Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1901, Page 22, Image 30

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Advertisements for these column
will lie taken until 12 in. tor the
ruins edition noil until fl .'KI p. na.
(or mornlnu nd Snndar edition,
Itates, 1 l-2o u word flmt lnertlon,
lo nr thereafter. Nothing tnUen
far Imi tlinn 3."o for tlir lint Inscr
tloa. Tlieae aavertlaeeole must be
run ciinnernllvel jr,
Ail vertlarn. by rpqacatInK nam
brrrat check, can bore nnattcra ad
dressed to a numbered letter la ear
f The lief. Anarrera ao addressed will
be delivered on Breaeatattaa ml Otm
heck anlr.
srr i cations wanted.
YOUNG LAWYER, college graduate anil
graduate of University of Nebraska col
lege of law, desires position In law ofllcu;
merely routine work or position uffordlng
no opportunity to rises not desired: ample
references. Address 11., Hulte 33, Douglas
Block. A-.M5I7 17
SITUATION wanted by yotinK man, well
educated, mko 20, good reference;). O 4.',
Bee. A-Wi 13
WA N T I i U-.1I A I . E 1 1 1 : 1, 1
a few more pointers
. about the .,
omaha commercial college,
over boston stoke,
jiohrbough brothers, propril-
POINTER NO. 1 Quito, it law- number
r,f new students have entered college dur
ing the past week. A number of others
Jiavo registered, who will enter to-morrow.
They keep coming from all directions. Ar-j-angemcutu
have been made lo start some
cw classes to-morrow to accommodato
thoso who entor Sltldnnts oxpictlng to
uttend tho Full Term should begin right
POINTER NO. 2 Already over 30 HtudentH
Jiavc been enrolled In the -Night Schro .
This Is the largest enrollment In any year
In September. - Tho class In Telegraphy if
especially large. Another class will he
organized to-morrow In Telegraphy, Short
hand and Hookkecplng.
POINTER NO. 3-l.a3t year, daring the
(Winter Term, we were compelled to week
liddltlonal room to accommodato our stu
dents. In order to avoid a repetition of
this, we have decided to movo to new
(piartcrs, where our lloor space will bj
double what It Is at the present time. Wo
liuvo leased tor a term of years the two
upper Moors of the Patterson block, at the
torner of 17th and Douglas streets, and wli
move hist us soon as the rooms are va
cated and put In shape for school pur-,
tjioscs, Tim hinidlng will Iiavo an entratuo
on Douglas stieet and will be completely
revolutionized for school purposes. Tho
owners of the block, by reason of our learo,
luive changed the name of It, so It will
hereafter bo known as tho College blork.
."Wo will havo tho tlnest quarters of any
school In the country.
POINTER NO, I To-morrow morning wo
'111 organize a now class In Gregg shorthand
und Touch Typewriting. Several students
entered during the past week who are Pit
man writers, tint from this on Villi take tho
Gregg. They have Investigated tho Gregg
system thoroughly and have concluded that
it Is tho only system worthy one's time and
attention. They expect to accomplish mo o
In three months In the Oregg system than
they have In six months with Pitman.
POINTER NO. r Several students were
)luced In good positions last week, anil
teveral others have already closed contracts
for positions to bo taken within ten days.
' R-C22 15
(WANTED, llrMt-class Insurance solicitors;
wo will make very liberal contract with
men of ability capable of handling general
agency, '.'all or address, Fidelity Savings &
Trust Co., J17 N. Y. Llfo Bldg., Onwha.
1I-I7C 07
TEAMS wanted, nt once, one mile south of
Ij'ort Crook. Jackson Bros. U M823
(WANTED, a barber. Alfred Harris, Plereo,
Neb. B-M579 13
WANTED, threo carpenters, nt once; ?2 .a
duy and board. Claus Stangc, contractor,
Yutan, Neb. 11 Mill 13'
WANTED, salesman for Omnha and vicin
ity to sell groceries for a Chicago house
having an established trade; grocery clerk
preferred, must glvo bond. Address S hi,
l.ord & Thomas, Chicago. D-MI35 IS
$3,000.00 O EN E it A LAG E NTW A NTE D
1A responsible and established manufactur
ing llrm wants a general agent to take
charge of Its business ami employ sales
men nnd supervise their work In u good
This Is un important position nnd requires
a man of unqucstloiiublu integrity, good
business experience nnd ldgh exocutlvo
nhllty. Ho must bo able to Judge sales
men and bo a hard worker, persevering,
forceful and thoroughly in earnest. This
means an all-around high-grade man, and
only applications denoting such will ho
considered. This position will pay u
salary of $3,000.00 or more a year, when
properly lllled.
Plvo age, references, salary desired nnd
full particulars of present position and
past experience, und address, 1. o. Box
0, Omaha, Neb. B 118 13
WANTED, one galvanized iron cornice
worker. Globo Comlco Works, Fremont,
iVVANlLD, traveling salesmen by Septem
ber Jo, ulso ndvertlsors; cash salary. Trl
t lltnph, Dallas, Texas. B M407 20
JWANTED, reliable man to represent, lo
cally, a responsible manufacturing com
pany; salary is per week; splendid op
portunity for advancement; no canvass,
lng. Address, with reference, Manufac
turer, i23 Chestnut St., 1'hlladelphla, l'a.
u 11-81 101 15
,1V E want good coal haulers with teams:
best Job in Omaha; big wages. Omaha
Coal, Coko & Llmo Co. 11 MI62 15
IVY ANTED, boy attending High school to
work night and morning lor hla..h!urd.
Address Q 31, Bee. B-T150S 16
tlVANTED, harness nnd riding saddle
makers; steady Jobs to good men. Dodson,
l'lsher, Urockinann Co., Minneapolis,
Ml""- B-M5U2 hi
MEN and women to do copying nt homo:
must write a fair hand; $5 to $12 weekly
working evenings; positively no canvas,
sing; Inclose, stamp. Northwest Copying
Co., Box 629, Minneapolis, Minn.
. B-M19S 20
WANTED, men to learn harbor trndo;
only eight weeks required: tools in
hcii ed. board Included, wages Saturd ass.
poslt ons guaranteed; graduntes wanted
niiiuo, iiuniuiais. country nud city
? 'V8! rf". l,l0KH" free. Molor
' v-uiicki:, ju.j 1'uruam st.
H-MI9I 19
IDOOD hustlers (malo or female) can mako
5 iv day selling Ak-Sar-Uen badges.
i qulro ut lifts Karnam St. U-olllls "
I FREE scholarship will bo awarded to n
few well recommended mechnnlcs, engl-
; ;-r' "",'""B. vie. 4mencnn School
v of Cori-espondence, Iloston, Mass. n
1B1SVEIIAI cigar salesmen wunTeil; expert
onco unnecessary: $25 weekly Bn ary.
, Emanuel Co., Station U, Now York. 11-
'jEARN a good salary whllo w preparo you
for a professional career; write for clreu.
lor "Salaried Positions fo'r Learners." am
lenrn how 300,000 young men and women
advnnco to positions or trust and protlt.
inlernilt,on,u Correspondenco Schoolx, box
KoS, Scranton, Pa., or 105 s. 15th t
V r . "","'"n man in each
principal city to conduct cash buslnrii
Uuaranteed by locnl banks. lg returns
t Honorable nnd legitimate. Must furnlih
f good rafereuces nnd $000 ensh. Addreia
1 L. It. II., I. O. Box 715, Cincinnati, O.
FAITHFIII managers In each stato for
m:tlllllj- vuiiiuuuiuii, Eillill 13 I'llSIll CICIl
AVodncsday direct from headquarters; ex
penses ndvnnccd; enclose self-addrcssod
envelope. Manager, 303 Caxton building,
lunu itciive men lor traveling) positions:
experience unnecessary: $15 weekly nnvi
expenses; rererences: permanent position
Address, Manager, "03-Kd Dearborn, Chl
cugo. B-501 15
(WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tnck
I signs, uistriouie circulars, samples, etc.;
no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising
Bureau, Chicago. U-filD 15
1AUT11ENTIC life of President MeKinlev
by u personal friend and uu eminent uu-
inor. l-rospectus sent tree on receipt oi
10c to help pay cost of mailing, Prospec
tuses of our live holiday books and "MTo
of Mckinley" sent freo on recelnt of iic,
Order quick. Union Book und lllhle
House, Denver, coio. n
BALESMAN wanted to represent a. laro
rubber rnanufacturlug company on com-
satisfactory results guaranteed to proper
llox VX, l'hlladclphla, l'a, U-MVK 10
Tho Fall Term Is now open In the
day nnd evening sessions of
and yet It Is not too lute to enter.
Mnko your ntrangements without delay
nnd get the mental ilrlll nnd dlsclpllno
that will double your earning capacity.
Let us send you some of our ndvertlslti'i
Mondav, Wednesday and Friday even
ings school Is In session from 7 until 9
o'clock. Students attending tho night
school are given tho same course of
study nnd ure In chargo of the same In
structors us thoso attending the day
tntight by nn expert nccountnnt.
Your penmanship can he greatly Im
proved under the direction of our
Graded nnd speed classes for students
of all systems. Stenographers, Increase
your speed and demand a better salary.
A toucher who gives exclusive attention
to this subject. Sight writers, It will
pay to mako tho change.
Ike Building, Omaha.
II OS." 1.1
EXPERIENCED collector for Installment
house; none other need npply; must fur
nish surety bond nnd good recomincndi'
tlons; salary. P. F. Collier & Son., 410
Pnxton blk. B-MG17 Ifi
CIVIL service government positions: 9.S.S9
"lU'ouiiincniH maoe last year; prooatiiy
10,x0 this yenr; common school education
ri-qulrcd for the examination; catalogue
of Information free. Columbian Corre
spondenco College, Washington, D. C
DRUG clerk, young man 2 to 3 years' ex
perience; glvo reference; statu salary and
nge. Dunn Drug Co., Lincoln, Neb.
B-CI7 1
WANTED, experienced salesmen In clonk
department. Boston Store, J. L. llran lels
txi.ns. B-MHI3 IS
WANTED, 10 experienced shoe cutter at
. , ' - "I'l'iy ' r. i . ivirKenuaii ti uo.'s
shoo factory, No. Ill S. 10th St. B-U13 15
'LRMANENT position requiring no can
vassing for the right mnn, to represent an
old-established company having $20O,io
capital; $75 salary tho first month, not
conditional on results; J9f) nntl expenses
the llrst year, payable weekly direct from
our otllce; absolutely straight salary; no
deception; opportunity for promotion nnd
Increase of salary; state age. references
and business experience. Address Pnl
versal .Mfg. Co.. Box 733, Philadelphia. Pa.
GOVERNMENT positions, whro they are
LV.ii.i '". iuii particulars as to
salaries, dates, places of examination
fnBto,Kdarce' N"t'1 Cnr' ln"
UIOAIl salesmen with estahlislied trailo
..uu iiifiu ueuiers, wno nuy direct from
factories. Address, with full particulars
II. C. Flshcr, Fisher building.' Chicago'
M3I3 Oct 6
SEVERAL callable to travel nnd establish
hvuin t,i uui iMituuar an edition of
I'nrrar's Life of Christ. A greut holiday
proposition. This mngnltlccnt work In
connection with our association offer stne
gers competition; $1W) monthly and ex
penses to livo men, 007 Stur bldg., Chi
cago, v
SALESMAN wanted to sell unexcelled
iiiuiii,miiuii to renin initio. vo put In it
complete department of perfumery and
toilet articles and guarantee profits. Good
toi-V open. Tho Elyslan Mfg. Co., De
troit, Mich. 553 15.
WANTED Three first-class experienced
. . Vi . " " "k" graue specialty to
ret trade; $150 per month an. expense"
Permanent position to right parties. Ad-
C.nMMniVi '"' r.Vf1orcllc!s. Room 1C15, .Manhat
tan Bldg,, Chicago. 073ic.
Sh,V,!'i,?.'M1 Y,J?,,.l. -by rollnhlo Jobbing
.. ,,.ii-iiuK faiesineu to place
high grado specialty lino with mercl -diso
trade; high commlsslonH and er
manent positions to good men; full tlmo
required. R. 7S, 133 Fifth Ave., Chicago?
Sni!,,JM w,l"t,.'1:. w, ""vo the grentest
I miuiiunoKi necessity-
gives universal satisfaction; light, ploas-
33U Cedar, Cleveland! O
iiV- r",r.. V.i iureau Brush Co.,
-IMI 15
SALESMEN to call on general trado selling
..v,,. ...,,u,u iiu iiiuaciive plan: hand-
with order fi;r $3.75; salesmen mako 75
cents per order; our poorest salesman
sells 10 orders per day. Howlnn 1 Co
How and BlockChicago. "goo 15?"
HV OT.l") notnl,tll,.l ,., " 7T '
:: """uis niiciuii' to sen slap o
line; must be able to show a clean past
record ami glvo bond; no sldo lino seek
ers need apply. Address Box 514, Chicago
-001 15
WANTED, 200 girls. 1321 Dodge. Tel. 87C
50 GIRLS, all kinds work. Canadian Ofllcc.
WfAnP' ,.',,"fl.SLu5?c '".""'all American
... j . .u.oo i- ijui;, W IulX)
GIRL wanted, general housework. 417 n.
c 559 15
COOK wanted. 3510 Fnrnnm st. C-M370
WANTED, experienced girl for genernl
,,.,, nusM, , u Weeu. Ac t ress
Bluffs. C-.M5S2 (;
WANTED, a competent cook and laun-
iiwu.iuiii.uii. I'ourtu door
east from 21th live., Landon court.
C 153 15
WANTED, a competent second girl. Apply
No. 1120 Park Ave. C-MIG1 15
AVANTED, mnkors and preparers for mil-
""".I) ti-jn. -i'inj juiyuen Jiros.
C-.M159 15
COMPETENT second girl, family of three.
Mrs. Andrew Rosowntcr, 418 So. 33th St.
C-lb7 15
WANTED, ladles to learn lutlrdresslng,
manicuring, facial massage or chiropody;
only four weeks required; ono year's op
prentlceshlp saved; you cannot obtain tho
ndvnntnges of constant practice, expert
Instructions, lectures, ote., In nny other
way; thoroughly practical training; tools
presented each grnduuto. Call or wrlto
ut once, Moler College, 1023 Farmim st.
C-M490 ID
A AN TLD Immediately, n few tlrst-class
boys from 11 to IS years of npo as mes
sengers; good wages. A. D. T. Co., 212
8. 13th St. C-524 17
G29P lrlfor W'fnl housework.
vivu. i. uhs, wu unicago St.
C 522-15
G,l,SVatVe!Uf,1im,.ly? mFSl&Z
LADY to travel und collect In No"liraka
for manufacturer. Salary, $30 monthlv to
begin. 8hd,,.ind reused
envelope at once. Treasurer, 702 star
-'" v.,.vi,,v, V Att
IJVDY In each county for branch ofllce
work; no canvnsstng; straight, bomn 0
salary $18 paid eoch Tuesday, with all
expenses, direct from headquarters: po in
fluent position; money advanced for ex
penses; no capital required, except good
references, enclose self-addressed en
velope. Munuger, 3S7 Cuxton building,
ChlcuKO, C
1VA TI2I) MA 1,1
LARN a better salary nnd position; study
electricity, mechanical engineering, mo
chalilcn drawing at home, by coresnond
ence; thousands Hiicccssful: Thomas A.
l.dlson Indorses Institute; book. "Can I
Become an Electrical EnglneerV" mailed
free. Electrical Engineer Institute, New
i orKt I'
SALESMEN to carry lino highest grado
mbrlcants and paints; big monoi- tor ,
few live men wr to for terms. The Trim.
leal Oil Co.. Cleveland, O. -002 15.
w,txTi:!i-i'i:)i.ti,n im:i,p.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
2539 California. C 531-15
WANTED, cook, woman preferred; gootl
wages; steady employment. Address Val
ley House, Thos. Tollver, Prop., Rock
port, Mo. C 553 15
WANTED, girl for genernl housework,
t.tmlly of three. Flat 7, The Sberm in,
Cor. Iike it Sherman Ave. C 59i 15'
LADIES wanted to do embroidery nntl Bat
tenberg nt their homes; steady work.
Chicago Crochet Co., Chicago, 111. C
WANTED, first class waist draper. wnlt
makers nnd sklrtmnkcrs: must have first
class shop experience. Address Seeblck's,
40 Shermai. St., Dcadwood, S. D. C
LADIES wishing pleasant, permanent
home employment for mall order clrcJlar
Izlng house; gootl pay; Ordinary can
vassing unnecessary; your unsuccessfully
long-sought opportunity; send stamped
envelope. Utova Company, South Bend,
1 no. u
OI'R school will open for fall season Sept.
2.1; night class, first week In October, two
nights per week, Wednesday nnd Friday;
manager now In east In Interest of school;
circulars nntl references free. McDowell
Dressmaking School, Room 615 Karbnch
Blk., 209 S. 13th St. C-5IS 15
LADIES wanted to work on sofa pillows;
innterlals furnished; stendy work guaran
teed; experience unnecessary. Send
stnmped envelope to Miss McGee, Needle
work Dept., Ideal Co., Chicago.
C 57-15
WANTLD. a good girl for general house
work; one who will appreciate a good
home, Apply today or .Monday morning
at 113 8. 20th st. C--C0O 15'
LADIES wanted to do plain needlework
for us lit home. Wo furnish materials
ami pay $, to $10 per week. Send ad
dressed stamped envelope to Standard
Co., Indiana Ave.. Chicago. C 570-15'
LADIES wanted to make embroidery nntl
Ilattenberg at their homes. Materials
furnished. Stendy work; gootl pay. Chi
cago Needlework Co., 42 Plum streot,
Chicago. C 531-15
WANTED, middle-aged lady to work or.
small ranch by year; American family.
Address, stating wages wanted nntl ex
perience, G 41, Bee. C 020 15
WOMEN to tlo plain sowing, $1.50 per dny;
four months' work guaranteed; nil work
sent prepaid; send stumped addressed en
velope for particulars. R. w. Hutton &
Co., Philadelphia, Pa. C fr'O 15
WANTED, experienced snleslndles In cloak
uiiiii iiuuiii. uusiun oiorc, j, i,. Hrnndils
& Sons. C-M014 10
WANILD, nn experienced German lady
clerk In a general store; state wages
wanted. Lock Box 66, Walnut, In.
C-M637 16
BRIGHT, nctlvo girls can muko $5 a day
nviuiiK vn-nur-iien nntiges. inquire ut
14M Fnrnnin St C till 13
IF YOU want your houses well rented
plnco them with Benawii & Co. D 912
TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage
Co., ofllcu loilii r'arnam, or tel. 1559.803.
HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Paxton block.
HOUSES, etc. V. D. Wcud, 1521 Douglas.
HOUSES und flats. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk.
FOR RENT Tho rutnnm Co.. 604-5 N. Y.
u. utut;. iiu-j u i-rooin nut, steam neat,
water, modern; long lcaso to good tenant.
FOR RENT, 11-room stone house, 415 N.
.jtu 01. ix. x. tiarKe, hi namgo Ulk.
TWO 9-room brick houses; all modern con
veniences, is! anu ui a. i'stu st. Inquire
12U3 Farnatn st. D M303
l.-rm msMi'.
222 N. 19th, 11 rooms, modern $15.00
617 N. 20th, 10 rooms, modern..!!!!!!!!!! 36!o0
ohj jiarney. a rooms, moucrn .16.0)
3M5 California, s rooms, modern lvoo
IO05 N. Sid, 6 rooms ij.oj
iiiu 11 nuniuer 01 good nouses for less
BYRON REED CO.. 212 B. 14th.
WHEATON, 428 Paxton Blk.
KOR RENT, S-room house, city water.
iu.ku .jinn, ouin anu nun ots. j.
A. Lovgren, 421 Paxton Blk. D 231
12C5 WILLIAM ST., a gcod three-room flat,
llith und Douglas Sts.
9-ROOM brick house, 678 S. 2Sth st. Apply
i iiii.tins-jjuy wuru Dnou tJO., l-0
Howard tl. D M356
HOUSE. 312 N. 22d. near High school. In-
uuiru uui 11. -.a. D 712
1337 S. 31ST, S rooms, all modem, tumtshed.
Icl. 311. D-M576 IP
S-ROOM brick house, modern. 2717 Jackson.
icicpnouu a. iruynor, 491 or J-2oS3.
VERY pleasant six or eight-room flat, welt
lucuieu unu u unu repair. inquire 110
Brown block. D 771
219 S. 29TH AVE., S-room house, nil mod-
i'ujivi uuu vuriiisii inrougnoui:
rent $25 to Al tenant with icferences.
lCth and Douglas Sts.
FOR RENT, houso and barn, all modern,
ii.ii iaoutn 01. Appiy wi -Mercnunts'
National Bank Bids. D 917
1707 VINTON street, storo with two live-
room nuts iioovc. tiki whole building has
Just been painted nnd papered throughout.
Will mako u very reuscuablo rent to a
gootl tenant, or will rent separately.
ltith and Douglas Sts,
ONE 6-room llat, modern, 1112 S 11th.
u 975
HOUSES for rent in nil parts of the city.
uiiiuiuii-iuu i.u., vj ouuin luin Hircet.
818 SO. 23D ST., 4 rooms, city water, in
gooa coutiiiiou; rent, tiu.oj.
10th und Douglas Sts.
FOR RENT, eight-room house; convenient;
alU modern: 22d and California Sts. In
quire No. 507, N. Y. Ufo building.
D M816
FOR RENT. Sept. 15, six-room cottage,
2211 California st $22. Apply at 007 N.
19th st. D-600
2507 S. 32D ST., gootl 7-room house; city
water, luimicu, uuru; owner wants gooa
tenant who will caro for property, ruther
than high rent; will rent for $16.
Sixteenth and Douglas Sts.
9-ROOM house, furnished or unfurnished,
1512 Davenport. D 114 10
3037 So. 18th Ave., 3 largo rooms, brick
house, $6.
1520 Canton St.. 4-r city water, $7.
1208 No. 21th ,8t good 7-r. house, city
water nnd gas, reducctl to $18,
2228 Ohio St., choice 8-r. house, nil modern
except furnuce; a bargain nt $25.
1210 No. 21th St., lino warm 9-r. house,
nicely papered, city water, bath, etc,, only
D23 So. 25th Ave., 10-r. strictly modern
dwelling, tine repair, very easy walk from
business district, only $27.60.
For bargains In real estnto, low rate loans,
safe lire Insurance, see
D-031 15
FURNISHED modem houso. 10 rooms;
tlrst-cluss neighborhood. G 40, Bee.
D-C3S 15
STORES, cornor 2Sth und Dodgo sts.;
newly painted and papered: gootl cash
trade here for grocer and meut market.
Apply to Welshaus Mantel & Tile Co.,
3u9 S. 17th st. D-427 15
7-R.. CITY water, near Farnam car,
ut 3014 Dodge, cheap at $14.
h-r., mod., new porcelain bath,
ut 2573 Dodge, $20.50.
A, F. Cornett, 3UI N. Y. Life. 'Phono 12S3.
D-MI73 15
TO LET. 8-room house, near Curtis Turner
park; new, with every convenience, W,
Furnam Smith Co., 1320 Furnam st.
. . D-M173
READY Sept. 16th, 9-room houie, 4910 Capi
tol nve. set 1903 Chicago st.
D-M431 15
9-R. BRICK h'ousc, two together, strlctfy
modern, good furnace, storm windows for
every whitlow, nlso storm doors, rent $33
each. Inquire 1203 Farnam St.
D-M457 13
FOR RENT, house 11 rooms, nil modem
except furnace; good bam, $22. Sturges,
517 N. V. Life. D-S,;iu,
C-ROOM, tunv modem house. 1317 8. Dth St.
D-531 10'
ONE 7-room house. Just completed. 2010
Elm St. T. II. 1'cil, 400 .Merchant" Nat.
Bank Bldg. D-I5I
AN ELEGANT 7-room npnrtment in the
Nnrmnndle; everything flrst-cints nntl tip-
to-date; steam heat, electric or gas, jani
tor service, telephone, ball room, etc.
Inquire Payne-Knox Co., main lloor N. Y.
Llfo bldg. D-M505 16
ATTRAl'TIVE hoiife, completely furnished,
In best residence neighborhood: will rent
for tho winter. AdtlrcBS G 28. Bee.
D-M504 20
2923 Burdelte Bt., 5 rooms, CITY WATER
2008 Rces st. B-room brick lint, bath nnd
closet, $10.
2S21 Dewey nve., 4-rootn Hat, bath nnd
closet, $8.
1550 Sherman nve., 0-rooin modern lint, $20.
2510 MAPLE st., 6-room house, city water
Inside, $12.
2S20 LEAVENWORTH ST., 6 rooms, BATH,
CLOSET. (IAS. 22.50.
3107 JACKSON ST., 7 rooms, ALL MOD-
2811 Bristol St., 7 rooms, city water Inside,
paved street, $13.
3013 Seward st., 7 rooms, bath nntl closet,
fine repair, $12.
PAYNE-KNOX CO., Main Floor N. Y. Life
Building. D-McO) 16
10-ROOM house, modern conveniences. 2317
Hartley st. D M49J
DESIRABLE modem house, 0 large rooms;
lino location; central. 833 8. 21st.
ELEGANT S-room house; nil modem Im
provements. 401 N. 23d. D 518 W
EIGHT-ROOM new brick; strictly modern;
two blocks from Hnnscom park. l.W 8.
2Sth St., $32.60. D-520-16
NO HARD coal needed; steam heat: nil
modern, central, 7-room houso; hall, hath,
basement. Tlzard, 221 N. 21th, D 513 30
SEVEN-ROOM nil modern house, 3520
Seven-room Hat, 021 South 16th,
CLARKE POWELL, 420 New York Life.
NINE-ROOM house, Dundee; gootl rcpnlr.
L. L. Johnson Co., 314 So. 15th.
COTTAGE, In good repair, $10. 1920 Ban
croft St. D-515-10'
VOH RENT Four-room houso nnd barn.
1831 Ontario St. D-52S-15
l'OR RENT, 6-room house, modern, on So,
Omaha car line, with or without barn.
Inquire nt 1557 N. 17th St. D-693 15
TO LET, nine-room modern house, barn
and lawn, 1102 South 32d St., $40.
1320 Farnam St.
D-531 15
H?JJ prnnt r rooms, city water $ 9.00
Sir Mnrcyi rooms, city wntcr 0.00
2311 Manderson, 6 rooms, city water 10.00
3S.i9 I-ranklln, 7-room cottage, city
water, gas, range, cistern, nlco lawn.
shatlo i?nn
2i,l(i Dodge, 9 rooms, modern 22.00
oiv a. 10111, a rooms, imui, sewer, city
water, gas ' :3M
D-543 1 5
FOR RENT, October 1, 1306 s. 31st, 7 rooms,
!"AUl,ifJ5'.li'-. rent' 2'- McCnBtio Inv
Co., 1500 Dodge. D 5S2-15
EIGHT-ROOM modern house, lie s. 31st
v ifti 11,10 locfltlo- Information, 'phono
r -2C0b. D 5S7 21
7-nOOM eottngo, city water, largo barn, 2
icrw t 1 V1 " D"-e. car, prico
1S07 lako 5-room Hat, ground lloor, porce
lain nnfh pnu rtrtr.A to '
- . n ' 1 1 ' . 1 ,.uv(
C-room cottage, $S; 3-room cottngo. J4,
o. 11. ani'.iinuuLi, -Mi w. 1. 1,1 FK.
D-41 15
MODERN house, large yard, fenced, 29th
nnd Poppleton nve., $33.
A ."m.(ler"' ??st. ,f,rnnt fittnRe. good barn,
..... oujii. in; UorRia II VO.
D-642 13
1 -,SUnT,HT OMAIIA-Two r,-room hou-es.
2,th and J sts.; nlso brick flats near 21th
and S sts. tirir ir.
5-ROOM house, 1114 S. 9th, only,$12.
u 015 15
S-ROO.M motlern house, llfi S. 31st nve.; line
"""""ii' iiii'irniiiiiou, pnono F 2605
von nEXT-Ftin.M.siii:n rooms.
Housekeeping rooms $6 up. 2023 St. Mary's.
E M640 S2I
3 UOOMU for light housekeeping. 1112 s.
ii aim
DEWEY European hotel. 13th nnd Fnrnnm.
THE THURSTON. Cool, nlry roomi.
SMALL, neatly furnished, well-he.ited
,-ooms; everything modern. 116 S. 25th St.
LARGE front room nnd alcove, well fur
nished, modern; sultublo for two. 2)13
Cass St. E-M437
FOR RENT, two Inrgo furnished or un
tarnished rooms. Address F 18, Bee.
FOR RENT, to two gentlemen, n la'rge.
mmi iuiiiibiivu iruui room, uouin nnu eust
exposure, within 5 blocks of postolllco; no
other roomers. Address F 37, Bee ofllco.
NICE front room, centrally located, 1512
jjiivciipui 1. jja lb
THREE connecting rooms for housekeep-
.nn. iiii iij 1 111 iiinueti. uriissois cnrpois,
gas, bath, telephone, hot nnd cold water:
no children. 2129 Farnam St.. 3d floor,
wi3t aide. E MC69 1U
NICELY furnished rooms, suitable for
students. 2010 Davenport st. E MI30 16
3 ROOMS for light housekeeping. 1R2 S.
ill" i. n .MS8I
FOR RENT, furnished rooms, gas, bath
anil steam heat. 711 So. 16th St.
E -597 15
TWO nicely furnished steam heated rooms
In private family for gentlemen: excel
lent board near. G 37. Bee. E-M5I9 10
NICELY furnished rooms by day or week,
all modern; rates reasonable. 2312 Doug
las. E M57O-10
5-ROOM house, furnished, Including piano,
splendid locution, near car, cheap to nlco
couple with references. G 39, Bee.
E-fflG 15
TO RENT, furnished front room to young
man; references required. 2519 Jones st.
E-M009 17
THREE furnished rooms for "housekeeping.
1551 Shermnn nve. E M000 174
FOR RENT, ono furnished nntl three un
furnished rooms. 018 S. 20th, E-005 15
FOR RENT, two well furnished rooms In
all-modern house, near tho "Winona," to
young men. G 43, Bee. E 023 11
FURNISHED steam-heated room In roT.
tage, cheap. 610 S, 17th nve, E 600 15
TWO tine front rooms, cheerfully fur
nished; breakfast If desired: jirivato
family; nicely situated: neur P. O.; ref
erences. Address O 45, Bee, E MC39 10
NICELY' furnished or unfurnished rooms
for rent, 2310 Douglas. E 007 15
FOR RENT, nice room to one or two
gentlemen: excellent location; rofereneoj
required. 609 8. 20th. E 073 15
UTOPIA. 1721 Duvenport St. F-925
GLENCAIRN. transient $1.23 day. 1009 Doug.
THE Merrlam, summer resort, 25th & Dodge
TWO, largo front rooms, with board. 1909
Capitol Ave, F 316
TI I e'fAUNA M.1821 larnam s"t : tran.
alcnt mculs a specialty. F M511 15 J
ROOMS nntl board. Tho Rose, 2020 Harney
street. F-MliU.Jctl!
DESIRABLE rooms, llrst-class board, 25SI
Harney. F M5S0-21
DESK loom space. $5 per month, ground
lloor room in The Bee building, facing
Farnam ,treet; 110 expense for lMht, heat
or Janitor service. It. c. Peters & Co.,
Rental Agents, Bee Building. U 116
FOR light housekeeping. 2021 St. Mary's.
PARLOR floor, unfurnished; nlso furnished
rooms for housekeeping. 2003 Dodge.
G-MI7I 13
FOUR or 11 vo very desirable unfurnished
rooms; motlern; walking dlstuncc; low
rent to right party; no children; refer
ences. Address, O 32, Beo. O M309-10
3 DESIRABLE south rooms, gns. bath, light
housekeeping; ulso small furnished room.
3210 Cuss, st., near Harney cur line.
G-012 13
1-OR RENT, storo in tlrst-class location;
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters U
Co., ground floor, Beo Bldg, 1 2C0
FOR RENT, ofllco with vault and part first
floor or alt top lloor, 1411-10 Harney St.
Midland Glass and 1'ulnt Co., 1110 Harney
St. 1-929
FOR RENT, tho building formerly occu
pied by The Beo nt 916 Farnam St. It has
lour stories nntl a basement which was
formerly used us Tho Bee press room.
This will bo rented very reasonably. It
Interested apply at onco to C. C. Rose
uater, secretary, room 100, Beo Building.
STORES, with fixtures, suited for depart
ment stores. Tlzard, 221 N. 21th.
1-512 30
Also ofllco space, ground lloor,
vault, telephone, etc.
Inquire 1203 Farunm St.
same hultillni;,
I-E9) 15
FINE largo store room, cemented cellar,
barn, etc., on No. 21th street; llrst-class
grocery for 13 years; n big snap. See
1-032 13
AUH.vrs WA.vmi).
WANTED, canvassing agents in every
county to solicit subscriptions Tor THE
TOR. This splendid book contains 1.400
Imperial octavo pages, 800 object-teaching
engravings nntl Is tho only book on live
stock over published adapted to tho every
day, practical, money-saving uso of every
farmer and stock owner. Stendy employ
ment with assured gootl Income. Agents
In the country with horse und buggy es
pecially desired. Canvassers muko easily
$00 to $100 per month. Address, Century
Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Beo Building,
Omuhn. J 187
WANTED, an nctlvo nntl capable man in
each town nenr Omuhn to represent a
strong oil enmpnny now operating In tho
wonderful Kern river oil field; gootl prop
osition for tho right man. Address mil
Davenport St., Omaha. J MI22
AGENTS, both sexes, for wonderful seller,
the Ideal hat fastener, guaranteed per
fect; nothing on earth so gootl; salary or
commission: sample, 25c. O. 8. Chamber
lain, Fort Dearborn bldg., Chicago.
J-MI97 15
iiADY qgents, sell our adjustable dress
shields, skirt supporters, corset steel pro
tectors, etc. Weldon, 10S Fulton St.. New
York. J-632-15
AGENTS wnntetl, either sex, now line, no
competition, sells everywhere, splendid
prollt. Write for plan. Karlo & Philip
Co., Elgin. III. J-057 15
AGENTS wanted to sell Sweet Jenno Chow
Ing Gum: $75 per month und expenses to
nnybody that Is willing to work; u perma
nent position can be had. Sweet Jenno
Gum Co., Kansas City, Mo. J 553 15
WANTED, reliable women or men to sell
our coods to the consumer in communi
ties from 1,000 to 10,000 ponulatlon; per
manent employment nt good pay. Ad
dress, The Great Eastern Coffeo & Ten
Co.. 301 S. 10th St.. St. Louis. Mo. J
AGENTS wnnted for county nnd stntn to
sell National Automntlo Window Wnshor;
biggest seller out. Myers Mfg. Co., Cin
cinnati, O. j
AGENTS wnnted to sell our houso sho?s;
send for full list nntl ngents' price, or,
better still, give your size, send $1.25 nntl
begin taking orders nt once. Tho Spe
cialty Shoo Co., l-ll Blue Island Ave.,
Chicago. j
AGENTS, white or colored, we offer vou
an opportunity to earn big money day
In nntl day out. "Ozono" positively tnkos
the kinks out of nappy, knotty, kinky
hair, Every colored person buys on sight.
rite Immediately for free sample ami
Information. Every package guaranteed.
Reference, Metropolitan Bank, Richmond,
Vn. Boston Chemical Co., Dept. 9. Rich
montl, Vn. .1375 15
AGENTS, male or female; big moncv sell
ing wonderful ilouhle-fuccd pocket nptl
hand mirrors; picture revealed hold to
light; good side lino; sample pocket mir
ror, 10c: catalogue free. Transparent
mirror Co., SI Fifth Ave, Chicago.
DAVIS Mechanic's Soap removes Ink. paint.
iuii nun uu muiiiis; tonet soaps; v per
cent prollt; exclusive territory. Davis
Soup Co., Chicago. J 56'! 15
LADIES and gentlemen can earn gootl
wages bundling our Christmas specialties:
experience und capital unneccsynrv. Ad
dresB, Illff A- Co., 110 Wabash. Chicago.
J 565- 15"
WE PAY $20 weekly straight salary and'
expenses to men with rigs to advertise
nnd Introduce poultry compound, Send
stump. Royal Pn-Op. Mfg. Co.. Dept. 13,
Indianapolis, Ind. J-5C9-15
AGENTS to sell nlckiM-ln-the-slot inn-
. ,,,,, n ,,,, roasieti peanuts; ngents
wanted In every town; quick sel er; send
stamped envelope' for particulars. Auto
matic Salesman Co., Kansas City, Mo.
J 330-15
WANTED Agents and orgnnlzers to ren
resent largest sick, uccldent, d"th bcmL
fit iissnelatlon In America. Big renew tl
ViUJ.1--.1 1,ley ?")!" "iBht. America1.!
-muiiu 'innwi:iuilllll, at. I.OUIS, MO.
AtiIT?NL1"1, . I,tlVPS MetonicRublw
?.,r,Ti, for. r!clttnB clinlrH. mako $100 per
month. J. C. Hayes, 416 East Locust St..
Des Moines, III. J 580-15
WANTED ngents, both sexes, to sell our
tine Excelsior watches; sell everv where,
being gootl enough for 1 mllllonalro nntl
cheap enough for the poor man; foreman
in fuctorles, etc., can nako big monev on
the side by selling these watches to their
men; looks nntl wears as well nnd Just as
good a timekeeper as any $30 watch; 14
karat double-plate hunting case, rlchlv
engraved, warranted 20 years; genuine 7
Jewel movement, stem wind ami stem set
agents price, gent's or ladles' size, Jl.Sj
sells for J10 everywhere. Do not confound
our watches with other cheap Imitation",
dear nt any prjre. Wo glvo binding w'
year guarantee nnd repair watch freo for
one year or refund money If not satlsfnc
tory. If you mean business we will send
n snmnle wntch bv express, with privi
lege of full examination. If ns repre
sented pay the agent $1.8" and express
charges, otherwise you need not tako It.
Eagle Wntch Co., 91 Lees bldg., Chicago.
J 021 15
$6S8 PROFIT llrst month by on went
nrtlcle patented; bownro Imitations; sep
cial proposition ami oxcluslvo control to
first applicant. Dry Powder Flru Appll
nnce, 154 East 23d st N. Y. City. jL
. Pti' ''ptnp'ete memorial edition, tragic
deta Is pf anarchistic plot, life of assassin,
hundreds of pictures, only nuthentlc book;
largest, chenpest, best; enormous tlomnnd;
fortune for ngents llrst In Held; most lib
era! terms; secure territory now. first
book ready; credit given, freight paid;
general ngents wnntetl on salary; valu
able premium free with each book; book
outl t alone freo; both hook anil premium
nutllts prepaid for 25 stamps to cover cost
of sending; ore'er quick. Monroe Hook
Co., Chlcugo J-628 15
AGENTS wanted: "Llfo of McKlnley." by llalstead; full account assassina
tion, anarchism, etc.; largest, best, Illus
trated; authentic, $1.60. We give 60 per
cent and premiums; frelghtpald. credit
given. Agents clear $15 dully; bis salo
nssured: freo outfits ready; order today.
Gillespie & McUger, Chlcugo, III,
J Muii It
Atin.vrs WANTED.
PRESIDENTS, ' Just out. The only AU
THENTIC hunk. Introduction bv SENA
TOR Cl'LI.OM, giving lives of LINCOLN,
GARFIELD ami full account of the
M'KINLEY. of the vllllans who be
trajetl them, also history of nnarchy.
Profusely Illustrated. Over C0 pages.
Rest commissions, Credit. Freight vmld.
(OUTFITS FREE. Send lOo for postage.
George M. Hill Co., 106 S. Clinton St., Chl
cugo, ill. J-610 15
AGENTS wnntetl, "William McKlnley's II
Itistrlnus Life.1' memorial edition, oltlclal,
by Murnt Ilnlstea.l; on) pages, Illustrated:
only $1.5;i: highest commissions; freight
paid; credit given; nutllt loc; now ready;
order quick. A. B. Kuhlmitu Co., Chicago
111. J-M0)3 17
EXPERIENCED book men to glvo nway $6
volume free with $5.23 purehnso of staple
gootls; commission, $1.25 per order; 10 to
20 lots per day easy calling on genernl
trudo. Suite 31, 1SI Dearborn St.. Chicago.
J-699 15
author, llalstead; splendid Illus
trations, accurate, complete: price $1.30;
jiutllt free; act quick. Monarch Book Co,,,
Chicago. J-002 15 '
I OR! RAIT agents, everywhere, quit
crayons, try washablo ennmcllncs: no
glass; don't rub; cheap, Family Por
trait Co., Chicago. j-fai 15
MEMORIALS, wo wnnt nn ngent in every
county to sell memorials; our ngents nv
erage from $10o to .K) per month selling
them to farmers; they go from houso to
house und gather u list of those who have
died in each family ami then having the
memorials prepared beforn attempting to
show or Bell them; a sale Is easily se
cured lit most enses. For particulars ad
dress Campbell & Co., "78 Plum St., El
gin, 111. , J-C63 15
AGENTS, n splendid chance to make
money, our new pocket ntlas contains
mnps of every stuto In the union and
every country in the world; nlso the l!t
census compete; over too pages of maps
mm urncripiive matter; sens nt ugni;
semi 2)0 for sample und terms to ngents. McNnllv A.- Co.. Chicago. 111. J
WW N T 1. 1) TO lti:.T.
W ANTED-Closo In, two or threo partly
furnished rooms; must bo reasonable; good
pay. Address, G 3S, Beo. K 527-15
WANTED, to rent, I In 6 unfurnished
rooms or cottage, near 15th nntl Howard.
4W NVO. W. Blclg. K-60115
WANTED, .1 or I unfurnished rooms,
heated, private family preferred: refer
ences exchanged. Address O 36, Bee.
K-560 15
WANTED, desirable building lot, 33 feet
front, between Dodge und Lenvenwnrth
streets, west; must bo cheap for cosh.
Address O 31, Bee. K 013 15
WANTED, 10 or 12-room unfurnished houso
or lint eloso In. C. H. Ellis. Box 53S,
Omaha. K-030 15
PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co., 912
SH Jones, general storage and forwarding,
OM. A'an Stor. Co., 1511Va Kuril. Tcls. J659 My.
STORAG K Household gootls nnd other
articles sirred at low rates. J. J, Derleht
& Co.. 1119 Farnam St. Tel. 25.1. -932
ELEVATORS-Wo want 500 carloads of
corn chaff or screenings, either from
shellcr or second cleaning; wrlto us for
prices. Cellulose Mattress Co., Kansas
City, Mo. N-M2I1 16,
MAX KOGEL buys 2d-hd. clothing. 1207 Far.
WANTED, a stock of general merchnndlsa
or uu interest in 11 uuiik, iui uann, ,n-
dress G 29, Bee. N-M199 15
WANTED, LAND; If you want to sell NO
to t,io ucres nt a iiargain in a. J'-. rvei).
or eustcm Neb. might possibly consider
niner locality, write, uox w. Fans city,
IN CI), ;s U2J iq
GOOD-SIZED refrlcerator. steel ranee and
chiffonier; must be llrst-class and cheap
ior casn. Atitircss u iu, jsce. xm kh is
WANTED, a secontl-hand Indlnn cigar sign
Lock Box 203 Inko City, la, N 631 15
I HAVE $12,000 cash which I will invest in
ono gootl Improved fnrm or in several
smaller ones, Address u 49, Bee,
N-M6I9 21
REMINGTON typewriter, No. 2; stato
price, serial number, how long used. O,
uee, tinmen minis. i tiiia !
SECOND-HAND delivery wngon. Inquire
j.uti I'lirnam. m ut 15
CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel.
2020, New und secondhand furnlturo
bought, sold, exchanged. O 933
FOR SALE, household furniture, no car
pets or curtains. 1911 Wirt St.
O-M033 1 6
FURNITURE nntl lease, neat f-room mod
ern flat: a bargain, J. II, Parrottc. 16th
and Dodge. O 611 13
HEATING stove, hnrd or soft coal, almost
new, $10; cost $2S. 2301 Pierce St.
f )-R,r, ir,
MULES for sale, in carload lots or spans;
big stock to select from. Wulworth-1111-llkcr
Co., Union Stock Ynrds.
P-M603 S20
TALK it up-Harry Frost, 11th and Leav
enworth, makes gootl vehicles. P 119
OPEN cabriolet, hand made, for salo cheap.
Apply at 611 Brown Block. P-M377-17
WE HOLD nn auction snlo of horses every
Wednesday p. m. ut tho Union Stock
Yards. Wulworth-Hllllker Co.
P-M671 014
iDHAND safe cheap. Durlght, 1119 Farnam..!
SAFES, stuntlutd uuikes.sold, rented. Ill S 13
BIO lino of secondhand wheels, $3, $j, $8, $10,
Umuhii Blcyclo Co., 16th und Chicago Sts.
y 9.17
FIR limbers for houscinuvcrs, etc, 40 to
71 ft., cribbing nud hog funco. iwi Doug
las. Q-939
CHOICE lot of milch cows for sulo cheap.
S. T. Cainpnell, 1213 Center St. tj 391
BUGGIES, phaetons, surreys, wu'gons, bi
cycles; big slock new, second-hand bar
lsuIiis. Frvdrlcksou, 15th und Dodge,
Q-M818 S29
SPECIAL bargains In ladles' wheels,
Omaha Bicycle Co.. Cor. 10th & Chicago
Sts. Q-710
CHESAPEAF.U Ray puppies, tlnest re
trlevets t,u water fowl; a luw lett; reu
sonablo prices. A. J. lluyne, 3821 N. 22d
St. y 316 17
25-SETS of Beeond-hantl double ami slnglu
harness, 15 Huddles; genuine bargains, A.
Singer, '416 N. 16th, removed tiom l.'t9
Douglas g-M337 Oct.O
jTllORSE-POWint boiler, and engine, for
salo cheap. G10 S. llth st. Q-.MJ93 O10
$7onlTsALOON nntl storo building; 7 Hvjuff
rooms upstulis; ground OflxOu; corner 10 li
and Douglas. Lauer Bros. Q-oJJ
FOR SALE-Slot machines; nil 'sizes and
styles, electric nntl nutoina c: go. id ns
new; at your own price. Audi ess, I . 0.
Box 391, DavltM-'lty. Neb. O-MS.'o-!
LEFENER hammerless, 16-gaUgo. 2 sets of
double barrels, solo leather case, cheap.
10W Grace St. Q-oM 1j
FOR SALE, fourteen stantls of bees. For
further 'nrllculars address P. O. Box 4S7,
.Missouri Vulloy.Jn. Q-5.d 13
FOR SALE Kino hnrd coaj base burner;
used ono winter, at 621 N. 22tl St.
Q 588 13
MRS. FRIT., clairvoyant. 19 N. 16th.
DON'T f nit to CMlantl consult tho R011T
manlau gypsy, who reveals all secrets
and reads und explains to you your en
tiro llfu. 1923 Douglas St., Cor 20th
H-MOii 21
The above headlines speak volumes. It
Is unquestionably tme that MME OYLMLlt
ranks higher In the estimation of Onmhii
people- than aiiv "life rentier" ho hua ,
ever been here. Having bet n In tho cby
for such a long period us above metltlon.'it,
the question naturally .luggests itst if, Why !
Simply because she i.t superior tu all otner
people of her profession In till 1 cmnt.y
ami her patronage Justifies her 111 remain
ing. Her readings are of the kind tint
amount to something. They ure both In
structive und beneficial and Invariably g vii
For tho be.lellt of strnugeis who might
havo n tendency to class Mine. C.ylmer with
the ordinary clairvoyant or medium, wo
.vlll say that her worlds not of the mstlo
nature, but purely scientific.
Parlors ol Palmistry In Granlio block,
315 S, 15th, 2d Hour, Hike elevutor.
Send $1 anil six questions answered.
. S-ffiM 13
MM W. OYLMER. genuine, palmist, 315 S
i i5th. s-i:,o
M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect a -cordlon
pleating plant In the west; null
orders solicited. Suite 2W, Douglas block.
DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu
ous hnlr rtmoved by clictrlclty. R. li
Frenzer block, U 911
VIAVA, woman's way to health; raHnnak
wholesomo homo treatment, Sis Bee llttlg.
PRIVATE hospital for ladles hefoto ami
during confinement; babies adopted. 30J
Grant street. 1' 911
PRIVATE homo for Indies before ami dur!
lng confinement; babies adopted :r,:o
Burdetto st. Mrs. Burget. . U-371 09
WE RENT sewing machines for 73cenVi
per week; we repair nntl sell needles and
parts for every machine manufactured.
'Phone 1003. Neb. Cycle Co.. 13 & Ilurnev.
Brnncll offices 012 M. 21th st.,
Omaha; ulso :ui Broadwaj, Council Itluils.
U-MI33 Si7
PRIVATE homo for Indies before and dur
ing confinement; Imblei adopted. 21 0
Burdetto St. Mrs. Burget. U 117 Si"
SUPPLIES for nil machines;" tor
rent. White Sewing Machine, luw D au
las. Tel. 2231. U-915
RUPTL'RE eniED"wUlimiTthe iTulfe! Em
pire RuptUlu Cute, t'32 N. Y. Life Bltlg.
U-99) S30
OMAHA Accordion Pltg Co., 1521 Doug'ai.
MME. SMITH, bnths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor. R a
U -192 o;
MR. SOL ROSE and Mr. Thos. Doisev linvo
nevered their couneetlous with the Ne
braska Cycle -Co.. with whom thev hnvo
worketl for several years, and nie now
with tho Singer Muuufacturlng Co. Their
many friends can see them timing iht
Ak-Sar-Ben Carnival nt the Singer booth
of which they will have charge, and ulter
wurds ut tho Singer oHlco, 1511 Doughs
st. Telephone 418. t" M392 15
WALLPAPER cleaner. C. Metldlemlst.
Phono 125.S. Leave orders at 1319 Fat num.
Roams cleaned $1 nntl up. U MI25 Is
Monday wo will sell the following second
hnnil machines so cheap that you can't
uffortl to sew by hand:
Former Prim. Till Week.
1 Singer $ i.eo $1.0
1 Household 20.M v.ftl
.t.Slngors, high arm 20.00 s.frt
I singer. .New Imp L.i.on 0.iO
1 Householil -,.ft)
1 Union lo.oo n 00
1 White 16.00 S.01)
1 AVIIcox & Gllibs 25. W 12.50
1 New Home ;o.fO 8 0
1 Singer, tailoring 20.00 1111 0
Modern, drop-head machines, slightly use ',
.11 tuie-iiiiii regular price, wo rent ma
chines at 73 cents per week, or $2.tO per
month. These nro modern, up-to-dito
machines, with complete attachments.
We sell needles and parts for and rcpVr
overy sowing macuine mnuuiuctui'cil. No
hraska Cycle Co., Cor. 15th nnd Harm y;
branch ofllce, C12 S. 21th St., South Omaha,
U-611 15
VCCORDIQN pleating: cheapest, best and
quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and Far
nam. U 53')
LADIES: Secret to enlarge your bust six
Inches free; cannot fall or Injure the most
delicate. Leonard Medicine Co.. Kansas
City, Knn. 1T-53S 15
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and motes
permanently removed by electricity; con
Hultutlnn freo nntl confidential; all wor:t
guaranteed. Miss Allentler. 1613 Dmula.
MORPHINE, opium, Inudnnum, cocnlnn
habit: myself cured, will Inform you of
harmless, pcrmnnent homo cure. Mrs,
Baldwin, Box 1?12, Chicago. U
MARRY or correspontl for nmuscment;
send stamp for sealed particulars. Box
D 268. Council Bluffs, la. U
ATTRACTIVE nntl reflned young lady of 21,
worth $2S,ono, will tlevoto llfo to kind hus
band. Box 600, Toronto Junction, Out
U-510 15
$60.00 Tribune $35 00
J50.00 Rugby 35.00
$10.00 A lid ma 32.60 Keatherstono ....XlOO
$311.01 Nonpareil 15 00
35.00 Crescent 25 00
Secondhand, wheels, J.l.rn) up.
Suntlrles nnd repairing.
U-M5I2 21
MAURI AG E paper, containing nearly 600
descriptions of thoso wanting to ninrry, 2
cents. Established II years. Reliable anil
confidential, Jir. and Mrs. Drake, 153
Washington St., Chicago. U 5.19 15
Gentlemen, behold! THE PRINCE OK
O.MAIIA! In our midst Is the Prince;
Union Made, best quality, free ami cool
flavor, unexcelled. Bought for $37 it thou
sand nntl sold at 6o straight.
Tho latest fatl Is to smoke tho Prince of
UNENCUMBERED widow (29), unquestlon
ublo character, wishes to meet refined,
temperate gentleman matrimonially In
clined. Glvo details In first letter, please,
Trlflers positively must not answer. Ad
dross. .Mrs. L. A. Klofer, General Do
livery, Lincoln, Neb. 15
JENNIE, meet me nt the Collins l'lnuo
Co.'h store, 1622 Douglas St., tomorrow at
2 p. in. nntl hear the wonderful .Monarch
talking machine. George. V 018
HANDSOME Ainerlcnn lady, Independently
rich, wants good honest husband. Ad
dress Erie, 19J Washington St.. Chicago,
111. tr-Oil 15
6 AND 614 per cent loans., W. IL'1'nnIm,l,
First National Bunk building. ''';, 'Gls:
WANTED, city loans, bunds nntl wnrranti.
CJeol'g" Company. 1W1 l-Minam stieet.
WANTED, city hams and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnum street.
W 918
WANTED, city nntl fnrm loans; also bonds
anil warrants. 11. 1. i-oters 111, 1,1 i
Fnrnnm St., Beo Bldg. W 919
4V4 TO 5 P. C. money. Bemls, ruxtmi Blk.
w 'JJI
30,000 SPECIAL fund; lonns $r0 up; lowest
ruics. iiurvin ijios,, iwi Farnam.
$300, iif. $V0 PRIVATE money to loan; 1,
2, 3 or 6 yours. W. L. Selby, Hoard of
Trade Bldg. W-933
SEE HENRY 11. PAYNE. 0012 N. Y. Life.
MONEY to loan on iirprovod Omaha real
estate Bronnan-i.ove Co., 309 South 13th.
PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L.
B. MEIKLE. toi S. 16th St., loans money
11 resldunco property ut 5 per cent.
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wcud, 1621 Douglas.
TO LOAN, a sum of money at V, to fiVS per
cent on farm land sn-urlty In H. E, Neb
owing to iimtniiiis und security Address
Box W, Kulla City, Neb. 'w-citi U
LOANS on eastern Nebraska and western
I own farms at 6 per cent; borrowers can
pay til) or any multlpl..; any lnteiest
elate; no delay. Ilnumau-Lovu Co.. W So.
13th St., Oniahu, Neb. W 950