The Omaha Sunday Bee. r EDITORIAL SHEET. PAGES 13 TO 24. ESTABLISHED JUHSTE 19, 1S71. CXM-AHA, StT2DAY MOKNIXG, SEPTEMBER 15, 1901. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Visitors arc invited to make themselves at home in the Big Store. Packages chucked and every accommodation fi cc. Stocks are complete in every department. The Leading Dress Goods House OF THE Over 50,000 Styles Now on Hand. Two immense dress goods stocks to select from. goods and popular, goods. Whllo wo nrc always In tho lead, this beyond even our own expectations. Wo were fortunate In se curing tho cholco fall materials of all tho finest manufac turers of tho world, Foremost nro U. 1'rlestley & Co., Brad ford. Englnnd; Courtauld, Essex, England; Lupin, Paris; Cou tlcro, Lyons, Trance; Wra. Head, tho manufacturer of tho colobrated Lansdownc; Ilotany Mills, Goodall, and the James town Mills. Wo wcru also fortunato In securing an ablo ho different lareo cities VUI Ul UIL91 Sv,wwo uiiivu.i.v... . - w MMUHMMMHiMa who nro thoroughly posted on their business and cnpablo of handling all trado In tho most courteous and gentlemanly manner. Mnnilrt', orlT ttt kIc our out-of-town customer the ticiictU of our liR'KMlnii, there Mill ! ncimntlonnl cuttliiK of irlcm. Wo do not say goods worth so much. Wo glvo you tho prlco wo are actually sell ing tho goods at. BLACK DRSS GOODS 40-Inch black satin finished Venetian that ire sell at COc, 43c. Our $1.23 51-inch extra heavy Venetian, 88c- Our $1.60 54-in. extra heavy Trench Vene tian, 11.10. Our $1-08 Venetians and broadcloths, E4-ln. extra, $1.25. Our $2.50 Kerseys, broadcloths and French Venetians, $1.03. Our $2.0S broadcloths, prunellas, Vene tians, etc., $2.25. Our $3.0S broadcloths, Iterseys, Venetians, to., $2.03. Our $5.00 broadcloths, kerseys, Venetians, Drap do Paris, $3.08. Our $0.00 and $6.50 Drap do Venlco and broadcloths, $1.08. Our $0.08 and $7.50 broadcloths and drapes, $5.25. MEDIUM WEIGHT BLACK GOODS Our $1.25 prunella, 85c. Our $1.50 sollcls, 98c Our $1.50 whipcords, 08c. LIGHT WEIGHT BLACK GOODS Our $1.60 French voiles, $1.00. Our $2.60 Kolicnnes. $1.25. Our $2.98 drenadlnes, $1.25. COLORED DRESS GOODS Tho varloty Is so largo as to bo porplex lng and colorings aro endless. Our 60c Venetians In 76 colorings, 30c. Our $1.00 Granlto in 32 colorings, 4S-ln., 7Gc. Our $1.25 Flnetta in 24 colorings, 51-ln., Our $1.50 extra heavy tailor suitings, 63 Inches wide, 7uc. Our $1.50 Venetians and broadcloths In over 50 fall shades, OSc. Our $2.00 Venetians, broadcloths and VIc in,in R4 In oxtra. fine finish. $1.35. Our' $2.50 and $3.00 Victorias and Vene tians, $1.50. For l'aputnr Triced Itrenn fioofli Sec the liurKuin jtoom. One of tho Best Opportunities Ono of tho best opportunities ever offered this section of tho country to do their fall buying (to their Individual benefit) Is now open to everybody who havo COTTON GOODS of any description to buy. HAYDENS navo been planning for months to get together tho GREATEST STOCK of MERCHANDISE (at less cost to tho con turner) than has ever beforo been attempted west of New York City. Tho VAIUETY IN EVERY DEPT. will surprlso and satisfy beyond a doubt. Tho QUALITY of everything shown V ILL RATE UETTEU than anyone elso can sup ply tho samo goods. Tho DUYINO OF SUCH QUANTITIES of all classes of nicrchandhio makes our od portunlty for soiling at a lower prlco than Is posslblo to stores of ordinary eUo. Tho caroful selection of goods and PRICED TO SELL QUANTITIES QUICKLY makes HAYDENS THE PEOPLE'S ECO NOMICAL DISTRIBUTORS of tho WEST. All of SIMPSON'S flno mercerized silk sateen (for dresses), all now, worth 35c a yard, 19c. Amoskcag apron ginghams, all sizes and colors, in checks (tho best goods made), 4c. French flannelettes (doublo fold) samo styles as tbo Imported flannels, 12Hc Fleeco lined suiting, the nowest styles and heaviest grade, 10c yard. Printed satin strlpo wastlngs, handsomo deslgus, worth 50c, at 25o yard. Doublo fold dark dress pcrcalo. colors red, navy and black, in figures, dots and stripes, OHo yard. Flno quality double-fold washable dress plaids (for children's dresses), worth ISc. nt 12Hc Finest quality full yard wldo dress per cales (tho usual 120 and 15c grades), 10c rard. Every make, color and kind of calicos (the best grades only), nt 5c yard, Tho heaviest "old-fashioned Dutch blue." i"Mo is tho usual price, lOo yard. Optical Department Visitors will do well to call at our Optical department. Olasses of all kinds correctly fitted by experienced graduato optician at unusually low prices. Gold-fltted frames, crystal lenses, finest grado, guaranteed 10 years, usual price $6.00; at $3.45. Alumlnlco frames, light and will not rust. high grado lenses, $3.00 valuo at $1-75. A good epectaclo or eye-glass complete for Mc Two Immense ONE of the bigm-st events in our history the securing at an astonishing sacriiice for spot cash of the ENTIRE DRY GOODS STOCK OF MORRELL & 6-VOTT and Hit high grade DRESS GOODS OF LORD & TAYLOR, known the country over for their style and value. VISITORS TO Til E ' Alv-S AR-13EN FESTIVITIES will find a double reason for making the Rig Store their headquarters this year. Every accommodation is free, and, besides, one of the greatest sales ever held in Omaha will be at its height. WASH GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, etc., etc., UOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING ARE ALL INC'LFDED IN THIS (JIG ANTIC PURCHASE. All the Goods Have Been Marked, Checked and are Ready for Sale THE BARGAIN ROOM is filled to overllowing, and as fast as counters are cleared thousands of new bargains in the newest and most desirable merchandise will lill them up again. On furniture, Carpets, Draperies, Wall Taper, House Furnishings, Stoves and Crockery the Big Store is having a series of colossal sales for this week that make competition impossible and mean a saving, of thousands upon thousands of dollars to the people, of Omaha and the entire west. In men's and boys' clothing we show the best makes in America at a saving of fully one-third on usual price. On ladies' and misses' garments we are headquar- infill 1wwlfktio tC u f il r otifl v nf 1ntvf iiimj A WEEK OF UNPARALLELED BARGAIN WEST. High grade year wo havo gona Coupon Semi us your natno anil nddre s anil we will send you a package rf tho lntost dross poods samples tree. COLORED GOODS, CONTINUED Priestley's colored Cravenetts that we sell for $2.50, nt $1.50. Our $3.50 Venetians and broadcloths, $2.50, Our $4.98 Venetians, 60-ln. wide, $3.50. Our $3.50 and $4.60 Drap do Venice, $2.75. Our $1.50 Voile, OSc. Our $1.50 nuns veilings, OSc. Our $2.60 Vollo, $1.50. Our $2.50 Eollonncs, $1.50. Our $2.50 'silk crepo, $1.25. MATERIALS FOR WAISTS, Dreaslnir Mnckd, Klnionn nud "Wrnppcrs. The lafllcfl of Omaha can bear us out In this assertion, that thero is nothing llko this In tho west. All our Imported French flannels, In dots strlpo and figures, 60c. All our Iloyal Persians In 3 to 4 color ings, sold elsewhero nt 75c and 85c, at 69c. All our hlgh-grado Iloyal Persian Ro lnforco Trench flannel, In 6 to 8 gorgeous colorings, 75c. All our bordored French flannels, with border on both edges, 79c. Satin prunella In evening shades, 75c. ' All wool Windsor corduroy, tho latest In evening shades, 75c. All wool challlcs, dark and light shades, 50c. Satin striped cballis, 50c, 75c and Soc WAIST PATTERNS Ono of tho fads of this season Is tho elab orate embroidered and appllqued waist pat terns. Wo havo them In over 200 stylos and colors. Machine appllqued In French flannels, $2.25. Machine appllqued In satin prunella, $2.50. Machlno embroidered In all the richest colorings. $2.9S, $3.50, $4.50. $5.00, $0.00, $7.50, $8.50 and $10 per pattern. Hand embroidered, $12.50, $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00 for cntlro pattern, executed by tho most skillful needlewomen of France. Linens and Domestics At the Big Store Tho. biggest sale that was ever held In any ono. storo will taka place at tho Big Storo Monday and all week during Ak-Sar-Ben. If you need linens now or not It will pay you to make your purchaso now, as money can bo caved, and Monday will bo your opportunity to buy flno goods at loss than tho price of poor qualities. THESE PRICES IN MAIN DEPARTMENT: 72-lnch extra heavy cream damask, usual prlco S5c, nt 67V4c. CG-lnch extra heavy cream damask, usual price 75c, at 50c. Cl-lnclt extra heavy cream damask, usual prlco 60c, nt 35c. 63-lnch rxtro heavy cream damaaK, usual prlco 35c, at 22V4c 68-lnch bleached damask, usual price 30c, at 19c. 70-Inch cream damask, usual price 75c, at 55c. 72-lnch cream damask, usual prlco $1.00, at 75c. 72-lnch cream damask, usual prlco $1.2a, at 90c. 65- lnch nil, linen bleached damask, 50c. 66- inch all 'linen bleached damask, 35c. C0-lnch all linen bleached damask, 45c. 61-lnch nil linen bleached damask, COc. 6S-Incb nil linen bleached damask, usual prlco 85c, at 69c. 72-lnch all llnon bleached damask, usual prlco $1.00, nt 75c. 72-lnch all linen bleached damask, usual prlco $1.25, at OSc. 72-lnch all llucn bleached damask, usual prlco $1.50, at $1.23. Extra flno double satin damask that rango from $1.75 to $2.00 a yard go at $1.45. Extra flno all linen napkins, OSc a dozen. Extra flno nil linen napkins, $1.23 a dozen. Extra fine nil linen napkins, $1.25 a dozen. Extra largo napkins, worth $2.25, at $1.50 a dozen. China Department Flno chinas, fancy brleabrac have been arriving every day nnd for this week wo will bavo a display of ceramics that will pay tbo most fastidious to examine. Novelties In Royal Vienna and Wetllnir. French nnd German china, English and Amerlcau porcelains, Imported and domestic glass, bronzes, cut glass and art Noveau vases, lamps and gas portables and lnniD and gas globes. And to cap the climax for this week a 100-plcco comploto decorated dinner set of English porcelain at $4. 9S. Jardlnorcs from 25a up. Handle cup and saucers 2c each. Flno china oatmeal and fruit dishes 5c. Another assortment of pig liauks 6c. Fine lino of lamp globes from 69c up. Decorated toilet sets from $1.69 up. Slx-pleco flno crystal cream sets 10c. Flno engraved flint water glasses 4c. Soot Monday in the Bargain Room A grand display of new merchandise in a well-lighted room no basement not a stock of cheap rags, but new merchandise picked up in odd lots from the various mills at about one-third of their regular value. The great Morrell & Scott dry goods stock on sale here. EVERY ARTICLE, JUST AS REPRESENTEE LINEN AND MUSLIN DEPT. Extra fine bleached muslin, 2!Jc Extra heavy and extra wldo muslin, 5c. Flno LL, worth 5c, 3c. Flno bleached 42-Inch pillow sheeting, regular 15c grade, 10c. 74 full standard prints, 2Uc American Indigo blues, 3lc. ?i percales, 34c. 36-Inch nno Imported percales, "V4c 30-Inch Imported madras cloth, 64c. 15c figured satlne. Sc. 25c figured Oldenburg, 36-Inch, &$c. 10c Imported imitation French flannel, 36 Inches wide with borders, 10c 15c Imitation French flannel, 7V4c. WOOL DRESS GOODS 100 pieces of double-fold dress goods, 75 per cent wool debctges, worth 15c; 200 pieces of all wool shepherd checks; 100 pieces of 30-Inch plaids In neat, nlco colors, 5c. 25c plaids and 25c novelties, all colors, 12Kc. 35c novelties, 15c. 39c serges, all colors and black, 42-lnch, 19c. $1.00 plaids, $1.00. novelties, etc., 25c. 75c black satin berbcr. 35c. Sheeting Department Yard-wide bleached muslin at 6c n yard. Yard-wldo bleached muslin, extra fine, at C'Ac a yard. 42-Inch pillow casing, 10c a yard. 45-Inch pillow casing, HHc a yard. 50-lncb pillow casing, 12c a yard. 8- 4 bleached shooting at 18c a yard. 9- 4 bleached sheotlng at 19c a yard. 10- 4 bleached sheeting at 21c a yard. 0-4 brown sheeting at 16c a yard. Extra quality ready-mado pillow cases at Hio and up to 15c each. 81x90 ready-made brown sheet, 45c. 81x90 ready-mado bleached sheet, 49c. Cambric, 16 yards for $1.00. Extra large Turkish bleached towel, worth 12V4c at 9c each. Extra largo Turkish bleached towel, worth 15c, at ilVss each. Extra largo Turkish bleached towel, worth 25c, at 15c. Largo linen huck towels at 9c each. Damask fancy towels at 15c each. Remnants of sheeting linen and towel Ings. Towelings Crash toweling at 4 lie a yard. Extra fine all linen toweling, S';c a yard. Extra flno all linen towllng, 10c a yard. 18-lnch flno towllng at 12c a yard. 22-luch household crash at 15c a yard. 20-inch household crash at 12c a yard. Grand Furnishing Goods Sale Ladles' aDd Misses' $1.00 Kid Gloves at 40c 1 lot of Ladles' Kid Gloves, In all the new colors, all sizes, regular $1.50 quality, at 75c. Ladles' 25c plain and fancy colored Stock lugs at 12c. Ladles' 35c plain and fancy colored Stockings at 19c 1 lo. of Ladles' flno lisle thread plain and fancy colored Stockings, worth up to $1.00, at 39c Men's 50c Socks at 19c 100 dozen Men's Socks, the samples of one of tbo largest Importing houses In New York on sale at 10c. Ladles' Corsets, In all colors and sizes, worth $1.00, at 49c Ladles' extra long stecl-fltted Corsets, In drab and black, regular $1.00 quality, at 40c All the new straight front Corsets In the W. C. C. Kabo, Dr. Warner's nnd W. B. at $1.00 and up. Tbo La Greuque Belt Corset and tbo Nemo Military Belt Corset for stout figures. Children's Shawknlt Stockings at 25c Grand Ribbon Sale 35C and 60C FANCY RIBBONS, per yd., 10C. Wo havo purchased tho entlro stock of No. 40 Fancy Ribbon from ono of Omaha's prlnclval Jobbing houses at less than one half price. 35c and 50c Ribbons, per yard, 10c 15c Fancy Ribbons, 5c. Hats, Hats, Hats Our fall stock having arrived wo aro showing tho largest line of up-to-date Hats In the city. Oi sale Monday at popular prices. Fedoras In all colors at 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. Pashas In black, brown, pearl, nutria and otter at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00, Railroad in black, brown and nutria at 75c. $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. Columbia In black and nutria at 75c, $1.50 aud $2.00. Derbys In black and brown at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. Men's and Boys' Caps from 25c to 50c, HAYDEN BROS Cash Purchases on Sale 73c black crepon, 20c. 75c line, all-wool black novelties, 39c. $1.00 homespuns, 52 Inches wldo, 49c. $1.60 nil-wool plaids, 52 Inches wide, 49o. $1.98 silk and wool plaids and novelties, 48 Inches wide, 49c. SILKS, VELVETS, CORDUROYS, ETC. 39c Bilks and satins, In all colors and black, 19c. 49c silks and satins, In all colors, no black, 25c. 75c silks and satins, silks In all colors, 39c. $1.00 silks In Roman stripes, 39c $1.50 black fancy silks, 49c $1.9S black fancy silks, 49c. $1.50 silk flannels for waists, 49c. $2.00 silk crepons for dresses, 49c GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Wo defy any other houso In Omaha to give such values as these. Children's 16 to 22 line fleeced-llned un derwear, 10c, 12'c, 15c and 19c Children's extra flno fleeced-llned un derwear, 24 to 34 sizes, 25c. Flannel Department 10 cases 36-Inch wide fancy patterns out ing flannel, per yard 86c worth 15c. 1 case California embroidered skirt pat terns, each 25c, worth 60c. 2 cases extra heavy Shaker flannel, per yard, 5c, worth 10c 1 caso ?4 wblto linen and wool flannel, per yard, 2Sc, worth 40c 2 cases extra heavy and largo bedspreads, each 59c, worth $1. 1 caso full size extra heavy bedspreads, each OSc, worth $1.25. 1 caso extra large fringed bedspreads, each $1.25, worth $2. 600 pairs cotton samples bed blankets, on sale Monday at low price. ' Carpets Carnival week carpet sale. Extraordinary Inducements offered to you during carnival week. Our carpet room Is crowded with the choicest things from tho leading mills of the country. Tho best goods and greatest variety at the lowest prices aro what convinces the economical buyers that tho Big Storo Is tho place to buy. 75c Brussel carpet, 69c $1.00 Brussel carpet, 69c. $1.25 Velvet carpets, 85c. 75c all wool ingrains, 49c. 40c union carpets, 25c. 9x12 Smyrna rugs, worth $30.00, $19.50. 9x12 Smyrna rugs, worth $20.00, $11.75. 30x60 Smyrna rugs, $1.98. 30x60 Wilton rugs, $1.25. Cheap Books 10,000 new 25c Novelts on sale Monday, 5c Furniture IF YOU NEED ANYTHING IN THE FURNITURE LINE BUY NOW. Everyone seems to be having a September sale. They must bo cutting prices. AS WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN LOWER IN ritlCE THAN EVERYBODY ELSE. OUR PRICES MUST NOW BE LOW INDEED. And they aro lower than over. Our sales attest this. Tbo people who look around and then come hero confirm It In a most substantial manner. WE WERE NEVER SO BUSY BEFORE. GET IN YOUR OR DERS NOW. Everything now. Artistic selection of up-te-dato furniture in evcrv lino, and tho prlco lower than ever. (Write for catalogue.) Flno solid oak desk, 30 Inches wide, fitted Inside with pigeon holes and drawer lower shelf to braco legs, well and strongly made, fine finish, a $9 desk for $5i50. GIVING AT Children's flne-ribbed underwear, sizes 16 to 22. 10c Sizes 24 to 2S, 16c. Sizes 30 to 34, 20c. Men's 75c fine, soft, superfine, fleece lined underwear, In gray or blue, all sizes, will go as a flyer Monday, 39c Closing out all summer underwear in men's, worth up to 75c, at 19c Closing out ladles' 15c vests at 4Jc. Men's good, medium weight dark work shirts, worth 60c, 19c. Men's 75c work shirts, dark colors, well made, all sizes, 29c We have boys' sizes at 29c. Men's 25c suspenders, 8c Mon's 50c suspenders, 25c. MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING Boys' $2.00 suits, 95c. Boys' $5.00 suits. $1.95. Boys' long pants, worth $1.50, 50c Boys' long pants, worth $2.50, OSc. Men's $2.00 pants, 98c. Men's $3.00 pants, $1.25. EXTRA SPECIALS 100 dozen towels, worth 25c, 10c. 100 dozen towels, worth 35c, 15c. 150 bedspreads, worth $1.60, 75c. Hardware. Stoves and House Furnishings Special Monday Stove Sale. $15.50 No. 8 Cook stove, 18-ln. oven, very smooth casting, nicely nickel-plated, war ranted, $11.49. $16.00, 6-holo No. 8 cast range, 20-lnch oven, warranted flno baker, $12.49. One of tho best steel ranges made, high warming closet, largo 19-Inch oven, asbestos lined throughout, grey Iron top, warranted not to crack or warp, no handsomer made, extra heavy, a regular $36.50 range, we sell them special this sale at $29.05. Watch our next Sunday ad for heating stoves. Two carloads Just received and putting them up. Get our prices, lowest In America. Special House Furnishings. 6-foot stepladders, 45c. Galvanized boilers, 60c 16c bottle machlno oil, 5c. Thermometers, 7c Granite Iron basin, 9c. Sink strainers, 12c. Granite pleplates, 6c. Galvanized tubs, 35c. Toilet paper, 2 rolls for 5c. Palls, iron handles, 6c. 14x21 wire photo holder, 9c. 25c padlock, 10c. Good clow hammer, 9c 10-qt. granlto dlshpans, 39c. Send in 'your mail orders. Jewelry Specials Silver plated Teaspoons, regular 75o value, at 25c set. Silver plated Knives and Forks, per set $1.48. Silver plated Dcsort Spoons, regular $2.00 value at 9Sc set. Solid sliver napkin rings, 80c. An assortment of solid silver pieces with gold bowl, consisting of Bon-Bon Spoons, Jell Spoons, Baby Spoons with bent han dles, Olive Spoons, Sardine Forks, Meat Forks, Sugar Shells, Cream Ladles, etc., at $1.00. Also Souvenir Spoons. These goods aro worth twice tho prlco. Elgin and Walthara Watches, fitted In 20- year cases, screw back and bezzel, at $8.05, 15-Jewel Elgin or Waltham Watches, In 20-year gold filled cases, screw back and bezzel, at $10.76. Ladles' slx-ulzo Watches, American move ments, In 10-ycar cases, sale price $6.95. Boys' Watches, 12-slze, gun metal cases, fitted with good American movements and fully guaranteed, at $4.50. Grand Millinery Sale All tho very newest things in ladles' ready-to-wear Hats. The moat stylish cro- atlons of the season priced at astonishingly low figures. Everything In Millinery can be found In the Big Store's xtenslvo and handsome Mil Hnery department at a saving of fully 25c on the dollar. I This Week THE BIG STORE All of Our New Fall Silks Are Now In The greatest silk stock ever seen in Omaha. There is no silk stock that will commence to compare with it. We have hero the finest silks in the world and all will be sold at prices in keeping with our established repu tation. BIG SPECIAL SILK SALE ALL NEXT WEEK. Tor the many out-of-town customers that can only or der through the mails to secure our special bargains, nnd the fact that carnival week brings you all to our city is the cause for this great silk sale so that you mny attend in person and see the great bargains that these Bales afford. FINE SILKS FOR WAISTS-nll light colors salo nt FINE SILK FOR WAISTS OR DRESSES nnd beautiful novelties, two-tono brocades $1.50 on salo at 500 bolts that go In this big Bpcclnl sale, 27-In. black peau do sole, black gros grain, block uiuLuuts, tuuiaius, uutuiiy wuuo bhk, goes at BLACK IRON FRAME GRENADINE doublo width, flno grade, worth $1.50, on sale Monday uC FINE BLACK DUESS SILKS ON SALE Black peau do solo, gros grain taffeta, satin, faille, poplin nnd many others real $1.00 grade go In this salo at $2.00 yard-wldo Taffeta, In black, at 1.00 98c The Big Shoe Sale will continue during tho week of Ak-Sar-B on to accommodato our customers from tho country, who will bo In town during tho carnival. 10,000 pairs of shoes, closed out to us from tho well known factories of J. P. Smith & Co., M. c. Dlzor & Co Myron F. Thomas, Thompson Bros., Hoag, Heath & Co.. C. II. Aborn & Co., Geo Fi'lianlcls & Co., at a mero fraction of their cost. Theso goods will bo placed on salo in our TWO BIG SHOE DEPARTMENTS nt three pr!ces-$2:9S. $1.96 and $1.59. French, Shrlncr & Urner best quality of patent kid, patent coltskln nnd patent calf, In laco or button, at $238, worth from $6.50 to $7.50. Men's vlcl kid bals, Goodyear welt, worth $3.00, $1.96. Men's box calf bals, Goodyear welt, worth $3.00. $1.96. Men's volour calf bals, Goodyear wolt, worth $3.00, $1.90. Men's wax calf bals, Goodyear wolt, worth $3.00, $1.06. Ladles' flno vlcl worth $4.00, $2.08. lace, Goodyear welt, MiiTs Medium Weight Wool Shirts and Drawers REGULAR $1.50 QUALITY AT $1.00. Men's medium weight Jorsoy ribbed Shirts and Drawers, regular 75c quality, at 39c. Men's Outing Flannol Night Shirts, regu lar 75c quality, at 49c. All the now styles In boys' $1.00 colored laundered Shirt Waists at 49c. Boys' $1.00 colored laundered Shirts at 49c. Men's $1.00 colored laundered shirts, with scparato collars and cuffs, at 49o. Ladles' black' and colored Kult Skirts, worth $1.00, at 49c. Ladles' kneo length Outing Flannel Skirts, In all colors, worth 75c, at 49c. Wo have tho largest lino of ladles' Outing Flannel Night Gowns In tho city on salo at 49c, 75c, 08c, $1.25. A complete lino of ladles' Opera Shawls. In black, white and colors, worth $1.50. at 9Sc. Opera Sbawls In all colors, at $1.25. $1.50 and $1.9S. Cracker Sale Soda Crackers, trust prlco SVSc, our prlco Co Farina Crackors, trust prlco 6c, our Prlco So Ginger Snaps, trust prlco 8c, our prlco 6c Butter Crackers, trust prlco 8c, our prlco Bc Crack Meal, trust prlco 7'4c, our prlco Co Oatmeal Crackers, trust prlco 12c, our Prlco co Milk Crackers, trust prlco Sc. our prlco Cc Tobacco Sal e Star Plug Chowlng Tobacco, per plug, 37Ho Horscshoo Chewing Tobacco, per plug, 37'o Fruit Julco Plug Chowlng Tobacco, per Plug 10s Newsboy Plug Chewing Tobacco, per PluiS 7 Wo Battle Axo Plug Chowlng Tobacco, per plug S5o Climax Plug Chowlng Tobacco, per Plus 370 Neve Plug Chowlng Tobacco, per plug, 20o Genuine Durham Smoking Tobacco.... COo Duko's Mlxturo Smoking Tobacco 32o Uncle Tom Smoking Tobacco, per pack age 70 Old Stylo Smoking, per pound 25o A good cigar, 50 In box l'c each A better cigar, CO In box 2o each Flno long filler cigar, 60 in box the same you pay 10c for we sell you 3Ho each HAYDENs Agents for Butterick Patterns and Publications Pianos Sold for Cash or on Easy Payments - over 100 pieces on .25c nlaek lirnr.i.W nll ...i many worth up to A n -t 4MC wide, block and colors, In fine taffeta corded novelty, elegant fancy silk, rich nciuslltcnod, all this lot 69c YARD-WIDE SILKS, In colors and block, flno taffetas, plaid silk, olegant quality and ono yard wide, worth -v - $2.00, at only VoC FANCY VELVETS-Dots, stripes, Persian finest qunllty, worth $1.60, e at SSc and oC $3.00 64-In. wldo Taffeta, In black, nt 1.98 Ladles' flno vlcl lac, genuine hand sewed, worth $4.00, $2.98. Ladles' flno vie! lace, McKay welt, worth $3.00, $1.96. Ladles' fine box calf laco, McKay welt, worth $3.00. $l.0. Ladles' lino ton vlcl lace, McKay welt, worth $3.00, $1.96. Wo nro agents for the Stetson and Cros sctt shoes for men and tho Ultra nnd Brooks Bros,' shoes for women. SHOES IN "THE BARGAIN ROOM" AT BARGAIN ROOM PRICES. a S V'Cl k'd baIa' worth 2'E0 an1 3-00' Men's coltskln bals, worth $2.60 and $3.00, $1.59. Meu's tnn calf bals, worth $2.50 nnd $3.00, $1.59V Women's vlcl kid lace, worth $2.50 and $3.00, $1.00. Women's tan calf luce, worth $2.50 and $3.00, $1.59. Women's tan vlcl lace, worth $2.50 nnd $3.00, $1.59. Boys' and youths' satin bals, worth $1.60 OSc. Llttlo gents' of same. OSc. Misses' school shoes, $1.25. $1.00, 75c and COc. Headquarters for rubbers and overshoes. Buy your winter goods now nnd savo your railroad expenses. Curtains, and Draperies If you allow us to show you our mammoth lino and quoto you our prices you will ccr tnlnly trado with us. Special Laco Curtain prices: Handsomo Irish Point nnrtnln. nf o r.n $2.75 and $2.95. " ' Brussels Not Curtnlns, beautiful styles. $2.48, $3.00 nnd $4.00. Heavy Cahlo Nets, $2.75 pair. Rulllo Curtains, 49c pair up. Portlcrlcs In cudless varltlos. Portlerlcs In Tapestries, $1.59, $1.08. $2.25, $3.25 pair nnd up. An extra flno Tapestry Curtain, worth $5.00. $3.9S pair. Ropo Portlcrles-Elcgant Flemish Rope Portlcrlcs, $1.33, $1.50, $2.23 und $3.25 each. Grand Grocery Sale Nebraska Oat Meal, per pound, 2VSc Ohio Oat Meal, per pound, 3c. Steel Cut Oat Meal, per pound, 3c. Hand-picked Navy Beans, 0c. Now whlto Lima Beans, 7Wc Green Peas, (dried) 6c. Marrowfat Peas, (dried), EVSc. Split Peas, (drlod), 3'c. Pearl Barloy, 3Vc. Flno Sago, por pound, 4c. Imported Sago, 8&c. Hasty Jolllcon, 3 packages for 25c 10 bars Diamond soap, 25c' 10 bars Whlto Russian soap, 23c. Meats and Lard No. 1 sugar cured Hams, llc. 1-pound can Rex brand Corned Beef, llifcc. Chipped Dried Roof, por pound, 15c. Fancy sugar cured Bacon, 12'4,c. 10-lb, palls puro Leaf Lord, $1.16. Good dry Salt Pork, 9c. Boneless Corned Bcof, 7'5c. Cheese and Fish No, 1 full cream Cheese, 12c. Wisconsin Brick Chccso, 1214c Fancy fat Holland Herring, 10c. Best grado puro Codfish, 12'jc. Fancy family Whlteflsh, Cc. Candy Department Very flno Oum Drops j;0 Roasted Salted Peanuts jQ Mixed Candy, per pound so Caramels to Peanut Candy 60 Chocolato to Wo make all our candy In tho store and would like very much to have nil ladlcn come and sco how It Is made. i