Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1901, Image 21

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee.
PAGES 13 TO 24.
' JL KJt
HAY DEM Leading Dress Goods
House of the West
This VCnr WC liaVO demnnfitr fitnrl tlinf f nnvs in Lnnn flm vnn, I. i . .
. ........ i' ivij urau yuuuM iiuKie ov tne load-
1112 manufacturers. A irrent nm nv drv frnmlH mon Mmmriii iimt rim.,i 1 n.. i...' .
" o j o "o " V-1IK11MI J10 iiniuiv large enoii'Mi
to keep such a large .stock of sue h high grade dress goods as Priestley, Courtnuld, Lupin, Oourtiere
, ...i.v ...tnn, uui ,ga-ii'SL success, nio moles Ot OlllilllU
urn tiiupIi Til ntn fi t,i ! I 4l,,-.r,, ....... f. .a.......,,, 4l ,
...v. i.. I.. ..i,,, 1LU Lu.-'t: iiuuiiinn.i.iii;iD limn une worm suppose, and vou enn see nou
on the streets thousands of the finest costumes made Jrom the cloth of these 'world renowned
manufacturers and we have the suhlime satisfaction to state that these goods are confined to us
U1 vJiuum uiiu can i ue uuugiu in imumi uui 01 our Store. 0 UST A KJ'iW PlilCES for MONDAY
Black Dress Goods
Priestley's West of England llrondcloth
I that wo belt at $7.60 yard, for one dny $1.58.
Priestley's West of England Victoria, as
fine as silk, that wo sell for $i.60 yd. $3.08.
' Priestley's satin finished Twill Surah,
, that wo sell for Jo. CO per yard, at $3.60.
Courtauld's finest Crepo do Chlno, with
Courtland's button on every yard, that wo
Veil for $3.98, nt 12.98.
Courtland's l'anno Crepo, tho latest
that wo sell for $3.93, at 12.08.
Courtlero's French Fancies that wo sell
for 17.50, $8.50, $10.00 per yard, nt $5.00.
Priestley's high finished Prunellas, $1.00,
1.25, $1.50, $1.98 up to $1.50 yard.
Priestlny's $1.98 Voiles, $1.25.
Examine our black tailor suitings at 75c
to $7.50 por ynrd.
Colored Dress Goods
$1.75 Taffeta Delaine, tho newest fabric
Bade, In 76 fall shades, $1.35,
$2,50 Satin Twills, just In, CO shades, $1,50.
$1.75 Prunella, 38 shndes, $1.25.
$1.50 Broadcloths, $1.10.
$1.98 Prunella. J1.2G.
$2.50 Venotlans, 4G colors, 9l.CS.
$3.00 French Doeskin, In all shades, $2.98.
$5.00 Drap do Venice, 2 shades, $2.98.
$1.50 Broadcloths, 98c.
$1.25 64-lnch extra fine heavy suitings, 75c
75c now Venetians, all colors, 60c.
Evening Shades
Henriettas, 50c, 75c and $1.00 yard. Alba
tross, 60c, 75c, $1.00 per yard. Wool Taffo.
ta, $1.38 and $1.50 per yard. Sublime, 75 s
yard. Lansdownc, $1.25 por yard. Wool '
Crepo, $1.00 yard. Kollenncs, $1.25 and $2.50
per yard. Nun's Veiling, 50c, 75c and $1.00
per yard.
Waisfings, French Flannels,
Grepe de Chine, Etc.
600 styles In tho Printed Henrietta and
Printed Cashmeres, nt 69c.
Oros Romans, fine flannel, ro-lnforccd,
tho heaviest and best goods xnado and lm
ported direct by us, 76c.
Tho finest bordered French Flannol, made
with bordora on both edges, all colors nnd
sold by other houses at 90c and $1.00, at "9e.
Itcncsouex French Tucking nnd Corded
Walstlngs, 85c.
Silk striped all wool Crepe do Chine,
tho 76c grade, 50c.
Koechlln Baumgartcn & Co.'s French
Flannels, In plain colors, stripes, dots, etc.,
worth 75c per yard, all go at 60c.
Wo oro headquarters for all kinds of fine
French box patterns In appllqued front
andbands, In machine embroidered fronts,
In French hand embroidered, etc.. at $2.23
$2.60, $5.00. $7.50, $10.00. $15.00, $20.00 and
$25.00 per pattern.
UENs The Entire $25,000 Silk HAYDEN
AttoiHs for riuttrrlck I'nttcrn.
I you nceit.
r iinoila
R. Russell on Sale Monday
all go in this sale. Black and colored silks and velvets in oicrr 1 tMs fott d tnnu
nnd thousands of yards of handsome silks-loading shelf, coumcTn.u
challenge the world to sell such silks at such prices as these an ill rih iilS i,? ? ?llUcnZc competition. We
tercst-flrst we bring to you the .famous Winslow T w jV?8 workln. fr J
secured the world-renowned Laurel Silks, which are the Sncs fashioned narrow silk, again we
buy silks of the highest character and quality from tho mesls : nHtC 00" SMnc" "
portant sale in tho entire store, rim nnlv m.- ni ir, n, t 1 i . ' I1L 101,11 1 01 tneir aliie. The most im-
' " ll,v- "'" l" gicaiest saie tnat was ever known.
James n. llussell black laco strlpo taffetai James
waist silk, worth $2.00. at 69c. silk, plain item silk, novelties of nil kind.
James It. Russell 27-Inch wide black i tra Dno Phlds, Persians, dots and wldo
cord and laco skirt silk, worth $2.60, at
Any lady sendlnc In this enutinn with
namo nnd address will recclvo a packago
of the now fall dress goods nnd walstlngs
frco, nnd If sho selects a dress from these
samples wo will prepay cither express or
James R. Russell black 45-Inch wldo gren
adines, worth $2.60, at only $1,00.
James R. Rtnsell yard wldo colored taffe
tas and fancy ellk, worth $2.00, for $1.00.
James R. Russell crepo do chines, black
snd colors, worth $1.25, at only 69c.
lining silks, black taffota on big bargain
squares nt 69c and 49c.
Colored surah, colored wash silk, black
satin, whlto satin, black china, worth 60c
and 75c, on sale nt 10c.
Satins, taffetas nnd fancy silks, worth 60c,
on salo at 25c.
Whlto wash silk, flno grado pure ellk, at
25 cents.
600 boxes velveteens, worth 60c and 76o
you will nnd nil colors In this sale at 10c
and 39c.
Tills !1 bo tho biggest velvet season
over known, 200 boxes best $1.00 black and
colored velvets, for only C9c.
Fnnc velvets for waists, Peralan and
prints, wide volvetecns, worth $1.26 to $1.50
nt only 75c.
27-Inch wide coat velvets, worth $2,00, for
30-Inch silk faced velours In black, $4,00
grade, $1.50.
27-Inch corduroys, all colors, worth $1.25,
at only 69c.
James R. Russell yard wldo block lining
satin, worth $2.00, for $1.00.
Jnmes R. llussell yard wldo black all silk
taffota, worth $1.75, for 85c,
James R. Russell yard wtdo black taffota,
worth $2.00," for $1.00.
Jamen R. Russell 43-Inch wldo black taf
fota, worth $3.00, at $1.75.
Jamee R. Russell 45-lnch black peau do
solo, worth $5.00, at $2.00.
Another Week of
the Great Linen sale
at the Big Store. SENSATIONAL priced to make this MON
MOST ECONOMICAL SHOPPER. Also received a very large
72-Inch all linen half blcachod damask,
usual price $1 GVAo yard.
70-lnch all linen halt bleached damask,
usual prlco E5c 0a
70-lnch nil linen half blenched damask,
usual prlco 75o 00c.
70-Inoh all linen half bleached damask,
usual prlco C3c l7Va
GS-lnch nil linen bleached damask, usual
prlco $l-So.
60-lnch all linen bleached damask, usual
prlco 6Cc 50c.
60-lnch all linen bleached damask, usual
I prlco 66c 40o yard.
CS-lnch blcachod linen nt 19a yard.
68-Inch heavy cream damask at 25c.
5S-lnch heavy cream danuisk at 35a.
60-Inch homespun pattern at 60o yard.
Cxtra flno tablo napkins at 9So dos.
Kxtra flno largo napkins nt $1.37H doz.
Chock llnon In bluo and red. fust colors,
fX 27Hc.
All llnon check fowling at SH&
All llnon crash at Sc.
Crash fowling at Co yard.
4x4 tablo cover, regular prlca 75c, on salo
nt 45c.
6x4 tablo cover, handsome designs, 9Sc.
Cxi tnblo cover, handsome, designs, worth
$2.75, at $1.75.
6x4 tablo cover, handsome designs, worth
$3, at $1.9S.
8x4 tablo cover, extra fine, worth $8, at
8x4 table cover, extra line, worth $4.60,
at $3.98.- .
Remnants ot sheetings, muslin, and table
Ttli muslin, 20 yards limit, 4o yard.
Extra flno bleached muslin, 4c,
9- 4 bleached muslin at 17c.
10- 4 bloaehed muslin at 20c
8-4 bleached muslin at 16c.
8- 4 bleached muslin at 16c
9- 4 brown muslin at 30c.
4-U brown muslin at SHc
Wo can send no samples of these advertised silks, but will 1111 all mall orders sent in before Thursday. We guarantee to please.
In the Bargain Room Mondav
Hayden Bros.' great special spot cash purchases, including several entire stocks of dress
goods, wash goods, linings, silks, clothing, shoes, blankets, muslins, etc.,etc, closed out at 35c
to 50c on, the dollar, on sale at ridiculously low prices. Thousands of bargains for shrewd and
economical buyers. Remember this sale iB in the bargain room.
Remnants ot plain print cloth and worth
6c ot lc.
Remnants of 7&c prints, at 2ic.
Remnants ot Indigo blue prints, long
remnants ot Simpson's black and whlto.
Simpson's stiver gray, all kinds of fancies.
Robo prints and worth from 5c to 7V4c, In
long lengths, 3c.
86-lnch psrcalcs In light and dark colors,
from 5 to 20 yards In piece, will cut to
suit, and worth 25c a yard, at 5c.
Imported percales, extra flno, 74c
Oldenburg, worth 25c, at 7c.
36-lnch flannelettes, with border, worth
19c yard, at 6c.
Arnold's fine printed flannelette, 6 Vic.
Eclipse, the celebrated flannelettes, so
much llko French flannel, with or without
border, 10c
Remnants of silks in plain and fancies, at
2c, 5c, 7c and 9c.
Remnaota of silk, large enough for waists,
at 25o.-
$1.00 silks In fancies. 89c
$1.25 silks In fancies, 49c
Silk flannels, worth $1.60, 40c
COc velvets, 19c
$1.00 corduroys, 39a.
39c silks, 19c
$1.50 black fancies, 49c
$1.76 blnck fanclos, 49c
Fnconas silk, per yard, 10c
2S-lnch strictly all wool waist flannol.
In 43 fall shades, worth 39c. at 24e.
All wool crepo do chlno, with rich, bright
silk stripes, worth 69c, at 39c
$1.00 all wool crepo do chine walstlngs, 49c
6,000 yards of worsted and all wool rem
nants of plaids, stripes, honricttas, sergos,
fancies etc, nt Just ono-thtrd ot their rou
lar value.
All wool Oerman henrlotta. 39c.
English henrlotta, 36-lnch wldo. worth
39c. at 25c.
42-Inch wide extra heovy serge, 25c.
Strictly all wool granito, 49c.
$1.50 novelties, 49c.
28-lnch double fold dobclges, worth 16c,
at 6c
Double fold wool check, 6c
Doublo fold fancy ldajd.i. 6c 1
Doublo fold nlco new'jacquards, 1c
i'S-lnch hcnrlottas, all colors. I0c
$1.00 comforts, 59c
$1.25 comforts, 75c
$1.60 comforts, 98c.
$1.00 blankets, 59c.
$1.25 blnnkots, 73c
$1.60 blankets, 98c
Flno unbleached muslin, 2 7-8c.
Extra heavy L L, 3 7-Sc.
7c bleached muslin, 5c.
Remnants of 12c Lonsdale, Co.
Remnants of 8Vi muslin, 6c.
Remnants of 9c muslin, 6c.
A grand remnant salo on all klndi
Children's camel's hair underwear,
12V4c, 15c, 19c and 25c, worth double.
Children's flno fleeced underwear at
15c. 19c and 25c. Worth doublo.
Ladles' 15c hoso, 70.
Mon's 15c half hose, VAc
Men's 60c suspenders, 25c.
Roys' 25c suspenders, 10c.
25c men's ties, 5c.
Men's turkey red handkerchiefs, 24c
Roys' $3.00 all wool BUlts, $1.45.
Boys' $2.60 woolen suits, 95c
Boys' $3.00 reefers, $1.50.
Boys' $2.50 reefers, $1.25.
Boys' $5.00 all wool capo coats, 95c.
Boys' $1.00 corduroy pants, 60c.
Boys' 85c all wool pants, 40c
Boys' 75c all wool pants, 35c.
Men's $4.00 odd pants, $1.50.
Men's $3.00 all wool pants. $1.60.
Men's $2.60 worsted pants. $1.25.
Men's $2.60 woolen pants, $1.23.
New Fall Novelties
in Wash Goods Dept.
Japanese Kimona Cloth (500 styles) 35 inches wide, strictly
washable, and as sightly designs as the finest IOl
wool fabrics, ynrd , gC
New Flannelette in all the new Persian and fancy styles ICI
heavy napped backs, yard Im IUC
Albatross 'Waisting Cloth, some styles as shown in ia
silk and .wool, yard llSC
Grand Millinery Silo
A grand gathering-, a most complete show
ing of all tho now and exquisite creations
In fall and winter, 1901-03 fashlonablo mll
llnory. llaydons' uncqualod vnrluty will
enablo you to select a hat that Is nt once
float fashlonablo nnd 'becoming. You will
nd you can save fully one-third tho prlco
y buying here. Direct copies of imported
pattorn hats on sale nt $4.49 and $5.
The best styles in trimmed hats, excell
ing any over shown In Omaha, at $2.98 and
A splendid nnd unequalled assortment ot
Fronuh pattern lints on display and salo at
9.93. $12.60 and $15.
Wonderful values In readv-trlmmeil hntn
1rapod felt turbans and hundreds of other
jiats tnat aro worm wo put on salo
,t $1.98.
i You are cordially invited to call nnd in
spect the new styles, whether prepared to
buy or not,
Grand Ribbon Salo
Saturday Is Ribbon Day at tho Big Store.
bargains Saturday:
' lOo to 20o ribbons Saturday, 2Hc
25o to 35o ribbons Saturday, 10c
35o to 60o ribbons, Saturday, 15c
Special salo on velvet rlbbona.
60c fancy sartors, 25c
60o tmcy mirrors, 15c
1,000 new novels Saturday, worth 25o,
cnly 6c.
Six spools Beldlngs Bros.' best sewing
silk, 20-yard spools, only 6c
This means 120 yards of the finest sewing
Ilk for 5c.
New Beaded Chafelaln Ban
On sale Saturday, 60c to $1.50 each.
Horn allegator combination purses, 60c
60u shopping bags, 19c
Fine Embroideries
A samplo lino of tho finest embroideries
In tho country, worth S5o to $1.25 per yd.,
on salo" nt 121io to S5c.
Wc combination purses nnd 'card cases, 25c.
6o and 10c embroideries, only Hio,
k- .
Well Piotr end Peinte
All grndes of paper at 1-3 less than usual
Prices. Examine these bargnlns at once.
in ready-mlxeil paints wo beat tho world,
i T tiot im I tit on tho mnrkct at SSa irallon
; also havo varnishes, stains, enamels,
"'rushes nnd room mouldings at greatly re
duced prices.
Ladies' Furnishing Goods
Ladles' pure cambrlo gowns, full sizes,
worth COc, at 25c
Ladles' flno fancy trimmed corset covers
worth 60a at 25c
Ladles' trimmed chemise, worth SOo. at
Ladies fine fancy trimmed cambric draw
ers worth 60c, at 25c
Ladles heavy outing flannol gowns worth
75c, at 50c
Ladles' short outing flannel skirts In
pink, bluo and stripes at 60c
Infants' fine cambrlo slips worth EOc, at
Infants' short dresses, embroidered
trimmed, worth 75o to $1.00. at SOo.
Ladles' fine cotton vosts in white, pink
and bluo, heavy quality, worth $L00, at 49a.
Ladles' extra long nnd medium length
corsots in drab and black, $1.00 quality at
49c Straight front girdle in all colors.
slzo 18 to 24, at 49c, worth 75c. A full line
ot W. B. Kabo, W. C. C. and La Orlcauo
corsots In all tho now styles, at tl.OO and
up. The Nemo, Military Belt corset and
the La Grlcque Belt corset tor stout
Ladles' black and fancy hose at 12Hc
worth 25c Ladles' black and fancy lisle
hoso, EOc and 75o quality at 26c
Boys' bicycle hose, 25o quality, at I2',ic.
Infants' wool hoso at 15c.
Shotland floss opera shawls in all colors.
Flannel Dept.
cases whlto wool flannel, per yard 15c
and 18c .
1 caso nil wool skirt patterns, each 83c
worth $1.25.
2 cases 'extra heavy twlllod cotton flan
nel, 6c per yard, worth lOo.
15 cases aa-lnch wide, extra heavy outing
flannol In beautiful patterns, per yard, J4c,
worth 15c
2 cases extra wide end heavy Shcker
flannel, per yard 6c. worth 10c
1 case nil wool skirting flannel, per yard
20c and 25c
Bed Spreads
1 caso 72x85 extra heavy croshet ted
spreads, each EOc, worth $L.
1 caso 82x92 extra heavy, hemmed ready
tor use, each 85c, worth $1.23.
2 cases colored bluo and pink, fancy pat
terns, each $1.25,
1 caso extra large Marseilles spreads,
each Jl.SD. worth $3.
600 pairs sample bed blankots, less than
mill's price.
Simpson's Fancy Eddy sUk (printed mercerized sateen) If
the regular 35c quality, styles all new, yard I9C
Satin Striped (mercerized) Persians, , for Japanese Robes ftfi.
uuuuHome designs (an entirely new fabric), yard ,MXtfi
Genuine Imported Eiderdown Robe Finer (French) for loung
ing roues, ere, a most excellent fabric for the OC
. purpose, ,yard ( , ZOC
Percales (the gest goods-made), 36 inches wide, all in newest fall
designs, blues, reds, blacks, etc. Positively sold by fO
all smaller stores at 12Ac and 15c, our price, yard ,... IUC
Men's Hate
Rallroau hats In black, brown and. nutria,
on salo at 76c, $1.00, $1,25, $L50 and $2.00.
Pasha hats, on epeclal salo at $1.00, $1.25,
$1.60 and $2.00.
Wo have tho swellest line ot Fedoras
in black, brown, nutria, ottor and pearl at
75c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00.
Mon's Cornets in all sizes at 75c, $L0O,
$1.60 and $2.00.
Boys' hats In Fedora, Pasha and railroad
at 40c, 60c, 75c and 95c.
Full lino ot Tarns and caps from 25o to
Hen's Furnishing Sale
Men's 25o and 35c Socks nt 15c
200 dozen Mcn'B Socks in plain and fancy
colors, evory pair warrcntod perfect and
worth 25o nnd 35c, on sale at 15c.
Tho largest lino of Men's 'flno colored
Laundered Shirts In all tho newest styles,
worth up to $1.60, on salo at 49c and 75c
Men'b 60c Neckwear at 25c.
200 Cozon Mon's Neckwear In all tho new
est styles and colors, mado to sell at 50c,
on sale at 25c.
Men's 25c String and Bow Tics at 15c.
Men's $1.00 medium weight Jersey Ribbed
Shirts and Drawers, on salo at 49c
Coffee end Tea Dept.
Llberlan diamond coffee 12Hc
Llborlan H. B. coffeo 130
Vory fine Santos coffee i5o
Maracalbo coffee nc
Guatemala coffeo 20c
Interior Java coffeo 25o
Private growth Java coffeo 31Vio
Ansola Java 32c
Mandolins Java 33c
Arabian Mocha and Old Government... 35c
With every pound of good tea, 45c to 50c
per pound, you get a fancy teapot.
Jewelry Speclele Monday
A magnlhcent assortment ot sterling sli
ver, fancy pieces, consisting of bon-bon
spoons, sardlno forks, olive spoons, baby
spoons with bent handles, cold meat forks.
souvenir spoons, etc, etc; all with gold
bowls, worth up to $2.50; sale price, $1.00.
The moat beautiful and valuable pieces
ever offered anywhere at tho price
Rogers Bros.' teaspoons, per set, 69o.
Wallace Bros.' teaspoons, worth $1.50, at
per sot, 69c.
Tho now process solid shell gold rings
In plain and fancy sots, guaranteed to wear
5 "years, fully equal to rings sold at $2.00
to $5.00, on salo at Ilayden's tor 25o and
Men's hoavy band solid shell gold rings
at 60c
We are closing out all our sterling silver
novelties, odd pieces, worth up to $1.00,
at 25c.
Buy bow for the holidays and save money,
Optical Deportment
Monday's Meet Sole
For one day we will sell Morrell's Iowa
Prldo hams, 10 to 12-pound hams, at 13o per
Chipped dried beef, l2V4c
Boneless rump corned beef. 7!c.
Oood salt pork, 8V4c.
Pickled pigs' feet, j
Roast mutton, per can, 15c
New bologna sausage, 6c.
History Pen-lmericen Expo.
..7,!,0tim?t0!iy of .Vi Pan-American Exposi
tion, beginning with tho breaking of ground,
including tho assassination of our president
nnd ending with the close of the groat
show. Bi-monthly, only lOo each. Wo are
tho only agents in Omaha.
A special sale ot spectacles and eye
glasses. Your eyes examined tree and cor
rectly fitted with glasses at very modorate
Gold filled frames, guaranteed for 10
years, $3.00 valuo, at $1.45,
Aluralnlco spectacles or eyeglasses, com
plete, with lenses, $2.00 value at 9Sc.
Colored spectacles or eyeglasses, usual
prlco 60c, at 23c.
I ,
Genned Fruit Deportment
3-lb. cans solid packed tomatoes, very
best 8V4o
2- lb. cans solid packed corn S'ic
3- lb. cans California apricots I2be
Chine Deportment
Don't overlook this Tlpmrntnil tnlln nf
six dlfforcnt colors, twenty-Ilvo different
styles of decoration, ono day only, $1.W.
For same day 300 decorated dinner sots,
100 pieces In each sot, best English goods,
at tho unheard-of prlco of $l.9S.
Blx-plcce cream sots, 19c.
Handled cups and saucers, 2o each.
Largo bIyo potato dishes, 2c
uas maniois, cc
Pio plates, tea plates and dinner plates.
2c, 3c and 4o.
Complete stand lamp, emerald, 21c
Pig banks, 6c.
Finest lino of beer steins In tho city.
Just received largo lino of gas and lamp
Tanpntrv nnrtfnma lioniM 4nn
B - 1 .llno ot colol"s. l-69, $1.98, $2.25 JJ.1I1,
Beautiful mercerized tapestry portlers.
worth $10 $5.03.
Ruflled muslin curtains, 49c C9c nnd 9co
Sllknllno. Just tho thing for comforts, 7c.
Drapery denim, 10c.
CO-inch goods in oriental and Roman
stripes, suttablo for drapery, couch cover,
pillow covers nnd crazy cornors, 50c ynrd.
Remnants of upholstery velour in to
6-yard lengths, worth 75c ynrd, nt 39c.'
Remnants tapestry for pillow covers, 25c.
uuiiviucu curnut stiinnir.
let us show you our lines. Wo will show
juu ui-Biiuuiu kuuuh ui ueniraDio prices.
Special art squaro sale.
Art square, 9x12, $3.75.
Rest all wool urt squnrcs, 6x9, $2.9?.
Refit all wool art squares, 9x12, $7.9S.
Extra flno all wool Ingrain carpet, 49c.
Lxtra flno half wool Ingrain carpet, 35c.
Best cotton chain nil wool filling, 45c.
30-lnch Smyrna rugs, 9Sc.
OT I .... 1 . MM,, ' A. n
-t-iill-ll Itlliuil ri!H. 11, 0.
9x12 best all wool Smyrna rugs, $19.60,
Unparalleled Furniture Sale
Hardware, Stoves and Housefurnishings.
Prices that can't be duplicated from 50 to 100 per ct. saved,
No. 6 Cook " jn5H C m
warranted. JS.95. Grand Wringer, $1.09
10-ln. Turkey Duster 9c '
Western Washer, $2.69.
Complcto Set 45c
2-ft Rule, 6c
No. 8 Granite, C9c
Granite 9c Granite, 6c
Dover, 6c
Wood Wash
Tub 33c
Single Mincing
Knife, 3c.
11-Inch Haw, 27c.
Tho power ot price, together with a well
selected stock, does tho buslnoss. The
volurao of sales and thn runh in ihU ,in
cartmcnt assuro un thnt thn mii.Hr. nn.
provo of our methods and aro comnolled
to como hero. Wo prldo ourselves on bolne
mo originators of plain figures and low
furnlturo prices, nnd wo fnnl thn nnnnln
- - -
uru quick 10 nolo sucli un-to-dntn moth
Ods. Call for thn samn olRnurhnrn.
Vou can find tho prlcc3 wo mako nsvhnn
olso. Look around, tllnn romn it
will mean money in your pocket.
call your attention to our largo and woll
selected lino of Metal Beds. Now doslgns,
delicate onamollngs, combined with strength
nna auranimy. ucas rango in prlco from
$1.95 up to $25.00.
A filled 3-pannel screen for $1.25.
An India scat for 45c, sofa pillow covered
for 45o, rockor for $1.00, chair for COc. Seo
us beforo you buy.
Tobacco Sale
Star plug chowlng tobacco, plug 3754c
Horscshoo plug chowlng tobacco, por
PlUB 37o
Fruit Juice plug chowlng iVbacco, per
Plus 10c
Nowsboy plug chowlng tobacco, por
P'UK 7&c
Battlo Axo plug chowlng tobacco, por
P'"K 35c
Climax plug chowlng tobacco, per plug.37Wc
Novo plug chowlng tobacco 29o
Gcnulno Durham smoking tobacco 50o
Duko's Mixture smoking tobacco 35c
Undo Tom smlklng tobacco, per pack-
nB VAo
Old Stylo smoking, per pound... 25c
A good cigar, CO In box, each 2a
A better cigar, CO in box, each zfte
Flno long filler cigar, 60 in box, tho
same you pay loo for, we sell you,
6-Inch Knife, 7c
We have over 500 Heating Stoves on hand, over 50 different
3-ib. cans very fino California peaches. i2c styles. We know we can suit you and save you from 25 to 50 per ct.
Candy Department
Very flno gum drops Ec
Roasted, salted peanuts iQ
Mixed candy, por pound c0
Caramels, por pound ,,, jo
I'canut candy, per pound Co
Chocolato, per pound c0
Wo mako all our candy In tho store and
would llko vory much to havo all ladles
come and seo how It Is made.
Shoe Department
Special salo of Now Fall Stylos in flno
solool rnrmW,n-nd"y' vr Ay Wnd. tS
select tho best muteria s that go to mako
up good shorH. so that our lino for fall
and winter wear Is bettor In overj- wny.
More sheen, newer iitylcs. at lower prices
ay store In tho city. Brooks Slros
Bhocs in hand turned, machine sowed nnd
Goodyear welts nnd at 60 cvntiv a pal" less
beforo Vr BUl 11,0 snmo 1llnlly
.. w? ill.a'! n,,,uoa several now styles to our
already big lino of Ultra shoes and onrh
Used athr,fif.v1,is w'1, . Th0 1,cst nUor"
L J,0 nty lady 8 Bho ot tho nmr
t0(in' ,.A nvo-.lolinr value for tl reo
your nnoShtTe" tW "nc!' boforo ou buy
mmln7 nri'i?n sho? nn,d KCt lh0 best shoo
- -'""tor, ui iirmu, ior mon, Tho
produce." , ti o CroVotf sho'oat hrZ nn?
Jhn E fl"Vb0 sal'1- TIlero ls no shoe "St
tho prlco that can compare- with it.
A special for Monday
Mrm'o lin-v mi, --.I ... ....
Regent- $3.m shoe, at ; llST On? pair" to"?
i-au cs; fine box calf, $1.95.
Ladles' tint endot kid, $1.90.
All frnm t Im . i ... .
0l " i ,i , inusen or males' nne
Jv, n 'it Ui'? ct,u''t"r' Mooro. Hhafer &
C.. Geo. V. Danlcla and others. Buy a
jinlr and savo n dollar.
in mo nargain room
Al (' !1 H flnn ntln -.,, 1 . . .
jj i5y " worm i.7B, at
$1.35?" " " Batl" CaIf ,nco -(vorth W l
oscoys' fl"8 Entln CaIf aco' worth n v nt
YoilthB flnn ,nHn Anf ,
at 9Sc. v...,. ,uCO, worm i,35,
T ,1 1 1 ! f pnntn tlnA ,-n , I n , .
ftt fj5g' " " """ iaco, worm n,
l?6a.0men's flno vlcl Ma ,ace' wortn 3- nt
Men's colt bals. worth $2.50. at $1.59.
, . ... luuuuin iiriii ovrrsnoes
at lower prices than they can bo bought
in tho west.
Fruite and Dates
Fancy Quinces, por doj:., 33c.
Fancy Orangcr, per doz , 40c
Ills ncr I.on'ons, per doz , 10c
Choice Helling dfi, per ib , 5c.
Ralifnrnis tl
Fancy evaporated Cal. peaches, now
crop, 1001. nt nr.
oincuy cnoico uamornia poaches, now
crop, 1901, at I2yj0
Vory good old crop poachos, at 6V4o
Now crop evaporated blackborrlcs o0
Now crop evaporated apricots, 1901,
at , 12Vio
Now cleaned patrons currants 12 Wo
Now California looso muscatel raisins lOo
Now California prunes, 3VSo, 4o, 6c.
8o and ,. 12Via
Cheese and Fish
Wisconsin full Cream Chocso, ICc
Whconsln Rrlek Checso, 14c
low a Crenn Ch n, 10c.
No, 1 Tamil" Will's Fish, CVSo.
Holland HcrrinE. per lb., lOo.