SPECIAL NOTICES Aatvartlartaenta far Iheur rotnnint will hm taken nntll 12 m. for tlm Trains edition and nntll Ni.tO p. m. Cur moraine and Sundar edition. Hatca, l f.3a a word Ural Inrrrtlon, Jo rror therenMer. KotblnK tnkrn far than SSe for tar drat Inaer- !. Theae adrrtlaeaneala nail Ha coaaeeatltrclyi AdTcrtlarra, by rcqnaatlaaT a nam. er4 eheok, can hove anavrara nrt dreaaad to a nnmberad Inter la car f Taa tier. Anarrera mm addraaaaal will a deliver aa araaeatatlaa ml tka akaak aalr. XV K S T E D-M am: I i U I ,1'. WANTED, nrst-class Insurance solicitors; we will mako very liberal contract with men or nblllty capable or handling general agency, '.'all or undress, Fidelity Savings & Trust Co., IU N. V. 1.1 fo Eldg., Onialiu n 178 OJ TEAMS wanted, nt once, one mile south of Fort Crook. Jackson llrns. R Mhffl WANTED, bookbinder, forwurdcr und ruler, none but first-class workmen need apply. A. 1. Hoot, 414-llti 8. 12th St. 11-722 23 WANTED, nn experienced traveling har ness salesman. 1), lyjck Ilox 65s, ou'icll Muffs,' Iu. ' I1-7W 2.P 11 AN and wife, Oertnnn or Swede preferred; no children. Woman must be good cook; man to do general work; utemiy employ ment; good wages to right purlles. Ad dress O 61, Hef. H-M7i5 21 TINNER wanted 151 1 Farnum. U-7SI 21 WANTED, a number of strictly rellabl and trustworthy hoys between the ages if IS and 11, as mi-Mongers, Apjily nt A. D. T. Co.. 212 H. 13lh St. H-M791 2.1 WANTED, a" row" strong men for labor ng work'nt N. W. Cor. of 14th and lkuvh worth His. J. li Hums, Foreman. ll-SVJ 22 "WILLIAM M'krNLEY, THlT l.lfo mil Work. ' by General ('buries ll. flrnsvonor. jireKldents IIMoim; frlwiil, etunrado llimir and iillu.igiio In ron,reks; millions nt copies wljl bo sold; everybody Will buy Hi orders for asking; liobnil will relnso, elegant photogruwin' portrait of Pre-ldem SlfKlrUef'jt lutost picture, posed for sp" claly nt While 1 lousy Fehrimry 22( hurt; 'liberal sharo proceeds this book will bo contrllruted lo. u MeKlnlj' monument liiml! yon can easily And tilckly clou r l,W( tuning" orders; big commission, big territory! cnd 2 eon.tt .1 It stamps to pay expenses of wrapping, packing, mulling elegant ProspeetlW. Address Tha Con tinental Assembly, oprl. U. S. Treasury, Washington, D. C. II Msis 22 WANTED, man to travel In Nebraska-, retisunnblc salary atul expenses': exncrl onoii unnecessary; established business; holiday goods; advertise and distribute. AddresH .Mgr. E. Wlnuner, aw Dearborn St., Uhttingu. U-.MS21 21 TUB torrespondenco Institute of America. Scranton. l'a.. will tench young men bookkeeping, Illustrating, Journalism, ild writing or stenography by mnll; tuition paynbln 00 days after a position Is re cured; mention courso In which Interested, w r H-.MK27 2l WANTED, men to learn barber trade; only eight weeks required; two years' iippren llc'shlp saved by our method ot free ellnlc, export Instructions, lectures, etc. Ibeso ndvantnges cannot bo hrtd In nny itther way; tools presented, wages Satur days, und positions, guaranteed. Grad uates wanted for trains. Hospitals, hotels country and city shot.s. Inducements to applcants from, dfstance. Catalogue mailed free; Molcr JJatber College lira ( Hrnam Bt. H-M2 H7 "-Tu t0L rn.,lou.l ,f"cey must be brightT wotl cddcKted, Industrious and from IB to la yoara olil. H MS18 SALESMEN WAXTE1J, CiqAK salesmen with established trade with largo dealers, who buy direct from factories. Address, with full particulars, H. C. Usher, Fisher building. Chicago. . M31U Oct c HOOK snlesmcn, attention! There Is again 11 19t"',;rf1u' demand. for tho )'Encyclo pabi la lirltuiinlctt,'.tn he west; our postal card method brings (espouses from tho best people; sales extremely largo; wo p.-vy rnllroacl fare; supply you wltli canis" nay liberal' commission, l" d! Mayer' Uroudway nnd Locust sts St. Louis, Mo! M70I 23 wati:d-femai.ij hki,i.. WANTED; 200 girls,'. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S76. ' C-910 M aiHLH, all kind's work. Canadlun Olllco. C-idl WANTED, housekeeper In small fumtly. Address F 49, Bee. C M360 A OITtL for nencral housnwork! nnmi wages. Apply Mandelbcrg Jpwelry Store, 16th und Farnam streets. C M774 WANTED, position us manageress of room ing house: best of reference given. Ad dress 203 S. 17th St., Omuha, or 417 S. 11th st., Lincoln, Neb. C M779 22 WANTED, girl for general housework, family Of four; good wuges. 3002 Mason ni. C-7W 21 (JIIUj for general oousoworlc 2630 Call- c tso 21 NunSEB' Training School, Fueblo, Colo., hiicu iiiuiiuia .uursu; uip;oiuus; open COMFETENT girl for general housework! Mrs. T. S. Hall, 2215 Sherman Ave. . C-S03 WANTED, n- cook. Mrs. Kountze, 3925 Dewey Ave, Chnrle 'i C S12 22 WANTED; saleslady, with experlonce; toys. .,,., KiiuiiK un siatioucry; twenty V." Jr?mi HncoI,n. town of 3,ouo popula tion; stato In first letter references, wages, ..bw nun ii uifciu. wauress 11 4, nee. C MS35 23 rnn ni Ar7J?-. t,lL .f.or &ni'1 lf'ovork; references required. Mrs. W. A AvoriL- r)UiJ;311-l.on-ou' "wecn Half-llowat sU and SL Mary's uve., not;r 21th st. rlgg rd C-MV-1 23 roil he nt nouses. IF YOU want your .houses well rented luucu ineni wnn ucuawu Ac uo. .u 'Jl. SEE HENKY U. l'AYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE, , D-VIS TO MOVE right get Omnlm' Van Storage uiuco joiij. ruruum, or lei. ja.ia-.uj. HOUSES, atorcs. Ucnlls, Faxton block. D-911 HOUSES, eli. F. ,D. Wead, 1521 Douglas; P-916, HOUSES and nuts, ninpwalt, Darker Hlk, 1,0,1 t.V tTTlle I'utnam Co.. D01-5 N. Y, L. uiug,. tmii c liroom nat, steam heat, water, modern; long louse to good tenant, u Aim FOU nENT, li-room stone house. 413 N. -25th St. ,11.. T, Clarke. 427 Itimge Hlk. t .. U .M7SI HOUSES. WHEATONT'tls'l'axton" llllT D-158 1205 WILLIAM ST., a gcod throe-room nat OMAHA LOAN AND'TUUST CO.. 10th and Douglas Sts. D SIC TWO 9-room-brick houses; all modern con venlences, Zi ana 1:4 a.. ,.um St. Inqulr ima ! arn.irn . st. i mjio ONE 6-rcom flat, modern, 1112 ft nth. ' D-975 FOIt KENT, clcht-room house; convenient all modern: 22d miU -Ciillforjila Sis In quire No 507, N.' Yi We building. FOK BENT, .8-rdom house, city water, Vin iii'K j urn, win bhu nun rn A. LoVgrvu, 421 Faxtun 11 Ik. D-231 A ANTED, salesmen of. ability and good appearance; good opening for right puYty u. V' M,l'",1r' Uro't'Jway nnd Locust sts. ot. Louis. Mo. -JI703 23 'I 1 WANTED, woman to cook and laundry In w'.' ?r Vit'? '"'""y: Hood home an goo" o ciock. -tils nt, Clary's avc. C MS14 22 oainw-ij, lames to learn hatrdresslnir manicuring and facial mnssage; e uiroly new plan; only four .weeks rem rod ,'r."S,'ca-1.- ,fl'il"g. "Aui wr HI. h I alii I'OIl llEST-IIOLSES. 219 S. 2STII AVE.. S-room house, nil mod ernj win paper and varnish throughout; rei.t US tu Al tenant with references. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO.. 10th and Douglas Sts. D-81S 9-UOOM brick house, 67S 9. 2Sth at, Apply to Wllliams-Hayward Shoe Co., LDS Howard t. D-MJ56 VKHY pleasant six or eight-room flat, well located nnd In line repair. Inquire 110 Drown block. D 771 17"7 JNTON street, store with two live loom Hats above. The whole building has Just been painted and papered throughout. Will moke a very reasonable rent to a good tenant, or will rent separately. '1 HE OMAHA LOAN & TllL'ST CO., 16th and Douglas ts, D A 13 HOL'HES for rent In all parts of the city. Urcnnau-l.ove Co., 30V South ISth street. D '119 FOH KENT, house and bam, all modern, 21J7 Houth 33d St. Apply 4U2 Merchants' Nut.onul Hank Illdj. D-017 FOU KENT, Sept. 15, six-room cottage, 2211 California St., 22. Apply at Cv7 N. IVth st. DSto TO LET, S-room house, near Curtis Turner park; new, with every convenience. W. Furnum Smith Co,, 1320 Farnam st. D-M472 10-HOOM house, modern conveniences. 2317 Harney st. D-.HM NO HAIU) oonl needed; steam heat: nil modern, central, 7-ronm house; hall, bath, bu-tment. TIzard, 221 N. sun, D-Sl.t-3g T-ltOO.M, all modern house, C320 lodge. Clark Powell, 420 N. Y. Life. D-M71J STEAM " hatedresTdence. No. 1303 S. 33d St., ten rooms, modern. D 7!3 25' EIOHT-KOOM modern house. 116 S. 31st nve.i line location. Information, 'phone F-2605. D-Ss7 21 1337 SO. 3I8T St. Tel. 311. D 510 30 On KENT, neatly furnlsheil 7-room house, modern complete. Also s-room house una good burn, l.yman Waterman, r-V Dec. D-MS.14 23 I.EtJANT S-room house, nil modern Im provements. 104 N. 23d. D-Mtti) 23 :5 Moilern house of 10 rooms, hot water heating, newly painted ntul papered, 1623 Center st. $3." Attractive modern house of eight rooms; rurnace, good yarn. 223 l'oppicton iivenue. Jl.v-lirgo house of 13 rooms, all modem, sightly situation. PS North 27th uvc. THE OMAHA HEALTY CO., 1301 Douglas St., upstairs. D-MSSi) 23 J OH IlENT FLHXISIIEI) HOOMS. Housekeeping rooms 6 up. 2623 St. Mary's. li H24 UOOMll for light housekeeping, 1113 S. nth at. ti .iisii DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. THE THUI13TON. Cool, airy rooma. E 521 SMALL, neatly furnished, well-heated coma; cvcryuung moaeru. lis a. 2otn st. li 227 LA HUE front room and alcove. Well fur iisnca, moaeru; suuuuie tor two. 2113 Cass St. E-M437 OK KENT, two largo furnished or un urnlshud rooms. Address V 1H, Dee, E-142 run liuiiii IU iw KVi,iii;iiiaii. u min, wen turnisncu iruni room, soum una east exposure, wunin t blocks ot postomcu; no otner roomers. Auuruss r ji, nee oiuce, E-240 ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1112 S. 11th Bt. E-MSS1 LARGE south room. Z4 Webstor. t. M74 1 21' FURNISHED rooms, suitable for light housekeeping. 110 a. 25tn avc E-M300 22 l-uiiMsiinu uooais axu doard. UTOPL. 1721 Davenport SL F-925 QLENCAIKN, transient Jt.23 day. 1C00 Doug. 1 B.7 THE Mcrrlnm, summer resort, 25th & Dodgo TWO largo front rooms, with board. 1909 !I6 wapiioi Ave. - ROOMS nnd bourd. The Itose, 2020 Harney mi cel. v .uiu-t "jciu- DESIRAULE rooms, llrst-dass board, 2531 narncy. mko zi FOU IlEST USFUUNISIIED ItOOSIS. DESK loom space, 15 per month, ground floor room in rue uee uunuiug, racing Fnrnam "jtrcet; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. It. C Peters A: Co., Rental Agents, Ueo Uulldlng. G 116 FOR light housekeeping. 2024 St. Mary's. FOU KENT-STORES ASD OFFICES. foil ilENT, store In first-class location: rent reasonable. Apply Jt. u. reiers a: Co., ground lloo.-, Dee llldg. 1 2C6 FOR RENT, oluce with vnult and part llrst floor or n.l top floor, 1414-16 Hurney St. Midland Glass und rami Co., iiw Jiurney St. 1-929 FOll RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The uee ai ais f arnam Bt. u nas four otorles nnd n basoment which wus formerly used as The Ben press room. ThW will bo rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose wuter, secretary, room 100, Deo Uulldlng. 1 2ol STORES, with Ilxtures, suited for depart ment stores, uizaru, 1.1 i. .tin. 161250 AOESTS WASTED. PRESIDENT M'lCINLEY'S Assassination; complete olllclal memorial minion; tragic details of nnurchlstlo plot; life of assas sin; hundreds of pictures; only authentic book; largest, cheapest, best; prices cut;, we ure not In the book trust; 70 per cent prollt; erormous demand; fortune for ugciiU llrst In Held; most liberal terms; secure territory now; tlrst book ready; eredlt glyen, freight paid; general agents wanted 011 salary; valuable premium free with each book; book outllt nlono free; both book and premium outllts prepaid for. 25 utamps to cover cost of sending; order quick. Monroe Dook Co., Chicago. J-MT37 30 WANTED, ngents everywhem for tho "Life und Public Services of William M--Klnley;' profusely and elegantly lllus truteu; distinguished authorship; to save time send ut once for cunvasstug outllt, Inclosing 25c to pay postage. Address N, D. Thompson Publishing Co,, St. LouIb, Chicago or New York. J-M72S 24 LIFE OF VM. M'KINI.EY, with memorials by natloi's prominent men: large, fully Illustrated: extra terms; rrelght paid; credit given; big pay ror quick wcrk; outllt ready; rreo; send 10 cents for post oge. SCIcgier Co., 324 Deurborn st., Chit-ago, J M7W 03 EXCLUSIVE territory nn the Memoilil Life of President McKlnley. introduc tion nnd biography by Colonel A. K. McChlre, biographer of Abraham Lincoln. Over 600 pages; mugnlllcently Illustrated; price 11.50 lllg money for ngents. 110 to 123 per day made easily. Opportunity of a II ret I UK'. Highest commission; frttght puld; credit 'given. Send for outfit today. State territory you want exclusively. Ter ritory assigned nnd outllt mailed free- on receipt of 10c to pay postng). Addr ai nttlco nearest you. The John C. Winston co., Chicago, I I., or rnuuuoipma. ra. J-.M714 21 M'KINLEY'B LIFE, by Murat Hnlstrd; best author; best book; bojt terms; re tails 1I.D0; will duplicate any offer on In ferior books; credit given; freight paid; mum tree. J. S. JJIEGLER & CO., Chicago, HI. J-M797 26 l.n.l-.S or the martyred presidents, their HssaFslnators and blstnrv nt inun-M.Ur,, tV pages ror 11.50; outnt rroe: tO per cent 1..,,, ,,u initiii given, j, E. MacUrady, Stor bldg., Chicago. J-M7J6 Si THIS OMAHA DAILY AOE.M'S WASTED. WANTED, agents for memorial edition of Lire or MCKiniey, tou pages, tuny 111 1 (rated; send six 2c stamps for mnlllng free prospectus, agents aro making ns high ns 10 n day. secure territory nt once. Northwestern Hlblc House. 1!S Dearborn St., Chicago. J-.M76S AdENTS WANTED Life of McKlnley, live hundred pages, large book; tmndaomiy Illustrated; outllt free; now 'ready: 75 per cent discount to agents; freight paid; credit given. Henry Nell, 32.J DeurLorn St., Chicago, J-M794 2 MEMORIAL life of McKlnley by his life-" uiug inenu, .Murni iiaisieaii, 111c nin torlan; jiwsltlvely the largest nnd finest book published; size SxlO Inches. 1W splen did llustratlons; prlco only I.5; terms Itw per cent prollt, credit nnd freight paid; large photograph of McKlnley tree with each book; otltllts ready and mailed free to those meunlng business, don't be fooled by promises of "exclusive territory," don't work ror 40 per cent; we give lo) per cent prollt ami will ulso divine 1,'.0 In cash prizes among our agents. Ad dress American Hook and lllble House. 116 N 10th st., Philadelphia, Fa. J-Msn S2 123 I'EU DAY easily made selling the only ouicuu, tiuwieuiic nnu iniiorsen momon.11 volume entitled, "Illustrious Life or Wil liam McKlnley, Our Martyred l'resldeiit, ' by .Mil nit Halstcad, tor 30 years the presi dent s Intlmutv friend; nearly t'nj pages, 1"0 Illustrations; full account of his spren did enrer, tragic death, funeral cere monies, llttlng tributes, story of other martyr presidents; history of anarchism, its methods, victims, dangers, etc.; high est commission guaranteed; freight paid; credit given, complete canvassing outllt free; order today. Monarch Hook Co., Chicago. 111. J-MM7 23 WASTED TO ni'.XT. WAMLD to rent, three or four nicely fur nished rooms for light housekeeping. Ad dress G 03, Dee. K 7o5 23' WANTED to rent, lease; mlGht" buy If cheap: 1 tj 10 acres, mllo from packing hou.ies, r.ear street -cats, atuto pric.-, terms nnd location. Address G 61, 11 -e. K-754 20 WANTED, to rent, farm nenr Omnlm; about 2w acres. 112, 'Dec. K M133 zf STOltAUC. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912 914 Jones, general storage und torwurdlng. OM. Van Stor. Co.. 15114 Earn. Tcls. 1559-163. -931 STORAGE Household goods and olhur articles stoied at low rates. J. J, Dcrlght & Co., 1119 Fulnum St. Tel. 353. Sii WASTED TU IIUY, MAX lOOEL buys 2d-hd., clothing. 1207 Fur. N-Mtlu U12 I HAVE 112,000 cash which 1 will Invest lit one good improved lunn or In scviful Miiuher uikb. Address u 49, Dec. .N-M6I9 21 WANTED, u good established tobacco nnd cigar business, or goou locution tor sumu. uuurcss G t, Uee. N Sll 23' 'ANTED, to buy, cheap for cash, llrst ciuss suudlu horse una suduiu. 11 J, Uee. N-MS13 22 FOU SALE KUIIMTUIIE. CHICAGO Furnlturo Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. New and secondhunu turnlture bought, sold, exchanged. 0-933 FOU SALE HOUSES, VEHICLES;, IS'l't', TALIC it up Harry Frost, 14th and Leav enworth, tnuki-M good vehicles. 1' u WE HOLD an auction Bale 01 horses every Weunesuay p. in. at tnd Union btocit Yulus. Wulworth'Illillker Cu. F-M671 014 WANTED, to buy for cash, a good horse und ouggy. Auuress G bo, this ottlcc. I'-.MfSl 21 FOU SALE-.UlMCEl,LASEOb'S. 1 ' 2DHAND sufe cheap. Durlght, 1119 Farnam. y-9Jo SAFES, standard makes, sold, rented. 114 S 13 EDISON COLUMDIA talking machines una records. Omunu bicycle o., 16th and Chicago. g FIR limbers lor houuemovers, etc., 40 lo 71 ft., c: iDulii t and hug lenco. injl Doug- lUB. 0-9J9 CHOICE lot of milch cows for sulu chvup. a. a. cuinpuvh, center dt. H ji DUGG1ES, phaetons, surreys, wagons, bt cycles; ulg stock new, sveond-nuuu bar tulna. Frcdrlvkson, ljih und Dodg.- Q-M!)i3 S23 25-SETS of sccond-h'nnd doublo nnd single harness, 15 saddles; gehultiu bargains. A. bUigcr, 416 N. 16th; removed 110m I109 Douglus. Q M357 Oct.6 a HORSE-POWER boiler, and engine, for sale cneap. 610 S. 14th St. Q M393 O10 116,000 SALOON and store building; 7 living rooms -upstalis; ground bxw; corner lutn and Douglas. Lnucr tiros. Q. 590 FOR SALE Slot machines; all sizes and styles, electric and automatic; good r.s new; at your own price. Address, p. i. llox 394, Duvld City, Neb. Q Mn26 23 FOR SALE, three-quarters length tnn coat and winter nai. can vw ueorgia Ave. U-7i3 25 CLAIHVO VASTS, MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant S13 N. 16th. S-C49 nnN'T fall to call and consult the Ran manian gypsy, wno revenis an secrets und reads anu oxpinins to you your en tire Hie. 1923 Douglas St., Cor. 20th. S-M655 21 MM E. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 8, 15th. . o PERSONAL. f r.ni.rMAN gr an. nniv nerfoo cormon picuunu piani 111 niu west; mull orders solicited. Sullo 200, Douglas block. U-910 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns nnd superflu ous hair rcmuveu uy citciriciiy, it. 12, I'TCIUCI uiutu, U Uil V1AVA, woman's way to health; rational, w noicauuiu iiuuiu i.ciiiiiiciu. did uee uiug, U-913 PUIVATE hosnltal for ladles befom nnrt during couunemeui; uauies auopted. 230i Grant Btreet. U-91I PRIVATE home for ladles before nnd dur ing conllnement; namos aaopteii. 2G20 iiuruiue si. Mrs. uurgei. u-011 w OMAHA Accordion Fltg Co., 1524 Douglas. u 941 SUPPLIES for, all machines; machines for rent. White Sewing Machine, JC20' Doug. las. iti. .-.-ji. . u W6 RUPTURE CURED wlUiout.the knife, Em pire itupiure i.urc, n. v. i.irn tuug. U Wt 830 JENNIE, meet me at tho Collins Piano Co.'s store, 1622 Douglas st., tomorrow nt 2 p. m. nuil hear tho wonderful .Monarch talking macmne. ueorge. U 61S UUE. SMITH, baths, US N. 15, 2d floor, R 1 U-292 07 VCCORDION pleating; cheapest, best und wuicnesi. iire. ,. 1.. iurk, tun nnu 1 ar nam. U 530 AK-SAR-DEN. PROGRAM NOW ON. IW.iO Tribune 135.00 150,) Rugby 35,0) H0.0O An.lraff .i 32.50' SIO.UO Foutherstone .,,. 23 00 130.00 Nonpareil ,i5fi 135.00 Crescent 25011 Secnndhand wheels, 13.00 up. Sundrlls nnd rennlrlnt- IX1U1B FLESCHER. 1622 CAPITOL VC U-M5U a HERNIA permanently cured In 30 to 60 duys. Send for circular. O. S. Wood M D.. 521 N. Y. Llfo llldg.. Omaha. ' U-CS1 013 HERNIA permanently cured. Send for cir cular. O, S. Wood, M. D., 621 New York Life Hldg., Omaha, Neb. U-6SI Ol3 A NICE healthy baby girl for adoption at 1169 8. 17th street, Omutu. U-723 23 BISK: SATURDAY, SI2PTT5MBEH 12 1, 1901 pi;hsoai.s. THE PRINCES, Gentlemen, behold! THE PRINCE OF OMAHA! In our midst Is the Prince, t'nlon .Made, best quality, free and cool llnvor, unexcelled, llought for 137 a thou sand and sold at 5c Btralght. The latest fad Is to smoke the Prince of Omaha. W, F. STOECKEH CIO All CO. U-M533-21 COME on 16th and Capitol Ave. tomorrow at 3 o'clock and see me separate bile. It can be doneln one minute by Prof. John son, 10th and Jones Sts, city. f-507 20 WALL PAPER cleaner. V. Meddlomlst 'Phone I Eft I,enve orders nt 1519 Farnam. Rooms cleaned, 11 and up. U-103 Oi9 MONEY TO 1.0A.-11HAI, ESTATE. 6 AND 64 per cent loans. .W. H. Thomas, First Nutlonal Dank building. Tel. 1613. Wi'4!3 WANTED, city loons, bonds and wnrranti, George Ac Company, 1601 Farnam street. W-SI7 LOANS on eastern Ncbtaska ntul western Iowa furms ut 5 per cent; borrowers ian buy lloo or unv multiple: any Intel est iluta; no delay. Itrcnuuii-LuVe Co.. 309 So, 13th St., Oinuhu, :'eb. W-W0 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam smitn &. co., iz.v i nniuin streui. W-9IS WANTED, city nnd farm loans; also bonds nnu warrants, it. w, rcicrs At 10., i.u Furnum St., Ueo Bldg. W WJ ii TO 5 F. C. money. Uemls, Paxton Bllt. W 'Jil $M,000 SPECIAL fund; loans 1100 up; lowest rates, uurvin uros., inui farnam. . . W-952 i3M, 11W, 1500 1'RIVATE money to loan; 1, i, i or & years, w. J., nciuy, uiurii 01 Trade Hldg. W-933 SEE HENRY D. PAYNE. 60b2 N. Y. Life. w 15 MONEY to loan 5n Improved Omnlm real estate, urciuiuii-i.ovu (.0., ;j'J isuutu uiii. W-904 RIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W 935 W. II. MEIKLE. 401 S. 15th St., louns money on rcsiucuco proporiy ut a per cent. W-926 PRIVATE money. F. D. Woud, 1521 Douglus. Y 'J J 1 MOSEY TO LOAS CHATTELS. MONEY l9an4d on plain nolo to salaried people; uusiucss couuueuiuu, luivesi ru, ul4 i'axtou block. The J. A. lluttun Cu. X 961 MONEY loaned 011 pianos, furniture, Jew elry, norsw, cows, cio. w. . iiuu, a. i. x yui nn Ytitr is!i-:nn MONEY7 Wo loan 110 and up on turnlture, pianos, hones und oilier chutleis. SALARY LOANS Without mortgugeti peop.e Holding perma nent positions. 1011 cuu kci 1 no inoury in u.Iou hours uftcr muking uppllcutlun ami take 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 mouths or more In which tu pny it oack, and you tlted not pay for U one duv longer ihuit you keep it. Wo charge nothing for papers aim wo glte ou the lull amount in cush. There me no lower rates thuil ours; our terms uro the easiest, our business is conlldentiul und our moito Is "try to pleuse." OMAHA MORTGAGE LUAN CO., 119 liourd of Tl-Jlle Uldg. Tel. 2295. (Established lil'2.) 3u6 S. 16th St, DO YOU WANT CARNIVAL MONEY Hillary Loans To honest working people on tlielr plnlir note. DON'T OEf FOOLED by others. Outs are lowest rates given to suluried people. Easiest puymeuts. btrlctly coiilldentlaL ItliLlAULE CREDIT CO., Room 30J, ttnru door, I'uxtun lilock. X-3U LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE. live, stock, etc. guick service unu 10we.11 rules guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 633 (top llcorj Paxton block, northeast corner 16tu and Furnum; entrance On 16th titreet. , 1 LARGEST BUSINESS . in LOANS TO SALARIED i'ttui'Ltv mercnauis, tcam Eteis, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; euslest terms; ,-tO oitices iu princi pal cliles. Toliliun, 440 liourd of Traue lildg. . X 33 MONEY loaned on plnnos, furniture, horses, cows, jowea y, uun uruun, it. a, uarKer uik X-9S2 UUSISESS C1IASCES. TELL me what you huvo to sell, Tell me wnai you wunt to uuy, If 1 do not llnd you 11 deal You may say 1 never try. J, 11. Johnson, Sll N. Y. Life. 'Phono I. 2270. ino real estate nna uusincss chance man. Y--M6I0 FOR SALE, drug store, In thriving village; good reasons tor selling.' John u. ltegun, Plutte Center, Neb. Y M434 2: 110 DAILY pi edit, long established nrst-class legitimate uusincss, suunuie tor may or gentleman; line locution; bear closest In vestigation, ll,5ou; controls 11,000 cash, balance cuty; 0110 meaning buslncps for further particulars see J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y M037 DRUG STOCK for snlo. Address C. II. Smith, Burlington Junction, Mo. Y-MC93 21' TO RENT, a photograph gnllery; good lo cation, f or particulars nuurcss uaviu City, Neb., P. O. Dux 224. Y-M780 2t FOR SALE, stock of general merchandise; invoice iiuout tiii.ucu; casn nines, tiou unuy; Investigation solicited. Address H 1, Hoe. Y-MS31 29 GARLAND, Wyo., on the Tolucn-Cody line ut the 11. Ac ai. it. u, it., noons n i'.)-room hotel. Wrlto J. Francis, (1, V. A., Omaha, Neb., for particulars. Y MS19 .2 FOU SALE HEAL ESTATE. SEE HENRY 11. PAYNE. 601-2 I. Y. Life. RE-973 HOUSES and lots iu all parts of city; also acre property unu turm iudus. 1110 u. t, Davis Co., Room 652 Dee Uulldlng. RE-9J1 HOUSES and lots in all parts of !ty; also acre property and farm lands. Tho F. Davis Co., Room 552 lleo Building. HK-741 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St. KE-971 WE HAVE on hand at all times selected llrst mortguges on Improved property1 nt iVi to 6 per cent. Call and see us. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main floor, New York Lire Bldg. RE-M40S 30 FARMS, C. F. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. Life, RE-503 O S ,FOR SALE, fruit nnd garden placo nnd grocrry muru; srvrn uti t.i, ,iniv 111 i;nuii.o grapes, plums and other fruit; ft splendid business location; bnru, Ice house, sheds, well, cistern, etc.; one mllo out of town on muln road. Inquire ut .333 Broadway, .council Blurts, la iik .Min TElT"tI I RE EO N E- FOUR. HARRjisONr RE-312 N5 A SNAP IN A BEAUTIFUL HOME. PRICE REDUCED. Wn are authorized to sell a now fi-room modern home, with porcelain bath closet, hot and cold witter, rurnuco, etc., at 13,000. Price reduced from $3,250 for quick sale; looo to ll.ooo ciHh; balance al 6 ner cent. Now rented ut 130, which Is 10 per cent on 13.600. Think of It and see us quick. PAT NE-KNOX COMPANY. Main lloor Now York l.lfo Hldg. I1E-.M777 21 1 AM offering new 7 to 10-room mnditrn houses on east front lots, 35lh and Dodgo streets, at prices only 11 trllle more than tho vacant lots nro worth. If you wu-it a homo In Weht Farnam district you had better secure nno of those at once, us I can never build nnd offer nnother lot of tlml lar houses In this locality for tho same money, jl r. Hamilton, 1712 Farinm St RH-SOj 22 WHOLKSALirLOT AT A SNAP. 41 feet Just west of Mercer hotel building. Owner reduced nrlco to 17.500 for nulck sale This Is 11 decided bargain If there ever was one. aeo us. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Main lloor New York Life nidg . HE-M-tTSUl FOU XAI,i:-lli:,l, ESTATE. REAVTIFFL 1IEMIS PARK. More new and fine houses are NOW DE ING 1IFILT In HEAt'TIFUL HEM 19 PARK than In nnv other addition In the city Plans for ft or 0 more nru being drawn, to cos, from 12.&X) to 7,00o. We have only n lew lots left and they will soon be closed out Do you want 11 lot In the MOST HEAt'TI FUL LOCATION IN OMAHA? Then see HEM 18 PARK. A beautiful corner lot on Lafayette avenue, only 1700; 1100 cash nnd Ho per month; no Interest. Inside lots same street, IOOO; M cash, 110 Pfr month; no Interest. South front lots on Hawthorne avenue, only 1WV1100 cash, 120 per month; no In terest. 10 per cent discount for till cash. We will make very liberal loans to parties wanting to build. In other words, you buy the lot, we furnish money for tho house. Why pay rent when you can gea home on such easy terms and In biicIi a beauti ful location'.' Plans fdr a line $l,00 dwelling Just com pleted ror Lincoln Houlovard. Also cor ner lot 011 Lafnette uvenue sold lust week ror Improvement. If ynu'dii not believe HEMIS PARK IS nuAi'TiKtiL, come nnd lot us show ou tho property. No shanties nnd NO WEE IDS. PAYNE-KNOX COM PAN Y. Main Moor New York Life llldg. RE-M776 21 HAN8CO.M PLACE I1AUGAIN. 1127 So 31sl St., full lot, line .s-room house, model 11. lino repair, well built, line loca tion, CHEAP for reason owner, leaving city. Don't fall to sco this. Can go thriiuuh It any day. D. V. Hholes & Co., sole uger.ts. 310 N. Y. Life. Tel 829. RlCliS 22 RANCH and farm lands for sale by tho union raciuu uniiroaii company. B. A. McAllnster, land commissioner, union Pa citlo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-972 LOST. LOST, 11 pair tortoise shell eyoglasst s vlth golil'iunuutlng. between Twentieth und Cuming- 11 f.tl 26th and Davenport. Return to Boo olllco and get reward. l3st-7S7 20 $10 REWARD-Iost. 2 bull terriers, about 1 veur old; 1 tnn color, with white strlpo In face: 1 white, with b rind Id head, white stripe In face; ours trimmed 011 I tth; return to 19IS Cuss st. Lost MS02 21 LOST, government papers addressed to I.ihiu'ik'o J guoaloy. Howard If returned to this ulllce. Lost '.06 20' LOST, a lJigo electric seal cape, from buggy. Wednesday noon, between 23d und Davenport and 16th and Farnam; rowurd. 309 N. 23d. Lost-MSM 21 LOST, a full-grown black nnd white hound! Return 10 922 S. 20th st. Lost MS15 22' LOST. Thursday, think on"Tvobalcr "ntT! rubber carriage tire. Advise or return to 427 ljumge bldg,, nnd receive suitable ro w'ird. Lost J 1 822 21 LOST, gold eyeglasses between" 22iliiTid Howard nnd Capitol nvc. Return to B?o olllco, Howard. Lust MS16 2I ' 11 ra MEDICAL. Dn' y1''?' ,ho acknowledged loading frpecl-illst In diseases of women tu Onuha. would call tho attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommoda tions bofore and during confinement, and nls treatment for irregularities, no mat ter what cauto. Cull or uddress. with stamp. Dr. Tries, 1513 Dodgu St., Onmha. Neb. M 850 S27 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 515 N, Y. L. Dldg. Tel 1661. Allen. Johnson, D. O.. ladles' dept.; Gld E. Johnson, Ostcoputhlst, Mgr. 97U DONOHUE, Osteopath, Pnxton Dlk. Tel. 1367 -977 DR. MU8ICK, .Douglas Block. -311 DR. T. HUNT, suito 612 McCagUo bldg. Tel. '-'352. 750 SlIOltTIIA.VD AM) TYI'KWHITISO. A'. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Llfo. 379 BOYLES' College, court reporter principal. I!eo Bldg. s 9i0 NEB. Business & Shorthand College. Boyd's Theater. gj GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col, 16th Si Dmig -912 .MlltltOll FACTO It Y, Dnmnged looking glasses resllvcrcd, 70S N 10. 321 IIOII.EH MAKERS. OMAHA Holler Works, stenm boilers, tanks. siausn, -hc. lei. hm, j:in nnu izard sts. -9.13 PAW.MlHOKHItS. EAGLE Loan OHlce, reliable, accommodat ing; an uus:r.ess conuueniiui. imi uouglas -9S7 FL'Il.MTUItE HEPAIHISn. TEL. 1331. M. S. Wnlklln, 2111 Cuming St. Vi J Tltl'.MC KACTOKV. TRUNKS, traveling bugs, suit enses. Trunks repaireu. um. Trunk factory, 1209 j-'nrnam. 171 012 STA AIM EIIIS' tS ASD STUTTEHISG. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Rnmge Bldg. -931 1'ATEXTS. WlLL DUY any good Invention or patont. Address lock Box ,w.- ucs .iioincs, ia. -956 HAVE cash for good patent or Invention, Addrci-s P. O. Box f6, Omaha, Neb. -IS4 N7 IIOOKKEIU'ISG. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing. 11 15. com. XNat. Bank. u. it. itatnbun. 309 CARPENTERS ASD JOIS'EUS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly ntteuucd to. J t. ucniuree. retn and Lake Sts. 170 DIIESSMAICISO. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 2576 Harney, -473 S29- WASTED TO BORROW. I2,0o0-WANTED to borrow on good fnrm ill ,w lli.irn itji iivii iciiin til u iivi luill, Aiiuress w, it. .rnoia, tiayuon, Mm. -MS20 22 SICKEL PLATISC, STOVES, lumps, etc., roplfttmg. Omaha Plating Co., Beo Bldg. Tel. 2535. -9S5 YOUR TEETH Do the grinding which pre pares the food for digestion. Avoid stomach disturbance by attending to your mouth. Gold Crown. 15.00. Porcelnln Crown, 15.00. Gold Fillings, 11,50 up, Porcelain Fillings. Bailey the Dentist 'Ililril Floor I'm Inn I'lncU. 16th and Farnam 8ts. Til 10S5, Est Since ms liL Ml MOD TWAOES FOIt SA I.E. WE HA E on hand at nil times -elected first mortgages on Improved property at t'j to 6 per cent, call and fee us. ! PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, ' Main 1- loor, New York Life Bldg i -10s 10 LAt'S DRY, OMAHA Steam Ijiundry; shirts, 7e; collar.". !c; cutTs, 4s. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. Jji LEGAL SOTICE. CALL FOR REPt'llLlCAN COUNTY CONVENTION. By authority and direction of tho repub lican county committee, iiuly given ut .1 regulariy called meeting, a county deiega.e convention of the rcpuu.lcnns ot Dun.-, county Is hereby culuu to meet ut Wash ington hall, In the City ot umnha, at 2 !, in., Siiiurday, hepttuiuer i nvl, tor the purposu of liuiillll.iting candidates tu be vottd on ut the general o.ectlon .Noveliibir 5, 19ol, fot the. tonowlng county utllcer. One slitrlrt, one county juugi, one county clerk, one register ot dveus, one county treasurer, one county surveyor, one count superiiitend'-iit ot public instruotlut,, o.ie county coroner, two county cuiiimis.'innvis, tu be clioteli by the delegates Horn tae respectlvu districts lrom wliien th.y nr. to bu elictcd. One rvpresvututh u 10 lib vacancy six justices of tho peace and one police Juuge tor the city cl umahu. Two justices ot the pcuto Tor the City of. South Omaha. Six constables for tho City of Omaha, Two constables lor the City ot South Omiihu. Ore ussos-or tor ouch ward of the City of Omaha, onc ussessur for ta.h ward of the City of South Omuhu. Precinct otlicers for Uiu witluus tountry predicts, Also tu solot members of tho republlcnn county central committee and to transact such other business us may properly come bo tore, It. By the sumo authority a pilmnry election Is ulso called, to be held Frldai, beptcmbir 27,-1901, Iu the various wards und pu-citicts, subject lo tho rules governing primary elections adopted by sulu republican county committee lor tlio purpose ot electing Ui le gates to said nominating convention. The representation In said convention shall bo llttecn delegates lor each ward In the City uf Omaha. Fio delegates for each of tho four wnids Iu South Omuha and tlvti delegate lor each of the fourteen country piccliicts. At this primuiy election the polls will be open in Hit cities of Omaha and ut South Omaha from 12 111. to 7 p. m., and In the country pieclncts from 7 p. m, to U p. m. ut tho following pluccs. OMAHA. First Wnrd Sixth and Pierce streets Second Wnrd Twentieth nnd Cnsiellar streets. Third Ward 1121 Douglas street. Fourth Ward -Boo building. Fifth Wurd.-Hlxteonth, near Corby street Sixth Wnrd-Idlowlld hall. Seventh Wurd 1334 Pnrk uvenue. Eighth Wuid-Twenty-seeond and Cuming ht reel Mi Ninth Ward-Sl? Farnam ctrrct. OCUJlll U.MA1IA ChlcaBJ Kclner's hall. Clonturf Joii Munsor's nlaco. Douglas Si.hool houso No. 15. Enst Omnlm Prclst's hall. Elkhorn Hwelchart's tliop. ''lorcncc City hall. Jpffersni. Mangold's lumber olllco. JIcArdle--Gluiidt school house. Jllllurd Mllluril school house. Platte Vallcy-Jall building. Union Powell's blacksmith ihop. Waterloo Masonic hall. Benson Benson hull. Dundee Dundee engine huusi.. Tho boundaries of tha various nrlmary election districts shall be the sume no the boundaries of the respective wards of Omaha and South Omaha and of tho various vot ing districts of tho country precincts as existing at ihu last general election. Tho names or nil delegates to bo placed on tho olllclal nrlmnrv ballot munt 1. ni-1 with tho secretary of tho committee with a tee or 12 for each delegate, not later than " ii'tu iiui'ii, iiivnini), oviiiemijcr 21, i:i"i. The olllcers of suld nrlmarv election bo selected nt lonst ten dny.i before the primary election from names submitted to tho committee. II, H. OSTROM, Chairman Republican Central Commlttca. 11 u. juuim., necreiury. Dated at Omaha,' September 4, 1901. POSTOrFICE StITICE. (Should bo rend DAILY by all Interested, changes may occur nt any time.) Foreign mulls for tho week ending Sep I'lnboi 21, 1901, will close (PROMPTLY In 11 cases) nt the general nostotllce us fnl. lowa: Parcels post malls close one hour earlier than closing tlmu shown below. 'arcels post malls for Germany clos'j at p. m. Monday und Wednesday. Regular nnd sunnlemcntarv malls oln at foreign brunch half hour inter than clos ing time shown below. Triiiis-Atliiiitlc! Ali.lls. SATURDAY At 7:30 n. m. (sunnlemontorv 9 a. m.) for EUROPE, per a. s. Lucantn, via QUeonstown; ut 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per s. r. Pots dam (mall must be directed "per s. h. Potsdam' ); ut S u. in. for ITALY, per s. u A 1. ..I .. .. ..I . . . . ' ' .tlll'l, Vlll .-tiijnun iiiuill lllUHl DO Illl'CCtOt! "per h. s. Aller"); ut 9:30 n. m. for SCOT LAND direct, per s. s. Ancliorla (mall must be directed "per s. s. Anchorla"); ut 11 n. m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Norgo (mall must bo directed "per s. a. Norge"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls stcamet takes Printed Matter, Commercial Pa pers and Samples ror Germany only. The samo clni.s of mail matter for other pnrts of Europe wl'l not bo sent by this shlo unless specially directed bv It. After tho closing of the Supplementary 1 1 .iiiB-jiii'iiiuu .iitiiii ;mmeu anove uuui tlonul siipploinentury mulls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and German steamers and remain open until within Ten .Minutes of the hour ot stilling or steamer. Malls for Newfoundland, bj rail to Noith ayuno), aim uieiicu oy sieamer. close at this olllco dully ut 6:3d p, m. (connecting closo hero every .Monday, Wednesday mm Saturday). Mails for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, nnd thence by utcuincr, close at this olllco dnlly ut U 30 p. 111. .Malls for Cuba, by rail lo Port Tallinn. Fla., und thence by steamer close at this olllco dally at '6 a. 111. (tho :oniicctlng closes uro on Monday, Wednesday aim Satur day). Mflls tor Mexico City, overland, unless specllly uddretsed ror disputed by steamer, cb..'o nt this olllco dully at 1:30 p, 111. und ii .h. 111. .Mulls for Costa Rica Belize, Puerto Coitcz und Giwtumulu, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, closo nt thin olllco dally at l:i) p, in. (connecting closes lure Mondays tor Belize, Puerto Cortca anu Guntemula and Tuesdays for Cosla Ul.-u), Regis tered mall closes at C p. in. previous day. Trnns-l'iicillo Hulls, Malls for Hawaii, Japjji, China and Philip pin Islands, via San Francisco, close h-ro imiiy ui u.w i. ,,,, i,, iu ocyiemucr --jo. Inclusive, for. dlsnatcli ncr s. m. llnrlo. Mails lor Hawaii, via hun ! ruiieUcu. closo here uuuy ut :m p. m, up to September 10, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ala- lliruil. Mulls for" Hawaii. China, Japan nnd Phlllu jilncs, via San Francisco, close hero daliy ill I "I' " .JVjlir-,,,!,.;, slvo, for dispatch per s. 3, Nippon Mnru, Malls rur Ausirui'a ivxuupi Wisi Ausiraiia. which ib icrwnrueu viu uropej, New culund, Fill. Samoa and Hawaii, via hau Friiiiclseo, closo horo dully ut (i:3o p. m. after September 10 und up to Septem ber 28, Inclusive, or on arrival or s, s. Campania, due at New York September 2S, lor dispatch per s. s. Sierra, Malls fur China and Japan, via Vancouver, close hero dully nt 0:30 p. m. up to Octo ber "1. iiic)uslo, for dlRpatch per (t. s, EmprcBS of India (registered mall must bo uirtcted "via Vancouver"!. .Mall, i.jicept mcrchundlse which cannot bo forwarded via Cunuda, for tho U. S. Postal Agent nt Shanghai, closes at 6:29 p. ra. previous day. Malls ror Tahiti nnd Mnrnuosus Islands, via San Francisco closo hern dnllv at 6:30 p, m. up to October 12. Inclusive, for dis patch per s. s. Australia. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Lurope. snd New JConland, which goes via Suu "ranclsco) and Fiji Islands, via Vnnoo'ivcr, closo hero dally nt 6:30 i. m. alter September "28 nnd up to October 13, inclusive, for dispatch 1 or s. s. Aorangl (supplemonlnry mnlls. via Seattle and Victoria), close nt 6:30 p. m, October "13. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmnster. I.'ostollice, New York, N. Y., September 13, 1901. AILWAY TIME CARD. I'S'IOS STATIOX IOTII AMI MARCY. 0 111 11I1 11 A SI. 1, 1111I11. St Louis "Cunnon BaH"n 5:15 pm n 8,20 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local a 7,25 am a S;W pm First Ward-027 N. Twenty-rourth street Second Ward Evans' laundry, 23C9 N st Third Wij'iI-2Mi South Thirtieth street. Fourth Ward-Fliihi rty barn, &11 if .treot COUNTRY PRECINCTS S"t01 1 ! I pAit.ito ii -1 n;i-; 1 ini.o. l lllllll I'liolllc. Leave. Ou r.sn.l Limited n S.Wnm Fast Mall n S:5g am Mull nnd Eipresi all:3 pm Colurndo Speilal all:., pm Liliioln-Strciiisburg Ex.b 4:0S pm Pailtlc .: At'Htitlc Ex... a 4:26 pm Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm Illinois lontriil, Chicago Express a 7:00 nm Chlcngn, MlniH apolls .i St. Paul Limited 11 7:45 pm Minneapolis - SL Paul Express b 7:00 am Fort Uodno Local, from Arrive a 7.30 pin 11 1:25 pin n 4:26 pill n 6:50 nut 1)12:30 pm a 0:50 um b 9.35 am n 6:10 pin n S;M am b 9:40 pm Council Blurts u 6:00 nm Wnbiisli. St Louis t'aiitioil Ball" 1 l'.xprrss 11 5:15 pm a S;20 am Ml iki 11 1' I Pnclllc. St. Louis Express a 10:00 am a 6:25 pm I. C t St. 1.. Express. .nlo:50 pm a 6:15 am ( lilvnuii, .Mllmiukcc .V M, Pniil. Chlcng j Limited a 6:00 pm 11 ;05 am Lhieugu .V uiiiuim E...b 7:15 um b 3:10 pm CIiIciimo, Unci iliittd .V I'nclllc. EAST. Dos Mollies mid DaNeti- porl Local u 7.23 am a 9.35 pm Cnlcayo f.xpiess ... blLlJam 11 4:55 pm Lies illumes nucm ... .a t;zo pm Chicago Fast nxpress. .a t:w pm Dus .Mollies, Rock Island und Clilcugo ..a 7.10 pm WEST. blliW am u i:U pm a 5:10 am Lincoln, Colo. Sptliigs, Denver, Pueblo una West 1 a 1:30 pm a pm Colorado, okiahoinu and Tiimis Flyer a 5:20 pm 11 9(50 nm n Dally, b Daily except Sunday. Chicago ,V .MirlliivoMern, Chlcugo Special a 7:00 am all. 30 pm Chicago Pussctigcr n 4:15 pm a s:c) Mm Eastern Express. ....... .iiIuim um u 4ai pin Luslorii .Special 11 4:U pm a 1 ;x pm Fast Mall , a j.ii pm Omnhii-Llilcago L't'd.,.11 7:15 pm a &:tg nm K11 si Mull u b;M um Cedar Ratdds Passenger n 5:30 pm Twin City Express a 6:55 nm uW;'.'d pm Twin City Limited. ..1. .11 7:p5 pin 11 s lo um sluux city Local u s:w um a 3,5o pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. III RI.I.M; K). ST.VTIOS IOTII X MASOS Kntimns Clt), St. Jiiiciili A Council llliilYa. Leave. Arrive. Knnsas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 nm a 6:05 pin Kunsns City Night Kx..uiu:.'to pm a 6:15 nm St. l.uul.4 Flyer u 5:10 pin ull:15 um CIiIciimo, lliirllnutoii .V. (Iiilncy. Chicago Hpoclnl ,...n 7:00 om n!0:2O pm I'liie.iKU 1 nuuiiieii i.a..ii i:w jiiii 11 i.u 11111 ChlcfiM Local .....11 9:30 11111 u 4:14 pm 11, !...... I lltn.t ?-.JI ..... n... . .11... V ........ ... I . UV .. . U... Fust .Mull 11 2:45 pm lliirlliiutiin .V .1llNiiurl V11II0). Nebraska Exprohs a S:4tt um n 7:33 pm Wymote, Boutrlcu 11 ml Lincoln 1 f 40 am 1)11:55 am Denver Limited u 1:25 pm a 3:oo pm Black Hills und Puuot Sound, Denver Con nection a 0:00 pm n 6:45 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm a 9:17 am Fort Ciook and Plutta- mouth b 3:20 pm bll:n5 nm llellcvue Ac Pncillc Jet. .a 7.10 pm a &:20 am llellcvuu .V Pucitic Jet. .a 3:10 11111 a Dully, b Dally except Sunday. WEiisTEii depot irrni .t WEIISTEII I'rcinoiit, Ellilmni .V Mlannurl Vnllry Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs n 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper nnd Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter und 8cwunl....b 3 00 pm h 6:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln und Frnmout b 7:50 am bl0:25 am Fremont Local c 7:3 am .-lIlNsourl I'nclllc. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Wntr h 4:10 pm nl0:23 nm Clilcnuo, St. I'ntil, Allmipniiolla A: O ill fl ll It . Twin City Passenger.. ..n 6:00 nm n 9:10 pm Sioux CUv Passenger. ..n 2M5 pm nllilOum lCmorson Local I) 590 pm b 8:30 am a Dnlly. b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dnlly except Saturday, e Daily except Monday Record Voaga 6 Pan. 7 Hours. 22Mlnul67 ilOSlONto LIVERPOOL via QUEENST0WN Commonwealth, Twin Screw, 12.000 loni, Oct, 23 New England. ' 11.500 Torn, Oct. 9 PORTLAND TO LIVERPOOL Cambroman Oct. 26 Vancouver ..... Oct. 5 Dominion ...Ocl. 10 Vancouver No. 9 For furthtrliiformatloo.iddmi I Compny' UIIUo. 69 Dtirbcra Si.. Chlcsn. Ills. J Seasonable Fashibns 3920 Fancy Waist, 32 to 40 Bust. Woman's Fancy Waist 392'J To bo mada with deep pointed or straight narrow cuffs. The fnncy wnlst, with soft tucked front and bishop Bleoves, is shown among tho latest models nnd can bn relied upon as correct for tho coming, na well as the present season. Tho smart example Illus trated Includes the nowest features and l.i eminently well suited to tho odd waist, na well ns to the entire costume. Ah shown tho material Is whlto crepe do chene, with cream gulpuro over whlto Rill, but all soft clinging materials aro approprlato, cash mere, albatross nnd tho like with luco, vel vet or appllquo as trimming. Tho foundation, or lining Is snugly (Html and closes nt thu center front. Tho back proper Is plain and seamless, but thu right front Is tucked and extends well over the left, tho closing being effected beneath tlm left brotelle. Tho yoke nnd brctellcu aro carefully shaped and glvo a most satisfac tory effect, whllo actually Involving llttlo labor. The sleeves tncludo tho latest nov elty In tho deep pointed cuffs, but can ho mado with tho slmplo straight ones when preferred. To cut this waist for a woman of medium slzo 2 yards of material 21 inches wide, 2?i yards 27 InchcH wido, 2(4 yards 32 Inches wldo or 2 yards It inches tvldo will ho re quired, with H6 yards of nll-ovor lace for yoke, bretelles nnd cuifs. The pattern S'.CS Is cut In sizes for a 32, 31, 26, 3S nnd 40-Inch bust measure For 'he accommodation of Tho Bee read ers tltrso patterns, which usually retail at from 2i o 50 ionta, will bo furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all expense in order to get any pattern en close 10 reals, give number and name ot pattern wanted md bust measure. Allow about ten days from date ot your letter before beginning to look tor the pattern. 1 Adircis, Pattera Department, Owulu Hut,