10 THE OMAHA DAILY J5EE: SUNDAY, SEUTEMJiEK 22, 1001. The By S. Srnonale of freceilliiir Clmp. Kamon Garcia, know"," C.'hSt hit' wif Kissing uoiures xiirou"' (i rstatcS uro consented mid 'V5 bc?m5n2 hunted mn, At the wiic tlmo Jun, Hcotch adventurer, Hollo "l'r' ,c0I"uMcd Spain, and during nn Inn quarrel Is umcu by John Mortimer, nil Bi""""' ,f , two start to visit Don I 'll aar, nuoot or , tno moiinstcry 01 'V",1"",'" ' ..V.1.1J T.v tho Mortimer nro entertained lavishly by uio nbbot. and, meet Ii lenne St. ""re. French gallant who Is tuilylnir ror orders. These three, with Kl "'" ""re hns foiir.d protection at ho monastery, art commissioned by the abbot to capture tho ciueen regent and her little hiught cr in tno Interests of thu church, Knrcnitefo r the camp of Cabrorn, the Carllst Ke iernl, they tints the homo of Kl Harrla who earns that bolores was not false, to him at u ,n'a lownfnll was plotted by Luis 1- cr"nn ,. Dolores Is Imprisoned In Luis' homo and the on to whom sho has Just given birth w about to b burled allvo by Luis rut her, Tomas, when Kl Sarrln falls upon him. Kl Sarrla rescues his child and takes It to the Convent of tho Holy Innocents, where t'onchrt Is alwi staying. I hen, aided t Hollo Tllalr nnd his companions, ho cap tures Fernandez' home nnd rescues his wile, lllalr and hw comrades, enptured by Gen eral Cabrera, cannot prove their sympathy with tho Carllst cause because Hlalr was forced to leavo his credentials hi no . . Tlmii mrm I veni ns security lor uuiui, J Kontonccd to bo shot nt daybreak. Conenii nrrives from the convent with credentials, saves their liven und later Joins lllalr s party In Hearch of tho (jueen repent. I no adventurers learn that tho queen regent court at Man Ildcfenso has scattered bo cauo of the black plaguo and Cardono nnd La Olraldu aru sent forward to reeonnoller. They lrnrn that a band of gypsies are p. mi ning to raid the castle, nnd Hollo hastens to tho rescue of the roynl party. Hollo and party narricuue wiu immtt-p ..., itypslrs. who succeed, however, In kidnap- pins tno rrinceKs inuuei, nun., Isabel and start with her for the hermit age. (Copyright, 1301, by 8. H. Crocket.) VIIAI'TKIt .."XV Continued. The sound of a brisk Interchange of shots enmo to their cars from tho direction of tho palace. "Theao ho young fools who run their heads against Btono walls," sold tho hugo gypsy. "Wo nro wiser men. They eook gold nnd aro In danger of getting lead. Like you, wo will bo content with silver. Altar furniture Is by no means to bo do uplsod. It Ills tho molting pot ns egg meat fits cggnholl. Hut whither do you fare?" "I am passing in this direction solely that I may reach a plnco known to my undo and myself, whero the pair of us havo n ren dezvous," answered Hollo. "Mlno undo Don Joso hath had no wish to mcddlo In other men's matters, as Indeed ho told you all this yesterday morning. But na for me, seeing that I was young of my years nnd desired to tnako my mark, ho permitted me to como. Hut I would rather glvo up nil my booty, though honestly tnken with tho strong hand, than keep Joso Maria wait ing!" Tho Moorish gypsy now laughed In his turn. "Nay, that 1 doubt not," ho said, "but hero wo are good fellows, right Horns, truo to each other, and would rob no honest comrado of that for which ho hath risked his llfo. Tass on, brother, and glvo to Jose Marin of Honda tho respects of Ezqucrra, tho executioner who on tho Plaza Mayor of Halnmanca removed tho splko from the Iron cravat that bo deftly marked him for llfo!" With a burst of gratitude quick and sin cere Hollo seized tho huge hand nnd wrung It heartily. "You saved Jose Maria's life!" ho cried; "then mlno Is at your scrvlco!" "I'nss on, boy," smiled Ezqucrra grimly; "It is not the first tlmo since I became usher to tho Nothor World that I havo been able to do n friend and bravo comrado a good turn. Only warn him that now they havo a new operator at Salamanca In whoso veins cir culates no drop of tho truo black blood of Egypt! Ho must not try tho collnr twice!" Hollo passed on with his donkoy. and ho was Into tho second street before ho dared to lift the covering of hay which hid tho child. Ho expected to find hor In a sweon with fright or half dead with fear and anxiety. Isabel II was neither. "Take off that platter of metal," she whispered. "What fuuny talk you speak. It sounded llko cats Bplttlng. You must toach It to mo afterward, when Dona Su nann Is out of tho way. Vor sho Is very strict with mo, and will only lot mo learn French nnd Castllllan, saying that all other languages aro only barbarian nnd useless, which, Indeed, may woll bo!" "Hush." said Hollo; "wo aro not yet In afety. Hero Is tho way to tho Hermitage!" "Cut will you teach rao the cat language?" "Yes yes, thnt I will, nnd Kindly," quoth Hollo to the Httlo queen, anxious to buy her sllenco on any terms; "as soon, that Is, ns thcro Is tlmo." After passing tho gnto nnd tho group collocted thore, Hollo had turned rnpldly to tho right, and soon tho ancient wallB of tho Ermlta of San Ildcfenso rose before htm, gleaming dimly through tho dense greenery of tho troes. If any of the fathers who mado their homes at that sncred plnco still remained, tho outBldo of tho building gavo no sign of their presence. Hut It was ' n tlmo for Hollo to stnnd on any cen ny. With n rough tug at tho rein ho compelled tho donkey to follow a narrow winding path which, entering at an angle, made Its way finally to the main door of tho Ilortultage. The young man thundered at tho knocker, but receiving no answer, ho selected n flattlsh stono of n size suttablo to pass between tho Iron grilles of tho window bars nnd threw it up nt them with nil his force. Tho Jingling of gloss followed, upon which presently a whlto fnco wob seen bohlnd tho bars and a ralld volco Inquired his business, "Tho brethren aro either asleep or gono about tho affairs of their order In tho town," the monk said, "thoro Is no general hospitality hero In time of plaguo!" "I havo not come to claim any," said Hollo. "I am hero to warn you that San Ildefonso is In the hnnds of wicked nnd cruel men gypsies of tho mountains. Cnll your superior nnd admit me at onco," "Alas," answered the mnn, "our prior Is dead. I only am almoner hero and thore aro but three cf us left. All others aro dead among tho sick folk of the town. They labored till they dlod, I havo labored also to provide, them food when thoy could crawl back for It setting It In the guest chambor and going out again upon tholr arrival God knows not from any fear pf the In fection, but becauso If I chanced to bo taken our work would bo nt nn end. For none of the others can so much ns cook an omelot or dish up n spoon of gazpacho nt for nny son of man to eat," "Well," said Itollo, "nt nny rnto let me In. 1 carry no infection nnd the tlmo Is short. I will help you to hold your her- mltago against the malefactors." "Hut how," answered the monk shrowdly, "can I be1 certain that you are uot of tho gung and that If I open the door a hundred of you will not rush In and slay me and us all out of hand?" For a moment even Hollo was son iiatnon uarcia, Known "" wife. Ing boon induced to believe that his vyrv Dolores, Is unfaithful, stabsa fy' Itnfacl Klo.ro. whom he .PfoTlll. Firebrand. R. CROCKETT. plusscd. Hut his invention enme upon him nlmost beforo tho sound of the monk's words had died nwny. Ho put his hand Into tho pannier of his ass and raised tho princess upon his arm. "Shine a light upon this little lady." he said, "and seo whether sha will not con vlnco you of my good Intent." It was a moment or two before the man returned with a lantern nnd directed tho Btrcam of light downward. "Tho young queen!" he cried aghast. "What Is she doing hero nt this hour of tho night?" "Let mo In and' I will tell you," cried tho lady herself; "quick do you hear? 1 will tell Father Ignaclo, my mother's con fessor, if you do not and you will bo de prived of your oin.ee. You will bo nut on bread nnd water nnd very llko hnvo your head cut on as woll." In a minute raoro they heard thonolso of the pulling of holts nnd bars and wero pres ently admitted Into tho Httlo whitewashed hall of tho Krmlta do San Ildefonso. Thoro they found themselves fact to fnco with four monks In white habits, their faces palo and grave In tho cnndlcllght. They gavo Hollo no sign of welcome, but each of them bowed his head low to the Httlo queen and then glanced Inquiringly nt her protector. "Let tho burro enter nlso," commanded Hollo; "thlco I have been Btoppcd on the way and If they llnd tho ass without thev will bo tho readier to bcllovo that I havo hlden my trcasuro with ou!" Then In the Httlo whitewashed refectory, beforo tho slmplo table on which tho fath ers, now sadly reduced In numbers, took tholr repasts, Hollo told his story. And, sinking on her knees devoutly beforo tho great crucifix that hung over tho mantle piece, tho Httlo queen repented her child ish prnyers as placidly ns if sho had been at her nurso's kneo In tho roynl palaco of Madrid, with tho sentries posted duly and tho tramp of tho guard continually passing without. CIIAI'THIl XXX VI. The Ilenth Cnrt. Thus camo tho Httlo Isabel of Spain into tho sanctuary. That tho respite could only be temporary Rollo knew too well. Tho monks were stout and willing men, but such arms ns they had belonged to almost primitive times, chlolly old blunderbusses of various patterns, from the middle of tho sixteenth century to tho end of tho eigh teenth, together with n halbort or two which had been used from tlmo Immemorial In tho hermitage kitchen for breaking bones to get out tho marrow, chopping firewood nnd such llko humble nnd peaceful occu pations. Two of tho remaining brothers of tho Ermlta wero aa other men, plain, simple nnd devout, ready to glvo up their lives, either by dying of disease nt their post or duty, or by tho Bteol of cruel nnd Ignorant men, as tho martyrs nnd confessors of whom they read In their breviaries hnd dona In times past. Tho cook-almoner, on tho other hand, proved to be n shrewd Httlo man, with much ready conversation, a grent humorist at mcst times, yet with a due regard for his own safety. Him the little princess knew woll, having often stolen off through tho gnrdens nnd down the long mall to tnsto hlB confectioned cakes. The fourth and principal frlnr proved upon acqunlntnnce to be a man of another mould. Ho was a tall, squaro-shouldercd man, now a little bent with age, but with tho fires of loyalty burning deep within eyes of the elenrest nnd most translucent bluo. His hair was now quickly frosting over with premature Infirmity, for not only was his constitution feeble, but he wuu Just recovering from a dangerous attack of pnoumonln. Altogether nrothcr Tcodoro wns n northern-looking rathor than a Span ish man. It was with Brother Tcodoro that Itollo In quick, low-spoken sentences discussed tho possibilities of tho hermltngo as n place of defense, it was clear that no ordinary military precautions nnd prep arations would servo them now. Tho four brothren wero willing, If need were, to lay down their lives for the young queon. Hut saving tho pistols and the limited ammuni tion which Hollo had brought with him In his belt, and tho bell-mouthed blunder- busses nforcsald, rusted and useless, thero wns not a weapon of otTenso within tho hormltago of San Ildofouso of greater weight than tho kitchen poker. Tho basque friar laid his hand on his brow and leaned against the wall for a minute or two in silent meditation. "I hnvo It," ho said, suddenly turning upon Rollo, "It Is our only chance- ghastly one, It is true, but wo aro In no caso for flno distinctions. Wo will get out tho denth cart nnd gather us nn army." Rollo gnzed nt tho monk Tcodoro as It ho had suddenly lost his wits. "Tho death cart! What Is that? ho cried, "and how will that help us to gather nn nrmy?" Tho basquo emlled nnd Rollo noticed when ho did so that his cyobrows twitched spasmodically. There was a broad scar ulnshcd ncross ono of them. This man had not boon In tho army of tho "Oran Lor" for nothing! For In nddltlon to tho sabre cut ho had great Ideas under that blue velnod, broad, sick man's forehead of his. "Yes," answered Tcodoro, calmly, "our brother whoso duty It was to collect the bodies of tho plague-stricken died two days ago, nnd the oxen hnvo not been In the town since. As for me, I, too, havo been sick a mcro calenture, though for a time tho brethren feired that the plaguo had laid Its hnnd on me, nnd ns for thoso other two, they havo enough to do to koep up tholr ministrations nmong tho living! To glvo tho Inst sacrament to the dying la after all moro Important than to cover up the dead. Tonight we will make of these very dead nn nrmy to defend our little queen tho Lord's nnolntcd. For In this mntter I do not think as do the most of my brothers of tho church. I am no Cnrllst, Ood bo my witness!" Hollo wns still In n mnzo of wonder nnd doubt vhen they arrived nt the little stables ntlached to the long, low building of the Hermltngo and began to harness the oxen to the cart. He prided himself on his quick ness of resource, but this whs clean beyond him. "Ono of us must abide hero," continued tho monk. "I am still sick unto death, so that I greatly fear that I can glvo you no help. Hut lend mo your pistols, of which you will havo no need, I am an old soldlor of tho wars of tho Independence, and havo not forgotten my skill with tho weapons of tho flesh! Only make such speed ns you can!" And with the utmost haste tho Basque Instructed Hollo as to his behnvlor when he should reach tho town, whilst at the same time he wns helping htm into tho dress of n Brother of Tlty and arrunglng tho hood across his face, "Hold your head well down," so ran tho monk's rubric for tho dread office; "repeat In a loud voice, 'nrlng out your dead! Bring nut your deadl' No more than that and no lessi With the butt of your ox-staff strike tho doors whereon you see painted tho red cross, and those that remain will bring out whom the plague hath smitten!" Tho young man hastened ns in a dream. The oxen started at the friar's gentle chir rup. The ox-staff was placed In Hollo's hand, and lo! ha was guiding the meek, bent heads softly toward the town, beforo ho even tcallzed that he was now to en counter a too far moro terrible than nny he had ever faced in battle or at tho rapier's point upon the field of honor. Tho trees wero solidly dark ns black vel vet above him. The oxen padded softly over tho well-trodden path. In tho gloom he dropped his goad and only became cou sclous when he tried to pick It up that tho basquo had drnwn over his hands n pair nf huge gloves which reached down nlmost to his wrists. Theso had beon carefully tarred outside, nnd doubtless furnished nt least somo protection ngalnst Infection. The great, well-fed bensts, white oxen of tho finest Castlllan breed, a gift of tho queen regent to the brethren, wero under perfect control, and though Hollo had only onco or twice hnudled tho guiding staff, ho had not tho least difficulty in conducting tho cart toward the town. Indeed, so often had tho animals taken tho snmo road of late that they seemed to know their destination by Instinct nnd gavo tho tnll young monk In tho hood no troul i whatever. Tho wheels, however, being of solid wood of a stylo ancient ns tho Roman occupntlon, crenked with truly Spanish crescendo to tho ngony point. For In nil countries flowing with oil nnd wine no man affords so much ns a farthing's worth of grease, for his wagon wheels. But on this occasion the lack was no loss nny, rnthcr n gain. For oven before Hollo's shout gained assurance and sonorousness tho creaking of tho wheels of tho cnrt, far heard, scattered various groups of marau ders nbnut the streets of tho town, ns if it had been tho wings of tho nngcl of death himself. "Bring out your dead! Bring out your deadl" Certainly It was a solemn and awful cry henrd echoing through the streets of the town to tho chilly hours of tho night. Hero nnd thero nt tho sound lattice opened and somo bereaved ono cried down to the monk to stop. Then staggering down tho Btnircase, lighted (It may be) by Bomo haggard crone with a guttering candle, or only stumbling blindly In tho dark with their load, the bearers would come. In n very few cases theso wero two men. Moro frequently a man and a woman, nnd most frequently of nil, two womon. "Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!" "Brother, wo ennnot," n shrill voice enmo from high above. "Como up hither nud help ub for God's sako nnd tho Holy Vir gin's. Sho Is our mother nnd wo nre twoj young mnldu, children without strength." Hollo looked up and snw tho child that called down to him. Another nt her whoui der held a lighted cnndlo with a trembling hand. "Sho Is so Httlo nnd light, brother, she pleaded, "and went bo regularly to con fusion. Brother Jcronlmo gavo her the sacramont but an hour before she parted from us. Como up and help us, for dear Mary's sake." It went to Rollo's heart to refuse, but ho could not well leave his oxen. Ho whs n stranger to them and they to him and his work, though well begun, wns yet lo finish. Whllo ho stood In doubt, hla mind sway ing this way and that, a figure darted across to him from tho opposlto side of tho street a boy dressed In a suit of tho roval liveries, but with a cloak thrown about his shoulders nnd a sallor'B red cap upon his hend. "Glvo mo tho stick," he snld In n muffled voice. "Go up nnd bring down tho woman. If need be, I will help you." Without pausing to consider tho meaning of this curious clrcumstanco. where all circumstances wero curious, Hollo darted un tho staircase, his military booto clat tering on tho stono steps, strangely out of harmony with his priestly vocation. Ho found tho Httlo maiden with tho can dle, waiting nt tho door for him. Sho ap peared to bo about 8 years old. but struck hlra as very Binall bodied for her ngo. Her sister had remained within. Sho was older, perhaps 10 or 12. Sho It was who had plcndod tho cause of tho dead. "Indeed, good brother,'" sho began, "wo did our best. We tried to carrv hor and moved her as far ns tho chair. Then, being weak, wo could get no farther! But do you help, nud It will be easy!" Hollo, growing accustomed to death and Its sad victims, lifted tho shrouded burden over his shoulder without n shudder. Ho wnB In tho mood to tnko things ns they came. Tho two Httlo girls sank, on their knees on tho floor, waiting for their lost mother and Imploring his blessing In al ternate, breaths. "Our mother our dear mother!" thev cried. "Pray for us nnd her, most holy father!" "God In heaven bless you!" Hollo said aloud In English nnd strode down the stairs. A knot of strnggllng gypsies, fur tively expectant, stood nbout the door, Tho cart was still In the middle of the street with Its nttondant boy, In tho exact place where Rollo had left It. "Hero lend me n hand," sho cried, In a volco of rommaud, as he emerged Into their midst with his white-wrapped burden. But at the mero sight of the monk's habit and tho thing he carried on his shoulder the gypsies dispersed, running In evory direction ns If tho very plague-specter wore on their track, Tho boy In tho red cop, however, crossed tho road toward him and nt tho snmo momment the elder of the little girls sobblngly opened the lattice, holding tho candle In her hand to take a last look at her mother. Tho feeblo rays fell directly on tho boy's upturned face. At tho sight Hollo stumbled and almost fell with his burden. The boy put out his band to stay him. His fingers nlmost touched tho dead. "Hands off!" thundered Hollo, In fierce anger. "Concha Cabczos, how dare you come hither?" The boy looked up at the man and an- swered elmply nnd clearly: "Hollo,"I camo becauso you dared." ciiAi'ir.it xxxvu. The Demi Xtnnil Sentinel. They walked on for n whllo In silence, Rollo too much thunderstruck nnd con founded to spenk n word. His whole bo- "THE YOUNG QUEEN!" HE CRIED AGHAST. THIS HOUR OF THE NIGHT?" Ing was rent with the most oppoBlto feel ings. Ho was certainly angry with Con cha. So much waB clear to him. It was rash, It was unm'aldenly to follow him nt such n tlmo in such a guise. Yet tho girl hnd come. Sho wns risking n terri ble denth for his suke. Well, what of that? It wns right and nntural that ho Hhould hold his llfo In his hands. All his llfo ho had loved ndventuro ns men their dally bread not passionately, but as n necessity of existence. But this It wns too great for him, too mighty too surprising. For his Bake be cnuse he dared. All tho girls to whom ho had mndo love aye, even Peggy Ramsny herself running bnrofoot on tho braes of Falkland, Instantly vanished. Llfo or denth becamo hb no grent matter almost as It scemod to him then tho samo thing. For here wns ono who hold all thu world as well lost to him. Mcauwhllo Concha wnlked silently along side, tho oxstaff still In her hands, but dimly understanding what was passing In his mind. Lovo to her was exceedingly Blmple. Her creed contained but two arti cles, or rather tho samo truth, brief preg nant, confessional, uncontrovertible, stated In different vayn; "If he live, I will II vo with him! If he dlo, I will die with him!" So, with her eyes on the oxen nnd hor goad laid gently on this sldo and that other of their heads, Concha guided them aloug tho silent streets, "You have forgotten to cry," Bho whis pered, dropping back from the ox head, "wo have passed two alleys without a warning!" And so onco moro thero rang down tho streets of tho town of San Ildefenso that dolorous and terrible cry. It chanced that In tho next street, tho last of tho llltlo town, thoy made up their full complement. Tho heads of tho oxon wero directed onco moro toward, the hermltngo. Not one word cither or lovo or reproach had Rollo spokon since thoso Into which ho had been startled by the fear lost the girl should set her hand upon tho dead of tho plague. Nor did they speak oven now. Hollo only put out his gloved hand to steady tho cart here and thoro In the deeper ruts, motioning Concha to remain nt tho head of the oxen, where no brenth of tho, dcnd might blow upon ber. As they camo round to the front of tho building the Basque at tho door was beforo them. Ho mot them on tho steps, a lantern In hnnd. "Who is this?" he nskod, with n signifi cant gesture toward Concha. "Carlo a lad of our company, an Anda luslanl" said Rollo In answer. "I mot him by chance In tho town and he has helped mo with tho oxen!" Tho friar uoddod nnd letting down tho renr Ilnp of tho cart ho surveyed tho melan choly harvest. "Twelve!" ho said, "not many, but enough! The dend will guard us well from the evil men! Aye, better than an army ot 12,000 living!" And attiring hlintelf In an apron ot tarred stuff, he fastened another of tho enmo ma terial upon Hollo. "We will now proceed to set our sen tries!" ho eald, grimly. As Rollo put on tho gauntlets and ap proached to help Urothor Tcodoro to draw out the sorpses Concha hovered near, half timid and yet with a certain der Iklnn i f manner. The timidity was lest she should BAD BACKS CURED. All the bad bucks in Omn.hu cun bo cured. No doubt about it. Hut don't delay. You can't afford, to neglect a backache. A stitching, twitch ing, aching back is tho kidneys' cry for help. Sharp, quick twinges, slow, exhaustive aches Simply early symptoms of kidney ills. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS cure kidneys right tho aching back correct tho urinary troubles Make well men unci women. Aro doing it right here in Omaha every day. Hero's proof of it Mrs. Michael Tosoncry of No. Ii03 12th street, says; "My bark often ached so se verely thnt I could hardly stand It. I havo been nt times so thnt I could scarcely move nnd to stoop was nn utter Impossibility. To ndd to my misery, trouble with tin. kidney sccrotlons existed nnd 1 wns constantly trying something to euro me, but a euro never come. My husbnnd got Doan's Kidney Tills for tno nt Kuhn & Co.'s drug 6tore, corner 15th nnd Douglas streets, nnd nftcr taking them for a week, much to my surprlso nnd ctnsldernbly moro to my gratirtcntlon. tho long stnndlng troublo dlsnp penrcd. Send nnyone In Omaha o mo If they wunt a personal recommcndntlon of Doan's Kidney lills." Doati's Kidney Pills arc for sale at all drug stores 50c a box Foster, iHilDurii Co., Buffalo, IN. Y. be refused In thnt which It was upon hor tonguo to usk. "Let mo help the brother," sho nnld nt last, "I havo nursed many no plaguo will touch me!" Tho monk stared nt tho lad In wonder ns ho profered his request. But Rollo roughly nnd nngrlly ordered Concha bnck to tho heads of the oxen. "Is this boy by any chance your brother?" said tho monk, ns between them they set tled tho first sheoted dead In bis nlcho by tho sldo of the great door. "Nny," Bald Hollo, "not my brother!" "Then of a surety ho hath n grent nffec Hon for vou," continued tho monk. "It U a thing unusual In ono of his ngo!" To this Hollo did not reply, nnd In sllenco tho cnrt wn led nbout tho houso till ovory door nnd practicable entranco was guarded by ono of these solemn warders. Then the three went within nnd tho doors wero locked, tho bolts drawn nnd everything "WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE AT about the hormltago mado as secure as pos sible. It was yet a good two hours from day light and if the gypsies wceo coming that night, their nppcaranco would not bo long delayed. It was Hollo's opinion that thoy would attack with tho first glimmer of day light from the east. Hollo followed the Basquo upward to the roof, and Concha, with her capo still about her shoulders, followed Hollo Into tho light of tho hall, nervously dragging tho folds as low ob possible, nbout her knees. Tho Httlo quoon hnd two candles beforo her nnd under her fingers wns a grent book of mnps upon which dragons nnd trltons, whales nnd sea monsters writhed across uncharted seas, whllo nn equnl wealth of unicorns and flro-breathlng gryphons freely porambulatcd tho unexplored continental spaces. But as soon us tho girl's eyes fell on Con cha sho sprang up. "Oh, I know you!" she cried (hero Rollo trembled), you nro tho now page boy from Aranjucz. Ho wns to nrrlvo today. What Is your name?" "Carlo!" said tho now page boy from 1)K. A. 1). bEAKLKS, I le Moat Iteltlible Sueelaltat In IHa eaxra nf Men. STRICTURE Cured with a now Homo trentment. No pain, no dotentlon from business, kJRINARYClilney and Hlcdder Troubles, Wenk Hack, Burning Urine, Proqucncy of Urinating, Urine High Col bred or with milky sediment on standing. SVDUII IO cured tor llfo and CBrniaUICi poison thoroughly tlesnsed from the syitera. Soon every llgn nnd symptom disappears completely Ind forever. No "UKKAKING OUT" of tho HUcnso on thn skin or face, Treatment rontalnk no dangerous drugs or injurious Inedlclnes, VVEAK MEN 'rom Excesses or vic tims of Nervous De illlty or Exhaustion, Wasting Weakness, tlth early decay In young and middle iged, lack of vim, vigor and strength, hith organs Impaired and weak. Cure luaranteed. CURES GUARANTEED CHARGES LOW WEAK, WASTING, STRICTURED MEN 19,846-CURES LAST YEAR 1 9,846 (Strlotnro Is Initantlr Relieved nml thn Obstruction Dissolved Like Snow IJencath the Sim-IN FIFTEEN DAYS. Varicocele la Cured nnd Weak Men Are Kestorod by the Ms;lo St. Jasbm Treatment Applied Looftlly nnd Dlrfotlyto the Affected Parti. HOME TREATMENT "Orin-Solvem" illamilvea Slrlrdirr IIIe miovr lirnrHth the inn, enree VAniCOnULIC nud KNI,nr.i:i IMIOSTA i n, hii.I tronsthrua the Seminal Uncta, atopiiltiB driilua nml emlaalun IN ril'TKIN DAYS. Nit dritff to ruin the atntnncli, but n illrri-t local and poaltlte BBDlloa. tlou to the en tiro Urethral Tract. ,p Every sufferer from Htrlcture, nnd tho offspring, Varicocele I'rostntltls nnd Hcmlnal Weakness, should write, to tho at, James Association. K! Ht. James Building, (.Mnclnnntl, Ohio, for tho Illustrated work nhowltli: thu tmrtx nt thn buinnii Hvnt.mi Involved In Urethral Ailments, which they in jjiuiii iiuvnuHV, juuiuiui FREE TREATISE COUPON addreaa clalnly written, whtn they will accurately IllUitrated In half-tone, allowing Urethral Allmenti. ST. JAMES ASSOCIATION, Ploaso Bond to mo ncooy of your Malo Sexual Systom, se Name curely soalod, PREPAID, FREE of ALL CHARGES Address COX9ULTATIO.V AND ST. JAMES ASSN. 62 ST JAMES BLOC, CINCINNATI, 0. Arnnjucz, from whoso check nlso tho roau had momentarily fled. "And why did you wear that curious red cap?" cried tho llltlo queen, I know Dona Susanna would ho very nnnry If sho saw you. Pases must show their hair nnd wear it In curls, too. Havo you pretty hnlr?" "It Is tho cap of liberty tho hoy wears, Princess," said tho Ilasquo man, hrenklnc, In quickly nnd with somo irony. "Do you not know thnt slnco Sennr Mcndlznhal enmo to Madrid from England wo nro nil to havo ns much liberty as wo wnnt?" "Well," replied tho Princess, tnrtly, "nil I know Is that I wish I had moro of It. Dona Susanna will not lot mo do a single thlnp I wnnt to do. Hut when I grow up I mean to do Just what I like." Hut tho slrl was not yet finished with her Inspection of Concha. "Do you know," sho went on, "I think you aro tho very prottlost boy I havo over seen. You may como nnd IUfs me. When I nm grown up I will mnko you nn olllcer of my bodyguard!" leaving Httlo Isabel ScRundn to mnko friends according to her henrt with tho pne boy from Aranjucz (to whom sho Imme diately proceeded to swear unutterable fidel ity) Hollo nnd Urothor Tcodoro retired to nwnlt with what patience- thoy might tho lonR-'lelnyeil approach of tho gypsies. "Twico during your absence did I be lieve thorn on tholr way," said tho filar. On tho first occasion I heard In the wood wild crieB, mixed with oaths, cursings nnd reviling, unfit for nny Christian enrs. (iod help this Innd that holdoth such heathens within It!" Thn ruddy light of nppronehing day senrco tinged the trcotops, but tho highest fleecy clouds caught tho glow long beforo tho hori zon wns touched. Yet tho darkness down nmong tho trees was less absoluto than bo- forc. Thoro wns nlso a weird, faraway crying, and then tho cheerful clnttnr of hoofs upon a road nearer at hand. A slight stirring nmong tho higher follngo adver tised tho coming of a brcoze. Involuntarily tho two men shlvorod ns with n soughing murmur a blnst of Ico wind swept down from tho peaks of Pcnalnra nnd tho Basque gripped his companion by tho nrm. j Dr. SEARLES S SEARLES OMAHA, NEB. SPECIALISTS FOR DISEASES OF MEN The Secret of Our Unparalleled Success is Told in Two Words: ,.WE CURE.. Varicocele, Acquired Blood Poison, Nerv ous Debility and all Ilcflcx Complications and Associate Diseases and Weaknesses of Men. VARICOCELE Are you afflicted with Vnrlcocolo or its results Nervous Debility and are ym nervous, irritable ami despondent? Do you lack your old-time energy and ambltloal Aro you ssfferlng from Vital Weakness, etc.? Thero la a derangement of tho sensi tive organs of your Pelvic System, nnd even though It gives you no trouble at pres ent, It will ultimately' unman you, depress your mind, rack your nervous systom, un fit you for married llfo and shorten your existence. Why not be cured before It Is too lat7 WE CAN CUHE YOU TO BTAY CURED. Wo have yet to see the case el Varicocele we cannot euro, Medicines, Klcctrlo Delta, rtc, will never cure. You neod expert treatmont. Wo treat thousands of cans vihrro the ordinary physician treats one. Method now, without cutting-, pain or loss of tmr. Cured While You Sleep, IN 15 DAYSl ??!! UStOithiPTIHT ki SUCCISSFUUTAS BfOUHSUVII. FREE ncid to malo applicants, securely wrapped Cut out thin coupon Hnd mall It to th fit. Jamas Aaaoclatlon with your nam ami end vou a ronv of thtlr exhaualr treatlia tha v&rts of tha male ajratraa Inrolrtd In Sn,Id'"' Cora pic to IlltBtratod Work upon th ISXASIINATION KHKIi. "Orand rounds!" ho said, "It la the angel of death visiting his outposts!" Hut Hollo was nwnro that nftcr the fa tlguer. of tho night nnd tho proximity of so many victims of tho plaguo, n chill would most likely bo fntnt. 80 ho carefully drew n silken handkerchief from his pocket and fastened It carefully about his throat, nil vlslug the- monk to cover his hend with his hood. Then suddenly another sound caught his oar. It was tho identical signal ho had heard from Sergeant Cardono, the samo ho hnd heard repeated In tho garden of tha royal palaco I'.n ho stood nmong tho reeds of tho ennebraku. "They nro bore," ho whispered hoarsely to his rompnnlon, "It Is tho gypsies' battla slgnnl!" The Hnsquo spread abroad his hands, rais ing them first to heaven and anon pointing In tho direction of tho nppronehing too. "Tho scnurgo of Ood!" ho cried. "Lot tha scourgo of Ood descend upon those thnt do wickedly! Tho prnycr of a dying man nvnllclh! Let the doom fall!" Ho spread his handH nbroud ns If ho pro nounced n benediction upon tha sentries posted below. "Hlcsscd souls," ho cried, "for whom wo of this holy houso havo died thnt you might live, enuso thnt your poor, vllo bodies may fight fur us this night Lot the dcnd meot tho living and thu living be over thrown. Ilenr, Almighty Lord of both, quick und dend hear and uuswer!" (To Ilo Continued,) Stood Heath On. i:. H. Mundny, n lawyer of Henrietta. Tex., onco fooled a gravo dlggnr. H says: "My brother was very low with malarial fover and Jaundice. I persuaded him to try Klcctrlo Hitters nnd ho wns Koii much better, but continued their uso until ho was wholly cured. I nm suro Liectiic Hitters saved his llfo." This remedy expels malarln, kills dlscnso gorma nnd purifies tho blood; aids digestion, regu lates liver, kidneys und bowels, cures con stlpo'lnn, dyspepsia, nervous diseases, kid ney troubles, femnlo complnlntsj gives per fect liealtti. Only SOc nt Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. Coiinultiitlnn Prre, Trentment liy mall, Cnll or iidilrraa 111) S, 14th Nt. una, biiAiti.us a finAni.EB, omaiia