BUSINESS CHANCES. ClOAIl cane, wall cane, coun.-rs, complote cigar store outrlt, laundry rnck; call Mon day. r,la Q at, South Omaha. Y 797 & SNAP, In a business whcro you sell Ihe amount of your capital stock every month: good reasons for selling! smail capital required; no fake; desirable busi ness. Address li 00. line. Y Ml Y SOI FOR SALE, millinery stock, with tstab llshcd trade; Rood location; invintory about 1500; town about U population, near Omaha. Address 13 45, liee. Y 7t7 23 FINEST confectionery and fruit store In Folrbury. Neb., for ialo cheap. C. H. Karges, Falrbury, Neb. Y 7 0 23 r DOOD tea and coffeo route, cheap; south western Iowa, For full particulars ad- uiron t, oo, umana uee. l iu i- COMFORTABLE Income nssured from In vestment $100; we accept $10 Just for trial; profits paid weekly by money order; high est commercial references and (by perm a Ion only) from customers; booklet fre. W. W. O'Hara, Union Trust building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Y 722 SB Wall, STREET now offers Investors and speculators nplcndld opportunities In pick ing up low-prlccd stocks; our "Dally Hints'' mailed at 4 p. tn., sets forth fully . these chances to those Interested; write for same; exceptional facilities for hmd llng both small and largo lots In the stock. Brain, cotton and coffee markets: sma'l .traders will find It to their advantage to communicate with us; read our market letter on the various stocks; Ret lu.o the market In time to take advantage of Improving conditions; correspondence In vited. W. R. Vermllye & Co., 62 Droadwiy, New York City. Y-721 25 (NIQIIT SCHOOL, Neb. Bjs., Boyd theater. Y-S06 23 FREE reliable Information regarding tin wonderful California oil fields and lrw you can double your money Inside of In next ninety days In absolutely tafe In vestments, Investigate this at once; high est bank and commercial references fir kilshcd. Address Dcnlson, Hnmmor.d & Co. (bankers), Marquette bldg., Chlcaio, FOR BALE, a ccrtlncato of the Omaha Board of Trade; fine Investment. Ad dross B SO, Bee office. Y CM 23 FOK SALE, an Interest in a corporation which has paid over 100 per cent dividends in the last five years; bueyr'H personal attention to the business not necessary: stato amount you have to Invest. Alt communications confidential. Addre-s E 44, Bee. Y 077 25 SMALL amounts of monev earn good weekly Incomes: no speculation or risky venture: business legitimate nnd money secured by property. For particulars ad dress E. J. Arnold & Co., Uennlst build ing, St. Louis, Mo. Y 728 25 FOR SALE, 200 tons corn nnd cano fodder, In connection with 100 acres choice winter pasture in Dawson county. Call or ad dress C. A. Edwards. Gothenburg, Neb. Y 013 27 NIGHT SCHOOL, Neb. Bus., Boyd theater. Y-806 23 ton SALE, furniture of 14-room flat, com pletely equipped; filled with first-class roomers and boarders: gross Income per month $180; rent. $50: fine location; steam heated; lady obliged to go cast: a rare bargain; seeing Is believing. J. II. John ton. N. Y. Life. Y-M330 HARDWARE stock, $3,000; staple goods; best location in city 23,000 population; an nual sales, $15,000; must sell on account of other business: fine oroDosltlon. J. II. Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y-S89 FOR EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE'. TO EXCHANGE. CHICAGO. Choice apartment building, with every modern convenience, within one block of Garfield park, in the finest residence dis trict: two' blocks from Lake street ele- $22,600 at 6 per cent; pays well; nwher wishes to movo west and will trado for clear improvcu property in umana, jjhi- might take a good farm; full particulars zurnisnru on api'iiufluuu, miuui.u w... real estate brokers, 101 Washington st., Chicago, X6 EXCHANGE, a modern 8-room house, with full Int. within 3 blocks of DOltofllcO. South Omaha. This property Is up to date In everv way., Will exchange for a good- farm in western Iowa or eastern Nebraska. Address Geo. L. Dare, South omana, mod. TO EXCHANGE -CHOICE CHICAGO INCOME PROPERTY, tVn tinvn Knvprnl attractive nieces of Chi- rnnn nrnnertv. ranclnc In price from $10,000 to $200,000, to exchange for clear Improved city property west of Chicago; also several largo blocks paying good In comes to exenange tor gooa western inrm lands and cash; lull particulars furnished on application. McGulre & Orr., rotl estate brokers, 101 Washington st., Chi cago. WlLL exchange for unencumbered real estate, 8 per cent dividend stock of sub stantial company. Address Anthony Blum, Box 40, Cambrldgcport, Mass. Z M766.28 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. R. C, PETERS & CO.. 1702 Farnam St. loeclul bargains In Omaha and farm prop erty for this week. No. 6M-Southeaat corner of 20th and Wirt st., a beautiful home. 10 rooms, all mod ern, with. barn, ground' 99x124; price, $0,000; less than one-half the' cost. Ho. 4582833 Dodge St., 6 rooms and bath, almost new. walking distance, renting for $21.50, and $2,000 will buy It. No. 12134818 Capitol nve 8 rooms and bath, good barn, south front and Dundeo Is a beautiful place to live in; price, $2,500, No. 40iT N,' 28th st.. new 6-room cottage, ' with large, rooms, bath, closet, wash stand, gas and fixtures, one block from 24th st. car: price. $2,250. )0th and Emmett St.. 6-room house, good repair, barn and two lots, only one block from car; price, $1,300; a snap. (wo vacant lots on 30th st north of Bris tol with paving tax all paid; only $400. Special bargain In a 310-acro. improved farm In Sarpy county. 6V4 miles from Gretna; 180 acres In corn that will go from 60 to GO bu. per aore. balance In pasture nnd hayland, nil fenced, with sidetrack Hi mites from larm. I'rlce or thts farm Is $35 per acra If sold this week. Sent. 1 price will bo $40. Call at office and boo u sample or corn growing on this rarm and you wilt buy It. Will show farm any time. Como soon or It will be gono. R. C. PETERS & CO.. Tel. 98. 1703 Farnam. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 FARNAM ST., OMAHA. HQIIHKH vnn an n 1014 Cass st. 9-room house, full lot. fur . nace. gas. porcelain bath, stationery , washstand and beat kind of closet; house In good condition and neighborhood one , of the beat In the city. Cash. $500: bal- ' Sst0 p?iw VsSraonU' per ccnt Ur 2018 Ohio st'.-Lot' 40x122 feet, 6-room cot , take, very desirable; also barn tor two i horses. 9603 ft Mary s ave.-S-room cottage, In muuu "rv. v.'""1' warning an tance of city. Price, $1,875. DESIRABLE LOTH. East front lot on 40 th St., near Howard: . BlICKiai inAr, UIIU III lull. 4T1CC. Il,8UUt Near 35th and Harney ats. Price, $t,630. d st.. near California. 66-foot lot. $1,050. Dodge St.. near Kth. 78x148. $3,500. ACRE TRACTS. 10 acres. 4 miles city, sultablo for garden. Ing. Price $600. 10 acres. 3 miles south of South Omaha, , Price $1,000. I teres, near South Omaha. Price $450. f r RE-75JM O ACRES 2 miles north of Florence, with s-rnom house, good barn, three chicken houses, hog house, etc.; several acres In fruit; fenced and cross-fenced. This la a pretty farm and just the place to make money: ,vw. rtujumiu iuuu soiu tor per acre. THE BYRON REED CO.., 213 R ItTH ST. Kc (VI a FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES AND LOTS. FARM 8 AND RANCHES. DO YOU WANT TO BUY 7 DO YOU WANT TO SELL? If so call upon or telephone the 1 GEORGE P. BEM1S HEAL E8TATE CO., Telephone 583 304-ilOA Paxton Block. HOUSES AND LOTS., There Is a fine house, well located, 600D NEIGHBORHOOD, CLOSE IN, on a PAVED STREET, with six rooms down stairs, one very large unfinished room up stairs, street paving and all special and regular TAXES PAID, NO INCUM BRANCE, modern except furnace and bathtub, good barn. ONLY $2,400. An elegant home, two blocks from car line, largo lot 50x132, east front, eight rooms, modern except furnace, beautiful lawn, tine large shade trees, large barn, fruit, all In good condition. $2,900. A fine house, 9 rooms, strictly modern, good barn, 3 lots, nice shade trees, paved street, In the best part of the city. Only $10,000. For other nice homes call and examine our long list. RESIDENCE LOTS. Wo have some very nlco lots near the Country club that wo aro selling very cheap, Insldo lots $200 each, corner lots $230. Come In right away and get your rholce. Also fine lots near car line trom $75 to $200, $5 down nnd $3 per month. Other lots, beautifully located, $300 each, $10 down nnd $10 per month. For somo of the best lots in tlio city from $1,000 to $3,000. CALL AND SEE US. FARMS AND RANCHES. NEBRASKA. Douglas county, 640 acres, $46 per acre. Washington county, 115 acres, $60 per acre. SaunderH county, COO acres, $36 per acre. Hall county, 210 acres, $30 per acre. Dawson county, 10) acres, $10 per acre. Holt county. 320 acre, $10 per acre. FOR OTHER COUNTIES WHITE U3. Missouri, 540 acres, $20 per acre. Montnnu, 530 acres, $11 per acre, lnwa, 563 acres, $45 per acre. Virginia, 90 acrefc, $23 per acre. Kahsas, 20,000 acres, $3 per acre. California, 10 acres lemons, $500 per acre. WE CAN LOCATE YOU IN ANY STATE. INVESTMENTS. Two-story double frame block, 48x43 feet, 4 apartments, 26 rooms, lot 50x128, on car line, rental Income $40 per month. ONLY $2,000. The above Is only a sample taken trom our Investment list. 4V4 PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN ON GILT-EDGE REAL ESTATE SECURITY. ALSO WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. GEORGE P. BEMI8 REAL ESTATE CO., (Established In 18CS.) Telephone 5So. Paxton Block. RE-751 25 CHOICE INVESTMENTS. 320 acres fine farm. Sarpy county, will go 60 bushels corn to acre, for quick sale at 135 an acre. Finely Improved property, central location, near High school, rents $840 a year; price, $6,500. Six acres right on Center, macadamlied street, tine place for chickens, fruits, etc., $825. Great bargain, 10-room house, close in, rental $40 per month; price only J3,5'0. Fine garden land; 20 acres southwest of city, splendid place, for $2,330. Hicks, Real Estate, 323 Board of Trade. RE-700 RANCH In Missouri, 5,008 acres, with house, barn, good well nnd fruit; plenty of timber and pasture. This can be bought within the next few days, $2.50 an acre. B. R. Ball, 526 N. Y. Lite. RE-755 23 DESIRABLE building lots In all parts of the city. B. R. Ball, (26 N. Y. Life. RE 755 23 WANTED, a buyer for 1C0 acre farm in Holt county, one mile from Paddock:, not cultivated, uan in n. aisi st., umana. RE-78S 23 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. J. A. PAINTER, Salesman. Have $2,000 cash for 6 to 8-r. mod. cottage, reasonable distance. Also $6,000 cash for good investment prop erty. Money waiting for best offers. Have anything to fit either case tell us. RE 767 25 GARVIN BROS.. 1601 FARNAM ST. Commercial Nat'l Bank Bldg. $3,100 Rents $450 per annum, 2 houses, full lot, 20th near Leavenworth, A bargain. $3,300 Rents $372 per annum, 2 houses, full lot, near Jam ana icavenworin. $2,400 Rents $264 per annum, good seven room hoube. with city water, bath, closet gas, furnace; good barn, with water and carriage wasn, on pavca street, near so in tind Parker sts. $1,500 Blx-room cottage, city water, barn, nice lot, near 20th and Ohio sts. $600 Choice vacant lot. water, gaa nnd sewer on street, near 20th and Miami stB. $550 Five-room house, city water, corner lot, S5th and Hamilton ats. $260 East front, vacant lot, on grade, on car line, aotn St., near uristoi. GARVIN BROS., 1601 FARNAM ST. RE-770 23 FOR SALE, beautiful at re lots In Burn- nam l'tace, laying nigh and sitcly, c.oso to Benson motor line: nnlv 12E0 ner nrrn. Also a line 6-room house, good wel', cistern, taw.h iibi umvnn Alum fllivci vur and one block from paved road; $750 for nan-acre oi Krounu. I have also three very fine houses fhnt mnf u soiu ni any reasonaoio pneo on account oi parties naving oougnt land in the Silver Hill colony, Alabama, and want to movo down there this fall; these will be sold at great bargains. Four line building .lots, south front, right on graae, newer, oniy iu minutes' walking distance trom postottlco; only $700 for nir J, A. LUVUHIin, 1.1 I'AAiUN HIAJCK, K 746 25 TWELVE of the finest nnd cheapest lots in tne city in uiock id. wucox's first addlWon. 1 block north of Vinton St Lots facing 24th street, cast front, all on arado ........IfW) Lots facing 25th nlreet $500 ioo cash. Da lance on easy terms. Also homes In any part of the city, cheap, on easy terms. Call and see W. H. BUS- HL.LL, 1.6 itamge uiag city, wis M49S. OWNER old, must sell mortgaged York farm; no trado Box 283, York, Neb. HE LOTS. 28tn and 29th Fairmont Place, on favorable terms. Addrus F. H. Kappen. 133 West Water at.. Milwaukee. Wis. RE S-ROOM houses, modern except furnaoe; rnnh riavmcnt down, hnliinra mnnthw Prices $1,650 to $2,000. B. R. Bull. 526 N. Y Life. RE-754 25 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lire insurance, uemis, x-axton uik. RE-741 RANCH and farm lands for sale by tho union I'acinc railroad company, li. A. MOAiiaster, land commissioner. Union Fa, vlflc Headquurters, Omaha, Neb. RE 745 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam St Mi IJ FOR BALE. IRRIGATED LAND. Why rent when you can buy Irrigated land for $25 per acre, with a perpetual water right that guarantees you a crop every year? Land wl'hln flv hours' ride of the pesi niaraei in ine country. These lands can only be bought of W. H. vtrecn or u, n. uuca, ua n. x. Lire blag. . AMVS Ail' TWO SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. rnt t mm n t k nnma nHlu w. ....... Georgia ave. and Woolworth, at right unco. . a nrdi nome in a cnoic location, You should see this. Eight-room modern house. 35th nve., near farnam, good as new, $8,760. Nice home for any one. We have several houses of E and rooms that we can sell at tsoo tn ihnt r very cheap. Some of these on small Kiyments. See eur list. OADWELL ft SPENCER, Eel New York UlC. A CI. W, Itta T71 SO THE OMAHA DAtLY BEEt SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 1901. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WHY pay such HIGH rent when you can BUY property so cheap less than HALF Its former cost on a few HUNDRED cash and balance monthly. Sav what you may, property Is still very low In Omaha. You will not have as GOOD an oppor tunity to Invest at on ADVANTAGE again In years. Plant your footsteps In the ADVANTAGEOUS today nnd let your FAMILY enjoy tho beautiful tomorrow. We offer the following REAL BAR GAINS! 4 ' AVONDALE PAnK. Lot 27. block 1 is tho EXACT CENTER of tne city, within 120 feet or tnis lot we have a BEAUTIFUL 6-room nil modern house, south front, FINE lot. close to HIGH SCHOOL, business and ST. JOHN'S CHURCH: one block from NEW Harney St. car line; for ONLY $2,800; $300 cash. We ALSO have a number of VACANT lots. NOW Is your GOLDEN, opportunity. KOUNTZB PLACE. 1081 On Emmet St., near boulevard, SOUTH rront, Mt, lot, 8 rooms, wen ouui; iiaiii, GAS, hot and cold water, cemented cel lar, GOOD bam, line lawn, shade trees, shrubbery. AN IDEAL home. $3,600. REASONABLE TERMS. Look at those beautiful VACANT lots on BINNEY, WIRT, SPENCER, LATHROP and EMMET STS. Never BEFORE have then" lots been offered as cheaply as NOW. You can't EXPECT LOWER PRICES. REES PLACE. 1074-On 28th St., TWO blocks from Hans- com farK car line. 7 rooms, tiengntiui EA8T front lot. paved street, EXCEL LENT neighborhood. Houso Is fill mod ern, GAS, BATH, sewer, cemented cellar; shade trees, lawn, llowcrs, etc. Only $4,000; part cash, balance can be arranged 6063-On South 26th St.. within a stone's cast of ALL BAINTS CHURCH; good 7 room house, cemented cellar; BATH ROOM, OAS, HOT AND COLD WATER! paved street; walking distance to HIGH Kchool and business, and is offered .for $3,000. If you want to get close In THIS Is your opportunity. Only n few BEMIS PARK lots left. If you want ono net quicKiv Tor soon tne HARVEST will be past and the SUMMER ended and you till still bo living In a RENTED house, with nothing but receipts in return. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY. MAIN FLOOR NEW YORK LIFE BLDG, HE 693 23 HAMILTON LI8T OF MODERN HOUSES JUST COMPLETED. WEST FARNAM IMBTIIICT. 110 rooms, first story finished in oak, enst ironi, comer lot, anuDie noor, goon rur naco. high Brads nlumblnr. electric? wir ing, 10-foot cellar, concrete floor, walks nnd steps; located on the southwest cor ner S5th and Dodge. In fact thla property has all tho good qunlltlos nnd none of ths poor; is lino giving It away, put 1 need money. . Bacrlflco No. 2 Is a 7-room house, same as above, without oak finish; price only $3 9,0. Nos. 8 nnd 4 Seven rooms each, on Inside 101, ),aw. earns location. One -7-room modem on Howard St., mw piumDing ana furnace; good repair, iz.oio. One 6-room, 414 So. 28th St., all modern; built two years, $2,800. 1 Two 8-room, nil modern, close in, $3,760. One 8-room, all modern, corner lot, good barn, large trees, north part. $5,200. One 6-rcom, city water In kitchen, corner lot 45x116, paved St., $1,400. Houses on 33th and Dodge 'will be open Sunday afternoon. Call and see them. R. P. Hamilton, 1713 Farnam St. Tel. ma. KK 674 Co MY BARGAIN LIST. 623 8. 26th ave., ftrat-class 10-r. all modern nousc, in nne shape and easy walking dis tance. A snan at 827.60. 1210 N. 24th, good 9-r. house with bath and gas. newly nanered: onlv I2S. S305 California. 10-r., good condition, $.7. Will rent to two families. 8216 Corby, nice 7-r, house, reduced to $12 if tnken at once. 3037 S. isth ave.,, large 3-r. brick houses; vnty ao. , 2228 Ohio, very desirable 8-r.-house, .with bath, gas, etc, Handy to car; only $25. 419 N. 14th, 6-r., city water, etc.. $16. 828 N. 24th, So. Omaha, 6-r bath, gas, e'.c; u uurKuin ai 919. For real estate bargains, low rate loans. aounu lire insurance, aKiu HENRY B. PAYNE. 601-1 N. Y. I.IFU. HENRY B. PAYNE, 601-2 N, Y. LIFE. D 741 25 IF YOU nre looking for a real bargain .w. tun iu bu uui nuu duo 431 ri, iCUill St., one-hnlf block north of Lake, 7-room cottage, 61 feet frontage, ample room for another house, large shade trees, brick walk. Owner a non-resident and is ask ing $1,600.00. but wants offer. Will you give $1,300,007 We aleo have 3010 Franklin St.,. a 6-room cotiago ana tun lot; owner says, if sold soon. $650.00 cash will take It. The Byron Reed Co., 212 So,, ltth St. KtS 703 25 FOR SALE, one two-story eight-room nouse; onu xour-room nouse, close to school and street car, good neighborhood; rents for $21 per month. This property can be bought this week for $1,600. It Is a bargain. J. A. Lovgren, '424 ' Paxton block. r RE 744 28 660 ACRES, Sarpy county .farm; fine stock uinn; u. acres oouom, iuu corn, z-v up land; living water; 3 sets buildings; great bargain, $35 per acre. Hiram A. Sturges, 517 N Y. Life, Omaha, Neb. RE-762 25 A. P. TUKEY & BON. Six acres, with barn, and outbuildings, on Grand Ave., west of Central Park school. Four acres In Pundt Place, with house and oarn, very cneap. unis is a desirable place for dairy purposes or chicken ranch. A. P. TUKEY & SON, BOARD OF TRADE. K 647 28 6-R. HOUSE, on paved St., city water, a hnrcrtilti 1 4VA 5-r. cottage,' cof., east front, .good repair, owner leaving city, $1,500. 5-r. cottage, 19th and Paul, good rep., $1,2:0. R.w ........ . .' . 1. . . . . . . -. .uiia(ci ufcii aim iitirieft, guy waicr. , good repair, rents at $120. $800. 4-r. COttniro. ?Jlth nnri ItiirriBH. tACA 4-r. cottage, 32d and Franklin, $400. ' yi. junatc, urn, norm Ames Ave., 40J. r. 1 cottage, 19th and Mason, city water, $850 wui, hi umu, win Biuuiy enow you any or flips'. hmlNni F. D. Wcad, 1624 Douglas. RE 6)4 16 I WILL personally conduct my land excur sion 10 Oliver uui, Alabama; ltacs Omaha 6:15 p. m., September 3, via the Wabash, Mobile & Ohio railroads; there has now been a number of parties from Omaha and Immediate vicinity that have bought land and are more than pleased with the land, climate, water and soil; good for stock and anything you. want to plant, a first-class market for' everything you raise to sell. For further particulars call or write to J. A. Lovgren. 421 Paxton block, Omuha, Neb. RE M717 2J THE Sutnhen home. In KounUe Place, a desirable 12-room, modern residence, 21st and Emmet, hard wood finish, good barn, largo yard, four lots: house unusually well built and decorated, beautiful yard. Price, only $12,000. Owner might con sider part In trade. Byron Reed Co.. 211 8. 14th t RE M697 37 TUKEY WILL BUILD HOUSES. For parties having from $300 to $500 cash we will build houses In Clifton Mill or Bomls park, costing about $1,000; The balance to be paid in monthly payments of from $13 to $15. Here is an opportunity to get a new house, arranged to suit your- A. P.'TUKEY & SON, BOARD OF TRADE. ii-Hj m BARGAINS. $3,000 for new 6-room house on high ground one block from Hanscom Park. $2,700 for 8-room house, 3,u for 7-roDm house on high ground, 3 blocks from Hanscom Park. Big bargain. $7,400 for large modern .resi de nee, double lot. barn, on high ground, half block from Hanscom Park. Snap, $1,700, corner lot, on car line, near Hanscom Park. $4,500 will build two houses to rent for $76 monthly. Willis Todd, 634 N, Y. L. Bldg. RE-677 25 2.600 FOR 9-room, all modern, house; best bargain In Kountse Place: tine location: $1,0 rash, balance long time. See me quick If you want It J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Life. RE-M631 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SWEET 1IKADLEY. 'Tel. 1473. - 613 N. Y, U Bldg. WE HAVE THE BEST BARGAINS. WE SOLD FOUR OF THE PROPERTIES ADVERTISED LAST WEEK. WE can help YOU to a good bargain In 'a home or vacant lot. 7-room houe,- porcelain bath, closet, gas, water, sewer, barn, fenced, lot 60x130; nice location In Orchard Hill. Should btlnjt $2,500. For this week only $1,70). 6-room cottage, Vinton, near 23d, water, gas. bricked cellar, picket fence, lot S3xll2, PAVING ALL PAID. Price reduced from $1,600 to $1,100. Rents for $12. A SNAP. S-r. cottage nnd lot, 19th, near Leav., water, gas. sewer, shade, PAVINO PAID IN FULL, $1,650. This Is a genuine bargain. On 17th, near Nicholas, 5-r. cottage, lot 23x140, paving all paid; only $1,150. i On Davenport and 25th, 7 rooms, water, sewer, shade, lot 83x115; best bargain cn Capitol Hill at $2,000. 7-room modern house, 1 block west of Hans- bargain. Parker, near 25th, 7 room house nnd gno-1 barn, strictly modern, lot 45x126; PAVING PAID IN FULL. Only $2,500. A SNAP. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS. Hanscom Place, 60x150, E. front, $860. Manderson and 25th, 60x123, fine trees, fSTO. 62x126 near 24th and Ames, $260. Parker and 28th, 42x120, E. front, $650. 33x140,- JOth, near Grace, paving paid, $760. 60x130, Orchard Hill, $175. ALWAY8 SEE US BEFORE CLOSING A DEAL. SWEET & JIEADLEY. Tel. 1472. 613 N. Y. L. Bldgi RE-748 25 LOT 9. block 14. Bedford Place, on North 30th St,, nt end of car line, water, sewer nnd street paved. $250; eosy terms.. Lots 21 and 22. block 1, Orchard Hill. $190 for both lots: sold during boom days for $1,600. If you want to triple your money see us about these. THE BYRON REED CO.. 212 S. 14TH ST. RE-r705 35 C. F. HARRISON & GEO. T. MORTON. 91? N. Y. Life, buy and sell. Inquiries Invlttd. RE 783 A30 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 652 Bee Building. RE-744 H. C. PETERS & CO. On our bargain counter with a 1900 tag on It. A .line, well-Improved 160-n. farm In Doug- las county at $45 per ncrn. A house and H lot at 26th and Corby sts., $8o0; $150 cash, balanco monthly payments. A fine residence, modern. 9 rooms, on 31st st., near Hanscom park. $4,500. $300O1 '0t 81 17th and Mandcrson ats at A six-room house at 16th and M sts., South Omaha, $1,600: $200 cash, balance monthly payments; modern, except furnace. R. C. PETERS & CO.. 1702 Farnam 8t. RE-772 23 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE. 601 N. L. LIFE. RE-742 FOR stock ranches, hay lands and Irrigated farms In Lincoln county, Nebraska, write to Buchanan ft Patterson, real estate agents, North Platto, Neb. RE-394 26 HAVE you been to look nt 2821 Davenport St? This Is a 6-room, story and a hilt house, with .city water, sewer, gas, ba:h. closet, hot water boiler. In fact It Is modern throughout except furnace: well J'.Ii'.'i. a.ntUulU fhe P'aco " 1 home. Lot 60x135 feet. Price. $2,600. Terms to suit. The Byron Reed Co., 212 So. 14th Bt. . RE 703 -IT SIDEWALKS. SIDEWALKS, vitrified brick. Drop me a lino. Geo. R. Crandall. 6707 N. 20th Bt. -591 26 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. -767 TYPEWRITERS. WANTED to buy, 60 secondhand typewrit ers. Nebraska Cycle Co.. Cor. 15th and Harney. M-681 31 OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute, 615 N. Y. L. Bldg Tel. 1664; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladlea' dept.: Old E. Johnson, Osteopathlst, Mgr. 748 DONOHUE, Osteopath, Paxton Blk. Tel. 1367 -749 A. T. HUNT, D. o;, 305 Karbach Blk. Tel.2552 -750 MRS, JOHN R. MUSICK. D, O., osteo pathlc physician. Douglas block. -593 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N, Y. Life. IDS BOYLES' College, court reporter principal, See Bldg. 733 NEB. Business ft Shorthand College, Boyd's J.UCUI.V,. IIW GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 ft Doug. 761 N1UHT SCHOOL, Neb. Bus., Boyd theater. aw a FISHING AND PLEASURE RESORT. IF YOU want good bass and croppy flshln? go to Langdun, Mo. Very best of hotel accommodations. Plenty of boats and minnows. Wrlto R. A. Dlttmar for rates. -761 DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT. P. MOSTYN, 517 Karbach Block, Omaha, Neb. Reliable operations; busi ness confidential. &7b Sis BOILER MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, stacks, etq. Tel. U59. 12th and lxard Sts. 743 PATENTS. WILL BUY any good Invention or patent. Address Lock Box, 760, Des Moines, la. -746 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office,- reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. -J64 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia, Vaughn, .430 Ramge CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 20th and Lake Sts. 370 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts, 7c; collars. 2c; suffs, 4c 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. (47. -751 MEDICAL. HADIEBI Chichester's English Pennvraval Pills are the best. .Safe, reliable. Take no 'other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief tot Ladles," In Ifitter by return mall. Ask your druggist Chicheattr unemicai .o., rnuaaeipnia, ra. CANCER cured at homaty Internal treat' ment; no unite, piaster or pain; book and testimonials mailed free. Cancer-Institute, a-4 VI. uu b, -, ON ACCOUNT of restocking our repository with FALL AND WINTER Carriages, Depot Wagons, Rockaways and Broughams, we will commence Monday noxt, to otter every Opch Carriage In tho hous at a price to close out This will Include Surrtyi, tepn,"top) Traiit. Qolf, Ouiinc and Boultvard Wacom ' and quite a number ot other styles ot well built and up-to-data vehicles which It will pay you to examine at tho prlco offered. RIGHT NOW Is tho best tlmo of year to drive, and now is YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Wo also offer some big bargains In second-hand Concords, Phaetons, Traps and Family Carriages 6 passenger carriages, etc. Drummond Carriage Company 18th and Harney Streets. LOST. LOST, Thursday morning, between 18th and Jackson and the postolllce, or between the postottlco and 12th and Howard sts., la dles' small, open-face gold watch, Finder please return to D. J, O'Brien Co. and re ceive reward. Lost M663 26 LOST. Fox terrier with tan head nnd spots, name and address on collar. Return to Dr. Dean, 611 Park Ave., for reward. Lost-672 LOST, Canary bird. Return to 642 So. 6th Ave. and receive reward. Lost 670 15 LOST, bunch of keys, Saturday afternoon In br near postoffice; liberal reward. Ad dress E 66. Bee office. Lost 66 25 NICKEL PLATING. STOVES, lamps, etc., replated. Omaha Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2635. M83T litters Vsnge i Pitt. THswrt. Minutes. BOSTON to LIVERPOOL VW 0UEENIT0WN Commonwealth, Twin Screw, 12,000 ions, Aug. 28 PORTLAND' TO LIVERPOOL. yineouvtr ...Sept. 6 Cimbromin ....Sept 21 uominion aep t. i Atncouver Oct, I IfofolttrlibmrtlM.saerMB I Cesity'sOltlWPsrtKsSt.Clcai.lll. I Ha! Hal Ha! It didn't hurt a bltl Dr. Bailey Fulled my tooth without pain, II never go anywhere else to have a tooth out. A prominent man. Extraction, painless, 60c. Bailey the Dentist Third Floor Faxtoa Blook. 'PHONE 1065. IAILWAY TIME CARD. WEBSTER DEPOT 16TII WEBSTER. Fremont, Elkhora Missouri Valley Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs ...a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm AVyomlng, Casper and , Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hnstlngs, York, David City, Superior. Geneva. Exttet and Seward. ...b 3 00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremont Local a 7:20 am Missouri Paclfle. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:25 am Clilcoiro, St. Paul, S.liineapoUs Omaha. Twin City Passenger.... a 6:00 am a 9:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a 2:45 pm all'.io um Emerson Local b 6:30 pm b 8:30 am u UU11J-. u unity oxcepi aunaay. c Bun day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monduy. UNION BTATION-10TH AND MARCY. Union I'aclSo. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 8:20 am a 7:30 pm Fast Mall a 8:50 am a 3:25 pm Mall and Express all;35 pm a 4:25 pm Colorado Special all:35 cm a 6:50 am Llncoln-Stromsberg Ex.b 4:06 pm bl2:30 pm raciuu x -tiiuniic u,x...a pm a o:ou am Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm b 9:33 um Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:00 am a 6:10 pm i;iucuKu, jviiuneaiiuiiB ec St. Paul Limited a 7:45 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:00 am b 9:40 pm Fort Dodge Local, from Cpuncll Blurts a 6:00 am Wabasb. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" ' Express a 5:15 pm a 8:23 am Chicago, MllwaHkee &. St. Pnnl. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a, 8:06 am Chicago & Omaha Ex..,b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm Sloax City fc Paclflc. Twin City Express...,,, a 6:55 am a!0;25 pm 1 win uuy Liimueu a t:m pm a s:i5 am Sioux City Local a 8;00 am a 3;',0 pm Chicago, Rook Island ' Pnclnc. EAST. Chicago Daylight Spe'l. 6:00 am 2:(0 am ues juoines una Jjaven- port Locttl (....a 7:25 am a 0:35. pm I Des Moines Local a 4:20 pm bll;50 um RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Chicago Fast Express.. a 5:00 pm n 1::5 pin Des Moines, Rock Island and Chicago a 7:40 pm a 3;10 nm WEST, Rocky Mountain L'fd..a' 2:00 am a 6:65 am Lincoln, Colo. Springs. Denver, Pueblo and West ..... .... a 1:30 pm a 4:15 pm Colorado, Oklahoma and Texas Flyei ,,a 6:20 pm a 9:60 am a Dally, b. Dally except Sunday, Ulilcnbro A Northwestern! Chicago Special a 7:00 nm all :21pm Chicago Passenger .,....n 4:15 pm a 8)4) am Eastern Express al0.53 nm a 4:0.1 pm i.nsicrn opecim n i.vo pm a (TO pm Fast Mall a 8:45 nm Omslia-Chtcago L't'd .'.a 7:45 pm a 8:0j am rast man 1. a b:j am Cedar Ruplds Passenger a 5:30 pm Missouri Paclno. Bt. Louts Expicss nlO:00 am a 6: 6 pm lv. u. fi Ht. L. &xprcss..niu;ou pm n ous nm Omnlin ft St. Lonls. St. Louis "Cannon Ball"a 6:13 pm n 8:20 am Kansas City and Qulncy L.OCUI ..a i.s am n u.w iiu a Dully, b Dally except Sunday. BURLINGTON STATIONIOTII A MASON Kansas City. St. Joseph Ot Connctl muffs. ..... A ..I ... l,nir, viiii.c. Knnsna City Day Ex...n 9:20 am a 6:05 pm Kansas City Night Ex..aiO:30 pm 11 6:15 nm St. Louis Flyer ...a 5:10 pm nll:16 am Chicago, IlnrllnBtoit a: Qulncy- Chicago Spielnt ,.n 7:00 am nl0:20 pm Chicago Vestibulcd Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:4 am Chicago Local a am a inn pm Chicago Limited..,. u 7:60 pm a 7:45 um Fast Mali a 2:15 pm Hiirllngton & Mlaaonrl Hirer. Nebraska Express a 8:10 am n 7:35 pm Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln n 8:40 am bll:5j am Denver Limited a 4:25 pm a 3:00 pm Black Hills and Pugct Bound. Denver Con- nectlon a 9:00 pm a 6:45 am Lincoln Fast MnlU. b 3:00 pm a 9:17 am Fort Crook and Flatts- ..... mouth b 3:20 pm bll:03 nm Bcllevue & Pacific Jet.. a 7:40 pm a 8:20 nm Bcllevuo U Pacini! Jet. .a 3:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. ' ' LV.OAC NOTICE. NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE. pursuant to the order of tho district court of Douglas county, Nebraska, notice Is hereby' given that as receiver of tho Nebraska Fire Insurance Company I will, on the 10th day of September, A. D 1901, at 10 a. m., nt the office of tho receiver, In the Brown block, 16th and Douglas streets, In the city ot Omaha, In Douglas county, aforesaid, offer for sale and sell at nubile miction, for cash, to the highest bidder or bidders therefor, all and singular the prop erty nnd assets ot whatsoever kind, real, personal or mixed, remaining undisposed of In my hands or possession as such re ceiver, said salo to bo continued from day to day, It necessary. A full description of all the said prop erty and assets will be accessible nnd fur nished to persons desiring to Inspect the same, with a view to bidding thereon, dur ing the business hours'of each day, previous to such sale, at my office as aforesaid. A general description thereof Is ns follows: Premium nnd other notes; Judgments In favor of tho company or of tho receiver; accounts against former ngents ot the company nnd miscellaneous accounts against others; real estate mortgages; tax titles and other Interests In real estate; sundry stocks; office furniture; safe; vol. umcs of Insuranco law Journal and other printed books, and alt other assets of tho compuny except cash on hand. The termb'of such sale will be cash on th trarsfer or delivery of the property pur chased, of whloh 26 per cent wilt be re quired as a condition of accepting the bid. ALBERT U. WYMAN. Receiver Nebraska Fire Insurance Company Dated Omaha, Neb., Aug. 6, 190L A8 d30t. GOULDS LIKEHAPPY LOVERS Howard and Wits Merrily Do the ' Village Fair and Smash Clay Pipes. (Copyright, 1901, by Presa publishing Co.) PARIS, Aug. 24. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Previous to sailing for America from Havre on their steam yacht Niagara, Mr, and Mrs. How ard Oould spent a fow days In Paris abso lutely by themselves, like a mutually In fatuated pair of lovers. One morning the World correspondent, taking a spin on his bicycle, met them riding on horseback In the Bols de Boulogne before ,6 o'clock. Mrs. Gould wore a becom ing blue habit with a rather startling, Jaunty sombrero of gray felt, suggestive ot other days. Through the broad avenues, almost deserted at that hour, the happy pair galloped .gaily, Mrs. Gould's laugh ringing out at timet at some story or com pliment trom her husband. During her stay In Parts she summoned several prominent dressmakers, modistes and Jewelers for conference In her apart ment at Hotel RlU, presumably placing largo orders with them. One afternoon while sitting in the hotel tea room she saw Emma Eames seated a few tables away, went to the table and Introduced herself (to the singer, who im mediately beamed tn Immense, delight. The two eat an hour, chatting vivaciously, each anxious to charm the other. In the course of the conversation Mrs. Gould ex pressed .envy ot Mme. Eames for owning a house in Paris, adding: "We must have a place here ourselves' next year. It la the only way really to enjoy Paris. Unless I am surrounded br my own things I am miserable. Hotel, life la simply Intolerable." The last day tho Goulds spent here they drove over to Bt. Cloud and took dinner on the terrace at Pavilion Betlevue, over looking the river, much as the famous Star and Garter Inn on the Thames, near Lon don. Other Americans who were dining tbire say that Mrs. Gould summoned tho leader of tho Hungarian band and gave him a program of pieces sho wished played which she had written on a menu card. The fel low was simply paralyzed at tho size ot the tip wherewith Mr. Gould backed his wife's request. Dinner over, Mrs. Gould being In good spirits, went gaily with her husband through the vlllngo fair nnd both, had a Jolly tlmo making scores In the shooting, galleries. Mrs. Gould camo off victorious, her marksmanship attracting crowds. Atter this exploit ,the couple walked back to St. Cloud and returned to Paris by tho last suburban penny boat. IRISH RIFLES IN AMERICA Team Hopes to littttni Yankee' Marksman In tho Seasjlrt Tournament. Copyright, 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Aug. 24. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Among the members of tho Irish rifle 'team which left Liverpool for New York on the steamship Servla Tuesday are Sir Henry Thyme and 8lr Andrew Reed, well known shots, Tho (earn, numbering seventeen and accom panied by several ladles, li on the way to Sea dirt, N. J., to compete with an Ameri can team September 8. To the World cor respondent Sir Henry Thyme said: "We are hopeful of the result. It Is twenty six years sjnee an American team first visited Ireland, when a competition took place at Dollymou.nt, near Dublin. We wore badly, beaten then, hut the Americans only Won by a narrow margin a year later at Belfast. We are In excellent fettlo and will take salt water baths on the voyage tp steady tho nerves. Everything Is being made smooth for us by our American cousins. If we are defeated we shall con gratulate our opponents on being the best rifle team." General Spencer of the Now Jersey rifle team will meet the visitors at New York. 1 9 The Sea dirt tournament wilt last utx days. After the competition the Irish team will "be escorted by a recejitlan, rora mlttec to places of Interest. The tour will ' Include Washington, Boston and Niagara Falls. NEW ZEALAND TRADE UNHURT Inrtnnlrlnl Arbitration Art l'nlls to Pnrnlysr Business nn ltrnurtcit. (Copyright, l!6l, "by Press ' Publishing Co.) t.nNMmv Ai.w i fv... tM.t,t ...... w.i, ,iuh llivn IVIh u Ul HI Cablegram-Special Telegram.) William Pcraber Hreves, agent genoral ot Now Zea land In London, on being Interviewed by the World correspondent, ridiculed the In terpretation put on Prime Minister Seddon's . recent uttoranccs regarding tho working ot the Industrial arbitration net and the state ment that the congestion of cases beforo tho conciliation boards Is paralyzing business; ' Mr. Reeves said: "During the last six years, the period dur- ' Ing which tho net hns been In operation, the. colony has enjoyed unexampled prosperity Trade has Increased by onc-thlrd and the number of workers employed hns nearly doubled." Ho showed tho World correspondent a ca ble dispatch from Mr. Seddon authorizing a contradiction of the report of n paralysis ot business and arsurlng him that trade Is normal nnd brisk. "I bellevo from my own knowledge of the subject," Mr. Rocvea continued, "that Mr. Seddon's remarks about tho congestion ot ' tho conciliation courts Is only ot a local and not of a general character nnd probably was ' applied to the town of Wellington. The courts no doubt have been largely rivalled ' of nnd Mr. Seddon might have urged tho local labor representatives to settle their disputes outsldo of the court It possible. Hut It Is, ridiculous to suggest that the pre mier condemned n system which has worked ' satisfactorily for six years. The census fig ures show that extraordinary progress has been made In industrials all around since , the aot camo Into force." Deatha In the Mnybrlck Cnse, Tho twelfth anniversary of tho commutn- ' Hon ot tho pronouncing of sentence ot death upon Mrs. Maybrlck has directed attention to tho number ot tho leading figures In that famous trial who havo died, including the chairman of tho magistrates. Sir Arthur Forwood, who committed Mrs. Maybrlck toe trial; tho chief Inspector ot police who prosecuted at tho preliminary Inquiry; the Jmlgo of asSlzo, Sir James Stophou; Lord Kusocl ot Klllowon, Mrs. Maybrlck's leading counsel, and three ot tho Jurymen, Question of MrKliitcy'n Preaedntinc. A report that President Mckinley was bolng urged to break through tradition and ' visit London for tho coronation festivities caused a flutter among the court officials, who -would be at their wits' ends' to settlo the Innumerable questions of precedence ' which tho unwonted visit would raise and ' which all the authorities among the court heralds could not give an opinion upon, There Is no procedent to act on, and It the ' president ot the United States were given ' tho distinguished position he la entitled to difficulties might be created In European courts. Altogther the officials at the Court . a. ... 11 1.. . A 4. learn that they 'will not havo to solve the ! difficult problem. PAUL POTTER'S LIVE OSTRICH He Has m Lively Time Transporting This Featnro ot His New 1 Boer Flay. (Copyright, 1001, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Aug. 24. (Now York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Paul Potter, had expected to remain quietly at Spa, where bis wlfo was taking tho waters, 'but was summoned abruptly trom Belgium by; a cable dispatch saying he must sail for Now York Immediately to superintend the rehearsal of his Boer play, "Red Klooft" He sailed today on the French liner La Champagne. The dramatist describes as the funniest, although at tho tlmo tho most distressing, experience ot bis life tho taking to a rail way freight station ot an ostrich he and Louis Mann had bought In Brussels, which' Is ,to appear In Mr. Potter's play at tho Savoy theater, New York. The bird ' Is Introduced to give a South African color to the drama, which hinges on tho Jameson, raid. Tho ostrich Is to carry a warning dispatch to a Boer chief. After a loag search Mr. Mann secured a genulno South African bird and hired a Belgian idler to take It' to the station. Both Potter and tho German comedian escorted it at a distance. In passing through tho mala thoroughfare tho ostrich was dis tracted by the noise nnd movement of the busy street and proved rebellious, darting In every direction foolishly. A policeman getting angry at the bird's antics, Mr. Potter and Mr, Mann wero compelled to help move the fowl along. . . "For two hours," says Mr. Potter, "we had the greatest time. Sometimes we were tugging at the ropo In on offort to move the ostrich forward by sheer strength, Sometimes we were coaxing him, with offers of fruit. The man we had engaged was mainly occupied In pushing at the rear, while Mann and myself wero pulling In front. "Suddenly the bird made a wild dash across the street, moving our. desporately clinging trio like a cyclone, and wo had Jeering crowd following us. Several times the ostrich took a fancy to some ladles' bats and tried to eat tho birds and flowora on them. Wo would no sooner start to apologize than the bird would pull away,, "After the first ten minutes ot sport I was willing to let tho ostrich go, but Mann, who, although he lost his hat, never lost his-good humor, said, to mo: 'Potter, this is great fun if it Is taken In the proper spirit. Don't get discouraged? I am going to speak to tho beast In Its own dialect.' "And then 'Mann's Dutch exhortations to that stupid bird were simply killing. Thoy made me laugh In spite ot myself. Finally ono charitable native, a truck driver seeing our plight, off 0 red to carry us, bird and all. They strapped tho ostrich securoly and wo followed In a cab, "That happened three weeks ago. Yester day I received a cabla Inquiry front Mann, ' who Is back In New York, saying: 'Learned by wireless telegraphy ostrich Is not aboard 1 incoming Cunarder. Find whcro stranded.' "The result of my inquiry," Mr. Potter Concluded; "was that tho ostrich had missed a train somewhere, but is now on mid-ocean on another ship. I am willing to bet that Mann won't undertake personally to movo tho bird from the pier to the theater when It gets to New York." Bnsllsli Stockholders Protest, LONDON, Aug. 24. The English finan ciers who control all tho Cuban railroads except Sir William Van Hornks (orty miles have sent Governor General Wood, through T. Cattenada ot Havana, a protest against the proposed revision of rates, pointing out that tho new Cubuh govern ment will soon be established and rUI prob-' ably desire to deal with tho question, The Van Horn interests, in constructing tho new railroads In Cuba, havo reached a full understanding with tho English people Interested In regard to tho tuture working , of the roads, Mnchlas Leaven for Coloa-nr. WASHINGTON, Aug. 24.-The Nay do-. , partment la advised that the gunboat Ma-! cblas left Kingston, Jamaica, tor Coloi.