THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. Suptumlier 1001. THESE LETTERS TELL THE TALE. L EXCLUSIVE HUM-CLASS LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILORl'G A J) K I NG.EI) S T ) 7, AW, CLEVER IDEAS, NEW EEEEC'IS. J, A, KERVAN TAILORING CO., TII0NI: 805. 12 SOUTH I5TII ST., OMAHA. Hanker Castcttcr of bluir Writes to Hon. Edward Rosewuter of the Bee for Information Regard inn the Bankers Reserve Life Association Mr. ItoHcwuter's Unqualified Endorsement of the Home Company, After a Personal Inspection, Quoted in Full. 8 IN IIS A. CAHTKTTIllt. President. I". M. OAHTI'ITTKIt, Vice-President. I". II. OLAUIDtiK. Cashier II IK HANK I NO IIOUSi: OF A. CASTETTER Established ISW. Incorporated IMS. Capltiil Stock, HUl.tiOO. rlLAIIt, Net)., Sept. nth, I'.'Ol. HON. H. ItOSKWATKIt, Uiimlia. Neb. Dear Sir: Can you nacoi tulu for inn whether tlie Hankers Itcserve Life Association of Omaha Is lltiunclully sound and whether Uh condition would Justify tin- In laklriK out another policy? Iluvu you tiny incniiH of looking Into lis alTiilrH ami business methods? Do yon enny a policy In thin cimipnny, ami If no how iniicli? If not. would you feci safe In doing so? I ink tlieHo qiicillnns becnuse you am reputed to be the heaviest Insured man In this tato nnd aro considered well Informed about 1 1 r Insurance, companies. 'I'rilHtlllu I mil not Intruding too much on your time, I am, Yours truly, V. M. CASTBTTKIl, Vice-Trent. THE 0MAHA BEE E. HOSEWAIEH, Editor OMAHA, Neb.. September 10, 1901. vlr. I'. M. CAS'lTrrmt, lllulr, Neb. Dear Sir: 1 hope you will pardon delay of my response to yours of September 6th occasioned by business pressure and irnf hhIoiiuI work. While heavily Insured 1 do not profem to be an Insurance expert, and would not venture to proffer advlco as to the pro priety of your liiHiirlni; In any particular company. I do not nrry a policy In the Hankers Iteservo, first, because 1 already have more than 1275,000, which Is all 1 can afford, anil. Fecund, because I have reached the age limit fixed by the Insurance companies. On the main polniH of your Inquiry 1 would say that from the best obtainable Information the Hankers Iteserve Life la financially hounil. Within the past six wecl,s Insurance Commissioner Hancock made an Investigation Into the business methods, refoiirees ami liabilities of that company, and after a protracted examination pronounced Its management and condition satisfac tory. Two weeks ago Mr. Itoblsoti, Its preelclent, urged me to examine the books and records of his lompany. and nfter spend ing about two hours In their Inspection. 1 becainu satisfied that the system of accounting was as perfect as any that I have seen In any business establishment. The lint of policy holders Is mado up very largely of the most active and progressive class of business men In every section of the statu Incidentally 1 learned that the company Issuos no policy above 5,000 and has reinsured orery policy above $2,000 In an Iowa company that Is represented aB sound and safe. This reduces the risk of the Hankers Itetervo Life very materially and affords additional protection to Its policy holder ry truly yours, E. ItOSKWATKIt. Carpenter's Letter (Continued from Sixth T.ige.) which there are openings every hero nnd thorn for the water to flow oil. Tho road drainage Is perfect. There aro culverts un der tho highway nnd In some plncen 111 order that the Irrigation system may not bo disturbed tho streams aro carried across high above tho roads. During a tide with Cnntrnlour do (Iroot of Haugoiig I passed many piles of volcanic pebbles which hail been gathered from the streams ami brought to the roadside. I asked what thev were for and tho rontrolour fold mo that they were for repairing, lie pointed out that each pile bore Its number and that tho controleurs knew to a ruble fool Just how much each contained. This ride was behind a team of high-stepping ponies on a road as smooth as a Moor, shaded with tall kanarl trees which Inter locked their branches overhead, making an arbor many miles long. So far I havo not found a road that Is not shaded. Sonio of tho treea glow to a height of 100 feet nnd n walk Is not unpleasant even at mid-day. I'mv 'I'lii'!)' I'ullee (lie Country. At short distances there uro rest houses or police stations, llttlu shelters about six feet suuaro with tiled roofH upheld by white pillars. Kach shelter has a wooden drum and tho patrolmen aro required to pound upon this every tlmo they pass during tho night. Tim loads are thus watched all night long by native guards armed with knives and fauces' they aro supposed to protect the houses and travelers. Every native must give two nights a month to road watching, nnd two days every month to work on the road, so that on tho averagt each native gives a day every week to road work. Some of tho olllclals think this Is too great a hardship to tho people, but tho older Dutchmen say that It Is through this that Java has been made tho prosperous country It Is nnd that It must not bo changed. FIIANIC O. CAIlPUNTUIt. Is She Meanest Woman? Chicago ltecord-Ilerald- 'Tvo heard a good many stories about the meanest man," said Mr. PccMinm ns he looked furtively around to make sure that no one was pres ent who might rarry tales to his wife, "but nobody has over had anything to say about tho meanest woman. I know her." Ills companion, being a man of sound Judgment, preft rred not to take any part In tho poor fellow's domestic attaint and pretended not to be interested Hut Mr Tockhatn went nir "Sho lives around the corner from us nnd makes her husband send word to the olllco that he's sick nbout onco a wrek. so ho enn stay home nnd look after the bablos while she goes shopping. Then sho finds fault with him because ho Isn't work ing his wny up nnd getting his salary In creased." Hitch in Negotiations Tlttsburg Chronicle: "Hood morning, Mr Mngnato," Bald tho reporter to tho president of tho street railway company. "Hood morning, sir," was the returned salutation. "What can I do for you?" "I cnlled to Inquire, sir, whether your road has yet been leased to the new com pany?" "No; there was some difference be tween us and negotiations havo been aban doned." "Would you mind letting the puhll know tho cnuso of the hitch?" "Not at nil. It Is no secret. The new company wished to Icaso our road for ! years, but In Justice to our stockholders w. felt that we ought not to lease It for longer than Bin) years." "Thank you, sir." "You aro quite welcome. Call again." "Gold Top BOTTLED BEER, v V lirewcd from tin choicest American Malt ami Hops. . . ALL THE olo inoius nnd lit" fltoctloms which should otuor Into tho m iking of a oholco bovoi'iigu uro utilized in tho mnnul'notiw'e of out' llnj bottlod b or. Order u trial enso from your denier o r tele phone us direct. SOUTH OMAHA BREWING CO,, Brewers and Bottlers of l ine Beer. South Omaha, Neb. OWw tttf-Uik; liuMiMupl Itu. t r Lit n ! I 111 tt ft t'iii Mb Htui, i'ailnv. All X (to i. UlLN 04 KD CU, UKTU IUMN, COi. RED CROSS WHISKEY 4 FULL QUARTS bhb for Kxproaj ohurges props 3 " " It Recommended by the leading physl slims ami used In all prominent hos pitals. The Ited Cross Whlt-key enJoyB to day the best of rep utnt.ons and stand above all In qual t anil purity. References: FIKST NATIONAL HANK Oil" OMAHA OK ANY EXPRESS COMPANY. Western Distilling Co., 71 So. 16th Street OMAHA, Solo Owners. Orders from states west of Nobraska will be shipped by freight. KEARNEY MILITARY ACADEMY KBAHNRY, NEB A hoarding school for by under tit military system. Oymnatlum. Manual training Dept. Prepare boys for college Ideal climate. Termi low on account of endowment. Send postal card for Illus trated catalogue tn HARRT N. ntrSBSLL, Head Maetec. YOU CAN BUY OUR HAUvTONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from time to lime In The Illustrated Hoe. On small portrait cuts we make a nominal price of jx.oo. On larger cuts 6 cents per square Inch. They are all In flrwt -class con dltlon. Our photographic department will also print additional copies of our original photographs at a reasonable, rate. The Bee Publishing Co,, Omithii, Neh. "THERE IS SCIENCE IN NEATNESS.' BE WISE AND USE SAPOLIO The Choicest of Ingredients that enter Into the mako up of our national beverage Is the most healthful ami health giving vegetation that grows, .mil used In many ways by medical science today, Is I lop uml Hurley Mult. The best and choicest of both are used In Hluo Ullibon Heer- the perfect brew under the Immediate sipervlslon of the most xkllled master of the brewers' nrt. THE .CENT SHOE Co -gggfc. u gW dTK MAKER to WEARER ni.t H itinHoN iii)TTi.i:i m:i:it i t ii. - best, has been the best, and always will he the best, ubsnluteb pure, no germs. perfectly sterilized. Ilen'lhriil to all at a'l times In your famlb 'Imply telephon ing No. torz Brewing Company ToloplioiL- 12(i( Typewriters ! New Century, New Dciisinore, New Yost. We sell, rent, exchange, icpnlr type writers. Everything considered speed, grodu of work, cost of keeping In repair, durlablllily, etc. ours are by all odds the cheapest typewriters on the mar ket. ('or Information regarding type writers, address or call on United Typewriter & Supplies Co., 1614 Farnam St., Omaha, fall and Winter Styles are now In tho new shapes neat and dressy In patent leathers patent vlcl kid, enamels, i-ulf. etc the best men's shoes on tho Mi-eel 'o k the best and wear the best that's the famoos It. Kent ami the pl lei J our chim-i nhh :! .Ml Regent Shoe Co. 1205 S. I nth St. Semi for Illustrated Catalogue Choice Confectionery GOLD MEDAL. Chocolate Bon-Bons STRICTLY HIGH GIIADc. bent by Expr In 1, I, I an (-pound boxen five pound. W. S. Balduff, inUU Fariiiiua ., Omaha. iabon V Arnica ..-ittvun Ventilrlct' D'Artucu Arnicu Zuhn Sclfe. Trie Only International Dentifrice. The Standard for jo years. Preserves and whitens tlm tm-tli, strenKtlienii Ui um B oi! tens the breutti. 13c at All Druggists. C.M.STRONU&CU.,lropi.,Chlcao,U.5 A. A. I. ROOT, Printer 414-416 South Twelfth Stieel Tel. 1604 OMAHA, NEB. Mm. WIiinIom'n Siiolliiiiu Syrup hss bn used for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHKUS for their UHIL DltKN WHIMS TKETHINQ. with lEK FECI' SUCCESS. IT SOOTHES tlitt CHILD, SOFTENS the OUMS, ALLAYS all PAIN, Cl'ltEfl WIND COLIC and Is the best rem edy for DIAllItliOEA. Sold by druggists In every part of the world, lln sura anil ask for 'Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup'' nnd tsko no other kind. Twtmty-flvs cents a bottle. wlll forfliorur n ,t Uraal.KmlromJ or Itcblnaj lrl (to., m K. J4 St., iuclimall, o! A(iKNTS W,XTKI)-Mi:X nnd WOMIl.V tor I be iilrn.llttlv lllualralil au 1 nou lerfulU isnfuUr nrw bock THIRTY YEARS IN WASHINGTON llr Mil. liK.V JIIMN A. UMi.W. II rtn, thf innrr life wunilrrlul ncllvltUi, mirvfl, nl inytti ttvt tit Die C,iitil . fam.Mu anil hlnhly privllrcril vuuian tlitm lluui. Iillly lilii.trnti-.i All rlult, liy (intrrnnwiit r. n,rnt nd aid. C '',,,ll ! nm'hU milt , It I -t ihnti.aml Cj tt'H mine trllatilvarnlt wanlril Imthnirit atul u.iiijt-n, liutunlyonrapi-iit 11 a lilacr C .'Manrot imr a.'i ill, an inaklnit ui a month T' li.imrr no ltl,n,r, ,,r ve fnnkl (m tnl,t 'trn Intf ami iMjaranti? Ajru.ilr IrrtHmy Aililff,, A. II. V nit HUM; I on ,v ( llurlluril.t uiii,.