Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1901, PART I, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis celts drugs.
Tho Elks uro to meet tonight.
Stockcrt sells carpets ami rugs.
Fine A U 0 heer, Ncumaycr's hotel.
Oax Ilxtures and globes. Hlxby & Hon.
Wollman, scItntHIc optician, Broadway.
Two furnished rooms for rent. 831 West
Uroadwuy. ,
C. K. Alexander & Co.,. pictures and
frames. Tel. 3C6.
Born, to Mr. nnd Mrs. W. J. Klrklnnd of
Sixth avenue, a son.
Missouri oak body wood. j.0 cord. m.
Welch, 13 N. Main St. Tel. 12S.
James l'onlon was reported last cvcnlns
to he Mill In ii crltliiil condition.
Tlio First avenun foot ball team bent the
Transfer Hoys yesterday nfternoon, 17 to S.
The Hlks Whist club has organized for
the winter nnd will play Wcdncsduy nnd
Saturday nights.
M. Saltzman was arrested yesterday,
churned with erecting n frame building
within the city lire limits.
The police were notified yesterday that
the Hurllnglon ticket ofllcn at Aftoit, la.,
had been broken Into and three tickets anil
l razor stolen.
For upholstering, repairing, mattress
work, feather renovating, Ostlmoor frit
maltrpsiM's go to Morgan & Klein s, :S2
Bouth Main street.
Htetiheu Dunn, having failed to take out
his license uh a common carrier, was ar
rested yesterday and will have a hearlliK In
police court Monday.
Kail opening of millinery Saturdny and
Monday September 21 and 23. latest styles
In pattern hats and bonnets. Miss Anna II.
Moore's, 311 Broadway.
BbffH company No. 27. Uniformed Hank,
Knlghta of Pythias, will give Its first danco
of tho Benson In Its armory at Hushes'
hall, Saturday, September 2S.
Myrtle lodge No. 12, Degree of Honor, will
give a social und danco Krlday, September
27, at Its hall, In the Merrlam block. Ito
frcshmelits served. Tickets, Si cents.
The case against Arllo Land and Claudo
llnuseb. charged with stealing Mrs. Clirln
tlr.c Wlbcrg's watermelons, was dismissed
In Justice Kerrler's court yesterdny for
want of prosecution.
Otto Swan nnd Arthur, Bird, charged with
assaulting Tommy Burns, another small
hoy, were beforn Justice Kerrler yesterday.
The casn was dismissed as to Swan and
continued us to Bird until September 23.
Davi) Mnoney of this city, charged with
passing forged chocks In Missouri Valley,
has been acquitted. Among tho witnesses
for the defense at the trial In I.ognn were
several members of the police force of this
The foot ball game yesterday afternoon
at tho Driving p.irlc between Wheeler'n
team, composed chiefly of High school
uoys, nnd the Dnuden team of Omaha, re
sulted In a victory for thu Bluffs boys, IS
to 0.
Contractor Wlckhum will begin tho pnv
lng of Klrjt uvenue Tuesday morning, He
is willing that any poor person shall haul
awav as much as he can of the old
blocks for winter fuel, after they havo been
plowed up.
W. K, Duncan, charged with tho theft of
fodder from Jacob Jensen, will have a
hearing before Justice Bryant Monday,
Junsen alleges that Duncan stole mifllclont
nf his fodder to feed llvo or six horses
Heveral weeks.
Justice Bryant Is camping on W. W.'cdon's trail becauso ho failed to prose
cute the case against Kred Slovens, tho
saloon keeper ho ohnrged with selling
liquor to his son, n minor, and bus issued a
warrant for, his arreat.
This Is the last week of the special dis
count sale on stoves, furniture, dlshux,
l.tmps, carpets, rugs, linoleum, oilcloths,
window shades, laco curtains, portieres
and house furnishings of all kinds. You
will find this sale of tho Iowa Kurnlturc and
Carpet company. 407 Broadway, a genuine
it w
111 pay you to go thero
and look around
unynow anu got tneir
In tho new Husso-Slberlan play, "For
Her Sake," tho manager of the Dolmny
theater has secured an attraction that
should prove a grateful novelty. It Is a
four-act melodrama depicting life In tho
empire of tho czar, nnd covers a wide field
of action, from tho palaces of nobility to
the convict mines. It Is said to bo one of
tho most sumptuously staged attractions on
the road this season. It will bo seen hero
In tho near future.
Tonight tho attraction at tho Dolmny
theater will bo "Tho Diamond Breaker,"
an exciting comedy-drama. A splendid
band and orchestra Is with thu company.
The play all through Is said to ho excep
tionally good. Soma excellent specialties
will bo nut on between tho nets, among
them being such artists as Adams and
Prlngle. The company carries all lis own
special scenery nnd travels In tho private
Pullman car of Miss I'rlngle, the star.
On account of the recent loss In tho burn
ing of Sam Sun's prlvnto car tho other day
In this city a rousing benellt Is being ar
ranged In his behalf by tho Klks nnd
Knights nf Pythias of this city. Mr. Sin's
company will appear nt tho Dohany theater
Wednesday evening, September 2o. and
under tho nusplces of these two fraternnl
societies will give a performance which
promises to be one of the best seen at tho
nnhnnv for a lnntr time. That the limine
will be tilled to overflowing is a foregone
N. Y. numbing Co., tolcphono 250.
Rummago salo, hats, clothing, shooa,
china and everything In house furnishings.
Davis sells glass.
Duy shoes, 25 cents, rummage snlc.
of Looking at It
Both wroncr.
Twelvo Indies Is tho normal distance
at which perfect eyes see best nnd
Holding book or paper differently
means oye-straln means an error In
refraction or defective muscles means
grave harm sooner or later.
"A glass In time saves" slightly
changed, but you know the Import, and
yes arc more Important that stitches.
MS BHOADWAY, Opp. (Bonn Avenue,
Council Bluffs.
Vtit for thois wS kno wSit't gtnl
Ganymede Chocolates
Mi Opera- BonBons
Mad, By
JoJin 6. Woodward & Co.
"The Candy Men."
Council Bluffs
Iowa Steam Dye Works
301 iiroudway.
Make y out old clothes look llko nw,
Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing.
Funeral Director
Ibuccesaor to w. O. list?,))
r n&a n auc eTku
rHIim hVMIlO U(.'KNT
NtiotlateU In I'-uxtrrn .. eLiraiK
and Iowa. James N. Casady, Jr.,
WW tM U.I, .VM,,V. SW..
Stlimen for Wholeiale Groctriei Get Te
gtther for Frstiotion.
Western limit Is the Prefix to the
'Mile nml the Aim Is to Pre out
CultlttK of Itntcs to (lie
Tho Western Iowa Wholesale Grocers'
Salesinens' association was organized In
Council Bluffs Saturdny. Tho membership
is formed of knights of the grip In tho
employ of tho firms represented In tho
Iowa and Nebraska Wholesale Grocers'
association nnd tho object Is mutual pro
tection to both tho traveling men nnd their
employers. Tho association starts with a
membership of fifty nnd theso officers:
President, T. A. Lyman, Carroll, la.; sec
retary, H. V. Foster, Des Moines.
Tho meeting was behind closed doors In
tho Woodbury building, adjoining tho Ornnd
hotel. At the snmo tlmo thero was a meet
ing of tho wholesale grocers In the Grand
hotel, presided over by Samuel Mahon of
Ottumwn, president of tho Nebraska and
Iowa ntsot'ntlon. It Is understood that the
organizing nt tho salesmen was Inspired
by tho men employing them, as they will
bo tho persons directly benefited.
Tho cities represented in the salesraens'
association will bo Council Bluffs, Sioux
City, Mnrshnlltown, Itcd Oak, Des Moines,
Omnhn, Kansas City and St. Josbph. A
committee was nppolnted to draft bylaws
and a constitution nnd a meeting will bo
held October 0 in Carroll to complete tho
A member of tho association, when asked
as to tho object nnd purpose of the sales
men organizing, said: "Tho purposo of our
organization is mutual benefit and protec
tion and to regulate the prices of contract
goods. That Is to say, It Is to prevent one
salesmen cutting tho prices nf another.
It Is also to prevent ono salesman en
croaching upon tho territory of another.
It Is not a trust, nlthough I suppose out
siders will look upon It ns such. Tho or
ganization is mcroly for our mutual benefit
und for tho benefit of tho trade we repre
sent. The association comprises tho men
working nlong tho Missouri river, so to
speak. That Is nil there Is to It."
llfTorf to Kitforee Pnjiueiit of Tnxcs
on 1 In t Uml of the Company's
Tho suit brought by County Treasurer
Arnd' against tho Union Pacific Ilallwav
company to enforco tho payment of city
taxes on tho eaBt half of tho railroad com
pany's hrldgo across the Missouri river
was tried before Judgo Mcl'herson In tho
United States court yesterdny. both slles
waiving a Jury. While tho nult was brou.i'it
In tho nnmo of tho county treasurer, tho
city is tho renl plaintiff nnd was repre
sented by City Solicitor Wadsworth at
tho hearing. Tho suit was brought in
December, 189S, In tho district court nnd In
January, 1899, wns transferred on motion
of tho Union raclflo to tho federal court.
Tho enstern hnlf of tho railroad bridge
Is within tho corporate limits of tho cltv
of Council Bluffs and, it is claimed by tho
city, Is Justly nnd legnlly subject to city
toxes. Up to 1897 tho Union Tactile .never
made any objection to paying tho city taxes
on tho bridge, but It refused to pay tho
taxes levied for that year by tho muni
cipality. The rcfusnl was based on tha
claim that as tho bridge did not receive
any benefit from tho levy of these taxes
It wns exempt, as was property within tho
city limits used for agricultural purposes
Tho east half of the brldgo was assessod
In 1897 nt $105,000 and tho levy was 29
mills, making tho total tux duo on the
bridge J3.097.00. Suit was brought for this
amount and tho pennlty to December 31.
1S9S. While tho Union Pacific has regu
larly paid tho stato and county taxes on
tho bridge, It has refused to pay the city
levy until this suit Is decided.
In tho suit of Lucliu Wells against
James A. Patton, Judgo McPherson over
ruled tho motion of the defendant for a
continuance and assigned the case for trial
next Friday. Tho two suits of Bailey &
McEvcrs against tho Chicago & North
western Hallway company were contln
ued by agreement. Tho $20,000 personal
Injury damage suit of Clara C. Breckabtll
against Nathan Morrlam has boen assigned
for Mondny. The plaintiff sues for damages
alleged to havo been received In nn elevator
accident In the Merrlam block, and an In
surance company Is the real defendant
ns Merrlam carried a $10,000 accident pol
icy on the elevator.
Tho court ordered a special venire of
twelve tnlcsmcn in addition to the regular
panol to be drawn Monday.
Tho grand Jury, which was impaneled
Friday, completed Its deliberations yester
day morning and was discharged. This
breaks the record. Indictments on the
cbnrgo of bootlegging were returned against
Milton Hill, Harry Barker, Frank Howard,
Louis Smith, Bert McMauus, Leroy P,
Mapes, They are alleged to have sold
liquor nlong tho line of tho Burlington,
whero tho double track was being laid
They wero all arrested In the vicinity of
Bed Oak.
Davis sells pntnt.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Iload, Ml Broadway,
Divorce Cafcpft nnd Others.
In tho district court Saturday Judge
Macy granted Casslus Moore, a conductor
on tho Bock Island road, n divorce from
Minnie Moore on tho groundn of desertion
Judgo Wheeler will henr Mondny tho dl
vorco cuso of Antoinette Mcltnven against
Wado Hampton McKaven, as Judgo Macy
will bo occupied with Jury cases. Mcllaven
yesterday filed a croas-poUtlon to his wife'
Judge Green ordered Saturday that the
trial Jury for tho November term of dls
trlct court, which will convene November
6, be summoned for November 18. Thi
Implies that the Jury cases will be given
tho rlBht of way over the equity docket
Dohany Theater
Ono Night, Sunday, September 22
Diamond Breaker
Two tons of scenery.
Band nnd orchestra.
Six big specialties
Prices, 25c, 35c, BOc.
Coucert at Bayllss park, 2:30 p. m,
Cut Prices
on Millinery
(41 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
The grand Jury adjourned yesterday noon
to Monday without making a report. A
County Attorney Killpnck will havo to go
to Atoca to attend the term of court thero
Tuesday, tho grand Jury will, It Is expected,
make Its final report Monday.
Judgo Macy went to Harlan Saturday
evening to spend Sunday with his family
and court will not bo reconvened until Mon
day afternoon.
These Jurors were drawn Saturdny for
the October term of tho superior court
Will, Berngcs, Lewis; Ben Taylor, Taylor;
A, O, Mnxflcld, Neola; AC. Illle, Crescent;
Herman Scuocnlng, Keg Creek; W. D. Klrk
land, Mlko O'Rourkc, Ole Olson, Scott
Wesley, 13. S. Kerr, O. W. Gordon, Max
Mohn, A. Fellentrotor, C. M. McKlnley, W.
S. McMickcn, Council Bluffs.
Church Notes.
At the memorial service In tho Broadway
Mothodlst church tonight the pastor, Hov.
W. J. Calfto, will Bpcak on "William Mc
Klnley, tho World's Ideal Christian man."
Tho choir of twenty-five voices, under tho
direction of Ned Mitchell, will be as
sisted by Mrs, L. P. Hypes, soprano soloist,
and F. D. and W. W. Ames of Omaha.
This will bo the program:
Organ prelude, "Andnnto Mnestosa"....
Mrs. Sylvester.
Gloria IMtrl ,
Hymn, "Faith of Our Fathers Living
Still" Faber
Magnificat Frost
Nunc Dlmlttis Boycr
Hymn. "God Move In a Mysterious
Way" Cowpor
Duet, "Swost the Moment" Adams
Messrs. F. D. nnd W. W. Ames.
Anthem, "Gently, Lord; Oh, Gentlv,
Ixnd IV. ..i Nevln
Gallery chorus, "Nearer, My God, to
Theo" Adams
One hundred children.
Solo, "Lead, Kindly Light" Shcppcrd
Mrs. I. P. Hypes.
Offertory, "As God Wllls'r Ncsslcr
Mrs. Sylvester.
Anthem. "Thy Way, Not Mine, Oh
lord" Brlggs
Hymn, "America" 8ml h
Organ postlude, "Funeral March". ..Chopin
This will be tho program for the Mc-
Kluloy memorial service this evening in
tho First Christian church:
uncrnl March
Hymn Nearer, My God, to Thee
Scripture Beading
Cornet Solo Lead, Kindly Light
Joseph Spnuldlng
Solo Bemember Me Dr. B. O. Williams
Address Hov. V. B. Crewdson
losing Hymn Congregation
"Tho Spirit of Christ" will be Hov. J.
W. Wilson's subject of his sermon this
morning In the First Congrcgatlonnl
church. Evening service will ho renamed
tonight and tho meeting will be nddrossod
y Miss Chambers, returned missionary.
Miss Efllo Chambers, a returned mission-
ry from Erzroum, Turkey, will speak In
Trinity Methodist church this morning at
10:30. Miss Chambers passed through tho
experiences of tho Armenian massacres and
will speak of them. Memorial services
wilt bo held In the evening, ltev. D. C.
-'ranklln, D. D., and others will speak.
In St. Paul's Episcopal church Hov.
Gcorgci Kdward Walk, rector, will admin
ister communion nt 8 a. m. There will bo
morning prayer and sermon at 10:30. Sun
day school will be at noon. Evening service
will bo omitted. Sunday school will meet
In All Saints' chapel at 3 p. m.
Itov. Harvey Hosteller of tho Second
rcsbytcrlati church will preach this morn
ing on "Ono for All." His subject in tho
evening will bo "Ashamed of Jesus."
Services will be at 10:30 a. m. nnd 8 p. m.
Sunday school will he at noon and young
people's mooting at 7:30.
Tho First Church of Christ. Scientist,
will havo services this morning at 10:45
n the Sapp building. Tho subject will be
Reality." Sunday school will follow tho
service. There will be nn exporlence meet
ing Wednesday night nt 8.
Tho First Presbyterian church choir will
glvo a muslcalo next Tuesday evening, Sep
tember 24, In tho church under tho auspices
of the Ladies' society. Admission, 25 cents.
Quartet Let the Hills and Vales ne-
sounn iiicnnrjs
Mrs. Welsh, Miss Worley, Mr. Big
don und Mr. Coker.
,'lano Sqlo Fifth Nocturno Lcybnch
tiss iiiiriuuHf j-urpyui,
ocnl Solo The Song of tho Heart
Louise Tunison
Miss May Worley.
Vocal Solo Bendemeor Stream
Lucius Prvor.
Vocal Duet-The Idol of My Heart. ...Stnhl
sirs, weisii and air. t-oKer.
Vocal Solo (a) Folk Song McDowell
(u) iiusn-u-uyc, sweet, My
Own Hawicy
W. S. Blcdon.
Piano Solo Polka do Concert Bnrtlctt
Mrs. Donnld Macrae, jr.
Vocal Solo I Promlso Theo DeKovcn
airs. Ida wels-Bovucrt.
Quartet Away to tho Woods Congrevo
Airs, wcisn, .miss v oney, air. mg
don nnd Mr. Coker.
Bargains every day nt rummage sale.
Iteal ISstnto Trnunfern.
These 'transfers were filed yesterday in
the abctract, title and loan offico of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street:
Nannie A. Durnnd and husbnnd to
Mnini (.. c attemucx. lot 7. d ock
Bushnell's add. w d $1,000
F. J. Day nnd wire to urpha 1.. .mc-
Curdy, part or 101 a, iuock a. mi
hnnW'K 'M 11 dil nnd strin udlolnlnK.
w .1 400
Allen Chllds nnd wife to Kmlcn Hutch
inson, hud lot 4 nnu part or sun lot
3 of out plat lot 169 nnd sub lot 10 of
out pint lot 170, Council Bluffs, q c d
A. J. Mnndel and wife to Marzcll
Kprslen. lr.. lot 1. u ock vt. xicers
sub. w d 1.000
Chris Hcnsnn ana wire to jonn lea
Osboru, ni so ncft az-ro-w, w a..,, i.unj
Five transfers, aggregating $3,481
Council IltufTa Society,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carse are homo from
nn enBtt-rn trip.
Henry Leffert left yesterday morning for
two mourns in (.nuiornin.
Miss Miih Itnblnson of South Sixth street
returned Wednesday from a, month's visit
In town
And It soils for only 5 cents. We havo
an Immcnao lino of SCHOOL SUPPLIES of
HI kinds. We have a SPECIAL nULED
LAIIGE TABLET, same ns wido slnglo ruled
drawing for paper, MADE ESPECIALLY
FOR US; costs only 5 cents. Besides we
have practicing and drawing paper of all
kinds. Our line of pencils at S, 10 and 16
cents p dozen avo hard to beat. When you
want anything In this line you will always
find It at our itoro and at the lowest prices
In town,
Geo. W. Fletcher's
Drug Store,
106 Broadway,
Council Bluffs. Iowa
with her sister, Mrs. John Martin of
Ceresco, Neb,
Mrs. M. J. O'Connell of Hastings, In., Is
guest of Miss Lucy Dalley,
Miss Flora Judson will leave Mondny for
Washington to attend school.
Miss Uthel Cook of Avunue F enter
tained Informally last owning.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Schocntgen will lenve
today for a visit In New York.
Miss Mae Boblnson of Sixth street has ns
her cucst Hugo Johnson of Ceresco, Neb.
Charles Itoynolds hus gone to Chicago
to take a courso In electrical engineering.
Theodore Tholl of the First National
bank Is homo from his vncnllon In Colo
rado. The Woman's club. B. M. S will meot
Wednesday nt tho homo of Mrs. J. M. Bey
nolds. Mrs. J, Ilolf of Lincoln, Neb., Is guest
of Mrs. 1. C. Bonhnm of North Second
Harry Long left Thursday for Washing
ton to resume his studies nt Gullandott
Tho Elks are nrrnnglng for social nffalrs
for the winter season, to lncludo several
Miss Blanche Patterson of Glen avenue
cntortaliuil a number of tho younger sot
Friday night.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James 13. Spalding of Sioux
City are guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. James
N. Cosady, Jr.
Miss Kiln. Wirt left Thursdny for Lin
coln, Neli,, to resume her studies In the
Stato university.
Mr. and Mrs. f. K. Lull nnd daughter,
Lilian, of Macedonia, nre guests of Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Smith.
Tho young people of the First Congrega
tional church will havu u soclul Friday
night In the church parlors.
Miss M.ibel Sackett of Third street Is
home from Newton, In., whero sho at
tended tho wedding of a friend,
Mrs. I. U. Bonhnm Is homo from Jeffer
son, la., whero sho attended tho wedding
of Thomas Watts nnd Miss Dorothy Hend.
It. P. Gnrham of Portland, Ore., Mrs.
N. P. Kidder and Miss Alice Cross of
Ypsibintl, .Mich,, uro guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Oorham.
Mrs. Clmrles Jonen of Norfolk, Neb., Is
guest of Mr and Mrs. It. K. Wlatt of
Fourth strret. Mrs. Jones Is daughter of
Governor Savngo of Nebraska.
, Mert Grout. Joo Wallace nml Harry Kcat
Ing havo returned from tho Black Hills.
M. 8. Welker, who accompanied the party,
will remuln iv short time longer.
Daniel llhodes entertained ut his home
pit Upper Broadway Monday owning In
honor nf llU rjltl. lilpfliHnv nnnli.0..n-
J Following an Informal retention stitmer
rus served.
Tho enuiL'plllnnt nt IJ. W tlmin C1S
South Twelfth street, and Miss Minnie
Wilson, 1218 South Nineteenth street, is an
nounced, tho wedding to take pluco ut tho
now iiumo i iicKiiay, nepiomoor Zl.
Mr. L. II. Hnworth announces thn rn-
gngement of his daughter. Miss Nellio M.
inwortn, mm i- rniiK w. Heed, son of Mr,
nd Mrs. Freeman I. Hi-nd. Mini tmirrlniz,.
will tnko place nt tho homo of tho bride,
1018 J- o 11 r 1 11 avmnin. Wmlm-Hibiv m-iibIbj
September 25.
Mr. nml Mm. A. W llimlu,... nli.l.n,in.i
their sixty-sixth weddinir iiiinlvrrMiirv
uesday at their home, 317 h'nst Pierce
treet. In tin- uftprnnnn uiwl
largo number of friends and ruhttlvos called
iu i'aihiu congnuuin lions. Air. nnd Mrs.
Bonhnm wero married September 17, 1S35,
In l'kimlnir countv. KnntiwUv Mr. n,,,,
ham's maiden nHine was Rachel Hay'don.
MnrrltiKC UooimcK.
Licenses to wed wore Issued yesterday to
tho following:
Name and Besldcncc. Ace
Iioiiiuh H. Smith. Pottitwnltnmln.
Mary K. Cormack, Pottawnttnmle 2
Frank 13. Bender, Council Bluffs 31
Alvina Tradel, Mindcn, la 24
BorKlnrn Hlmv Open Mnfp nt Hardy
After 7:1,000 linn Iloen
Taken Out.
FORT DODGi:, la., Sept. 21. (Special
Telegram.) Tho safe In tho prlvato bank
f Bccer & Cleevor, at Hardy, Humboldt
county, Iowa, wns blown open by safe-
rackers last night. Tho door of tho safe
was blown Into fragments by n hoavv
charge of dynamite. Tho loss was slight,
s Mr, Clcever had that same owning taken
$3,000 in cash from tho safo and cnrrled it
homo with htm. The burglars secured 210.
ho robbers' got away without nrouslug
be town and although bloodhounds wero
put on their trail this morning they mado
good their escape. Tbreo hangcrson about
town who havo disappeared nro suspected
of the thoft.
Gerinnii I-lilltorn Orunnlrr.
IOWA CITY, la.. Sept. 21. (Special.)
Tho German-American Press association.
which convened here yesterday, hnB effected
their organization: President. Joseph
Elboeck, Des Moines; first vice prcsldcut,
Carl Lohman, Burlington; second vlco pres
ident, Adolph Peterson, Davenport; secre
tary, H. Mahraun, Iowa City; treasurer,
August llllmcr, Now Hnmpton.
Klllril by Live Wire.
CRESCO, In.. Sept. 21. (Special.) James
Wilson, street commissioner at Creaco, waB
killed Inst evening by coming In contact
with a llvo wire.
Slnsltcn Olil Mnn Neitr Cnnilirln, Wo,,
for Objecting to Ilrmarkii
About McKlnley.
LEAD. S. D., Sept. 21. (Special Tolo-
grara.) The police of this city and county
officers have been liuormea 01 a murder
ous cutting nffray noar Cambria, Wyo.,
across tho Black Hills line. At nn Italian
wedding tho question of tho McKiniey as
sassination camo ur. A young man. whoso
namo Is being kept uor.ret, made insinuating
remarks about the matter and an old Italian
named Comeo chldcd him. Tho young man
drew a long knife from his coat find cut
open Comeo's stomach. Tho old man can
not llvo. Tho young man escaped nnd Is ho-
llevcd to be coming townrd this city in
company with another young man who Is
woll known here.
Ilrnnk Too Much Alcohol.
DEADWOOD, S. D.. Sept. 21. (Special
Telegram.) Tho coroner's Jury, today, de
cided that Mrs. Matilda Faust enmo to her
death by drinking too much nlcohol.
This Wttk will be
Bargain Week at the Big Store
Wo will linvo on exhibit find demonstration of IIliinUo'H famous coffees at
our storo till this week, beginlng- Mondny, September 1, Ineltidlnj; Suturduy,
September tiS where, every person visiting our store will hnve tlio filensuro of
partaking- of u cup of tho delicious coffee free of clinrge. Useful and vnluablo
MHivenlr glveu away nil week.
10 bars Diamond C soap for 25c.
Jersey Cream or Whlto noso flour, 90c.
Qrape-Nuts, por package, 9c.
Meat Department
SPRING CHICKENS (dressed), per pound,12'(4c.
Nover was thero such bargains In this department as wo have for you
week regular cool weather prices.
Boiling Beef, 4c and 5c.
Roast Beef, 6c, 7c and Sc.
Mutton Stew, 5c.
Mutton Legs, 10c,
Good Steak, Ec,
Full lino of Lunch meats always
week. Wo can savo you money.
.j $7.50,
Smith Si
Wednesday Evening, Sept. 25
I'ndor the auspices i f Council Bluffs Iidge
No. 531, II, p. O. i: nnd tho Knights of
I'ythlns.41 PEOPLE-40. Sweetest alngers,
funniest rommedlans, greatest dancers,
Sam Horner, Sam Drame, Dromand Bros.,
Kresko nnd Lynch, Nugent Bros., Ellctt
trio, H. W. Chapman, Hurry Merrych nnd
Oils Sun, unlisted by others. Urand street
partulu at 12 m on principal streets.
A Big
Cut in
Is a halt thrown out by many drug
stores In which It Is presumed that
tho pcoplu get tho direct benefit. Tho
scheme Is tho snmo that tho angler
applies when ho baits hltt hook with n
tempting morsel to cntch tho nibbling
sucker. You get pulled In out of tho
wet In tho long run. Every legitimate
business must sell Its goods at a fair
living prollt und nny diversion from
this established fact Is disastrous.
The plain fncts oro that the adver
tised low prices on theso goods are
balta to got your trado nnd these
lusscs will bo mndo up by a heavy
overcharge on the other goods you
buy. Our aim is to do a legitimate
business with the lowest range of
profits possible and by giving us vour
trado you will havo moro money nt
tho end of tho year than you wouM
If you nro taken In by the shrewil
tactics of these cut price artists who
nro after your money only. Don't
forget this timely advice.
S. E. Whaley,
'Phone 387. 416 Broadway,
Council Bluffs, Iown.
l?npev CovGVGd
Pencils, 18c por cloz
For three days only, next Thursday, Fri
day and Saturdny, September ill, "J7 nnd 28,
wo will sell Blnlsdcll Paper Covered Pencils
for ISg a dozen. There Is no limit. You
can buy as muny dozen as you want, but
you must buy them on next Thursday,
Krlday or Saturday. Mall orders filled If
received before Saturday night. If sent
by matt ndd 3c n dozen for postage.
i2ft sheets of writing paper ICa
00 xxx envelopes 15c
-"oolscnp and legalcnp, 3G sheets for.... 10c
Letter size, 4S sheets tor 10c
Faber's "Korka" ana othor 10c pen
holders fc
All So penholders 3c
J2.50 Waterman Fountain Pens M
!107 ItrondTVU,
Council muffs.
LEAnN crayon, enlarging. Kxcoptlonal op
portunity for young man with nbillty.
Stamp for particulars. Box 35$, Council
Bluffs, Iowa.
for the Week
Celluloid Cold Water Starch, per pack
age, 7c.
Lewis' Lye, per can,' 7c.
Bargains In every department.
Pork Sausage, 10c.
Atlanta Hams, 4 to 6 pounds, 10c.
Bacon, smoked, 10!c to 12',ac
10-lb. pall Pure Lard, fl.10.
Salt Pork, 10c.
on hand. Do uot fall to give us a call this
the pace in
Every style but old styles Paddock,
Chesterfield, Regal, Automobile and
Box. In fall and winter weights at
$10, $12.50, $15 to $25.
A Jnl., 1 11 4-1
auu picllll, tlliu 111 till lllC JIUpCI
you have thorn from ua they're
An Elaborate Scenic Equipment!
A Great Cast!
Sensational Situations ,, Startling Climaxes ., Bewildering Effects !;
Until now n sewlnp; mnchlno has been only a suwInK machine. Our new No. 118
Is not only n perfect sewlnfr machine, but when not in uso Is attractive and servlc
ablo as a tablo fitted throughout In tho most thorotiKh rnannor ball bearing, doublo
feed and perfect In detail. Tho head comes to position with belt on, ready for use.
it Is mado oy skilled workmen to do perfect work, and to bo beautiful and con
venient. Second-hand machines from $5.00 up. Parts nnd repairs for all machines. All
kinds of machines repaired and for rent.
G. A. Bullis,
337 Broadway,
A Fortune Saved
From the Ashes
In 15 to 20 years' use a Hot-Water or
Steam System will save $1,200 to
$1,800 over other methods of warm
ing, besides securing the advantages
of healthfulness, cleanliness, comfort,
convenience and safety,
IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators
In plaids,
415 Broadway,
Council Bluffs, la.
You Buy
don't be content with less than the
latest and best. He a lifetime Invest
ment If you get a
New Home
NO. 118 I)R01 II LAD
Sewing Machine
Council Bluffs. Ia.
J. C. Bixby & Son,
uouiicii nuiiiH, la.
Something to
be Proud of
Is tho lireproacbabln manner In which your
linen Is always laundored when you bring
It to our laundry, Wo aro proud of It our
selves, nnd of tho fact that not even "the
beautiful mow" that caps Mount Diana Is
whiter or of liner finish In Its Klaclal
smoothness than Is tho linen that we are
dolnR up every day.
Spoclal rates to agents. AVrlte to ui.
22-21 North Main Street.
Telephone 31L