( THE OMAHA DALLY JJEE: FHIDAV, AUGUST 30, 1901. 10 CHANGES IN UNION PACIFIC Livs'iy Shifting in tho Offici of General Auditor Ycung. portnnt economics and tho correction 01 cvlla, the exlstcnco of which entailed con siderable loss to tho rond. It Is now pro posed to organlzo n rnto bureau to havo chargo of all matters pertaining to tho making of reduced or special rates of any kind. C. S. STE6BINS BECOMZS CHIEF CLERK l'roinolloti of It. .. Ilfllln t AmMtMHt Uciieriif Anilltorlili Opeim the Wny tor Other to Men n .Notch lllKhcr KlTui-llve Sent. Bnvcral chnnstos In tho auditing depart ment of tho Union Pacific, effective- Sep tember 1. woro announced ycstirday bj Ocncrat Auditor Krasluj Young. C. S. Stcbblns lias been appointed chief clerk In tho general auditor's olllco to take tho placo of II. J. Ileitis, who was made assistant general auditor on July 1. Mr. fjtcbblns entered tho service of tho Union I'acinc In 1S70 as secretary to tho general manager. In 1872 ho was trans ferred to the passenger department, be coming successively chief clerk, assistant general passenger and ticket agent, and from ISSO to 1SST, general ticket agent. Tho passenger and ticket departments woro thn divided. From 1SS7 to 1830, ho was engaged In other business, and from 1800 to 1893, waB connected with tho Western Passenger association and Transmlssourl Passenger association. In 1891, ho returned to tho service of tho Union Pacific and slnco that tlmo has been connected with the gen eral auditor's ofilce. J. W. Newlean succeeds to tho charge of tho bureau of statistics and government ac counts vacated by Mr. Stobblns, C. T. Cullcn, who has been private sec rotary to the general uudltor, succeeds Mr. Nowlcan In charge of tho pay department of tho general auditor' ofilce. C.'llllllKV III t'lll. The l'ullman company has decided to re call all tho new style caps recently scrvod out to tho conductors and porters. The reason for this was tho unanimous opposi tion raised by tho men who were ordered to don the 'things. Tho company has ngto?d to permit them to chango tho stylo of peak, but Insists the crown must not be incli ned. Tho compromlso hat will, when made, bo not much different from the bell crown straw caps worn In summer by train con ductors. Mr. Hill In IIiin). Tho communlty-of-lntercst Idea Is raid to be In serious danger of meeting a setback. It Is reported that J. J. Hill Intends to build Into Colorado, Nebraska and Kansas several now feeders for tho Oreat Northern system and that K. II. Hnrrlman considers this as a violation of tho understanding that tho various Interests shoulil keep out of each other's terrlfnry. Those who know Mr. Hill ay ho will not hesitate when tho proper time comes to try conclusions with Mr. Harrlman. NOTHING TO DO BUT RIDE lliirllnulon lluule .Mii- llNtnlillNli Ilnuk .sKtPiu In Illiick IIIIU. , NrrkliiK More MIUmikc Tho Union Pocluc Is said to bo negotiat ing for tho Astoria & Columbia Rlvtr rail road, which .-xtends from Portland to As torla and Seaside. 118 miles. This wouiu extend coast terminal facilities to Astoria and dovclop that harbor. The report could not bo confirmed at Union Pacific head quarters. I.iioKn I.IUc l'lic Story. According to a Sioux City report, Depot Master Hanoy of the Union station is to bo superseded by Harvey 11. Thomas, wru? was Union Pacific city ticket agent ut Sioux City until tho ofilco there was closed last week. 'Nothing Is known of tho matter at Union i'acinc ncaiiquaricrs nnu nr. Hancy Bald ho had heard nothing of It. General Passenger Agent Francl3 an nounced yestorday that tho Ilurllngton would nrobably inaugurate a hack service In Kev.-r.-il cities of tho Illack Hills wlthlu ten days. It Is tho Intention to maintain a first class sorvlco, which will be freo to all patrons of the road, between tho ilurllngton nations and tho vurious pans oi cacu cm. Dcadwood and Lead aro among tho places whore tlio service will first bo Inaugurated. At tho samo tlmo n similar Borvlco will bo efttabllshed between Fort Hoblnson and Crawford. Neb., u distance of about thrco tnlles. If It proves as successful aa antici pated tho Innovation will bo extended to other nolnls in tho lllack Hills aud tho northwest. Tho Ilurllngton proposes to mako It pos sible for n passenger to leave his residence and go to Omaha, Chicago, St. Louis or any other point on tho system without having to leavo a Ilurllngton conveyance. Mr. Francis said that tho proposed service Is modeled somewhat ufter that maintained by aevoral of tho eastern roads at the Now York depots, though a charge Is exacted thero, whllo tho Ilurllngton sorvlco will bo freo. The .VirtliMi'HTn Line. J12.C3, 6T. PAUL AND IIETUIIN. Aug. 10-31. DULUTH AND IlETURN. 116.93, Aug. 10-31. HOT SPRINGS AND RETURN, Aug. 10-31. $13.40. DEADWOOD AND RETURN, $21.20, Aug. 10-31. LOUISVILLE AND RETURN, Aug. 21-20, 121.00. CLEVELAND AND RETURN, Sept. 7-10, Less than half fare. VERY LOW RATES to the BUFFALO EXPOSITION. CITY OFFICES, 1401-1403 FAHNAM ST. For cxcosslvo May powder. perspiration try Re-No- COMING IXTO OMAHA I..YTI2U OX. Grrut WeMcrii Arrmmrn nn Kittrniiee to Miiiix City. A Sioux City dispatch says that an agree mcnt between tho Chicago Great Western Railway company nnd tho Union Terminal Railway company baa been reached whereby tho Oreat Western's passenger trains will run Into tho Union passangcr station nnd the. Terminal company will do tho Great Western's switching and handle Its freight. Tho further stntemcnt wuh mndo that tho Great Western survey to Sioux City has been ncccpteil nnd that somo preliminary work on tho grading will bo done this fall. Uolh tho lino to Sioux City nnd the lino to Dmaha will bo completed by tho middle of next summer. In view of tho assured entrance of tho rent Western's trains Into tho Union sta tion tho Union Terminal Hallway company has ordered a number of Improvements to bo made at tho depot. Tho most Important of those will bo the building of a new Hour under tho train shod. Tho present floor, which Is of planks, will bo replaced by cc mcnt, with .vltrlllcd brick between the tracks. This improvement will bo mado before winter. IIOSTO.N fTOHIl IlllJINANTS. Frlilny I He in mint l)n- In livery llc- )nrt iiiciiI ThroiiKliotit the Store. All wool Eiderdown remnants, nil colors, worth up to $1 yard, go at 19c yard. 10.000 yards all kinds dress linings, lc yd. West grado outing flannel, 5c yard, llcst grado shirting prints, 2V4C yard. 25c imitation French flannel, 11c ynrd. 12Hc Chambray gingham, Cc yard. 15c drapery cretonne, 7',4c yard. 124c comfort sllkollnc, 5c yard. All kinds 25c plain and fancy white- goods, 10c yard. llest grade percale remnants, 8VJc, worth 2Cc. 15c covert cloth remnants, 5c yard. 40c mercerized sateen remnants, 124c yd. And hundreds of 'other remnant bargains In tho basement tomorrow. U DRESS GOODS, 23C AND IOC YD. A grand lot of colored dress goods In long lengths, Including 4S-lnch cheviots, mohair and brllllantlncs, go In two lots at 25c nnd 49c a ynrd. $1 DRESS GOODS ENDS, IOC. An elcgnnt lot of black dress goods ends, 4 nnd 5 pieces that match, nt 10c each. $1.50 SILKS, 39C AND 49C YARD. Thousands of yards of high grade silks In dress nnd wnlst lengths, worth up to $1.50 a yard, go nt 39c and 49c n yard. Silk rcrunnnts, 2c, 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c. HOSTON STORE, OMAHA, J. L. Ilrandels & Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers, Pcct & Co.'a Men's Clothing. 'or (In- A. It. Iliioiinipiiii'iit nt Clfvelntiil. In September very low rates will bo In effect from Chicago via tho Lako Shore & Michigan Southern railway. No other lino affords equal service. Morning, afternoon nnd evening trains nt convenient hours. G, A. R. folder sent on application to F. M. flyron, O. W. A., Chicago, or M. S. Giles, T. P. A., Chicago. I' ii in-nil .Vol Ire. Tho funeral of Patrick Mahoncy will take placo from tho rcsldenco of T. J. Mahoney, 422 South Thirty-eighth Btrcct, on Friday morning, August 30, nt 8 o'clock, with requiem high mnss nt St. John's church nt 9 o'clock and Interment At Holy Sepulchre cemetery. Nothing ltko ne-No-May powder for ex ccsslvo perspiration of hands or feet; post lively cures tender and swollen fect, corns and bunions. For tired feet Re-No-May powder. Lumber cheap nt Hoagland's removal salo PlnlllnK nnil lluutlnif. Tho angler will find In Utah ample oppor tunities to Indulge In his favorite sport. Tho mountain streams are stocKea wuu gamy trout and tho but little less gamy black ba.sfl abounds In tho waters of Utah lake. In season good duck hunting can bo had or. Utah lake, the Jordan nnd around tho pools and lagoons of tho Salt Lake val ley. On the mountain sides grouso are plentiful and larger game can De louna cn tho mountain ranges of tho Uintah and Uncotnpahgro reservation. For time-tables, folders, illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of tho territory tra versed or any lntorroatfon, apply at city ticket ofilce, 1324 Farn&tn Btre'ct: telephone 31C "Sure Death" Kind of tin old saying but It's such good stuff that we enn't keep from Hpeaklng of It No matter what kind of bugs you've got in the house nil you've got to do Is to spend 15c for n bottlo nnd you'll Boon bo rid of tho bugs It's n. bug killer that kill 25c QIUNACHTOL FOR COLDS AND HAY FEVER 20c $1.00 TEMPTATION TONIC 7ro $1.00 CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURE 75c $1.00 1'EHUNA 75o $1.(10 Ucr's Malt Whisky 75c i.w iiu-inn riair ionic 7iic ti.uu rncie sam s Tobacco cure BO, 5)c Gem Cutarrh Powder soa 50c Ulrney's Catarrh Powder sse. 50c Diarrhoea Cordial 25c 60c Syrup of Figs 40b 15c Casturlu 2'c KOc Malted Milk 40.' 50c Mullen's Food 40c $2.00 Carl Crnmcr'H Cotton Root, Tansy and Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 CAUICtEDfi? Cut Price ounHcrcn u DruBstor.. Tl. 747. S. W. Cr. llltb and Chiang, ficods dallvsrad FREE to any part ot city. Mlltnt 'I'll Up ollt'r. I Attention, i Tho first meeting of tho Omaha lodge of Tho postponed literary nnd musical en- Elks after the summer vacation In the tortnlnment of tho Lady Holllstcr Hive no. enlarged, redecorated nnd greatly lm- 21, Ladles of tho Mnccabces, L. O. T. M., proved lodgcroom will bo held Friday even-' wilt bo given Saturday evening, August 31, ne. Altpmt M. At S n. in. tmnnrfntit nnd I nt Labor TemulC hall .NO. 1. All inuii-o 8 p. valuable changes hnvo been mndo in tho rearrangement of tho club rooms nnd ad ditional rooms, necessitated by tho rapid growth of the lodge, havo been secured In tho adjacent Granite block. The attend ance of every member Is requested and urged. D. M. VINSONHALER, E. R. FRANK A. FURAY, Secretary. nnd sir knights cordially freshmcnts and quilt raffle. Invited. Tickets, It' brings roller Re-No-May powder, your druggist. It your feet trouble try It. Sacrifice lumber salo at Hoagland's. Re 10c. A sit you Ask your druggist or glovo dealer about rto-No-Mnv nowder. A great economy in hot weather. Cures excessive perspiration -gttvfis cloves, narasols and fine dress goods. No dress shields needed It you use U. l.aUo Okohol. 1 Th Ideal cummer resort, tjuieaiy ana ftallv reached from Omaha via tne Hliwnu- kte railway, the only through Una. City ofilce. 1504 Fornam strest. Lumbar Cheap Nowistiis Time to Build WILL OI'KICATI INIJUIMJNDHNTI.Y. Special low prices Hoagland's lurabor salo. Publish your legal notl.s tn Th Weskly Lice. Telephone. 228. Kortliern I'nclllo mill Grout Northern Trnllle Depnrt iiiriitN. Directors ot tho Northern Pacific road say there, will bo no consolidation ot tho Unfile departments of that road and tho Great Northern, such as has taken place on tho Union Paclflc nnd Southern Paclllo roads. Tho two northern ronda will con tltnie to bo operated entirely Independently, as they havo heretofore. Unofllclat reasons assigned for this decision aro that tho Hill and Hnrrtmnu Intcresta cannot agree on a basis ot division of trafllc between tho two roads and that any attempta to consolidate their trafllc departments would creato legal complications which neither road at this tlmo can afford to havu brought about. Minnesota Btntutcs nnd Ihoso ot tho northwestern states through which tho two roads run, expressly provldo ngalnst tho consolidation of parallel competing lines and tho consolidation ot tho trafllc departments would como within tho prohl tttlon of these Btatutes In a way that would Immediately enuio steps to bo taken to deprive tho roads ot tholr franchises. It Is equally certain that the Ilurllngton, though undor control of tho amo Inter' cst3 that own tho Northern Paclllo nnd Great Northern, will continue to bo oper nted Independently, There will bo no con solidation of tho getieral agencies of tho Ilurllngton with thoso of tho other roads and not an agency Is to bo abandoned, Rc-No-May skin fooa tor racial massage. Ro-No-May cream softens nnd whitens hands and face. A. Mayer Co., 220 Be bulldlnc Consultation freo from 2 to t daily. Send articles of mcorpoiauar., notices ot stockholders' mectlQesi etc.. to The Dee. 'W Will clve them proper legal Insertion. Telephone 238. Re -No-May powder brings relief to tender feet. Clan Gordon basket picnic nt Prlos' lako Saturday. Carryalls leavo Thirtieth nnd Ames nvenuo every half hour. Round trip SO cents, Including entrance. Hoagland's removal lumber sale, attend It. To all consumers of lum ber in Omaha: I have decided to mako some Important and necessary changes In my lumber yard hero In Omaha that will mako It necessary for ino to movo a large amount ot lumber. This lumber Is ilnder COVER, BRIGHT nud DRY, of SUPERIOR QUALITY and ready for IMMEDIATE USE. I offer this stock to Omaha consumers at prices REGARDLESS of cost. George A. Hoagland KOT TO Al'IMIAH ON V. V. IIOAIIII. J, I'lerpont MnrKiui mill W. IC, Vnnilcr- lillt Arc Too lliiNy, Reports that William K. Vandcrbllt nnd J. Plerpont Morgan are to enter the board of directors of tho Union Paclflc havo cir culated In Wnll street tor several days, says New York dispatch. It may be asserted on tho highest authority that neither Mr. Vanderbtlt nor Mr. Morgan will becomo Union Paclllo directors. Mr. Vnnderbllt was asked by tho Harrlman syndicate to lend the aid ot his uamo and tulluenco to tho Union Pacific management, but he could not seo his way clear to nny exten- plon ot his olllclal activities. Doth Mr, Morgan and Mr. Vandcrbllt have friendly relations with the controlling powers ot tho Union Paclflc, and It' Is a well known fact lu Wnll street that they can nt any time have such representation In tho Union Pa clflc board as they desire. imv llurriiu SuuKi'xteil, An important chango In connection with the operation of tho Western Passenger ns- enciatton is Doing rreciy discussed among tho members. It Is proposed to establish n new bureau In connection with tho asso ciation. Thoso already In operation haw given tho utmost satisfaction. The mlloage bureau and tho clergy bureau havo simpli fied matters Immensely and havo resulted not only In facilitating the transaction of More Good Than Doctors Mr, Fred W. Kuhn, who conducts ono of Albany's largest bottling works, No. 50 HoUIn street, writes. Albany. N. Y Jan. 13. 19CO Crnmor Chemical Co.: Your Cramer Kidney Cure Is everything you claim for It and even moro. Tho first bottle ilia me bo much good l sent to my druggist and got another. Am now on my Hccuntl bottle, which has uono mo moro irned th.ui all the doctors nud all the medi cine I uavu ever iiikvii. v oum do gum io eorreaponu wun nnyone sintering irom kidney, liver or madder truuuie. FREE SAMPLE FOR ALL. It you will send your address to the Cramer Chemical Co., Albany, N. v., they will send you a sample bottlo, tree. Cramer Chemical Company, Albany, N. Y. Sbrader's Fig Powder The giver of health ami strength a medicine that lias I the power to expell the poison from the system and prevent appendicitis has the right to be in every home. It is a euro for constipation and gall stones. Doctors can send for samples. Address, W-WlWiUM IP I. 1 ' j Ww Important to Amateur Photographers Wo have Just compiled tho mot complete catalogue of photo material ovai Issued In this country. Goods nnd prices nro strictly up to date and ull tho latest novcltleB ure Included If ; oi are interested, call or send for copy. fopoclal snle on albums for next few duys. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Farntiin Stroat. Wholesale and retail dealers in Pho tographic Material. GUILD NEW While lumber is cheap. Bring your orders to us, if its only for a bundle of lath. We'll show you. PIANOS SELLING FAST AT OUR GREAT MONEY SAVING SALE Pianos of the highest grade, time-tried and with world-wide reputations, are being sold at prices ordinarily asked for commercial and unknown instruments. Wo still have a number of non-catalogued and odd style pianos that we are offering at the following prices: Worth 000, now ?400 Worth ")()(), now Worth $.125, now 298 Worth 850, now 215 . Worth 300, now 1S5 Wo sell new pianos worth $2."0 for $1CS; $5 down and $3 per month. A number of pld pianos taken In exchange, $40, $50, $00 nnd upwards. New Steln way, Voso, Emerson, Chase, Iyers & Pond and Stegcr. SCHM0LLER& MUELLER, The Old lielinble Tinno Llouse 1313 Farnam St, Onulia. Telephone 1625. Open Evenings. Iowa Branch 337 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Tel. 378. BOYS' CLOTHING HAY DEN 9 S two pair of pants Are you nware that no other house offers you as many Inducements ns wo do7 OIUOINAL, UP-TO-DATE DESIONS IN STYtlSH, PERFECT FITTING AND WELL MADE CLOTHING for CHILDREN, BOYS AND YOUTHS, as well as popular prices, high-class novelties for little fellows, and EVERYTHING RIGHT, OR MADE RIGHT, IK NOT RIGHT. SCHOOL SUITS 05C UP NOW FOR A QUICK SALE Friday and Saturday we will placo on sale about 8,000 all wool School Suits at half their actual value. OFFER NO. 1 About 3,000 all wool doublo breasted Knee Pants Suits, sizes C to 10, defiantly mado and perfect tnilorlng. Every suit a $3X0 value sale price. OFFER NO. 2 About 2,500 combination Suits mado double-breasted coats and Thev come in 5 decant patterns, sizes 6 to 16. , DlAVu U IU 1U SI.50 Suits tflft AC that you would pay $3.00 to $6.50 for elsewhere, Friday OfciJlH nd Saturday, for (only ; , WE WISH TO CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION to our great lines ot Sailor Suits, orfolk Suits, 3-Pieco Suits, Russian Blouse Suits and Vestco Suits, mndo up by tho leading boys nnd children's wholesalo tailors in America. Still moro, wo guarantee to savo you from 25 to 50 per cent on well mado stylish, up-to-dato boys' nnd chll- ren's fall and winter clothing. Boys' $1.00 Shirts at 29c. 200 dozenACoIoreri laundered shirt waists, Mother's Friend Brand; regular $1.00 values, nt 29c. Men's 50c and 75c half hoso at 19c. 200 dozen mens flne lisle thread half hoso lu plain nnd fancy colors; drop stitch and plain; tho sample line of ono of tho largest Importing houses In New York City; sold regularly at 50c and 75c; all on salo at 19c. Tremendous Fur Sale Gonlinued. Any garment left Saturday night will bo returned to tho manufacturers. Furs fully 50 per cent less than their value during this great samplo salo of furs. During this great fur salo wo will placo on salo 100 women's new suits; new styles ust arrived; made to sell for $20.00, for $12.50. , 50 dozen women's wrappers In medium colors, to closo during this salo nt 39c. 150 women's capes, mado to sell at $3.50, go at $1.50. 250 women's light weight Jackets at half price, $2.98 and $4.98. MYDEN BROS. ,W, J, Shrader Medicine Co., g, n, Dietz Lumber Co New rk Room 10, No, 30 Enbt Hth 3t TEMPTATION TONIC The World's Greatest Ideal French Tonic. Stimulator. Itivigorator The only genuine Imported French Tonic nnd posltlv. remedy for Debility and Impotency. A NERVE TONIC. Brings tho pink glow to palo checks and restores the fire of youth. Ask for our book of testlmqntals. TEMPTATION TONIC has effected cures In cither sex where all other known treatments havo failed. TEMPTATION TONIC has long enjoyed the reputation a, tonic lor men' ana women ui wvukciicu vuuiiiy. Compounded by L. M, LAGAARD, Paris, Francs. Temptation Tonic is for Salo Everywhere. " In case your denier should not have our goods, write to us for prices tnd full information. Corospondence answarea n strictest conlldenco by our American ascnis. fife , '1 J! W (! rillM I'll wsm FARNAM AND FIFTEENTH FARNAM AND FIFTEENTH Boys' School Clothes Our department of Boys' Clothing is without a doubt the most extensive in Oniiilm occupies more space, and contains more variety of Clothing than nny other house. livery garment is made to wear, made in every known style, in every variety of material, and the qualities are such as mothers want most. There is nothing shoddy, nothing indifferent, nothing cheap, but is cheap because it; is good. We are prepared to meet the greatest demand of the school boy dependable clothing all through, dependable prices all through. We are under the impression that no store can save you as much money on Boys' Clothing. Boys' Suits $1.25 Up rriiTMiia fum-iiMyn-inMii UAVHEII' Fritlay is mm I1AT UCHS in the Bargain Room Thuusnndrt of yard of Remnants nnd ah ort lengths, from tho various large mills, at, a triflo of their orlglnalr coat. " . ' Kit fW vndln Imltnllnn fiAHHl. vv, J it . MillUIUUII A- J I'll Ull J til II 11C t In Ioiir lengths, with all .the lino colorings nf Inn 1 m tinrlnil rrnA1in ' Vi nlnAn V. . aro sold at U'iic, will Belt thcin In ehort lonetllH nt 7Up. ' Yard wldo lino Imitation French Flan nels, most beautiful colorings, somo havo t tin n w hnrdnro tlmn n n unl.i i... i. ..... .. mu nuui iiy uiu yard nt 19c, wo will hcM tho short lengths 'iO.OOO yards of 30-Inch percales, tho Mo grade, dark and llRht colors, nil go nt Be. .vw yards, pr uimitles, orgnmiics nna lntlttos, worth up to 50c, all will go on remnant tuhlo ut 314c.., Wool drebH goods In long nnd short lengths, challis in short lengths, French flannels In short lengths, and thnusiuds nf other goods too Humorous to mention, all on ono largo Imrgaln equnro nt one thlrd of regular vuluo. llo sure nnd ex amine this tabid. Clothing Wo now havo the most popular of men's and boys' clothing lu our bargain room. Men's $3.00 all wool pants, Jl.W. Men's $2.50 punts, l.'.'d. Men's $1.75 pants, !i5c. Hoys' '1.'M long A'ool pants, OSc. HoyH' Jl.CU long pants, &0c. Hoys' $1.50 wash milts, from 13 to 18 years, 00c. Men's $1.25 pants, CSc. Hoys' 0.oo nil wool HUtts, $1.15. Hoys' $2.50 woolen suits, 95c. Hoys' $1.00 wash suits, 45c. Hoys' 35c cloth pantx, 15c. Hoys' 60c und "oo wool pants, 23c. MUX'S AND BOYS' 50c UNDEIIWI3AR AT 15c Closing out nil the racn'n and boys' un derwear that sold up to 50c. all sizes from 24 to iiL in balbrlgguu uuu fancy colors, at 15c MHN'fl $1.25 S1II11TH AT 20c 600 dozen men's colored laundered shirts, with separate collars and cults, every shirt warranted perfect nnd full size, on Bale nt 29c. MRN'S AND HOYS' 39c WOIUC SII1HTS, IN DARK COLORS, AT 19c. Men's 50c and 75c work shirts In dark colors at 29c. 1 lot of ladles' nnd children's stockings, worth up to 25a, on calo ut 10c. Meats and Lards No, 1 sugar cured picnic hums, Sic Uood salt pork, 7W.c. Chipped dried beef, 15c. 10-lb. pulls pure lard, $1,05. Veal loaf, per can, 9c. Cheese Sale Iowa crenm cht-cse, per lb., 10c. York state cheese, per lb,, 16c. McLaren's Imperial cheese, per Jar, 10c. Snp Sugo cheese, each, Sc. Grocery Bargains Granulated corn meal, per sack, 15c. Oil sardines, per can, 5c. Tlirco 3-lb. sacks table salt, 10c. London sauce, per bottle, 12'c. Thrco largo bottles Tomato Catsup, 2oc. Concentrated lye, per can, 6c. Largo Redland prunes, per lb.. S l-3c. Orland evaporated peaches, 12Uc. Golden evaporated poaches, 7!c. Ring evaporated appfrft, Wic. California evaporated pearw, 10c. Larue muscatel raisins, loc. Madison Specialty Co., Selling Agents for America, Omaha, Neb. REMEMBER I AVo havo a now line of worsted sweaters, You better seo them If you aro go ing to buy one. A broken lot of underwear at 25a and 35c, worth more than doublo. See tho new lino of fall suspenders In our window, at 50c. 10th I nnd Chicago Streets. Mall Orders Filled. KELLEY 8r HEYDEN They mako shirts. Home from Vacation Watch out of order? Jewelry broken? Let us pit them In order for you. W o employ the best workmen and have n fully equipped repair shop. Look for the name, S. W. LINDSAY, the Jeweler, 1510 JJuuuIuh St. Butter Fancy separator creamery, 20c. Choice uairy, kuuu mum uunu, u. Country butter, n good cooking butter. IZHc. Kggs, wo guarantco them to bo strictly fresh. Tea and Coffee Sale Wo cell tho best grado of coffee In Omaha. Arabian Mocha, 31c. Javu n.ul Mocha, 3314c, Kplcuro blend Java-Mocha, 25c. Jumosa Juva-Muclm, 20c. Wo sell good cotfeu for much less, Golden Itlu, 1514c Santos blend, lz'.fcc. . Crown blend, He. Common Rio, 10c. A broken Mocha and Java, "He Kxtrn choice .lapnu ten, only 45o. Kun-cureil Japan ten, for Ice ten, 33c. Kngllhh breakfast, a cliolco drink, 39a. Moyuno gunpowder, flm crop, 3Sc. First crop Japan tea sittings, 19c. Candy Department All our own mako from granulated sugar only. Tho llneet oils and puro vegetable colorings. Peppermint kisses. Co pound. Cloves Cnsslen, Vac Lemon Dips, 8V4c. Fancy l'enr Drops, 6c. Old-tlmo Cut Htlck. 6c. Fancy Mixed Chocolato Caramels and urenmb. do. Fine Cream Mixed, 15c. Chocolate Maple Cream, 25c. Chocolato Fudge, 15c. Cream Drops, 16c. Almond Cream Dainties, assorted, Ko lb. Rose Ci earns, 25c lb. HAYDEN BROS. - SL Watch Us for Watches. Wo have wntehes of all descriptions. Hrautlfiil little ehatelalnn watch, enamel case, for $10. Ladles' nolld gold ease watch, good weight, for $2.",. Gentlemen's solid gold caso. solid weight, for Then wo nave boys wnicnes urm ktir wuicnes, us iow $50. $2.50. Hetter come In ami talk wateii with us. Mnwhinncy fit Ryan Co., Jewelers and Art Stationers, ISth and Oouelis business, but In tho Introduction of lm- 12 M Farnam. Tel. 85. or 1002 N, Sltti St.. Omaha, Neb.