Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1901, Page 17, Image 25

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us'bsm Men Fed Much Enconra'td Orer
tba OntlcrA.
Itelnll MerclmnU of Tributary Terri
tory VIuKIiik tlir City Are I'lnrlng
Good, Llticrnl Orders fur
flrnernl Merchandise,
Sentiment In this part of the country is
rapidly changing to one of great confidence
tn the future of business, During the time
Junt following the announcement of the
serious damage to the corn crop everyone
m very much discounted and predicting
that business would llattcn out completely.
Then there followed it week or two during
which the drift of opinion seemed to favor
a belief that there would bo some trade, but
that nothltiK like luat year need be looked
for. The third porlod has now been reached
and the belief seems to prevail among the
best Informed merchants of the city that
business will move right along us If nothing
had happened to the corn crop. They are
basing this belief on tho fact that late rains
made great Improvement In tho corn, so
that there will be after all a considerable
crop In most sections of the state. Then,
too, tho crop of small grain Is threshing out
so much better thnn was even expecteu. In
the IrrlgHted sections of the western states
large crops have been grown, while the
inlnlnir ItitttrestH urn verv nctive. in mlill.
tlon prices for nil kinds of farm produce
are mgn, so tnui tno inrmers will nuve
more money this ycur thnn usual, even If
thoru Is a shortage of corn. Llvo stock Is
bringing In splendid returns. Taken all In
all business men have come to the conclu
sion that Instead of being poor or only fair
ino prospects ior trauo tno coming year are
excellent, and while there may be u falling
off In some localities the loss will be made
up by (CaliiH from other sources.
Money continues very easy and collections
are generally good. Country banks arc full
of monev and It ilns tint Mrim nt nit rllffl.
cult to secure any amount that may bo re-
nuircu on tno proper security, it is also re
ported that louners nro generally glad to
renew good loans that full due. when so de
sired. With farm crops as high as they arc
at present there Is no doubt but what the
Ncbrnska and western Iowa farmers will
have HUlllclent cash to meet all obligations
and thot country collections will continue
soou rigm tnrougn tne seuson.
Bo far as the local lobblnit tradn Is run
cerncd It wan fulls' as irnoii Inst wnok un
could be expected for tuts season of the
year. A good many retail merchants from
the country were In tho city and the most
of them left liberal orders behind as ideas-
ant reminders of their visits. Traveling
salesmen also gave a good account of them
selves, so that business wn.s fairly brisk at
ii.v i " jouuing nausea 01 tno city.
Wholesale markets flhnw unmn flrmnni
In fact tho tendency of values, when" any
change at nil Is to bo noted. Is on the sldo
of higher prices In tho grocery lino ennned
nnd dried fruits continue very firm, owing
to the shortage In the supply of fruits und
vegetanlDH In mnst nil tho nrr1iir-lnr inani
ties. Canned tomatoes are especially llrm
and canners In the enat urn flenrlnu- that
western canners will bo rorccd to buy of
them before tho end of the season In order
to fill orders for goods already contracted.
On the Pacific coast tho canners us well as
the dried fruit men are figuring that tho
shortage In the east and mlddlo west will
give them a great opportunity to roap a
harvest and they nro accordingly getting
very high notions as to values. This Is es
peclully true In relation to prunes, which
are being strongly held, and the producers
havo a still further advantage In the short-
"l mo toreign crop. I'enchcs and apri
cots are still very firmly hold. Damage Is
reported to tho Oreek currnnt crop, so that
l,,UlpcCm ls thftt .tho market on dried
2J,,irKint8. W,IU "e? trnK- The first big
shipment of new rice nrnved nt New York
!?,it.Vek nnd Bm nt ,ho highest price over
puii for.a ro"nl lot of the new crop,
i T?er ,B a .,a,r volume of business doing
hiin0i ."JJ "J106?' .tuolness In that lino
oolnB In Just about tho samo condition aa
usual during the latter half of August. Job.
hfr.f?"1 "? tnlk'n? In most hope
ful und confident tone and country retailers
appear to be anticipating a very decent
trade for the fall anil winter? nt least they
"ndn. "8 that W,S W,lat thcy h
,?r,iB00ds PC2P' nro nulte busy getting
out winter goods nnd there Is no sign of
"wK Mk l0f,l?UBlnB!, ,n t!lclr qimrter. Tho
two big lobbing houses In this city seem
to be aa busy as they can be. Just at pres
ent thcro are a largo number of their cus
tomers coming In nnd nil hands nre engaged
In showln goods to the visitors nnd taking
orders. The rule Is that they nro placlni
orders calling for about the usual amount
or goods.
i..7.!l?.ife.?Un,ri ln hnr'lwiro circles Is rather
unsettled owing to tho continuance of tho
steel strike, which still seems to bo far from
mmi'i'S1?.0?1-. Ti,,, .i1" ml,put or ,h Bt0
mills bids fair, If continued much longer, to
produce u shortage In raw material with
somo of the manuiacttirers. The knowledge
that there Is dnnircr nf B),nr,n i iCit
iionr future. Is causing a verv llrm feeling
to prevail In many lines.
.,h?c"' re.tnllers report n fair amount of
"""" " "ui'ih, oui wnn tne return of the
great numtirtr nf n,..,.,i .i, ... .. "
spending the summer In tho mountains or
at the seashore everyone Is looking for a
general Improvement. Prospects for tho
........ luwiiuiB nro ni irasi encouraging.
Liverpool (jrulu ami Provisions.
lvrciU'OOL, AUK. 21. WIIEAT-HiuiI.
'if western, winter, 6s6V4d; No. 2
XL.L " 'l.uiei at osuvbti; No.
northern, spring, nulet at BsRd; n 1 r
k JrS?1 . .Futures, ipilet; Soptem-
""uJ.Wtli December, 6s S;d.
9rd?Naol!enib8err,4Cs''!i.4,,!,iJ: October- a
at 7s aa " ""cv winter, steady
flm iferl?6'' ,ex,,l "rlme mess,
nrm, s ta. Pork, prime mpsn wm..,.
KFL'i.i lMr"' American rellned, steady
s6d; prime western, steady, 45s. HitimV
short cut. U to 16 lbs., steady. 31s. inr-on
short cut. 28 to so ids nrm'" jT- i.i.1
iVL XV." ". ' 5"v'.r.'. lo 'us., steady
;."""""" jiyr muuiies, Btrndy, 33 to AO
b steady, ifo; short clear backs, 10 to 20
KZ ' .V.S'n. f. 'oucr Denies. i to 10
6M aiiuumcrs, square, iulet,
, CI IliESE American finest whlto nnlnf
MWfW5.Br7 "nC!lt coloredrstead?U 7:
.'vX5-t:1nn.1Jn"' "rm. 6s Cd.
' CWC3U. 1"'nuo" "'ncinc coast), dull.
UUTTBIt-Unlted Htates fine, llrm ajf
United States, goo.l. nrm, 7Ds. ' '
Itecelpts of wheat for tho Inst three dnv.
wero ipw centals, including sss.ono a n.'r
. Jcnn. Ilocelpts of American corn for i 1m
(..w ,,u,,iuv i.rihuia,
ICnnsns City 'irnln iiml I'rovlKlonm.
I,N8.,A? CITY1, Au- 24 -WIlKAT-nc-ceipts,
2W cars; September. C3'ic: Decern.
PSr axi 'a '-'fc; cash No. 2 hard, 6ilU
COltN-Hcptember. 55c: December, 55H
bjjic; May. BSSc: cash No. 2 mixed, b'iH
OATS-No. 2 white. to)ic
UYK-No. 2, KJTJSc.
iiAi-unoica timothy, J12.E0; cholco
nUTTEH-Creamcry. 16HOl0c; dairy,
fancy. HiflCc. "
liaas Klrm: fresh Missouri nnd Kancaj
stock quoted on 'chunge, 12c per doz, Ins
UECKIPTS-Whent, 19J.C0O bu.i corn, 21,
000 bu.: oats. 33.000 bu. ' '
21.000 bu. oats, 11,000 bu
16S.S0) bu.; corn,
Phllndrlphln Prmlnee .tlnrket.
iu iuvT, joncy western creamery, .ic
fancy nenrhv nrlnts. 23e.
EGGS llrm; good demand; fresh nearby
16c; fresh western, 16c; fresh southwestern,
16c; fresh southern, 16c.
CHEES E-Qulet; New York full creams
fancy small, 9c: New York full creams
rair to cnoice, sT13'.SC.
Mllvrnokfi' tiralii lirket.
Steady: rno. l nortnern, 7Hic; No. 2 north'
err.. 69MU70V4ci September, iOHc; December,
IIYE-Lower: No. 1. 67c
BARLEY Lower; No. J. 63o; sample, 450
CORN September, 55o; December, 67Vlc.
PeorlM Mnrket.
PEOniA. 111., Aug. 2t.-CORN-Easler
No. 1. RSUe.
OATB-Inactive; No. 2 white, 36c, billed
tnrougn. anu m'ic trncx.
WHIBKY-Ou the basis of tl.30 for tin
lined soods,
Uuluth lrnln Mnrket.
DULUTH. Aug. 24, WHEAT No. 1 hard
casn, mc: jno, i nortnern, cash, 70c; tscp
tember, 70c; August, 70yic; October 7Jc
December, 70So: May, HKci No, 2 north
ern, S7iC.
Comlltloii of Trndc nnd (Inntntlona
on Htnnle nnd Fnncy Produce.
Eaas-Hccelpts, fair; lots off, 12WS13C.
LIVE POULTItY Hens, 6V4"c : young
nnd old roosters, 3c; turkeys, GfJSci ducks
and geese, ofjoHc! old ducks, 4ci spring
chickens, per lb., 1212Uc.
Ht.'TTKtt Pirnitnnn tn folr. HflllUC!
choice dairy, !n tubs, lS31$c: separator, 100.
riif,oii t laii mack bass, isc; wni.o
buss, loc: blueflsh, 11c; bullheads, 10c; blue
fins, 7c: buffaloes. 6Uc. en i fish. 12c! cod. tc:
crapplcs, 10c; clscocs, Cc; halibut, 11c;
herring, 6c; haddock. 10c; pike, 9c; red
snnpper, loc, salmon, He; suniish, 5c; trout,
vt, wiuitriiBn, iuc.
i luisuNH-Live, per dox., 00c.
VEALS Choice, tg9c.
HAY Prlcns flllntrd hv Ornnlm WtintnTnli,
Hay Deak-rs' Assnclntlnn! r'hnlrn imltir,.!
llO.w; No 2 upland, 19.00; medium, t-.W;
warse, li.W. Hye straw, J6.00. These prices
nro for hay of good color and quality. De-
WHEAT 610.
OATS-Old, 40c
QUEEN COHN-Per doi 12HC.
CAHHOTS-'Per doz., 20c.
:H'.f?TTi,er.,h"lf uu- basket, 40c.
1 MiitSi TT.1 er basket. 30c.
30c. ' " v
LETTUCE Per. bu 20c.
HAD I SUES Per doz., 15ff20c.
PAIISLE Y Per doz.. 20c.
CAHUAOE-Homc-grown, 3'4c
TOMATOEtl Itnmn.Brnwn .... II II.
basket, 6o6(.. '
V iti . t "ome-grown, per lb 3c.
tCAULIl' LOWEH Home-grown, per doz.,
MEANS Wax, per ',4-bu. baskot. SI:
per doz.,
WATEIIMELCINH Tri mofi-w. n. .
CLLEHY Kalamazoo, per bunch, 25S35c.
APPLES Per bbl., I2.2oS2.50.
CHEKIUES-Nntlvc. per 8-lb. basket, Me;
Missouri, per 24qt. cose, J2.
PEACHES California, ner box. 90o: freo.
stnni;, tl; cholco Elbertos, tl; fancy, tl.20. .Hiiiornia, per crate, ti.Jo'tfl.kO;
homo grown, per Mb. basket, 25c.
PEAKS Hartletts. 2.&
OltANaES-Valenclus, So; Med. sweets,
UANANAS Per bunch, according to size,
1'ius California, new cartons, 73c; .ay.
cro, doc: inipuricu, per io., iuyi.c.
DATES Persian, In &)-lb. boxes, Salrs, 5c,
NUTS English walnuts, per lb.. 15c: fil
berts, per lb., 13c; almonds, per lb., lJiii'.Mc;
raw peanutH, per lb., bifoMc; roasted, (JHif
7l,'io, liruzlls, lao; pecans, lu22c.
uniuiii t'er oui i.ou; per Vi-ooi., li.lo.
HIDES No. 1 green. b',4c: No. 2 green,
5M.c: No. 1 salted. 7Wc: No. 2 salted. 6'4c:
No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12V4 lbs., 8c; No. 2
calf, 12. to IS lbs., Cc; dry hides, ay lie; sheep
pens, -iryiDC, norscuiues,
i "
St. I.onln (irnln mid Provisions.
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 24.-WHEAT-Itecelptn,
89,639 bus.; firm; No. 2 red, cash, elevator,
7o'(;c; track, "lftOTVic: September, 70',c;
May, 77c; No. 2 hard, Mtyittftc.
CUHN Higher; No. 2 cash, B6Hc; track,
J7iui7V4c; Se)tcmber, 564c; December, 6Sc;
May, WSiC.
OATS Higher, No. 2 cash, 37c; track,
37Vit38o; September, 37c; December, 2So;
.May. 394c; No. 2 white, 39c.
HYE Lower. B9c.
SEEDS Timothy, firm In demand; J3.40 ,
bid, spot or to arrive; prime worth nomi
nally more. Flax, lower, tl.65.
cuHKMHAii steaay, w.
DHAN Inuctlve. easy; sacked, east track,
soy 83c.
HAY Irregular ; timotny, iio.wuii.mj;
prairie, J7.SOW11.00.
whisk. oteauy. i.ju.
BAGOINO t.'nchunged.
HEMP TWINE Unchanged.
1'ItUVlSlONS-Pork. firm: Jobbing. J1S.75.
Lard, lower, tS.77H. Dry salt meats tbjxcdi,
higher! extra shorts, IS 6214 : clear ribs, JS.73;
clear, sides, $J. Ilacon (boxed), higher; ext. a
horts. t9.62tt: clear ribs, w.76; clear sides,
ftff v,T'M A T a T nnA MM i ill
ill l-S JL 41 tJSJw lvUU) 111 lllf fl.W.
POULTHY Dull: chickens. 6Wc: snrlngs.
V4c; turkeys, Sc; young, 74(8c; ducks, be;
geese, 3c; springs, 1C
UUTTEH-Steady; creamery, 1722J4c;
dairy, 1417c.
liOUS Steady; western, lie.
RECEIPTS Flour. 6,000 bbls.; wheat, 82,03)
bu.; corn. 66.000 bu.; oats, 43,000 bu.
shipments Flour, bbls.: wneat.
39.000 bu.; corn, 37,000 bu.; oats, 60,000 bu.
Print Cloth Market.
Print cloth nrlccH were marked ur another
sixteenth today and tho asklnv price Is
now 2c ror regulars ana on that basis
for odds. At tho figure manufacturers are
parting with but small lots and It is evi
dent that they are simply testing the
strength of the buying movement with a
view to ascertaining just now imperative
tno nceim or uuvcrs aro and wnat figure
they may finally bo able to obtain for the
goods mudc here.
Tho print cloth market continues strong,
cotton troods sold on the basis of 2c for
regulars, wine goons, i-i6c limner, rone
of stnple cottons generally steady. Trlnts
nnd ginghams unnltered. Market for cot
ton yarns shows no Improvement, business
dull and prices irregular with lower sales
than u week ago. Worsted yarns firm.
Woolen .lute and linen yarns aulct and un
Co ITee Mnrkrt.
NEW YORK. Aug. 2l.-COFFEE-Snot
Rio. easy: No. 7 Invoice. 6Sc. Mild, nulet:
Cordova. StTllHc Futures opened steady,
with prices Kilo points lower, and failed to
react all through the session, owing to un
favorable news from foreign markets, nb
senco of speculative support nnd heavier
Brazilian receipts than expected. Trading
was rainy active, though cnieny or a pro
fessional character. The bulk of the busi
ness done comprised switches of near
months to the remote deliveries. The cloe
was barely steady, with prices net 5I0
nntntB Iah'iif Titn1 daIa, flu IWrt In
cluding September nt 4. Sic; October, iu)-",
November, 4.95(85.000; January, 5.:0c; May,
5.30c; July, 5.65c.
Oil mid lloalii.
NEW YORK. Aug. 2I.-OIL-Cotton(.oed.
quiet; prime yellow. 4ft!?l0ile. Petroleum,
dull; rellned, New York, J7.50; Ph!!ndMphH
and Baltimore, J7.43; In bulk, J4.S5. Roiln,
oulet; strnlned, common to good, Jl.IOfTl.15.
Turpentine, steady, SC-'Mo.
I.IVEKI'OOIi. Aug, rt OHi-Cottonseed.
Hull refined, firm, 21s 3d, Turpentine spirit,
stendv, 26s 9d. Rosin, common, eteadv,
s Wil. Ltrseed, steady, 33s 61, Petroleum,
stendy. OViP,
LONDON. Aug. 24,-OIIi-Caleutta llnseod.
spot, 56.. Turpentine spirits, 26s 6H1.
Siimir Mnrkrt,
NEW YORK. Auor. 21. StTOATl-llnw.
quiet; fair rellning, 3 7-16e; centrifugal. 96
test, ic; moiasses sugnr, 7 3-16c: quiet; No,
. 4.43c: No. 7. 4.45e: Nn. 10 l.KSe? Vn 11
4.30c; No. 12, 4.30c; No, 13, 4.2c; No, 14. 4.:nC;
(standard A. 5.03c; confectioners' A. 5.030;
icutloaf, 5.75c; crushed, R,75c; powdered,
o.3sc: eranuiaten, s.23c; rube. B.50c.
et; centrlfucnl. vellow. 4UTH4e; i.rnmln
C l-lfiT7)ic. Molasses, dull; centrifugal, o'y
I'lvnpornted anil Dried Fruit.
APPLES The undertone remains firm,
but the mnrket for evaporated apples was
unusuntlv slow and prices were about un
changed: stnte. common tn good. 5gc;
prime, 7V4I8o: choice. SVAo: fiuiov, 9c.
stendv Prunes, 3?if7r. Apricots, Roynl,
8V4T13c; Moor Park. 8il2c. Peaches, peeled,
llfllSc; unpeeled, 6fJ9Hc
Toledo firnln nnd Herd.
TOLEDO, Aug, 2I.-WHEAT-Cnsh, 72Hc;
September, 72V4o; December, 74Hc; May,
CORN Cash, 67Uc; September 76V4C; De
cember. 67o
OATS Sentember. 3lc: December, 35V4C.
SEEDS-Clover, October. $6.00: December,
Sllimeaiiolls Wlient, Flour mid llrnn,
Cash, tviv:: uecember. KJffnHc; SpleT
per, 0''c; on iracK. rn. 1 hard, 63tr; No,
1 northern, c; No, 2 northern. 66Sc.
FLOUR First natents. $3.23rf3.M! seenml
pntents. U6MJ3.75; first clears, $2.653.75;
seennn near. .,i.
RRAN-In bulk. $14.0BH.5Q.
Wool Mnrket.
ST. LOl'IS. Aue II. WOOL-StendV! me
dlum grade. imfHTe: light fine. H',i8Hc;
Heavy line, vnuuc; tuuwasneu, nn.ic.
.... ' 1 n "u, uiinHci, ioc.
i-irta i-er uu., i; per H-bu.. 60c
CANTALOUPE-Home grown,
,ac(ilil.l!.i! rl-nlcii
rnlIITI llll K Ul V A VP! f
VUiUJILUllU ttlll l'limVmb
SpecuUtiT MrkU Dnll and Ftatnre-leii,
r , . . . '
bat Fairly Btt&dy.
Corn Opens IVcnU, lint irndunlly
OruiTS Stronger Provisions Mar
ket Firm, with Slight
CHICAOO, Aug. 24. The lending specu-
lntlve markets were dull and featureless
but fairly steady today, September wheat
cloning a shadn un and corn nt an equal
closing a snauo up anu corn i
decline. Oats closed ttc lower and pro-
visions unchanged to 2VWi5c lmnroved,
Tralllc In wheat wus In small quantities
and as tho situation showed no material
change the usual dull and featureless uf-
fair known as the "Saturday market wns
the result. September opened a shado to
i'p hleher at 7O'4ii70c. nnd sold to 70c
UC nifancr ni m,4iu)it, n"
early on tho weakness of the foreign list.
A recovery to 70c followed on prom-taking
by shorts. Prices fluctuated the remainder
,u ,n..inn within thu range thus es-
of the session wnn n int.
tubllshed and closed steady, September a.
shade higher, ut 70'ac. Exporters reported
twolvo loads taken. Seaboard clearances
were 6W two bushels, while primary receipts
uggregnted 1,1.97,000 bushels compared with
l.iKttS i bushels last year. Local receipts
V1..'. ,ff, .....V 'i" ,.,. r rnnir.iri L'raue;
Mlnncnpolls und Duluth reported 092 cars,
against 480 lust wVck and W7 a year ngp.
Corn BtiVfl Indications of having shaken
out all doubters and Insutllclcntly mar
..i.,.i .1,1,1,iriwrii ,tnrin7 thn last two weeks
n..ellm.. Thn market ODened weak, but
gradually Improved when offerings ot long
corn wero observed to bo comparatively
small, und some of the heavier bull traders,
...i... i,,,.... i..,n ii, ,iu, in Hi. ir. were seen to
bo starting again to accumulate new loads
ot long corn. There was a fair Inquiry
for eastern shipment and SSO.uiO bushels
were reported sold. HccelntB were 28.' curs.
H..i.i,.,r Mni.i i.tueii r.U'.p. and 5lc. and
uw....wv -u.u ........v.. .
b-iu.Bvu . nimuu uuwm v .... .
I ...,, I., n.ui nxiiin , t. in MnMinmnpr iiiiilin i
- ,i .. t...h ,nnll.. l,i ,iiit riripert I
ctiiavii Ik iuiiiii;! v. . . . . . ...
-1.. i .. Au.inM i. ni iv... aMlllnv tires- I
sure did not last. long, nnd the market
with corn. The recovery In prices, how;
ever, was not material. September sold
.. ,IIM,-llln nnd V1r nnrl . nwri tiC
lower at MUc. Tile casu situation wna
nlnnr IltteAtlitu Wen. 11i r.nTR.
Provisions were dun, nut nrm. ana muuo
n sllKhl Improvement without the nld of
the grain markets. This was duo to buying
for the outsiue account, ine price runso
was narrow. January pork cloned 2ttifoo
higher. January lard 2',4c up and jnnuary
ribs unchanged at $8.S2V4 and Si,9i4 re-
spectlvelv. . .... . ...
Estimated rece tits Monday: Wheat, 1.0
cars; corn, 330 cars; oats, 325 cars; hogs,
SO.OUO head.
Tho leading futures ranged ns follows:
Articles, I Opcn. lilgh.l Low. Close. YeVy.
Sept. Dec.
Sept. Dec.
I .
14 40
14 55
15 55
' 8 90
14 43 I
14 B2V4I
15 57H
8 95
14 SIM
14 45
14 374
14 45
15 55
II 35
11 42V4
15 52fc
15 62V4!
8 90
8 95
8 90
8 97V4
8 824
9 02W
8 82H
8 42V4
8 97W
9 02
8 82(4
8 071.4
8 80
6 80
8 37K
8 42
8 00
8 37W
8 42Vi!
7 07V4
8 42VS
8 50
S 22J4
8 10
7 92V4
8 60
8 00
7 97V4!
fnh nnntnrlnns wero ar follows
TT"t.ntili Oulet. dull: winter Datcnts. J3.40
3.50; spring pntents. J3.00tf3.30: clears. $2.70
l3.4(Ka)3.70: straights. J2.803.2O; bakers, $2.20
WHEAT No. 3 spring, 69V4c; No. 2 red,
RN-Nn 5. WvUe! No. 2 vellow. 55Vic.
OATS-No. 2, 34H035t4c; No. 2 white, 37V4
mniLf tin. 3 white. 37fi37Uo.
BARLEY Fair to cholco malting, WQ
SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.57: No. 1 north-
western. $1.61: prime timothy, $5.55; clover,
contract grade, $10.25.
PuOVItjlUNS Mess porn, per uui,,
(ff 14.40. Lord, per 100 lbs.. l8.92Ktl8.93. v snort
rips sloes tiooscj, uiy nauvn
.hnnl.lerH (boxed). J7.254i7.50. Short clear
sides (hoxed). $8.80fl8.90.
WII1HU-Vrinnla of hlah wines. $1.29
SUGAR Cut loaf. 6c; granulated, 6.52c;
confectioners' A. 6.39c; off A, 6.24c.
Following are the receipts and shipment
tor today:
Rece Dts. Sh pments.
Flour, bbls 23.000 21,000
Wheat, bu 236,000 187.000
Corn, bu 357.000 419,000
Oats, bu 343,000 354,000
Hye. bu 9,000 1,00)
Uarley. bu 56.000 2.C00
On the Produce exchange today the nut
ter market was easy; creameries. 14iff2Cc;
dairies, 13R17C. Cheese, nrm, ItJMflu-KC.
bggs, ojlii 11 con,
of the liar an Vnrloun
NEW YORK. Aug. 2t.-FLOUR-Recelpts.
v.i.iy ntimru. 23.0S3 bbls.: market
steady, but inactive; winter imicnw,
$3.603.80; winter strnlghts, J3.30g4.50; win
to. .vina i?rjvn2 Sf! winter la a- cra-ie
92.30if2.40; Minnesota patents, $3.7504.00;
MlnnnsAlll nflKpr. l-.S2'IIJ.ltl. iiyo uour.
steady; fair to good, $2.8533.15; choice to
fancy. $3.30173.60.
CORNMEAL Quiet; yellow western, $1.20;
city. $1.18; Urandywine, $3.30f3.50.
RYE Quiet: No. 2 western, 62HC f. o. b,,
afloat; state, 5556c, c. I. f., New York,
DARLEY Dull! feeding, ozc, c. 1. 1.,
nulTaln: maltlnir. 60S65c. c. I. f.. Buffalo.
WHEAT-Recelpls, 26,355 bu,; exports,
22.093 bu. Spot market steady; No. z red,
77:e. f. o. b..' afloat: No. 2 red. 75T.C. ele
vator; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 78Tc, f, o. b
afloat: No. 1 hard, Duluth, 854c f. o. b
afloat. Options were steady and nulet moat
of tho forenoon. They received a little sup.
port from shorts and were affected by light
offerings. September, 7676 6-16c; OctobT,
76Wc, closed at 76Uc; December, 77'378c,
closed at Vic.
CORN Receipts, 13,600 nu.; exports, iu.-'i
hu. Snot, dul : No. 2. COMc. elevator, nnd
Cl'tc, f. o, b afloat, Options market showed
mit v weakness, owlnc to lower cauies. somo
liquidation arm continued invurnoip wcsiern
crop news, unnying wun wnciu, ins mar-
ket finally closed stendy at He net advance,
Septemtier. bvuujftc. cio?ea ni ww uj-
tobcr closed at 61c; December, tnjalsc,
closed at 61?ic.
OATS Receipts, iuo.ouj nu.: exports, 2..'uj
bu. Spot, dull: No. 2, 3SHc: No. 3, 3Sc: Ni.
2 white, 4Piff4R4c: No. 3 white, 40"j;e; tra
mixed western, 3Sl0c; trnok white, 4 if
nr. nnt ons inactive nnn nareiv steaiiy.
HAY Steady : snipping, iwni&c good to
ehnlee. KSItDOO.
HOPS Quiet: state, common 10 cnoice.
1 eVnn. 130 7c: SMeFoP 10WI3e: oliT 14
c; 3'actnc cohbi. tmii, .u'om., 4
crop. nifi5c; oin. :rioc.
HIDES-Steady; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs.,
18c; California. 21 to 25 lbs., IS'jc; Texas dry,
24 to 30 bs.. 14HC
LEATHER Steady: nemiocK stne. niior.01
Ayres, light to heavyweights, 23V4S2H4c;
acid. 23UH24WC.
PROVISIONS Tieef. steadv; fancy. ll.&o
niz.eo; mess, TJ.nmw.voi ticet nam", tJ'ui
22.00: packet, $10.50; city extra India mess.
$16.00flis.00. Cut meats, quiet; plrk'ed
bellies. $S.5OQ10.50; pickled shoulders, 17.00U
$7.25; pickled hams, $11. Iird. firm; western
steamed, J9.25; refined, firm; continent. $1.4);
south Americt. 110: compound, limzvilf
10.37V4. Pork, firm; short clear, $16 25017.60;
mess. ii.'i.MMiiti.tiO.
Dl'TTKR narely stendy: creamery, isf
m'ac: lactory, June pnekeu. MMiflaw: imi
tntion creamery, htjisc; state dairy, Uif
EGOS Steady; state and Pennsylvania,
1 C 1 . 1 A . ..... u . o Pr, i,nnHl...l 1 1 (-1 ' . ......
ern. cnudled, ie4fl7',4c.
TALLOW WUiet citv ($3 per PKg.). So!
country (pkg free), 685Vic.
V.llbuar. ucil.lill., JIKRH,;
rtecelpts. 2,858 pkgs.; stendy;
olorcd. 9c; fancy large while,
ncy small colored, 9H09ic;
white, 9V4c
-Allve. quiet and nominally
Iressed, quiet, with nrlces un-
tancy large coioi
941(9Hc: fnncy
fancy small white, 9V4c
POULTRY-Allve. quiet and nominally
unchanged; dressed, quiet, with nrlces un-
uimiiKi-u, ...
RICE-Qulet: domestic, fair to extra, 4tt
06,ic: Japan. 4c.
MOLASSES-Steady; New Orleans open
kettle, choice to good. 35IJ47C.
METALS Tho volume of business trans
acted In the local mttil market today wai
very small. Demand was chiefly of a char-
acter meeting well defined wants and values
were without material change. The absence
ot new from abroad had n dcpresilng cf-
upon M "
Tin was 124 23. Lead,
dull, nt tl .T7U. Uncltur. ntrnilv. at S3.
Conner. Iviltn Sunerlor, nominally nu ted
nt J16.EOfl l".oo and casting and electrolytic
nt Ji6.76Siis.j7H. Iron, du.l, at id.wwio.w for
pig Iron. No. 1 northern, 15.Wfll3.50i No. 2
southern foundry. $H.0,14.&ii No. 1 south
ern foundry, ll(.00715.23i No, 1 southern suit
foundry, JH.7BU15.25.
ytiW Y0UK stocks am) iiomi.h,
Pruflt-TnkliiR for Week Offset lr
NEW YOIIK. Aug. 24. The customary
tendency to tako profits at tho close of u
week of rising prices was offset today by
the buying attracted by the highly favor
able character of the weekly reviews of
commercial conditions by the mercantile
,ltfpnpli- nnd hv tho settlement of tho
Kranco-Tutklsh trouble. The London mar.
ket was called for n holiday today, so tno
d,niuui tor American securities Induced by
,u" la(or development came directly upon
tho ;uW Yort market. There was somo
profU-tnklng before the nuuearancc pi tho
bank Xrote USIlals'lu.'e:
"um w87ipportin prices and held the
murkot pretty steady nnd near the top until
thu close. The public still holds buck, but
evidently tho hope la i cntcrtulncd i that Aton-
day morning wl br ng more outsiders Into
market, nttracted by yesterday's
Krcater activity and strength and Its per-
slstence today. The bank statement was
about us expected in the cush Item, except
lllt tho gU1,IIOsed special shipments to
j!hlndcphla were not disclosed. The mod-
crnto loaM CXpanBlon was attributed to tho
stirring by pools In the stock market which
lll3 developed Uurlng the week. The Jean-
ers today were Atchison. Erie, the Pacifies,
Amalgamated Copper. Sugar, about n the
order named. The strength wim well dls-
trlbutcd, but some of the recent strong
stocks hung buck somewhat and especially
the I'cnnMvTviuilii irrouii. tho Wnbashes. St
Paul and Southern railroads, tho United
Statis Steel stocks were uulot. but tho
preferred rose a point In the late dealings.
The railroad bond market has been nar
row and dull but llrm. United States bonds
were unchanged on tne can prico ot iusi
tho N
The following are tne riosing prices on
cw York btocK excnur.gci
... 7!Vi So. Pacific .
.. Ti
.. Z.1H
.. Wi
.. 4l!i
.. WVi
.. ii-i
.. 41,
.. 21
1.. ITS
.. St; j
.. 31
do pM. So. Hallway
Itililmn Jt nhn...!0IH tin iif,!.
e....jl. twin.. . .Ill T.i. I'orllV .
... t. ..... .. .Hb...w...
, 70'4 Tol., St. L. & V.
, 47Vi da pfd
, Mb Union l'lu-lrtc ....
v.nimu.1 fin
dies, & CJnlo..
Chics go & Alton.
, ,8 do pfd..
Chlcaio. I,,. & I,... 3M, Anbaii
'Jo ' ' i; " III" "l2 Wta CcntrkV
l IHCttKO At U. 111.,.1-V Vl W. Lcnirftl
ChlCRL-o (J. S' !J Uu tifd.
ilo 1st pM s-'i .miikiik i;x
ilo III pfd 47 American IIx
ChlcuKU & N. W...1M IT. H. n...i
C, It. 1. & l m; Wella-r-oruo kx..
Chicago Tcr. & Tr. :IV Anml. Copper ...
do pfd Ainer. Cur & I ..
C. C, C. & at. L... do pfil
Cotorudo So..
ltVi Anivr. I.ln. uu..
St?i do 11 f J
2C, Amtr. ri. & It....
M"t do pfl
230 ,Aiiiit. Tobacco .
4r.i Anac. Mln. Co...
4 llrooklyn It. T...
do lat pfd
do 24 pfd
.. Cilli
... Ul
Del. & Hudson...
Del. Ii. & W
Denver & It. U..
,.. 4S.
do pfd
4VH Colo. Tuel & Iron.. 97
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
70i,Con, Oas 237'4
W'W Con. Tobacco ...
issi I ,io r'ii
(3 Gen. JJIcctrla ...
1 " Clucofe Sinrar .
1 iT7
Ot. Nor. pfd
Hocking Valley .
do ptd.
Illinois Central ,...6t Hocking Coal ...
Iowa Ccntrul -'Ml Intor. Paper ....
. :i
do nfd 7j
do pfd
Inter. Power ...
Uiclcdn Uas ....
National Ulncult
. 7s'i
Lake lirle k W.... 6'i
. 92!.
do pfd
. Ul
Ii. & N 10i
. 44'.4
Manhattan L
.!? National Ifad ..
. 21
Met. St. lly..
.1KJ iNatlonal Halt ..
. 4:',
Mexican Central.... 2t!il do pfd.
. ,i
. C3
. 41
Mrx. National
UI4 No. Amtrlcan
Minn. & tit. L...
Mo. Pacific
M K. A. T
..10!i Pacific Coast
..M7',i Pacltlo Mall
.. 2iVl People's (las
.. 57 U Pressed S. Car
.ASZH do pfd
.. W.l Pullman P. Car...,
.. S3 .Hepublto Steel ....
,.. 56 j do pfd...t
.. Zl'ii SlRar
,..lt7t Tcnn. Coal & Iron
... 4IH Cnlon Hag & P...,
do pfd
. 41.4
. S3H
. 2U
. 7iS
. f7',i
. 72V,
. If!,
,. sow
. 01
. 41!.
, 91
. 93!i
N. Y. Central ..
Norfolk & W....,
do pfd
No. Pacific pfd.
Ontario & V....
Pennsylvania ...
do 1st pfd
, ii'.-, do pru,
do Zd pfd
U. 8. Leather .
do pfd
U. S. Rubber ..
do pfd
U. ti. Steel
do pfd
Western Union
St. L. & S. F...
... 42
... 77
... 6!)
... 31
... 6iy.
do 1st pfd
8t 1' outhw"
do 23 pfd.
do pfd...
1st. Paul ..
do pfd...
New York .Money Mnrket.
NEW YORK, Aug. 24.-MONEY-On call,
steady ut 2V4 per cent; prlmo
paper. VitJo per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $I.S7 lor
demand and at $4.S4Vifj4.84 for sixty das;
posica rates, n.sos unu 44,53; guniiiiut.ui
bills, J4 834W.S4!i.
aitiV r.i liar, 004; ucxiuuu uunuia,
uonbh State bonus, inactive; rauroau
bonds, strong, government bonds, stendy.
The closliia' uuotatlons on bonds uru as
,U. S. ref. 2s. TCB...107M N. Y. Central n.,..10;vi
... x t t. .. r .. ,.,q
UU i:uuiun ......... .v. 74 ui 151:11. vai.
do 3s, rrg ltSVi No. Pacific 3s 7!
do coupon IOS',4
do 4s Will
N Y. U & St L 4s. .100'.
N. & V. con. 4s....:u2Vk
do new 4s, reg
do coupon 137
do old 4s, rtE HI
do coupon US
Oregon Nav. ls 110
do 4 103
do f. rec
Oregon S. L 6s 1S5H
j .. ............ 1,i7V.
D. 0f c. 3 C3s.'.'..'..!'.K4'
do consol 5s 11" I
Heading gen, 4s.... 89
Atchlson gen, 4.....103H
Itlo O. W, ls 1005
91 L & IM e, 5s. ..117
do adj. 4s...
Canada 80. 3s...
St L & 8 F g. Us. ...1:6ft
Cites. &. Ohio 4H'..l')'!i
M. l'aul consols ...181
8t P, C & P ls 115
do 5s wi'.i
C. d; N. V. c 7S..1S7
do 5 116".
do B. F. deb. is.. .14
So. Pacific 4s..
80. Railway r 117 ',4
.S. H. &. T. Cs 51
Chkaeo Ter. 4 9J
Colorado so. ts "
Denver & P.. a. w.lMH
Erie general 4s s'
Texas & Pacific la.llkH
do 2s Of 1,
t'nlon Paelfla 4s. ....105
Wabash 1 lis
do !s lltHi
West Sltoro 4s 113
Wis. Central 1 WA
Va. Centuries Dili
F. W. & V. C. Is. .103
aen. Klectrlo 6s. ...00
Iowa Central Is. ...11)
L. & N. unl. 4s 10H
M.. K. t T. Js a'V4
do 4. :3Vt
Bid. Offered.
Iloston Stock Quotations,
BOSTON, Aug. 24,-Cnll loans, 3V4ffl'4 per.
cent; time loans, 45j per cent, onictal
A T, 8. F 79V4 Wcstlngh. Electric. 70'4
do dm "i Atcnison 41 102
Amer. SugRr 137i .V. 1:. a. & c. 5s... a"i
American Tel 16H4 Adventure 37
Iloston Si Albany. ..157 Ulngham Mln. Co... U'.i
Iloston A Me,
195 Amal, Conner 123
Dominion Coal
... 31 Atlantis 3iVi
...115!4 Calumet & Recla...740
... 4la Centennial 3CU
do pfd
U. S. Hteel
do old ..,
aits ! ranklln lfci
iritchburg Pfd 145
Humboldt 25
men. Klectrlo .,,
'M Osceola lOOVi
Ed. Elec. Ill
Mexican Central
N. K. 0. & C...
.240 Parrot (3
. WVi qulncy 171
. '. Hanta Fe Copper....' 7H
.SO (Tamarack 340
- 34 Utah Mining 30
. 2014'Wlnona 4',t
.IMU, Wolverines Ci',4
nu rninnv
qij Dominion
union Pacific
wt Knu
Neiv York .Mliilnir Slmres.
NEW YORK. Aug. 24,-Tho following nro
the closing quotations on mining stocks:
Adams Con 7'
Little Chief ,..
f-'ierra Nevada
Hmall Hopes ,.
... 11
... 70
... I
... 3
... 3
... 10
... 30
Alice 43
Ilreece 1J
."'.' I
con, Cal. va.
Deaawood Terra..
. CO
. 63
. 0
Horn Silver
Iron Hllver
LeadvllU Con.....
Weekly Rnnk Statement,
NEW YORK, Aug. 24 Tho statement of
the associated banks for the week ending
toduy shows: Loans $SS7.37.ii1. Increase
$3,027,100; deposits $968,140,600, Increnso 3.
620. 400 j circulation $29,2)7.600. decreuee $31. '00:
legal tenders f77,238,t), decrease $t9,:00;
specie $182,926,600, Incrense $1,215,60); ro-
serves jsw.isb ooj. increase 1001.300: roservs
required $212,037,400, Incriaso JiSO.l 0; surplus
w,i4!i,iw, uccreaoe iia.tuj.
Ilnnk CleurliiKs.
OMAHA. Aug. 21. Hank clearings today,
ii'i 1 h rnrrennnmimir iitiv mat v.mip i l'.
I I , ' . ' . , . . ,, " '
tialtimohe. Ausr. 21 rienrimrs. is-'in
f.03! balances. $363,9jo. For tho week! Clear
Ungs, $19,irJ,433: balances, $2,719,091; money,
V4'fJH l'er cett.
ROSTON. Aug. 2I.-Clenrlngs, $16,999,387;
(balances, $1,666,632.
NEW YORK. Aug. 24 Clearings, $161,-
250.089; balances, $7,999,162.
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 24,-Clenrlngs,
41", UK ATI)! balanees. H.ins Mil Vnr II...
NEW YORK. Aug. 24. Clearings. $161,-
250.089; balances. $7,999,162.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 24. Clearings,
i xi5.M.,uiu: uaiiniceH, i,ius,y, For t ie weeK:
-Clearings. $127,'.'29.558i balanced, $16,175,55;
money. 44'A per cent.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 24,-Cleurlngs, $5,l56,r.S9;
balances. monev. 4ftfi ner eent?
New York exchange, 10c discount bid, par
CHICAGO. Aug. 21. Clearlncs. S19.758.71S
bnlances, $2,252,807; posted exchange, $4.85;
4.87V4, New York exchange, 40c discount.
Drj-Lot Stten in Qood Df miind nt Etofcdy,
Banginc to Itrong Fricis.
Medium lleef Stcrrs l.niver, Also Cons
and Hellers, While Feeders Are
SonicwhMt Higher .Mieep nnd
Ln 111 In Sell Lower.
Receipts were; citl.e. noa. o.iucp.
Olilei.U AlOllll.lV i.yjo .v. .-
uiiiclul 'luesuuy .ji'J V.104
uincnil Wtulluouay b.l.J ii 1
Otllclal Tliurr.uay ,,
uiiiclul l'Tiaay
Oiiiciui ouiuiiiuy ..
, 1..JI2
1 1,031
Total this week 1C.634
Wcik ending AUg. 17....1i,vJ
WieK cnunig aub. io.o.Ij.'IiO
WtuK tlidlni; AUu. 3 U.ini
ieeK eliuin JUiy il..,.i't,ii)l
batnu n.'tK 1:1st veur 2l.kiJ
Aitnikii liriLu nam lor liuus ui
Uinuim the punt sevurul Uu wan coui
I 1901.19OO.H8a9,l!9j.lt97.lS3S.l
Aujust LI 5 C6!4 5 151 4 19 3 79
August : 5 76 1 5 18j 4 2(j 3 M,
I 2 771 4 4i
2 4ii I '
iubU3l 0, 9 V4 I "I '
3 i i u
4 43, 5 til J Sj7 ' M ."
4 4 3 71 3 60, 2 Sl 4 t
3 11 3 4u 3U2 4 u
iVUtU3l 1, I o 1V
August ti.l 5 80
5 041 I
I. Ill 4 381
august 7. 5 65
August 8.1 b t
I 2 7b W
3 49 I j
& 15 4 3l J M
5 U4i 4 32i 3 61
August U.I & 7M.
JlllKUSl IUI ti iiu F, ihi 4 J bl
AUuUHt 111 1 in 4 "I 3 '-Ii 3 fill Z 501
August 12 6 74 14 Si 3 4si 3 5i 2 tu 4 60
ikuul 141 a il'sl 4 Doj
3 741 3 till 'i i4 4
3 681 2 831 4
"S"'l 11 o u;s 4 ( 4Jj
August loj u 'ii-,, 4 III, i 41
3 75) 1 a ej 4 1
3 7S 3 70 I 4 4
3 74 3 71 2 841 4 5i
August lSi a it
3 4 98
31 5 W
4 32
August 17 5 83
August 18
August Ul 5 89
4 30
I 4 91
4 4i 3 66 3 6 2 VI '
4 50, 3 t7l,3 7J i 4 61
I 3 7JI 3 70 2 i'JI 5
August Mi b 8ti?;i 5 03
August 2l 5 784, 5 02
August 221 5 8M 5 01
4 42 3 76
3 M I 49
4 42 3 69
59 2 Us I 4
i4 3 83 ' I 36
AUKUSt 231 5 91?i 4 97, I 411 3
tUKUl a 'Jl b U2 4 42 i 81 3 i'J
Indicates Sunday.
Tho olllclal number of cars of stock
brought ln toduy by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs
n jt. ot t. nv 1
Union Pncltlc system 1
V. to N. W. Ity.......,,
t, E. & M. V. R. R 27
8. C. . P. Ry ,1
i1.. Ut. P.. M. & O. llv 1 12
II. & -M. It. It. R : I
It. Ac U. ItV '
if f A. Si. .1 10
f It I r 1' west 11
iIIImiiIh Central 3
Total receipts
The disposition of the day's receipts wns
as tollows, eucn U'jycr purcnuoing wic nuur
ber uf hcud Indicated;
lluvcrs. cattle, nogs
n.ri'iiiti Pneltlni. f?n .... 4i4
Cudahy Packing Co 1.782
Armour ci Co .J0-
cn.inliv I'lit'kinir Co.. country.... 320 l.obl
n. II. llamniond Co.. K. C
Other buyers 322'J
Totals "6B 12.21S
CATTLE Thero was a fair Increase In tho
nmilni. nf enifln nv.r week alio, tho III
creasu coming from tho range. The quality
shows little change from day to day.
Th. liirinlrv fnr ilrvlot cattle has kept
pace with the supply und values have held
llrm to strong tho entire week on good to
nrlmn aleers. Shnrtfpil LTllllpH that ClimO Ifl
competition with range beef show n de
cline of 10Cfl5o for tho week. Quito a num
ber of grasscrs aro arriving and beef stock
from the range ls selling at $4.00 to $4 50,
somo of the heavier graaes going Into tho
feori Inlu nt nhnut snme nrlces.
Medium weight cows and heifers sold off
15t2o0 this week, and nest cows nna nm
ers also show a moderate decline. The
rtnnlltv hna lieen noor. a larue number of
thin old cows nnd coarso stuff arriving.
Veul calves, canners, bulls, stngs and calves
show llttlo chango In valuo from day to
There was a far better condition of af
fairs In the feeder division, prices gradu
ally Improving from day to day until tho
advancu toduy Is 16tf25c over last week on
good, smooth grades ot. feeding cattle of
all weights. A few heavy range feeders
sold up to $4.50, and choice grades nt $4.0i)
to $4.20, outside figures. Well bred stock
ers havo sold equally well the past, week
with supplies bslow tho demand. Repre
sentative sales:
HOGS The week closes with a moderato
run of hogs and the total for six days
falls several hundred head bolow last week.
The market has lluctuated considerably this
week, but yesterday and today prices wero
at the high point. Packers hnvo been slow
to allow any advance and have been more
particular In selecting their droves, calling
out boars, sowh and rough stock und also
bearing down on tnin lignt, grassy nogs.
Prime heavy und butcher weight lio?s
are scarce and prices havo held up well
throughout the weeK, tops toucning- w.10,
the highest prlco paid In some time.
Tho market today held steady, but trad
ing was rather slow. Uuyers wero more or
less Indifferent and thero was really an
undercurrent of weakness, especially on all
except best grades. Grassy stuff and
coarso grades sold moro or lets uneven
today, unu during tno past weeK, according
nn to whether the bupdIv was lance or
small. Tho bulk today was practically tho
samo as yesteruay, wun u top at l.w.
Kepicsentativu vales:
4,1,45 eyn
u,iuf b,.31
t,)li ....
u0,v24 i3,'1
Sils &. 3J
4i,uaI Mu
lU.'i 'ilt'ili
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
911 183 300 6 77V4 4 243 160 5 tO
S3 IDS 160 5 SO 71 222 ... 5 00
87 1S3 ... 5 t2Vi 77. ...I...M0 80 S 90
79 210 200 6 W 7 297 ... 6 M
61 202 ... 5 S3 62 2S ... 5 90
48 203 190 I ii 62 253 40 S 90
75 1W 120 5 S5' 62 220 ... 6 to
19 208 ICO C S3 75 245 200 6 90
65 221 80 6 5 63 227 40 5 90
70 219 ... i S7V4 64 235 40 5 C2!i
99 192 40 5 S7Vs 63 332 ... 5 9:1,4
56 233 40 & S7H 7 214 ... 6 42b
ES 222 120 6 S7)j 80 223 ... 6 93V4
82 240 2S0 6 TO 90 229 ... 6 C2H
CO 231 120 5 'J 66 231 80 6 92Vi
82 216 40 5 M 46 291 ... 6 0!H
71 230 ... 6 90 9 259 120 6 921,
69 23G SO I W 63 263 163 5 95
75 220 ... 5 90 6S m ICO 5b24
(3 229 40 i 90 C5 297 120 6 921,
58 .'.,277 fcO 5 90 67 231 ... 5 92V4
62 266 60 5 90 67 231 ... i 92VS
73 227 80 5 90 64 333 20 6 UK,
65 273 W 5 Jo 70 241 40 5 :,
61 210 80 5 90 6S 274 2(0 5 IV 1
71 227 120 6 n (9 262 40 6 Vj
80 222 80 5 90 63 '.2S9 120 6 921
81 220 160 C 90 64 272 80 5 Jlli
61) 239 80 5 90 63 223 80 6 92
84 209 20) 6 0 C9 2S4 120 3 92Vi
74 217 160 5 90 C6 231 40 3 3 Hi
C2 235 ... 5 90 62 233 40 t
71 214 40 5 90 71 220 ... 5 Si'i
78 224 ... 5 90 78 233 40 5 32k
19 226 1W 5 TO 68 273 80 5 9214
80 230 t-0 S 0 63 302 ... If!
10 223 80 5 90 49 315 120 6 93
74 233 ... 6 90 C3 299 160 6 J
Kl 221 40 5 90 65 303 60 S ''5
46 233 ... 5 9) 47 tZi 80 6 93
60 261 ... 3 ) 66 237 .. 5 93
68 235 40 5 90 63 272 60 5 93
C3 2S3 80 5 90 66 266 ... 6 i4
68 216 80 6 tO 63 237 60 (0
62 214 120 6 90 68 281 ... 6 10
ii 209 SO 3 90
SIIERI' Itecelpts show a slight increase
over the previous week, nnd wns one of
the largest of the season, whl.e the quality
has been only alr.
l'rlces on mutton sheep show a dee'lne
for the week of 10tfl5c and on lambs 208C6c
The demand has been reasonably good nt
the prices, as values havo been rlftht up to
Chicago figures on lambs ,the entire weok.
Feeding sheep havo been scarce nnd strong
prices liave prevailed on stock sheep and
hi in ba.
Quotations: Choice ycarllnes( tt.50ft3.C5;
fnlr to good yearlings, J3.v6tr3.60;
wethers, $3.3503.50; fnlr to good wethers,
J3.16?3.25; cholco ewes, J2.75y3.C0; fair to
good ewes, 12.2562,65; choice spring lsmbi,
tl.K5Q5.Ci0i fnlr to good fprlns lambs, IMOif
1.75; feeder wethers, 12.760.1.50; feeder lambs,
St. Joseph Live Stork Market.
celpts, 115 head; market nominal; natives,
t3.0olj5.75: cows and heifers, ll.00tfl.75; hulls
nnd stags, K.Wa I.C0; stockers and feeder;,
J2.00ii3.90; veuls, J2.2Jfi5.25.
HOUS-Rcceipts, 6.IU head; market 5o
lower, but generally steady; light and light
mixed. J5.lOfl6.17y4; medium, J5.40go.30; pigs,
SHEEP AND LAMIlS-nccelpts, 27 head;
top native lambs, J5.
Kmisiis City Lire Slock Mnrkrt,
Itecelpts, natives 1,000 head, Tex.
nns 150 head and cnlves 250 head;
market compared with n week ago
hoWB natlvo beef steers steady to lOo
lower: calves, 25o lower, others steady;
today's qaotntlons nominally unchanged;
choice export und dressed beef steer), J5.W
fiu.SOj fair to good, J1.6.itj5.t0; stockers and
feeders, J3.Oij0-t.25; fed westerns, JUOflS.SO;
Western range steers. J3.tu4.50; Texnn" nnd
iiiuiiuis, i. iani.w; Texas cows, ;.iiin.!";
native cows, j: 404JI.75. heifers. $3.Htt.Ni.
rntirtncfli 1 to tl, ! in . . . 1 1 .. a i 1 nt 1
w-WUSi receipts for llic week. 4W) hemli
inni wri'R. -U.vW IllMUl.
vwin, li'W tlV4ll 4 I III I nt
"leady; top, 6.2o, bulk. J3.Stt.li4i heavy,
PJ.20ik6.25, mixed packers, $j.V.)(6.1li4i light.
j.tC.00, pigs, $l.5n?i.5o, receipts for the
"Svf.'..'r.V nt 11 ii , inst week, as.jmj nemi. ,
SllbliP ANU LAMlta-Reco.pts, 3Jhcml;'
mnrket compared with a week ago snows
muttons, sheep nnd lambs steady; slock
sheep. 2c higher; lambs. $t.Puj ..uu; nntlvo
vethirs. J3 .'i.!.rl: western welhern. 13 idle
3.&0; slock sheep, J2.Ony2.73.
Cnttle nud Sheep Are ."Vninlnnlly
Mtrnd) IIiiks StruiiK,
CHICAGO, Aug. 24.-CATTLE-Rocolptsi,
2(0 head; nominally stendy; good to prlmo
steers. S5.30tiC.30: noor to mcd Ultn. i.UMt
6.20; Blockers and feeders, steady, $.'....?j
4. .a; cows, $.'.4U$ri.-Ji neiiers, nijinm;
canners, $l.26t(2.3o; bulls, JJ.2.MI 1.25; cnly-s,
$J.IV16.2A, Texas steers, JI.Wlr3.l0. Tex.n
grass steers, S3.40yj.75; Texas balls, Sl.')y
b.w. . . .. . ..
HOGS Here nts. 17.000 head siennny, sj,-
000 head, estimated; loft over, 1.5W hrad;
strong; top, $6.35; mixed nnd butchers, t.vt'j
i(tl-35; gtiod to choice, heavy, $5,r.ifl ,:ii;
-l. . . 1. V.. ...... II. .1.1 4 iL'.i.t 111-
1UUKII UVlllj, f.'-l"",! l. IV, llUili, Ti'.v,,w...,
bulk of sales, S5.S5ifO.15.
head; sheep and lambs, steady; good to
choice wethers. $3.25jjt-00i fair to choice
mixed. $J.uo-ir3.35; western sheep, $3.0W3.!0:
yearlings, J.25tfl.OO; natlvo lambs, i.M4p
6.00; western lambs, $3.7ij.00.
Utllclnl receipts ror two wceKS compareu;
This week: Cattle. 61.300 head: hogs, 115,-
500 head; sheep, 80,700 head.
Last weeK; cattle. ri.80n head; nogs, nu,-
C0 head; sheep, 78,100 head,
Ser York Live Mtoelt .Mnrket,
NEW YORK. AUg. XI. litiliviis ite
celpts, 1,450 head; no trading; dressed beef,
steady ut StMjOc per lb. for natives; cables
reported today's exports and tomorrow, 3,
201 beeves. 1P0 sheep nnd 11.3'X) otiarlers,
CALVKS-Rcceltits. S3 nenti: all ror tno
market: steady and all Mild, Indian nnd
veals, $5.50417.50 per lbs.; mixed ralves,
$1 50: city (Irossed veals. 10Cfl3e nor lb.
bend. Mnrltet nctlvo d Mini: to Verv Hunt
receipts und Vi1? higher nil around, sheep.
poor to lesl, j;,iiui(3.u: iiiniini. n.ninw;
rulls, $3.W; drrssed mutton, i"i''it'.u.c gen
erally; dressrd Intnbs, bulk of sales, 75llOc.
HOGS Receipts, 9W head; none reported
on sale. Market nominally steady.
St. Louis Llie Stni'k MnrKet.
8T. LOUIS. Aug. 21,-CATTLi: -Receipt".
400 head; market stendy) native shipping
and export steers, $4.7Mil); dressed beof
and butcher steers, 3.1(Kff5.50; steers tinder
1.0 lbs.. S2.4O5M.70: stoclters and feeders.
$2.00611.00: cows nnd heifers, 2.W'til.75; din
ners, ji.ooif.'.zs; nuns. rs.-iiVA.zo; -1 exits ntut
Indian steers, $3.2t3.75; cows and heifers,
iriirlU tAlt.4u 1 fktll lt.i.tjl-
atrong; pigs nnd lights, $5,855(0.00; packer."),
I3.91MTI (J.OTi : butchers. 16.10176.33.
aitui'.i' anu t,A juis iieccipts, ;u"
head; market steady; native muttons, $2. ii,
Q3.23; lntnliH, $.1.25ir5.50; culls nnd bucks,
$1.7503.00; Blockers, $I.SOg3.23.
Sioux City I.lvc Stock Mnrket.
SIOUX CITY. 7a.. Aug. 21. (Special Tele-
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, (-00; market
strong; beeves, $4,905(5.40; cows, bulls and
mixen, K.vt.wi stocKers nnn teeners,
$2.75Ti3.40: calves nnd yenrllngs. $Z.WMH.5J.
HOGS Receipts, 3,5(0; market about
steady; selling, $5.75if5.95: bulk, $5.S5.
Stock In Sight.
The following tnblo bIiows the receipts
wf cnttle, nogs and sheep nt the live prin
cipal live stock markets August 21:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
South Omaha x r,;ii:
.Chicago 200 17,000
Kansas City 2,150 4.000
St. Louis 400 1,900
tit, Joseph 115 C.4U
3,221 33,223 8,261
Cotton Mnrket,
NPAV YOniv. Auc. 21. COTTON Fll
tures closed very steady: August, 7.70C;
September, 7.71c; October, 7.82c; November,
7.83c: December. 7.8Cc; January, 7. Mo:
February. 7.80c: March. 7.02c: April. 7.93c.
Bpot cotton closed steauy ai .o ativancii;
middling uplands, 8c; mlddllntr gulf, 6?o;
sales, i.b'Jo uuics.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 24. COTTON tjuiet;
snles, 30 pales; middling, 8 5-lflc; rocolpts,
385 bales: shipments, 70S balos: stock, 36,
59 bales.
NEW OULEAN8. Aug. 24.-COTTON-Flrm;
snles, GS0 bales: ordinary, 6 9-lfic;
good ordinary, 7Wc: low middling, 81-Ilic;
middling. VWo: good mlddllntr. OMc; mid
dling fnlr, OKc: receipts. 310 bales: stock,
49,081 bales. " Futures, barely steady: Au
gust. 8.55c bid: Setitembor. 8.15r. bid; Oc
tober, 7.9ifi7.91c; November, 7.83ir7.85c: De
cember, 7. 82517. 81c; January. 7.Klft7.Sloi
February. 8.R3-TS.S4C: March. 7.83fl7.85c.
LIVERPOOL, Aug. 24.-COTTON-8pot.
quiet; prices firmer; American mtddllnn
Spindle Top Stocks Have Advanced as
Much as 2000 Per Gent After Strik
ing a (lusher.
Maid of Orleans Oil Co.,
(Cnpltu.1 SMO.OOO. stock in Treasury $150,000)
Has a Gusher Guaranteed.
This company ln
addition to Its
other hoi dings,
has Just complot-,
cd a contract for
DLE TOP (Lot 4,
Dlock 22, McFad
dln, Weiss &
Kyle addition), on
lnnd it has Just
purchased. Tho
well Is now being
Our allotment ls being rapidly hold. Duy before tho ntlvanco. Prcsont price,
(Full Paid nnd Non-Assessable.) Order nt onco.
President, W. J. HARDEE, City Englnoor of Now Orloans, who refers to the
New Orleans Natlonnl Hank.
Stcrotary, J. V. QUILLOTTE, Ex-Mayor of New Orleans, who refers to J. A.
Do Hlanc, Cashier of tho People's Hank of Now Orleans.
$5 Buys 100 Shares. $30 Buys 1,000 Shares
$25 Buys 500Shar33. $100 B iys 2,000 Shares
KAYF RF Wfll F Ki P.ll WANKEKS AND J and 41 Courlland
We Sell
the Coffeo in the world,
It. E. Welch, 2230 Fnrnnm Street,
-.i .u.u....u. .. Omaha, Nebr., Phono 1511,
fnlr. 4s t l-7di good middling. 6-Sids mid;
dllng, 4 29-:S2d; low mlddllliB 4 11-ltkl, good
ordinary, 47-111, oMlnarv. 4 3-lfiii
GALVESTON, Aug. 2l,-COTTON-llrni
nt SHc.
Session nt II u (Tn I ii Elee) Cinioers null
Select Detroit ns rxt Meet
Iiih Plnrr.
nUPKALO, Aug. St. The National Army,
Spanish war veterans, tn nnnunl session
here, have elected the following officers for
the ensuing year.
Commander-in-chief, Colonel William II,
llubell of llrooklyn; senior vlc,o commander
gencrnl, M. E. Urell, Washington, D. C;
Junior lcc commander, H. C, Mcgrcw, In
diana; Inspector general, General II. A.
Arnold, New York; Judge ndvoeato general,
General C. It. Miller, Ohio; surgeon gcn
cral. Dr. S. Clifford Cox. Washington. 1).
C; chaplain, Rev. W. H. Iteanry, United
Slntcs navy; sponsor, Miss Clara Uarton,
Washington. D. C.
A national council of administration was
nlso chosen. Tho adjutant general and
quartermaster will bo appointed by the
commnnder-ln-chlef. Detroit wns selected
ns the place for the 1902 convention of tho
Di-reiidN I nltcd .States.
NEW YORK, Aug. 2l.-Slgnor Drnnchl,
tho Itullan consul general here, hns writ
ten to tho Trlbunn at Home, protesting
against that Journal's attitude nn thn Pan-
American question, Ilo defends tho United
States, which ho dcclnren hns tho right
to prevent rebels from stopping communi
cation on tho Isthmus, Ho ndds: "Rnly
should remember that 3,000,000 Italian sub
jects live In pence nnd prosperity In tho
United States nnd that Italy has no
national lntorest In tho Isthmus ot
W. Farnam Smith
& Go.
(320 Farnam St. To). 1064.
Investment Bankers,
OITcr for Snlo Carefully Selected
On City and Kami Real Estate.
lti-Ori'iires Ciiinniereliit Nntlonnt,
Hit ii U mill United Stiitcn National llnnU
B. L. Baldwin & Co.
I.niiK Distance Plioiii', 1701).
tloucy Will Kuril II Ik Monthly lltnrn
The Investor's Fund Pays Bcml-Monthly.
The oiliest ustaullshed ln America. No
ccrtlflcate-holdor ever lost n cont. Pay
ments mado tu all subscribers every IS
days. No trouble. No delay. Money
refunded on demand. Write today foe
particulars, free to any address.
C. 12. MACKin A CO.,
Hudson llulldluu, !mr York.
TttrptioBc loan.
Boyd Commission Co
Successors to James B. Boyd A Co.,
Dokid of Trade IlalldlnsT.
Direct wires to Chicago and New Yor)
Cortcspondcnce, John A. Warren U Co.
Tho company hns
no royalty to pay,
Tho contractors
havo agreed to
FORFEIT 35,000
Texas gusher pro
duces moro oil
than tho states of
West Virginia and
California com
bined. PER
If so, speculnto Buccessfulljr, Send youl
orders to a reliable bouse, whero they will
be placed on :hs jpen marltet. Wo eai
make for you tn one month more Interest
on your monev tt-n any bank will pay yoq
In a year. Send for our book on iptculatlos
It Is fue.
J. K. Comstock & Co.
llontn In Trader's niitsr, Chlonaro.
I '