Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1901, Page 14, Image 22

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An contralre, the type Is tail, smnll-ljoncd.
nnd cxcueillugly thin. The EiikIIsIi woman
of fashion that ona sees In the l.omlon nf
today tins that kind of figure that tho novel
lets call "wltlowy"--long In all the lines,
very slightly rounded, with tho smallest of
vnlnts, no hips nt nil, nnd nn Inclination
I to Btoop In the shoulders. With this thev
wenr very rUm-lne dresses, long trains,
and, In the evening, very decollete bodlcos.
Tnllor-Mntln C'tia t u nifo VIpIiIIhk
Mure (Jrncrftil I'ttcvtn.
NKW YOIUC, Sept. 20.-To faithfully re
flect the glass of fnshlon this season It Is
plain to bo seen that tho smart gown must
bo more than ever clinging In' effect. Street
models from l'arls show a snug nnd sweep
ing grace of skirt, while bcdlcc3 arc so
cunningly managed as tn lhsuro ns much
comfort ns style. Tho tailor gown on the
lift riding habit principle, always In favor
In England, will never be ndoptfxl by tho
tasteful Parlslcnno. Kven when she weirs
a so-called tailor frock It nlways trails
lightly and tho corsago reveals becoming
treatments In tho way of contrasting
rcvet'B, soft vesta nnd tho Introduction of
ionio (scrap of vivid color. These exquisite
gown on tholr nntlvo heath are not such
expensive luxuries, but In their Imported
shapes, with the high custom duties of
the day to bo considered, they nro pos
sessions that only tho lucky few may own,
Kor this reason only n limited number nre
brought over and these In the main servo
as models tor domestic manufacture, tho
American gown selling for perhaps a third
of tho cost of the French pattern.
Three chnrmlng toilettes, fashioned after
lato Paris models, have been supplied by a
leading dressmaker as llustratlon of this
widespread practice In each may be ob
served tho art with which tho Trench cou
turloro blenda materials, all sorts of odd
combinations being used to obtnln original
and stylish results. Tho first example, tho
gown at tho left of tho group picture,
shown black, white and coral pink and llvo
distinct materials. An odd princess model,
buttoning at tho back, Is chosen for the
quiet material, which Is a mottled wool In
blnck nnd white. Tho circular skirt Is
slashed over black taffctn, tho graduated
openings being edged with n bins of whlto
cloth stltchtd with black. This also bor
ders the edge of the skirt, the curved .linos
of tho tnhllcr nnd tho edgo of tho bolero
Jacket, which fa.Un loosely over tho corst
llko top of tho Jupo. Tho princess waist
portion, which Is unsupported by nny con
nection 'with tho bodice. Is heavily boned
at the lining to make It stand up trimly.
ItB outside material Is cut bias and
stretched tightly, two under nrm scams do
ing the fitting for tho waist and hips.
Tho Jucket Is mndo very effective by a
repetition of tho skirt slashings In shorter
lengths over tho black tnrfotn, which .Ike
wise forms tho puffed lindcrslccvcs nnd
tho scarf decoration of the square neck.
Tho collar nnd front, which nre fastened
tn r nitrd underlining, arc mndo of white
satin appllqued with flowers of coral cloth.
Hold and blnck embroidery ricniy
these nt edges.
Scriiin of TrlinmltiK.
And hero let ua touch upon the endless
possibilities which collars and fronts supply
for tho using up of Bcrnps of gold bullion,
hits ot laco nnd gay velvet. Jeweled but
tons, etc. A rich button or a morsel of any
ono of theso materials will prove treasure
troves to tho shipwrecked, for nowadaye,
na I have Intimated elsewhere, all Is grist
that comes to the mill of fashion. For ex
ample, ono clever woman, who knows the
tricks of tho French dressmaker, found her
self tho owner of n quarter of n yard ot
gold braid big lotus tlowers, raised high
upon tinseled net a ocrap of turquoise vel
vet and a fragment of whlto cloth. Tho
fnshlon angels whispering their mission In
her ear, sho set to work to resolve them
into a "front," whoso ground prlnclplo
should bo tho white cloth. This she cov-
evcrvthlne tend, tn mnko the cares of tho passed n single wnkeful night over It. for. I Tho general effect U of something Incrcd
I, ' ,irn:li; iL, heavy than of yore. lo! 'lu flIcnt ,alrlcs lmvo hcen i lbly sllm' serpentine, and delicate. Tho
Th? o2urn. rut S order ln."e almost . thinking of your typo and have led your I latter suggestion comes out only from tho
nrfn n. m i ti n various decant de- 'ootstcps to the magic store. Yes, ready peculiar slender and undeveloped figures,
perfect fit, and the ario us elegant ue i (j c)oUim corlaln,y !Rhlen (hc clireJ but (rom (ho unlvcrg!ll tcmlcncy t0 tho
tails that eo ennnnce n l0llelle' u",l, r-1 0f life, nnd they arc sometimes beautiful, droop In tho shoulders that 1 have Just men
eleoves,, rovers, etc. can now ul ; Qf courgt,f tht,R0 conVenlent rigs vary In tloncd. One sees very fow women who stand
bought lead to put on. it only ueerts. s kg. .... nc00niln)t to rlcc. Hut ono upright. All havo an nlr of fragility, ennui.
I say, a modicum of taste nnd, I ,nay
add, u bushel of pallcnco nnd n hopeful'
nature that will tand by you when things
reem to go wrong,
woman can sew.
ery elegant embroidered robe dress of
smoko gray black embroidered cloth, nnd
nlso u trim Eton costume, seemed to tho
For, of course, every meditating mind of equal excellence, since
each was a member of n limited family
nnd languor that suggests certain paint
ings of Hume-Jones and lloesettl.
If, however, one sees few fine figures, ono
sees many handsome faces among theso
ctheral ladles. Ilenuty, in England, seems
Coming to the second frock of the lllus- and a bargain to boot. The two prizes to belong to tho dominating, aristocratic
feels her restraint so keenly thnt In many
cases sho has given up the search for rem
edies nnd, weary of compromising with a
society which she fancies does not under
stand her, the has Mazed new paths for her
self, where she now wanders In lbscnlto
solitude, with closc-croped hair nnd be
spectacled nose a rather startling Imita
tion' of masculine privilege In manner, dress
ami convci ma Ion.
The "now" woman of Denmark Is used to
going Into restaurants nnd ordering beer or
wine for her repast. The Danish restau
rants, by the way, aro important educa
tional nuxlllurtcs, all the papers and peri
odicals nolug kept on Me, tho guests not I
Infrequently discussing Issues of mutual In
terest between themselves. She will cross
her legs and smoko n handful of cigarettes
after eating, nnd if she knows how to make
ringlets you arc uuro to get them. Her
dress Is a eloac "and rather audacious paral
lol to masculine attire, and her manner that
of a graduated college "chappie," or rural
milksop, who has rome to town to be a devil
of a fellow! Tho mere Idea of going to
church Sundays, or nny day for thnt matter
If that thought ever crossed her mind
would tlcklo her Into Irrepressible laughter.
Tho "new" woman -of Deumntk has,
common with her sisters tho world over, a
press of her own, through which sho heralds
tho reforms sho is pining for and attacks
tho conditions ot her lot In life. In mnny
ways theso organs of her ngltntlon nre re
markable for the celerity with which thoy
dlipatch ambitious women on tho path of
celebrity. A woman only has to advertise
hertclf In them as the manufacturer ot
some ekln food or some sort of silverware
to become famous nt onco ns a leader of her
sex, and silch Is tho belief of tho subscrib
ers In the Infnllblo vnluo of tho ndvcrtlsod
articles that they buy them oven If they
may not need them and because tho ndver
tlscrs are not men. It Is n matter of su
premo satisfaction for tho "new" woman In
those parts to bo able to order her utntlon
cry In u store owned and managed by a
woman, to have her dentistry looked nftor
nnd her Jewels repaired by members of hor
own s'-x. Dut who goes further than this.
Not outlsflcd with having women photog
raphers and women printers to rely on, sho
has now launched out certain phenomena
along the lino of rather sudden evolution
known to th awe-struck world as femalu
nnd duly guaranteed carpenters, painters
nnd blacksmiths.
pile ordeal is Trying fff
-r 111)11, UUL U 1 IUIM'U VU It"! U h lit' I IZ ' .SV"- eiii'
Z the virtue of "Mothof's Frland"
"5m is known. Tills unique liniment, applied
externally, relaxes all the muscles, so Umt
I Tne ordeal is Easy
55 WILL HOLT, ff LynatTUlt, loi, wrltou " 'Mother's friend
J0 htelleed toy wife olU erraivwMch nukei U wthth money.
TnKmiAnrirxn Iinr.rLATOU CO,. AtUnt, Gm aiMcUU. mllei fret.
-It f.u julnl'M." fa;
Sold by til tl rtniffltU. Sent by
tpret rrtrll cn feielpt of prWe, SWT
i.OO per bottlp. '
" Moininooi, a woa lot noaca
trntton another princess model Is seen,
whlsh shows that French designers still con
tinue to hold this stjlo In favor for slight
young figures. Tho material Is biscuit col
ored cloth, ornamented with a stitching in
mcsj green silk, which holds down two
curving tucks of tho skirt and borders Its
edgo. The sleeveless bolero covers a com
plcto bodlco of tho cloth and is of panne
velvet in moss green, with. Incrustations ot
white nnd biscuit colored lace.
Tho third gown Is tho most ideally Pa
risian of the three, tho best dreesod ladles
of this elegant world being not over lavtah
In the matter of trimming for streot clothes,
but depend on ono or two striking touches
nnd perfectly appointed details to produco
tho chic enBemblo for which thoy are Justly
renowned. Tho material ot this costumo is
novolty wool, in a soft plum violet. The
trimming, which on tho skirt takes tho form
of n curious swirling band, highly orna
mental, is of black velvet and bias plum
silk covered by a webbing of flack. A novel
vest of tho black charmingly sets oft tho
blouse front of tho becoming bodice. At tho
tack It has habit talis, under which a velvet
glrdlo goes to show at sides and slip
through n dull silver bucklo at tho front,
Knob buttoufl, also In silver, fasten tho
rover pieces, am' tho chcmlsetto is ot white
silk spotted with black.
All of tho figures wear hats In the pre
vailing styles, nnd these In search ot rea
sonable headgear will find In the two out
side ones effects not only exceptionally be
coming, but In the best taste. Hut nsldo
from these raro gems, and n few others, tho
first bats are not Ingratiating.
timvii of Nliniillei' Mnkt'.
lerod with tho cut out gold flowers, bohlud
whoso net centers sha had bctaro placed
discs of tho blue; then ntt the edges were
fastened down with a wldo buttonhole stitch
ot the turquoise. Only u gold edgo showed
on tho high curved collar, which was
Bwathod with tbo panno and fastened at tho
back with three turquoUo studs. At the
front was plnced tho best brooch, n palo
oval of the same storm, rimmed with com
eyed serpents in roso tin l lied gold; and
4l. 1 ........ ,. . .. .- . . . . I . .. .. '
nro here shown, the shining bands of thu class Ono tcldcm ic s a good-looking woman
embroidered robo drcs3 being of black tar
fcta, nnd tho oponwork trimming of tho
hluo scrgo Jackot gown ot black soutache
braid, with vest of black satin.
Tho suit tho little girl woars Is ono de
sign the children's outfitters nro showing
for girls from four to soven. It Is in two
pieces, of dark red cashmere, a skirt and
reefer, with ornamental stltchlngs nnd n
braided yoko collnr, which mnv bo In
black, white or tho color of the gown. This
model Is seen In several soft wool materials.
In red, blue, brown and tan.
Tho figures of tho single cuts display
what tho shops dub custom mtulu garments,
which means that a pile of ready made
frocks, a mountain high, and in all colors
of tho rainbow, may reveal a single model.
Therefore, If only for tho reason that vou
may meet the duplicate of your gown on
every street corner, tho custom made cob
tumo Is usually u good thing to nv'old. Dut
hero nnd there ono will find n real trcas-
uro among tliem, something modest enough
not to 80I7.0 tho eye with memory of thlngB
TIu)' Aro .Much Holiimt Thnii
Their Aincrleiiu Slxter.
A thing ono notices In Loudon about
tho women, enys the San. Francisco Argo
naut, Is that they scum Impervious to
changes of temperature. It was exceed
ingly cold when wu arrived damp, raw, and
chilly. Wo Americans put on our woolen
dresses and consulted as to tho wisdom
ot taking Jackets when wo went abroad.
Tho sun was hidden, there were nccnslonal
opt Inkles ot rain, cold airs caught you
spitefully at street cornora. It was
wretched weather. Yot tho English women
thin, fragile, nnd delicate woro their
muslin dresses with calm nud unmoved
fortitude A favorite fashion of theirs
Is u transparent yoko of loco with tho
baro neck vlslblo through It. In this semi
clad state thoy walk or drive about, op-
parcntly perfectly comfortable, whllo tho
perishing American is seriously considering
tho wisdom of i;oIng to tho bottom of her
trunk for her fur Jackot.
It may be this weakening exposure to tho
inclemency of a damp and trying cllmato
which makes tho English woman so delicate
n appearance. Ono seldom sees thoso
buxom, rosy bcnullcs in London that wo
have always supposed were tho Urltlsh typo,
Biiniiuur kuvu qimu . nnn,,. nnil th..n ,r i. hl,lln,. , ,
Krrtnrli nlr In n tilnnlc rlnlh pnwn Ihnl linrl ! t m .. .. .
sprung Into being uuder tho samo capable I
It only needs a little tasto and a quota
ot wUdom to dross well these times, for
her to a T ns it sometimes does, wo must
confess the woman who drnwd tho prize Is
bloat Indeed.
Think of what a saving ot tlmo and tears
spent on .'dressmakers? You havo not oven
In tho mlddlu or lower-class world. Hut
tho flowers of tho aristocracy are often
dowered with a flno and patrician beauty
nil their own. The type Is unmistakable
nnd peculiarly English. Tho face is ovnl.
small, and something thin; the features nro
cut with tho cold, precise regularity of a
cameo, the noso nnd chla gcnornlly prom
Inent. There nro clam, clear eyes under
nrched brows, which In turn nre nearly hid
den by the curled and crlmmcd "fringe1
that Is still worn In this country. It la n
tpo that speaks of high breeding, absenco
of vivacity, nnd physical delicacy. Com
pared to It our American women aro Amn,
zoutan In their, robustness, weight and gon
eral suggestion ot vitality.
Sd'oiiK-MtiuU-il Wo in en of Urnmnrk
Ilnve Xo Four of OrMlcUm.
Perhaps It n woman Is determined to bo
"advanced" and set at naught tho customs
that havo from tlmo Immemorial clustered
about her sex it is Just as well that sho
mako a thorough Job ot It, as somo of tho
so-called progrcsslvo women of Denmark do,
Tho now woman of that country calls hor
self "frcmakrldtskvlndc," which, being In
torpretcd, is supposed to signify a woman
of progress. Perhaps sho has progressed
perhaps not. It depends upon tho point ot
vlow ono takes. At nny rato sho desplBcn
tho homely, soclablo arts of her grand
mother nnd by wny ot demonstrating her
originality fills tho house with tobacco
smoko and politics. Sho is prone to regard
tbo rearing of a family as a rather Irksomo
and ungrateful task imposed upon her sex
and sho Is becoming ever moro Jealous of
tho seeming freedom nnd independence ot
man in professional pursuits. Her Ideal
nro comparable to thoso of a boy of 18 and
her methods of realizing thom nro not In
frequently theatrical nnd adventurous. Sho
Frill of I'nslilnn.
The modish bedroom slipper matches tho
lounging rube.
Whlto piomlsos to contlnuo popular
throughout tho fall and winter.
ItlrdH nnd breasts of every kind will be
seen on the fnll unil wittier hats.
Hnndsomo silk pettlcontu nro embellished
by lino tucking nnd uccordlon plaiting.
Irish crochet laces nro to do used exten
Ivelv for millinery purposes' ns well ns for
trltnmlliK costumes.
Chlncno nnd Jnpnneso embroideries look
particularly well upon wnlsts of durk blue,
red or iigui inn sun.
A Parisian Jeweler hns Introduced a cutr
butt an In tho o hi fashioned form wltli u
tiny watch forming tho top.
ArnnthvHtH nro to bo worn extensively
thia ivintnr nmi nwnprfl of flno stones nro
resurrecting them from their Jowcl boxes.
HutH composed of the feathers of brilliant
lined tropical birds ana thoso ot ebony
plumage nro Included among tho season a
millinery novelties.
Mcdnlllons Imitating old French needlo-
rvrtrl? Ilml n nlnrn In Hntnn nf the now laces.
Hiking tho forms of lumiscupes nnd designs
of vvattcnu snepnerucsses.
A tiny owl with Jeweled eyes Is tho latest
wn,i.i .linrm nun nnH niHniticnii in mi
ularitv the cold and coral nigs, turtles and
other favorites of past seasons.
Tho dressv tvne of scparnte waists nil
show the necktie llnlsh, which 'consists of a
tie nnd stoclt corresponding wun uio wuisi
In color, but uirtoring in material.
rim lu n rnvlvifl Interest In rubles, es
peclully what Is called tho pigeon blood
ruby. Alexandrite, u polished pern stouo
with a red hue in it, is combined with
White alpaca of flno qunllty Is excellent
for unttlrn:itn of thn much frilled variety.
Tho materlnl launders well nnd makes un
nceptnblu change rrom Hint nnu inusiin.
In link ruff buttons nlaln ones of mother
of-penrl banded with diamonds or diamond
nnd rubles nro effective designs. Opals und
diamonds are nlso used for cult nuttuns.
Tho newest rnclnn coats nro made three
quarter length and havo double shoulder
cape, nicy nro sirappeu wun punnti vcivui
matching tne cioin or ot a uuritcr sn.aue.
Duckies, largo and smnll, of gold In dif
ferent colors and new nrt notions, or of
diamonds In designs copied lroni tho nrtls
tlo dnyj of tho llttcenth Louis, uro as pop
uiar us ever.
For receptions, morning concerts, teas
and similar functions whlto cloth gowns
nro to bo worn durlnir tho fall nnd winter.
Tho colorings rnngo from deepest cream to
pronounced wnito, and sucn gowns nre no
Intended lor street wenr.
J "1
"Jusi as gmi a IF&mia&a as
the Round Oak is a Stove"
Round Onlc Fitrnnros nro ns honestly mails
as tho famous Round Onk Htovo tho inmo
ciueful palnslnklng fitting of every Joint, door
una arail tho sum dully lUHpnctlou of ipn
terlnt nnd tot of thn completed heater. Llko
iuu ttouna UftK Mtove urn
Round Oak
Is guaranteed to giro sbsoluto rnttsfsctlon. It ti
tho only furnace that burnt- nny kind of fuel,
wcou, nsrit ami sou
coal nnd the
only furiiuoo
that burns off
tho urf-all the
gatci nnd most of
tho smoke. The
prlco Is renaonable.
8end for tbo freo Round
Oak Fui naco book.
Dowagiac. Mich,
Makm o Retkwlth't Round
u IK, IM moil nmcul
(love In I fit world.
Kn4 Oak Furimron nro lor nnlo In
Omaha by Milton nosers Son,
rtoMn4 Oak Turn
IIU outer cuing remured,.
i."vci,.rH1,.iii i i in i i in issi i m
I 17. tl4rn.lJ I
(burned in the enamel) are Safe.
VCe claim Purity and
Safety, and substan
tiate this claim with
Chemists Certificate.
Note tbe blue label used by us
(and fully sustained by recent
U.S. Circuit Court decision) to
distinguish our absolutely pure
Agate Nickel-Steel Ware. Thla
label is pasted on every piece ot
genuine Agate Ware.
BookUlt thmvinzfaeiimiU cf turltbtl, lie.
rte to any aJJmi,
Lalance & Grosjean Mfg. Co,,
Vf a. Curei Ui( KIDNEYS, tk LIVER, lilt STOMACH tni Iht BOWELS, H
a 'CU" Hl0'c"" ,0" "t OOIKS.
For nml About AV'iimrii.
Mrs. Cornelius Vnndcrbllt Is to give to
tho Newport (It. I.) hospital a now build
!n ns a memorlul to her husband.
Miss Alice Longfellow, tho daughter of
tho poet, Is to havo charro of tho recon
struction of tho Wndsworth-L-ongfellow
houso at Portland, Me., which thu .Mnluo
Historical society haB purchased lor u
Longfellow museum,
Tho llrst woman doctor In tho United
States received her diploma In 1S49 and now
there nro i,00o women In this country who
are, medical graduates. In this profosilon
tho nuw woman Is certainly an established
The wlfo of tho kaiser's former special
envoy to Washington, ISnron Mumm von
Schwarzensteln, now Germany's minister to
Chlun, us successor to tho murdered Uuron
von Ketteler, has separated from her hus
band and gono on tho American stage under
the naino of Miss Mnudo Kooscvclt. Sho Is
n cousin of President Roosevelt nnd beforq
her romantic mnrrlngo to tho German dip
lomnt was it Miss Muudo Roosevelt Ixi Vin
son ot New York.
Fow living women have hnd personal re
lations with ns many eminent und historic
peoplo ns Mllo. Jiinotha, thu pianist. As n
child sho was fondled by Rubinstein, Liszt
and Thnlberg. Sho studied under Joachim
and Kiel, Uralunii, Weber and Schumann,
has been led to tho platform by lllsmnrek
and Moltke; been praised nnd potted bv
Tennyson and Gladstone nnd has played
before almost every sovereign nnd roynl
personage In Kuropo.
Tho mother of tho Into Secretary Ores
hum Is still living nnd on Thursday sho
celebrated her OSth birthday nt her honvJ
In New Albany. Ind. It Is stated that sho
prepared unaided a dinner for tbo tlfty
guests who helped to mnko tho day memor
able, but It Is not easy to credit even so' re
markable n woman with so stupendous a
performance. It helps one to realize what
It means to llvo ninety-eight years to lmvo
it recalled thnt nnother of Mrs, Gresham'a
sons, Colonel Hen Orosham, was u cavulry
loader In tho Mexican war.
The most
woman in
the world
For thirty
years a
The Discoverer of Fact Bleach
Removes Permanently
Does not cover up but removes the blemish. 1
Race ofeacfi
U Improves n Good Skin and Works Wonders with a Bad One.
cAbsohieh Harmless and Mways Successful.
Drop In nd ik to have Mme. Rupoerl'a Fsee Bleeh fhown to yon,
nd hive lt merit, minner of uslnj antl wonderlul rttulu eipulneu.
to vou will be iiilsflcd It U whtl jou nted for your comfJeilon.
We nlways carry a full line of Mme. A. Ruppcrt's dray Malr RestorattT.
Egyptian Balm, Almond Oil Complexion Soap and Hair ronJc.
Call nnd have their merit cxplnliifli! lu you.
Ask for Mme. Ruppcrt's book, HOW TO HE BEAUTIFUL." FREE,
b ...
The Reliable Prescription Pharmacists,
Sole Agents for Omaha.
St, nor, J. n. AuTT,HcVlcltfr,f Thmterlildit ,Chlczi.
7ou b... don. ruo. 1 !,', mor. hair How than 1 tverbid, nil I did to .rMr our ,0 Ukrb,r..t, Chlrago, III.
n.i'.,kl',u-hV?Jn?..riHwinrnlriweplnrimln.toiii nf tho linlr at Dngfet Dry (londi Co , Kon. Cltr.
dlMiipeirlng nd 1 want .nolber eour" of trclu.ili(. ULUKUE It IVf.LUJ, Uer I.oag, hmic.
ago Uit May wba I be(aa uilnjt your lllr Orowtr 1 obald you cou
rnor. J It. Aiinr, Chle(ro.
iiK4n I'HorriBOH '
I carry wliu rno i
n i.monui, aaa
rnor, J II. AiTi,Cblcafro. III. ... . , nnw f)n. ,,,,
uiaani i ni "f.ij;:;,i,-1,', hair .11 n,.r. '
Sim - ! am lorne on th. tlrd nf Julr forHdnay. AoatralU,
i riMii lieallbj i'-nli" rlr,t .n mpof my lid, rUlit hfr
i r.fri'. 1 im uraicful Ui W Auitln for llif cure. I with
I of courw i am ijraiirui v it iMigt, Mout.
And mail them to Prof. J. II. Austin, tho celebrated scalp and akin specialist of years stand
ingand national reputation, who will eend you absolutely tree a diagnosis of your special
caso after making a minute examination of your hair under his specially constructed and pow
erful microscope. There is no charge whatsoever, and in addition he will tend a special pre-
. .. ' . 1 ' . . 1 V . ! . Alt -kl 11111141 V B.MI'l ArV.n
e pui in a uiuu i,ua, bij . ,x... m.iu
tien you nro
scription for your case put
cureu ot i
that you
totally I
PROF. J. H. AUSTIN, 14 MoVickcr's Theater Building, Chicago, 111.
l of dandruff, which is the forerunner of baldness and grow new hair. Prof. Austin asks
,01! tell your friends about it. SEND NO MONEY. If vou aro already partly or
y bald write and find the cure. WRITE TO-DAY. SEND 2c FOR POSf Add.
'i'rfi Auitla (tit ay krblrtf rtlA
l la) Vr44a