THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, ArUT 12, J 01 i V special notices:. Advertisements for ttirae column, -nlll lie tlifi. mill 12 til (or the Tenlng edition and tintll M.Un p. tn. fur tunralna anil bnndnr edition. Hates, 1 1 -2c a word flr. Insertion, lr a nor( therrnttrr. Notlilnic tnkrn for leas than zrc tor tlir Oral Inarr- tloa. Tbe.e advrrtl.ra.rnt. un.t be ma roa.erntlvelr. ! Advertisers, br rrqoe.Mn a , tiered eueck, rm have inintn ad. I ffiifo 10 a unnibrrrd letter In rara ' atatiaa at tfca , ( The lire. Antntn to be dellvrrad krtttl a beak, aalr. SITIATIONS WANTBI). WANTED, position by a th ir tighly c im pc'int Joang man as bookkeeper nr cash ier three years' ejcnerl-iiiee wllh lurLe wh'jifHak house, whom I am iiow with. ngr 22. good prnmun. best of rofT-i.'.-s. . A'ldress D M. Uee. A-M16 16- blTt ATION wanted by an experienced printer In city or country office Address A li Kaetnpler, Htstng City, Neb. tA-M30Q 18 JXI'EHT double entry timikkeepor deelrcs poEltloti at once. Address D OR. Itee. A-M310 12 WANTED, a vofdtton as collector; on furiilsh satisfactory referenros, have norse and buggy, apeak UohemlHii. ("! man and Polish language'. Aildre-s D Ilee A-A1.21 If M'AM'IIII 3IAI.U lini.P. V ANTLD, experienced soap salesman; re p 1" stating age. experience, referenrcs, salary expected Address C 67, Hee. R-MI82 WANTED, two or more experienced, re liable poultry' huekrtera, ulih estab 1-hed ruuUs Apply to Swltt and Comput), feouth Omaha, Nub. B Ml-4 1 WANTED an upholsterur who can cut and la;, carpets and make shades. Firrl-cluas man cun have steady work and good wages Frank Pryor, Pueblo, Colo. 11 M12K 14 WANTED, a bright young man. 2S to 35 yturk old, to lulie un agenuy for one of the best old line life Insurance companies, one who had experience us ttaluamun lire lerred. Address D W, Ilee. 11 M145 YOl'NG men; our illustrated catalogue ex plains how, we teach barber trade tn eight weeks, mailed free. Moier Burlier Col lege, 1623 Farnarn st. U Mlfii li WANTED. Stark nursery pays cash weekly 1 If jou sen HtarK trees, Louisiana JIis sourl Dansvlile, New York, U-M2tIi SI' CIVIL service government positions, about K..Vi appointments made lust ear: proba bly 10.1100 this year; only a coinn. 1 tehoni education required. Catalogue of informa tion free Columbian Correspondence Col. lege. Washington. D C. 1I-M.17 12 WANTED. first-class pnntsmaker nbnut Aug 19. ruu to uust Aliranam'on. 1 Holdrege, Neb. B-M31T 12 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, 2iiT girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. S76. C-CX2 10 GIRLS, all kinds work. Cunndlan Office. C 0.3 WANTED, nurse; references required. 3ii20 Farnam. C 97s WANTED, second girl; references required; apply to Mrs. L. L. Kountze, S9lh street und Dewey nve. C 9.1 li WANTED, competent cook, also nurse girl. 2241 Langdon Court. C M17o 12 'WANTED, ladles to lcnm halrdresslng, manicuring or facial mussnce, prepare for busy season this full, lour weeks required b our method. Call or write, Mnler Col lege, 1C23 Farnam st. C M1G1 15 "WANTED, girl for' general; family of two. Apply Mondny or Tuesday 5i Ho, 28th St C-Mlbl 12 EXPERIENCED nurse for young child; good snlury, permanent position. 534 S. 4Uth tit C 194 13 WANTED, dinlngrootn girl capable of tak ing charge of llttecn waitresses. Apply, stutlug age, previous experience, salary and references. Address D 01. Ilee. C-M23S 17 COMPETENT girl for general housewor'.;. Apply Mrs. E. T. Yates, 1020 Cass. C M3J0 13 FOR HUNT HOt SES. IF YOU wunt your nouses well rented place them with Benewu Co. D UM TO MOVE right, get Omiiha Van Storage Co., utfico liillii i iirmun, ur tel. l.i&9-!iOJ. D Iijj HOUSES for rent In all parts or the city. Brenuun-Love Co., J2o Suuth Ulh street. D 0 0 HOUSES, stores. Bemls. Paxton block. D-67 SEE HENRY U, PAYNE. C01 N. Y. LIFE. D-toS HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wtnd, 1524 Douglas. L CS9 HOUSES and Hats. Rlngwnlt. Burktr block D-.9J HOUSES wnntod. Wallace, Brown block. b-ROOM brick house, modern. 2717 Jackson. Telephone A, Trnynor, .491 or L-25JB. D-C9J 10-ROOM. east front, brick house. 316 N. 22d st., near Davenport. Inqulte next door. D-M.79 FOR RENT, house nnd barn, all modern; 2137 South 33d Bt, Apply 42 Mercliants1 National Bank Bldg. D IiOti 7-ROO.M tlat, C17 South 16th. Clark Powell. 311 New York Life. D-BJI SID S. 2PTH AVE.. S-room hou-.c. ALL MODERN, In good condition, rent. J25; note how close In this house Is to be mod ern at this price; It Is a bargain; wunt Al teuunt, with references. OMAHA LOAN AND TRUST CO 10th and Douglas Sts. D-M7D2 t-ROOM flat, modern 1112 S. lTtll D-975 lMtliUM modern residence centrally lo cated, bonrd for men and wife accepted for rent. Rlnswalt Bros.. Barker blnek D-M12J VERY" desirable, tint In good repair, well located. M J Kennard Son. 310 Brown block D-S9I 1707 VINTON street, store with two live room Hats above. The whole building has Just been painted and papered throughout Will muke -i very reasonable rent to a good tenant, or will rent scpnrutely. THE OMAHA LOAN Jt TRUST CO.. mh und Douglas Sts D-.Mli. MODERN 7-room house, near park. 1509 So. sjtth. D-179 FOR RENT, 8-room iouse. nil mcd rn im provements, large rooms. 106 N. :3d St. i D-185 13 A TEW good and cheap houses and .Hutu In good repair G F. '1 urklngton. Cos Hue. D-M239 12 FOR ItEM'-ITllMMIUU ROOMS, DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-tki THE THURSTON, cool, ulry roorrs. E-6JC THREE rooms, light housekeeping mi South 11th. E-645 Housekeeping rooms IC up. '223 St. Mary's. E 450 A2J THREE rooms, light housekeeping 1112 South 11th. E 54 Alii ROOM, steam heat, bath. Js; rot m 405, 2' 9 N. 13th E-M240 Si FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, de ta heu house, lawn nnd shade 2215 Tar nam E-M31G 15 STAMMERING AND STl'TTERINfi. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rams Bldg VI H.MSHEI) ROOMS AMI nOATlD. "TOPIA 1721 Davenport St. ULKNCAIRN. transient. I1.S day ie d ug THE Merrlam, tummcr resort. 21th fcJDigde TWO large front rooms, with bonrd. 19.9 Cspftol Ave. I MM ""iiiAUbc rooniii. ine itjh, .1. . . 1 DESIRABLE room, flrst-class board. 264 Harney F M9f7 12 IrOMS and board. The Roe. JO Harnoy F-MWp hi ItofiMS and bonrd. everything new, keep a enw mia Capitol Ave r i .1- THE FARNAM, 1 19th and Farnarn ts F-M307 IT I'OIl HUNT I MTIIMMIKD 1IOOMS. . fSK room spate. Jo per montl h. Bround "our room ln The Pw bu,i?iht i Hiunill riirri, IIU t iot- . t.p.a.., I v. fc or Janitor service It. C. Peters & Co , Itental Anents, Ilee Building. O 41C LIGHT housekeeping 2024 St. Mary s Ave. U-135 13 2 HOOMS for light housekeeping. KOi Leavenworth. G ISC 1(1 FOIl IlENT. three unfurnished rooms fir I light housekeeping, strictly modern 8U H i"!U SI U II' LIGHT housekeeping- 2'S1 St Mary s Ave. Q-136 14 rilll REV!' STORE!. AMI OFFICES. F'.JR RENT, store In first-class location, rent reasonable. Apply R C. I'eXers & Co., ground lloor, Bee Bldg. 1266 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bej at 916 Farnam St. It has four s'orles and a basement which was formerly used as The Bee press room This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to C C. Rose water, secretary, room 1W, Bee building. 1 2il FOR RENT, office with vault and part flrt lloor or all top floor H14-1C Harney St. Midland Glass & Paint Co., 1410 Harney St. I lli AUE.VrS WANTED. ANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions for THE TWEN1 iFTH CENTURY FARMER and the NEW CYCLOPEDIA OF LIVE STOCK and COMPLETE STOCK DOC TOR. This splendid book contains 1.400 Imperial octavo piges. 610 obJ"-t-tcachlng engravings 11110 is the only book on the stock ever published adapted' to the every daj, practical, muney-savlng use of every farmer and stock owner. Steady employ ment With assured good Income. Agents in the country with horse tnd buggy es peclall; desired. Canvuasers make easily 6o to $100 per month Address, Century Farmer Sulk'ltors Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. J IS7 WANTED, reliable agents to take aulxrrlp- ijoim no uui I'ujmiui uu.kui.111e tun ec tlon with new census Atlas. Except I dia1 opportunity Wrlu today. John Wan -maker. Dept. 162-A, New York. J 173 10' WANTED TO RENT. YOl'NG man wishes small cottage or suite, furnished for light housekeeping, for self und mother; references. D 51. Bee. K-M171 12 WANTED, furnished house, 1(1 rooms, for month of September and ponslbly Octobe . Address D 5fi, Bee. K 176 13 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co.. 912 914 Jones, general storuge and forwarding. -7.1 OM. Ven Stoi. Co., 1511a Farn. Tels. 1659-MU. -702 STORAGE: Household good-; nnd other articles stored at low tates. J. J. Derlcht &; Co.. 1119 Farnam St. Tel. 353. 703 WA N TED TO III V. WANTED to buy. 2d-hnud pianos and or gans. D 52. Bee. N M1U9 son OR 3'i yards of dirt at 28th iinrPopp'cT ton Ave Byron R Hnstlngs, 212 So. 14th St. N-M199 13 FOR SALE FtJIt.MTl.ItE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. J410 Dodge. Tei. ivjj. ivcw ft .unana iuruiiure uouglit, sold, exchanged. O 701 FOR SALE HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. LIGHT omnibus and buggies Tor sale at H. Frost's, 14th und Leuvetiwortn. P MS2S SOME hccond-hand buggies, good as new, ' inri nthir Imrirltlm. in ihiil In.. 11 1 1-117 t Jones st. Ask for O. M. Hurt. P-.M151 FOR SALE HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC. roll SALE, very chcup. n team of black, verj ncntle carriage horses, Jersej cow with 3-weeks-old cult. Mrs J. M. Metcult, 11th und Pierre. P M4 FOR SAL U M iLi,lil,A.V 1'-oca. bAW DUST, cheapest posts, poultry und hog lence. 9MJ Douglas. J 7w 2DHAND sufe cheap. Deright, 1119 Furnum. Q-707 SFES, standurd mukes, sold, rented. 114 S. 12 y 7w BIG line of secondhand wheels, J3, 15, b, HO. unuilui Bicycle Co., ICtli und Chlcugo fu. y 7u9 TRADE your old wheel In on a new one. umulia Bicycle Co. tilth und Chicago Sts. y 7 in FOR SALE. Iowa unfermented grape Juice bu.lnesb. Adurcja iU2 First avenue. Coun cil Blurtu. L-M6f3 AU PERSONAL. DR. ROY. chiropodist; corns and tuperflu ous hulr removed by electricity. R. 12. Frenzer block. U 713 V1AVA, womun's wuy to health; rational, vvhulusume home trculiucut Hi lite Bldg. U-7H M. GOLDMAN & CO., otilr perfect lit curdlon pleating plant In the west; mail orders solicited. Suite 2v0. Douglus block. U-717 FRENCH ACCORDION PLEATING, mall ordcrr solicited, umuiiu tieatinc ci 1524 Douglus. U-71 I PRIVATE hospital for ladles befo-e and during confinement; bubles udopted. :S'.ti Grunt St. U-716 WE RENT sewing marhlncs for 75 cents per week; we repair and sell needles and pnrts for every machine manufactured. 'Phone 10C3. Neb. Cycle Co.. Cor. 15th and Harney. U-137 A1G A WIDOWER with small family wishes to correspondent with a lady not over 35 with u view to matrimony, who Is willing to enre for the children In return for a good home and sober and Industrious hus band. D 60, Bee. U M2& 12 SUPPLIES for all machines; machines for rent White Sewing Mnchlne, 1C2) Doug lus. Tel. 2234. U-715 MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15, 2d flnor, R I U M124 S7 PRIVATE home for lad'es before nnd dtir lug confinement; bubles adopted 6.0 Burdrtte St. Mrs. Burget. U 177 6: OilAHA Accordion Pltg Co , lutl Diuglus U 7is DOES your husband go out to his club very much" You suy yes Buy htm u box of Prince of Omaha cigars and he won't W T Stoecker Cigar Co, makers F-2SS 17 MONEY TO lOAN REAL ESTATE. PRIVATE money F D Wead. 1524 Dougins W-719 6 AND E1- per cent loans. W. II. Thnmas, Flr.t National Bank building Tel. 1M. j v'-7t juu. ivv. aw private money to loan; l. 3 nr S vrnri. AV i. Hrih.v. nnn.,1 nr Tm.i. Bldg. ' W 722 money to loan-heal estate, i MOM:Y to loan on improved Omaha rea' 1 .if. Drennan-Love Co.. 31 South Uiti. 7 WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrant, George 4: Compuny, 16J1 Furnam street. W-721 WANTED, city loans and warrants W. 1 Farnarn Smith it Co.. 1220 Furnam St. W 715 WANTED city and farm loans; alo bonds and warrant. H. C. I'e'.'jrs it Co., 1T0I Farnarn St., Hee Uldg. W 731 LOANS on eastern Nebraska una western 1 Iowa farmd at 5 per centj borrowers can 1 jiay tlw or any multiple, any lnierent aaie, no aciay urennan-uovt ta., v s, 18th St.. Omaha, Neb. W-TK 4b TO 6 I'. C money. Ilcmis, Faxton blk. W T27 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. W7 N. V. U W 120 U0.(w SPECIAL fund, loans w up, lowest rates. Gorvln IJros., I604 Farnum. W-99S ilO.MJV TO l.OA.N CHATTULS. DO YOU NEED MONEY 7 We loan 10 uud up un luranait, pianos, horses and ottier chattels. KALAKY LOANS. Without mort age to people nuldlng perma- 1 Ithout mortgage to people noldlng perma-, nent portions. You can get tht iiwiiey in , u fe hours after inaKinis appucuiion and tako 1, 'l, 3, 4, 0, 6 muntns or inure in which - to pay 11 uack, anu you neeu 1101 pu iui It one ouy longer than you Keep it. e charge nothing tor pupcrs anu we give you the tun amount !n cash. There ure no lower rutes than ours, our term, ure the easiest, our business Is cuiiriaelitUi und our motto is "try to please." OMAHA MORTGAGE l-KJAN CO.,. 119 Board ot Trade iiidg. Tul 22i. (EstKblahed 1S92.) 30t S. luih St. A 732 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS On household turnlture, pianos, horses, wugons, etc., In two hours time, also to Faiarieu people oil tiiuir plulti liolew, with out set-urltj. Easlefct payments and low est rutes in O m una. privutt interviewing room. Americun L.on u., loom J12 Brown oioLk, cur. loin anu Dougias sis., entrauuv ut. loth ot.. upposltc Y. Al. C. A. Biug. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PtJUl-Lfc., merchants, tcuin sters. Hoarding bouse. Hi , without se curity , mural terms; ej unices 111 ptliiLi pal citleii. Auiltuili, tiu tioaru 01 l'tuuc Uldg X7J4 loans on halaries, furniture. live stock, etc. wuick service and lowest rates gu.itanteed. j. W. '1AYLUE, W itop lloor; 1'axton biocl:, northeast corner ltitn unu Furnam, eutiuuuu on luth street. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cowu, etc. c. F. ileeu. 3l a. 1J. X 73g MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, burses, cows. Jewelry. Dun Green. H S, BurkerblK X 73 i WE LOAN money to salaried people on their note at lowest rules; strlutl culili uentlai, pay weekly, seml-weeKl or monthly itunm 303 i'uxton block, u lloor. Relluble Credit Co. X 739 MONEY loaned ou plulti note to salui.fd people; business cotitideiitlui; lowest uitts. tilt I'uxton bluck. The J. ,L lluiluu Co. X 794 THE MOST SATISFACTORY PLACE to make loans on tut mure, plunu or suurj. in urug siure, imiunuuu iiour, uhiiii-b - .n.,n.l,,r M,.rtn t m i n t fi I n ..t In I, tountulu. etc.. . In u , Thyrold-Lymph Co , ! Y-740 1 lively county seat. aOO Bee Bldg. TP.T.T. MR WHAT VHtT IIAVR TO Rt'I.t. TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT TO BUY, IF I DON'T FIND YOU A DEAL. ftt - C? t N-tT-f-U 1'IJV iwk. f" .'A .i. v. ' J. H. JOHNSON. SU New lork Lite Bldg. The Real Estate und Business Cnanc Man. Solicits 1 our Business. iuereiimiuise oi", V. 'v jiuuiinnb ll,,n.. f. ;.ln nr l-'vf hiltll'f. Y-942 WANTED, ladles of ability to manage branch offices. Thyroid-Lymph Co . nt' Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Y M132 A VERY attractive Investment If offered In the stock of the Golden Rod Oil com pany of Omaha; absolutely sufe and sure to pay large dividends, only a limited amount for sale at par. Call or write for full Information. Office 1911 Davenport st. Y M159 L1NDELL HOTEL, first-class, good busi ness, furnishings complete; price. J2,txw; Investigate. William Madgett, Hastings, Neb Y-MlS'l FOR SALE, bakerv In best town of north ern Wisconsin, new and up-to-date, no crop failures here, particulars on applica tion Address D 6S. Bee. Y-M271 17 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE, line, clean stock gen erul dry goods, furnishing goods, staple and up to dute. Invoice about JIO.O'X). Wl 1 crty. Good stock about JG.500 1,. col order. Owner must have about J1.700 cash. balance good property, ir you wum goo i deal write to Somers & Brown. 507 Mnn huttur. bldg., St. Paul. Minn. Z-M9S2 14 FOR EXCHANGE, 3.500 acres of land nnd some gooJ town property In western Iowa; will take merchandise or planing mill, what have you? T M. Cllne, 123S O st., Lincoln, Neb. Z-M14 13 TO EXCHANGE, set of banjos and mnndo- nn lor sei oi ciuriuncia. u. m. iiuirins- ton, Fremont, Neb. Z-M153 15 FOR exchange. J2.500 drug stock In Iowa, for good small farm, Iowa preferred, will nay difference. Address D 27, Omaha Bee, Omaha. Neb. Z-M200 12 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES, lots, furms. randies loans, ulfco fire Insurance. Bemls, Paxton Blk RE "41 NEW MODERN HOUSE, 2S21 DAVENPORT ST., .2,500.00. We are offering n new R-room house, con- ii,lninp hath Kewer. closet nnd it.ik 1 tlrst-ciasK llxtures. lurge poich, cellar bricked und cemented, lot 5uxl3j ft , per manent sldt walks The Byron Reed Co.. 212 So. Hth St. RE-M2 li RANCH AND FARM Innds for Bale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A McAllaster, land commissioner, Un.on Pacnic Headquarters, Omaha. Neb. RE-715 CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. 1203 Furnum St. RE-74J upcnv ti )UYT ail V Y T tit 1 bEL "-N lAi.NL. Wl . 1. LI if. I ' , l4 .. HOUSES and lots In all parts ot city, also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 552, Bee Building RE-744 C I" HARRISON k GEO. T. MORTON. 9i- ' N Y Life, buy and sell. Inquiries invited. u .zz av zy OSTEOPATHY. JOHNSON Institute. 615 N. Y. L Bldg Tel. 1604; Alice Johnson, D. O., ladles' dept., Gld E. Johnson, Osteopathlst. Mgr. -718 DONOHUE. Ostcopaih, Paxton blk. Tel. WH -7 9 A. T. HUNT, D. O.. 205 Knrbach blk Tel :r,52. -7io MRS JOHN R. MU5ICK. D. O.. osteo puthli physician, Douglas block. -526 A19 PATENTS. WILL BUY" any good Invention or patent Addres. Lock Box 760, De. Mulnus, la. -716 J5 THIS advertisement Is good for $5. Sues ' i- Co., puuiit attorneys, Bee bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Ne tee unless succeksiul. -M29I All LOST. I.ADT R cold watrh Elcin Rwarrt f r J return to Bee office. Lost Ml3 15 J I "uuiu miwn - iiia.ii, eiiirauti- uji- , L'uleb Halev us llbcllunt in n i-iuse , -MHUiuii.iuilM ru. poslte Y. M. L. A. bldg.. loth st. Try It f ,1- t c" v,, id uKamst "he Lpre-j ...b 7:Cu am b S:40 anu .ou wl be sure unu repeat the uose ' "ibtiat-jHwh Rlma' her upparW, ! """V" " U 1 aUl n 7-4no,n , n- . , , --HI111- tuckle and furniture, and prnylng thf- usual , rJrimn V Vi" from' ' '0' process and monition or the court thut nil I 1 ii7f? i, i-vi ,.n, Ill'SINESS CHANCES. persons interested in said steumbont, her ..-JT-0.11?,6. I7,.V 'from1 fc:1S "tackle, apparel, machinery and Mrnlture, 1 council Bluffs a 6 00 am may be cited to appear and answer the lire- i Jr'ni'iYv t DailV 'exi-i-i.t Mm,. l.V.t! sal.r or triule tinlf nr whnlr Interest !ij... unil nil riiiM ,.r......,ln,.-v l,ln.. l,u,l U Dall . t Jjall CXLept .IlltlOay. SIIOltTII AMI AMI TVPIlWlllTIM.. - . : : . ".. ' I A. C. VAN SANTS school. TIT N Y j - UOYLES College, court reporter j r. , jDeeBldg NEB. Business & Shorthand College, li Thcatei - I GKEOa Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16 & D-Ug - I CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. I ALL kinds r.f carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J T. Ocblltret. J- h and Lake sti. 270 iah.9Iuii a.-.. 1 1 400 ACHES 5 miles south of Gretna, Sarpy I county. Neo. Duff Urten. Room i. L.ik. r MCICEI, I'LATIMa, STOVES, lamps, etc., replated. nmaha 1'IHtlng Co. lite Uldg Tel 2..i -.Ml. ri'HMTrnu ui:i'aihi. Tr - t g Walklln. 2111 Cumlnr St, " M- " aiaun, v.ura.pT,u 1 ' ' 1 nicY('i.i:-. CLOSING out stock, sp-clal prl ct Cycle Co.. Cor. 15th and Haruev M2C riMiixo and ri.E.vst it e m:fliiT. ir Y'OU want cood bass and croppy fishing go 10 Rangoon, .io. wry urn 01 uoic n,.,m,m,i,lln,,c ttintv of ,on ,.,! 1 minnow s. Write R. A. DIttmar lor rate. , " I .ItXH.. DO NOT sell your Junk before you pet prices of the Great Western Junk House. MS Douglas Ht Omaha. "Phone -1C5 A. Ferer. proprietor. 23S A15 LAIN Ult . OMAHA Steam Luundry. shirts, 7c, eo'.lar". ic, cutis, tc 170 ieavenwor;n. 'lei tin 73- llOIt.EU MAKERS. OMAHA Boiler Works, steam boilers, tanks, i fctuckb, etc Tel. l'Slif. U'th and Izurd Kts. -4 w PAWNIIROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommolat- 1 Ing; nil business confidential, laoj Dougins i Itfl I I.F.ti.U, NOTICES. I ADMIRAL! 1 SEIZURE - STEAMBOAT JACOB R1CHTMAN I CITATION I United States of America. District of Ne braska, ss. . I IV hir,'fik. A llliel him Im...?. In fflin Hlu. I n. n,.,,-t ,t tll T'nlt..,t Clnln. fr.r ,l.A ,1 1 11 trlct of Nebraska, on the ith day of .lul. ' tliut saia s'euniooui rail) lie uecreeu to lie . ..u H 1. .I,..r.n .1IU-:I. J 1 F0ld. and the proceeds thereof distributed Uecordlng to law Therefore. In pursunnce of snld monition ..... . . . .. I .. . ....I.I ,.... . .. . .. .. .11 ..... .1 I tinder the seal ot suld court, to me directed ....A ,loO,-..r,.H nn ll... 1lt ..r loll- 11.11 j i do hereby give notice generally uhb all 1 persons having or pretending- to hnvo any l. .. .... ... . . . . . . riRIH, line or imeresi in sain Pieamnoui culled the "Jacob Rlchtmnn," her tu kle apparel, machinery and furniture, to up- ,.ar before the said court in the city of bmnha. In said district, on the 2d duy of KePteuioer. iwi, next tu it or u couri uny 1 .. . .... ;, .. . . . , or else on next court day thereafter), nt 10 o'clock forenoon of snld duy. then nnd there to nnswer the said libel... nnd. to mako known their allegations In that behalf. Dated nt Omaha tn snld district this 7th day of August. A. D 1!U. T U MATHEWS, United States Marshal for the District of Nebraska AupSDlfit RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION PACIFIC-"THE OVER land Route" Generul Offices, I N. E Cor. Ninth and Farnum Streets. City Ticket Office. 1224 Furnum Street, Telephone, S16. i Detiul. Tenth n ana .Marcy Sis. 'leienliuuu. C29. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited.. a s:.-u um a 7:30 pm ThI Chicago-Portland special . a 8:10 'im a ":30 Pm The Fust Mall ' iW am a 3:25 pm The Mall and Express .aU:fi pm u 4;:5 pm The Colorudo Special ..ullii pm a t,:Hi um l.inenln. iieairict: anu Strom'sburi: Express, b 4:05 pm bl2:39 pm ! he Paclllo Express. ..a 4:25 pm ! Thf The Atiaiiui. Esr.rJ-Bs a G.50 am ra"d .UarJ,,c .S- Sunday , a Dull- h ""1 exeep- wUliday. CHICAGO NORTH western Railway "The Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office, 1101 Farnum St. Telephone, 501. Depot. Tenth uhu Marcy Streets. Tele phone, C29. Leave. Arrlvc- Dayllght Chicago Spe- nil I . fVl r. . ..11 .it A a... 1 -1 t . a... Chicago Passenger a 4:15 pm a S:40 nm . ....a i w uiM Uji.du 1'sii eastern Express. rn l.1vnr..uc T1uu alolnes, Murshulltown. Cedar Rapids and Chicago .al0:55 am a 4:05 pm I Eailcrn Special. Chl- j cago und xJast a 4:55 pm a 4:05 pm Fast Malt. Chlcugo to Om..ha a 2:45 pm Omaha-Chicago L't d...a 7:45 pm a k:W um I-list Mall u b:3o um Cedur rapldi Iau.Kngar. a 5:30 pm u Dally, FUEMCsT, ELKHORN & Missouri Vutiey rtuilruad "The. .Nurlhwtniern Line" Generul Offices, Lnlted Stute. Nutluuai Bank Building, S. V. Corner Twcltm and Fur- nam sts. Ticket Office, nul Furnum St. 501 Depot, lii til unu VVuustcr 'lelephut.u, bis. j jlephune, 145a. Leuve. Arrive. Biack Ml. lb, Dead wood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper uud Douglas d S',00 pm c 6:00 pm Hustings, lork, Duvid City, cupeilor, G-nevu, ilxuier und Sewuru....b 2:01 pm b 5:00 pm Nortoik, vuiuigrc una Fremuui b 7:30 um bl0;25 um Llncom, -a ci.--n A: l'ru- uiotii d 1.30 am blo:!5 um Fremont i-ocal i, :.y am r Dally, u Dally uxeep. tiunuuy. c Sun da only d Dally cucpi Si.iurduy. v Dully except Muuduy. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. Minneapolis a; uuiuha liunwuy - "The North western Lino" Generul Offices, Nthrabku. Divi ciun. loth und vv eOklei his. City Ticket Office. 1401 1-uruktn bl. Telepuone, tibl. Dvpul. 15th und Webster Sis. leicphonu, 145b. Leuve. Arrive. iTwlnvit) i'cieengcr .u6:uuam n 9:Jo pm Sioux City Passenger... a 2.15 pm a:.. t-merrun uucui z fc.u pm u t.iv ata u Dally SIOUX CITY A: PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General Offices, Culled Statt-k National Bank Building, o. W. Corner Tweltin and Farnum dts. iickei ui'.ice, .u Farnam til. Telephone, 561. liv poi. Tenth una Marc Sts. luIupULiiu, u.9 Leave. Arrlvt. Twin City Express a C.ui am alu;2i pm Twin City J. untied a 7.55 pm u am Sluux City Locu. .. k.uu um u pm u Lally OMAHA & ST LOUIS RAIL road Omaha. Katihak City & Eastern Railroad "Th. Oulncy RoutiV-Tlcket Of. flee. 1415 Furnam St. Tele phone. 222. Depot. Tenth and Marcy Stk. Teiet.t,Uu t29. ' Leave. Arrive St Louis Cannon Ball Express ..;16pm a S:30 am Kansas City and Qulncy Local ft 7:00 am a vav pm a Dally, Neb. I I I It All. V A 11. ML. CAUL.. L LLlililuN it M-IS- 0ai, Ilivur Kuilruau lhe BurtihflOh Route u 1 tra unices. North wist 1 it n tii and lan. an. streets. Ticket Oil we i5. 1 allium btleel. 1 neplii ue t. auiniinuu dvuuuii, jemu und Aia-r, S reels, miepuune 11. Unn., Arrive. Liu oit.. Hastings uuJ Mm iii.p A b.U am U 1 .Zi Pro Lincoln, Denver, v.010- rado, Utah, caufondu.a 1:25 pm a z:vj pm A..lulicc i-xpres. .. pm a t.w ptu Ulli'-itl & UlaCK mils. a ;w jini u i.ii am ....... t. ..-. U..H11H M'lKl nm 11 ft!', nm Lincoln Fust Mall. ..' b pru u v.i; urn wymulc, iieuince ana Llncoui a a.iu um uuw am 1 and v. aiituriua a G:15 am 1 Fiu't t'rouK, Su. IJelid, Louisville. Piuttstn Ui.b SrSO pm bllrtXi am Ii'!le' if'- .1,'-t.trBU'-h -.,0 m v.-n m flBC'.fV- -iJ",VV.t;'j; P lucitit Junction aS.loum a Dal y b Dully except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO seph Ac Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burlington Route Ticket Office, 15"J3 Fftrnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 12S. , w Kansia(( ry Dnv jx 0 j Kansas Cit Night Lx .aio laeuve. Arrive. ,ai am a C;ui pm ,30 pm a C:15 am josh'and'st. LouiTa s.10 pm aU:U am a Dal y CHICAGO. BURLINGTON i qulncy Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Oilki, lK'J Farnarn Street. Telephone 280. Depot, lentn und Mason Streets. Telephone 12a. . . ,. one, LUS light C U.tfigO BpC' ix'avc. Arrivis. Vuiui-uieS Cx.a 4:oo pm 2"m am Chicago Local Express. a 9:3j am u 4:00 pm n ? AO tn n Ifl.VI Chlcugo L.imitua u iisvjjiu a i.u um rast Mall a 2:45 pro j. Dally. CHICAGO, ROCK 1SL and A. Pactric Rallroud -The Great Ror Island Route" citi Ticket Office, lffij Kur nam Street. Telephone 424. Depot. Tenth unj Marcy Streets. Tele phone, Ci. Leave. Arrive i Chicago Daylight Spe .a 6.00 am a 2i00 am les Moines and Davun port Loca. a .:2aam bll;25 nm Chicago Express am ii s -in .. ... Des Mu.ncs Loi-il . ...a 4.2u pm u 4:45 pm Chicago r asi j-xpresi .a a.w pm a 1;;5 jnn X .UUIItCB, .UV A'1 und and Chlcugu it 7:40 pm a P;3i tim Rocky Mountain Llm. . .u 2:o0 nm a C:00 am Lit. coin, ivilurxdo Spgs., weTl " a 1-30 nm n fir Colorado" Oklahoma' i p Tevns llvT n R;?o nm n o.ri M a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. 1 L L I N O I S CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket ot- lice, 14(. Farniim Street, .vtuiuiuuc, uepot Tenth and Murcj Streetfc' Leave. Arrive. a ju am u ClllLUktl r.XtireSS CIucudu Limited pm Leave. Arrive. o, T.noiQ mnnnn Tioll XOU' V-UIinon 11&II B Fxnr"ss uannon .... Ka"nsa Citv and 'Qulncy cai a 7 tj ar .W Mb pm u B:20 am am u 9:00 pm a Dully MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL-road-Gciieral Offices ana Ticket Offices, Southeast Corner 14th and Duugia. btB. J elcpnune, 104. Depot Luton stution. "'voi. Leave. a ...i... St. Luuis und Kansas .City Express a lu;00 am a C:23 nm K. C. St. L Express.. u lw:60 pm a CL am . , .,. ,, ,-.h ni I HL.'"..1.''.'1. an1 Uv!;" c''7" ,,. , w!?fru- .l1: ' la ,, . Ti,1' ??tvr, Aft tim Dally except Sunday. CniSACft "LWAUKEE & St Paul Railway-Cm Tickot Office, 1504 Farnam mwAVk Depot'. Tenth and Mason Krr.i.,tK 'r..1nnkn 1 1 Streets. Telephone, cn k,eave. Arrive Chicago As Omnhn Ex..b 7:15 um b 3:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex ...a:wpm a s:05 an. "a Dally b Dally except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Ticket Office, 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone, 322. De pot, Tenth and idarcy Sts Telephone. C2S Leave. Arrive. eTl Bt Louis " Lxpr-s Cannon Ball' ...a 5.15 pm a E.20 nm j Direct Route ta aiasc ExbHJlttan ANCHOR LINE team.mps Irota New orU Weekly for OLASliOW VIA LONDONDERRY. Saloon. J50 and up. Second Cabin S32.50 and un Third Class. 2ti and upwards, r; niuHtruted folder und further lnforma. F.lon apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. J..'cNALLY. 1323 Farnam St., CEO. E. ABBOTT. 12.14 Furnam St.. Omahe. CUTS CORA URQUHART POTTER Lnily Mrtix IlrvoLis Her Promise to llulld it Tbrater for the Actress. (Copyright. 1901, by Press Publish'ng Co.) LONDON. Aug. 11. (New .York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Lady Meux Is fickleness Itself. Her generosity to the tarl and countess of Essex was quite ro muntic but she has fallen out with them. Ehe has also fallen out with several others of her aristocratic acquaintances and with Mrs. Brown-Potter, for whom he volun teered to build a theater. It Is said that Mie will soon break with Mr. Whitney's racing lease of Volodyovskl. the famous race horse which won the last uer Mrs. George Cornvvallls West always pro vides b bensatlon for Cowcs week. Two year ago her romantic betrothal wob an nounced there Last year she turned up two davs after wedding n youthful husband. This year she all but drowned when leav ing Tony Drexel's yacht Jlargarlta. which she had visited with Mrs George Keppel. Consuelo, duchess of Manchester, MIbs Parker (Deacon), Miss l.augtry ana t.ora Athlumney. to meet the king at dinner After the king left Mrs. West was stepping Into a punt to go ashore with Lord Ath lumney when she slipped und went head foremost Into the water. Lord Athlumney grasped her by the dress and she waB dragged aboard, half choked with water and her white puquln dresb limp as a rag. It was dark, which added to the discom fort, though of danger there wns little, as she swims She stayed aboard Margarita and w'ns none the worse the next day for the ducking except for the chaffing It pro yoked - Mrs Arthur Paget had engaged passage to New York nn Oceanic for last Wednes day, but wsb detained by the Cowes gaie ties She will soon go to New York to attend to business matters, ond then to Newport Consuelo duchess of Manches ter, and her sister. Lady Llster-Kaye. have been entertaining every night In Cowes. Miss I.Biigtry. who Is staying with the duchess Is an acknowledged belle of the regatta. Strange to say. sho resembles the handsomest of the Battenbergs. though also strongly suggesting her mother I 1 Lord Is 111 at Cowcb aboard the sieam yacht Queen Man. His daughter also is seriously sick A Christian Science rpeiialist arrived Thursday from New York to attend both. I HSEiHHB MISSOURI'S FAMOUS BANDITS Rtcolltctioss of the James, the Youcgsri tnd Other Eminent Kuitlcrs. ROMANT.C SIDE Of CUTLAW LIFE Klnrtoscoiilr Vlnn of Raids, Rob beries mill Trnurillr that Thrilled tlir Middle West Turiit) Yrnrs Abi. The death of Richard Llddle, which oc curred at Cincinnati a few days ngo. fol lowing so close after the liberation ot Cole and James Younger from the Minnesota state prison, recalls most vividly, relates the St Louis Qlobe-Democrat. tho.e dlB. . tressful days when the James and lounger pang gathered tributes from express trains and bank vaults, sometimes varying their labors by looting the cash box of a coun try store or that of the Kansas City Fair association. Llddle did not become a member of the band until after the Northfield raid. Once admitted he became a very useful mall. He wus with Jesse James at Wlnstou and participated In the Illur Cut affair near Independence. Afterward, for the love of a woman, ut gave up train robbing and be came an honest man The story of the breaking up of this band limy not prove unlntetistlng reading at this time. Whei' .icwe reached western Missouri of . I 1 the fatal laid on Northfield, Minn that all of the l.and except Frank nnd Jesse . James were either killed or captured, high ' . ........ . k i . i hopes were entertained that a stop had been I .... j . . .... iJ t. ...i 1 put to train and bank robbing In Missouri. For several cars It seemed this hope wus In full process of realization, but ou the night of September 7. 1879, a holdup oc curred at Glcndale, six mile, southeast of Independence, and fifteen from Kansas City. Every exertlou was made by the of ficers to apprehend the bandits, but proved futile The yenr following, however, a man named llns'linm. who had lived In a section of the county called "Cracker Neck." and ot which Glendale was the center, wbb ar- , wak oiuiilr-tvly lost Upon reading tbo rested on susplclou of having been one of ,1()U. Timberlake found It to be from Dick those euguged In the robbery. It wns re- ! udjj,., asking him to come alone to a ccr tnembcred that llasiihain, who was a worth- ; tnln ,,iBce In the woods near Liberty that less wight, had left the country within a ,ll(.t Bl m,it,Kht. Tlmberlake was a man week after the attack on the train, bud re- ! , rungidernble pm It was some turned after an nbsence of severnl months j tlmc liroro hv t.aula KBn ,ll8 own C0Meut and seemed to be in llush circumstances ,0 attvuA tn However. It was tarn Suspicion ripened Into nrrest and Bassham hl. KUcct.Pdet) ond a fight If deceived nnd was put in the sweatbox. Believing that ,K, ,,, hmw mct ,, nlom, nnd un. ue nna neeu neirayeu ne mane a iuh con- fesslon, implicating Jesse James as the leader. Dick Llddle. BUI Itynn. Ed Miller and three others Hassham was sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years, but hlB written confession remained In the hands of the county and state officials. He was sub sequently pardoned, that his testimony could be used against other members of the band. Drtl of tlir Robbers. In 1880 Thos F. Crittenden wob elected governor of Missouri and Wllllnm H. Wal lace prosecuting attorney of Jackson county Crittenden had announced it to be his Intention to break up the James gang. Wallace hud pledged himself to do all that could be done In his olllco to sustain law and order and punish crime. As If In de fiance of the new administration, a train robbery was planned and executed on the 15th of July, 1881. near a small station called Winston, sixty-live miles north of l.'nn.n, fit. nn Din Chli-npn tlnrl; lnlntlfl Pacific railroad This was the most ! desperate and brutal of the holdups up to that time. Without provocation Jesse James shot the conductor in cold blood and one of his pals murdered a passenger. The express car was looted and many people on the train were robbed, but the Insolent bandits stopped not there On the night of September 7. 1881. they ngaln nppcared In Jackson county, stopped and robbed a train on the Chicago & Alton road, two and one-half miles from Independence, disap pearing from the scene as If the earth had swallowed them up. Indeed, the gnng ",emed to be stronger and more daring . i ........ than ever. Then were the pcoplo of Jackson county aroused ns they never had been before. It was plainly evident to many that the fa cility with which these banditti could com mit crimes and escape capture was because they had friends living near, by whom they were harbored, thnt they had spies and con federates in Independence and Kaunas City who gave Information of the movements of officers In their attempts to bring the oi- IUHH III juauir. The organization of a secret committee of safety was effected. This committee adopted signs, signals and passwords and soon had a membership of nearly five hun dred determined mon, nearly all of whom hud served la the confederate armies. For a wholesome effect upon the friends of the outlaws they used for calling emergency meetings a broad red seal, upon which wore written hieroglyphics, understood only by the members. These were posted only at ulght and not Infrequently placed on a front door or gatepost of n known friend of the gang. This gavo grave alarm to these gentry, but as they could not understand the seals they presumed they were meant to convey a warning. At the snmc time covert threats were thrown nut that In case of any more robberies within the limits of the county the suspected hnrborcrs nf the outlaws would themselves be summarily dealt with. (ii-ttlni: Down to Iluslness. In the meantime. Governor Crittenden had called a meeting of the superintend ents of those rallronds operating In the stale nnd the Jesuit was tho offering of n reward of ?20,00o for the death or arrest of Frank and Jesse James. Shortly nfter Wallace became prosecuting attorney BUI Ryan, one of the most trusted of the James gang, robbed n United States paymaster of several thousand dollars near Mussel Shoals, Tenn. A few days later he appeared In Nushvllle and was arrested. charged with drunkenness, allncc saw the notice of Ryan's arrest and wired the officials to hold him. pending a requisition from Governor Crittenden, and Deputy Marshal Whig Kcshlear was sent to bring him to Missouri. Keshlcar reached Jack son county while the grand Jury was tn pnsslou, nn indictment was found charg ing Ryan with complicity In tho Glrndalo robbery He made a bitter fight, but the meshes Wallace had drawn nrouud htm were too strong to be broken and he re ceived n twenty-five-year sentence. This was the first really tmportant capture, and proved the only prosecution to a successful Issue. But other Influences were nt work, the organization of the committee of safety hod alarmed the friends of the bandits and tt became hard to find safe harborage. Besides the loss of Ryan proved a serious one Upon his conviction Jesse JnmeB be galn training Charley ond Bob Ford for criminal work. The Ford family consisted of the mother, daughter and the two above-named boys. Their home was In Ray county, near Rich mond, and one of the hiding places of the band, or n part of It Dick Llddle and Wood Hite often stayed there for weeks at a time. Hite. ll seems, was In love with Miss Ford and. becoming Jealous of Llddle, picked a quarrel with him In tho fight that resulted Hite was killed and his body was dragged nut thrown into a ditch and covered with earth, stoneo and brush Some hogs descried the body und rooted it out to the road, where It was fouud by sojie passersby The Fords bad long been suspected of harboring members of the gang and this confirmed the belief. But us 1 Llddle was absent v hen Hite t body was I discovered no arrests were made Soon after tbls episode Charley and Hub Ford Joined Jesse James at St. Joseph where he wm liv'.n: under tlir nam of Howard Thi' riled Woman. Dirk Llddle war In love with one Matlle Collins, woo lived In Jarksou county, four teen miles from Independence, but while the woman was devoted to him she would not consent to marry him while his lite was in continued Jeopard ou account of his lawless and murderous deeds. Severat Jenrs brfore this a former lover had In sulted Miss Collins and to a fit of rage she shot him dead She was prosecuted under an lndlrttuent of murder In the first de- j gree and her attorneys had a hard tlmr . to sae her from a long, If not life, term " ,!,,". ' ,nwc "crc - M,aJor VV N rnrr- afterward-, member ' ,c n,u.h Kan" nty district, H allace It was Wallace's extraordinary defense, howexcr. which se cured a erdlct of acquittal for the tawny haired woman and she was ccr afterward exceedingly grateful to him. In hor present etnercency she paid Wallace a visit She told him she and Llddle were sweethearts, also that Llddle desired to surrender and settle down Wallare counseled her to go see Governor Crittenden and lay the mat ter before him. promising to abide bj vht cvei the governor advised. One day a "veiled woman" called nt the slate cnpltol mid said that she desired a private Interview with the governor and was shown Into Crlttruden's private office In an hour she nns bowed nut by the gal lant Kentucktan, who hud snatched a kiss from the Hps of the great Pattl. Much klm - lllnllnn n- Mil l,l.l,,. n ikl. ....H...I . J"" ". "T . , V . " , : '"r" , th8' "uc was the wife of Frank or Jesse ,... ... , , ,. ., ... , ,, James, atiothcr thought It might be Mrs. ,,. ,, ,, v.. n.... ' Samuels, their mother. But neither Crit tenden nor Wallace would tell and It was a long time liefore those 1cb Interested than the principals knew. Tlir Sitrrriulrr. The next startling thing that occurred wus the mysterious placing of a note In the hands of Sheriff Tlmberlake of Clay county. The note was delivered so deftly, the bearer i m u lie uls escape so easily that his identity . ,. offered to surrender and bo taken to Liberty a prisoner If assured of a par don and protection In cuse he would divulge the secrets of the James gang. TImberlako promised protection nnd said he had no doubt that the governor would pardon him If he would faithfully aid In breaking up the band Whereupon Llddle stepped to where his pistols were lying, handed them to the sheriff and the two were soon at the Clay county Jail, where for the first time, perhaps, In his wayward lite Llddle had the key of Jalldom turned upon him. Ann Irs now culminated rapidly. On April 3. 1SS2. Bob Ford shot nnd killed Jesse James In St. Joseph and In the following October Frank James walked into Governor Crittenden's office and surrendered. The Ford boys received their reward of 110,000 for killing Jesse James Rnd each went bis way. Charley to marry nnd settle down, Bob to go west and get killed by Ed Kol- " ley. the keeper of a Creede. Colo., dance house Dick Llddle appeared as a witness "P"1"" j1 Jnies who was indicted for tho murders committed nt the Winston train robbery, but it availed the state nothing and James was acquitted. Llddle married Mattle Collins nnd the two went west nnd are living somewhere out toward tho set ting sun. AMERICAN WOMAN'S PHARMACY Imiokcii Wiillin-1. Is nu Iimtnut Sno ri'iii nn Aiiotlireitry In 1'nrlk. (Copyright. 1901. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Aug. 11 (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Imogen Wal lack, an American woman who had studied In Paris for n year, passed the examination for a pharmacist and has opened a big drug store, which la widely advertised as tho only pharmacy In the world managed by a woman. The establishment Is sumptuously Installed In modern style, with gay furnish ings. Six male assistants nre kept busy. Miss Wallack having met with instant suc cess Mrs. Ogdcn Goelet, who Is spoodlngg n few days nt Homburg, has had another en counter with Linne De Pougy. Both wero stopping at IUttcrs's Park hotel, from which the American lady had the French actress nuriimarily ejected three summers ngo. The Rltter brothers afterward apolo gized to Liane, who finally consented to patronize the place ngaln. When De Pougy saw Mrs. Godot walk Into the garden ono morning a few days ngo, she walked over to her, though Mrs. Goelet was surrounded by friends, and with what was meant to bo killing coolness, made some spiteful ro mark Mrs. Goelet preserved her com posure, gave an Icy stare, then simply nskod someone nonchalantly, "Who Is the woman?" and walked away. Mrs. Ogdcn Mills Is rapidly getting over the effecta of nn operation for appendicitis. She will rail for New York Wednesday from Cherbourg ou the utcamBhlp Kaiser Wllhelm. Marlon Crawford and Miss Crawford are stopping at the Grand Hotel do I'Atbenc. They will be guests of Sarah Bernhardt at her weird country palace at Bolle lBlo-En-Mcr on the Atlantic coast for the next two weeks. Etretnt. the most delightful little water ing plnce on the Normandy coast, has a brilliant and congenial American colony this season Mrs Grlswold Gray, assisted by her charming niece. Ethel Irwin,, is the leading entertainer there and her villa is the headquarters for all sorts of Informal dinners, balls und picnics. Judge uud Mrs. Ingrnbam occupy tho next villa Colonel and Mrs. Mapleson, ponding the completion of their splendid summer bouse, which It being entirely renovated, hnvo rented a veritable bijou residence. Ambassudor Porter General and Mrb. Wlnslow, Mr. and Mrs Walter Robinson and tholr married daughter, and Sir Morrell Mackenzie, tho famous English surgeon who operated on Emperor Frederick's throat, are also nt Etrotat. There are forty distinguished Americans at the Hotel Des Roches Illanchns, where M und Mmc. Ln Llargy, who gives performances in thn Casino, ure stopping, ton Arthur Edwards Valols. head ot a Purls and New York law firm which gives coun sel to all the United States conaultates lu France, has been made a chevalier of the Legion of Honor upon M. Delrosse's spe. clal proposition Wm. Finn of Lima, 0., obtained excellent results from the use of Foley's Kidney Cure. "It relieved my backache aud severe pain over the hips, It toned my eyctero and gave zno new vim and energy, it Is an honest and reliable remedy, n sum cur fur all kidney diseases," NrlinioLn IiiiIIuiih Keep Vjt Gult. SOUTH MILWAUKEE, Wis., Aug 11 (Special.) The Nebraska Indians defeated the local team here today, 20 to i. The in dlans have won sixty-one out of the luat sixty-five games played und tlilrty-clght out of the last thlrty-ntno. atr,