20 rmTT? mr.VTTA tiait.v rsT'Ti'.. ci-vn, v. Sl',1" kai is Kit "n. mm. HAREM OF THE GRAND TCRIi Pictumqn Qlimpsei of tbt Saltan's Collec tion of Oriental Beauty, FEATURES OF LIFE IN THE YILOtZ KIOSK 1 Ilnrlinrotis Institution Itrerul ted by Abduction, Purchase nml slavery A Prison for the Infinites. The following description of the life led by the Inmates of the most secret Institu tion In the world is from a remarkable book by M, George Dorys, "Tho Private I. lfe of tho Sultan," a translation of which 1b soon to bo published In this country. Not only has A 1x1 ill Hamld II endeavored to have tho book suppressed In all the coun tries of Europe where It appeared, but he has also sentenced the author of It to death, a sentence which Is not likely to bo carried nut, as M. Doryn left Constantinople be fore the book was published and Is now In Paris Ito Is a son of the Into prince of Samos, Mho was ono of the sultan's minis ters, M. Dorys familiarity with the ex traordlnary political world which ferments around Ylldlz palaco Is such that he has had unexcollcd opportunities for knowing tho inmost secrets of the stiltnn'a court. Few, nowadays, nro those pashas who, ns much by tradition ns personal prcdcllc tlon, Indulge In tho barbarous luxury of a harem. It goes without the saying that first among theso privileged beings Is the Commander of the Faithful, Abdul Hamld II, who, In fact, owns n living collection of the most precious specimens of oriental beauty. The curiosity aroused by this mya- torlous word harem, the fugitive vision It evokes of n falry-llko and unknown wortd, unfortunately Is apt to make the western mind forget nil there Is cruel and revolting in this wholesale sequestration of young, beautiful and ardent women, whose charm, freshness and even their lives belong ab solutely to one master a melancholy and deformed old monomaniac. Tho closest confinement rendering Impos sible all communication with tho outside world, a humiliating part to play, unques tioning obcdlonco to tho most fantastic whims of a feared and detested despot such nro tho sad conditions In which tho 100 unfortunates of tho seraglio pass their lives. Tho Ylldlz harem Is their entire unt verso. They havo been brought thero ns children, they nre guarded thero like n wretched and valuable herd of cattle, ond they llvo and dlo there, knowing nothing of tho world outside their prison, without the slightest notion of what life really Is. PrnciirhiK Hccrdll, The harem contingent Is recruited almost exclusively among the several varieties of the Circassian rnco, tho most beautiful In the cast, but it Includes nlso specimens of the Syrian nnd nouniollot races. Chosen for their precocious grace, tho odalisques nro almost all bought at a tender ago by special ngcntB of the palaco undor tho orders of the yesslrdjl-bachl, (grand master of tho slaves) Hussein Etlendl. Often, too, tho governors of tho provinces, displaying n zeal that Is disapproved of nowadays by all civilized Turks, abduct beautiful young girls from their parents or purchase them to present them to his ma jesty, und tho cousins and aunts of the sovereign nlso exert every effort to Hud for him rnro beauties, and display a friendly rivalry lu seeking tho pearl most worthy to present to htm during tho llalram festival. When they cross tho threshold of tho palaco 'ho new recruits admitted to the Imperial harem must abandon and forgot evorythlng their paronts, their relatives, tholr homes, their very names. Existence boglns anew for them. A special training In all the arts of pleasing Is given to eacli newcomer by tho bnch-kalfu (head slave) under tho supreme control of the yalldo sultana. Thin course of Instruction Is qulto special and Is Intended solely to dovclop In the young beautlos of tho seraglio ovcry art calculated to please tho most blase senses. Grace In deportment, walk and gesture, melodious singing, attractive dancing. poetic and plcturcsquo speech, eloquent gentleness of expression everything, In short, that nrt can add to tho natural charm of woman Is taught by oriental experlonco to Innooent beauty In this academy of love Special Instruction. Generally this special Instruction lasts two years and Is terminated by a solemn examination presided ovor by tho valldo sultana. Each of her pretty pupils must then bo proficient In tho manner of wait Ing upon tho sultan and serving him with his favorltn bevorages. Sho must be fa r&lllar with his preferences, lila nn- tlpatblos, his caprices and his manias he foro Bho la permitted to constdor herself a, member of the harem. Even then It may bo long heforo sho attracts tho Imnc rial notice. She has 300 companions In tho harem possessing tho samo beauty, having tho samo ambition, and among her rivals there nro several favorites. More over, outside rlvalH may enter tho lists. It sometimes happens that tho pndlshjh tnkes a caprice for some slave of tho sul tana's, his relatives, or of tho prluccstcs his daughters. Ono night when Abdul Ha.mld gavo a ballet nnd danco In his harem ho noticed among the dnncors a young slavo named Mesto Alem, In tho service of tho Princess Zckklo, his eldest daughtor. Tho noxt day two of tho sulan's eunuchs nr rived In haste nt the princess' palaco and informed hor that thoy carao to fetch the girl, Mosto Alem, who was to bo tho obloct of a signal honor. Great was the emn tton of tho young Circassian girl, who had THE DOCTORS ARE HERE. Three Months' Services are Given Free to all Invalids Who Gall Before October 22d. A staff of eminent physicians and Btir jjeons from the llrltlsh Medical Institute have, at the urgent solicitation of a largo number or ni.tlents under their care lu till country, established u permanent branch of the Institute in thin city at loom iii and 439. Uo.ud of Trade building, to glvo their services entirely free tor tnreu montns wueuiciues excepivuj to an Invalids who call upon them for treat ment between now und October 22d. These tervlccs consist not amy of consultation, examination and advice, but aUo of ull minor surgical operations. Tho object In pursuing this coimo Is to become rapidly nnu personally no- uualnted with tho sick und indicted, and under no conditions will uuy cluuge v hat- ever bo made for any services temieroi for three months, to all who call before October 22d. The dueling treat all forms of disease nnd deformities, und gunr.tmco a cure In every case they undertake. At the first Interview a thorough examination U mudv. and, If Incurable, you ure frankly and kindly told so; nlso advised agutust upend- hie yam' money ror ue ess treatment. Male and female weakness, cuturrh and cntnrrhul diafnen. nluo rupture, uoltre. cancer, nil skin diseases and nil rtisciuej of the icctuni are positively cured by their new treatment. The chief associate surgeon of the Instl- tue is in personal cuarge. Otllce hours from 0 a. in. tilt S p. m. No Sunday hours. SPECIAL. NOTICE-If you cunnot call send stamp for question blank for home treatment. llttlo dreamed of over rising to such dig nity. Her mistress hastened to make her tako tho traditional bath, nnd, surrounded by her slaves, superintended at tho toilette herself. Perfumed and adorned with sumptuous ornaments, tho bride-elect, thinking she was dreaming, got Into a superb carriage, and, escorted by eunuchs on horseback, arrived at Ylldlz. where Im mediately Iho vallde sultana summoned her to her presence and gave her the cus tomary Instructions, However, notwith standing tho precipitation with which thev had brought her to the palace. It was only on tho fourth day that Mcato Alcra was ' ushered Into' the presence of her mastor. Whether his caprice had passed or tho young girl appeared less beautiful, or that ho no longor recognized her In her new attire, his majesty frowned on seeing her and snld in an abrupt and nngry tono: "That's not tho one; send her away." Trembling, burning with shnmo nnd hurt to tho Inmost recesses of her dawning pride, raised one moment to high to tall again so low nnd In such a brutal manner, tho poor girl was taken back to tho Princess Zekklo. She became melancholy, pined away and soon died. A I.lliernl I.mv. Accordlug to tho religious law no Mus sulman may marry more than four legiti mate wives. In addition to theso four wives tin mnv havo ns many slaves (dlarle) no his means permit concubines whoso children are as legitimate as those of tho wives, According to very nnclont custom tho sul. tan nevor marries n girl of high rank, but selects his four wives only nmong hln slaves, If It happens that among nil his slave3 tho sultnn tnkes a fancy to ono In par ticular tho lnttor becomes gucuzde, (lit erally, sho who has struck tho eyo. On leaving tho Imperial alcove tho gueuzdo Is promoted to tho rank of Ikbal, (glorllled). If tho Ikbal gives birth to a cnuu sue uo comes kadlno, or lady and tnltes rank ns princess in the harem. Sho then occupies a speclnl opartment nnd has a largo suite of slaves nnd eunuchs attached to her per son. Hut the kadlno Is not yot a wito ana can only becomo so If a vacancy occurs by tho doath of ono of tho first four wives of the sultan, and If tho latter Is wining to honor her with tho title of kndlno-consort. It would bo natural to supposo tnat tno sultan, possessing so well populated a sernBllo, would bo tho father of u largo family, but such Is not the case. Tho num ber of hla children Is relatively small, Do ing actually only thirteen. Abovo un tno yadlne s Is tho valldo sultana, who Is a sort nf fnmlnlne reflection of tho sultau. She reigns absolutely over tho harem. A kadlno may never under any pretext lenvo tho Imporlal seraglio. This Is not so In. tho case of an ndollsaue or of a more ikdbi who has had no children. Tho lattor may bo presented by the sultnn to a favorite or to sorao great personage, and In this case naturally occupies tho first pluco In tho harem of her new master. Often the Padlshnh makes n gift of this kind to get rid of a woman of whom ho Is tired, or whoso pretence In tho palace seems uso less to him; something, however, a more sinister design is hidden tinder this gracious favor, nnd tho woman thus offered mny bo sent on n terrible mission to tho mnn of whom she becomes the wife, More often still these women are dlstrlb uted among the harems of suspected per sons and charged with the wretched duty of spying. If It happens that tho woman becomes attached to hor new master and does not carry out her instructions sho ill I'l II o AI1DUL HAMII) II. i' 3 : ? i ii kdm (lite f m ENUCII ON' OUAKD AT HAHEM DOOIt. loses tho right to te-enler tho Imperial harem. To be able to return Into ''The Oaiden of Felicity" nnd bo In favor thero 1 sho must render services. This, In tho slang of the harem, Is called "getting your passport." Sometimes Abdul Hatnld dis covers for himself what he desires to know. Kor Instance, having noticed ono day a young slave who was washing the hnndker chrlfs of her mistress, a kadlnc, he took a sudden fancy to her and had her brought to his presence. Ho promised her tho rank of princess on condition that ehe reveal to him what tho ladles of the harem thought of him. Thus encournged tho new fnvorlto did not delay In sntlsfylng her master's curiosity, nnd told him that tho kadlne, his mistress, thought htm old and foolish. Edified, Abdul Hamld placed tho young slavo above her mistress, now dls grnccd, eaylng: "Thus will I net toward nil those who havo not In their hearts what thoy have on their lips." Souk; It cfoi-inx. Tho ocrnglto of tho. Sultan Med J Id was formerly the heater of lndoscrlbahlu or gies, tho women being badly looked after and having no hand to restrain them. His successor, Abdul Aziz, Jealous ns n tiger, Introduced reform, but the Imperial harem has noer been conducted so strictly, so r exclusively or so respectably, so to speaK ns under tho present sultan. An iniriguo in tho Ylldlz nt the present tlmo Is nn 1m- possibility. Imprisoned within n dnublo row of high and thick walls Iho women of tho scrngllo llvo In nn extraordinary world of their own to which no man, except tho Grand Turk, has over access. Abdul Hamld prefers pretty and graceful woman to tnoso of regular ana Binning beauty. In this his tnsto differs from that of moot Orientals, who havo a predilection for majestic nnd heavy formi. Tho sultan 1b feared rather than loved by his oda llequcs. Ho If, however, kind and attentive, to them when hla mind Is temporarily free from Its usual nnxletlcs and worries, and at euch times ho has even succeeded In In spiring somo of them with feelings of af fection. it times ho condescends to enter Into conversation with his favorites, with whom ho haq no dlfllcutty In passing for a man of great brilliancy. Thoy nro nil densely ALGERIAN WOMEN SL IBIIIliM, Ignorant women, and the superficial educa tion they havo received renders them child ishly naive. He entertains them with tho political news nnd gossip of tho day nnd tells them ntiecdotcs of foreign courts, of which ho Is very fond himself, and this Is tho only Idea of history they possess. U lint Mm- Women l)n. Dancing, In all tho forms that It nssumos In the Orient, Is very popular In the harem nnd Is tho principal mode of amusement i Turkish dances to tho accompaniment of timbrels, tambourines, or a chorus of languorous voices, and Circassian, Egyptian nnd Arabian dances. The favorites often find nmuseniont In tho dancing of tholr slaves. Otherwise they spend their tlmo In real childishness, playing with mechanical ('.oils, or thoy nmuso themselves by Imitat ing tho cries of animals, or else they will smear tho faces of tho negrcss attendants with flour, nnd put thorn up to all kinds of tricks or excite them to quarrel nmong themselves. Thoy nil lovo sweetmeats, tobacco, flowers, perfumes, especially musk nnd violet, of which the sultnn Is partic ularly fond. They adoro Angora cnts, par rots, doves, coffee, cards and suggestive stories. They crnvo two things, being women, hoe.iuso they nro prohibited wine and rnkl, (an Oriental brandy made from tho grapo) which tho kindness of a eunuch sometimes procures for them. Ono may lmnglne tho rivalries and Jeal ousies of nil kinds and tho complicated Intrigues that occur among theso idle women, nil young, nrdent or nmbltlous. Thoy form numerous llttlo cliques, each having lta secretB, Its sympathies, Its hatreds. Tho different clans wago an In cessant warfare, which often gives rlso to hnnd to hand flghtH, necessitating tho Inter vention of tho eunuchs. In fact, It requires nil tho authority of his highness, Abdul (innl Aghn, tho grand eunuch, to enforce discipline and keep tho restive flock In check. Tho westerner who, by a mlracJo, suc ceeded In entering tho seraglio of tho great lord without knowing whoro ho was, would think nt first that ho hail beforo his eyes rich European women nsscmbled In a femi nine rongro3s of beauty and elegance, in fact, tho toilettes of tho odalisques tend moro nnd more to follow tho tyrannical fashions of Pnrls. This evolution, more over. Is almost general In modern harems, and the tlmo Is fast approaching when the old nnd picturesque costume of tho Turkish "hanoums" will exist only ns n memory. At Ylldlz tho odalisques wear cotton or cloth dresses, nccordlng to tho tlmo of year, and tho prlncessca and favorites wear moussellno or silk. iMtATTi.i: op Tin: vou.vnsTinis. Tho tenchrr of tho kindergarten has n great deal of troublo with Mabel, who Is I years old. Tho other day sho had occa sion to ask: "Mabel, why did you strike Freddy?" " 'Tauso he' littler dan me,'"" replied Mabel. "You'll havo to excuse my dolly," said tho llttlo 4-year-old, with great dignity. "Sho's Indisposed." "What Is tho matter with hor, Kitty?" asked the vlstor, with a bIiow of friendly Interest nnd sympathy. "Sho's lost nil tho sawdust out of her Btomoch," replied Kitty, "part of her left leg's gone, sho's got nervous prostration, nnd can't wink hor eyes." A young Cleveland woman, who tenches a Sunday school class, told her small flock sovcral Sundays ngo about tho long Jour ney of tho children of Israel on tholr way to tho promised land, reports tho Plain IN THEIR APARTMENT. WELTMERISM Prof. S. A. Wcltmcr, the Grcut Scientist of Nevada, Mo., Tellii of His Wonderful Method of Magnetic Healing, Which Cures Diseases of Every Na ture Without Medicine or the Surgeon's Knife. ENDORSED BY MEN AND WOMEN OF NATIONAL REPUTATION PROF. S. A.WELEMER. Tho request Is mndo of mo Hint I shall endeavor to forecast tho real effect thut my method or science, which romo nro pleased to term Magnetic Healing und oth ers Weltmcrlsm, will have on tho curing of dlscaso. It would bo Idle to deny that when I first nnnounccd my method of henl lng diseases apprehension were felt In sci entific circles nnd skepticism whs tho or der of the dny. Tho renson of this was that my method revolutionized the pre vailing Idea of curing diseases, for tho method which I havo originated us a drug, loss medication, that Is, It heals ullllc- Hons nnd cures diseases wltnout tno uso of knife or medicines. At present elt- merlstn Is so perfected mat i no not nos Hun. In Htntlnir that It holds within itself tho possibility of curing diseases of every nature, mis siuioinem, oi course, woum bo moro theory nml nn empty one ir it were not backed up by tho thousands und thousands of men nnd women llvlnc In every land und every cllmo who suffered Doalcr. Sho described tho march of tho column through tho wilderness nnd told how tho priests walked behind tho vanguard beating tholr sacred burdens. Last Sunday sho thought sho would dis cover how much of this lesson tho llttlo fellow? remembered. To her chagrin tho first boy she asked remembered nothing about It. "Como now," sho snld, "somo of you surely remember what the priests carried when they marched through tho wilder ness." Hut no one remembered until sho reached llttlo Hally. "Now, Hally," sho said, "you know what they carried, don't you?" Hnlly nodded. "They carried tho lunch." he snld with n look of triumph at his Btupld classmntcs. Table and Kitchen Practical Suooestlons About Food and the Preparations of It. Dnlly Menus. MONDAY. BREAKFAST. ' Fruit. Cereal. Cream. Urolied Salmon Stenk. Frlcassco of Tomato. Corn Oems. Coffee. LUNCH. F.ccnlunt Pllnn. Grilled Apples. CottiiKo Cheese. Cereal Col a (Tee. DINNER. Tomato Soup. Hgg Cutlets. Cheese Sauce. Stuffed Peppers. Raked Sweet l'oiatoes. lomato .uuyuiiimife. Peach Cobbler. Coffee. TUESDAY. BREAK FAST. Stewed Flss. Farina. Cream, rotntn Omelet. Bacon. One-Egg Mulllns. Coffee. LUNCH. Sliced Cold Honed Chicken. Celery Mayonnaise. Stowed Fruit. Soft Oingerbread. Ten. DINNER. Crenm of Carrot Soup. Brnlsed Beef. Browned Potatoes. Jnrdlnlero of Vegetables, lettuce Snlnd. Plneappln Pudding. Coffee. WEDNESDAY. BREAK FAST. Fruit. Cereal. Cream. Frizzled Dried Beef. Scrambled Eggs. Stewed Potatoes. Rolls. Coffee. LUNCH. Chicken Salad. Baked Tomatoes. Fruit. Cake. Tea. DINNER. Vegetublo Soup. Braised Ducklings. Mashed Potatoes. Brown Turnips. Apple Sauce. Wnldorf Salad, Frozen Apricot. Cake. Coffee. HOW TO MAKU IMJI'I'' PASTIL ncllcncv nnu Tomlcrncss iiepriKis on Material anil the Cook. As nastry cannot bo entirely excluded from our menus, It Is expedient that wo lessen Its harmful effects as much as pos etble. Tough, hard and soggy pastry carries as much disaster in Its train as its allies tho half-baked, brood and biscuits. Puff pasto Is tho least Injurious of tho pastries or plo crusts, and when skillfully made and wholeEomo and proper material used, u I light, tender nnd not necessarily harmful to one enjoying ordinary good digestion, While tho amount of butter used, which must bo of tho freshest nnd swectost qual lty, puts It In tho class of luxuries fo theso In moderate circumstances, it woro wiser, even under such conditions, to In dulse in this, If you must havo pie occa slonally, rather than In tho ordinary pastry found on our tables. Why Puir Paste In More DlneXll.lo. Puff pnsto when properly mado haj n light flour that has been well dried nnd sifted to separate tho particles, a sweat, wholesome fat In the form of fresh, un salted butter, and by Its construction U mado veiy light and (laky. Tho flakes that Is folded Into tho pasto In the proces tho beginning until tho pastry goes Into from every disease Imaginable and tho ma jority of them had been under other treat ments without nvnll, nnd who now ovor their own signature make thu statement thut they owo their good health and In iimny enses their very life to my method of treatment. Not a few of those cured through my method and who give testi monials to tho value of Weltmcrlsm nro moil and women of national reputtillon, sjcli mi United suites Senators, ijongrosfi mon, Mayors, etc.; thoroforo tho logical conclusion must bo that Weltmcrlsm pos sesses (dements of unusual strength, other wise It would not receive tho endorsement of men nnd women to whom any treatment Is uvnllnblc. Recently n Indy who Is very prominent In literary circles and also a sister of n V. 8. Senator wrotn a letter to a high of ilclnl In Washington, In which sho said In pnrt: "Weltmerlnm Is tho philosophy of tho natural. It defines tho law of tin1 res toration of tho lost functions of tho bod v. It Is a philosophy based on truth which of rolling, aro so dcllcnto that tho slightest touch will crush them, and this allows tho gastric fluids to very readily scparato the particles. llnv to I'rocppil. As wo havo ntatcd, tho first Important point is to havo tno best materials. An other feature equally Important Is that from tho beginning until tho pastry kocs Into thu oven It must bo very cold. Unsaltcd butter Is best to uso If you can got It; If not, the salt must bo washed out In Ico water. It is a llttlo dllllcult to mako puff paste, not liming seen tho process, but whou understood It Is really qulto simple. Ono other point to remember Is thut you can uot use tho puff paste as soon aa made. It should stand at least twelvo hours In a cold, dry place. An ordlnnry piiBtry board can bo used, itit It is much better to havo a stono oastry slab, as It is always smooth and will keep the pastry cooler. Havo a umooth, hardwood roller or a glass or porcelain pin; this should bo also chilled. Fill a largo china mixing bowl with holi ng water and let stand until cool; then fill with ico water to chill; this provents tho butter from sticking. Pour out this ater and hulf fill the bowl with Ice water and n umall piece of Ico. Tako a half-pound of butter, put It In tho bowl of Ico water and, holding It under tho wutor, vork It thoroughly with both hands until It Is smooth and clastic. Break off about n otinco of tho butter and fold tho rest In a floured cloth and lay on Ico to chill. Have your slab well chilled and dry; heap half a pound of flour, suitable for pastry, lu tho center of tho slab. Mako n well lu the center und put In this the small pleco of butter, whlto of an egg nnd a scant half tcnspoontul of salt, If butter Is fresh, un saltcd. Now, with tho tips of tho fingers ud thumb work theso together round and round, Incorporating tho flour gradually and moistening with enough Ico wntor from tlmo to tlmo to mako a dough about the consistency of shortcake (about a cup of water will bo required); rontlnue work ing In tho flour gradually In this manner until all tho flour Is in and then knend or work tho pnnto about on the slab until It Is smooth nnd leaves tho slab clean and freo and docs not stick to tho lingers. Tills should bo dono without using any moro flour than what was first placed on tho slab. Now dust tho slab lightly with flour; then, forming tho paato Into a bnll. knead llko bread for five minutes. Now sepa rate tho pnsto Into two equal parts, dust tho slab lightly with Hour, roll out each pleco pf paste Into u round about a quar ter of nn Inch thick. Tnko tho largo ploco of butter from tho ico nnd quickly break- Your Stomach b not your slave. It' your friend. Don't abuse your frlMML Help your friend. dranoiai is already partly digested (nil the wheat 6tarcU having hcen turned towards BUgar). When taken Into the 6tomach it is instantly ns9hnilatcd. The process is not unlike enownaiccR settling oil a warm sponge Ornnolo has the rich nutty flavor oi the wheat, and Js perlcctly delicious. IT 11U1LDS DRAWN. Every package of genuine Gra nola bears n picture of the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Ask yourgroccrforit. Beware of im itations. Drink Caramel Cereal and sleep well it leaves the nerves strong. Send 3c for Granola sample to Battle Creek Sanitarium Food .Co. Battle Creek. Mich. I touches every phase cf human action. It is. however, wn lolly n druizloss system of i. medication There Is no destruction of tissues, no waste of energy under treat ment ns is common to tno moinoos oi uio physicians of nil schools. Its resultant effects nro Immediately nppnrent, I havo dully observed tho recovery of patients which challenge the credibility of nny but nn eyo witness. Permit mo to say or my self after n year's hopelessness and tho verdict of tho physicians, 'no hopa unless In u capital operation.' having lived on liquid foods for a year, my lungs so In volved tho cough was Incessant und llfo a continual agony, I am now able to eat anything my iippetlto craves. I have no cough whatever. 1 can walk three miles with ease, whereas 1 could not wnlk thrco nlocks without n hemorrhage. I can do six straight hours of llterory work per day, without fatigue. 1 havo seen mi elederly woman cured of shaking pnlsy of pronoun ced type, In three weeks fully developed cancer In six weeks. Prof. H. A. Woltmer is a scientific writer of exceptional skill. Tho nuthor of many books, ono of which has had tho phenomenal snlo of 23 editions of 5,000 copies each within two years. Ho Is tho editor of tho Weltmer Maglzlnc." You can readily understand the prldo I icel over my grent succosr, nlso In tho konwledgn that Weltmerlsm, which wns originated by mc Is doing humanity so much good, Kor I have not only given over 20 yenrs of metaphysical research to mv science, nut nave spent moro tmm J2.W.000 In spreading tho knowledge of It to mankind. I am anxious thut every man and woman In this land who Is surferlng, no matter what tho disease Is or how many havo termed It hopeless, should send their name nnd address, also their lend ing symptom, to tho Weltmer Kohool of Healing, Novndn, Mo. I will not oulv send to such a professional dlagnnsls of send to such a professional diagnosis of tlmo Itteraturo explaining lu full my meth od of Magnetic Healing, ns well as a bonk which I hove recently written. This will not cost you a cent. Absent or Home Treatment, The treatment which I have originated nnd which Iuih become famous ns nn "Ab sent Treatment." gives me tho nblllty to euro diseases of those unable to como to Nevada, Mo., for llnnuclnl or for other rea sons, .for by this method diseases nro cured no matter nt whnt distance the patient lives. I wish It distinctly understood that the Absent or Homo Treatment Is not mysterious or supernatural, It Is slmplv n method whereby tho disordered or lost functions of the body aro restored. I do not claim for myself any power or virtue I will not concede to all others. 1 simply claim tho capacity to interpret tho law whereby discuses are cured without tho use of thu Burgeon's knife or medicine. Anyone Interested In this science or who Is suffering. If they will simply send to tho Weltmer School of Healing, Nevada. Mo., their name und address, I will send them complete lltcraturo ns well as my now book without any nxpenso whatever. Teaching This Science as a Profession. It Is my earnest deslro that Weltmcrlsm should llvo for the good of humanity, even after I have Joined the great majority. I know of only one way to gain this end nnd that Is to teach others tho art of hrnl ing disease through my method. With this In view I have perfected a complete, con cise and plain course whereby I can teach othern either at my school at Nevada, Mo., or through tho mall at their homes. Any one who wishes can easily learn this marvelous science which encourages men and women to struggln for tho attain ment of higher plains of usefulness, nlso tp awaken capabilities In ench of which they wero not uwarn. nnd uho them for tho good of nil mankind. Weltmcrlsm Is not only a noblo science, but It is at the samo tlmo n most profitable, profession, through which you can, become Indepon dent. Send your name nnd address to tho AVeltmer School of Healing, Nevada, Mo., and you will receive absolutely free a book explaining fully the manner In which you nro taught to practice this grand profession. Ing It Into small over ono section but not too near with n .llttlo flour; pieces dot thm of tho paste, tho edge. Dust lay tho other portion of pnsto ovor tho butter; beat It down lightly with tho roller so It will not push off In rolling; then, starting gently nt tho edge nearest you, roll out from you In ono direction, Into n long, narrow, thin, sheet. Do not press down heavily and uso n knlfo and not tho hands or tinkers for handling tho pasto; fold tho sides of tha pasto In evenly toward tho conter; theu ench end of tho pnsto entirely over to tho center; then fold over ovonly onco moro. Now you havo a square; turn this around half wny nnd roll out again, nlwnys from you; fold again; lay on n pinto ond set on Ico for fifteen minutes; tako out, roll and fold twlco again and put back on tho Ico. Do this four times, rolling nnd folding eight times in nil. Fold In n dry nHpkln nnl plnco In tho rcfrlgerntor until tho next day. Thla will keep for somo tlmo nnd tho "ripening" process improves It. In rolling tho pasto bo careful not to break nny of tho air bubbles, as you depend on tho nlr folded In tho pasto to make It light and flaky. Tho heat of the oven expands tho nlr, which, of course, pushes up tha dough, separating It into tho tunny thin lnycrs. It Is really a mothod of leavening without using yenst or baking powder. This pnsto mny bo used for mnny pur poses pics, pntty cases, tnrts, vol-au-vents and cannclons or cream horns, also known ns Indylocks. Before beginning to work tho salt and buttermilk from tho butter, first wash your hands In hot, Bonpy wator; then rinse them In cold water, but do not dry thorn. This provents tho buttor sticking to tho hnnds. ('niiiieloiiN, With a revival of many of tho old-tlma dishes comes a fancy for theso formerly known as Indylocks. Cut strips of paste ubout an Inch wldo and roll around tho floured stick or tin form mado for tho pur pose. Tho edgo of tho pastry strip must overlap and bo fastened nt tho lower end by brushing tho end of strip with a llttlo whlto of egg, but do not press down with tho finger; when tho paste Is pressed to gether with tho fingers It will not rlae. Tho cannelons nro placed In n baking pan with end of form renting on edgo of pan and baked a delicate brown. As soon ns they nro cool thoy will slip off the form nnd tho centers nro filled with sweetened whipped cream, preserves or Jelly. Whipped cream and fruit pulp make i nlco filling; strawberries and whipped cream are delicious.