcnt All Afailtbie Inform.
tion of Ninth's Ixterminatioi.
llouhr- Mnto 'Hint Uc Un), Com.
iiinnitliiK the llluhtli, Will Avrncr
Ceinirnelr.' lirnth If llnsh
rnnstpr Ciim He I'oiiimI.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 4. Tho War depart
mcnt tonight received the following dis
patch from Oeneral Chaffee, dated at
Manila, giving further details of the dis
astrous attack on the Ninth reglmcut;
Mnt.lln, Oct. 4. Adjutant General, Wash
In 4toii, I J. r. ; from thoe who escnped
the tullowltig Is icirned: September i'J,
while nt hitiikfast. (.'onipnny t' whs ut
linked, ut slgnnl of ringing coiivrnt bells,
uy about I.Sfti boiomeii. fwo hundred from
rear. from Iront. stnuiltnneously nt
taekrtl oilnerh' iiiurters t.'ompany com
ptftoly surprised horc Attar King front
gained possfssion of arms, tight ensued In
which mint men mt d-ath in mess room
In rear, linemy beaten on temporarily by
about twenty-nvo men who gained their
Hrme. Sergeant llctron assumed command,
endeavoren to colleit men, leave In lioAt,
renttiuked by enemy. Htrength eorntnand
three otllcers, seveiitv-two men. Killed,
three oilier, forty enlisted men, missing,
hix, wounded, thirteen. Party nttnckliM
odlrers In eiinveiit entered church In lnrjiM
miiiuers, led by preMdcnte, prooaldy l d
rltle with compaiiy, twenty-six savetl.
Ilttetn or lost (rltk'Si bolls drawn, ii.yr)
nmmunltlon lost. Klnety-tlvo prisoners
out.ldn gunnel Jolixd In attack ut sl&mtl.
Hoat of inlSHlng in'n capsized. Captain
Hookmillcr may pick up men.
1,11-lT JAMlta II. IJUI.MM.ARU,
Ninth Infantry.
September 20. - Have returned Ualnngln.
I.andfd yi,"terdny. Inhabitants tiring on
boat. Ilesldes three nttlcers, twenty-nine
bodies tiurned, fiuarters' hulldlngH lire ns
we entered. All ordnancfl gono. Insurgents
securerl tlity-soven serviceable rltles, &,("
rnrtildges, twenty-six men of Coinpuny C,
Ninth Infuntry nod one hospital cnrps man
killed or mlMslnKi twenty-elht men no
counted for, found twfj In boat enroute
here. Hurl"d de.ul. btiriled town, returned
today. C'Ai'i MN IKIO KM 1 1.1. Kit,
Ninth Infantry.
He Hussy has sent strong company to
(hustlst- ravages If found. HI'lSIIf'H.
No other details. June muster roll prob
ably latest evidence to be hnd.
The muster roll referred to already has
been published. De Itussy la commander of
the Klghth Infantry.
llntli nvpurt nml Import Greater
Thnii DorliiR Vnmr Period
I.nst Yenr.
WASHINOTON, Oct. 4. The following
extract from the monthly bulletin of tho
commerce of the Philippine Islands, cover
ing tho period of nine months ending
March 31. 1001. nnd lflOO, has been pre
pared In the division of Insular affairs of
tho War department. Tho total value of
merchandise Imported during tho nlno
months ending March 31, 1901, was 122,069,
003, ns against $t5,l07,148 for tho same
prlod of 1900, and tho total aluo of mer
char.dls5 exported during the nine months
ended March 31. 1P0I. was $17,3C3,1S8, as
against $12,S2R,IG4 for the came period of
10,000, an Increaso of 52 per cent In the
value of Imports and 34 per cent In the
voluo of exports.
Thj value of Imports of merchandise from
the United States was $2,007,007, un In
crease of 8S per cent over the previous
year, end from European countries $11,
175.1171, an Increase of 81 per cent.
The value of exicrts of merchandise to
tho United States was $2,042,0fi0, n decrease
of IK per cent, and to I'uropean countries
J10.7U8.32S, an Increase of 73 per cent.
Mnn'huseH It eimtitlcnn Con v.-ollon
.llnkes II 1 111 Itn 'nnill.lnt for
(iovcrnor .'.unln.
ROSTON. Oct. 4. Tho Massachusetts re
publican state convention, held here to
day, nominated a full slute ticket and
ndoptcd a platform of principles. Governor
W. Murray Crane was renominated. Samj
t'el J. Kldcr of Uonton war made, perma
nent chairman.
In his uddreei, an In the ono delivered
Inter by Senator fleorgo F. Hoar, thare was
reference to the assassination of President
MnKlnley nnd tn legislation that has been
tuggested In view of Ibnt tragedy. Con
eluding this division of hie speech, Mr.
Rider said:
"One thing more, the right of frco speech
niiit not be denied: full nnd fair discission
of public men and political Issues are a
part of our heritage. Hut caricature, de
nunciation, foul abuse nnd contemptuous
ridicule of tho American president, from
whatever source they come, must ceafe,"
The platform wan reported by Congress
man I.overlng and unanimously adopted.
C1l.1t In llif I'lnlfnrm.
The platform also favors on amendment
to the constitution of the United States that
shall glvo congress the power to rcgufato
the hours of labor.
Attempts to disfranchise negroes nro con
demned ns un-Amorlcan and In violation of
the flftesnth amendment to tho constitu
tion, nnd It Is declared that lynching and
the unlawful taking of life must be stopped.
Tho plntform also pronounces In favor of
"such laws as shall visit an adequate and
buvem penalty unon nny person or peroiu
who shall murder, assault or threaten the
life of the president or vice president."
It acscrts thnt "tho public hlghwnys be
long to the peopln nud must not bo diverted
to private or corporate use unlern tho peo
ple receive full value for tho franchise."
Connldorntlon Is recommended of n ptoper
systom of Initiative and referendum In local
I'ellltoo for C011111111I11II011 at llentti
Senteiior Xoti ll.-lnu Clr
riilntcil. riOSTON, Oct. I. -Although Oovcrnor
Odell of Now Vork has stnted nmphatlcally
that he will not consider nny petition for
a commutation of Ctolgnsz's death sentenco
tn life Imprisonment, the Social Alllnnri
of this city Is circulating a petition of that
nature far signatures In Iloston. Its sec
retary Is Thocdore W. Curtis, Tho petition
Is a long ono and Includes this sentence;
"The motive of tho petition Is no senti
mental sympnthy with a condomned man,
much Ices the upholding of any form of an
archism of which he Is snld to havo been a
disciple, but the belief that the ends ot
Justice, the vindication of the law and the
higher Interests of civilisation will bo better
served by this change In the form of the
lloiiili. lii Western Assoclntlons Wilt
lisnr rrriillts fin oil liver Other
AuMielntlnn l,lne,
CHICAGO, Oct. 4. Tho committee hav
ing In charge tho Issuing of clergymen's
permits, met here today and voted to In
augurate Important changes In th system.
Hei tafter each of the western passenger
jesoclatlona will Issue pormlts that are
gcrd over all the lines of all three as
sociations, Heretofore och association
I has limited Its Issue to the lines controlled
I by the association,
.Vinnils Are .1 nnntitteed for llotli
flrnnelirs of the Oovernmrnt's
DrfiMnlir Srrvlee,
WASHINOTON, Oct. 4. The president to
day made the following appointments'
Navy William II. Newman, commander!
Oreenllef A. Merrlam, commander; John
Hood, lieutenant commander; R, E. Hoydn,
lieutenant commander, Charles Webster,
lieutenant; I.. W. Sprattllng, surgeon, rank
of lieutenant.
War Assistant surgeon of volunteers,
rank of captain, William P. Hakcr: first
lieutenants cavalry, Thomas F. flyan, A. O.
Sharpley, O. C. Smith. I.. W. rase. A. H,
Davldmn. Osmund Latrobe; second lieuten
ants cavalry, John H. Howard. Kenyon A.
Joyce, Hryce P. Desque, first lieutenants
artillery, I C. Ilennell, U S. Chappclenr,
C. K. Mower, V. M. Mcflmlth, Percy Willis:
second lieutenants artillery corps, I.. 0.
Hamilton. Kenneth C. Masteller. S, M,
Kngllsh, William E, Murray: first lleuttn
antt Infantry. T I). Iggcls. Harry !
Cooper; second lieutenants Infantry, Oran
vlllo I.. Chapman. Mllo C. Cory. Robert I),
Gocdwln. Walter II. Johnson. William M
True. William A. Roberts, Jr.. F C Endl
cott, Harry Marshall, Oeorge W. Harris,
Robert O. Caldwell. Francis II, Eastman
AMorni-y Urnrrnl Promises to N11I1111H
Uls Opinion to President
In n WitIj.
WASHINOTON, Oct. 4. At today's meet.
Ing of the cablnot the matter of granting
the application of the Postal Telegraph
company for permission to land at San
Francisco, Ouain. Honolulu and the Phil
ippines, a cable to connect nil of the new
possessions In tho Pacific wns dis
cussed, the attorney general stating that
nt the cabinet meeting one week from
today he weuld bo prepared to place before
the president his opinion on the question
of the president's right to grant the appli
cation, should he decide to do bo, togethar
with n statement showing what slept; con
gress has taken In the matter and the
precedents for executlvo action.
ClRnr I'aetnrj' nt Tnnipn
TAMPA, I'm., Oct. 4. The cigar factory
of O'Halloran & Co. of New York nnd
Tnmpa nnd a number of other buildings
were destroyed by Ore today. The total
loss Is estimated at JIRO.000, with only
partial Insurance.
Jollet Mtove VorU.
JOI.IKT, III., Oct. 4 The Jollet Stove
works were damaged between $20,000 nnd
J50.000 tonight by fire. The nickel-plating
rcom, tho pattern room and punching room
were ruined with their contents and m.
chlncry. The less Is covered by Insurance.
t'rilar Fnll IMTelll.iK,
CEDAR FALLS. la.. Oct. 4. (Special Tel
egram.) Tho retldenco of Michael Jensen
wns destroyed by fire today: Iqss, 11.000;
no Insurance, Mrs. Jensen was rescued
from an upper window.
Kxcrntlvc llusliirxn Melon l Hold In
Omnliii, nt 'Wlili-h I'roniliiviit ,
Olllrlnt Appear.
Slxty-flvo ropresnntntlvcs of tho Standnrd
Oil rompany met at the Millard hotel early
yesterday and held n business conven
tion of one HCSFlon four hours In extent.
At 1:30 an elahorote lunch wns served tho
party and during the afternoon and even
ing tho members dispersed to the placeu j
from which they had come.
Newspaper men were not welcome at the
meeting, and were hustled away from the
scene ns soon ns possible. It was distinctly
a discussion of the private plans nnd affairs
of the company, they wert told.
Many prominent Standard Oil men were
present. Tho list comprised managers of
tho different offices throughout tho country
nnd traveling salesmen for the corporation.
Among the formei class were L. J, Druke.
manager of tho Chicago headquarters; Slhn
H. Paine of New York City, manager of tho '
lubricating oil department; Wnlter Jen
nings, general manager of tho New Vork
house, nnd II. 3. Morton of Chicago. Other
managers here were ! T. Smith of Bit
bunno, M. Slorer of Pes Moines, M. K. King,
Jr., of Keokuk, J. A. frcen of Sioux City
nnd 0. M. Wntts of Davenport. It Is un
derstood that tho nntlonn; chiefs hnd comj to glvo general Instructions to all
their reprentatlves In this section of tho
country at n common meeting.
Other oil men whe attended were;
Thomas H. Hawks. New Vork City; Charles
B, Lut., Philadelphia; S. C. nirchard. Dav
enport. In.; O. H. Chllds, Mason City. la.;
W. II. Nlcbear, Dubuque. In.; II. II. Clark.
Chicago; C E. Hodges, Chicago; V. It.
Davis, Waterloo, la,; W. C. Lee, Dubuque,
la.; A. C, Shepard, Dubinue, la.; S. V. Mor
rison, Dubuque, la,; It. F. Van Kuren, Fort
Dodge, la.; L. J. Drake, Jr., Chicago; J. n.
P. Reynolds, Denver; F. L. Tllley, Mason
City, la.; W. O. 1'Hllllppa. Keokuk, In.; L.
W. Dassett, Burlington, la,; Charles Attls,
Keokuk, la.; .1, II. McCullough, Davenport,
la.; F. O. Illack. Muscatine. Ia.; F. O.
Whitney. Davenport, la.: Frank Klnercm,
Cednr Raplda, la.; n. L. Wilcox, Davenport,
nrtlmeilrrii Will Trj lo Iti-ilner
lu lliirlliitftoii' llrroril
Anrona limn.
In the near future th'j Chicago & North
western will Inaugurate a series of test
runs between Chicago and Council Uluffs
with a vlnw to lowering tho record mndo
by fast mall trains on tho Chicago, Bur
lington & Qulncy. which now holds tho
transcontinental mall contract through
Iowa. To oocure those contracts tho Cut
cago & Northwestern must reduce the Bur
lington's schedule thirty minutes each day
for seven consecutive days. Tho Burling
ton's time now between Chicago and Coun
cil Bluffs Ia ten hours and twenty-five min
utes. Tho Northwestern line Is twelve
miles shorter, and no effort will be spared
to meet the requirements .
The two. story frame bulldln nt I7W Rt
Mary s avenue, the lower story of which
Is occupied by John TicHChnes and cithers
as a sleeping room and storage for push
carts, caught fire ubout 3 o'clock yester
day afternoon, The tire originated front ;t
stove. No duniiije was done
The nursery committee of the Child's
Snvlng Institute has arranged for n rum
mage snle nt 14H South Thirteenth Htreet,
near William, commencing "next Wednes
day, They are striving tn provide furniture
needed In the new building of the Institute
and will be glad to receive donations of
second-hand clothing and furniture.
W. H. MeKeen. Jr.. foreman of the
Villon I'nelftc shops nt Cheyenne, Is a
guest of the Millard.
Nehrnskans at the Merchants: Mr. and
Mrs. W. H Klllgnre. I'. O. Homer. Kear
r.ey; Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Btralmn, North
Platte; John Hrennnn, M, Hrennan. Alli
ance; W. O, Washburn. Uentrtco; M. Me
Beth. GrcMey; n, II. Jenness. O'Neill', W.
A. Ooble. Butte; J, E. Show, Bancroft; r.
E. Knckley. Lena; I. D. Clarke, I'npllllon,
II. T. Walton, Grand Island.
UK. .Uc;RI-v
than half the cost. All breaking out ami signs of the disease
MERlfin nCRil ITV Lo of Vitality of Bl'ilin l'wnr, Poor Mjmury, ) jjpourtomjy and all un
nLllffUU(v LlLw.Pl L I B j natural weaknt-t and disorfloivs oui't'd purni'itientiy.
There never wns nnd possibly never will bo offered a trcatmrnt fcr Vnrlccceln and Hydrocele that gives such entire satisfaction and so complete a permanent
cure Its elmpllelty and iiulek cures are Ita grentes' rrconinu ndiiin.i l)r M -rjrrw t.js devoted 26 years to the treatment of Varicocele and Hydrocele, and It Ii but
Justice to him to ray without fear of c ntrn llrtlon that his treatment of these dl'rofe-j hi: no onual an-nhore.
wphout piln or hindrance from budness.
are dally proving what a great good enn ho I'.one for nrn at a NOMINAL KXTBNSR. TIIEATMKNT I)V MAIL.
OKI'ICH IHIl ltsS ,,. ,, 0 11 p. ,,
Zack Cnddington ii Avmlcd a Railrcad
Qrcding Ooctr c:,
.liicoli l-'lslior, tln Man Who Klll.-il
tils Sun. N i:ooeriitocl l- I'cir
oiipr'x oil Self-llefenf..'
1 lllMirj NMtM III ticlHTIll.
Zack Cuddlngton, n well known South
Otr.nlin contractor, yesterday secured n
tract for tho grading of throe and om naif
miles of road for the Chicago. MIlvwiul.vC &
St. Paul road. This- work Is to be done
mar Ottutuw.i. la. While Cuddlngton was
not the lowest bidder by 2 cents, he was
considered by the officials of tho ixad to
be the lowest responsible. bidder nnd ho wim
therefore given tho contract.
At.thq present tlpi$,pjf. Cuddlngton h
working his grading outtlt on tho Elkhoin
road In the northwestern ,pnrt of the city,
but ho expeclr, to complete this Job In
about ten dayu. Then be will move his
whole out lit. consisting of forty horses.
Grading machine, camp equipment nnd
twenty men, to Ottumwa. Mr. Cuddlngtcii
fays thnt the work of grading thre nnd
one-half miles of road will take him nearly
a yenr. This v.ork Is being done for f.iu
purpese of stralghtonlng"the trnrk. On 11
portion of this work to bo dono by Cuddlne
tcn tho line runs straight through 11 line
brick rcs.dcncc. in preference to maklns
curve tbo inllrosd compun) purcl:nsMl the
bonne and grounds and tho building will
bo dcmollehcd In older to inako a straight
As fcr tho grading for the Elkhoin In
tho northwestern part of tho city, this worn
is nenrly completed anil the laying of
tracks Is going on. The viaduct nt-Thirty-sixth
htteot Is being constructed nnd the
piera for the big steel structure nercmi tho
bcu'evard ore being pushed with n view tn
completing them nt tho earliest possible
l-'lilier Ivviiiu-riilcil.
Jacob l'Uiher wns taken from the South
Omaha Jail yesterday noon b Sheriff Mc
Avoy nnd convoyed to llcllovue. where an
Inqupst was he.d over the remains of
John Flshor. The testimony of Weber nnd
others who witnessed tho killing went lo
show thnt Fllicr, senior. nhot his son In
sclf-defctiBO. Tho Jury returned 11 verdict
to thin effect nnd the sheriff released Fisher
from ciiftody
During the Inquest the fact wns brought
out that Flshor. Junior, hail been mentally
unbalanced for 11 number of years and that
he had frequently threntoncd his father's
life. The remains of tin dead man will b
turned over to a medical college by Cor
oner notta of Sarpy county.
I'nrlin Soy No,
Oeorgo Parks makes tho announcement
that bo will not bo n candldato for mayor
on tho democratic ticket next tprlng. He
says thnt be started the talk of his candi
dacy as a Joke, but as the matter com
menced to tnke a sertous tum ho deemed It
ndvlrub'o to mako a posltlvo cnununcement.
This btatcmcnt of Parks Is not conildered
to be In good faith by somo of tho demo- j
crnt.i and tlmy look upon It ns a iica. 1
political trick. Jack Parks, n brother of
t.corgc Patks, In a demociutlc candldato for 1
asseamr In tho Fourth ward nnd it I a- 1
scrted that If Park's l elected assessor his'
brother may change his mind nhout being
a candidate for mayor. With P.uks nut of
the mayoralty inco the field Is open, as only
Kiuor and doctor are now avowed candi
dates on the democratic ticket.
A lUirnUere Itnl. ltport.
At a recent meeting of tho city coun-ll
Hon. David Anderson. Sam B. Christie mul
Bert Anderson were mimed as 0 committee
to appraise nny damages which might ac
crue on account of the grading of K street
ftom Twenty-third lo Twenty-fourth
s'roats. Vcsterdny these appraisers tiled
n report with the ltv clerk ThU report
shows that there will be no damage lo anv
of tho property owners in the vlclnliv hv
reason of the opening of this street It h
therefore expected that the prjpn.sltlnn for
grading will be pushed In older that the
work may ho completed bforo winter
sets In.
Ilii) Holt l-'rr lu III Car,
Jchn Tansley, Morris Lihaghan and John
Whelan, nil lads of about 12 years of agr.
are In Jail charged with breaking Into n
I'nlon Pacific freight car and stealing sev
eral sacks of potatoes. Special Olflcer Vlz
rard of the I'nlon Pacific- and Detective
Klsfelder made a searrh yesterday nnd re
covered most of the stolen property as woll
as making the arrests mentioned.
Cliri'l.liiK l.lllilliri- Illlls.
T. C. McDonald, a well-known enntractor.
and D. M. Clark, city building Inspector,
a .
Son ill! J . S 11, 111. lo . p. in. I . tll. 7(1(1.
Ottlce in Of S;i." M011O1 I till ttr.M't. Iletn ecu Donuln nml I'nrnnni streets.
arc p tt ng In their tlnn thes' dais oheeklnz
up tbo amount of lumber used in repairs
made to school buildings ntM school home
sidewalks, Th s work Is b ing done fo- tli"
purpose of presenting evldnire to the gran 1
Jury In einncctlon with the charges madJ
thnt the Board of Kducatlon tins been ex
travagant In tho openillturo of public
funds. Some attention Is alRO being pnld
to the sub-contract of Theodore Schroeder.
a member of the board who Is doing the
carpenter work on the new frame building
being eree'ed for tb" school district nt
Forty-fourth and I. streets. Srhrocder n
numed this work lu violation of the rules
governing members of the bonrd nud thli
fact ,s to be brought prominently before
tho grand Jury by members of the Taxpay
er league.
'Inula' I'll; (JckkIji.
tlenrge II. Brewer returned' yesterday
from 11 till' to Denver.
Mrn. N. H. (Jlbson bus gone lo Mernt,
Neb., to visit frlendu for 11 couple of weeks.
Mr. and .Mr. D.m llnnnon. Ml No th
Twenty-fourth streit, nniiouneo the birth uf
11 son.
(Hi Tinsdny evening the ('invnrth I rfiue
will hold a Imnlncm meeting nml . Irel
A meeting of tbo Norwi'glnn Itepulil'i-iin
1 lull will be held nt Frillies ;' hnll 011 Muii
lny night.
Funeral nrrvlres ' over th" remain o'
Kllznheth ' in I Ionic will he held ut li
o clock today.
Hcv. John T. Foster will tie Ivrr .111 id
drown at the Yeiiiiig Moii'k rhrjtlun assoel.
tlut, 111 Kund.iy afternoon.
I'rod II. Circmi will slug nt the Yoiiiiit
.MetiV Clitlsilan iisxoeliitlon mooting nt 4
o'( lock Humbly tiflrinoon.
.Mrs. Henry C: Itbliniiuid riMurneil yet-r-ilay
from .Mlxsourl nod Iowa, where she
spent Hume lime visiting friends
Muover hive, l,Mdin of the Miccnbees.
will give a high live party nt the hnll.
Thirty-eighth nnd Q Htrcetc, tonight.
Itev. C. I, Pickett of Mmiilm lll Kpeik
ill the Chrl.-tliin clHiieh. Twi titv-thtrd .'Hid
K :treet, Sunday morning and evening.
The comptroller of tho iicnxtiry has c illrd
for a Ntiitcnn nt from tho nut (mm I bun' ti
up to the clone of huMnens on tieptenibor HO.
Jaires A. Cllne. nntlonnl tiank cvntnlner.
yesterday completed the work of checking
up the linok of th' three national hunks lu
South omithn.
ltnllun CoiiipHii? (IfTcrs l.i I'nve
'I'm ciit.v-l-'.nirlli 'Irccl I'reisnliiu
Ciiu llllnu to CbiiiiKc (ii-nilc.
J. J. Smith and several other resident of
North Omahn met with Oeneral Manager
Occrjo !' Dldwrll of tho Klkhorn yefciei'day
morning to dlaciifH the nrndo of thi Klkhorn
tracks In the north part of tho city. Tho
railway's tracks arc above the grado of
H'.ieels nnd Interfere wl'h improvomunU.
Mr. Bldv.cll raid It would ha Impossible for
the company to lower Its trucks without
making 11 cut for mcro than ".OHO foot. As a
compromise ho offered to pave and Im
prove the approaches to tho crossing at
Twenty. fourth street. This offer has been
taken under consideration
iiihtoii it ii.ito.n woitu.
('. ('. Cnlicrt of Nt; .l.ixi'iil. IliiKiiuci.
tMtli ICIiiiiIn (Vnlrnl.
C. C. Calvert, m'anaglng editor of the
Dally New 3. St. Joseph, .Mo., hns resigned
I his position to accept an agency with tin
clalni department of tho Illinois Central
rnllrciid. Mr. Calvert has been success
fully engaged In newtpnper work about fif
teen years, with the exception of 11 term
as deputy Cnltcd States marshal fcr tho
Gray Hair
Thousands of men anel women are turned out
of positions anil many (ail tosccure situations be
cause their gray hairs make them look old. This
need not be.
Way's HairHeafth
makes age halt nml keeps thousands In employ
ment because it takes years from their npparent age. HAIR-HEALTH will posi
tively restore pray, faded or bleached hair to Itn youthful color. It Is not a dye.
Its use cannot be detected. Equally good for men and women.
Ctri'inntu At forty my Ii air anil mu.Uche betn turnlns Cray. A friend en my road In.l h!
place became tin cray rial, made him look old-r than lie wai. Profiting ty In. experience, I becan
llnlr.llBl.l. ih ...itll lhai I tut lh .nrn .1 ..l-.l.. ...1., I,.t. ,l3 I l.a.l al
31 itato ne:i my Hiinan, aiuioi'n man
iy iKiiinon, annorj;n man younci
been diiinisierl
I ihank you ur my poiltKiri
Free Soap Offer
Cut out and 'fn rnnpnn in five Hay., take tt to any of tl, following dmcnliM and they will
rive jou a large I'ottle ot Hay's llalr-llenlth and a 25c, enke fif tlartlni flcdlcatcd hoap.
.'K ...',, w, till m , ,S, , , ,.HI .1, '.!- . , ,,, .1, I I 'I ,11,-. .,VW...H I'.M '
p lot Hal. Scalp Lompleaion, llatri and Toilet, liolli l r I'ltly centi reaular price, 75,,
hy leidlng drugtfliU everywhere at their shops only, ft ly inc I'hllo Day
1 Co , l.alayelf St , Newark, ,N J .rennet uuh or mtbout oap, ly eipre, prepaid,
Die i.e., pu.i iw, ,11 iivai), ,,u, iy,Tiuii,
Krdeemco ny
Sneclattlcs Co
in plam icaled, package on receipt ol fa- and I hit
Address ,,
Following Drug-data supply Hay' llalr
(IMAIIA-MIKHMA.N A .1i'CO.N.m;,I KHIi nml DoiIko, St'HAFr.R'P ORVO STOllK,
li'th and Chicago,
COI N4 II, HI.i.I'Fs-mokciaN 112 Hro.vlY.ay Dell.WKN, ZVi Central llroadwny,
UHOVVN, 52T Main, WHKLBV, 116 Ilroadwny.
Sixty Thousand Fres Consultations.
Fifty Tiiousanii Free Examinations.
Forty Thousand Gases of
Diseases and Disorders of Men Only
His entire professional life of TVHXTV-1X VKAWS Im
been jiiveii exelnsivel.v to the treatment of this class of disea.M
onl.v. Fifteen years in Omaha.
Q! ffffil DniQHM 1111 st,,s mul ''""'lit'""" t'uretl by a
OLUUU I UIOUm! treatment wliicli is far more satisfac
and successful than "Hut Springs" treatment ami at Ic .
disappear at once. A cure that
I we;lcrn district of Missouri, which ho
Hurvcu nrvojiiiiuiy uiion lliu iiiiiiiiiiinu 111 iuii
of the lato Oeneral Jo. O Shelby of con
federetc fame.
Mr Calvert will havo hendounrters In
Memphis. Tenn.. his work being on the
southern end of the IlllncU Central systom,
During his newhpnper career Mr. Calvert
has occuplid several Impnrtnnt positions
nnd has ranked nninng the best. His friend
predict that If he pu's the same nmount of
energy nnd tnlent In his new work thnt ho
nlways exercised In his newspaper life hi
will mako a success of the railroad busl-r-.-s.
INSTHI MKNTS filed for record Friday.
October 4, 1001:
Wnrrnnty I'pciIk,
Hardy Curry nnd wife to M K, Park-
iird. w'. lot 10. block F. I,mvi't odd .1 "M
II. M Whiting to M. F. MurrlM. lot 3.
1 block 3. Jotter's add 1
! H. S. Ilo.smor in Albertlnn Hvard. lot
i -.'0 and lot 19. block X Ames I'bice 3T.',
1 Mnrie riggers to J. 11. WcIho, 21 feet
I lot i. block South Omahi 1
I. (). rtroknw nnd wife to Hyrnn llecil
fompiinv lots 21 nud 22. block I. Or-
, ih.ird Hill I2-.
, First Niitlciual bunk to Nntlonnl Lund
' eompnnx, ), acres nt Klglitli nml
i Dorcns ctrot'ls In 2M5-13 1
Funic to K.'iino. n tnct In 2J nud 27-
ir.-1.1 r.2l
1 Siimc lo snino, snmo 624
Same to omnc, Intsl to 211, block 15; lotn
I 10 21, ldock 1U. Ilnpleton nml other
property 1
(lull Clnliu Dce-.ln.
Aug Dlekmnn nnd wife to I). F. Dock,
II 12 feet, lot 10 nnd s 12 feet lot II.
block 87. South Omaha I
Frederick Klein to Caroline Droesven
ot nl, Mirt lot 1 4, block' 5, Iinprove-
' moot iietiDclutlon add . 13 j
Sheriff to K. J. Ruest'l. lots 22, 23 and
21. block 7, ClnverJfilo odd ISO
Same lo W 11. lliihsell. lot rt. Moult 1).
Hnlinders & II. ' ndd 210
Murln ICggcrn. guurdlan. to ,1. If.
Wetso, H 21 feet lot . block Si, South
Omahii I.275
Totul iimoimt of irnnsforj ;i.-37
INfiTItl'MDNTH tiled for record Thursday,
October 3. I!W:
iirrmit.v Uot .1,.
I'. 11. Fnrnslej nnd wife tn Nlel: Fen
ger, s lo loot lotn 10 and 11, I.lndwiy'H
mill $ .V
It P Scott and wife tn l 8. -Me-Knight
t nl, executors, lot 2. b'ock
1, l'oster'H ilild lib
Scottish Investment company to Fred
Herman, lot in. block 3, Sherwood's
nub l.J
Annie Dwelley to T. O. .lt13n1no. lot
.1, lilock I', Lowe's ndd 173
N P. Jolinsen and wlte to John We
ber, part hw 2!t-17-13 t0
John Weber lo .1. II. Tulbot, 4 ncres In
rv 29-lrt-l.l .' 500
L. T. Pholps to D. I, C.onrge. lots IS
anil 13. block 1, Ames l'lnce S'Ai
H. S. Flor to Andrew Onderson, lot
4, block 7, C. K. Alaync's 1st oud to
Valley 2d)
I. ,M. Wlthrow lo Fllza Wlthrnw, tax
lot 2.i In 22-15-13 1
M. J. Monger to W, 8. Curtis. lots 13.
t4 and In. block 109. Dundee. Place.... 1
C. C. Miller unil wife t M. .1. Hur-
rlght. Hi. lot . block 3. Belvedere ndd 50X1
Unit rinlui ni-iMln.
Antone Fninke to Amalln Frniike, o'.ii
lot 2. block 2, lloppo's lloimnza sub 1
H. S. Flor to Andrew Anderieon, lot 4,
block 7, C IC. Mtiyne'H 1st add to
Vnllev 200
I. M, Wlthtow to Kllzn Wlthrow. 11 4'i
foot of h ISO foot lot 12. Barker'n al
lotment 1
Nobriisku Farm Land company to A.
F. Wcllner, lot 14, block ft, Itlversldc
add 1
CI It Williams, ndmlnlstriitnr. lo De
It T Stnmbiiugh. bu hv.' 3d nnd n1
tiw 31-15-13 SO
men, wno.o only latin iva ineir
men, who.o only fault wa Ihelr cray hair, hae
Good for 25c cake
mmj ,u,i., .'ut,, I . iiij , ,.,t..
nilHBAIiTCC At rer.on purcha.ln Itay'i Hair-Health
UUHnHN I EC anyhcie In ihe L. S. whn hat not teen
bcnehlett, may have hit money hack hy addteuins I'rllLO IIav
SririAiTii. Co.. ttu l.afaveiie St .Newark. N. I.
,RiJutt inlilttutti mill tn kavinf lloy'i llair.liUh.
- ltcalth and llarllna 5op In their shops oaly 1
is guaranteed for life.
Oil AHA, lirnKn
The ntity e'Oiiipiiii.i Inter
e-Moel In liilnalnc orndo oil
to tho Vorlli mul Wont for
fuel iin-p.i-p, )o .mi nnnt
I'lteniiei- I'm-1 f
United States Fual Oil Go.
I 11-11(1 Kiiclleeitl lliill.lltiK.
SI. I'niil, .Minn.
Stock 7 Cents Por Share.
".. U'tn I tin 11 100 Blinren
, Isaiip.l,
All (In the 11iiil;,.( .Scum,
Yoj Know About Hie Canm.i.
mm mm
H well known euro for PHeit
ThlKRalvecnnnot Iwcquallctl wlicrcvo,"
asoothlnnmid licalini; antisppticntip'.f
cation Is needed. ItqiiliiUly cures sores,
silts, burns nnd r-caldi wit hoM, leaving
a jcar. Fur plies, eczema nur ail Bkln
diseases It Is considered Infallible.
ewara of Ccwntopfolts
Unscrtipulous persons may offer yot
worthless Imitations. Take only f.ho or.
'(final Di'Vitt's Witch HazflKalvii
rNoit-r-r - -
25 lbs. Weighted Floor Brushes
Regular Prico .... $3.50
Cur Price $2 5C
15 lbs. Weighted Floor Brushes
Regular Prico
Our Price $1.50
These nro well mode IlriMhcs, nl'li rod-brldtlc-,
Btronn handle' nnd full nclRht
Cnll nnd inspect thorn.
I Itli nml lleiuuln Ma.
keclilereJ 1
A. Mayer Co., $
x 220 BEE BUILDING f't
OMAHA. W..8.
Phoiie 171. I
Re-No-May Powder
rlloT and curea All disorder or the (eat
Sue to e xceaalva pei-plrntlon.
Price 50 Cents.
Bold by druRctata and Klnvr dvali-ra every
where Ser.t by mall lot to additional ti
mvir ticiusi