THE ILLUSTRATED HEB. September 20, 1001. In n Glaus of Water. Put :i linnclful n glazed cojTee in a lassof water, wash off the roatiiiL', look at it; smell itl Is it fit tn drink? Give LION COFFEE tin; sainu test. It leaves the water bright ami clear, because, it's ! plltf COlllC. 1 hi'M'nlfM tmrlnaHlfi.tirfntuilf(iriii il'i.illtjr iui'1 (rmliiiiot 400 OF THE BEST MEN In Nvbnisku Constitute the Advls i. ory Hoard of Nubniskn's Vigor ous and Successful Voting I.lfc Com puny, the Bankers Reserve Life Association Tlicy iir ii (.uiiriiiitt')' of liiiml I'nllli, (IiiihI MiiiiiiKriiH-nt, Sitfc lllxl mill lliiltlil (iron til, A trendy tlio Hunkm Itcinrvc I.ifo Assnelntlnn tnkcH rimk with the strain: our of life romnanli"". Altlmtmli los than four vcars In net tv orlsti'tieo. this vigorous lioino nririinlzntlnti writes ev tv wcclf more tiuslni'si thnn Its strong est alien cmnpot Itor. Unlit upon soiitiil ni-lnelnli'x. econi'inl enlly ennilurteil conservative In nil Milium. Its L'l-owth has been phenome mil. No ntlier eompanv In Amerlrn of Its nee hns m Inrirer proportion of ns ets to liabilities ami no other company has hail n smaller death rate. The Securities "f I n HankeiM Un serve are deposited with the Stnte Au ditor. Kvery honest death claim Is promptly paid. Kvery business obllca' lion Is met when duo. The Officers of tin Hunkers Reserve are well known business men of ex perience. Integrity nnd energy. The Policies of tho enmnnnv nro thoroughly tip to date, liberal, prion title, clenr. complete nml reliable. Nono better In the world. The lliminess nt Risk U tho host which experience, conservative innn- acement nnd careful Investigation tnnke possible. Any so-called "Old T.lno" com iany would ulady reinsure It at our terniH without medical re-examlnntlon The Agents of this comnauv urn writing tho business under the dlrec tlon of the management with the aid of the Advisory Hoard and are select ing tho best men In Nebraskn. The Advisory llotml, composed of 100, Is made up from the best class of our citizens and It Is a part of their contract to assist the company In ex pandlug Its business and protect the company from Impostors. It, II. Robison, President, Omaha, Nebraska, Is In need of more ngents to push tho good work forward. Excel lent territory Is open for good men at remunerative compensation. Address, HANKI'RS RIvSKRVi: l.ll-'U. YOU CAN BUY OUR HALFTONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from than to thus tn The Illustrated lice. On small portrait cuts we make a nominal prlco of $1.00. On larger cuts 6 cents per squnro Inch. They sre all In flwt-cliiss con dition. Our photographic department will also print additional copies of our original phntocraphs at a rraaonablt rate. The Bee Publishing Co,, Omaha, Neb, Nt BijIm Ptr.p VtrLMi, VrM,tlifH..'r lUUckf.lL. littl, M.MI feapl. Ihwh .f VUlt. 2 Ui..'l K1U N.i. C.r4, Ub m KI.i, 0.t.t... !. lilt.u. ULtl C1HU cu., gKtU IUM.1, CU.1N. One Way of Saving Slio rend tho uilvcrtlscmcnts on tho "slaughter sale" cnrefully and figured that by getting down to the big store very early In the morning sho could get tho best of It. alio wiih there, ready for business as toon as tho tloor walker, with all tho dignity of a Council Muffs motor car, guvo orders for tho sale to proceed. Sho bought and bought and bought, nnd when sho got homo at 11:30 o'clock Bin) llgurcd up that sho had savod C.I cents on tho bunch of purchases. "It was tho best deal I havo mado In several years," sho said gloctully to her husband when ho camo homo that night. They decided to talio a spin to ono ot tbo parlts and tho head of tho houso suggested that nn umbrella would not be a bad thing to take along. Just then Mrs Slnughtersnlo remembered Mint sho had failed to remombcr to carry her umbrella from the bargain countor NATIVE WII'E AND CHILI) OK DUTCH SOLDIER, whero sho saved her C3 cents and It was her lest umbrella, too, bought throo wooks ago at a cost ot $3.75. Now thoro nro skillets and pans flying In tho air whenever Mr. Slaughtersalo pokes bin faco In tho kitchen and says: "Do you think It will rain?" About Nsted People (Continued from Third Page.) uiouloiiBiiofcH of olllclal etliiuette, but uftoi liU letuni from tbo Philippines he llred at times ot the luvUh attentions paid him Olio luuruiiig during tlio st-ahuu of tho Joy ous Dowey carnival u colored messenger from tho .Metiopolltnu club rushed Into n bookstoro not far from that establishment. "I wants the funniest book In tho store ami 1 wants it quick," said tho messenger Tho clerk picked out a volume of Depew'a anecdotes. 'Chnrgu It," said tho colored man. 'To whom?" 'To Admiral Dewey," shouted the envn as bo hurried out of tho door. tn olllcer In tho War ilcpnrtmriit lit WiiHliliiKtou rclatfK in tho Sutunlay Hven- liiK Tout an Incident In tho career ot Major : (ictirrnl MacArtliur which hIiowh that that iHstliiMUluheil solillcr'a ruiututlou (or aur- uiountliiK oliHtacU'B Ih ot Ioiik HtamlliiK. i When Mr. Hti'iilicu 11. Hlklim wns secro tary of war MacArtliur was a captain In thu olllcc of tho ailjutaut nor ill. A youiiK ileiitvuaiit Htatluiicil on lliu I.lano KhUiciuIo, In Tc.xiih. tlrt'il of IiIh tlclail. i iiiuplaliu'il of III hiNilth, ami nuked to bo assimu'il to tho national capital. Tho meillcal oxatnlner illiiKiiosiil his malaily iib nothtiiK inoro sorloiiH than homesickness, ami tho appllca tlon was refused, whereupon tho disap pointed lieutenant wrote n pleading letter to an Inlluentlal friend In WnshliiKton. Tho latter. eallliiK upon Secrutnry KlkltiH. naked for thn transfer ns n personal favor, and tho secretary courteously promised to tjrant tho reiiuest Tho Burgeon Kcnernl, when tho mnttor enran to his nttentlon, protested vigorously, InslstlnK that such nn order would be buI verslvo of discipline. The younK officer's friend, when tho clrcumatances were ex plained, released tho secretary from his promise, nnd, aayliiK thnt he would consider the Incident closed, rose to go, "Hold on," said Mr. Klklns. Ho then rang for n messenger, whom ho dispatched for Captain MacArtliur. To that officer the facts were presented nnd after a few min utes' deliberation ho said. "I understand, Mr. Secrotary, that you must cither Issue a command that would not HlBSlVXISSHSSSH bo In harmony with rules of tho service, or cancel n promise that you have given In good faith." "That Is the coso," nssented the secretary "I know ot no contract," rejoined Captain MnrArtbur. "that should bo more sacredly kept than the word of a cabinet officer, and unless the train be derailed, tho lieutenant In question will report hero within a week." It wnR n great relief to tho secretary, who was confident that whatever Captain Mac Arthur's plan might bo It would bo carrlod out without a hitch. "How MnrArtbur manngod It," ndds the olllcer who tells the story, "overcoming nil opposition, ami thnt without tho slightest delay nnd without tho formnl authority of the secretary ot wnr, can bo understood only by those who know his Inllexlbto will nnd bis unusual grace as a diplomat. No ono but Captain MnoArthnr himself ever learned Just how It was nrcompllshed, but six days Inter tho officer from Texas smil ingly turned up at hcadrpinrtcrs. "Wo nil rccnlled the Incident when Mac Arthur wns sent to the Philippines, nnd tho general comment In tho department was that tho Insurrection wns doomed." Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Sixth Page.) ornment nnd the licenses nro sold nt auc tion, being bought In by Chinese. Tho nntlves nro very Improvident. They llvo from hand to mouth nnd will pawn tho very clothes off their backs. I hnvo visited many of tho pawnshops looking out for bits ot nntlquo silver nnd gold and hnvo found In every case Chlncso clerks behind the counters. They keep regular books and do an enor mous nmount of small business at high rates of Interest. Thoy charge 6 per cont a month on all loans, or 2 per cent for every ten days. If at tho end of threo months tho goods pawned nro not redeemed thoy aro sold at auction and tho surplus goes to tho owner. FRANK Q. CARPENTER. Same Thing Chlongo Trlbuno: "All I nsked of tho ex ecutors of my grandfather's will." said young Ardup, "wns tho stono deer that stood la tho front yard." "Did you get It?" asked one of tho by standers. "Substantially," ho nnswercd. "I got tho iimrlilo hart." "Hut that's old,'" thoy told him. "Well, I didn't say It was gnu," ho said, with a ferocious grin. THE pe0PNT SHOE Co Fall and Winter Styles are now In the new shnpes neat and dressy In patent leathers, patent vlel kid, enainelH, calf, etc. tho best men's hIioch on tho street look tho best nnd wear tho best that's the famous Regent and tho price your choice only J3.50. Regent Shoe Co. '205 S. lntli St. He ml for Illustrated Catalogue. The Choicest of Ingredients that enter Into tho niako up of our national lieverago Is the most healthful ' mid health giving vegetation thnt grows, anil UHfil In many ways by medical sclencu I today, is Hop and Hurley Malt. I M'lin hi'Hl nnil choicest or both are used In 1 lllue Ribbon lloer tho perfect brew under tho Immediate supervision of tho most Hkllled master of the brewers' urt BLUE nillHON HOTTI.ED DEER Is the best, has been tho best, nnd always will bo tho best, absolutely pure, no germs, perfectly sterilized. Healthful to nil at all limes In your family by simply telephon ing No. i'.w. Storz B rawing Company Talaphune 13 BO. ri i VH1 mrX ftM IHM MAKER Vto WEARER Moderate Priced Iligli-Class Ladies' and Gentle men's Tailoring. J. A. Kervan 'Phone 805. 4 Dolls ft 'A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUo FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO Ad'KNTS WANTKD MKX and 1VOMKX tor thf lrnllll llluitrfttl au1 onlc rrully onUr u-m tnH.k TH HTY YEARS IN WASHINGTON I llr tilt. I.K.V Jllll.S A. 1.IMJ.W. It ttortnv thr inni 1 hfr wmnlrrful mctlvitles, mreU tml myti run nt the ('utal 1 a fatnoiia anil hljrhly nrlvllfKed wdiunn mci thrm. Itfiuti fully lilu.trateil IftO rlutrm hy (iommnrnt ronnrnt nml aiil. C 'mM hr nici'iit onlv H lt thousand C A fr more reliahlctcrntu wtntM loth men ami wottifn. hut mi I v one airrnt n a ltf C jf'Nmiiff our aLi'nt4 are mnklntf fii a month , j' h'htnre tin httvttnnre (or we lUvi A'roAl On trW hJtnt trim Bin) iciiarantrr htrluut Vriion, Aihlrro 1 A. II. OK I Ml.Mi I 4IN .1 ( o.t Ilurtfor.l. ( omi. Hiller's Pure Rye 8 Years Old S3.20 per gallon Charges Prepaid. Pure, health-string, Invigorating. PREVENTING DISEABE. Pre-eminently MEDICINAL WHISKEY. Put up In four full quarts, or oae gallon Juf. HENRY HILLER. ."as Ho. Ifltk ItrMt, Omiis, Ilabraeka. Oriera waat of N.braska. must sail far t caltnns to b prepaid. to e'V'.v eVe, 'Not!. A. I. ROOT, Printer 414-416 South Twelfth Street Tel. 1604 OMAHA, NES. -I A Tine Line of Boston Ferns 15 Cents Up. Out-of-tow 11 customer! will please tend lUc extra for A HESS&SW0B0DA, NKUllllSTS. l'liono liiOl 1111 Karuani St.. Oiualia. Mr. Wlnliny Southing' Syrup hss bean u.ed for ever PITTT TEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHIL DREN WHILE TEETHING, with PER 1 KECT SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES the CHILD, I SOFTENS the OUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC and Is the best rem I dy for DIARRHOEA, Sold by druggists In every Dart of the world. Re sure and I ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing- Syrup" 1 and take no other kind Twenty-five cent a bettle. aV1 wa I rBBBBBBBBjIinl Advanced Styles Clever' Ideas Newest Effects Tailoring Co., 42. South 15th Street. Omaha, Neb. V.rvrf little trlrl lm n tloll. How ilrllfihtnl wnuM In' wiih it whnlu family of liltf ilulla with which to hutiM." Them' ilolN lit t iinirly two Tut lilk-h, hint' tvy h-t-k, Ixauttrul lialr, html that Mil I ml hnitU, that Mill tmt rail tn. nor miftT any r tin1 niimji that ilollicnari1 likely to t'hcouhti-r. Tiny an tin.' '-Mil I'uitury IiumU 1 of thr olil faliiminl doll that (linintinn Unit to tiiaki', anil would maku (Itaintiiut txii her c)tK In woiiih-r, Th an tinutt of vtttn hia) Wit Inn that will lint t nr. Hint aiudirwU hi hrfttht inlnri ttiat will imt fmlc. Thr ntc t ry ilurahh ninl will ilic ii rMM inon-n a'l .t aurt' tlmn any iloll ma. I.-, Vi will k'lw ttn'oo four U aiitirul iImUm nliliiti-ly fn'u for w-llim; only thr Ihixi' of our Uixatltt' Stomm h TaMitH at d rrtit a Ihpi. Wrltt tit-dav amt wo will m imI tho Talh i hy mall tiTtuili, U'hi'ii wild w inl n the innhi-y "i$l-n nnl wo will Mint oii tho fmir dolli niiik1 ilay innni'y l rii'i'iiitt. Athlrif NATIONAL MEDICINE CO.. Premium Dept. 102 1. Now Haven, Conn. Choice Confectionery GOLD MEDAL. Chocolate Bon-Hons STRICTLY lllail fltJADE at bjr Express la L I, I am t-peuna boxes K)e pouad. W. S. Balduff, 1SSO Parnnm St., Unaaka. Typewriters ! New Century, New De us more, New Yost. We sell, rent, exchange, repair type writer.. Everything considered speed, grade of work, cost of keeping In repair, durlabllllty, etc. ours are by all odds the cheapest typewriters on tho mar ket. For Information regarding type writers, address or call on United Typewriter & Supplies Co., 1614 Farnam St., Omaha, 1 THIAL.TIIKAT31t:.T MlKtt. We wlU BSO fur ny ri of I ate rami, Ks trrnal or I Ir Ii Inst IMloa Ih. Urrm 1'llr I'urr fait. locur.Mluit.nt nd pxrm.n.nt r.llrf Y rll l iur. Urrtn nrdlral Co., 811 K. 3d St.. iiiicliinni I. O. Kisses are Sweetest when tftkn from moutbt that know dellcloui Arnica Tooth Soap Kail 1' ru.u rl'lM nml ulillana ll. tfftll. trtIlbftiltIIH tllH 1tllllM. Fl. wrtiin ih hrth. 1 an. I 'llm.i.iSTTr.l d.rirfl TH. .i.n,m.l ritM for HI ittuta. X3 nt nil Hrm. Kit or In iiid I,