Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1901, Page 21, Image 29

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Tall Euyen Arching In Lrgr Nntnberi
Thm Expected
Although I'nll tlnstiiess I. Mill l Full
Dlnul, Johhrr Arr Prrparlntr for
Sprint; Trntle unci n IVr le
men llnvc iirliic !iuiiilc,
There was no special attraction last week
to draw merchants to this city such as
wa tho case the week before, but never
theless there were a good many buyers on
tho market and local Jobbers did u very
nice business. There were In fact a Brent
many more retailers In town than they
anticipated, as they Imagined that prac
tically all who wero counting on comlnic
here at about this time came In during
the Ak-Sar-Uen festivities, It seems, how
ever, that a Breat many waited until after
tho carnival was over In order to avoid the
rush. It Is very evident from tho talk and
actions of Jobbers In practically all lines
that they are more pleased with the way
fall business Is golnt? nnd are very conn
dent regarding the future. , , .
The general market Is also In a n01,"";
lsfactory condition. Prices arc not tlurtu
atlng to any extent so as to make buyers
cautious, hut on tho contrary values seem
to be on a good solid foundation, with every
prospect of their remaining that way for
some little time to ("me. That fact gives
buyers an opportunity to anticipate their
wants to a considerable pxtent and makes
the total volume of business much larger
than It wojld otherwise be.
Actlvr Ilemntul for flroorrlm.
Wholesale grocers report trade as being
exceptionally heavy for this time of year.
Their traveling men are all meeting with
good success and llnd merchants more will
ing than usual to place liberal orders for all
staple lines, Since last report there nave
been a few ups and downs, but nothing
very startling has taken place.
Sugar Is quoted a trllle easier than It was
n week ago, owing probably to the fact
that the period o heavy consumption Is
rapidly approaching an end. The coffee
market Is about the samo as It was a week
Cheese has taken another upward move
ment owing t" the Increased buying, both
for home and foreign trade. Then, too, the
season when the hulk of the cheefe Is made
Is about closed. The advance for the week
nmojnts to a full 4 c-nt per pound nnd
the market Is now strong and netlvo and
higher prices at any time would causo no
The rope market nlso advanced last wok
becauso of the higher prices ruling on the
raw fibre Sisal advanced 1 cent per pound
and Manila about ,i cent per pound.
In canned goods there Is also a tendency
toward higher prices. This Is particularly
true of tomatoes, which are 2'iij5 cents per
dozen higher than they were a week ngo.
The frosts which were experienced from
September IS to 20 did considerable damage
and, of course, the dry weather, which
lasted several weeks In the producing sec
tions of Mnrytand nnd Delaware, nlso cut
down the yield. The pack for those reasons
Is rather short. Corn and practically the
entire line of canned goods Is In a very
strong position and those who are posted
on the situation nre predicting higher
prices as soon as the period of heavy con
sumption sets In.
Dried fruits, farinaceous goods and most
other staple lines not mentioned nbov. nro
quoted Just nbout the same us they were a
week ago,
Knll Oooilis .MovIiik Treelj".
Fall goods with hardware Jobbers nro
now moving out at a rapid rate. All such
lines as stoves, stove boards, coal scuttles,
olbows. stovepipe, and In fact all kinds of
lines that come under the head of cold
weather goods are In active demand.
Traveling men find that merchants have
not nny great amount of that stock on
hand and as a result they find It compara
tively ensy to land good liberal orders. In
making comparisons with this time last
year It Is found that business U consider
ably heavier thnn It was then, which Is
saving a good deal.
There Is very llttlo to be said regarding
the condition of tho market, as there has
been practically no change In the general
situation since last report. There have been
no advances of much Importanco and
neither have there been nny declines, so
the market may bo snld to be in n good,
healthy condition, Those who ought to
know are very confident that prices will be
maintained nt their present level for sonn
tlmo to come, unless something out of tho
ordinary happens to change conditions ma
terially. (iettliiK Itenitr for ftiirlntr.
Although fall business with dry goods
Jobbers Is still In full swing, they are never
theless getting ready for spring business.
They have already started out several of
their special men with spring lines and ex
pect to hind a nice bunch of advance orders.
Men's shlits and women's shirtwaist. In
particular, are being offered to the trade
at the present time. It will not be long
now before nil the traveling men will bo
out with spring goods.
Immediate business Is still In n most
satisfactory condition. The city was full
of buyers last week nnd n great many
heavy ordeis were placed. A number of
large opening stocks nero also bought. Th s
has bean the most satisfactory, as well ns
tho largest, fall trade that wholesalers
have ever experienced nnd very naturally
they are greatly pleased.
There Is no market news this weok worthv
of mention, as prices on nearly all ilns
nre Just about the same ns they were at
last report. Cotton goods continue good
and firm and so far ns ran b" told, nt tho
present time, nre likely to remain that way
SprliiR Knntitrnr Xim Itendy.
Leather goods Jobbers are also preparing
for their spring trade. Their namplcs have
arrived and merchants will lie given an
opportunity to place their advance orders
In th nfr fllfftrn T Innblnn rtM . V, a
lines offered. It Is Keen at once that fancv i
lines will tako nn Important place this ! Jlcrccs. steady. co. "aeon. Cumber
eomlng season. Red soles on both blacks land ?ut- 1",ef; ,0 3? lb.s.- n; than
and tans nre one of the novelties that are
y stitches In different
placing heavy orders and traveling men nre
nisu uoinB a nig uusiness. sales are run
ning considerably ahead of last year's rcrerd
and evetythlng at the present tlmo points
to a continued heavy demand throughout
the fall and winter.
The rubber goods trade Is no verv satis,
factory. There Is of course noth.rig very
rushing In footwear, as orders Hre mostly
placed, but there Is an excellent trade tn
mackintoshes and rubber clothing of nil
varieties. The ralnH of the last few weeks
have stirred up the trade on that class of
goods In good shape nnd the amount of
stock sold has gone far ahead of expecta
tions. Fruits mill Product.
While ther hns been no special feature
to the demand for fruits nnd produce dur
ing tho last few days, th.'re has been a
good, active trado on nearly nil seasonal) e
lines. Price fluctuations have been rather
scarce. n a enmn.irUnn ni ih ,,n, , o
given In another column with those of
"go win snow, it will bo noticed tint
potatoes nre still telling nt a high ilgure
und that both Salt lik-es and Colorados
are quoted.
Good eating apples nre now ready sellers
and are worth from to I3.M ,,fr barrel.
Peaches, pears, plums and grapes nre nlo
n good request at ubout the samo prices
that were quoted u week ago
The supply or poultry hus been very
liberal and particularly is that true of
?'n't1 ruhlcklns- "re now only a
trifle higher than old hen. The demand for
eggs Is sultlrlent to take wlmt 1 1 c" nlng
h?h vlct ftre flrm- Is quit" n
2fi3e creamery now bilng worth
Oysters are urrlvlng on the market more
freely than they were nt the opening of
J in cason aml I'flccs have eased oft a
Mlhvnnkcr Grnlit MnrKel,
No. 1 northern. 70fl704c, No. 2 northern,
t$4ft03c, December, 7C4c
UYK-Slradv; No. 1, 5ug.,
;BARLEY-Dull; No. 2. f9c; sample, 45
CORN-Dull; December, tonOIic.
Mrvr YorU Dry (iooils MnrUrf.
The market for nil descriptions of cotton
goods hns been q -tet today, fully ns miKh
attention being given to yucht news us to
bulness. Prices remained firm. Print
cloths are dull for regulars and barely
being offered. Fane
colors on tne miner nre n in in in itqAit I 1,ih , ,--.,, -.j iu w iua.,
to a consldeAl e -eVieni tThn,0. "n'n .1 -teatly. 51s; short clear hncks. steady. 16 to
particularly the shiny shoes, will be he Ji'&TtiWcM ySuaro cut n tnfl
most popular. It Is thrught. but still Jobbers ?hJd V-n,iv 4V 6,1 ' F'luaro cut- 13 to 13
nre looking for quite u demand for light 1 ni'TTE It-Steady- finest United 3Hte
tana and nlso for oxbloods. In shapes there os- K00d Unltwl stnte" 7s States,
there Is to bo very little change frem tho'e CHEFSF-Qulet- American finest nhlte
m0ee'tlng',wltTrshton?ul,nrr8J;rM AmcrK 'tin'esT ccTJreW 6d."te'
meeting wiin sucn popular approtal thnt tai.i fiw'-nrlmn cltv stmncr :!
mA. regards VheVman f for 7 'T? "' AwtS Inn ln.ondon'1,nVm.830.s6,1: 'S
llrVes tt"holenlerH J n?nv "I'n'V"' n,cr Receipts of wheat during the last three
fall? M'e chants M c??" ""J1 tals. Including 20S.2W Ame.l-
steajy a.t 3e. American co'ton yams weak
and ,mgj,ar: . wtr tha.i a wtek
Worsted arns firm Wooien yarns steady,
Condition of Trndp anil Quotation
on Stnple nnd I'nncy I'rodnce,
EGOS Receipts fair; loss off. 14C15C.
LIVE I'OUI.TKY-Hens, 7?7hc, young
end old roosters, Ic. turkeys. iHjSc; luck
and geese, &4c; spring chickens, per lb
HL'TTHn-Common to 'fair. 123i:Uej
choice dairy, In tubs, lbQltc, separator, ii
FHESH FISIt-Black bass, He: white
bas, 10c; bluetl'h, 11c: bullheads, 10c; bluo
fins, "c; buffaloes. Tc, cattish, l-'e; cod, 10c;
croppies. 10c, halibut, 11c, herrln. 7c; had
cock, 10c; pike. 10c; red snapper, 10c; sal
mon, He; sunflsh, 6c; trout, lvc; whltensn,
OYSTKHS Mediums, per can. 2ac: Stand
ards, per can, 2e, extra selects, per can,
Kc; New York counts, per can, Uc; bulk
standards, per gal., ll.JS.
PK1KONS Uve, per doz., Kc.
VEALS-Cholce, Ac. ,
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale
Hay Dealers' aoclnllon: Choice upland,
JW.M; No. J upland. J10: medium, 9.30;
carse, IS.50. Ilye straw, 1.5,50. These prices
are for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair. Receipts, 2 cars.
COItN-Stc. , .
OATS-Old. Kc. '
. POTATOES Home grown. tl.lM71.15: Salt
Lakes, ii.w; Colorado, Jl.-.n.
ECJO PI,ANT-Per doz., T5c.
CAHROTS-Per market basnet. 55c
P.EKTS Per halt-bu. basket, Soc.
TL'HNIPS-Per basket. 3uc.
CL'UL'JlIiEHS Home grown, per doz., 10
LETTl'CE Per bu.. 20c.
HA DISHES Per doz.. lutflSc.
PAKSI EY-Per doz.. 20o.
CAUB AGE Holland seed, crated. lc.
TOMATOES Home grown, per li-lb. bas
ket. Ok
BEANS Wax. per H-bu. basket, 60c;
string, per 4-bu. basket, 60c.
ONlONS-Home-grown, per lb., !82V4c:
Spanish, per crate. Jl. SO.
CANTA LOUPE Hocky fords, per crate,
"VATEHMELONS - Missouri, Iowa and
Ntbraska. 20fJSc. as to slzs.
CELERY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 25ff35c:
Nebrnska, per bunch, SOtOc; Colorado, 40
NAVY BEANS Per bu., n.SOflS.-J.
APPLES-Cooktng. per bbl.. t2.5d32.T3;
snow apples, pet bbl., 13; Jonathans, J3.W;
Belleilower-i. tl.txHil.73.
PEACHES California freestone, per box,
JSc; clings, 75c, t'tah freestone, 73-0 0o;
Elbertos, tl-basket crates, tl.3)U1.40,
PLCMS-Cullfornla. per cnte. tl 2331.i0;
home-grown, per S-lb. basket, 15c.
PEARS-Bnrtletts, 12.50; rtah, t2.
GRAPES -California Tokuy. Mb. crate,
t2; Muscats, 11.60; Concords, eastern, 20c.
PINEAPPLES Per crate of 12 to ltf. tl.2S.
CRANBERRIES Per bbl., tC.JO; per crate,
J2 5-.
QUINCES-Per box, il.CZ.
ORANGES Valcnclns, JI.COO5.00: MeJ.
sweets, tl.W.
LEMONS-Fanry, f3.75; choice, H.25.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to size,
FIGS California, new cartons, 73c; Im
ported, per lb., I2giic.
DATES Persian, In C0-lb. boxes. Sairs, 5c.
UONEY-Pcr IM-tectlon ca3e. 13 75.
NUTS-Engllsh walnuts, per lb.. 15c: fil
berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., lS20c;
raw peanuts, per lb., 5&5hc: roasted, 64
7tc; BrnzlH, 13c; pecans, 10j22c.
CIDER-Pcr bbl., tl.5-J; per !7-bbl., t2.73.
HIDES No. 1 green. C4c; No. 2 green,
6'.4c; No. 1 salted, Sc; No. 2 salted, 7c; No.
1 veal cilf. S to 12'4 lb'., Sc; No. 2 vcnl
calf. 12 tu 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides. 5&13c: sheep
pelts, 2yj75c; horschldcs, tl.lOQ-2.2).
St. I.ouls Crnlii and l'ro talons.
7IS.c: No 2 hard. CDWc,
CORN-No. 2 cash. 57c; track. WftiSHe;
September, 57c; December, 574c; May, 5SH
OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 37c; track. 371
038c; September. 37c; December, 374c; May,
:&4c ; No. 2 white. 394c.
RYE Firm at 34c
FLOUR Dull nnd easy: red winter pat
ents, J3.4ryd3.oo; extra fancy and straight,
t3.CMf3.15; clear,
SEEDS-Tlmothy, tinner. U. 7535.35, with
prime worth more. Flaxseed, no market.
CORNMEAL Steady at f.'.JO.
BRAN Lower; sacked, east track, 77379c.
HAY" Dull; timothy,; prairie,
not quoted.
WHISKY-Stendy. $1.30.
PROVISIONS-Pork. firm; Jobbing, $16.00.
Lard, higher at $9,974. Dry salt meats
(boxed), strong, 4c better: extra shorts,
t9 25; clear ribs, $3,124; clear sides, $9.50.
Bacon (boxed), strong; extra shorts, $10.25;
clear ribs. $10; clear sides. ilO.374.
METALS - Lead, lower at $4.27434.30.
Spelter, weak at t3.924. asked.
ruL l.1 ni uuiei: cnicKens. ,c: snrinKs.
74!c; turV.eys, 74c; young, &U7c; ducks,
6c; geese. 4B5o.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 17Q22c;
dairy. 13017c.
Er.GS-rfteady at 16c.
RECEIPTS-FIour. 7.000 bbls.; wheat, 26,
) bu.. corn, 33,0o) bu.; oats, 29,0) bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour, S.liO bbls.: wheat,
ll.WM bu. ; corn, 22,Cn) bu. ; oats, 31,000 bu.
Liverpool tSrnln nnd lro liliina,
dull. No. 2 red western winter, 5s 6d; No. 1
northern spring, 5s 74d; No. 1 California,
bs 104d; fjtures, quiet; December, os 7d;
March. 5s std.
CORN Spilt, quiet; American mixed, new,
3s Id; futures, dull; October. 4s lld; No
vember. 4s H4d; December, 3 114d.
PEAS Canadian, steady. Cs 6d.
FLOUR-6t. Louis fancy winter, steady,'
7s fid.
HOPS At London (Paclflo coast), dull,
3 35s.
PROVISIONS-Beef. firm: extra Inrtlt
hubs. 70s. Por". tlrm; prime nuss. west
ern. 73 61. Hms, short cut. II to 16 lb.,
nun, sua. uaru, Hic.iuy; American re
fined, in pulls, steady. 5Ss 6d; prime western.
fV?'..1" '?. .. ."'..'.V sls; , ,0"K .clear
P"""'1-!;, ',h"V.,lot,i,...,,V'',1I,m' l1.ta'
Receipts of American corn duilng the
last three days, 62,000 centals.
KniisiiK City Grnlii anil Provisions,
KANSAS CITY. Sept. 2S.-WHEAT-Sop-tember.
614c; December. 6646634c; May,
70V,li70V- Cash: No. 2 hnrd, dHs'uOCc; No.
i red. ,W704c. nominal.
CORN-Septcmber, 6.14c; December. 57Uc:
May 5S4e. Cash: No. 2 mixed. 574355c
No. 2 white, 5Sfi5S4c.
prir04ei3l,(!r,hyi S'Br.M; choice
fanv''lmfcrCamer' 16481501 dalr-'
LOOS Steady fresh Missouri nnd Kan
sas stock quoted on 'change at 15c doz
loss off. cases returned. '
RECEIPTS-Wheat, S2.40O bu.; corn. 5A.40)
bu.; oat. 12.00 bu.
KlinniPVTtf WhAat MC.l .
i S V V "I " -'..Vv.!' ","" corn
v-cw "a,s
Toledo (Jrnln nnd Seed,
TOLEDO. O.. Sept. 2S.-'HEAT-Du!l and
steady; cash and September. 724c; Decem
ber. 734c: May, 764c
CORN Moderately active nnd weak; cash
and September and December, 57c; May
OATS Dull and easier; cash anil Septem
ber. 37c; December. 374c; May. 3Ssic.
C LO V E 1 18 E ED A c tlve and steady; cash,
prime and October. J5 174; December, $5.20.
.Mliiiit'iipollo Wheat, Flour nnd Ilrnu,
6S4c; December. 674c; May. 70c;
on track. No. 1 hnrd, ?J4c, No. 1 northern,
CS4c; No. 2 northern, frt4c.
FLOUR First patents, J3.J4.iO; second
patents. $3.W; Ilrst clears, $2.SJ2.W; second
clears, t2 25.
BRAN In bulk, tl3.0013.25.
Peorln Mnrket.
PEOIUA. Sept. 2S.-CORN-Lower; No. 2.
'OATS Easy ; No. 2 white. 34c, billed
WHISKY-On the basis of tl.30 for fin
ished goods.
flnluth rsrnin Mnrket,
DULUTH. Sept 2S.-WHEAT-Cash. No.
1 hard. ."!(.. No. northern. 6Jc. No. 1
northern, 674c, September, 674c; October,
074c. December. Uc, May, 71c.
OATS 3J4S354C.
Cistomarj Etardiy Dilliisi Fieralli on
the 8tari of Tra it.
Who lit Closes V.tiiy nnd Shnde Higher
Onts More Active Thnn for Sev
ern! Da) Provisions
Arc Dull.
J 4ti
CHICAGO, 8ept. 2S.-The customary dull
ness of Saturday's short session prevailed
on the Board of Trade today nnd under
bearish conditions December corn closed
Uc lower, December wheat a shade higher
and December oats s04C lower. Provisions
closed 24c to 2ViCc higher.
Corn opened heavy and ruled weak all
day. December starting USHc lower at
57ifiC7s'fc on lower cables and fair weather
for maturing the lato corn. There was a
fecblo attempt by the bull party to press
tho price back, but December hold 57?c
only momentarily and on liberal offerings
by tho longs, who bought early In the
week, December broke and declined
rapidly, closing weak, Uc lower at Zi';ic.
Receipts were 318 cars.
When wheat opened a small bear ring
succeeded In pressing the market for De
cember under 70c nnd It looked for a tlmo
as If It would stay there, especially with
the Influenco of a slumplns corn market.
December started -4c lower to unchanged
at 697t704o on lower cables and liberal
receipts, und with tho northwest a seller
nnd a seeming exhaustion of buying orders
at 70c the sales kept around Ca'c for the
first hour A fair outside demand de
veloped, however, and on shorts covering
the market touched 70-Stt7o'4c and closed
easy a shade higher at .OSu i0'4c. Local
receipts were 12s cars. Minneapolis nnd
Duluth reported 916 cars, making a total
for the three points of 1,041 cars, ngalnit
1,422 last week nnd 612 a year ago. Pri
mary receipts were 1.167.C"' bushels, com
pared with 951.0CO bushels a year ago. Sea
board clearances In wheat and Hour were
031, 1'.O bushels.
Oats wero moro active thnn for scvaril
days, though under the Influence of corn
the market was weak. December opened W
mine to 4c lower nt aSS'Sc to 35o nnd
following the break In corn nnd on a
liberal liquidation declined nnd clos?d
weak at the bottom figure, Ji'aHo lower nt
304'u3JSc. Receipts were 221 cars.
Provisions were dull, though Independent,
of tho grain market. Local buying nnd n
strong hog market strengthened January
products and January pork closed 24jjc
up at tl6.13316.174, January lard 24c blither
at t9.5o and January ribs 24c up at Vlo.
Estimated reeclpts for Monday: Vh;nt,
100 cars; corn, 330 cars; oats, 210 cars; hogs,
30.fl head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. Illgh.l Low. Close.; Ycs'y.
Wheat I
14 874
16 124
16 25
10 fO
9 V,
9 474
9 474
8 S5
S F.'4
s r24
S 40
66I tGi
31V 344
16 124
16 324
15 05
16 25
16 35
" ?T4
14 P74
16 174
16 124
16 30
16 30
10 2241
10 224
10 224
10 224
10 074
9 50
S 90 1
S $74
S 33
S 424
10 uo
9 50
9 60
10 10
10 o
0 60
9 50
9 524
9 55
S J24!
S 324
S 95
S S24'
S 32ts
s r4
8 40
s 40
No 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Steady; winter patents. $3.50
3.60: straights. t3.O)33.40; clears. J2.S&33.40:
spring specials. $4M7'4.10; patents, J3.3031
3.60: strnUhts. J2.W3-M-WHEAT-No.
3, iatc: No. 2 red. 70S
CTORN No. 2 yellow. C74c.
OATS-No. 2. 35I?33TJc; No. 2 white, S7Q
3Sc: No. 3 white. 36H0374C
BARLEY Fair to choice malting. 54360?.
SEEDS No. 1 flax. Jl. 66: No. 1 north
western. J1.66: prime timothy, $5.3533.50:
clover, contract grade. JS.25.
PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per bbl.. $13.00
615.05. Lard, per 1C lbs.. $10.20310.224.
Short ribs sides (loose). tS.BMO.Oo. Dry salted
shoulders (boxed). t7.50iT7.7o. Short clear
sines (ooxeai. jj.k.ii'.i.ui.
WHISKY-Basls of high wines, tl.30.
The followlnr are the receipts und thlp
ments for the last twenty-four hours:
Articles. Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls 21.0C")
Wheat, hu 13S.0M
Corn, bu 334.0W
Oats, bu 2S2.rM
uye, bu .s.ooi)
Barley, bu 41.000
On the Produce exchange today the but.
ter market was steady: creameries. Hftiie-
dairies, 11317c. Cheese, steady, lOQllc. Eggs,
QnotntloiiK of the Day on Various
NEW YORK. Sept. 23,-FLOUR-Rccelpts
21,105 bbls.; exports, 10,290 bbls.; market
neglected and barely steady; winter pat
ents, $3.5083.S0; winter straights, $3.30H3.45;
Minnesota patents, $3.653.I); winter extras,
$2.5C"ft2.!sO. Rye Hour, quiet; fair to good,
$:.1(3.I6; cnoice to fancy, $3,3013.35.
CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow western, $1.22
city. $1.20. Brandywlne. $3.35fi3.50.
RYE-Qulet; No. 2 western, COc, f. o. b ,
BARLEY Quiet: feeding. 54c. c. 1. f., Buf.
falo; mnltlng. SOIieic, c. 1. f., Buffalo.
WHEAT Recelnt. 11.550 bu.: exports
1,517 bu. Spot, easy; No. 2 red. 754c, f. o b.,
atloat: No. 2 red. 74ic. elevator. Ontlons
opened easier, olng to foreign selling of
May wheat, local liquidation, big north
western receipts and prospects for bearish
statistics on .Monuay. iatcr tney part'nuy
recovereu on covering, t. loseu steady. .May,
75 9-16U757i.c. closed nt 7STc: Sentember.
7340744c, closed at 71c; October. ?34(J734e,
closed at 734c; December, 75',;S75 13-licj
clospd at 73c.
CORN Receipts. 71,3"0 bu.: exports, S7'6S
u. wn,ui, wit) , u. iwl, ricvmur, uni
624c, f. o. b.. afloat. Option market oponed
easier on the sharp drop iu cable and
runner declined under nne weather west,
liquidation and poor support. Closed wetk
May. 62Qfl2 13-16C. closed nt 62e: Sentem.
ber. 62'5tVlc. closed nt 62,cf October clozed
ai o.c; ueceinoer, u.'ijs:(,c. closed at 62Uc
OA It Receipts, ia,) bu.: exports, 42 2
bu. Spot, quiet. Options innctlve and-
HAY" Quiet; shipping, 60J,63c; gocd to
cnoice, wuvje.
HOPS-Qjiet: state, common to choice
1901 crop. naiSc: 1900 crop. HttlSc: 1S99 crnn
6911c; Pacific roast. IXO crop, ligi5c; 1J99
crop, ouiic; 153 crop, auc.
HIDES Quiet; Galveston. 20 tn 25 lbs
ISc; Callfornln. 21 to 23 lbs., 194c; Texas
drv. 24 to 30 lbs.. 144c.
LEATHER Steady; hemlock sole, Bue
nos Ayres, light to heavy welchts, 234t
214c: ncld. 23ig2l4c.
PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. $11.50
Itii.w, mess, j3.ovoio.ou; Deei, ko.ob
:i oo; pacnei. iiu.waii'.w; eny. exirn innir.
mess, jisioyis.w. cut ineam. steady
nlckled bellies. tD 7MJ11.75: nlcktcd shnul
ders. t7.257.50, pickled hams. $10.734111.00
Lard, firm; western steamed. 110.15; re
lined, firm: continent. 110.70: South Amer.
lea. $11.25. compound. S7.?74HS.5'). Porlt
firm; family, $14.i0 16.50; short clenr, $17.60
Vivw: mess, JiB.ovtjii.w.
T.LI)W-Flrm; city ($2 per pkg.), 6c
country ipKgs. tree;, aiiO'liC
POULTRY Alive, steady; dressed, firm
prices uncnangeu.
METALS Thero was little or no bust
ness executed In local metal circles todnv
The usual absence of entile nn Hnturriuv
had a depressing effect upon business, while
prices were nominally uncnanged. Tin was
uuu at j.-i.xnf.5.i. laa was quiet. Speltr
waa fiulet nt f4.05fT4.10. Conner was nunie
nt $16 50fii7.c) for Lnke Superior and $16,574
ui lamuiK nno electrolytic, iron
wn nun m , tor pig iron warrants
No. 1 northern foundry. $15,001 13.50; No. :
southern foundry. U.(v?iu.fA: Vn i .uih
ern foundry. $l475iRi3.25: No. 1 southern
mi iuuuur, 4l1.ld'10..
Ilnnk ClrnrlnKS.
OMAHA. Sept. 2S. Bank clearings today; corresponding day last year. tl.
K2.M9; Increase, 172.5.17; clearings for the
weeg,, a,i, corresponding week las
year. -.3ii.ue.. increase, j;'4t,275.
PHII..DELPHIA. Sept. 2S.-Clearlngs
tlS,614.53; balances. $3,S34.W For the week
Clearings. tl09.2l7.OSO; balances. fl7.4!5.336.
Money. tanj per cent,
BALTIMORE. Sept. 2S.-Clearlngs. J3.5,
452, balarres. t5M,r4, For the week: Clear
ings. j;,3M,bui; oaianccs, 3,oi9,a-9. Money
4Vfi5 Ter cent.
CHICAGO. Sept. 23,-Clearlnes, tS.967,157
lan es tl.lffi.KO. p -Jied ex. h: ge $
iL X. . - . V. . . .. , .1
4 H
T 1 . V . . . . . . i i . . . . , .
balances, tl.747.Sl!.
t.vt vurk, sept, ri. Clearings, jnv
r, balances. 115.244.9
L.OL IS, Sept ? -Clearings, t 770 yv.
Moinin cB. oji.v.o; mnne) , inn per teni; ew
Y'ork exchange, 20c discount bid, pur asked.
MnrUrt Is Prlnclpnlly "e of l'rofrs-
slonnl Oprrntlons.
NEW Ynntf Hn VIh nnlv two
hours of trading today and n yacht race
In progress, n large part of the usual In-
ercai in tne slnvk market was llerteti
ind tho affair um nrlnelfualK nne nf smntl
profesilonnl operations. There were soma
ueuvy diocks, running from to :..)
shares, of United States Steel, common and
preferred: New York Central and Un on
Pacific transferred ill the nr,..nlnf itenllnirs
and the market generally went higher dur
ing me nrst hour. A number of obscure
stocks were brought forward, as vesterdov.
some new ones being added to yesterday's
list. Amalgamated Copper fluctuated tin
certainly, rising n small fraction at nrst
uiiu meeting support at early declines. The
Whole market snld off In the seenml hniir.
when traders took their profits, and Amal
gamated Copper fell 24 below Inst nlsht.
rhe andcrbllt8 were also notably nffected
by the renllzlng In the absence of the buy
ing from the sources which were responsi
ble for yesterdays strength. The market
closed weak.
ino bank statement showed a lnrger g.iln
in cash reserves than was anticipated, but
...-.. iu eiivci me expected contraction in
tne lOnn liccntlnt frnm f 1, rt
liquidation. Preparations for October dis
bursements nnd fur subscription to several
municipal bond issues during the wek
probably account f"r the offset to tho re
payment of loans by the stock market.
There has been .10 notable selling orcsiuro
in tho bond market outside of n few specu
lative bonds, l'nliiwl Slit.. r....n.. .i.
advanced 4. the Js ?, and the new 4s '
oxer the closing call of lust week.
nn ,.f-i-rora,J erc,nl Advertiser's London
financial cablegram s.iys; There was
thin Saturday attendance on the floor of the
Stock exchange. Quotations, were llrm.
though traiisnctlons were limited. Tlntos
sold at .4.4 Anaconda at 7 9-16. Amer
ican shares had a good undertone. In tho
expectation that prices would r-ceive an
Impetus from it good statement by the New
York nssoctated banks nnd on tho belief
that large dividends on United States Steel
will be declared.
Itie following are the closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
. 74 So. Puclric
. K So. Hallway
Mi's I do pfd
JJ Texas A Purine,..
.1104 'Tol., SI. L. A V..
s4 do t,f,l
. 43', Union Pacific
. JJ4 do pfd
. 774lVabnh
. 4P,1 do
, 754 Wh 4 . U E....
1! io . i pfd
. S'i Wis. Central
. 3', do pfd
..44 Adams Ex
,i American Ex
Ill U. S. Ex
. -) WelU-Fargo Ex...,
, 4v Amal. Cupper
M4 .tmer. Car ,t P....
. r,
. 2'4
. t:v,
, w
, W'i
, .
. M'
, 13
, 4)
. 4iH
, 94
, M,
, 7
. 4
, 174
, 23'4
, 774
. 91
. Hi)
, 41",
, ?)
. t
. 73ii
. S3
. $3
. 40i
. O
. a
. S
. 64
. C3ii
. 15
. 7t
. -
. 17t;
. 34
. 414
. 914
. 91
do DfJ
Daitlmore & Ohio..
do pfd
Canadian l'aeltlc...
Canada So
Chea. A Ohio
Chicago & Alton...
do pfd
Chi., ind. & 1.
do nfj
Chlcsxo & E. III..
unicoijo u. w
do 1st pfd
do Ii nfd
Chicago Si N. W...
C. It. I. & P
Chicago Ter. & Tr
co pli
'. C. C. A St. L....
Colorado So
. n do pfd
. tl'i Amer. LJn. Oil
. 23 do pf.l
.l4i Amer. rf. i K
. K4 do pfd
. 454 Amer. Tobacco ...
. J Anac. Mln. Co
. 41 UruokDn It. T
,. $94 Colo. Fuel i Iron.
W Con.
lNU Con. Tobacco
. 53 do pfd
. 73', (Jen. Electric
ll Hocking Coal
. 41'4 Inter. Paper
7S(, do pfd
. 79 Inter. Power
lM'i I.vle.le Oa
.104 National Illscult .,
.121'i'Natlonal Iad ....
IM'j National Salt
.23 do pfd
. 13H No. American
.1071, l'acino Coast
.- 57 il'acinc Mall
.. People's Can
.. 54'; Pressed Steel Car
i: i do pfd
-15H Pullman P. Car..,
.. S4H, Republic Steel ....
.. fJ do pfd
.. 34't'sugar
..lHUTenn. Coal A I...,
,. 41H Union Hag & !...,
da lit pM
do H ofd
Del. & lludion
Del. U. li W
Dtnrer & It. a....
di Pfd
do lit pfd
do Sd ofd
Ot. Xar. nfj
Hoiking Valley .
do pfd
Illinois Central .
Iowa Central ....
do TitA
Lak Erie & W.
do pfd
.. A X
Manhattan I.
Met St. Ry
Mexican Central
Mex. National ..
Minn. & St. I....
Mo. raclflc
K. Jfc T
do pfd
J. ...
Y. Central ...
Norfolk & W
do nfd
Ontario & V
Pennsylvania ....
do 1st pfd
do 2d DM
do nfd...
St. L. & S. P....
, 4t;
. 75
. C!
. 30H
, c:
U. S. Leather ...
do pfd
V. S Rubber ....
do tifd
do 1st pfd
do Id DfJ
St. U Soutbw...,
V. S. Steel
do pfd
Western Union ..
do nfd..
St. Paul
do pfd
Xcvr YorU .Money Mnrket,
NEW VOBk' Son! "S -frvrv -, n
nominal; prime mercantile paper, 4ft5H
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills nt l.i,
for nnd nf 11 slLffl ..iu...
days; posted rates. J4.S4 nnd Jl.S6h; coin-
111,1.-1111 U1IIP, il.C-iJl.NJT.
SIL.VER liar. Si'A.ei Motion .iniio.
BOXDS-State bonds. Inactive; railroad
bonds, irregulur; government bonds, strong.
i. lis tlvaillG i4UUlk!Ulltt on UOI1UB ftFO US
U. 8. ref. ii. rer...
Hocking Vat. 44s..
L. A .V. unl. 4s...
Mex. Central 4s...
do la inc
Minn A St. I 4s..
M , JC A T. 4s....
1 do 2s
!N. V. Central la...
I do gen. 34
N. J. C. gen. 5s...
No. Paclflo 4s
I do 3s
N. A W. con. 4s...
Reading gen 4s....
St U A 1 M c. Ja.
St. I A S. F. 4s..
St. 1.. Soulhw. Is..
do 2s
San A. & A. P. 4s
So. Pacltlo 4s
So. IlHllwnv Si
. $14
. 31!.
ao coupon .
do 3s, rtg
u: i
113 ;
, 91
, 4i
. SO
. S44
do coupon
do new 4s, res....
do coupon
do old 4s, reg
do coupon
do (s, rer
do coupon
. 434
. 81
Atchison gen. 4s...
do ad 4s
. 724
llalttmore & O. 4s.
do conv. Is
. 9:4
. 93
Canada So. !s
Central of Oa. Cs..
do Is Inc
. 79
Che. A O. 44s. ..
Chicago A A. 34s.
C. II. A Q n. 4s.
C. M A St P g. 4s.
C. A X. W. c. 7s..
C. It I. A P. 4s...
. S4
Tex. A Pacific Is..
Tol. St I. A V 4s.
. SI1,
i-nlon raclflo 4s...
do conv 4s
Wabash la
do Is
do deb n
C C C A St L. g. 4s
Chicago Ter. 4s..
. 9114
. K4
Colorado So. 4s
Denver A It. (3. 4s
. 1,
Erie prior lien 4s.
do general 4s
. 95
. 674
West Shore 4s....
Wheel. A U E. 4s
Wis. Central 4s...
. 50
F. W. A D. C. Is.
. tsn
London Stuck Quotations.
LONDON, Sept. 2S.-2 p. m.-ClosIng:
Consols, money.,
do account
91 3-111
93 3-1$
.. 74!
, . 994
I do pfd
No. Pacific pfd.
lOntarlo A V....
Pennsylvania ...
1 .In 1..
... M.
... 9S4
... 234
llalttmore A Ohio
... 714
... 214
Canadian Pacific
... 39
Ches. A Ohio
Chicago G. ...
C. M A St. P...
Denver A It. O...
. 47
I do 2d pfd
... 24
. 234
so. Hallway ....
do pfd
... 344
... 19
. 47
So. JUclflj
iL'nlon Pacific ..
... 584
do pfd
do lit pfd
do 2d pfd
Illinois Central
.. S64
.. 41
.. 714
.. ST
do pfd
V. S Steel
do pfd
do pfd
Spanish 4s
Rand Mines
... 904
... 4J4
... 974
... 224
... 4!
M . K. A T
... 694
... 34
... :4
do pfd
N. V. Central .
Norfolk A W....
.. 574
.. 514
HAR SILVER-Qulet. M 13-16d per ounce
MONEY 2fi3 ner cent: the rnie nf ,iu.
count In the open market for short bills,
2 3-16S24 per cent; for threo months' bllU.
TVU" 11" 4 ivcm.
w Vork Mlnlnc Uuntn t lima.
NEW YORK. Sept. 2S. The following are
tne closing priccK on mining biocks:
Adams Con 29 (Utile Chief
Alice M Ontario
Breece 149 lOphlr
nrunswlck Con (Phoenix
.. It
.. 74
Comstock Tunnel... IPolost 1
Con Cal. A Va 170 ISavaje j
Deadwood Terra.... 55 iSlerra Nevada H
Horn Silver IW Small Hopes K
Iron Sliver 3? Standard 331
Ueadvllle Con I
Oil nnd Hiinlii.
OIl CITY. Sept. 2S.-OII-Credit bnl
ances. tl.30; ccrtltlcntcs. no bid.
NEW YORK, Sept. 2S.-OII,-Cottonseoil.
steady; prime yellow. 42c. Petroleum, firm;
reflned New 'Vork. 37.63: Phlladelnhla ami
Baltimore. J7.60: Philadelphia and Haiti
more, In bulk, 15. Rosin, qjlet; strained.
common to goou, i.ii. lurpcntine, steauy.
LIVERPOOL. Sent. 2S -Oll-Cottonsfed
Hull rettned, spot, firm at 24s. Turpentine
anlrltu stenilv. e-. llnsln nnmymnn
steady at 4s ltjd. Petroleum, rcllned, steady
HI 0-4U, l.lilPi-rii, Biruu,
i:vpnrnted nnd Dried Fruits,
ii'ri,r.-1 rauing in tno martcci ror evip
orated apples was slow today, hut the
undertone held steady at old prices.
Stf Stetra String fir tba WVt bat All
Eicp: HeTj Pidi:s ite Lower.
Better Tour to Trnde on Iloth Sheep
nnd l.ii in li x nnd .'Market lor the
Week Mny He Quoted Ten to
Fifteen Cent Higher.
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 2?.
Receipts were:
CJttle. Hogs. Sheep.
Oltlclnl Mont'uy
omclnl Tuesda
Otilclal Wednesday...
Uttlclul Thursday
urtlciitl Friday
Ulllctul Saturday
6, M
7, t7
Total this week....
Week ending Sept. 21.
Week Hiding Sept. 14.
Week ending Sept. 7
Same week last ear.
Avcrago price Dald
. .275 32.673
..20,712 29.. 92 W.iSJ
..17.760 1M 2S.930
. .15,54 34.710 22,912
..30.535 3,029 3j.'S3
for hogs nt South
umann tne
past tevoral days with cum-
1901. 11900. 1S99.,1S93.,1!97.,IS-5.,1S93.
I 6 041 4 20!
3 W 2 77
4 07 2 51 4 37
4 07 2 SI 4 34
4 04 2 Tl 4 Jl
2 74 4 11
4 05 i 24)
4 12 2 73 4 21
4 W 2 SI
3 64 2 SI 4 21
3 'Ji 51 4 W
3 SI) 2 ft 4 (I
6 Hi, 4 14, 3 63,
6 07;, 5 C2 1 3 65
6 15 5 O. 4 19
6 26t4 5 0) 4 221 3 C2
0 31 5 Cfi 4 23 3 63
6 2s'i bVi 4 3d) 3 S3
I 5 101 4 301 3 60i
6 36HI ' I 4 291 3 67j
0 4141 0 IB - 3 W
6 33j, 5 22 4 2
6 464 5 OS
t 61?,' 5 05,
4 221 3 77
1 s? eftl
i 4 Oj
1 M t
1 ai) Ji
3 t2
S v,
4 CI
4 3U 3 53 ) 3 K'l 2 ):
4 33 ! 3 72, 3 S7, 2 i'0
17.. I
- I 0 w.
6 67Vi
6 624 5 ISi
4 31, 3 US I 3 al 2 ii
4 12
4 12
3 651 3 S6 2 j
li ii 16 13
5 19j
6 764 6 22
4 32 I 3 941 3 711 4 01
4 331 3 74i i 2 Sl 4 03
4 311 3 71 4 OS! 2
4 31! 3 71' 4 01 2 S3 S 9
4 35 3 73 3 6, 2 M
4 41, 3 77 3 76) 2 ts! 4 tO
i 3 77. 3 Si 2 SI 3 Sj
4 41 3 hi 2 W' 4 M
6 J5 5 23
6 21
6 S3,
f. si
S 14
5 18)
u 16,
6 15
5 16;
23.. 6 W
2i. . . b
27.. I C 79
C $14
j 33 3 71' 2 S3) 4 M
4 36 3
4 41 3 61
3 S3 3 63 4 SI
Irdlcated Sunday. Holiday.
CATTLE There wero only a few cattle
n tho yards today ana tnoso were not m
he kind to make a fair test of tno marKot.
The aupply for tho week has been of quite
liberal proportions, a goou gain iiniuib
been made over tho last several weeks,
but thero Is still a decrease as compared
with the corresponding week of lost year.
Coriifvd steers wero In good demand all
tho week nnd strong prices were paid for
anything at all desirable. As there were
hardly enough of them offered to go tho
rounds, everything was picked up In good
season. The best cattle of tho season ar
rived here this week ana sow as nign ns
16.25. About 217 head sold at that price
on Friday, 20o of them belonging to one
man. The less deslruble grades, while not
quite ns active, sold at fully steady prices,
so that the general market was In very
satisfactory condition.
The sutiniv or cow stun was ou te iioerni
nil tho week. Prices, however, held up
until tho last of tho week, when tho
medium kinds weakened a trifle. Somo
salesmen thought that prices declined no
moro on Friday than they advanced on
Monday and Tuesday, while others thought
they went a shade lower, particularly tho
medium kinds and the canners. Strlctlv
choice cows are probably just about steady.
mere nas noi ocen enougn ennnge in
bulls, calves nnd stags during the week
to bo worthy of mention.
I'racticauy notning out tne neavy came
nro In demand for feeders. Cattlo weigh
ing from wu pounds up of good quality have
been ready sellers all the week and prices
nro fully ateady. Cattlo weighing from 6C0
to sjj pounus nave neen very uuu ana
nrlces have declined fully 25c. Thoso of
common quality nro practically unsalable.
tJuyers seem to ugure mat tney cannot
nfford to feed high priced corn to common
cattle. Common yearlings arc also dull
and lower. Stock heifers have declined
fully ns much a J tho steers. There is a
good demand for stock calves, however,
and prices for the week aro steady.
W estern range steers have been In cood
demand on tho part of killers nnd the
murket may bo quoted strong. The high
price of tho week was 15.23. Tho cow mat
net Is close to steady, except on the
medium kinds, which arc perhaps a trllle
lower, uoou, neavy ieeoers are -teauy,
out others are about a auarter lower. .Rep
resentative sales:
Thomas Castro Vvo.
4S steers.... &il 3 60 2 cows W0 2 60
4 steers.... 632 3 00 3 steers.... 670 3 0)
HOQS There was not a heavy run of
hogs hero today for even a Saturday and
as a result prices Improved under tno In
fluence of a liberal demand. The market
started out Just nbout iVtc higher than yes-
teruay, wnn tne ouik selling at is-w ami
6S24, against 16.77'j and 36 SO yesterday.
,i inose prices xne mnrxei was lairiy ac
tive and as It was evident that backers
were anxious for suunlles sellers held their
droves nt flrm prices and the market closed
up strong at the advance. Everything was
disposed of In good season.
The sunnly of hogs for tho week at this
point has been slightly In oxcess of that for
tne past several weeKs. but a llttlo short of
tho samo week last year. The week opened
up with an advance, but on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday the market de
clined close to 15c. On Friday and Saturday
part of tho loss was regained, but the week
closed with prices 2tAfi5c lower than nt the
close of tho previous week. Representative
No. Av. Sh. Tr. No. Av. Sh. Tr.
91 193 24) 721, ei 274 40 6 W,i
10 W7 W 73 63 232 1 6 alt,
74 !J 8 6 77!1 C4 24 8) tiv,
S7 174 4) 6 7H, 57 :73 230 6 S24
191 1)4 200 6 774 IS Ml 80 4 r.,
S4 271 4) 4 M (3 3M M fl4
2 27: v) c so (4 :;o ao s:',
33 253 1 6 W C7 343 240 s;i,
66 241 ... 6 4) 73... 341 200 6 !2't,
74 311 M 6 M SI 210 20 6 S1H
M ZCi W 6 60 SI 2U M 4 121,
67 22 120 $ ao sm ... c iz
CI 279 120 6 SO 62 276 120
ii 200 120 6 M W Vt ... t 824
2 274 210 6 80 W 200 ... 6 824
7 240 120 60 47 343 60 824
CS 1H 80 6 60 CI 274 240 6 824
74 271 40 6 60 Tt 234 40 824
62 230 320 6 60 71 233 4) 6 62,
50 253 4) 6 8) C4 !33 120 624
64 22 120 6 SO 67 211 12) 6 624
CO 272 ... 6 6-) fS 251 40 6 62 4
7J 216 240 60 67 233 2(0 6 834
3$ 302 120 t iO 63 243 120 & 824
70 20 60 C 60 70 2' 2u0 624
93 ISI 120 6 60 62 211 8 ) 6 6 24
34 2 ... 6 60 70 211 V) 6 624
73 22i) 340 6 80 W iii 160 6 824
63 233 40 4 60 61 227 1G0 4 624
68 242 40 S 60 U 260 V) 6 634
61 221 40 6 80 tl 2S3 120 624
61 227 120 6 60 63 270 4) 6 624
73 234 10) 6 60 C3 233 ... 6 63
63 240 120 6 60 64 233 80 6 63
63 240 120 6 60 60 27 4) 6S
71 221 200 6 60 K 243 60 6 SJ
31 221 60 6 SO 63 271 V) 6 63
73 2U7 160 6 60 67 249 160 6 63
60 204 80 6 60 62 232 ... 4 63
61 119 120 6 W 73 234 60 6 63
69 214 120 I 624 W 216 74
34 110 120 4 824 12 273 80 6 M
30 305 40 6 62 4
SHEEP There wero a few fnt lambs of
fered this morniniT nnd nlso some feeders.
The Iambs sold as high as 11.40. which is
the highest price paid on this market In
several days, nnd the market may be quoted
strong. The feeders wero also in goou ae
mand at stronc nrlcej.
For tho week the supply of sheep has
been quite liberal, A good gain Is noted
both over the last several wekB and also
over the corresuondlntr week of last year
The demand on the part of packers has
been fairly good, particularly toward the
closo of the week. Prices nre now about
l"in5c higher all around than they wero
at the close of last week und tho tone to
the market Is greatly Improved. The last
few days tho trade has ruled active and
packers seemed anxious for supplies. That
applies to both sheep and lambd.
The demand for feeders was fully equal
to the supply all tho week and the market
may be quoted strong on both sheep and
Quotations: Choice yearlings. 11.35ff3.50;
fair to good yearlings, J3.2otf3.3S; choice
wethers, J.I.251J3.35; fair to good wethers
W.Ot3.20; choice ewes, J2.73-U3.0); fair to
good ewes. J2.25'a2.fi6; choice spring lambs,
34. 3504 50; fair to good spring lambs. 3.Cir
4.25; feeder wethers, J2 75(3.15; feeder Iambs,
3.ivt3.uj. ueprcseniauvo sales;
No. Av. Pr,
10 cull lambs 66 3 0)
63S Idaho lambs 63 4 40
Kiinsns City Lire Stock Mnrket.
celpts, OO natives, 4'0 Texans and 10) -n!ves
compared with u week ago, beef sttcrs nnd
feeders are stesdy, other c.itlie 10H20
lower; cornfed beef steers, 15.S0ti6.3O; fair
to good, J3.0O?i5 u; Mockers Hnd feeders,
J2.504.25: western fed steers. J2.75fi6 0):
western range steers. 13.5084, 75; Texans and
Indians, v;,,iva.iu, Texas cows, K.iuxt.f,
native cows. 12Hog4.35; heifers, 13.0 foS.50;
canner. 15Ofj2R0; bulls, 12 2691 ov ralves,
I4.WH3. iteceipis inis wceK, M,vg nead
last week. 47.7(0.
HOGS-Rreeipts. 4O0 head; for the week,
36,000, last week, il,M; market strong; top,
bulk cf sales, IST'iTiS. havy. 17 vt ,
? e-t
s. mixe.i ii i. Kers w ..ll ittii' is ,r
o .. pigs, llul ,s.
SHEEP AND laMPS-Rreelpts. none,
f. r the week. 24fo held, last week, 2i;
market IMjjAc lower than Inst week: west
ern lambs, sn4; wts-ern wethers. 11 (O
83 Jo. ewe, , 12sJj2J, feeders, 1J 'AJ.:;
Si'KClE, 11 mi.
eiiic.vr.o mm: .i rocic .marki:t.
Cntllr Are Momlniil llous nnd Sheep
CHICAGO. Sept. 2S.-CATTLK-Recelpts.
60) head; mnrket nominal, pood to prime
steers, 6Qm;6.i5; poor to medium. $isjf
5.75: stackers and feeders, 12.26WI30; cmv,
11.504JI.75; heifers, J2.COfl4.T5; dinners. U S-MJ
2.25; bulls 11.744J4.7S; calves, .0tJJK;
Texas steers, 13.COg.uO; western steers, '3.'6
HOdS-Rtrelpts. 12,00 head: estimated
Monday, JD.04; left over, 2,o); steady:
mixed and butchers. J6.70fl7.10; good to
choice heavy, J6n7.16; rough heavy. 14.454?
6 75, light, 16.45f.S. bulk of sales. J6H)rj6.!"l.
SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, iVO held;
market steady, good to choice wethers, IS 6)
fll.o): fair .o choice mixed, ..1"tt3 0); west
ern sheep. 13.21:1' 3. 75: native lambs, $.'5 0
5.0J, western lambs, 3.7Vj4.i'S.
M. Louis I, Ite Mock MnrUrt.
ST. IX)VI3, Sept. 2S.-CATTLE-Hecelpts,
tVO head. Including 2i) Texans. mnrket
steady; native shipping and export steers,
14.!stj6.3o, dressed beef and butcher steers,
JI.60n6.CO; steers under 1.00 lbs.. 13.B6.JS;
stockers nnd feeders. J2.2fvjfl.lB: cows nnd
heifers. J2.O1f5.l0: canners. H-2t4t2&- hulls.
J: 2Mil.2S; Texas and Indian steers, 12.25
li.,, niiu ni'iier, i. iiTTii.d".
I tOOS-Receipts, 1,500 head; market
strong: pigs and lights, J6.754J6.30; packers.
J.70f!6 90. butchers. 7.i"oh7.20.
, SHEEP AND U.MHS Receipts, 1 pn
head, market steady, nntlvtt muttons, J2.7.vfr
3 W. lambs, 13 5051 1 75; culls and bucks, $175
63.0); stockers. J2.(04l2.SO.
St. Joseph l.ltc Stock MnrUrt.
ST. JOSEPH, Sept. 2?.-CATTI.E-Re-celpts,
133 head: mnrket steady; natives,
12.S5U6.30: Texans and westerns, J2 7i1(53;
cows and heifers, J1.2&75.01; hulls and sings,
J2.25ffl.Wi; stockvrs and feeders, J17"tjltV
enrllngs and calves. J2 OOlfJ.So; veals, 3.0)
HOQS Receipts, 4.0) head; mnrke' steady
to strong; light and light mixed, JH.Turt 9i.
medium and heavy, J6.S51J7 10; pigs. S3 iv?
6.60; bulk.
SHEEP AND I.AMRS Receipts, f,-n.
lambs, J3.75.0 4.60; yearlings. J3 0 3'.50:
wethers, J2.SJtf3.i0: ewes, 12.503.2S.
.w York I.lvo Mock Mnrket,
NEW YORK, Sept 2..-nEEVES-Re-ceipts,
93 head, none of sale. Cables quote
prices unchanged, exports today, 1,753 head
beeves, 15.762 quarters of beef.
CAI.VES-Recelpts, 61 head; no trade
worth noting.
SHEEP AND I.AMUS-Reeelpts. 3.247
head; quiet, hut selling values steadx
sheep. l2.5,Mf.1.7."; culls, $2; lambs, J.75r
5.55; culls. J.13MJ3.50. ' ' a
HOaS-Recclpts, 2,CVW head; nil con
signed direct.
Stock In Slirlit.
Tho following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hngs and sheep at tho tlvo principal
stock markets for September 2S.
Cuttlc.IIogs, Sheep
South Omaha ..
Kansas City ...
St. Louis
St. Joseph
12.0 0
1.631 27.1)1
Cotton Mnrket.
closed quiet: middling uplands, S4c; mid
dling gulf, SV-e; sales, 1.232 hales: futures
closed barely steady: September, 7 Sic; Oc
tober, 7.73c: November, 7 77c; December,
7,74c; January, 7.75c; February, 7 74c. March,
7,73c: April. 7.73c: Mny, 7.74c.
sales. 2.30 bales; ordinary. Cc, good
ordinary. 611-lCc; low middling. 74c; mid
dling. S l-16c; good. S 1-lrtc; middling fair.
8 9-16c; receipts, 7,771 bales; stock, 57,00
bales; futures, quiet nnd steady; October.
7.72c: November, 7.i'3I?7.f3c; December. 7.63
K7 6lc: January. 7.62ft7.ffic: February. 7 62W
7.6c; March. 7.63iJ7.64c; April. 7.CiT7.iric; i
11illl.ll, , .',f,, , .u-.-.
ST. LOtMS. Sept. 2S.-COTTON-Qulet;
middling, 7 15-16c: sales. 250 hales; receipts,
SC3 bales; shipments, 1,571 bales; stock, 33,632
at So.
small business, prices 1-163 32d higher.
American middling fair, 5Ud; good middling.
4 15-16.1; middling. 4 11-1SI: low middling,
4 15-3-M; good ordlnury, 4 22-32d.
Wool Auction Snles.
LONDON, Sept. 25. The offerings nt the
wool auction sales today numbered 13,732
bales of good quality. Today's sales In
detail: New South Wales, 3.900 biles,
scoured, 24d21s 6'.id; greasy, 34,tf'l 1.
Queensland, yo bales; scoured, "ltd; grensy.
4fJHd. Victoria, 3.70 bales; scoured. IMfr
6d: greasy, .uuis. soutn Australia. :o
bales: scoured. Is Skdftls 4d, greasy. St.1??
94d. New Zealand. 3) bales, scourcil
SlidQls 6sd, greafly, 2siS9Wd. Capo of G od
17 1"
On the cost of stock at
15 CENTS per
share is the amount in
101 01 M CO.
Jfanltal S , fSl ftnn tin ...I, , .
,w,uvvi.uu iuii ria, non-assessable, par value SI. 00.)
Has pnltl to stockholders since Jntiunry 1. 859 Acres of Wop In tlm
heart of tho Lima Holds nnd in slKht of the cifv oflJma h., i "nri
(Drllllni must commence on the Indiana leases within 30 days )
ooTH?iW tHe Indiana Leases, and to Drill These
AT 15 CENTS PER share.
An additional dividend of at least 15 per cent, will he paid this year.
ana VorhooB farms aro oomplolod......
And after th.t dslc U subject to change without notice.
Send suhficription direct to The Union Oil OO. rc r
Thos. A. Edison, Jr., & Co,
, M Fractional Lotsa 'Specialty. "ains,
Margins Moderate. Market Letter on Application
Dig profit., with absolute
If 70U will tiuAit on our
of the Ducket Shop Byitem."
47 Broadway,
Mention Thla Paper.
' and Natal !i scoured, S .U?
. is er, u
Imports for the wiek. New South 'i.
1 1 tiHles. Vutorl.i. 147 Souih Austria,
1.5"l. Cai- of Hood Hope and Natal. ,50;
elsewhere. J0u bales.
Sugar JtnrUrt,
NEW YORK. Sept. .- SrOAU-Raw,
quiet, fair refining, J4c centrlf ima' W
test. 34c Molasses sjgur, 2 11-l.V. ReMiie.l,
steady. No. a, 4.c. No. 7, 4SkV; N S.
4.45c, No. i. 4 4V: No. 10, 4 35c; No. 11. 4 V.
No. 12, 4 30i . No. 13. 4.21V, No. ll. 4 . V;
standard A, 5 05c; confectioners' A. i (.;
mould A, .V; cut loaf, 5 76c: crtishe 1,
t.TSc; powdcrtHl, i.34c; granulated, j.c;
ciiN, iVMc.
IANDON. Sept. n-Si:OAll-Hii Mu?ri
vdo. Ss isl; beet, 7s tVI.
NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 2-SrOR-Qulet;
centrifugal yellow. S M-W 4 3-t-.
seeonds, mtlc. Molasses, steady, cntr,f
ugal, fl10c.
Colter Market.
. NEW YORK. Sept. X.-COFFEE-Spot
Rio. nrm. No. 7 Invcdc. tvc. Mild, st- i 'v
Futures opened firm, with priors 1 (:
rndnls higher, on covering by shirts md
bull support, due to sharp adxnnocs in Eu
rope. tn mtrkets, which were Inspire' it
Is rumored, by reports of bubonU pI,n: io
In llrazll and unfavorable crop advh'C T o
close was steady at prices pet SsT.M p,d"ts
higher. Sales. MS-vj tmgs, Including Sep
tember at 5 fOai 5.0Sc ; October, iVOtV; neccm
ber. 6.3M!9c. January, ftSiV: Fehruiry,
3.15c: March. May. 6 7in. ' c;
June, 5,SCc; July, S54JS.C0c; August,
mid l.vpiirls.
NEW YORK. Sent. J - Exports of silver
from this port to all roiintrtra tor this week
aggregate 774.1"i nnd Jl iXS gold The Im
ports of specie this week were JS97.42S gild
and JS.3 silver; dry go ids and merchan
dise, 5UMi'i,:n.
Vi'ool Mnrket.
ST I.OIIS, Sept, 2S.-WOnlnu,l, nomi
nal, medium grtdrs '" I gh fine,
I2stjllt. hcavi. li'iHtlc. lib washed, i:j
iV. Farnam Smith
& Co.
I320 Farnam St. Tel. I064.
that shculd be bought and si.Kl during
the uctlIt at hand
tit It MPIlt'tAIi MMTEII.S
this coming week will contain most
valtl.ibio INFORMATION nnd nro
mailed free to thoso who wish to test
their value. Also our LOOK lust
published, of new nnd modern Ideas
for trading in stocks nnd grain with
Our customers nre iiiiikliiR money
Private wires to all exrhanges,
Largo or small orders exec ited for
-nsh or on margin Interest nllownl
on deposits Highest banking and
tlnnnelnl rcferenct s M II FI.oWER
.V CO , ltnnkcrH and lln kers, Chicago
Stock Exchange Hldg . I'hUago
Teii'ptiour 10SB.
Boyd Commission Co
Successors to James E. Itojd A Co.,
cnAi.N, rnoviBioss ami stock.
llosiril oC Trusts- Hallillnir.
Direct wires to Chlcsco and New Tork.
Correspondence, John A. Wurren h Co.
Honey Will Earn lllu Monthly Hetnrni
The Investor's Fund Pays Serai-Monthly.
The oldest established In America. No
certificate-holder ever lost a cent. Pay
ments mads tu all subscribers every IS
days. No trouble. No delay. Money
refunded on demand. Write today for
particulars, free to any uddrcss.
C. U. MAtlvKs X CO..
Ilndaun llullillim, vr York.
B. L. Baldwin & Co.
I.ii ll U llUluni'i- T If p ho lie 271.
. .
.afetj. We will miarantee you ag&ln.t loe. ot principal
wheat ijr.tem. Bend for a copy of our booklet free-. "Etlla
New York City.
1 Send your order In nt once. iKrt invt.,i
now In grain or provisions will more than
double Itnelf by Jan. 1st. Conditions war
rant higher prices and they nro bound tn
come Write for our book, Biicreiiful
Speculation 8-nt free. Our cuntirrer
liuve made tnoiify on our ndvlco tho pai't
year Alt profits payable on Uemund.
S3 Traders' II1U., Clilunuu, IU.