THE OMAHA DAILY UEEi SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1001. 2a r ii ( 7? MONEY TO LOA.V-OIIATTKLS. MONEi toaiud on tilaln notu to salaried people; busluevs confidential; lowest rntos, u4 l-uton u.jck. ins J. A. liuttou Co. X-lM MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, hnrsej, cows, etc, C. P. Heed, 3! tf. 13. X-961 , , DO YOU NEED MO.NKY7 , Uo loan i'.O uml ui un luriiitjr.', platos, ho r tea mid other chattel. SALAIU LOANS Without mortgage to peop.e holding perma nent positions. You can get ttie money In u few hours after making upphcntl.n nnil luKu 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 months or more In which to pay it tmck, unJ you need not pay for It i iiu dnv longer than you keep it, We charm' nothing fir papers aim we ;lie you iho tun utnuunt In cash. There ato lo lower rules than our; our lernu am the easiest, our business is conll lcnhal uml our motto la "try to pleuse." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Hoard ot TruUe Ulde. Tel. 22-jJ. (Established 1S1i2.) 300 ii, ICth t. X-Wi DO YOU WANT CAltNlVAIi MONEY? Sulary Loans To honest working people on their plain note. DON'T GET POOLED by ntherB. Outs aro lowest rates given to salaried people. I.nelfst payment?. Strictly confidential. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Hoom 'Ml, tlnru Moor, 1'uxton Ulock. X-311 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, llye. stock, etc. yuick service and lowest raits guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, 633 (top floor) Paxton block, northeast corner itith und Purnutn; entrance on 16th street, X-000 LAHOES'i IIUSINEHS In LOANS TO HALAIllED l'EOl'LE, merchants, team steih, bearding houses, etc., without sc. cuiiij , tuskst tcrniH; ifi offices In princi pal cities, 'iounan, 410 Hoard of Trndo UlUg X-939 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, hones, cows, Jewell y. Dull Green. It. 8, Uuritcr blk X-UJ.' IlL'hI.VKSS CHANCES. AN elegantly nnd completely equipped 12 rooin i evidence, finest locution In Council siiuits, ijcautmil lot surrounded by llnu biiiimu trues; tuinituru lor salo at sucri lice; fl monthly liicuuiui toomcrs and oo.irdeiH; rent, i0; hum orlng J 5. Who wm uvull thcmuelves of this gouicu op portunity J. ti. Jouiikon, Ml i. Y, LKu. 'Phono L-22i0. V M1U7 PUltNlTUUE of ll-room, well equipped, line located lint, Ul'l inoutlily mconiui roomera and hourdeis, luruuco licat; rent iML Lady advanced in ours going eust to. rcslilc. No reasonable offer rejected. Her loss, your gain. J. 11. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M10G BAM SING'S restaurant for pale. 1516 Web ater. Y tS9 10 OR SALE, stock of harness nnd hard ware! good location, good town, llnu crops; snap for right man. O 30, Hee. Y MI93 )5 I-Oil SALE, drug store, In thriving v lingo; Rood reasons for selling. Jobn O. Reg in, I'lattu Center. Neb. Y M4J4 2. WANTED, stock of .merchandise J10.0CO to S'JO.Oto; cash deal; glvo complete descrip tion. Address CI 3.1, lice. Y Mill lo IV' YOU want to get Into buslncts call on . II. Hall, CM N. Y. Life. Y-50i li PHOTO gallery and outfit for rent In good town of 2,000 population; also photo car ui.d outfit for calo, cheap. Address Box 211, York, Neb. Y COMFORTABLE Income assured from In vestment $100. Wo accent 110 Just for trial, l'rollts paid weekly by money order. Highest commercial references nnd (by permission only) from customers, llooklet freo. W. W. O'llura, Union llulldlng, Cincinnati, Ohio. Y-O71-10 IJIJY corn and oats; markets booming. Send for our book, "Successful Specula tion." J. K. Comstock & Co., Traders' Bldg,, Chicago. Y 562 1G" 1'ERMANENT li-comes; $100 realizes nbout $2.i monthly; other amounts In propor tion; over ajo per cent In dividends paid last yrnr; 10 per cent monthly guaranteed. Address, Arthur Blako & Co., Hammond, lnd. ' " 560 15 A ANTED Uy n reliable old lino eastern life Insurance company, rompetcnt stnto manngers for Knnsas, Colorndo nnd Ne braska. N'ono but those with thu ability and experlenco necessary to successfully handle a stnto agency need apply. To tho rlaht parties liberal renewal contracts will bo given direct with tho homo olllce. Address, S. W. Moody, Western Manager, Oakland Hotel, Chicago, 111. Y MS i"t MONh can bo mado. Send for our book of new Ideas on stock nnd grain trnde. See Mower & Co.'s advertisement Flnnn clal page. V 533 15 A ILL sell at n sacrltlco u well established business of seven years, located In one of thp leading cities In central Iowa. A uplendld' opening. Address, a 35, lice. ' Y-57S-15 PRINTING nllicQ for sale. Nice basinets In growing town; a bargain. Write J. L. Palmer, New Market, In. Y-579-15 ANTLD, ii party with capital nnd cxperl once to put In a stock of furniture nnd carpets In a department store, which busi ness Is thoroughly established nnd lnrg- st In the city; it Is a wideawake, grow 1MB town of 4,000. situated n Southwestern Iowa; grand opportunity, as this depart ment Is badly needed. Por particulars, address P. O. Box Ml, Creston, Iowa. Y-032 15 RESTAURANT, finest pntronnge. largest business. In live town, i.00) souls, CO mil s or Omaha; eastern business requires owners nttontlon; fixtures very best (new); also furnlturo of 7-rooms above; $2,000 cash, good clear land or city prop erty. 'Phono L 22T0. J. 11. Johnson. N. Y. Life, for full particulars. Y MiM TELL mo what you hnvo to sell, roll me' what you want to buy, If I do not llnd you a denl You. may say I never try. JV i?J,n80ni sn N V. Life. Thone L -.70. Iho rent estnto and business chance Y-M6I0 I',nJhVll;s,' ,lno locatlon$-0 jooo monthly revenuo exclusive of 30 regu lar bourders; it's a money maker- entirn outlir valued at $5,000 to $woo? If you hnvo some good property maybe we can lenl. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-G:& $10 DAILY prollt. long eBtab'.lhcd llrst-class legit mate business, suitable for ladv or gentleman; lino location; bear closest In yeytlgntlon, $1,W0: controls $1,000 cash balnnce eat.y; ono meaning buslnets for further particulars seo J. II, Johns n. N. , Life. Y-M637 A ANTED, n partner with $10,000 or $20 000 to Invubt in a staple product: can doublu your money In four months. M. Ree. Council niuffs. Y C07 15 $600 WILL buy 13 years' established, well equipped, drug utore. nt 1102 S. 13th at.. Omaha, if taken before October 1: loca tlon ciy desirable for Rohemlan or Ger man. Por particulars, it, Roblr.snn. 6'h and Jackson. Y-6a 15 10R SALE, blacksmith shop In best county seat town In southeast Nebraska. Ad dress G 47, Hee. Y" 674 15 OLD. ESTABLISHED corporation has a proiu-shnrlng offer to a business man able to Invest $1,000 nnd take respons'ble position with tho company paying $ao per annum; highest commercial references nrVJ"ru"i,...r,e,.lul,C(1 AuJrcss Bscretiry, Rox CCi, Pittsburg;, Pa. Y run K.ciiAxni:. lOR EXCHANGE, merchandise; good stock gcnernl dry goods, furnishing goods, notions, etc.; clean, staple, salable good all nearly new: will exchange for part cash, part real estate, fnrm lnnd ore. ferr'd: must have some cush to imv biii duo: glvj ful particulars ,,,? ll0 property; might assumo somo mortiiiiKo if good property. Address Somors ,t- iii'Swn 5)7 Minhattuu Ulock. St. Paul.VunViI ' 55131 1D SMALL Imp-oved ranch for $2,C1) coltnuo In Omaha. Call or wrlto thla week. Puyne Knox Company, mnln floor New York Llfd bldg. '.CM is l'ATBXTS. WILL UU' nny good Invention or patent. A.ddresu Lock Oox 760, Des Moines, la. -939 HAVE cuk for good patent or Invention. Address p. o. P.ox $3, Omaha, Neb. Poll EXCHANGE, 4S0 acres good land. $10 per acre, for Jowelry: will mU in 6ma cath If necessary, T. M. Cllne. ijm o Lincoln, Neb. SS-rMw$ U POM S.l,n-!li:AL II STATE, UOUSEfJ. LOTS. FARMS.. IRRIGATED LANDS .tnd WESTERN RANCHES. GEORGE P. I1EMIS REAL ESTATE CO.. , , . (Established In lWO Telephone IS5. Paxton Hloclt. . HOUSES AND LOTS. On Rurdetto St., near 21th st. car line. 5 room modern house, except furnao. Everything up Jo date. $2,000. Within walking distance, fi-room hnue. modern except furnace, paved street, nil special ami regular tuxes paid, nleu bun. $2,400. Lnrge 10-room house, besides basement, which Is tinder whole of the building; strictly modern; two large lots, licxlio; large stable. This Is a SNAP. $7,000. HOMELIKE HOMES In every pnrt of tho city. PRICES LOW, TERSlS EASY. LOTS. Ueautlful residence lots, convenient lo car line, only $75 to $15, Jjtdown nnd $i per month. Others closer In, line locations, $500, $10 down and $10 per month. THi: AMOVE ARE" EXCEPTIONAL OP I' LKS. We have bargains In choice vacant lots In PORVE RUy'inG ,ocnl"y SKB ua nK . PAItMS. IOMl,i.!!''.lr)ou?lnl, county, 30 acres under cultivation, balance timber nnd under brush! nbojt GOO cherry trees. 275 plum trees, 60u currnnt, 300 gooseberries and ons iicro raspberry bushes: 4-room house, barn for four head, chicken houses. uoj well, all fenced. $2,100. Will tnko Omnh.i $ir30o7iCTIJi',y l th Vnl"C f nbout PLV.UT AND ORAIN PA RMS OP ALL lirfi oi- . PfllCES. IN NE- WRITE L'S. ' M,880Unl' i:t- ,M RANCHES. 2,500 ncrrs deeded land, half of which Is river land, making a lino bottom, which ruts from ) to tons of wild hnv of i line quality; 3uo acres tract In hay, which will raise nlfalfa, being sub-Irrigated. This deeded land controls a'rango of 2), (XH) acres of wild Innd In pasture, set with llnu crop of buffalo and other grass nnd pastures l,y) head of cattle. This ranch Is nil fenced with 3-wlrr rencc; 7-room dwelling house In good condition, wind mill, 2 good barns for cattle and horses ami cattle sheds for CM to SOD hc-Hd of cattlo; overythlng In good shape. This place is stocked with son head of high grade and f.ill-blooded Hereford cnttlo and nbout 2o heml of work and saddle horses; all wagons and hay Implements necessary to run this rnnch. which Is one of tho llnest In tho west. Only $35,000. Wi :t . J ' .Tr.1.' '': RS " 1 N' '-VERY DESIR. COUNTRY SECTION OP THE INVESTMENTS. Por money-maklng Investments In rental ?L.,'?c&ifF',r),rPlK'ny' ""ll'llnB sites or i u r ill n, oiti's J fit Hi PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON GILT-EDGE REAL ESTATE SECURITY. ALSO WRITE PHIE INSURANCE. GEORGE P. nEMlFlEAL ESTATE CO.. (Established In IMS) 1 olephrmo C8j. Paxlnn Rlock. RE-fill 13 SWEET & HEADLEY. lcI- I''". 013 N. Y. U Rldg. WE HAVE, without doubt, tho best prop erties for tho prices nsked In Omnha today. NEAR HANSCOM PARK. D-r. mod. x. heat, good lot, barn, price only $2,500: nVirk? offcr- WE ARE GOING TO oLLL IT. NEW 7-r. modern, ex. hent, lot 50x132, fine neighborhood, $2,100; mako an offer. liARUAIN. Pc,AnP ""'I. 7-r.. mod. x. furnace, loti ? ?i -nl "' Hha(lc' worth $2,500; prlco FLORENCE RLVD, near Like. 7-r.. In lino repn r, wntcr, sewer, gas, lot 30x110. ,s,n WIlklng distance and worth $2,000. I'rlca only $1.C60. Mako an offer WE ARE GOING TO SELL IT. NivrJ?;COT'5AOR' nor,t,h nea- . nt $1,100. Make offer. G-r. cottago. Jot 15x125. east front, near car, for $S50. A BARGAIN. IP YOU WILL INVESTIGATE TUP AP.OVE PROPERTIES AT ONCE YOU WILL MAKE SOME EASY MONEY. SWEET & HEADLEY. Tcl- "'2- 613 N. Y. L. Rldff. RE-510 15' GARVIN RROS.. 1601 PARNAM ST. Commercial Nnt'l Uunk JJIdu. PAItM. 22 ncres good lnnd, nenr Port Crook. A bargnln. Investigate. Price, $1,000. Southwest of Hanscom park on Dupont ?tr,rpi',f.wJa,.ory.".wellInB' 11 rooms, with lot 60x128 feet. A bargnln. Price, $1,000. In WEST PARNAM district, two 6-room cottages, with CO-ft lot. cast front, ono llIoc!cv?rf Frnam St. on 3lth St. Rents for $I0S per annum. Price, $3,600. A GOOD INVESTMENT Substantial brick property within 4 mllo of postofflce, now Jf.ntc".f0.r ,,1.(!?J,or a"num. Price. $7,000. A o will lonn $4.00") nt 5V4 per cent Interest on this property, 3302 llnmllton, cottage, city water, $550. GARVIN UROS "l'tVM PARNAM ST. TXKi ill 15 FINE GARDEN LAND. Six ncres choice land, right on Center. tine macadamized street, for $S23 Great bnrgaln-seventeen acres extra cholco garden land, Just west of elfy limits, be rorCe$" lSe",Cr Leavenworth streets, HICKS, 326 Hoard of Trndo nulldlng. RE-525-13 A. P. TUKEY & SON have bought Mr. W. 11. Alexander's beautiful home on th southwest corner of 31st nnd Poppletoi Ave. This Is a lino comer, fronting i t on 31st street, with a good, modern. 1 -room hoiuc. newly painted, wl h stn'jlo nnd all In llrst-cluss condition. This Is a very deslrnblo home and will be sold nt the rluht prlco and on easy terms. South Omaha stockmen will llnd It to their ndvantaKo to oxnmlno thH proportv. A. P. TUKEY & SON, Board of Trade. 13 PASTOR'S MOVE. Having ncccptcd n call to KanFns City, I win sell, nt a sacrifice, my new built 7 room. completely modem home. Cor. 331 and Lincoln boulevard, Remts Pnr'; lot 7flxt:c, line largo shade trees. Will b!1 this week to tho highest bidder. Come and sec mo. Rev. Carl Vlngren. RE-5D2 15 OWNER old. must sell mortgaged York farm; uo trade Box 2SS, York, Neb. RE- LOTS. 2Sth nnd 20th Fairmont Place, on fnvnrablo terms. Ad1rjs P. II. Kannen. 133 West Water st., Milwaukee. Wis. RE 10-ROOM brick house. 3200 Hnrney; electric light, steam heat, two bath rooms, laun dry; $1,000 carpets and rugs. If desired: vncant Oct. 1. 1019 N. Y. Life Bids. ItE-550 15 ACREAGE burgalns. Canal work begin soon: 1 ncre, nenr car lino $ 300 4 acres, nenr cur lino 1,000 C acres, on naved etrcot "0 8 acres, on Holt lino M) 1 acre, with good house V.'OO 20 acres, on West Sldo , 2,601 20 ncres. on West Sldo 3,500 Lot, mil, near Vinton 70) Lot, llnmllton. near 27th 500 Lot. Webster and 30th , 601 Lot. California and 30th 750 Cottage nnd lot. 20th and Center SM Rrlck cottage and lot. Cnstcllnr l.OOO Pine recldence property, near Par- nam , , 7,5o) DAVID C. PATTERSON, Patterson Rlock. RE-616 13 SEVEN-ROOM modern house, full lot. largo tjarn. near Hnnscom pnrk. nt a bargain. Nlco 6-room house, cellar, well, small barn, 2 acres. No. 30th St. furna'c?0 wo"0' lot' mo1trn except No. isth' st', 8-room house, city water. bnrn. half lot SOxiio, $'.ioo. ' 5, 0 and 7-room houses, modern except fur nace, well-locn ted, Income 10 per cent net. U, R. PALL, 526 N. Y. LIFE. KB -W r POIl NAI.E-HEAI, USTATi:. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. J. A. Painter, Salesman. RE-D 13 SPECIAL UAROAINs! THE HARTON home, 21st and California Hts.. offers to the prospective buyer of n ?.1.lLlJf.".lcl0M home, line large barn, HOT AT Lit hent, best of sanitary plumbing, perfect repair nnd ACTUALLY at 50 cents on the dollar of Its VALUE today. Talk with us about this. 121 S. T'M Ave., tho AYER residence. 10 rooms. HOT WATER hent. OAK llnlsh, line PH'MIUNO, REST of construction, and n HAROAIN. LOCATION CHOICE, nnd us the owner Is nbout to leave tho city It must bo sold soon. Don't lull to see this. We have three properties, with HOT WATER heat, all WELL located; one northwest, SNAP at $3,250; one near Hans, com park, $3,m!0: ono south part. $3,000. All of these places arc worth your lnvcstl gatlon. I N VESTM ENT HA RG Al N. Hue brick property, well rented $03 per month, $7M per year; two llrst-class mod ern 8-roorn residences, 3 blocks from High school, on corner, stone walk paving paid; guarantee 8 to a per cent on prlco nuked, $G,C0. .. PARM LANDS. Parms sell like GOLD dollars. Tho hnrd part of It Is to llnd tho PARMS. Rut wo huvo SOME VERY good ones. 101 ncres, only 3 miles from Pennington, very line rolling lnnd, not enough to wash, but good, llrst-class, all tillable, or nne hay land; fair Improvements and a lino country. Price, U) per ncre. o also have another ono u miles from Pennington equally as good, with little better Improvements, occupied by ono tenant for 10 years; very tine land, no weeds, no poor land, 2 wells and every foot can be cultivated. Price. $30 per ncre. 240 ncres n SARPY county, tho EDEN of the SOUTH PLATTE country; closo to best town; very line Improvements; u fnrm that you will be pleased with when you see It. Price, $36.50 per acre, and It Is worth tho money, KW.Pr vry mi? 1,1,1(1 ln WAYNE nnd CEDAR counties at from $30 to $30 per ncre that Is HARD to bent. This Is known ns tho suro CROP section of Nebrnskn. Wo send n salesman to show nit ,nr inn.i. See us. ' D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, Tel. S29. 310 N. Y. Life. RE-50:1 15 R. C. PETERS & CO., 1702 Pamam St., Bco Hldg. v ,M DWELLING HOUSES. No. lD2-C-room house, bath, closet, gas nnd gas flxturri, nil complete, hard oil fin ish, nicely papered: barn nnd quite u Id of fruit on premises; lot 101x12), with i,lXV.on,y onc 1,lork fro"i enr; price, $2,000.C0; want an offer. No. i05S-ln West Fnrnam district. 10 rooms, all modern, double parlors, hnrd wo d llnlsh. reception hall, hard wood doors; 6 bedrooms, everything up to date, good No. lol-In West Parnam district. S-room, oak finish, combination gas and electric IlBllt'..'l-J.,cilutlful home, one block from car, $1,700. A BARGAIN. 5 rooms, barn, south front, 2 blocks from KOO(1, fnlr repair; prlco $S50. Term". $100 or more down, bal. $10.00 per month. quick? Crby St 1,O0k nt th"!' VACANT PROPERTY. afn?l"37,hn ?$ JST Want an ofrer-own" E?-BA 'ront, lot S7xlC5 feot, near corner of win ana ucwey Ave., for $2,000. A bar- ( fit Corhcr lot, 26th nnd Elm Sts., for $300.00. Corner lot nt 25th nnd Bancroft Sts., for $4C0 w v. . FARM LANDS. i,ni-'vnvJli!'t ?fcured, h" EXCLITSIVE AGENCY for tho salo of 3.000 ncres of lnnd the EXTREME EASTERN PART OF NEHRASICA. They nre tho ver? best of farm lands nnd will bo sold nut nulckly. Can sell you nny size farm desired. Write us for descriptive circular; n. C. PETERS & CO.. Beo Bldg., Omnhft, Neb. RE-683 15 PATNE-KNOX COMPANY take ORE T Pleasure In announcing n DECIDEDLY Eul!nKclntere.Ht J" "EAI ESTATE In tho city. Several of pur best BARGAINS i&m if,'! ''I?'14. woro BOLD at once. I'rom the MANY fine opportunities to V.nn.1". B0 homes that are now on ou? Ing weck tno '0llw- 19-n" 2M "".'J Ca Ifornla Sts.. corner lot, VXRvZW b.rlck lints, with ALL ?n0DEHir'' ."P-ato conveniences and In oxcellent rcpa r. renting for $63 tier FlNETVN:STfT? 0"I,ortllnlt- ft TW?hI?pcr,5'.l1 "PSE No. 1S26 North 19th St.. contains 7 rooms, RATH gas Sfi,lC0VMC,cU?n' hot nnd co d' water YOUR CHANCE. ' ' 8 747 On 42d nnd Cass, 8 fine rooms rns furnace, good bathroom, EVERYTHING iipW'SJiV S.0U,.h1 ont' near ono o "our BEST schools, $3,600. EASY TERMS. KOUNTZE PLACE. STRICTLY IN IT!!! Referring to our advertldement of lust ono-y- a In this beautiful locality. remm PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY Slain Floor New York Life Rid g. Z RE-529-13 NINE-ROOM house, city wnter sink TT clojot In the house; connected" -ith sewer Corner, two blocks from 24th street enfr nenr church and school: a Bnitn. $i "' Another one on Mdjolnlng lot. neorlv th same for $1,100. These ou'ght to bo kicked un quick at these prices. imckcu. 'th.nnweek.0?hl0 St" "enr :0lh' lf S0'1 I. N. HAMMOND 15th nnd Fnrnam Sts RE-5SI-15 " 5 ACRES. N. 24th fit., south of Miller nnrk cars will soon pass this property. $2 50O MnoVrnt? rVc'e'.S7 "Mi 1CfrS.7CSPr9.c?."$Wth f V- '! LCl?eaflnXV:f75CeaaCchh."Cnr27,h Bnd S,r" ? . Franklin, 6-room house, high and sightly: near enr lino. $1,200. K ' nna 2-8. ; 22ill Lat- 6-room house, $i,sno. Vrliefihm,'' 6'room ,,ousi lot WxJK ft. N. E. 'corner 26th and Cuming sts two houses; lot 53xSl ft. SUBMIT OFFKP 1143 nnd 1143 N. 17th St., 60x140 ft.; mivinir paid. Cheap at $2,650. ' 1"3orft,rk$60Oh aVe,)' 7"rm hOUF0! lot Ml WllV: rta0,f !! Br0U"li J. N. PRENS5ER, O PP. (j LD P, O RE-61S 13 I5t,OVD ranch In Pox Butto county for $1,200; 720 ncres deeded and home tea P owner will also sell 40 head of 1 ca t'o cheap jf taken at once. See u5 quPk Yorkl.lfo bldg. RE-631 15 THERE nre still three lino lots for Tin facing 2lth street for $6V each: eight ta 2 facing 25th St.. $500 each; all in bISck is Wilcox s First nddltlon. one b"ocl nortli of Vinton Btreet. Terms, $100 cash, bal" nnce on easy payments, ' Also houses nnd lots in nny part of tho city on monthly payments. Call nnd see W. II. RUSSELL. 426 Ramge Bldg., Omnha, Neb. RE-532 15 aYnap. 3119 Rurt St.. 6-room house, full lot, $l.CO0. Tlr Uyron Utcd Co.. 212 So. 14th St. Wi-5D3 15 ron HAi.n-itK.ii. nsrvrn. i,issr-iriuuin mod. cniuiRf, iu nnu iuuii?l, $2,iJ LlPKunt S-room mod. houno nnd bnrn U.l. .....I ...... f frtrt r . . . . An ... a nr... auiii ituii xjrifliui. $l,60O5-room cottage, barn nnd shade, near J2,50i Elegant 6 room mod. cottage nnd WEST FAtlfy'AM niSTUICT. $15,000 Elcpnnt home on S2d St., Just north of hnrnam. $10,CJ)-Strlctly modern house on 31st Ave., facing east on Turner park, $14,(-Anothcr on TDth St. $11,000 Pine large 10-room house nnd barn On HI. We have others as low as $3,500. MnVTMlt V II A l I. VTQ $1.100-o-room cottage on No. 2Sth St. $S09-5-room cottage on No. 2Sth Ave. $ido s-room cottage, 27th and Rurdette, VACANT. $2,6iyV-Plne. corner. West Parnam district. i,.nu-ouin front, near 31st Ave. and Dodse. $1,400 Lot near 33th und Dodge. $1,000 South front on Parnam, near 41st. $ North front on Fnrnam, neur 42d. $400 Two lots soth and Ohio. iu lots in Marysvlllo addition, facing Man ilerson and Spauldlug streets, east of 26th St., only $300 to $7&i. These lots are sur rounded by attractive homes and aru grout bnrenlns. 3 nlcp lots in Plalnvlcw, facing Mnndcrson unci i.auu sts., near 21st St., only $32 to !500. Plro Insurance. Houses for rent. , . SHIMER & CHASE. 601 Hee Building. Telephone 1412. RE 637 15 HENRY B. PAYNE'S GREATEST OP ALL SNAPS. A snap Investment of two oast front lots wiwi s-room house in line repair, north nnrt of city, near Dodgo St. car for ?l,5oo. Rental pays over 12 per cent per annum with room for another house. You ought to Investlcnte this. In Orchnrd Hill I have tho biggest bar gnln Mver offered. Pine south front lot fenced In with house of 7 largo rooms, porcelnln hath, etc., good burn, nil for tho ridiculously low prlco nf $l,7uo. Two elegnnt enst front building lots in choicest part of West Pamam district. Close to car, lately cut way down to $2,0) each. Beats anything over offered ln that part of city Another pair of building lots with 100 feet south and 17i feet east frontago nt 4uth und Charles Sts. Cost owner $2,600, but 1 nm authorized to let both go nt only $S00. hat do you think of that? Better come quick If you want them. Two lino houses St. Mary's Ave., pnv ing, permanent walks and all other taxes paid In full; rental of $723 per year with out change in tinnuts for ten years, can now be had at a splendid lUuro for somo cash Investor. Cull for full particulars, as this must be sold at once, SOUTH SIDE. A good 6-room house, city water Inside, on full corner lot, with south and east fronts, two blocks from car, only $l,3w. Two four-room cottages, city water inside, ni full 60-foot south front lot, two blocks from cur, at your own price. Wo want an offer for them. , SOUTH OMAHA. Fine 6-room south front house In splendid condition, with bath, gas, etc., on O St. neur 23th, reduced to $1,RW. Tho best homo In South Omaha for the money. l or bargains in rcnl estate, low rato loans, safe lire Insurance, see m$1)' h 1'AYNE, 601-2 N. Y. LIFE. Sixth Floor. 'I'hono 1016. HE-653 15 j SPI'l'-NDID opportunity to socuro a $3,400 homo In West Fnrnam district, $900 cash, balanco long timo 0 per cent. G , "to- RE-666 16 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. C01-2 Ia. Y. Life. RE--JI3 FOR SALE, 19.000-acro ranch; over 10 miles Ic!c' '.mjles of river; If taken at once. $4,QoQ. Address F 15, Bee. RE-M104 160 ACREh. 14 miles northwont of Flor ence, only 71, miles from Omaha P. o.: hO ucreb unuci cultivation, balance In heavy Umber; cun nearly all bo culti vated It broke; price, $i6.w an ucre. The Uyron P.eeu Co., 212 S. 14th St. HE-M883 HOUSES nnd lots ln nil parts of city; also acre property and furm lands. Tho O. F. Davis Co., Room 652 Beo Building. HE-974 IIANCH and farm lands for salo by tho Hn,..n 1,aclnc Railroad compuny. B. A. McAUaster, land commissioner, Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omahu, Neb. 11E-972 MINNESOTA. South Dakota. nnna,. farms. WHEATON, 42S Puxton Blk. itE-10) CILVS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Parnam St. ltE-9U WL HAVE on hand at all times selected first mortgages on Improved property ut 6V4 to 6 por cent. Call and see us. w PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY', Main lloor, Now York Life Bldg. RE M4 M PARMS, C. P. HARRISON, 913 N. Y. Life. RE-563 O ! HOUSES and lota In all pnrts of Tit;; also aero property and farm lands. Tho O. P. Davli Co., Room 5o2 Bco Building." UE-:il TEL. THREE-ONE-FOUR. HARRISON. RE-312 N5 FP.?'AI'E 9-room modern house. Inquire 524 S. 26th nve. RE 5SS 16 POTTER. POROAN & HASKELL. 420 New York LI to Bldg. Tcls. 11(20 and 470. 2,Cuo for a new 6-room lioiibo at 1435 N. 19lli et., muderr, good barn In rear, wltli.n walking dlstnncu of postotllce; us un In vestment will pay 10 per cent nnd leave $70 for taxes and repairs each year. It will pay you to Investigate. RE-M4S3 15 POR SALE, threo lots, with six-room cot tage, in Walnut Hill; price, $1,600. Ad dress G IS, Bco office. RE M4J2 is FOR SALE, fruit and garden plnco and grocery store; seven acres, part In cholco grapes, plums and other trult; a splendid business location; barn, Ice houbc, sheds, well, cistern, etc.; ono mllo out of town on main road, inquire at 3Ji Broudwuy, Council Blurts, lu KE-.IIU FOR SALE, 240 ncres one of the best farms In Lancaster county; line Improvements und new. Only lou per ucre. T. M. Cllne, 123!) O, Lincoln, Neb. RE M 177 15 100 PARMS In eastern Nebraska, some closo to Omaha. Lyman Waterman, 009 Beo Bldg. RE ISl 1J u Kanrn tt ri. 11 a iin t t 1127 So. 31st St., full Iot, fine fc-rooni house. 1.... fit... rn,.i,,r u nil Lull. I 1I1UUVI M. .v'..,., mm.,., ,1,11; tlon, CHEAP for reason owner leaving city. Don't fall to seo this. Cu.i go thiough dt any day. D. V. Sholes, & Co., sole amenta, 310 N, Y. Life. Tel 829. RE-ISI 22 HOUSES POR SALE ON EASY PAYMENTS. $ 2,500 for 6-room modern house, 3011 Cass st. $ 2.500 for 06-ft. front lot und two houses. Nos. 311 and 316 N. 23th st only three blocks west of Utah sfhnnl i 1,875 for 6-room house, 2502 St. Mary's nve. DESIRARLE INVESTMENT PROPERTIES. J1S.0OO for brick business building, leased for term of years, rental 3,0oo per year. $ 3,500 for business building, rental $C per year. $ 3,0(0 for store building, 1433 S. 16th St.. rettal $3SI per yeur. FARMS FOR SALE. 600 acres on Plutto river bottom, near Grotna, $33 per ucro; will tako $5,00) worth Omahu or South Omaha prop- erty In exchange. 320 acres In Harpy county, $30 per acre. SJ) acres. Imptovcd, 2 miles from South Omaha. 0) per acre. 120 acres, with line Improvements. C mites from Smith Omnha. H.ftVi ' 110 acres southwest of Oretnu, Sio ptp ncre JA nrua 1 ...llnu trnm T.'Ai-t I. J.,t CJEOROE & COMPANY. 1601 Pa'rnnm St, ItE-MISl 13 POIl SALE, at a bargain If taken InTeli days, 19 acres nf good land 3Vi miles from postofflce; good six-room house, barn nnd well; all In cultivation, $1,600. A. P. Clnt. terbuck & Son, 604 First avenue. Council Blurts. RE M510 20 DO YOU want a home on monthly pay- ments? I have n iJ-room house, 30th and Jnckxon. Sco me quick. Five rooms, north, $1,100; near 21th street 100-foot front, a corner In Hnnscom place. large modern house. This cun hu bought cheap. Seo mo. 160 acres, north of Florence, cheap, Mirke an offer. GEO. E. OIBSON, WM Parnam. RE-319-10 MOHTn.trsics roit .sale. WE HAVE on hand at all times selected first mortgages on Improved property at 5H: to 6 per cent. Call and seo us. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. Mln Floor, Now York Life Bldg. ICS 39 MEDICAL, DR. PRIES, the acknowledged ifodlng spccbi'lst In diseases of women in Omiht, would call the attention of suffer. lift Indies to his unsurpassed nceomim da tlons before nnd during confinement, nn.l his treatment for irregularities, no ira ter what cause. Call or address, ulih stamp. Dr. Pries, 1513 Dodge St , Otnnlia, Neb. M-0 S.7 LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal PI1U nte the best. Safe, reliable. Taks no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars "Relief foi Lrnlles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co,, Philadelphia, Pa. CANCER cured at home by Internal treat, ment: no knife, plaster or pain; book and testimonials mailed fric. Cancer Institute, l.'l W. 42d St . N. Y. LOST. LOST, last Saturday evening, n rod n'l-t containing check piyable t) Gluib'r Brass Mfg. Co.. nlto about $15 In cir.oncy. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same nt Freo & Black's, ISofl Furnatn st. Lost-MSW l' LOST, young brlndlo bulldog, n-ni d "Pops." Reward. Chnr!c. S. Tutt'e D-'O N. Y. Llfo bldg. lA)st-.M.OO U LOST, diamond shirt stud, between Paxton hotel and Ilubcnsteln tailor thnp on 14th St., Friday morning; Under plcnso 'eavj same nnd receive reward from day clerk at Paxton hotel. Lost 170 OSTEOPATH V. JOHNSON Institute, 513 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tcl. lull. Allco Johnson, li. O., ladles' dept.; Old E. Johnson, Osteopathia!, Mgr. DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 13o7 -977 DR. MUSICK, Douglas Block. -311 DR. T. HUNT, suite 512 McCaguo bldg. Tel. 2352. 750 SHOHTIJAND AM) TVl'HWItlTI.MI, A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. y,9 BOY'LES' College, court reporter Beo Bldg. -2)0 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. ;.S1 GREGO Shorthand. Om. C. Col, 16th & Doug -9i2 UP.TECTIVU AGEXOV. CAPT. I. MOSTYN. 517 Knrbach Block. Omaha, Neb. Reliable operation", Imp lies confidential. 576 Sb CAltlT..NTi:itS AM) .10I.NER9. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd rcpnlrln? promptly nttended to. J. T. Ochiltree. SOth and I-ake Sts. 370 HOOKKliniMNG. LESSONS In bookkeeping, etc., day or even ing. R 15. Com. Nat. Bank. G. R. Rathbun. 309 IIOII.EH MAKERS. OMAHA Roller Works, steam boilers, tanks, stacks, etc. Tcl. 1353. 12th and Izard Hts. 9.V3 MIRROR FACTORY. Damaged looking glasses resllvcred. 70S N 16. 521 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 2576 Harney. 873 S2I LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 7c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4s. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. 547. . -9S3 NICKEL I'l.ATIXO. STOVES, lumps, etc., replating. Omaha Plating Co.. Bco Bldg. Tel. 2535. 93 1'AWNtlHOKEItS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, nccommodat Ing; all business confidential. 1301 Uougiai -'jS7 STAMMERING AXU STUTTEIUXG. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. -Ml TRUNK FACTORY. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases. Trunks repaired. Om. Trunk Factory, 1209 Fnrnam. Ill 012 FURNITURE REPAIRINO. TEL. 1331. M. S. Wulklln, 2111 Cuming St. 9i5 .LEGAL NOTICES. CALL POR REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. By authority und direction of tho repub lican county committee, duly given ut .a regularly culled meeting, a county delega.u convention of tho topu oilcans of Doiuiai county Is hereby called to meet nt Wash ington hull, In thu City of Omaha, at 2 p. m., Saturday, September 2S, ivol, for tho purposo of nominating candidates to bo voted on at the c.ectlon November 5, I'M, for tho following county olllce r: Ono sheriff, ono douuly Judge, onu county clerk, onu reglstor of dteas, ono county tictiBurcr, one county surveyor, one county superintendent 0t public inilruc.lon, o.iu county coroner, two county commlsalonurs, to be choten by the delegates Iro.n the respectlvo districts irom which th.y nr. to be elected, uiu rcpresv.uutlwi to nil vacuncy Six justices of the penco and ono police Juugo for tl.u City ot Omaha. Two Justice. of the ptuce for the City of South Omaha. Six constables for tho City ot Omaha. Two constable, lor the City of South Omaha. Oro assessor for each wurd of iho City of Omaha, ons ussessor to.- ia h ward of tho City of South Omaha. Precinct officers for tho various cour.iry precincts. Also to select members of tho republican county central committee and to trar.sact such other business as may properly come before It. By thu same authority a p'lmarv clvtlon Is also called, to bo held PHda, September 27, 1901, In tho various wurds and predicts, subject to tho rules governing pr.m try elections adopted by salu republican lounly committee lor the puip. 3j ot electing del, gutes to snld nominating conventlun. Tho representation In said couventlin shall be fifteen iielogiutB tcr mch w.ud In the City or Omuha. Five dclesatts ror each of tho four wnrds In South Omahu nnd live ilclegntoi toe each of the fourteen country precinct At this primal y election the polls w,U he open In the cities of Omahu and uf South Omaha from, 12 m, to 7 p. m nnd In tho country preclncu from 7 p. m. to u n. m ut thu following places. 1 m'' OMAHA. First Ward Sixth and Pierce streets Second Ward-Twentieth and Cns ellar streots. Third Ward-1124 Douglas street. Fourth Wardlieu building. Fifth Wui-d-Slxtienth, near Corby street Sixth Wurd-Idlewlld hall. Soventh Ward-1331 Park uvenue. PjBhth Waid-Tv,-enty.second und Cum'ng Ninth Ward IMS Parnam rtrcct SOUTH OMAHA. ChlcnBo Kelner's hall Clontarf Jo.i Munser's nlac Douglas S hofil hnuso No. f5. East Omalu Prelst's hall. Elkhorn Swclchart's shop, Florence City hall. Jeffersnt. Mangold's lumber efficc. McArdle.-Glandt school houso. Millard Millard school house, Platto Valley Jail building. Union Powell's blacksmith rhop. Waterloo Masonic hall. Benson BciiBon hall. Dundee Dundee engine house. The boundaries of the various primary election dlstrlcta shall be the same uh tho boundaries nf the respectlvo wards of Omaha and South Omaha und of tho var ou vol lug dUttlcts of the country precincts a existing at thu last general election. The nanus of all delegates to bo plncel en the official prlmury bullot must b fili Third. Wa-d-259 South Thirtieth Fourth Wurd F.aherty barn, mi k- COUNTRY PRECIN-nTW legal riivnens. with the secretary of the commlttte with n fee of $2 .'or each delegate, not iHtcr than 12 o clook noon. Tuesday, September 21, l: 1, The officers of said prlnnry eloctlm must be selected nt least ten days before ttu prlmtiry election from mitues submitted to the committee. I! E. OSTROM, Chairman Republican Central Commlttia R C. JORDAN. Secretory. Dated at Omnha. September 4. 1001. NOTICE. I will receive at my office, 101 N. 15th ?t , Omaha, up lo noon, September 21, l.Hll, sealed bids for the following: Lot 10$, Oho nddltlon, being n pareM nf ground 165 feet by 232.65 feet, 21th and Lo cust streets, lyot 12, Windsor Place Extension. Five shnres Omalu Hoard of Trnde. Ten shares Fowlcr-Cnvles Mortgage Co, TERMS CASH. All bids will be rP"rled to the district court of Douglas rounty, Nebraska, and must be acoomiunle.l by certified check for 20 per cent nf the amount. THOMAS I(. McCAGClS, Receiver Got man 8avlngs Rank of Omaha. S13 d7t A CALL FOR A MASS STATE CONVEN TION. The executive committee of (he sorln'lst party of Nebraska hereby o ill a tnus tatc convention to convene nt Washington hall, Onialm, September 21 (Snturdty), 1101, afternoon and evening, for the purpo'e of placing In nomination one Judge cf tin Mipicme court, two regents of tho s n e university, and transaction ot such other business thnt may coma before th? conven tion. F. H. ALEXANDER, Treasurer. N. H. CHURCH, J. P. ROE, SI3 d3t Committee. IIUHLINCiTON' STATION 10TII A MASON K mi mi n City, St. JiMrpli A Ciiiini'll Illnfl's. Leave. Arilve. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a U:2u am n 0:05 pm ICunsns City Night Hx..h1:8 pm u 6:13 am St. Louis Flyer u 5:10 pm uli:15 am ClilciiKu, HurlliiKton A (lulnoy. Chicago Special a 7:0rt am al0:20 pm Chicago Vcstlbuled Ex..u 4:t") pm u 7:45 um Chicago Local a 9:30 am a 4:0-5 pm Chicago Limited u 7:60 pm a 7:45 nm Past Mull u 2:45 pm lliitlliiKtoii fc MisNOiirl Vulle). Nebraska Express a S:10 am a 7:33 pm Wymore. Beatrlco and Lincoln i 8:10 nm bll:55 am Denver 1 Imlted a 4:23 pm u 3:00 pm Black Hills and Paget Sound, Denver Con nection n 9:00 pm n 6:13 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm a 9:17 am Fort Crook and Platts- mouth I) 3:20 pm 1)11:05 um Bellevuo & Pacific Jct..u 7:10 pm a h:2o um Bellevue Pacific Jet. ,u 3:10 um u Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WEHSTEIl DEPOT l.-.TII A WEBSTER Fremont, Klkhciru A Missouri Valley Leave. Arrlvo. Black Hills. Dead wood, Hot SprlngV a 3:00 pm n 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper und Douglas d 3:00 pm o 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Suwnrd....b 3 00 pm b 5:0) pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 nm bl0:25 nm Fremont Local c 7:30 am MlxNoiirl I'liollle. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Wntar b 4:10 pm nl0:25 um L'lllctlK", St. I'll 11 1 , .tlllllieiipolU A Otnnbll. Twin City PHssengcr....n 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .u 2:45 pm ull:10 am Emerson Local b 5:30 pm b s:30 um a Dally, b Daily except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday, o Dally except Monday. 1 UNION STATIOX-IOTII AXI MAIICY. Union Purine. Leave. Overland Limited a S:20 am Fust Mall a K:50 am Mall and Express nll:33 pm Colorado Special all:35 pm Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex.b 4:03 pm Pacific .Ni Atlantic Ex... a 4:23 m Arrive, a 7:30 pm a 3:25 pm a 1:25 pm n 6:50 um bl2:30 pm a 6:50 am b 9:35 am Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:00 am Chicago, MlniK-npolls & St. Paul Limited a 7:15 pm Minneapolis St. Puul Express b 7:00 am Port lloituo Local, from a 6:10 pm a 8:05 nm b 9:40 pm Council Bluffs a 6:00 nm Wall nub. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 5:13 pm a S:20 am CIiIcuk". .llllHiiulirr .V St. Paul. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm n 8:03 am Chicago & Omaha Ex...b 7:15 um b t:40 pm Chicugu v Omaha Ex...b, 7:15 um b 3:30 pm Cbicuno, llock IhIiuuI A; I'nclflc. EAST. Chicago Daylight Spo'l. 6:00 am ?:00 am Dcs Moines anu unven norl Local a i ':2" nm ;li um :'J0 nm a 9:33 pm hll:0o um bll;50 um u 1:25 pm a S:10 am n 5:53 am a 4:15 pm n 9:50 nm Chicago Express bll lies Moines Local a 4 Chicago Fast Express. .u 5: i:00 pm Des Mulncs, uock iBiunu and Chicago a i f:10 pm ::00 um WEST. Rocky Mountain L't'd.,a 2: Lincoln, coio. springs Denver. I'ucblo am! West a 1: :30 pm Colorado. Oklahoma nnd Texus Flyer a 5 20 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. MU'ourl Par I lie. ' St. Louis Express... ...,al0:00 am n 0:25 pm K. C. & St. L. Express., alQ:50 pm u 6:13 um O in n bu A St. Louis. St, Louis "Cannon Ball"a 6:15 pm Kansas City upd Qulncy Local a 7:25 nm CliletlKO A: N'ort hvet em. a 8:20 am a 9:00 pm all:30 jim a 8:40 am a 4:05 pm a 4:05 pm a 2:43 pm a 8:oo am a 5:30 pm nl0:23 pm a 8:15 am a 3:50 pm Chicago Special a 7:00 am Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm Eastern Express ul0:aii am Eastern Special n 4:63 pm Past Mall Omaha-Chicago L't'd...a 7:43 pm' Past Mall a 8:30 um Cedar Rapids Pusseneer Twin City Express ft 6:53 nm Twin City Limited . ...n'7:55 pm Sioux City Local. .a S:00 um u Dally, b Dally except Sunday, Hecord V0)agg 6 0t. 7 Hocn, 22 Mlnutei BOSfONIo UVR?JJL via QUBENjTUhVN Commanwealth.lwln Ssrs. 12,000 oni.Ssil. 25 NewEnilsnd. 1,600 Tons. Oct. l . . . POHIUND TO LIVES0L ' " 9 y nomlnlon Sepl, 14 Cimbroman ... Seat 21 I Vancouver Q;t. s Vancouver Hoy. 0 fl , For furtherlBfonnetlon.idifreit 11 H Coapany'i OIllws. 69 Utirboro St.. Chleano. Illi. STOCK EXCHANGE IS NOT OPEN UimliifMN Hiisiienilcil Out of Hrapcut fill' the Bend President Pro let't Lonn MnrUt't, NEW YORK. Sept. 14. At an Informal meeting of tho Hoard of Governors of tho Stock exchauKH at 9:40 o'clock this morn ing It was decided that tho exchange should remain clotcd today out of respect to tho .memory of tho president, tho announce inont to bo mrtde from tho rostrum nt tho hour of opening by tho vlco president of tho board. There will bo arrangements adopted for a loan market as usual. The Produce, Metul, Coffto nnd Cor.soll dated exchanges aim cloacd out of retpect to tho memory of President McKln'ley. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 14. The Stock oxchango Is closed today out of respect to tho memory of Prealdont McKlnlcy. CHICAGO, Sept. 14,-The boards of di rectors of both tho Hoard of Trade and Stock exebango at speclul meetings held this morning decided to hold no sessions toaay, ira i u . i w Aim mm mmt ) Ql'AINT IMMTI HES OR LITE. In Swltzcrlaud and Italy good people go nbout with little cards containing pledges agilust swearing. These aro presented whenever the bearers hear somo one ludulg Ins In profanity. The pcimlty for violating tho pledfiu la a small, self-imposed line, to be psld to charity. "At the old-fashioned Itins and res taurants In Sweden," writes William E. Curtis, "It is customary to chargo less for "omen than for men, on tho theory that they do not eat so much. At somo hotels In Sweden a man nnd wlfo aro charged ns ono and one-half persons If they occupy tho snmo room. A husband and wlfo may travel na one and one-half persons by rail way, nnd alto by the post routes, furnish ing their own carriage." Mrs. William Jameson, residing nenr Khrmanndalu. imj purchased n wedding outfit for daughter, Ella, and aided In selecting tho furniture, as her daughter was to hnvo been married September G. The bride-elect ate what sho supposed wa mushrooms for supper the preceding night and n fow hours later was taken violently 111, dying In tho nrms of her lover early on the morning of her Intended wedding. The physicians think she ate toadstools In stead of mushrooms. If Mrs. Theresa Stansbury of Coffeyllie. Kan., who has filed suit for 110.000 damages against live liquor dealers, can prove ths nllegntlotis mnde lu her petition, tho record of Knnsas will probably havo been estab lished for continuous Intoxication. She al leges that during tho past threo years her son, aged 32 years, was drunk on 810 days so drunk that she had to rnro for him. Oa tho remaining 285 days of the period he wai partly sober, hut not enough so to rcfuta tho charge thnt ho was "continuously drunk" for the full threo years. The mother fixes her charge for caring for her son at 13 n day, or $4,050 for tho 810 days. Tho rest of tho 110,000 sho nsks for exemplary damages, loss of the son's support, etc. Excavations mado by explorers In and about Chamn, Guatemala, havo resulted In tho discovery of coins nnd Jowcls worth over $50,000. Idols, crowns nnd tablets of Cno gold decorated by tho Aztecs nnd tho Moutczumns centuries ago have boon found by workmen on tho Chama plantations and hundreds of nntlvcs htvu abandoned their usual employment to join tho searching parties. Ceramics of untold valuo havo been found ln tho caves of the mound dwell ers, nnd tho official Journal of thu Stato ot Jalisco notcB tho finding of a crown deco rated with gems worth $300,000 ln gold. It was onco tho property of a, Quccchl king. Tho search for antiques has now becomo a natlvo Industry of tho first magnitude, nnd engages thu attention of thousands of men and women. Tho most ecvero thunderstorm of th season passed over Hazlcton, Pa., on tho 1st Inst., carrying destruction In Its path. Rain fell ln torrents, cellars wero flooded nnd garden patches and flower beds com pletely washed away. Lightning struck eight dwelling houses, damaging them to tho extent of several thousand dollars. A bolt struck n Hungarian boarding house, and, passing between two boarders whn wero nslcep, picked them up nnd threw them in opposite comers of tho room, with out Injury. A baby lay nslcep In n cradle, and tho cradle was crushed, hut tho baby escaped uninjured. On tho mountain, near Stockon, a bolt struck the hat of .(Jeorg Johnson, dropped to his chest and thonca down his right leg, tearing oft his shoes and pantaloons. Ho crawled to tho road side, where ho was picked up In n dazed condition. While fondling and caressing her pets. Mine Dolla, a snako charmer, was bitten In tho back of tho neck during a perform ance at LaCrosse, Wis., September I. Sho had an assortment of snakes colled around her ncrk and body when a rattler seven feet long unwound Itself from her throat with tho exception of ono coll, nnd length ening out swung. Its head around to her neck with such force that it paralyzed her entire body for a few minutes. At tho samo tlmo It darted Its poisonous fangs Into her neck. The villagers, who had been gazing at her weird performance ln silence, broke ln confusion when they bbw what happened, fearing that they would bo at tacked themselves. Mmc. Dolla Increased the excitement by picking up tho vicious rattler, which had dropped from her body. Women and children screamed and scat tered for the door. Several women were Injured In the rush. Mr. O. A. Stlllman, n merennnt of Tam plco, 111., writes: "Foley's Kidney Cure li meeting with wonderful success. It hni cured romo cases hero that physicians pronounced Incurnblo. I myself am nble to testify to Its merits. My faco today Is a living picture of health and Poloy'a Kld noy Curo has mado It such." OUT OF TUB onnixAnv. A Connoct'cut tobacco' grower Is rnlslnt n lino crop of Sumntra In the open air this year. Italians fnrm nearly one-third nf th population of Buenos Ayr s and own noirljr half the commercial organizations of tho city. Tho Boer war Is responsible for an Eng lish soldier having given his bride n p'.ec of his own skull framed In gold as n wed ding present. Luwndale, Kan., n town of 2.00) lnh:ibl tnnts, boasts of n pollco depnrtmont thnt hns not made n single nrrcst In tho last eight yenrr. A seven-story btillc'lng In Chlcngn hai Just been raised with J icks twenty-one nnrt one-half feet without cracking a pano of glass or Injuring a wall. Among tho presents sent by humbU people to thu new hnby daughter of King Victor Kmmnnuol III Is n gayly painted cngo containing two love birds. An ordinance has been adopted by tho town council of Yorkvllle. S, C, mnklug It a mlsdemennor for nny person to ba teen staggering on tho streets of that town, Thero nro reventeen communlt'es of Slnkera In tho United States. The Amnna society has 1,800 souls, and tho Harmony society, of Economy, O., hns but nlno re'l dent members left. Tlii Zoarltcs und iho Ruskln colony of Georgia have both ro-i ccntly disbanded. One of tho litest Inventions In the way of surgical appliances In u sewing rr.ft-. ch'ne for mowing tho human skin. A Parli. paper says that It has Jiift received tho Barblcr prize, und Is wurranted to sew up u wound with tho celerity' of tho usual machine of domestic use. The palnco of Emperor William I In Ber lin has beet, kept In tho condition In which ho left It. In tho bedroom there is Ht 111 the simple Iron bedstead on which he al ways slept nnd on which he died. It lu suggestive of hts simple tustca In all re spects. A big box, containing u bronze stntuo of Abraham Lincoln, has Inln unopened In lha Pennsylvania freight station In Clnclnnstl evur ulnco lust Drc;mber, b ctsi Iho donor of tho statuo and tho Cincinnati committee cannot or do pot ngrco upon n. situ for Us erection. Tho name of' tho donor Is not publicly revealed, but It Is said thnt ho has declared thnt If Iho statuo Is not placed on tho site that ho thinks best, ho will withdraw his offer to Clnrln natl and present tip statuo lo a small town In Illinois which was his birthplace. "Fifty caokp of n special design nnd th strongest poslblo construction," says tlm Youth's Companion, "will soon ho sent to Bering sea by tho I'nllert States revenuo marlnn service, and placed upon tho high est hammocks of the floe Ice. It Is hopoj by tracing their future course to te t tho direction of tli- currents that crosi lha polar regions. Tho casks nra twenty. eight inches long and sixteen Inches In dlimeter, pointed nt thu ends und painted black, so us to brt s"en cuMly Ilisldo nf eneh aro directions printed In several different lan guages, asking tho finder to wrlto to tho nearest t'nlU'd 8tals consul, giving tho iHtltut'e nnd InnBlludi In which tho rasl: was found, and tho date. Admiral Mnlvlllnj who designed the emits, believes that It will bo possible In this way to determine whether tho Icepacks drift from the Arctic! westward, ot south und cast to the At l-ntlc,''