IS SPECIAL NOTICES ATCr(lirninli for theao flolnmna will be tmku nntll 13 m. (or thn renin edition and until 8:30 P. for mnralii and K.indar cdlllnn. Hates, 1 l-2e n vnrd Aral lasertlon, la a word thereafter. Nothing taken far leae than 8Bo for the llrat Inaer floa. Tkeie advertlaeaacnta uaat be ran coaaeeaUYalr. Adrertliera, by requaalla bercd eheokeaa hare "" d" dresaed to numbered letter ' f The nee. Ananare a addreeeed will lie dallrrred raatatla 0t akeak mmlf WANTED-SITUATION. HOTEL clerk desires position, cither day or night: reliable; good references. Write L 37, Bee. A-63- - . WANTED, by experienced bookkeeper, per mnncnt position. Address K 63. Beo Of ncc. A-745 2j AVANTED-MALE HELP. THE FALL TERM OF THE OMAHA COMMEHCIAIj COLLEGE WILL OPEN MONDAY MORNING, SEPT. 2. COURSES OF STUDY: REGULAR BUSINESS, ENGLISH AND NORMAL, SHORTHAND & TYPEWRITING, TELEOHAPHY & PENMANSHIP, IJOTH DAY AND EVENING, SESSIONS. NEW CLASSES ORGANIZED IN ALL DE PARTMENTS. ,,. PLACES- TO WORK FOR BOARD WANTED. 50 MO HE ROOMS WANTED. GREGG SHOUTHAND TAUGHT U MAIL Wo nro expecting moro than 100 new atu denta between Sent. 2 und 10. LvcrythlnK Is ready for thi opening of the fall term. This Is tho best tlmo of tho year to be gin. Several calls again lust week for stenographers nnd quite a number lo cated. We shall mako a great specialty this year of Gregg Shorthand and Touch Typewriting. Catalogue Irco to any au- NINE PHIZES TO HE GIVEN AWAY; VALUE. $500. CONDITIONS-Contest closes Saturday, Sept. 30, at 6 p. m. No one under tho nen of 15 or over 30 can enter tho con test. No nrlzes nro transferable, except No. 1. No prlzo awarded to anyone who has not solved tho problems without as sistance. A solution must accompany tho nnswer. -The tlrst correct answer and solution received wins tho prize, Solu tions must bo In Ink. Tho prizes will bo awarded bv a commlttco consisting of three well known mathematicians: tiamelv. W H. Allen, teacher In tho Omaha schools; John Latcnscr. architect, and E. J. llodwell, stipt, of Douglas Co. Tho committee will mako Its report on or beforo Oct. 12, and said report will bo pub llshed In dnlly papers). Answers and so lutions must bo sent bv mall, nnd en velopes marked. In lower left-hand cor nor. "Prlzo Contest." No letter will bo opened until cloio of contest. Additional copies of problems, with conditions, Bent on application, PRIZE 1 A 1200 diamond ring or shirt stud or $200 In gold. PROBLEM: "What Is tho exact length of a saunro piece of land, tho area of which Is exactly one aero?" PRIZE 2 A Llfo Scholarship In Business Department; value $00. PROBLEM: "What Is the greatest num ber ot marbles. Wrln. In diameter,- that can bo placed In a box 8-ln. long, 6-lnl wide, and 7-ln. hlgh7" PRIZE 3 A Llfo Scholarship In Shorthand and Typewriting; value, $60. PROBLEM: "A house. 25 ft. sauare, has & goat tied to ono corner, bv a roposuf llclently long to permit It to graze 100 ft. from whero tied. Find area of ground over which It can graze." PRIZE 4 A Six-Months' Scholarship In Telegraph Department; valuo, $40. PROBLEM: "A, B and C buy a grindstone 40-ln. In diameter, for $12. A nays 33, B 14, and C 15. If each uses tho grlndstono In tho order of A. B and C. until he has used his share, how manv Inches must each grind oft. leaving a Dortlon In the center 6 in. in diameter, unused?" PRIZE 5-A Six-Months' Scholarship In Business Deuartment! value. 140. PROBLEM: "A railroad right of way, 100 it. wiae, is oDtninea across a quarter section of land. It enters 750 ft. north of tho southeast corner, and emerges 1,040 it. soutn of tno nortnwest corner. Find area or ngnt or way." PRIZE 6-A Six-Months' Scholarship In Telegraph Department; value, $40. PROBLEM: "Suddoso our main Shorthand room wero twlco as Ion as wide, less 3 ft. A strln 3 ft, wldo Is cut off tho long est side nnd contnlns 211 square ft. What is ino area ot tno remaining nart or the roomr PRIZE 7-A Threo-Months' Scholarship In Shonhand nnil Tvnewritlnir: vnlno IT PROBLEM: "Form tho largest number of worus out oi me loiters round in tno name 'umana commercial College." Tho words formed must be In tho Interna tional dictionary." PRIZE 8 A coursn of lessons In Gregg n.ii.r.nun.i dv man; value. Jib. RMMAV KVir .tin lin.l i. . i "Business Education." limited to COO wui us. PRIZE 0-A Three-MonthB Course In Night School! value. S13 PROBLEM: To tho first one who ndds 250 figures in ono minute, before the com muter, iigur-w 10 do or ordinary com blnatlons. Only two trials. B-7C3 25 WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tnck conn. iiiBwiuuiv uircumrs, samples, etc.; .... ....!. i.noniH, suuu yuy. aun caverns Ing Bureau, Chicago. B 798 25 GOOD stenographer with some knowledge S wuuincBiiiin, com mines in Wyoming. lfrlv nn v l,v 1aa ..I ..I - .. 1 references. Sheridan Coal Office, 1214 Far num m umana, ncD. B 690 25 WANTED, energetic men to Introduce In cycijt muiuy ulo unique remeuy ihon-Al made from mineral water by evaporation! i I I " , j. " v-uix-s imme diately Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach, kidney, liver, bowel and. blood affections. It is a money maker becauso Its merit Is Immediately demonstrated to r ' v.U8t SamP' a"l particulars ins iiuiiMi i.u., Kicnmana. vn. B-6S3 25 WANTED, flrnt-class bookkeeper. Addresi In own handwriting, stating ngo. expert enco and salary expected. E 51. Hop. B 097 25 WANTED, bookbinder, flrst-clasa for warder. Steady position. Addron Bakr Vawter Co., Atchison, Kan. B-475 25 PHOTOGRAPHIC FINISIIER-We want a young man to dnvolop nnd paint and also yoend wart of his tlmo waiting on tho iiiimi uo iii-iii. a goon worKmon ' "d salesman nnd woll recommended. J. y,. iiuionii isa manufacturing Op tlclans, 1520 Douglas St. B-742 23 EARN n good salary while we preparo you for n nrnfonnlnvinl rn mm . i learn how 300.000 young mon and women International Corrcspondonro Schools box iiivwii, a u., ur iva o, loin flt Omaha, jj DOCTOR wants offlco boy; stnte age, rofer- cin;i uiiu wuhl'3 wnnieu, Jii of, iieo. B-778 25 WANTED, good specialty man for 8. w! Iowa or 8, K. Nebraska; sell direct from muiur.v in inrrcnanis; gooa money. Art dress E 49. this paper. B 792 2V TWO salesmen fnr Town nml Vntirnuirn salary. A. R. Balcom. Dos Jtolnes. Ia, B-M7S5 28 r FAITHFUL mnnagfrs In each state for wuuimy curpuraiinii; nniary casn eacn wennesuay uirect irom Headquarters ; ex penses advanced; enclose, self-addressod envelope. Munager, 305 Caxton building, viiivuju, l. WANTED Oood busineaa man tn each Rnncipai cuy in conuuci caan Duaineaa uaranteed bv local banks, lilr return. Honorable nnd legitimate, Muot furnish kudu rricmiun nnn iwv earn. Adtireas, L. R. II.. P. O. Box 715, Cincinnati, O. B UUVEKNM1SNT tlosltlonn whom lhv nr.. how obtained, salarlo) paid. Examina tions soon In every state. Particulars free. Writ; fnr circular 151, Nut'l Cor. lliniuuir, iiiiKlun, U, II WANTED, experienced sign and card writer. Boston Store, Omaha. J. U urnnacii et cons. a MC38 S& WASTED MALE HELP. BOYLES' COLLEGE. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 2. Day and Evening Sessions. A COMMERCIAL AND SHORTHAND COLLEGE of the HIGHEST STANDARD, Recognized bv business men as being tho most thorough nnd most practical. BEST EQUIPMENT. DELIGHTFUL ROOMS. MODERN COURSE OF STUDY. EXPERIENCED TEACHERS. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. STRICT DISCIPLINE. PRACTICAL METHODS. GRADUATES ASSISTED TO POSITIONS. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 2. COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSE, COMPLETE SHORTHAND COUnSE, .COMPLETE TYPEWRITING COURSE, COMPLETE ENGLISH COURSE. PERSONAL ATTENTION AND INSTRUCTION Is ono of tho DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS OF THIS SCHOOL. Every Individual student receives personal aid and encouragement from the pro prietor and teachers. There has been no cessation In the demand for stenographers and bookkeepers. Students who dcclro It are assisted to po sitions to earn board. PITMAN-GRAHAM AND GREGO SHORTHAND. t . SHORTHAND BY MAIL. FALL T&IM OPENS SEPTEMBER 2. Get a Catalogue, BEE BLDG., OMAHA. B-673 25 WANTED, salesmen capable of selling pro prietary medicines uy an csiau.isncu patent medicine house of 20 years' slc cessful business; some good territory to allot. Address Ucggs Mig. Co., Chicago, A FREE scholarship will be aworded to a low well recommended mecnaiuca, engi neers, electricians, etc. American School of Correspondence, Boston, Mass. 11 SALESMEN wanted to sell nnr comploto line or stock roods and veterinary rcme-, dies to tho trade; must bo experienced nnd competent to handle statu agency. Ad dress Capitol Food Co.. Tldln. Ohio. B-CS3 23 NIGHT SCHOOL, Neb. IJjs., Boyd theater. WANTED, clothing salesman, ono experi enced, wltn an established trade, we have a good position for a man that can place popular-priced and well-made cloth ing; only experienced man wantid. Ad dress, confidentially, stating territory, Stem, Luucr, Shohl & Co., Cincinnati, O. B-0JU 23 YOUNG man with experience as clerk in general store; coal mining town in Wyo ming. Reply only by letter, giving age nnd references. Sheridan Coal Office, 1214 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. B 6)1 5 CIVIL service, government positions; 9,5 0 appointments mada last yoar; proonniy 10,000 this year; common school'educntlou required for tho examination. Catalogue ot Information free. Columbian Oorre kpondence College, Washington, D. C. B M693 26 SALESMAN by long established (manufac turer or flavoring extracts, spices, etc. Give fully your experience to insure reply. Good salary. Box 517, Chicago. III. B 632 25 WANTED Stark nursery pays cash weekly ir you sen mane trees. Louisiana, Mis souri. Dansvlllc, New York. B-M209 S10 CO ATMAICERS ; permanent Job: at Heflly'B, 134 8. 11th St., Lincoln, Neb. B-D87 2G NIGHT SCHOOL, Neb. Bus., Boyd theater. u sue zq WANTED, good bookkeeper, reliable, sober, inausinous, gooa penman, accurate, young man. Address In own handwriting, stat ing age, experience and Bilury wanted, E 34, Bee. B-636 25 WANTED, blacksmith, must be good horse- ttnocr ana piow worn; gooa wugei r nober man. Address Hansen & Tcmplln, Archer, Neb. B MC53 26 WANTED, man to travel and appoint agents on our superb lino ot hoi. day looks; no experience necessary, but ap plicant mutt furnish three references and security; absolutely guaranteed salary and -ommlsslon extra under four months' con tract; reply at once if you mean buslne s, as we must havo Immediate action. Mgr. Holiday Dept., 900 Star Bldg., Chicago. B-M&54 31 NIGHT BCHOOL, Neb. Bus., Boyd theator. U SOU 25 WANTED, men to learn barber trade. Now is tno lima to taKe it up; wo teacn tne work in two months, present complete outfit of tools, give wages and shop ex perience Saturdays, grant diplomas and assist to positions when competent. Good wages paid graduates. No trade offers better Inducements. Comparatively no expense. Board furnished for applicants from distance. Call or write. Molcr Bar ber College, 1623 Farnam St. B M661 26 WANTED, advertising solicitor. Omaha Directory Co. B 671 26 THE American Barber college, conducted unuer ma control ana guidance or tno barbers of Douglas county, Nobruska, Send for catalogue, 11 SU 23 WANTED SALESMEN, WANTED, thrco experienced traveling salesmen to nanuio a nign-ciass propo sition among retail trade: position per manent; $150 per month abovn expenses. Address with references, room 1615, Man hattan bldg., Chicago. 733 :3 SALESMEN, a largo manufacturing llrm wants 4 good salesmen In everv' state to sell staple article ta retail trade; Wo glvo handsomo uremlum wnrth r.i rr u-ith each order of $5.50; salesman makes 1.W on eucii sate, wnoicsalo Uopt., Hulto 34, lb! Dearborn St., Chicago. 731 23 TRAVELING salesman wanted by estub ' llshed house: no technical knowledge necessary, but simply all-around hustler of good apnearance and nddress; tlrst cIiims line; special contract; ontlro tlmo toiuiti'u, ruiurunces. uox ;i. Detroit, Mich. 732 23 SALESMEN wanted by reliable house, 6 traveling salesmen to place high-grade specialty line w!t.h merchandise trade; n,rmnmnt nnalttAnu ntwl lilirt aammiu. slons to tlrst-class men: full particulars ruquiruu. jiuum 19, iw I'uwi avenue, CM cauo. 730 25 SALESMEN. $25 week! v. Inclmllnir irVvl Ing expenses; experience unncceytury; 7ii uviiinia uiuj, permanent position: elegant lino. Nevlllo Mfg. Co.. Phlladel- liuiil. A ANTED, salesman: u commission of $20 Per ton paid for selling w'hlto lead; goods delivered; also other Inducements offered to dealers. Delmar White Lead com- i'uwi 01. i.uuio, nw. 723 25 .??, 1'. IM!lltl,rt""1 holiday orders to tho" trade; pocket cample cases; salary: oa.."tw', d0"'1 answer. A. Swan, box BY OLD established house, capab'e. wide awake traveling salesman to soli stupl lino; must be able to show a cleun imt record and glvo bond; no side linn seekers need npply. Address box 611, Chicago. -778 25 SALESMEN, to carry completo line of heavy gloves and mittens. For terms and territory addrets Gloves, box 1732. Iowa City, Iowa. 791 23 WANTED FEMALE HELP, WANTED.200 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. C-6S5 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SUyDAY, AUGUST 25, 1901. WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, ladles to learn the best" paylnrf work that a girl can do. Wo teach hair dressing, manicuring, facial massago and chiropody In four weeks and guarantco $12 to $15 weekly In best establishments when comDetent. nn penso. Good Meld for residence work also, From $3 to $5 per day made bv graduates. No capital required. No expense; big prices. Not so conilnlng as salaried posi tions. Now is the time to learn, liusy season soon. Call or write, Molcr College, 1623 Farnam street. C M65S 2b WANTED, lady assistants for home work, superintending distribution of circulars, cte. In every city, town and village. Oood pay, permanent employment. Send stamped, addressed envelopo to Utova Co., South Bend, Ind. C- WANTED, cook and house girl: wages $3 per week. 118 N. 33th st. C M8u3 27 WANTED, Ilrst class draper, waist- mnbn ..h.i -1. 1 - .1. . . . . 1 - . 1 .... . mm omi iiiiuituio. musi imic uiui- clasa shop experience. Address Seeblck's, 46 Shcrmai. St., Dcadwood. 8. D. C LADIES wanted to d plain needlework for us at home. Wo furnish materials and pay $7 to $10 per "week. Send addressed stamped envelope to Standard Co., Indi ana Ave, Chicago. C-713 25 WANTED, good girl for general houe worn; small ramuy; goou nome tor ngnt party; call Sunday after 3 o'clock, nt 1833 N. 17th St. C-MG31 23 NIGHT SCHOOL, Neb. Bus., Boyd thwitcr. u im zj LADIES, white or colored, wo offer you nn opportunity to enrn Dig money uay in nnd day out; "Ozono" positively takes tho kinks out of nappy, knotty, kinky hair; every colored person buys on sight; wrlto Immediately for free sample and In formation; every package guaranteed; reference, Metropolitan bank, Richmond, . Va. Boston Chemical Co., Dept. 3, Rich mond, Va. C 714 25 WOMEN to do plain sewing; $1.50 per day; iour montns worK guaranteed: ail worK sent prepaid; send stamped, addressed en velope for part'culurs. R. W. Hutton & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. C 710 25 LADIES wanted to work on sofa pillows; materials iurnioneu; stcuuy worK guaran teed; experience uunecessary; send stamped envelopo to Miss McGee, Needle work dept., Ideal Co., Chicago. C-713 25 NIGHT SCHOOL, Neb. Bus., Boyd theater. U 0 .'b TWO good solicitors; .something easy. Ap- piy iruin iu to 1, rial jj, 1013 jjougc St. C-M753 26 LADY stenographer; state experience and salary wanted; own writing. Address n 58, Bee. C-761 25 LADIES, CAN YOU TRAVEL? ThoFO sccKlug n business llfo can llnd an cxc.-I-lent.nnd permanent position necessitating no special experience; salary $53 per month and expenses, payable week y; traveling; no canvassing; our lady travel ers pronounce tho work agreeable and our business plans superior: established 1(91, Address or call, John E. Hoham & Co., 334 Dearborn St., Chicago. C 7K0 25 NIGHT SCHOOL, Neb. Bus., Boyd theater. C-06 25 LADIES to work for us; pleasant home work, big pay; samples free. Zcno Co., P. O. drawer 1610, Milwaukee, Wis. C-731 5 50 GIRLS, all kinds work. Canadian Office, U 6S3 COMPETENT girl wanted; 2 in family. 123 S. 36th. C-48 25 WANTED, competent second girl. 2214 Landon Court. C 672 ?6 WANTED, by or before Sept. 1, woman housekeeper In small family; pleasant and permanent homo to right party. Address E 3, Bee. C-M331 i FOR KENT HOUSES. BARGAINS IN HOUSES. For rent, modern 8-room house, 3006 Mason street, with large lawn and shudo $33.00 Steam heated flat in Davidge building, opposite city hall 33.00 Now 6-room house, 1122 S. 19th St 15.00 8 rooms, nearly modern, 704 S. 31st St.. 25.UU 7-room house, 2431 Emmet St 13.00 5-room housc.lOOS N. 24th St 10.00 New 6-room modern, near boulevard... 20.00 JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1W2 FARNAM ST., D-6S4 25 FOR RENT, 112 N. 31st Ave.. 8 rooms, mod ern. Ihls is a new house, elegantly tin lshcd and on one of the best residence Btrcets In West Farnam; $55. 705 S. 16th, 6-room liar, bath, gas, city water, range, In good repair, $22.5u. 4113 N. 31st Ave., 7 rooms, city water, good repair, liewly papered, $12.50. 1628 N. 21s. 3-room cottage, citv water, $8. We are building In good location nn 8-room all modern house. See us for plans and speculations, 1 Call and look over our list for other houses. R. C. PETERS & CO.. 1702 FARNAM. D 706 25 IF YOU want your houses well rented place them with Benawa & Co. ,0684 TO MOVE right, get Omaha Van Storage Co., olllce lbilft Farnam, or tel. 1559-&63. D tis5 HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Puxton block. D-6S7 SEE HENRY B. PAYNE, 601 N. Y. LIFE. D (M HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. D van TO LET, 9-room modern dwelling, nice lawn and burn. 32d and Paclllc Sts. i-room modern dwelling, 3109 1'aclUc St. 8- room modern uncK dwelling, .lust com pleted. itiuS Dodge St. 9- room dwelling on North 19th St. boule vard, $20. 10- room steam heated dwelling, with barn, to a first-class tamlly. W. FARNAM tt.MITH & CO., 13ju Furiium atreet. D-710 25 FOR RENT, house and barn, all modern. 2137 South 33d st. Appiy iuJ lUarclimiu' utloual Bunk Bldg. D 3u6 7-ROOM flat, 617 South ICth. Clark Powell. 311 New York Lite. ' D 694 1707 VINTON street, store with two live loom Huts above. Tho whole building has UU been pulnted una pupered throughout. Will multo u very reusonuule rent to a good teuunl, or will rem separately. THE UAIA11A LOAN ic TRUST CO., 16th una Douglas Sts. MODERN 7-room heuse, near park. 1509 So. 28th. D-179 ONE 4 & 6-room flat, modern. 1112 8. 11th. D-K7- HOUSES for rent In all purts of the city. Brennun-Lwe Co., 309 South 13th street. D 686 6-ROOM modern cor. flut. 2401 Lenven- D 396 S15 TO LET, after September 1, 9-room modern house, with barn. S. W. Cor. 32d and Pa cific sib. D-Mlixj CENTRAL, steam heat, all modern, seven room houso; 'hree-room cottaee. Tlzard. 221 N. 24th. D-M603 83 6 ROOMS, good repair, furnace, bath, electric-- light, etc., S. 32d avenue; $18.00. 'Phone 623. D 635 26 FOR RENT, elegant 9-room house, ull mod ern Improvements. 404 N. 23d. D M643 23 8-ROOM modern house, 116 S. 31st nve.; fins location. Information, 'phone F 260i. D-607 27 STRICTLY ilrst-class 8-room private resl depce, handsomely furnished, piano, to re sponsible family of adults; no boarding or room renting;. terms, $30. Address 1913 Cass. D MSOS 26 2005 PIERCE ST.. 6 rooms, cltv water in side, good repair, $12. 2318 Maple St., 6 rooms, city water inside, 2ih LEAVENWORTH ST.. 6 rooms, MOD ERN, choice. $25 2817 Dewey Ave, 4-room brick flat, with bath and closet, $8. 21st and nurdotto St., 3 and 4-room brick Mats, bath nnd closet, $8. ELEOANT APARTMENTS IN ALBION. VERY CHOICE APARTMENT IN NOR MANDIE. PAYNE-KNOX COMPANY, First Floor N. Y? Life Bldir. D-707 25 TEN-ROOM house, all modern. 2206 Har ney at. D-M6C0 26 NEW modern 6-room houso, will be rcnd"y Sept. 1st. 1317 Bo. Slxth. D-667 26 D.5sul.AnLE nat 5 rooms, to small family. 2S0I Pierce st, D-8?3 25 FOIt ltr.Sf-llOUflF.S. ' AGENTS WANTED. FOR SALT: M ISC 111. LAN I !oi!. ' 1 -4117 FARNAM St., 9-room modern detached WANTED, general nnd ocol agents; name- WANTED, buyers for tobacco tags; right house, barn, nice yard and shade, $30. plates, signs, number!, readable darkest thousand for sale, In any quantity. W GARVIN BROS., I60I FARNAM ST. nights; samples free, night Supply Co., Ilvered nt your home. W, I. Rmdall, D-746 25 Englewood, 111. J-718 25' Gibbon, Neb. Q-T9J 23 HOUSES wanted. Wallace, Brown block. THE American Investment Co. of Lexlng- FOR SALE, ono complete new fleam D 691 ton, Ky wants n few first-class solicitors! laundry outfit; will glvo Informutl. 11 0 , , , . ; HT-T . mcn fntul'lar w."n Insurance, building und whero to start In n good town. Address 5- HOOM brick house, modern. 2717 Jackson. loan or kindred lines with references nnd C. Schacr, Superior. Neb. Q-723 25 Tclcphono A, Traynor, 431 or L-25S3. records as producers; liberal commission D 693 contrncts nnd weekly cash advances to ' TTTT. : Z rrT rl"nt PH'IIm. Call rooms 217-218 First 219 S. 23TH AVE., 8-room house, ALL Nat. bank building, momlnas. CLAIRVOYANTS. MODERN, In gooJ condition; rent, $25; J 736 23 nolo how closo In this house Is to bo mod- 1 err. at . thlb price; It Is a bargain; want SALESMEN for all lines of business (siilen- . ..ME.Va!!;?!,B?, t only Al tenant, with references. ttlil ildc line) to sell our calendar 150 OMAHA'S FAVORITE PALMIST. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO., different styles newest, latest patter 18 unquestionably tho most noted and thor- 16th and Douglas Sts. Just the things customers want; we pay oughly competent of all palmists and llfo D-M792 the largest commissions; many of our readers 11 tho United States today. Her 1 men clvn thrlr enilrn tlmn to nnr linn nml remarkable demonstrations have won for 6- ROOM cottage. 620 N. 17th; close In. J. H. rnake frSm $75 to $ 25 cv?ry week- guaran- her tho Boodwlll of pros nnd public, and Sherwood. 937 N. Y. Life. D-760 23 .,e )in .J ortcnAp wrl 0 "no. now recognized as a true palmist promutlv with references- comnilsloiw nMl1 n master mind In tho profession. It SEVERAL good houses and cottages for li v0 yncccntnce irordcr Tme?u?an 11 mnttcr of well authenticated history rent. 937 N. Y. Life. 'Phone, 3S8. Novell? Co ndnnntl O J-? 25? that from tho remotest ages to tho, pres- . D-759 25 novelty t.o., Cincinnati, o. j ,n is, riu mo ,ho ueHUnles ot Brcnt imiivlilunls IIARVFtT fnr flrl nrinllrnnta nelllnir nur nilVo bccn "haped through prophetic gllld- FOR RENT. 11-room stone house. 415 N. 1 '("Aj 8nvfe0uv" v Th A inco nnd tho higher sources of knowledge 23th st. H. T. Clarke. 427 Ramge blk. i?eir Manufa'cturlnit Co 5fi Bth Ave l"l.v. ''crn obtained through people under- : !!L cngagoMnnufactur1" Co- "-AW" xj 2222 Izard St., 6-room Hat, $10.00. Satl 0 CoCincin- HUrely benellt you. Parlors of Palmistry, The Byron Reed Company 212 So. 14th St. """"' J 6 , 316 8. 15th st.. in Granite block, 2d floor. ' D-'0t AGENTS wanted. $10.00 dally to live 'men; i..-r'cU ' tUX ,l 01,11 6 slo'SI"' ,,.. . 7 , . , ' wo wnnt ngents everywhere: lenthcr sus- 111L ., "a"J i'Uiv Kl'.iS 1, nouso ten rooms and oatn, nenilers: cannot hrrnk wenr nut nr null i i r' near High school, $30. Inquire 301 North ortmDCuUol f"wlta ut sight: samples Fur- MUS' FalTi5' 'nl-voyant. 819 N. 16th. Z2d- P71Z nlshed free. Cincinnati Leather Suspender o-ou r , .... . ; Z". ; , and Belt Co., B. 480, Cincinnati, O. 5-ROOM house. 1615 Mnndorson St. Inquire ' i 717 23 1914 N. 24th St. or telcuhono A 2368. PERSONAL. D-743 23 ' . HOUSES "and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker blk. WANTED-TO RENT. SECONDHAND SEWING MACHINES. D 690 Monday wo will sell the following second- 5 UNFURNISHED rooms for light houso- hand machines so cheap that you can't NIGHT SCHOOL, Neb. Bus., Boyd theater. keeping, central, modem; best references. "ord to sow bv hand: D-S06 25 Address E 36. Bee. K-633 l alngfr "."Vfoo0' $ 1 W THREE new six room cottages, entirely WANTED, room nnd board In private fam- Household "I. 20.00 8.00 modern, furnace, bnth and lavatory. Nos. iy, vicinity of High school; by young ? g tigers, high arm........ 20.00 8.00 2623. 2619, 2615 N. 24th t. Cor.. $27.60; oth- lady; can furnish references. Address ?,urL '!' Improved.... 20.00 10.00 ers. $23. inquire 80s n. y. 1- &. . Bee. K-M644 25 ih .i ; ; : :: : ; ; i0:SS 1:85 , : r, .WANTED, by small family, furnished J Xft" Tn'iV.i.. i-m ,K VERY pleasant six or eight-room flat, well house. Address C 47, Bee. K-711 io f J''f0,x, a,bb8 VS. 'SS located nnd in lino repair. Inquire 310 , !: . 1 Now Homo.... 20.00 8.00 Brown block. D-774 WANTED to rent for onb year. If terms Ib'hKer, tailoring .... 20.00 10.00 reasonable, modern cottaee in Sent or Ioter droii-hcad machines, Bllghtly used, 9-r. br. terrace, nil modern. 121 S. 25th St.. $35. Oct? Musi SaVc ?ull pMtlcu tar PK l t one-lmlf. rcHUliir price. Wo rent ma- 9-r. br. terrace, all modern, 122 S. 25th St., Bee. K63t 3 chines' at 75c per week or $2 per month. vacant Sept. 1, $35. r t lv u Theso are modern, up-to-duto machines, -r. all modern, newly repaired, 2S17 Popple- A SINGLE gentleman wishes well fur- XXTt-tor d rpalr 5- ? cottage, cor. and Maple, newly ien.tiy'lnoilo: 1 P'WnffiV111 paP0r' 10, 8l.rftblG surroundings considered; will fur- Cot. I5th iuuI llnrney 8" Ir.', f,S on stSo. nl8h bCSl rc'crenc" desired. E a Bee, Dranch OfflccSi? N.' 24th "auA Omaha. 6- r 302S Hamilton st $6.60. K-749 .5 Neb. U-68-' 2o 3- r. cottage, newly overhauled, 3518 Webster WANTED to rent, a modern 4 or 5-room SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts nnd moles SOUTH OMVHA i&rr!? by SclU' 15, Addrc" J Xv, II'1 permanently removed by electricity; con- 4- r cltv wite? m : .i km Far""m- K-773 25 sultallon freo and conlldentlal: all work BlfXioT'kii.t..m WANTED, by man and wife, three or four u"- MUs AHcnUer. MB Dough... Inquire 1203 l-arnnin st. D 769 25 unfurnished rooms, with bath, for light , . , . ' housekeeping; cither in flat or residence M. GOLDMAN & CO., only perfect ac- F?h ?KNT' furnished house, 1 block from or cottage of this size. Address E 61, Hec. co.-dlon pleating plant In tho west: mall cSnvcnlennces.r CIaari8Stm55Sas.k28?h' B K"MS0Q ' rdC" "ol,CltcU- Sult0 2W' toWS?- D 708 25 " .' . aTntiAnir A BURNING QUESTION. . oiuuaul.. Tno phenomenal incrcuso In tho number of FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. e , smokers who smoko tho famous Prince of PACIFIC Storage and Wnrehouso Co., 912- Omaha clgnr Is duo to tho fact that the n,vv . . . ,. . . 914 Jones, general storugo and lorwardlng. quality always remains tho samo and our DWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam 701 u,m 18 to Kvo our trade the best that can E 693 . possibly be put Into a Do cigar. Always ,,,,T1..t : ; OM. Van Stor. Co., 151H4 Farn. Tels. 1559-861. nBk for n Prlnco and you will bo suro to THE THURSTON, cool, airy rooms. " 7oT" get something good for a nlckol. Manu- E-C96 ,. fnctured by Tho W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co. runvv mnm. Uaht hniik.nin. TiiT STORAGE Household goods and othor U 709 25 ci:,TlEii,r? ' 1 8ht h0U3ckeeP'n?. Hll articles stored at low rates. J. J. Dcrlght -South Uth. K-vto & Coi 1119 Karnam St, Tel. 333. -7u3 DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns nnd superflu- t innu . . - , ..., m otis hair removed by electricity. R. 12, LARGE front room and nlcovc, woll fur- i,,r iitnnk ttTii nlshed. modern;, aultable for two. 2013 1 renzer uiock. Cassst E-M137 WANTED TO BUY.. V1AVA. woman's way to heulth; rational. rinv ,,.u .... T, .,., whoicsomo homo treutment. 318 Bee Bldg; NICE room. gas. bath, etc. 1314 Davenport. WXNXED tb buy f0P cash , or 7.r(Jom U-714 nnnvf ,.,am nn, hn.n is- ,nnm KeT 101 "l gd repa,r' A1.E FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING; mall RS:i8team hcat' bnth' W: vttnn1 OTdcrb solicited., Omuha Pleating Co., lo24 N E-M240 S10 j WANT a residence lot. $1,000 to $1,500. be- JJB!!: FOR teachers, large front room with al- tween 28th, 33d, Leavenworth and Center NlollT SCHOOL Nob Hub Hnvd thwitpT cove and deep closets, near High school; streets glvo bottom prlco and descrlp- Nlui" BUluOL' r,0lJ' BJS" Uo&iSobur' board alsr furnished. 207 So. 24th St. tion. Addreas E 43, Bee. N-677 25' UW) , KilS it ABOUT 13 000 stock nnrlH fnr m w PRIVATE hospital for ladies beforo nnd Housekeeping room. $6 up. 2623 St. Mary's AnSK rt'entftl,! T"1'' bablC8 adou'7 E-M640 S21 ""!. Lock box 314, Council Bluffs. urant Btrect. u-,u '. TZa 25 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R 2. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. 723 . u Ml"5 87 6th ave., Council Bluffs. E-M646 23 ' r,,m.n 1 FOH SALE PUHNITUHE. PRIVATE homo for ladles ueroro and dur- FURNISHED rooms at 2218 Cass St. , lng conhnement; babies adopted. 2620 E739Z5 CHICAGO Furnlturo Co., 1410 Dodgo. Tel. Burdette St. Mrs. Burget. U-17 S9 2213 HOWARD ST., room, with board Jj r.overnment land. E u, WoIentld. . . . chiffonier and dresser, used two mouths: : ; Tl T ' ' ulso a lino gas range, Kitchen table ico YOUNG woman of means, educated, musi- FURNISHED noOHS AND BOARD. box and leather beus. cull ut onco. -mm ' cnl- norn, 'ovlng, desires acquaintance of Dodgo St. o 630 w, congenlnl gentleman; object matrimony. 1 'J E. M., 631 Henry St., Brooklyn, N. Y. UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-697 KOU 8ALB.110USES, VEHICLES, KTO. "-7SS 25' DESIRABLE rooms. The Pratt, 212 S. 25th ORPHAN girl of 21, left alone "with $28,000 St. F-700 LIGHT omnibus and buggies for sale at 1L Ln c,usn,, anii J)ro.pcrty' Lcsres kind hus- Frost's. 14tli und Leavenworth i' Mv'i band. Box 690, Toronto Junction, Ont. ROOMS and board. The Rose, 2020 Harney 11 unu """wortn. x -M8.8 v-V 25 trcet. F-M990 85 SOME secondhand buggies, good a. new. ' , . ; , -r rv.Tnw lm0 and other bargains in that line, at 13uJ HANDSOME American lady, Independently GLENCAIRN, transient $1.25 day. 1603 Doug Jones St. Ask lor O. M. iiurt. 1' Mini rich, wants good, honest hUBbund. Ad- F-OS dress Erie, 193 Washington St.. Chicago, ;llr ,,,,. ..., n-.f. . rnA. ONE hand-made, top delivery wagon. 2- U 779 25 THE Merrlam, summer resort, 2oth & Dodga lwrB0-Mle, mr baggage, bakery Jr grS- -b,tr .g 7, r; r iJJ eery use; nearly new und ul u barguui' SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for , ,.., K.r iia abovo is our own make. Drummond cur- r,nt,Wn,t0 Sewing Machine, 1620 Doug- Capltol Ave! rooms' wlth b0K.rfM947 rlus (-'" "lh ana Hnrney P-MtW0 2J luB. Tel. 2234. U-713 .,,,, fl, k-n-j 51 MULES for sale. In carload lots or spans; OMAHA Accordion Pits Co., 1524 Douglas. DMSiRA,BLk r00m ' flrst-c,ass bari; J14 big stock to select irom. Wulw-orth-llil' U-71S Htirnuy' Fm 71 llker Co.. UlUon block yards. ' T,-p . . r TZZ . . n ; r : , . . P MGOS S2a NOTICE Intending purchasers at tax snles AN ALCOVE suite, also bedroom, Private , alWj b- of any ot tho Linton properties are anmi-,l oxcellent day board ,4" FOR SALE, good open buggy and harness. n,fcby n1(?tl"f'a t!"t 5 validity of such So. 26th. , f 663 2 3514 Burt. P MkkV!'x salcs wllt be .contested to tho highest ; 083 courts. (Signed) A. F. Linton. FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. ?$ilZ,?r?.y ,irQ?aIe chea.?- S. T. , . U-M1IS- , "P"' iiU Cter St' 30 N,anT SCHOOL. Neb. Bus., Boyd theater. DF.SIC room space, $5 per month, ground FOR SALE Bargain Strong, sufe, gentle, U X1 25 floor room In The Bee building, facing tamlly horse, surrey and harness; all tor w irrpxr-. 77i Z, T. T Farnam street; no expense for light, heat Wo cash; must sell. ML. N. 21th. AVEnEJiT sewl"S machines i for 75 cents or Janitor service. R. C. Peters & Co.! P-679 V Per weck;,wo repair and sell needles and Rental Agents, Bee Building. G 116 . ,0.arts l?r "very mnchlno manufactured. FOR SALE, cheap, good driving marc 1 hona 1Ct3- Nob' Cycle Co".1-6 SAIarie,y' FOR light housekeeping. 2024 St. Mary a. hurness und top buggy; also good strong . U-M433 S17 G M617 riding pony and saddle; cash or timi to -n-c. ... . right purty. Call 2111 N. 20th will sell plums on tho trees to peiplo FOUR ROOMS, with city water, gas and t-ir i 'vno ,lavo time to come out und p ck furnaco heat. 702 S. 36th st. G M653 23 . them. Theodore Williams, Benton, Neb. . S U M632 0 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. t OR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 'wnni.titx.i- i i "a T MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine i xiwiti-n aiiimm XT . - . habit; myself cured, will Inform you ot . wiuHi Ht-HOOL,, Neb. Bub., Boyd thentcr. harmless, permanent homo cure. Mrs, Q-8U6 25 Baldwin, Box m. Chicago. U- UNITED -----. STATES PIANO, dp you want a genuine bargain .n MARRY or correspond for amusement; , NATIONAL ' ?, P'an' Then go to Ferlleld's, ln the send stamp for sealed particulars. Box BANK Uf"A Wj,(r'i.nwd,buy u WEBER. LUDW.O. D 268. Council Blurts, la. U- BUILDING. 8MAW', WHEELOCK. SCHILLER and : other pianos. All new stock. Why buy $25, $30, $33 FALL and winter suits bt 1901- Inquire 1203 Farnam st., same building. flViV-Wuorn "J1" llnt" you B'Ve mo a for ,?l50,,1!?.,we.Hk at tho 3 1 trial? See and hear my pianos. I sell on llttlu Tailors ut 415 S. 15th St. any terms to suit. Old instruments tukJii U 737 23 I 7C8 25 ,n exchange. Move, tune, repair and ' ' storo pianos. Seo tho best self player on LADIES, your bust developed 4 to 6 In- FOR RENT, store In first-class locution; earln- the Ceclllan. T. H. Perlleld. room ch-: failure Impossible; send stamp lor rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters 7- sround floor, Bee bldg. Q-ioi 25 booklet. Queen Toilet Co., 134 Monroe st., Co., ground floor, Bee Bids. 1-206 .,.. .---777 1 1 Chicago. -7. 26' . , tSUUni OMAHA. r FOR RENT, the building tormeny occu- Monday wo sell the toilowlng secondhand MARRIAGE paper, exclusive, 22 pages, 10o; pled by Tho Bee at 910 Farnam St. It has sewing machines at such u price that uny- 5 lna."y ,worl, m 10 li .-0; only four stories and a basement which was one can have u machine: ciub tilving bank und commeiclul formerly used as The Bee press room. . , Former price. Monday. once. R. L,. Love, Denver, C010. This will be rented very reasonably. If f ?',nK.er8 1.0 u-,21 J5 Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose- 1 hlto lu.ou &.(aj . water, secretary, room luo, Bee Building. finger s.oo 4.w 1 2ol 1 Household U.OO 3.W alONEV TO LOAN ICE 11. USTATU. . . We run machines at 7oc per week. We hell iu l-UA,. FOR RENT, offlco wltn vault and part first l,;,rts for and repair every muku of sow- ?rr77.Zr lloor or ail top Iloor. 1114-16 Harney St. 11,11 muchlnc. 5 AND 0 per cent loans. W. H. Thomas, Midland Gluss und Pulnt Co.. 1410 H.irnuy NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., First isutionul Bank building. Teh 1018. St. 1 138 61- -llh St., South Omaha. W 721 . IJ-CS3 23 : . WANTED, city loans, bunds and warrants. AGEXis WANTED. 2D11AND safe cheap. Dcritsht, 1119 Furiium, Ueortju Company, 16ul Farnum street. Q-707 " W-72I WANTED, cunvuisslng agents In every SAFES, standard makes.sold.rented. 114 S. 13 WANTED, city loans and warrants. V. county to solicit subscription!, for THE y '.w Fiiinain Snmn As Co., 13J0 Farnum St. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER und ; , W-728 the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE BIG line of secondhand wheels, $3, $5, $8, $lu. STOCK and COMPLETE STOCK DOC- umuhu Bicycle Co., 16th ami iiiiuigu at3. WANTED, city und larm loans: also bondj TOR. This splendid book contains l.luo y 7W "nd v. annuls, it. C. Peters & Co., 1702 imperial octavo pages, 800 object-teuchlng ; Farnum St., Bee Bldg. W 731 engiavlnga and Is the only book on live TRADE your old wheel in on a new ono. ' : stock ever published adapted to the every- umuhu Blcycio Co.. iutrr uim Chicago hta, LOANb on eastern Nebrasku und western day, practical, money-saving use of every y 7lu Iowa furms ut 5 per cent; borrowers cun fanner and stock owner. Steady employ. . pay $luo i,r any multiple; uny Interest ment with assured Good Income. Agents NIGHT SCHOOL, Neb. Bus,, Boyd theater date; 110 delay. Brcniiau-Lovo Co., 3u3 S. In the country with horse and buggy es- Q w "0 I3,n Uinuna, Neb. W 72C peclally desired. .Canvussers make easily , u , ' . ' $60 to $100 per month. Address, Century FIR timbers for houso movers, etc 40 to J'o.COO SPECIAL fund; loans $300 up; lowest Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Building, 71 ft., cribbing und hog luiico. 9ji Douir. rates. Uurvln Bios., lwl Farnum. Omaha. J 4M7 lua. y-Mal W-'M AGENTS In their home districts to sell CHOICE lot of milch cows for saltTcheau 300' m' w I'rivuto inoney to loan; 1, 2, 3 ciders, liquors, wines, etc., to the tr.idj S. T. Campbell, 4214 Center St. O ::9l or .b yeurs. v, u. boluy, Buuiu ot 'Iradg and consumers. Ubcral commlislons. 2 1 Bldg, W-722 Write for 4 terms and price llsu Barrett $20,000 SALOON und storo building; 7 living TTT'T: i : : & Barrett Co., Kansas City, Mu. J rooms upstairs; ground 66x06: corner 10th MONI"-v UP Improved Omuha real ' and Douglas. Luuer Bros. o-ti. estute. Breliimn-Love Co,, 3d9 South 13th. A FIRST-CLASS brick store room. 22x80 g "M W-723 feet, with good basement, on 16th street, FINE show cases, one wall case all ele. ... .... ..' ., - 7 hff iMWvsK '2.." $y C,i,i,l: ft cherry llnlsli; uUo sjfe SdVunt?r8. 4'4 10 - 1 ' U' money' IlemlB' VaxtS? f1.1 BWi iniJNHX B. I'AiNE, 601-2, N. 1. Life, i023 Fornam, Q 080 25' . 1-740 85 'vnn HAfif m tt . , T PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. AGENTS wanted; fraternal Insurance: sick. tmAlSrXll& ffli ' ' W Equity ofanthedWorldbeUn on Tru" if "bid?' Q8 " W. B. MEIKLE, 401 S. Uth St.. loans money st1 ilruia Mo "ord Un,on rrusl bld" nn ..., 7" ; on resluence property ut 5 per tent. at. ixuis, mo. j FOR SALE, a lot of secondhand lumber; W I I AGENTS wanted everywhere; new patent- fflf,"" 01 "CU' C' 8' SheI'uBll7o5N' ed, quick selling article, needed in every ' w I'RIVATE inoney. F. D. Wcad, 1521 Douglas. house und store, $5 to $15 dally; writs CHOICE, high-grade wheel, almost new. W 713 quick. Ewlng, 63 River st Chicago. for u song. Inquire at 601 N, Y. Life. inr?TVis:iiA l:iTii r J 726 25 0-M73I 26 ntBisi-as uia.1IM, A?NXS-?av,, Irnechanlc,'f ?nP removes LIFE scholarship at a bargain. lnbot LINDELL HOTEL, flrst-class, good busl". Ink. Paint, fruit and all stains; toilet business college In Omaha: every advant- ness. furntuhlngs complete; price $2000- 5?."ktai!i.ine"-c,u,,v' UrrUnrv' .P?"' ajte Buaranteed; here's an opportunity. Investigate. William Madgett, IlaatTng.' Soap Co., Chicago, J-720 25 Address ot once, 13 67, Bco. Q -777 25 Neb. Y-M16J .MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS On household furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, etc., In two hours' tlmo; also to salaried people 011 their plain notes, with out security. Easiest payments and low est rates In Omaha. Private Interviewing room. American Limit Co., room 312 Drown block, cor. 16th mid Douglas Sts.; entrance un ltfill St., opposite V. .VI, C. A. Bldg. X-733 LARGEST BUSINESS ili LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest firms; 40 nillces tu prlncl- Sal cities, Tulmau, 410 Board of Trade Idg. X-731 LOANS ON SALARIES, FURNITURE,' live stock, etc. Uulck service nnd lowest rates guaranteed. J. W, TAYI.OE, 633 (top floor) 1'axton block, northeast corner I6ta and Farnam; cutrnuco 011 16th street. X-733 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F, Reed, 319 ti. 13. X-736 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, horses, cows, Jewelry, Dun Green, R. f, Barker blk X 737 1 1 iii 1 1 a WE LOAN money to salaried people on their note at lowest rates; strictly conll dentlal; pay weekly, semi-weekly 01 monthly. Room 303, Paxtou block, 3d floor, Rellablo Credit Co. X 739 MONEY loaned on plain noto to salaried people; business conlldentlal; lowest rutcs. bll Paxtou block. Tho J. A. Hutton Co. X-794 THE MOST SATISFACTORY PLACE to mako loans on furniture, piano or salary. ROOM 314 BROWN BLOCK, entrance op posite Y. M. C. A. Bldg., 16th St. Try R and ycu will bo sure und repeat tho dosu. X-.MM9 DO YOU NEED MONEYT We loan $10 and up 011 furniture, pianos, horses und other chattels, SALARY LOANS Without raortgagu tu people holding perma nent positions. You can got tho money In 11 few hours after making application and tuko 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 months or moro ln which to pay It back, and you need nut pay for it ono dny longer than you keep it. Wa charge nothing for papers and wo glvo you tho full amount In cash. There aro no lower rates than ours; our terms aro tho easiest; our business Is conlldentlal und our motto Is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN Co.. 119 Board of Trudo Bldg. Tel. 229j. (Established 1592.) 306 S. 16th St. X-732 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE or trade, half or wholo Interest in drug store; hntdwood floor, Matthewi gas muchlne, eoda fountain, etc.; In a lively county seat. Tbyrold-Lymph Co.. 500 Beo Bldg. 1 740 COMPLETE patent medlclno business fot sale cheap. A snap. E 4, Bee. Y-M601 2S FINE stock of groceries for sale nt a bar gain. For particulars call on B. R. Ball. 626 N. Y. Llfo. Y-7C0 23 WANTED, ladles of ability to managi branch offices. Thyroid-Lymph Co., 6o( Beo Bldg., Omaha. Y M133 GEN'L MDSE. stocks, $3,000 tcN$16,000, doing good business, Vi cash, ',4 good clear Im proved land. BOOT AND SHOE stock, $5,000, nice ttnde, good town, V4 cash, Improved clear land. HARDWARE STOCKS, $3,000 to $C,D00; might consider part good Improved land nnd cash. GRO CERY STOCKS, $500 to $2,500, cash and llttlo trade. DRUG STOCKS, $1,000 to $2,600; consider clear Improved land nnd cash. IMPLEMENT AND BUGGY busl ness ln good, llvo town for nalo at bar gain. JEW'ELERY STOCKS. $350 und $600, In good town. BAKERY AND CONFEC TIONERY business, lino trade, live town, nt right llgurcs. CIGAR, SODA FOUN TAIN AND NEWS business, lino location, cheap. COAL AND FUEL business, with good trade, central location; If you havo piece of clear Improved land might seo me. 8UITATORIUM business-in city, lino opening. WHOLESALE TOBACCO AND CIGAR business, In city, pays well; young man with few hundred dollars look into this. WANTED, boot and shoe man with $1,500 to $2,000 cash, to take an inter est In an old established business ln good country town; has leading trado of tho place. WANTED, business man with $1,000 and up ta tuko interest in commis sion business In city; can havo full con trol of business. HOTELS of various sizes, doing good business, in nnd out of city; furniture nnd lenso for sale at right llguro. RESTAURANTS. In nnd out of city, doing well, but can bo bought cheap. ROOMING AND BOARDING house of various sizes nnd prices, ln good location ln city. Oh, yes, I huvo other lines of business still, but tlmo will not permit of my mentioning them. Just wrlto mo full nnd preclso particulars ln llrst letter of what you huvo and what you want. Then I will try and do my part quick. 1 am never too busy to give you courteous at tention. Llfo Is too short to say moro, J, H. JOHNSON, 811 N. Y. Llfo. 'Phono L2270. Y 793 26 FOR. SALE, a good livery stock, well lo cuted lu good eastern Nebraska town Inhabitants, 2,500; doing good buMnesi better than $300 per month; will sell at a sacrifice; chance for a bargain; best 0$ reusons for selling. Address E 09. Rco. Y-MS02 27' FOR SALE, book, stationery and, wallpupsi business, about $S,500, could be reducedl doing $20,000 a year In good town: will take $3,000 ill laud; no traders. Addresi E Hi, Bee. Y-796 25 HOTEL furnlturo and llxturcs of 20 rooms, completely equipped; only house In good, llvo country town; doing profitable busi ness, rent low; furnlturo und leuse bar gain. J. II. Johnson, N. Y. Life. ' Y-M791 26 HOTEL, only $2 houso in city 25,000 souls, electric lights, steam heat, bath, 65 sleep ing rooms, good business, completely equipped; owner obliged to leave clty sell furniture, piano mid leaso at bargalnj line opening. J. II, Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-M793 26 1 11 iniivufiM V -..t-ls I lf, 1(1, ln- Tho Real Estate and Business Chance Man, Solicits Your Business. 1 Merchandise Stocks, Hotels and noomlni licuBis for Sulo or Exchunge. 1 Jii FOR SALE, hotel furnlturo and thrce-ycai lease in live town 01 i,uw; junction or iwq rouds. No competition, new hotel. Ad dress E S3, Bee. Y-M630 23 WANTED, physician, excellent opening 'fol cumpeient piiys.cian, Auurets iiox Newcastle, 'Neb. Y M6.0 2s FOR SALE, tin shop In Denver, Colo., oa ... Uln..l I flV IHlUUm tJ. B.nilCOTl. niUUIt ,11111 ItlUIH, f"VM 1 Good trade, 'ilu Shop, 1709 Champa St Denver. Colo. Y M&9 27 DRUG STORE In eastern Nebraska dolnfj . . a .. . ,ll..l goou ijuaineas, goou reasons uir nuuuitH Invoice, $2,101); easy terms. Address E 31, Bee, Y-M024 Br FURNITURE of 15-room flat, completclj equipped, line location, revenue iron; roomers, $135 per month. If you wanl a bargain bu quick. J, 11. Johnson, N, T. Life. Y MUS FOR SALE, furnlturo of a 12-room board- lug house mid lease 011 uouse; uveryiiuna ilrst-cluto, new furnlturo und rugs, all ready lor party to -tuko possession at once; parllei leuvlug city. 803 1st ave.. Council Bluffs. Y-M639 25 A VERY nttractlvo Investment Is offered (.. uti.i.U nt till. (Inlilcn Ilwl nt. pany of Omuhu; absolutely safe und sura to pay largo dlv.dends; on.y a limited amount for salo at pur. Call or write for full Information. Olllce 1911 Davenport ML Y-M159 WELL-ESTABLISHED corner drug stor Iu Omahu for sale, llxtures, $275. E 27, Bee. Y-.M595 H20 FOR RENT, only blacksmith hIiod In smalj town. Address E 2S, Bee. Y MS9J 28 ENERGETIC' mnn with $1,000 cash capital can secure permanent situation us rnana. ger of branch olllce for established cor porntlon operating on co-operative plan, Do not unswer unless you nro a hustlei nnd can come woll recommended. Addreii Box 1,67, Pittsburg, Pn. Y I' OR SALE, best general storo In town of 100 In 8 E. Nebraska, having good tradoj Involco $5,000 to $0,COO: sules lust year $21. 000; best reason for soiling. Address P. O, Box 411, Albion, Neb. Y TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE TO SELL, TELL .ME WHAT YOU WANT TO BUY, IF I DON'T FIND YOU A DEAL VOU MAY SAY I NEVER TRY. "HONEST SPECULATION." 1100 InvrBit d In wheat or corn under present conditions mnv mako vou Independently rich. New method sneculatlnir. Snd for free particulars. Herbert R. Fulton. Broker, Unity bldg., Chicago. Y-727 2& iH ,1