THE OMAHA DAILY ME: HU3CDAY, SKl'TJiaiHEH 21). 1001. fcvnv to i.0A.-itt:.i. estate. POIt Ji.l,n RE L ESTATE. POIt I.U.K-ltr.AL PiJiTATE. POIl SAl.R Hll.W, ESTATE PATEXTS. nomli, Paxton nik. W-9,1 tBi J i 1AL fundi loam Jioo up; lowest , turvli. Uro pjoi Furnam. V-9ii Wvr fX PRIVATE money to lonni 1, i r years, w. L. Holby, Board of A mug, W-933 : hlnp.y n. payne. on. 2 n. y. ijm. W-183 JNEY to loan on Immevod Omaha rtal mtftto Lrci-nnn-i.ovi.- Co., ojO Mouth 13th. W-934 b I P (' money. m?. H. MEIKLE 401 8. 15th at., loam money B.oti residence property at 5 per cent. m i vv- tj RamfTtVA' I'tVATi: money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y.. L. IliiVATE money. P. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas, w vy, k AND 8 PER CENT -It. C. Pattcrnn. 810 Now York Life. W-MI39 o?l MO.M5Y T) I.OAX CHATTELS. P-AHGEST BUSINESS In LOANS TO SALARIED people, merchants, team- steis. bearding houses, etc., without So rnrtiv! easiest terms! 40 nfnrig lti nrlnel- pal cities. Tolmau, 4lu Board of TrudJ Bldg. X-Wfl h.OANS ON SALARIES, PLIltNlTCIlK. I llv stock, etc. UUlck service nnd lowest S rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYI.OE. 633 (top i n or) J'axton block, northeast corner jgtn ana lrntnam, emiuhco on JUtli street, f X-OOCl "DID THE CARNIVAL BREAK YOUr Salary Loans To honest working pcoplo on their plain note. DON'T (JET POOLED by others. Outs arc lowest rates given to HUiurlcd people. Easiest payments, Strictly coutldentlaL RELIABLE CREDIT CO-, Room -CJ, third floor, 1'axton Block. X-311 HONEY l?;m,d on plain note to salaried people; business confidential; lowest rates, raxton u:ock. mo J. A. liutlou Co, X-901 HONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows. Jewelry. Duff Green, It, 8, Darker blk HONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, nnrscs, cows, etc. c. r. Keen, sia . u. X 661 M-O-N-E-Y-T-O-L-O-A-N -O-N Furniture nnd Plnnos. Horses, Wagons and Carriages. Also on HA LA HIES, You get the money on short notl 'e. You receive the full nmoint In cash. You may keep It om month or morn. You pay for only what time you tecp It. Our rates ure as low as the lowest. fJur business Is Jur motto Is, "Try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Hoard of Trade llldg., Tel. 2:'95, '.Established 1&32.) W H. lGlh St. X IM TELL mo what you have to sell, Tell me what you wnnt to buy, If 1 do not llnd you n deal You may say I never try. J, II. Johnson, bll N. Y. Life. 'Phnn L 2770. The real estato and buslncrs chnnco man. Y--MGI0 1,TI HA f .M mtnnU nf imtinrnl mnri'hnndlse: invoico about jlii.uinij casn sales, nauy; Investigation solicited. Address II 1. IWe. I Y M831 29' RANCH to lease; 1.000 acres, nil fenced and Toss-fenced, 230 acres under cultivation; line new house, largo barns, cribs, sheds OLD, ESTAI1L1SHED corporation has a profit-sharing offer to a business man ublo to Invest $1.00) nnd take responsible position with thu company paying J3 0M per annum, highest commercial references given nnd required. Address SscieUry, Hox &7, Pittsburg, l'u. Y IP YOU havo J25 or ISO to Invest send for particulars how you can receive a nice weekly Incomu In the best nnd most succcsniui investment, aiciropouian ex change, 1932 Park Row Iildg., Now York. V JUO -J' STATE rights for snle; patent Just Nailed; demand now nheud of sunnlv: chance ot life time; write nt once. Snfety Hoof Bhicld Co., ill K I m Ht., xs'ew yotk. Y'-M33l 02 MONEY enn bo made. Send for our book of now Ideas on stock nnd grnln trading. Hco 1' lower & Co. s advertisement, tlnnnciul page. Y 333 29 HONEST speculation; make your money earn n steady Income: $25 unwnrds In vested with us will earn 20 per cent to 30 per cent monthly, payable every 15 days; send for our new book, "Successful Sys tematic Speculation," mulled free; tells linw tn niK.rntn mi thn irrnln mnrknt with out loss; highest commerclul, financial and succcssiui customer roierences. rreuericKi E. Parker, llroker. 155 La Salle St.. Chi- cago. Y-332 29 BUY' whent and com, both will sell higher. Send order at once. Write for book "Suc cessful Speculation," free. J. 1C. Com- biock Co., Trailers- Hlilg,, Chicago. Y-319 29' WYOMING DRUG STORE for sale. Doing Immense huslness. but must sell on te count of Ill-health; $G.C00 cash takes stock and building. Don't answer this unless you hnve the money and mean business. H Is certainly a snap. Address, Drug mure, v.uro uxnnru iioioi, rsorroiK, Neb. Y iilJU U-l nUSINESS CHANCE. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO GET INTO HUBINESS WITH SMALL f!API TAIy Wo offer for sale $0,500 stock In a well established manufacturing buslnees In Omnhn, The proceeds from snlo of stock goes Into tho treasury to Inorento volumo of budness. Five thousand inn chines sold by leading Omaha hardware compnny In two years. Trade Increasing. Two good men can be used In olllce nnd qnp on ins ronti selling machines. Splcn lia opportunity for party with mall capital to get into established business compnny has no nihilities, Call or wr:to 1110 i-iiinam to,, uii-u N. Y. Life Iildg., for particulars. Y 121 "9 CASH paid tor stocks of merchandise con- nmwiiK "i cinuung. ury goods, slloos, groceries nnd hardwnro. Address S. S. uiiutis, j'nri uoiuus, colo. Y 121 29 PHOTOGRAPH gallery to rent, In good location. Address box 221, David Cltv. Y-MI20 & FOR SALE, good bakerv. doinir A I hnl. ness. Address C. C. Wolf, 611 Court St., iiTjaince, nco. Y M407 OI FURNITURE d:" V.r ro'orn; 'VB Z equipped; good rea Johnson, Y-M132 FURNITURE of S-room house, desirably located for roomers. Lady going away; for sale cheap. Good opportunity, J. II, uoniison, n. 1 . litre. Y .MW." FURNITURE nf 15-room modern Hat, com nlotelv enntnncd. tlnn Incntlnn. full firm class roomers und boarders; parties leav ing city, 11 bargain. 'Phono L-227i. .1. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life, Y MJ FURNITURE of ll-room. well equipped, finely located flat! I'M monthlv Income: roomers nnd boarders; ftirnne bent: rent $10. Lndy ndvanced In year1" going eiiit to reside. No rensonublrt offer rejocted. Her loss, your gain. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. liiie. y mk: TO THE PUHL1C IN GENERAL: Time will not admit of mo glgvlng you a list nf what I havo for sale or exchange, but sufllce It to sny, I havo Just what yon aro looking for. Write, 'phono or call upon mo and I wlr vindicate mv state ment. J. H. Johnson, Sit N ' Life. Phono l-;.'iu. YSilV FOR SALE, stock of general merchandise, nil mnnln uniiils: best nooning for biml. ... ,n l. tn,l. ...Ill nl... Ill'DI III 11111 nw", ,,111 iuiiu eastern Nebraska lnnd or good paper In part payment. Addrers H. R, Cowdiry, Leigh, Neb. w vi" , 1 1 - FOR SALE On account of tho Inllrmltles nf old nge, tho seconunntid business, or John Eusden at J niumniis. Nen. 1 sen siock nnu iiiiiiuiiis ui nun ui- biik- and rent thn building. Address. Decher. Hockenbergcr & Chambers. Cormibus, NCI) Y-M3S3-0-5 nnd yards; good RrasH, plenty ot runmng : " V1,''!,, A. VXZ oVinr'J natcr. 700-ncro pasture; on South Imp. ))M.rJ nAJlv,'$nu& six miles from St. Paul, Neb.: rent for ftMft&'l? ,?IIr"1 niyivrt .h?iM term of years. Address E. M. Chadwlck. IP.', JJ,AWn "L.J ?nC,,, ui inni v.i, v m"" ri OAK PINIbH, doors on nrst tloor hanu- Ht. lain, .-sen. l-.Al.,. UI enrved. 3-INCH MAPLE PIXJOIt IN THE COM PORTA RLE Income assured from In- q house, city wnter. vestment IIOO; wo accept $10 Just for trial; jtepts $42 per month. Price. $3,200. Mort profits paid weekly by money order; h'gh- gno $2,000 due, 3 years, 5 per cent. Pays est commercial references nnd (by per mission only) from customers, iieo let free.. W. W. O'Hara, Union Trust V11, .incinnaii, vniu. i-mi .j msi.Miss ciiAxcns. RARE npportjnlty for Bmnll Intcstment that will not large return. A new com pany working un old dividend-paying (told mine, formally rinsed by owner's death, wntits more capital at once to In fini Mead) prod'irtlnn. Stock sold cheaply for cash or Installment. Kull Investigation welcomed, and your money buck with 8 per cent Interest If you visit the mines this year and are dlsatlsrifled. Write for engineer s report, views, etc , 'barter Oak itlnes. Box 1012. Denver, Colo. Y-33S TWO mining men wnnt not exceeding lltO month, living expensed, to prospect and secure gold and copper mines In I'tnh and Arizona; bank references. Hox 769, Den ver, Colo. Y"jL L COST paid for stocks of merchandise con sisting or clothing, dry goods, shoes, cro cerles and hardware. Address, H. Ji. Child, Tort Collins, Colo. Y-36.-29 PATENTS! Iarge potent book mailed free. Gives many new points nnout patents, i-icscrincs ana Illustrates new mechnnlcil movements. big book fh he. Suggests what to Invent for profit, and givis novice nnout selling patents. FREE opinion as to patentability. OMEARA & CO., Putent Attornevs. Ki O St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Y-IS2 :9 LIST of business chances, 2c. National liiisiness exchange, 1G25 Champa, Den ver, Colo, Y 331 :o PAKE mining stocks do you own them7 bend for sample copy Western Mining Index, containing list latest mining news und valuable Information. Index Pub, Co., Pox 1012. Denver, Colo. Y--3U 29 roit e.vciuxce. TO EXCHANOE. LEADINO HOTEL, heated by steam, In northwestern iow.i town oi i.b'j; want good cattle ranch. Johnson Hros. Co- Armour, S D. '.-M220 :o EXCHANOE, small lot and 7-rnom house, located on good business street, close In, exchange for farm. Address II 37, Hee. i on s.ti,i:-m:,M, estate. H. C. PETEHS & CO.. 1702 Farnam Street. DWELLINtl HOUSES. "i"0 ,, u , -..... V ..1 -A . nniy iw casn, naiuuce .MU.Mlll.l l'Al- J11..MS. A HAHOAIN. No 2021 Corby St.. fi-room house, price only wju; a.MAi.i, cash i'avjikm, balance 1D per month. HETTEH CALL US CP MONDAY morning; this Is a goou bargain 9-room house, ALL MODERN, paving taxes iiiuy nam; price, only touu casn, uai nnco monthly. 6-room house at 4017 No. 23th street, with bath, ga, marble washstnnd, nickel-plate nlumbliig, hnnl oil Mulsh, good cellar and in every respect a complete little home, Hunt by owner for a home two years ago, Price. J2.2W. .u. u-rouin iiiiunc, iiurui buh.', iu car line, diiiii, Kan ciunei, kouii utiiii, smuii I rims in itounuancc, juo tcei soum frontage, nleo shade trees; prlco reduced 10 1,7W. THIS IS ail liACKLL.U.NT UAH- OAIN. KITCHEN, 6 bedrooms. Inrgo closets, line fruit cellar with cupboard built In wall, cement lloor, GOOD HAKN. Tills Is an ELEGANT HOME nnd It Is A HAHOAIN, No. 151-8 rooms, ALL MODEnN, FINE REUKPTION HALL and MTAIIICABK oak finish, Including Moors, only Vt block rrom tarnam Ht. Excellent opportunity to purchase a nice home. No. 6.1S 10-room huuso at 1134 South 30th Ave., all modern, reception hall, mantels, gas logs, lino basement witn launary, siu ttonnry tubs; price reduced to 1(1,500. 10-room house. LAHOE RECEPTION HALL, FINE HTAIKCABE. OaK Ilnisn. Inrgo butler's pantry, asphalt paving all urgii porcli, lino lawn and shade, built 6 or 6 yeara ago, excollunt repair. This house Is located NORTH OF HANSCOM PARK and must bo seen to be appreci ated. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY to got a nice home. FAn.M LANDS. 160 acres I1LACK LOAM, clay subsoil, SO ncres In cultivation, nil fenced, prlco only 120. This Is a OOOD HAHOAIN, as land Is located In EXTREME EASTERN NE- I1RA3KA. 160 acres rich black loam, gently rolling pnuriu mim, nnu unifim, juui.-i i-u,, lillllU iuill. lint, j.i.i.v-i rnska. A bargain at $33 per acre. b Wh also have lurue list of lands In SOUTHEAST Dakota only lis miles rrom Nebraska stnte line, can son any size farm desired, Soil rich black loam, very nrodiictlvn and It Is located In the rnln belt. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY'. Excursion rates next week. R. C. PETERS & CO., Telephone MS. Ueo Hulldlng. RE-393 29 HUY A HOME. Sl.900-7.rnom house, cas. bath, closet, hot and cold water, run lot, in west pari or city, near Farnam car lino; owner left i'Iiv und must bo sold Monday. Il.floo fi-room cottnge, well and cistern, two full lots, good repair, locuieu on urauu Ave., near 32d St. $1,000 5-room cottage, city water, collar nnd Bliaue, neur iowi nun niunrr bucuic MONTHLY PAYMENTS. No. 112 Near 41st. on Parnnm. full lot, small square 1111:1, uounio pariors, tuning room nnd kitchen, back stulrs, 4 or 5 bed rooms, ull modern, shade trees and barn, st.7f,0. easy terms. . . No. 121-On 41st St., nenr Hurt, full lot. east front, pavcu sirfei, o i-uuhid mi moi floor, second lloor not Mulshed, room for four rooms, ull modern, laundry In bese- ment, $2,500. ix. ,,.,,, $250 for 3 cast front vacant lots, located in jtiuaisnn oiimi. $630, vacant lot on Eariinm, near nt. YO Will P"y lots '.aylne together. Flro insurance. Houses for rent. Mlll.Vlt.1V nt lilinon, Tel. 1412. tKM live Bldg. 1C1' RE 3G5 29 HOUSES nnd lots In all parts oi jit;-; also acre properly uu mrw ianu. no Davis Co., Room 552 Uco Uulldlnir HOUSES and lots , all parts of city : also RE-971 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam ,St. Ili ill 1 WE HAVB on hand at all times selected nrst morigusra un uhijiuicu m LV. to 6 per cent. Call and see us. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Main lloor, New York Life Hldg. RE-M40S 30 FARMS. C. P. HARRISON, 913,'. Y. Life. ntlK.VT HARGA1N CUMING ST. For n few days I offer 22x150 on Cuming St.. witn oneoiory iruiuu uuiuung, ni ine extraordinary low figure of $750. Rented for $8 nnd with somo repnlrs wo.ild bring $15. Suitable for laundry, grocery, shop, small factory or could be changed to residence. Heo me nt once, GEORGE O. WALLACE, Brown Ulock. RE 187 -per TltllKE-ONn-POUR. HARRISON 11RJI' V!l RANCH and farm lands for sale by the Union Pnrinc Railroad company, H, A. McAllaster, lnnd tMmmUslnner. Union Pa- cine licauquanvra, wiiian, .-.uw RE-972 lini'GLAS COUNTY FARM. Rest bargain In county, of 320 acres, clolo to town; over 200 acres finest level land; lair improvements; goon orcuuru. rriep, ... Fo'r ..,.. Bftl-. mlht hmi- We have been nil over tho land. Rents for 1 yrnr. n. v. SHOLES CO,, 310 N. X, Life. Tel. S29, u' D,,u "' "u ' jKlM2(lt J9 TWO 6-room houses, city wnter. 15 per cent on Investment. Located con "j.'H. PARROTTE, lth and Dodge. IintSES AND LOTS. FARMS AND RANCHES. Do you want to buy. or do. you want to sell? If so cull upon or telephone th GEORGE P. HEMLS REAL ESTATE CO., Telephone fiw. rarton mom. HOUSES AND LOTS. CLOSE IN, paved street. B-room house. nam room anu inrgp jmniry, Darn, gooa nelchbnrhood. ONLY J.'.ti"). HERE IS ANOTHER OOOD ONE. near 4'Jtn ami cuming sis,, a line s-room house, laundry, bath, t;ns, city water, furnace with hot and cold water connections, hardwood finish, two mantles, storm win dows und screens, east front. COST IS.C00. In good condition. IF SOLD SOON $3,700. NONE HETTER for the price. A beautiful 9-rqnm nouso on two line lots, shade nnd fruit trees, nice barn, everything up-to-date. In the WEST FARNAM district. If sold nt nnro tin mo Other homes In all parts of the city, loca- nun una kiuu ot improvements governing price, but every one good value. lii:sini:Ti'. i.otm We have this week two lots which belong io non-resuent owners who nre atixio is to Hell. Kpft thorn nnil mnWn lti nn rtttff. Fine lots near car line, from $75 to J2W acn, o nown nnd $5 per month, uincr fine lots $) each, $10 down nnd $10 per month. We have some line West Farmitn lots, from ll.SW to $3,000 ench. Other lots In all parts of the city, prlco according to location, WE TtAVn A rPSTOMKIl For about an So-ncre farm within 25 miles or umahn. with fair Improvements that Is reasonable In price. PAHMH. Close to Omaha, 110 acres, 5-room house. goou condition, picket rence. barn for 6 hend und corncrlb, with driveway be tween; loft holds so tons hay, gronnry GO) bushel capacity; cowshed for 20 head, chicken house nnd other smnll buildings, nil fenced and cross-fenced, INVESTI GATE. $.!Wp0. 101 acres In Seward county, Nebraska, 110 acres uniier cuuivntion. bnlnnco pnsturn nnd hay land; good house, stable and out build ngs, now Iron windmill, consldernb'e Small milt. A nrnt.xtnnu rnrm i! inn VlJ-ATa AN" "RAIN FARMS OF A LI, ii?'SKAi. JOWA, MISSOURI, ETC. It 1 1 E j S. Tt A vntt.-a 32rt acres In Holt county. Nebraska. 40 acres uiiui-i uiiuvnimn, nne meadow, mostly tame grass, plenty of timber, the best of water, Inrgo barn, house and grnnnrv. s n f100!!"! f 1oor hcalt" owner will WE HAVE OTHEItH IN RVF.nv nt.-. COUNTRY0 U AZINa SKCTI0N OV T,IK IMVPOTMt'VTO This week wn have it good proposlllon for .. .. " v:ul." or cash, Your In- VeStlLflltlnn HntlltAt 41'r,T,CUXIiN,T mo'ney TO LOAN ON CIMUTY. nEAI" ,:3TATR SE- AI.SO WRITE FIRE INSURANCE GEORGE I'. JIEMIS I ' E A I , E STATE CO . , Telephone tSo. Paxtnn Illock. RE-127 29 NOW Is the time to buy you n fnrm, If you Want tO 12Pt liriMU.. Jtlnn In tl. Bi,.ln No. 40S-S0 acres G miles from South Omnhn, 7j iiiiiu iiuin sinuoii, as acres cultivated, balanco blue grass nnd clover, good 9 room house nnd barn, well fenced, run hlnp water and springs, prlco $3.S00; owner S,Jutn.lt0 "mc in Omaha worth about $2,000. time will be given on bnlancc. no, vv sio-ncre farm In western pnrt of v..irn uuuiuy m miies trom station, nil good, level land, 210 ncres under cultiva tion, 30 acres pasture, running water, good nouso and corncrlb. soil hlack loam, $50 iici item; pnri casn, oaianco timo nt a low rate of Interest, no. 4ii 450 acres In Stanton county, 3G0 acres in cultivation, izn hay land, new house nnd barn, $30 per acre; terms to nun; wo acres joining, nearly nil in pns tUre. irnod soil, nt 121 nor nnrn No. 31 C7 acres In Washington county at $4j per aero. No. X,-m ncres In Washington, 14 miles irum Bullion, io per acre. ltAMHIi Huy you a ranch, you can stock It ren- soiiamy now. No. 106 1.120-nero ranch In Ttnlt pmmtv. running water, price $4,000; sufficient free lungn 10 miiKC x,4uo ncres. No. 407 I0 acres, well Imiirnved. within miles Of station In Plerc cnunlv. iilmnut level. $15 per acre. This Is n bargain. No. 412 1.530-acrn ranch In Vnlley county, Ncbrnska. on the North Loup rlvor. Im proved and contains hny and pasture lands and flno farming lnnds, $10 per acre. No. 413 2,0S0-ncro rnnch In Keya Paha Co. No. 414 1,120-Qcre ranch In Plcrco Co., Im proved. W havo land in nenrly every county In tho state. If you want land we can find Homctning to suit you. Flro Insurunce. Houses for rent. SHIMER & CHASE, 601 nee llldg. Telephone 1442. RE 301 29 A SNAP IN FARM LAND. 610 ncres, nix miles north of Pierce. No brnska, nnd llvo miles southeast of Os mond: nil good soil, about half fairly smooth nnd half medium rolling; two sets of small frame buildings; 2 good wells, 2 fenced pastures of 30 ncres each and bnlanco under cultivation; will turn off $4,000 worth of small grnln nnd corn this year. Prlco until January 1st, 1902, $25 nor acre for one-half or nil. Wo havo over 200,000 acres for sale In northeast Nebraska, whore crop failure i uiiKiinwii, comprising improved nnd wild lnnds, from $3 to $50 per acre, and ranging In size from a 40-acre farm to a 3.000-ocro ranch. Anyone desiring land for n home or Invest ment win nnu 11 to their interest to call 1111 or wruci us. TRACY & DUR LAND, Norfolk, Nebrask.i RE 112 29 IP YOU want to buy anything; IP YOU wnnt to sell anything; IF YOU want to trade nnvthfnir! Seo us. for wo make n specialty of locat ing YOU. We havo a flno 19-acra fruit farm, with all kinds of fruit, eight miles from the postotllce, only $2,000. A snip. Also $000 grocery stock, with fixtures, to sell or trade for city property. Geo. F. Plcrco Real Estate Co., 1812 Wob- bt si. RE 425 I9 $15 PER ncro for 206 acres, Sarpy county bottom land, nenr IjiPlntfp $30 per ncro for 103 acres nlno miles north ui uinanii i'. u. : irooii rnr rpnif B0 ncres smooth Sarpy county upland, fair .(ji u , i-iiit'inn, (iiiuh fl.OW. ncres N. 21th st., south of Miller park. cars will soon n.l.H thl nrnnrlv 11 cm 8pm!F-SNYpl$i;lo)!"foot Iot' pavl'nB" fu'ly 4339 Franklin st..' slic-room house, high nnd sightly, nenr car line, $i,:oo. 90S 8. 20th St.. Ilvp.rnnm l,,,o n cvi 672 8 . 27th St., six-room house, int'rnvin feet, prlco 2.700. N. E. corner 2Gth nnd Cuming sts.. two houses, lot 53xSl feet. SUBMIT OFFER 1143 and 1143 N. 17th St.. 60x140 feet, mtv ng paid, chpnp at $2.fi30. i"k "!n, !Pr. " rnw of 1,rlcl buildings, ground 100x111 feet, rental $1,350 per year. h,uu"u u. i. I' liKiSiiisu, OPP. OLD P. O. RE 434 29 AVE HAVE POME OF THE R EST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED FOR THIS WEEK. NEAR LAKE school, on boulevard. 7-room iimmi, wain, niMt.'r. KHB, goou renalT easily worth $2,000. Price, only $l,C30. ORCHARD HILL, 7-r.. modern excent heat Hnr .l,n,lA In, KrWlin ' ., -.VI . . 1 n,,iMV, iui w.-wuu, mi 1,IV, iV ll. G A I N CAPITOL IIILU near High school. 7-r.. water, sewer, gas, siiRiie, $i,0"o, SNAP. Vinton nnd 231, 6-r.. water, gas, paving paid, convenient to Omaha or So. Omaha, nnd only $1,100. 5-r., lot 45x120, Vi blk. from enr, IS50. NEAR HANSCOM PARK, nnd Just west of Park ave., we havo n 9-r. residence In flno condition; hns porcelain hath, closet, miirblo wnshstand. pni, small new barn, lawn. lot 50x116. Til 18 PROPERTY' OUGHT TO BRING $3,500. but owner wl'l accent almost nnv nrlce offprprt ililu wrek, DON'T FAIL TO LOOK AT IT AT ONCE AN D TELL US WHAT Y OU WILL GIVE. SWEET & HEADLEY. Tel. 1172. 611 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-366 29 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. J. A. PAINTER, Salesmnn. RE-40? 29 LOTS, :stn ana win i-airmont Place, on favorablo terms. Allrsts F. II. Kapnen, IK West Water sl Milwaukee. Wis. HE A NEWLY furnished 10-room house, all rooms renten; nne locntinu; leaving city; nouso rent cnenp. u in, uec. RE-M317 OP 3tl9 HURT ST., G rooms, full lot, $1,000,(0. Tho Uyron Reed Co., 212 So. llth St RE-D01 t THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY. 1J"I DUl GI.AS ST REE I . UPSTAIRS. IN TIIK PAST SI'.VI'V MONTHS WE HAVE SOLD HD,U.) WORTH OP REAL ESTATE IN SMALL PARCELS AND WD HAVE LEFT OVEIl FIFTY HUl.SES and lots and fully as many vacant lots. OUR PRICES ON THIS PROPERTY MlE MADE REGARDLESS OP COST AND THE PROPERTY SIMPLY MUST HE SOLD THIS FALL. IF YOU ARE 'SEEKINO A HOME OR A PLACE TO lil'll, I) CALL AND SEE US AND GET ONE OF OUR PRINTED CATALOGUES. wo nave sold this month 120 acres or our land two miles north of Florence nnd wc hnvu threo 40-acre tracts left nt $30 per acre. We claim there Is no cheaper lnnd In Douglas county. Tho timber on It nlotiu will pay for the land. IMPROVED PROPERTY". $3,000 Two-story, 10-room house, nil mod ern, not water healing, newiy paint! nnd papered, corner lot, near nth and centpr. $2,500 Eight, room modern house on Fran cis street, near 33d. line shade tres, south front on alley, one block from Hnnscom nark. This house and the next described below nre the greatest flllnfia In thn Ifnh.rnm nuflf illblrlt $2,200 Seven-room house on 34th slreet, near Pruncls. two blocks from Han- scorn park. $1,500 Two small houses on corner with lot 100x95, both streets paved and room for a nlen eottiii?n. $1,G10 Attractlvo live-room cottnge, newly pninicii nnu repaired, witn small cot tage In rear, on North ISth street, near Chirk slrppt. $1,750 Pine eight-room modern house nnd two lots, mixioo, nil nicely shaded nnd on paved street. The owner of this property wns offered $5,100 for It last winter. $i),000 Por large two-story modern hous, lacing soutn on cass street, near zm, with lot nim. 6,000 For large twelve-room mansion nnd goou imrn, racing so.itn on Davenport street near 2i)th. ' Lot fi0xl32. J2.000 Good, tlve-room houe. two stories, cast ironi on .id street, near ciar:t, lot OIxllO. This Is an unusually large lot and there Is plenty of room for another house. $2,750 Two-story house, seven roonn, with 101 (wxhu, witn west rront on 20th slreet. nenr Grace. 11,200 Six-room house with brick basement. wiin 101 wxijii, racing enst on :7th street, near I'nmileton nvennp. $1,500 Two-story double house, all modern, witn s teet on zfttn street, on corner lot, one block south of Crelchton col lege. There Is room for nnotner house ON nnmp Int. 12,750 Two-story ten-room house with barn and 101 wxi.s, on Hamilton street and 2:') th. near Hantlst church. $1,100 Five-room cottage on Porker street, near ijui, witn 101 ujxi',',v teet. $tt- Four room cottage on Pacific street near 22d. 1 $S00 Three houses und two lots on corner of 33th unit Deentur. $2,000 Attractive live-room cottnge. with lot ouxhu reet, on s. wtn street, near Center. .2,200 House and lot, same ns above, with smnll brick store on same lot. I2.G00 Small cottage on North 2Uh street witn three and one-nnit ncres of grojnd, all level nnd lluely shaded. This Is a whole addition all platted nnd can bo sold In lots by tho pur chaser. UNIMPROVED PROPERTY". $1,200 Very attractive, well shaded lot, on corner incing west on Miierman ave nue, nenr Hurdette street. 50x132. $1,000 For 2 feet, east front, on 25th street, near farnam. Tnis is tne nest lot for the money In tho Farnam street district and very deslrnblo for a home or flats. $3,600 For so feet, north front, on Fnrnnm, nv is? teet uecp. Tnis is nn ideal place tor flats and Is the cheapest nroncrty on Farnam street. $3,100 For 9G feet, south front, on Douglas street, oy its on iitn. this is n sightly, graded lot. In good neighbor hood, with room for three cottages. 13,250 Flno corner lot. with handsome snaue trees, T3XS2 rert, east front, on 25th street, near Davcnnort. $3,500 Four lots on corner of Lowe nvenue nnd Hurt street. $W Each, two lots, facing north on Cali fornia, nenr 30th, each 60x130. $90ft Corner lot, 51x111 feet, facing south on Cns, corner Lowe nvenue. $500 Each, three well shaded lots, on grnde, nenr Vinton, on Bancroft nnd 15th. $700 For enst front lot. 50x150, on 27th street. Just north of Ponnleton nvenue. $S0O Each for two lots facing enst on 2Sth street, near Shirley, each 50x150. $450 Finely shaded lot, 50x166, facing west on 31th, near Davenport. $300 For south front lot on corner 36th nnd Cnss. &0xu8. $700 For 67 feet, cast front, on SGth street, between I.savcnworth nnd Jackson. $425 For lot 42x103. nn 23th street, be twecn Mnnle and Hlnnev. $700 North front lot, G6xl32, on Jnckson street, nenr 3.itn. IN ADDITION TO THE AROVE WE HAVE A LONG LIST OP IMPROVED PROPERTY AND PINE RESIDENCE LOTS ON FARNAM STREET. CALL ANU HEE UUli CATALOGUE. RE-317-29 BUY YOUR HOME BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR COAIi. We have on hnnd now a carefully selected stocic ror (lie fall TRADE. The ex pcrlenco of the last two years has tnught us that tho busy season In our line Is before the winter's stock of coal Is put Into the cellar. Come In nnd tako your pick or our best bargains before tho s'ock is depleted. In really deslrnblu little modern homes we offer something choice in overy pnrt or tne city. 60GS-NORTHWEST-New 6-room cottngo nt sail ami fuming. Tnst.v in ties gn. in side as well as nutelde, and with nil modern Imnrovements. THREE adjoin INO IT HAVE BEEN SOLD WITHIN THE LAST 1'KW MONTHS, Right n' Junction of two car lines and IN BEMIS PARK. 1997-SODTHWEST-Here Is something larger and liner. Corner lot nnd 9-room nil modern residence, splendidly finished, on Georgia nvenue, one block from Iienv enworth. Convenient to the city, among Choice Residences, and close to Hnnscom park car line. This Is also a NEW house. Prlco. $6,500. 151G-SOUTH-And here Is a genuine bar gain, No. 2202 South llth street, one block from Farnam rtreet enr line, high ground ana n nice part or town ror n home. Six room, nil modern house, with Furnnce, Mantel and Grate. Price, onlv f mo 50S9 NORTH 2013 Ohio st. Houso hM 7 rooms nnd hall nnd pantry; modern (ex cept furnnce), with porce'aln bnth, martlo wahhstaud. hot nnd cold water, gns nnd fixtures, cemented cellar, cnnl bin, etc , and a PINE PORCH AND BRICK WALKS. All in flno repair. Price, $2,500. Mortgage. $1,000 at 5 nor cent. REMEMBER THAT THE CHEAPEST AND CHOICE8T VACANT LOTS IN THE CITY ARK IN BEMIS PARK AND KOUNTZE PLACE. Wo offer nl.n. 1326-Three lots, 50x142 each, half hlock cast of Lowe avenue, for $600 and $700. 1441-60-foot lot on the hill, 35th and Dnven- pun, small ironi, PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main Floor Ncw York Life Hldg. RE-349 19 FOR SALE, now 7-room modern hou'e. oniy jj.otw. New iu-room modern, oik finish, electric lights, cor. lot, only $4,600. R. P. Hamilton, 1712 Furnam. RE-296 29 160 ACRES rolling. Vi miles from Omaha, UUI.--IIUI1 in uiiiiiviiiiiui, naiance limner, good stock farm. $13.00 ner nnri. The Hyron Reed Co.. 212 So. 14th St. RE-299 2J OWNER old. must sell mortgaged Y'ork farm; no trano uox .m, York, Neb. RE- 42 ACRES garden nnd fruit land, 2 mllea north of Florence, good 6-room house, built five years; barn, cow stable, wagon shop, threo chicken houses, hog house and crib; several acres In gropes, apples, plums, cherries, rtspberrles and straw berries, 27 ncres In cultivation: balanco In hocond-growth timber that has been thinned out nnd now used for pasture; can ho cultivated when broke; $,000.u0, terms to suit. Tho Hyron Reed Co., 212 So. llth St. RE-3O0 :9 EXCURSION TO SILVER HILL. ALA BAMA Will leave Omaha on the 1st dav of October nl 5:15 n. m. from tho Union stntlnu over the Wnbosh and Mobile & Ohio railroads, If you wnnt to buy 40 ncres or more land cheap nn easy terms, nn Interest tn pay nnd no taxes to pay until the lnnd Is paid for; good climate, good water, good market for your prod ucts, no cold winters, lumber cheiin. There are now 128 northern families living In this vicinity who would not come north under nny circumstances, ir you want to no this trln nlense call or write to .1. A. Lovegren, 421 Pnvton block, Omaha. Free fares to purchasers of 40 ocres of land, RE-4II 29 tiieTmieapest LOT in omaha! On N. 30th St , one block from end of Dodge St. car lino, 60x130: ttreet pnved nnd pnving pnm in run; cost owner ll.ox); can sen tor au.i. The Hyron Reed Co., 212 So, 14th St. RE-302 29 7-ROOM, all modern house. .".520 Dortce St. CLARKE POWELL, 'Phone ML 420 Ncw York Life, RE-W POIt 1M.E-nr. L P.5TTP.. Philip Potter Geo. Forgan. John N lUskell. POTTER. POROAN & HASKELL. 420-421 New York Llft Hulldlng. SPECIAL HARGAINS $l,100.(rt-Htiys nn eight-room lious" on South Sixteenth street, neiwcen worcus nnd Mnrths, rent for J132.0O a year, and the lot alone Is ft.lly worth the price wo ask. l,2r).00-Tnks n lot 00x163 nt 20th Pierce streets, with two cottages, one px rooms and one live room', both n. way rented; brick, pernviu;ht sidewalk. This is a bargain. $I,C0.00 Huys a five-room houtc, new th s year, all moaern save iiirnacr, rents for $201.00 per year. It Is No. 1S0S Maple street. We sold No. ISik? nt same price last week. It Is 11 big paving Investment or a eiuy little homo for you. $1,SV).00-A live-room cottage. No, '-f'U N. ISth street, modern except turnnce, rents for $210.00 per year. A v ry pleasant home for it small faml y or a choice Investment, paying full 10 per cent on your money. $2,60). 00 Huys n six-room cottnge, nil mod ern, witn turnace nnu goon n'irni No. IUS North l!th street. It .s worth your Investigation. Call nnd let us show you the property. In come from property, $330.00 por an num. $2,100.00 Takes a live-room cottage, all mod ern except furnace, no. vj i.ocusi street. Rents for $20.00 per month. Examine It and you will buy for 11 home or for nn Investment. It w:il pay you well. $3,600.00 A seven-room house nil modern, witn nne lot in West Fnrnnm rtreet district, owner has been holding nt $1,000.00. but has agreed to let us offer this property nt $3,500.(10, $1 cash, balance on time to suit purchaser. $7,500.00 An attractive house, modern, wl h nine rooms, two blocks from Far nam street and west of 32d Ave.; south front, nenrly new, beauti fully finished In qunrter-sawed oak, mantels, good barn; It Is n very deslrnblo house. $9,000.00 Huys a new, modern, ten-room house on the finest street In the West Fnrnnm district. Hot water heat and everything up-to-date. $S,600.00 Takes a ten-room modern house. build for a home, owner leaving the city, wishes to sell. Every thing desirable, shade trees nnd good neighborhood. West Farnam street district. $2,600.00 Huys ono of the flnest lots in West farnam street district, two blocks from Farnam street, with taxes paid, Including special taxes; two lots adjoining It were sold last week nt same price, nnd there nra only two left. You cannot dupli cate it in tho city. $2,500.00 Takes a flfty-foot on Woolworth avenue, just west or 32d streot, one of tho most Rightly lots In the cl:y. We have a special bargain placed In our inuiiiH ior snie in rarm lands; 1G0 acres In ashlngton county, seven miles north of Hlnlr and two and one-half miles trom Herman; fair house, living water, nil Im proved, with 20 ncres of blue grass pastur nge. Only $10.00 per ncre, one-third cash, balance on time, to suit purchaser, at low rate of interest. Also 600 ncres of land In Saunders county, Nebraska, only $36.00 per acre. 640 ncres In Custer county. Neb., only $2,000. 640 acres In Duwson county, Neb., for $3.non, ic nun- hi r insurance, surety 11 ml Ildcllty "'' ittnicm Him me, insurance in nil the lendlnir enmnnntnu Wo have flrst-cluBs mortgage." for sale run- iiuin irum jw.w to jft.wo.oi). Whv lot your money lie Idle or get only 3 pef cent for it when we can give you better security than any bank nnd 60 to 100 per cent more interest? 1 Ck" v"1, T.eeTJ",,.n.t our ncw omces, 420-421 N. Y. Life nulldlug. Phnn.. -A5"' .F,V.,iaAN HASKELL, Phones 4,0 and 1920. RE 29S 29 D. V. Telephono 829. SHOLES CO. 310 N. Y. Life. ANY OF THEM GOOD BUY'S. ph,yLofr J.'10 bst around, well built. FltVA?fai .n,i i"0'1.'""" home. In WEST i. ii a V. d'3trlct' f anything offered. It is 1.4 S. 31st nve facing Turner park, half nlTi l!x0m motor hot WATER heat, oak finish, lino porcelain bath, .two wash bowls. iw.. ?? f' , lcB-int repair, never hcen rented, built by owner for home, now nbout "icrr1,'.''0 "re going to sell this house and SO.ME one who wants u good place win annreclntn thn tnnt if iiu .in go and see It. Such places as this aro not on tho market every day. We would not spend money advertising this plncn If wc WILL YOU SEE 7Wr,h '"Vest.gat.on. BAJITOV HntTSIT ,Yoll.i'V know this placo and when we tell , . iKsiueiice isAUUAiN ns you seldom see you will not dispute the fact. especially ir you sec the property Inside and out and cstlmatu the cost to replace. Hero Is a house thut pout nmirw tiniAi in cluding ground and barn, and It Is in prime . - "W........-.VJ, tv unn.i III Jill' Ull OI1U (CONt $6.5UIII nm! I' nan tn lllirl, It is Just the place for those who wish to be close to the cltv nnd In thn boat ,i town residence district. Southwest comer 21et and California Sts. Prlco nbout 33 cents on tno iioiiar or wnat it has cost. Annus $750 for a acres ntltv 3 lllnnku frnm r-nlrnl Park school. 8 blocks frnm Mnmn ninii, Central park, whore they ask $200 to $3to iui unu nine mensiy iot; a ncres make 33 mis; ui mat price is ennui to $3,000. IJET. TER FIGURE ON THIS. LANDS. 160 acres nenr Ttpnnlni-tnn vnn nM n. Ing land, no waste, srood frnmn Imrn r,m ary. house, , two wells, land In good condt tlon, same tenant for ten years, worth tho money; price, iu per ncre. HE 1(9 29 -GARVIN BROS.- -WH Fnrnnm- -Com'l Nat. Bank Bldg.- 2S11 Plnkney st.. dwelling, 7 rooms; n bnr- guin; price, 'wu. -Owner left city, must sell, deslrnblo nouse ot n rooms, cellar, city water price, $1,400, but will sacrlflco to sel Quick. Look at it. 3502 So. 20th street. NEAR HANSCOM PARK A new. un-to u.iiu u-riiuiii luuuerii nuusc. nas maniois electric lights, etc.: full south front lot on nsphalt paved streot; rents for $40 per ..,...., 1 . .a 1 1 1 ! I .i 1 r Dr,iA , ... ,.1 ... ., rui ....i,,... w ,Mii.n cum ,p uiiviiu Ilk .l.luv, First-class In every respect. Investigate, 2616 N. 17th ave,. a D-room two-story dwell ing, nntn, gas, Bewor, nam. items, $2iu per year, a bargain nt ji,i. In Walnut Hill, a bargain, neat dwe'llng of 7 rooms, city water, gas. cellar, cistern, large shade trees, splendid lawn, near 40tn una Hamilton, rncc, j.'.jm. 35th avo,, north of Furnam, nn east front dwelling of 7 rooms, finished In oak, olec trie light, gas, hnth, sewer, hut and cold water, uuuu value tun ja.i&u, GARVIN nnOS., 1G04 FARNAM ST, RE-411 29 GEORGE AND COMPANY", 1G01 Parnnm St. IS.Ooil for deslrnblo corner lot near Hans com park, with two houses recently built nnd renting ior ii.w per monwi. $4,000 for nine-room house on Marcy St. near 31st St.; In modern throughout and location Is good. $2,500 for 3014 Cass st.. nine-room house, modern, In good condition nnd has now plumbing, witn porccinin uuin, HUTS for 2.V12 St. Mnrv's nvo.. 6 rooms, non and attractlvo and suroundlngs uro o tho best. HUII.D1NO LOTS $l,fc0O for '.ot near 40th nnd Half Howard In choicest residence part of city. $900 for full lot on Chicago St., nenr 31st st $350 for corner lot 41st nnd Dodgo sts. SOUtn ironi nnumi Krimu. tin npi-ou smith nf Hnuth Omaha, welt lm "nroved. lots of bearing fruit trees; 20 acres of choice alfalfa: $i.000, 160 ncres near Sprlngtleld. choice land, fa I Imnrovements; price, I53.W) per ncre. 270 ncres bottom la ind nenr Grutna, nil un .in nnltlfiitlmi. Prlco. $35 tier ncre. RE-368 9 BEE HENRY R. PAYNE. 001-2 Iv, Y. Life, iii-i ji j rnn SALE, fruit nnd garden place an grncory store; seven ncres. part In choice f rapes, piums anu oilier irun; u spirnuu iimlness location: barn. Ice house, sheds well, cistern, etc.; one mile out of town on main roan, inquire ai n roan way Council uiuiis, i a. iiii-.inii S.V At'. HEfeT BARGAIN In city If taken by Men- utiy next; jiji a. aisi st , iwxi.w, s roumn, well built, modern house; line location; Vi block from Purl; line. Owner wants to leave city next week sure. See It nnd make Uf nn offer, Ask $.1,600, and It Is cheap. D. V. SHOLES CO., 310 N. Y Life. Tel. 9. HE M2B0 29 t!t 1-U Plllt CP.XT IM'HKTMHVr. " XKW 1IOISE IX IIAXSCO.1l PLM'H. mi S. 2Sth st (Just north of Poppleton) I nm offering f new two-story, six-room house, with nlckel-plnled plumbing, puree lain bath, hot and cold water, gus nnd electric lights, furnnce, laundry in cellar; lot 40xlWl feet; street paved nnd permanent sidewalks; rented to flrst-clnss tenant for two years for $750 und water rent. Price, $3,200. Let me show you this bargain. Hyron R. Hastings, Agent, 212 S. llth st. RE-M2I9 29 POR SALE, 72 ncres. or 272 acres, within two miles of Hastings, Neb.; wc'l Im proved; would take us part pay residence In Cou.icll HI tiffs or 20 to 40 ncres close up or n cheap grnss farm. Address Hox 672, Hastings, Neb. RE M2C9 01 R-R. HOUSE, well. cisTern. nice trees, 110 Ontnrlo St.; $100 ensh, bnlanco $15 per month. 10-r. house, cltv witter, 709 N. 32d.; $10) cash, balance $15 per month. J. II. PARROTTE, 16th nnd Dodge, RE 465 23 MEDICAL. I'PIES! Chichester's English Pcnnyroynl Pills aro the best. Bafc. reliable. Toke r.. .!"f p. Sena 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester ncmicai io 1'nilndclphla, pa. CANCER cured nt homo by Internal treat- iiu-iii; no Knne, piaster or pain; book and testimonials mnlled free. Cancer Institute, 121 W. 42d St., N. Y. LADIES, $500 reward deposited In bank for a case, any cause, my mommy regulator falls to relievo nt once. Dr. Jackson R. Co., Chicago. 393 29 MOIlTtiAOP.S POIt HAI.K. WE HAVE on hand nt all times selected first mortgages on Improved property at 6Hj to 6 per cent. Call nnd see us. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY". Main Floor, Now York Ufa Hldg. 103 30 FIRST mortgages on fnrm nnd city prop erty bearing 7 per cent Interest. W. M, enrnn, 4ix .Merchants' Nntlonnl Hnnk. 290-20 SIIORTHAXD AXI) TYI'EWHITINO. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life, 979 BOY'LKP' College, court reporter principal. uco mag, ji NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd' incaier, vsi GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col, 16th & Doug sa OSTKOPATIIV. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. L. Hldg. Tel. ltGi. aiico Johnson, D. O., Indies' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Ostcopnthlst, Mgr. 976 DONOIIUE. Osteopath. Paxton Hlk. Tel. 136J UlT DR. MUSICK, Douglas Block. -311 DR. T. HUNT, sulto 612 McCnguo bldg. Tel, 760 MOItTGAGIl POIl NAI.Ii. J90O MTG. nn 240 nprps. K mllps frnm town- land worth $2,400; mtg. draws 6 per cent ami tne maitcr is rated gnt-eiige, nut eastern client needs money nnd will allow $60.00 discount nnd nccrued Interest. r. f . connelt, 3C9 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 12S3. 351 29 PAW.vnnoicEns. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; an dub;ss conuacntiai. uui uougias -987 MUSIC. PROFESSOR Chnrles Petersen, ninno in itruciion 11 nn voice trnininir. linnan method. Roundness and carrying power of tono gunrnntced. 613 W. of W. Bldg. IIOIISES AVIXTEHCn. HORSES wintered, low prlco; I call for biock lain or October anil return tnem 1st of May; write for particulars. Charles uans, st. raw, Nen. 329 30' AVAXTPill TO IlOnitOW. $2,000 WANTED To borrow on good fnrm oi .ku acres ior 0 years nt t per cent Address W. H. Arnold, Hnydon, Neb. -314-30 1.AUXDIIY. OMAHA Steam Ixiundry; shirts, 7c; collar", 2c; cuffs, 4s. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 647. 084 STAMMERING AXD STUTTERIXO. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rnmge Bldg. 9SI SPA.MSH I.EH.SOXS. SPANISH lessons. 43S S. 24th St. 850 0-G hookkeeim.m;. LESSONS In bookkeenlnc. etc.. dav or even ing. it Lora. Nat. uamc. u, u. itathbun. 309 DOIMOH MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam hollers, tanks (Hacks, tc. Tel. 1359. 12th and Izard Sta. 9S3 CAHPEXTEIIN AXD .MIIM.IIS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, Stoth and Laitp bu. 370 MIIIIlOll PACTOIIY, Damaged looking glasses rcsllvcrcd. 70S N 10. -f.21 PtlltXITUItE REI'AIRI.VC. TEL. 1331, M. 8. Walklln. 2111 Cuming St. illi TRU.VK FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bacs. suit cases. TrnnW rcpuircn. urn. irunK factory, i;09 Pnrnam 471 fJU' DREfS.llAKIXn. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 257B Harney S73 H3' TAIIiOHIXK. LADIES' enrniPlltK elennnd. nltered. re paired rensonnble. Mnx Fngel, 1207 Farnam, ai 'i 020 WE CLAIM nnd substantiate tho sumo to bo tho pioneor of reasonable priced dentistry In Omaha, Es tablished In 1888, Wo do llablo dontat work. re- Bailey the Dentist Ilia Pinion Block, 10th and Farnam Sts. Tel. 1085. Est. since 1S88. ui m ffl m m WILL Ht'Y any good Invention er patent. Arl.tri,.. 1 n,lf T1.-.1. ?VI M.. fnlt. 1. .....a, win w, .HUlllci, 111, -9i IAVi: cash for good patent or Invention. Aaureis 1 , u. 110.x , Omaha, Neb. IS! Ni MtKlil, l'LATIXO, STOVES, I'linps, etc., replntlng. Omaha I'intitig e.o., uen Hlilg. Tel. 1535. OSS .UI.WAV TIME CARD. t'HI.lXfJTOX iTATItt.V-IOTH MASOX llnrllimton A .MUsnnrl Vnlley. T p.i.a Arrive n 7:35 pm MUSS nm a 3:00 pm Nebraska Express n 8:40 nin nyraorc, noatrico and Lincoln ;li nm ronver I. Imltcil n 4:2T, pin Black IHIIh and Puget i-oumi, licnver con nection n OxVL n,n a 6:43 Am n 9:17 nm bii:03 am a 8:20 om Cnnnell Incoln Fast Mali h ,t!M m Fort Crook and Plaits- inuiiiii n ;j;v pm llellovue & Pneltlo Jet.. a 7:10 pm llellevue & Paeltlc Jct.,n 3:10 nm Knnsns Clly, Ht. .Tnipph ItlUffN. nnsr.s Cltv Dai Ex n n.M a 6:5 pm a 6:13 am nll:15 am Canns Cltv Night Ex..aW-M pm i.oiiis t iyor a r:io pm Chlrnuo, llurlliiKton (itilncy. tuicngo ispecini Chicago Vestlbu Pltlrtnnrt T I eclat n 7:00 nm itlbllled Ex., a 4;M pm cal, . .......,a D:30 am mlted a 7:60 pm al0:20 pm a 7:43 am a 4:03 pm a 7:45 nut n 2:45 pm Chicago Limited . . . . , V IISI .unu a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. VXIOX STATIOX tOTII AXD MAHCV, Union l'nclflc. Leave, .a R!2n nm .a S:So am .all:3S nm Arrive, n 7:3n pm a 3:23 pm n 4:23 pm n ;5H nm bl2:30 pm a 6:50 nm h 9:33 nm Overlnnd Limited. Fast Mali Mall nnd Express Colorado Sneclnl.. ...,nll:3r. pm ince i-stromsnurg ex.u 4:ps pm 'ncl A Atlantic Ex. ..a 4:25 nm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm Oiunlin A HI. I.ntiU, St. Louis "Cannon RnU"a 6:15 pm n S:20 am Knnns City and Qulucy Local a t.vo am a 9:00 pm Illinois Central. i:nicngo Express a 7:00 nm n Biio pra Chlcngn, Minneapolis A St. Paul Limlled a 7:45 pm n 8-05 nm Minneapolis it St. Paul Express b 7:00 nm b 9:40 pm Pert Dodee Local, from Council Bluffs a 6:00 nm Missouri Pni lllc. St. Louis Express n10:(O nm n 6:2R pm K. C. & St. L. Express.. al0:50 pm a 6:15 nm CIiIciikm, Hock Ulniul .t 1'itcllle. EAST. Des Moines and Davcn nort Local a 7:25 nm n 9:33 nm Chicago Express 1)11:15 nm a 4:55 pm Des Moines Local a 4:20 pm bll:60 am Chicago Past Express, .a 6:00 pm n, 1:23 pm Des Moines. Rock Island and Chicago a 7140 pm a 8:10 am WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, rucblo and West a 1:30 nm n 4:13 nm Colorado, Oklahoma nnd Texas Flyer a 0:3? pm n i;jo am tTlili.Mon. If IhrnnLnn A.- m. tn..l Chicago Limited n G:00 pm a 8:03 nm Chicago it Omnhi". E.,..b ":15um b3;40pm a Dally, it Dally except Sunday. Chlciigo A Northwestern. Chicago Special a 7:00 am Chicago Passenger n 4:15 pm nll:30 pm a 8:40 nm n 4:05 pm n 4:05 pm a 2:45 pm a 8:00 am n 5:30 pm ui0:23 pm a S:15 am a 3:50 pm eastern Express nio:rn am eastern Special a 4:53 pm 'nst Mall Omaha-ChlciiBO L't'd...a 7:45 pm Fast Malt a 8:30 am Cedar Rapids Passenger 1 win i.ny express. a om Twin Cltv Limited a 7:53 nm Sioux City Local a 8:00 am a Dally. I) Dally except Sunday. 'Wnbnsli. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" f ..... . n C.1R n Q ,M M iiAI'ltsa ................ & u.iu fill c an, WEIISTER DEPOT 1.1TII A WEDSTRR Fremont, ISlktiorn A Missouri Vnllay Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dcadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:09 ;m e 6:00 pm Hastings, Y'ork, David City, superior, uenovn, Exeter nnd Seward. ...b 3 00 nm b 6:00 nm Norfolk. Lincoln i.nd TVpmnnf h 7:30 im b!0:23 nm Fremont I.ocnl c 1:3C am Missouri 1'iiclllc. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Wut5r u 4:10 pm nio:z5 nm llili'iiuo, -St. Paul, Minneapolis A Oiunlin. Twin City Passenger. ...n 6:00 nm n 9:10 pm Sioux Cltv Passenger. . .11 2:45 pm nll:10 nm Emerson Local b 5:30 pm b 8:30 nm a Dally, li Dally except Sunday, o Sun. nv nnlv. it Dnllv excent Saturday, c Dally except Mondoy LEGAL XOTICK. NOTICE. Bids will bo received at the ofllco of tho commissioner of public lands nnd buildings nt Lincoln, Nebraska, for tho construction of sixty steel culls nt tho stnte penitentiary in Lincoln, conforming iib nearly ns may no with thosn now In place, the Board of Pub lic Lands and Buildings reserving thu right to mcreaso tne number to ninety, snnuiu it be deemed beat to do so at tho tlmo con tract is mnde. All bids must bo submitted on or beforo Monday, October 14, 1901, at 13 o'clock noon. The board reserves tho right to reject uny or all bids. GEORGE D. FOLLMER. President Board Public Lauds and Build ings. H27d5tm NOTICE. Bids will bo received ut tho office of tha commissioner of public lands and building 111 liincnin ior tne construction anu putting 111 placo of four Iron doors for four vaults In basement nf tho cnpltol building In Lin coln, according to Hpeclllcntlnns on file. In the office of commissioner of public landB and buildings. All bids to be submitted on or beforo Monday, October 14, nt 12 o'clock noon. Thn bonrd reserves thn rich! to relect nnv or nil bids. GEOHGE D. FOLLMRIl. Cninmlrsloner Public Lunds and Buildings. WATCH ANARCHISTS CLOSELY Desperate) I'lmriicler All road Are Kept I mler Close .Sue vclllnnce bluer II 11 (Till 11 Crime, (Copyright, 1911, by Pros Publishing O.) LONDON, Sept. 28. (Now York World Cablegram Spcclul Telegram.) Moycr Pole, 11 despcrntu character who recently left hero for New York, n bootmaker by trade, Is said to be a friend of CzolgoBZ and knows Emma Ooldmnn'H brother, who li employed ns a capmaker In Aldgntc. lie lias acrved fourteen years for forging Rus sian lmnkuntcd and live years In Switzer land for forging letters of credit. In conscquoiico of Emma Goldman's noto riety German detectives in London aro pay. ing especial attention to two groups ot anarchists with whom shn associated nnd who havo headquarters on Broad street, Soho. They nro suspected of complicity In a plot to iiBBaiHlmiti) tho kaiser. Tho Cnllnu anarchists who meet in th Cnfn Saffronlmll are much concerned at tin disappearance of ono of their number, An tonio Buoll, who, armed with a rovolvor aet out with tho express Intention of at. tempting to kill thu cuar whllo tho lattci wag staying nt Compclgno on his recenl visit to France. Iluoll's mission was din clofed to tho pollcu by a foreign uowspupoi correspondent, who was trustod by thu Hal Ian section. Ruoll wns arrested In (!em pitlgnc and hau not been heard of slncn Ills companions fear that ho baa beci quietly transported to New Caledonia. Thcj aro deeply concerned at his gaining nc notoriety. Sovernl other members of tin same group left London afterward for tlit continent.