Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1901, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Gme Has Buffered Threufh t'st Wir of
Ebal Kmtgers.
Till) cm Follou the Lend of the .Mim
nutc nml Cilir lluuily Inhibi
tion Inatrnd of I'lni'ltiR
the On inc.
They also reallte the futility of a protest, 1 V C IH) i C i K CMflT Ul I TCU
and to rarely carry the matter to an ox-I iLD1Aj1A fUUl DALL ILAJl
Just how disastrous hai been the base
tml season, now on its wane, will likely
never be known. It is only certain that
more clubs have lost money than have
earned a profit; that the morale of the
game hns been distinctly lowered and that
Incalculable harm hat been done through
the oauhtng of managerial Interests.
Whatever interest the public may have
had In the quarrel between tho National
find American organizations was easily ex
hausted before the season had fairly opened
and the owners of the teams very soon
abandoned their pretentious rivalry In an
effort to attract attendance tu the games.
1'ubllshed figures Indicate that the crowds
have been Increasing as the season has
progressed, but there was a time when the
llg league clubs were playing before crowds
whose admission fees would not pay for
thu balls used up in the course of a game.
Such facts arc sure to make, the magnates
think and It Is a reasonable presumption
that the fall and winter sessions of the
cwn'rs will have more to do with how to
correct the mistakes of the last season
than with laying plans for any more war.
It, orr own little league there Rre signs
of discontent The situation of Indianapolis
era Louisville is still n source of unrest
10 mo . extern magnates, who want to
in lude these towns In the circuit. So
somo talk of n ten-club league Is heard
It will likely end In talk, though. Kau
nas City and Minneapolis, where the game been a loser this season, are figuring
now on dropping Omaha, Denver and Colo
icdo Springs and subst.tuting Mllwnunkee.
Indianapolis nnd Louisville. Now, wouldn't
that Jar you? Of course, it Is rather early
to lay cot circuits, but some of the dope
Ilcnus keep their pipes going all the time.
Otic thin seems reasonable however, and
that Is that the magnates will think a long
time before they turn down Omaha In favor
of any other city now on the circuit. The
ntlenannce here has been better and
steadier than anywhere In the Western
lcaguo nnJ there Is no reason to think It
will be less. And it is attendance that
innscs base ball pay.
tretne. A ball player Is never Justified .n
personally assaulting an umpire. His re
course is In an entirely different direction.
If a player should so far forget himself as
to transcend the rules of decency as did
Bhugart and McOlnnlty. It Is only right
that they should be prevented as far as
possible from ever showing themselves in
n ball player's uniform again. Ban Jchn-
son will have the thanks of all lovers of
the game for his prompt action in removing
Another thing that has caused some lit
tle comment during the week Is the an
nouncement that the National league is
going to withdraw the protection It has
hitherto afforded the minor leagues. This
means In plain English that the big league
proposes to take Its pick of the minor
league players without as much as saying
by your leave. Just what the minor leagues
can do In the matter Is a question. Presi
dent Hlckey Is out with a call for a con
vention and proposes to lay down certain
rules to govern players who Jump minor
league contracts and fall to make good In
the big league. This makes one think ot
the convention the hens held when they
pasbed n resolution denouncing the fox. It
didn't help the hens and It didn't hurt
the fox. The course adopted by the big
league Is only another evidence that the
morale of the game has suffered ns a re
sult of the season. It may not be that
the fiber of the fabric hoR been attacked.
Indeed, all lovers of the noble sport will
hope It ha( not. yet there seems some
thing radically wrong when professed busi
ness men will thus violate not only Im
plied, but written obligation. If the major
league adheres to Its proposition to drny
protection to the minor leagues and re
fuses to recognize any but Its own desires,
then tbre Is surely nn era of demoraliza
tion In prospect.
Outlook for the Ccmbg Season ii Meit
Flattering ea Paper.
Cnptnln Weilmrr lln Men Who
Ouuht to Win nrerj- Game They
Go Into, with Prohnhly
One Kxceptlon.
As n sirlklng example of the deficiency
in morals of tho game It Is unnecessary to
go bjyond the recent exhibitions given by
Frank Shugart of the Chicago American
teum and Joe McOlnnlty of the Baltlmores
Shugart struck Umpire Haskell, while
Kr.toll of his team kicked him, and Mr
C.lnnlty spat In the face of Umpire Connolly
Not so many people out here know cither
of these players, nnd yet there are those
who recall Frank Shugart as the quiet,
active shortstop of the Minneapolis team
of 1800, when ho was looked upon as a
comer. He showed no signs of being a
rowdy then, nor bm ho since, until this
year. Very few Omaha people who mot
Joe McGlnulty last summer when he was
visiting his people here willingly believe
that the modrst gentleman they then shook
hands with and talked to could be guilty of
tho hoodlumlsm he exhibited on the dln
mond In Daltlmore. Vet all who are In
nny wuy conversant with tho facts will
applaud Dan Johnson for the promptness
with which he fastened sentences upon
these offenders, and few will regret their
fuvcrlty. Only cne thing Is to be deplored,
and that Is thnt the American league has
not the means of malting Its sentences ef
fective throughout tho base ball world.
Whenever It becomes thoroughly under
stood that a player cannot he a rowdy and
remain In the game. It will be n glorious
day for base ball The managers seek con
tlnuRlly to nttri.ct people of good breeding
and gentle manners to the raracs, nnd when
there go It Is to be regaled with nn ex
hibition of n greft a'hletlr spcrt and nut
with an Imitation of n bar room brawl. To
Vltk 1 as natural as to breathe with a ball
player, yet he must ufro tho fame Judgment
in making his kicks he does In his playing
Ordinarily much will be excused cf a
flayer for what he dors In heat engen
dered by the "rigor of the game," and he
may find partisans In tbe extrcmcstc show of
temper. It has happened that the umpire
has been assaulted by the crowd. Admit-
Much might be written of the course of
the pennant races. In the National either
I'lttsburg or Brooklyn may win. St. Louis
Is not an impossibility, but hardly a proba
bility The Cardinals are not pUylns con
sistent ball. In the American, Chicago and
Boston arc having It ding dong for the
first place, and cither may land. With
Griffith tripplcd and Shugart and Katoll
out of the game for good, the White Stock
ings are hard hit, nnd tho chance looks
better for Boston. Here again comes up
the evil of a ball player'B temper. Just
because Shugart haw fit to soak Jack
Haskell in the Jaw, while Katoll kicked
him on the shin. Chicago may lose the
championship, while Haskell draws pay for
the time he 1b In the hospital and Shugart
is out of the game for all time ns far as
th American league Is concerned.
In the Western, Kansas City Is playing
true to form, and holds the lead as casllj
as at any time during the summer. Hardly
a mtracle could head off the Tebeau team
now. For second place, at least five
other teamr. have a show. Mlnneapoltt
and Des Moines seem about the only clubb
that cannot honestly aspire to finish sec
ond This condition of affairs will maU'
the finish as warm as any series of th'
whole season. Omaha has n good oppor
tunlty. owing to tho fact that the conclud
Ing game3 of the schedule are played on
the home grounds, but the Inconsistent per
formance of the Rourke family will hardb
reasrure Its friends. In fact few people in
Omaha will be surprised at the final stand
ing of the team It Is one of the finest ag
gregation of fielders ever gotten together In
the west and one of the most erratic withal
Some of the games played during the recent
trip, If the scores were accurate, would dis
grace a corner lot team, and others were
of the sclntlllntlng sort. The pitchers per
formed very much the same as tho fielders
and the result. Is a showing that covers the
whole range of base ball from rotten to the
best ever. Just what the trouble Is can
only be conjectured, but there is something
out of gear somewhere. At present the
team Is going fast again and patrons feel
certain of seeing good ball whenever they
go down to Vinton Street park. Some are
disappointed that tho team has not held a
higher place In the standing table all
through the season. In and out work has
been responsible nnd we will have to be
content with what we have. Tho race Is
clcse enough to suit anybody.
As the time approaches for the opening
of the university at Lincoln Interest Is re
viving in foot ball. Captain Westover of the
Nebraska team has announced that the foot
ball squad will go Into camp at South Dend
September 2. The men will live In tents
along the riatte river and begin their
training at once. A new tackling machine
will be set up for the candidates to practlco
on. The time at camp will be spent In
cross-country running, swimming, tackling
and punting. These men will begin train
ing Monday: Captain Westovor, Brew,
Crandtll. Cortelyou, Stringer, Bell, Shedd,
Maloney, Koehler, Lchmcr, Bender and
Ityan. Coach Booth and Manager Cowglll
will follow tho party with the other men
Captain Westover, to speaking of the
season's prospects, says that Nebraska
should win every one of Its games, with the
possible exception of the one with Wiscon
sin. All of last year s team will be uacx
but Montgomory and Cook. Old men of
former 'vanity teams who will be back are
Kingsbury, right tackle In S and 'S9.
Stinger, end In !7 and '8S, and Bell, right
hr.lf on the '09 team.
The line this year will be the most
formidable one that has ever lined up
for Nebraska. The candidates for the
ends are Stringer, Kyau, Cortelyou
and Johnson, who huvc all played
at least one season on the 'varsity
and Shedd, a 180-pound roan from the Lin
eoln High school. For the tackles are Cap
tain Westover, cx-Cnptaln Brew; Kingsbury
and Mlilile of the Lincoln High school. For
the guards are Illnger of the 'varsity. and
Martin and Hubbard of the High BChool
Koehler will be back to try for his old posl
tlon at center and Maloney, n 220-pound
man, will try to win a place. Drain nnd
Ityan of last year's 'varsity team nnd Lcli
mer of the Omaha High school will try fo
With five such old and experienced men ns
Westover. Brew, Kingsbury, IUngcr and
Koehler for the line, besides the new men
gold medal to tho best allround man this
The Iowa team has also adopted the camp
ing out method and has pitched Its tents
on the Iowa river, Just outside of Iowa
City. Coach Knlpe will not arrive until
late this week and the preliminary prac
tice work will be In charge of Captain
Williams and Assistant Coach Hobbs.
The Hawheyes hare already raised a
hard-luck cry, but from the best Informa
tion r large proportion of the old squad
will go Into training again this year. Cap
tain Williams, and Burrler, guard and
tackle of lasi year's 'varsity; Watters. end;
Griggs, the bulky substitute at center, and
other worthy substitutes such a Selberts.
Coulthard. Herbert, Macy and Hollenbeck
are all likely to make the first eleven
this year. Among the new men are Half
back Crum of Bedford, brother of the
famous sprinter of that name.
The Minnesota team likewise has the
camping habit and the squad Is nicely set
tled at Grand Marata, Minn, on the nortn
shore of Lake Superior. Dr. 11. L. Wil
liams, the coach, and U A. 1'age, captain
of last year's team, will direct the practlc9
Three weeks of preliminary training w 11
be undergone before the men return U
college to begin attendance upon lecture
The chief players In the squad besides ex
Captain l'age are Mueller and Doble, guard
and quarterback respectively on last year's
tram: Currant and McDonald of the 19C0
second team, and Nelson, Jcnson, Van
campen, Harris, Bldlake, Thorpo and Clarke
Evans, new men. Within the next two or
three days a dozen more are expected to
Join the squad.
Veterai Flayer Points Out PitfalU of
Game to the Notice.
rundninrntnl Mmlm of the tSnnir Must
He Committed llrloie the l'lnjer
May Hope to Uev elup
Imllt lilnnl Style.
Mnatera of the 1 rn Will Aaaemble t
I.nLe Ciintrnry, Mlaaourl, to
Compete for It lcli I'rlrcK.
The best Omaha amateurs and other shots
from throughout the state expect to attend
the Interstate meet at St. Joseph. Many of
them have grown skillful In shooting over
tho water at Okobojl and expect to bring
home at least their share ot the prize
The program has been completed
and the 11 ret annual tournament
will be held nt Lake Contrary September
15, 16 and 17. Most of the crack shots of
he west will be In attendance, as a number
good trophies havo been hung up. The
officers In charge ot arrangements are F
B. Cunningham, president; E. It. William,
vice president; J. H. Felt, secretary and
treasurer, and Directors Louis Moln, D. W
Potter ana Herman Loaeruose.
The amateur championship trophy for the
in Bight, the "Bugeatcrs" will undoubtedly states of Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and MIs
have tho fastest line of any eleven In iheourl will be a gold watch nnd chain to
Tommy Hughes has forced himself to the
front at last an a star pitcher. He Is
merely doing what good Judges who saw
him lost Rummer In Omaha said be was
capable of, pitching wonderful ball. In the
tour games he has last pitched he has
struck out thirty-nine men, hns not been
touched for more than Ave hits In any one
game, has given but few passes nnd hno
fielded without an error. His record Is re
mnrkablo, but not at all surprising to those
ting nil of this, ball playera must confess , who know him. Hughes has wonderful con
that there Is no situation In which nn as
nault on the umpire can bo Justified rr
v.iiere It can change the current of the
name. The least It can bring down upon
the rffendlng player Is a line or suspm
rlon from tho game. In which event tho
team loses his service3 fcr the time h?
Ii laid up, hud the patron Is deprived of a
portion at leant of what he has paid f r
trol of the ball. It Is recalled that in one
game he pitched for .Omaha last season he
went through seven Innings and had the
first man down in the eighth bctoro a ball
was tailed on him. That is as fine an ex
hibition of control as ever was witnessed.
It In Uanicertiua.
Cholera morbus often results fatally be-
Pach considerations alone would seem tut- ( fore medicine can be procured or a physl
flclent .to Induce nn ordinarily thlnk'ng clan summoned. Chamberlain's Colic
ball pluyer to refrain from quarreling with Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Is a certain
the umpire!, Spectators do net enjoy a , euro for this disease. Every family should
wrangle They realize quite ns ful'y as ' bo provided with It. It costs but a trifle
nnybody nny Injustice done by the umpl e. and Is certain to be needed sooner or later
and nro as quick to resent It as any p'ayer Buy It now. For sale by all druggists.
west. It will be the most formidable cne
hat has ever lined up for Nebraska.
The material for the end positions Is
better this year than It has ever been be
'crr. The three end men of last year's
varsity vvere the fastest ends for the
.eight anywhere In the west. Stinger, who
velghs 190 pounds, played on two cham-
lonshtp teams nnd won a place on nil ihe
vestern team both years. Shcda, the ISO-
pound Lincoln boy. has been considered
the best end on any High school In the
btate for the last three years. These men
will make two sets of ends that will tear
up tho heavy Gopher formations, nnd will
give the Badger backflcld such a smashing
ns It has never received before.
It looks as though Nebraska will have a
light speedy back field again this year.
Crandall, Bender, Bell and Eager, candi
dates so far for the halves, are all light
men but very fast. So far as Is known,
,none of last year's fullbacks will try for
the team. Cook and Plllsbury will not re
turn to school, nnd Raymond will not play.
Kingsbury, who is a terrific line buckT,
may be used In that position. He was used
behind the line part of the '99 season.
The new men as yet are rather unknown
quantities. Several heavy men with more
or less gridiron exporlence have signified
their Intention of entering school. Besides
those nlready known, there will undoubt
edly be many others who will make their
appearance after hard practice begins at
Manager Cowglll has arranged the tcs'
schedule any Nebraska team has ever had.
The season opens by a game with Lincoln
High school, at Lincoln September 21;
September 28 the tenm plays the Klrksville
School of Osteopathy at Klrksville. Mo.
Doane at Lincoln, October 5; October 12
Mlnneeota at Minneapolis; Ociobor 19,
Omaha Medics at Omaha: October
Ames college nt Lincoln; November 2, Wis
consin university nt cither Mndtson or Mil
vvaukee; November 0, Missouri, at Lincoln;
November 1C, Kansas at Lincoln The
Thanksgiving game will be at Lincoln, if
Nebraska wins or ties cither the Mlnne
sola or Wisconsin game, Northwestern will
play Nebraska Thanksgiving day. If Ne
braska loses both these games then ths
Haskell Indiana from Laurence will play
In concluding his outline ot tho season's
work, Captain Westover said the prcspects
for a championship team were better than
ever before, and with suffclent support
from tho student body and the public In
general, Nebraska should make a hard
fight for the western chanmplonshlp. I ex
pect sixty candidates to be out every night
after the season proper openB.
As an Inducement fcr good work, J B,
Tuckcy & Co. of Lincoln, have offend a $33
cost not less than $100. and to be properly
Inscribed emblematic of the championship
This trophy will be subject to general
competition at the annual shoots at St.
Joseph In following years and at the state
shoot of 1902.
The first day, which will be for ama
teurs only, will open with four events for
fifteen targets each, to be followed by tha
shoot for the Eagle trophy, donated by St.
Joseph Aerie No. 49, Fraternal Order of
Eagles. Event No. 6 will be tho Missouri
Valley team shoot, to be participated in by
Kansas City, St. Joseph, Leavenworth and
Atchison gun clubs, each team to be com
posed of ten men, twenty-flve birds to each
man, for a trophy valued at $23. Events 7,
9 and 10 will be for fifteen targets each.
There will be twclvo events on the second
day, open to professionals and amateurs,
ns followe: No. 1, fifteen targets, amateur;
No. 2, twenty targets, amateur; No, 3,
fifteen targets, amateur; No. 4, twenty-five
targets, open; No. 6, fifteen targets, ama
teur; No. 6, twenty targets, amateur; No.
7, fifteen targets, amateur; No. 8, twenty-
flvo targets, open; No. B, fifteen targets,
amateur; No. 10, twenty targets, amateur;
No. 11, fifteen tnrgets, amateur; No. 12,
twenty-five targets, open.
On the third day there will be twelve
events, as follows: Nos. 1, 2 and 3, fifteen
targets each, amateur; No. 4, twenty-flve
targets, open; Nos, 5, 6 nnd 7, fifteen tar
gets each, amateur; No. 8, nfty targets
trophy; Nos. 9, 10 and 11, fifteen targets,
amateur: No. 12. twenty-nve targets, open.
Any amateur shooter who is a member
in cood standing of his respective organiza
tion In either Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas or
Missouri shall be eligible to contest
Ths followlnfl rules will govern;
Shooting to begin each day promptly nt
A. S. A rules to govern nil cases and
referee s decision to be tinai.
MamntrRn nnd exoert trnns.
Money divided according to Rose system,
' All'tles for trophies or merchandise must
be shot off. .... ,
All nnnn vrnts to be handlcan events nnd
handicap committee to be selected from
sliootcro present. . ..
nffiiKlntr nf dlrtleult birds Is not nllowed
and referee's decision on this point shall be
final. . .
niHfinl arnro will be summarized on
rnrp hoard in nlaln view of the shooter and
If any protest or correction is to be made
the shooter must attend to It with the
scorer before the ncore Is sent to the com
piler, ns no appeal will be allowed after tho
score Is once sent to the clerk.
Dropping for place will not be permitted;
nny shooter detectec1 In It will positively be
narrca una requesivu iu leuve wie
Dlv. A. U fLAKLL .
Must bprelsIlK in !)!-
rmri nf Men.
6TRICTURE CwtA with a new Home
treatment. No pain, no
detention from business,
URINARYddney and Bladder Troubles,
Weak Back, Burning Urine,
frequency ot Urinating, Urine High Col
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cured for life and
poison thoroughly
lleanaed from the system. Soon every
Sign and symptom dlssppears completely
nd forever. No "BREAKING OUT" ot the
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WEAK MEN rom Excesses or vie
tlmt of Nervous De
bility or Exhaustion. Waiting Weakness,
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With crgacs Impaired and weak. Cure
The Secret of Our Unparalleled Success is
Told in Two Words:
Varicocele, Acquired Blood Poison, Nerv
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and Associate Diseases and Weaknesses
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Are you afflicted with Varicocele or Its results Nervous Debility and are you
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Arc you suffering from Vital Weakness, etc.? There is a derangement ot the sensi
tive organs ot your Pelvic System, and even though it gives you no trouble at pres.
rnt, It will ultimately unman you, depress your mind, rack your nervous system, un
fit you for married life and shorten your existence. Why not be cured before It !
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Varicocele we cannot cure. Medicines, Electric Delts, etc., will never cure. You
need expert treatment. We treat thousands of cass where the ordinary physician
treats on. Method new, without cutting, pain or loss of time.
Oinaaltattnn Free, Treatment ly mnll.
Cnll nr nddrran lit Mth St.
JrlTrlm nml Iluhlln Are Now I'nilrr
Article llnrt-lliinrnlinn 1'lnnco
In Explained.
After unlimited palaver there Is a real
probability that Jeffries and Iluhlln will
come together within the ropes. George
Slier who will referee tho go glvce the fol
lowing review ot the negotiations "Last Jan
uary everything looked rosy for the glen s of
the ring to contest for the championship In
Cincinnati, but the Ohio state author). les
took a band in the game and had no dlffl
culty lu convincing the court that rrt e
fighting was a nuisance. That ended flghi
proceedings between Jim and Gus for ih-
time being, but Billy Madden, determlcel
to have his protege. Kuhlln, take a whirl
out of the champion, has persistently k-p
after Jeffries to Inveigle him Into a match.
To accomplish this Madden, with Iluhlln
and his colored heavyweight. 'Denver Ed'
Martin, traveled from New York to San
Francisco by easy stages, and was ie
warded by arranging details with Billy De
laney for a battle with the champion. Arti
cles similar to those drawn up for the.r
Cincinnati meeting were signed, San Frtn
clcco clubs notified to bid for the contest,
and I was selected to referee the mill."
In explanation ot tho calling eft of ths
Hart-Hanrnhan fight, which was to l:av
taken place befbre the Southern Athletic
club at Louisville, Manager Grays says:
"I was deceived regarding Hart's c-ndl-tlon
by John Burns, his manager. That Is
all there Is to It. We have bocn stating
continually that Hart was In splendid ihop
and ready to box for his life, when we were
Ignorant of facts. Hart Is out ot the pug!
llstlc game for some time. Sick tor nrre
than a week, he kept 'under cover." and de
clared he never felt better. Burns Insisted
that Hart was In perfect condition, and as
late as 11 o'clock Wednesday night tele
phoned me that Hart was all right. At the
came time he warned me not to b-lleve
any statements that Hart was In trad rbaps.
He said these stories emanated from malic
ious ources. Rumors began to reach us
that Hart was very sick, and upon Investi
gation we fount, that he was not enly to
sick to fight, but that h would not be able
to enter the ring for some months. As a
consequence, we were compelled to call the
bout oft."
'Tlaylng much golf thuse line daysV
was the question put to a member ot mo
Country club, who was enjoying the cool
south brcete on the club house veranda.
"Oh! Yes." was the reply. "Have to
keep my eye and hand In and try to win
out In some of these handicap games tor
cups and things.
"What about golf form, did you ask?
Well tnat Is what sometimes set me to
thinking In relation to the ultimate out
come of golf In the middle west. Here we
arc. i new club with but ft few old-time
players, and the beginners ore naturally
dependent for Instruction upon those who
know how, they must go it blind nnd trust
to Providence ond a good driver to win
out. Those 'Must to Providence' piajcrs
are more numerous than one would
imagine nnd it you know anything about
golf as it should be played In good form. It
will Interest you to watch a few of tho play
ers and take notes.
"Don't know much about golf form?
Well. Just watch that player over there at
ihe tenth tee nnd sec him drive. He Is one
of the "T to I" men and you will notice
that bis address to the ball Is rather stiff
and awkward, and did you see that 'pull
back' of the body after he struck the ball,
thereby throwing his weight on the right
foot Instead of following through nnd land
ing on the left foot. He sliced the bnll and
can't rasslbly help It owing to his style of
driving or rather want of style.
"Golf Is like many more games. A good
player may have a particular style or form
of his own. but If he has learned the game
In his youth, he learned the true form first
and then when he became proficient
adopted n style of his own. Give mc a man
with the long back swing with the driver
and the clear 'follow through and I will
bet you golf balls to marbles that he Is a
good player.
Jlnrd 'Work la Puttie.
"New clubs are starting up all over tho
country and. If the players are not prop
erly Instructed In the art of using clubs
for different tees, the time will be when we
will have more poor players than good
ones. This everlasting swatting at the ball
often with the wrong club, Is not golf and
tends to demoralise the player. To play
properly one has to have Intelligence In
tho use of club, a good eye and norvo. Ho
must not only be able to play the loug
game, but must be able to get out of
difficulties quickly and without undue pen
alty. If he makes a poor stroke he must
have the power ot discernment to under
stand what the trouble Is and be able to
avoid the same grief In the future.
"Why 1b It that some players have no
trouble In placing the ball In a straight
line with the hole on a short or long
annroach shot while another player will
slice and pull the ball to all eternity
slmnly because the first doesn't follow-
through and is thinking more about dls
tance than direction.
"One swallow never made a summer, Is
true, and It is equally true that a good
drive from the tee never won a match.
Accurate even play Is to essential to the
winning of a ga'me that the player who falls
to make good approach shots can never
expect to win out. A player should juoge
distance with care, follow through well
and half the battle Is won. Then in putting
there are so many who fall down on the
green that all their former good play Is
nullified, and the hole lost.
"I am a great believer In the straight
pendulum motion of the putter whlla play
lng either an approach put or putting for
the hole. Get the head of the club directly
behind the ball and follow through without
any cut or pull, and tho Btroke will tell
This circular motion with the putter before
striking tho ball Is a losing game.
nintnncr Not Sole Factor.
"What I should like to see In new play
crs la a more constant endeavor to play
carefullv. accurately and In good torm
rather than nn effort to go after the ball
with the one oblect In view distance.
certainly Is a fine, exhlleratlng sensation
to see the "gulty" fly straight through
the air I!f. or 230 yards, but how many
can drive eighteen times ns the crow files
Tractlce makeB perfection, and It should
be remembered that golfers are not made
In a day. and I have a feeling deep oown
somewhere that the real thing Is a born
"What wo should all do Is to get to
cether and neslst our neighbors who are
perhaps, our 'golphlc' Inferiors, and let
them try to emulate the best there Is In
the came, The youngsters growing
nround us are the material from which the
best players are made, nnd If we allow
them to run wild, they win surety ne line
an unweeded garden grown to seed, nnn w
will forever regret that our boys or ou
clrls were not trained up In tho wny they
ought to have rhiK'd- Du' on tDe olhcr
hand, If careful coacning, enromnca wun in
telligence on the part of the player, pro
duces something good, then wo can look
Lack with pride at our bandiworK.
The success of tht dott.irs of 'he
Stnte Electro-Medltal In t tute l-n
been ss pronoun'el that m t-.v
doctors nnd self-styl d Sp' M st
nre trying to copy their metlm'
They even copy bodily their rr- d
leal announcements. Iet n it- -be
deceived by Ignorant lnvtitn .
or false pretender?, for thtlr orig
inal and successful tpvciul trent
ment for diseases of men ca:i be
had only ut ISO Kamam Street
Omaha, Neb. It Is their skill f e
cial original system of tmunvnt
Unit cures men to stay c:red n
not thPlr medical nnnouncem "Us
and writings.
We want every nflllcted man o
honestly Investigate our spo lai
Electro-Medical system nnd treat
ment. v invite In particular nl.
who have treated clewhcre with
out eucrrsB, and all those vh s
cases have been nbandoned by
family physicians nnd so-cal.el
experts. We will demonstr te ti
yur entire satisfaction thnt we
can cure you safely, quickly mid
permanently Our counsel wl 1 co t
you nothing, and our chnrge for n
perfect cure will not be more thn i
you will be willing to pay for U e
benefits conferred We will do you
ns we would want you to do to
us If our cases were reversed. Certainty of cure Is what vvu Wo ran and
will cite you. by permission, to ome r the hist cllltetis of this city w! ;n we have
cured nnd mnde happy, nnd who will cheerfully vouch for our tlminun t.s well n
professional standing.
URDIPnnCi' CVnder cur Electro-Me Men! treatment tins insidious in-nse rapio
I BnlUUbCLCly disappears, l'aln eases almost Instantly Th- i .... N ..f vtas
nnnt blood are driven from the illluel veins and nil soreness nnd swelling quickly
subside Evcrv Indication of vnrlcoiilc toon vanishes, and In Its stead conies tho
pride power and the pleasure of iierle-t licnllli .mil rvstored tiiiinliiiiul, What
e have done for them we can do for yo...
tTJin.llB Our Electric -M"illcul treatment dissolves ihp stricture com
OlnluiUnC pletclv and removes evry obstruction from the urinary pus
sage, nllnys nil Inflammation, stops overv tu miturul discharge, reduces the prostrate
Kluml. cleanses at.d heals the bladder and kiUl eyv. Invigorates the kcmikI ornuns nnd
restores health and soundness to cut) imri of llir ln.d iinooted l Hie iiu-
n PIC.
nfillTHPinllP til fl"n nni?nil Our spermi torm Ot liiecinr..MurBi irvni-
UUlf I HUtUUiJ Ui-U 'U rUI 'I'll mem for this dlete is prm-iic-niiy wir re
sJlt of our lite work, and l ltulurs. 6 b the best physicians of this and foreiK'i
countries. It contains no dangimus drugs or injurious medicines or any Kinn it
ocs to the very bottom of the disen-e nnd forces out every pnrucie oi rai'ur ij
loon every sign and symptom disappear. completely nnd forever. The lilood. trio
tlKKUe the flesh, the boms nnd the wh"l- system are cuanseo. punnea boo irKiuri-i
o perfect health, nnd the patient pnp.irij imew ror tne aiiiien aim i'iuir ui mt
Ik falling nnd will noon be lost unless yo.i do (.omethllig for yourself rhere Is no
time to lose. Impoteney. like all sexual disinses, Is never on the standstill. With It
you cun make no compromise. Either nu must master It or It will mnster you. ami
All ur whole future with misery and Indescribable woe We have trented so m.tny
cuses of this kind that we nro an fiimllla- with them ns you tire with the very day
light Once cured by us you will never again be bothered with emissions, drnlilH, pre
lum irencNs, small or weal: organs, nervousness, falling memory, loss nf nmbltlon
r other Hvmptoms which rot) you ot our maunoou nnn nosoiuioiy unui you iur
fiwi,. i.ii.'i.,.,. Ml.mnri. nr tniirrincr Our treatment for weak men Will correct nil
h..Mo viu nnd r..ton vou to what nat'irr Intended a halo healthy, happy niun,
with Ili Irnl, tiirntnl nnd nexiutl pim rr t'limiilctr.
rjCCl CW nicCICCC Many nllmrntH nre reflex, originating trom oiner ms
IfCrLCA UloCHdkd Henscn For instance, sexual weakness sometimes comes
from Varicocele or Stricture, Innumerable blood and bone dlsenses often result from
contagious blood t.ilnts In the system, or physical nnd mental decline frequently fol
low Impoteney In treating diseases of an 5 kind we nlwuyn remove the origin wo
cure tne cause,
nnnnr' nrtbinCUnZ One personal visit Is always preferred, but if you enn
uUnnbOr(JnUI.I1w not cull at our ofllce, write us your nymptoms fully.
I Cilll ODUTOAOT Riven to nil pntlents to hold for our promises. Do not
LCUHL uUnlfiAwl not cnll today write nnd describe your trouble.
Office Hours-From 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays IOa. m. to I p. m.
1308 Farnam St,, Between I3tn and 14th Sis,, Omaha, Neb
I'rldr of Contrary 1 Lnunelied
at Mniin n llmt Tho lleatx
Out of Three.
The mntest between the Kid and Andover,
which began on Lako Manawa yesterday
marks the beginning of pretentious sallboa
racing in this vicinity. The fleet of a half
doien eightccn-footcrs on Manawa th
summer has made as good marks as any
thing of Us class on any water. Andovt
in conceded to be the best of the lot an
as such Is well qualified to uphold local
honors In the race with tho St. Joe catboat
The Kid arrived Friday from Lako Con
trary and was successfully launched
the same day. Its crew will consist of W
T. Van Brunt, owner. J. H. Van Brunt, A
B Stoneg and James Bradley. Dickinson
owner: Clark. Sadler and Wallace will
man Andover In the three beats.
The races will not In any respect be
test between boats of a class, ns the con
testants ore on entirely different designs.
The visiting yacht has a heavy advantage
In sail area, carrying over 100 feet more
than Andover. The local boat has a deek
length of twenty-eight feet, however, with
a six-foot beam which gives it the advan
tage of the Kid, whose deck length Is but
eighteen feet.
Tfle handsome challenge cup presented
by tho motor company was placed on ex
hibition yesterday. It Is of beautiful de
sign, standing two feet high. On the bowl
Is engraved a scene representing two yachts
in full s All. On the lid Is a figure of a cuptd
holding in its extended hand a wreath.
The cup 1b of frosted silver and Is gold-lined.
Cured While
You Sleep,
19,846-CURES LAST YEAR 1 9,846
'B VUtsr It ImstbBtlr fUlioTad and tha Obstraotion Dissolved Lik Snow
1 Lrloocal Is Cured and Weak Mas Ara Restored by tba Ma,gio St, James
Traatasaat Appllad Locally aad Dlractly te the Affected Parts.
"GrntwOolTeat" dlolve Mrlcttire like snow beneath thr onrea
iTAIUCOCliXB and ENLAHr.ED PROSTATE, and atransthena the Seminal
Jct, stepplnsr dralua and etulaalona IX FIFTEEN HAYS.
No drafcTB tu ruin the atomnoh, but a direct local aad poaltlre applica
tion tu the entire urethral Jraot.
Itery sufferer fiom Stricture, and tho offspring, Varicocele,
I'rostatltls and Seminal Weakness, should write to the St.
James Association, ffi St. James Building, Cincinnati. Ohio, for
v. itl..o.. .-rrr .hnvtnr th. ,inrt. nf fhft HumfLn AVStpm
Involved In Urethral Ailments, which they send to male applicants, securely wrapped
In plain package, prepaia.
FREE TREATISE COUPON St. jamas Aocltlcn with your nun and
tvdarws plainly written, wbtn they will atnd you a copy of their exhauatva treatise
accurately llluetrated In half-tone, showing the parte of the male system lnvolyed tn
Urethral Ailments.
Please Bond to mo a copy ot your Complete Illustrated Work upon tho
Male Sexual System, e- 1 Name
curely sealed, PREPAID,
Young md Caldwill Win Tennis Honors
Despite ficarj Handicap.
.Vt-lirnaKii, lovvn, Knnaua nnd MlNamirl
Art' Invltnl tn Purtlripnt t- for
Valiiulilc Prize nnd Intrr
atntf Clinmplonnlil,,
The fiercest striiKgle In tennis witnessed
in Omaha In many a year occurred last
week. In the city championship doubles at
the Athletic association courtB. Young and
Caldwell had won their way to the finals In
spite of a heavy handicap of owe thirty.
Austin nnd Clarke wero equally successful
laboring under a handicap of owe fifteen.
The match was to have bocn two in three,
but the first two went to Young and Cald
well without difficulty, 6-1, 6-3. The win
ning players thereupon, out of lovo of
sport nnd lust ot tlghilng, suggested that
tho match be made beet three tu five. Thlb
generosity almost cost them the match.
Austin and Clarke took a wonderful brnco
In the next two setB and carried off both,
the score stondlng S-C. 2-6.
The fierco play came In tho fifth and
deciding set. Uoth Young nnd Caldwell
had been bentrn by Austin In the singles
and were out for blood. Clarke, who has
never given particular attention to this
branch of athletics, surprised tho gallery by
his aggressive, accurate play. Caldwell
caught a smashed ball between the eyes
and vvas temporarily Incapacitated for duly.
Tho games mounted to -l-I, 0-3, and finally
G-2, Young and Caldwell taking the decid
ing set.
The uvsoclatton nent Its tennis team to
Sioux City Friday night In an effort to
DR. McGREW (Age 52)
In the treutmrut of all forma of Dla
rates and Illaordera of Men Only, 24
years' exitrrl nee, lf yrara In Omaha
A permanent cure guaranteed In less thaa
10 das, wlihout cutting or pain.
CTDIPTIIDP cured In less than I day
OI fill' I UilL without pain or hlndrunca
from business. Kidney and bladder diseases.
CYDUIIIQand all Blood UlseaseB cured
OirnlLlJby a treatment which Is far
more fcatlsfaitoiy and successful than
"Hot Spring treatment, and at lens than
half tne cost All breaking out and signs
of the disease disappear at once. A cura
that Is guaranteed for life.
fHCD On (Ifin cases cured of ncrvou
UVCn ZUiUUU debility, loss of vitality
and MANIIOOD. bashfulness, Olect and all
unnatural weaknesses of men.
Lurre Cinirrt 11K-1 il. Luiiaultattloii I'rae,
Treatment by mall. P O Ilnx 7M.
Office ove' ZIL South 14th street, between
Farnam and Uouslas Sis. OMAHA. NEy.
Raymond brothers of Lincoln, and Farns
vvorth of Giand iBland, are expectud. from
their recent showing, to make up tho most
dangerous antagonists on the lists. Tho
athletic association will be crippled by the
absence of Austin, who will not havo re
turned from tho cast before the tourney
Soldlrra Ilefrnt Pnekrra.
The ball team of Company E, Tenth in
fantry, ratt the South Omaha team on Fri
day. The soldiers w on easily, 27 to 16, Dt
terles. Soldiers, Slmeron and Dorun, Sou h
Omaha, Earper, Devany and Catper
oarry off the honors In the tourney now
being carried on there. The Omaha ropre- opefB-
scntatlvifc are Mrlntyre, Hill, Ilennott, ! Term of foment.
Caldwell nnd Klumpp. I The announcement of the tournament Is
Trunin Ilfvlviil Mimlfco. I given out as follows:
Thn RKnrintlnn nunirmni During cnilvnl week, ending September
The association management Is much J4 tlie Cimhn Amateur Athletic ussoelutlon
pleased with the progress raaje In bringing will hold h tournament In both sln
tcnnls again Into prominence and believes 1 plea and doubles, open to nil residents of
thnt next vmr thi. rum. u-ill ih- M-h Nebruekd, Iowh. KunsnH and Missouri,
nat next tar tne game will pass the high The d Ue , hlnKl,, coimlstH of a
tide of popularity which It reached In 18&3. ! handsome silver nip valued at .donutert
On more local tnnrnnmiint u-lll ). Dlimn hv Ilrown A llnralii-lm. to be won two COtl-
wlch It is intended, shall determine the , nutlv,, 7", '',li,,t,,,r,,,I,l','lsde;ron,d
trophies In .lng lea itlirt doubles, equally at-tiac-llve.
will uIho be given. F J. III!. 1210
Harney street. Ims charge of the entries
Drawing" fr Hie first round will l held
Rcptt-mber 11 I'luy beg In a nt ii a m und
2 p in a h day Tho rontt'.t will bo gov
t. -i I' ti,r rUcs f the National I, awn
Tctiiils iiAvooidtlon, and owing to the low
r.iii s in an ranrfiaa during the wwk It is
championship of the states of Nebraska
Iowa, Kansas and Missouri. Various play
ers from each Btate have evinced a desire
to enter and about twenty-five nre ex
pected to begin the contest. The Nebraska
men who carried off the honors at the Sioux
City tournament have been sent an especial
j Invitation and several have accepted. The j t xj e' ted that tho entry list will be lurji.