24 FIFTH WARD REPUBLICANS They Mr fit .nntl .mi tniile (he I'lriil Counlr IleJcRiitlnii la the Field. tho Fifth Ward Itcpubllcan club held n largely attended meeting at Sixteenth and Locust streets Friday night and at tho con clusion of tho routine business tho gather ing organized Into a caucus for tho purpose of selecting a delegation to represent tho ward In tho republican county convention, subject, of course, to tho action of tho ward primary. C. W. Do Lamatro was named an chairman of tho caucus and l'aul II. Sownrd as sccro tary. Two dclenato tickets wcro put in nomination, ono by W. I. Klerstcad and tho other by Hugh Myers, W. A. Saunders and Hobert Smltb Tho Mycrs-Saundors-Smlth ticket was defeated by a vote of threo to ono and tho following gentlemen wero named for delegates! C. V. Do Latnntre, Thomas Stuart, James T. Hcdman, Frank Dowcy, I'nul B. Seward, Milton Illlby, A. B, Hunt, Tony Donanue, Charles Knox, U. W. Christie, J. 0. Crale. Ocorgo Slch, Charles Johnson, James Wilson and W. E. Stockham. Tho delegation then met and formally endorsed L. K. I.ucaa for sheriff and Bryco Crawford for Justlco of tho peace "FlHlilnir." The month o September 1." the best In tho year and tho Minnesota lakes tho best in tho world for fishing. Oct a copy of booklet. "Beauty Spots," telling you where to find them. Ho niarka bly low rates at Illinois Central city tlckot office, 1402 Farnam street, or address W. II. Brill, D. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Nothing Ilk ltc-No-May powder for ci- Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectic and magnotlo physician, oinco at tho Central hotol, Cor. 15th nnd Dodgo streets, till a suitable location can bo found. Special at tention to all long standing or lingering diseases and to diseases of women and children. Tho Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha railway will hold train No. 8 Km crson passenger, duo to leavo Omaha (Web ster strcot station) at 6:30 p. m. uutll 11 p. m. on Thursday, September 19, to ac commodato thoso desiring to return to Em erson and Intermediate points after tho electrical parade. We wish to thank our friends for their Vlndncaa and sympathy and for the many Coral contributions during our great sorrow caused by tho death of dear husband and father. Mrs. A. Oetzschmann nnd Family. For tired feet Ito-No-May powdor. Special KxRiirnlmi Itntrn to Sun l'rnn cIhco, tj l.". The Union Pacific has authorized n rato of $45 for tho round trip between Omaha and San Francisco for tho general convention of tho Episcopal church. Tlcltots on salo September 19 to 27, lnclulvo. Final return limit November 15, 1001. City ticket office, 1321 Farnam street. Telcphono SIC. IHI2U. JKWETT-J. J. I. E.. nt the homo of his daughter, .Mrs. E. K. I.alk. niverslde. 111. Interment at Omaha Sunday at S:M n. in. from Burlington station Ho-No-May powder brings relief to tender foot. Bargains in Cameras During Carnival week wo will sell KODAKS AND CAMERAS at rock bottom prices. Wo havo tho largest soloctlon of photo material In tho west und havo everything strictly fresh and up-to-date. Seo tho latest make of Al Vista Camera, from $S.00 up. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Fu rim m Street. Wholesale nnd retail dealers in Photo Supplies. Reduced Rates SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. Sept. 14th. 15th, 10th nnd 17th. OHIO AND INDIANA, Sopt. 17th and 24th. SAN FIIANCISCO, CAL., Sopt. 19th to 27th. HOMESEEKEnS' EXCURSION TO POINTS SOUTH, Sept. 17th. For detailed Information, rates, etc., call or address, City Ticket Office, S, E. Cor, 14th and Douglas Whoop 'er Up During the Carnival week, but don't lot your enthusiasm make you forget that now Is tho tlmo to lay in your Hard Coal for the winter If you would savo- generous porccntago of whut you would havo to pay later. The I'rli'c M Now tjtll.RU. Hald & Rice, Tel. 1238. 506 S. ItitU St, If I m TO TEST AN EXEMPTION LAW JucIk" Oordioi finyn n Higher Court Stunt Vitnn Upon the Uucstlon of Constltntlonnllly. A caso of considerable importanco as touching tho constitutionality of Uio ex emotion lawB passed by tho last lcgUla. turo camo up before Judgo (Jordon of tho tiollco court yesterday under tne cap tion of tho State against Meyer Orecn, who is charged with removing from tho state property under attachment. Tho offense consists of an nllcgcd violation of tho law relation to exemptions. Orecn'B counsel maintained that tho law was unconstitutional, for tho reason that tho title of tho bill contained more than ono subject, naming both a civil and n criminal liability. Judgo Cordon refused to pass upon this point. Ho said thcro were higher tribunals more competent to dctermlno It and that tho caso must go to trial upon Us merits. It tho defendant wero found guilty ho could havo his redress in appeal. It wilt bo tried some day next week, tho exact day not having been agreed upon. Nothing llko Ite-No-May powder for ex cesslvo perspiration of hands or feet; posi tively cures tender and swollen feot, corns and bunions. ' CLEVELAND AND RETURN, 121.60. VIA CHICAao, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. Ticket office, 1501 Farnam. F. A. NASH, General Western Agent. Memorial Service. U. S. Grant post will hold a memorial ocrvlco on the death of President William McKlnlcy at its post room, Tuesday even ing, September 17, in which tho comradca of tho different posts and Ladles of tho Woman's Relief corps are Invited to par ticipate. L. A. HARMON, Adjutant. For policies that nro sight drafts nt ma turity apply to II. D. Neely. manager Equitably Life, Merchants Nat. Bank Bldff. It You Uu to Colorado Bo suro and go over the Loup. Tho finest trip In tho country. Send 3 cents in stamps to T. E. Fisher, general passenger agent, Denver, Colo., for handsome Illustrated book describing this and other attractive) trips offered by tho Colorado & Southern railway. Publish your legal notices la Tho Weekly Boo. Telephone 238. They are out. "We'll havo a half gross tomorrow" that's what soma of the trust cotnblno tell their customers when they nsk for certain articles they advertise below cost. This Is their oxcuso to keep from selling It. It's not our style. When wo odvertlso nn nrtl clo nt a cut price wo always have plenty of stock to supply tho demand. Try us and see. Temptation Tonic 75c Caldwell's syrup or I'epsln 33c Coke's Dandruff Cure 3:c McDado's Success Altcrana $1.45 Pcruna r9c Gem Catarrh Cure 2:tc I-axntlvo Bromo Qulnlno 12c Mnltod Jllllc 35o Wlno or Cardul 4Sc Wcst'H Brain and Nervo Treatment.... 7c Vin Mariana 1.00 Pozzont Face Powder iSc SCHAEFER'S Cut Price Drue Store 11. 747. S. W. Cmr. ICth uu" Chloago. Goods dilWcrad FIUEK to mar part ot elty. Do You Put Up lC3 II yaa dn. It -win "bo ot interest to j' era to see our complete and only ICE TOOL stock in tho -west. Wo wo exiHiu'Sro western ascnln for "Win. X. Woofi & Cn."js cfachratcfl I co Tools .ana -we -want jour orflinu -I Jas, Moto & Sin Co, 16U Dm! itm Sii-erl. Harflwarn. tor. THREE LOWES Of dkEADi Given Each Year DrvThol natters or Acornc i Moves For The foest Dread. Ave vou KNEADING BREAD? iitcDlNG MONET? rv NotTYvfinr i The Acorn Prize? Yr. arOJlon ANY ACORN 'l r. r I 5- W"y an Acorn Range now while tho price is low and got in line for that hundred dollars. John Hussie Hardware Co. 2407-2409 Cuming St. "If you buy It of Ilussle, It's light." That Old Landmark Scorned to bo an eye-soro to Borao people Ucre is a recoipo for sore eyes guaran teed to cure If taken In largo doses. 50c Foley's Honey and Tar 30c 50c icing's Discovery 30c 50c .Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 30s 50c Pond's Jlxtract 30c 5Dc Chamberlain's Cough Syrnp 30c 60c Bull's Cough Syrup soc. 50o Jayno's Expectorant '. 30o 50c Wcs tor's Balsam zq0 IHc-I'lao'n Cure ..'..".".' 25o Ayer's Poctorul ...... ...SJIV".".'. 15o 25c Chamberlain's Cough Cure ...Jill". ij0 25c Hale's Honey and Tut icc 25c Wakcficld'B Cough P 25c Bromo Qulnlnu ioc By Special Bcqurat. 25c Kay's T.ung Bnlui i3C FULLER nrcuG AX)) CO. PAIN.T llfb aud .UuuuIm -SU. I M wm TJTJ3 OMAHA DAILY BliE; SUiNDAY, S IOL'T IHiER 15, 1901. SAJf VIlAXVtSCO AXli lli:TtJH.". $-tr Via Itoclt Islnnd Itontr. Tickets on sale September 10 to 27; good for return until November 15. City ticket ofScc, 1323 Farnam street. Ask your druggist or glove dealer about Ito-No-May powder. A great economy In hot weather. Cures cxcosslvo porsplratloo saves gloves, parasols and flno dre33 goods. No dress shields needed It you us a It. It brings relief Ito-No-May powder. Ask your druggist. If your foot troubls you try it. Iliu'k to Ohio nml Indiana. September IS and 23 tho Burlington routo will offor greatly rcducod rates to points In Ohio and Indiana. Dotallod Information rnd tickets at 1G02 Farnam streot, or at Bur lington station. Home Visitors' Excursions To points in Indiana and Ohio. September 10, -23 and 30. Greatly reduced rates for these excursions. Drop in any Burlington ticket onlcc, and learn how cheaply you can make the trip "back east." Ticket Office, Burlington Station, 1S02 Farnnm St., Tel. 250. loth and .Mason Sts. Tel. 128 Hard Coal Now is the time to se cure tho benefit of early fall prices. v $9.50 Per Ton. C, B. Havens & Co., 1522 farnam St. Tcls. 317 nml Sli5. THREE LOTS SELECTED LOT 1 Box coat, mado of nil wool kersoys, storm collar, stltchca with silk a garment worth J8, for only OtJJ LOT 2 Tho greatest lino over shown in Omaha they coino In 13 different shades lit an wooi Kerseys unca tnrougnout wua steams, Bllk embroidered they como in fully $1S.G0 in this salo only LOT 3 Tho most clabornto lino of Jackets wool uerseys; lined wltn furriers' satin, assortment of garments In all colors and $23.00 in this Ealo only VISIT OUB FUH DEPARTMENT Enlarged nno ot nirs ever urougnt togctnor by any lioiwo in America. They rango from cheap $1 garment to tho fine Alaska seal, at $300.00. EXTRA SPECIALS FOR MONDAY Children's and misses' Jnckots mado of clogant quality mixtures O fk beautiful styles Bpeclal price Z.l)t Women's waists mado of French flannel, In tans extra special prlco JLJ Women's collarettes and scarfs, mado of astrakhans, near seals, sablo, opossums, Imi tation stono inarteu and minks well worth $7.00 c V r for ; 2.95 Women's silk skirts, mado of elegant quality taffota i worth up to $10.00, for ."O Women's underskirts tho $2 quality, special for Monday "' aq nt 4. Women'B rainy-day skirts tho $7 quality for Womnn'B silk wal3ts mado of famous or crack tho $0 quality, for $3.93. Ono small lot of allk waists for $1.50, sot. Ladles' IlunncJetto wrappers In extra MAYB irags Retailed at Pcruua C5a Custorhi i io Iler's Malt Whisky 63a Duffy's Malt Whisky ;ea Pint bottlo oxtruct of Witch Hazel 19c Syrup of Figs soo Murluna Wlno , 9?u S. E. HOWELL, Park Avenue and Leavenworth Street ASK FOR A. Contains the best Havana Tobacco. Equal to imported cigars, Miuiulucturoa Iff 1". Ji. Uxw -MurcaajHo Cfur Ccu, St X.ouJb. Union Jkiudc IIO.MKMIHMCUU?. On Tiicmln Nr iilrinhrr 17. Tho Missouri Pacldc railway will sell round trip tickets at very low rates to points In Kansas, Arkansas, Texas, south west Missouri, Oklahoma, etc. Stopovers allowed on tho going trip. For further In formation call on or nddross any of tho company's agents or city unices In Omaha. S. K. corner 11th nnd Douglas streets, THOMAS F. OODFHUY. P. nnd T. A. For excessive perspiration try ncNo May powder. Ho-No-May skin food tor facial massage. Ito-No-May cream softens and whitens hands and face. A. Mayer Co., 220 Bc building, Consultation treo from 2 to 4 dally. Havo Boot print It HI SHRADER ON SEWARD STREET Do you need Patent Medicines? If you do, wo sell them llko this: Poruna , c2o Carter's Pills 12c Bromo Qulnlno nQ Duffy's Malt Whisky 81c Castorla 23c Malted Milk 39C Syrup of Figs 3g0 Fig Powdor 250 Dr. Bill's Special Cough Curo 23c Shradcr's 10-Mlnute Ilcadacho Pow dor, 10c and 23c All prescriptions, 30 per cent discount this week. This Is at Shradcr's Drug Storo, 1C02 North 21th and Sewnrd strocts. 1,000 Sample Suits fnr 1-3 Less Than the Manufacturers Price Our New York buyer always on tho alert for bargains, secured over ono thousand snmplo suits from four of tho greatest manufacturers in Now York City. They coma in every stylo lmnglnablo tho now hip scam coat, the English Norfolk stylo, tho box stylo, tho blouse, tho double-breastod and all ,tho foreign and domestic designs. Divided Into C mngninclcnt Jots for Belling this week at tho astonishing low prices of $7.95, $10 00. $12.50, $15 OO and $18 50 You owo It to yourself to carefully examlno theso suits whether you Intend buying or not. HEAD AND SHOULDERS ABOVE AND IN FHONT OF ALL OTHEUS Always tho first in tho market with the now things. All our now winter coats aro hero nnd ready for your inspection. Wo havo strlvon hard and havo succeeded in gathering together from tho foromost manufacturers of this and foreign countries tho greatest lino of ladles' winter wraps ever seen in Omaha, including box coats, automobiles Prlnco Alborts nnd other stvles. TOR I'll IS WEEK'S SELLING strapped seams, new cuff, rvrx tlio famous Skinner's eatln; strapped 27 and 42 lengths worth t ( rf lU.UU over shown; mado of tho finest American trimmed with Panne velvet a beautiful sizes worth fully t ie JLCMJU and fitted up with tho most magnificent all colors reds, blues, -t fr tuu t no O.VO Olvernaud taffotas guaranteed not to cut Children's furs at OSc, $1.25 and $1.50 per heavy weight worth $1.75,for OSc. Whofasale him Packers' Tar Soap 15c Armour's Flno Art Scnp, per box Ifo 25o package- Euphy Mol Tooth Paflte FUEE with each 25-ccnt tooth brush. Cramer's Kidney Curo o Tint bottlo Beof, Iron nnd Wlno 37c Prescriptions llllcd proportionately low. Late Footwear Fashions on Exhibition Tho visitors to our city this week will seo nothing more beautiful thou tho artistic dlspluy of fine footwear in our windows For Men and Women Our now and beautiful show win dows alono aro well worth seeing. Thcro Is nothing llko them In thli country, nnd they will bo filled with The Latest Shoe Styles and all tho newest and best things In up-to-dato footwear. Wo want ovcry visitor to call and Invcstlgato our shoes nnd prices. They will find our shoes tho nemo of stylo and quality our prices low and satis factory. FRY SHOE CO FOIUIEHLT gatiwrigltt N. E. Cor. 16th C fj A and Douglas Curse OF DRINK CURED BY White Ribbon Remedy Can lie kIvvii in CHiihm of Water, Ton or tuuco M-iinoitt rutlcut'a KimmvIi'iIkc ilm 1tunnB.1 nntmlltit fnt nlnlin1iM t . lants, whothcr the 'patient Is a conllrmed ll,r(olo (Il,ilr. ...I.I . drunkard. Impossible for uuyonu to havo nn appcttt.. for alcoholic liquors utter uslmr Uutlui'NCil l' Mvinliurn of W. C. T. V. Mrs. T.fnnro. ftllnortntnfiilnnl Womnn'B Christian Temperance Union, writes: "I havo tested White Ittbbon lTiiiniiilv mi vnpv nlicflnnfn ilttinlrn..lu . .. .i tho cures lmvo been many. In many cases wio iiemcuy was given secretly, l clieer tully recommend nnd endorse White Itlb- l.ri. Tlitnf.lll lAmlinm nt i ltl delighted to ilnd n practical nnd economical work. Mrn. AVpmI. nroslilnnt nf im rnmni.. know of so many peoplo redeemed from thu curso of drink by tho uso of White Itlbbon Reniedy that I earnestly request you to glvo It a trial. For salo by druggists every- net v, mi man, t. x i iui JfllCKUKO ZFeu by wntltiK or oalline: on Mrn. a. .i. A orann a Christian Tcmporanco Union) -1" TlCIIIOIIt m., HOMlOII .IIiinm. Sold hi uinana ny unarics ii. scliaerer, ICth und today's Drug Prices $1.00 Coko Dandruff Cure $1.00 Wlno of Cardul $1.00 Pcruna 50c 50c C2c 9c 64c 15c 15c 19c 10c 5c 12c 69c G9c 75 o 73c 49o 63u 19a Wo $1.00 West's Nervo and Brain Treat ment $1.00 Llstcrlno 25c PIso's Curo 25c Howell's Antl-Kawf 26c Lees' Egg Tar Soap 25c Allcock'b Plasters 25c Belladonna Plasters ounce bottle Witch Hazol Hcod's'Sarsnparllla Palne's Celery ,' Mile's Ncrvlno Flerce's Medicines 2-nuurt Fountain Svrimrn 3-(iuart Fountain Syrlngo 2- quart Water Hottlo 3- quart Water Bottlo u guaruutecil for ono year. mm DEPT. Our $15.00 Aluminum Plates Can not bo excelled. Tho best Plato to curo (rubber sore mouth,) Wu make a good vul canito plate for $5.00. Bailey the Dentist Tlilnl Flour I'mlim IMnvU IGth and Farnam Sts, m m Dental Rooms, 1517 Uouglar St. Neglect your teeth and you neglect your personal appearance. Fillings, 73c up. VUattred Air. SOc Set ot Teeth, $3.00. ISOSTSN i gup drug Tafl's Pll"adelpfiia j DRUG PRICES SLAUGHTERED The prices given below are for 11. . J A A utisn unu xeu ttieir own story. All Goods New and Genuine, Read carefully ' It Will Pa y You. Kegular Our Prlrp. .. av .. r. c .. 12c .. 9c $1.00 Ncwbro's Ilerplcldo i.w I'rruuu 23c Menncn's Talcum Powder 1.00 Cramer's Kidney Curo. 1.00 AS'lne Cardul 60e Cudahy's Kxtract Beef TIIKSM l'HIOUS FOU CASH ONLY, 25c Packers' Tar Soap f0c Cntlcura Salvo r.iv m ii n .l.i -miii. l.OOMnlted Milk C9c d.l.i .HIIIU'll .MllK K.W .or. Visa' Consumptlnn Curo 19c 2jc Ijyon'M Tooth Powder lie w'c cuiiiwpll'D Syrup Pepsin :io Wo Hay's llnlr llpiilili 3c ?.'-c S.'1".01' H l,f,"umptivo Cure Kc i)C fetlow's Swans Down, any color 11c ALL GOODS NEW AND GENUINE, Sherman SMcConnell Cor. 16th and Dodge OMAHA Warehouse and (Laboratory 1514 Dodge " ' ; 1 Carnival Visitors Will Find It Practical Economy To trade at this store. Qualities aro not sacrificed to price and yet prices are never high. Kuying and selling for cash brings many a price saving here for you. Wo get the best things and sell them as close to cost as we can. WE'RE READY FOR THE BIG CROWDS. Been getting in our new fall goods, and a abcnutiful show it makes to bo sure. Prices are truly wonder ful for their lowness. Come, in and see. AVo'll prove it fo your satisfaction. 1519-21 DOUGLAS ST. THE 99 i Drug Prices Cut For Carnival Week You can save money on every purchase at the Pop- uiar urug store. , 25c Moncn's Talcum Fowder 12c 25c Packer's Tar Soap 15c 25a Pear's Uuscontod Soap 12c 25c Allen's Foot Easo 11c 25c Kirk's Hoot Beer 12c 25c Colgato's Violet Talcum Towder.. 19c 25c Schleffelln's Violet Talcum Powdor 19c 25o Bromo Qulnlno ,.. 15c 25o Carter's Llttlo' Liver Pills 15c 25c Davis' Ilcadacho Powder 12c 25c Lyon's Tooth Powdor He 25c Cutlcura Soap 20c 25c 4711 Whlto Hoao Glycerine Soap.. 12o 25c Foley's Honey nnd Tar 14c COc Society Hygienic Soap 29c 75c M. D. Violet Wutor noc 12 lb. cakes Whlto Castllo Soap, extra quality and valuo, per box Jl 00 Iloudqutirturs for out of town custo MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., 16th AND FARNAM STREETS. HIYDEIs A Talk Fall and Winter Clothing eltewhero for less than $12. 50. Our boys' and children's clothing department is the largest and most complete in America. Still more, wo guar antee to savo ydu 25 to 40 per cent on stylish well mado suits, overcoats and reofers. Extra Special Offerings for Monday. $a.00 boys' double breasted knee pants suitB for $1.50. $7.50 boys' -piece knee pants suits sizes 8. to lG.for $U,75 $5.00 boys' Norfolk suits, sizes 4 to 9, at $2. 75. $6.50 boys' Russian blouse suits, siz.es 2 4 to 7, at $3.50. $5 to $7.50 boys' vory line sailor suits, sizes 3 to 7, at $2. 50 and $3. 75. Read ad on page 13. mwm SELLING THE MOST 0iAHI XEELEY INSTITUTE n llcgulnr i Price. $ too Hind's I Crpiun Our Prlco. Almond .. t r.5o Ko Honey nml ' 25c MItlotnn Cream t.?c 3lc i 23c Davis llpndncho I'owders Ho 1.50 Vln Mariana Jl.'W 25c Klrk'K Juvcnllo Soap, cako O-'o lfc 40c S9c -oc wiiltn Koio oap no Woodbury's Facial Sonp Ho l.CO Kirk s Hair Tonic 49o 25c l.nxatlvo Bromn Qulnlno 1(0 25c I'hnmbcrlaln'rt Cough Curo 17o 75c Coke's Dandruff euro fo 1.00 s. s. s 1.75 S. S. n 60c King's Now DUcovery .iiru s i-ooi l-.aso.... 25c Humphrey's Specific I5I9-2J CENT tsTORE- DOUGLAS SL 11.00 Cramer's Kldnoy Curo $1.00 Klrk'a Hair Tonic .. 75c Coko's Hair Tonic $1.00 Proctor's Sarsaparllla. J1.00 Pcruna n.00 Foley's Kldnoy Curo... $1.00 Foley's Honey nnd Tar. $1.00 Plerco's Favorlto Prescription.... $1.00 Plerco's Golden .Medical Dis covery $1.00 Lambert's Llstcrlno $1.00 Nowbro's Herplcldo $1.00 Wlno Cardul COc Syrup of Figs 50c Malted Milk 50c Hayes' Hnlr Health COc Lciblg's Extract Beof COc Pozzoni Face Powdor 50c Cutlcura mcrs. Mnil orders promntlv filled. if run Co Every man who has a regard foi his pocketbook, and wants to practice practical economy should soo our lino of Stein-Bloch Co., Hackett, Oarhart & Co., and Hart, Scliaftnor & Marx tailor made clothing. Lot us show you our nowoat ideas in mon's clothing. Suits from $4 to 25. OvorcoatB from 3.75 to ?27.50. A Special Offering for Monday. Men's genuine Auburn melton suita for 7.50. They como in 4button round cut sacks, double broastod sacka and single breasted squaro cut sack styles, all sizes from .34 to 40, mado ta fit all shaped men, including stouts and longs, suits that nnot he equalled CLOTHING IN OMAHA. TiMMiFi.nHiim r:m" grain f .1... I. rut . .llllt. I' ll fit til, I Iv .ft,.t U ..... . . liiHtltuleH. C'urrH ilri.iiivi tincsa. Uruc uhIiii; und tobacco uidnK. Locatcj i-or, 19th und Iavcnworth Sts, Lonir dimnnro Til' plionu, H78, too 1 11 17o ISO. 4So 4So 4So 4So C2o C2o C2o C2a fi2o C2a C2o CSo 40o AOa 25o 19o .lOo 40a