THE OMAHA DAILY PEE; TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1901. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL 'TmctWlty Marks Day's lesslon of Beard of Trad. TRADING IN WHEAT IS MOSTLY LOCAL "Wlirnl Opeim Wfnk, lint l(ilir t'p on Itciiorl of Decline eif Visible Sup ( ply Corn llenrlsli Pro- j visions Sternly. CIIICACiO, Aug. 19.-Inactivity marked today's session or the Uoard of Tiude and Influenced by lower uibles, September wheat closed He lower. September corn closed ',4c lower, oats wore ','c lower, but provisions weiu strong, closing from 6'i t.i to 2214c higher. Heavy receipts In the northwest. together with lower cables, canned h weak opening In the wheat pit. The early loss, however, wits more than recovered later on n de crease In the vMhio supply of I,l5).0f0 bu. nnd on heavy seaboard clearances. Trading was mostly (or local account. September opened 'itf'tc lower anil Sfl?ic lower at TOHc to 71c. On commission house selling the price declined to 70o, but rallied later on covering by local shorts to 7114c. The close was 'ic lower at ilU'l IUc. Toward the close there was consldertbie changing from December to Heptomber. Wor d's shipments were llm,0X) hu., compared with 1,72S,M bu, last week, and the amount on passago Increased fifil.OOO bu.. compared wlih an Increase last week of 1 ,67 2,(Xs) bu. Clear ances of wheat and Hour were equal to 1,S51,0"1 bu. and thirty-one boatloads were reported taken for export. Prlmm-v re ceipts were 1, 121,0m) hu., against 1.731.0)) b I. last year. Receipts at Mlnne.ipohs anil Duluth were reported as ffil ears, compared with 3E6 cars last week and 491 cars u year ngn, I.ociil receipts were 1J5 cars, eleven of contract grade. Heavy rains east of the Mississippi river caused a weak opening In corn Speculative operations were small and traders appear 'd to be waltltiK fr developments of relations tilth supply and demand. The weakness In wheat was one of the causes for the bearlshtless In corn. September sold be tween f7rin and 5Sli,c and c used 'le. lower at ES'dc. Receipts were 221 ears, with seventeen cars or conirari grade. Oats opened steady to 'c higher and with corn there was a rapid decline from the lop. Trading was light throughout tip day and the ono bear Influence was the weakness In corn. On the decline there was considerable realizing by outsiders, white the buying was scattered, mostly for local Account. September ranged between 33," nnd 3fic, closing 'fcc lower lit 35'jC. Receipts were SRI cars. Provisions were steadier on higher price for hogs. On good buying by pscklntr houses the market became strong. Trading was light on the whole. January pork closed with a gain of 22'4c, nfter se'llng between 15.50 and J15.52ij, Unal llgures being nt the top. hard, September, between J7.S7',3 nnd JS.9214, closing at S.2',j US. Rlhi ranged between J7.9714 and JS.Irt, closing 10' higher at the top. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 375 cars; corn, 325 cars; oats, 6S5 cars; hogs, 1S.0OO head. Tlie leading futures ranged as follows; .Articles.' Open. High. Low. I Cloe.i'y- Wheat Sept. Dec. May Corn Sept. Dec. May Oats Sept. Dec. May JPork Sept. Oct. Jan. Lard Sept. . Oct. Jan. lllbs Sept. Oct. Jan, 70K7iNfw;njiir; 72V73Vil 73 w 7m ,7,; r.7i,i r.n B9iWlifi 60 i 6P 62: ssl62Tta ?6sV r? 37 n 39 391il394v 14 10 I It 45 11 0714 i'b'bo" 8 S S 02' S 8714 It 35 14 55 15 50 I 15 7214 S f5 S 95 I S 95 9 O214I i 921i S 3214i S 45 I 8 10 I S &714 S 20 8 2) 8 3) S 00 S 31 I 7 97H No. t mli quotations were as follows; FLOl'R-Dull: winter patents. J3. 40g3.M); Ftralghts, J3.20f3..-M: clears. J2.70.fl3.10; uprlng specials, $1.20ff( 1.30; tiatents. 3.,0j straights. J2.SC4i3.'0; J2.205J2.G5. V HEAT No. 3 spring. fOjrTOlic; No. 2 red, iiljc. CORN-No. 2 yellow. BSHSSHc .nOAlI;SNo' 36V,ff37e: No. 2 white. 3S'4 89c; No. 3 white. 3S'4''a39c. RYE No. 2. 5Sc. y.A.U.L,I.':YI;'alr l" choice malting, fiOfffflo. SKI'15V-.N"' 1 ,u No. 1 northwest em. Jl.Blft 1..I14; prime timothy, J5.25; clover, contract grade. JlO.COfj 10.25. PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per hid., $11.45 (314.50. Lard, per 100 lbs., tS.92'4R8.P5. 8h r ribs sides (loose), JS.ICfJ8.SB Dry (al il nhoulderr (boxed). J7.i507.5O. Short cltar Bides (boxed), $$.70ft8.S0. JX,,i,?,,'Y"nH.,s of lllKh npR. Sl;GAR-Ci;t loaf. 6c; granulated, 6.52c: confectioners" A, 6.39c; off A, B.24c. Following are tho receipts nnd shipments Aw. ,unaj . Receipt'. Shipments. .... 20.000 21.000 ....237.00O 1?0.'0) ....1M.000 17l,Oei ....372,000 302,0 0 .... 14,000 2..00 Flour, bbls... IVhcat. bu Corn, bu Dnts, bu live, hu Uarley, hu 29.W0 15,0)0 Oil tlin PrOflllnn nrnhnnir. 1 A. ler market was steady; creameries. 1 Ifi Jle: dairies, 13f ISo. Cheese, steady, M;0lOUo Ebk, easy, llljc. 5 HEW YORK. (;i:XEIlAI, SI Alt KMT. ttiiotntlnnit of dm Day on Vnrloiio Commodities, NEW YORK. Aug. 19.-FLOUR-Rccelpts, 19,111 bbls.; exports, 16,329 bbls.; dull and bout steady, winter patents, 53.6UJi:0; winter btralghts, I3.35yi.W; winter extra', I2.u0(f2.SO; winter low grades, 2.3..40; Minnesota patents. J3.f5fi4.15; Minnesota bakers. J2.85fi3.15. Rye Hour, steady: fair to good, J2.75jj3.15; choice to fancy, J),16tf I, B0, CORNMEAL - Dull;, yellow western, II. 25; city, J1.22; Rrandywlne, J3.3033.E0. It) M-Firm. No. 2 western. 03c. f. o. b., dloat; state, B5Jj3c, c. 1. f New York car lots, I) ARLEY Steady and dull, feeding. 32c. c. I. f., HutTalo; malting, 60fj'5c, c. I. f., Jtuffalo, WHEAT-Rccelpts, 109,300 bushels; ex Borts, 3G.S.451 bushels; spot quiet; No. 2 red, "RV f. o. b, afloat; No. 2 red, 761c, ele vator; No. 1 northern Duluth, 79c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Duluth, 8Sc, f. o. h kllnnt. Options started out weak and heavy, following cables, foreign selling, bearish European statistics nnd liquidation. Rallied by enormous clearances, the after noon market recovered, helped also by a visible supply decrease and nctlvo cover ing, closed sternly nt 4W14c net decline; Beptembor, 7iil4fl77 3.16c. closed 7fi'c; Oc tober, 7tSMj77l.sC, closed 761c; December, f 3-16iii7lti,u. closed 78,ic. CORN Receipts, 37,3no bushels; exports, 3,fil2 bushels; spot steady; No. 2, 62Jc ele vator and i!3it, I. o, b.. nflont; option mar ket was weak and lower nt first with tvhent, cables nnd rains west, but event ually rallied on covering and tho late ttreugth of wheat, closing about steady at (Wic net decline; September, 62M,(f62",ic, tlosed lt!14c; December, ti3;ft6!14c, closed b(,e. OATS Receipts, l!l,50i) bushels: exports, 130 bushols; spot steady; No. 2, 40o; No, 3, 9o, No. 2 white, 43$j43!4c; No. 3 white, l24e; track mixed western, 39ft lie; track white, 4114U4Sc. Options quiet and irreg Uler with corn. HAY Quint; shipping, 72!475c; good to tholoe, 90U95c. HOI Swulet; state, common to choice. IP00 crop. 13f17c: 1899 crop, 10iffl3c; old, 'ffj if, Pacltlo coast, 1900 crop, 13fft7Hc; 1SK9 prop, lUJIBc; old, 2fj'6e. lllDEb-Qulet, Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs,. ISc; California. 21 to 25 lbs., 1914c; Texas dry, 84 to SO lbs.. 14c. LEATHER Steady; hemlock sole, Rueno Ayrcs. light to heavyweights, 23V40-U4;; prld, 23Vrt2U,c. PROVISIONS-Ileef. firm: famllv. Jll.fkVtr I 2.00; mesc. 19.5010.00: beef hams. J2O.50cui :2.00; jvaekct, J10.wiT10,B0; city oxtru, India jiess, J16.tCl 18.00, Cut ments. quiet; plckVd )elllos. bi lOljc; pickled shoulders, 7JJ71c; iiicMtii niiins, nr. i.aru, urnt; western steamed, jy.25; refined, firmer; continent, 19.25: S, A.. J10.00; compound. J7.12',4f 7.25. Pork, Hteady, family, HJ.254i 16.75; short Clear, I1R.254J 17.54: mess, JlB.BOiij 16 50, Ill'TTER-Recelpts, 8,117 pkgs.; steadv; State dairy, ltfrilSc. creamery, 16fi20lVe; unn (lacked factory, 14!4fi"15he; Imitation creamery, ltjl7'je. CHEESE Receipts, 11.861 nkgs.; qujet; f fancy lare colored, UMiOlic; fancy largo white, DUf'c; fancv small colored, 9Sc; fancy small white. 914c. EGOS Receipts, 5,979 nkirs,; market Vbtruug; state and Pennsylvania, KfJlPc; western uncaudled, 10XfjlVic: western can died. Wim&c. MOLASSES Quiet, i TOULTRY Firm; alive, springers. l!S14e: 'Aurkeys; 10c; dressed, firmer on towli and 76W(7I 7114 73'4 73?ii 71 761ifi 67'J,fi5S r,Si4 B-i'i0H ma; 6U-2H ar 3r,f?; an 3iW'37 37',flJ 39 'TV4l39H1IH 14 10 14 45 1140 14 574 15 CO 15 7214 R fS S 95 S f'5 9 05 S S7 S 95 S 20 S 321a' H 30 X 45 ( 7 97141 8 10 better on spring chickens; springers, log He; fowl, ;yc. METAl.S r'cutures of Importance were lucking in local metals circles today. In tormuilon from abroad furnished but little. In the way of buying or selling motive, as prices at London wore unchanged from Fridays close, being quoted ul LIU us tor spot and 111 log tor futures. Here after a. dull duy the murket closed at J6.65 for spot. Copper In London udvanced IDs to Lib Its tot spot unu L61 2s Gd for futures. Locally the market was nominally un changed at ltilsc to 17c for Lake Superior and lbSfllCV' tor casting and electrolytic. Lcild was dull and unchanged here at JI.3iH. while prices at London declined Is 3d, closing at 11 10s, Spelter at New York whs -Ji-, points uettcr today In sympathy with a similar advance In London, the close being Mrni here at 3.92l4ij 3.9714 nnd nt 17 is tl In London tor spot. Iron was again dull uud nominally jnehanged nt JU'ijlu for plglron warrants; northern foun dry. Jlo.OOfllo.BO; No. 2 suuthern, H.f"31I.B'); No. 1 foundry southern, JH.75iijlj.25; No. 2 foundry southern soft, 14.75'(ilo.25. Glas gow warrants closed ut 51s 4d and Middles borough nt 40s 3d. 1 M A 1 1 A WHOLESALE .M AUK BT. Condition of Trnde mill Qnotntlon on Mnplc nmt l'nne Produce. KnoS-kcclpn fair: loss off, 12WA13C. LIVE POPLTRY Hens, C!4c: young nnd old roosters, 2c; turkeys, Gybe; ducks and geese, 5'jtfc; spring chickens, per lb., 12 12'4c BUTTER Common to fair, 12S1214o; choice dairy, In Mlbs ISfilGc: separaloi, .... . FRK3H FISH-HIach ; bass, ISc; white bass, luc, Muellsh, lie; bullheads, lic; ulua fins, 7c; buffaloes, 64c; catfish. J2c; cod, 9c; crapplts, luc; clscoes, 6c; halibut, lie? herring, Ce; nanuock, 10c; pike, So; red snapper, 10c; salmon. He: hunitsh, 6c; trout, luc, whltellsh, loc, l'.iPKON8-lJ,lve, ner dor.. eOc VKAIS-Choicc. SQOc. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha. Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, 1U.'J: No. 2 linlnnil. 9.nO! medium. Ii.iO: course. 47.50. Rye straw, fS.00. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Da tnand fair. WH12AT 6Jc. COttN 55c. OATS 10c, old. llRAN-$l. . VEGETABLES. GRK1JN COHN-Per dot., 1211. CARROTS Per doz., 20c. HEKT8 Per hair bushel basket, 40a TURNIPS-Per basket. 30e. CL'CL'MIlKliK-.llnini, crown, tier doz.. 20 5M3UC. I LETTUCE Per bu.. 20c. RADISHES Per doz., 15320c PARSLEY Per dor.. 20c. NEW imj'I'aiuKj. I.' OAHUAOE-Homo grown. 314c. TOMATOES Homo grown, per lS-lb. basket, BOiiiiWc. ONluNS Home grown, per lb., 3c. CAULIFLOWER Home TOwn, per doz., 75c. MEANS Wax, per half-u. basket, tl; string, per half-bu. basket, 76c. PEAS-P-i bu.. $1; per half-bu.. 60c. CANTALOUPE Homo grown, per doz., 7Bc(itl.25; criitca $2.50. Watermelons Texas. 20333c. as to size. CELERY' Kalamazoo, per bunch, 259350, FRUITS. APPLES-Per I J.2ji2.f,0 CHERRIES Native, per 8-lb. basket, 35a; Missouri, per 24-qt. ense, 12. PEACHES- 'California, per box, S0o; frea stone, tl; choice Elocrtos, Jl; fancy, 1.20. PLUMS-Callfornla, per crate. J1.25U1.50; homo Blown, per 8-lb. basket, 25c. PEARS-llanlctts. J2.25fl2.5i). TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Vnlenclas, J5.C0; Med. sweets, J4.B0. RANANAS Per bunch, according to size, J2.Ci5l2.50. FIGS California, new enrtons, 75c; lay ers, B5c; Imported, per lb., 10012c. DATES Perslnn, In 60-lb. boxes, Solrs, 6c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS-Engllsh wnlnuts. per lb., 15c; fil berts, per 1L., 13c; almonds, per lb., lSg20c; raw peanuts, per lb1., 5flB14c; roAsted, C143 7V4c; Rrazlls, 13c; pecans, 10ij22c. CIDER Per bbl J4.B0; per half-bbl., $2.76. HIDKS-No. 1 green. 6V4c; No. 2 green, 614c; No. 1 salted. 714c; No. 2 salted, CHc; No. 1 vent calf. S to 1214 lbs., Sc; No. 2 veAl calf, 12 to15 lbs., 6c; dry hides. SfilScj sheep peits, 23U"5c; horse hides, $1.5032.25. St. I.oiiln (Jrnln unit Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 19. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 70V4c; track, 71i 72e; September. 70Ho; December. 73sfl7314c; May, 78c; No. 2 hard. 71c. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, BWici track, n9T4c; September, B9ic; December, 60Hc; .May, mkiKic. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 3714c; track, 3SJ:aci September, 37Hc; Mny, 4014c; No. 2 white, 3Silii214c. RYE Firmer, 214fi3c. FLOUR Quiet; new red winter patents, J3.50fj3.tB; extra fnncy and straight. J3.10ifj 3.25; clenr. J2.7W3.W). SEEDS Timothy, scarce and firm, J3.0O 5.50; Max. no market. CORNMEAlT-Stcady, J3.10. RRAN Dull; sacked lots east track,' SSc bid HAY-Steady; timothy, J14.5(vg 15.00; prai ries. JlO.tsVfi 13.00. WHISKY Steady, $1.30. IRON Cotton tics, quiet, $1.25. UAOOING-Qulot, 6lj7!ic. HEMP Twine, 9c. PROVISIONS-Vork, strong; Jobbing. $15.75. Lard, higher. $7.7714. Dry , salt meats, firm, boxed lots, extra shorts, JS.50; clear ribs, $8.6214; clear sides, $8.S74. llacon. firm, boxed lots, extra shorts, $9.50; clear ribs, $9.6214; clear sides, $9.75. METALS Lead, llrm, $4.40. Spelter, quiet. $.1.80. POULTRY-Steady; chickens. 614c; springs. 10c. turkeys, fie; young, 8fllc; ducks. Be, geese, 3c; springs, 4c. BUTTER-Steady; creamery, 17Q2214c; dairy. 145JHc. EGGS Steady, nenrby. lie. RECEIPTS-Flour, 14.000 barrels; wheat. 21.000 bushels; corn 62,000 bushels: oats. J7.000 bushels. SHIPMENTS Flour, 12.000 barrels; wheat, 11,000 bushels; .corn, 37,000 bushels; oats, S1.000 bushels. Liverpool (Jriiln nml l'rovlslons, LIVERPOOL, Aug. 19. WHEAT-Spot No, 2 red winter, steady, Bs 8d; No. 1 northern sprlns', quiet, 6s 8d; No, 1 Call lorula, steady, 6s 7'4il; futures closed quiet; September, Bs 7sd; December, Bs 91td. CORN Spot, firm; American mixed new, 4s ll-)id; American mixed old, no stock. Futures closed quiet. September. 4s lld; October. 4s lld; Novcmuer, 5s 114d. PEAS-Canadlan, 6s S!41. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, Bteady, 7s M, HOPS At London. Pacific coast, dull. 3 IBs. PROVISIONS-Heef. firm; extra India mess. 03s 61. Pork, tlrm: nrimn mess. 69s 9d. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., steady, t2s 3d. Lard, steady; American refined In palls, 4ls; prime western, in tierces. 36s 6d: Racon. steady; Cumberland dut, 2S to 30 lbs., 43s; short ribs, 16 to 21 lbs.. 47s: long clear middles, light. 28 to 31 lbs.. 45s 6d; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., 43s 6d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., 60s 6d; shoulders, square. 11 to 13 lbs,, quiet, 37s. Rl'TT ER Firm: finest United States. P3s; good United States, 78s. cheese Amcrlcnn llnest white, 6s 3d. TALLOW-FIrm, 25s 9d. Tho Imports of grain Into Liverpool for the week were as follows: Wheat, from Atlantic ports, 82,000 quar ters; from Pacific ports, none; from other ports, quarters. Corn, from Atlantic ports, 32,300 quarters. Kiinnns City Crnln nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Aug. I9.-WHEAT-Scp-tember, 65He; December, C8iJfGS'4c; May. 72Tp. cash. No. 2 hard. 67c; No, 2 red, 72Hc. CORN September, 5SiW5STic; December, BS!f,5i59o; May, 621io; cash. No. 2 mixed, BS4751)c, No. 2 white, B9fi5.T4c. OATS-No. 2 white, 39ftl0!4c. RYE No. 2, BSIJJ5814C HAY-Cholce timothy, $13.50; choice pral rle, $13 00. RUTTER-Crenmery. 16HJ19c; dairy, WillSc, EO(!S Firm; fresh Missouri nnd Knnas stock quoted on 'chnngo nt 12c doz,, loss off, cases returned. RECEIPTS-Wheat. 326.400 bu.; corn. 62.400 bu.: onts. 41.0) hu. SHIPMENTS-Wheat. 129,600 bu.; corn, 24,400 bu.; onts, 17,000 bu. Toledo tirnlti nnd Seed. TOLEDO. O.. Aug. 19. WHEAT Higher, active. No, 2 cash, 75Uc; September, 7314c; December. 7S;c. CORN-Flrm. dull: No. 2 mixed, 5W4c; September, tiSVic; December, 6fli;c. OATS-Steady. No. 2 cush, 36c; Scptem her. 3i'e; December, 37c. RYE Easy ; No. 2 cash, BSUc. CLOVERSEED Firm ; prime cash, J6.35; October, J0.25. Mtlvtitnkep Grnln Mnrket. MILWAUKEE, Aug. 19. WHEAT Mar ket steady; No, I northern, 71fj73c; No, 2 northern. 70ii7114e; September, 7114c. RYE Ixiwer; No, 1, 69Uc. I1ARLEY Higher; No, 2. ClfiSSc; sample, 45S7l"J'iP CORN-September. 6S14c Visible ."upply nf (irnln. NEW YORK. A'lg. 19.-The statement of the visible supply of grnln in store nnd afloat on Saturday, August 17, as compiled by the New York Produce exchange, is as follows; Wheat, 26,770,000 bushels, decrease 1,419,000 bushels; corn, 12,S3,000 bushels, do- crease 813,000 bushels: oats, 8,tl7,WO btlfhcls, Increase 1.002.(i bushels, rye. 935.000 bush els, Increase 213.() bushels, barley, 252,1'X) uusiieis, uccreuse os.iw uusncis. Diilotli (Jrnln Slnrkpt, DULUTH, Minn., Aug. 19,-WHEAT-No. 1 narti casn, i.i(,c; No. 2 northern, BS,c; No. 1 northern, 704c; September, 70-V; December. 71Sc. OATS-f1iMic CORN-6514C. I'porln .ttnrket. PEORIA, 111., Aug. 19.-CORN-Easlcr; No. 2, BSC, OATS Quiet; No. 2 white, 3711c billed through. WHISKY-On the basis of JI.30 for lln Ishcd goods. .Minneapolis Wlipnt, Flour nml llrnn MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 19. WHEAT i nsn, wc; September, eS'nC; Decent' or, 0'ic; on track, No. 1 hard, 71Kc; No. 1 norinern, ww, No. 2 nortnern, biyuic. FLOUR AND URAN-Fnchangcd. EIkIii Hunter .Mnrket. ELGIN, 111., Aug. 19. PUTTER Firm nt -it, ouerings. oi luus. inc ween n uuijmii. was eio.yuo lbs. .MOVIjMli.NT.S OF STOCKS AM) IIO.MIS, Interest In Soiiip Affects VnltiPS nf All Sernrltlps. NEW YORK. Aug, 19. Dealings In stocks today were too smnll to offer n broad basis or generalizations, but the fact is sig nificant that very few utocks were offering for sale, holders apparently being content to retain their holdings In splto of some of the developments unfavorable to values, so that the demand, small though It was, was sufllclent to overcome tho opening decline and establish n higher range of prices than those at the close of last week. The addi tions to the ranks of the strlklm- steel workers over Sunday was responsible for me opening neavinas not omy in innse slocks, but In the general list. Tho Inter ests Involved In the strike are so large that Its visslcltude affects the values of nil se curities. Thn market guardians supported them and the starting of some of their mills had a reviving effect; but they did not fully share In the Inter recovery of the market, which carried some of the railroad stocks substantially over Saturday's prices. The activity and strength was confined to a few stocks only and was apparently due to causes Individual to those slocks. Nor folk Western was most conspicuous un der tO Influence of the net earnings of the company for the fiscal year, showing a sub. stanclal surplus over the present dividend rate. Chesapeake & Ohio rose to n less ex tent In sympathy. The buying of these stocks was attributed to Philadelphia ac count. The figures of the coal export trade pub lished this morning, showing tho value of coal exports doubled since 1897 and tho nmotint more than trebled since 1891, were an Influence In the strength of these stocks, which are peculiarly bencllted by the coal export trade. Norfolk Wester- rose 214 over Saturday. The rise In St. Paul and Atchison reached about the same figure In a sudden spurt Just before the close. Chi cago & Eastern Illinois mounted S points over tho previous sale. Amalgamated Cop per resumed Its upward movement and there was somo activity in Sugar, owing to the concerted action of the compnnles In fixing prices. The stock advanced, but lost practically nil the rise. There was greater confidence felt In the money outlook thnn on Saturdny after the bank statement. This feeling was due to several causes. The unexpectedly large de crease in' cash was snld to be due to the re tirement of circulation bv tho nbsorbed Rank of the Republic. The subtrcasury has made a small contribution to the money market since Friday by reason of large pension payments and disbursements on ac count of Philippine expenditures. But the sudden weakness developed In the foreign exchange market was tho dominant Influ ence in causing the better feeling over the money outlook, on account of tho assur ance nfforded that gold from Europe will be forthcoming to meet any urgent needs on tho part of New York. The demand Mils fell today to J4.S614, compared with J4.S8 at the high point Inst wceK. marking a relapse of approximately a third of the range from tho gold export to tho gold Im port nolnt. Offerings of bills ngalnst wheat exports, purchases of stock for London account ami a cessation of the demand for repayment by syndicates of tho loans from European borrowers were all Influential In the weak ness of exchange. Tho market closed firm but very dull on the last rally. Railroad bonds wcro little dealt in and were Irregular. Total sales, nar value. $o9d,000. United States bonds were all un changed on tho last call. Tho Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram: There was a dead calm In the stock- market today with prices generally sagging. Consols were heavy and the weakness of New Y'ork exchange sug gests the possibility of gold withdrawals. American stocks In n nominal market opened weak on Saturday's bank state ment and the spread of the steel strike, but London Is Inclined to pick up stocks on reactions nnd New York came as u buyer, particularly of Norfolk & Western, on the rumors of n combination. Tho close was Irregular. The International were strong on wild talk of a world's cop per combination. The Rank of England hns received .13, 000 gold In bars and 1,000 eagles and had boirght 161,0o0 in .India nnd 16,0o0 on the continent. Austria Is Inquiring for gold. Money on call was finally unlendable. On talk of gold exports Paris exchange touched 25.23. The following nro tho closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchl.on (in jifd naltlmoro & Ohio. do pM Canadian 1'nclflc . Canada rio . "6 So. Pacific . or.'i So. Hallway . 9iVi do pfd . St Texas & Pacific. .. .llt'.jTol., St. L. & v. . 69 do pfd . 47 Union Pacific . 37li do pfd . "7 WahiiKh i. 3S'4 do pfd . TJV, Wheel X. I. 1- ,. (,'', .. 31. .. Miit .. 4.' .. mi ,. 33 .. 31 .. S9U .. ZVi .. 39i; .. 19 .. 32 .. 2) .. 41 .. 70 ,.17i) ..193 .. S7 . .Km ..llli .. 20'., ,. 84? 2Ma .. V, .. 61', . .101 ..135S .. ti .. 4??; .. 9 ..223!a .. 6?, ..117'; ..261 .. U ,. 20 .. 2: ,. 79 .. 92i ., 84 .. 43'; ,. 20' .. 42 ,. 7:4 ,. f9 ,. 64 .. 41 .l!2ij .. 41 . 81 .200 . 20'i . 71 .132 .. 621,4 . Ui4 ,. 72 . 134, . 80'j IS . & . 43H . 91. . 93' Ches. & Ohio Chlcaco & Alton... dn pfd Chicago, Ind. & 1. do pfd ChlcaKO & E. III.. Chicago O. W dn 1st pfd ,1!8; do 2d pfd i . .i wis, tvntrai . Sl',4 Mo pfd . 4f P. C. C. & St. L. .l' Adams Ex .11014 American Ex du 3d prd ChlcaKO & N. W C. II. I. & P... Chicago Ter. & Tr. is u. M. i;x 37 W'ells.ParRO Ex... do pfd C. C. & St L . S'J'i Amnl. Copper .... . 13V Amcr. Car & F... . fli do pfd . 22i Amer. Lln. Oil.... ..lfll do pfd .22! Amer. S, & It . It',4 do pfd .. 91'i Amcr. Tohacco.. ,. 3Hi Anac. Mln. Co.... . CJTk Ilrooklyn It. T.... . fi't Colo. Kuel & Iron. ..M'l Con. Ons . 53 (Con. Tobacco ... . 73 I dn pf, .Itl'.i Oen, Electric . W lilucouc Sugar .... . 714 Hocking Coal .... . 6') Inter. Paper .125 I do pfd .103H Inter. Power .HJli Laclede Oas .164 iNatlonal lllncult . . .National Lead .... . It National Salt .107 do pfd .1011s No. American ,,,, . K-t Paclflo Ciiant . Pacific Mall People's (as .U2V4 Prettied S. Car ... . f'f, do pfd . ! Pullman P. Car.., . M Uepubllo Steel . 3 do pfd , ,.144 Sugar . tl'i Tenn. Coal & Iron . 77',i Union Hag P..., . 4. do pfd . 41, t f .H. Uathr . 78 I do pfd . bi V. S. Hubber , . 2SVi do pfd . 65 l. S. Steel ,164'i do pfd .U Wentern Union .... Colorado So do lit pfd dn !t pfd Del. & Hudson .. Del. L. & W Denver & II. a.. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd dn 2d pfil Ot. Nor. pfd Hocking Valley . dn pfd Illinois Central . Iowa Cent Ml .... do pfd Lake Erie & W.. dn pfd J 4. & N Manhattan L Met. St. lty Mcx. Central .... Mrx. National ... Minn. & St L... Mo. Pacific M , K. & T do pfd N. J. Central ... N. Y. Central ... Norfolk A: V dn pfd No. Pacllle pfd... Ontario & W 1'fnnsylvunla .... Heading dn 1st pfd do 2d pfd St. L. & H. F.... do lit pfd do 2d pfd St. L. tiouthtv.... do pfd St. Paul do pfd.... Offered. Trust receipts. Iloatnn Stock Quotations. ROSTON, Aug. 19. Call loans, 3!4ij3 per cent; time loans, 45 per cent. Ofhclal closlns: A.. T. & S. F do pfd Amer. Sugar American Tel Iloston Albany.. Iloston Elevated .. lUton & Me U. S, Steel do pfd Fltchburg pfd Oen. Electric Ed. Electric III.... Mex. Central Old Colony Old Dominion Union Paclllo West End . 7 Atchison 4s , 93 Adventure ,112'; nlnghwii Mln. Co. .161'i Amal. Copper , .102 . 4 . 2914 .US', . 37 .713 . 2 . is; . 2a .Wt ,. SI .I7ii "i ,.34H .. 23 . t3; Atlantic .179 Cal. A Hecla .... ,192'4 . 42'; . 0I1-, If. .262'4 .24 1 , 2414 Centennial Franklin Humboldt 0ceola Parrot Qulney Mania re Copper. ramaracK S(,4 UlHh Mining OUj Wolverines .. 96 I llnnU ClenrliiKs, OMAHA, Aug. 19. Rank clearings loilay. $1,059,875.46; clearings for corresponding day last year. $1,019,531.92: Increase, $10,343.51, ST. LOUIS. Aug, 19.-Clcnr:ili4, J7.140,73. bnlances, $1.06,443; money steady, with gio 1 demand; New Y'ork exchnnge, par bid, l)c premium asked, ROSTON. Aug. 19,-Clearlngs, JIB'O"); balnnces, Jl, 191, 255. CHICAGO, Aug. 19.-Clcarlnss. $23, 151,733; balnnces, J2.B6I.221; posted exchnnge. JI.SS for sixty day and $1.8714 on demand, N.-w York ixehnrgo, jfo discount. NEW YORK, Aug. l!t.-Clenrlngs, $1C0, 110,161; balarces, $6,(32.019, CINCINNATI. Aug. 19.-Clearlngs, 13.727. fi.ii); New York exchange. 10fjI5c discount; money, 3'46 per cent. IIALTIMURL, Aug. 19,-Clenrlngs, $.',568. 391; balances. $293,5.81; money, 44ffB !'r cent. PHILADELPHIA, Aug. l:i.-Clcanng., $13,, 43,755; bal.uicee, $2,305,410; money, IJJPj pel cent. piv York .Money MnrUel, NEW YORK, Aug. 19.-MONEY-On call, closed steady at 2?j, per cent; last loan, 2 per cent; prime mercantile paper. Pityi per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Weak, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $1 6 .fl 4.86s; for demand and $4.8414 for sixty days'; posted rates, Jt.8514 and H.8S; bills. JI.831iff4.SI. SILVER-llar. BSS,c! Mexican dollars, 5c. RON DS Government, steady; state in active. Tho closing quotnt'ons on bonds are ns follows: V. H. ref. 2, reg.. do coupon do 3., reg do coupon do new 4, reg.... do coupon di old la, reg.... do coupon do reg do coupon I), nf C. 3 5s Atchison gen. is... do lid J. 4s Canada Ho. 2s Ches. ei O. 4hs.... do 5s C. .t N. W. c. 7s do S. F. deb. it. Chicago Trr. 4s Colorado So. 4s Denver A It. O. Is. Erie general 4s F W. & D. C. Is.. (Jen. Electric Iowa Central Is... . L & N. unl. 4s.... M.. K T. 2s do 4s .107N. Y. Central Is... 1i'7i N. J. C. gen. Js.... KSi, No. Pacllle 3 PH't do 4s IS7 'N Y. C & St 1, 4s. 137 'N. it V. con. 4s... 113 lOregon Nav. Is 113 I do 4 107; 'Oregon S. I.. 6s... 117 1 do consol 6s 121 Heading gen. 4s... 10314 Hlo O. W. Is 9 ,Ht L & 1 M e. 5s... Ud 13-1 :m 10414 100', 10)1, tlu K2H IM 117 95'4 101 110 125 181 11.-. Illi'4 t 117 f,8 11814 10-j 'St l & S F g. 69.. 107vt .121 12.1U 87? i"ll4 fr, 101 2C0 1I64 1O0H 2 3 ; St. Paul consols St P. C A I Is.- do 1V1 So. Paclllo 4s.... So. Hallway 5s.. rf. It. & T. 6s.... Texas .t Pacllle Mo 2s Is 9'4 t'nlon Pacllle 4i 101's II7, 101 Wabash Is do 2 West Shore 4s.. Wis. Central Is Va. Centuries . 112V 9i; Offered. London Stock Clnotntlons, LONDON, Aug. 19. 4 p. m. Closing: Consols, money. . do account Anaconda .. 9P; M., K. & T. pfd. .. 91I4 N. Y. Central ... .. m, Norfolk & W .. 70S do pfd .. 97 No. pHCltlnc pfd.. .. M'4 ..1J4I.4 .. so .. S9'4 .. 514 .. 3IM. .. 21'i .. 39 .. 2 .. 32'i .. K, .. 6SI4 .. 91'i .. 9I'4 .. 42'4 .. 91'4 .. 21'4 ,. 394 Atchison do pfd Ilaltlmore & Ohio. Canadian Pacllle Ches. & Ohln Chicago Ci. W St Paul 1-9 iDntsrlo & W mi. lleridtnc . 4.N . 22'4 ,in; . tl'i . 91 . 39H . 67V . It .117 .105 . 27 do 1st pfd... dn 2d nfd.... So. Hallway .. Denver A R, O. In pfil dn pfd Erie do 1st pfd.... do 21 pfd Illinois Central I. A N M , K. &. T.... So. Pacific ... Union Paclflo do pfd U. S. Steel ... dn nfd Wabash do pfd MONEY' 114 Per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for both short and three months' bills was 21 per cent. ' Nevr York Mining .Stocks. NEW VoRK, Aug. 19. The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks: Adams Con Alice Ilreece Hrunswlck Con L'omstock Tunnel... Con. Cal. A Va.... Deadnood Terra .. Rom Sliver Iron Silver lA'sdvlllc Con , 23 . 43 .140 . . 6.4 173 . 61 .17.. . 56 . t Little Chief .., .... It ....8'W .... 71 .... 8 .... 3 .... i .... VI .... 4) ....J) Ontario Ophir Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Small Ropes .. Standard PnrelKii I'lnniielnl. LONDON, Aug. 19. There was an abun dant supply of money today nnd there wm moderate demand. Discounts were quiet and weakening. On the Stock exchange the dealings wero Insignificant and opera tors were apprehensive of another period of stagnation. Consols and first-class ce curltles were easier. Home rails had 11 downward tendency and foreigners were lifeless, though their tone was good. Ar gentines anil Brazilians were easier. Rio tlntos were harder'. Kafllrs were dull. Americans wero affected by tho New Y'ork prices and the strike news. Steels nnd St. Paul were weak. The close was steady. Canadian Pacifies. Improved on tratllc earnings. Grand Trunks were easier. Gold premiums nro auoted ns follows; Buenos Ayres. 132.20; Madrid, 39.70; Lisbon, 38.50. Gold premiums at Lisbon have de clined to 38.00. GdWrpf,mlums at Rome nro quoted nt 4.30. ThojBtock exchange will be closed next Saturday, August 24. PARIS, Aug. 19. 'Business on the bourso today opened undecided, but later a more favorable disposition prevailed. Rio tln tos advanced on tho higher price of cop per. Kaffirs were llrm. Governments were supported. Rentes were llrm and Indus trials were Irregular. Thompson-Houston was weak. Three per cent rentes, 125f 2oc for the Hccount. Exchnnge on Iindon, 25c. Spanish 4s closed at 17.15, BERLIN, Aug. 19. Huslness on tho bourse today was fairly active and prices were generally firm. Homo funds wero better. Coal nnd railway Improved, owing to the more satisfactory reports from Silesia and the favorablo atato of tho British Iron trade, Italians and Rentes were In demand for Italian nccount. Ca nadian Pacifies showed a hardening tend ency, as a result of Increased traflic. Kalllrs continued to improve. Exchange on London. 20m 4314 pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, li per cent; three months bills, 2H per cent. Cotton Mnrket. NEW YORK, Aug. 19.-COTTON-Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 8c; middling gulf, Sl;c; sales none. Futures closed steady; August, 7.22c; September, 7.21c; Oc tober, 7.31c; November, 7,38c; December, 7.42c; January, 7.44c; February. 7.11c; March. 7.47c; April. 7.4Sc. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 19.-COTTON-Flrm; sales, 1,350 bales; ordinary, 51c; good ordinary, 6 !-16c; low middling, 73tc; middling, 8 3-lRc; good middling, 8 9-16c; middling fair, 8 13-16c; receipts, 1,285 balcn; uinrk 47.14s billon: tuturcs steady: August. 7.90fi7.92c; September. 7.48c; October. 7.32a 7.33c; November, 7.3ofl7.32c; December, 7.31 T n. T,iinrt TlWiTSlp- VehrtlH rv. 7.3111 7.'36o; March, 7.35Ji7.37c. w , A ST. LOl'IS, Aug. 19.-COTTON-Qulct; middling. Sc; sales. 75 bales; receipts, 50 bales; shipments, 36t bnles; stock, 20,633 U GALVESTON, Aug. 19.-COTTON-Flrm; 8 LIVERPOOL. Aug. 19.-COTTON-CIOS-Ing, spot, moderate business; prices llrmer; American middling, fnlr. 5 3-32d: good mid dling. 4 27-32d; middling. 4 9-4d; low mid dling, 4 ll-32d; good ordinary, 4 3-32d; ordl- ........ n 7"lM 'rlirt unl.ia nf tnilnv were 7,000 bales, of which Ort were for specula tion and export and Included 6.300 bnles Amerlcnn. Receipts, l.oou bales; no Ameri can; futures opened quiet, hut closed quiet. American middling, I. m. c, August, 4 26-611) 4 27-f.ld sellers; September, 4 23-iild, sellers; October, g. o. c, 4 ll-iild, buyers; October and Novem ber, 4 8-6I1I, buyers; November and rwrmlier. 4 6-64!i 1 7-64d. buyers; De cember and January, 4 5-iHQl 7-6ld, buyers; January and February, 4 6-6IS4 i-6ld, buyers, February and March, 4 7-6ld, buy ers; aiarcn aim .prii, -1 i-ivyi o-un,, uj crs SEW YORK. Ane. 19 COTTON Futures opened steady, with prices 1 point higher to 2 points lower, displaying nn Indifferent response to bullish Liverpool cables nnd bullish crop news. Immediately following the call weakness supplanted tin ca- y stability and prices broke 8 polnu fiom the Initial bins, under professional r.qui 111 tlon. rumors uf good rains In central Texns nnd sheer absence of speculative suppo t Yet It was vtry evident tnat tno near con tlncent was In no humor to adopt anpre!'- slvo tactics, for covering was quiet y done on the down turn and preparatl .li wie mado for a rally later In the day. Liver pool quickly conformed to our hcnvlnets and lost mos,t of Its advance before th close. The llrst break here carried Oc tober off to 7.2sc and Janunry to 7.38c, from which there was a rebound of 2 nolnt' After a lengthy period of heflnt'on end apathy the mnrket developed btillUh ten l enclcs, despite reports of two Inc lies of r.iln In Sherman, Tex., and worked slowly but steadily back to the opening figure i. Soon lifter midday shorts became pervous 11s a result of predictions for a bill' si weekly government report tomorrow an 1 following bad crop news from parts of the Carollnas and Georgia. This buylni; In conjunction with fairly active bull support caused prices In somo Instances t re c i new high levels for tho day, with tho Janu ary option leading the rlso. New Or' it ml European buying orders with seii'ltlv? strength In tho New Oreuns mirk-t did much to help the late market here. Wall street wis a liberal buyer of Oit b-r u-d Jnnuary on the late Improvin nl. 'I h i market was finally steady, with price i net I point higher to l point lower ev York Dry (iooils .MnrKet, NEW YORK. Aug. I9.-DRY GOODS Heavy brown sheetings and drill lute been dull and barely steady, outside of bet brands. Four-yard sheeting are li m Bleached cottons quiet at previous prices and coarse colored cottons dull. Print cloths Inactive and unchanged. Lending lines of indigo blue prints advanced 'ic. other prints unchanged, Ginghams steady. Fine white goods selling freely for spring. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ohcici ef Stetri Iteadj, Othtr Qitdei Are Easier. HOG MARKET INCLINES TO BE ACTIVE Put Comn nml Heifers Move Slcmllly In .MpiIIiiiii llrniles Sheep Mnr ket .Mtend) ttlth Re ceipts l.lliernl. SOUTH OMAHA, Aug. 19. Receipts were. Cattle. Hogs, dhe.p. Official .Monday 4,2U 3,w6 9,. 21 Same duy last week 2,ioy j.wi Siunu week before 3,6 5 b,701 b.tvll S.unu tliiec weeks ago... 1,M 4,6 ,Ul bainu day last e,n -I'liij 10. 1j4 AVtiiihu price paid tor nogs at Suuth Omaha the purisons: past several djy with com- I 1901.liiOO.l899.U9j.lsD7.lS96.11S95. July Julv f SSTtil 5 06I l 5 I3 5 IMn .' 03 1 B til i ti 09 5 66I41 3 15 r. 7c .-. iw! 4 321 4 3J 432! 4 32 4 19, 4 26 4 331 4 43 !7i 3 431 2 (61 4 89 2 ib 2 711 4 9J 2 it 4 a 2 77 4 67 2 77 4 4J I 4 45 2 81, 4 54 4 tw ' 2 1 4 6 3 02, 4 o7 2s... 2a... 30... 31... 3 l7 3 2V, 3 72 3 3 74, 3 411 July JUiy July 3 tO, August t 3 79 3 M August 2. August J. August 4. August 5. AtluiiHt 1! 3 45 3 47 (1 7y ' i 1 5 15 3 61 3 61 3 il 3 77 1 5 10 3 57 3 53 o it 4 4o 5 80 S 65 5 04 r. 14 i 3 S August 7. August s. 4 38 3 45 2 a I 55 & 15 4 37 3 81 2 75 4 50 4 4o 4 67 August It. i 1 5 7. i. , 5 114 4 32 4 '.': 4 29 3 67 3 49 3 131 vuglisi i(J, August 11 August 12 .1111. !4I 1.1 6 74l4 5 00 I 1441 3 til 2 761 1 W ST1 3 7l 3 51, 2 80 4 35j 3 49 3 56 3 741 3 61, 2 801 4 60 u .i-sl 4 901 5 ;3S( 4 97 , 1 I 4 431 4 411 4 32 4 361 4 47 4 50, 2 4, 4 j 2 83 4 0.' August 14 AUulist I., U llsl 4 Ul t 771t 4 8s B 8.1U 5 in 3 75 1 3 78 3 74) .1 661 3 l.7 I 2 8J1 4 -i: August 16 AuiMlst 171 3 70l ,4 47 3 71 2 841 4 55 3 681 2 92 3 73) 2 8S 4 51 August 18 August III 1 I 95 6 89 Indicates Sunday. The olllclal number of cars of brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. stock H'rs. C, M. & st, P. Ry... 1 Union" Pacllle system. 10 C. &. N. W. Ry 5 F.. E. & M. V. R. R.. 10 S. C. fi P. Ry C, St. !., M. Ai U... 12 B. t M. R. R. R 83 C. B. At O. Rv I C. R. I. &. P., cist.. 2 C, It. J. V P., west.. 3 Illinois Central 1 3 2 28 2 4 12 7 3 1 3 5 1 2 S '3 V. 43 36 5 Total receipts 191 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing tho number ot head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company.... Cudsihy Packing Co Armour and Company. 148 871 621 1.2'M . 759 1,219 1,410 l.i'ljii 2,4o2 153 861 8W 101 95 44 41 S 63 158 112 .... R. Becker Degall Vansaiit & Co Lobmnn & Co W. 1. Stephen Hill & Huntzlugcr Livingstone & Hchallor.... Hamilton .Sc Rothschild.... Wolf & M Hammond, St. J U. F. Hobblck A. S. Mawhliiney Other Buyers 420 ti.. 250 1,291 Totnls 3,927 4,227 6,693 CATTLE-With about I.C00 cattle received but a limited number of drylot beeves ar rived today, the big end of the off r.ngs coming from tho range. Drylot steers weiv scarce, demand good and prices strong to higher on finished grades. The market for range steers lit for the block was quotaoly unchanged. Good to choice range beeves sold around $ 1. 25 'o 4.50, about the sam. as last week. With tho Increased supply values on the thinner stuff shaded lower. About forty loads oi cows, mostly Ir .m the range, were offered, nnd the uomand was Just abopt equal lo the supply. Tr.o maiket ruled steady on anytning wltn weight and llesh, but for medium wel,ln stuff there was a weaker feeling and prices tended lower. Tho receipts of stock cattle we o omc whut limited and there was a d attn of stockers, especially. Yard traders wanted more or less feeding cattle, and compara tively freA buying .soon cleared the i of tho moderate supply. Heavy feeders soli steady and stockers wero quotnbl) strong. Reprcscntntli o Miles: ' REEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. t S20 2 00 56..., $22 4 t5 1 8l 2 50 21.. .f 1034 4 85 1 940 3 W 3 993 4 to 1 930 3 10 23 10J9 4 4 972 3 75 42 1115 4 93 19 741 3 to 6 1116 5 15 3 1150 4 10 1 1220 5 20 50 1145 4 10 34 1114 5 20 920 4 35 24 10.l 3 20 31 1113 4 40 54 1451 5 ;0 4 1033 4 50 26 . ..1340 i 25 45 1019 4 53 IS 1365 5 73 18 1022 4 K 70 1224 5 JO 4 1050 4 li 31 1211 5 40 1 S70 4 60 IS 1317 5 45 1 1350 1 CO STEERS AND HEIFERS. 4 767 4 25 1 1210 4 35 4 720 4 35 41 1040 5 3D 11 1441 4 33 3S 1172 5 50 COWS. 1 860 2 00 11 965 2 SO 1 1000 2 2.1 34 ESS 2 33 1 10M) 2 15 4 977 2 25 Jl 939 2 50 19 85 2 ?5 1 950 2 M 2 10S0 2 83 1 1210 2 51) 1 1191 2 90 1 110) 3 .'0 1 1210 3 15 K 92.1 2 70 1 1') 3 ?5 1 105i) 2 71 9 12-S6 3 S3 1 1030 2 75 1 1260 3 50 16 10M 2 80 1 1040 4 l 4 1107 2 80 i 1175 4 00 COWS AND HEIFERS. 4 836 3 25 HEIFERS. 1 500 2 50 1 830 3 23 HULLS. 1 1490 2 45 1 1320 3 55 1 1140 2 50 1 WO 2 :j 1 110) 2 50 2...v SV 4 tO J 1320 2 55 1 16S0 4 13 CALVES. 1 ISO 4 50 1 140 5 00 1 ISO 4 M STOCK CALVES. 1 350 3 00 1 220 4 23 1 220 3 ro STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 660 2 10 5 702 2 95 STAGS. 1500 4 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 46.. 4.. 9.. 90) 2 93 2 ) 3 15 570 3 CO 660 3 50 745 3 .'0 567 933 710 . 896 4 26 feeders. 3 : NEBRASKA. 3 25 3 25 2 30 2 G3 2 30 3 10 2 50 i 05 2 65 2 50 3 35 3 65 1 00 3 00 3 30 3 20 3 00 1 cow U9) 4 30 6 feeders. 835 1 bull 1550 4 cows.... 25 cows..., 12 cows.... 1 cow 1 cow 5 cows.... 1 cow 6 feeders. 97) 957 932 1210 1070 75S 2 65 2 70 2 45 3 10 2 25 2 55 2 65 3 31 3 35 3 65 ,3 65 71 55 2 25 3 0) 3 00 3 COWS. 89t 1 null.. 4 cows. 3 cows. 1 cow.. 2 cows 34 cows. ..1300 ,.1012 ..1020 .. 9S0 .. 925 830 953 901 24 feeders.. 930 26 feeders.. 938 1 cow 1340 17 feeders.. 1005 3 mws UW 5 cows 801 1 feeder... 850 7 feeders.. 925 18 feeders.. 814 1 feeder... 800 1 feeder. 930 5!5 771 752 2 feeders. 16 feeders. 10 feeders. 29 feeders.. 897 3 20 R. Snencc Neb, 1 bull.... 1 cow.... 18 cows.. 1 cow..., 9 cows.. 1 cow. 14 cows.. 8 cows.. 1 cow. 3 cows.. 2 cows. 1 steer. . S cows.. 17 cows. . 7 cows.. 1220 2 75 4 cows 1130 ". 770 2 25 1 bull 1350 99S 2 85 2 COWS 915 ' lIKil 2 85 2 25 2 23 2 85 biimer & Gullfoyle Neb. ..1058 3 33 lcow. 9(0 3 35 .,1020 3 35 F. I. Dobney Neb. .1031 2 80 4 feeders. John Green Neb, . . 661 2 75 1 cow 1290 2 75 21 cows '. . 966 2 75 2 cows.... ..1165 2 75 2 steers.. . .1290 3 60 10 steers.. 912 3 40 . 890 . 951 .1015 . 870 .105) . 'MS . 841 . 930 2 00 2 76 2 73 3 60 3 CO 2 00 2 0) 2 ftl J. AtKins-.Nen. 98,8 2 50 li cows.. 23 cows.. 1 cow. . . , 936 2 0) , 937 2 50 10K) 2 50 and W. .1059 3 fO 2 cows. R. 1 cow. . . ..1220 2 10 II D. Watklns-Neb. fi'i feeders 1 feeder... 1030 3 50 & C. Co.-S. D, Maiauor 1. 40 steers... .1283 4 40 J. K. Samples Colo. 50 steers... .1001 3 20 2 holfers H 3 0 j. i.ampKin yo. 2S feeders.. 1021 3 25 A W. Plummer Neb. 13 cows I cow 3 feeders. 8K5 2 35 1 cow 1080 970 2 35 1 c)W 1010 E. G. Route Neb. 656 3 20 John Ramcs Neb. 2 26 2 ft) 21 feeders.. 751 3 45 I feeders. 1 feeder... 1040 3 00 1 feeder.. E. M. McOstrlch-Neb. raj 520 760 SW 9M 750 3 46 3 CO 2 70 2 65 2 75 1 85 12 feeders.. 708 3 20 26 feeders. 6 feeders.. 3 20 1 feeder.. W. Wiley-Neb. 3 40 2 feeders. 2 35 1 cow M Story Neb. 3 65 5 cows.,., C. 2 feeders., 500 1 bull 1370 O, 31 steers.. ,1013 832 2 00 S25 2 SO 850 2 25 L. Beraxen Wvo. 4 40 U steers. ... 1386 O, de 163 steers. ..1152 8. Hnmllton-W yo. 4 25 33 COWS IftSS 3 60 4 25 1 COW 1260 3 ft) 120 steers...H47 5 steers.. 1232 4 50 1 cow 1070 3 CO 11. Kotile Neb. 7 feeders.. 2 feeders.. 1 feeder... 19 cows 4 cows 990 3 10 S heifers... M2 2 SO 550 2 75 t cow t) 2 W 670 2 60 1 bull 145i) 2 40 C. Scha fer-Colo. .. 933 2 40 10 cows f33 2 V . . S32 2 40 Orn Haley Wyo. ..H() 3 25 59 steers... .1019 3 75 .115i) 3 25 22 steers... .10? 3 73 .. 700 3 25 52 steers... .1272 4 10 1 sleer... 2 steers 1 steer... HOGS The week onens with less than 3,100 hogs In the pens, n very moderate run even for a Monday, and while thore were n few quite common loads, thero wns n, lack of dry weather hogs, the bulk of the offerings of fairly decent, even load, he ce prices were bunched around $3.!0 for the fair to good grades. The market was favorable to the selling Interests and prices ns a rule wero n good nickel higher thnn Saturday, with not slonnl rales even better. Inferior I'ght mixed and rougli bogs sold unevenly higher but In the main prices were n nickel higher nil around. As quality and weights, tven the range In prices becomes narrower, nnd sales are bunched more than they htvo neen in some tim. with the llcbt supply trade was soon over, the market closing ncuye unu strong. ni inc nuviuice. Rcpro Fciuuwvc sines; No. 21... 75... 81... 41... 70... 61... 73... 64... 59... 53. . . 70... 37... I.S... 77... 64... S3... 64... A v. ... 227 ,...197 ....192 ....202 ....224 222 .'. 1.220 ....245 ....22S ,...2ftl ,...230 ,...270 ....237 ....213 ....231 ....230 ....231 Sh. Pr. No. 0.. 1.9 . 67.. 6.. 60.. M.. f2.. 72.. 62.. 70.., 55.. H.. 8.. 72.. M.. Av 219 216 223 231 221 211 292 224 275 244 Sh. Pr. 5 '.'J 5 SO 5 80 80 140 120 80 200 5 90 5 9) 5 M 5 Ki 5 90 8 10 5 80 5 fcO 5 S3 i n 5 8714 i 8714 5 8714 s ;h 5 Hit I SPi J "14 s r,, 5 47 ' i 5 87 li 5 W 5 M 5 M 5 90 6 M i to 5 90 5 M 80 & 9) 5 M 257 212 2.13 224 240 214 230 20 233 i 90 5 90 f, ! S 90 5 40 5 10 5 M 5 "0 5 00 5 92'4 40 40 76.. 74.., 72.., 33.. (3 40 IN 80 59 262 SI 301 81 293 3 201 61 2J.) 6-) 239 25 61 270 65 235 80 214 8 210 i 95 5 1'5 6 C) SHEEP The week opens with n heavy run of sheep, but slightly smaller than received on last Monday. Packers were free buyers, nnd, while tho quality and weights were, f nnvthlng. be ow the nver nge, prices wire quotably firm nnd the market active from start to Mulsh. Lambs were also free sellers throughout witn a stronger tendency to prices on any thing showing weight and quality. Quotations; Choice yearlings. tt505i3.6,): fair to good yearlings, J3.3.i'5'3.50: choice wethers, 3.35rrf3.60; fair to yood wethers, .15'3.25, choice ewes, 2.75vAWi fair to rood ewes. i2.2o(tf2.f.i: choice mirlnir Ismhs 4.8Sij5.0o; fnlr lo good sprlr.g lambs, J4.403 4.75; feeder wethers, J2,753 ); feeder lamb:), .i.i;iU''.w. jicprescntative sales: 1 bull,.;.,, 050 2 10 14 cows. W. A. Cole-Neb. 2 cows ltIO 3 00 1 cow.. K enw MO 1 55 No. Av. Pr. 1 Idaho ewe 101 2 75 15 Idaho ewes 101 2 75 26 Idaho ewes 101 2 75 25 Idaho cull lambs 56 3 00 49 Wyoming wethers 141 3 15 SSI Wyoming wethers S7 3 35 1 Wyoming wether 70 I 00 419 Idaho lambs ft) 4 50 121 Idaho lambs 57 4 50 6 bucks 160 1 2i 2 stags 165 1 25 33J Idaho ewes 97 2 0) 328 Idaho ewes 101 2 50 46 Idaho ewes 107 2 73 20 Idaho ewts 107 2 75 161 Idaho ewes ion 2 73 6 Idaho uwe.!4 K) 2 75 9 Idaho ewes 96 2 -5 11 Idaho ewes 60 2 85 3 Idaho ewis 73 2 5 31 Idaho ewes 89 2 '5 2 Idaho wethers 75 3 25 40 Idaho wethers 85 3 25 161 Idaho cull lambs 69 3 25 107 Idaho wetheri. 86 3 25 910 Wyoming wethers 107 3 35 196 Idaho wethers 91 2 4) 10i idniio wethers 86 2 40 7 Idaho wethers 121 3 4) 10 Idaho ycarllnga 76 3 40 2 Idaho wethers 85 3 40 16 Idnho wethers "6 3 4) 218 Idaho lambs , 72 I 5) 510 Idaho lambs 63 4 75 6 Idaho lambs 70 4 75 123 Idaho Inmbs 63 4 75 15 Idaho lambs 64 4 75 256 Idnho lambs 62 4 85 541 Idaho lambs 60 4 85 6 Idaho ewes., 100 2 75 61 Idaho ewes 110 3 00 220 Wyoming wethers 92 3 00 261 Wyoming wethers 9 3 00 149 Idaho feeder lambs 53 3 23 11 Idaho feeder lambs 50 3 25 7 Idaho wethers 121 3 40 14 Idaho wethers 100 3 40 35 Idaho Wf.thrrs 95 3 40 57 Idaho wethers 80 3 40 1 Idaho wt liter 80 3 40 2 Idaho wethers 60 3 40 253 Idaho lambs CI 4 CO CIIICAfiO LIVE STOCK MARKET, t Steers, Higher, Horn Active nnd Choice Sheep Firm. CHICAGO. Aug. 19.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 20,0i)0 head, Including 1,500 Texans nnd 2.6O0 westerns. Steers, 10fll5c higher; butchers' stock, strong to 10c higher; Texans, fed, 10Q15q.hlgher; grassers, llrm; westerns, ac tive, steady to strong; good to prime steers, $5.50i6.40; poor to medium, $3.75 6.40; stockers and feeders, J2.255j4.40; cows and heifers, $2.50ff5.25; dinners, $1.502.50; bulls, I2.2T.5i4. 50; calves, J3.0OW5.75. tVah.4 steers. J3.60g3.10; western steers, Jl. 005(5,10, nuiiH-iteceipts today, 3i,UK) Head, to morrow, 18,000 head; estimated left over, 5,0110 head; active; 6c to 714c higher; mixed and bdtchers, J5.CO(f6.2214; good to choice heavy. J5.70fi6.30; rough, heavy, $5.5,'i5i5.ra; light. J5.605J6.10; bulk of sales, J5.8.Vfl6.12l4. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 19,000 head; choice llrm: others slow; good to choice wethers, J3.30544.00; fair to choice mixed. J3.0053.40; w'estern sheep, Ji.255i4.00; yearlings, J3.405jl.25; native lambs, JS.OOff 5.25; western lambs, J4.005J5.25. Knnsns City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 19. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,000 head natives, 6,000 head Texans, 500 head calves; stockers and feeders, strong; others steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, J5.605J6.00; fair to good, J4.90Q5.40; stockers and feeders, J3.005l.25; western fed steers, J4. 40(85.50; western rango steers, J3.405J4.60; Texans and In dians, J4.405j4.50; native cows, J2.50fil.00; heifers, J2.904J5.10; ennners, J2.OO5j2.40; bulls, 3.50(34.50; calves, J3.25fl5.23. HOGS Receipts, 3,500 head; niarkot opened 5c higher; closed 10c higher; top, J6.15; bulk of sales, J5.8iS 6.0714; heavy, not here, but quoted, J6.105,6.20; mixed packers, J5.8556.15; light.; nigs, J4.50ffj5.l0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,500 head; market steady; native wethers, J3.00 5j3.40; native yearlings, J3.405(3.C5, western wethers. J3.005i3.35; western yearlings. J3.2i (Q3.43; ewes, J2.505J3.10; stock sheep, H.Wii' 2.50. Nevr York Lire Stopk .MiirUpl. NEW YORK, Aug. 19.-REEVE8 -H celnts. 1,704 head; steers, quiet, steady; much butcher slock, steady, except bulls, which were firmer: hteers, J4.00515.45; stags nnn oxen, ..' !.. cows, J1.7053.76. Rrltlsh cables quote Amer ican steers at H?iI21ic; refrigerator beef, 95i9C. CALVES Receipts, 3, COS head; veals, 25e -, nnl.fAa A , , 1 1 J.ial, I'M-lld lllglllir, II 1 1 11' 4 It.,,, ..,(., J4.OO4J8.O0 tier 100 lbs. ; grussers and butter- mUKS. lit. Hlll'.FP AND LAMBS-Reeelnts. 17.421 head; sheep steady to tlrm, lambs slow nnd tinges lower; sheep, J2.6nfi3.75; few at 4, Iambs. J4. 25546.75; few at J5,805j5.8714 Iiuttn Hfl-l ,,uw., .i,,, .4 "in" ,.,. at JG.20fi6.30 for state offerings; westerns, St. Jouppli Live Stock Mnrket. BT. JOSEPH, Mo Aug. 19. CATTLE Receipts, 2,400 head; market steady 10 weak; natives, J3.0u?j6.01; cows and hulfrr-i, Jl.25fJ6.fj0; bulls and slags, J2.(Ofil.75; slock ers and feeders, J2.lfltJ4.Oi); veals, iri.25TJ5.:5 HOGS Receipts, 2,6o0 head; mar'et te higher; light and light mixed, J5.75fjC.17'.,. medium and heavy, JS.Ootjfi.'.'O; pigs, J3t0tj' 6.15: bulk, J6.OO47C.IO, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 580 head, market active and steady; top, uutlves, J Stock In Slglit. The following table shows tho receipts of cattle hogs and hheep at the five prin cipal live stock murkots August 19. Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha 1,243 3,083 9,921 Chicago 20,000 31,01 19,000 Kansas City fi.'iOO 3.500 2,500 St. Louis,... 3.600 4.00.) 1,00.1 S Joseph S.f"1 " Totuls 3ii,JI3 41,081 33,001 St. I.nnle l.lVf HtneU .tlnrUet. ST. WUIS, Aug. 19,-CATTKE-Recelpts, 3,tVrt head, Including l.Sirt Texans; market steady to strong; native shipping and ex port steers, H.5Ti5.K0; dressul besf snl butcher steers, Il.fi0fi5.35; steers under 1,001 lbs., I3.0iyr4.50; stockers and feeders, J2.fV'4j t.m; cows and heifers, K.irYii 1.75; dinners, $1.2Jj2.&0; bulls, K.tO'u l.OJi Texas and In- dlitn sterrs, J2.85ff4.1o; cows and helfirs, 12 iV 3.2fi. IIOGS-Recelpts, 4.000 hend; market llrm nml 6c higher; pigs and lights, ir M?. . packers, J5.85JnS.Ui; butchers, JO.of.flfi l'2i SHEEP AND LA.MBS-ReccipK l" head; market steady; native mutton... J ; fi3.t5; lambs, JI.K)fr..25; rulls nnd Inc J1.603J2.25; stockers, Jl.fj0ifj.35 4)11 'nml Rosin. OIL CITY. Pa . Aug. 19,-OlL-Credlt nlices, Jt.2.1; certificates, 110 hid; shlpmen s, 114,800 bbls.; nveragv, 95.733 )Wr.; rut.s, 162.173 bbK. nverage, M.522 bbls. SAVANNAH. Gn.. Aug. l'.i.-Splrlts tur pentine, firm. 3(V. Roln. llrm; quote, , R, C, JI.OO; D, $1.(0: E, J1.I0; K, J1..M; G. J1.2S; II. $1.30; Ni $1.45; K, J1.70: M. .'.; N. J2.lwfJ2.70; WG, J3.UVff3.tX1; WW, $.1.35'iJ 3.40 NEW YORK, Aug. 19.-OIL-Cottonse. d. firm; prime crude, ?.c, nominal; prime id low. 40i,c Mil. Petroleum, dull; r. lln-d. New York, $7.50; Philadelphia and I aid more, J7.45; Philadelphia nnd Raltlmor. In bulk, $1.85, Rosin, steady; strained, rom muii to good, $l.4ofil.45. Turpentine, 1 rm, 36V(f37t4e, LIVERPOOU Aug. lO.-OIIz-Cottonso d, dull; rellned. spot, stonily, 23s Pd. Tuipen tine spirits, steady, 27s. Renin, common, stendy, 4s ll'd. Petroleum, refined, steal), fi-d. Linseed oil, steady, 33s C.1. Coffee .Mnrket, NEW YORK, Aug. 19. Tho day In eoffeo fjtures was a small one In the matter of ttuslticss transacted, although 11 better fi el lug was manifested In the higher prices prevailing, The market opened steady with prices ttnchnngci! to 5 points higher op better cables front Europe than expected and tho moderate size of primary receipts Trading was nt no time nctlve; tonni covering with n little foreign buvlng had prices steady nil the session. The local spot situation wns featureless. Closing prices for futures were net unchanged lo 10 points hlghtft, June alone showing 11 10 point ndvnnce. The tono was stead). Total sales were 10,250 bags, Including Sep tember nt 4,!5c; October, l.fKV; November, 6c; Mnrch, 5.35c; May, 5.60c; spot Rio, dull; No. 7 Invoice, 5.624c; mild, quiet; Cordova, 8f(llljC. SitKiir Mnrket. NEW YORK, Aug. I9.-8UOAR-Rn w. quiet and easy; fair refining. 3 ".He. Molasses sugar. 3 3.6c. Rellned, e s.. lower; No. 6. t.CSe; No. 7. I.55e; No. S. 4. Me; No. p. 4.10c; No. 10, 4.31c; No 11, 4.30c: No. 1!. 4.3lo; No. 13, I 20c; No. 14. 1.20c; standard A. 6.06c; confectioners' A. 6.05o: mould A, 6.GV; cut loaf. B.75e; crushed, 6.76c: powder d, 5.35c; granulated, 5.25c; cubes, 5 60e. LONDON. Aug. 19.-REET St'GAR Au gust, 8s 34d, NEW ORLEANS. Aug 19-fll'(JAR-Qtllet; centrlftmnl yellow, 4MHV; 'ee. onds, 2i(,f?3l!c. Molasses, quiet; centrifugal, 55He. Evnporntcil nml Dried Ft-tiltx, NEW YORK. Aug. 19,-EVAPOUATED APPLES Market ruled rather qtllel tod iy. but retains Its llrmness of undertone, owing to a scarcity of sellers, slate, common lo good, 65i7e; prime, 7l4f8c; choice, 8.Hc; fancy, 9c, CALIFORNIA DRIED FH1MTS--M.irL-el ruled dull. Pt tines, 3ifi7o. Apricots, Rovnl. Slafi13c; Moor Park. 85jl2c. Peaches, peiie I, iii;i', unpecieii. t'iy.4c. Wool .Mnrket. KT t.niMcj Ann- in iv-nr,T .o...i.. ...m. - - ' , . . , .... ,, w w . tiirnii , w .414 a fair demand, medium grades, U4fT 7e; light tine. 1145illc; heavy flue, Ittja .lc; tug .xmui'il, jiti; wnxmaiMn SUMMER SPECIALS. $43.75 New York and Return daily $25,75 Buffalo and Return dally $21.50 Louisville and Return On shIc August 21-23-26. $21,60 Cleveland and Return On snlo September 7 to 10. Tickets to Cleveland mnv be used via IVubash to Detroit and D. .t C. Nnv. Co. fctijamcrs to Cleveland, a delightful rldo across Lake Erie. Home-Seekers Excursions. On sale 1st and 3d Tuesday of each Month. Ttotirlst Rates on sale DA1I.V In nil miimi. tmr 'resorts allowing stop-overs nt Detroit, Nhtgnra Falls, Buffalo unit other points. For rates, lake trips, Pan-American de scriptive matter and all Information call at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1113 FARNAM STREET. (Paxton Hotel Block) or wrlto iiAitui lu, JiuuitKS, u. A. p. D., Omalin, Neb. $5.00 A MONTH SPECIALIST In All Diseases and Disorders of Men 10 years InOmabft VARICOCELE and HYDROCELE cured. Method new, without catting, pidn or Ion 01 time. CVDUII 10 cured forllfoanatbepol'ion 0 r nil.13 thorouhly clennied from the iTBtem. Soon every Mm and ivmntom disappears completely and forerer. No "BREAKING OUT" of the disease on the skin or face. Treatment contains no dangerom druci or Injurious medicine. WEAK WIEN from Excesses or victims TO NEHVOUB DI5BIMTV or EXIlArjBTIOK. WABTINO WlAKNKHS With KABI.T UfOAT In Youno and Minrn.a Aano, lack of rim, vigor and strength, with organs impaired and weak, STRICTURE cured with a new Home Treatment. No pain, no detention from bust neis. Kidney nnd Rlnririr Troubles. UMAROkS LOW. Cusaltatlen free. Trcitmtnt by Mill. Call on on or uddreas 9 So. 14th St, Dr. Soarles & Searles. Omaha. Neb. NO OURE, NO PAY, MEN. If 7011 hf .mill, WMk orguii. loit powar or wcfck.olpf dr. Id,, our Vacuum Orn Pit alsptr will reatora jou without drug, or elMtrlrltj 1 Stricture and VarlcoMlo rermtnentljr cured In I toiwaek.i 15,000 In uib not ona fallura 1 not onertturntdi altact linniedlatai no O.O.I), fiaudi wrlto for frea pattlm lar.. vent aaaUd In nlatn aaval.. WCUArfUANCt CO. 131 Tiki Ilk.. IMItn.Mli, In.. nnwmr a tau inrin..... . . ... .v.. it. torn; purines and enriches the blooil; cures the worst dyspepsia, constipation, headaohe, llvorand klilneia. iSoandll ntdrunrlntR. Frea RodTlcn, Bomple and book. Ur. II. J. Kay, Sarutovu. N Y V ENOVATOH Famous Waukesha There Is no more. Justly famous health nd pleasure resort than Wuukosba, and nowhere will be found bettor service, a more beautiful location, or greater oppor tunities for amusement una rest man the FO UNTAIN SPRING HOU8E For illustrated booklet and ratea. ad- drees, J. C, WALKER, Mgr., Waukesha, Wis. OLDEST! Si IF EST: lUSST) WALL STREET Hour) Will Knrn II I at 3!ontul Itetnriia The Invebtor'e Fund 1'ays Beml-AIonthiy-Tho oldebt establlsded In America No eertltlcate-holdet ever lost n cent. Pay- CerillH- :-iimc luai v... ments mado to all t.uhcrlbers every 15 days. No trouble. No. delay. Money refunded on demand. Write today for particulars, free to any addreis. C. li. .MAC III. 1 A- .t llii.Uou llnllillnic. Vtirli. '1 riiiiiimim Hittl'. Boyd Commission Co Successors lo James K. Iloyd Co,, OMAHA, NKD. COMMISSION IS It A IN. I'HOVIrilU.NH AND KTt)CKl. lnral of Trails Bullaalrtal. Direct wires to Chicago and New Toth. CortlSnJc3t Jenn A. WajTei b C. 1 i