Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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KcTadtiii 'Hu tlii Raurk Family Ehut
Oit, Tha Goo to Pltets.
j , l
ii.. I
""" . "' J" r .nciicii nnu,
anil Field Urrorii . rortn the
Xehrnaknn'ii dense
- lor 'Winning,
ST. JOSEPH, Aug. 2D.-(Speclal Tele-
gram.)-U looked as though the Saints had
an easy thing of It today, Omaha being
shut out up to tho nluth' Inning. IMtcher
McFnddcn, who had been doing phenomenal
work up to this time, lost his nerve com
piotely. Calhoun was the first man at
the bat In tho ninth. Ho hit safely.
Lotchor got to first on an error by Huls
wltt. McAndrows hit safe, scoring Cal
houn. Toman sacrificed Letcher and Mc
Androws1 "to nccond and third. IHickley
went to bat for (Jondlng, was hit by a
pitched bn.ll, filling tliu bases. Herman
flew out o right. McFaddun hit Ocnlns
and gave Stowarl and Fleming bases on
Wa.1I. .1 L I .. ...... . . . . rr . l
nana, lurtiug m iwu mcni ocutc
' l " OMAHA.'
All. It.
nnins, ct i o
Htewart, la... 3 o
Fleming, it... .1 o
Cnlhoiin, lb ,..,,.b 1
If. O. A. E.
0 I
' I
i I
tt 1
i.ricnrr, ri ...l 1
MoAnclrcws. at)......;.i i l
Tntnnn, en )
Uonding, c a o
HUCKIpy, c 0 1
Herman, p .3 o
Totnls ..FT
4 27 16
3T. JOflEPH.
A I). II. It. O.
Flood, !!..., 4 II 1 'i
Hull. 31) i 1 1 1
liuiswltt, rs ;l l o l
Honrnii; it i 3 o 2 1
JjhvU, lb 3 II 1) u
Honeymnn, ct 3 (l u 6
(litrvin, rr 2 o o 1
McKlbben, rr l u u 2
nooin, c 3 0 0 2
AlgFuclrtcil, 1',..., ,3 0 0 0
Totals 2S 2 4 27 14 4
Omiiha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41
Ht. Joseph 1 OU0001UO-2
Two-baso tilt: Flood. First base on
lnll: Htewnrt, Fleming. Hillsltt, Flood.
Hit by pitched balls: Hall, Herman, nuck- jjftviH. i.eft on bocs: Omnhit, a;
St? Joseph. 1. HacrlllcflL hit: Htowart. Tlmo
1 33. Umn rc: TyfidaU.
umriiro. ijiioBH.
icy, uenins. Htntck out: Udoin. Htoien
Tin nt Una of Twelfth
DE8 MOINKS, Aug. 9.-Des Molnea and
unnsaH city rnught ror tweivo inningi to
tuty, unil then tho gamii was called on no
count of dnrkness, airfdo wan ' Injured In
tho fifth nnd Cox. who succeeded him.
pitched n lino gntno, being effective, ut
critical timet. Attendance, 1,000. Bcore:
Des Jfnlnna .'.....3 0 difO 0 0 6 0 0 0 0-3 6 1
, . , - " . , t ii . Til
Hatter es: Din Moines. Glade. Cox ui
Coto: Kansas City, EWInc nnd Devllle. Urn-
plro: Flggcmler.
Mliuia.Dolla Wln (In ISrrors.
COLORADO SPItlNOS. AllB. 29. Mlnne -
nnnll. tvnti , .id ' rr 1 1 ti . Ittm.iti llin knnin I
hatterv'B and lleldlne arrors. Whltrldaa
nr arrors. vvnitrldsQ
hits and' they wire
ith inning Both tearn
cotXwin The aamo
condition. The gamo
uuoweu oniy inreo ni
;onflned t6 tno seventh
wero In n crippled
............. ... i.. .. l. .,
n UWNKHt'Ag.29.iJrhe1-Dcnver-Bt. . Pnul'
img .vunimjiiTO onnocuuni oi rain.i t
. ' , ,
t. P.O
western Lnnae smnuins;
Won. Lost,
mto :.- - . -
l 7 .l .L.
8T. v JOSEPH. Aug.
5 rflneclat Tclc-
Krarn.-Prcsidcnt Thomus J. lllckoy of tho
Westsrri loaguo has a plan on foot whoroby
no says tne minor icngur 01 mu couuny
Ann M.piirn nnrinr nrr iwiinn iiiilii incv uiu
i. rAnnlftnir from thn national board.
President lllckoy is In communication with
some of tho heads of the minor leagues of
of the country ttml atr a result tonight he
issued n call lor a meeting ni ine i.cmuu
hotel, Chicago. September 6. when an or-
I J , t , - . i.a .ffMl. tvilllilnt tirft.
H.tlllAnilwn in iv vrz cii'.v-nn ... t'" "
tlpnVKort Waynni Ind.:r M'H.
Throe-P lengu" Bock Island. l.;
' T. H.
Mi; Farrell. New York State league, . Au
MUirnf 'N". 'Y.j: J, H; Dourke: Connecticut
rpugue, Bridgeport. Conn.: R. Btrlckltn,
HOuthorn league, UhattanoOKA, Teiin.: P&t
. . . . . .! V T.-l..n.t y . 1) An I nti . I
' PpWfW".. e.n"wm league: u, .iioran .aiuor-
nia- Htate league, nan i- rancisco. f
" v.iii, wf.. vi... i nA.AA
NorfolU wiia Kinni Game.
. MAU1HON. Nob., Aug. 29. (Sncclnl Telo.
nram.l NortOIK and Crelahlon nlnvert tho
Final irimii In the base bull tournament
today. Score: .
K'nrlnllr. . i-; r . , r .'.1 ( 4 II II O S 4 .IS IS
Ctclghton 2 0 00000103 5
ii,itrAi.,Ai. MArrnik qiaaIa nn,i ttriiirina.
Creighton, ' Hucklcn. ' Carroll and H. w!
Bmlth. Two-buso hits: Norfork. 2; CrelgU-
ton, 1. Threo-bnse hit:-'Norfolk, 1. Homo
runs: weisn. uneaiwooa, oirucK oui: ay
Steele, 13; by Jlucklen, 11.
Gulre; 'Birmingham, Wllhclm and Culyer,
1 't'nkt-a tho Ftral.
M'COOli, Neb,, Aug. 29.-(8poclal Tclo
gram.) AlcCooK won the llrst in the feries
of threo. base ball game at Norton, Kan,,
today In a tournament for tho champion
ship of tho two mutes. Score:
xiri-nnw . .-" o o l l a o o 1-s it
Mfnneaiioii; 0 0000000 0-0 6
Mlnneiipotla ...o o u o o o 0 0 O-O 6
j VJV--.V.T.""' worst show ns in the Held, but manocea "i
wuh cjueii ni mo can 01 mo ncvenui on 1 , -- by timely batting. Attendance. Ac d of five this nrternonn, wnuo uio bi,i.
accounf. rain. Score: s w. Score: "auing. Aiienaan.o. weUl t0 Nel,lc Wmldell at oddH of 17 .to 1.
... 1, a a a aaa . . VEi ''l'liiLjuiELPHiA rs New tonK She broke nwny from tho post flying, had
Minneapolis ........... f ,2 2 2 H. 5 5 " 1 nil" i)! -n II 6.A 75 1 har'usual speed and warf never headed.
Colorado Sirlngs ..t0 t OJO 0 0 1- 3.1 n,hAtn.. . ? 1 1 E,iu,i if "' 0 1 o i winning, by four lengths -Weather clear;
Battorles: Minneapolis. Whltrldgo oh f,5?J": icf" W S S li 'sb ''; M ? track good. Resu ts:
MoCimneJl. 0lorado.i.prlirg,..Parvln and J vH'n. cf" 1 1 S I ' First rnce. six and a half furlongs, rell-
HollandA j-- ff, 1-15 I DeiiTh'iy'. -8 i' o-oi.v.. ...... 1 1 2 1 0' ing: Lndezer won. Huzrah second, Lucy
T., .U....II-. w.. - riku. 1 f.Ki.ii..i, rt A ,t . t .xv.Ti.iA-A 1 1 A l li TnlrA lhlr1. Ttmnf "l!21i.
J"nr?" - w!ri Ira i in . ? ' k wi.i
.tA:J6epft;..,v:v... 2 "Batted for Taylctt ' in .eighth. . ond
P.nlaAii:"":!,'!'i'!fJL'.X.1:H S . Mi? New Yortf ..-.T.-. l 0100211 0-6 Ing:
.i.,i,i.wi,l.(i,i,1,,. ,,,,, 0.1 . .v.rnnA ,,. ,Kii..ihiA 1 vtr-t hn nana.
, iioiarnoo,BDringi...M.u- K n V;,.: 'm ' v;,K . ni ihll ! Sixth
ucu Moines .tos i--'.j'-'ri r-.7 :."v.:::."sivrii: ei inc:
' Thoso who' will attend arc: Lucas,
vNorthVesWrn lOnguti Portland. "roS 8hor- when They Awaken After Third Inn-
'Wowl Hlgge," Virginia leiXl' .RllgU. Nr. t . . -.-i, . r.
' in AVIlU7il Miver. lr..f Western Assoc a- ln It U Too I.nle to BeWt
LlTTI.i: BOCK, Aug. 29. Score: Wan:,,.l 2 0 4 r 0 J JMJ conAgnes D. thlrif! Time r,iu" -B.
X 1 n 0&"i:' 17, off VercU i A. K.,.c,,. ,
i. .. ??.. i .mi J ,Ta A Otf Iah-, S-, off Merocr,-3. Karned runs: 8T ujuis, Aug; jy.-'As on ycatprdny
'i MwfhcMM:i ttim l8,, m?'. .AUima.n,8r.i.n"d Cleveland. 4. Two-bano, hits: , Shlebeck, tirst choices wero much In evidence at
- 'rCiiNUii M viVih' HVnr "0,h- i O'Brien. PlckerJn;g,tHar,vcy. Grady, Foster, Kinioch park today; -taking, three out of
BTUMINUIIAM, Aug. 29,-Heore: ' Ocnr, Wnldron. 'Three-base blt Bradley, uie llvo events isirdcd. A Hf.nsalivii won
Hhr-v..nrt o o Ii l o o 4 n ru.ii i- i v ba"u " bflllB! off "rnckln, B: off created when Tony Lycalzl's old tyhllng.
n?rmifichnm'' fe1 1 Lee. 1. Struck1 outr By Bracken, 2: by Hop scotch, tne dlpp scd , oUUlder In tho
lrnllinnm .. o o o o l o o l- 4 10 1 j stolen bases:, Waldron. QrJdy. second event, galloped oyer I'leuron nnd
uiLiini irn i oiii cveiMiri. j-ieiiir nnu Ain. l . .. i , . - r , . n..,i i,, I ,..n.n,.. finitipa iia u-nn nv ivvu jrKiiiiia.
, inimf iio. i".ra """" "u ''""i onu ann jMiince b spcciacuiar eulen or Col
Minneapolis, Shopp and Brown. Struck hins' liner to leftnold wero 'tho features.
uui; n jtitiii Att kj) cjiiujiji 1 uiiiiuu,
ynmn or nuriuu.
- Kx"lriri tlnla Anolhrr,
ivt-n.i.n v. .A. i iDn..i.i n-Ai
KXETEB, Neb.r Aug. 29, (Bpeclal Tele-
ernm.lilsetor defeated Superior nt base
bullrJ1,S ,h,rd tlme thlB ea80n- Attend
800, Score:
... lA .....,. ".-'h
-lCxoter 0 $05042. -13 16
Superior.; 0 602O0OOO-2 4
11111,11-riea; wcirr, Aiiuna nnu uoniya, on-
perlojr, .C.iso nnd Fulmor. Struck out; By
Ahllue, 3; by Case, I. Umpire: Sundrock.
IiiiIIbiii art liven with Shriton.
SMiJliTUN, Neb,. Aug. 29.-(8pcclal Tele-.Brnin.)--Th",
HasKell Indians defeated Shel
ton at bopB ball today, n to 6. Buttcrloas
Indians, ,r'ogeibcrg nnd Felix; Shelton,
Klinbtough and Hurmiin. Hits: Off Kim
brought, lo: ort Fogoiberg, 9. Krrors: In
illnnsj3;?8heiton. li.
' ' k "TTT. T
Wvaieru VI In from Toulaa..
WK8TKBN1 Neb. Aug. 29.-(Spclal.)-
roblftB'was defeated by Western nt baee
out", liy Timmei, tof nyreis, 9.
- , llastlnaf Defvnia Kencaaw.
. HASTlNQR, Nob., -Aug. J9.-8pclal Tele-gram.-)A
fast game of' basn ball was
played luira today between Hastings, and
Kcncsav;, Haatltige wen II to 13.' Bat
terlea; Hastings.. Sehaufelberger and Shutt;
iKeucaair, Arniafoga'and Zllmer. '
r R " J;-n' (-1 .
hughes workjs about all
Other I'm t urea l.nrklnu In Xnltimnl
Diiiltilr Mender ill
I'lTTSIlUnO, Aug. 29. Witti tho Na
iiuuui teams it nil men uu-an. iuunji
I'ltisburK loslm? the first game through In-
ability to hit Hughes and winning the sec-
tional teams It was an even break tojay,
onii Hi? nnn ng rcasnn nt tun rieni lime nnu
having the asslstanco of wild tnrows dy
lUymor and Chllds. Neither game, oui
side of Hughes' excellent work, could be
called brilliant. Attendance, 8,000. score:
Flr-t Onnie.
ciiicAoo. I'lTTsnuno
h.ii.o. a.f..i it.ii. u.a.c,
Harticl. If.. 2 1 0 o
51'''!!: r ? 5 i
0 0 Clarke, r... u u i u o
0 o iitaum't. cf. o 1 I 0 o
iMyie,' lb.... t o II o l Wanner, ,. 1 Olio
luym.r, .. o l X J v iinm-f -Id, lb o o is o
;b... o 2 o : o," J
ri ... y y
Kahof, c
,0 0 7 3 0 YfBuer, c... 0 0 n 1 I
,0 0 0 0 0 Doheny. ti.,, 0 0 0 1 1
lluglit., p.
Total. .. 4 7 27 U 1 Totas ..1 2 77 JJ 3
rhlraen 0 O U . W u O o 1
1'ltlBDIirg . U U U V U U V--1
t-n.t.t fiitif I'hlmKrn 1.. r1hrirt.hnun nun
timmmmit. Hansel. SniTlflce him: Mene
fee, Knhoc. uoutijp play: D.-ivN to Teagor.
Klrst base on balls: Off Doheny, 1! off
Hughes, 3. HtrucK out: Hy. Ilugiics, &; by
boheny, 4. l'nssed bnlt: YcHger. Wild
pltah: llugties. Time: Umpire:
rir.n Dime "ii iJiuiBi uij uiiiiuii), i, y.L
flpcflnil Game.
riTTsnmto. cmcAno.
,Jl.JI.O.A.E.i ll.H.O.A.K,
Clarke, If... o-2 l o pjinrisci. ir.. v s z o v
litAUtn't, cf. 0 2 4 0 COr?"n, cf.... 0 0 3 0 1
Davli. rfl... 0 1 2 0 0 Dettrr, 3b.-. 0 0 4 2 1
wash'r, ix. o o i o iwyir. id.,,, v i i i v
t...n.lM.l ihl I K A II Itnvmfr. ... 0 O 1 1 2
ititchry, ':b. o 0 l 4 o rhiliii. 2b... l l 2 2 l
lynch. Sb.... 1 0 2 2 iMtnitH, rr. o l i l o
O Connor, e. o i s i u aiio, c... u u j u u
ChMhro. D.. 1 1 13 0 K.eon, .p 0 0 0 3 0
Tolnl. .. 2 8 27 10 01 Total .. 1 '2I 10 &
None out when winning run was scored,
Plttsburc ..i o o u o o o l o 1-2
Chicago o oooooioo-i
Burned run: Chicago, 1. Three-base hit:
Meneloc, nioicn mine: iiarmvi. nncrnico
hit! iJnvis. iounio pmx. luncnuro 10
nranslleld. First base on bulls: Oft C'hcs.
bro, i: off Kason, 3. Hit by pitcher: JJwc
tcr. dtruck out: By Chesbro, t. l'usiicd
ball: O'Connor. Time: 1:45. Umpire:
O'Uny. . . . .
Ilrnouiyn iniieiu ju,orn ii,
firiU'l'IN. Aflff. Tlnlli lltlnrlnl fillAl,.
w 111 Bond fnrm tnilnv. hut ihn I
mlsornbla aupport given Kennedy by' tho I'l.... Itltla.lrl mmln II n n Aimu vlAlnt I
tor mo nomo team, yiienpniicc, ivv.
Tuvrrotf. unooKi.w.
ll.H.O.A.K. I N.II.O.A.E.
Hia". '- J fiJ.0,7 f't; 2 ? 2 2
Tnney, lb.. 1 0 .0 2 Ofti-ckard. I( 1
mont, 2b 0 Its s Dolun, cf...i 1' 1 2 0 0.
CooUy, If... 1 1 3 1 0 Kfllr. lb.... 0 0 10 0 0
Hamilton, cf 1 1 4 0 OlMly, 21 0 1 S J 1
liaiuen, rs.. o : i 4
Umr. MS..,.. 0 0 2 4 0 Irwin,- 3b...-. 0 0 12 0
Kltlrldsr, e, 0 0 0 2 0 Kftrroll, c,,,,0 0 1 1 0
WML, p.... ooi.' v Aiicarn, c... u u l i o
iKtnnedy, p. 0 0 0 J 0
T0tl ,. 5 6 Zl 16 3 1
Totals ..1 24 !l 1
Hoston 'v
Knrue'd run.
.1 0 ,0 , 3 1 0 0 0 '-5
.0 0000010 01
Hoston. 1. Two.liimo hits:
lioian. Limy, aucriuce
ntnion tin,.. i.nwn
riolan. Haly.
nacrince mis: upmoni,
, Tennoy. Double
niin i,owa to Tenner.
tirsi unse cn
balls: Off Willis, 2; oft Kennedy, 1. Struck
?'.: .W n. enneay, J. Time
1:41. Umpire: Nash.
I Th-lr tlnttlnir Nnvra Onnkrri.
NUW YOHK, Aug. 29.-Tho Now York
ii ivivi-v, auk, .3.-1110 xuin
Nntlonals wero henten today in one. of tho
m0B erratic games played on tho lJolo
grounds tnis year. The visitors mndo the
.howlna: in the Held, but manaced
Jonn'gi. lb . 0 91 o Murphy, !b, 9 0 1 4 1
Jia,',; Jboo 2, lxoflknxel, lb... 0 0 10 o. 0
1v.u........ HI .1.9 I llnw.p'n a., ft 1 rt '5 a
J,Town.oil..lfl 2 .It.1 0,T-.ylor, p.... 1 0 0 OH
I . . itJilL,i.-.;.fci(mn ..O'O 0 0 o
'""Totals'-1.V7' 13 27 W J Matth'jion, pO 0 0 0 0
inn on Danes; neir mm, o; i-iiiiuuciiiiui.
Bancilton " balls Off Taylor. 4 off
b. n
Hits: OR Matthewson, ' 1.
Time: 1:10.
Umpire 1 Dwyer.
National league Standing
, ..... .
phimdelDnia ... . ! .61
fltHuU ..................... w
Boston ... . 62
New York; 4i
Chicago ...V..........45
I llMKU ...,... "
fll'llUIlVn in'.ttl.l'lavi.liii,! imtr.
leans lost Joday)! the first three
Innings ,rironghApocfr(ibase running nna
sleepy plnyln;. 1Toward'Tthe end of the
- ,r .taa)l hrilcB a11(i
Cnt,e(, -ouuot the 'oxC' Cllngmnrf was
hit by a; pitched , Bull In tW second lhnlng
liml wa forced to, Mtlre. Attendnnqe,
score- ,? . h '
. n.II.O.A.E. ll.H.O.A.K,
Waldron. cf. 2 4 S 1 0 Picker's, cf. 3 4 5 1 1
Farrell. 2b.. 1 2 3 2 uO'Ilrlrn. rf.. S 4 10 1
niinr.n. rf.. 0 5 10 on,rk 2b . 0 1 S 3 0
Clark, c 0 14 0 o.LaCh'ce. lb. 2 4 ; o l
I Orudr. lb... Z i 7 0 1 llradlev. 2b. 1 2 3 2 I
Str;1 "" 1 J 2Ha.rer: u" ? 1 ? 1
C?"8hlln. Jb 3 1 4 4 Hhlebck, ul 1 1 J
wn, .ss.i i oj u 4jonir, c... y y a i
, n..,.. y.uiui, v..
p.. 1 l 0 4 0
.ll.l.T15 s
Lee. n : 2 0 4 1
Mercer, v-,.. 0 0 0. Q 0
i ni
r .
iV. i.. I.? V i'-,t' .ST..i t. ii
Cllnnman. Wild nltch: Mercer. Time:
uo. umpire: Connolly.
)atpln. Hoston at J3ver- J'olnl.
DKTHOIT. AilK. 9.-Thfi noston Amer-
ia .t . . -
ivuun wciw uuiiuuveu in every oruncii oi
the, gumo today. Their throo runs In tho
i JP" Wfrc ,hc result of u base on balls,
1 LUowrt 8 wo-base hit and " two singles
Parent s stop ot Nance's drive In tho sec
i Dcore
n.ll.O.A.E.I lt.ll.O.A.C.
Ilarrett, cf., 1 3 3 0 ODow.I, If.,,. I 110 1
no me., ri,. i i i u v bioih, ci..i, i 3 v
pn.ey . 3b .... 0 1 S 0 0 Collin. 2b,. 0 lis
J u, " i : X i ,V. t t J
Holme., rf.. I 17 0 0 Stahl, cf..i. 0 1 3 0 u
- KiUirfeM, ..11220 Hemphill, rf 0 1 0 0 0
Nance. If.... 1 1 2 0 0 Parent. ..... 0 0 2 3 1
Dillon, lb,.. 0 3(0 0 Ferris. 3b... 0 1 S 2 .
I ycAl'i'r, c.. 1 0 1 S Otrlger. 0 1 0 3 4 0
Ueiver. p 0 0 0 1 u Winter., p.. l 1 0 1 0
Totals .. tl 10 27 7 0 Total. .. 3 7 21 15 t
Detroit ..1 1 0 0 0 2 1 0 ;
Boston . 1 , 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0-3
Two-base nits: Heniiililll. Dowd. Klbcr
fcld. Sacrifice, lilts: Holtnen. Seiver. Stolen
bases; Barrett, Nance. First base on bnlls:
Off Winters, 3: oft Seiver, 2. First base on
:orn: Detroit, 2. Left on bases: Detroit,
Boston, 4. Struck out. By Seiver, 1.
mbie pinys: Parent to Ferris, Freeman
to Crlger. Time: 2:10. Umplro: Cantii
"n' American LcaKur Nlandliiic.
rhiCAK0 t"os
ViSitoii J
Won, Lost,
4 ,oia
W; .Mj
1 Ilnlltmore eeeeOO
ui uu
uaiiuiKiuii .,,,....
Cleveland ,
ri , , ,
Thrrr-I I.FilKiir.
At nock' lalfln.l 4'edar ItMnlds. 4: Hock
Island. 0..
i uecniuri-tuoominBton. u ueraiur. 5.
At Uockford-Rocltford, 8; Daveuport, 1.
" l UUUKllllll. nil uu.isi v.ii:tniu. 14, I v.iwi,,,, - --
Two of Them Put Up Without Ohtngins
Remit at ProTldince.
."rliiee ilm-x In h'nur unit Hip
tlunn, llt-nlliiK llolli Annroiiiln
n nil Ciin n or, to Mitny 1'ro
litr'a Surprints
PROVIDENCE, It. I., Aug. 29. In the
rnrrl of thrpn rnrrn nt N.'"tt nark
this afternoon two drivers were changed
the Judges when favorites failed to win,
but tho showing of the horsej was not al
tered with new men up. I'rlncc Alert
sprung a surprise. In winning the frco-for
all pace from Anaconda nnd Connor In
threo straight heats In slow time. After
Jack Trout had driven Aniiconda two beats
tno juogns put Myron Mcllenry up. nut
frluco Alert led the wny nround again nnd
,vnn vrnn Mcllnnrv in,A nn-mit un hn
,vnn vrnn iP
w.on; 'M.,"ntirc
hind Sallies Sin
failed to win t.w
mpson after Mlddlcton had
o heats, that went to Ilaron
licit, but the bay mare went to a break In
tho third and got last position after two
seconds, Ilaron Hell won' In three straight
but Mclienry pushed him to. go fant In the
last one. The Hero was the fnvoriti! In tho
2:15 pace, but he never got better than sec
ond place. Martin Hells won a four-heat
raco nfter Terrace Queen bad taken one
Krec-for-nll class, tuicrnz. thrte In five,
rrince Alert, n. g., by urown 1'rince,
dam. Till (Ctirrv) 1 1 1
Atincondn. b. g. (Trout McHcnry).....2 2 2
Connor, blk. g. (A. Mel;ouuld) 3 3 .1
Time, by iuiirtcrH: Firm beat, 295, fow,
l:30',, 2:0lU second hent. 30, 1:00, 1:31, 2:03l;
third heat. 31. 1:03. 1:31. 2:0
i no b:si cinss, ironing, inrco in nve,
liiirou lielt, b. g., ny linron Jenn IJnl-
l inner, w Chichester (w llnss) l
1 1
2 4"
I 2
Sallie Simpson, b., m. .(Mlddlcton) u'nd
Aictienry) .... i ,., i -
Ilc-KlcctPd. sr. Ii. (Mnfcy) 3
Onotn. ch. m, (Olnnv),.,.., ....4
3 3
(JHletV Ulrl. . b. ni. (Douelasl.
b nui
Crmotc, ch. g.' (Hnyden)
Plmn. OM71I. n.lT.U 911
i ne a:ia -ciuas,! -piicing, inrco in live,
Miit n nci s. n. m.. uy uownc 1
. (IlftllK) . 11 1
i. incnit. cn. k. iiiiiiiiuiiiiiui . ,i
The Hero, br. n. tucrryj y a
Bhorty, ch. g. (Itcynolds) 3, .1-4 10
Tlieron, u, g. lUinrKi.. ..,i. ii
I. T. Washburn, h'. in. (Wnrrcn)... 4 13 II 11
nnnln. I. in. fliurrvl E fi 10 7
The Orator,, b, '' 'lTocom,fl) .i 6' 8 8 B
lieu cannon, n. in. iinggs; n it o n
Frunk Yojyim. b. g. (Belcy) ,ia 7 7 9
Heituty Spot, b: m. (Hockseney)..12 9 13 .8
Terruco Queon, br.-.m. (Hhnfter). ... 1 5 12 lr
Alberta, b. m. (Mr. Thurphy) S 10 pd
Agues Do Matey, b. in. (Hltchlngsj uU
Tlmo! 2:finU. 2:nS:. 2:1012. 2:12.
Mice UlAnnCI I O JllCn CACT
IIMO3 IllHUULUL io nuou i nui
.-Vrllle Shows Them nt Hawthorne Hint
Holier! Is Not the Only
Fnnilly l'rldf.
, "ICAaO,
hrnvlly pluy
stuko ut II
Ailc. 29. Kd Austin, the
el favorite In tho Midsummer
Iawthorne, llnlshed last in n
Second race, seven furlongs; Federal
won, Llvadla second, King Dcllls . third.
Tlmn. I'flfil!
Third riiCe, steeplechase,
Corryllo won, Tord Fnrnndo
i,lrcn third. Tlmo: 2:55.
short courso:
ndolo second, Mac
i. Fourth race, Midsummer stake, six fur-
is! Nome wauueil won, nosowar scq
HintVi Trtmhlo Ihlrrt. Time! 1-.15.
n'rfice, 'One mile-ana one'eigmni'seii
Argregor .won, Jlmlqci second, Hav-
third. Time: 1 :?. . .
race-, one mllo nna one-sixiecnin
Atimonmon won, niineio rccunu
',,r: , uir,i n-im i.isi!
Pralrlo Dog third. Time. 1.48.
ones: J; Patrick won. Moderator second
T-rftnte Ileeker third: Tlmo: 056.
Third race, one ml e: All HaintH won. ut,
Fannie second, isau uiairo inira. iimo
l'ourtli race, selling, iour nna one-iuumi
furlones: Ilalmettn won. Abbey ucn sec
nml. Vlvlnn I third. Tlmo: 0:56.
I Ml t J l,n , I T
longs: Haccbud won. Myrtle Van second
uompciuor iniru. iiinu. J..'
At SaraloKa.
RAitATOOA. N. Y.. Auir. 9. The Sara
intrft lincliin' nnsoelntlon tnectlnK ended to
Hw l,i the nrnvnrhlnl hlnze of enthusiasm
Tho foaturo of the day's card was the
baranac nanaicup nr o-yuui-uiun m u. mim
and, a. furlong. Dublin. and Chuctanunda
ruled equal favorites nl the opening, hut
when the post .call was sounded Dublin
was the cnoico. Aiier a unori uciuy mu
I AaI.1 Inft Ihn llSst'tn IX L'00(1 Start. ChtlC
tanunda andnDuttlln raced out In front
l and rnn like a team, until won in ine
1 homestretch, vhere the terrific, pace told
riinntanunda'and Dublin. drnwInB ftwrty,
wbn by n length nnd a half. . . Baron
Pepper, who had' trolled , the -Jlold al
through tho o-oce, enmo with a rush nnd
beat ..unucmnunua a ncuu iu iiC"'
lASiiiru! ,
MAA 'U Ulnir.V i iriiln and One-BlV
tcenth: Speedmnw won, Asqujth second
.1.1.. a klrM -nm, 1.i7.1.n.
milieu - - - - - .
Second race, nanaicnp. live unci, a nnu
, furlongs: Utopian won. Tribes Hill recond
u.i.. rnmmnnnr third. Time: .1:07 3-5.
2 Third race, the Saronac. 25.000, mile and
M one-eighths Dublin won, Bnron pepper
4Cond. Chuctanunda thlru. Time: liw3.
fourth race, selling, live liurlongs;. Fri vn
won. noso Court second, Foiltenlx Oilrd.
T, uoh.5. ' ,
Fifth race, handicap, ,one.,mllo and v
. I ono "m e nnd an eighth, soli
Ing: Joe , Collins won, Pipnlliirr Heconu
u2'1"'" X',i'4"nn,i n'hnif fi r onKs. ssll
m. imn Hentrh won. Flcuron second
Contain llalnas thltd. Time: l!2j.j.
i miu v., .--.n-- ::: i-
i ,.iih.i nw.A utv nip nnirfl niirHn:
Quex won, Llttlo Scout ncco,nd, Breton
tnim. Tirai', 1.11 . ...
k-nnrih rare, ana mllo nnd twenty yards,
selling: unorus uoy wn. aiuhkuiuiiku bcc
nml I.IIIIA I .niH lllirU. 1 IlllUi 1
Wfth race, tlvo furlongs, selling: The
Four 'Hundred won. 1'urnasnus second
queen W tniru. Time: i;ui.
At Delniar,
H'n vnrllPH. Boroinl phnlees and outsiders
paused tho Judges In front at Delmnr imrk
iminv In i-mml numbers. Aleda wns nlaved
ior a guou inuiK in me nisi imr, urnis
backed from la to 1 to 7 to 1 and Justified
the commence placed n her by guiioping
hnmn an ensv winner. (Tnlonel HtOllo
stumbled nnd tell just as the Meld In tho
lourtn rnco sitiick tno rnr turn. I'.uuiu
Murphy, who nan tlio mount on him, got a
nasty fall. sjatalnliiK n broken leg nnd bad
cuii nooin inu iican. thick last, iie.iuim
First race, nvo and a half furlongH, sen
ing: iienn won. urozier sccona, naimi
third. Time: l'.lu'i.
Second race, one mile nnd seventy yards
selling: Auren won. Ignis second, Satin
Coat third, lime: 1:47,
Third race, six furlongs, purso:
won, Miss Uollghtly necond, l:ov
nke third
x me: i ui.
Fourth race, nve furlongs, selling: Wis
Ht-mutie nun, iiuw oi lied tieconn, Alioil
third. Tlmo: l:!Vi.
i.-irth race, one mlln nini n on
lnR'- 'el, wo" Hardly second, Orris third,
i fiinc; i;ou-.4.
sixth race, six and n hnlr furlongs, oell
.ng: Four Lent c won. Heiie Hlmpson ecc
i nnn. -i nn i iniru. 'l'tnif.! i.'mh. -
.414 I llonkiiinkrrH I'nai- L'oiitlimoil.
ST. LUl IS. Aug, 29.-The cases of th
Delmar track bool'.mnkers who nnnpnrivi ti
llii. rnnrl Of Crlnilnnl rnrrpllnn 11 n.n'.
I In warrants In the hunrlu nf Hhrirr niAk
f mini were continued until September 13
Judce Zarhr tz of the c rctilt mun nn
nounccu today that ho would lu-ur tho
arguments or attorneys In the Dclmtr
JocKey club injunction cse tomorrnw,
Hill' mi nt 5i' nril.
SKWAltU. Neb., Aug. 29-tHecll Tele
gram.) The racing today whs the best
ever Aeen In Sewnrd county. Tho 2:23 pace
was exciting, four liorses making n neck-to-neck
tinlsh In each hent nnd each ruce,
with the following rcililts:
2:2." trot: Tony W won, Ited Carter sec
ond, Knsor third, C K W fourth. Time:
"'2:23 pace: Uva Victor won. Jessie Kllng
second, l.lttle Doctor third, Kmpres
fourth. Time: 2:21-4.
2:30 trot: I'at Hhcrmnn won, Hond ec
ond, Mamie 8 third, C'lmva fourth. Time:
Three-nunrtcis of n mile tind repent, run
ning: Kmerald won. Fred Heed second,
Limber Jim third. Time: 1:20'4.
Attendance, S.W0. Tomorrow's rnces: 2:33
pace, He-veil starters: 3-yenr-olds, five stnrt
ers: one mlla nnd repeat, running.
Cniilnln AVI II I fi m " nml Coni'h HoIiIm
'I'll ke I'luiriti nt Siiunil ill
Minnehaha I'nrk.
IOWA CITV, In., Aug. :i).-(Specln1.)-Tho
Slntn university of lown foot bull can
(Dilates went Into camp nt the Minnehaha
park on the lown river today.
Captain Clyde Williams, iiuarterlmck of
the 1900 team, nnd Assistant Coich Sam
Jlobbs will Im In chnrge of the men
throughout the preliminary tr.ilulnv and
rxcltlvp so until Cruch Knlpo nrtlves
next week. There will bo nothing but
light practice until Knlpe'H nrrlvir. At
nrr-iinnt thert are not many bl'iverrf her .
but fortv hnvc ext)rrs.ed their InMitlon
of joining the entnpers next 'week. St.umgir
MctTutcneon suys me, nil in uu,
is tho best over Been here.
Despite the "hard luck storlo." promul
gated this summer, It Is expected that n
tine bunch or oui men win be n;rp uy Sep
tember 1. Among tho hlgh-cno playirs
looked for arc: Cnptalti William, liur.
rlet, guard nnd tackio on lnt ycir's
eleven; Wntters. end In l&X); Orlggs, tlo
175-pound substitute ul center, and sub-
stltutes like Srlberts, Coulthunl, llerb-rt,
Mncey nnd Hflllcnbeck, who pluyed ns line
n game almost Ha inc nrsi eleven men
hist year and came nearer making u
touchdown than nny of tho team's out-of-town
liesides tnrso mere are many new men,
who are the nick of tho gridiron nrtlsti
of tho stntc. Tho list Included Halfback
Crum of llcdford, n brother of tho famous
printer, John v. crum.
Tnkpn First I'rUo In llolli Horn- unit
Huh null Hub Slow
MAHSHALLTOWN. In.. AllC. 29,-(Hpe-
clal Telegram.) lho second (lay of tho
state nremen s tournament was wen at
tended nnd lliir racing resulted, nltnougn
onlV tour teams competed In the ht'fo
rnccs. in tne nrsi or tno two suite, racea
Marslinlltown won. Mnrshnlltown nmatouru
second, West Liberty third nnd Lnl'orto
rourin. Time: nni.
In amateur class: Jliirslialltown second
tenm won. West Liberty second. LnPorte
third. Time: d:s,;i-&.
Huh and hub slow race: went Liberty
won. LaPorto second. Time: 0:43.
Tho second stnte race will bn run tomor
row. It Is conceded to tho Mnrshnlltown
tram, which will then own the stnto belt.
having won it nt two previous tournaments.
tho uounci uiiins nniu tiennrtment nnu
no comnotltlor and secured tho prlzo of
Inltlnl Mretlnfr, lllccts Three nml Also
ATarda Conlrnol to
Four Cities.
CHlCAUO. Aug. 29l-.The Initial meeting
of tho newiy-born American Foot Ball
league was held In the Great Northern
noiei mis evening, tup oeiegaics present
were: uus f . uiei ami 'l nomas l aniua.
HI. I.nttlrt! l.'rank Mnprinnnld. Dntrnlt:
Charles Comlskey, Chlcogo; T. S. Andrews,
John Carroll nnd T. Sullivan'. Milwaukee.
After a brier session tno following officers
wero eiccteo: t. h. Anuerson, presiueni;
Ous Dlel. vlco president: Ocorgo Stllllngs.
Rl'i ivuilf nnu uvunuiui.
.f our ciiies wero ciectea 10 mcmncrsnip
am irnncnineH uwarueii ns ionows; ai,
Louis. Chicago. Mllwnukeo and Detroit.
The season will open .about October IS.
Averages on. Contests nt Arnold'
Park Loyrer Tlinn Those ot
rrevlons Day.
ARNOLD'S PARK. la.. Auc. 29. (Special
Telesram.l Avcracci In the shoot today
fell below those of yesterday on r.ccount of
the strong wind, rrorcssionnis rnncd even
wnrsn than tha amateurs. Crosby easily
leads professionals for the day and- for
threo dnvs scoring i:i out or sou. Touays
scores: uunert, i3; i-nrmcieo,
llrav led tho amateurs with 190: Holdcn
1RB; Burnslde, Hughes nnd Whlto. 184 each;
tinrKer ana urouicn. ivz cacn: iiocers. isi
L. Hlnshaw. 180. Bussel nnd KUno shot
poorly today. Tho nmntours' shooting Is 85
per cent for four days. They snoot ore
fifty targets for tho trophy tomorrow.
Gntea Close on Plnltsmoiilli.
Thn Onto City bowllnir tenm defeated
Plattsmouth on tho Guto City nlleys last
night, acorc:
UA1U Ulll,
1st. 2d. 3d. Totnl.
Huntington lt2 155 147 4i
Hartley 171 152 140 4W
Conrad, ........'. 165 1KB ISO fill
Yocum it 140 151 m
Seaman 150 107 159 476
Totala ,...wj tsvi 7 so 2,5
1st. 2d, 3d. Total.
Mocller ' W 19 is:i 613
Hayes i ...115 14(1 157 478
Wllldhum .16S 137 13S 433
Blchardson 131 I'.'U h. o
lienshnw .....133 mo izti sm
Totals , .7?33 72i "TO MIS
Prrphrlncr for Font Ilnll Senson.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 29. Preparations
for tho foot bnll season, which will soon
onan on tno coast, nro In active nroaress.
The. Ilellnnco team has cngnaed tho Collins
brothers of Denver and will also bo
stretiathened bv tho addition of McPhcrson,
tno creat man or me Hutte tenm n '9.i and
'W. Tho University ot- .California Woven
will gather on tho enmnus next Monday
and tho Stanford boys will nssemblo for
practice a lew days litter,
ItneeN nt Lown Stntc Fnlr.
DES MOINKS. In.. Auc. 29.-tSneclai Tola
gram.) The" races of the statu fair wero
made In goo.d Mmc on n fnst truck, both
purses neing ior w. Jtesmts:
2:3fi nnco: Dlalno Won. Hnimv second
Nota thlr'd, Kxtenunto add Posey Queen
uiviiicn lourin. iimu; z:iiv.
2:29 trot: Inlleece Won. Jnuxln Hnrlln sec
ond, Fashion third, Bed Greonlander fourth,
Tlmn? tiu.
Cnrulvnl of Xiiit( nt Fniilkton.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D.. Auir. 2 fflneolnl
Fuulkton s tilannliiK for the most lnh,
orate cnrnivnl of rports ever held In Faulk
county. Tho dntes nro September 13 and
14, One of the features wilt be ball gunu
between the Ipswich nine and nn Indian
nine from Crow Creek iigency for n, purso
of 175. An Indian bond will furnish muilo
for tho occasion.
World' Wnuuii Ili-ooril Broken.
CHICAGO. Aug. 9.-The world's wngon
record with an amateur driver was broken
nt waBningion pnrK touny by r q, Jon s,
who drove tho 8-year-old imclnit eo'dlmr,
Little noy, a mile In 2:03 3-5, the hiEt half
of which wns made In 59 2-5. This d h
places the former llgurcs of 2:0I4. which
C. K. C. Billings held with Freo Bond.
Weateni A.aoHntliiii,
At Toledo Whellnir. C: Toledo. 5.
At Orand Itnplds-Grund Rapids, 10; Co
luinuus, v.
At Marlon Murlon, 7; Fort Wayne, 3.
Tlu-lr Dividend.
CLHVKLAND. O.. Auir. 29. DeiiPHltors I
tho defunct Cuyahoga Savlnu-u and iian
Ing company, whoso president. It. S. Hoi
leek, committed aulc'ila in Seattle s m
time ano. will, according to an order Ih
sued by tho court of common pleas trilay
gat 10 per cent back in n firm d!v:d 11
In his report to the court tho receiver ot
tho railed institution stated that out
standing claims uKKreaute 257.0iv nml out
standing assets Jtwyo, while deposits og
gregnto jm.w.u. 11 is s'ated that otr.o
iliviaenus win louow,
II 1 1 ml I wr Siiimv In Colorado,
DENVER. Colo.. Auir. IB. Snnw fll In
blinding cheet for nn hour In Alpine pas
iixmy nnu was louoweu py a severe nal
Staich (or Othtrs Eelng Kept Up in the
Witok of Uurued Steamer.
Statement Mnilc tlml Tno Strninrrs
Wore ltiii'liiK Knuliierr States
Too Much Strain Was
llrlnic Cnrrlril,
I'HILAUKLrtHA, Aug. 29.-Kleven known
dead, nine missing nnd thirty-two Injured
Is the record made by the explosion of tho
boilers ot the steamboat City of Treutou, on
tho Dclnware river yesterday afternoon, All
night long city tlretncn, policemen mil
olilclals and etnployos of tho Wilmington
Steamboat company, which owutd tno tu
fa ted vessel, worked in nnd around tha
burned nnd blackened hull searching for
bodies ot victims ot tho disaster, bellovod
to be either In the vessel or In the water.
Hundreds of men nru dragging tho river
below with grappling Irons today and they
will continue to do so until cvory pjrs n
that was on (he beat Is accounted for.
Of tho eleven ladles recovered ten hive
been Identified. Tho Identified ueau nrc:
JOHN I. CHRW ot Camden, N. J., m-
litont engineer of tho City of Trenton.
MISS 1CL1ZABBTH GHK12N of I'hl adcl-
lila, crushed to death.
WILLIAM DUNN of rhlladflphla, a pal-
ARTHUR LANSING, 11 years of ago,
Trenton, N, J.
JAMBS O'CONNELL, fireman, Pblladel'
phla. .
MOTT MADLK, nrcmnu, Philadelphia.
AUGUST MAULB, deck hand, Philadel
WILLIAM H. KEENK, paseengcr, l'hlla-
JAMES M'COUMICK, Wilmington, Do:.,
WILLIAM NELSON. C9 years old, of
Hampton. Va,
Tho unidentified body lo so badly burnol
thnt Its sex cannot' bo determined.
Among tho missing nro Miss Ethel Stokes
f Trenton nnd Miss Helen Urlost, daughter
of former Mayor John Ilrlcst of Trenton.
Knirlnccr Wns Afrnlil.
According to the statement of tho widow
of tho dead assistant engineer, John r
Chew, the man had n presentiment of denth.
Mrs. Chew says that before Having home
for work on Tuesday night her husband
"Lizzie, I may novcr see you ngnln, I
hnvo a presentiment that thoro will bo nn
explosion on lho boat. If there la thcro
will bo no escnpo for mo. They nro run
ning nt too high a steam pressure and If
nn nccldent should occur I and many others
will bo killed."
Of tho thirty-two Injured persons taken
to the hospital attached to tho Philadelphia
Houso of Correction, all nro reported as
doing well today and It Is not now bo-
Uovcd that any of them will dlo.
Augustus Rctnhnrdt, an expert machinist
employed by tho Nenflo & Levy Shipbuilding
company, builder of the City of Trenton, re
cently overhauled tho boat's boilers. Ho
said today that there la no doubt In hie
mind that tho explosion was duo to tho ex
haustion of tho witer In tho boilers. He
gave It as his opinion that tho boat was
being run too fast and this exhausted the
Tho boat was fifteen minutes into wncn it
left thn wharf yesterday afternoon nnd It is
stated (hot much of this lost tlmo bad been
mado up when tho explosion occurred.
Deny Story of Bnclnic.
Tho captain and other officers ot tha boat
ana mo oiuciais .01 mo company aeny em
phatically tho statement that tho City ot
Trenton was racing with the steamer Twi
light ot the opposition line when the ex
plosion occurred. Tho Twilight and the City
of Trenton wero closo together at tho mo
ment of tho explosion, tho former being in
tho lead. Those on board tho Twilight did
not1 hear tho explosion or know of the mis-
bap to tho rival boat until too lato to be
of assistance.
Never In tho history of tho Delawaro river
has there been such keen rivalry bctweon
lines of river steamers as during this sea
son. On the lower parts of tho river races
have been of dally occurrence. Only a tow
weeks ago tho crow ot tho Trenton steamer
Poconokct wna censured by Coroner Dugan
for falling to go to tho asslstanco ot somo
persons who were drowning. At tho tlmo
tho Poconokot was racing with tho Twilight,
tho boat that led tho City ot Trenton whon
tho explosion occurred.
Superintendent of Pollco Quirk declared
today that tho matter will be thoroughly In
vestigated by his department and If the
chargo of racing Is sustained tho officers
and crew of the wrecked steamor will be
List of the, Mlaalnic. .
In response to a request the Department
ot Publlo Safety today received the fol
lowing Hat of missing from persona who had
relatives and friends on. the Trenton:
Louisa Tlllosen, 25 years,
Ircno Welld, 16.
Clara B. Welld. 13.
Dora Welld, 9.
Mrs. Mathilda Cross, all ot Philadelphia.
Marlon Ashmend, 17.
Anna Hcrr, .16.
Emma Eastburn, 18.
Miss Helen Ballentyuc, 40, all ot Ger-
In addition two or more Trenton peoplo
nro reported missing.
U. In bellovpd .that the body so badly
charred Is that, ot Mrs. John Matthews ot
Captain Worrem of tho City of Trenton
insisted today that hla boat was not rac
It developed during the. day that one cf
tho bodies at tho morgue which had been
Identified ns James Graham of Trenton, N.
J,, was that -of William Nelson, aged 67
Mrs. Josephlno Torroy nnd her son, Earl,
of this city, who wero reported missing,
hnvo been located. They woro on tho dock
of the City of Trenton whan tho explosion
occurred. Tlioy climbed down tho sldo
of the boat Into a rowboat and were taken
to Tncony, Pa., whonco they camo to Tren
TRENTON, N. J.. Aug. 29. Miss Ethel
Stokes, 14 years old, of Ovorbrook avenue,
this city. Is the only Trenton person so far
as can bo learned, who was on the City of
Trenton, and who. Is known to bo misslng,l
iter relatives icur sue is noan.
A score or more of persons woro roportod
missing last night, but inquiry at th lr
homes today developed tho fact that lh-y
camo homo on other boats, Mrs, H. Tory
of Trenton and her son, Earl, woro repsrted
from Philadelphia to have boon seen cn tho
boat before the explosion. Their names
do not appear In tho city directory nnd
they do not live nt the address given.
Information was received today from
Philadelphia that Miss Jesslo Stratton, the
Trenton school teacher, who, It wa thought,
might die from tho Injuries tho recolvod
In the explosion, Is In much more favorable
condition and the doctors expect her to to-
cover. It wns thought at first that Mist
Stratton had Inhaled flames and her caeo
was thoreforo, pronounced hopeless.
M'linloiv Oliiaa Jleii Meet.
INDIANAPOLIS, Aiik. 19.-A meetlnB of
much Importance to the window B n. In
diiKtry of tho T'nlted Ktnton Ij In proprfHS
ut tho Ilptel KnKllKh toilny. It U enid
Hint window kIiish utockn nro heavy nml
thnt the )u-ndti of tho Independent nnd
Anient mi comwncH nnn uio joiinorM nmo.
elation nro trylnK to cet tho co-onera.
tlves to Hi?ree not to uturt their p. ants
UJUII OOOUl iNovemocr i.
Whatever fuel M moat eeonomlcnl, moil conve
nient to your hou.e.can bo used In 11 Round Onk
rurnnee I'htttik of wood, .oft real, hard coal,
coke anything that tiro will consume. What
ever you put In It will glvo most bent, beonu.o
RmiiidOal; Furnace. uuMo no fuel ! burn nil thn
fuel, the gate ,nnd tnontof the smoke! keopflro
12 hours with wood, 21 hours wun coal, x 110
only airtight
furnni-e,) ami H
reasonable In
price. All of lho
heat goes Into tho
house no
through lines nut
sldo the casliiK.elilm
ney or In cellar.
If ton "Mil furnace,
wtltifnrthaltoanilOnk 1-ook-full of
furl fact, hint, un tut.
n.eo regulation, etc.
F-tiitri of
I)uttbIiic, Midi.
Slakr. t Cf 7ren ll' JSnufuS
Oak Iht mnft fttmaut
ttir.. Ill the iHirM.
Baai'l O.h Pnrnneea are fYtr nolo In
Omaha by Milton Rogers & Son
September li to 21.
Of 45 Pieces,
Spectacular Daylight Parade, September (8,
Grand Electrical Pageant, September 19.
Court Ball at the Den, September 20.
Oriental Carnival Every Day and Night.
Reduced Rates on All Railroads
m r-
1 Jfc.
1 II MI .h . -aduJ.dVrsr 1WWa. jGT-
by our Physicians
r-.Tl51. 1i " r!---.-.
dcscrlblnr; and causo of (llscasRs
receipts and prescriptions in plain lubsuago.
Dr. Kay s
Cures the very worst emeu of Uyspepila.
Nn Liver nnd
Kidney discuses ami bail rcsulix ot i.aurippc. cn(l lorproor or it.
Wriio uh nbout all your 8
y m moms. Sold by
Bona uav&ctH. or tl.oonnd hii will Dr.
Wanlworth HiHtary Aeadlemy
Oovtmrn-nt niiirTl.ionand onmpmani. Arar oin-frnMaueu. i-rerarraror univeraiues,
Nnll'nM l!j!'r- .cJa. 0 'FLLrRSJjUU Siipt.. Jexlnotonjjlo.
V7 x m
Two Carloads of
fcfcBuckeye" and
Carriages, Station Wagons, Hockaways,
Kunafcoiits, HukrIos, etc.
Our aBsortrnont U comploto,
Our prlcos nro rlsht.
Round Oak
is rolldly constructed and Is airtight (tho
. 1111
It nun. Oak Vurna?
ttIUi outer CaaliKt rciDovr!,
: " - 'U
'.llS '
Sept. 12, 13, 14.
Omaha nnd St. Paul and
Buffet Olmerrntlon Furlnr Car
"The Ijentof KTetrtlilnt"
n IttA lima llliiwtrt 1mA ViaaU 7l
wTtu best treatment. ulo many valuable
saving you heavy doctor'u blllc, ask for Ik
Conitlpatinn.nnadaohe, I'alpltaMon of Heart
linn, uc.nuaonc, j-aipuuiion oi ilea
l.aGrlppo. Send for proof of it.
t.A ,Unl M,.nl Am, .lihallli-l. .
nruKSUts, ilon t orcepl any riiDslluito but
Koj'h ItenoTator by return mall, Address,
CO., Saratoga Sprlngo, N. Y.
Oldeit nnd larrett
military school la
Cntral Wet.
Classes will bo resumed Wednesday, Sep.
tembcr -Ith. Tho courso contains ovorf
branch of a thoroushly refined nnd lltcmr
Hoys llvo with musters In Christian
homes, represented in nest enstnrn nnd
western colleges, Intermedin to department
for younnui boy. Iteiiulur conches for hasa
ball, fcot bull, truck and h-ymtuisilc, Ql'.-o,
mandolin iiikI dramatic clubs.
I'U mllcH riom C'hlcutto on l.uko Mlchlgnn.
Address Ilox 31, UUNltAD,
Head Muster, l.u.'te I'oiest. Illinois.
Deputy Jfie VeterinnrUn.
Foitd Inspector.
Offtco and Infirmary, '.Wt and Mason Utm
Telephone MJ.
jjjfi iot nect
f3l CTIHQ flti