THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SODAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1001. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for thran column will ha laliru until 12 m. lor tha renins edition ml nnlll 8:30 p. m. for moralnif ami Snnrinr edition. Hate, 1 l-2o n word lira! Insertion, So a rrarA thereafter. Nothing tnUrn for leas limn 3r,o for life flrat Inaer tlon. Three adertUemnl mail be nil onrcntlTelr. Adreitlatri, tr rrnln; a aam fcereal check, can linve ' -clrraarit to at nnmhrred letler la eara of The He. AnarrerB aa addreaaeel will he delivered aa preaeatatlaal af taa ahaak Is-- c - ; fl'J'l AT IONS WA . t 1 : 1 . LADY would like position sewing out by tre -ny In families. II 31, Ileis j, ww nted-m a ua 1 1 ei,i A F 13 W M O R E I'Ol N T E 11 8 ABOUT TIIK OMAHA COJ1MKRCIAL COLLEGE. ROUKHOI'Oll BROS., PROPRIETORS. l'OINT ER NO. 1 New clnsscs will bo or unnlzed tomorrow and Tuesday In all ue jmrtmontH of tlio college. It will bo a splon did time for BtudentB to begin. Already nutto it numbfir have registered to begin Monday, others oro on tlio way. If possible roglster tomorrow and bo ready for worK .Tuesday morning. October 1. ...., ,, POINTER NO a Tomorrow night will bo o good tlmo to enter our night school. Be tween SO and 40 aro now enrolled, our worn is KoInK on In ilnu shnpo. The tuition per month iivorngos about $5. Any branch ol iiludy may bo lind. You can learn Gregg Hhorthnnd In tho nlKbt school In a fuw '"puYnTEU NO. 3-Wo soon move Into ..!,..., xtifif-tni-M. Wn will Iiarger iiuu hum" -i ----- fco abln to luicommodato 7oo Btudenta In our ''llk-ri'irNO. 4-Now Ih the tlmo to take MP Gregg Hbortltand by mall. Jinny aro iK-KlnnliiK '" w" W0,lUl llku ,t0 A'J'V.0 l"2 largest chum wo liavo uver had. rlto fur particulars, U Idj -j ,'5'VANTED, first-class Insurance solicitors; we will muku very Uboial contract with men of ability capable of handling general iiKeney. Call or aiidruH. Fidelity Savings 4s 'rust Co.. 417 N. Y. Llfo Uldg., Omaha. u iiu oi TEAMS, wanted, at once, ono mlto south of Fort CYook. Jackson Uroa. U-JI8J3 lENnd wmmen to do copying at homp; must wrlto a fair hand; ii to 111' weekly working evoidngs; positively no canvas wing, Incloso stump. Northwest Copying Co., llox 61-j, .Minneapolis, 'jj,;, ol. OLICITOHS wanted for "I.lfo nnd DIs- .. it j..h......u it tt'llMt.r.. ItnLlri. loy, " by JIurat Hulstead, Chauncey Depew unci othurH; art memorial edition; big book, ww pages, profusely llliiiitrated; only $1; pay no more; commissions from M to 76 per cent; prollts from 100 to 300 per cent, agentH reporting from 10 to lw or ders dally; bonanza; books on credit; llelght paid; outllts tree. Standard Pub. House, dept. F, Chicago. H-A1218 a GOOD messengers wanted. A. D. T. Co., 12 H. 13th St. U-.M2I7 21) r- 11 ("WANTED, llrst-class barber, at once; mar ried man preferred. F. C. Denrdurff, David City, Neb. H-J12I5 Oi' WANTED, olllco boy. 222 Uce bldg. H-JI27G 23 WANTED, first-class tinner; good wnges paid to coii.peteut workman; must have references. Address F. Harris, Fullerton, Neb. U M2S 23 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants small set books to keep evenings; best refer ences. Address 11 38, Uco. 11-351 29' CIVIL service government positions; 9.SS9 appointments mado last year; probably JO.ouo this year; common school educa tion required for tho examination. Cnta loguo of Information free. Columbian Correapondenco College, Washington, D. C. I5-JI3C3 30' pEVERAL clgnr salesmen wanted; experi ence unnecessary; $25 weeKly salary. Emunuel Co., Stutlon U, Now York, U WANTED OochI business man in each principal city to conduct cash business, Ouaranteert by locul banks, nig rcturni, Honorable and legitimate. Must furnish Eood references and JG00 cash. Address, R. II., P. O. Box 715, Cincinnati, O. U- . GOVERNMENT positions, whero they aro and how obtained; full particulars an to salaries, dutos, places of examination, ate., mailed free, Nat'l Cor. Inst., Wash ington, u. u. II tAJIIUTIOUS representatives; wages $3 day; 1 largo house, now lines, bona lido opening mon ann women goou ennrncter willing to work; permanent position; nhauco ad vancement. 200 Stuto St., New Haven, Conn. 11 . PERMANENT nosltlun reoulrlnir no ran vaeslng for tho rltfit man. to renresenl nn old-establlsjied company having $200,000 .(il-i(t, niii((i ti(u ((lot imidlll, IIUI conditional on results: .'WO mid exoensra tho llrst year, payable weekly (Hrect trom our olllco; absolutely straight salary; no deception; opportunity for promotion and increnso of salary; state nge, references una ousmesH experience. Address uni versal Jlfg. Co,, Box 733, Philadelphia. Pa B- !WE PAY $23 a week nnd expenses to mon ivun rig in inirniiuco our poultry reme dies; yearly contract. Send stamp, Eureka Mfu. Co,, Jlurshall, Jto. H SOS 23 WANTED, ono man In each loealltv to learn nd writing; cvm earn $2.1 to $60 wceKiy. i-ngo uavis co,, unirago. R-335 29 TRUSTWORTHY man for routo In Ne braska; $15 weekly and expenses to stnrt; references necessary; steady work. Ad dress Travelers Dept., 351 Dearborn, Chi cngo, R-320 J9 PIVE first-class men for elecimt linn with une(iiialed proposition; salesmen have re ullzcd as high aB $S0-J.00 from this lino In n single month. Proofs submitted. Rush- way, iirui co,, uceatur, 111. B-318 29 UTCHER wanted: at nncn nn nlUnrnuml good, clean butcher, with temiiorato nanus, can mm steady worn at 11. Knott, David City, Neb. 11-M353 Ol r TWO Intelligent gentlemen can securo proiiiaino poxmons oy nppiying at 111 N. lth st, Monday a. m,, or wrlto during "ITU. II a.iO K) WANTED, dry goods salesman. Addrek W. D. Rumer. Alllnnee. Neb., stilting age, i-xperieneo and roteience. II JU21 29 PIDE LINE. $12 to $18 weekly, cash; also vaiunuio local agency: rrom nlgli rated factory: frco outfit. Brattice, 213 Pnirl, New York. B 119 29 WANTED, men with rigs to Introduco our stock nnd poultry food, $3 per day and pxponses. Boyder Food Co., 3 Monon 'ilk., Chlcngo, III. B 115 23' W'ANTED, nn unmarried man to work on fnrm by tho year; good wages nnd good home. Arl(o or cnll nt 401 Brown blk. U 113 WANTED, a llrst-clnss confectioner, nt uiuuuii s, ij (si "n OACHMAN, coll 127 Rnmgo bldk. Sunday i . id. it m. .a 'WANTIOD, 20 tenmstors for McArthnr Bros. In Dakota. Wages $30 per month nnd board; free transportation to nnd from work. Foreman goes through with men. Tenmsters nnd laborers for Davo Grant nnd McDnugnl & Yale at Muscatine, la. Best wages Teamsters and laborers for Wisconsin, Michigan. Illinois, lown. Nebraska. Wyoming nnd Dakota; best wngos. All fren fare. Apply Clapp ,fc Esberg. 1023 Farnam St. B 128 29 WANTED Everywhere, hustlers to tnck signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvnsslng: good pny. Sun Adverlls- t Ing Bureau, Chicago. IV .Sl 20 H5T.TARLE men to sell our lino of high grndn lubricating nils, grouses, paints and varnishes. Salary or e.-...ini!sHlon. Ad dress .Mutual Rellnlng Co,, Cleveland O. 11-375 29 WANTED, experienced clothing snlesmnn, single, man: stnto experience, references, snlnry oxpected. Box 1W, Nebraska City, Neb. R-376 29 WANTED, young men with natural intent for drawing, to train as newspaper artists by innll; write for free circular leson. School of Caricature, World Building, New York. B-37S 29 AN lncomo of $15 week can bo earned In spare tlmo or evening by nny person able to wrlto; proof sent frco anywhere to those sending addressed envelope to Rob rt Orannau Jlfg. Co., Box 227, Brooklyn, Si. Y. 13-311 .O' WANTED MALE HELP. Tho Tall Term Is now open In tho day nnd evening sessions of BOVLES' COMJIERCIAL AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE. nnd yet It Is not too Into to enter. Make your urrangemcnts without delny nnd get tho mental drill nnd discipline that will double your earning capacity. Lot us send you somo of our advertising matter. EVENING SESSIONS. Monday, Wednesday and Friday even ings scnoo! Ih In session from 7 until 9 o'clock. .Students attending the night school aro given tho same courso of study and arc In charge of tho same In structors ns thoso unending tho day sessions. BOOKKEEPING taught by an expert accountant. PENMANSHIP: Your pcnmnnshlp can be greatly Im proved under tho direction of our teacher. DICTATION: Graded and speed classes for students of all systems. .Stenographers, Increase your speed and demand a better salary, TOUCH TYPEWRITING: A teacher who gives exclusive attention to this Btibjeet. Sight writers, It will pay to mnko tho clmngo. Uco Building, Omaha. H I5C 29 WANTED, dry goods, clothing nnd shoo salesmen, wun jv to Jl.oou; salary J20 week nnd Interest. Address Jlontana D. G. Co., Helena, Jlont, B 310 29" SAI.EM.ME.V WA.MUU, CIGAP. salesmen with established trade with large dealers, who buy direct from factories. Address, with full particulars, 11. C. Fisher, Fisher building, Chicago. -J13ID Oct C WANTED, snlcsman to carry sldo lino to arug Btatlonery, millinery or general Htoro trade; samplo box tits coat pocket; earn easily Jloo per month commission. Tho Htandnrd Ring Co., Room 4(i, 1SS Madison St., Chicago. 318 WANTED, threo Al sneclaltv salesmen to sell country retail trndo; permanent posi tion to proper parties; extra Inducements for holiday trade. Address 1015 Manhat tan llldg., Chicago. 323 20 WANTED, salesmen by rollablo Jobbing (..iiu.. e ii.... i,. ' ....... u (uituiiuh DiKVBllieu lu p(ueo limil- grado specialty line with merchandise trade, high commissions and permanent positions to good men, full tlmo required. R 7S-153 Fifth Ave., Chicago. -,"122 2D WANTED, salesman to handle our spe- tiunj- da i i-Kuiur or Bum nno; good money. Address Hampshire, llcrschol and South sts., Cleveland, O. Ill 2a SPECIALTY snlesmnn for Iowa nnd Nc- nrasKii; oniy tnoso snowing lilgh quality record for business getting need ripply. Address II 48, Bee. 150 20 GOOD hustlers for a brilliant sldo lino that can lie sold ny sample or circular. Spo clulty Jlfg. Co., 11 N. Jlain St., Council Bluffs. 4C2 :9 AGENTS, $10 dally to live men; we want agents everywhero; leather suspenders cannot break, wear out or pull oft but tons; sell at sight; samples furnished free. Cincinnati Leather SuBpcnder & Belt Co.. B 615, Cincinnati, O. -372 I9 KlItST.rT.AHH nnlnatnnn In l,.,.ll .(. a " J- .. . IIIIIIUIU L1(J n. iicns uusiiess i-ioor llrusli to best irauo. uooci routo nnd stendy position. A good opening to tho right partv. A. R. Wlens &. Co., 225 Cednr Bt., Mliwuu kee, Wis. 3ir, jg WANTED, by nn established high-rated inn, scnemo or specialty men to sell an exceedingly nttractlvo and salablo line. Special terms nnd uulquo Inducements. High priced men Investigate Box 3X1, Detroit, Mich. 342 29 SALESMAN, by old established houso, ca pable, wide-awaKo trnveung salesman to sell staple lino; must bo nblo to show a clean pnst record nnd glvo bond; no sldo lino seekers need apply. Address llox 514, Chicago. -395 29" WANTED I'EMALIJ tllSUV. WANTED, 200 girls. 1521 Dodgo. Tel. 876. u iUV 50 GIRLS, all kinds work. Canadian Ofllce. WANTED, housekeopsr In small American family- Auurcss is, uco. - Kl'TiSKS" Tralnlnc School. Pueblo. Colo.. three montns- course; uipiomas; open October 1; nddress above. c Airjt ui COOK. Apply 1E0 Park Ave. C-152 WANTED First class experienced choco- inin roraiadv: one mat can uaiuiic nein tench girls to dip chocolates; state ex perience, references, salary expected; good position to the right party. Ad dress C. C. C, Box C38, Pueblo. Colo. C-AI1C1 30 GIRL for general housework. 207 South 2ltli at. ivi m WANTED, a refined nnd educated girl, who Ih willing to assist wun second work, Inquire 2o2 Dodge st. C J1237 29 WANTED. Klrls to mnko shirts, nants. overalls nnd duck clothing. Apply to Ilyrno & Hammer i). u. co., i:tli nm Howard Sts. C 207 29 COMPETENT cook, 2701 Farnam St. C-2IVS 29 WANTED. vounK lady to conk on n Bhnw car; also girl to wash dishes; send photo. jonnsou-Binicr. ncnuyicr, en, C-M274 23 SADIES to learn halnlresslng, manlcurlns nr fnclal massace: only four weeks re. quired; you ennnot obtain tho advantages or constant luaciiro mm instructions ex cept by our method; tools presented. Call I . r,.lA r. (!..... ,.0-, i.-.. - l(r Wllix .t(i((.i i.uiivfii , l (((((((ill si. C-J127S 03 GERMAN plrl for general housework; small fumlly; good wngu3. 217 South 25th street. c 2s; GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Geo. 11. voss, 302 j cnicago. c 2S7 30 LADIES wanted to do embroidery nnd Bat. f lenoerg hi ikcii iimiitu; sie.ioy worK Chicago Crochot Co., Chicago, III, C LADY In each county for branch oflleo work; nn canvassing; strnlglit, bonifldo bnlary $18 paid each Tuesdny, with nil expenses, direct from nendquarters; pem nncnt nosltlnn: money advanced for ex penses: no capital required, except good references, cneloso self-nddressed en- vc'Iopc. Jlnnngor, 3S7 Caxton building, umcngo. u LADIES wnnted to work on sofa pillows materials rttrnisncd: steady work guar nnteed; experience unnecessary; send stamped envelope to Miss JIcGee, Needle worn JJcpi., ineni co Liucago. C-327 29 LADIES wanted to do plain needlework for us nt Home, wo rurnisn materials and nnv $7 to $10 per week. Rend addressed stamped envclopo to Stnndard Co., Indl-inn Ave., unicngo. t. j-ju i-j' GIRL for general housework; smnll family a, aoin si. i. mjm ui WANTED, competent girl for general housework. 510 S. 25th live. ( 3T. LADIES to do binding nt home: $9 week stenny work; all mnterlnl sent free, nro paid; send stamped nddressed enveiooe for particulars, rnlversal Co,, Dep't R aiuui st., i-nuniieipuin, ra. c-us 23 WANTED, lndv linnklteener nml .viulilnr must be thoroughly competent. Address II i, net-. U 100 Kl WANTED, on s-ilnry. three young Indies niusi iiw t-ducaieii wen dressed nnd e; good nppenrnnco nnswer. Mnll only A t. .Moran, jr., core iicnshnw lintel uiiiiiii.i. C 3M 29 LADIES wnnted to mako embroidery nnd iiuKt'iiiM-i k mi ineir iioines, .Material furnished. Steady work. ool tmv Chicago Needlework Co., 42 Plum street Chicago. C 313 29 LADIES, something new, making sofa pit lows nt homo: $7 to $12 weekly: materal furnished: no canvassing: experience un necessary: steady emn'ovment: send stamped addressed envelope. Household auK, wo. , j-nu si., I.IUCUEU, j ii -J- ni:i,p -vati:d. CONDUCT a business of your own; turn your spare umo into casn; roriy kinos or business t quiring little or no capital; practical books; money-making receipts; trade secrets: formulas, write today, Davis & Co., dept. 1, Mansfield, O. 116 29 l-MIll iie.vt iioi;ses. IF YOU want your houses well rented pinco mom witn nenawa & co. umi SIS 13 HENRY U. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storngo 1.0. , oiiico imift i.-arnam, or tel. Jix.'j-iw. D-913 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, l'axton block. u Ull HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1621 Douglas. u sib HOUSES and flats. Itlngwatt, Barker Rile. u 'jiLi 1206 WILLIAM ST., a good three-room Hat, wun cuy waier, a. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., lSth and Douglas bts. D-S1 OR RENT, eight-room house; convenient; nil modern; 22d and California Sts. In quiry No. 507, N. Y. Life bulldUig. D-MSf FOR RENT, 11-room stone house, 415 N. 25th St. 11. i. ciarue, Mi namgn uik. D JI78I 219 8, 29TII AVE., 8-room house, all mod ern; win paper aim varnisn inrougnoui; rent $25 to Al tenant with rofcrcnccs. OJIA1IA LOAN AND TRUST CO., ICth and Douglas Sts. D-815 TO LET, 8-room house, near Curtis Tumor nark; new, witn every convenience w. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 1'arnntn st. J u 17S 1707 VINTON street, store with two five- room flats above. The wnolo building nns lust been painted nnd papered throughout, will mako a very reasonablo rent to a good tenant, or will rent separately. THE OJIAHA LOAN & TRUST CO., 10th and Douglas Sts. D-418 HOUSES for rent In nil parts of tho city. Brcnnnn-Lovo Co., 30 aoutn ism HJ,jl FOR RENT, houso nnd barn, all modern. 2137 South 33.1 St. Apply 102 Jlcrchants' National Hank mug. u-jh NO HARD coal needed; steam heat: nil modern, central, 7-room nouso; nan. oain, basement. Tizard. 221 N. 21th. D--513 30 ROOM, all modern houso, 3520 Dodge. Clarke I'oweil, iJJ is. i. iitc. u miiv VERY pleasant six or eight-room flat, well located anil m line repair. w Brown block. D 771 1337 SO. S1ST St. Tel. 811. D-S10 20 ELEGANT S-room house, nil modern Im provements, 101 iN. Mil. ul.Jl -J HOUSES. WIIEATON, 12S Paxton Blk. 15-ROOM house, nil modern, tho ICarbach property, oin nru i,cuvcnnu..... ..i.i-. 511 So. 20th. D-JI9S2 Oj SNAP M2 S. 19th; now 10-r. strictly mod- York Life. P-M1S3 MODERN residence, 10 rooms; ensy wnlk- ing disinnco irom ousmeas i)U(ku((. Rlngwnlt Bros., Barker Blk. D-M210 532 DAVENI'ORT, 7 rooms and bath, $22.0. 112 N. 20th. 8 rooms, mouern, i ""H" wait, Barker blk. D-227 29 ROOM house, modern, barn. Inqulro 1914 N. 21th. Tel. A-25G3. D-215 NEWLY painted house of 5 splendid vooms; also newiy papered nouso oi a rouma ui '9th nnd Pierco sts.; roasonablo rent; houses opened for Inspection. J. W. Rob bins, 1S02 Farnam. D-JI23 HOUSES FOR RENT. 611 Grant, 5 rooms, city water .??? 3010 Pinckney, 6 rooms, barn, city water moo 2314 Manderson. 15 rooms, city water.... io.w 2414 Burdetto, 0 rooms, city wator 11.00 121 Cuming, o rooms, city wator io.w 3021 Chlcngo st., bath 20.00 1311 8. 25th nve., 9 rooms, modern 20.00 612 Dodge, S) rooms, modern -i.w Col Dodge, 10 rooms, modern 23.00 209 S. 24th, 9 rooms, hot water heat.... 27.50 :205 Farnam, 10 rooms, modern 37 50 220 Burt ht.. 10 rooms, modern 3S.00 GARVIN BROS., 1004 l-'amnm at., Commercial National Bank Building. D-JI282 29 MODERN houso, 8 rooms and basement. stationary wash basins, batn, gas and furnace. Will rent cheap. W. M. Carlln, 3323 JIanderson. D-291 30 FOR RENT. G-room cottngo, city -water. $12.00 per month. 2323 uaidweu tit. J-;n-nulro Jos. Goldsmith. Room 18. United States Bank Bldg. Oflleo hours, 9 to 10 lu tho morning. u 3U) -J' COTTAGE, 6 rooms. 2577 Pierco St. 11 .111 iy- 5-ROOM cottngo. city water, north side, $10. Address II 39, Beo ofllce. 23 Knit RENT. 1 new modern. 7 room. $37.50 1 new mne'ern, 7 room. $10.00; 1 now mod ern. 10 room. $4..oo.; :satn at., near Far nam St. R. P. Hamilton, 1712 Farnam., tel. 1179. U-2'J3 Li) C-ROOM cottngo, all modern, with good barn. 1433 is. lain at., izi.w per monin. Potter, Forgnn & Haskell, 420 N. Y. I Bldg. 'Phones 1920 nnd 470. D-297 29 2115 Emmet, 9 rooms, modern, furnace, en tirely new. a Kood bouse, well located. I.w, 1303 and 1307 S. 28th, 7 rooms and reception hall, modern, new nnd very complete, $."12.50 nnd $35. 112 N. 31st ave., 8 rooms, modern, new nnd elegantly finished, ono of tho cholco loca tions of West Farnnm, $55. 707 Farnam, 9 rooms, modern, on car lino nnd convenient to business district. $35. 3533 Dewey nve., 9 rooms, modern, with barn, 1329 S. 31st., 9 rooms, modern, good loen- s tton, near Park. Will probably bo for rent October 1. mm. 39th, near Burt, building an S-room modern house, hardwood Mulsh, etc., plans at our ofllce. $10. 2921 S. 17th, 3 rooms, city water, near Vin ton St.. $10.60. 3323 Meredith nve., 7 rooms, $10. 1626 N. 21st. 3 rooms, city water, $1. Fi'iirwaii i;i- nouso. goon location. IN SOUTH OMAHA. 2Sth and B sts., 7 rooms, city water, large yarn. m. . R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 FARNAM. D-433 29 GENl'INE FALL BARGAINS. 3035 S. 18th ave., largo 3-r. brick, city water, unnoy 10 n. .. cur. tn. Cithers closo by, a llttlo hotter, $8. 1520 Cnntnn. 4-r.. city wnter Inside. $7. 2630 Charles, good o-r. house, city water, 110 N. 37th, 6-r., nicely papered, city wnter nun iiarn, ?ia. 12CS N. 21th, warm 7-r. house, city water nnd ens. re(lueed to $17.50. 2771 Webs.ter. nice 6-r. strictly modern cot tage, to choice tenant, Octobsr 15, $25, 2315 Hnmlltnu. brnnd new 7-r. house, porce lain mini, iurnace, gas, etc. a snap at $22.50. 513 N. 22d St.. choice S-r., nil modern house, ensy walking distance, reduced to $32.50 If tnken October 1. 300s Fnrnnm, dollglitful Inrgo 8-r.. strictly nil inuucrii resilience, line cnnilltion, to select tennnt October 6 nt $10. 3305 California, good warm 10-r. house, with wen ana cisiern, tor oniy w. unn rent to two families. 621 S. 25th ave., 10-r. strictly nil modern dwelling, closo In, nice repair. Only ?25. For bargains In real estate, low rata loans, safe lire Insurance, see HENRY B. PAYNE. 001-2 N. Y. LIFE. D 401 29 2011 ARBOR ST.. 6-r., city water and sewer, elegant repair. $12. 3704 Jncksou st., ,-r., all modern; this Is fine. Only $20. 2S11 Bristol St., 7-r., city water nnd sewer. $13. 2758 Webster St., 6-r., nil modern except furnace. $22.50. 32d and Houlevnrd, 7-r., now, nil modern. .fo. Wo hnvo ono enst nnd ono north front npartment In tho NORJIANDIE. Thesn nro elegnnt stentn-hented apartments, with everv modern convenience. PAYNE-KNOX 'COMPANY, Main Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. D-3IS 29 C-ROOJI cottage, city water, gas, stovo In House, $10, :3(i nnd apauidlng. l) M417 1 TO LET, Inrgo 14-room dwelling, furnished, for six months, In West Farnam district: fine lawn and barn. W. Fnmam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnnm St. D-JI437 7 ROOMS, facing HnnBcom park: good con dition, $15. rnone tzi. i shiu a" 5-ROOJI cottage, J12. Inquire 2710 Pnrkor KOIl ItENT-IIOfSES. 6-ROOM house, modern, on 8outh Omaha line; wun or wunoui oarn, van iooi -i. 17th St. D 133 '-' IXJOK nt 170C S, 27th. 7 rooms, city water, good shade, east front, largo barn, Jin. Two blocks from street car. 10-room brick, nil modern, close In, vacant October 1, $35. 5-room cottage, nearly now, porcelain bath, gas, Part of house 4 large rooms bath, $12. Several others. J. 11. SHERWOOD, 937 N. Y. LIFE. D 430 29 l0-r modern, 2V1 Dodgo. iZS. 8-r., modern, 2fi27 Soward. $20. 8-r., city water and barn, 1922 S. 35th nve. 7-r?,'23l3 O St., South Omnhn. $22.50. i-r city water nnd barn. 4169 Cuming. $15. -r., modern, 2536 Hamilton. $20. 6-r., city water, 24th and Sahler. $11. i-r. uat, iiiy-i js, iMn. V. WJ-JA1J, 16T1I ANU UOUUI,AB. D-352 29 FOR RENT 9-r. dwg., 720 N. 18th. $25. -r., modern, new, porcelain oatn, at 2573 Dodge st. $25. l-r. dwg., 3611 Dodge. $13. A. F. Connott, 3o9 N. Y. Life. 'Phone I2S5. D 310 2'J' 2112 Parker, six rooms, barn. $14. :.ri(.s wumiug st., six rooms, jif. :"0I Jlnplo st., seven rooms, $20, J. K. FIllSXZEIl, OI'P. OLD P. O. D-M 135 OS FOIl RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. 3 ROOM!) for light housekeeping, 1112 S. mil at. DEWEY Evropcan hotel. 13th nnd Farnam. E-323 THE THURSTON. Cool, airy roome. E-D2I LARGE front room and oleovo, well fur- nisneu, mouern; guitnoio ior two. zus Cass St. E-M437 FOR RENT, two largo furnished or un- 1 jruisncu rooms. Address it is. uce. E-1U 3 ROOMS for light housekeeping. 111J S. Jim si. is aissi ROOM. 1900 Capitol ave. E-JI277 TO NICELY furnished room for gentleman; modern oeiiicneci nousc; nieam neiii: ckiso In. 2213 Farnam St. E-J12SI 30 TWO furnished or unfurnished rooms with or without board, In nlco, now modern house, prlvnto family. 11 45, Ecu. E 1 16 23 TWO largo front rooms, gas, bath, furnnco, encap. u. istn. 15101 uo NICELY" furnlshod front room, for gentle- mun, in private family. 215 s. 25th st. E 100 29 2 PLEASANT rooms for housekeeping, rurnisncu or unrurnsned. swra uougo at. E-397 29 FURMSIIED llO)MS AND HOARD. UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-92i GLENCAIRN, transient $1.25 day. 1609 Doug. THE Mcrrlam, summer resort, 25th & Dodgo 1-' IKS TWO largs front rooms, with board. 1909 uupnoi avo. sis ROOMS and board. Tho Rose, 2020 Hornoy street. F-JI1C3 Octl2 FURNISHED rooms with bonrn. 2576 Har- ney St. F 95S 022' BOARD, vooms. 222 N. 19th St. F-155 30 DESIRABLE rooms, first-class board. 23SI Harney. 1- M251 si ROOJIS suitable for three, with board: nlso tablo boarders; modern. 25SO Hnrnoy st. F J11S3 05 Burnished rooms, stngio or cnsuito, stenm hented, nil modern conveniences, with board; rensonnblo rates. Bachelors Hotel, 2014 Farnnm Bt. F 438 23 FOR IlENT UNI'UIINISHED HOOMS. DESK 100m space, $S per month, ground floor room In Tho Beo building, facing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. R. C. Fcters & Co., Rental Agents, Beo Building. G 116 6 ROOJIS. 2519 X. 25th St. G JI2S3 Ol TWO unfurnished front rooms; light house keeping. 2172 Harney. G 131 a 3 OR 4 furnished rooms for rent, modern. 2619 N. 20th. G 101 29 FOR IU3NT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, storo In flrst-clnss location: rent rensonablo. Apply R. C. Peters fit Co., ground lloor, Beo Bldg. I 206 FOR RENT, olllco with vault and part first I1UUI Ui n( iu(i -,-.-v uuiduy fit. Midland Glass and Paint Co., 1410 Harney St. 1-929 STORES, with fixtures, suited for depart ment Btores. Tizard, 221 N. 2tth. 1-51230 FOR RENT, tho building formerly occu pied by The Beo at 910 Fnmam St. It has four ntorles and a basement which was formerly used as Tho Bed press room. This will bo rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at onco to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Beo Uulldlng. 1-2"! FINE Inrgo storeroom, cemented cellar, barn, etc.. on N. 21th st.; Ilist-elass gro cery for 13 yenrs. A big snnp. aeo HENRY B. PAYNE, 001-2 N. Y. LIFE. I 103 29 CORNER 2Sth nnd Dodgo. good grocery and meat stnnd. elienii to good tenant. Aimly Welshuns Mantle , Tile Co.. 309 S. 17th. I 101 29 AGENTS WANTED. pnicsmEST M'lvINLEY'S Assiisslnnt'on: complete omcini memorial eiiuion: tragic details of nnarchlstlc plot; life of nsn sln: hundreds of pictures: only authentic book: largost, cheapest, best; prices etit; wo nro not In the book trust, 70 per cent profit; crormoui domnnd; fortur-o fer ngeuts llrst In Held; most liberal terms; secure territory now; llrst bonk ready: credit given, freight paid: general agents wnnted on salary; valuable premium freo with each honk; bool; outfit nlnne free: both book and premium outtlts prepaid for 25 stumps to cover enst of sending; order quick. Jlonroo Rook Co., Ch'cago. J-M7J7 30" J1EMOR1AL life of McKlnloy by his llfo- I . 1 ,...... ITnlul.....! . 1. , 1.,.. (Oil,, IIl-JMU. ,,i(l((ii 1 .i(nii-(i(. (Ml' (((it- torlan: positively the largest nnd finest book published; size S.xlO Inches : 100 splen did Illustration": price onlv $1.50; terms 100 per cent prollt. credit and fielght paid: lnnto photograph of McKlntey free with ench book: outfits rendy nnd mailed free to those menntllg business; don't be fooled by promises of "exclusive territory;" don't work for 40 per cent; we give 101 per cent profit nnd will nlso tllvldo $1 010 In cash prizes nmong our ngents. Ad dress American Bonk and Blblo Hnue. lis N. 10th St., Philadelphia, Po. .1 MS23 S3 LIFE OF WJI. Jl'KlNLEY. with memorial bv n-.tiors prominent men: Huge, fully illustrated: extra terms: freight paid; credit glv-jn; big pay. for quick work; outfit ready; free; send 10 eents fr post ngo. Zlcgler Co., 221 Dearborn st.. rh. cngo. J J17S0 03 BEST nnd largest $1.50 Jleniorlal Life of McKlnley, BOO png"s, 150 Illustrations; nut. fit free. W. A. lllxenbaugh & Co.. 15th and Farnam, Omaha, Neb. J JI107 29 JTKINLEY'S LIFE, bv JIuratHalstedl best author: best book; best terms; re tails $1.50; will duplicate any offer on In ferior books; credit given; freight pild; outtlt free. J. 8. SUEGLER & CO., Chlcngo. III. J-M273 Ol AGENTS wanted for new publications; prospectus, etc.. free. George Burrln & Ron, 1313 Walnut St.. Phllndelnhln. J-JI2S1 JanlJ AGENTS, nre you i-ntlsfled with the small Income ynu nre getting? One man wo Btarted writes us ho sold over sixty thou sand bottles of Armenian Cement, mndo nftcr our formula, In three months, Why no yon? This formula nnd catalogue of 3rl others for 10c. Good Chemical Co.. Cleveland, O. J 30529 LIFE OF JIeKlTNLKY-$.-i.(V) to"$25.0oTla7iy made by now plan whereby our agents glvo books away; evervone secures a copy; over 600 pages, 100 original half tono Uustrntlons; benutlfully bound: out fit freo and now ready: control of states on salary given eor'y applicants. Address Fredericks Publishing Company, Fred ericks Building, Philadelphia pa. J- AGENTS WANTED. LIFE OF Jl'KlNLEY" salesmen wnnted; $10 a day; send loo postHgo on outtlt. Crescent Publishing Co., Boston blk., Jllnnenpolls, Minn. J AGENTS, also general advertising ngents una resiuont district fnnnngers, to nannio the only nuthorlzed, olllcliif, ntlthentlc l'fo of President JlcKlnley, nlso giving lives of our other martyr presidents, Lincoln n.ntl Garfield; completo Inside history of tho vllllnnous workings of tho anarchistic societies; profusely illustrated; over SOO pages; liberal commissions to ngents nnd n straight guaranteed salary to those In tho ndvnnced positions. You never had a better opportunity to mnko big money quick than you have today. You can mnko $500 per month for tho next threo months pushing this marvelous book. Strlko now while tho Iron Is hot. Do not delay, for every dny Is worth from $lo to $20 to you. And benr In mind that If vou demonstrate to us that you can sell books that later m the tall wo will bo willing to employ you under a strnlghtout guaran teed salary to appoint and Instruct othor ngents. This Is the chance of n lifetime. Credit given; freight paid; ojtflt freo. V rlto today and send 10c for postngo on outfit. Co-Opcrntlvo Pub, Co., 909-330 Dearborn St., Chicago. J $6SS PROFIT first month by ono agent: iiiucie puienieii; pewnre imitations; sep clnl proposition and exclusive control to llrst nppllcant. Dry Powder Firo Appll unce, 161 Enst 23d St., N. Y. City. J WANTED, rellnblo women nr men to sell urn- kooiih in 1110 consumer in communi ties from to lo.oi") nouulatlon; per manent employment nt good pay. Ad dress, Tho Great Eastern Coffeo & Tea Co.. 301 S. 10th St.. St. Louis. Jlo. .! AGENTS, n splendid chanro to mnko iKUKei , uur new pocKei anas contains maps of every statu lu tho union anil every country In the world; nlso tho 19m) consus compete; over loo paces of maps nnd descriptive matter; sells at sight: send 2.10 for sample and terms to agents. Rand, JIcNnlly ,t Co.. Chicago, III, J- AGEN'TS wnnted to sell our houso shoes: t-fim iur inn nsi nnd ngents- prices, or, better Mill, glvo your size, send $1.23 and bee, taking orders nt once. Tho Spe cialty Shoo Co., l-ll Blue Island Ave, Chlcngo. j AUTHENTIC llfo of President JlcKlnley . " i"i!-"iiui nieini nnu 1111 eminent nil thnr. Prospoctiis sent free on recolpt of loo to help pav cost of mulling. Prospec ,l"?f ?, !'v" """day books nnd "Llfo of JlcKlnley ' Kent freo on receipt of 25c. Order quick. Union Book nnd Blblo House, Denver, Colo. j W ILLIAJI JIcKINLEY, HIS LIFE AND WORK, t 1 ' im'fn1';111' .C,HAm,'.K-S. OROSVENOR. Illll Intn hrAalilni.i u llr..t.... -t t .i""-'" "iuhiiih nieini, coinriiiio nn ,9oll'nUH congress and cham- -. 1 Vi "" . i-i'ieeniaiivi'a: was nenr tho president's sldo with othor great ineii nen iiib eyes wero closed In death; Jli r-nl ll,8-.r.'!1.lll"s to national capital nnd ci 1,1 cupies win no sold, bales snrendlng llko nro In dry stubblo; ineil mill l-ntr,,t,i Ii,I.Ih.. 1a rA ,..n..' t , , ,,, , , i" Di ners uniiy. It Is tho ofllclal book. Eulogies from gov- 1 hi 1 V'i'ifi uuiiun.iiB irom Kroiii lnlllea. I.aHt nnd tlylnj; words of world'H 17 fj id t Minn l.ii . ... r,.-- ...v.., Mill 1I1MU1 bij KUI1(I R.H .AICIMII- ley'B-"IT IS GOD'S WAY.'' Contains pho- clear U.W). Tho general requires that sharo of proceeds of salo of every book sold shall bo donated to 11 JlcKlnley monu- J , '"'in- inuR every subscriber to tills book becomes a contributor to this fund. Kvrrvhni i- will 1 i. . . ...... j ,,, IL( iiriiuis ior tho asking; no one will refuse. Send v,i.,-iviii mumps ior eiegnnt pros pectus. lOO.Ooo copies will be sold In this vlrtnlfv nnlz-lr- i., 1.....1.. ..... ,.nrj lil(ni(i.'Bn II(((U 111 woman of somo means can make a fortune ijuiun. ) Kciuug soio control or a state. Address THE CONTINENTAL ASSEJIBLY. Third Floor 241 W. 23d St.. New York, or Corcoran Building, Washington, D. C. J-3S0 29 AGENTS wanted, "Llfo of JlcKlnley," ilvo iiwiiiKi'ii yum.-, iiime oook, nnnusomo il lustrated; outtlt freo; now ready; 75 per cent discount to agents; freight paid; c,re(1i,t,'lvon- "enry Nell, 323 Dearborn St., Chicago. J-JI330 Ol AGENTS wnnted for stnto of Nebraska, ex- u, ,(,(,. inn..; ono OI lno easiest to boII and best paying lines on tho road; extra good money to bo made. Jlakers & Sellers Co., 47 W. Lako St., Chicago. J-331 29 AGENTS wanted; can mako $100 weekly; send for proof and catalogue; door plates, numbers, signs, readable darkest nights; samples free. Right Supply Co., Engle wood, III. J 325 29 WE PAY $20 weekly, straight nalary and expenses, to men with rigs to ndvertlsn and Introduco poultry compound. Send rttamp. Royal Co-Op. Jlfg. Co., Dept. 13, Indianapolis, Ind. J 3" I '9' AGENTS for Davis Jlechanlcs soap, the fV.r.nV 5 ''"'ver; lonei and laundry. Outfit freo; 100 per cent prollt. Davis Soap Co., Chicago. J-3n ) ffiJL W,liy i'5"t lla.steud. i n. . . 1 . " "'U"L imieu auinorsnip. Largest, best, most completo history, In cluding funeral obsequies; fully Illustrat ed. Seo that you have our $1.50 book and sell no other. Everbody wants It ; lw per cent prollt. Freight paid. Credit glven u,e ' "ft" with manufacturer. Order free 0.1 tilt today and securo cholco of territory Chicago Blblo House, CO Fifth Avenue; l-hlcago. J 313 29 LADIES and gentlemen can earn good wages mm lie mir r-iirioi, i. i..i..i7i " 1 ,;x'I,orlr,n?.n J"ul cnpltal unnecesiary. Ml'. dress lllff & Co., no Wnbnsh, Chicago .1 32S 29 AI5,If1'S' nri; ''' looking for something f, ?jl,?iW.ork? Y l,llv" u I"""table 1,'is Iness that can be carried on nt home money mado enslly and rnpldly; It Is oper to women nnd bright boys ns well ,.' men. hend stamp for particulars. Wrlti today. .lohnson & Co., Emporia, Knn. J 370 29 "irim wn,' ,c,'- rcPt l"lftono notive Snr, Tn! tlni" 1 rc?" yeK.lnle-y's great Buffalo speech. Everybody buvs. Good side line. Sample with terms, 10c. Donaldson .t Nr.vMin, .(isuii ntation. Chicago. J-337 29 WANTED, nt once. 10.000 nrnniu ,n nr women, lu every Incalltv to sell the "Illustrious Llfo of William JlcKlnley." 1 iwiisiiiiiis 01 poopio nro waiting for mi opportunity to buy this most completo biography of our last martyred president Irom the orndlo to his grave, and a sketch of tho desplcablo asimssln. Agonts make 00 2-3 per cent and will take more subscriptions for our book than they can obtain for thnt advertised by other muses. iTrtui given; ireigut paid; out tlt free. Send 25 cents to pav postage. Order at onco of H. P. Fnbrfcliis Toy "d Notion Cp., 703 N. Ith St., St. Louis, .mo. j 33l zi' AGENTS! $25 dny sure. Now. Just out. "noomer ror saloons, clgnr stores, etc. Sure winner. Lawful; big money mnker. Address JIarshlleld Novelty Co.. 592 Van Huron St., Chicago, 111. J 333 29' AGENTS wanted. "Our Jlnrtyr Presi dents." Only book containing Illustrious life, public and prlvnto of our late Presi dent Wm. JlcKlnley, Lincoln and Gar Held, their noted speeches, their assas sins, history of anarchy, burial of Mc Klnley, trial and sentence of Czolgosz. Largo volume, four bonks In one, only $1.60; over 1(0 lino engravings; by U. 8 Sonator Shelby JI. Cullom nnd John Coulter; best commission guaranteed; freight pnld; credit given: canvassing sample free. Send 10c for postage. C,eo JI. Hill Co., 1G0 So. Clinton St., Chicago. ,I33) 29 AGENTS wnnted; wo pny 40 per cent com- nunrmiH (((in t,vvj eiisii in special prizes; JlcKlnley memorial pictures on iredlt; send no money; send name and address; wrlto us agreeing to sell them and re. turn us the money; wo will send you the pictures free, chnrges prepaid; pleturos are copyrighted and tho best thnt has been produced; to show them soils them; llrst prize $1,000 in ensh; full partculnrs about other prizes with pictures. This offer does not npplv to Chicago and Its suburbs. Address, Household Guest Co., Picture Dept., Chlcngo, III. J 59 29 LIFE of JlcKlnley, by Murot Hnlstend; practically tho only JlcKlnley book In tho Held, for every ono now Insists on having tho Hnlstead book nnd no other; going llko wild lire; 50 per cent commis sion, which Is 100 per cent prollt to agents; big money for ngents who act quickly; outfits freo and nre now lendy. Clark & Co., 223 S. 4th St , Philadelphia. J-3SS-2& AGENTS for special October work of un usual promise; n most llbernl proposi tion will bo mndo; only ono person In ench community employed; agents who have had experience in sale of books and canvnsslng for mngnzlnes preferred; wrlto today for full partculnrs. Tho Floral Publishing Co., Sprlngllnld, Ohio. .1-390 20 OUTFIT free, credit given; cut-prico Xmns books, 50o hook. )5c; $1 book, 25e: $1.'0 book, 50e; $2.50 book, 75e, also best life JlcKlnley, Ferguson, 3005 Fifth Bt Cin cinnati. J-v7J ij AGENTS WANTED. YOU want money. You can mnko plenty of It easily, quickly, honestly, ny selling Tho 11. JI. Co Combination Mop and Wringer (Pat. Fel . 12, 1901). The most rapid selling patented article on tho mar ket, to show It Is to sell It. Agents wanted oierywhcre. Wrlto todny for catalog nnd terms. You envo tunc "end ing Jl.oO for prepaid sample nnd territory. Your money bnck If you want It. lllnke JIdso. Co., Sole Jlfrs., 929 Wisconsin St., Racine, Wis. J-35-JJ A GENERAL ngent to Introduco nnd con trol a rast selling, eiiicicnt, catarrn euro In this city. Jlust hnvo somo money or A 1 references. Tho Colo Jlcdlclno Co., Brooklyn, N. Y. J--3S7 2y AGENTS, with Hayes' Metallic rubber tires for rocking chairs mako $100 per month. .1. C. Hiiycs, 410 E. Locust st Dos Jlolncs, la. J 171 29 $3"0 A .MONTH selling largest host $!.() llfo JlcKlnley, assassination, etc. All who buy our book get freo $2 box of 17 kinds llnest toilet soaps nnd perfumery; on this plan agents quadruple sales; 90 per cent commissions paid; send 10 cents for com plete book nnd soup outllt. Advance Pub, Co., Cincinnati, O. J-301 29 WANTED TO RENT, WANTED, furnished rooms or furnl'hod houso for light housekeeping. Address II SO, Bee. K-J1231 29 WANTED, room nnd bonid, private house, went of 21th, south of Farnam, ono gen tleman. Address II 17, Uce. K 436 29 WANTED, to rent by lady two well-heated unfurnished looms with board between Jackson and Woolworth, 2Sth and 32d streets. It 42, lice. K (51 29 WANTED, one furnished and two partly furnished rooms for light housekeeping, closo lu ;refercnces. Address H 40, Hoc ofllce. K-II3 29 fFvE-ROOJI cottngo by Oct. 10; must bo modern, reasonable rent, good location; family of three. Address Dunlnp, Heo oflleo. K-112 29 WANTED A large, nicely furnished front room, modern conveniences, with board, for man and wife, within six blocks of postolllce. .Must be reasonable. Refer ences exchanged. Address, 11 41. Bee. K-.M39S-1 STORAGH. PACIFIC Storngo nnd Wnrehouse Co , 012 911 Jones, general Btorugu and forwarding. -9J0 OJI. Van Stor. Co., 1511ti Fnrn. Tels. 153-863. STORAGE Household goods nnd othor nrtlcles stored nt low rntes. J. J. Dorluht & Co.. 1119 Farnnm St. Tot St3, -K2 WA NT E D TO BUY. WILL pny cash for Smith Premier type writer, nivc prico uuu iuikui- 'ii-'" H 30, Hoc. N-Jt2S. 29 WE HAVE a customer for a $00,000 to $SO,O00 ranch. Bend location nnd lowest price. Do not nnswer unlesB you have a bargain. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, Jlaln Floor, New York Llfo Bldg. N-JI302 Ol HAVE lino Knnbe piano to rent. Geo, W. Holbrook, 1007 Uitlirop St. N-337 WANTED TO BUY. Will you build cottage at $3,000 Investment, Including lot, nnd tnko for rental 7 per cent not on long lease. Repairs kept up by me. Responsible party. Address II 13, care Bee. N-102 29 WANTED, to buy, at a bargain, oflleo table, roll-top desk, bookkeeping desk, bookcase, revolving chair, etc.; goods may bo second-hand If In good condition; ex pect to cnll Friday to seo goods; Btato your address and bargains. Address II 49. Uce. N-M 103 30 FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Fumlturo Co.. 1410 Dodgo. Tel. 2020. New and secondhand furniture bought, sold, exc.hnnged. O 033 FOR SALE Now nnd hnndsomo fumlturo of eight-room house, nnd upright plnno, cost $430, will sell for $150. Owner leaving on nccount sickness. W. JI. Carlln, 332J JIanderson. O 292 30 FOR SALE HORSES, VEIIICLDS, ETC. TALK It up-Hnrry Frost, 14th and Leav enworth, mnke good vehicles. I" 119 WE HOLD nn auction boIo of horses every Wednesday p. m. at tho Union Stock Yards. Wulworth llllllker Co. FAMILY horso for sale. 3S00 N. 17th St. 1' 309 29' NOTE THE FOLLOWING BARGAIN 58 top buggies nt $15 $20,' $35, $10 nnd $50. 2 canopy surreys. $2o nnd $36. 3 hnnd-mnde carriages, leather top, $lo each. 1 line open trap, $50. 1 tine leather toil carriage, Columbus Buggy Co. make. 503. 1 leather toji carriage, hnnd-mnde, $6j. 3 Concord buggies, open nnd top. I rubber-tired runnbojt. new tires, $0,. 4 line top buggies, good ns new. 1 phaeton $2i nnd ono $35, painted. 2 elegant phaetons, rubber tires, special bargains. 2 lino traps mndo by Buckeye Buggy Co. nnd Columbia Buggy Co. 2 open carriages. Buckeye Buggy Co. make. 1 0-pass. top carriage, Columbus Buggy Co. make. 1 ex. front Rocknway, $150. 1 elegant Rocknway, rubber tires, $230. 1 Kimball brougham a bargain. 1 landiiu or buck. DRUJIJIOND CARRIAGE CO,. IStli and Harney Sts. Opp. Courthnuso. Opp. Public Library. P-10-, 29 FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS. 2DHND safe cheap. Derlght. 1119 Farnnm. Q-935 SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented. 114 S 13 Q-930 EDISON COLUMBIA talking mnchlncs and record-. Omaha Bicycle Co,, 16th and Chicago, Q-SC-I FIR timbers for housemovers, etc., 40 to 71 It., cribbing and hog fenco. 901 Doug las. Q-939 CHOICE lot of milch cows for sale cheap. S. T. Campbell. 4213 Center St. Q 391 BUGGIES, phaetons, surreys, wagons, bi cycles; big stock now, second-hnnd bar gains. Frcdrlckson, 15th nnd Dodge. Q-JI878 829 25-8ETS of second-hand doublo and slnglo harness, 15 saddles; genulno bargains. A. Singer, 416 N. 16th; removed from 12C9 Douglua Q J1357 Oct.6 25 HORSE-POWER boiler, nnd engine, for sale cheap. 610 S. 14th st. Q J1393 O10 HAVING sold my 9-room houso nt 3711 N. Ifith street, I will sell nt onco tho fuml turo, nil or nny pnrt. Who wants a snap? Phono F-2050. H. E. Frcdrlckson. Q-216 29 &no OVERCOATS, bargains, Jlnrowltz. 118 N. 10th. Q-239 COMPLETE set of household goods. Call nt once. No. 10, Sherman flats. Q-J1259 29 FOR SALE, machinery for lOO-lmrrel flour mill, complete; 126-horsn Corliss engine nnd bollor. Call nt Davis & Cowglll's Iron Works, Cor. 15th and Jncksnn Sts. Q-JI350 no EDISON phonographs from $10 up. Columbia grnphophones, from $5 up, Edison records, P0r. Send for catalogue. Omaha Blcyclo Co., 16th find Chicago Hs. Q-N-03 29 BASE BURNER, used one year, good con dition, n snap. Call today between 9 nnd 11 11. m. 210 S. 31th st. Q-Ul 29 CHlCKEttlNG PIANO, splendid condition; genuine bargain: will pay to Investigate. A. W. Williams, 205 W. O. W. bldg. fr-.MUO Ol' NEW process photograph gallery for $12." Little experience necessary. Wl'l tench man or woman the business, flood op portunity for nn nmateur. Apply 620 So. Itith. Q 120 2u CLAIRVOYANTS. DON'T fnll to cnll and consult tho Rou manian gvpsy, who re-venls nil secrets and reads and explnlns to you your entire life, IMS Douglas at., corner 20th. B Mill 2S CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. fl9 N. 16th. MME. OYLMER, genulno palmist, 313 S. 15th. S 156 DON T fall to call and consult tho Rou manian gypsy, who teveals nil secrets nnd reads and explains to you your entire llfo. 1923 Douglas st., curlier 20th. 8-M429 Oj MMIi IIVt.MI.Ml OMAILVH FAVORITE PALJIIST. ThJ? rennwne'l lady. who. by her adapta bility and closo application to tho study J'f 'lie art of palmistry, has climbed 'ho "ladder of fnmo" until today sho stands without 11 rival lu the Held of LIFE READERS. Sho has had few equals, but never 11 superior. And as time goes 011 sho makes strides of progress which al most bnlllo tho scientific world. This won derful Isdy has Introduced new phases and discovered points of Interest In her work and In fact practices methods which ccllpso nil other methods In vogue. Sho never falls to glvo entire satisfaction. Parlors of Palmistry In Granlto block, 315 H, 15th, 2d Hoor Take elevator. Send $1 nnd six qui stlons answered. S 150 '.9 PERSONAL. DR. RO. chiropodist; corns nnd superflu ous hair removed by electricity. H. 12. Frenzer block. U 941 M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect nc cordlon pleating plant lu the west; malt orders solicited. Sulto 2u0, Douglas block. U-OtO ' IAVA, woman's way to hculth; rational, wholesome homo treatment. 3IS Heo llldg! U-012 PRIVATE hospital for Indies before n-ul during confinement; babies adopted. "301 Grant street. U 941 JENNIE, meet me at tho Collins Piano Co.'s store, 1022 Douglas st., tomorrow at i p. 111. nnd hear tho wonderful Jlomrcli talking machine. George. U CI? PRIVATE home for Indies boforo nnd dur ing confinement; babies ndnpted. ;om Burdetto st. Jtrs. Burget. U 571 09 OMAHA Accordion Pltg Co., 1521 DouruT U-91J SUPPLIES for nil mnchlncs; machines for rent. White Sewing .Machine, J620 Dniu lus. Tel. 2231. U-915 RUPTURE CURED without thri(nTfo.i:m plro Rupturo Cure, 932 N. Y. Life Rldg. U-990 830 MME. SMITH, baths, US N. IB, 2d floorTR 5 Uf92 07 VCCORDION pleating; chenpest. best and quickest. JIrs, A. C. .Mark, 17th nnd Fnr nnm. U 330 WALL PAPER cleaner. C. Meddlemiot. 'Phone 1258. Leave orders at 1519 Farnam. Rooms cleaned, $1 and up. U f03 Ot9 ANNEKA JANS HEIRS will" meet Tt 320 N. 15th street, October 1, nt 2 p. m , In Omnhn, Neb. JIrs. Jlnry Currey. Trens tirer. U M1CS 20 PIANOS tuned, $1.75. Address 11 22. Bee. U-M17S 30 A NICE healthy baby girl for adoption nt 1109 So. 17th street, Omaha. U-.M200 Ol WE RENT sewing machines for 75 cents per week, we repair and sell needles a'ul parts for every machine manufactured. 'Phono 1063. Neb. Cycle Co.. 15 Harney. Branch Olllces: 012 N. 21th, South Omnhn; 'phono 2173. 331 Broadway, C.ouncll Bluffs. U 87! 021 RUPTURE permanently cured In 20 (o 00 days. Send for circular O. S. Wood. M. D., 521 New York Life Bldg., Omnhn, Neb, U-0S1 015 LADY piano teacher, graduate from east ern conservatory, will glvo lessons nt 50 cents a lesson. Address H 33, Bee. U-206 29 FREE sewing school with competent In structors. Thursday and Saturdays, nil day and evenings. Everybody welcome. Nebraska Cyclo Co., 13th und Ilnrnev Sts. U-2.ll 29 SUPERFLUOUS hnlr. worts nnd motes permanently removed by electricity; con sultation frco nnd cnnlldcntlal; all worlc guaranteed. JUss Allender, 1613 Douglas. IT- MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocnlna habit: myself cured, will Inform you of harmless, permanent homo cure, Mrs, Baldwin, Box 1212, Chlcngo. U MARRY or correspond for nmiiscment; send stnmp for sealed particulars. Box D 268, Council Bluffs, la. U MARRIAGE paper, exclusive. 24 pages, 10c. No $3 fee. Jlony worth $100 to $Hl,iwo. Only club giving bunk nnd commercial reference. R. L. Love, Denver. Colo. IT 307-29 MEJIRER of a family of title, Englishman, ngod 22, now 011 a visit to this country, literary, artistic, with ordlnnry lastes of an English gentleman, about to entr vice regal government (Indlnm, desires lo marry American girl of culture and honor who Is willing to reside In India. Enclmo photograph II 33, Bee. U 311 29 BEFORE expnsuro to wind, sun or cold apply HATLN-siviN cream, then uso SATIN-SKIN Powder. Prevents tnn, smarting, gives lovely complexion. Satlu Skin, 25c. r 315 2:i JIISS HARRIETT FRANCES BECKER Voice culture. 1910 Capitol ave. U-JI (23 OS ENLARGE YOUR BUST. LADIES!-! to 10 Inches at home, with Dr. Conway's Bust Tabloids, at trilling cost; $I.tiO for a caso we cannot; thoso developed In past 13 years piovo 'tis permanent. Sealed facts, le stumps. CONWAY SPECIFIC CO.. 13 Temple Place, Boston, Jlnss. IT 117 29 REFINED nnd Intelligent young lady o7 20. worth $30,000, desires kind husband. Box 392, Toronto Junction, Out. U-303 29 SECOND-HAND JIACIIINES. Wo have Just received a carload of Wheeler & Wilson sewing machines 11 nil must have room, so w aro making tho lowest prices ever mado on second-hand machines. This week only. Former Price. This Week. 1 Singer $ t.01 $ I Household 20.(0 i '0 :i Singers, high nrm 20.00 8. no 1 Singer, new improved.,.. 23. CO 10 00 I Household 10.00 5 '0 1 Union 10.00 5 '0 1 White 16 00 8 00 1 Wilcox it Glbbs 25.00 12 50 - New Home 20.00 8 ol 1 Singer tailoring 200 10 ) Jlodern drup-htad mnchlncs, slightly l.sed, at one-lmlf regular price. We rent machines at 75c per week or $2 per month, Thesn nre modern, up-to-date, maclilms, with complete attachments. Wo sell needles nnd parts for nnd repair overy i-ewlng machine manufactured. NEHRASKA CYCLE CO.. Cor. 15th nnd Harney sts. George E. Mlckel, Mauager. Branch oillees: 612 N. 21th st.. South Omaha, Neb., and 33! Broadway, Council Bluffs. In V 291 29 "SMOKE IF YOU LIKE." And when ynu smnko you'll llko It better If j 011 umoke tho PRINCE OF OMAHA, nn unexcelled 5c union mado cigar. Whole sales at $17 per thousand. AY. I-'. Stoecker cigar Co. U-MII9 O:. CONTRACTORS will find plans ninTspocllU cations for 0-room houso nftcr October 1 with Joe I. Plensnnts, 61 Barker block LT IIS 29 ELITE PARLORS, 615 So. 16th St., 2d floor. U 111 02 DO YOU know your future? If not nd dress Hllov Allen. St. Anthony Hill Sta tion. St. Paul. Jllnn. Rond 10e and birth dnte, with quick return, ho will give v ti this Information In n wonderful life rein. Ing. U-377 :9 HANDSOJIE American lady, Independ ently rich, wants good honest husband. Address Erie, 193 Washington St., Chi cago, 111. IT -393 29' MO.M'.V TO I.OAN-IIEAI, ESTATE. 5 AND 5V4 per cent loans. W. II Thomas, Flrbt National Bank building. Tel. 1613. W-346 IXJANB on eastern Ncbrnska nnd western Iowa farms at D per cent; borrowers iai pay $100 or any multiple; any Interest date; no delay. Uronnni-L'jvo Co.. 309 Sos 13th St., Omaha, Neb. W 550 WANTED, city loans. h"Hln nnd warrant!. Georgu Company. 1001 Farnam street. W-917 WANTED, city loans and wnrrants. W. Furnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnum street, W-918 WANTED, city and form loans; also bond, nnd wnrrnnlH. R. C Peters ii Co, 1,14 Farnam St,, Uco Bldg. .W-SU I 1