24 SCHOOL BOARD INVESTIGATES Blfti Rtmors of Georgi Pranoli Train' Ijmpatbj for Emma Goldmas, COMMUNICATES WITH CHICAGO POLICE Pronoaeil Itrrlirlatdilnir of Train School IJi-iiftiilN iii Hronlt of In veatlRfitloti Ciimiuirntlt e nrci on School AttL-iiitnncc. Members of tho Hoard of Education laid over a resolution providing lor tho ro- cbrlstenlng ot Train Bcliool, thnt It might bo learned positively whether Georgo Fran cis Train, for whom the school was named, ent commendatory letters to Emma Oold- man and expressed his sympathy for tho cause which nho advocates. Secretary Hurgcss of tho Hoard of Educa- tlon wired to Chief Francis O'Notl of the Chicago pollco department concerning the communications which passed botwecn Cltl xen Train and Miss Goldman nnd received tho following answer: Hnvo several communications nnd poitnl cards purporting to tie from Ocorgo Francis Train, expressing friendship und sympathy lor Emma Goldmun. Sir. Uurgebs has written Chief O'Nell for furthor particulars concerning tho stand Georgo Francis Train has taken concerning tho recent outbreak of anarchy nnd will be prepared to make an exhaustive report to tho board at Its next meeting. Trnln'a Vcralon. Tho Now York Sun, In a recent lssuo, has this to say ot tho Tralu-Ooldman af fair: Georgo Francis Train Is In trouble over a. letter which ho t.cnt to Kmma Oo.dman. A packet addressed to Miss Goldman by Citizen Train fell Into tho hands ot u cap tain of pollco out In Chicago. According to u paragraph which has been published In various newspapers tho packet contained many sheets of manuscript written In blue poncll. When tho paragraph reached Citizen Train ho said that liu had written only onu Blind of paper In bluo pencil, und that tho other matter In tho packet ho sent to Enunu consisted chtelly nf articles from nil Omaha newtpnper which ho hail sent her In order to glvo her soma truthful reading matter und to show her what kind of an anarchist he wni, us ho put It. Ho wroto lior that when ha had debuted with her In Kast Fourth strcot, this city, ho had never heard her recommend violence or asausslnu llon. And he told her that when ho was invited to lead Coxoy's nrmy to Washington ho had declined, declaring that the way to scttlo nil disputes was by ballots, not bullets. Ho went on to say that Emma hnil a right to speak, mid that ho did not want W.uOo.OOO Americans to bo afraid of ono plain-spoken Ittisslan woman. Ho added that her lawyers wero poltroons to lcavo licr nlonc. Mr. Train said also that In Ills packet ho had enclosed to Emma 40 cents' wor'h of stamps nnd postal cards, nnd he asked whether tho pollco captain bad appropriated them. Tho citizen's denial nnd correction, however, did not overtake tho original troublo-mnklng paragraph, and tho Omnha Hchool board has taken cngnlznuco of his aliened Hympathy with Emma nnd has dropped his namo from Train school and icchrlstcncd the building JIcKlnley school. Attendance Incrriiaca. Tho avcrngo dally attendance of tho Omaha public schools for tho week which has Just closed shows an Increase of 530 over tho attendanco for tho corresponding week of last year. Tho additional pupils are scattered among nearly all tho schools of tho city. A comparative statement ot tho attend ance for tho week Just ended and for the corresponding week, ot last year Is given below: . . 1301 1900. 1,330 154 337 714 W3 513 211 M) 274 015 233 01 1M 622 232 433 42 903 m 411 4S2 831 513 C7I fcO 4GS 600 593 492 141! 411 261 403 657 242 High school l.ioy Heal 17J uancrort Cass C.'.iatellar 3 IS 24 OH Central Mi Central Park 23) Clifton lllll 27T. Columbian 278 Comenlus toi Haundcrs uso uruid inn Dupont Farnnm Forest , Franklin 1S2 552 253 4G3 Gibson 30 Knllom Ml Jako .. an Leavenworth 442 Lincoln 41U Long m;i; j.ninrop Mason Monmouth Park , 534 ,7W Omaha View 477 Pnclllo iks l'ark en Haratoga 633 Hherman iu Train , 454 Vinton 274 Walnut Hill :g Webster 552 "Windsor 244 Totals 10,217 15,703 For policies that are sight drafts at ma turity apply to II. O. Neely. manager i.qultablo Life. Merchants Nat. Bank Uldg. For excessive perspiration try no-No-May powder. STOVE COMPANY TO BUILD Great Wcatern Concern Itnya site for New Warehouse on Harney Street. Tho Great Western Stovo company, now located at Ninth and Leavenworth streets, has purchased tho site for a now ware house on Harnoy streot botwoon Ninth and Tenth streets. Tho slto Is 66x132 foot and tho prlco paid was $150 per front foot. Thcro Is IJurllngton trackngo In tho alloy. Tho company proposes to build In the spring a two-story brick warehouso with basement. Dr. Itosowater, Bee Bldg. Tel. 504, res. 1217 Have Boot print It. 1 THE NORRIS BOOT for Indies becomes tho POPULAR SHOE OF THE SEASON. T. B. Norris, 1517 Douglas Street. Sells them-they are made tor 11s. Three dollars will buy ladles' welt sewed broad extension sole. Scotch t.k edge lino vlcl kid "boots" only. qOiUU Wo soil ladles' hand turned boo hIioch black vlcl kid, with Cuban tf military lieyls very swell qJO.UU Regular lines In ladles' now fchocs, variety of stylos, nil up to dato, tho 119 tc newest ut medium price qS. OU Men can bay the newest box calf shoo or vlcl kid. In welt sewed soles, full C') box toes our special leaders ... hlv'' OUR SCHOOL SHOE DEPARTMENT Is packed solid with school shoo values for nchool shoo service. Season now open. T.B. Norris' 1517 Douglas Si. Alwaya ask for premium tlckoti. S3 SIMERAL HOME FROM EUROPE Omnhnv Attorney llcttirna from a Dual, tiesa Visit to London nnd Other Points In Etiiclnnd. E. W. Slmcral arrived homo yesterday from England, where he has been on a bus iness mission. Ho left Omaha on August 7 and sailed from Now York for Liverpool on August 21 on tho Majestic. Upon his ar rival at Liverpool Mr. Slmcral went directly to London, where ho spent most of his tlmo whllo abroad, leaving tho metropolis only for a few days to visit several points In southern England. Mr. Slmcral says he heard of the shooting ot President McKlnloy Just as bo was sail lng from Liverpool on tho St. Paul on Sep tember 7, and when tho steamer touched nt Cherbourg, Franco, whero It took aboard Speaker Henderson, John A. Mackey, Colonel Tom Ochiltree and many other Americans, tho word camo that tho presl dent was doing well and was expected to re cover. Tho St. Paul arrived In Now York harbor on tho morning of tho president's death and It was. tho first liner to pass Into that port with flags at halfmast after tho sad event Most ot tho passengers on tho St. Paul were Americans nnd Mr. Slmcral says they wero all much affected by tho news conveyed to them upon tholr homo-coming. "Flailing-." Tho month of September Is tho best In the year and tho Minnesota lakos the best In tho world for fishing. Get a copy ot booklet, "Beauty Spots," telling you where to find them. Ho marks bly low rates at Illinois Central city tlckot offlco, 1402 Farnam street, or address W. II. Brill, D. P. A., Omaha. Neb. It brines relief Re-No-May nowder. Ask your druggist. It your foot trouble you try it. HOLIDAY OF YOM KIPPUR Jrnltli Dnr of Atonement Will lie Observed Today nnd Monday irlth. Impressive Ceremonies. Beginning this evening and lasting all day Monday tho Jews of tho city will cele brate tho most solemn day in tho year In their system ot theology. Yom Klppur, or tho day of atonement, tracing Its origin back 3,500 years, Is dedi cated to tho Ideal ot forgiveness ot sin by God. It appeals to each Individual and recalls his past llfo and recognizing his sins to God, his family and his fellow man, to Instttuto such conduct as will indl cato remorse, repentance, forgiveness and amendment. It Is consecrated to tho Ideal of Individual frco will nnd personal ac countability for conduct. It Insists on each Individual soul bearing tho responsi bilities ot his action, good or bad. Tho services at tho Harney street tem ple will be unusually Impressive. Excep tionally flno music has been prepared tor tho day and evening exercises. Rabbi Simon will preach this evening on "The Hrnnd of Cain;" Monday morning on "A Guilty Constenco," and Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock, during the memorial service, on "What is Heaven?" It Yon On to Colorado He suro and go over tho Loup. Tho finest trip In tho country, .send 3 cents in stamps to T. E. Fisher, general passcngor agent, Denver, Colo., for handsome Illustrated book describing this and other attractive trips offered by the Colorado & Southern railway. Be-No-May skin food tor facial massage. Ile-No-May cream softens and whitens hands and face. A. Mayer Co., 220 He building. Consultation freo from 2 to 4 dally. Publish, your legal notice In Tho Weekly Dee. Telephone 238. Soelnl Unncc. Georgo A. Custer post and Woman's Bo- lief corps will glvo a social danco for tho benolit ot Union Veterans' Monument fund. Chambors' dancing academy, 17th and Doug las streots, Friday evening, September 27, 1901. Whaley's orchestra. Tickets, 23 cents. Nothing like Ro-No-May powdor for ex- ccsslvo perspiration ot hands or feet; posi tively cures tendor and swollen feet, corns and bunions. Ladles 'and Misses' suits, skirts, waists. wrannera. underskirts, mllllnorv. etc.. cash or credit. Peoplo's Store. 16th and Farnam. Be-No-May powdor brings relief to tender feet. K LIS FLEAS If your dog la overrun with flcns, treat him to a wash with SHERMAN'S DOG SHAMPOO. This Is the only preparation that will kill EVERY FLEA every time. No guesswork. IT KILLS 'EM. Easy to use; 25o per bottle. MEDICINES FOB DOGS. Full llr.o of Spratt's English Dog Medi cines. Full lino of aiover'H Celebrated Remedies. Full lino Dent'3 Dog Medi cines. Sherman's Mango Curo. bottle 6O0 Sherman's Tonlo Tablets for dogs, per box 500 Sherman's Distemper Powder, box 60a Sherman's Arecu Nut Worm Tablets, per box 60c Sherman'H Dog Shampoo keeps skin Clean nnd kills fleas, bottle sjc Wrlto for book ubout dogs-free. Sherman &McConnell Drug Go Corner 16th nnd Dodge, OMAHA. ACORN BASE BURNERS Its not too early to remind you thnt we aro still selling tho celebrated Aeorn Baso J.!ir?: .T.hl" 18 J1.16 onl' "ne f lrd coal 'E'11 'ho world In which tho quality Is from iVWn slwi'm thSm ln ""'V S'ZCS' rrom j.uoo to j0.oo. nnd not a poor stovo among them. Wo have thousands of writ ten testimonials from Omaha users and no matter what Btovo you havo used wo will guarantee that you will "ay the Acorn Is superior or your money refunded. Ask us for a copy of "Tho Acorn" si owln what your neighbors think of this stove. John Hussie Hardware Co. 2407-2409 Cuming St. "It you buy it ot Hussie, it's right." THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; STOP AY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1901. nosTosr sTonn n. n. wnncic balb, Tuesday Bruin the Great Sale Sixty Cnsea "Wrecked Goods nought from It. It. Co. On opening theso cases we And over halt of tho goods ln perfect condition. Tho greater part of tho other half is only mussed or slightly soiled, and only a very few pieces torn. Tho goods that go oi salo Tuesday com prises principally of ladles' and misses' cloaks and suits, trimmed and untrlmmed hats, dress goods, silks, velvets, carpets rugs, blankets, comforts, underwear, hosiery and handkerchiefs, men's gloves, caps, shifts, shoes, and all kinds of calico muslins, outing and wool flannels, etc. Remember tho date, Tuesday, Septcra bcr 21, at BOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Brandcls & Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers, Peet & Co's Men's Clothing. Ask your druggist or glove dealer about Re-No-May powder. A great economy In hot weather. Cures excesslvo perspiration saves gloves, paraBols and flno dress goods. No dress shields needed If you uso It NOTHING WRONG WITH KNOX I. II. Neff, Prominent Former nnd Stock Itnlsrr, Submlta u, Sample ot Corn. P. B. Ncff, ono of tho successful farmers and stock raisers ot Knox county, residing near Wausa, was ln tho city yesterday, and as ovldcnco of what that part of tho country can do lu a year of drouth brought with him samples ot corn picked at random from his fields. Ono of these cars Is over a foot long, perfectly developed nnd at least four Inches In diameter at tho baso. Mr. Ncff says that crops aro good In Knox county and that farmers will have plenty ot all kinds ot feed for tho stock which they have, whllo many will undoubtedly havo somo grain to sell. Special Excursion llntca to Snn 1'rnn claco, .l5. Tho Union Pacific has authorized a rate of $45 for tho round trip between Omaha nnd San Francisco for tho general conven tion of tho Episcopal church. Tickets on salo September 19 to 27, Inclusive. Final return limit November 15, 1901. City ticket office, 1321 Farnam street. Telophono 316. tlR Calif ornlii nnd Return. Burlington Routo. Every day till September 27. Tickets, 1602 Farnam street. For tired feet Re-No-May powder. The Phone Will Bring It 'COPYflGHT If you call up number 1238 or number 1222. Wo glvo prompt nttentlon to telephono orders and will send your coal right away. Wed rather do it now than later on, when all thoso slow pcoplo aro sending ln their orders on a cold day. Then some body may havo to wait. Hard coal now $9.50 per ton. Hald & Rice, Tel. 1238. 506 S. 16th St If its an EMPEROR FOR THAT IB THE Best Razor Made WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR HENCKELfl BMPEinOB, RAZOR!, pocket rurrvEi, SCISSORS, Eta. BHAVINO OUTFITS A BPEOIALTT. Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1011 Dodca Mri.t. TOOL HEADQUARTERS. Bargains in Cameras During Carnival week we will sell KODAKS AND CAMERAS nt rock bottom prices. Wo havo tho largest selection ot photo material in tho west und have everything strictly fresh and up-to-date. Seo tho latest raako of Al Vista Camera, from $8.00 up. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Farnttiii Street. Wholi'salo and retail dealers In Photo Supplies. ' Coming Your Way You will not find a hotter tlmo during 1901 In which to purchaso drug sundries, patent preparations and toilet articles. Tho prices cannot very well go lower, and it's a wise customer who buys now and picks up tho bargains, We quoto a few samples: 25c Mencn's Talcum Powder 12c 2So Davis Headache Powders 12c GOc Soclctlo Hygienic Soap 29c $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Curo 4So $1.00 Kirk's Hair Tonic 4So $1.00 Wlno Cardul E9o $1.00 Peruna C2c All other patents at sanio big discount. Mall orders promptly filled. MYERS DILLON DRUG C0j 16th and Farnam OMAHA LANDMARK DISAPPEARS nmruet Home, n Pioneer Hostelry, 1 Ucltifr rtneed to 3lnke It 00 in for Xpw ItnlldlnR, The Emmet house, which for many years nas stood on Eleventh street, between Far namo and Harney, is being torn down to givo place to a two-story brick building t bo erected by David Colo. Tho now build lng will bo occupied by Klopp & Bartlctt under n long lenso. Tho old Emmet houso was ono of tho landmarks of Omaha nnd In an early day was well patronized as ono of tho chief hostelrles of tho city. It was n bono of contention between two of tho original founders of tho city and was tho cause of a lawsuit which held Its placo on the docket of tho Douglas county district court for many years. Covert l.mlKr No. It. A. F. t A. M. All brethren of this lodgo and sojourn lng brethren aro requested to meet at Ma sonic hall ou Sunday, September 22, 1901 at 1:30 p. m., sharp, to attend tho funeral or Brother John R. Halsllp. Attest: EDEN K. LONO, Secretary. J. ELMER ANDERSON. Worthy Master. FATAL PROPHECY COMES TRUE John II. Hnlnlln Ulen After I'rrdlctlue Invent nt (irnvcaldc of Ilia Son, John R. Halsllp, a well known traveling man, died yesterday morning of dropsy at his home, 2513 Caldwell street. Tho funeral will bo held at 2 p. m. today under tho auspices of Covert lodgo, Ancient Freo nnd Accepted Masons, of which ho was a mem ber. Interment will bo mado at Forest Lawn cemetery. Last Thursday Mr. Hnlsllp's 18-year-old son was burled and at the sldo of the gravo tho rather said with pathetic earnestness that it would not bo many days until they were reunited. Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectta and magnetic physlolan, offico at tho Central hotel, Cor. 15th and Dodgo streets, till a sultablo location can be found. Spoclal at tcntlon to all long standing or lingering diseases and to diseases of women and children. Do They Tell You that thorn Is nn flrni? trnwf nr lninl rnm- bluntlon of the retail druggists whose ob ject 13 10 "iioosi" up mo prices on patent medicines and other things which thoy think WO Can't cot? Don't think lircmixn they are advertising somo staplo articles nt cost that they am In sympathy with tho vJiiP.r,C0 Business, oecauso tno WHOLE PUSH WOUld til tn lllll fminrnl nf nnr Htoro wan pleasure. LOTUS nilKAM 1,'nn niiAno in- wV"v ai iivuoi iu iiuitr. AND HAS NO ODOR, PINT "3c . n VIPTnn dim a .00 Best 25c box soap, threo cakes!!!"!!!!! liic 5O0 Pozzonl Powder i .00 Kirk's Hair Tonic ..!.! : S L.'.H.tcrln9 n-ainl.ert'a Genuine) loa i.vj ino 01 ruUl itn Jl'.OO McD.irin'N Knu .Hi. COo Calclvi-oirji Syrup Pepsin. .... "3o :no Karl Cramer's denuino T.insv. v-ouon iiooi una Pennyroyal PIIIs....$1.00 SCHAEFER'S Cut Prica Drue Stora TI. 747. . W. Car. 18th and Chlaag, Seeds dallvarad FKB to amy part at tllr. We Are Proud of tho repu ation of having tho finest ehoo store in Oraaba. It spurs us on to bo constantly on thn lookout for tho very newest Ideas ln high art snoo making. Something different from whnt is to bo found at other stores Our customers expect it wo do not disappoint mem. 1 no Ideal shoo for woman Newest shoo ideas for street and dress all tho leathers 20 styles Price, J3.00. Ihc $2.60 for woman's shoes box calf and vlcl kid heavy sole tho broad extension heels and toes. $3.00 Men's shoes "Tho Rochester" especially designed for us all the patent icatners Also ln vlcl kid and box calf somo leather lined Prlco, $3.00. $1.60 for boys' and girls' shoes extra value mado with a view to stylo nnd dura- DUtty nest of Btock, uowest styles Price, $1.50. THE ROCHESTER SHOE CO., 1515 Douglas St. 1515- Taft's Philadelphia Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas St. When your teeth first show signs of decay Is tho tlmo to consult a dentist. FILLINGS 75C UP SET TEETH $3.00 UP Do You Know Shrader Yes, ho can eavo you money nnd car faro If you need drugs or patent medlclues. $1.00 Cramer's Kidney Curo 15c $1.00 Peruna C2c $1.00 Colery Compound 19c Co bottlo Schlltz .Malt 13c $1.00 Swamp Root 73c 25c Talcum Powder 0c $1.00 Miles Nervine 73c Ono pound Sulphur 10c Ono ounco Senna Leaves 6c Dr. Hill's Special Cough Cure 25c Dr. Dill's Sundown ColdX'apsules Curo Cold lu Head beforo sundown, only 2ac 10c Shrader's 10-mInuto Headacho Powders. Shrader's Fig Powdor, Curo for Con stipation nnd Provcntlvo for Appendi citis, per box :5c This Is Shrader on 21th and Seward. SHRADER. SHRADER. SHRADER. SAN KltANCISCU AND ItBTWItN. f 15 Vln Itock lalnnd Itoute. Tickets on sale September 19 to 27: good for return until November 16. City ticket ofilce, 1323 Farnam street. Young men who would llko to bo barbers would do well to call on Moler Darber Col lege, 1623 Farnam street, or send for their catalogue. Mnmirit Fnlla Illtinilnnteil. Tho Michigan Central, "Tho Niagara Falls Route," has established at Its Falls View station a powerful electric search light, which every night illuminates the faco ot tho falls and tho rapids for the benefit of tho passangers upon Its train passing after dark. For tickets and folders npply to city ticket offlco, 119 Adams street, Chicago. DIED. JENSEN-C. A., nged 63 years. Funeral Sunday nt 2 p. m. from family residence ln Hensnn. interment in spring well cemetery. All friends invited. Send atlcles of incorporation, notices ol stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Ilea Wo will glvo them proper legal iniertlon. Telephono 233. New root Fashions for Fall We are ready to show them Aro you ready to seo them? Don't wait until you want to buy; Call in at onco and get posted on tho now and up-to-dato fads and fancies tn footwear fabhlons. Wo will consider It a favor to bo allowed to show you our goods whether you buy or not; and they'ro worth seeing. Comparo them with others fltylcs, quality, prices then whon you'ro ready to buy, you'll buy ours. They nro tho newest, tho nicest, the best, and tho prices aro right. FRY SHOE CO FOIUIEHLT Cartwigbt N. E. Cor. 16th 7 A and Douglas Of Curse OF DRINK CURED BY White Ribbon Remedy Can lie kIvvii In lilua ot Winer, Tea or coiicm ivuiKiut 1'utient'a K iimvlcdKv. Wlilto Ribbon Remedy will euro nr ilps'irnv the diseased appetito for olchollo stimu lants, whether the. patient Is u contlrmod Inebriate, "a tippler," social drinker or tirunlcurtl. Impossible for anyone to have un appctlt. for alcoholic llyuors after usIiik Uitiluriicil hy Aiunilivrn of XV.C.T.U, Mrs. Moore. .Superintendent at tim Woman's Christian Temperance Union, writes: "I havo . tested White Ribbon Remedy on very obstinate drunkards, ana tho cures havo been many. In minv .via... the Remedy was given secretly. 1 cheer fully recommend und endorse White Rib bon Remedy. Members of our Union uro ellgliteu to unu a practical and economical rciuiucul to uld us lu our tcmbcranen work." Mrs. West, president of the Woman'u CliiiMtlan Teiniieraiicu Union. Hinti.ii. "i Know of so many people redeemed from tho ouro of ill Ink by the uso of White Ribbon Remedy that 1 earnestly request you to give u u iriui. rui nuiu u iiruKKiHis every where, or bv mall. SI. Trial iiiieltnu.T frn by writing or calling on .tlrn. a. m, 'I on iimciiiI (for years Secrotnrv nf im Woman's Christian Temperance Union) lilH Tieiiiout Nt., IIohIoii .tliiNN, Sold 111 Omaha by Charles 11. Schaefer, Kith and unicasio streets. These Are Gut Prices $1.00 Coko Dandruff Cure $1.00 Wlno ot Cardul S1.C0 Peruna $1.00 West's Ncrvo and Rraln Treat ment $1.00 Llstcrino 50o 50c C2o 0c G4c 15c 15c 19c 100 Go 12o C9o 69c 75o 75o 49c f.3o 49o f.9c 5c Plso's Curo :5c HoweU'B Anti-Kawf :5c Lees' Egg Tar Soap :5c Allcock's. Plasters 5o Relladonnn Plastors ounce bottlo Witch Hazel Hood's Sarsaparllla Palno's Celery Mile's Ncrvlno t'lerco's Medicines -quart Fountain Syrlngo quart Fountain Syrlngu quart w aier iiomo quart Water Uottlo .mi guarunicoii ior ono year. BOSTON STORE DRUG 9 DEPT. NEW I'UIIMOATIONS. Your Fortune Told Free tho 7firllan Astrology reveals your inw buuiuu mo. wo win eona you a itoroscono Reading of vour urn nnil a most interesting Honk on Astrology. If yon send the dato of your birth and tamp for return postage. Our read Ings havo mado peoplo happy and full of hopo and success. AddresH THOMP SON & CO.. 22 North William Street, New York City. If you want to HVnFNc know what smart- IlJrl 1 UtkllO ly-dressed men will wear this sea son ask to see Stein-Bloch clothes 111 111 Men's .?1S.00 Pure Worsted Suits for 10 00 Men's $12.D0 Genuine Melton Suits for 70 Men's 9.50 Fine Cassimere Suits for no Men's 12.50 Covert Overcoats for 7.50 HAYDEN BROS. SELLING TIIE MOST CLOTHING IN OMAHA. Avenarius Carbolineum Used for preserving wood, both- abovo and below tho ground. Wood treated with It will last threo times longer than tho nat ural way. Ite qualities aro: 1st. Prevent dry rot and decay. 2d. Prevent warping and cxpolllng damp ness. 3rd. Trevent tho attack of Insects, worms. mice. 4th. Prevent crumbling and decay of brick and stono work. Gth. Is antiseptic and freo from all poi sonous Ingredients. Call for circular. P. S. Going to uso a llttlo to oresorvo tho harmony of Omaha druggists. Sold only by FULLER DRUG AN1 PAINT GO. 14th and Oouiclaa 3ta. HAYDEI 7 S Ten mnnufacturers' snmple garments from the leading houses of New York, Boston nnd Philadelphia. Our New York buyer, continually searching the markets, secured the above goods, which we place on sale be ginning Monday morning at 8 o'clock. The greatest sale of la dies' ready-to-wear garments ever known in anv American house at this season of the year. These goods are Al and up or skirt leaves our workrooms, right in every detail, nnd will ASSORTMENT NO. 1 Women's samnlo suits, mado ln nil wool homesnuns and Venetians, Jacket lined ylth tho Olvcrnaud uiiiuut, rnauo in tno new styles, pcrcallno lined and Interlined with deep flounce manufacturer's prlco J12.00, samplo salo prlco, J7.G0. ASSORTMENT NO. 2 Women's suits. browns, blacks, tans, castors, nnd red. In flno Venetians nnd broadcloths, scrgos and cheviots, somo silk lined throughout, mado up ln tho best styles, n suit worth $20.00, samplo salo prlco, $10,00. ASSORTMENT NO. 3 Women's hlch class suits ln tho now styles, Norfolks. blouses doublo breasted, single breasted and others, made of all wool Imported ma terials, jackets lined throughout with the famous Glvernnnd taffetas, skirt percnllno lined and Interlined, velvet bound, suits that nro sold ln Omaha as high as $23.00, sample sale price, $12. B0. WOMEN'S SAMPLE COATS ASSORTMENT A Automobile coats, mado from ono of tho finest qunlltlos American mill's kerseys, silk lined through out, an unapproachablo offer. 42 Inches Extra SpGOinls for Monday. women's silk skirts, trimmod with bands of velvet, made from elegant qual ity taffeta, sample salo prlco, $1.95. Women's dressing snccjurs, nicely mado, elegant quality llunnelotto, mado to sell for $1.00, samplo salo price, 35c. Women's wool waists, every throad wool, trimmed with braid, ln blacks, blues, reds -and tans, bought to sell at $1.60, samplo salo price 79c, Women's collarettes, mado of sheared coney, satin lined throughout, mado to sell for $2.50, samplo salo prlco, 95c. Children's Jackets, In nn endless variety. KEELEY "" "'" 0,"I,K',, lOMoy ayatom of Inatl. f imp tutoa, Uki only ICeoley Inatltiim In iNKn, Curea VUHJE iiruiiki-iiiicaa, Cun-i Di-iik Uacrn, ToI.iip.-o Usera. THIS KI'lll.CV INS'J'ITUTi;, lt unit I.rnvcmvortli, Oinnlin. ASK FOR A Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to imported cigars, Manufactured by P. a. Rico Marouatllo Cigar Co., St. Loulo. Ualoa Mado, Did you see Smith yesterday ? If you did, you must hnvo noticed what n stylish, perfectly lltting suit thnt brown mixed English tweed is that he had on. Smith is ensy to lit, did you sny? No easier than you aro. Don't believe it? Well, you just come into our store any time tomorrow or the first time you got n chance, but don't wait too long, and we'll fihow you whether wo can nt you with u Stein-Bloch Suit or Overcoat Either, and do it as well ns Bell, tho swell New York Fifth Ave. tailor could make to your measure, and sny you know you enn buy four or Qvo Stein-Bloch suits for Bell's price for one. SUITS, 10.00 TO $25.00 OVERCOATS, ?12.H0 TO ?27.50 Extra special sale of men's fine suits for Monday and all week. Hard Coal Now is tho time to Ee cure tho bonofit of early fall prices. $9 50 Per Ton. C. B. Havens & Co., 1522 farnam St. Tels. 317 nnd S25. Jackets, Suits, Skirts and Waists lines of women's fall and winter - to - date, and when a suii. onnr. we. irunrantoo that it will in give perfect satisfaction. long, high storm collnr, S rows of silk stitching all nround collnr, front and bot tom, mado with tho now sleovo nnd cuff, samplo snlo price Just think XS.50. ASSORTMENT H Women's flno automo biles, with high storm or IAlglon collar, trimmed with stitched velvet, lined with tho famous Skinner's satin thnt Is warran ted for two years wear, 42-lnchcs long, enmo ln castois, tans, cardinals, blues ami blacks, a garment mado to soil for $27.50, samplo sale prlco, $11,05 ASSORTMENT O-Womcn's box coats, mado from tho famous American woolen mills' kerseys, high storm collars, trimmed with pearl buttons and satin strnp3 stitched with four rows of stlbihliig all around with tho now sleovo, a garment worth double, Bnmplo salo prlco, $1.03. ASSORTMENT D-Womon'H bos coat our leador, standing out defiantly chal lenging tho world, rando from tho best Imported korHoys, lined with tho famous Sklnnor'n satin, elegantly strapped, stitch ed, sowed and mado, this Is from tho reg ular stock, tho best ln America, on salo at $10.00. In nl styles, mado to sell for $5.00, for $2 !j. Children's Jackets, mado to sell for $3.50, salo prlco, $1.15. All wash waists romalnlng In our houso will bo put on salo Monday at 10c 25-dozon woman's mercerized uider sklrts, $2.60 quality, for 98c. 25-dozen women's wrappers, bought es pecially for thin salo, mado of 10o per cales, oxtra wldo In tho hips, body lined, trimmed with laco, worth $1.25, on salo at 25c. READ PAOE 13. t 4 1 4