20 WABASn IS BRANCHING OUT Baparat Fnifht Aftnolii to Ba EiUb lliied in tko Two Omaha. SECEDES FROM THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL Auditor noma of Kn City la Ht Checking t'n Arcounta I'rellmlnnrr to Installation of Aent for Increased I'rrlutit Service. Tho Omaha & St. Louis, tho recent pur chaso of the Wabash, will establish sep arate agencies In Omaha and South Omaha at once. This means that It will become n Important factor In tho local freight situation. Heretofore J. V. LMctrlck, freight agent for the Illinois Central, has been Joint agent tor tho Omaha & St. Louis road at Omaha and South Omaha, but the new owners have decided to abolish this ar rangement. Auditor W. II. Itoas of Knnsaa City Is here for the Omaha & St. Louis read, checking up accounts. Ho wilt Install Ocorgo A. Cook as agent at Omaha. The road will still use tho Omaha Urlrtgo & Terminal freight depot at Eleventh and Chicago streets in common with tho Illi nois Central. William Lyons will be made ngent at South Omaha, with offices in the Stock Exchange building, at the saino time. At tho annual meeting of hc Wabash in Toledo, October 8, tho stockholders will formally complete tho purchaso of the Omaha & St. Louis road by providing for the Issuance of $3,500,000 3i per cent gold bonds. This proposition also provides that all of these bonds not required In tho purchase of the Omaha & St. Louis Ilallroad com pany and In tho dlschargo of existing lines thereon shall bo tho property of the Wa bash Ilallroad company and tho proceeds of not less than 1500,000 thereof shall bo ex ponded In tho betterment of tho Omaha & St. Louis railroad and In the acquisition of new equipment (or that line, ItOCK ISLAND'S Kli PASO USE. Progress In the Constrnctlon of Itond Into New Mexico, W. F. Callahan, a railroad contractor whose headquarters are In Omaha, returned yesterday fiom Now Mexico, whro ho has about completed a grading contract on tho Hock Island's extension to El Paso. This now lino runs from Liberal, Kan., to El Paso, and will bo In operation January 1. Mr. Callahan's outfit Is working on a fit-tccn-mllo stretch Just across tho Now Mex ico lino, which will bo finished September 15 and tho outfit shipped to Omaha. Rails havo been laid as far as Laguna, which Is nearly on the New Moxlco-Toxas lino. From that point track Is being laid at tho rato of two nnd a halt miles dally and It is the In tention to reach tho Canadian river by Sep tember 16. Thcro tho work will be held up for sixty days by tho building of a bridge 400 feet long and 135 feet high. From El Paso north the line has already boon completed as far as Carrlzosa, N. M., and tha grade finished to the Canadian river. It nothing unforeseen occurs tho road will be in operation by the first of tho year. It has been built In a substantial manner throughout, eighty-pound rails being laid, steel and iron bridges built and fine station buildings erected. Tho Rock Island will then, have tho short line between Omaha and Chicago and the southwest, Including tho City of Mexico and southern California points. A fine through service will be maintained botween these places. The completion of the El Paso lino has revived talk of tho Falrbury-Sallna cut-off, whloh would shorten the routo between Omaha and the southwest another hundred miles and place a largo amount of fine ter ritory at the disposal ot Omaha's Jobbers and manufacturers. However, It Is not thought that anything will bo dono with this project until spring, but It would not be surprising to see It completed then. Tho Rock Island has also been busy In an other direction and announces that trains arc now running on tho completed portion of tho Anadarko-Enld line In Oklahoma, a distance ot forty miles. Tho following sta tions havo been opened: Lahoma, Ring wood, Isabella and Okeenc. MAY OVEN UP SEW TERRITORY. Jamea J. 11111 Said to tie Planning (or Canadian Trade. James J. Hill of tho Great Northern Is credited In the northwest with the Inten tion ot extending that road In such a way that it may enter now territory In Ne braska, Colorado and Kansas by means ot a traffic arrangement with the Burlington. The recent acquisition by tho Great Northern ot the Great Falls & Canada railroad Is said to be only tho first movo In that direction. This Is a narrow gauge line and extends tor 130 miles from Leth bridge In Alberta province to Great Falls, Mont., where It forms a Junction with the Great Northern. A third rail Is to be laid on this road to mako It standard gauge, when It will be a valuablo coal-hauling Hue' from tho Canadian fields. Then tho Great Northern la to build southeasterly for about 190 miles from Great Falls through the Judith basin country to Billings, Mont., on tho Northern Pacific and Burlington. With this now line In uso the Great North ern could ship direct from the Puget sound country or from the great Canadian coal fields to Nebraska and Kansas via Illlllncs and the Burllnston road. It would bo a short line between theso points and would undoubtedly be a paying Investment. LIGHT IIA1NS I.N NI3I1IIASKA. Burlington and Klkliorn Receive He porta of Pleasant Tone. General but light rains fell In many por tions of Nebraska Friday night, greatly Improving tho condition ot pasturage and making fall plowing easier. Tho Burlington reports rain all over lta southern division, from .05 ot an Inch at Superior to 1.15 at Creto, which received tho 'banner ralu ot tho night. Central City had .36 of an Inch and .40 fell at Kearney, The sandhill country got a good rain, Greeley reporting .37, Erlckson ,65, Burwell .63 and Loup City .34. Rains on the Elkhorn wore reported s from Scrlbner, Long Pino nnd Atkinson In ' tho north. Showers fell on the Superior line from Missouri Valley, la., to York, and also on the Omaha and Lincoln line. INSUFFICIENT PASSKNGHIl CARS. Conntr anil State Fnlr Senaon Ilrlnica Hear)' Travel. Western roads nnd themselves greatly hampered for lack of a sufficient supply ot passenger equipment to meet tho extraor dinary demands now mado upon them. The county and state fair season has arrived nd thero Is an imporatlve call for cars. Added to this county fair business Is La bor day business, which Is Incrcailng the embarrassment, as a great many of the Industrial centers throughout the west are making special arrangements to celebrate this year. There never has been a period of like length In the history of tho rail roads when there has been so much pas senger traffic as during the last summer. Its proportions have been a surprise to passenger officials and, notwithstanding the reported crop failures, It kesps up with surprising steadiness. Temporary Dams, The Union Pacific is putting' In two tem porary dams at Rock River, Wyo to sup ply that station with water during the dry season. One of them will be about seventy feet long and the other ninety feet, holding nearly 1,000,000 gallons. Rock river Is usually empty from ten to twenty days during the dry season and these dams are put In to avoid a water famine. A corps of engineers has recently been at Rock River establishing sites tor two permanent reservoirs, ono to hold 35,000,000 gallons and tho other about 20,000.000 gallons. Ice Cream Social, The members ot tho Knights and Ladles of Security will give an Ice cream social on Thursday evening next at their hall In tho Bee building. Admission, 15 cents. Friends of the order are Invited to attend. Tho Christian Endeavor society ot Kountzo Memorial oburch will give a coun try teto on tho lawn of tho summer homo of Rev. E. F. Trcfz, 4930 California street (Dundee), Tuesday ovcnlng, August 27. Dundeo car line will conneot with tho Far nam street line every fifteen minutes. Ico cream and cake will bo served for 15 cents. Strangers and friends aro Invited to attend. For Sale. ' ' Having retired from tho retail business our property at 14th and Nicholas streets, consisting ot good ofllco building, large wagon scales, sheds, fences, etc., is for sale. Hereafter wo will conduct a whole salo business exclusively. KANSAS & NEBRASKA FUEL CO., 304 South 16th St. Lawn social and entertainment given by Social lodge No. 102, Degree ot Honor, Tuesday ovcnlng, August 27, 1901, at real dcuco ot Sister Arnold, 1533 North 19th street. Icecream and cake. Tickets, 15c. The ftorthweaiern Line. 112.65, ST. PAUL AND RETURN. Aug. 10-31. DULUTH AND RETURN, $16.95, Aug. 10-31. HOT SPRINGS AND RETURN. Aug. 10-31. $18.0. DEADWOOD AND RETURN, $21.25, Aug. 10-31. LOUISVILLE AND RETURN, Aug. 24-26. $21.60. CLEVELAND AND RETURN, Sept. 7-10, Less than halt fare. VERY LOW RATES to the BUFFALO EXPOSITION. CITY OFFICES, 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. Re-No-May powder brings relief to tender feet. Via Baltimore & Ohio Ilallroad Ac count Concatenated Order of Hon Ilnoa. September 7 and 8 tho Baltimore & Ohio Railroad company will sell excursion tickets from Chicago to Norfolk, Va., at rato of $20 tor the round trip, good for return until Septomber 15, account Concatenated Order of-Hoo Hoo. For further informa tion call on or address J. C. Burch, T. P. A., Omaha, or B. N. Austin, general passen ger agent, Merchants' Loan and Trust building, Chicago. A sweet fresh complexion Is the Index ot a healthy skin. The best cure for poor complexions la a bath treatment. Tho natural, sensible way. Tho Bathery, rooms 216-220 Bee building; telephone 1716. A. O. V. W. Picnic. Oakland, Neb., and return August 28, $1.75. Tickets at Webster street depot. Have Root print it. DIED. TREITSCHKE Clarence Q. Steldcr, August zi, iwi, linen l. ycura. Funeral Monday afternoon. August 26, at 3 o'clock, from residence of Mr. nnd Mrs. Julius Treltschke, 909 South Twcntloth street. Interment Prospect Hill. SUMMEIl COLDS AND HAY FKV13II- The very latest remedy for colds nnd hay fovcr out Is Qulnncetol. This Is an nrtlo o of great merit for tho speedy euro of sum mer colds. It has all tho benefits of tho various laxative qulnlno preparations and lacks tho bud effect notlceublo In thOBJ compounds. A summer cold Is very stubborn-harder to cure. In fact, than n winter cold, but a box of Qulnacetol will knock It sky hlKh. Our cut price, 20c a box. $1.00 TEMPTATION TONIC 71c $1.00 CRAMER'S KIDNEY CURE 75c $1.00 PERUNA 75c $1.00 Ilcr's Malt Whisky 75c $1.00 Hu-Can Hnlr Tonlo 5o $1.00 Uncle Sam's Tobacco euro 60c $1.00 West Brain nnd Nerve treatment 17c 50c Gem Catarrh Powder 30c 50c nirnoy Catarrh Powder 353 60c Diarrhoea Cordial 23 c 60c Syrup of Figs 35cCnstorla 2c 60c Malted Milk 4?3 60c Mellcn's Food ..' 40a $2.00 Carl Cramcr'b Cotton Root, Tansy nnd Pennyroyal Pills..., $1.00 SGHAEFER'S c Drue Stora. Tel. T47. t. W. Car. lb ana Chtaag. Saeaa delivered FJIKE to air part at sit. I Rest and Recuperation in the ROCKIES The cool mountain retreats ot Colorado and Utah reached best by THE UNION PACIFIC. Do not make a mistake. All western states and points ot Interest reached with least Inconvenience via the Union Pacific. Round Trip Rates Between Omaha and Pueblo $19.00 Colorado Springs 19.00 Denver 19.00 Glonwood Springs 31.00 Salt Lake City 32.00 Ogden 32.00 Tickets on Sale Aug. II to 31 Inclusive Pueblo $15.00 Colorado Springs 15.00 Denver 15,00 Glenwood Springs 25,00 Salt Lake City 30,00 Ogden so.oo Tickets on Sale Sept. I to 10 Inclusive GOOD FOR RETURN TO OCT. Jl, HOI. New City Ticket ofllce 1.184 Farnani SI, Tel. 310. Union Station 10th and Marcy. Tel, 030. m VSSHtiiRSSl THE OMAHA DAILY mm HUyPAY, AUGUST !!, 1001. BOSTON STOHK HUDSPHUAtl "AI.K. Trarelln Men's Samples of Red. prrnu Psrckuti front a CfcU caico Wholesale llonxe, ON SALE MONDAY In 3 lots, at 49c, 85c and $1.50 oach. Thero aro 72 trunksfull that aro the earn pies of 72 traveling men. Tho lot consists of all kinds ot spreads. Including tho finest. and wo offer them at about a third their value. $6 BEDSPREADS FOR $1.60. Marseilles bedspreads,, fringed and un fringed; all are perfect, but soma are soiled. They are worth up to-$6 each, wholesale; on salo at $1.50. Bedspreads that sold at wholesale for up to $2.50, meaning $3.60 spreads at re tall, go at 85c each. These aro all perfect. All the bedspreads that sold at wholesalo for up to $1.25 each we havo placed In the 49c lot. This is the greatest sale ot bedspreads ever held In the city; the values are phe nomenal. We ndvlso you to como early tomorrow, as tho best naturally go first. BOSTON 8TORE, OMAHA, J. L. Brandels & Sons, Proprietors. Selling Rogers, Pcet & Co. Men's Clothing, Fishing nnd tlantlna;. The angler will find In Utah ample oppor tunities to indulge In his favorite aport The mountain streams are stocked with gamy trout and tho but .little, less gamy black bass abounds In the waters of Utah lake. In season good duck hunting can be had on Utah lake, tha Jordan and around the pools and lagoons of the Salt Lake val ley. On tbo mountain sides grouse are plentiful and larger game can be found on the mountain ranges of the Uintah and Uncompahgre reservation. For time-tables, folders, Illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of the territory tra versed or any Information, apply at city ticket office, 1324 Farnam street; telephone 316 STILL AFTERJTHE BURGLARS Omnha Police Department Adda Two New Scalps (o Its Delt of Trophies, Tho pollco havo added to their belts tho scalps ot two new burglars giving tbo names of Gcorgo Thurston and Charles Allen, In tho sweatbox yesterday these young men confessed to looting the homo of Mrs. Martha Johnson, 2602 South Thir tieth street, on tho night of August 22, from which they took two gold watches, a quantity ot Jewelry nnd part of a silver tea service. Entrance to tho houso was affected by crawling through the cellar window and then removing a panel from tha door at the head of the cellar stairs. Tho men wcro arrested at Sixteenth and Cuming streets yesterday morning by Officer Morris. Each had a big revolver In his hip pocket and ono had a bunch ot six new skeleton keys, still bright from the file of tho locksmith. They admitted that theso keys wero to havo been used In a burglary planned for tonight. They havo been Identified by a Mrs. Mary Llndqulst, 1038 South Twenty-third street, as tho pair who three days ago unlocked her front door and enterod without the formality ot knocking. When she caught sight of them from where she was work ing In tho kitchen sho screamed and thoy ran away. Allen admits that ho served a term In the Wisconsin penitentiary for looting an opera house In Sheboygan. He says he was reared In tho St. Joseph Orphanage, New York City. Of his pal, Thurston, less Is known. Publish your legal nott.ts in Tha Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. Artistic Footwear A general gathering ot smart styles, cor- roct shoe fashions, for men, women, boys and children elcganco and exclusive styles not tbo common kind so much In evidence clsowhcro each and every shoe shown hero fall styles 1901 price always much less we sell high grado shoes only. Men's shoes from $7.00 down to $1.50 Women's shoes from $6.50 to $1.50 Boys' shoes from $3.50 to $1.00 Misses' shoes from $2.50 to $1.00 THE ROCHESTER SHOE CO., 1515 Douglas St. Fall and Winter Styles The Hill Pants Go. havo just received their com plete line of pants patterns the largest ever shown in Omaha and are making them to order for $3.50 $5.00 Give them an order for your fall pants and they will save you from 2 to $4 on every pair. Pants Co., 320 S. 15th St., - Omaha. MIN.XKSOTA STATIC I'AIH. ftpplemtirr n to 10, In addltlna to nil other jtood reasons for visiting Minnesota during the first ten days In SeptcmUr tho Minnesota stole fair affords one of tho best. Extraordinary attractions uavo ucou procured for this stalo fair and tho Northwestern linn hnvn nnnnnnrml ii. cecdlngly low rates from Omaha and points on their line la Kwa and Nebraska to St. Paul, Minneapolis and tho Superiors for .... . . . - ocjuomocr l to 10. Tickets on salo dally with limit October 31. Seo any agent of tho Northwestern line for further particulars. J. It. BUCHANAN, General 1'asscngcr Agent, For policies that am slaht drafts at maturity apply to II. D. Neely, managsr Equitable Life, 20G-2GS Bee building. Ladles' nnd Minors' suits, skirts, waists, wrappers, underskirts, millinery, etc., cash or credit, People's Store. 10th and Farnara Ask your druggist or glove dealer about Re-No-May powder. A great economy In hot weather. Cures excessive perspiration saves gloves, parasols and line dress goods. No dress shields needed it you use It. Re-No-May skin foua tor racial massage. Re-No-May cream softens and whitens hands and face. A. Mayer Co., 220 Boa building. Consultation free from 2 to 1 dally. Lake UkoboJI. Tha Ideal cummer resort. Quickly and easily reached from Omaha via the Milwau kee railway, the only through Una. City office. 1504 Farnam street. For the benefit of patrons who cannot mako daytime appointments tho Bathery now open Thursday and Saturdny ovenings. Tolophono 1716. Rooms 216-220 Bco Bldg. Bead articles of Incorporation, nottcas ot stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bae. We will give them proper legal insertion. Telephone 238. For ezcesslTS perspiration try Re-No-May powder. WARASH EXCURSIONS $13,00 m"" $13.00 CR flR Cleveland nnd return OC flR 0i03 on sale Sept 8 to 13 )Di 03 QI New York City and re- Q vul turn, on salo dally wOl The above rates via tha Wabash from Chicago. For the G. A. IU en campment at Cleveland. O., have your tickets read via tho Wabash to De troit and thence via tho D. & C. Nav. Co., to Cleveland, a beautiful trip across Lako Erie. Tho Wabash runs on Itj own trucks from Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago to Buffalo. Mary special rates will bo given dur ing the summer months. Stopovers allowed on all tickets at Niagara Fulls. Bo suro your tickets read via the WABASH ROUTE. For rates, fold ers and other information, call on row nearest ticket agent or write Iarry K. Moorcs, Gcnl. Agent, Pass. Dept., Omaha, Neb., or C. S. Crane. G. P. & T. A., St. Louis, Mo. Honest Work and Honest Prices! Paying moro than wo ask will lnsuro you no better work or material. You can't do better you may do worse. TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA DENTAL ROOMS, 1517 Doug'" st MONDAY'S SPECIAL BARGAINS at the BOSTON STOItlS DltCG DEPT. West's Brain and Nerve Treatment 3 Boxes (or 23c. Good pair Crutches, any size 9So Good Feather Duster loo Good Whisk Broom jQ 2- quart Fountain Syringe, guaranteed ono year 4j0 3- qunrt Fountain Syringe, guaranteed one year t9c 3 packages Poison Fly Paper Be Fisher's Root Beer go Lavender Flowers, ounce ioc All prescriptions formerly filled nt Klns ler Drug Co., Eco-.otnlcal Drug Co., Now Economical Drue Co., Waldron & Campbell and Mcrritt-Grah&m Drujr Co., can now be rilled only at BOSTON STORE J DRUG 19 DEPT. -- Janitors We wnnt to call the attention oUr many JANITOR CUSTOMERS our new line. of to window minimis CHAMOIS SKINS STEAMBOAT MOPS COTTON MOPS LINEN SLASIIEIIS 1'EATIIEII DUSTEnS FLO OK IHIUSHKS CAltltlAGE SPONGES METAIi POLISHES SCIIIJI! IHtUSHES. Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1311 Dorisr Street. Tool Headquarters, IF YOU WEAR we wm 10 00 IT But It Is a case of must. We liked the good old wuy of volltng good goods for nothing, but others say, nit; sumo other fellows kick, not themHelvns, but to tho Ejbllc; nevertheless, THEY KNUCKLE lOWN nnd sell Just tho samo as we do ns follows: 8. S. 8. (largo) i.6o 8. 8. S. (small) Ptnkham's Compound bOc 8wnmp Root (lurgo) 85a Swamp Root (small) lie Syrup of Figs 0o Wakefield's 1!. B. Balsam 30a Chamberlain C. & D. Remedy 23o Bromo Qulnlno I'oo Carter's l'llls 20g Melllns Food 0a lllro's Root Beer l$a Ltsterlne 75c Cutlcura Soap 20a Eye Cream Balm 75a Ely Cream Balm "5o Compnro the prices above with tho fel lows that kick and "don't" and seo how near they aro alike. FULLER M CO., 14th DosiIm lis. AN INNOVATION, llirurilnn In Nrr VnrU t lUHtmnr Ohio llnllrnail, Round trln llitt u.lll l, nl.l frnm tilt V 1 in October 20, Chlcr, to New York, at a M a ... ji mr me round trip, with stopover going nt cither Washington, Ilnltlmnre or I'hlU delphln or at the Pan-American exposition reluming. This will enable you to visit Atlantlo City or other seaside resorts. Send 12 cents for "Ouldn to Washington" and "Reasons Why." For further Information call on or address J. 0 llurch, Omaha. Neb., or II. N. Austin, General l'asscngcr Agent, 133 Adams street, Chicago. For tired feet Rc-No-May powder. Hamilton Warren, M. 0 eclectic and magnctlo physician, ofT.ce at tha Central hotel, Cor. 16th and Dodgo streets, till a suitable location can be found. Special at tention to all long standing or lingering diseases and to diseases of women and children. Nothing like Re-No-Mny powder for ex cessive perspiration of hands or feet; posi tively cures tender and swollen feet, corns and bunions. Incitiest Given Verdict nt I'Icm rlnmt. CLEVELAND, O.. Auk. 2.-Coroticr Hl man todav rendered his verdict on the dtsnster three days iiro, In which n dozen lives were lost. He Mucin tho city of Cleve land, Urn subcontractors and tin rrlti en gineer Jointly responsible, the former be cause Its olllcluln knew, through Inspec tors, of tho absence of ordinary precau tions for mi vine life; the subcontractors be cause they fnllcd to provide protection to life; tho engineer because ho permitted tho smokestacks to become o":rhcntcd. Laird, Schober & Co. Philadelphia are the favor ite shoemak ers for partic ular women. Their shoes are for the critical, for the properly dis criminating, for those who want what is just right. Grand Priz Paris Exposition, 1900 WE illustrate ma -ra a me fiiaine, jpi. one of Laird. A1"i2 bchober & Co.'s favorite r lasts. Made in both Oxfords and Boots. "Wissahickon" Among Laird, Schober & Co.'s newest and most effective Walking Boots. A nota ble example of master ful shoe making. Wo are exclusive agents for these goods and Invito Inspection. FRY SHOE CO FOItMEIlLY Cartwrigbt N. E. Cor. laSth and Doufl Important to Amateur Photographers Wo have Just complied tho most complete catalogue ot photo material oVei Issued In this country. Goods nnd prices nro strictly up to date nnd nil tho latest novelties nre Included If o. aro Interested, call or send for copy. Special sulc on albums for next fow days. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER COMPANY 1215 Farnuiu Straut. Wholesale and retail dealers In Pho tographic Material. Shrader's Fig Powder The giver of health nnd strength a medicine that has the power to expell the poison from the system and prevent appendicitis has the right to be in every home. It is a cure for constipation and gall stones. Doctors can send for samples. Address, W. J. Shrader Medicine Co., New York Room 10, No. 30 East 14th 3U or 1C02 N. 2Uh St., Omaha. Neb. mm n IIAVnEII! Every Day Has IIAT UCHS New Attractions The liiii'iiliis iiic ht t'oiiilng tjiviilcr Mini (lie itowiIh Iiiciviim iii. Take the lime, If only for 15 iiiIiuiIcm, to xtcp into the llvi Hem. and most liiiHlnemdlke CLOAK DliPA UTM HNT In thi wvM Uun,v when all oilier clonk depart incnls arc Idle. UarfjaliiH for the public when others have none to offer. Mvcry liiiriiicnl uiuhI and will be sold in the next few dayH. Vou owe It to yournelf to attend this sale, Women's suits that sold as high us ?lf.()(); silk lined throughout, for $12.50 Women's suits that have sold up to .f'Ju.Oll; some silk lined throughout, for $0.90 H00 women's .suits, in all colors, .'12 to I I, made in all wool materials, worth up (o .f-O.UO, for only $7.50 HOO raiiiy-tlay shirts, worth up to ?l.00, for $1.90 1H0 rainy-day skirts, otitis and ends or I he Uncut quality skirts- that sold as high as $10 and sale price... $398 Ladies' silk capes that sold at J?r.00, sale price only.... 98 Ladies' wotd capes, liT-in long, worth up to $0, for $2.98 Ladies' Dress Skirls - One big tabic, worth up to ?l(), for. . $4.90 Ladies' dress skirts, worth up to .fll.00, for $2.98 livery waist in our house must be sold this week. There will not be one left Saturday night. Women's waists for 12Jo each. Women's HOc wash waists for 25c Women's line white waists, worth $li.r0, for 69c. All our extremely line waists that sold up as high as $3.50 Silk and Satin Waists One lot of otlds ami cuds, In per fect condition; no two alike that is why they are sold so cheap worth up to 12.(10, for . . . .' $2.98 Infant's long cloaks, for $1.25 150 ladies' early fall jackets; just arrived by express; bought by our Xew York buyer at. a sacrifice, worth up to $ 10.00, for $3.98 WATCH FOIt OUK (J IMS AT OPHXINO VVM SALK. UJLVnCill IIAT UCnS We have had closed tut to us the entire floor stock from French, Shriner & Urner, Kockland, .Mass,, makers of the finest men's shoes. They have made and built up their immense trail on FINE goods, but like all large factories do have to accept countermands on goods already made for their customers. The goods closed out to us were all thrown on their hands In that way. The lot, over (500 pairs, Men's patent calf laco or button, with winter wear, worth up to $7.50 Men's patent kid lace or button, worth Men's Colt kid laco or button, worth up Men's Ideal kid laco or button, worth up Men's vlcl kid lace, worth up (o 13.00 Men's colt skin lace, worth up tn $3.00 Men's tnn vlcl kid lace, worth up to 13.00,... Men's willow calf laco, worth up tu 13.50.... Women's vlcl kid lace, worth up to 13.00.... Women's tan vlcl kid lace, worth up to $3.00.. Women's tan calf lace, worth up to $3.C0 These goodB aro tho I1K8T values that havo over been offered, and lowor than any other storo In tho city. Tho Dig Htorn does the SHOE business of tbo city. Agonts for tho Stetson nnd Crnssctt Dros. and tho "Ultra" shoes for ladles. Shots in Bargain Room on Monday. Women's tan or black vlcl kid, worth up to $2.60 sale price Boys' and youths' satin calf lace, worth $1.50 sale prlco ,,,, Llttlo cents' satin calf lace, a $1.00 value salo price Misses' heavy vlcl school shoes, $1.2.', Childs' of same, 98c, 75c, 69c, 69c nnd NOW IS TUB TIME TO UUV SCHOOL AW ft Fil ' n AY UlNS For the next few days. We positively will not carry over any light weight or light color clothing into another season. Did you see those $10,00, $12.50 nnd $15.00 suits that wo aro closing out at $5.00? They are tho greatest values over shown In Omaha. Did you get a pair of thoso $2.50 to $4.50 simple pants that wn art lellltiR at .'") nnd $1,507 If you can wear 36 to 48 alzo waist pants, don't miss the sale. There aro still a few pairs left In these sizes. We rtlll havo a few ot thoso samplo coats unci vests that aro worth from JS.50 to $3.50, on sale at $1.95. Thoy come li ulr.os 33 to 37 only. SPECIAL CLEARING SALE ON ALL OUIt IIOVS' LONO CANTS SUITS AND KNEE PANTS SUITS. Long pants suits, worth $7.50 to $15.00; on sain at $3.75, $3.0) and $7.50. Kneo pants suits that regularly soil for $3.00 to $7,50, go on sale at $1.50, $2.50 and $3.75. Iiead adtl on page 11. HAYDEN BROS. s s We Sell IILANKE'S FAMOUS FAUST BLEND, the linest Coffee In the world. J. M. Johnson. 2101 Cuming Street, Omaha, Nebr., Phone IJIack 20GH. It Takes GOOD TOBACCO and HAND THE rrf,i-,i-r7iW Is Now Being Made From Fine Cuban Tobacco, Crop of 1900. F. It. RICE M. C. CO., Manufacturers, St. Louis. UNION MADE When writing to advertisers mention having read their advertisement in Jhc Bee, Unprecedented Sale of Fine Footwear. Include two full soles for fall nnd up to J7.(10 to $7 GO . to J7.&0.... One Price 2.98 i One Price 1.59 assssi i lOni PrlM sj ,59 ....... i 1,1 shoes for men llrooks SS(, 73c, 69c and 63c. 39c. 8HOK3. .G5c Gr4at ("taring Salt of all Summer Olothing WORK to Make a Qood lOo CIGAR la y miiisKI m 1.43 Warn J)8c WW