THE OMAHA DAILY HEE; SrXDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1901. lit YELLOW JACK'S MESSENGER Mttqulto Wtrdi of tha GiTornmont Oarad for at Hanna. PRIVATE QUARTERS IN THE LABORATORY Culinn Volunteer to lie lilt teti Como lu Crowda Seeking tin- Ifllto Ilium A Fcv Itnpcllril hy lllitucr v Mutltcs. (Copyright, 1001, by Edward Marshall.) HAVANA, Cuba, Sept. 1. Undoubtedly tho tnnst remarknblo menagorlo ever gath ered together Is tho one maintained at the llttlo vlltago of Quomados, near this city. Hero lu small glass Jars arc carefully kept captives moro dangerous than the beasts of tho biggest circus that over advertised Its mancatcrs to a gaping public. These are tho United States army's yellow fevor mos quitoes; moro highly valued nnd moro ten derly nurtured tlmn over woro Insects bo (ore. Each has her own prlvata apartment It Is only tho fctnalo mosquito that im parts tho dreaded disease whero oho Is watchod over, tended, and fed with the re spect duo to an Individual who may havo killed her man or men. It la now nn established fact that Yellow Jack's oralssary is a certain species ot mos quito, Stcgomyla fasclata. Without tho aid of this winged mercury tho pestilence would soon dlo out, for, so far as can bo ascer tained, no other living crcnturo becomes In fected with and transmits tho germ to man. Not without tho martyrdom to sclcnco ot valued lived was tho responsibility of tho mosquito established. No sooner was tho theory fully confirmed than tho medical au thorities of Havana set about gathering their mcnagorlo of theso insects, and the work has gono on over since. Tho popula tion of tho mooqulto laboratory, depleted by deaths by dlseaso, accident or old age, was supplemented by tho capturo ot new specimens, who had bitten yellow fever patients, or by tho Infection ot Insects bred from tho egc for that purpose. Jlcmilt of lOxiierlmciitK. Tho experiment!) providing that yellow fever Is Imparted, not by contact with In fected clothing or bedding, but by tho blto of tho Stcgomyla, aro of such unusual nn turo as to bo worthy of general attention. At Camp Lazcar, near Qucmados, named In memory of tho doctor win. was tho first victim to experimental tclcnco In this line, mosquitoes woro deposited after having bitten yellow fever patients In tho early stages of tho disease. Theso mosquitoes wcro kept without food until they were very hungry and wcro then turned loose upon flvo nou-lmmuncs who had volun teered. Tho lmmuncs woro promptly at tacked 'by tho blood-thirsty creatures and four of tho flvo dovolopcd light, but distinct, cases of yellow fever within thu recog nized period. AH of them had been quaran tined for a sufficient period before tho test to render it Impossible that they should havo contracted tho disease In any other way. In another building near by a room was carefully screened off so that no In sects could gain access to it. It was kept tightly closed for slxty-threo days, so that nny unfortunoto mosquito who might have lodged thoro phould utnrvo to death. Into this room n quantity of infoctod clothing nnd boddlng from tho yellow fovor hospi tal was taken and thrco non-lmmuno vol unteers spent twenty nights thcro. sleeping on tho bedding nnd In pajamas taken from tho bodies ot yollow fover victims. None of them took tho fover. Twlco afterward othor groups underwent tho samo test with tho samo result. Even moro convincing wcro tho experi ments carried on nt Camp Luzcar In a soc ond building. Iluildlng No. 2 was thor oughly screened nt windows and doors nnd across Its center from celling to door ran a doublo ncreon ot flno wlro mesh. In tno room on ono sldo of this scrcon mos quitoes known to havo been Infected by biting yellow fovor patients wcro lot loose. Tho room nt tho othor Bldo of tho screen waB thoroughly protoctod against tho cn tranco of any mosquito whatovor. In tho sldo frco from mosquitoes a number of mon who had never had yellow fover slept night nftor night without developing any pymptoms ot tho dlseaso. Men who merely entorcd tho room containing tho mosquitoes nnd .remained long enough only to bo bit ten wero promptly attacked by tho dis ease Thus again It was demonstrated that tho mosquito acta as tho vohlclo by which infection is transmitted. Further Study Ncceunrr. SHU thcro was much to be dono in tho study of tho infected Insects and ot the development of tho fovor through the ngoncy of their bites. A special dopart- mont for tbo breeding, raising, infecting nnd study of tho yollow fevor mosquito was established nt Las Animas under tho special supervision of I)rs. Flnloy, Qulteras. Albortcnl und Majors Qorgas and Hobs, and experiments aro going on all tho tlmo. Ton or fifteen glass Jars halt filled with dirty water and novcrod with gauzo aro tho breed ing places. Horo tho eggs aro hatched into tho "wlgglotalls," which In turn bo como full fledged mosquitoes. In each Jar thoro aro from twenty to fifty of tho creatures in nil stngos of development. Thoso nro porfectly harmlcis, except for tho slight poison common to all of tholr LUOKY" Is often the name given by careless and thoughtless people to those who arc care ful and thoughtful. "What a lucky woman," is said of one whose health and beauty proclaim her free from womanly diseases. The luck often consists in her having thoughtfully considered the mer its of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription nd proved jts ability to cure the dis eases peculiar to her sex. "Favorite Prescription" is a reliable medicine for the cure of womanly dis eases. It establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation mid ulceration, und cures female weak ness. "I tud poor health for nine year," write Mr. Armlutlc Wtitklui, of Acme, Kmiawha Co., W. Va. "Hail female weaknesi. wai very irregular cud would wilier untold tuiiery. our family doctor did not do me any good mul I concluded to write to you. When I wrote I had no Idea that I would ever get well, but when your letter reached me I began to have hope. 1 commenced UUng Dr. l'lerce' medicines a directed und begin to improve in rlrencth. I wa boon able to do the work for my family of tlx. I took eight bottle, three of favorite Prescription' nnd five of 'Golden Medical Discovery' nud two vial of' Pellet.' " The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, ooS pages, In paper covers, is aentrvon receiptor 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing on(v. Address Dr. tt. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. 7VlitfTrtfc HP For the third tlmo in tho history of the nation a president ot the United States has perished at the hands ot an assassin. On each occasion tho crime was committed while the president was seeking relaxation from tho cares of ofllce. President Lincoln was shot and mortally wounded whllo wit nessing a theatrical performance. Presi dent Garfield was shot down In a railroad station as he was about to take n train to Join his family at a seaside resort. Presi dent McKlnley was tho honored guest of tho city of Iluflalo, receiving tho homago duo tho chief cxccutlvo of tho nation, wh-jn mortally wounded by an aeeassln In tho gulso of a friend. The first dastardly crlmo was committed April 11, 1S6G, and tho victim of tho atrocious deed was Abraham Lincoln. At noon on that fatal day tho prosldcnt's cabi net held n meeting and (Irani, who had re ceived the surrender of Loo on April 9, was present, and there was general rejoicing In tho fact that tho war was ovtr. In 'he evening tho president with his -wife, .Mlrs Clara Harris, a daughter of Senator Imrils of Now York, and Mnjor Hathbono qf tho United States nrmy, occupied n box near tho stago at Ford's theater, Washington. John Wllkos Booth, an nctor and a conspirator, who had ngrecd with several persons that tho president's life should bo taken at tho first opportuno moment, approached tho box from tho rear. It was 10:30 o'clock and nil thoso present wcro absorbed In tho play. Dooth crept cautiously to the rear ot tho box and, holding his pistol within a tew Inches of tho president's head, fired, tho ball tnklng effect nt tho baso of the brain. President Lincoln fell forward, Insensible. In tho confusion which followed llooth es caped from the theater. Tho president ns carried to a house on tho opposite sldo of the street, where ho lay dying through tho hours of tho night. At 7:22 o'clock on tho morning of April 15, 1SC5, ho died. An.lrow Johnson, the vlco president, was sworn In during tho forenoon. Tho funeral of tho president took placo Wednesday, April 19, a most distinguished assemblage coming together at tho Whlto Houso to do honor to the noblo dead. Ills body was homo to tho capltol, whero It lay In state In tho rotunda for ono day, guarded by a company of high officers of tho army and navy and a detachment ot soldiers. Tho funeral train loft Washington for Spring field, III., on April 21 and passed over the samo routo that had been parsed over by tho president-elect from Springfield to Washington flvo years before Nearly 2,000 miles wcro traversed and tho coplo lined tho entire dlBtanco almost without a break In tho great procosston that was tho most unique funeral cortego In history. They Btood with uncovered heads, silent with grief, often In the pelting rain, an tho end procession went by. In tho darkness of tho night watch fires blazed and tho grief of tho peoplo was In every way apparent. James Abraham aarflcld, twontioth prcsi- Stories About McKinley President McKlnloy was not much of a story teller, but ho was nn excellent listener and possessed n keen eenso of humor. Stories now going tho rounds illustrato theso characteristics In official and prlvato life. Previous to his first inauguration hla acquaintance with tho members of his cab)not was n slight one, only Mr. Stierman being nt all tntlmato with tho chief execu tive. Tho getting acquainted was rathor ot slow process, as nil woro engrossed in tholr new and Intrleato duties. In the satisfactory ond bo completely ac complished tho formal cabinet dinners wcro no Inconaldernblo factor, or, to bo moro exact, tho informal talks following .the dlunor proper, after tho cabinet women had sought n placo to Bpln social chat and permitted the men to smoko and swap Ideas. Ono evening tho conversation chanced to turn upon tho youthful ambitions of tho mombors. Each rotated his early plans for tho future, and when Secretary Wilson's turn camo tho gonial Iowan said: "My ambition has not yet been realized. I wanted to bo worth $1,000,000 and havo two good pairs ot suspenders at tho samo tlmo. As yet I havo nolther." Tho cablnot unofficially laughed at this frank confession, and Secretary Gago, af ter a minute, confessed that ho had never simultaneously possessed two pairs of de pendable suspenders. Secretary Long re marked that when he graduated from Har vard ha had two pairs of new trousers, each with good now "gallusscs," hut that tho experience had never responded to an encore. Others mado similar confessions, and finally Secretary D)tss, tho wealthiest man present, said, with a laugh: "This seems to bo a strango coincidence Last Saturday ovonlng Mrs. Illlss camo Into my study and said: 'Papa, aro you going out at all this ovonlng?' I replied that I did not bo lntond, and asked tho reason ot her ques tion. " 'Oh, nothing,' sho ropllod. 'Only, if you nre not, Ed, our son, wants to uso your only good suspenders.' " As a sort ot final course to this tnlo Mr. McKlnloy tells that Secretary Wilson re lated this conversation at tbo breakfast ta bio tho morning following. Three ot his children woro present. It wns In the early holiday season. Each of tho children sat Interested and obaorvlng. Christmas camo. and In tho figurative stocking of tho secre tary of ogrlculturo wero found threo dozen ralrs of cuspendors of a high degrco of ex cellence. The children had remembered tho story. All then that Secretary Wilson needed to roallzo his boyish ambition was the million dollars. On tho Bamo Christmas It Is said that President McKlnloy presented each momber of his official family with two pairs ot suspenders. Oberlln, O., In tho center of tho Connec ticut western reserve, is probably tbo most Purltanlo spot In tho entlro United States. A largo university gives the town Its being, and so Jealously havo the college fathers guarded tho morals ot their young pcoplr that not only Is the sale ot liquor prohib ited In tbo village limits and for miles around, but tobacco, whether for smoking, family. Tholr capacity for serious damago Is dorlvod from contact with a yollow fever patient, In the course of tlmo several of the best speolmcns uro carefully removed from tho Jars, token to tho yellow fever hospital and Introduced to their llrst toBte of hu man blood. Instinct does not tell tho In sects that It Is tainted blood. Thoy toed tholr fill and then retlro, swollen almost to bursting, to sleep off their debauch. When they awako thoy havo yellow fever, Tho poUon hag already begun to work lu their system; tho germs dovclop and spread. Ilut though Madame Stegomyla gets yollow fover, it s very doubtful whether sho suf. ters from It. So far as known, her tem perature does not rise, nor Is her pulse abnormal. Sho exhibits no symptoms ot discomfort; ebo lives u long as she would Doc2rlonoxr II Lincoln, Garfield, dent of tho United States, was tho second ot the martyred presidents. On July 2, 1SS1, President Garfield had arranged to attend tho commencement exercises at Williams college, and he also expected to make a rather extended visit through tho New Kng land Mates. Ho went to tho station of tho Ilaltlmoro & Ohio railroad accompanied by his secretary ot stnto, James O. Ulalno. Tho party passed through tho door of tho ladles' waiting room, whero a fow peoplo wero standing. Among them was a man who was afterward known to bo Charles Jules Oulteau. Tho president walked nrra-lu-arra with Mr. Dtalne, and tho man mado n step ns If to follow them. He drew a heavy revolver from his pocket and taking aim, deliberately fired. President Garfield said nothing, but looked at Gulteau In a surprised wuy. Secretary Illalno sprang to tho sldo of the president. Gulteau then re cocked his revolver nnd fired again. This time tho president fell to tho floor covered with blood. Gulteau turned to lice, drop ping hU pistol, but was Immediately cap tured. The president neither stirred nor Fpakc until nn umbulanco was summoned and ho was driven to the Whlto House, whero hu was immediately attended by tho best physicians In Washington. Tho physi cians, nnd especially Dr. Illlss, considered that It would bo dnngcrous to probo for tho ball because of the nature of tho wound. They thought tho president very near to death, but tho diagnosis proved not alto gether correct, as tho president continued to linger, nnd finally it was decided to re movo him to Elbcron, near Long Dranch, and tho sea breczo seemed to bring new llfo to him for awhile. For eighty days ho lived and suffered whllo tho whole nation hung upon tho reports of the dally bulletins and all tho civilized nations ot tno world sent out expreislsns of sympathy. On Monday, September 19, death relieved him from his sufferings. Tho remains wcro removed to Washington nnd lay In stato until September 23. On tho day of tho Interment at Cloveland thero was a gen ernl suspension of business In tho United States, and for tho first tlmo in Europo thero was court mourning ordered for an official of tho United States. Tho attack upon President McKlnley was mado whllo ho wns receiving tho people nt it public reception In tho Tcmpla of Music, In tho Pan-American exposition, on Friday afternoon. It was tho third day of tho president's visit to tho fair. Ho went to Niagara Falls In tho morning, and on his return ta Duffnlo repaired to tho Templo of Music and took hla stand with President Mllburn of tho Exposition company at tho bend of tho aisle. Tho peoplo wero to enter tho building from tho Esplunado and fllo by tho president and pass out at tho western exit. Exposition police formed an aislo from the door to near whero tho president stood, then artillerymen formed a still nar rower lane, and, finally, thero wob moro guards to pass the people on out nftcr shak ing tho presidents hand. Two detectives) ot tho United States secret service, and four detectives of tho Buffalo police force, chewing or snuffing, Is unknown In tho stores, whllo playing cards aro oven scarcer than tho proverbial hen's teeth. Ono Mr. Monroe, formerly a congressman from tho Oberlln district, was tho leading republican of the village, nnd usually entertained po litical orators of tho party when they vis ited "tho city." During Mr. McKlnloy's first gubernatorial campaign Prof. Monroo had tho pleasuro of entertaining tho candi date. Aftor dinner on tho'ovenlng preced ing tho address Mr. McKlnley took a cigar from his pocket and casually remarked: "You don't mind If I smoke, do you, pro fessor?" Mr. Monroo was aghast. Ho didn't wish to appear Inhospitable yet dreaded tho al most certain social ostracism duo to follow tho discovery of a smoker on his piazza, evon bo ho tho proBpoctlvo governor of tho great state. Ho compromised by conducting Mr. McKlnley to tho second floor, through a long hall to a back balcony, whero, safely screened from public vlow, tho weod was enjoyed. As tho nmoko curled upward, In stinctively McKlnloy looked about him for a cuspidor. "Thero Isn't such n thing In town," said Prof. Monroe. A coal bucket was finally impressed into Bcrvlco as a compromise Two days after tho Oberlln mooting Mr. McKlnley apoko lu East Llvorpool, tho great pottery center. Chancing to mention tho Oberlln oxpcrlenco to his friend. Colonol John N. Taylor, tho proprietor of ono of tho big potteries, ho eatd: "Dy tho way, Taylor, Just for a Joke, send a gross of your china spittoons to Prof. Monroe Don't tell him whero thoy camo from or ho will suspect that I had a hand in it." Following tho suggestion, Colonel Taylor crated up an assortment of really beautiful chlnawaro and sent it on to Oberlln. A year later Mr. McKlnley again was Mr. Monroo's guest. Forewarned and consequently fore armed with a liberal supply of good Ha vanas, ho again sought tho secluded nnd vlno-drapcd balcony. Lighting his cigar, he said with n twlnklo of his eye: "You haven't a cuspidor in town, yet, have you, Monroo?" "It's mighty funny," was tho response, "but a few days after you wore hero last year somo one sent md n wholo crate of those things. Ot course, I hadn't any uso for them and they wero such nlca china and so prettily painted that my wlfo UBfd them all for flower pots.. Thero Isn't ono about tho house not In use." Stark county, In which Canton Is located, prides Itself upon bulng tho homo of other great men and having Bent Into tho world several embryonic stateemon with the Im petus which mado them powers In tho po litical world. Masslllon, a thriving rival of Canton on tho west, claims tho distinction of onco having ns nn humblo citizen Thomas C. Plntt of New York. The sena tor wns then but 1G years of ago nnd worked in n" drug store for $3 per week, sleeping nights on the prescription counter so ns to get an early start sweeping nut tho next morning. At least tho oldest Mas Blllonlan relates thU romance, and Mr. Piatt has never denied tho soft Impeach ment of the htrd bed. Hut that Is another story, to wax Klpllngcsquc. In any event, otherwise, and far belter, for from tho time of her Infection sho Is tho object of ns solicitous enro and Is ns much hedged about with safeguards as a yacht or ' n raco horse A commodious nnd comfortnblo Jar Is prepared for hor and labeled with her name, for us soon ns sha is Infected she becomes a new Individuality and takes tho namo of tho patient whom sho has bitten. Dread Is fed to her as often as sho needs it, on whtch diet sho grows larger and moro active than her compatriots, who fly wild and hustlo for a living in tbo Cuban swamps nnd morasses. Vcgetablo food, by the way, Is tbo natural dlot of most mos quitoes,' who never get within reach ot a warm-blooded animal; so blood may bo re garded as a luxury. Sum uf Infection. . This luxury the government's pets get McKlnley. constituted tho president's special guard. Tho reception began at two minutes nftcr 4 o'clock. Several thousands of peoplo ex pected to greot tho president. After a num ber had passed by, a mother and her little girl camo along, then thcro camo, nt 4:07 o'clock, n man dressed Uko a mechanic, with his hand wrapped In a handkerchief, ns if tt wero bandaged. It was Leon Czolgosz, who calls himself Fred Nlcmnn, a Cleveland anarchist, Inspired by tho teachings of Emma Goldman. He had a pistol wrapped In tho handkerchief a short barreled 32-callbcr revolver. Tho president glanced at him, nnd stopped toward him with an expression of sympathy for the supposed sufferer. Czolgosz thrust out both his hands, brushed asldo tho president's right hand with his left hand, lurched forward against tho president and, thrusting his right hand closo against his breast, pulled tho revolver trigger twice. Tho shots came In such quick succession ns to bo almost slmultnnous. At tho first shot tho president qulvored nnd clutched at his chest. At tho second shot ho doubled slightly forwnrd nnd sank back. Quick as was Czolgosz, he was not quick enough to flro a third shot. Almost before tho nolso of tho firing sounded ho wns seized by S. U. Ireland, a United States secret servlco man, who stood directly oppostto tho president, and hurled to tho floor. A hugo negro named J. U. Parker leaped upon him ns ho fell and they rolled over on tho floor. Soldiers of the United States artillery, detailed at tho re ception, sprang upon tho pair, and exposi tion pollco and secret servlco dotecttvos nlso rushed upon them. Czolgosz's pistol was taken from him, and bo was pinned to tho lloor. Tho president, supported by Detcctlvo Geary and President Mllburn, nnd BUr rounded by Secretary Ocorgo II, Cortelyou, Edward It. Itlce, James L. Quackenbush, John N. Scatcherd, Louts L. Ilabcock nnd exposition officials, was aided to a chair. Ho mado no outcry, but sank back with ono hand holding his abdomen, tho other fumb ling nt his breast. His eyes wcro open and ho was clearly conscious of all that happened. Ho looked up Into President MUburn's faco nnd gasped tho namo of his secretary, Cortelyou. Mr. Cortelyou bent over tho president, who gasped, brokenly: "Ho careful about my wife. Do not tell her." Then moved by n paroxysm of pain ho writhed to tho loft and his eyes fell upon tho prostrato form of his would-be mur derer lying on tho floor, bloodstained and helpless beneath tho blows of tho guard. Tho president raised his right hand, stained with his own blood, nnd placed It on tho shoulder of his secretary. "Let no ono hurt him," ho gasped, and sank back. For soven days tho peoplo ot tho nation prayed and watched with heartfelt eager ness tho bulletins from tho bedstdo of tho distinguished sufferer, hopo of recovery growing higher evory hour, finally merging into coulldonco on tho otrongth of the phy sicians' reports. Hut tho fates willed other wise. Seven dayB and ten hours after tho prcsldcut was stricken down tho assault ot tho assassin terminated fatally. Better Listener Than Teller of Stories. beforo Mr. McKlnloy becamo a national tlguro Masslllon wns quite Jealous of Can ton and declined to accept a bit ot tho re flected glory of having tho congressman from tholr county. Indeed, tho town oven held tho present president up In undignified contrast with tho astuto Now York boss. Then Mr. Coxey assumed microscopic pro portions and Masslllon becamo vainglorious; but Canton replied by selecting Senator Charles Mandcrson of Nebraska to success fully knock tho flguratlvo chip from tho Maielllonlan shoulder. For Mr. Mandcrson practiced law in Canton nnd vicinity early in his career, and ono of his nmuslng ex periences was so pleasing to Mr. McKlnloy that ho frequently told It to members of tho houso when Manderson was senator ond strolled over to tho south sldo of tho capl tol to lndulgo In a llttlo luter-lcglslatlvc repartee In tho very outset of his career Mr. Man dcrson was a momber ot tho firm of Man dcrson & Greenwood, In tho llttlo villago of Minerva, twelve miles south of Stark's busy county seat. Mr. Greenwood still lingers there, but Mr. Mandcrson forsook tho par ent nest when his wings becamo atroug enough. At tho tlmo ot this oxpcrlenco tho fnlr form of prosperity had not visited tho firm of Manderson & Greenwood to roost on Its shingle, andt there wns no great monoy In tho flrm'i: strong box. In short, tho business was confined chiefly to collecting bad debts. Even thta business led to em barrassment of dlvorso nature Onco Mr. Mandcrson had collected a small bill for a rather talkative and cnergotlc widow, but tho offlco rent becoming duo, had applied tho funds to liquidate this obligation and keep a roof over tho heads of tho firm. Tho widow learned that tho bill had been paid and called frequently to sccuro hor collateral, but Mr. Manderson Invariably saw her coming and skipped out of a sldo door as sho entered tho front, and Mr. Greonwood sent her away, partially pacified by a llttlo Judicious flattory. Finally, ono day her approach was so rapid that tho sldo exit was imposslblo nnd tho situation was desperato. Necessity, tho common mother of Invention and alortnoss, pointed out the Inrgo wood box and as tho woman enterod tho offlco the lid ot tho box slammed loudly nbovo tho bowed back of tho young dtsclplo of Hlackstone Tho calls of tho widow had been becoming moro and more extended as tho supply of flattery had been slowly con sumed, and this tlmo sho ovldently mado up hor mind to remain until tho return ot the rauch-nhscnt Manderson, Tho minutes meanwhile wcro occupied In heaping abuso upon tho head of tho recreant collector. Finally, heat overcoming discretion, stilling with dust nnd bleeding from numerous oakon splinters, tho future general, United States senator and presidential factor arose from his point of dlsndvantagn and con fessed his embarrassment and iniquity In open court. The client, laughing until tho tears rolled down her checks, permitted tho sallno dolugo to soften hor determination and sho accorded young Manderson sufficient tlmo to liquidate the obligation. Ho al ways said that this was tho most embar rassing oxpcrlenco In either his legal, mar tial or political career and onjoyed tho tell ing of tho story by Mr. McKlnley and re taliated In kind and In kindness. In abundance After our Insect patient has developed an actlvo caBo ot yellow fover 6ho Is tondeiiy removed from her Jar nnd Introduced to a voluntcor, who Is willing to gain future Immunity from Yellow Jack by Inoculation fmm her sharp bill. Sho fills up on his blood, and Incidentally in fuses Into It tho germs. Almost invariably ho davelops tho fever wlthlu a fow days. It would seem, to tho averago mind, that volunteers for this servlco might be diffi cult to get. I asked ono ot the doctors It ho wasn't often short of subjects. "Short of 'cm!" ho said. "Why, tho Cubans some around hero and howl to bo bitten! It's all you enn do to keep 'cm away. "Aren't they afraid of dying of tho dls caso?" "Thoy don't tako that into consideration. Special Continues with unabated interest, You don't see prices that are any more of an inducement than these, but no price means much until you see the quality, Big bargains all through our furniture department. Note a Few bonaHde reductions: fCu for n $11,00 golden oak French plate hull mirror, 13.75 for a $20.00 golden or Flemish oak hnll mirror, J17.C0 for a $:G.OO golden oak hall mirror. J5.9j for a J3.W onk frnmo hall mirror. Ji0.1i for a $13 Flemish oak parlor table $b.G0 for it $8.CO blrd's-eyo mnplo parlor tnble. $10.75 for a $15 mahogany library table $19.o0 for n $27 golden onk library tublc. i0T i.;' niahognny library tnble $1S.00 for n $:M.f.O mahogany library tnble. $20.W for a $27.50 mahogany llbrury table $1.2j for dining chair that would sell regularly nt $2.(A $2.75 for a box framo dining chnir that September Sale of Garpets new lino of Smith Axmlnstcr Carpct-i, beautiful goods, nro offered at $1.00 per yard, regular price $1.25 per yard. You can mako this substantial saving by ordering this month and you havo all tho new goods to select from. This prlco will not bo oxtended beyond this sale. No ono else can offer such values as wo do lu carpets, wo buy moro nnd rcll more, and havo tho largest stock to select from. Somo tncclal prices In ingrain nil wool camels. iii wooi run iwo-piy ingrain ciirpsts at Kc. Tin i J.,2nJ.n.l:rill.ns'. regular 00c line for ttlits snlc a 811 jiii-iMiuuu maliij ut' iji.uii;i'ji itcduct'd r IllPHn nrn tmnt niiM ..n.l. n.t.l ll....l ..II .,C " ; cww.u, u, .11114 iinnuvu uii, mm inu num. uuur uuvrriimn lur will Iiricu lur lllllis, vcuiuuil.:. iiiu:iiciin, .,1 i TP0"13' o cos nnd till public rooms. Wo nro ugents In Omnha for tho Htimdnrd Greenwich Inlaid linoleum. Will wear us long um wood, somo very dcslrnblo patterns for nrtlstlc decorations, bllllnrd rooms und saloons. if Sale 10 patiorns or net, swifs very cheap week at $1.50. I EM 25 patterns of parlor curtains, Scotch not reunalsanco, Ara bian nud brusselB, worth up to $7.60 all at, per pair, $3.00. A largo lino of high grado cur- Window shades to or dor, estimates frco. Orchard St Wilhelm arpet (So. 141414161418 Douglas Street. H I 'WS sex. TEMPTATION TONIC 1ms to Its credit 12.000 testimonials on Mo whero it ha. effected positive cures when othor treatments havo failed. TEMPTATION TONIC enjoys tho roputntlon ns a tonic for men and women of weakened vitality that never full, tn do all wo claim for it. Compounded by L. M. LAOAAIID, Paris, Franco. How often you are "run down" tired, unrofreshod nnd with a tendency to bo lrrltoblo and nervous. You hav at Intervals, headacho, vertigoes, trembling nnd tendency to melancholy. You certlnly roallzo what Is tho irreat undrlr ng cause. You know It 1b your own vlceB nnd follies. Your lite, your nervous energies, nro gradually, but surely fall ing. This falling manhood Is your great scourge. It Is nn obstacle In tho way of your ambition. It mar. your over pleasure, "iou feel tho loss of energy and unnatural losses which aro sapplug your vttallty and destroying your norv Impotoncy. like all sexual diseases, is nover at a standstill. With It you can mako no compromise. Elthor you must master it or tt will master you, and fill your wholo futuro with misery nnd Indescrlboblo woo TEMPTATION TONIC has been used In bo many cases of this kind, and has proved itself a posltlvo remedy. TEMPTATION TOVin win correct all sexual ovits and rostoro you to what naturo Intended you for. win Temptation Tonic is for Sale Everywhere. In caso your dealer -should not havo our goods, wrlto to us for full Information. IHgln taking "TEMPTATION TONIC" at once. Sent to you on rocolpt of $1.00. Correspondence nnswered and advice given in strictest conHdonoo tr our medical staff froo ot charge. Write us a history of your case. RflADSSOftS 40th and Cuming Sts., Omaha, Neb., American Agents. What they want in tho $100 bonus gtvon to evory man who will lot hlmBolf bo bitten. Dcsldes, they don't look on yellow fever no wo do. To them It Is nlmost an lnovltablo thing. Thoy figure that thoy'vo got to havo It somo time, and tho certainty of good nurelng, good treatment and comtortablo quarters would be Inducements enough to get It over and lono with, oven without tho $100." nut If It is a temptation to tho Cubans thcro nro others who undergo tho test In a spirit of tho hlghost Eclf-sacriflce, and so becomo martyrs ta science. Of this clnsa wns Miss Clara Maas, tho Ited Cross nurso who died of tho fover Into In August. Sho workod through ono yellow fovor epidemic without being affected, and In March nho volunteored for tho mosquito test. On March 18 sho was bitten by the mosquito "Vcrnara," which hi.d been Infected by bit ing Santiago Vergara. Ills case was n bad one nnd ho was dying when 'tho mosquito took tho Infection from him. Sevonteon days Into "Vergara" bit Miss Maas. Sho was taken ill and had a light caso of tho fever. Lntor sho was bitten again, as tho first attack was not regarded as conclusively Immunizing. A virulent case of tho fovor developed and sho died. "Vergara" has bitten several othor volunteers, all of whom havp recovered. There have been deaths, however, from tho bites of others of tho government Insects. How greatly valued tho infected speci mens aro was evidenced recently In tho caso of an accident at tho mosquito house. Major Gorgas and Dr. Qulteras were dining September Sale $19.73 for a $23 golden onk chiffonier. would kcII regularly at $3.75. $ for a $11 round top (lining tnble $27.u) for a $53.00 solid mahogany round top table $I3.W for a $100 mnhognn sideboard. $50.00 for a $90 solid onk sideboard. $27.00 for a $12 ouk china closet. $15.0") for a $50 solid mahogany two plcce suite. $5.W for a $7.50 mahogany parlor chnlr. $8.75 for a $12.30 ouk or mahogany Mu lshed dlvnn. $7.60 for a $9.60 mahogany rocker. $r..) for a $S.0O Morris chnlr. $20.60 for a $.12 solid mahogany dresser. J24.W for a $;i5 mahogany dresser. so uro rcgulnr "cq goods. re. rom nur rcgulnr line 60c qunl ty, Lace (Eurtains T:::::z ' 1 shown so lurjjo or vurloil nn nssorttnent of lnce curtalna, curtain materials mid iltnpery, ns wo nro sliowhij? nt the pros cut time. Wo fool conlUleut of our ability to supply nny ilemnnil for low priced, medium or lilKb Krmle goods in the newest do signs nnd makos, nnd nt ns favorable prices 11s nny market in tho country. For tho bencllt of the ninny strangers visiting our' city dining the coming week, wo have placed on special selling somo very choice laco curtains, portieres & yard goods. cnamiier curtains, tains In Arabian Point do and nottingham. Suxz, brusscls, all reduced to. at $2.50, ull this per pnlr, $7.50, $10, $12.60 nud $15.00. 23 pnlrs portieres, Armuro wenvo mercerized, cord edgo, up-to-dato goods, worth $7.60, whllo they ast $1.93. Hotter portieres in now nnd tip- TONIC THE WORLD'S BDEAL FRENCH TO NSC STIPULATOR AftSD INVBCORATOR. . A Healthful, Invigorating Tonic that has no Equal. Will Restore Strength, Energy and the Ambition that Nature in tended all to have. Strengthens System, Body, Brain and Nerves. '."""" Gives Appetite, Produces Refreshing Sleep. A Safeguard agalnBt Mental Diseases. Tho genulno Imported FFrench Tonlo and posltlvo remedy for Doblllty and Imnotenor A NEItVK TONIC. IJrln&1j tho pink glow to nolo chcoks and restore thn fli-n rr i ..... CIALTY CO., at the Hotel Inglnterra ono evening when nn nttendont from Las Animas camo dashing in breathless. "Pleaso como at onco," ho panted. Wo'ro nfrnld Carloro la going to dlo." Iloth men woro on tholr foot instantly, asking anxiously what was wrong. "Sho got tangled In tho netting," ex plained ho attendant, "and her right wing Is brokon." Two minutes later tho thrco woro driving at a furious paco for Las Animas. Thoy found tho unfortutiato Carlero In n bad condition. No pnlns wcro spared to savo hor llfo, for alio was nt that tlmo tho only thor oughly Infected spocln"n In tho placo. Thoy put her In a small Ju' treated her with healing ointments and m. 't an effort to set tho brokon wing. Ilut pi had thrashod about too vlolontly, and br uo was against her. She waB C8 days aid aim 'tad lived high, having bitten soveral persons. Per haps, too, tho fover gorras weakened hor. Sho died amidst general mourning, having mado n record for Inoculation which has not slnco teen equaled. KDWAnD MARSHALL. I'UATTLH OF THU YOt!.OSTUHS. "How many teeth has n human being?" asked tho teacher of a small pupil. "A mouthful," was tho unexpected ro- ply. At considerable length tho superintendent ot tho Sunday school had set forth the cul pability ot tho sluggard, who, ho said, 1 " $10.30 for n $22 mnhogany chiffonier. $1M.0) for 11 $15 bntHS tied. $29.75 for 11 $33 brims bed. $17.05 for a $21 all metal mantel folding bed. $15.35 for a $21 nil motnl mantel folding bed. $22.50 for a $31 ouk or mahogany upright folding bed. $X0o for at $IS Turkish leather rocker. $ for a $29 pnntusoto Turkish rockjr. $5.i) f0r a $19,50 leather rocker $9.05 for a $10 oak frnmo tapestry scat nnd back rocker, $12.73 for $1S.50 mahogany finished chnlr, $10.75 for a $b onk frumo tnpestry scat nud back chair. Somo real bar gains in now, fresh coal. Tho entlro 1 aso; fi5o qunllty IUHc. to-dato styles, Just tho thing for parlors, now laco effects, plain with bands, nil now, prices nlljiow (hiring this week Tahlo covers, largo nssortmcnt, our special Mx quarter for 75c each, better ono for $1.50. 9 needed only tho spur ot a worthy motlvo to bocomo n usoful merabor of Boctoty. "Now, then, boys," ho asked, In a moro animated manner, "what Is tho matter with tho sluggard ?" "He's all right!" yellod tho boys, In chorus. "Mamma, I've asked Jimmy niuo to como over and won't you ploase lot us havo that candy?" "Ilut I don't think thoro Is enough for both of you." "That's all right, mamma, Jimmy's got tho mumps and can't oat.' Llttlo Hobby was trying to rend and, looking up from his book, ho asked: "Mamma, what is a grass widow?' Ilefore sho could reply his C-yoar-old slstor exclaimed: "Why, Hobby, nnyjiody ought to know that. A grass widow lu it woman whoso husband died of hay fovor." A teacher was instructing ft class of in fanta In a London Sunday school nnd was letting tho children finish her sentences to mako suro they understood. "Tho idol had oyes,' sho said, "but It couldn't " "See,' cried tho children. "It had cars, but it couldn't " "Hear," said tho class. "It had llpw, but It couldn't " "Spcnk," said tho children. "It had a noso, but It couldn't " "V.'lpo Itl" shouled tho llttlo ones and U16 tenchor hurt to pauao In her lcsnoa is order to recover her composure.