( CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Jecrm Nottd in Number of Buyers Coming on ths Market. PRICES HOLDING UNUSUALLY STEADY Trntellnu Men from .MlirnsUn nnil AclRliliorliiK States Will " ' Omnhn Thin Wcelt to Meet Otm tomera mid Entertain Them. The wholesale trade of this city last week ' wan affected more or less by the fact that most nf the nttrnctlve features or the AK Har-Rcn cnrnlvnl come thin week nnd for tnut reason merchants havo been postponing their visit to Omaha so as to bo at tno carnival nt the most Interesting time. In Hplto of that fact, however, there were n good tnHny merchants In the city last week anil were nulto liberal buyers. Traveling men havo also been sending in a gouu batch of orders, so that, nil things con sidered, Jobbers have done a very fnlr busi ness since Inst report. Next week they nro looking for the bluest run on record nnd in order to wnlt upon the thousands of buyors who will be on the market JobberH uro cnlllng home their traveling men from Nebraska, western town, , rth.maYicT Missouri, northern Kansas "',"""'",";: Houth Dakota. When al the Omaha sales men traveling In that terrllor irr.' Ihe city thcro will bo l5?'S , WTmns 'nous' s aVeUamHnS rest , 2subr that' no" trouble will bo spared to afford tlvrm every "PJ,Vn,ty t0 buy their supp Its while In the clt. ,,. So far as market news Is concerned, thcro Is very little of Merest to be said this week, ns most lines are In about th "mo nosltlon they were a week ago. The Hard ware imirkct Is a little stronger, owing to scarcity of certain lines, tut no Important advances have taken place. Cotton goods are also llrmlng tip a little. arocf r" "."of changed very slightly and other classes of goods curried by Omaha houses are hold ing just about steady, from that it Is seen that the m tuat on Is covered by call ing the generul market steady to strong and In a good, hcullhy condition, (iroocry Trnde Active. Wholesale grocers report trade as i being iturorlslngly huavy. From nil sections tributary o this market liberal orders aro being iccclvcd and there seems to be every High tnis season, uihh ,,,.':,; itfl even that has evidently failed to shut ort the demand to any appreciable extent. .Retailers all report u brisk trade nnd con Hcqucntly " hey are willing to carry nulto hThey market is In very much the same position it was u week ago. Tic coffee market may be quoted nbout steady, but fUlll It I noticed that old coffee Is llrmlng up a trill? owing to the f.iot that stocks nro pretty well cleaned up. New coffees, on 'The contrary, are no more than ste. . i a d the feeling Is nonu too llrm. Ihe situation 'Vhe" sugar0 maXt Is practically steady with tho quotations In force a week ago. The demand ut the present .time In re ported as being exceptionally henyy for this season of tho year and In fact local jobbers claim they arc huv ng con i dernb o trouble In getting enough stock to till their orders promptly. . . . There aru no chnnges to report In the quotations on canned goods, the market may bo said to bo gooif and llrm and I oca jobbers aro predicting a strong, heal thy market for some time to come. Storks are by no means heavy and the general belief. Is that even at the high PClces now ruling ihu demand will be sufficient to take all thcro Is In sight. . , , All tho old stock that has been carried over from yeur to year will naturally be brought out, but even If that Is donp It is thought there will bo no weakness In tho market, at lenst not beforo January 1, and In nil probability not then. In farinaceous goods rolled oats nre just nbout steady and in fact tho same may be said of almost tho entire line, with tho ex ception of beans, which nrn a trifle ycr. There Is nothing new' to be said of dried fruits, prices remaining unchanged. Such lines ns syrups and Jellies are also selling In tho samo notches they were a week ago. Demand tSrentcr Than Supply. Hardware men nre still experiencing ron slderablo difficulty In getting tho various lines that are affected by tho strike rap Idly enough to fill their orders. T hoy are oversold on many classes of goods and at tho present writing they do not see much prospect of any Immediate relief. 'Kven If 'the tlnplate nnd other mills closed down by the strike should run from th s time on to their fullest capacity It would take them some time to catch up with their back orders, and, as thoro Is good reason for thinking that there Is going to bo a good, lively demand throughout tho season, there docs not appear to i much chunce for prices to ease off to nny extent for some llttlo time. The, tendency nt present Is toward a higher level of prices and tho market Is what might be called uneven, ns thcro Is considerable variance in the prices quoted In different cities. Prices here nre at n low level as compared with other points, which perhaps accounts for the generous orders local houses hnvo been re ceiving. Dealers aro buying quite freely, as they rcallio that they must have the goods to meet present requirements, una then, too, they arc nfrnld If they do not tako them now' they may not bo nblo to get them later at any price. Tho Unseed oil market Is also attracting considerable attention, Prices In the east wero marked up from So to 12c last week and thcro wna nlso an advanco at this point. A week ago quotations were 14c for raw and Co for boiled, while at tho pres ent time tho selling price is 5Cc for raw and 68c for boiled. Stocks nre reported as being very light ani In fnct local dealers ennnot get enoug1'. tb Mil their orders. Some of them havo withdrawn from tho market entirely for tho time being Tho market, is In n very unsettled condition and what the future will bring1 forth no one attempts to predict. The genernl opinion seems to be. however, that the low prices that havo been In force of late nre not Justified by actual conditions but what courso prices will tako cannot now be told. The National Jobbers' association, which held a convention In Detroit n week ugo, did not, ns was expected, advance tho price of window glass. Tho old prices are still In force, but the mnrket Is good and firm and In n healthy condition, so that glass may bo considered good property. Print Cloth rirm. Dry goods Jobbers did not havo quite ns many visitors last week ns they had tho weok before, owing probably to tho fact that retailers nro counting on coming to the. city this weok. There was neverthe less a very fnlr trndo and Jobbers busied themselves getting ready for tho rush of business exported this week, Traveling men are all headed toward Omaha and will ho here this weok to meet tholr friends nnd customers. Tho cotton goods mnrket Is still in a very strong position and particularly Is that true of print cloths, which aro being hold good nnd llrm ut 27o, Thoso who aro best posted on the situation say that It would causo no surprise If u still farther advance should tnko placo In tho near future. The demnnd from all sections of the country continues very heavy and tho samo may be said of tho foreign trade, so that the 'prospects for a strong, healthy market for some tlmo to come look very favorable, Cood Trnde In Leather (inod. Tho leather goods trnde continues very satisfactory. A good many buyers arrived on tho market last week and moro nro ex pected this week. They aro buying qnlto freely and tho genet nl tiltuatlon Is very satisfactory to local Joblrera. Rubber goods men also report a good, brisk trade, as the recent rains hnvo stirred things up in the country, nnd orders for both footwear and mackintoshes and nil forms of rubber clothing hnvo been coming In quite freely. There nro not many merchants who havo not bought their winter stocks, but those who have not aro now doing so, as they nro feeling much better over the outlook for future business than they wero n short tlmo ago. Fruit n ml Produce, Thero was a very fair trade last woek In fruits nnd vegetables, A few lines nro now offered on the mnrket moro freely than they have been before, such us Rocky Ford melons, cggplnnts and sweet nota toes. Tho prices at which they are selling will be found In the quotations In another column. Thero Is not much change In tho prices quoted on the general run of veue tables, ns tho supply and uemand has been nbout even. Thcro Is qulto a variety of fruit on the market, but peaches and grapes seem to be the most popular, Cranberries are now being offered nt J7 per barrel or $:.M per crate. A decline In both orunges nnd lemons is noted. The egg market Is good and firm, tho ultne price now bclilK 13ilHc. Poultry la nlso fully ns high as It was a week ugo. The receipts of both eggs and poultry havo not been heavy unci the demand has also been somewhat limited. The situation In butter Is rather un usual. Prices on creamery are lower than they wero two weeks ngo. Those who are postod on the movements of the butter maeu wl" reft(5Hy recognize the fact that ir.-i-.i ?.1 lms ,,me 18 almost unpre cedented. Uecelpts, however, held up this y.ar .V.c,,.cr th!,n wn anticipated, par i,'f.u.1.?.rly Lvlew ' ho dry condition of Rf'tures. There seems to be a llttlo fall !C, In receipts now nnd dealers say mat tho market may bo firmer from this time on, 'rf'8 I the open season for ducks and ? ?L nut. there Is practically no market or them In Omahn. The new game law nos put a stop to tho handling of game In rKe quantities, so that, while there will I?a l!u,n handled here, thero will not be enough to make a market. SPECULATIVE" MARKETS DULL All drains sIhmt Snine Tendency, tint Most Pronounced In Wheat. Speculative dullness of tne most pro nounced type ha characterized nil grain markets throughout the week, and has been more than pronounced In wheat. Thero has been a steadily declining tendency until tho neighborhood of 70c was reached, when there appeared to bo a more friendly feel ing toward tho buying side, numerous buy ing orders being In evidence, The general situation has no new fentures In it. Proba bly the gi latest beur argument has been the absnnco of trnde, which has been some what Intensified by the bear sentiment pre. niilnB; nm.' tt.1 ,ne 8amu time there Is a lack of enthusiasm about the short side In the neighborhood of these prices, the trnde appearing to believe that, nil things consld ered, wheat should bo worth present figures on its merits, Irrespective of the largo crop '."..r0'001.-. Tner' may bo an clement of Vim. t"18! "nd probably It will be h It i ? RPt l,r'CC8 to a much lower level, " - cum! mm; me ueur icumrcs are unquestionably in the majority. Cash aemnnd has shown somo Improvement, but It Is not inatked. Movement In the south west has btMi light, but northwestern re ceipts huve been double a year ago. Tho improved situation promises less drain for reed ng purposes on wheat and unless spec "'"tlon increases more liberally it will be difficult to advance prices, with tho pres suie of hedging sales against movement of t'",S!1. w,'eat constantly increasing. this may ull be altered, however, should our rorclgn friends evince a deBlre for American whent on a large scale on further lireaks, thus going far to contlrm what Is at ptesent largely theory, namely, that for eign requirements aro so much In excess of rormer years that our surplus supplies will be well taken care of. .iT,10u'!l.tulUlon ,s altogether clear, nnd al though It may appear that wo are dealing in vain repetitions" when wo call It a scalping market, yet thut Is about tho best that can be said of It at the present lime. Vhlle wo can sec nothing bullish at this writing, we do see opportunities for scalp nf . ,,.roi tf , by jKtV'nii whuit on further lips, bellevlrrf that nutural icactlons may be anticipated, that foreign demand will be morn attractive by luwer prices, und that possibly tho outsider will bo tempted to take his favorite side nguln. . ,T. . 8t"atlon hus been somewhat com plicated by tho uncertainty of the presi dent s condition; his death Is not only our nations, but tho world's loss, and Is 10 recognized b nil foreign countries, they closing all their mnrkets; certainly nn ap preciated expression of their soi'row rini sytn pathy. Administration win continue on tho lines ,h.How" by Mr-.cKlnley, and the proj perlty now prevailing which has been luc Rn muni, in l.lj ...-...... ., ..... question, be continued, nnd llnanci.il condi tions wl 1 1 be unchanged and, we believe, but slight. If any, depression in vn u a ex perlenccd. t.i,,ei '?nB-Pectcd government report was SHUPf! IllRt Tilaa.lno .n . ...... . t. figures it cave were sensatlonnl. In fict ho i much so as to appear practically valuo S ,1, ,to. the grain trade, who seemed n ?,". (l to..,c.0,!1,c.r tho estimate put forth , ii iifuii.ii nicy ceriainiv do not glbo with tho prlvnte reports which have conio to hand, and which Intimate a very mnrked improvement even In plices where total losses wero expected. Judirln? mm , i n uiui oi ai least j.i'jo, OOO.OjO bushels can be expected, and that Si u" ' "s "eon selling at too iiKli.Hipol"t Wllllc tl,cro has been somo u ?ht . "iProvement In the cash situation, lr In mH II tint i u iiAniiUii .. n.. . t. ' i... V ""'lis niu line, wnn corn at theso prices, nnd .is long ns they arc muln iilned, every substitute In this country, as well ns abroad, that can be used In placi of corn will ha ,,,iii. i i. ...ii , t ' dimcult. in our Judgment," to revive specula five Interest on tho long sldo of this cer-al n,CE" " ',0"'.,;r.t might' have a bound Ynh. VZZAr" -,Ti. I.. "'"""vvu, ii iuviviii or ine .i .i:-"1"?". larger flgnrs that this level was In lino with tho Wine mni-?. W,1! ,he nh?vo ,ln cor 'ts n um ffin? rnW?aLwe IK !.W": hellevlng Thn ,;' .rv""'" i? ' 18,8 nw. - uiumri nun niiuwn a TnnrKnd ."eenH&J'ite din.h ."J,'!.".:1 n"! 'mproved and tho evU nV... .w' i r conditions ih '"8 vyn. tno m- ion and' gained It Vr e'ds " Ze 6t f"a -' '' Ir's, eSu advance them, " not Herein nV? L0"" m?.r.!eL,.1.,.l8 .. "tcnily. rech0,rtW,V:at,'''K ht c ' r'eVn last year.- Private estlma " continued falling off next wick. & do mand is Increasing and at this writing here docs not npponr to be nnythliiK to feel vnrv Vwiiyi'iV."...,n?ney. and Wfl breaks, uuying side on all FI.OYD J. CAMPHEM, COMPANY. Statement of Assnelnted llnnkn. iini'n-f. ; .-". u,tw,wo; decrease .IS'iffr'00 ''T0?"8' 31,433.Wi decrease '116 -?v9.,J0,,): clrcufatlon. J30.7M.100: Increase tin . 11 .legal tenders, 172.013,100; decrease St 090.700; specie, Jlfi7,955,700: decrease $" 173 inn" tota reserve. I2.li nes cn.i. iir?r :'!!!"?: i . ' ,c' ""joi ino uank statemiMit verlnn'lnl .h" . .... .. .""i .ru.l,,r"'. no ell- collections "unr TuedaV's" de'rr't'lJe , ilv .. "e.cnnso upon Its from Ai.,,-,V- '"r..f.uu.rcaury of In.efnaV 'roV-nuo collections ?r2 thero probably were moderately lnree firrjvJ' .'1" 'P the 'cashof trlbutions will to m e ear y In the cur" to con.Tn'n',, Th0 ,eeT-""n " Sec etaVyo'age to continue to purchnso 3, and 5 tier cent fore conHi.ieVin.. iKl"l,V,y 'naue. There. dC,?ene"iIc.r'n. lh.?...nh.ovo facts, thero cash T already i n h"i y ,'nrK0 "niounts of rem,lni,""'8 not shown by wlthHutdexanBfngspec,y nonl,,ehe,reePtwonid, seem to b n reasonable assurance at lm received a d',rhAV"VV,...T,,V"tnas already nrosi.ert w I t,i "nmeuiate if srsjss Ilnnk ClenrliiKs. OMAHA. Rent. It. Clenrlnua 11177m. Kl.Va)." cTearif.gs"for' vweek.JH Ss W'XU SESSl" ,usl 'car N'KW YOFtlf. Rent 1lrl.i . 111.119: balances. I12.WIS.997'. '"""" . niiii.Anpi.imiA a... v. inn unit,, w.,iiFi,Nni uaiances, 1I,3C9.9;;) Money. )',((', per cent, llAf.TIMnnn Hnr. ll.r.1 -i ..... 731: balances. J637.330. ' pdr the week: Clear" lies. I19.S19.B23! bnlnnee. u mi Kin '. '"f. tMNCINNATI. Sept. ll.-Clearln(ts. 12,127.- cnange; iyrsoc illscount; c ll rK ex" , ni. I.UI'IM, sept. II, C ear ngs. J(i07ftor.I balances. $721,910: money ,W : pTr ' c en l; n5?v cornkt n0sXked.,,K, 4 '""""ntliW. Sfe dls- iv York Mono) Market. for demand and at l.fc; for sixty iliv posted rates. I.F3v,ji4.sr and ti iflfli ifiu: commercial bills, 4.62e4.2Vi. '-l04GV4i THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; S US DAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1001. i STOCK EXCHANGE CLOSED No BniineisDn at New York Econnit of Freiident'i Dtath. LARGE DECREASE IN CASH RESERVES Xctk nt .HcKlnlry's Itelnpse Cnuses Slnnip In Market Liquidation Heny, Irgent nnd Persistent Trcnsury Offers Aid. NEW YORK, Sept, ll.-1'nllowing th? precedent set at tho time of tho dtuths of Presidents Lincoln and Oarllcld, tho Stock exchange adjourned Immediately upon as sembling today, out of respect to tho memory of President McKlnley. As a con sequence, tho money market and tho ex changes wero both merely nominal nnd threw no light on how tho president's deaih would affect the markets. Tho only Inci dent worthy of attention was the weekly bank statement. Tho decreaso In cash te serves of 13.S70.100 was rather larger than expected, even with tho payments yester day for government bond redemption not included. Uut on the other hand, tho stock market liquidation during the week has contracted loans of some m,i'V,"W, thus materially reducing the legul reserve re nuiremcnt to tho hencllt of tho surplus, which Is only lightly encroached upon. Marked success had been achieved In tho task set for organized capital of recuperat ing the stock market for the heavy blow of lust Saturday, when It had to face tho effect of the attempted nssnsslnatlon of President McKlnley. Seemingly not sufll dent account was tuken of the quick im provement und supposed approach to re covcry of tho distinguished patient, for yesterday when the alarming news was received of his relapse to near death's door the stock market slumped and within fifteen minutes of trading ufter the opening tho laborious results Htlileved by a weeks careful nursing of stocks were wiped out. Prices yesterday evening were generally lower than on last Saturday. During tho week they hud been at one time protf.y fully restored to tho level prevailing be fore the uttack upon tho president. Tho first measures concerted for the protection of the market wero by tho clearing house committee. Acting as tho representatives of all tho clearing house banks nnd of the foremost llnn.iciers and capitalists of llu country, they were able to secure tho co operation of all those great forces for ono n..... .i,h nit- mum'' inuraei against annuo Ml rln .erini. Alt. it. . ''t.iiuiiiik i-icuiih wcru lorill- coining on Monday for all solvent borrowers ... 1,1111 iiviuiii needs, Skillful operators In stocks wero on tho floor of the exchange to protect values, thereby keeping up bids for stocks, taking offerings ut moderate declines and so pro venting tho reckless socrlflcu of holdings and the w ping out of collateral margins ror loans. 'Iheso objects were not achieved without u lavish outlay of resources, us tho liquidation was henvy nnd urgent and per sistent, but success was manifest beforo trading had proceeded long on Monday. Ilut the financial wisdom which presided over the movement viewed with u Jealous eye tho heavy Inroads making upon money resources by tho withdrawals from tho cir culation of tho surplus revenues of tho government nt n tlmu when the need wus bo urgent. The nittAnl i.1,l..t .,.. t . secretary of the treasury met with a quirk .., iiimoumi ior lenders or lionds ror redemption to tho amount of ?20,000,000 nnd tho diversion of 5.0w).oiM of Internal revenue collections Into national bank de positories. This afforded considerable re fc.finnd "ft01. 1'tftln'ly the bad news from Huffnlo. Luring tho middle of the week thero was so much success shown In tho ef forts to protect and recuperate tho market that somo disposition developed to set on foot an active speculation for a rise, llcav" realizing was accomplished undercover n't this movement by those who had bought heavily to sustain the market on SaturiTay and early this week. This not only re lieved the situation by 'strengthenlne- thn resources of this element In the market but nlso checked the Injudicious specula ion 'JLl rl8P- The "cute effect prodiccd upon stocks and the heavy selling of stocks yesterday was ample warning that money market resources must be still carefully E.n,".T? d lf ,no 8,0C.k 'nnrkot Is to bo pro tected from a calamity In tho growing do mands for money In tho channels of trndo SrtiJL,0i.f.tri,n ca,u!!,,u. to all business and credits by the misfortune to tho head of tho government. 01 mid7,Ulni!?1 9f rallr.oni honds has been much lighter than of stocks nnd nt lbs-! cost of values. United States 5s ndvanced ; 11th0. ?" ?l fni the new 4s 1 per cent ttKyhCee.C"ned cSli OMaIIA WHOLES ALU MAH.K13T. Condition of Trndo 11 ml iuatntlons 011 Staple and Fancy Produce. i:?,9,Sn.Cc,e.ll1ts- r"lr; loss off. 13flllc. UVE POUL,TY-Hens, 707ij": your: Hid old roosters, Ic: turkeys. imc; ducks a''j firC WHe; spring chickens, per ib -ifiii'1 riKP Co,nmon to fair. 11H1("12c: choke dairy, in tubs, lSfilGc; separator, 20 ViCKSII l-'ISH-lllack bass, lsc; white n-s,-10of hlucllsh, lie; bullheads, lOc; bluo nns, ic; buffaloes, 7c; catllsh, 12c; cod. luc; dm-'i1'1'. 1UtV halibut, lie; herring, 7c; huS: dock, luc; pike, pic; red snapper, 10c; sal ite."' : iu""8h' oc: fout. lie; whlteil"li, OYSTEHS-Standards, per can, 30c; extra can,L&.pl'r Ctt"' :"c: ork counts, pe? i;PS.N?.rI-lve. per doz.. 60c. uti tTI:.irt-t'? uole'' hy Omaha Wholesale mm. v?le58 ""oclation: Choice upland, 'f',. upland, J9.00; medium. S.E0: . . !.or. '!u ,jr K00a color und quullty. Ut "ww,; "eceil'ts, 2 cars. V lliAl 60c COKN-51L. OATS-3lc UrtAN-J16.60 VEGETABLES. EGO PLANTS Per doz.. 70c tlHEEN LOUN-Per doz.. Kjc' ?iMi.Ii9TS-1'.r.murket basket, 33c. 'lUitMPS Per basket, 3Uc gjJciCUMUEKS1,omo-Brown, per doz.. 10 LETTUCE Per bu.. 20c. 11AUI8UES-Per doz.. ligisc. PAKSLEY-Per do.. 2i'c. NEW POTATOES .llBl 23 vAU M.?,.H":norne-rown. 2Q2',4c. baike-t,' Mc,fc& ilu"'e-erown. per 18-lb. V,5i.Hii,,1T.Iomc-CTown. per lb.. 2Q2Hc. JlhANS-ox, per U-bu. basket C0c string, per -bu. baskeL 6uc RUt' w . CANTALOLJPK-llomo.grown. per doz craaM.1"' "Ki "ockyfords.per MATf":5?:-LON8-Ml'ourl, Iowa and Nebrnska, 202oc. as to size. CELEKY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 25a33e- FRUITS. APPLES Per bbl J2.25i32.W A C 1 1 K S Cu 1 1 f o r n 1 11 freestone, per box. foe; clings, ,c, Colorndo freestone. 7511!5c: eimcV,??ij 6;.b,!f.kct cr,l,cs' num-n ' PLUMB California, per cralz, Ji.jsai w-home-grown, per S-lb. buskot..lic. "',lw' PEAUS-Ilurtlctts. J2.50; Utah, New lork Ilnr'lctts, kegs, J2.50. .QKAPES-Callforiiift Tokay, 4-lb. crate J3; Muscats, $1.60; Concords, home grown per 4-lb. baskot, JCftUc. " PINE AIPLEtt-pt.r crato of 12 to 16 si -, jANUEHRIES-Per bbh, 7.W; percrate, TnOPICAL FRUITS. w"tsff?l!wVa,CnC,aS' ,4 0050i Med. $2.&6fc' r UnctXl occoranB to size. r?,?7?aIlfornia' ncw cartons. 73c; lay. crA,A7?,?L,m,Por,,e1' Pef lb.. 10Q12c! OAlLb-Perlan. In 60-lb. boxes, Salri. tc MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS-Engllsh wulnuts, per lb.. 15c: nl. berts, per lb 13c; almonds, per lb.. WfoJ raw ptanuts, pe- lb., baiHc: roasted, owi iV4c; Urnzlls, 13c: pecans, luii22c. ntf feH-I'w bbl.. JI.50; per 4 bfcl.. $175. iii!Dt:N l, Tocn- Hc; No. 1 utien, 5Hc; No 1 salted. Sc; No. 2 salted, 7c J? o. X veal calf, s to U'H lbs., $0: No. 2 vea calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides. h&Kc' sheep pelts, MQ75c; horsehldes, $1.602.24. ForelKii Financial, LONDON, Sent. 14.-MONEY-1Q1H per cent: the rnto of discount In the open mnr ket for rhort bills I 2Uf72H per cent: for three months' bills, 2 per cent. Ror silver, steady nt 27d per ounce. Oold pre inhirns are quoted today at Uuenos Aires at 1S0.90; Madrid, 42.23; .labon, 33.75i Rome 3.S2V. ' PARIS. Sept. 14. The bourse was slightly affected ny the announcement of the death of, President McKlnley, R0 tintos, the principal feature, losing a portion of their advance. Spanish securities continued to advance with the advance of exchange Other departments wero satisfactory, the closing being steady. Kaffirs were firm. Three per cent rentes, 10U 40c; exchanie on London, 23f 14'jc for checks, Spanish 4S, 1I1 IIERLIN, Sept ll.-lluslness on the hourse today opened quietly, the death of President McKlnley having been discounted yesterday. Subsequently prices wore llrmer. Americans recovered a portion of their previous decline. There was little business transacted and the attendance was small, owing to tho Jewish holidays. Kchnngo on London, 20m 43pfg for checks. Discount rates; Short bills, 2 per cent; three months' bills, 34 per cent. Weekly Cotton Mntrniriit. LIVERPOOL, Sept. H.-Followlng nre the weekly cotton statistics: Totul sales of .ill kinds. 40,010 bales; American. 31.W0; Eng lish spinners' takings. 46.000; total exports, 4,0i; Imports of ail kinds, !.; American, 6,lio; stock of ult kinds, az.ivi; American, 205,(w0; quantity nlloat of alt kinds. K.om1; American. 6.(io; total sales on speculation, i.tuu; totul exports, 2,sw. M'ool Atietlon Snlen LONDON. Sept. II Tho arrivals to date for the coming series of wool auction sales number 161,3 bales, of which 21,510 were forwarded direct. The Imports for tho week follow: Ncw South Wales, 3.2S1 ba'fs; Queensland, 732; New Zealand, 7.M1; Cnpa of Good Hope and Natal, 31; llussornh, 1,133; Singapore, iofi; elsewhere, 1 121 tales. Sew York Dry Hoods .Market. NEW YORK. Sept. II. Tho death of the. president couscd a marked falling oft In business In dry goods today anil with the Jewish New Year nlso keeping buyers out of the market, buslnerH h.is been restricted. There has been no change In prices In nny direction, except In black cotton goods, which nro being rapidly udvanccd. Imports nnd Export nt eiv York. NEW YOP.K, Sept. II. Tho exports of specie from this port to all countries for this week aggregate $1,132,911 silver und $1,430 gold. The Imports wero $62,472 f.llver, $80,835 gold. Tho Imports of dry goods and merchandise this week nre valued at $S,500, &SI. Ilondn Piirvliiincil ly Trrnmirj". WASHINGTON. Sept. 14. The Treasury department purchased $110,000 long term 4 per cent bonds nt 110; $11,000 3s nt 108.007; $6,tX0 short term 4s nt 113.3322. MxcliiiiiKCs Closed nt ,ow Orleans. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 14. All commer cial exchanges closed. Flags nt half-mist and drapped In mourning throughout the city. Oil nnd Itonlit. OIL CITY, Sept. U.-OIL Credit bal ances, $1.25; certlllcates, no bid; no runa or shipments reported. . KniiNitt City I'.uk .Market, KANSAS CITY, Sept. 14.-EGGS-Flrm; fresh, lie. CHICACO I, VB STOCK MAIllvET. Western Cnttlc and Sheep Sternly Hokm Strong;. CHICAGO. Sent. 14.-CATTLK-Recelpts. 500 head, Including 1C0 Texans; westerrs steady at recent decline on nil kinds 1 cood to prime utter, nominal. $6.0J(H170; pcor 10 medium, 51.00y5.au: stocKers nnd feeders, $..5oy4.25; cows, $2.50fi4.CO; heifers, $2.0O1i5.00; canncrs, $1.60f(2.30; bulls, J2.0)-ii4.75; calve-, $3.00iC.25: Texas steers, $3.0081.50; western steers, $3.755.23. HOGS Receipts, 11.000 head; estimated Monday, 2S.000; left over, 2.150, steady to strong, closing weak; mixed and butchers, $6.2000.75; good to cholco heavy, $6.fJVrjf,.H71V, rough heavy. JG.OWltf.40; light, J0.33jjti.70; bulk of sales. Jti.40tfiti.CO. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rccclpts, 3.0TO neau; snecp steady; good to choice wetners, $3,801(4.23: fnlr to cholco mixed. S3.50fi3.S: western sheep, $3.25f4.(0; native lambs,' $3.0) kjd.iv; western laniDS, i.i"jya.w, ICnnsns City Live Stock .llnrkot. KANSAS CITY, Sept. ll.-CATTLE-Re-celpts, KK) head; compared with week ago, beef steers steady; cows and heifers 10c higher, stockers and fecdera 2."o higher; today's prices nominal; native steers, $1.30 dlii.uu; stocKers nnd feeders, 12.80(34.2.1; west ern steers, $3.C0?5.7i; Texans nnd Indians, $2.70f3.75: Texas cows. $2.151i2.S0; native cows and heifers. $2,6015.43; bulls, $2,258: 4.25; calves. J3.5Offi5.0O. HOGS Receipts, 3.00) head: steady; top, $6.60; bulk. $5.3rrt6.fi0; henvy. Jrt.VJfROi; mixed packers, $ti.33Q6.6); light, $.10S6 5); pigs. $l.o0S6.CO. SHEEP AND IA MRS Receipts, 100 head; compared with week ngo, sheep 20ii3)c higher, lambs 25f35c higher; lambs, $lKV?f 4.50; western wethers, J3.23Q3.75; stockers and feeders, $2.00fl3.CO. St. Louis I.lvc Stock Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 14.-CATTLE-Recclpt3. 400 head; market nominal for want of sup plies; weak: closed with prices on beef grades 10J15c lower than Inst week; Tex.is steers unchanged, running prices; native shipping nnd export steers, $4.75TiB.23; dressed beef nnd butcher steers, $3.G3J?3.7P; steers under 1.000 lbs., $2.5Jfi5.2r,; stockers nnd feeders. $3.50fl3.i5; cows nnd helferc $2.00Tj4.55; canners, $1. 2."fi2.50; bulls, $2.' 4.50; cows and heifers. $2.15Hf3.10. HOGS Receipts, 2,0o0 hend; market ac tive, steady; pigs and lights. Jti.23QC.50; packers. $6.23ti.f-5; butchers, 6.iW(ifi.n."i. 3HEEP AND LAMUS-Recelpts, 700 hend; mnrket steady, with native muttons $2.75TJ 3.35; lambs. $3.fWN.7.'.; culls and bucks, il.73 (33.23; stockers, $2.00Jf2.50. New York I.lvc Stock .Mnrket, NEW YORK, Sept. H.-REEVES-Ro-cclpts, 19 hend; no trade; dres&ed beef, 7'4--? OUc per lb.; exports today, 2.051 head beeves. 1,850 head sheep and 14,080 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, M head; only busi ness one bunch of Indian calves, $0 per 100 lbs. SHEEP AND LAMRS-Rccelpts, 3,300 head: very dull nnd nrlces weak: hIic-h. $3.W(4.25; top figure for choice, Inferior to good lamn.s, t.::.vtfo.ij; dressed muttons, J5.O0ff7.O0; dressed lambs, extreme range. $6.00fiti.l0. HOGS-Recelpts, (SIR hend; none for sale; prime state quoted at $6.75. St, Joseph Live Stock Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. Sept. ll.-CATTLE-Ro-celnts. 153 head: market steady: nntlvrs. J2.73fifi.15: Texas nnd westerns. J2.R0.i -R cows and heifers, $1.23ti I.K5; bulls and sings, ..e-"l(-i.n-j; mtifRi'ra 111m iccuers, 41. iiiffia.cij: veals. J2.50W5.M. , HOGS Receipts. 3.200 head! mnrlnf sternly to 10c higher: light and llcht mivmi $8.37l,4ifi.fin; medium and henvy, $6.52'Aifi,To. pigs. J3.MU6.10: bulk. JC.50ti.ti5. ' SHEEP AND LAMHH-Rocclpts, none. Stock In Slitlit, The following table shows the rerolnl. nt cattle, hogs nnd sheep nt tlin flvn nrln. clpal stock murkcta September 11: Cattle. Hogs. Jhrep. South Omaha f-13 3.S.S9 2,101 Chicago WO 11,000 3,(00 Kansas city &' 3,0n0 KO St. Louis 400 2.r) 7.YI St. Joseph 153 3,2) Totals ....2.1C0 23,089 ,WJ PENSIONS FOR Wi:STi:il. VKTHHA.VS. Wnr Survivors Ilememlicred by the (ienernl tSovernnient. WASHINGTON, Sept. 1 . (Spcclal.)-Tho following pensions havo been granted: Issuo of August 23: Nebraskn: Increase, restored, reissue. etc. James T Wymore, Pawnee City, $12; Daniel O. Flske. Hcatrlce, $12; AVIUIam H. Crltes, Central City. $12. Original widows Special accrued, August 30, Nancy J. Hutchinson, Edgnr, $12; Mary J. Drake, Junlatn, $S. Iowa: Incrense, restored, reissue, etc. Thomas L. Sims. Riverside, $S; Henrv S. Rrlgcs. Marcus, $8: Asa Hurrell, Davis city, IS; William M. Coleman. Toledo. $10; Asa i-w. uurtcn, iniuunoin. u; atnanici A. Mender, Toledo. $12: Thomns Higglns, Ed dyvlllo. J17: John J. Neth, Marshalltown, $10; Ell R. Pelton. Wesley, $12; John Froh ner, Muscatlno, $17; James N. Wellpr, Ouss. $12; Wllllnm Rcnrlck, Montlcello, $12. Origi nal widows Special accrued, August 30. Melissa P. Rrewster, Wesley, $12, South Dakota; Increase, restored, re Issue, etc. Jesse II, Dally, Vermilion, $10. Wyoming: Incrense, restored, reissue, etc Charles D. Griffin, Wheatland, J8, North Dakota: Increase, restored, re, Issue, etc. Andrew J. Aldrldge, Fargo. $3: Nathaniel Snlg, Lisbon. $10. THE REALTY MARJCI3T. INSTRUMENTS placed on file Saturday September 14: Warranty Deed. R. M. Whlto et nl to K. K. Wood worth. c4 lou 33 and 31, Griff cn & I.'s add .$2.8 0 T. E. Sanders and wlfn to II. N. Way, lot 4, block 8, JMnscnm Place ,. r5'0 M. J. Ryan nnd husband to If, r, Dow et ul, lots t und 2, blook 17, 1st add. to Cnrrlgan Place j 500 J. E. Wakefield and husband to S R ' Osborn, wVk lot 1 nnd ei lot 2, block 6, Dcnlso's add ... .., 13,) Henry Rolfs to Michael Krncher et Hi. blocks 8 and 9, Iiwnfleld add . . . 2,000 Total amount of transfer $15,100 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Native aid Watm Stsers Strong for the Wetk and Cowj Hlghr. HCG3 FIVE CENTS HIGHER TODAY Market on llotli Slicrp und Lambs tins llet-it Fairly Actlte All the Week nnd Prices Ailtiineed Ten to Fifteen Cents. SOUTH OMAHA, Sept. II. Receipts were: Cattie. liosn. .mccp. Otuciai .Mond.iy i.U'j 2,1 W .ij Olllcl.il Tuesday 3,621 l.i'.S 10 167 Ouicial Wcdllerday 3,il b.oUD ,".' Olllclal Thuriday 2,-46 4,75s E.-31 Ofllclul Friday 3,021 7,2:5 l.Wi uiucial Saturday bl3 3,U V.M Total this week .TfiTtiO 23,153 29,.'52 "cek ending Sept. 7 15 Oil 2l,i7S 3m,i12 Week ending AUnllst 31.. lo,27l M.ilO 22,912 Week timing Annus t 2l..lti,UJ6 3i2l W.Uil Week endliig August 17..1MUJ 3,S1J M.viO Same wtck lust yeur....2o,b2 3l,sS 3s,32s Average prlcu pu.d lor hogi at Soutn Omaha tho past several days with com parisons: I 1901. 190O.U39.lb93.lS97.l5?ti.l5'.'5. August August AUgLst August I 5 03 4 401 3 73, 4 381 3 i2 3 10 4 40 I 4 Ui 3 70l 4 4U 3 Ti 4 Tl 3 Ul 4 20 3 Cl 3 811 3 9-1 I u2 2 79 i 761 4 33 2 75 4 24 2 i0t 4 2 i bll 4 23 o aiyj b Wit 4 9S 6 CO 0 u.' 3 911 August 2 b 02H b' Hi 12h I 6 11 AUgUst 30 August 31 6 V) 3 91 4 24 4 W 3 99 2 81 2 77 2 bl 2 81 2 71 2 i6 4 2 76 Sepu I... G OI 3 VJt uept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept, Sept. .Sept, Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 4 37 4 34 4 21 4 13 4 20 4 22 4 21 4 Ort 4 (9 4 bj 4 tt I 18 e 071 0 15 6 02; 5 W: 3 b5 4 01 4 04 4 19 b 2S',i 5 0j 4 22 3 C2I b 31 5 05 4 2J 3 (. 4 Oil 7... ti 2914 6 OS I 4 30 3 u3 4 U2 4 101 3 9t 3 9JI 3 SI 8... 10.. b 10! 4 30! 4 29 3 tiOi 2 M 2 Sl 2 bbi 2 18 2,79, C 3H ti ll-4 3 671 B IB 3 ti II.. 5 4 2 I-'.. 12.. 11.. 6 ;-k 5 201 4 22 3 77 3 S2 ' 3 W I (1 4GM o 01 4 23, 3 79 b 51HI 5 05; I 30 3 83 03 Indicates Sunday, The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: laiUU. Jiugn. nntti- C., M. & St. P. Ry 1 O. At St. I R 3 Missouri Pacific Ry 1 Union Paclllc system .. I C. Ac N. W. Ry 3 F., E. Ai M. V. Ry 10 C St. P.. M. & O. Ry 4 II. & M. R. R. R 3 13 C, 11. Ac Q. Ry C., R. I. A P., enst 4 C, R. I. Ac P., west 1 Total receipts 17 5S I The disposition of the day's receipts was as ioiiows, encn nuyer purcnusiug ine nuni ber of head Indicated: Ruyers. Omaha Packing Co.. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 1 9 Swift and Company Cuduhy Packing Co Armour Ac Co Omaha, from K. C Other buycr-i 919 1,712 1,221 8 tV 52 Total 89 3,S3 2,101 CATTLE There were only n few cattle offered today and not enougn to make a ti'Ht of tin- murk,, I Knr IhH week tile sun- ply has been fairly liberal, as compared wltn tne last several weeks, out as com pared with the same week of last year there Is a big decrease. The demand has been good all tho week for practically all kinds and ns a result prices huve ruled good and strong. Corn-fed steers have not been In heavy supply and as packers all seemed to want n few the market has been good and Arm nil the week. As compared with tho close of last week there Is not mucn change notice able In tho prices paid nud the situation Is perhaps best described by calling the market active and strong for the week. The cow trade has nlso been in very satis, factory condition. The first of tho week tho receipts were quite liberal, but since that tlmo tne receipts nave ueen ugnter nnd prices have Improved on anything at nil desirable 15if25c. As the demand seemed to be heavier than tho supply It did nut take long to clean up each day's receipts. Hulls, calves and stngs have commanded steady to stronger prices nil tho week whero tho quality was satisfactory. Thcro has been a better feeder trade this week than for somo time past. Fleshy feeders weighing -from 1.000 nounds uo are In the best demand and ure fully 23c higher than tney were 11 week ngo. unoice year lings aro ulso considerably higher, but they have not Improved quite ns much as tho heavy feederh. Cattle, however, weighing from 8O0 to 9 pounds arc rather neglected and arc not much If nny higher than they were a weok ago, while common stuff of all weights Is a drug on tho market and al most Impossible to dispose of at any price. There havo been a good many western range steers In the yards this week that were good enough for killers. Tho demnnd hns been strong ull the week nnd tho mar ket In some places looked a llttlo higher. Henvy receipts at other points, however, prevented nny marked advance here. Cows can bo quoted 15i25c higher and so also cun feeders of good qunllty. I.WVB, No. 3!!'. A v. .102 J Pr. 2 W No. Av. It. RULI.S. : 35 HEIFERS. : bo .1080 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 3M 1 so : ia is 4S5 ! 50 3 446 3 25 493 2 60 3 91 3 23 H10 3 75 1 ISO 4 00 1. HOOS There wns n light run of Iioks hero today for even a Saturday nnd ns the demand on tho pnrt of local pnekers was In cood Shane and fnvornblo renorts worn received from other points tho mnrket ruled active nnd fully 5c higher than yesterday's average. ine nrst snies wero not quite that good, ns n few sold ut $0.47V4 and Jti.50. but the market soon firmed up nnd the hulk of nit tho sales went from Jti.l'H to $6.55. It was a good active market from start to finish and kent getting stronger mh thn morning ndvanced, everything being sold In good season, As high as $6.5a was paid for a prime bunch. Tho supply or nogs nt tnis point has been lluht this week, but still a gain Is noted over the previous week. It should be re membered, however, that the receipts last week wero the lightest of any v. rck so fnr this year. As compared with lu corre sponding period of last year - u-ie Is a marked decrease, as the table of receipts above will show. Prices have advanced quite shurply during the week, tho market now being over 25c higher than at the eloso of last week. Today Is tho high day of tho year to date and in fact the high day since Juno 5, 1893, when the average cost was Jti.09. Representative sines: No. 71... 102.. 06... 60... Av. fill. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr. ..210 40 6 IS 61.. 58.. 63.. 67.. 64.. 63.. 61.. 67.. 60,. 61... 62.. 70.. 64.. 223 ... ... 6 6211 160 6 52I.S, 120 6 52 1J 120 6 62 84 6 52lj 200 6 m; 160 6 63,i 120 A S3 ..W5 3:0 ..216 520 6 47H at 261 260 264 213 r,o 251 ..m ..3S3 ..307 ..26 ..151 ..211 ..an ..! ..232 ..213 ..251 ..tit ..! ..209 ..196 ..273 ..:! 120 47W 80 6 47lj 49 4S SS 77 -1 to.'."!! 03 73 51 f,5 67 32 91 S6 6t 57 79 32 61 35 13 73 70 e: 80 6 li! 6 m 6 47 U 40 1!0 6 47i 1M 6 4Hi 200 6 4714 120 6 50 40 6 50 bO 6 50 120 6 60 h) 6 50 ... 6 50 SO 6 50 360 6 50 110 6 50 SO 6 to 2.V) 40 267 1 20 6 51 6 5.-1 234 204 231 40 6 55 80 6 53 200 6 li 50 6 5S 40 6 53 64 61 53 64 67...!.. ..22 ..250 263 120 6 55 262 40 6 53 274 120 6 5 6 63 6 53 6 53 6 t6 6 63 6 53 6 SS 63.. 61.. 59.. 69.. (!.. ...300 ...246 ...Jf3 ...210 ..tii 240 6 50 1 M 120 6 r,o ... 6 52H 40 6 52h 240 6 tV.i ....257 ..211 ..232 ..: ..213 ..W 68 213 70 '43 (2 244 6 252 62 213 70 249 13 412 80 6 63 40 C 16 40 6 6IVi 6 62 160 2W 6 53 6 (.7(1 .277 .253 61 19) 6 s:,t 6 U SHEEP There has been a considerably better tone to the trado on sheep nnd Inmbs this week thun hns been noted of lnt. Receipts were a trifle lighter thnn thov wero last week and thero Is n big decrease as compared with tho same week last year. The demand on the part of packers has been more liberal nnd us a result the mnr ket has advanced all around on both sheep nnd lambs llxfil5c. The ndvnnco of courso only uffects the better grodes, as common stuff, which Is neither feeders or killers, Is neglected. Packers, however, wanted the deslrablo grades and the market had moro life thnn for some tlmu past. Tho feeder trade has also picked up n llttlo. Tho demand has been fully equal to tho supply and the market may be quoted a llttlo stronger all around. QuotntloiiB: Cholcii yearlings, $3.50W,1,65; fnlr to good yearlings, $S.35fj3.50; cholco wethers, $3.30fi3.5O; fair to good wethers, $3.0Wj3.30; cnolcn owes, $2.00413.15; fnlr to good ewes. $2.S0fJ2,W; cholco spring lambs, tt.GOJM-TS: fair to good spring Iambs, J4.23 I.C0; feeder wethers, $2.75fi3.2G: feeder lambs, $3.c(j3.C0. Representative sales: No, Av. Pr. 9 ewes 103 $3 15 747 wethers , ino 3 50 123 wethers so 3 ,y) 15 cull lambs u 3 -n 134 InmbH fil i m 151 Montana feeder ewes. 95 1 (n 1S3 Montana feeder ewes 93 1 w 3 MonMns buck lamb.., w Montana ewes. ., 229 Montana ewes., . 134 Montana ewes 71 Montana feeder Iambi. 48 Montana feeder lambs IS Montana wethers., 7 Montana wethers.. ... fin 2 M 101 2 73 10) 2 73 93 2 -5 59 3 2 b2 3 2.i 8ti 3 50 100 3 50 64 4 M 64 4 () 0-4 4 30 53 Montana wethers 69 Montana wethers Idaho Inn bs 62 BULL FIGHTERJRIES TIGERS Agrees to Tunic the Tniiitnnny llenst that Roams the Ncn York Mreets. (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.i PARIS, Sept. 14. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Not long ago a French bull fighter of Ilesucalrc named August Fabre, who was not particularly prosperous, thought he saw au opening for his talents In America nnd wroto to Now York for nn engagement. To his surprise ho received the answer: "It Is not a slayer of bulls wo wnnt In New York this fall, but n slayer of tigers." The great Fabre had never heard of Tammany nud he took tho message literally. Screwing up his courage with a few drinks of nbslntho ho cabled back; "Agreed for tho tiger fight; nm go ing into trnlnlng; send date." Then tho ingenious bull fighter told his friends nnd was preparing to learn the wny tigers should he nttneked nud conquered when ho met a friend better posted than himself on American Idiosyncrasies and from him ho learned tho truth. Ilut ho cautioned his friend to silence and himself said nothing, so tho Inhabitants of llcnit calro remain convinced that In New York arenas are maintained for tlgcs fighting. PROBLEM FOR TRADES UNIONS Decision of House of Lordn that Their i;&ecii(l cm May lie Sued. (Copyright. 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Sept. 14. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Hrltlsh trades unionism Is confronted with n grave problem owing to a decision by tho House of Lords that tho executive nf nn organi zation Is suable civilly and criminally for acts of Its members. Already this decision has been taken advantage of In Limerick, where tho executive head of tho carpenters' union Is being' prosecuted for the picketing carried out lu tho local strike Trades union leaders have sent n dele gate to the continent to arrange for tho Investment of tho hulk of their vast funds abroad, to bo beyond tho reach of em ployes, who aro now combining to suo tho unions for lossei Incurred by strikes. A sinister Import Is given to tho arrest and prosecution for high treason of Dr. Krnusc, tho Hoer barrister who had taken tho oath of allegiance, from the fact that ho was giving valuable ndvlco to S. Ed ward Mnrkham, M. P., who is bolng sued for alleged libel against Multl-mllllonalre Alfred Ilelt. Dr. Krause, who filled an Im portant legal position nt Johannesburg, wns In n position to glva Murkham substantial assistance In Justification of his charges. PRESENTED TO MME. L0UBET Amnlln Kussner's Art In Sought on Mlntnturen of French Presi dent')) Fmully. (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Sept. 14. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Amalla Kuss nor, now tho wlfo of Captain Coudcrt, who has Just arrived hero from Hamburg, was presented yesterday to Mine. Loubct, who Is desirous of having tho famous American miniaturist paint a portrait of herself, her husband, the president of the French re public, nnd their son. Mrs. Coudert spent Jwo hours at tho Elysea palaco with Mmo. Loubet. It Ib not known whether sho ac cepted tho order. Mrs. Coudcrt was first Introduced to so ciety by Mrs. Arthur Paget. She has painted tho portraits of tho king of Eng land and tho czar, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. D. Armour have Just sailed for America, ns havo Lady Lister Kaye, John W. tlates, Miss Yznnga and Au gustus Hush, the St. Louis beer king. CHICAGO WIDOW MAY WED Mr, Muckny Leroy Likely to He the Wife of n French Diplomat, (Copyright. 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Sept. 14. (New York World Ca blegram Special Tolcgra.n.) Tho American colony Is watching with deep Interest a lovo affnlr which promises to culmlnato In the engagement of Mrs. Mnckay Leroy of Chicago, a widow, nnd a French diplomat of position nnd wealth. A year ngo everybody thought that Joe Letter's devotion to Mrs. Leroy was on tho point of being rewarded. Ilut shortly nfter 1 tho wheat plungor followed her from Chi cago to this side, taking the same train nnd the same steamer, on twenty minutes' notice, without baggage, both officially de nied nny wedding intention. Society pcoplo hero still helleve that Letter spoiled his chnnco by unduo Insist ence. Mrs. Leroy was annoyed by the nolso made by his feat of transatlantic escorting. CHINESE ENVOY'S HOTEL BILL Leaves Ills Jen els ns Security nnd ,oiy the llerlln Kiuhnmiy Contests It. (Copyright, 1901, by Pres Publishing Co.) BERLIN, Sept, 14. (New York World Ca- blegram Special Telegram.) When the Chinese envoy, Prince Chun, left Ilaslo on receiving news that tho kaiser would re ceive him, ho did not pay his bill nt his hotel, but offered the proprietor sovcral flno Jewels ns security. Tho proprietor thought to bluff him Into depositing more valuables, but Chun shrewdly said; "You not only chargo me ten times your ordi nary rate, but you have also got an adver tisement out of my visit such us you can never hope to equnl," Tho Chlncie cmbnssy hero Is now contest ing tho hotel bill and tho proprietor threat ens to sell tho Jewels, SOUSA'S LONDON WELCOME Carl and Otltern Arrange tn Receive the American Ilnnil master. (Copyright. 1901, by Press Publishing Co,) LONDON. Sent. 14. (N'rw Ynrk WnrM Cablegram Speclul Telegram,) Groat prep arations nro ncing mano to welcome Sousa, who la bringing his band to porform In London and nt tho fllnngow exhibition, A reception and luncheon lu his honor has been arranged to take placo nt tho Trucn doro restaurant October 4, with covers for ZDO, The reception commltteo comnrin-i Earl Klnnoul Lonsdale, Sir Lewis Mclver, Henry J. Wood, cond-Jctor of tho London rhllharmonlc, Lieutenant Charles Godfrey, tho well known band master, ami r-i,mnt' Scott. DO YOU SPEGULATEP FLOWERS THATSP0IL VOICE flerlln Throat niliillt Minium the, lo!e(, Ho.e, Lily and I. Hue. (Copyright, WJj, by Prom Publishing Co) UERLIN, Sept. 14. (New York World Cablegram Special Tolcgrnm.) An emi nent threat specialist here hns discovered that tho perfume of certain strong-smollln 1 flowers la particularly dangerous to tho I voice. He specialty mentions the violet tho lose, the Illy of the .il!cy. the narcissus an J the white lilac. He nsscrls Hint a singer can never sing so clearly In a room "here the tcent of Mowers prevails. The well known vocnllst, Marie Sassc In formed her doctor that once between nets s.ie lost her voice from smelling Wolets. Christine Nllrsou discovered that the per fume of roues Impaired mr voice and care fully removed nil strong-smelling (lowers from her house. Similar testimony Is given by the famous buss singer Delmss. Mine. Rene Richard, thr great Paris tencher of singing, notlcsd that girls who camo to her classes wearing flowers nlwnys sang better when the ilowcrs wero remoted Into another room. l'ntier, another great authority, snys vio lets nro most dangerous, their perfumo be ing ns hurtful ns tob.vcn or alcohol. BONES LliiMISSING LINK'S Prof. If rninlirrmr'n -Hen vitl eovery of l'o-i1N In front In, (Copyright. 1901. by Prers Publishing Co) TRIESTE. Sept. 14.-(New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) --rrof. Krnmberger of Zagabrla university. Croatia, has Just mado tho sensational discovery of fossil remains of skeletons nt Kroplna, Croatia, almost Identically similar to thosa of the pithecanthrope found by Dr. Dubois In Java, and which were believed to bo th missing link. . In the Kraplna specimens tho forehead Is protruding and broad nnd rather loftier thnn In the enso of the Jnvnueso fosBlla. They wero discovered In n cavern, together with the bones of the bison nnd the hairy rhlnocerous, t-cvornl stono instruments, a stone axe and utensils bearing traces of fire. Prof, Kramberger Is going to Vienna to lecture before tho university nnd will ex hibit his finds to the Austrian savants. TO STOP SEA COLLISIONS Helm of DriMvuril Man Offer n THff Prise for the llcst Di-nIkii. (Copyright, 1901. by Press Publishing Co.J PARIS, Sept. 14. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Tho heirs of Anthony Pollock, who was drowned at the tlmo of tho loss of tho steamship ilourgogne, have Instituted a competition for tho pur pose of deciding upon tho best appllanco tn prevent collisions nt sea nnd to savo Ufa after ship collisions, For each clnss of appliances they hnvc offered n prlzo of $10,000. Testing the various nppllnnccs submitted has been begun nt Havre beforo an International Jury, experiments bolnn mado dnlly with models. There aro 213 competitors. BREAKS AUTOMOBILE RECORD Alfred llnrinmvort Ii of London Mali Personally Increase 111 Circulation. (Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.J PARIS, Sept. II. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Alfred Harmsworth. proprietor of tho London Dally Mall, today broke the automobllo rec ord betweon Paris nnd Chartros. Tho tlmo Is not given. W. Farnam Smith & Co. STOCKS, BONDS, INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnam St. Til. 1064. GARVIN BROS., Investment Bankers. COM'L NAT. RANK I1LDQ. Offer for Sale Carefully Selected FIRST MORTGAGES On City nnd Farm Real Estate. Reference Commerelnl Xntlonat flunk and United Ktntea National Ilnnlc MONEY can be MADE by conducting ycur operations on modern business principles. We will moll yon on request our 70-page hook, Just published, which will glvo you new and modern Ideas of trading In Grain and Stocks for safe nnd reason able profits. OUR SPECIAL LETTERS will be mailed to you freo lf you wlfh to test tho value of tha Informnt on they contnln and Judge for yourself lf It can bo turned Into prollt. Our cus tomcrs bought St. Paul. Krlo and Atchison Monday morning and real ized from 3 to C points profit. If you am not making money wu can help you. Private wires to ull exchanges. Lnigo or small orders executed for cash or on margin. Interest allowed on deposits. Highest banking nnd II nnuclai references, M. R. FLOW ICR & CO.. Rankers nnd Rrnkera, Chicago Stoek ICxchangn Rld Chicago B. L. Baldwin & Co. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS 1221 FARNAM STIllJnT. I.oiik Distance Phone, 171)0. oi.di:t: sakksii iTicsti WALL STREET Stnuey tv lit Kuril illw Monthly Itatarna The Investor's Fund I'uya Bcml-Monthly. The olnest estaDllshcd lu America. No certificate-holder ever lost a cent. Pay ments made to all subscribers every It jays. No trouble, No delay. Money refunded on demand. Write today for particulars, free to any addreli. C. 11. MAI.m.l ,fc CO,, Hudson llulldlnu, Nimv York. 'ivirpnout- man. Boyd Commission Go Successors to James K. Iloyd A Co., OMAHA, NUn. COMMISSION URAl.V PROVISIONS AMI STOCKS. Iliiaid of Trade llulldlnir. Direct wires to Chicago and Naw Torh Corvespondencr, John A. Wairen tt Co. If to, speculate lucceisfully. Send yotil orders to reliable bouse, wh;rs tiiey will bs placed on tu6 jpen market. Wa ca make for you In one month moro Intertat on your monev tln any bank will pay yoq In a year. Send for our book on tpeculttloa It Ii frte. 1 J. K. Comstock & Co, Room a Tra4r'a Rid, Chlcagt i